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elcome back, readers, to the hallowed pages of the

Old World’s favourite sports periodical! Join us as
we go down to the mystical woods and venture into
underground caverns around the Old World in order to uncover
the secrets of one of the most unusual teams in Blood Bowl.
Take care where you tread, though – these woodland folk are
masters of illusions and love nothing more than playing pranks on
unwitting individuals!

n this issue, we wander the forest Some Gnomes, and even So, readers, put the kettle on,
paths of the Old World to bring woodland creatures, have even risen pour yourself a nice cup of tea, curl
you all the info on a team that to relative infamy within Gnomish up with your favourite fox, and enjoy
hasn’t been seen on the gridiron for teams, and in this issue we take a another astro-Gnome-ical issue of
many, many years – Gnomes. As it look at three of the most well-known Spike! Journal!
turns out, Gnomes actually love a forest folk to become household
good game of Blood Bowl, though names in Blood Bowl. The druidic Davide Mirrorfoot, Guest Editor,
until recently they have stayed Beastmaster with a menagerie Spike! Journal
hidden in their concealed groves of adopted creatures, Rowana
and underground burrows, enjoying Forestfoot; the fisherman angling to
their own style of Nuffle’s great break out onto the big scene, Rodney
game; complete with a menagerie Roachbait; and the furry embodiment
of woodland creatures of course! of fury with a kill count a mile high,
However, don’t mistake a Gnome for Akhorne the Squirrel! CONTENTS
a Halfling; they don’t like that and will Trifling Tricksters .............................2
gladly use their magic to make an As if that wasn’t enough, all our Famous Gnome Teams ....................6
example of anyone who gets it wrong! regular features return once more. Glimdwarrow Groundhogs...............7
Hackspit Quillchewer sits down with a Star Player –
Nestled within these pages are Gnomish representative to get to the Rowana Forestfoot ........................10
all the tricksy titbits about the most bottom of how to tell the difference Dirt from the Dugout......................13
popular Gnome teams to have taken between Halflings and Gnomes. Star Player –
to the gridiron. From the Mirror Moor Mindy Piewhistle investigates a spate Rodney Roachbait..........................14
Marauders, who delight in using of scandalous sculptures taking the Gnome Garden Leagues ................16
trickery to boost their coffers, to the place of game-day merch in Dirt from Mystical Forest
Anti-Moot Meddlers who have made the Dugout. Coffin Corner returns with Blood Bowl Pitch............................20
it their mission to disrupt as many more gruesome gaffs and comical Gnome Balls ...................................21
Halfling festivities as they can with casualties, and we learn exactly Coffin Corner ..................................22
their antics! We also take a look at which College of Magic is enrolling Chat with the Rat...........................23
the brief known history of perhaps the Gnomes among their students! As A League of their Gnome...............24
most famous Gnome team (outside always, this issue finishes with Mighty Star Player –
the forests, at least!), and one that Blow! drawn by the ‘cunning’ Christian Akhorne the Squirrel......................30
has actually won some games – the Schwager and written by ‘tree- Dungeon Bowl Update...................32
Glimdwarrow Groundhogs! hugging’ Jay Clare. ‘Oh Gnome You Didn’t!’..................34

Greetings, Sports Fans!


nomes are something of an enigma
in the world of Blood Bowl, with many
fans having dismissed their existence
almost entirely! In this issue of Spike! Journal,
we venture into the mysterious forests and
dimly lit caves of the Gnomish lands for the
very first time as we shed some light on
these diminutive deceivers. Gnomes are
actually quite fond of a game of Blood Bowl
– though it’s fair to say that their tactics (and
woodland allies) are somewhat unorthodox!

Trifling Tricksters
o the majority of folk in the Old World, Gnomes are nothing more than
a myth, appearing sporadically in the many over-blown Bretonnian GNOME LINEMEN
romances or in the stylistic Altdorf pfennig-dreadfuls that are read Though, to the uneducated, a Gnome
to mischievous children to keep them in line, where they appear as magical may look the same as a Halfling, the
tricksters. However, all such tales have some basis in truth. Gnomes are not fact is that they are quite different.
only very real, but they live in the Old World; their settlements hidden away Gnomes are not bothered about
in the various mountains and moors, and cloaked by all manner of illusions gorging themselves on pies and are
and magics. instead mainly concerned with the
likes of trickery, thievery, and making
The short stature of Gnomes, coupled with the fact that many people sure that any uninvited ‘guests’ who
still don’t believe they exist, often leads them to be mistaken for Halflings stumble upon their hidden burrows
– something that Gnomes and Halflings alike deem to be deeply offensive are given a swift tackle to the knee-
(both believe to be the superior stunty you see – Ed)! This hasn’t stopped caps – the latter of which lends
Gnomes using this to their advantage when it suits, however; many crimes, itself nicely to a good old game of
tricks and acts of outlandish behaviour have been attributed to their Blood Bowl!
Moot-dwelling counterparts. It’s fair to say that the Gnomish communities
are quite content not to correct the authorities when an innocent Halfling is Gnomes are relentless little
arrested on suspicion of theft, despite the Halfling’s protests and complete blighters when taking to the pitch.
lack of the beard that the culprit was reported to have! They certainly hit that little bit harder
than their Halfling brethren and
To many, the assumption is that Gnomes have only recently taken up the when it comes to having a scrap,
sport of Blood Bowl; however, this isn’t the case. Truth is, Gnomes have long they aren’t afraid to go toe-to-toe
played their own brand of Nuffle’s great game, though they have kept almost with the bigger folk; though this often
exclusively to themselves; playing games in their hidden burrows and forest leads to multiple Gnomes having
groves, protected by a weave of illusion, in case any pesky ramblers happen to to be stretchered off the gridiron
cross into their lands. Though there has been the odd occasion when a hiker after picking a fight with someone
has stumbled across a game between Gnome teams, they are often unable to just a bit too big for them to handle!
recall much of the encounter after leaving the fog of magic that surrounds a Fortunately, Gnomes are far more
Gnome pitch. Such individuals are dismissed as lunatics for claiming to have plentiful than many scholars believe,
witnessed short, bearded Halflings in pointed hats playing alongside a number and there are always more of the
of furry woodland critters – after all, it does all sound rather ridiculous! pocket-sized peddlers ready to hit the
pitch and show the Old World that
In more recent years, Gnome teams have started to come out of the they aren’t just ‘Halflings with beards’
woodwork, proving themselves to be more than simply figments of children’s – though for many the jury is still out
stories and actually very real. This hasn’t stopped numerous crackpot on that one!
conspiracy theorists from claiming them to be a hoax, soliciting stories that
they pay Wizards to perform tricks on their behalf! Of course, these fantastical
theories can soon be put to bed by anyone who has been on the receiving end
of a barrage of Gnomish pranks – they will attest to just how real the pint-sized
pests are!

Gnome teams do actually have a number of things in common with their

Halfling counterparts. Both are phenomenally popular with crowds who want
to experience chaotic coaching and unorthodox plays, however, neither are
the most gifted when it comes to actually winning a game! That said, Gnome
teams are becoming a more common sight across the Old World and,
who knows, one of them might actually win something important
one day!

“Gnomes? Poppycock! I’ll bet you a

million gold pieces that there’s no
such thing as Gnomes!”
Lord Ludwig Kollinoff, less than two hours
before being made bankrupt
GNOME BEASTMASTER high regard, Illusionists are very much However, while they make for
The forests and burrows of at the forefront of Gnomish society excellent runners most of the
Gnomish lands are home to and will often be seen at Blood Bowl time, Woodland Foxes do have the
numerous woodland creatures games, delighting the fans with drawback that they don’t like sharing.
who live alongside their spectacular displays of magic! Gnomes who try to take the ball from
vertically-challenged allies. Some a nearby fox will inevitably have to
Gnomes have a particular affinity Being able to conjure such endure a tug o’ war, which the fox
with such animals, preferring the illusions is a skill that has more sees as a great game!
company of foxes, badgers, owls and uses than just being able to put on a
mice (amongst many others – Ed) show – it is also rather handy on the ALTERN FOREST TREEMAN
to their own kin. Though this might Blood Bowl pitch! Gnome Illusionists Treemen are most commonly thought
seem strange, this connection with are easily capable of making a of as part of Wood Elf or Halfling
the forest inhabitants is seen as a realistic image of themselves appear teams, though in reality any forest
great honour in Gnomish culture, in one location while temporarily across the known world will likely
with Gnomes who possess this ability disappearing completely, only to have their own branch of Treemen.
being referred to as Beastmasters. reappear in the most opportune This is certainly true of the forests
place to cause havoc. More than one where Gnomes dwell, where there
With Gnome teams often opposition player has gone to tackle are great communities of Treemen
struggling to compete with their much a Gnome, only to hit thin air and look that live alongside the Gnomes
taller opponents on the gridiron, they up to see numerous Gnomes pointing and various other creatures. With
welcome all the help they can get. and laughing at their misfortune! Gnomes having a deep-rooted love
Gnome Beastmasters take to the of the woods and the critters that
pitch with all manner of creatures WOODLAND FOX live there, the Treemen see it as their
hidden up their sleeves or in their Of all the creatures that dwell within solemn duty to protect their Gnomish
hats, and sometimes just wandering the forests, Gnomes have the neighbours – especially when they go
onto the field alongside them. Though greatest affinity with foxes; almost on their travels to play Blood Bowl.
it would be a stretch to claim that certainly due to the fact that these
the animals actually know how to wily canines are often depicted This has resulted in almost every
play Blood Bowl (that’s probably true as tricksters in Old World folklore. Gnome team being accompanied by
of most players in fairness! – Ed), Gnomes will go to great lengths to at least one Treeman on the pitch,
Beastmasters certainly seem to be train these intelligent creatures, and while they may roll their eyes
able to exercise a modicum of control teaching them how to steal purses at the various tricks and dishonesty
over their furry friends, directing from unsuspecting passers by, of their Gnomish comrades, they
them to protect any nearby Gnome overturn bins outside rival stadiums, tolerate such behaviour with a wry,
that looks like they may be on the and even use Gnomish illusions on wooded smile. Gnomes harbour a
receiving end of a particularly painful them to allow them to sneak into great deal of trust for the Treemen
punch. Many opposition players Halfling taverns or bakeries and pinch they play alongside, allowing
have been seemingly ready to stomp the most prized of pies! themselves to be launched down the
a Gnome into the turf, only to find pitch at a troublesome opposition
themselves tripped by a molehill, It’s not just tricks and japes that player that needs dealing with, or
distracted by a flurry of feathers, or these Woodland Foxes are trained to clutching the game ball and praying to
bitten in a sensitive area by a rather do (there is no limit to what Gnomes Ringil that they land safely! Of course,
cheesed-off mouse! will teach their canine companions – such tactics are a superb spectacle
Ed), they are also taught to play Blood for the fans who flock to watch
GNOME ILLUSIONIST Bowl – well, at least to pick up the Gnome teams use their unique blend
While all Gnomes possess an ball and run with it anyway! Woodland of animal interference and Treeman
ability to conjure minor illusions, Foxes are remarkably quick and lithe, tomfoolery! It’s not just the strange
some are naturally more gifted than and once they collect the ball in their throwing game where Treemen excel;
others. Such Gnomes are known as mouth it is almost impossible to a particularly stubborn sapling can
Illusionists, and claim to have been tackle them (I mean, have you ever plant themselves into the turf and
blessed with their gifts by Ringil tried to catch a fox? – Ed) as they dart hold off an entire opposition line
himself (that’s the Gnomish god of and weave their way towards the End almost single-branchedly!
trickery, if you didn’t know – Ed). Of Zone, to deposit the ball in exchange
course, with trickery being held in for a tasty reward!
0-16 Gnome Lineman 40,000 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, A GS
Stunty, Wrestle
0-2 Gnome 55,000 5 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Guard, Jump Up, A GS
Beastmaster Stunty, Wrestle
0-2 Gnome Illusionist 50,000 5 2 3+ 3+ 7+ Jump Up, Stunty, AP G
Trickster, Wrestle
0-2 Woodland Fox 50,000 7 2 2+ - 6+ Dodge, My Ball, - A
Sidestep, Stunty
0-2 Altern 120,000 2 6 5+ 5+ 11+ Mighty Blow (+1), S AGP
Forest Treeman Stand Firm, Strong Arm,
Take Root, Thick Skull,
Throw Team-mate,
0-8 team re-rolls: 50,000 gold pieces each Tier: 3
Special Rules: Halfling Thimble Cup Apothecary: YES


MY BALL* (TRAIT) – A player with this Trait may not • Akhorne the Squirrel • Helmut Wulf
willingly give up the ball when in possession of it, and • Barik Farblast • Karla von Kill
so may not make Pass actions, Hand-off actions, or use • Cindy Piewhistle • Mighty Zug
any other Skill or Trait that would allow them to relinquish • Deeproot Strongbranch • Morg ‘n’ Thorg
possession of the ball. The only way they can lose • Grak & Crumbleberry • Puggy Baconbreath
possession of the ball is by being Knocked Down, Placed • Griff Oberwald • Rodney Roachbait
Prone, Falling Over or by the effect of a Skill, Trait, or • Grim Ironjaw • Rowana Forestfoot
special rule of an opposing model. • Grombrindal, • Rumbelow Sheepskin
The White Dwarf
TRICKSTER (TRAIT) – When this player is about to be hit The rules for Akhorne the Squirrel, Rowana Forestfoot and
by a Block action or a Special action that replaces a Block Rodney Roachbait can be found later in this issue. The
action (with the exception of a Block action caused by the rules for the other Star Players listed can be found in other
Ball & Chain Move Special action), before determining Blood Bowl publications.
how many dice are rolled, they may be removed from the
pitch and placed in any other unoccupied square adjacent
to the player performing the Block action. The Block action
then takes place as normal. If the player using this Trait is
holding the ball and places themselves in the opposition
End Zone, the Block action will still be fully resolved
before any touchdown
is resolved.
Glimdwallow Geezers Anti-Moot Meddlers
The first recorded appearance of a Gnome team was in While, for the most part, Halflings and Gnomes manage
2485 (and also the last for over a decade – Ed) when the to tolerate and contain their disdain for one another at
Glimdwallow (not to be confused with the much larger and least publicly, this isn’t always the case. The Anti-Moot
more impressive Glimdwarrow – Ed) Geezers took part Meddlers are a team of Gnomes that have grown sick of
in that year’s South Shire Stunty Invitational. Every other the constant comparisons between the two races by the
team assumed the Geezers with their magnificent white ignorant big-folk, and so have set out to prove that they
beards were simply really ancient Halflings and, in an are in fact far better than anything the Moot has to offer.
uncharacteristic but remarkably touching show of respect In reality, this largely descends into causing a ruckus
for their elders, went easy on the ‘old chaps’. It was only at important barbecues, spreading slander about how
when the Geezers won the entire event, without taking a little certain well-thought of Halflings actually eat, and
single casualty, that they were revealed not to be ancient entering any Moot-held tournaments to show the world
Halflings, but Gnomes! This resulted in the Geezers what a Gnome team can actually do against comparable
receiving a thorough, and long overdue kicking from fans opposition. The subtlety is lost on most viewers though,
and they haven’t been seen on a pitch since – though with most just assuming they are watching another classic
this might also be down to the lawsuit from the council all-Halfling showdown on Cabalvision!
of Glimdwarrow for using a name too similar to the great
Gnomish settlement without permission! Deep Forest Tricksters
The Deep Forest Tricksters are a Gnome team that is
Mirror Moor Marauders particularly fond of using illusions to confound and
The Mirror Moor Marauders have been something of a confuse their opponents, though they refuse to play
pleasant surprise in recent years, becoming a regular sight outside of their woodland home. Multiple opposition
in a number of competitions held within the Empire. The teams who have played at the Tricksters’ stadium can’t
Marauders make sure to put on a show when they play remember anything that happened, with many claiming to
and often draw large crowds of wealthy Blood Bowl fans. feel drowsy or dizzy upon returning to the Old World. Quite
However, whenever the Marauders play in one of the grand how many games the Tricksters have won is a complete
Old World stadia, reports soon follow of coin purses, fine mystery as not even the likes of commentators, referees,
jewellery and precious heirlooms going missing from nobles or non-Gnomish fans can remember the outcome. If
who have come to watch. On occasion, a noble claims to you ask the Tricksters themselves, they claim to have
have chased a diminutive thief through multiple gardens, a spotless 100% record in all competitions – though
only to mysteriously lose track of them among a mass of strangely no silverware to show for it…
novelty statues that surround a picturesque water feature!

Famous Gnome Teams

nome teams largely (pun intended – Ed) keep themselves In 2498, the Groundhogs
to themselves within their various burrows and groves. It’s became the first Gnome team to
difficult to know exactly how long many teams have been ‘officially’ be invited to participate
playing for as, apart from that one incident in 2485, Gnomes were in the Halfling Thimble Cup. In a
not really considered real until 2497. However, in recent years remarkable turn of events, the
one Gnome team has risen to the heady heights of mid-table Groundhogs made the final before
mediocrity to become a firm favourite of fans across the Old World succumbing to the Greenfield
– the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs. Grasshuggers. What happened next
was a remarkable show of respect
between the two sides, with the

he Gnomish settlement of Grimble Greenfingers, the Gnomes congratulating their Halfling
Glimdwarrow lies beneath eccentric coach of the Glimdwarrow opposition and inviting them to a
the Mirror Moors to the south Groundhogs, gave an impassioned post-celebration banquet – something
of Middenland. This glittering and speech following the result, they immediately regretted when they
winding network of burrows is by far committing to play in more events realised how much mess a Halfling
the largest settlement of its kind, over the coming years and showcase team can make on the forest floor!
housing thousands of the trifling exactly what a Gnome team could
troublemakers. Quite how long do. Naturally, this drew the attention The following years saw the
Gnomes have been involved with of a number of sponsors who saw Glimdwarrow Groundhogs continue
Blood Bowl is a mystery; but, with so the great potential of Gnomes – not to be at the forefront of the Gnomish
many of the little-folk living within its on the pitch of course, more as the game. In 2501, the council of
underground halls, it is little surprise plucky underdogs that every fan Glimdwarrow allowed a Cabalvision
that Glimdwarrow field the greatest wants to get behind even though they crew to enter their homeland to
Gnome team to hit the pitch. know they are almost certain to lose! make a documentary on the sudden
rise in popularity of this new team
The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs This newfound spotlight on entitled ‘The More You Gnome’. It
finally made themselves known to the Groundhogs not only brought transpired that the Glimdwarrow
the Old World in 2497 when they increased wealth to Glimdwarrow, but Groundhogs actually had a long and
signed up for that year’s Middenland also to other Gnomish settlements successful history, and had just won
Mash – after all, good things come to as others wanted to get in on the act. the Fey Forest Cup for the fourth
Gnomes who wait! The results went, Soon, Gnome teams began springing successive year!
well, exactly as you would expect. out of the forests across the Old
The Groundhogs were largely swatted World to compete in all manner of Though they may be unlikely to
aside; although, they did finish higher tournaments and leagues, much to ever win the likes of the Blood Bowl,
than the Greenfield Grasshuggers the delight of fans who thoroughly the Groundhogs have gained a taste
on touchdown difference, which was enjoyed the spectacle of the quaint for the great game outside of their
seen as a phe-Gnome-inal result and fellows sprinting around the pitch as own hideaway, and some pundits
was celebrated in concealed burrows fast as their little legs could carry actually think they may be able to lift
across the Old World. them, their furry friends in tow! a proper trophy one day – maybe!

Glimdwarrow Groundhogs
TEAM COLOURS: Blue with red hats
OWNER: The Council of Glimdwarrow
HEAD COACH: Grimble Greenfingers
PLAYERS: Gnome Linemen, Gnome Beastmasters,
Gnome Illusionists, Woodland Foxes, Altern Forest Treemen
TEAM HONOURS: Fey Forest Cup 2486, 2489, 2493,
2497-2500; Gnome Garden League winners 2483, 2486,
2496-97, 2502; Halfling Thimble Cup runners up 2498;
Halfling Thimble Cup Winners 2502.
HALL OF FAME: Rowana Forestfoot, Birch Greyroot,
Jormin Grendelpath

2497 The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs
surprise everyone when they turn up
for the Middenland Mash not as Halflings as expected,
2501 The Groundhogs are invited to enter the
Spike! Magazine Trophy for the first time
and are drawn in the opening game against the hosts, the
but as actual real life Gnomes! After five games, the Elfheim Eagles. The Elves spend the opening moments
Groundhogs finish bottom of their group and are swiftly laughing at their opponents and high-fiving each other for
eliminated. However, a last minute touchdown against the their ‘inevitable win’; however, this complacency leads to
Wissenland Viscounts (the game still finished 6-1 – Ed) the Groundhogs scoring an unlikely touchdown just before
was just enough to give the Groundhogs a slightly better halftime to lead 1-0. The shock spurs the Elves into action
touchdown difference than the Greenfield Grasshuggers. and they eventually win 3-1, but that doesn’t change
Head Coach Grimble Greenfingers throws a huge forest the fact that the Groundhogs scored the first touchdown
party and proclaims this a great day for Gnome-kind! of the year’s event – something their fans never let the
Eagles forget!

2499 During the final of the Fey Forest Cup,

Head Coach Hamwot Treddlepath of the
Mirror Moor Marauders uses an illusion to create multiple 2502 Having entered the Halfling Thimble
Cup for the fifth consecutive year,
replicas of the game ball. However, the illusion proves to the Groundhogs make it all the way to the final where
be a bit too good and nobody from either team can tell they face the Tithebarn Toffee Apples. After a close and
which is the real one. With multiple players from both exciting game, which features three mid-game barbecues,
teams holding the ‘real’ ball, Hamwot is forced to drop his four stoppages for ram-related incursions, and a punch-up
illusion revealing the actual ball to be held firmly in the between the two teams’ Treemen after one of them called
mouth of one of the Groundhogs’ Foxes, sitting patiently in the other’s mother a beech, the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs
the End Zone! This hands the win to the Groundhogs, and emerge victorious – becoming the first non-Halfling team
Hamwot has been persona-Gnome-grata ever since! ever to win the Thimble Cup!
2501-2502 SQUAD
Rowana Forestfoot Star Player 6 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Bounding Leap*, Dodge, Dump-off, Guard,
Horns, Jump Up, Leap, Loner (4+)
Birch Greyroot Altern Forest 2 6 5+ 5+ 11+ Grab, Mighty Blow (+1), Multiple Block, Pro,
Treeman Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull,
Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber!
Willowleaf Silvertwig Altern Forest 3 6 5+ 5+ 11+ Break Tackle, Mighty Blow (+1), Stand Firm,
Treeman Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull,
Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber!
Orutor Quickhand Gnome Beastmaster 5 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Defensive, Guard, Jump Up, Stunty, Wrestle
Jormin Grendelpath Gnome Beastmaster 5 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Guard, Jump Up, Stunty, Wrestle
Lostan Glittereye Gnome Illusionist 5 2 3+ 3+ 7+ Dodge, Jump Up, Stunty, Trickster, Wrestle
Krimos Gleamfoot Gnome Illusionist 5 2 3+ 3+ 7+ Fend, Jump Up, Stunty, Trickster, Wrestle
Ianni Togglebranch Gnome Lineman 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, Stunty, Wrestle
Pegrin Mudfoot Gnome Lineman 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, Sprint, Stunty,
Sure Feet, Wrestle
Skanlyn Ferretfinger Gnome Lineman 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Right Stuff,
Stunty, Wrestle
Raslen Shadowmist Gnome Lineman 5 2 2+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, Stunty, Wrestle
Zanwir Scantleburn Gnome Lineman 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Dirty Player (+1), Jump Up, Right Stuff,
Sneaky Git, Stunty, Wrestle
Faranak Glimstep Gnome Lineman 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, Stunty, Wrestle
Tod Woodland Fox 7 2 2+ - 6+ Dodge, My Ball, Sidestep, Stunty
Robin Woodland Fox 7 2 2+ - 6+ Dodge, My Ball, Sidestep, Stunty

BOUNDING LEAP: Once per game, after declaring that 4 Re-rolls

she will Leap but before rolling any dice, Rowana may 3 Cheerleaders
choose to use this special rule. If she does, Rowana 4 Assistant Coaches
suffers no negative modifiers for the Agility test to Leap 6 Dedicated Fans
and may choose to re-roll the result. Total Cost of Team: 1,650,000 gold pieces

GNOMISH ILLUSIONS: The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs

are rather fond of their tricks and are prone to using them
to get the upper hand if they can. Opposition players are
often left confused when a player they swore was next to
them suddenly appears elsewhere on the pitch!

At the start of each of the Glimdwarrow

Groundhogs’ team turns, they may choose
one Standing Gnome Beastmaster, Gnome
Illusionist or Gnome Lineman on their team
and roll a D6. On a 2+, the chosen player is
immediately removed from the pitch and then
placed in an unoccupied square adjacent to the
square they were in.
“Now you leave my pigeons
alone, or next time it’ll be
more than just your cart
they do their business on!”
Rowana Forestfoot to an
insolent Cabalvision reporter

t’s fair to say that Gnomes love a good trick or two, and it also
wouldn’t be incorrect to suggest that these pranks can often
go a bit too far and land the culprits in a spot of hot water,
should they get caught (which is easier said than done! – Ed).
As a result, there are always some Gnomes that have to maintain
a more level head and keep an eye on their troublesome team-
mates, particularly on the Blood Bowl pitch where the temptation
to cause mischief is often too much to ignore!

Star Player – Rowana Forestfoot

erhaps the most notable example of such a in her pocket, or the usual flock of mangy-looking pigeons
Gnome is Rowana Forestfoot, the eccentric, that often surround her! Even on the gridiron Rowana will
animal-focussed and forest-dwelling captain of the be mounted atop her faithful stag, Flashhoof, riding up
Glimdwarrow Groundhogs. That isn’t to say that Rowana and down the defensive line to help out any Gnomes who
is a spoilsport who enjoys quashing the fun of her team- have found themselves in a sticky situation, audibly rolling
mates, far from it; she has simply mastered the art of her eyes at their incompetence as she does so!
not getting caught when up to mischief, and has become
quite adept at getting her allies out of trouble when they Not everyone is convinced that Rowana is as sane as
forget to think before acting! In fact, many pundits have she first appears; the abundance of avian companions
noticed that, if it wasn’t for Rowana’s timely interventions, she keeps with her, coupled with her strange habit for
the Groundhogs wouldn’t have been nearly as successful wearing foliage and the fact that she talks to her creatures
as they have been (which still isn’t that successful in the far more than any reporter – often ‘translating’ the
grand scheme of things! – Ed). comments of her animal friends – has led to numerous
pundits scoffing in scorn at Rowana, before receiving a
You might assume that with her obsession with the swift antler to the backside from Flashhoof, or walking
forest and its inhabitants that Rowana would have little back to their newly cleaned sports cart only to find it
time for the nuances of Blood Bowl, but you would be covered in a fresh batch of pigeon droppings!
very wrong! As it turns out, Rowana has a keen tactical
mind when it comes to Nuffle’s great game; one that you However, within the Gnome Garden Leagues, Rowana
would usually see from the very best in the game. It’s just is something of a superstar. There have been numerous
a shame that the majority of her team-mates don’t share games where Rowana has decided that if she wants a job
her natural talents and Rowana has to spend most of her done right, then she’s best doing it herself; galloping down
time bailing them out when it all goes wrong! the pitch on Flashhoof and leaping over the offensive
line to score the winning touchdown before celebrating
Constantly ‘babysitting’ the rest of the team, as she with her menagerie of woodland critters. Should she ever
puts it, has led to Rowana building up a great affinity with decide to try her skills outside of the forest, then Rowana
the various woodland creatures around her forest home. won’t be short of offers for her services – especially as
It is rare to see Rowana without the likes of a field mouse she demands to be paid in birdseed and berries!

2493 Rowana debuts for the Glimdwarrow

Groundhogs in a game against the
Midden Marsh Jesters. Though she starts the game
2502 Following the Groundhogs’ famous
victory in the Halfling Thimble Cup,
Rowana is interviewed to get her take on the match. The
without the collection of animals that would become reporter mocks Rowana as she claims to be translating
synonymous with her, Rowana soon calls upon her forest for her animals when Flashhoof allegedly says ‘Woof!’
friends to aid her mid-match. What follows is a multitude ‘Flashhoof’ responds with a barrage of personal and
of dive-bombing pigeons, mischievous hedgehogs, and vindictive insults about the fledgling reporter’s career
sudden molehills harassing the Jesters’ players, allowing prospects, inability to grow proper facial hair, and the
Rowana to win the game almost single-handedly! fact that he’d heard his father was actually a Goblin.
The ordeal leaves the reporter a blubbering mess, though

2498 In the build-up to the anticipated

Halfling Thimble Cup semi-final
between the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs and the Tithebarn
‘Flashhoof’ is let off as it turns out that there are no
policies in place for disciplining stags!

Toffee Apples, the commentators make a point of

highlighting both teams’ mounted superstars – Rowana
Forestfoot and Rumbelow Sheepskin – who decide to
PRESENT In an effort to broaden
her horizons and venture
to new woodland, Rowana signs a new, lucrative contract
settle who is best with a joust. Stag and ram collide as with the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs that allows her to
the crowd go wild for the action, which ends with Rowana be paid more, play fewer games, but also play for other
throwing a well-timed shrew to knock Rumbelow to the Gnomish teams as she pleases (though not against
turf! In the kerfuffle the Gnomes manage to score a the Groundhogs, obviously – Ed). Quite what is next for
touchdown, giving them the win, though the fans are far Rowana is something only she knows; but one thing
more interested in the jousting than the result! pundits can agree on is that wherever she plays, her flocks
of pigeons won’t be far away – much to the delight of
Gnome-kind but to the displeasure of everyone who wants
to enjoy a half-time snack in peace!


The Badgerwood Bin Raiders
have perhaps the best animal
training regime of any Gnome
team. Their stadium – the Fox
Office – doubles as a local
petting zoo, and is home to
badgers, foxes, geese, moles,
hares and all manner of other
creatures, leaving their younger
fans spoiled fur choice!
indy Piewhistle is our Halfling on the spot
when it comes to digging up the dishy
dirt and salacious scandals that our readers have
come to know and love. This issue, Mindy investigates the
Scrimdyke Merchants and their alleged ‘not-so-official’
Blood Bowl merchandise.

SPIKE!: Hi Mindy! Did you enjoy your been a report that a statue of Lord SPIKE!: The scoundrels! Surely
trip to the forests of Reikland? Hope Borak turned into a pile of grubby people would’ve known what they
you didn’t get mistaken for a Gnome rocks as soon as it left Reikland! were buying though, Mindy?
while you were there!
SPIKE!: Surely that must just be an MINDY: Ah, but here’s the clever part.
MINDY: Shut it! a-Gnome-aly, right Mindy? After crafting the crude item, one of
their Illusionists would put a mystical
SPIKE!: Sorry Mindy, just our little MINDY: That’s what I thought at weave over it to make it appear that
joke! Anyway, what secrets did you first. I just assumed that it was the it was something else entirely! I must
manage to uncover? rantings of some annoyed client say, it was a remarkably clever idea,
that was careless enough to drop but if there is anyone who can sniff
MINDY: Well, I take it you’ve heard their goods. But then, more of the out a scandal it’s me!
about the Gnomes of the Scrimdyke same reports started coming in.
Merchants, and their business selling Numerous items bought at games SPIKE!: Well, paint me green and call
Blood Bowl merchandise at games across Reikland were transforming me a Goblin! That is an outstanding
around Reikland? into worthless tat, and the common tale – I don’t think I’ll ever look at a
de-Gnome-anator between them all statue of Lord Borak the same again!
SPIKE!: Of course; they sell some was that they were all bought from
wonderful pieces! Quite a few of our the Scrimdyke Merchants! MINDY: I can’t say I blame you. I also
staff have statuettes of famous Blood hear that the Scrimdyke Merchants
Bowl players, hand-crafted team SPIKE!: So what did you do next? have packed up and moved their
badges, or even a stylised version of operation elsewhere after they
their own likeness in their favourite MINDY: I decided to infiltrate the received an an-Gnome-ynous tip that
team’s kit – all for a Gnominal fee of Merchants’ operation to find out the authorities were on their way. But
course! They seem like lovely chaps; exactly what was going on; which I don’t know anything about that…
are you saying they are involved in in itself was remarkably easy – all
a scandal? I needed was a fake beard! I made (Note: Since she came back, Mindy
my way into the workshop, and it has been wearing some expensive
MINDY: Well, it turns out that these turns out that they weren’t making looking earrings. Let’s hope that’s
stand-up-Gnomes may not be quite any merchandise at all! All they were what they really are…)
the reputable citizens that they doing was crafting stones into rude
appear to be. Apparently, there has and amusing shapes!

Dirt from the Dugout

hen they aren’t playing Blood Bowl,
working away in their burrows,
or generally causing chaos in
the Old World, Gnomes enjoy a good many
pastimes that they use to unwind after a
hard day’s work. The likes of acorn racing
and badger poker are popular, as is casting
illusions over small holes in forest footpaths
just as an unwary hiker is rambling by, but if
there is one thing that Gnomes love above all
else, it’s fishing.

Star Player – Rodney Roachbait

odney Roachbait first made a name for himself the pitch as many
as a champion angler down the ponds just south Gnome teams were
of Altdorf; not that the big-folk ever realised in desperate need
that there were fishing competitions going on, they just of a player who could help them retrieve the ball.
assumed that the small, bearded folk with pointy hats This also gave rise to a number of copycats who began
standing around the water with tiny fishing rods were catfishing teams into hiring them, leaving the coaches
quaint little statuettes! However, in more recent years, furious when instead of the artful angler they received an
Rodney has traded the tackle box for simply tackling out of shape, wheezing Gnome who clearly had no idea
others as he’s begun a career on the gridiron. how to wield the pole they claimed to be an expert with!

Debuting for the Altdorf Park Anglers, a team made up Over the next few years, Rodney continued to hone his
of local fisher-Gnomes who wanted to prove that Blood craft on the pitch, adapting numerous fishing techniques
Bowl was a doddle in comparison to the rigours of fishing, to suit the world of Blood Bowl. Of course, there was the
Rodney soon learned that sport is a lot harder when the traditional bait style where Rodney would lure a player
opposition can actually hit you back – though they claim out of position, as well as his trolling technique where
that some fish can be just as tricksy! After multiple games he would hook a big guy from afar before using their
without even a nibble of a win, Rodney decided he needed own momentum to get them tangled in fishing line .
an edge for the next game and brought his trusty fishing However, Rodney garnered the most success by fly fishing,
pole with him for a match against the Merry Mootmen. snatching the ball out of the air or off the ground with a
This proved to be a stroke of genius as Rodney spent the lithe swish and flick of his fishing rod!
game hooking the ball and reeling it in from afar, tripping
over the opposition, and dangling hotdogs in front of any Though still relatively new to the gridiron, Rodney is
Halfling that had the ball in order to lead them straight certainly turning heads in the world of Blood Bowl, and
into a team-mate’s tackle! has even featured on a couple of Cabalvision highlight
reels (his second favourite type of reel – Ed) with his fishy
This unorthodox style of play was a hit with fans, and tactics! It’s fair to say that Rodney certainly enjoys this
word soon began to spread of the Gnome with the two-foot newfound attention (not that he is fishing for compliments
pole (which is not as rude as it sounds! – Ed). This led – Ed) and, when not playing, he can often be found carping
to Rodney receiving numerous offers for his services on on about his accolades down the local fishing lodge!

2499 In a game against the Merry Mootmen,
Rodney somehow convinces officials
to allow him to bring his trusty fishing pole onto the pitch.
2502 During a game against the Norgrit
Nosepickers, Rodney goes for his usual
move of casting off towards the ball in order to hook it
After a long discussion on whether the unusual item is and reel it in. However, as Rodney back-casts his rod, the
allowed, referees agree there is nothing technically wrong hook catches itself into the opposition Troll’s most delicate
with it and play continues. Rodney makes the catch of area, causing the Troll’s voice to go up an octave! This
the day when he intercepts an ill-timed pass, hooking the leads to Rodney reeling in a tearful and traumatised Troll
ball out of the air before running in to score in what he for what can only be described as the biggest catch of
describes as ‘a bream come true’! Rodney’s career so far!

2501 The Altdorf Park Anglers travel all the way

up to Norsca to play against the Skaeling
Seahawks. The frozen lake pitch is too much for Rodney
PRESENT Having since left the Altdorf
Park Anglers, Rodney has
embarked on the role of Star-for-hire, playing for a number
to resist, and he quickly cuts a small hole and starts ice of Gnome and Halfling teams. Though he is still very much
fishing mid-game! The smell of fresh fish attracts the a minnow in comparison to most other Star Players (and
attention of the Ulfwerners and Yhetee, who sit patiently not just because he is short – Ed), Rodney has certainly
waiting for Rodney to give them his next catch! This proved himself to be more than just the new cod on the
distraction is enough for the Anglers to sneak in a couple block; reeling in any players that fall for his classic bait
of touchdowns and claim a momentous 2-2 draw! and switch manoeuvre hook, line and sinker!
s it turns out, Gnomes have actually
been playing Blood Bowl for a lot longer
than most races have given them credit
for – albeit their own unique brand of the game
that focuses mainly on their more magical
talents. Illusions and trickery are actively
encouraged in the Gnome Garden Leagues,
making the games played within the cloaked
Gnomish lands a spectacular sight (if very
unorthodox – Ed) for any fan that isn’t a stickler
for the rules – after all, there’s no business like
Gnome business!

ere at Spike! Journal, we love nothing more than
experiencing all the different ways that Nuffle’s
great game is played, no matter how bizarre they
may be. So, we gathered a selection of our most excitable
reporters (perfect for the interns! – Ed), warned them not
to accept strange fungi from short men with beards and
pointy hats, and sent them to witness how the Gnomes
approach a game of Blood Bowl.

Though Gnomes have largely kept themselves hidden

over the years, in more recent times they have begun
to come out into the world once more. This is also true
for their Blood Bowl competitions, and many teams now
travel to the likes of the Mirror Moors, the Grey Mountains
and the great Gnomish settlement of Glimdwarrow to
experience their highly unusual version of the
game. Fey spirits flit around the edges of the pitch,
woodland creatures go about their business taking
little notice of the ongoing game (but likely
getting in the way regardless – Ed), and you
can never quite trust if the ball you have picked
up is real or not!

Gnome Garden Leagues

his is a variation on a standard Blood Bowl league season, as described in the Blood Bowl
rulebook. How the league itself is organised, the number of teams, how many divisions there
are, how many rounds are played, and so forth, should all be decided upon by the league
commissioner based upon how many coaches wish to take part, and what is best for everyone
participating. The Fey Forest Cup differs from a normal season, however, in a couple of key aspects.

Open to All Inducements

he Fey Forest Cup is open to all comers. Coaches ll Inducements should be allowed in the Fey Forest
participating may use any team they wish and will Cup; in fact, they should be actively encouraged!
have the usual budget of 1,000,000 gold pieces to In addition, if the league commissioner wishes,
spend to recruit their team for the season ahead. the following new Inducement may be added:


Gnomes enjoy nothing more than playing tricks on their (50,000 GOLD PIECES)
opponents, especially during a game of Blood Bowl. They AVAILABLE TO ANY TEAM: Not all Spites are full of,
are particularly fond of using illusions to confound the well, spite. Some of them are actually friendly creatures
opposition; there is supposedly nothing more satisfying who will help wake up players if an opponent has taken
than watching an opposition player run in for a touchdown, roughhousing too far, or they have tripped over a stray root
only to have the ball they are holding go ‘poof’ and and gone tumbling into the turf!
disappear in a puff of magical smoke!
A team that has hired Healing Spites may re-roll any
All games played as part of the Fey Forest Cup use the rolls of a 1 when rolling to recover any KO’d players at the
following special rule: end of each drive.

Whenever a team kicks-off, after placing the kick the MANY GLORIOUS PRIZES!
coach of the kicking team will make two Deviation rolls Teams that manage to secure victory in the Fey Forest Cup
instead of one, placing a ball in each square they deviate receive a modest sum of gold (and gemstones!) for their
to. Note that the balls are still in the air until after the efforts. The top placed teams of the Fey Forest Cup are
Kick-off Event as usual, and will bounce when they land rewarded as follows:
as normal. If a ball lands in the same square as the other
ball, immediately bounce the ball that just landed. A player GLITTERING PRIZES: As usual, the teams that finish 1st,
may never carry two balls at the same time. If a player 2nd and 3rd receive gold pieces as described in the Blood
carrying one ball enters the same square as the other Bowl rulebook.
ball, or has the other ball land on them, the other ball
will automatically bounce from them. This will not cause THE FEY FOREST CUP: In addition to their cash prize,
a turnover as the player has not attempted to pick up or the winner will receive the Fey Forest Cup. This delightful-
catch the second ball. looking trophy is imbued with strange mystical power that
brings good fortune to whoever holds it. The team that
Whenever a player attempts to pick up, pass, catch holds the Fey Forest Cup gains the following ability:
or hand-off the ball, or attempts to score, they must first
roll a D6. On a 1, the ball was an illusion and disappears Whenever your team uses a Team Re-roll, roll a D6.
in a puff of smoke! The player’s activation immediately On a 6, the Team Re-roll is free and you do not reduce the
ends but no turnover is caused. If a ball disappears in number of Team Re-rolls your team has available.
this manner, the other ball is automatically the real one
and this rule no longer applies – at least until the next
drive anyway!
Hidden Forest Weather table
2 Powerful Gale: The winds have picked up and are battering the trees with reckless abandon, causing
branches to fall and making the passing game all but impossible! Players may not attempt Pass actions.
Additionally, any player that ends their activation in a Wide Zone must roll a D6. On a 1, a falling branch
hits them and they are immediately Knocked Down. This will not cause a turnover unless the player was
carrying the ball.
3 Spring Showers: While the rain isn’t heavy, and is more of a light drizzle, when combined with the leaves on
the forest floor it makes it rather hard for players to keep their footing if they are moving too quickly! Players
attempting to Rush suffer a -1 penalty to the roll.
4-10 All is Calm: The air is still, the weather is nice, and the birds are chirping in the trees; it’s a perfect day for
some Blood Bowl!
11 Bright Sunlight: It’s a beautiful day, though the sun is filtering through the tree branches and making it
hard to see properly for anyone caught in its warmth. Any players that attempt a Pass action must apply an
additional -1 modifier to the Passing Ability test.
12 Summer Scorcher: It’s really rather hot for the time of year, and some of the players simply can’t cope with
the heat and may decide to have a quick rest. Whenever a player attempts to stand up, they must first roll a
D6. On a 1, the player is taking a quick breather, may not stand up, and their activation immediately ends.

“What tool do we use to keep our

passing in time? Why, a metro-Gnome
of course!”
Dringle Tangleroot,
Passing Coach of the Midden Marsh Jesters
Gnomish Trickery Kick-off Table
2 That’s Not the Ball…: Gnomes are cheeky blighters, and one such
individual has made a sleeping badger look like the ball – and it
hasn’t taken too kindly to being roughly awoken by an unsuspecting
player! Both coaches roll a D6. The coach that rolls the lowest DID YOU GNOME?
randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. Gnomes are not known to have
In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select a player. a particularly good sense of
The selected players are immediately Knocked Down. humour; if anything they can
3 Fey Interference: Some of the more mischievous Spites are getting typically be a bit short with
bored, and have decided to make things more interesting by flittering anyone who pokes fun at them.
around some players to distract them! Both coaches roll a D6. The This is probably because most
coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from jokes go straight over their
among those on the pitch. In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly heads – and they really don’t
select a player. The selected players cannot be activated during their seem to like it when someone
team’s next team turn. points that out!
4 Terrible Kick: The player has been distracted by something during
the kick-off; at least that is what they are claiming after that awful
kick! The ball deviates from its current position before landing.
5 Solid Defence: Apply the Solid Defence result as normal.
6 Cheering Fans: Apply the Cheering Fans result as normal.
7 Brilliant Coaching: Apply the Brilliant Coaching result as normal.
8 Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Hidden Forest Weather
table and apply that result. If the result is ‘All is Calm’ as a result of
the roll, the ball will scatter before landing.
9 Quick Snap: Apply the Quick Snap result as normal.
10 The Old Switcheroo: With a snap of their fingers, one of the
watching Gnomes causes chaos as multiple players suddenly trade
places with each other! Each coach randomly selects two of their
players on the pitch. The two selected players immediately swap
places with each other.
11 A Cunning Plan: The kicking team seems to be taking a leaf out of
the Gnomes’ book and trying to pull a fast one on their opponents,
ganging up on them and driving them into the dirt! The coach of
the kicking team may select one Open player on their team and
immediately set them up again, following all the usual rules for setting
up, so that they are Marking an opposition player. Then a different
player on the kicking team, that is Marking the same opposition player
as the player that was set up, may immediately perform a Block action
targeting that opposition player.
12 Mass Illusion: It suddenly looks like there are at least twice as many
players on the pitch, though some of them don’t seem particularly
real. Not that the players have noticed, and many are violently
swinging out at them in the hope of hitting, well, anything really!
For the duration of both coaches’ next team turn, players from both
teams may not provide either offensive or defensive assists.
HEALING GLOW: Whenever a player is KO’d or suffers
a Casualty, roll a D6; this is done before rolling on the
Casualty table, if applicable. On the roll of a 6, the player

is placed in the Reserves box instead of being KO’d or
suffering a Casualty. Players with the Stunty trait may
apply a +1 modifier to this roll.

BLOOD BOWL PITCH GNOMISH PORTALS: Both sides of the Mystical Forest

nome teams play deep within their pitch have Gnomish Portals, replacing the trapdoors that
mysterious forests in clearings between would usually be present; these are in the same squares
the trees. These aren’t just your regular the trapdoors would usually be in. As a result, these
run-of-the-mill forests though; magic hangs in do not function as trapdoors and any rules that affect
the air and all manner of creatures, both fey trapdoors will not apply. Instead, whenever a model moves
and mundane, come out of hiding to watch their or is pushed onto a Gnomish Portal, roll a D6. On a 1, the
Gnomish allies play Blood Bowl! player is immediately teleported into the Reserves box of
its team’s dugout. If they were holding the ball they will
drop it and it will bounce from the Gnomish Portal square;
Using the Mystical Forest Pitch this will cause a Turnover if the player that dropped the
in your Blood Bowl Games ball was from the active team. On a 2-4, nothing happens.

f both coaches agree, the following rules can be used On a 5+, the player is immediately removed from the pitch
to represent these forest conditions. The Gnomish and placed on the other Gnomish Portal square as long as
Portals special rule applies to both sides of the pitch: it is unoccupied. If the other Gnomish Portal is occupied,
treat the roll as a 2-4 instead.
FOREST FLOOR: At the start of the game, the sun is
setting and the forest creatures are preparing to bed down
for the night, though this often means they have to dart
across the pitch to do so and may well get underfoot of an
unsuspecting player! Whenever a player attempts to Rush,
apply a -1 modifier to the roll.

At the end of the first half, flip the board over to

the Healing Glow side as the sun sets and the forest
becomes aglow with magic!

Mystical Forest Blood Bowl Pitch

Oversized Acorn Ball Gnomish Idol Ball

here is something in the Gnomish forests that any parts of the Old World decorate
makes the trees and their seeds grow to much their gardens with quaint little statuettes
larger sizes than in other parts of the known world. depicting what Gnomes are said to look like in
The likes of acorns can grow as large as a regulation the various myths (found in all good Gnome Depot stores!
Blood Bowl ball, which is particularly handy for when a – Ed). Gnomes themselves hold these statues in great
Gnome team inevitably forgets which illusion they used reverence, believing these idols to have strange powers
to hide theirs from their opponents! However, acorns are that bless those that hold them with good fortune.
particularly delicious to many woodland creatures who
are likely to pester anyone carrying one as they try to get it Whenever a player in possession of a Gnomish Idol
for themselves! ball would Fall Over or be Knocked Down, roll a D6.
On a 6, the player somehow keeps their footing and does
Whenever a player in possession of an Oversized Acorn not Fall Over or get Knocked Down. If this happened as
ball is activated, they must roll a D6. On a 1, the player is part of a Block action, no Armour roll is made as the
hounded by the various woodland creatures looking for player stays on their feet.
a snack, making it somewhat harder to move; the player
reduces their MA by 2 for the duration of their activation.


In 2499, the Grimlock Anvils travelled into the
woods to play against the Deep Forest Tricksters.
The Dwarfs didn’t arrive for over three weeks, though
swore they had only been walking around for a
little over an hour – some claim they just got lost in
Gnome-man’s land!

Gnome Balls
n Coffin Corner we remember those players
that are no longer with us – because they
were trampled into the pitch, torn apart,
or possibly even set on fire!


We remember Salen Whitebeard; former Gnome We remember Tringwir Deepfield; former Gnome Lineman
Beastmaster for the Grey Mountain Gem-miners. Believing for the Anti-Moot Meddlers. While his team-mates were
he could exercise control over any beast he encountered, busy playing against the Shiretown Stuffers, Tringwir
Salen decided to put this to the test in a game against decided to replace the blackberries in the Halflings’
the Tlanxla Terradons. Unfortunately for Salen, a Kroxigor half-time pies with rabbit droppings as a practical joke.
is somewhat different to a badger and he was snapped The Stuffers didn’t take too kindly to this (pie is a serious
down in one bite, despite performing his usual ritual business in the Moot! – Ed), and Tringwir was quickly set
of wiggling his fingers, waving his favourite stick and upon by an angry mob in a show of complete overreaction!
going “Ooooh”!
Have you witnessed any memorable deaths on the
ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TREASURE! pitch, because Spike! Journal wants to know! Send your
We remember Glib Tinytoof; former Goblin Lineman for outrageous obituaries, funny fouls and mirthful murders
the Sloptown Scavengers. During a game against the to ‘Coffin Corner, Spike! Tower, 30 Neustrasse, Altdorf’.
Deep Forest Tricksters, Glib decided to slink off to pinch
a number of valuable gemstones to pay off his sizable
debts to the Grimfang Gougers. However, upon presenting
his bag of treasure to the Gougers’ head coach, the bag
contained only a faint sparkling purple mist, and Glib was
swiftly squished for his insolence!

Coffin Corner
ackspit ‘the Scribbler’ Quillchewer is our ace Skaven
reporter, scrabbling around in the hidden corners of the
Old World to bring you the most scintillating stories.
This issue, Hackspit meets with Nivet Whistlespell, spokes-
Gnome of the Midden Marsh Jesters, to ask that all important
question: what is the difference between Gnomes and Halflings?

QUILLCHEWER: Master Whistlespell, trample a flowerbed in order to set up WHISTLESPELL: Well, can a Halfling
welcome. And might I say-speak that a post-match barbecue? do this?
it is most intriguing to meet one of
your kind face-to-face; most of the QUILLCHEWER: Well, never I guess- (Note: At this point Nivet Whistlespell
other Spike! Magazine staff seemed guess. But that’s kind of the point you clicked his fingers and vanished in
to think that you didn’t exist! see; most folk can’t tell your kinds a puff of smoke, before reappearing
apart from each other, so wouldn’t next to Hackspit with a loud bang)
WHISTLESPELL: Well, I’m glad to be know if they were witnessing a
here to debunk the mysteries of my Gnome or a Halfling committing the QUILLCHEWER: By my whiskers! You
kind. You know, us Gnomes are often acts you talk-speak of. nearly made me release the musk of
mistaken for Halflings even though we fear there master Whistlespell!
have been around the Old World for WHISTLESPELL: What utter
just as long as they have. codswallop! We are completely WHISTLESPELL: Or how about this?
different – and it’s not just the beards
QUILLCHEWER: That probably has before you start on that again! You (Note: At this point Whistlespell made
something to do with the fact that don’t hear us Gnomes saying that Hackspit see what he could only
you do look-seem rather similar to Skaven and Lizardmen look the same describe as ‘half badger, half owl,
Halflings in many aspects… do you, hmmm? half mousetrap’ – though what that
looks like is anyone’s guess!)
WHISTLESPELL: We do not! We are QUILLCHEWER: No of course not, but
completely different to Halflings! Why, that would be ridiculous! QUILLCHEWER: AAAAHHHHHH!!!
us Gnomes average a height of 3'9",
which is much taller than the piddling WHISTLESPELL: Well it’s the same WHISTLESPELL: Or what about this?
3'7" that a Halfling averages! here you old rat! It’s bad enough
that the public are ignorant to our (The interview was terminated at
QUILLCHEWER: Quite… Some folk differences, but we get blamed for this point as Whistlespell subjected
say that the only real difference any wrongdoings done by Halflings. Hackspit to a barrage of flashes,
between Halflings and Gnomes I can’t tell you how many Gnomes bangs, and strange illusions before
is the impressive facial hair your have been arrested by the city watch, disappearing with a snap of his
kind grow. Would you agree with thinking they were a wanted Halfling fingers, leaving our ace reporter a
this assessment? who had stuck a beard on! gibbering wreck. Fear not though
readers, Hackspit will be back next
WHISTLESPELL: Ringil’s beard, no! QUILLCHEWER: I can see how issue now that he has had time
It’s that kind of outrageous slander that would be frustrating. Is there to recover and has stopped crying
that makes us Gnomes look bad. anything you can say-tell our readers every time he sees a Halfling in a
When was the last time that you saw that would help them see-spot the pointy hat!)
a Gnome demolish a buffet, or make difference between Gnomes and
an ungodly mess in a pie shop, or Halflings – aside from the beards!

Chat with the Rat

t wouldn’t be entirely incorrect to
suggest that Gnomes are not the
best players to ever grace Nuffle’s
sacred turf. However, that’s not to say
that they are unable to win games;
far from it! Knowing how to get the
best out of the short-statured, stout
fellows however requires patience,
a steady hand, and no small amount
of luck along the way! So, we here
at Spike! Journal got in touch
with renowned prophet of Ringil,
Alyasteer Springstep, to share
his wisdom on how to snatch
victory from the jaws of defeat
with a Gnome team!

A League of their Gnome

0-16 Gnome Lineman 40,000 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, A GS
Stunty, Wrestle

Gnome Linemen aren’t just there to make up the numbers – Wrestle and Jump Up makes them surprisingly effective.
Wrestling opposition players to the floor in a tangled heap and then Jumping Up and running away is exactly the kind of
tricks that Gnomes excel at! Jump Up allows your players to pop up and punch someone standing next to them right in
the nose; well, in the kneecaps maybe! However, these jack-in-the-boxes are fragile with an AV of 7+, so don’t charge
carelessly into opposition tackle zones. But, once you are there, they are surprisingly good at counter-punching!

0-2 Gnome 55,000 5 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Guard, Jump Up, Stunty, A GS
Beastmaster Wrestle

Gnome Beastmasters start with Guard! No other player on any other team starts with Guard as it’s such a powerful
skill, though one that is vital to a Gnome team’s playstyle. A team can have up to two Beastmasters and they will be the
ringleaders of your attacking efforts. It’s not about them throwing a block, it’s about how Beastmasters enable everyone
else to Block better. These Gnomes are especially useful when slipping into an opponent’s cage, which they can do with
ease thanks to the Stunty trait, assisting a team-mate who plans to Blitz the ball carrier.

However, being such important players means that your Beastmasters will have a huge target on their backs and be the
focus of plenty of opposing Blocks, Fouls, and any other attempts to remove your players from the pitch! Keep them as
well-protected as you possibly can as they will often prove to be the key to victory.

0-2 Gnome Illusionist 50,000 5 2 3+ 3+ 7+ Jump Up, Stunty, Trickster, AP G

Now you see me *poof*, now you don’t! Gnome Illusionists are the epitome of the tricksy plays that Gnome teams are
famed for; never being quite where the opposition thinks they are. Remember, with an AV of 7+, Illusionists are still very
fragile; don’t go dangling them out in Gnome-man’s land to be Blitzed unnecessarily! However, when they are hit, their
ability to slip into another square can be invaluable to their survival.

This is especially effective against players with Frenzy where the Illusionist – provided they stay on their feet – can lead
them on a merry dance away from their team-mates. Illusionists are Gnome teams’ secondary ball carriers and are the
only players with a PA of 3+, so don’t be afraid to carry the ball with them if your Woodland Foxes are unable.

0-2 Woodland Fox 50,000 7 2 2+ - 6+ Dodge, My Ball, Sidestep, - A

Woodland Foxes are a Gnome team’s natural ball carrier, due in large part to their high MV of 7 and impressive AG of
2+. This allows them to not only pick up the ball safely, but also to dodge and weave through the legs of the opposition
with ease as they run with the ball. The Dodge and Sidestep skills mean it’s very hard for the opposition to tie down your
Woodland Foxes as they easily skip through Tackle Zones and cunningly avoid all but the most brutal of Blocks!

Be mindful, though, of when to pick up with these cunning canines. If you are short on time and you need to make a
Hand-off for a touchdown, a Fox will resolutely refuse to give the ball to anyone! Often, they play more like receivers;
they may not always start the drive with the ball but they will probably end up with it, scampering over the line to score.
0-2 Altern Forest 120,000 2 6 5+ 5+ 11+ Mighty Blow (+1), S AGP
Treeman Stand Firm, Strong Arm,
Take Root, Thick Skull,
Throw Team-mate,

Altern Forest Treemen provide the solid trunk from which Gnome teams can branch out. With a ST of 6 and the Mighty
Blow (+1) skill, these arboreal antagonists are fairly reliable at smashing holes into the opposition defence for the
smaller Gnomes and Foxes to dash through. Their exceptionally slow MV of 2, and the ever-constant danger of taking
root, means that they could at any point grind to a halt for the drive. Keep your Treemen together with the bulk of the
team nearby to help them out when they get stuck; there really is safety in numbers.

Starting Rosters

s is the same with almost all Stunty teams, Gnome players are generally all so cheap that it means you aren’t
faced with too many decisions when you start the team. You can, and you probably should, take all of the
positionals straight away. Their diminutive size means that in order to compete, Gnome teams need every
single one of their tricks; so, always max out on Altern Forest Treemen, Gnome Beastmasters, Gnome Illusionists and
Woodland Foxes if you can.

Once you’ve done that, you can start to think about where to spend the rest of your gold pieces. You could decide to
go totally Gnome-Alone, or you could squirrel some money away to use for some hired help down the road.

Here are two potential starting rosters you may want to consider:


6 Gnome Linemen 240,000 5 Gnome Linemen 200,000
2 Gnome Beastmasters 110,000 2 Gnome Beastmasters 110,000
2 Gnome Illusionists 100,000 2 Gnome Illusionists 100,000
2 Woodland Foxes 100,000 2 Woodland Foxes 100,000
2 Altern Forest Treemen 240,000 2 Altern Forest Treemen 240,000
3 Re-rolls 150,000 2 Re-rolls 100,000
1 Apothecary 50,000
1 Assistant Coach 10,000 Total – 850,000 gold pieces
Total – 1,000,000 gold pieces Treasury – 150,000gp

Make no mistake, Gnome teams will suffer casualties With only 13 players and 1 less Team Re-roll, this starting
regularly; pretty much in every game! So, starting with 14 roster is a little more vulnerable than the other. However,
players, and an apothecary to keep your key positional what it does do is leave a generous sum of gold in your
players alive or on the pitch, is hugely beneficial. In early treasury to replace those inevitable losses you’re likely to
league games before many of the team have managed to suffer, and means you will likely have a lower Team Value
earn enough Star Player Points to get the Dodge skill, you and will be able to take a number of Inducements. Gnome
will likely end up quickly burning through Team Re-rolls as coaches will want to tailor the Inducements they take
your Gnomes try to step away from trouble; having 3 will to their style of play and that of the opposition. Wizards
help negate this and keep your players in the game. may be useful against slower opponents, while you could
consider some bribes to help with fouling against low
AV teams. Bloodweiser Kegs are also always useful. If in
doubt, hire a Star Player; there are loads to choose from
and you’ll always be able to find one to suit your own
personal Gnomish needs!
Team Development

ith your team roster decided, a budding Gnome coach needs to carefully plan how their team will
develop over the coming season. There is one golden rule that applies to all Gnomes – in Dodge we
trust! Don’t try to be too clever; your first Skill for all Gnomes should almost always be Dodge.

After that, you can start giving out other Skills to specialise Gnomes into specific roles. A player with Sidestep
coupled with Diving Tackle can be really annoying for the opposition to deal with when they are glued to the heels of
their ball carrier. A couple of Gnome Linemen with Sneaky Git can really help balance out the numbers on the pitch with
the odd, well-placed (very) low blow.

One risk with Gnome teams is that certain players may end up hogging all the Star Player Points – mainly the
Woodland Foxes (from scoring) and the Altern Forest Treemen (from causing casualties). Therefore, where possible, try
to score with your Gnomes, or if they have a good Blocking opportunity against a low AV opponent, then try to take it.
The team thrives when the Gnomes level up; the faster you can do that the better!

Gnome Lineman Dodge, Sidestep, Dauntless, Strip Ball, No Yes No No No
Sneaky Git, Diving Tackle Guard, Tackle
Gnome Beastmaster Dodge, Sidestep, Fend, Break Tackle No Yes Yes No Yes
Gnome Illusionist Dodge, Sidestep, Dauntless, Fend, Yes No No Yes No
Sure Feet On the ball
Woodland Fox N/A Sure Feet, Sprint Yes No No No No
Altern Forest Treeman Grab, Guard, Brawler, Block, Pro, Jump Up No Yes No No No
Multiple Block
At the start of a long offensive drive, it’s all about the
Treemen crushing the opposition scrimmage line and
slowly marching forward. It’s imperative these bark-
skinned bruisers stay relatively close together and that
there is a Gnome Lineman or Gnome Beastmaster on
hand to assist in giving them 3 dice blocks where they
can – something that Guard is particularly useful for!
Remember, there is no rush to score so keep the ball
carrier close to the Treemen and start making your way
cautiously up the pitch. If time becomes tight, or your
Treemen become rooted, then it may be wise to give the
ball to a Woodland Fox and let them make their dash
towards the End Zone!

For short drives late in the half, Gnomes have a couple

of weapons to steal that score. Woodland Foxes with their
fast movement can get into the End Zone in two turns, if
you can get the ball to them and protect them for a turn in
the opposition half. If you have even less time, however,
then Gnomes can be hurled down the pitch for a hopeful
Throw Team-mate attempt. If you can, save up a team re-
roll for these late, last-gasp efforts!

On defence, if a Gnome team tries to go toe-to-toe with
anything but another Stunty team, expect the casualty box
to fill up really fast. Try to look at the areas the opposition
are moving into and block off their routes forward without
standing in Tackle Zones unless you absolutely have to. An
ideal turn is where your opponent only has a single Blitz
action against a Gnome and no other Block action. This
doesn’t mean your Gnomes can’t punch back; if there is
a chance for a 2 dice Block on the opposition, take it. You
can even consider a 1 dice Block or Blitz, as Wrestle helps
rebalance the odds a little.

It’s very easy to play Gnomes in a cavalier fashion;

dodge a Beastmaster into a cage to assist with Guard
and then follow up with a Blitzing Gnome Lineman to
Wrestle the ball carrier down. This can lead to some
exciting play, but it can lead to a lot of injured Gnomes if
done too frequently! The art of playing Gnomes is knowing
when to step in. Consider where the ball may go, can you
take advantage of it? Is this the best time? If the Blitz
fails do you have any other defensive options? However,
sometimes throwing caution to the wind and Blitzing into a
cage may be your last and only hope – thankfully in those
circumstances Gnomes are surprisingly competent at it!
In Conclusion

o, what Gnomish notions have we learned? Gnome teams provide an
excellent challenge for coaches to play with and against; especially
when the team becomes more developed and has a full bag of tricks
to call on. Rookie Gnome teams are very vulnerable and so coaches will
need to keep a close eye on the Casualty box and hope it doesn’t fill up
too quickly!

An unwary opposition coach can easily underestimate Gnomes,

focusing on the fact they are all Stunty, don’t start with Dodge and have a
low AV. However, in the right hands a Gnome team is capable of turning the
tables against anyone thanks to the redoubtable Treemen, the fantastic
Foxes and a team of belligerent Gnomes all with Wrestle and Jump Up.
They have a bunch of Skills that make them ideal for slipping through a
well-set defence, pulling the ball carrier to the floor and then running off in
possession of it with glee!

Get everything right as a coach and you never know, the Glimdwarrow
Groundhogs may just come calling!


Gnome Linemen Gnome Beastmaster

Illusionist Woodland Fox
Forest Treeman
ver the years there have been numerous crazed individuals
and would-be stars that have made it their mission to inflict
as much pain and bloodshed as possible upon the opposition.
Some have even claimed to be the living embodiment of rage, though
they never seem to last long on the pitch, as their claims are swiftly
rebutted when they are pummelled into the ground by an opposition
player who has grown tired of their inane ranting. However, in the
year 2500, the landscape of Blood Bowl was forever changed when
the world was introduced to one of the most vicious and bloodthirsty
players ever to step onto the pitch – Akhorne the Squirrel.

Star Player – Akhorne the Squirrel

ow, we know what you are thinking, ‘how can a Quite where Akhorne’s boundless rage comes
mere squirrel be one of the most violent players from is a mystery. Some claim that he was a Chaos
in the history of the game?’. Well, Akhorne is no cultist that was transformed into a squirrel by their
ordinary squirrel, and woe betide anyone who says he capricious gods. Others say that he is the chosen avatar
is to his adorable little face – though it is sensible to of Khorne himself, and all that anger condensed into
not call him adorable either (even if he is! – Ed). It was such a little body results in sudden and bloodthirsty bouts
this mentality that sealed the doom of the Armoured of rage at a moment’s notice. If the latter is true, it does
Armadillos when they were scheduled to play against the seem strange that the blood god would choose a squirrel
Oakglade Defenders in the opening round of the Chaos as his vessel of vengeance, though it has clearly been a
Cup. When the game finished, every single Human had shrewd move as the results have proved to be incredibly
been viciously mauled to death by the rabid rodent as the effective! It is unlikely that the truth about Akhorne will
Defenders ran in their sixth touchdown for an easy victory. ever be revealed, partially due to the fact that he is a
squirrel and therefore can’t speak, but also because
This display of sheer violence was enough to capture any reporter that has ever tried to ask soon finds a
the attention of the sporting world and, naturally, this bloodcrazed mass of fur and teeth gnawing at their throat!
made Akhorne an overnight sensation. Soon thousands
of fans began tuning in to watch the tiny whirlwind of The other unusual fact about Akhorne is his complete
furry fury rip through team after team. Some savvy lack of loyalty to any team. Akhorne has absolutely zero
businessmen saw immense commercial potential, and interest in the ball whatsoever, and will happily stride onto
soon began selling life-size cuddly Akhorne toys at games. the pitch alongside any team that is happy to let him do his
These were a huge hit with every young child, Orc, and thing and get stuck right into the opposition, usually quite
Chaos fanatic desperate to get their hands on their literally! This unique approach has seen Akhorne take to the
very own version of the sanguine squirrel! The surge in pitch alongside all manner of races: Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Gnome,
sales made Akhorne the must-have toy of the year, and Ogre, Undead – it doesn’t matter to Akhorne, so long as
only increased Akhorne’s popularity further, leading to there is blood to be spilled he will be there, unleashing his
a number of lucrative deals when a team needed that immeasurable wrath upon any player that happens to look
added punch in a crucial game. at him funny, or dares to pick him up for a cuddle!

2500 Following his butchering of the
Armoured Armadillos, Akhorne is
inundated with pleas for his services from teams trying to
2502 In a game against the San Luccini
Chargers, Akhorne bites off more than
he can chew when he charges after the toughest player
get even with their rivals, each of which is willing to pay on the opposing team – the Mighty Zug. Zug escapes
handsomely. Being a squirrel, Akhorne doesn’t understand with just a gash in his arm, though Akhorne has to be
the concept of money and agrees to join the Skjårlsberg carried off the pitch as he is seeing actual acorns circling
Icicles as they aim to get even with the Obsidian Ocelots round his head! In a post-match interview, Janus states
in exchange for three copper pieces, two barrels of Jugular that Akhorne will get even; and since then Zug has had a
Bite Brew, four roasted hazelnuts and a snowcone! ‘nasty cold’ if it looks like Akhorne might be playing!

2501 Akhorne’s lack of understanding when

it comes to money is putting a strain
on his finances (you don’t say… – Ed). Akhorne hires
PRESENT Akhorne continues to enjoy
the life of a squirrel for hire;
terrorising Blood Bowl pitches across the known world with
a spokesperson, Janus Carlesson, to deal with all those his incandescent rage. In a relatively short space of time
distractions, who agrees to work for free so long as Akhorne has become one of the most revered innovators
Akhorne doesn’t rip him to shreds! Following a game of violence in the sport, with the likes of Grashnak
for the Mirror Moor Marauders against the Bile-City Blackhoof, Varag Ghoul-Chewer, and even Lord Borak
Blightkings, Janus proclaims that Akhorne won’t play appearing alongside the squirrel to compliment him on his
against any more Nurgle teams; the sheer amount of boils, displays of sheer brutality. This has led to some claiming
pustules and rancid flesh that Akhorne has to tear through that Akhorne is beginning to soften, though never to his
is enough to put him off killing – at least for the moment! face, as those that do tend to have theirs ripped clean off!
nomes aren’t natural college-goers; they usually prefer to
spend their lives in their sprawling burrows or wandering
the forest paths to be at one with nature. It’s a little Gnome
fact that, until recent years, not a single Gnome had enrolled in
the Colleges of Magic at all! The past lack of Gnomes at college
may seem odd, seeing that they are naturally creatures of magic
and a place at their college of choice would be all but assured if
they decided to attend. However, with Gnomes becoming more
prevalent in the Old World and venturing out of their concealed
homelands, many have decided to attend college in order to
further their own knowledge of illusionary magic.

DID YOU GNOME? eing blessed with an instinctive talent for illusions, tricks, and all
Following a game between manner of distracting magics, Gnomes are ideally suited to the College
the Nuln Oilers and the Altdorf of Shadow (their home away from Gnome, if you will! – Ed). Here, their
Griffins, the city watch arrested unique abilities have quickly gained the attention of their professors, who
a Gnome claiming to be a encourage them to use their gifts as often as possible. Gnomes themselves
psychic and conning fans with don’t take up much space, and so the various residential halls in the College
phoney readings of their team’s of Shadow can accommodate plenty of the short-statured students with ease.
future. However, the diminutive What is less easy to house are the collections of critters that many Gnomes
deceiver swiftly escaped insist come to school with them. Most professors are content to allow this, so
custody, and there have since long as the woodland creatures don’t make a mess on the classroom floor!
been reports circulating of a
small medium at large! Attending the College of Shadow has also allowed many Gnomes to try their
hand at Dungeon Bowl, and as it transpires they are actually quite well suited
to it! Though the dark, underground dungeons may not be as homely as the
twinkling burrows Gnomes are used to, the lack of light is no issue for them as
they have spent much of their lives underground anyway. It’s also much harder
to detect an illusion in dim lighting, giving Gnomes a distinct advantage if they
want to use their talents to fool an opposing player into wandering into a trap,
pitfall, or the waiting arms of their more physical classmates!

Some College of Shadow teams even let Woodland Foxes play as part of
a team, or at least be the mascot! It’s hard enough to catch a fox in broad
daylight, so imagine trying to tackle one in the dark, which it is naturally suited
to, when you can barely see! It’s also not unheard of for some Woodland Foxes
to graduate alongside their Gnomish handlers, complete with their own cap
and gown!

Dungeon Bowl is certainly a new experience for any Gnome leaving home to
go to college, but one they have taken to like a badger to a fresh pile of worms!
The High Magisters are more than happy to tolerate the tricks and pranks of
their newest acquisitions, so long as they save them mainly for the dungeon
and stop trying to pass blank pieces of paper off as a finished essay!

Dungeon Bowl Update

College of Shadow

he following positions from the Gnome team are added to the College of Shadow Team Roster as found on pages
90-91 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook. In each instance, the position will state which of the general positions they
are part of (Blitzer, Runner, Big Guy, etc.), and how many players for that position a team may have. The rules
presented here may differ slightly from those for Gnome Blood Bowl teams.

LINEMEN (0-16)
A College of Shadow team may have up to 16 players from the Lineman position in any combination.
Gnome Lineman 40,000 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Jump Up, Right Stuff, Stunty, A GS

RUNNER (0-4)
A College of Shadow team may have up to four players from the Runner position in any combination.
Woodland Fox 50,000 7 2 2+ - 6+ Dodge, My Ball, Sidestep, - A

A College of Shadow team may have up to two players from the Thrower position in any combination.
Gnome Illusionist 50,000 5 2 3+ 3+ 7+ Jump Up, Stunty, Trickster, AP G

A College of Shadow team may have up to two players from the Special position in any combination.
Gnome 55,000 5 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Guard, Jump Up, Stunty, A GS
Beastmaster Wrestle
‘Oh Gnome You Didn’t!’



Spike! Journal - Issue 17 © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024. Blood Bowl, Blood Bowl The Game of Fantasy Football, Spike! The
Fantasy Football Journal, Citadel, Games Workshop, GW, Warhammer, the ‘winged-hammer’ Warhammer logo, and all associated logos, names,
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional,
and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-83779-038-8 Product Code: 60630999028

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