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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Davao del Norte
Menzi, Tibal-og, Davao del Norte


I, the undersigned, as the parent/guardian of __________________________________, a

student of Sto. Tomas National High School Special Program in Science, Technology, and
Engineering do hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate in:

Title of Activity: STNHS’ VARIETY SHOW (Foundation Day Kick-off Event)

Date of Activity: February 17, 2024
Time of Activity: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Venue of Activity: STNHS Covered Court, Menzi. Tibal-og, Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte

In consideration of the consent given for the participation in the above-mentioned activity, I,
or my child’s authorized guardian, together with my child, do hereby release and waive the
class adviser from any and all claims should any damage be caused or liability be incurred to
property or person arising from, but not limited to, participation in the said activity, as well as
any untoward incident that are beyond the control of the teacher as this event will be held in
a large open venue.

I expect and know that the school will exercise the diligence required for the safety and well-
being of my child and that his/her participation in the activity will be beneficial to him/her.
However, participation in the activity carries with it certain risks that cannot be eliminated
regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries and other untoward incidents. I know and
understand these and other risks that are inherent to the stated activity and I hereby assert that
my child’s participation, as well as my consent to it, is voluntary and that I knowingly assume
all such risks, and consider myself as accountable in monitoring the whereabouts and welfare
of my child before and after the time of event, based on the time of activity reflected above.

I acknowledge that I am signing this freely and voluntarily, and intend this by my signature to
be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

Signature above printed name of parent/guardian


Date Signed

The validity of this waiver/consent is attested by the class adviser undersigned.

Class Adviser

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