Final Intro

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I am very glad to hear from you, Well I'm a typical easy-going lafy, Much more of a

listener than a talker. But can speak my mind when it�s needed. I like to have fun
and I'm always up for trying something new. I think life should be taken somewhat
serious, but at the same time you shouldn't worry and take it too serious or you
will never make it out alive. There is a time to have fun and a time to get stuff
taken care of. Finding the equal mix is the best way to live life. Looking for
someone to have fun with whether it be something that could become serious or
something short term, doesn't matter to me. One of those people that believes if
things are meant to be then they will be. You can't force things and you can't turn
people into what you want them to be. I think we all meet many interesting people
in our lives and I think that we should take the time to get to know them, because
you never know when you will meet that special someone. I am a lady that is in need
of real and perfect love, I need a man that can take me through, see, I have been
hurt so many times by different men and wouldn't want that to happen to me
again.....that�s the reason why I said that I need love.... I am far from a
millionaire and am not out for anything but love from someone. Having someone that
loves you and supports you in your life through good and bad times and won't give
up on you is what I am looking for. Honesty and trust are what makes a
relationship work. I prefer to watch a movie or attend the theater rather then
read novel also enjoy travel, experiencing different geographies and people. My
eyes are Brown, and I have fair white skin. I do not smoke. I do not drink .

Concerning sexuality, I am not a promiscuous lady. My desire is to be sexually

faithful to the man I marry. If two people love each other and will communicate
what they like and do not like about their partner's sexual behavior, am new to
this online dating things, and what am looking for is real love, someone i can
cuddle with someone that can bring out the best in me...i need someone who can care
about me and give me all the best...someone who knows what man deserves.....
Sincerely yours,

(1) Where are you located from?

(2)What are you really doing for a living?
(3) Do you still have both parent?
(4) How long you have been looking for your right woman to meet as your wow-me ?
(5) Have you meet any ladies on the at all?
(6) How many of them you have talked to?
(7) Do you real mean to match with me and you wanna married me?
(8)Do you have kid?
(9) Do you need more child ?
(10)Do you believe in Love and meeting some any right on line?
(11)What are you really looking for in me?
(12) What is your plans for lover in future?
(13)Do you want Child then how many?
(14) Now you meet me can you stop looking for another women?
(15) Can you Cancel your dating site account since now you meet me?
(16) What do you like for a Fun?
(17)Do you love helping fellow?

Hello the man of my life

I have spent my life waiting ... not living, nor loving, but waiting. Waiting for
the one that would inspire me to be all I can be, to live up to every expectation,
to reach every goal, to know that I may fail sometime but I will never be alone or
waiting again. You brought to my cold empty heart the reason to live and to love
with a passion only you could bring. Your words of acceptance and love have soothed
the aching in my empty heart and now I am at peace with myself and the world around
me. I know that one day I will come to you never to wait anymore. I love you with
every ounce of my being ... "Yours is the first name I call and the last name I
will ever whisper.

For each day and night i look to the sky i see that our love has no love for you will never fade away and i will grow in happiness in love
with you and my life will be filled with so much love and joy,the love in my heart
speaks so much languages but it comes out to speak one certain words.. which says i
truelly and sincere do love you with all my heart,my love for you is like the water
you drink,cause for each day u wake up u cant do without me in your life cause my
love for you is all u need to survive,i have seem the beauty of your heart and i
have seen the truth in you. Your words are so powerful that i cherish and respect
every words u speak.,ur words are based on the truth of love and i cherish every
word u speak and i will forever be the love of your life.
why dont you get online to talk with me

Hello Dear,

could kiss you a thousand times and still not be satisfied. My love for
you is endless, so tender, so hot and complete. I swear to God I want you in my
life. I love you more and more with each day passing and it eases me to know as
tomorrow approaches, that I will love you more then yesterday and tomorrow will be
more then today. My love for you cannot be measured by words alone as love does
express my true feelings for you. When I think of our love it reminds me of all the
things you are to me. You and only you have given me so much hope and have made me
realize how much I want you! You show the true meaning of how a man should treat a
woman. Baby, please accept my heart as your own and listen to both of ours beating
as one. You are my reason to live. Without you I'm nothing. The years will be a
test, but nothing will keep me from loving you, or from being by your side. I love
you more than you could even know, you are my world. I just wanted to let you know
how much I love all that you are and will be. You're truly my love, my soul mate,
and my best friend. For the first time in my life I have something to believe in.
You've seen me at my worst and still take me as I am. I thank God for you every day
because I know you're heaven sent, you are my angel. I love you from now till death
do us part.
Right now you live far away from me and I really mean it's killing me but I know in
my heart that we are doing alright. I don't want to lose you to anyone else or
anything that anyone wants to say about you. I want you to know I love you from the
deepest part of my heart. I'm always so lost for words when it comes to you, I just
wish there was another way that we could be together.
I want you and always will and there is nothing that will ever change the way I
feel about you ... I love you! Love can make you do things that you never thought
possible. See, there's a place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your
kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of
you will forever be a part me. I promise, you'll always be in my heart. I love
you.....Honey i need you help so badly now and i dont know if you can help me my
love, Honey am very broke at the moment and i really need some money to make my
day and i want you to know that we will share love together and have a happy home,
honey i need 200, please let me know if you can help me my darling husband
Love always,

Hello Dear,

I want to start by saying that Happy Birthday and i miss you, and you have no idea
how much I love you. I know you don't need another reminder because I tell you a
thousand times a day how much I love you, but I do and that is my only way to show
you. I love the hundred ways you show me how much you love me, and I know my simple
words can never compare. From day one, I knew there was something in you that no
other guy had. You are the most AMAZING guy I have ever known. Thinking back to the
strange way we met, how we grow so close in just a few short days, and how you were
the first one to show me the meaning of true love, it makes me smile and fall all
over for you again. Baby, you make my heart beat faster each time I see you, and
you give me butterflies when you kiss me. You are the one I want to hold for the
rest of my life. In your arms is where I belong. You melt me every time you tell me
about the future that you want to spend with me and how we could show the world the
real meaning of being in love with the right person. I wish the people around me
saw you and accepted us being together, because I don't think I could live a day
knowing that you are not in my life. I know that anyone that tried to replace you
would only be compared to you in my mind, and I know they could never live up to
you in my eyes. Every time I look into your eyes I know that is where I want to
live and die, and every time you hold me tight I don't want you to let go because
that is the only place I feel safest. i love you with all my heart

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