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By and Between

Solanco School District


Solanco Education Association

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2028

“An Equal Rights and Opportunities School District”

Table of Contents
ARTICLE I: GENERAL TERMS ...........................................................................................................1
A. Recognition ..................................................................................................................... 1
B. Association Activities ...................................................................................................... 1
C. Dues Deduction .............................................................................................................. 1
D. Safe Working Conditions ................................................................................................ 1
ARTICLE II: SCHEDULING ................................................................................................................2
E. Term of Contract ............................................................................................................ 2
F. Contract Days ................................................................................................................. 2
G. Pay Dates ........................................................................................................................ 2
H. Teacher Day .................................................................................................................... 3
1. Work Day ........................................................................................................................3
2. Preparation Time ............................................................................................................4
3. Meetings .........................................................................................................................5
4. In-Service Days................................................................................................................7
5. Cyber Education..............................................................................................................7
ARTICLE III: DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................................................8
I. Meet and Discuss Committee ......................................................................................... 8
J. Grievance Procedure ...................................................................................................... 8
1. Definitions ......................................................................................................................8
2. General Procedures ........................................................................................................9
3. Initiation and Processing ..............................................................................................10
K. No Strike—No Lock Out ................................................................................................ 12
L. Personnel Records ........................................................................................................ 12
M. Discipline ...................................................................................................................... 12
ARTICLE IV: COMPENSATION .......................................................................................................12
N. Position on Scale ........................................................................................................... 12
O. Movement on Scale ...................................................................................................... 13
P. Additional Compensation ............................................................................................. 14
1. Military Service .............................................................................................................14
2. Special Education Department .....................................................................................14
3. Lead Teacher ................................................................................................................14
4. Middle School Team Leader .........................................................................................15
5. Mentor Teacher ............................................................................................................15
6. Curriculum Rate ............................................................................................................16
7. Extended Contracts ......................................................................................................16
8. Extra-Curricular Positions .............................................................................................16
Q. Board Reserves Right .................................................................................................... 16
R. Salary Calculation ......................................................................................................... 17
ARTICLE V: BENEFITS....................................................................................................................17
S. Vacancies and Transfers ............................................................................................... 17
1. General Requests..........................................................................................................17
2. Vacancies (Permanent and Temporary) .......................................................................17
T. Tuition Reimbursement ................................................................................................ 18
U. Hospitalization Program ............................................................................................... 21
V. Excise Tax ...................................................................................................................... 23
W. Dental and Vision Payments ......................................................................................... 25
X. Term Life Insurance ...................................................................................................... 25
Y. Tax-Sheltered Annuities................................................................................................ 25
Z. Income Protection ........................................................................................................ 26
AA. Leave Days .................................................................................................................... 28
1. Personal Illness .............................................................................................................28
2. Family Illness.................................................................................................................28
3. Sick Leave Bank .............................................................................................................28
4. Bereavement Leave ......................................................................................................28
5. Personal Leave ..............................................................................................................28
6. Conference Leave .........................................................................................................30
7. Association Leave .........................................................................................................30
8. Jury Leave .....................................................................................................................31
BB. Leaves of Absence ........................................................................................................ 31
1. Pregnancy Disability Leave ...........................................................................................31
2. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ..........................................................................32
3. Child Rearing Leave ......................................................................................................33
4. Adoption Leave .............................................................................................................34
5. Sabbatical Leave ...........................................................................................................35
6. Unpaid Leave of Absence .............................................................................................36
CC. Mileage Reimbursement .............................................................................................. 36
DD. Workmen’s Compensation ........................................................................................... 36
EE. Retirement Benefit ....................................................................................................... 37
FF. Part-Time Employees .................................................................................................... 38
ARTICLE VI: WAIVER AND TERMINATION ....................................................................................38
GG. Entire Agreement ......................................................................................................... 38
HH. Separability ................................................................................................................... 38
II. Each Side Has the Opportunity to Present Offer to the Other ..................................... 38
Signature Page .......................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX A: BENEFIT SCHEDULE .................................................................................................40
APPENDIX B: ATHLETIC COMPENSATION .....................................................................................41
APPENDIX C: NON-ATHLETIC COMPENSATION ............................................................................48
APPENDIX D: FAIR SHARE .............................................................................................................52
APPENDIX E: FAIR SHARE FEE .......................................................................................................53
APPENDIX F: SALARY SCHEDULES .................................................................................................54
2024-2025 ................................................................................................................................ 54
2025-2026 ................................................................................................................................ 55
2026-2027 ................................................................................................................................ 56
2027-2028 ................................................................................................................................ 57
A. Recognition
The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for all full-time and
regular part-time professional employees in the bargaining unit, as certified on June 10,
1971, and as later clarified by the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board under the Public
Employee Relations Act (Act 195), for the purpose of collective bargaining on all matters
with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.

B. Association Activities

1. Association members shall be permitted to assemble in District buildings to engage

in Association business with prior notification to the principal responsible for the
building, subject to the building’s availability.

2. The Association shall be permitted to post Association information in building

faculty rooms, distribute Association information in teacher mailboxes and use
District mail and e-mail systems; provided such use shall be limited in a manner as
to not interfere with District operations; provided further, that the Superintendent
shall be given advanced notice of any District-wide communications.

3. The Association shall pay for any reasonable costs or damages incurred by the
District as a result of the Association’s intentional misuse of District facilities and
equipment, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof.

C. Dues Deduction
Deductions from wages for Association dues (as authorized by the teacher) shall be
divided equally among the applicable number of pay periods. An authorization form
signed by the teacher desiring dues deduction shall be furnished by the Association to the
Business Office at least two weeks prior to the effective date of the first deduction. The
Association and the employee shall indemnify and hold the District harmless against any
claims, demands, suits, judgments, attachments and any other form of liability that may
arise out of or by reason of the District’s making the deductions as authorized herein.

D. Safe Working Conditions

The Board and the Association agree that the health and safety of the District’s students
and employees are of paramount importance. During the term of this agreement, the
District shall maintain a Safety and Health Committee as currently prescribed by the
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Said committee shall include an equal
number of District and Association representatives.

E. Term of Contract

1. The term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2028.

2. The full salary for each teacher as determined by the Salary Schedule Agreement for
the school year will be paid to each individual teacher.

F. Contract Days

All regularly employed teachers will be employed for 189 days, as listed below:
181 Student days
7 In-Service days (It is understood that 2 days will be Room Prep/Recordkeeping
Days and 1 of the remaining 5 in-service days will be a Trade Off day)
1 Professional Activities day, to be completed as follows:

Secondary level—One (1) Back-to-School Night and no more than two (2)
Parent Conference Nights during the school year

Elementary level—Incremental time (six hours) to be used in addition to

one six-hour in-service day for Fall Parent Conferences
and associated activities. [Total equals twelve hours
with no less than two (2) hours for conference

Beginning teachers shall work an additional three (3) days their first year and shall
attend all meetings defined in the teacher induction plan.

G. Pay Dates

1. There will be 26 pay periods per year. In the event a scheduled pay day falls on a
holiday, payment shall be made on the preceding business day.

2. Employees shall be paid via direct deposit into an accredited bank, credit union, or
savings bank that has a verifiable ABA number.

3. Salary payments may be split for direct deposit into two financial institutions. The
LANCO Federal Credit Union must be one of the two institutions and only one
account number may be used at each financial institution.

4. Employees may change their bank designation no more than two times per school
year (July 1 to June 30). Specific dollar amounts for split deposits may be changed
as needed. All changes must be in writing from the employee and will become
effective at the next payroll period.

H. Teacher Day

1. Work Day

a. Secondary teachers are to be in their classrooms at 7:30 a.m. each day and
may leave at 3:10 p.m. All secondary teachers are entitled to a thirty (30)
minute duty-free and travel-free lunch.

b. Elementary teachers are to be in their classrooms at 8:20 a.m. each day

and may leave at 4:00 p.m. All elementary teachers are entitled to a thirty
(30) minute duty-free and travel-free lunch.

c. Specialist teachers who start their workday at 7:30 a.m. will end the day at
3:10 p.m. and those who start their workday at 8:20 a.m. will end the day
at 4:00 p.m. All specialist teachers are entitled to a thirty (30) minute duty-
free, travel-free lunch.

Specialist teachers who are required to work in more than one building
shall receive a reasonable amount of travel time, as shall be mutually
established and revised by the parties by mutual agreement from time to
time, plus an additional ten (10) minutes of adjustment time.

d. In-service days, unless otherwise noted, will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at
3:30 p.m. A sixty (60) minute duty-free lunch period will occur between
11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

e. By agreement between the principal of any building and the majority of

teachers in a public vote during a faculty meeting in that building, the
particular hours of work may be altered for that particular building;
provided, the total number of hours in the work day may not be changed.

f. In the event of the delayed opening of schools due to weather conditions

or other emergencies, teachers shall report to their respective buildings at
the revised opening time. In the event of any early dismissal of schools
due to weather conditions or other emergencies, teachers may leave their
assigned buildings ten (10) minutes after the departure of the last bussed
student, or earlier with the principal’s permission.

2. Preparation Time

a. It is intended that preparation time be used primarily for preparation of

daily lessons and other classroom duties. Occasionally, teachers may be
required to use preparation time for other professional duties such as
student/parent conferences, communications, or IEP, MDE, GIEP, MTSS,
and 504 meetings.

b. During a normal work day, secondary teachers shall have not less than 42-
48 consecutive minutes of preparation time per day (specific amount may
vary by building).

c. Elementary classroom teachers will be assigned a preparation period

during the time specialists are in charge of their class and a break during
the time period on a day on which no other specialist class is scheduled
(e.g. CCC lab time). In addition, except for the first and third Wednesdays
of each month, the time from 8:20 to 9:00 a.m. will be preparation time.

d. Elementary specialists, except for the first and third Wednesdays of the
month, will be assigned daily preparation time from 8:20 to 9:10 a.m. In
addition, elementary specialists will be assigned an average of 200 minutes
per week to be scheduled in blocks of at least 15 minutes in length.

e. Secondary level specialists will be assigned a daily preparation period of at

least forty (40) consecutive minutes. In addition, the time period
preceding the arrival of students will be preparation time.

f. In the event teachers are required to cover duties of another teacher

during their regularly scheduled preparation period, such teacher shall be
entitled to compensatory time.

With at least ten (10) days advance notice and the mutual agreement of
the employee and his/her supervisor, compensatory time may be taken as:

(1) Incremental time;

(2) Half day when a teacher has missed four (4) preparation periods;
(3) Full day when a teacher has missed eight (8) preparation periods.

Once a teacher has missed eight (8) preparation periods to cover for the
duties of another teacher, he or she may not be required to miss another
preparation period until at least one (1) period of equivalent
compensatory time has been scheduled; provided, the teacher may be
required to schedule such compensatory time within ten (10) days of
having accumulated eight (8) periods.
Unless the teacher agrees otherwise, all compensatory time shall be
scheduled and taken no later than the semester which follows the
semester in which the time is accrued.

g. An elementary teacher or elementary specialist who is required to accept

students from an absent teacher’s class who does not have a substitute
when one typically would have been requested will receive the hourly
“coverage rate.”

(1) The established “coverage rate” amount is the amount of

compensation a Substitute Teacher Service (STS) substitute teacher
would receive if available that day. The hourly coverage rate will be
prorated based on actual time covered and will be divided among
teachers if multiple teachers provide coverage.

(2) The total amount of compensation for an elementary teacher(s) or

specialist(s) when a half-day substitute is not available shall not
exceed half of what a Substitute Teacher Service (STS) substitute
teacher would receive if available that day.

(3) The total amount of compensation for an elementary teacher(s) or

specialist(s) when a full-day substitute is not available shall not
exceed the full amount of what a Substitute Teacher Service (STS)
substitute teacher would receive if available that day.

(4) Title I Interventionists are not eligible for the hourly coverage rate.

(5) Itinerant Autistic Support teachers are not eligible for the hourly
coverage rate.

(6) Special Education Consultants are not eligible for the hourly coverage

(7) If a reading specialist, ELL teacher, special education teacher, teacher

of the gifted, or music teacher (instrumental lessons only) is absent
and students remain in their regular education teacher’s class, the
regular education teacher is not eligible for the hourly coverage rate.

3. Meetings

a. Professional staff meetings will include building meetings, grade level

meetings, department meetings, Lead Teacher meetings, elementary
committee meetings, and staff development meetings. All teachers are to
attend these meetings (as per 3b and 3c of this article) unless prior excusal
has been granted by their building principal.

b. Secondary professional staff meetings, as needed, will be held on

Wednesdays, according to the following schedule:

1st Wednesday -- Building Meeting

2nd Wednesday -- Department Meeting
3rd Wednesday -- Teacher Professional Collaboration
4th Wednesday -- Lead Teacher Meeting

Secondary professional staff meetings will begin as soon as reasonably

possible after the dismissal of students and shall be limited to no more
than one (1) hour in duration.

c. Elementary professional staff meetings, as needed, will be held from 8:00

to 8:50 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. One
additional Wednesday meeting will be held each school year from 8:00 to
8:50 a.m. for PSSA administration training, and one additional Wednesday
meeting will be held each school year from 8:00 to 8:50 a.m. for Title I

In the event elementary specialists are scheduled to attend two

professional staff meetings on the same day, they will attend one meeting
as directed by their building principal. This provision shall not apply to
Lead Teachers.

In addition to the above, elementary teachers will attend:

(a.) one (1) Open House

(b.) one (1) Back-to-School night
(c.) two (2) PTO events or meetings

d. Professional staff meetings will not extend the teacher day more than one
(1) hour either prior to the normal starting time or after the normal
dismissal time. At the conclusion of the meeting agenda, teachers will be

e. If meetings are scheduled on a day other than the regularly designated

meeting day, forty-eight (48) hours notice of such meeting will be given, if
administratively feasible, and teachers making reasonable requests will be
excused from such meetings.

f. Reading specialist and elementary classroom/special education teachers
co-planning time shall be controlled by the following:

(1) Any and all shared planning time utilized by District reading
specialists and elementary classroom teachers during the
scheduled prep/planning time shall be limited to a maximum of
twenty-five (25) minutes, twice per month.

(2) Any and all shared planning time meeting that extends the
elementary teacher workday shall be optional for all teachers; this
voluntary decision of participation by any teacher shall be made

(3) The District shall issue, at the end of each school year, any
qualifying Act 48 hours to all classroom teachers and reading
specialists involved in the planning periods. Record keeping shall
be the responsibility of the reading specialists. The hours will
continue to be granted as long as the co-planning period is in effect.

4. In-Service Days

It is the party’s intent to design in-service days to be Act 48 compliant. It

is understood that this threshold may not be met due to the District’s
immediate staff development needs.

In-service days are for professional staff development activities. If

necessary, the trading of in-service time will be for comparable
professional activities.

There are 7 in-service days. Of the 7 in-service days, 2 are room

preparation (1) and record keeping days (1). Of the remaining 5, one
specified day will be structured for flexibility by offering professional
development activity on two (2) summer days as well as during the school
year. The teacher will have the option of choosing to attend one of the
days in the summer or the specified day during the school year for the
professional development activity.

5. Cyber Education

The Board and the Association agree that technology and cyber learning
environments are impacting the landscape of education. During the term
of this agreement, the District shall maintain a Cyber-Learning Committee
comprised of an equal number of District and Association representatives

to meet a minimum of two (2) times annually (once each semester per
school year) and on an as-needed basis.

The committee is to maintain a forum for effective, mutual communication

between District and Association that will focus discussions but not limit
its discussions to any new and existing cyber-learning programs being
implemented and/or used by the district. These discussions will
concentrate on assessing program effectiveness on student success and
usage, impacts on teacher schedule, impacts on staffing, updating
potential new programs, and any other cyber-learning issues.

The District reserves the right to implement cyber-learning programs and

classes not staffed by bargaining unit members so long as these programs
and classes do not directly lead to the furlough or demotion of a bargaining
unit member.


I. Meet and Discuss Committee

The parties of this Agreement agree to establish a committee, which shall meet monthly,
if needed, for the purpose of meeting and discussing policy matters affecting wages,
hours, and terms and conditions of employment as well as the impact thereon as provided
in Section 702 of Act 195. Each side shall appoint four members to said committee, one
of which shall be designated as chairman by each side. The Solanco Education Association
agrees to appoint, in addition to this chairman, one member from an elementary school,
one from a middle school, and one from the high school. The Board agrees to appoint, in
addition to its chairman, the Superintendent, one elementary school administrator, one
middle school administrator, and one high school administrator. While a board member
will not normally sit in on these meetings, the Solanco Education Association recognizes
the right of the Board to have a board member present at the request of the
superintendent or at the discretion of the Board. Each side shall have the right to submit
to the other, not less than five (5) days prior to a scheduled meeting, a list of items for
discussion at the next meeting.

J. Grievance Procedure

If a grievance, as hereinafter defined, shall arise between the parties, it shall be resolved
in the following manner:

1. Definitions

a. The word “grievance,” as used in the Agreement, shall mean a
complaint by a member or members of the bargaining unit alleging that
there has been a violation or misinterpretation of the terms of this

b. An “aggrieved person,” in this Agreement, shall mean the teacher

or teachers making complaint.

c. The term “day,” in this Agreement, shall mean weekdays, excluding

weekends and holidays.

d. The term “representative,” in this Agreement, shall mean a duly

authorized member of the Association.

2. General Procedures

a. The Association shall select, and certify to the Superintendent, a

grievance representative in each building.

b. At all levels of the grievance procedure, the aggrieved person shall

have the right to be represented by a duly certified representative of
the Association and shall have the right to call witnesses to testify on
his/her behalf.

c. An aggrieved person or the Association may withdraw a grievance

at any time.

d. Failure at any step of the grievance procedure to communicate the

decision in writing to the Association within the specified time limit
shall permit the Association to proceed to the next step. Failure at
any step of the grievance procedure to appeal a grievance to the next
step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance
of the decision rendered at that step.

e. Grievances shall be filed and processed on forms that are mutually

approved by the parties.

f. Conferences and hearings under the grievance procedure shall not

be conducted in public and shall be attended only by parties in interest,
their designated representatives, and necessary witnesses.

g. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be interpreted so as to

prevent a member of the bargaining unit from discussing, informally,

with any member of the administration, any matter, including an
alleged violation or misinterpretation of the terms of this Agreement.

3. Initiation and Processing

a. Level I

(1) The aggrieved person shall first discuss the grievance with his/her
immediate supervisor with the objective of resolving the matter

(2) In the event that informal discussions with the aggrieved person’s
immediate supervisor do not resolve the grievance, the Association
shall within ten (10) days following the termination of informal
discussions or within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the
aggrieved person originally discovered the alleged grievance,
whichever is first to occur, file a written notice of the grievance, on the
form specified, with his/her immediate supervisor and with such other
persons as may be specified on the grievance form.

(3) If requested by the Association or the immediate supervisor of the

aggrieved person, the aggrieved person’s immediate supervisor shall
schedule a conference to be held within five (5) days of the receipt of
the grievance notice. If a conference is held, the aggrieved person’s
immediate supervisor shall send his/her decision to the Association, in
writing, within five (5) days following the conference. If a conference is
not held, the aggrieved person’s immediate supervisor shall render a
decision, in writing, to the Association within five (5) days from receipt
of the grievance notice.

b. Level II

(1) Within five (5) days of receipt of the decision of the aggrieved
person’s immediate supervisor, said decision may be appealed by the
Association to the Superintendent. Such appeal shall be filed in
writing, on the form provided for such purpose and shall include a copy
of the decision of the aggrieved person’s immediate supervisor and a
short statement of the grounds for regarding the decision as incorrect.
Such appeal shall also state the names of all persons officially present
at any conference held by the aggrieved person’s immediate

(2) Within ten (10) days of receipt of an appeal, the Superintendent,

or his/her designee, shall hold a hearing. Written notice of the time
and place of the hearing shall be given to the Association at least five
(5) days prior to the hearing.

(3) Within ten (10) days following the hearing of the appeal, the
Superintendent, or his/her designee, shall communicate to the
Association his/her written decision, which shall include supporting
reasons thereof.

c. Level III

(1) Within ten (10) days of receipt of the decision rendered by the
Superintendent or his/her designee, said decision may be appealed by
the Association to the Board. The appeal shall be filed on the form
provided and shall be addressed to the President of the Board of School
Directors, who shall schedule a hearing on said appeal to be held within
twenty (20) days from the receipt of the appeal.

(2) Within fifteen (15) days following the hearing of the appeal, the
President of the Board, or his/her designee, shall communicate, in
writing, the decision of the Board to the Association.

d. Level IV

(1) In the event the decision of the Board is not acceptable to the
Association, the dispute may be submitted for arbitration as provided
in Section 903 of Act 195. Notice of a demand for arbitration shall be
filed within ten (10) days after receipt of the decision of the Board and
shall include a statement setting forth the issue to be decided by the

(2) Nothing contained in the immediately preceding paragraph shall be

interpreted so as to increase the scope of arbitration provided for in
Section 903 of Act 195.

(3) Within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of demand for
arbitration, the Superintendent and the Association shall agree upon a
mutually acceptable arbitrator.

(4) If the parties cannot voluntarily agree upon the selection of an

arbitrator, the parties shall notify the Bureau of Mediation of their
inability to do so. The Bureau of Mediation shall then submit to the
parties the names of seven arbitrators. Each party shall alternately
strike a name until one name remains. The District shall strike the first
name. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator.
(5) The costs of arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties. Fees
paid to arbitrators shall be based on a schedule established by the
Bureau of Mediation.

K. No Strike—No Lock Out

Solanco Education Association agrees that the members of the bargaining unit will not
engage in any strike during the term of the Agreement and the Solanco School Board
agrees that it will not conduct, or cause to be conducted, a lock out during the term of
this Agreement.

L. Personnel Records

With the exception of material which the District may keep confidential under the
provisions of Pennsylvania law, specifically Act 286 of 1978, upon written request at least
one week in advance, and during regular administrative office hours, an employee may
examine his/her personnel file, and make copies of any material therein (at a cost to the
employee at current District rate per copy). The examination must take place at a time
which will not interfere with the employee’s professional duties, and the administration
may require the examination to take place in the presence of the Superintendent or
designee. An employee shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association
present during such examination and shall also have the right to submit a written answer
to the material in the personnel file, which shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or
designee and attached to the file copy. In all other respects the material to be placed in
the personnel file is at the sole discretion of the Board.

M. Discipline

No employee in the bargaining unit shall be reprimanded or otherwise disciplined without

just cause. This provision shall be subject to the right of a bargaining unit member to
appeal such action under the provisions of Paragraph I, up to and including Level III. This
article of the Agreement shall not be subject to appeal at Level IV of the grievance
procedure which provides for arbitration.


N. Position on Scale

A teacher’s salary will be determined by the teacher’s position on the salary scale in
accordance with the guidelines approved in the Salary Schedule. At the discretion of the
Board, additional experience may be recognized such as: other Pennsylvania teaching
experience, teaching experience outside of Pennsylvania, military experience, vocational
(non-teaching) experience, college training beyond a Bachelor’s degree, etc. The number
of years of additional experience will be judged for present employees consistent with
agreements made between the teacher and the Board at the time of employment. New
employees will be assigned their position on the District Salary Scale at the time of
employment during this contract consistent with this Agreement.

O. Movement on Scale

1. Vertical advancement on the salary scale shall be in accordance with the

guidelines provided in the Salary Schedules shown in Appendix F.

2. Educational increments will be granted, provided all of the following conditions

are met:

a. Teachers intending to secure an educational increment give notice, in

writing, to the Superintendent of such intention no later than June 1 in the
school year preceding the year in which the teacher expects to receive the
educational increment.

b. All work required to qualify for the educational increment has been
completed by the teacher and earned from a regionally accredited
institution of higher learning.

c An official transcript or other evidence of satisfactory completion of the

work, and evidence of prior written approval of the superintendent is on
file in the office of the Superintendent no later than October 1 for work
completed on or before September 1 and no later than March 1 for work
completed on or before February 1. In the event such evidence is not
timely filed, the educational increment will take effect at the next available
time period.

d. Salary adjustments to reflect the educational increment will be made no

later than:

(1) the second paycheck in November, for work completed before

September 1, retroactive to the beginning of the school year; or

(2) the second paycheck in April, for work completed before February
1, prorated for one half year, retroactive to the first paycheck in

e. Credits earned prior to completion of the requirements for a degree will
not be considered in determining the qualification of the teacher for an
educational increment.

3. To receive credit at the Master’s degree salary level, a teacher must have an
earned Master’s degree or its equivalent from the state. An earned Master’s
degree is necessary in order to advance on the salary scale to the Master’s plus
15 and beyond.

P. Additional Compensation

1. Military Service

All teachers who have had at least one year of military service and an honorable
discharge will receive an additional $100 over and above the regular salary
schedule. The district has the right to verify the status of the discharge. Additional
military and vocational experience will be credited consistent with Paragraph N of
this Agreement.

2. Special Education Department

A full-time special education teacher, teacher of the gifted, school psychologist,

speech-language pathologist, or occupational therapist will receive a stipend above
where he/she would be placed on the regular salary scale. Should he/she
discontinue teaching special education children, the stipend would also be

Payment of this stipend shall generally be made in four equal installments. Payment
is to be made at the end of each marking period upon supervisory certification that
all Evaluation Report (ER), Reevaluation Report (RR), Individualized Education
Program (lEP), and Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP) responsibilities
are current and in good order.

2024-2025 $2550
2025-2026 $2600
2026-2027 $2650
2027-2028 $2700

3. Lead Teacher

The assignment of Lead Teacher shall be made on a year-to-year basis. A teacher’s

acceptance of this additional assignment shall be voluntary. A supplemental
contract will be issued annually and the supplemental stipend for this assignment,

which will be disbursed equally with the regular salary payment schedule, will be
as follows:

Less than Five Five or more

2024-2025 $2400 $3800
2025-2026 $2400 $3800
2026-2027 $2400 $3800
2027-2028 $2400 $3800

Due to the year-round responsibilities, the Agricultural Lead Teacher will be paid at
the rate for “Five or More Teachers.”

4. Middle School Team Leader

The assignment of Middle School Team Leader shall be made on a year-to-year

basis. A teacher’s acceptance of this additional assignment shall be voluntary. A
supplemental contract will be issued annually and the supplemental stipend for this
assignment, which will be disbursed equally with the regular salary payment
schedule, will be as follows:

2024-2025 $1250
2025-2026 $1300
2026-2027 $1350
2027-2028 $1400

5. Mentor Teacher

The assignment of Mentor Teacher shall be made on a year-to-year basis. A

teacher’s acceptance of this additional assignment shall be voluntary. A
supplemental stipend for this assignment, which will be disbursed equally with the
regular salary payment schedule, will be as follows:

2024-2025 $1100
2025-2026 $1100
2026-2027 $1100
2027-2028 $1100

The Mentor Teacher assignment for a Temporary Professional Employee (TPE)

non-tenure, full induction program will be full pay amount. The Mentor Teacher
assignment for a PE tenure, no induction program or for a Long-Term Substitute
(LTS), no induction program will be for no more than one half the school year and
will be one half the pay amount.

6. Curriculum Rate

The hourly rate for curriculum work or assignments such as alternative education
instructors, “night” school instructors, homebound instructors, middle school
afterschool school tutoring, or Saturday/after-school detention monitors will be

2024-2025 $36
2025-2026 $36
2026-2027 $37
2027-2028 $37

Additional payments based on curriculum rate will be disbursed on a time sheet

basis in the next regularly scheduled pay period.

7. Extended Contracts

Any teacher on an extended contract employed in a professional status in his/her

field of certification will be paid at his/her daily rate of 1/189 (1/192 respectively
for first year teachers). Teachers on extended contracts will accumulate one
additional sick leave day for each full 20 full days of extended employment.

8. Extra-Curricular Positions

Teachers wishing to be considered for athletic or non-athletic extra-curricular

positions are to express their interest in writing to their building principal or to the
District Athletic Director. Teachers will be given first consideration for extra-
curricular positions. The District reserves the right to select from among the
teachers who request such assignments or, when appropriate, to fill these
positions with qualified persons who are not teachers.

a. Athletic positions will be paid according to Athletic Compensation found in

Appendix B. Appendix B will be revised and updated for added programs.

b. Non-athletic positions will be paid according to Non-Athletic

Compensation found in Appendix C.

Q. Board Reserves Right

The Board reserves the right to pay an individual teacher a salary in excess of the salary

R. Salary Calculation

The salary set forth in the salary schedule is based upon each teacher rendering 189 (192
for first year teachers) days of service. In the event a teacher works less than the full
number of days, a per diem rate shall be utilized to calculate annual salary as follows:

Total Annual Salary divided by 189 multiplied by actual number of days worked.
Newly employed teachers shall be required to work an additional three (3) days the first

The total annual salary for them would be divided by 192 days.

S. Vacancies and Transfers

1. General Requests

Requests by an employee for transfer, at the beginning of the next school year, to
a different class, building, or position shall be made in writing to the
Superintendent at any time during the year prior to January 15.

2. Vacancies (Permanent and Temporary)

As openings occur for certified positions in the District, or if new positions are
created, they will be announced by the Superintendent to the staff in the monthly
report of the Board meeting or posted in common areas where notices to the staff
are customarily posted; in addition, postings shall appear on the District’s website
and emailed to all professional employees. Before the end of the school year, the
district will solicit desired change of position information from professional
employees. Teachers identifying interest in a position elsewhere in the district will
be contacted through normal and reasonable channels of communication should
that position become available over the summer months.

No vacancy will be permanently filled until such vacancy has been posted in
common areas in each school building and appeared on the District’s website, and
emailed to all professional employees within the District for two (2) calendar days.
Employees interested in filling announced vacancies or new positions should
contact the Superintendent immediately concerning their interest in such
positions, and in any event within two (2) calendar days of the announcement or
posting. Changes in assignment during the school year will be made only in
unusual situations. When filling permanent or temporary vacancies, first
consideration shall be given to internal candidates. Consideration will be given to
any candidate’s experience, years of service with the District, competency,
qualifications and other relevant factors, with the welfare of the students as the
paramount factor. All decisions of the Board with respect to filling a vacancy will
be final.

Each employee who has formally applied for a vacancy or for a transfer shall be
offered the opportunity for an interview and notified of the disposition of the
request. A meeting between the employee and representative of the
administration concerning the decision shall be arranged, if requested by the

The District will provide additional compensation upon request by the transferring
teacher, at curriculum rate, of up to six (6) hours to any teacher who is directed to
transfer buildings, for the purpose of breaking down and setting up classrooms.

T. Tuition Reimbursement

1. The Board will reimburse each member of the bargaining unit the actual tuition
costs incurred by such member, provided, however, that the credits for which
reimbursement is sought shall have been earned in an accredited college or
university, or are acceptable by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as
credits leading to permanent certification and the coursework provides
professional development for said member.

No third party courses will be approved for reimbursement, except for third party
courses which are part of a graduate degree program. (Definition of a “third-party
provider:” a supplier of ancillary support for another organization that is neither
the primary vendor nor the purchaser. Examples: Eduspire, Learner’s Edge, Bureau
of Educational Research, etc.). Travel courses and courses beyond the area of the
member’s professional development will generally not qualify for reimbursement
unless the Superintendent has given prior written approval.

2. The Board will also provide an annual reimbursement of course(s) fees. Annual
reimbursement of course(s) fees shall be a maximum of one hundred and twenty-
five dollars ($125) per course with a maximum amount per year delineated below
for any teacher who has taken one or more graduate course(s) approved for
reimbursement. Fee reimbursement will be paid at the same time as tuition

2024-2025 $350
2025-2026 $350
2026-2027 $350
2027-2028 $350

3. Eligibility for Reimbursement
a. A teacher with an Instructional I Certificate who completes one semester
of teaching in the Solanco School District shall be eligible for tuition
reimbursement for summer session courses following the third marking
period of the school year. Any courses taken after the completion of one
semester but prior to the commencement of the next school year will count
toward the maximum allowed credit totals for the next school year.

b. The District reserves the right, at the Superintendent’s sole discretion, to

waive this requirement and allow eligibility for tuition reimbursement
during the first semester of teaching. This decision shall not be the subject
of a grievance.

c. Newly hired teachers with an Instructional II Certificate shall be eligible for

tuition reimbursement following the first semester of teaching for the
District. The District reserves the right, at the Superintendent’s sole
discretion, to waive this requirement and allow eligibility for tuition
reimbursement during the first semester of teaching. This decision shall not
be the subject of a grievance.

d. Long-term substitute teachers shall be eligible for tuition reimbursement

after completing a minimum of one (1) year of service with the District, if
their assignment is extended beyond that first year, for at least one
semester, and they either complete the extended assignment or work until
the district releases them from duty.

e. The courses taken shall have received the prior written approval of the

f. Except for authorized educational sabbatical leaves, no reimbursement will

be provided for courses taken while on leave unless the courses were
approved prior to the start of the leave.

g. A teacher on a full-year sabbatical leave must return to and complete two

(2) academic years of active employment with the district at the completion
of the sabbatical leave. If the teacher fails to remain actively employed on
staff for 2 academic years after returning from a full-year sabbatical, the

teacher will refund all credit reimbursements and fees from the sabbatical
leave to the district.

4. Reimbursement
a. Reimbursement shall be paid promptly following the Board meeting after
submission of proof (transcripts or grade reports) of successful completion
of the course, providing such proof is submitted no later than the first
business day of the month of the Board meeting.

b. If a teacher receives payment for credits and fails to return to the Solanco
School District for two (2) complete semesters following the date upon
which the payment was received, the teacher will be responsible for paying
back in full to the School District any tuition payments received for credits
within the defined time period.

c. No payment of tuition will be made if request for reimbursement is not made

within one year of completion of the course.

5. Limits

a. The maximum tuition reimbursement available shall be limited to the

average cost of 12 graduate credits at Millersville University, Penn State
University, and Temple University in effect on September 1 of the school
year during which the courses begin. Payment under this article shall be
limited to a maximum of 12 semester hours per fiscal year (July 1 to June

b. The maximum tuition reimbursement available to teachers at the Masters

column or beyond shall be limited to the average cost of nine (9) graduate
credits at Millersville University, Penn State University, and Temple
University in effect on September 1 of the school year during which the
courses begin. For all teachers at Masters column or beyond, payment will
be limited to nine (9) semester hours per fiscal year.

c. The maximum number of credits and / or maximum amount of dollars to

be reimbursed is accrued within the school district’s fiscal year (July 1 to
June 30) based on the official start date of the approved class/course. For
a class/course where there is no formal start date, the date used shall be
the date the employee signed and submitted the course approval form.

d. Teachers on a full-year Sabbatical Leave for study shall be limited to

payment for 12 semester hours.

U. Hospitalization Program

The Board finances a Comprehensive Major Medical program for all professional
employees of the unit. The following chart is a non-comprehensive, selective summary
of the District Healthcare Benefit Plan.


Medical Plan Coverage

Benefit Effective Date: January 1, 2025. January 1 to December 31 Plan Year.

2025 2026 2027 2028

Employee Only -Participating Provider 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00

Family - Participating Provider 1700.00 1700.00 1700.00 1700.00
Employee Only - Non-Participating Provider 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00
Family - Non-Participating Provider 3400.00 3400.00 3400.00 3400.00

PCP/Physician Office Visit - Participating 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00

PCP/Physician Office Visit - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible

Specialist - Participating Provider 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00

Specialist - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible

Urgent Care Visit - Participating Provider 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

Urgent Care Visit - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible

Chiropractic Visit - Participating Provider 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00

Chiropractic Visit - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible


Inpatient - Participating Provider 100% after deductible

Inpatient - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible

Outpatient Surgery - Participating Provider 100% after deductible

Outpatient Surgery - Non - Participating Provider 80% after deductible


ER - Participating Provider Co-Pay 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00

ER - Participating Provider 100% after co-pay, waived if admitted

ER - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible, waived if admitted

X-Ray/Lab - Participating Provider 100% after deductible

X-Ray/Lab - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible

Surgical Benefit & Anesthesia - Participating 100% after deductible


Surgical Benefit & Anesthesia - Non- 80% after deductible

Participating Provider

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (30 days or 100 unit dose, whichever less)

Generic 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00

Formulary Brand 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00

50% Non-formulary (Maximum) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Specialty 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00

Mail Order (2 co-pays for 90 day supply)

Generic 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00

Formulary Brand 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00

50% Non-formulary (Maximum) 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00

Oral Contraceptives Covered under RX Plan - Apply applicable co-pay


Inpatient - Participating Provider 100% after deductible

80% after deductible

Inpatient - Non-Participating Provider

Office Visit - Outpatient - Participating 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00


Office Visit - Outpatient - Non-Participating 80% after deductible



Inpatient - Participating Provider 100% after deductible

Inpatient - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible

Outpatient - Participating Provider 100% after deductible

Outpatient - Non-Participating Provider 80% after deductible





Employee Only 12% 12% 12% 12%

Employee + 1 Dependent 13% 13% 13% 13%

Employee + 2 or more Dependents/Family 14% 14% 14% 14%

Wellness Plan Discount (% of Pseudo/Cobra Rate - Flu 2% 2% 2% 2%

shot, biometric screening)

Spousal Surcharge

Employee's spouse eligible for coverage Spouses with coverage option under their employer will not be eligible
through their employer but elects SLC coverage. for Solanco plan, therefore, no spousal surcharges will be assessed.

(Includes deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance for both

medical and pharmacy
Individual 6,350.00 6,350.00 6,350.00 6,350.00
Family 12,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00
Participating Provider N/A (No Co-Insurance)
Non-Participating Provider No Maximum Co-Insurance
To not exceed nonparticipating provider maximum out of
pocket expense
(currently $6350 individual/$12,700 Family)


*At its discretion, the District may offer a Optional Health Care Plans to Active Employees.

A Section 125 plan, as agreed between the parties, will continue to be offered.
Employees who retire from the District with at least twenty (20) years of service in Solanco
may elect to continue their group hospitalization coverage for themselves and their
dependents by reimbursing the District the cost of such insurance coverage at a single rate
established for coverage that does not differentiate based on the employee’s age. Employees
may continue this coverage in accordance with Section 5-513 (2) of the Pennsylvania School
Code, but will no longer be eligible if covered by another group policy. Employees will be billed
semi-annually with the option to pay quarterly.

The Board agrees that all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure the confidentiality of
claims paid under this provision.

V. Excise Tax

1. The District and Association shall engage in meet and discuss when, within a three year
window, the annual cost to provide single coverage and/or the annual cost to provide
family health care coverage exceeds, or is projected to exceed, the stated trigger points
as contemplated by section 9001 of the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act And
Education Reconciliation Act (collectively referred to as the “Affordable Care Act”).

Further, the District and Association will meet and discuss should any subsequent HHS
or IRS excise tax guidance for excise tax calculation, include components and foreseeable
results indicating the district will trigger a payment. The purpose of these meetings is to
develop strategies to:

a. Eliminate an immediate and clear potential excise tax payment;

b. Avoid a foreseeable potential excise tax payment within any three-year actuarial

c. Change any or all plan components that are triggering excise tax payments
identified from actuarial evaluation of all Health Care Plans;

d. Implement sustainable solutions to accomplish A and B above;

Such solutions are not exclusive to but may include plan design changes, plan
elimination, and other related health care benefit design affiliated with the excise tax

2. Payment recovery process for any triggered Excise Tax

In the event that the Solanco School District (District) becomes subject to a Triggered
Excise Tax under the rules and guidelines of the ACA, the Bargaining Unit will
reimburse the district 25% of the tax triggered by members of the bargaining unit as
defined below:

a. The process to reimburse will be facilitated by payroll deductions.

Generally, within 90 days of the close of a month which required an Excise
tax payment, the district will notify Bargaining Unit membership of the
total amount of the tax paid by the district, the 25% Bargaining Unit share,
and the employee’s share of that 25%. That share will be divided by two
payrolls within the applicable month. Deductions and the monthly process
to recover the 25% will continue until the district no longer triggers excise
tax payments.

b. Only Bargaining Unit members actively employed during the month of the
triggered tax are subject to those particular months’ deductions. Any single
day employed in the month is considered covered and active in that month
as per ACA guidelines. The 25% recovery is spread among all Bargaining
Unit members as per the CBA Recognition clause regardless of Solanco
Education Association membership dues status.

W. Dental and Vision Payments

1. During each contract year, each employee shall be granted reimbursement, as listed
below, for expenses incurred during the contract year for dental and vision care by
properly licensed professionals for the employee, employee’s spouse, and
employee’s children.

2024-2025 $2300
2025-2026 $2300
2026-2027 $2300
2027-2028 $2300

2. Non-prescription sunglasses are not covered unless prescribed for medical reasons.

3. Orthodontic payment plans/financing arrangements shall be subject to a one-time

$100 deductible for the life of each orthodontic plan.

4. To be eligible for reimbursement, all expenses must be submitted within the same
contract year in which they are incurred. Expenses incurred in June may be
submitted no later than August 15 of the following contract year unless an extension
is granted in writing by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

5. This payment upon allowance shall be non-cumulative and is conditional upon

presentation to the Business Office of the appropriate receipted dental or vision
bills. Reimbursement shall be paid promptly following the Board meeting after
submission of bills, providing such submission occurs no later than the first business
day of the month of the Board meeting.

X. Term Life Insurance

1. Term life insurance with an accidental death and dismemberment benefit will be
provided to each bargaining unit member in the following amount:

2024-2025 $48,000
2025-2026 $48,000
2026-2027 $48,000
2027-2028 $48,000

2. The carrier will be at the sole discretion of the Board.

Y. Tax-Sheltered Annuities

The District agrees to make payroll deductions for any employee who wishes to
participate in a tax sheltered annuity plan, upon receipt of a written request from the
employee, subject to the following restrictions:

1. New participating companies shall be limited to those companies having five (5) or
more participants. In the event a 403(b) service provider refuses to sign the district’s
hold harmless agreement limiting the School District’s liability in connection with
the employee’s 403(b) account, the employee must sign the District’s Tax-Shelter
Annuity Program Hold Harmless Agreement. With this signed employee-district
agreement, the district will provide the same level of service as that of any other
service provider.

2. Employees are permitted to elect to participate or to change their participation

elections on a quarterly basis. One election or change will be allowed per quarter
and will go into effect with the next regularly scheduled payroll period. Employees
may be required to submit Maximum Deduction Calculations for amounts exceeding
federal elective limits.

3. Deductions for participating companies will continue as long as there are at least
three (3) active individuals having deductions taken by that participating company.

4. An employee may withdraw at any time by notifying the Business Office in writing
and will be effective with the next regularly scheduled payroll period.

Z. Income Protection

The District shall provide income protection insurance for total disability resulting from
accidental bodily injury or sickness to full-time professional employees, subject to:

1. To be eligible or said benefit, an employee must have completed one (1) school year
of full-time continuous service with the District.

2. The leave must result from an illness or an injury not covered by Workmen’s
Compensation. The benefit shall not apply if the injury was incurred while the
employee was engaged in remunerative work (including self-employment)
unrelated to school duties.

3. Benefits shall begin on the first (1st) day after exhaustion of sick leave, but not
before the fifteenth (15th) teaching day of continuous total disability resulting from
such covered injury or illness. The fifteen (15) day waiting period shall not count
towards the 270 day maximum benefit.

4. Benefits are not payable beyond the employee’s resignation, furlough, termination,
or retirement date.
5. Persons on unpaid leaves of absences shall not be entitled to receive benefits under
this provision if injured during such leave.

6. The maximum benefits payable hereunder shall not exceed two hundred and
seventy (270) teaching days and shall only be paid for days for which the employee
would normally be paid had he/she been able to work. Payment will not be made
for any day the employee would not have normally worked (i.e. summer recess or
scheduled holidays and breaks).

7. This benefit shall be coordinated with other benefits for which the employee may
be paid at his/her full salary during a qualified absence from work (i.e. sick leave
days or sick leave bank days). Sick leave and sick leave bank days available for use
prior to an employee’s total disability illness or injury shall be exhausted in full prior
to the commencement of this benefit, and all such sick leave and sick bank days shall
count toward the maximum benefit of 270 days. The daily “income protection”
benefit shall be two thirds (2/3) of the employee’s base per diem salary at the
commencement of total disability for each day for which disability is paid.

8. A doctor’s statement shall be required to certify an employees’ eligibility for this

benefit, verify the totally disabling nature of the illness/disability and the beginning
and anticipated termination of said condition. The District reserves the right, at its
expense, to use a District-selected physician for such certification or to review the
doctor’s certification obtained by the employee. The District may require monthly
recertification during the course of the employee’s receipt of this benefit in order
to determine the employee’s continued eligibility to receive this benefit.

9. The maximum benefit payable under this provision shall not exceed the total of two
hundred and seventy (270) days throughout the time period of the employee’s
properly certified illness or injury.

10. The amount of daily benefit will be reduced by any disability income the employee
may receive under the Federal Social Security Act or any other statutory program,
including any benefits provided for dependents and any benefits paid or payable
from the Public School Employee’s Retirement System of Pennsylvania or any other
retirement plan contributed to by the employer or any other employment-related
income such as sick leave. However, in no event shall the total daily benefit, when
added to all other employment-related income, exceed an amount equal to 66 2/3
percent of gross daily salary prior to the date total disability commenced.

11. All employee remuneration paid under this provision shall be subject to both the
employee and employer Public School Employee Retirement System (PSERS)
retirement contributions. Employer and Employee shares shall be calculated at one
hundred percent (100%) of the employee’s gross per diem salary.
AA. Leave Days

1. Personal Illness—10 days.

2. Family Illness
Six (6) personal illness days per year may be used to attend to an
immediate family member with a personal illness. These days shall not be
cumulative. “Immediate family member” shall be defined as father,
mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, a near relative who
resides in the same household, or any person with whom the employee
has made his home.

3. Sick Leave Bank

A Sick Leave Bank, as agreed between the parties, will be maintained for
the duration of this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Any professional
employee is eligible to join the Sick Leave Bank. The Solanco Education
Association shall provide a copy of the Sick Leave Bank Guidelines to all
persons eligible for membership.

4. Bereavement Leave
Three (3) days of bereavement leave shall be granted for the death of an
immediate family member as defined above, as well as parents-in-law and

One (1) day of bereavement leave shall be granted for the death of a near
relative. “Near relative” shall be defined as first cousin, grandfather,
grandmother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather-in-law, grandmother-in-law, and

The Superintendent may extend the period of any bereavement leave at

his/her discretion. This benefit shall not be cumulative.

5. Personal Leave
Each teacher shall accrue three (3) days of personal leave per school year,
subject to the following terms:

a. Accumulation
If not used during the year, up to two (2) personal leave days may
be carried over to the next school year for a maximum of five (5)
personal leave days that can be taken in one (1) school year.

Decisions on use of personal leave days will be based on first
eligible application received, first approved.

b. Notice
One (1) personal leave day may be taken without reason provided
the Superintendent’s Office has received the request, in writing,
three (3) days in advance of the scheduled leave day. A personal
leave of greater than one (1) day, or of one (1) day which is used to
extend an existing school holiday, may be taken without reason
provided the Superintendent’s Office has been notified, in writing,
ten (10) days in advance of the scheduled leave.

Personal leave day(s) will not be granted on the following

(1) First five (5) days of school
(2) Last five (5) days of school
(3) In-service days

c. Submission
All Leave Request Forms are to be date stamped upon receipt by
the building secretary at the time they are submitted by the

If the Leave Request Form is submitted three (3) or more days

before the requested date, the District is responsible for contacting
STS to arrange for a substitute.

If the Leave Request Form is submitted less than three (3) days
before the requested date, the following procedure is to be

(1) The building principal must first be contacted regarding the

request. The principal will then contact the Superintendent
regarding approval of the request. The teacher will submit the
Leave Request Form with the reason for the leave written on the
back. The District will be responsible for contacting STS to arrange
for a substitute.
(2) If the personal day is requested for the same day
(personal/family emergency), the teacher must contact the
building principal and is also responsible for contacting STS to
arrange for a substitute. The Leave Request Form, with the
reason listed on the back of the form, is submitted upon the
teacher’s return to work.
d. Limitations
No more than fifteen percent (15%) or two (2) teachers, whichever
number is the greater of the teachers from one (1) building, will be
granted a personal day on the same date. No more than eight
percent (8%) of the total bargaining unit, district-wide, will be
granted personal leave on any given day.

In addition, no more than two bargaining unit members may use

an accumulated leave of four days or more at the same time.

e. Payment for Unused Personal Leave Days

Any employee who does not use his/her personal leave day for a
particular school year will be paid at the substitute teacher rate for
each unused day that cannot be accumulated as described above.
To qualify for such payment, the employee (unless retiring) must
remain employed with the District during the year following
accrual. Retirees will be paid for all accumulated personal days (up
to five) at the time of retirement.

Any payment for unused personal leave day(s) to current

employees shall be made no later than September 30 of the school
year following accrual. Payment for unused personal leave days for
retirees will be included in their final regular paycheck.

f. In emergency situations, the Superintendent may waive the notice

or limitation requirements. In such cases, the guideline that will be
followed is: If the teacher has no control over the date and time,
personal leave day(s) will be granted; if a teacher has control,
personal leave will not be granted.

6. Conference Leave

Employees may be granted absence to attend conferences for professional

growth that will contribute to the individual as well as the entire school
system. Any request for such absence is subject to approval by the

7. Association Leave

The District shall grant up to five (5) days of leave to the Association
President or his/her designee(s) for absences to attend to Association
business, labor relations, or related conferences. The Association shall
reimburse the District for the cost of hiring substitute(s) for the employees
who take leave under this provision. Association leave shall only be
approved if the employee has provided three (3) days notice for a leave of
one (1) day or ten (10) days notice for a leave of two (2) or more days. This
leave shall not be cumulative.

8. Jury Leave

Any employee summoned to serve on jury duty shall be granted leave

without loss of pay for the duration of his/her jury service; provided, the
employee shall return to the District the per diem jury pay that he/she
receives from the court.

BB. Leaves of Absence

1. Pregnancy Disability Leave

A full-time employee who has completed one full school year of

continuous employment may be eligible for pregnancy disability leave
under and subject to the following conditions and limitations:

a. Absent unforeseen circumstances, no later than 120 calendar days

prior to a physicians certification of pregnancy due date, the employee
shall submit a written request for maternity leave to the
Superintendent accompanied by a physician’s written certification of
pregnancy and his opinion concerning the date the employee will
probably no longer be able to satisfactorily perform her duties due to
medical disability. The request shall set forth the dates on which the
employee desires such leave to begin and end. Employees who wish
to take an unpaid child rearing leave following pregnancy disability
leave shall apply for such leave in accordance with Paragraph 3 below.
Once the leave has been approved by the Board, extensions would be
granted only under extraordinary circumstances.

b. During the period of medical disability, as certified in writing by a

physician, the employee shall, at her option, have charged to her
available sick leave all or any portion of the time of continuing medical
disability occurring during scheduled work days under and subject to
the following conditions:

(1) The use of accumulated sick leave shall be limited to

disabilities caused or contributed by pregnancy.

(2) Initial payment for sick leave under this provision shall be
conditioned upon receipt of a physician’s second written
certification that such employee is physically unable to
satisfactorily perform her duties as a result of pregnancy-
related disability as of the specific date requested for
commencement of payment.

(3) Payments for accrued sick leave under this provision shall
be discontinued no later than forty-two (42) calendar days after
the birth of the child unless the Superintendent receives
another written certification by the physician that the
employee is still unable to return to work due to continuing
disability and, where possible, a physician’s written opinion as
to the specific date the employee will be able to resume her

(4) Payment will only be made for teacher days as set forth in
the approved school calendar and shall be limited to
accumulated sick leave or income protection as provided under
this Agreement, if eligible.

(5) The Board reserves the right to require an employee to be

examined by a physician selected by the Board at the Board’s
expense to verify the existence of a disability which renders the
employee unable to perform her duties.

(6) Part-time employees may use accumulated sick leave until

exhausted, while disabled, or income protection if eligible
under this Agreement. All other time off for disability is unpaid,
and such employees will be expected to return when no longer

c. No employee may return to work until the employee’s physician

certifies in writing that the employee is physically able to satisfactorily
perform her duties. The Board reserves the right to require an
employee to be examined by a physician selected by the Board at the
Board’s expense to verify that the employee is able to return to work.

2. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Any qualifying absences or extended leaves taken under this Agreement

shall be administered and enforced in a manner consistent with the Family
and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). The initial twelve (12) weeks of
absence or leave taken under any provision of this contract which qualify
for protection under the FMLA during any leave year shall be deemed
FMLA leave and an FMLA-eligible employee shall have all the rights and
obligations bestowed by the Act during such time. After exhausting FMLA
protected leave, an employee’s leave rights shall be governed exclusively
by this Agreement, the School Code, and applicable District policies. For
purposes of this section, a leave year is defined as July 1 through June 30.

3. Child Rearing Leave

If a full-time employee requests child rearing leave, such leave shall be

granted without pay and benefits and subject to the following conditions:

a. Absent unforeseen circumstances, requests for child rearing leave shall

be submitted in writing no later than 120 calendar days prior to a
physician’s certification of pregnancy due date.

b. The maximum length of child rearing leave shall be in accordance with

Paragraph 3g below. However, employees may return to work at the
beginning of any full subsequent semester by furnishing the District with
written notice of intent by May 1 to return at the beginning of the fall
semester or by November 1 to return at the beginning of the spring
semester. Failure to provide the required notice may result in a
mandatory extension of the leave for another semester. Accordingly,
employees are urged to request the maximum length of child rearing
leave allowed under this article. In the event the death of a newborn
infant occurs during the regular school term, the teacher on unpaid child
rearing leave will be reinstated to their original or a similar position,
provided the teacher has submitted a written notice to the
Superintendent at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to returning to

c. No salary, benefits, or sick leave shall be paid or accrue to said employee

during unpaid child-rearing leave, nor shall seniority or pension rights
accrue during the period of time the employee is physically unable to
perform his/her duties.

d. Employees may continue, at their expense, with the District’s

hospitalization program listed in this Agreement. Premiums shall be
submitted in advance to the Business Office based on semi-annual
billings. Employees may pay, at their option, the full amount of the
semi-annual billing or two equal quarterly payments.

e. At the discretion of the District, an employee may be required to stay on

leave until the beginning of the first full subsequent academic semester.
f. Upon an employee’s application to return to work after child rearing
leave, the District shall offer the job held before going on leave or a
substantially equivalent position conditioned by the pertinent
reinstatement provisions of the School Code.

g. An employee on child rearing leave must return to work no later than

the beginning of the fourth full academic semester following the
semester in which the employee was disabled by her physician or the
child’s birth date occurred or lose all rights to employment with the

h. Employees in their fourth full academic semester of child rearing leave

must provide written notice to the District of their intent to resign or
return to work at the beginning of the following semester. If the fourth
semester of child rearing leave is the fall semester, written notice must
be provided by November 1. If the fourth semester of child rearing leave
is the spring semester, written notice must be provided by May 1.

i. Any teacher who is returning from a formal child rearing under this
contract shall not re-qualify for another such leave until she/he has
returned from the leave and has continuously worked at least one full
academic semester in the District; provided, this provision shall not be
construed to deny any employee her/his rights under the School Code
or FMLA.

4. Adoption Leave

Any teacher requesting adoption leave shall notify the Superintendent

in writing of the intent to make such an adoption at the time the formal
adoption application is made. During the adoption process, the teacher
may use up to five (5) days of his or her accrued sick leave to attend to
any appointments or visitations related to the adoption process prior to
the final adoption. Adoption leave shall be granted without pay and
benefits and subject to the following conditions:

a. Unless otherwise approved by the Board, adoption leave is to

commence no later than the time when the teacher receives de
facto custody of the child and shall commence prior to such custody
if necessary to fulfill the requirements for adoption.

b. The duration of the leave shall be determined by the teacher prior

to the beginning date of the leave. The maximum duration of such
leave shall be for the remainder of the school year plus the following
complete school year if the leave commences after the end of the
first marking period.

c. Upon return to employment, the teacher shall be restored to their

original (or equivalent) position.

d. If the teacher decides not to return to work at the expiration of the

leave, a sixty (60) calendar day notice of resignation shall be given.

e. Adoption leave shall be regarded as an unpaid leave. Seniority or

pension rights shall not accrue during the period of this leave.

5. Sabbatical Leave

a. Any teacher requesting a sabbatical leave of absence shall be fully

eligible, therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1166
of the Public School Code, as amended.

b. A teacher requesting a sabbatical leave for restoration of health shall

furnish a physician’s certificate at the time of the request verifying the
medical reasons necessitating a leave of absence and shall periodically
submit progress reports from the physician to the Superintendent
during the absence.

c. All teachers granted sabbatical leave, for reasons other than health,
are required to submit monthly reports to the Superintendent
indicating their professional activities while on leave.

d. Requests for full-year sabbatical leaves or fall semester half-year

sabbatical leaves must be submitted to the Superintendent by March
1 of the preceding year; spring semester half-year sabbatical leaves
must be submitted by October 1. Requests for sabbatical leaves shall
be considered for eligible applications on a first-come, first-approved
basis (except in case of illness). In case of unusual circumstances, the
Superintendent may waive the deadlines. The number of sabbatical
leaves granted in any school year shall be limited to ten percent (10%)
of the teachers eligible for sabbatical leave.

e. A teacher on a full-year sabbatical leave will receive one-half their

salary. A teacher on a half-year sabbatical leave will receive one-half
their salary.

f. See requirements for tuition reimbursement under Section U. Tuition
Reimbursement [subsection 3g]

g. Any teacher not fulfilling the obligations specified or implied in this

policy will be subject to denial or withdrawal of sabbatical leave
benefits as determined by the Board and the Association.

6. Unpaid Leave of Absence

a. Any teacher wanting to take an unpaid leave of absence shall submit to

the Superintendent the purpose of such request and other information
as requested. If such a request, in the opinion of the Superintendent
and the Board, merits a leave of absence without pay and benefits, such
may be granted to the teacher. An unpaid leave of absence beyond this
one-year period shall be made solely at the discretion of the Board. The
teacher shall be placed on the District salary schedule based on the
actual number of credited years of experience upon his/her return from
leave. Such leave of absence shall not be recognized as a year of
credited teaching experience for salary or seniority purposes. Upon
return from leave, the teacher will be placed in a position within his/her
certification area.

b. The teacher may elect to continue with the District’s hospitalization

program listed in this Agreement. Premiums shall be submitted in
advance to the Business Office based on semi-annual billings.
Employees may pay, at their option, the full amount of the semi-annual
billing or two equal quarterly payments.

CC. Mileage Reimbursement

Mileage reimbursement will be at the current IRS rate per mile for travel.
Reimbursement is made when authorized under District policy set by the Board and for
travel to conferences, workshops, etc. authorized by the Superintendent.

DD. Workmen’s Compensation

All teachers in our District are automatically covered by the Workmen’s Compensation
Act. This provides the possibility of financial compensation for any on-the-job injury.
To file a claim under this act a teacher should:

1. Report all work-related injuries or illnesses immediately to his/her principal of the

principal’s designee and obtain a proper injury report form from the Business Office.

2. Fill out the form, and file it by leaving it with the Business Manager.

3. The District shall provide injury reports to the Association President upon request
to the extent such disclosure is required by law.

However, available sick leave payments provided by Pennsylvania School Code shall be
limited to the difference between the daily Workmen’s Compensation benefit and the
teacher’s daily salary. Any such sick leave paid shall reduce the amount of sick leave
otherwise available to the teacher on a pro-rated basis.

All employees shall wear seat belts while driving for the District.

EE. Retirement Benefit

1. Conditioned upon meeting all the following prerequisites and conditions, all
professional employees who voluntarily retire will receive a retirement benefit. To
be eligible for this benefit, the professional employee must:

a. Professional employees who have twenty (20) or more years of credited service
under the Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System will receive the
following benefit:

(a). Five thousand ($5,000) dollars

(b). $550 per each Full-time service year for Solanco School District

The total of (a) and (b) above cannot exceed the Maximum Retirement Benefit
per year listed below:

2024-2025 $24,250
2025-2026 $24,250
2026-2027 $24,250
2027-2028 $24,250

b. Professional employees who have less than twenty (20) years of credited service
under the Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System will receive the
following benefit (up to a maximum Retirement Benefit of $10,450):

(a). $550 per each Full-time service year for Solanco School District

c. Have given irrevocable written notice of retirement. Said notice must be given
to the Superintendent no later than January 15 and the individual must retire at
the end of that same school year.
2. A voluntary retirement shall be defined as one that is initiated by the professional
employee as opposed to one that is required by the Board for reasons other than
mental or physical illness. This bonus will not be given to any professional employee
who retires prior to the end of the contracted school year. In the event that an
employee meets all the above requirements but is by reason of health, as
documented by a medical doctor, unable to complete the school year before
retiring, all benefits will be awarded as though that employee completed the school

FF. Part-Time Employees

Benefits to be received by part-time employees and long-term substitutes who meet

PLRB unit eligibility criteria are set forth in Appendix A and are to be continued in
accordance with past practice.


GG. Entire Agreement

The parties hereto agree that this contract represents the entire Agreement between
the parties hereto and that may not be rescinded, altered or changed during the term
of this Agreement, except by an instrument, in writing, duly executed by the parties

HH. Separability

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be contrary to law, rule, or regulation then
such provisions shall not be deemed valid except to the extent permitted by law, rule,
or regulation, but all other provisions of the Agreement shall continue in full force and
effect. No increase in salaries, wages or fringe benefits need be paid, if payment of
such increases would violate any law, rule, regulation or legal interpretation now or
hereafter in effect.

II. Each Side Has the Opportunity to Present Offer to the Other

A representative of the Board will have the opportunity to present the Board’s offer to
the SEA membership and answer questions about it and the SEA will have the
opportunity to present its offer to the Board and answer questions about it. The Board
will not be in a public meeting at the time of the SEA’s presentation to the Board. After
presentation and questions and answers, the other side will leave the Board and/or
the SEA membership to conduct their own discussion, presentation, etc.

Signature Page


Hospitalization, Major Medical Yes Yes Yes

Dental Insurance Yes Yes Yes

Term Life Insurance Yes Yes Yes

TSA Deductions Yes Yes Yes

Income Protection Deductions Yes Yes Yes

Unpaid Leave of Absence Yes No No

Personal Illness Yes Pro-rated Yes

(Example: time ten ½ days)

Family Illness Yes Pro-rated Yes

Bereavement Leave Yes Pro-rated Yes

Personal Leave Yes Pro-rated Yes

Tuition Reimbursement Yes Pro-rated Yes

Mileage Reimbursement Yes Yes Yes

Retirement Benefits Yes Pro-rated No

Salary Category Full Step for ½ Step for Yes

Full Year ½ Year
Income Protection (District Yes Pro-rated No

Special Education Pay Yes Pro-rated Yes

Workman’s Compensation Yes Yes Yes

*Part-Time being one-half (1/2) time or more.

**Full-Time Professional Substitute (LTS) benefits as listed reflect coverage for a full year of service in
a normal school year. Full-time substitutes hired during the school year carry pro-rated benefits
based on service to be provided. Benefits that are subject to proration are as follows: Dental, Personal
Illness, Family Illness, Personal Leave, Salary Category and Special Education Pay.

The supplemental extracurricular positions listed on Appendices B Athletic and C Non-Athletic are
included in this agreement for the purpose of salary calculation.

The need for adding or adjusting an Athletic or Non-Athletic Compensated Position or adjustment will be
proposed in writing to the building administration and Superintendent.

If the Superintendent recommends approval of adding or adjusting the Athletic or Non-Athletic

Compensated Position to the Board, the Superintendent will establish point values with the involvement
of SEA. Once the Superintendent and SEA have determined appropriate point values, the proposed
addition or adjustment will be presented to the Board at the next available and appropriate board
meeting for approval.

The Superintendent and/or appointed designee will provide the requesting individual and SEA with a
written response to the request in a timely manner.

The position, adjustment, or removal will become part of an MOU, which will be reflected in the CBA at
the beginning of the next contract term.

The District may remove an Athletic or Non-Athletic Compensated Position from the CBA following further
discussion between the District and Association.

The Athletic Job Value Criteria and the Athletic Positions Standard Point Allocations are
minimums. The positions and applicable points for the start of this agreement are set forth in
Appendix B.

1. Athletic Job Value

Values assigned to the basic criteria included in the formula are as set forth in Chart
B.1--Athletic Job Value Criteria.

2. Athletic Positions Standard Point Allocations

Values assigned to each athletic position, based on Chart B.1–Athletic Job Value
Criteria, exclude years of Experience and Professional Additional points and will be
the Standard Point Values for each athletic position.

3. Athletic Positions Point Totals

The Total Points for any athletic position will be the Standard Point Value (as
determined from Chart B.2) for that position plus the total number of Years of
Experience of the person in such position at the start of each school year plus
Professional Additional points.

Total Points per Athletic Position = Standard Point Value per Athletic Position +
Total Number of Years of Experience of the Person in such position at the start
of each school year plus Professional Additional Points.

Years of Experience will equal all the years of experience for that person in such
position with the District or comparable position level from other organizations.
When a person completes their athletic contract for a specific athletic position,
said person shall always receive one year of experience for that position. The
District will state the total years of experience for the individual on the person’s
annual contract.

Professional Additional Points will be any additional point value for a position as
recommended by the Athletic Director, Superintendent, or Board. For this
agreement, Professional Additional points for positions will be minimums; yet,
the District may increase this point value at their discretion.

4. Athletic Position Pay Scale

The total payment to a person for a contracted athletic position will be

determined by multiplying the Total Points per athletic position by the Agreed
Value per Point for that school year. It is also agreed that no individual will
receive a total payment that is less than their previous contracted year per

Total Payment per Athletic Position = Total Points per Athletic Position x Agreed
Value per Point. The Agreed Value per Point shall be:

2024-2025 $54.77
2025-2026 $54.77
2026-2027 $54.77
2027-2028 $54.77

5. Post-Season Compensation

When a sport’s season is extended beyond the regular season, that sport’s
coaches will be reimbursed a payment equal to the salary from the Total Points
minus Experience divided by the Regular Season Length (weeks) times the
Agreed Value per Point for that school year times the Number of Extended

Post-Season Compensation = [(Total Points – Experience)/Weeks in Regular

Season] x Agreed Value per Point x Number of Extended Weeks

The end of the season will be considered as follows: Sectionals or All-League
meets for golf, tennis, cross-country, track, and wrestling.

6. Athletic Event Positions

a. The following athletic event positions will receive the compensations listed below:

Athletic Event Position Pay Rate

Football Filming $34/event

Basketball Filming $20/event

Timer or Scorekeeper (Afternoon) Varsity $28/event

Timer or Scorekeeper (Evening) Varsity $30/event

J.V. $21/event
Announcer (Football) $34/ event

Ticket Takers and Sellers $28.50/event

Weight Training $17/hour

(3 positions = 1 Spring, 1 Summer, 1 Winter)

Track Officials $37/event

Intramural Track (35 hours) $500

( 4 positions) Each position
Elementary Wrestling $570
( 2 positions) Each position
Game Manager $55/event

Athletic Standard Point Allocations (2024-2028)

Grandfathered Positional
Program Commitment
Student Supervision

Injury Risk to Athlete

Standard Point Value

Number of Contest
Skill of Instruction

Length of Season
Staff Supervision


Varsity (Football) 40 10 20 20 6 10 10 10 10 30 166
Assistant (Football) 0 8 20 20 6 8 7 9 7 4 89
Assistant (Football) 0 8 20 20 6 8 7 9 7 4 89
Assistant (Football) 0 8 20 20 6 8 7 9 7 4 89
Assistant (Football) 0 8 20 20 6 8 7 9 7 4 89
Head Junior High (Football) 5 10 20 15 5 8 7 9 7 0 86
Asst. Junior High (Football) 0 8 15 15 5 5 5 6 0 0 59
Asst. Junior High (Football) 0 8 15 15 5 5 5 6 0 0 59
Varsity (Hockey) 15 10 20 10 8 7 10 7 10 11 108
Asst. Varsity (Hockey) 0 8 15 10 8 4 6 2 7 6 66
Junior Varsity (Hockey) 0 8 15 10 8 4 6 2 7 3 63
Head Junior High (Hockey) 5 10 15 10 6 5 6 4 0 0 61
Asst. Junior High (Hockey) 0 8 10 10 6 4 6 2 0 0 46
Cross Country
Varsity (Cross Country) 10 10 10 15 8 7 7 4 10 3 84
Asst. Varsity (Cross Country) 0 8 10 15 8 3 6 2 7 0 59
Head Junior High (Cross Country) 0 8 10 15 7 5 7 4 0 0 56
Varsity (Volleyball) 10 10 20 15 8 7 10 7 10 18 115
Asst. Varsity (Volleyball) 0 8 15 10 6 6 7 5 7 0 64
Jr. High (Volleyball) 5 10 15 10 6 5 6 4 0 0 61
Boys Soccer
Varsity (Soccer) 15 10 20 10 8 8 10 7 10 10 108

Asst. Varsity (Soccer) 0 8 15 10 8 7 7 5 7 0 67
Junior Varsity Soccer 0 8 15 10 8 7 7 5 7 0 67
Head Junior High (Soccer) 5 10 15 10 6 5 6 4 0 0 61
Asst. Junior High (Soccer) 0 8 10 10 6 4 6 2 0 0 46
Head Varsity (Tennis) 5 6 20 5 6 4 7 3 10 0 66
Assistant (Tennis) 0 6 13 5 3 2 5 3 5 0 42
Golf 5 6 20 5 6 4 7 3 10 5 71
Fall Equip Mgr. 3 2 0 8 10 3 4 0 0 0 30
Girls Basketball
Varsity (Basketball) 15 8 20 20 10 9 10 7 10 22 131
Asst. Varsity (Basketball) 0 6 15 20 10 6 7 5 7 0 76
Junior Varsity (Basketball) 0 6 15 20 10 6 7 5 7 9 85
Head Junior High (Basketball) 5 10 15 15 8 6 6 4 0 2 71
Asst. Junior High (Basketball) 0 6 10 15 8 6 5 2 0 0 52

b. The District shall provide a Timer for any home event that requires official time.

c. The District shall provide a Game Manager for any event that requires a paid attendance.

Athletic Standard Point Allocations (2024-2028)

Boys Basketball
Varsity (Basketball) 15 8 20 20 10 9 10 7 10 22 131
Asst. Varsity (Basketball) 0 6 15 20 10 6 7 5 7 0 76
Junior Varsity (Basketball) 0 6 15 20 10 6 7 5 7 9 85
Head Junior High (Basketball) 5 10 15 15 8 6 6 4 0 2 71
Asst. Junior High (Basketball) 0 6 10 15 8 6 5 2 0 0 52
Varsity (Wrestling) 15 10 20 20 10 9 10 7 10 39 150
Junior Varsity (Wrestling) 0 8 12 20 10 4 5 5 7 18 89
Head Junior High (Wrestling) 5 10 15 15 8 6 7 6 0 0 72
Jr. High Asst. (Wrestling) 0 8 10 15 8 4 5 5 0 0 55
Jr. High Asst. (Wrestling) 0 8 10 15 8 4 5 5 0 0 55
Varsity (Softball) 13 10 20 10 10 8 10 5 10 2 98
Asst. Varsity (Softball) 0 6 15 10 10 6 7 5 7 3 69
Junior Varsity (Softball) 0 8 15 10 10 4 5 5 5 0 62
Asst. Jr. Varsity (Softball) 0 4 10 10 10 2 4 5 2 0 47
Varsity (Baseball) 13 10 20 10 10 8 10 5 10 4 100
Asst. Varsity (Baseball) 0 6 15 10 10 6 7 5 7 3 69
Junior Varsity (Baseball) 0 8 15 10 10 4 5 5 5 0 62
Asst. Jr. Varsity (Baseball) 0 4 10 10 10 2 4 5 2 0 47
Varsity (Track) 30 10 20 10 6 8 10 7 10 45 156
Field Asst.(Track) 0 8 15 10 6 7 6 5 5 4 66
Field Asst. (Track) 0 8 15 10 6 7 6 5 5 4 66
Track Asst.(Track) 0 8 13 10 6 7 6 5 5 0 60
Track Asst.(Track) 0 8 13 10 6 7 6 5 5 0 60
Head Jr. High 0 8 10 15 7 5 7 4 0 0 56
Asst. Jr. High 0 6 10 15 7 5 5 2 0 0 50
Varsity (Cheerleading) Fall 10 10 10 10 0 5 5 1 0 3 54
Asst. Varsity (Cheerleading) 0 8 10 10 0 2 4 1 0 8 43
Junior Varsity 5 8 5 10 0 3 4 1 0 0 36
Varsity (Cheerleading) Winter 10 10 10 10 0 5 5 1 0 3 54
Asst. Varsity (Cheerleading)
Winter 0 8 10 10 0 2 4 1 0 8 43
Junior Varsity
(Cheerleading) Winter 5 8 5 10 0 3 4 1 0 0 36
Girls Soccer
Varsity (Soccer) 15 10 20 10 8 8 10 7 10 10 108
Asst. Varsity (Soccer) 0 8 15 10 8 7 7 5 7 0 67
Junior Varsity 0 8 15 10 8 7 7 5 7 0 67
Head Jr. High (Soccer) 5 10 15 10 6 5 6 4 0 0 61
Head Jr. High (Soccer) 0 8 10 10 6 4 6 2 0 0 46


The Non-Athletic Job Value Criteria and the Non-Athletic Positions Standard Point
Allocations are minimums. The positions and applicable points for the start of this
agreement are set forth in Appendix C.

1. Non-Athletic Job Value

Values assigned to the basic criteria included in the formula are as set forth
in Chart C.1-Non-Athletic Job Value Criteria.

2. Non-Athletic Positions Standard Point Allocations

Values assigned to each non-athletic position, based on Chart C.1–Non-

Athletic Job Value Criteria, exclude years of Experience and Professional
Additional points and will be the Standard Point Values for each non-athletic

3. Non-Athletic Positions Point Totals

The Total Points for any non-athletic position will be the Standard Point
Value (as determined from Chart C.2) for that position plus the total number
of Years of Experience of the person in such position at the start of each
school year plus Professional Additional points.

Total Points per Non-Athletic Position = Standard Point Value per Non-
Athletic Position + Total Number of Years of Experience of the Person in
such position at the start of each school year + Professional Additional

Years of Experience will equal all the years of experience for that person in
such position with the District or comparable position level from other
organizations. When a person completes their non-athletic contract for a
specific non-athletic position, said person shall always receive one year of
experience for that position. The District will state the total years of
experience for the individual on the person’s annual contract.

Professional Additional points will be any additional point value for a

position as recommended by the Superintendent or Board. For this
agreement, Professional Additional points for positions will be minimums;
yet, the District may increase this point value at their discretion.

4. Non-Athletic Position Pay Scale

The total payment for a contracted non-athletic position will be determined

by multiplying the Total Points per non-athletic position by the Agreed
Value per Point for that school year. It is also agreed that no individual will
receive a total payment which is less than their previous contracted year
per position.

Total Payment per Non-Athletic Position = Total Points per Non-Athletic

Position x Agreed Value per Point

The Agreed Value per Point shall be:

2024-2025 $54.77
2025-2026 $54.77
2026-2027 $54.77
2027-2028 $54.77

5. Post-season Compensation – Marching Band

When a football season is extended beyond the regular season, the

Marching Band Director and Assistant Director will be reimbursed a
payment as described in APPENDIX B: Athletic Compensation, 5. Post-
Season Compensation.
Skill of Instruction
Staff Supervision


Position Points

Responsibility to



High School
Chess 0 2 3 22 1 0 2 0 30
Chorus/Chorale 0 5 4 25 2 2 2 7 47
FBLA Advisor 0 3 2 26 2 0 2 2 37
FFA Advisor 0 3 3 30 3 2 2 3 46
Freshman Class Advisor 0 1 0 15 1 1 1 0 19
Instrumental Instructor 0 5 4 25 2 2 2 7 47
Interact Advisor 0 3 2 23 2 0 2 19 51

Junior Class Advisor 0 1 0 18 2 1 1 0 23
Link Crew Advisor 0 4 2 12 1 2 1 0 22
National Honor Society Advisor 0 1 0 6 1 0 2 6 16
Newspaper Advisor 0 3 2 26 2 0 2 8 43
Ophelia Advisor 0 4 1 18 2 1 1 0 27
Renaissance Advisor 0 4 1 20 2 2 1 0 30
Senior Class Advisor 0 1 0 20 2 1 1 0 25
Sophomore Class Advisor 0 1 0 15 1 1 1 0 19
Spanish Club Advisor 0 5 3 20 3 3 3 0 37
Student Senate 0 1 0 30 2 0 2 10 45
Video Production Coordinator 0 1 3 30 3 4 3 8 52
YEA 0 5 3 20 3 3 3 0 37
Yearbook Advisor 0 3 2 38 3 2 2 5 55
Drama (Fall)
Director 1 1 5 3 24 3 2 2 10 50
Director 2 0 5 3 24 3 2 2 0 39
Sets 0 1 1 8 0 1 1 6 18
Costumes 0 1 1 4 0 1 1 7 15
Musical (Spring)
Director 1 5 5 3 38 3 4 2 7 67
Director 2 0 5 3 38 3 4 2 2 57
Orchestra 1 5 4 24 2 2 2 8 48
Choreography 0 5 3 24 3 2 2 0 39
Costumes 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 5 15
Sets ( Spring) 0 1 1 11 0 1 1 6 21
Musical Set Painting 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 6 16
Tickets 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 4 16
Lighting 0 1 1 6 0 2 0 11 21
Marching Band 5 10 5 71 3 3 3 6 106
Assist. Marching Band 0 3 2 12 2 2 2 15 38
Marching Band Flags 0 3 2 9 2 2 2 7 27
Marching Band Percussion 0 3 2 9 2 2 2 5 25
Middle School
Marching Band (SM/SW) 0 3 2 12 2 2 2 9 32
Play/Musical 0 3 2 12 2 2 2 1 24
Yearbook 0 1 1 12 1 1 1 6 23
Middle School NJHS 0 1 0 6 1 0 2 0 10
MS Student Senate 0 1 0 19 2 0 2 8 32
Middle School Pride Ambassadors 0 4 2 8 1 2 1 0 18

Play/Musical 0 3 2 12 2 2 2 1 24
Yearbook 0 1 1 12 1 1 1 6 23
Middle School NJHS 0 1 0 6 1 0 2 0 10
MS Student Senate 0 1 0 19 2 0 2 8 32
Middle School Pride Ambassadors 0 4 2 8 1 2 1 0 18
Elementary Band 0 2 2 8 1 1 1 0 15
Elementary Orchestra 0 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 16

The parties hereby agree to the following:

1. The Solanco Education Association and the Solanco School District are parties to a
collective bargaining agreement effective July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2024 (the

2. The Contract contains a Fair Share provision, which is located at Article I, Section D
(“Fair Share Fee”).

3. The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling on June 27, 2018, in Janus v. AFSCME, Council
31, 138 S.Ct. 2448, 2456, 201 L.Ed.2d 924 (2018), that public sector unions can no
longer collect fair share fees from nonmembers.

4. As a result of the Janus decision, Article I, Section D shall be removed from the
Contract until such time that the restriction on the collection of Fair Share fees
announced in the Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME, Council 31, 138 S.Ct.
2448, 2456, 201 L.Ed.2d 924 (2018) is reversed or the collection of Fair Share fees is
made legal in some other manner.

5. In the event that Fair Share again is deemed legal, the language from Article I, Section
D of the 2019-24 Contract shall immediately be reinstated and placed in the Contract
then in effect between the Solanco Education Association and the Solanco School

6. A copy of the language to be placed in a future Contract if the collection of Fair Share
fees becomes legal is attached to this Agreement as Appendix E.

1. Effective with the 2011-2012 school year, the Solanco School District shall conform to
the Fair Share Provision of the laws of Pennsylvania. Each non-member in the
bargaining unit represented by the Association under the Public Employee Relations
Act shall be required to pay a fair share fee as provided by Act 84 of 1988. The fair
share fee shall not be greater than the amount of dues uniformly required of its
members. The fair share fee shall not include any amount expended by the
Association for partisan, political or ideological activities that is excluded by a body
that has jurisdiction to exclude certain activities. The Solanco School District and the
Association agree to comply with the provisions of said law.

2. The Association agrees to extend to all non-members the opportunity to join the

3. Non-members with bona fide religious objections to a fair share fee may direct the
Association to contribute their agency fee to a non-religious charity. The Association’s
escrow agent shall provide verification of said payment to any affected non-member
once the total agency fee obligation has been fully satisfied via payroll deduction.

4. The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless the School District (and its
directors, officers, employees and agents) against any and all claims, suits, costs and
expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorney fees, other legal costs and
expenses), orders and judgments arising out of this fair share obligation.







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