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DATE : 16-02-2024 (TEST SESSION-2024) DAY : FRIDAY

Paper Class Chapter Total Time Test Name
Marks No.

Computer Science 12th 02 & 08 50 01:45 Hrs. 02

Q1. You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. Circle the answer that you think
is correct. Use marker or pen to circle the correct answer. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in
zero mark in that question. (10 × 01 = 10)
01. Which of the following is used to describe the characteristics of an object:
(a) Attribute (b) Relationship (c) Cardinality (d) Modality
02. The row of relation can be of ______ order.
(a) Same (b) Sorted (c) Any (d) Constant
03. A primary key that consist of more than one attributes is called:
(a) Foreign key (b) Primary key (c) Composite key (d) None of these
04. How many primary keys can a relation or table have?
(a) At least once (b) No limit (c) Three (d) Only once
05. Which of the following is not a low-level language?
(a) BASIC (b) Machine Language (c) Assembly Language (d) All of these
06. Division by zero e.g. (5/0) is an example of:
(a) Compiler error (b) Runtime error (c) Logical error (d) None of these
07. Which header file contains information about common mathematical functions?
(a) stdio.h (b) string.h (c) math.h (d) conio.h
08. Which of the following key is used to save a file?
(a) F2 (b) F3 (c) F5 (d) F9
09. The “.exe” file is produced by:
(a) Linker (b) Loader (c) Compiler (d) Interpreter
10. C-Language programs are divided into units called:
(a) Section (b) Syntax (c) Function (d) Debug
Q2. Answer the following questions. (12 x 02=24)
i. Define an entity and an attribute? Give examples of both.
ii. Write the basic purpose of using views?
iii. What do you know about concatenate key and sort key?
iv. Differentiate between primary key and foreign key? Give examples.
v. Differentiate between linking and loading?
vi. State the purpose of defining preprocessor directive.
vii. What are #include directives and #define directives?
viii. What do you mean by delimiters?
ix. Which type of error is difficult to trace and why?
x. What is high-level programming language? Write the names of any four commonly used high-level
xi. List two reasons why it would be preferable to write a program in C rather than in machine language?
xii. What is garbage value?
Q3. What necessary steps are taken to prepare a C program for execution? Explain in detail with
structure. (08)
Q4. What is an error? Explain different types of error in C-Language? (08)

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