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MBK 00302



M2M refers to those solutions that allow communication between devices of the same type and a
specific application, all via wired or wireless communication networks

M2M solutions allow end-users to capture data about events from assets, such as temperature or
inventory levels.

M2M is deployed to achieve productivity gains, reduce costs, and increase safety or security.

M2M has been applied in many different scenarios, including the remote monitoring and control of
enterprise assets, or to provide connectivity of remote machine-type devices.

Remote monitoring and control has generally provided the incentive for industrial applications, whereas
connectivity has been the focus in other enterprise scenarios such as connected vending machines or
point-of-sales terminals for online credit card transactions.

M2M solutions, however, do not generally allow for the broad sharing of data or connection of the
devices in question directly to the Internet.

The system components of an M2M solution are as follows:

• M2M Device. This is the M2M device attached to the asset of interest, and provides sensing and
actuation capabilities. The M2M device is here generalized, as there are a number of different
realizations of these devices, ranging from low-end sensor nodes to high-end complex devices with
multimodal sensing capabilities.
• Network. The purpose of the network is to provide remote connectivity between the M2M device
and the application-side servers. Many different network types can be used, and include both Wide
Area Networks (WANs) and Local Area Networks (LANs), sometimes also referred to as Capillary
Networks or M2M Area Networks. Examples of WANs are public cellular mobile networks, fixed private
networks, or even satellite links.
• M2M Service Enablement. Within the generalized system solution outlined above, the concept of a
separate service enablement component is also introduced. This component provides generic
functionality that is common across a number of different applications. Its primary purpose is to
reduce cost for implementation and ease of application development.
• M2M Application. The application component of the solution is a realization of the highly specific
monitor and control process. The application is further integrated into the overall business process
system of the enterprise. The process of remotely monitoring and controlling assets can be of many
different types, for instance, remote car diagnostics or electricity meter data management.

About 50% of workplace health risks are stress-

related, according to the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.

To monitor stress, a typical solution uses a bracelet

with sensors for heart rate and skin response.
These measurements are sent to a health service
provider's application server through a smartphone
acting as a gateway. The smartphone's
accelerometer tracks movement, helping correlate
physical activity with stress levels. The application
server then analyzes the data to provide an
indication of the person's stress level.

A solution limited to a few measurements can't

fully understand the causes of stress or excitement,
like family or work situations.

To gain more insights, a combination of stress

measurements over time and interviews with a
caregiver is possible but costly and subjective.

An IoT approach suggests adding richer

contextual data about a person's daily life for a
more accurate stress analysis. Collecting various
types of data, including personal information,
allows for better analysis and identification of
patterns and dependencies.

Expert knowledge is crucial for understanding

and taking actions to avoid stress. Environmental
aspects, like air quality and work activities such as
emails, affect well-being. Leisure activities can
positively impact stress levels.

Figure 2.8 for a smartphone app example providing

stress analysis. The stress bracelet is just one part
of many, and info sources are independent of the
specific application.

Expert knowledge enables proactive analytics

and preventive actions. The system, with
understanding of stress factors, suggests actions
like adjusting bedroom temperature or addressing
workplace issues. An IoT solution provides more
precise results for specific problems.

This example shows that an IoT solution can be

more precise in achieving desired results by
considering various data sources, both sensor and
environment-related, and using openly available
as well as private data.
These points outline various implications for IoT in the technological context:

• Vertical to Horizontal Systems

The shift from vertical to horizontal systems implies moving away from specialized and isolated solutions towards
a more integrated and interconnected approach. This enables better interoperability and collaboration across
different applications and devices within the IoT ecosystem.

• Application Independent Devices

In the context of IoT, devices are increasingly designed to be application-independent. This means they can be
more versatile and adaptable, allowing them to be used across a variety of applications rather than being
dedicated to a single purpose.

• Technology Consolidation
The consolidation of technologies involves streamlining and unifying various technologies within the IoT space.
This reduces fragmentation, promotes interoperability, and facilitates a more cohesive and efficient ecosystem.
• IP and Web Enabled
IoT devices are often designed to be IP (Internet Protocol) and web-enabled. This allows them to seamlessly
connect to the internet, facilitating communication, data exchange, and remote management. It aligns with the
broader trend of IoT devices being part of the internet.

• Open Software Development

Embracing open software development involves using open-source tools and fostering collaboration within the
developer community. This approach encourages innovation, accelerates development, and contributes to the
creation of a diverse and dynamic IoT ecosystem.

• Exposure APIs
Exposure APIs refer to providing open interfaces that allow external applications to access and interact with
specific functionalities of an IoT system. This openness promotes integration with third-party applications,
contributing to a more versatile and extensible IoT environment.

• Software Enabling Architectures

Architectures in IoT systems are designed to be software-enabled, emphasizing the role of software in enabling
and controlling various aspects of the IoT infrastructure. This approach allows for flexibility, updates, and
adaptability to changing requirements.

• Cloud Deployments
Leveraging cloud deployments in IoT involves utilizing cloud computing resources for storage, processing, and
management of data generated by IoT devices. Cloud deployments provide scalability, accessibility, and cost-
effectiveness for IoT applications.

• Intelligence and Automation

IoT systems increasingly incorporate intelligence and automation. This involves using advanced analytics,
machine learning, and artificial intelligence to analyze data, make informed decisions, and automate processes.
This enhances the efficiency and responsiveness of IoT solutions.

These points outline various implications for IoT in the business context:

• Open and Innovation Driven

Businesses in the IoT space should embrace openness and foster innovation. This involves encouraging
collaboration, sharing of ideas, and being receptive to new technologies and approaches.

• Cloud and as-a-Service Delivered

The adoption of cloud services and as-a-Service models is crucial for IoT businesses. This enables scalability,
flexibility, and cost-effectiveness in delivering IoT solutions.

• B2B2C (Business-to-Business-to-Consumer)
IoT business models often involve a B2B2C approach, where businesses provide solutions or services to other
businesses, which, in turn, deliver the final product or service to consumers. This interconnected approach is
common in the IoT ecosystem.

• Service Oriented
IoT businesses should focus on providing services rather than just selling products. The emphasis is on delivering
valuable and continuous services throughout the lifecycle of IoT solutions.

• Developer Community Reach

Encouraging and engaging with a vibrant developer community is essential. This fosters the creation of diverse
applications and solutions, contributing to the growth and innovation within the IoT ecosystem.

• Long Tail Empowerment

Long tail empowerment refers to providing opportunities and tools for smaller, niche players to contribute and
thrive in the IoT space. This diversity can lead to a more inclusive and innovative ecosystem.

• Marketplaces of Data and Services

The creation of marketplaces for data and services is significant. Businesses can leverage these platforms to
exchange, buy, or sell data and services, fostering collaboration and monetization opportunities.

• New Market Roles/Value Systems

The evolution of IoT introduces new market roles and value systems. Traditional roles may shift, and businesses
need to adapt to changing dynamics, identifying and creating value in innovative ways.

• Cross-Domain Integration
Cross-domain integration is vital for IoT success. Businesses should focus on creating solutions that seamlessly
integrate with different domains, allowing interoperability and synergy across diverse industries.

• Commoditized Devices
The IoT market often involves the commoditization of devices. Businesses need to understand this trend and find
ways to differentiate themselves through services, data, or unique value propositions.

• Application and User Driven

IoT businesses should prioritize user experiences and applications. Designing solutions with user needs in mind
and developing applications that add value to end-users contribute to the success of IoT ventures.
Sensors, actuators, and tags function as the digital interfaces
Tags using technologies such as RFID provide the means to put electronic identities on any object, and
can be cheaply produced.

Embedded processing is evolving

Not only towards higher capabilities and processing speeds, but also extending towards the smallest of

Instant access to the Internet is available

Mainly thanks to wireless and cellular technologies and the rapid deployment of cellular 3G and 4G or
Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems on a global scale.

Software architectures
Have undergone several evolutions over the past decades, in particular with the increasing dominance
of the web paradigm.

Web paradigm and using a service-oriented approach (SOA)

By extending the web paradigm to IoT devices, they can become a natural component of building any
application and facilitate an easy integration of IoT device services into any enterprise system that is
based on the SOA (e.g. that uses web services or RESTful interfaces).

Open APIs,
In the same way that they have been critical to the development of the web, will be just as
important to the creation of a successful IoT market, and we can already see developments in
this space.

Cloud computing
Cloud computing allows elasticity in deployment of services and enables reaching long-tail
applications in a viable fashion.

It allows virtualized and independent execution environments for multiple applications to reside
in isolation on the same hardware platform, and usually in large data centers.

Big data
Refers to the increasing number and size of data sets that are available for companies and
individuals to collect and perform analysis on.

Privacy and the protection of personal integrity

With a massive deployment of sensors in various environments, including in smartphones,
explicit data and information about people can be collected, and using analytics tools, users
could potentially be profiled and identified even from anonymized(removed) data.

Reliability and accuracy of data and information

Risk of relying on inaccurate or even faulty information in a decision process, the issue of
accountability, and even liability, becomes an interest.

Economical or social damages possible on the Internet

With real assets connected and controllable over the Internet, damage of property as well as
people’s safety and even lives become an issue, and one can talk about cyber-physical

Costs for massive deployment of IoT

From a technical perspective, what is desired is a high degree of automated provisioning
towards zero-configuration.

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