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DATE/ 2 July 2023


TIME 3.15-4.25

TOPIC Health and Environment

CONTENT Main Skill:

STANDARD: 2. Speaking
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Complementary Skill:
4. Writing
4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
LEARNING Main Skill:
STANDARD: 2. Speaking
2.1.3 Describe future plans and ambitions.
Complementary Skill:
4. Writing
4.1.2 Explain simple processes.
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
OBJECTIVES 1. Create and describe plans for what the world will be like in 50 years’ time.
1. Teacher asks pupils to ‘How to plan for the future?’
2. Listen to their ideas as a class and make a list on the board.

LESSON DEVELOPMENT: Group Work- Presentation

1. Teacher gives instruction to pupils to form a group of 4 members. A
2. Teacher asks them to work together and think about the future.
3. Teacher gives them some topic headings: home, food, work, family, hobbies and
free time etc to each group.
4. Teacher tells the group to imagine that they are important leaders in the world
and they need to create plans for what the world will be like in 50 years’ time.
ACTIVITY 5. Teacher asks the pupils to work in their groups to highlight their ideas for each of
the topics.
6. Teacher gives pupils time around 15-20 minutes to think and plan.
7. Pupils will need to present their ideas at the end of the project.
8. Pupils plan and create an outline of their ideas on poster paper.
9. Each group should present their ideas orally. The rest of the class asks questions
about what they have seen.
10. Tell the pupils watching that they must think of one question they want to ask by
the end of each talk.
11. Correct the pupils if there’s any errors during their presentation.


1. Teacher asks the pupils to share their view on today’s lesson. (Thumb up and

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