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AN AGREEMENT made the day and year stipulated in Section 1 of the First
Schedule hereto Between the party whose name and description are stipulated in
Section 2 of the First Schedule hereto [hereinafter referred to as “the Vendor”] of the
one part and the party whose name and description are stipulated in Section 3 of the
First Schedule hereto [hereinafter referred to as “the Purchasers”] of the other part.

A. The Vendor is the registered owner of the parcel of land more particularly
described in Section 4 of the First Schedule hereto together with the Building
described in Section 5 of the First Schedule hereto erected thereon [which said Land
and Building shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as “the said Property”];

B. The said Property is subjected to the restriction-in-interest, as stipulated in

Section 7 of the First Schedule hereto [hereinafter referred to as “the Restriction-in-

C. The Vendor has agreed to sell to the purchasers and the purchasers have
agreed to purchase from the Vendor the said Property together with all existing
fixtures and fitting on an “as is where is” basis which is free from all caveats, lien
charges and encumbrances with vacant possession (but subject to the conditions and
restrictions in interest, if any) and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter

E. The Purchasers are represented by a firm of solicitors as stipulated in Section

18 of the First Schedule hereto [hereinafter referred to as “the Purchasers’



In consideration of the Purchase Price of the said Property stipulated in Section

8 of the First Schedule hereto [hereinafter referred to as “the Purchase Price”] to be
paid by the Purchasers to the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholders, the Vendor hereby
agrees to sell and the Purchasers hereby agree to purchase the said Property on a “as
is where is” basis together with the Fittings and Fixtures, if any, free from all
caveats, liens charges and encumbrances but subject to the restrictions in interest
and all conditions of title whether expressed or implied in the document of title to
the said Property at the Purchase Price and subject to the terms and conditions
hereinafter contained.


Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Vendor shall execute the
Memorandum of Transfer [hereinafter referred to as “the said Transfer”] together
with the current year quit rent and assessment receipts in favour of the Purchasers
and shall deposit the same with the Purchasers’ Solicitors who are authorised by the
parties hereto to proceed with the adjudication for stamp duty payable of the said
Transfer only as the case may be, until the Balance Purchase Price [as hereinafter
defined] has been paid.


3.1 In the event that the said Property is subjected to the Restriction-in-interest
and/or any circumstances necessitate the making of an application to the relevant
state authority for its written consent to the transfer of the said Property to the
Purchasers, then the parties hereto hereby expressly agreed that this Agreement shall
be conditional upon the following being satisfied by the relevant party within Six (6)
Months from the date of this Agreement or such other period to be mutually agreed
between the parties hereto the Vendor obtaining such relevant authority’s consent or
approval in respect of the disposal and/or acquisition of the said Property to or by the
Purchasers; if applicable.

3.2 The Vendor and the Purchasers hereby irrevocably agree covenant and
undertake to each other to do all acts and submit all applications furnish all
information execute all instruments, deeds or documents and generally do all things
necessary for procuring and obtaining the consents/approvals as stipulated in Clause
3.1 above [hereinafter referred to as “the Relevant Consent/Approval”].

3.3 Subject to Clause 3.2 above, the Vendor or the Purchasers, as the case may be,
shall within Two (2) months from the date hereof, or such other period to be mutually
agreed between the parties hereto, apply to the relevant state authority for the
Relevant Consent/Approval.

3.4 In the event the Vendor shall wilfully delay in applying for the Relevant
Consent/Approval within the stipulated period, then without prejudice to any of the
Purchasers’ right and remedies to terminate this Agreement, it is hereby expressly
agreed by the parties hereto that any delay exceeding the respective period
stipulated above on the part of the Vendor shall be excluded from the computation of
the Completion Period or the Extended Completion Period, as the case may be.

3.5 The date on which the Conditions Precedent have been satisfied or waived by
the Purchasers or such other date as the parties may from time to time agree shall be
referred to as “the Unconditional Date”.


4.1 Notification of Acquisition and Disposal
The parties hereto do hereby expressly agree, covenant and undertake with
each other that the sale and purchase of the Property in this Agreement shall be
assessed by the Director-General of Inland Revenue under the provisions of the Real
Property Gains Tax Act, 1976 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”).

4.1.1 Pursuant to the said Act, the disposer shall file the CKHT 1A Form (in
respect of the
disposal) and CKHT 3 (for reasons that the disposal after five (5) years from
the date of acquisition or the disposer elect(s) to be exempted (for disposal of the
residential property) or the disposer receives no consideration for such disposal) and
the acquirer shall file CKHT 2A Form (in respect of the acquisition). Both parties
hereto covenant and undertake that they shall furnish all information necessary for
such filing within sixty (60) days from the date of execution of this Agreement in
order to obtain the Certificate of Non-Chargeability from the Director-General of
Inland Revenue of Malaysia in respect of the Property or certificate of clearance
under Section 21A of the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 or the Certificate of
Exemption, as the case may be.

4.2 Retention Sum

The Vendor declares that the Property has been held by the Vendor for less
than five (5) years from the date of the acquisition. As such, the parties hereto agree
that the Purchasers shall be authorized to deduct the sum of(hereinafter referred to
as “the Retention Sum”) which is equivalent to three (3%) of the Purchase Price from
the Deposit and deposit the same with the Purchaser’s Solicitors who shall be
authorized to remit the Retention Sum to the Director General of Inland Revenue
within sixty (60) days from the date of this Agreement provided that the Vendor shall
furnish the Vendor’s Income Tax Number(s) at the Inland Revenue Branch where the
Vendor file his return. The Purchasers’ Solicitors shall furnish the official receipt of
the payment of Retention Sum to the Vendor. It is expressly agreed by the parties
hereto that the Director-General may apply the Retention Sum towards payment of
the chargeable Real Property Gains Tax. In the event that the Retention Sum is
insufficient to settle the chargeable Real Property Gains Tax, the Vendor hereby
undertakes to settle the differential sum expeditiously to the Director-General.

4.3 Undertaking and Indemnity

The Vendor hereby undertakes that if the Retention Sum is insufficient to pay
for the Real Property Gains Tax payable on the disposal of the Property pursuant to
this Agreement, the Vendor shall upon being notified thereof immediately pay the
difference, inclusive of penalties, if any, to the Director-General of Inland Revenue.
The Real Property Gains Tax, if any, shall be paid solely by the Vendor. The Vendor
hereby undertakes to indemnify and keep the Purchasers indemnified against all
liabilities, loss, penalties and fines arising from the failure of the Vendor to pay the
Real Property Gains Tax or any part thereof as and when the same becomes due for

5. Representations and Warranties

5.1 The Vendor hereby expressly confirm undertake represent and warrant to the
Purchasers that: -
(a) the said Property or any part thereof is not subject to any acquisition
proceedings or notice of intended acquisition by the relevant authorities
as at the date of execution of this Agreement;

(b) all quit rent rates assessments electricity and water charges and other
lawful outgoings due to the relevant authorities in respect of the said
Property by the Vendor and all conditions affecting the said Property
whether express or implied under any Act, Ordinance, Enactment,
Order, regulations, bye laws and directives have been duly complied
with by the Vendor and the Vendor shall not at any time hereafter do or
suffer to be done or omitted any act or thing in or in respect of the said
Property which may render the said Property or any part thereof liable
for forfeiture or attachment;
(c) there is no subsisting sale and purchase agreement or any other
agreements of whatsoever nature affecting or in respect of the said
Property or any part thereof between the Vendor and any third party or

(d) the Vendor are not undischarged bankrupt/wound up and neither is

there any bankruptcy/winding up proceedings threatened initiated or
pending against the Vendor or any of them;

(e) the Vendor is not in breach and shall not prior to the completion of the
sale herein commit any breach of any express or implied conditions of
title to the said Property;

(f) that there is no pending suit, legal proceedings or claim against the
Vendor which may affect in any way the rights of the Vendor to dispose
of the said Property;

(g) that save as disclose herein, the Vendorhas the absolute and unfettered
right to dispose of and/or sell and/or transfer the said Property to the

5.2 The truth and correctness of the matter stated in the representations and
warranties as set out in Clause 5.1 above shall form the basis of the Purchasers’
commitment to purchase the said Property in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement. If any such representation and/or warranty shall at any time before the
presentation of the said Transfer be found to have been incorrect in any material
aspect and/or if the Vendor shall fail to make full disclosure to the Purchaser of any
material particular concerning the said Property at the date of this Agreement then in
such event and notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained the
Purchasers shall have the right at their absolute discretion to terminate this

The said Property is sold on a as is where is basis and shall be deemed to have
been inspected by the Purchasers and the Purchasers shall be deemed to have
purchased and accepted the same in the condition and state in which the same is at
the date hereof and the Purchasers shall not be entitled to rescind this Agreement or
to make any claim for compensation or reduction of the Purchase Price or claim any
damages in respect of the condition and state thereof unless the condition and state
of the said Property is substantially different at the date of completion compare to
the date of inspection.

Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Vendor hereby
agrees to a private caveat being lodged by the Purchasers if it so desire against the
said Property to protect its interest PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Purchasers hereby
undertake to withdraw same in the event that this Agreement is lawfully terminated
by the Vendor due to the fault of the Purchasers. Further the Purchasers undertake
that prior to such private caveat being lodged the Purchasers shall execute a
Withdrawal of Private Caveat in escrow and deposit the same together with the
required fees and costs with the Purchasers’ Solicitors who are instructed to present
the same to the relevant Land Office for registration upon the Agreement herein
being terminated.


The Purchase Price shall be paid or cause to be paid by the Purchasers at the
times and in the manner as follows: -
(a) The Purchasers had prior to the execution of this Agreement paid the Vendor a
sum as stipulated in Section 9 of the First Schedule hereto [hereinafter referred to as
“the Earnest Money”], the receipt of which the Vendor hereby acknowledges;
(b) Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Purchasers shall pay
the Vendor a further sum as stipulated in Section 10 of the First Schedule hereto
[hereinafter referred to as “the Balance Deposit”], the receipt of which the Vendor
hereby acknowledges. The Earnest Money and the Balance Deposit totalling to the
sum stipulated in Section 11 of the First Schedule hereto shall be referred to as “the
Deposit” and shall form part payment towards the Purchase Price;
(c) the balance thereof as stipulated in Section 12 of the First Schedule hereto
[hereinafter referred to as “the Balance Purchase Price”] shall be paid or cause to be
paid by the Purchasers to the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholders within seven (7) days
from the date of presentation for registration of Form 14A in favour of the Purchaser
or on the expiration of the period as stipulated in Section 13 of the First Schedule
hereto [hereinafter referred to as “the Completion Period”] whichever is the earlier,
based on the Vendor’s undertaking to refund all monies released to the Vendor in the
event the said Transfer cannot be registered for any reason whatsoever.
(d) An extension of time as stipulated in Section 14 of the First Schedule hereto
[hereinafter referred to as “the Extended Completion Period”] shall automatically be
granted to the Purchasers on the expiration of the Completion Period Provided Always
that the Purchasers shall be liable to pay interest at the rate as stipulated in Section
15 of the First Schedule hereto which is to be calculated on a day to day basis on the
unpaid Balance Purchase Price from the commencement of the Extended Completion
Period until full settlement thereof. If the Purchasers shall fail to settle the Balance
Purchase Price within the stipulated time herein then Clause 8.1 below shall come
into effect.


9.1 The Vendor shall deliver vacant possession of the Property to the Purchasers
within seven (7) days from date of receipt of the Balance Purchase Price together
with the Late Payment Interest, if any, and the apportionment of outgoings, pursuant
to Clause 3 hereof (hereinafter called “the Vacant Possession Date”).

9.2 The Vendor shall execute all relevant documents pertaining to the change of
name in respect of assessment, electricity and water charges with the relevant
authorities upon full payment of the Balance Purchase Price and interest (if any)
together the apportionment of outgoings and that the Purchaser’s Solicitors are not
obliged to render assistance in the said matter herein.


10.1 In the event that any of the Relevant Consent/Approval is not obtained or any
of the said Relevant Consent/Approval is refused for any reason whatsoever within
the relevant stipulated period or periods as may be mutually agreed by the parties
hereto, then this Agreement shall at absolute option of the purchasers be determined
whereupon the Vendor shall refund to the purchasers all money paid towards the
Purchaser Price without any interest or compensation whatsoever within Fourteen
(14) days from the date termination, failing which without prejudice to any other
right and remedy available to the Purchasers interest at the rate as stipulated in
Section 16 of the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto on the outstanding sum calculated on a day
to day basis until the date of full payment of the outstanding sum to the Purchasers
together with interest thereto.


11.1 That from the date of this Agreement and until the date on which the said
Transfer shall be presented for registration, in the event of any notification or
declaration pursuant to the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, 1960 [hereinafter
referred to as “the Acquisition Act”] of the likely or intended acquisition of the said
Property or any part thereof, the Vendor shall immediately give notice in writing
[hereinafter referred to as “the Notice of Acquisition”] to the Purchasers of such
notification or declaration and the Purchasers shall be entitled at their option by
notice in writing [hereinafter referred to as “the Notice of Rescission”] served on the
Vendor on or before the expiry of Seven (7) days from the date of receipt by the
Purchasers of the Notice of Acquisition to treat the sale and purchase hereunder of
the said Property as rescinded on the date of receipt by the Purchasers of the Notice
of Acquisition.
11.2 The Vendor shall on or before the expiry of Seven (7) days from the date of
Notice of Rescission cause all monies paid hereunder by the Purchasers to the Vendor
pursuant to this Agreement to be refunded but without interest to the Purchasersin
exchange for the return of the original title to the Property together with all other
related documents which were delivered to the Purchaser’s Solicitors including the
Discharge Documents and the redelivery of vacant possession of the Property (if
applicable) failing which the Vendor shall pay to the Purchasers interest at the rate as
stipulated in Section 16 of the First Schedule hereto on all monies paid by the
Purchasers to the Vendor calculated on a day to day basis from the expiry of seven (7)
days of to the date of actual refund.
11.3 If the Notice of Rescission is not given by the Purchasers pursuant to Clause
11.1 above the following shall apply: -

(a) the Vendor shall immediately upon being required so to do by the

Purchasers serve notice upon the appropriate authority or authorities under
the Acquisition Act of the sale and purchase hereunder of the said Property
and of the Purchasers’ interest in the said Property; and

(b) subject to the full payment of the Purchase Price, the Purchasers shall be
absolutely entitled to the whole of the benefit of any arrangement made or
the whole amount of any monetary compensation awarded in respect of the
acquisition of the said Property under the Acquisition Act and the Vendor
shall do execute and sign all documents, acts and things on their part
necessary or expedient to enable the Purchasers to procure such
arrangement or compensation.


If at any time prior to the date of delivery of vacant possession, the said
Property of any part thereof shall be destroyed or damaged by any other cause, the
parties hereto hereby agree that the Purchasers shall be entitled to rescind this
Agreement and to demand repayment from the Vendor of all monies already paid by
the Purchasers to the Vendor under this Agreement and the Vendor shall upon such
demand, refund to the Purchaser such repayments without interest failing which the
Vendor shall pay to the Purchasers interest at the rate as stipulated in Section 16 of
the First Schedule hereto on all monies paid by the Purchasers to the Vendor
calculated on a day to day basis from the expiry of fourteen (14) days of to the date
of actual refund and upon full repayment of such sums then due and owing by the
Vendor to the Purchasers, this Agreement shall determine forthwith.


Any delay or failure in the performance by either Vendor or Purchasers
hereunder shall be excused if and to the extent caused by the occurrence of a Force
Majeure. For purpose of this Agreement, Force Majeure shall mean a cause or event
that is not reasonably foreseeable or otherwise caused by or under the control of the
Vendor or Purchasers claiming Force Majeure, including acts of God, fires, floods,
explosions, riots, wars, hurricane, sabotage terrorism, vandalism, accident, restraint
of government, governmental acts, injunctions, labour strikes, other than those
Vendor or Purchaser that prevent the Vendor from furnishing the materials or
equipment, and other like events that are beyond the reasonable anticipation and
control of the vendor thereby, despite Vendor’s reasonable efforts to prevents, avoid,
delay or mitigate the effect of such acts, events, occurrences, and which events or
the effects thereof are not attributable to a Vendor’s failure to perform its
obligations under This Agreement.

In the event that the said Transfer cannot be registered for any reason
whatsoever or defect which cannot be rectified by the Vendor and/or the Purchasers
and the parties having exhausted all attempts to rectify the same, the Purchasers
shall be entitled to terminate the transaction herein whereupon the Vendor shall
forthwith refund to the Purchasers all monies (without interest thereon) paid by the
Purchasers to the Vendor pursuant to this Agreement within fourteen (14) days from
the date of such non-perfection in exchange for the return of the original title to the
Property together with all other related documents which were delivered to the
Purchaser’s Solicitors and the redelivery of vacant possession of the Property (if
applicable)failing which the Vendor shall pay to the Purchasers interest at the rate as
stipulated in Section 16 of the First Schedule hereto on all monies paid by the
Purchasers to the Vendor calculated on a day to day basis from the expiry of fourteen
(14) days of to the date of actual refund and thereafter this Agreement shall
terminate and be rendered null and void and neither party shall have any further
claims as against the other.


In the event of the Purchasers being in default of paying the whole or any part
of the Balance Purchase Price to the Vendor’s Solicitors in the manner and within the
times stipulated in this Agreement then it is hereby agreed between the Vendor and
the Purchasers that the Deposit paid by the Purchasers shall be forfeited absolutely to
the Vendor by way of agreed liquidated damages and thereafter the Vendor shall
refund all other monies (free of interest) paid by the Purchasers to the Vendor
pursuant to this Agreement within fourteen (14) days of termination failing which the
Vendor shall pay to the Purchasers interest at the rate as stipulated in Section 16 of
the First Schedule hereto on all other monies paid by the Purchasers to the Vendor
calculated on a day to day basis from the expiry of fourteen (14) days of to the date
of actual refund in exchange for the return of the original title to the Property
together with all other related documents which were delivered to the Purchasers’
Solicitors and the redelivery of vacant possession of the Property (if applicable)
WHEREUPON this Agreement shall be terminated and rendered null and void and
thereafter neither party hereto shall have any claims against the other and the
Vendor shall be entitled at its absolute discretion to resell the said Property at such
time and place and subject to such conditions and in such manner as the Vendor shall
think fit without the necessity of previously tendering or offering to make any sale to
the Purchasers.


16.1 If through no fault of the Purchasers, the Vendor shall fail or neglect to
complete the sale herein in accordance with this Agreement, the Purchasers shall be
entitled at their sole discretion EITHER to require the Vendor to refund to the
Purchasers whatever sums so far received by the Vendor pursuant to this Agreement
free of interests together with a further sum equivalent to the Deposit as agreed
liquidated damages for the breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement
within fourteen (14) days of termination in exchange for the return of the original
title to the Property together with all other related documents which were delivered
to the Purchaser’s Solicitors and the redelivery of vacant possession of the Property
(if applicable)failing which the Vendor shall pay to the Purchasers interest at the rate
as stipulated in Section 16 of the First Schedule hereto on all monies paid by the
Purchasers to the Vendor as well as on the agreed liquidated damages calculated on a
day to day basis from the expiry of fourteen (14) days of to the date of actual refund
and thereafter this Agreement shall terminate and rendered null and void OR to
proceed to apply for a decree of specific performance against the Vendor and all costs
and expenses that may be incurred by the Purchasers based on solicitors and client
basis be borne by the Vendor absolutely.
16.2 In the alternative, if the Purchaser insists in performing the contract of sale,
the Purchaser is entitled to apply for an Injunction and Specific Performance in order
to enforce the said agreement. In furtherance thereto, the Purchaser shall not be
entitled to enforce the remedy available under Clause 16.1.


17.1 All quit rent, rates, assessments, taxes and all other outgoings due and payable
in respect of the said Propertyshall be apportioned as at the date of delivery of
vacant possession of the said Property and any sum or sums due by virtue of such
apportionment shall be paid on such date PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Vendor shall
indemnify and keep the Purchasers indemnified in respect of any loss or penalty
imposed in respect of any late payment by the Vendor of such aforesaid payments.
17.2 For the purposes of ascertaining the apportionment, the Vendor shall prior to
the Completion Date forward to the Purchaser’ Solicitors all current quit rent,
assessment, water and electricity and other relevant receipts pertaining to the said

18. TIME
Time whenever mentioned shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

19.1 Each party shall bear their own solicitors’ cost to the preparation and
execution of this Agreement.
19.2 All stamp duty and registration fees payable on this Agreement and the said
Transfer shall be paid by the Purchasers. The Purchasers further agrees to pay as and
when required any additional or excess stamp duty and/or penalty that may be
imposed by the Collector of Stamp Duties or such other competent authority or
authorities in respect of this Agreement and/or the said Transfer.
19.3 The Vendor shall pay for the cost of the Discharge of Charge and all other costs
that are required of them to bear to complete the transfer of the said Property in
favour of the Purchasers and/or their nominees.
Knowledge or acquiescence by either party hereto of or in any breach of any of
the conditions or covenants herein contained shall not operate as or deemed to be
waiver of such conditions or covenants or any of them and notwithstanding such
knowledge or acquiescence each party hereto shall be entitled to exercise their
respective right under this Agreement and to require strict performance by the other
of the terms and conditions herein.
21.1 Any notice request or demand requiring to be served by either party hereto to
the other under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to be sufficiently served: -
(a) If it is given by the party or his solicitors by post in a registered letter
addressed to the party to be served at his or its address hereinbefore
mentioned and in such a case it shall be deemed (whether it is actually
delivered or not) to have been received at the times when such
registered letter would in the ordinary course be delivered; or
(b) if it is given by the party or his solicitors by way of despatched by hand
to the party to be served on his solicitors.
21.2 Any change of address by either party shall be communicated to the other.

22. Entire Agreement

22.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary expressed in or to be implied from
this Agreement, this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties,
which supersedes all previous agreements between them in relation to the subject
matter of this Agreement. The parties hereby acknowledge that in entering into this
Agreement they have not relied on any statements, representations, warranties or
undertakings which are not expressly set out in the documents comprising this
Agreement including, without limitation, any statements, representations, warranties
or undertakings issued by any of the parties or other documents made available to
one of the parties prior to the date of this Agreement by the other party and the
parties hereby further acknowledge that any warranty attaching to such statements,
representations, warranties, undertakings or documents, whether expressed or
implied, is hereby excluded.

22.2 This Agreement may not be discharged, supplemented or amended in any

manner except by an instrument in writing signed by all the parties or its duly
authorized, representative.
23. Severability
In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement
shall for any reason be held to be unenforceable, illegal or otherwise invalid in any
respect under the law governing this Agreement or its performance, such
unenforceability, illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this
Agreement and this Agreement shall then be construed as if such unenforceable,
illegal or invalid provisions had never been contained herein.


This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs personal representatives’
successors-in-title and assigns of the Purchasers, the heirs personal representatives
successors-in-title and permitted assigns of the Vendor.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and
year first abovewritten.

the said Vendor ]
in the presence of: ]

the said Purchasers ]
in the presence of: ]

(Which is to be taken, read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)
Section Description Particulars
1 Date of this Agreement

2 Particulars of the Vendor

3 Particulars of the Purchasers

4 Particulars of the Land

5 Description of the Building

6 The Vendor’s Financier

7 Restriction-in-Interest

8 The Purchase Price

9 The Earnest Money

10 The Balance Deposit

11 The Deposit

12 The Balance Purchase Price

13 The Completion Period

14 The Extended Completion Period

15 The Interest Rate imposed

during the Extended Completion
16 The Rate of interest payable by
the Vendor

17 The Vendor’s Solicitors

18 The Purchasers’ Solicitors

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