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Cognitive Engineering for Next

Generation Computing: A Practical

Analytical Approach Kolla Bhanu
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Cognitive Engineering for
Next Generation Computing
Scrivener Publishing
100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J
Beverly, MA 01915-6106

Next Generation Computing and Communication Engineering

Series Editors: Dr. G. R. Kanagachidambaresan and Dr. Kolla Bhanu Prakash

Developments in artificial intelligence are made more challenging because the involvement of multi-
domain technology creates new problems for researchers. Therefore, in order to help meet the challenge,
this book series concentrates on next generation computing and communication methodologies involving
smart and ambient environment design. It is an effective publishing platform for monographs, handbooks,
and edited volumes on Industry 4.0, agriculture, smart city development, new computing and communication
paradigms. Although the series mainly focuses on design, it also addresses analytics and investigation of
industry-related real-time problems.

Publishers at Scrivener
Martin Scrivener ([email protected])
Phillip Carmical ([email protected])
Cognitive Engineering for
Next Generation Computing

A Practical Analytical Approach

Edited by
Kolla Bhanu Prakash,
G. R. Kanagachidambaresan,
V. Srikanth, E. Vamsidhar
This edition first published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
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Dedicated to our parents, family members, students and the Almighty.

Preface xvii
Acknowledgments xix
1 Introduction to Cognitive Computing 1
Vamsidhar Enireddy, Sagar Imambi and C. Karthikeyan
1.1 Introduction: Definition of Cognition, Cognitive Computing 1
1.2 Defining and Understanding Cognitive Computing 2
1.3 Cognitive Computing Evolution and Importance 6
1.4 Difference Between Cognitive Computing and Artificial
Intelligence 8
1.5 The Elements of a Cognitive System 11
1.5.1 Infrastructure and Deployment Modalities 11
1.5.2 Data Access, Metadata, and Management Services 12
1.5.3 The Corpus, Taxonomies, and Data Catalogs 12
1.5.4 Data Analytics Services 12
1.5.5 Constant Machine Learning 13
1.5.6 Components of a Cognitive System 13
1.5.7 Building the Corpus 14
1.5.8 Corpus Administration Governing and Protection
Factors 16
1.6 Ingesting Data Into Cognitive System 17
1.6.1 Leveraging Interior and Exterior Data Sources 17
1.6.2 Data Access and Feature Extraction 18
1.7 Analytics Services 19
1.8 Machine Learning 22
1.9 Machine Learning Process 24
1.9.1 Data Collection 24
1.9.2 Data Preparation 24
1.9.3 Choosing a Model 24
1.9.4 Training the Model 24

viii Contents

1.9.5 Evaluate the Model 25

1.9.6 Parameter Tuning 25
1.9.7 Make Predictions 25
1.10 Machine Learning Techniques 25
1.10.1 Supervised Learning 25
1.10.2 Unsupervised Learning 27
1.10.3 Reinforcement Learning 27
1.10.4 The Significant Challenges in Machine Learning 28
1.11 Hypothesis Space 30
1.11.1 Hypothesis Generation 31
1.11.2 Hypotheses Score 32
1.12 Developing a Cognitive Computing Application 32
1.13 Building a Health Care Application 35
1.13.1 Healthcare Ecosystem Constituents 35
1.13.2 Beginning With a Cognitive Healthcare Application 37
1.13.3 Characterize the Questions Asked by the Clients 37
1.13.4 Creating a Corpus and Ingesting the Content 38
1.13.5 Training the System 38
1.13.6 Applying Cognition to Develop Health and Wellness 39
1.13.7 Welltok 39
1.13.8 CaféWell Concierge in Action 41
1.14 Advantages of Cognitive Computing 42
1.15 Features of Cognitive Computing 43
1.16 Limitations of Cognitive Computing 44
1.17 Conclusion 47
References 47
2 Machine Learning and Big Data in Cyber-Physical System:
Methods, Applications and Challenges 49
Janmenjoy Nayak, P. Suresh Kumar, Dukka Karun Kumar Reddy,
Bighnaraj Naik and Danilo Pelusi
2.1 Introduction 50
2.2 Cyber-Physical System Architecture 52
2.3 Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems (HiLCPS) 53
2.4 Machine Learning Applications in CPS 55
2.4.1 K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) in CPS 55
2.4.2 Support Vector Machine (SVM) in CPS 58
2.4.3 Random Forest (RF) in CPS 61
2.4.4 Decision Trees (DT) in CPS 63
2.4.5 Linear Regression (LR) in CPS 65
2.4.6 Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) in CPS 66
Contents ix

2.4.7 Naive Bayes (NB) in CPS 70

2.5 Use of IoT in CPS 70
2.6 Use of Big Data in CPS 72
2.7 Critical Analysis 77
2.8 Conclusion 83
References 84
3 HemoSmart: A Non-Invasive Device and Mobile App
for Anemia Detection 93
J.A.D.C.A. Jayakody, E.A.G.A. Edirisinghe and S.Lokuliyana
3.1 Introduction 94
3.1.1 Background 94
3.1.2 Research Objectives 96
3.1.3 Research Approach 97
3.1.4 Limitations 98
3.2 Literature Review 98
3.3 Methodology 101
3.3.1 Methodological Approach 101 Select an Appropriate Camera 102 Design the Lighting System 102 Design the Electronic Circuit 104 Design the Prototype 104 Collect Data and Develop the Algorithm 104 Develop the Prototype 106 Mobile Application Development 106 Completed Device 107 Methods of Data Collection 109
3.3.2 Methods of Analysis 109
3.4 Results 110
3.4.1 Impact of Project Outcomes 110
3.4.2 Results Obtained During the Methodology 111 Select an Appropriate Camera 111 Design the Lighting System 112
3.5 Discussion 112
3.6 Originality and Innovativeness of the Research 116
3.6.1 Validation and Quality Control of Methods 117
3.6.2 Cost-Effectiveness of the Research 117
3.7 Conclusion 117
References 117
x Contents

4 Advanced Cognitive Models and Algorithms 121

J. Ramkumar, M. Baskar and B. Amutha
4.1 Introduction 122
4.2 Microsoft Azure Cognitive Model 122
4.2.1 AI Services Broaden in Microsoft Azure 125
4.3 IBM Watson Cognitive Analytics 126
4.3.1 Cognitive Computing 126
4.3.2 Defining Cognitive Computing via IBM
Watson Interface 127 Evolution of Systems Towards Cognitive
Computing 128 Main Aspects of IBM Watson 129 Key Areas of IBM Watson 130
4.3.3 IBM Watson Analytics 130 IBM Watson Features 131 IBM Watson DashDB 131
4.4 Natural Language Modeling 132
4.4.1 NLP Mainstream 132
4.4.2 Natural Language Based on Cognitive Computation 134
4.5 Representation of Knowledge Models 134
4.6 Conclusion 137
References 138
5 iParking—Smart Way to Automate the Management
of the Parking System for a Smart City 141
J.A.D.C.A. Jayakody, E.A.G.A. Edirisinghe,
S.A.H.M. Karunanayaka, E.M.C.S. Ekanayake,
H.K.T.M. Dikkumbura and L.A.I.M. Bandara
5.1 Introduction 142
5.2 Background & Literature Review 144
5.2.1 Background 144
5.2.2 Review of Literature 145
5.3 Research Gap 151
5.4 Research Problem 151
5.5 Objectives 153
5.6 Methodology 154
5.6.1 Lot Availability and Occupancy Detection 154
5.6.2 Error Analysis for GPS (Global Positioning System) 155
5.6.3 Vehicle License Plate Detection System 156
5.6.4 Analyze Differential Parking Behaviors and Pricing 156
5.6.5 Targeted Digital Advertising 157
Contents xi

5.6.6 Used Technologies 157

5.6.7 Specific Tools and Libraries 158
5.7 Testing and Evaluation 159
5.8 Results 161
5.9 Discussion 162
5.10 Conclusion 164
References 165
6 Cognitive Cyber-Physical System Applications 167
John A., Senthilkumar Mohan and D. Maria Manuel Vianny
6.1 Introduction 168
6.2 Properties of Cognitive Cyber-Physical System 169
6.3 Components of Cognitive Cyber-Physical System 170
6.4 Relationship Between Cyber-Physical System
for Human–Robot 171
6.5 Applications of Cognitive Cyber-Physical System 172
6.5.1 Transportation 172
6.5.2 Industrial Automation 173
6.5.3 Healthcare and Biomedical 176
6.5.4 Clinical Infrastructure 178
6.5.5 Agriculture 180
6.6 Case Study: Road Management System Using CPS 181
6.6.1 Smart Accident Response System for Indian City 182
6.7 Conclusion 184
References 185
7 Cognitive Computing 189
T Gunasekhar and Marella Surya Teja
7.1 Introduction 189
7.2 Evolution of Cognitive System 191
7.3 Cognitive Computing Architecture 193
7.3.1 Cognitive Computing and Internet of Things 194
7.3.2 Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analysis 197
7.3.3 Cognitive Computing and Cloud Computing 200
7.4 Enabling Technologies in Cognitive Computing 202
7.4.1 Cognitive Computing and Reinforcement Learning 202
7.4.2 Cognitive Computive and Deep Learning 204 Rational Method and Perceptual Method 205 Cognitive Computing and Image
Understanding 207
7.5 Applications of Cognitive Computing 209
7.5.1 Chatbots 209
xii Contents

7.5.2 Sentiment Analysis 210

7.5.3 Face Detection 211
7.5.4 Risk Assessment 211
7.6 Future of Cognitive Computing 212
7.7 Conclusion 214
References 215
8 Tools Used for Research in Cognitive Engineering
and Cyber Physical Systems 219
Ajita Seth
8.1 Cyber Physical Systems 219
8.2 Introduction: The Four Phases of Industrial Revolution 220
8.3 System 221
8.4 Autonomous Automobile System 221
8.4.1 The Timeline 222
8.5 Robotic System 223
8.6 Mechatronics 225
References 228
9 Role of Recent Technologies in Cognitive Systems 231
V. Pradeep Kumar, L. Pallavi and Kolla Bhanu Prakash
9.1 Introduction 232
9.1.1 Definition and Scope of Cognitive Computing 232
9.1.2 Architecture of Cognitive Computing 233
9.1.3 Features and Limitations of Cognitive Systems 234
9.2 Natural Language Processing for Cognitive Systems 236
9.2.1 Role of NLP in Cognitive Systems 236
9.2.2 Linguistic Analysis 238
9.2.3 Example Applications Using NLP With Cognitive
Systems 240
9.3 Taxonomies and Ontologies of Knowledge Representation
for Cognitive Systems 241
9.3.1 Taxonomies and Ontologies and Their Importance
in Knowledge Representation 242
9.3.2 How to Represent Knowledge in Cognitive Systems? 243
9.3.3 Methodologies Used for Knowledge Representation
in Cognitive Systems 247
9.4 Support of Cloud Computing for Cognitive Systems 248
9.4.1 Importance of Shared Resources of Distributed
Computing in Developing Cognitive Systems 248
Contents xiii

9.4.2 Fundamental Concepts of Cloud Used in Building

Cognitive Systems 249
9.5 Cognitive Analytics for Automatic Fraud Detection Using
Machine Learning and Fuzzy Systems 254
9.5.1 Role of Machine Learning Concepts in Building
Cognitive Analytics 255
9.5.2 Building Automated Patterns for Cognitive
Analytics Using Fuzzy Systems 255
9.6 Design of Cognitive System for Healthcare Monitoring
in Detecting Diseases 256
9.6.1 Role of Cognitive System in Building Clinical
Decision System 257
9.7 Advanced High Standard Applications Using Cognitive
Computing 259
9.8 Conclusion 262
References 263
10 Quantum Meta-Heuristics and Applications 265
Kolla Bhanu Prakash
10.1 Introduction 265
10.2 What is Quantum Computing? 267
10.3 Quantum Computing Challenges 268
10.4 Meta-Heuristics and Quantum Meta-Heuristics Solution
Approaches 271
10.5 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Algorithms With Application
Areas 273
10.5.1 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Power Systems 277
10.5.2 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Image Analysis 281
10.5.3 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Big Data or Data Mining 282
10.5.4 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Vehicular Trafficking 285
10.5.5 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Cloud Computing 286
10.5.6 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Bioenergy or Biomedical Systems 287
10.5.7 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications
for Cryptography or Cyber Security 287
xiv Contents

10.5.8 Quantum Meta-Heuristics Applications

for Miscellaneous Domain 288
References 291
11 Ensuring Security and Privacy in IoT for Healthcare
Applications 299
Anjali Yeole and D.R. Kalbande
11.1 Introduction 299
11.2 Need of IoT in Healthcare 300
11.2.1 Available Internet of Things Devices for Healthcare 301
11.3 Literature Survey on an IoT-Aware Architecture for Smart
Healthcare Systems 303
11.3.1 Cyber-Physical System (CPS) for e-Healthcare 303
11.3.2 IoT-Enabled Healthcare With REST-Based Services 304
11.3.3 Smart Hospital System 304
11.3.4 Freescale Home Health Hub Reference Platform 305
11.3.5 A Smart System Connecting e-Health Sensors
and Cloud 305
11.3.6 Customizing 6LoWPAN Networks Towards
IoT-Based Ubiquitous Healthcare Systems 305
11.4 IoT in Healthcare: Challenges and Issues 306
11.4.1 Challenges of the Internet of Things for Healthcare 306
11.4.2 IoT Interoperability Issues 308
11.4.3 IoT Security Issues 308 Security of IoT Sensors 309 Security of Data Generated by Sensors 309 LoWPAN Networks Healthcare Systems
and its Attacks 309
11.5 Proposed System: 6LoWPAN and COAP Protocol-Based
IoT System for Medical Data Transfer by Preserving
Privacy of Patient 310
11.6 Conclusion 312
References 312
12 Empowering Secured Outsourcing in Cloud Storage
Through Data Integrity Verification 315
C. Saranya Jothi, Carmel Mary Belinda and N. Rajkumar
12.1 Introduction 315
12.1.1 Confidentiality 316
12.1.2 Availability 316
12.1.3 Information Uprightness 316
Contents xv

12.2 Literature Survey 316

12.2.1 PDP 316 Privacy-Preserving PDP Schemes 317 Efficient PDP 317
12.2.2 POR 317
12.2.3 HAIL 318
12.2.4 RACS 318
12.2.5 FMSR 318
12.3 System Design 319
12.3.1 Design Considerations 319
12.3.2 System Overview 320
12.3.3 Workflow 320
12.3.4 System Description 321 System Encoding 321 Decoding 322 Repair and Check 323
12.4 Implementation and Result Discussion 324
12.4.1 Creating Containers 324
12.4.2 File Chunking 324
12.4.3 XORing Partitions 326
12.4.4 Regeneration of File 326
12.4.5 Reconstructing a Node 327
12.4.6 Cloud Storage 327 NC-Cloud 327 Open Swift 329
12.5 Performance 330
12.6 Conclusion 332
References 333
Index 335

Cognitive computing is a hardware and software element which is presently

being used mainly in smart system development. Technologies such as arti-
ficial intelligence, machine learning, advanced analytics, natural language
processing, big data analytics, and distributed computing come under the
umbrella of cognitive computing. The impact of this technology can be
seen in areas such as healthcare, business, decision-making, personal lives,
and many more. Cognitive engineering is commonly used in analysis,
design, decision-making, and sociotechnical systems; and cognitive phys-
ical systems are used in applications such as human–robot interactions,
transport management, industrial automation, healthcare, agriculture, etc.
Human individual interactions and group behavior are important to all
these applications. Cognitive cyber-physical systems are applied in dif-
ferent areas such as smart manufacturing, agriculture, education, energy
management, security, environmental monitoring, transportation systems,
process control, smart cities and homes, medical healthcare devices, etc.
The increasing complexity of cognitive computing also includes the secu-
rity problems confronted by such networks. This rise of the Internet of
Things (IoT) network complexity is due to too many devices being inter-
connected with each other through the internet along with the enormous
amount of data originating from these devices. Also, novel security issues
arise relating to the development of the IoT while conventional security
issues become more severe. The major reasons for this are the heteroge-
neity and the substantially large scale of the objects. As the threats to IoT
devices are increasing and the security metrics are based on the develop-
mental aspects of software as well as network, the hackers can expand con-
trol and carry out malicious activities and attacks on other devices close
to the compromised one. Due to the natural significance of the low-power
and low-memory nature of these devices, these devices do not have mal-
ware protection or virus protection software. The cognitive approach to the
IoT provides connectivity to everyone and everything since IoT connected
devices are known to increase rapidly. When the IoT is integrated with

xviii Preface

cognitive technology, performance is improved, and smart intelligence is

obtained. Different types of datasets with structured content are discussed
based on cognitive systems. The IoT gathers the information from the real-
time datasets through the internet, where the IoT network connects with
multiple devices.
This book mainly concentrates on providing the best solutions to existing
real-time issues in the cognitive domain. Healthcare-based, cloud-based
and smart transportation-based applications in the cognitive domain are
addressed. The data integrity and security aspects of the cognitive com-
puting domain are also thoroughly discussed along with validated results.

Kolla Bhanu Prakash
G. R. Kanagachidambaresan
V. Srikanth
E. Vamsidhar

We would like to thank the Almighty and our parents for their endless
support, guidance and love throughout all the stages of our lives. We are
grateful to our beloved family members for standing beside us throughout
our careers, which are advanced with the editing of this book.
We would especially like to thank Sri. Koneru Satyanarayana, president of
K.L. University, India, and Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute
of Science and Technology for their continuous support and encouragement
throughout the preparation of this book. We dedicate this book to them.
Many thanks go to our students and family members who have put in their
time and effort to support and contribute in some manner. We would like to
express our gratitude to all who supported, shared, talked things over, read,
wrote, offered comments, allowed us to quote their remarks and assisted in
the editing, proofreading and design of this book throughout the journey to
its completion. We also give our sincere thanks to the open dataset providers.
We believe that the team of authors provided the perfect blend of knowl-
edge and skills that went into authoring this book. We thank each of the
authors for devoting their time, patience, perseverance and effort towards
this book; we think that it will be a great asset to all researchers in this field!
We are grateful to Martin Scrivener and all other members of the pub-
lishing team, who showed us the ropes to creating a book. Without that
knowledge we would not have ventured into such a project. Their trust in
us, guidance and the necessary time and resources afforded us, gave us the
freedom to manage this book.
Last, but definitely not least, we’d like to thank our readers, and we hope
our work inspires and guides them.

Kolla Bhanu Prakash
G. R. Kanagachidambaresan
V. Srikanth
E. Vamsidhar

Introduction to Cognitive Computing
Vamsidhar Enireddy*, Sagar Imambi† and C. Karthikeyan‡

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education

Foundation, Guntur, India

Cognitive computing is an interdisciplinary subject that brings under its umbrella
several techniques such as Machine learning, big data analytics, artificial intelli-
gence, analytics, natural language processing, and probability and statistics to
gather information and understand it using different senses and learning from their
experience. Cognitive computing helps humans in taking the right decisions at a
right time helping the people to grow in their respective fields. In this chapter, we
are going to discuss cognitive computing and the elements involved in it. Further,
we will learn about the components and hypothesis generation and scoring of it.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, cognition, cognitive computing, corpus,

intuitive thinking, hypothesis generation, machine learning

1.1 Introduction: Definition of Cognition, Cognitive

The term Cognition is defined as “The procedure or the method of acquir-
ing information and understanding through experience, thought and the
senses” [1]. It envelops numerous parts of procedures and intellectual
functions, for example, development of information, thinking, reasoning,
attention, decision making, evaluating the decisions, problem-solving,
computing techniques, judging and assessing, critical thinking, conception,

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Kolla Bhanu Prakash, G. R. Kanagachidambaresan, V. Srikanth, E. Vamsidhar (eds.) Cognitive

Engineering for Next Generation Computing: A Practical Analytical Approach, (1–48) © 2021
Scrivener Publishing LLC

2 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

and creation of language. This process produces new information using

existing information. A large number of fields especially psychology, neu-
roscience, biology, philosophy, psychiatry, linguistics, logic, education,
anesthesia, and computer science view and analyze the cognitive processes
with a diverse perspective contained by dissimilar contexts [2].
The word cognition dates to the 15th century, derived from a Latin word
where it meant “thinking and awareness” [3]. The term comes from cogn-
itio which means “examination, learning or knowledge”, derived from the
verb cognosco, a compound of con (‘with’), and gnōscō (‘know’). The latter
half, gnōscō, itself is a cognate of a Greek verb, gi(g)nόsko (γι(γ)νώσκω,
‘I know,’ or ‘perceive’) [4, 5].
Aristotle is probably the first person who has shown interest to study
the working of the mind and its effect on his experience. Memory, men-
tal imagery, observation, and awareness are the major areas of cognition,
hence Aristotle also showed keen interest in their study. He set incredi-
ble significance on guaranteeing that his examinations depended on exact
proof, that is, logical data that is assembled through perception and princi-
pled experimentation [6]. Two centuries later, the basis for current ideas of
comprehension was laid during the Enlightenment by scholars, like, John
Locke and Dugald Stewart who tried to build up a model of the psyche in
which thoughts were obtained, recalled, and controlled [7].
As Derived from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy the Cognitive
science can be defined as “Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study
of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial
intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.”
The approach for cognitive computing depends on understanding the
way how the human brain can process the information. The main theme or
idea of a cognitive system is that it must able to serve as an associate for the
human’s rather than simply imitating the capabilities of the human brain.

1.2 Defining and Understanding Cognitive

Cognitive computing can be defined as hardware and software to learn so
that they need not be reprogrammed and automate the cognitive tasks [11].
This technology brings under its cover many different technologies such
as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics, Natural
Language Processing, Big Data Analytics, and Distributed Computing. The
impact of this technology can be seen in health care, business, decision
making, private lives, and many more.
Cognitive Computing 3

Two disciplines are brought together with cognitive computing

i. Cognitive Science
ii. Computer Science.

The term cognitive science refers to the science of mind and the other is
a computational approach where the theory is put into practice.
The ultimate objective of cognitive computing is that it must able to rep-
licate the human thinking ability in a computer model. Using technologies
like machine learning, natural language processing, advanced analytics,
data mining, and statistics had made these things possible where the work-
ing of the human brain can be mimicked [8].
From a long back, we can construct the computers which perform the
calculations at a high speed, also able to develop supercomputers which
can do calculations in a fraction of second, but they are not able to perform
the tasks as humans do like the reasoning, understanding and recognizing
the objects and images.
Cognitive researchers discover the mental capability of humans through
an examination of the aspects like memory, emotion, reasoning, percep-
tion, and language [12]. Figure 1.1 shows the Human centered cognitive
cycle. On analysis, the human being’s cognitive process can be divided into
two stages. One is the humans use their sensory organs to perceive the
information about their surrounding environment and become aware of

Provide a break
through in the
limitations of the
data Human Machine’s cognition to provide services
for humans

Emotional Interaction
with Robots

loT, 5G, Big Data,

Cloud Computing,
Deep Learning

Cyber Space

Information Theory,
Value of Information,
Potential of Information, To improve intelligence of machines

Figure 1.1 Human-centered cognitive cycle.

4 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

it, in this manner humans gather the input from the outside environment.
The second stage is that this information is carried by the nerves to the
brain for processing and the process of storing, analyzing, and learning
takes place [13].
Many researchers and scientists from many years had tried to develop
the systems that can mimic the human thoughts and process, but it is
relatively complex to transform the intricacy of thinking of humans and
actions into systems. Human beings have a lot of influence on them such
as perception, culture, sentiment, lifestyle, and implicit beliefs about their
surrounding environment. Cognition is the basic framework that not only
leverages the way we imagine but also the way we behave and the way we
make decisions. To understand this let us consider some examples that we
see around us. Why there are different recommendations and approaches
between the treatments for the same disease with different doctors? Why
do people with the same background born and brought up in the same
family have different views and opinions about the world?
Dr. Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel Prize winner in economic sciences in
2002 had paved a way for the cognitive computing approach. He had made
a lot of research in the area of psychology of judgment and decision mak-
ing [11]. The approach is divided into two systems: 1. Intuitive thinking
and 2. Controlled andrulecentric thinking.

System 1: Intuitive thinking

In this system, reasoning occurs in the human brain naturally. The con-
clusions are drawn using our instincts. In System 1 human thinking begins
the moment they are born. Humans learn to notice and recognize the things
and their relationship by themselves. To illustrate this we consider some exam-
ples for better understanding. The children correlate their parent’s voices with
safety. People correlate strident sound with danger. At the same time, we can
see that children with a harsh mother are not going to have a similar experi-
ence with the voice of the mother as the child with a good mother. Humans
learn more things over time and continue assimilating their thoughts into
their mode of working in the world. The chess grandmaster can play the game
with their mind anticipating their opponent’s move and also they can play the
game entirely in their mind without any need to touch the chessboard. The
surrounding environment plays a major role in a person’s behavior, it affects
their emotions and attitudes. A person brought up in treacherous surround-
ings, have a different attitude about the people compared to a person brought
up in healthy surroundings. In System1 using the perception, we gather the
data about the world and connect the events. In the cognitive computing point
of view, this System 1 had taught the way how we gather information from the
Cognitive Computing 5

surroundings helps us to conclude. Figure 1.2 shows collaboration between the

Intuitive thinking and analysis.

System 2: Controlled and rulecentric thinking.

In this process, the reasoning is based on an additional premeditated
process. This conclusion is made by taking into consideration both obser-
vations and test assumptions, rather than simply what is understood. In
this type of system the thinking process to get a postulation, it uses a sim-
ulation model and observes the results of that particular statement. To do
this a lot of data is required and a model is built to test the perceptions
made by System 1. Consider the treatment of cancer patients in which a
large number of ways and drugs are available to treat the patients. The can-
cer drugs not only kill the cancer cells but also kill the healthy cells, making
the patient feel the side effects of it. When a drug company comes with any
novel drug it tests on animals, records its results, and then it is tested on
humans. After a long verification of the data checking the side effects of
the drug on the other parts of the body, the government permits to release
the drug into the market where it takes a long time from research to avail-
ability of that drug. In System 1 when a drug can destroy the cancer cells it
determines it can be put onto the market. It is completely biased. System 2
will not conclude as of System 1, it collects the data from various sources,
refines it, and then it comes to a conclusion. Although this process is slow
it is important to study all the things before jumping to a conclusion. One


System 2
System 1 Slow thinking
Fast thinking Memory

Natural Language
Processing Layer

Figure 1.2 Intuitive thinking and analysis [11].

6 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

of the most complex problems is predicting the outcomes as many factors

can affect the outcomes. So, it is very important to merge the spontaneous
thinking with the computational models.
The cognitive system is based on three important principles

1. Learn
2. Model
3. Hypothesis generation.

1. Learn: The cognitive framework must be able to learn. The

framework use information to make inductions about an
area, a theme, an individual, or an issue dependent on pre-
paring and perceptions from all assortments, volumes, and
speed of information.
2. Model: To learn, the framework it requires to make a model
or portrayal of a domain which incorporates interior and
conceivably exterior information and presumptions that
direct what realizing calculations are utilized. Understanding
the setting of how the information fits into the model is criti-
cal to a cognitive framework.
3. Generate hypotheses: A cognitive framework expects that
there will be several solutions or answers to a question. The
most fitting answer depends on the information itself. In this
way, an intellectual framework is probabilistic. A theory is
an up-and-comer clarification for a portion of the informa-
tion previously comprehended. A cognitive framework uti-
lizes the information to prepare, test, or score speculation.

1.3 Cognitive Computing Evolution and Importance

The basis for cognitive computing is artificial intelligence. Artificial
Intelligence has roots back at least 300 years ago, but in the last 50 years,
there is much research and improvement in this field which has impacted
the development of cognitive computing. The combined work of the math-
ematicians and scientists in converting the working of a brain into a model
such that it mimics the working of the brain, but it has taken a long time
to make them work and think like a human brain. During WW-II England
has achieved victory due to the decoding of the messages of the opponent
and this is achieved by the great work of Alan Turing who worked on the
cryptography. Later Turing worked on machine learning and published a
Cognitive Computing 7

paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” in which he put up a ques-

tion “Can machines think”, he greatly believed that machines can think and
also throw away the argument that the machines cannot think as they do
not have any emotions like the human beings. In the later years, he came
up with the famous Turing test to prove that machines can think as human
beings do. From ten many scientists had contributed to the development
of artificial intelligence and can be termed as modern artificial intelligence.
The cognitive computing is still evolving. Figure 1.3 shows how the evolu-
tion of Cognitive Computing had taken place over the years.
The main focus of cognitive computing is on processing methods, here
the data that is to be processed need not be big. The most important thing
in understanding the working of the brain is how a brain can decode the
image and it is well known that 20% of the brain working function is allo-
cated for the vision and the working of the brain in the image process-
ing is highly efficient. The brain can do things with limited data and even
the limited memory is not affecting the cognition of image information.
Cognitive science helps to develop the algorithms required for cognitive
computing, making the machines to function like a human brain to some
degree of extending [14]. The only way to build up the computers to com-
pute as a human brain is to understand and cognize the things and sur-
roundings in the perspective of how a human brain thinks. The cognitive
computing is very much important and critical to building up the cogni-
tion of a machine and thereby making it to understand the requirements of
humans [15]. There is a necessity to make the machines think like humans
and they must be able to make decisions and have some intelligence as of
humans, of course, a lot of improvement is to be made in this field. With the
help of the present techniques, it is possible to make machines think like
humans, as they involve reasoning, understanding complicated emotions.

1. Identifying and understanding the

knowledge from the information extracted
from various sources

3 Cognitive Computing 2. It is an interdisciplinary study of how a

Cognitive Computing Evolution

human brain works. It includes Computer

Science, Neuroscience, psychology, linguistics,
2 Big Data Philosphy etc.

1 3. Dealing with both complex and high

Cognitive Science volumes of data. The existing technologies
cannot be used to extract, search, store,
share, analyze and process the data
4. Cognitive Computing is to enable the
machines to have intelligence, thinking and
reasoning like humans
1968 1973 2008 2011

Figure 1.3 Showing the evolution of Cognitive Computing [13].

8 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

Cognitive computing had made tremendous progress and also exceeded

the conventional machine learning. Internet of Things is one technology
that had made very good progress and helping the people in many ways
and now IoT is embedded with cognitive computing developing a smarter
Internet of Things systems assisting the humans in many ways like provid-
ing vital suggestions and helping in the decision making [16].
In today’s world with a lot of sensors around a lot of data is being
generated all the time in many forms. The evolution of cognitive com-
puting is to make a sense in this multifaceted world with this large vol-
ume of data. The older technologies have been developed to make sense
with the structured data and machines, software is also developed to deal
with such type of data and gathering information from the structured
data. The growth of social site and apps have impacted the growth in the
unstructured and semi-structured data and these older technologies are
no more a way to handle these types of data and the cognitive computing
helps in gathering the information from all types of data Unstructured,
Semi-structured, and Structured data. Without the handling of these dif-
ferent types of data, a lot of information can be missed and the cognitive
computing is going to help the humans to collaborate with the machines
so that a maximum gain can be extracted from them. In the past also we
have seen the technology had transformed the industries and also the
human way of living from the last decades. Transactional processing had
started in the 1950s had brought a lot of transformation in government
operations and also in business transactions, giving a lot of efficient ways
to deal with the operations. During that time the data was limited and
major data is structured data and tools are developed to handle this type
of data and many mining tools are developed to extract the information
from that data. A large amount of data cannot be handled by the tradi-
tional tools and methods, so we need a mixture of traditional methods
with traditional technical models with the innovations to solve the nig-
gling problems.

1.4 Difference Between Cognitive Computing

and Artificial Intelligence
Although it was stated that the foundation for cognitive computing is arti-
ficial intelligence there is a lot of difference between the two.
The basic use of artificial intelligence is to solve the problem by imple-
menting the best algorithm, but cognitive computing is entirely different
from artificial intelligence as cognitive computing adds the reasoning,
Cognitive Computing 9

intelligence to the machine and also analyzes different factors to solve the
Artificial Intelligence mimics the human intelligence in machines. This
process comprises making the machines learn constantly with the chang-
ing data, making sense of the information, and taking decisions including
the self-corrections whenever needed.
Human beings use the senses to gather information about the surround-
ing environment and process that information using the brain to know
about the environment. In this context, we can define that artificial intelli-
gence can also include replicating the human senses such as hearing, smell-
ing, touching, seeing, and tasting. It also includes simulating the learning
process and this is made possible in the machines using machine learning
and deep learning. Last but not least is human responses achieved through
the robotics [18].
The cognitive computing is used to understand and simulate the rea-
soning and human behavior. Cognitive Computing assists humans to
take better decisions in their respective fields. Their applications are fraud
detection, face and emotion detection, sentiment analysis, risk analysis,
and speech recognition [17].
The main focus of cognitive computing includes

i. To solve complex problems by mimicking human behav-

ior and reasoning.
ii. Trying to replicate the humans in solving the problems
iii. Assists the human in taking decisions and do not replace
humans at all.

Artificial Intelligence focus includes

i. To solve complex problems it augments human thinking,

it tries to provide accurate results.
ii. It tries to find new methods to solve problems which can
potentially be superior to humans
iii. The main intent of AI is to solve the problem utilizing
the best algorithm and not simply mimicking the human
iv. The human role is minimized in taking the decisions and
artificial intelligence takes over the responsibility.

The main advantage that needs to be highlighted is that Cognitive

Computing does not pose any threat to humans. Cognitive computing helps
10 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

in assisting human beings in taking better decisions in their tasks, endowing

human beings with high precision in analyzing the things, same time hav-
ing everything under their control. In the case of the health care system,
cognitive computing assists the specialists in the diagnosis of the disease
using the data and advanced analytics, by which it helps to take qual-
ity decisions by the doctors [10]. In Figure 1.4 we can see the growth of
Cognitive Computing in various continents. In Figure 1.5 we can see the
growth of revenue in the various locations of the world.


Figure 1.4 Global cognitive market [17].


Figure 1.5 Global cognitive market revenue, by geography [17].

Cognitive Computing 11

1.5 The Elements of a Cognitive System

Several different elements constitute the cognitive system, starting from
hardware and operational prototypes to modern machine learning algo-
rithms and applications. Figure 1.6 gives a general design for building a
cognitive system.

1.5.1 Infrastructure and Deployment Modalities

The system needs to meet the demands of the industries as they continu-
ously grow and the infrastructure should be flexible to carry on the appli-
cations required for the industry. A large amount of data is required to be
processed and managed; this data consists of both public and private data.
Cloud infrastructure services are required and constant support should be
given, providing a highly parallel and distributed computing environment.

General Design of a Cognitive System

Presentation and Visualization Services

APIs, Business and Security Services

Work load Automation Services

Generate Score
Hypotheses Hypotheses

External Continuous Machine Learning

Corpora Processing Analytics Services
Ontologies Taxonomies Predictive Descriptive
(video, Language
Images, Images Prescriptive
sensors, Data Catalogs Sensors
sound) Voice Discovery Diagnostic
Structured Feature Extraction Deep Learning NLP
(databases) Data Access, Metadata and Management Services
Internal Data Sources
Infrastructure/Deployment Modalities

Figure 1.6 The general design of a cognitive system [11].

12 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

1.5.2 Data Access, Metadata, and Management Services

Data is the most important point where cognitive computing revolves around,
so the data collection, accession, and maintaining it must have a very import-
ant role. A lot of essential services are required for adding the data and also
using it. To ingest the data utmost care should be taken to check the source
from which the data is originated. As a result, there is a requirement that data
should be classified based on the origin of data, as it is required to check the
data source was trusted or not. The most important thing to learn here is that
the data is not static as it is required to update the data from the sources and
upload it into the systems. The corpus is the one that holds the data and it
relies on various internal and external sources. As a large data is available, a
check should be done on data sources, data should be verified, cleaned, and
check for accuracy so that it can be added into the corpus. This is a mammoth
task as it requires a lot of management services to prepare the data.

1.5.3 The Corpus, Taxonomies, and Data Catalogs

Firmly connected with the information access and the other executive
layer are the corpus and data analytics administrations. A corpus is the
information base of ingested information and is utilized to oversee clas-
sified information. The information required to build up the area for the
framework is incorporated in the corpus. Different types of information
are ingested into the framework. In numerous cognitive frameworks, this
information will principally be text‐based (records, patient data, course
books, client reports, and such). Other cognitive frameworks incorpo-
rate numerous types of unstructured and semi‐structured information,
(for example, recordings, pictures, sensors, and sounds). What’s more, the
corpus may incorporate ontologies that characterize explicit elements and
their connections. Ontologies are regularly evolved by industry gatherings
to arrange industry-specific components, for example, standard synthetic
mixes, machine parts, or clinical maladies and medicines. In a cognitive
framework, it is frequently important to utilize a subset of an industry‐
based ontology to incorporate just the information that relates to the focal
point of the cognitive framework. A taxonomy works inseparably with
ontologies. It also provides a background contained by the ontology.

1.5.4 Data Analytics Services

These are the methods used to increase the comprehension of the informa-
tion ingested and managed inside the corpus. Ordinarily, clients can take a
Cognitive Computing 13

bit of leeway of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured information

that has been ingested and start to utilize modern calculations to anticipate
results, find designs, or decide the next best activities. These administra-
tions don’t live in separation. They constantly get to new information from
the information get to layer and pull information from the corpus. Various
propelled calculations are applied to build up the model for the cognitive

1.5.5 Constant Machine Learning

Machine learning is a strategy that gives the ability to the information to
learn without being unequivocally modified. Cognitive frameworks are
dynamic. These models are ceaselessly refreshed dependent on new infor-
mation, examination, and associations. This procedure has two key com-
ponents: Hypothesis generation and Hypothesis evaluation.
A distinctive cognitive framework utilizes machine learning calcula-
tions to construct a framework for responding to questions or conveying
insight. The structure requires helping the following characteristics:

1. Access, administer, and evaluate information in the setting.

2. Engender and score different hypotheses dependent on the
framework’s aggregated information. The framework may
produce various potential arrangements to each difficult it
illuminates and convey answers and bits of knowledge with
related certainty levels.
3. The framework persistently refreshes the model dependent
on client associations and new information. A cognitive
framework gets more astute after some time in a robotized

1.5.6 Components of a Cognitive System

The framework has an interior store of information (the corpus) and also
communicates with the exterior surroundings to catch extra information,
to possibly refresh external frameworks. Cognitive frameworks may utilize
NLP to get text, yet additionally need another handling, profound learning
capacities, and instruments to apprehend images, voice, recordings, and
position. These handling capacities give a path to the cognitive framework
to comprehend information in setting and understand a specific domain
area. The cognitive framework creates hypotheses and furnishes elective
answers or bits of knowledge with related certainty levels. Also, a cognitive
14 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

framework should be able to do deep learning that is explicit to branches of

knowledge and businesses. The existing pattern of a cognitive framework
is an iterative procedure. The iterative procedure requires the amalgama-
tion of best practices of the humans and also training the system with the
available data.

1.5.7 Building the Corpus

Corpus can be defined as a machine-readable portrayal of the total record
of a specific area or theme. Specialists in an assortment of fields utilize a
corpus or corpora for undertakings, for example, semantic investigation to
contemplate composing styles or even to decide the credibility of a specific
The information that is to be added into the corpus is of different types
of Structured, Unstructured, and Semi-structured data. It is here what
makes the difference with the normal database. The structured data is the
data which have a structured format like rows and column format. The
semi-structured data is like the raw data which includes XML, Jason, etc.
The unstructured data includes the images, videos, log, etc. All these types
of data are included in the corpus. Another problem we face is that the
data needs to be updated from time to time. All the information that is to
be added into the corpus must be verified carefully before ingesting into it.
In this application, the corpus symbolizes the body of information the
framework can use to address questions, find new examples or connections,
and convey new bits of knowledge. Before the framework is propelled, in
any case, a base corpus must be made and the information ingested. The
substance of this base corpus obliges the sorts of issues that can be tackled,
and the association of information inside the corpus significantly affects
the proficiency of the framework. In this manner, the domain area for the
cognitive framework has to be chosen and then the necessary information
sources can be collected for building the corpus. A large of issues will arise
in building the corpus.
What kinds of issues would you like to resolve? If the corpus is as well
barely characterized, you may pass up new and unforeseen insights.
If information is cut from outside resources before ingesting it into a
corpus, they will not be utilized in the scoring of hypotheses, which is the
foundation of machine learning.
Corpus needs to incorporate the correct blend of applicable informa-
tion assets that can empower the cognitive framework to convey exact
reactions in normal time. When building up a cognitive framework, it’s a
smart thought to decide in favor of social occasion more information or
Cognitive Computing 15

information because no one can tell when the disclosure of an unforeseen

affiliation will lead to significant new information.
Accorded the significance set on obtaining the correct blend of infor-
mation sources, several inquiries must be tended to right off the bat in the
planning stage for this framework:

➢➢ Which interior and exterior information sources are

required for the particular domain regions and issues to be
unraveled? Will exterior information sources be ingested in
entire or to some extent?
➢➢ How would you be able to streamline the association of
information for effective exploration and examination?
➢➢ How would you be able to coordinate information over var-
ious corpora?
➢➢ How would you be able to guarantee that the corpus is
extended to fill in information gaps in your base corpus?
How might you figure out which information sources need
to be refreshed and at what recurrence?

The most critical point is that the decision of which sources to remem-
ber for the underlying corpus. Sources running from clinical diaries to
Wikipedia may now be proficiently imported in groundwork for the dis-
patch of the cognitive framework. It is also important that the unstructured
data has to be ingested from the recordings, pictures, voice, and sensors.
These sources are ingested at the information get to layer (refer figure).
Other information sources may likewise incorporate subject‐specific orga-
nized databases, ontologies, scientific classifications, furthermore, indexes.
On the off chance that the cognitive computing application expects
access to exceptionally organized information made by or put away in
different frameworks, for example, open or exclusive databases, another
structure thought is the amount of that information to import at first. It is
additionally essential to decide if to refresh or invigorate the information
intermittently, consistently, or in light of a solicitation from the framework
when it perceives that more information can assist it with giving better
During the plan period of an intellectual framework, a key thought is
whether to build a taxonomy or ontology if none as of now exists for the
specific domain. These types of structures not only streamline the activity
of the framework, but they also make them more productive. In any case,
if the designers are accountable for guaranteeing that an ontology and tax-
onomy is absolute and fully updated, it might be progressively viable to
16 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

have the framework constantly assess connections between space compo-

nents rather than have the originators incorporate that with a hard‐coded
structure. The performance of the hypothesis generation and scoring solely
depend on the data structures that have been chosen in the framework. It
is in this manner prudent to demonstrate or reenact regular outstanding
tasks at hand during the planning stage before focusing on explicit struc-
tures. An information catalog, which incorporates metadata, for example,
semantic data or pointers, might be utilized to deal with the basic infor-
mation all the more productively. The list is, as a deliberation, progres-
sively smaller what’s more, for the most part, quicker to control than a lot
bigger database it speaks to. In the models and outlines, when alluding to
corpora, it ought to be noted that these can be coordinated into a solitary
corpus while doing so will help disentangle the rationale of the framework
or improves execution. Much like a framework can be characterized as an
assortment of littler incorporated frameworks, totaling information from
an assortment of corpora brings about a solitary new corpus. Looking after
isolated corpora is ordinarily accomplished for execution reasons, much
like normalizing tables in a database to encourage inquiries, instead of
endeavoring to join tables into a solitary, progressively complex structure.

1.5.8 Corpus Administration Governing and Protection

Information sources and the development of that information are progres-
sively turning out to be intensely managed, especially for by and by recog-
nizable data. Some broad issues of information approach for assurance,
security, and consistency are regular to all applications, however, cognitive
computing applications be trained and infer new information or informa-
tion that may likewise be dependent upon a developing collection of state,
government, furthermore, global enactment.
At the point when the underlying corpus is created, almost certainly,
a ton of information will be imported utilizing extract–transform–load
(ETL) apparatuses. These devices may have risk management, security,
and administrative highlights to enable the client to make preparations
for information abuse or give direction when sources are known to con-
tain sensitive information. The accessibility of the said instruments doesn’t
clear the developers from a duty to guarantee that the information and
metadata are consistent with material rules and guidelines. Ensured infor-
mation might be ingested (for instance, individual identifiers) or pro-
duced (for instance, clinical findings) when the corpus is refreshed by the
cognitive computing framework. Anticipating great corpus the executive
Cognitive Computing 17

sought to incorporate an arrangement to screen applicable strategies that

sway information in the corpus. The information gets to layer instruments
depicted in the following area must be joined by or implant consistence
strategies and techniques to guarantee that imported and determining
information and metadata stay consistent. That incorporates the thought
of different sending modalities, for example, distributed computing, which
may disperse information across geopolitical limits.

1.6 Ingesting Data Into Cognitive System

In contrast to numerous customary frameworks, the information that is
added into the corpus is always dynamic, which means that the informa-
tion should be always updated. There is a need to fabricate a base of infor-
mation that sufficiently characterizes your domain space and also start
filling this information base with information you anticipate to be signif-
icant. As you build up the model in the cognitive framework, you refine
the corpus. Along these lines, you will consistently add to the information
sources, change those information sources, and refine and purge those
sources dependent on the model improvement and consistent learning.

1.6.1 Leveraging Interior and Exterior Data Sources

Most associations as of now oversee immense volumes of organized infor-
mation from their value-based frameworks and business applications, and
unstructured information, for example, the text contained in structures
or notes and conceivably pictures from archives or then again corporate
video sources. Albeit a few firms are composing applications to screen
outer sources, for example, news and online life channels, numerous IT
associations are not yet well prepared to use these sources and incorporate
them with interior information sources. Most subjective registering frame-
works will be created for areas that require continuous access to coordi-
nated information from outside the association.
The person figures out how to recognize the correct sources to sustain
his statements or his decision, he is normally based on social media, news
channels, newspapers, and also on different web resources. Similarly, the
cognitive application for the most part needs to get to an assortment of effi-
cient sources to keep updated on the topic on which the cognitive domain
operates. Likewise, similar to experts who must adjust the news or infor-
mation from these exterior sources in opposition to their understanding,
a cognitive framework must figure out how to gauge the external proof
18 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

and create trust in the source and also on the content after some time. For
instance, one can find an article related to medicine in a famous magazine,
which can be a good source of information but if this article is contrary
to an article published in a peer-reviewed journal, then the cognitive sys-
tem must able to gauge the contradicting positions. The data that has to be
ingested into the corpus must be verified carefully. In the above example,
we may find that all the information sources that might be helpful ought
to be thought of and conceivably ingested. On the other hand, this doesn’t
imply that all sources will be of equivalent worth.
Consider the case of the healthcare in which we can see that an average
person meets several doctors or specialists for any health issue. A large
number of records will be generated each time he meets the doctors, so
Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) help to place all the records in one
place and also help to refer them whenever required and doctors can map
easily on verifying these records. This helps the specialist to find the asso-
ciation between the blends of side effects and disorders or infections that
would be missed if a specialist or scientist approached uniquely to the
records from their training or establishment. This cannot be done manu-
ally by a person as he may miss or forget to carry all the records with him
while meeting the doctor.
A communications organization using the cognitive approach wants to
improve its performance to capture or improve their market share. The
cognitive system can foresee ant failures in the machine by calculating the
inner variables, for example, traffic and traditional patterns; they also cal-
culate the external components, for example, extreme climate threats that
are probably going to cause over-burdens and also substantial damage.

1.6.2 Data Access and Feature Extraction

In the diagram data access level has portrayed the principle interface con-
necting the cognitive system and the external world. Any information that
is needed has to be imported from outer sources has to go through the
procedures inside this layer. All types of structured, semi-structured, and
unstructured data are required for the cognitive application is collected
from different resources, and this information is arranged for processing
using the machine learning algorithms. To put an analogy to the human
way of learning is that it represents the senses. There are two tasks that the
feature extraction layer needs to complete. One is identifying the signifi-
cant information and the second is to extract the information so that it can
be processed by the machine learning algorithms. Consider for instance
with image processing application where the image representation is in
Cognitive Computing 19

pixels and it does not completely represent an object in the image. We need
to represent the things in a meaningful manner as in the case of the med-
ical images, where a dog or dog scan is not useful to the veterinary doctor
until the essential structure is captured, identified, and represented. Using
Natural Language Processing the meaning in the unstructured text can be
identified. The corpus is dynamic hence the data is added or removed from
it constantly by using the hypotheses score.

1.7 Analytics Services

The term Analytics alludes to an assortment of procedures used to discover
and provide details regarding fundamental qualities or associations inside a
dataset. These techniques are very helpful in guiding us by providing knowl-
edge about data so that a good decision can be taken based on the insights.
Algorithms such as regression analysis are most widely used to find the solu-
tions. In cognitive systems, a wide scope of sophisticated analytics is acces-
sible for descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive tasks in many commercial
library packages in the statistical software. In further to support the cognitive
systems tasks a large number of supporting tools are available. In the pres-
ent time analytics role in the market has changed a lot. Table 1.1 gives us a
view of the analytics role that many organizations are experiencing. These
analytics helps to learn and understand things from the past and thereby
predict future outcomes. Most of the data collected from the past are utilized
by business analytics and data scientists to come up with a good prediction.
The main important thing in these days is that the technology is growing
and it is meeting all levels of the people in the whole world and world has
itself become a small global village due to the information technology, so
the organizations should learn that they are many dynamic changes in the
behavior and taste of the people. Using the advanced analytics it is necessary
to build better predictive models so that for any small change in the trade
environment these models can react to them.
Figure 1.7 gives a brief look at how analytics and artificial intelligence
technologies are converged. In the competitive world, operational changes
and planning should be done at a quick rate to survive in the market. A
decision should be taken fast and it can happen when the tools used for
the prediction can give us a result in no time otherwise it may become a
disaster for the company if it takes decisions a late as the competitor can
overtake the market within no time. Many big and reliable companies have
lost the market for taking late decisions it has happened in the past and
can happen in the future also. For instance, consider a client relationship
20 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

Table 1.1 Different types of analytics and their examples [11].

S. no. Analytics type Description Examples
1 Descriptive Realize what transpires Which item styles
Analytics when using analytic are selling better
procedures on past this quarter
and present data. as analyzed to
last quarter?
Which districts
are displaying
the most
What components
are affecting
development in
various areas?
2 Predictive Comprehend what What are the
Analytics may happen when forecasts for next
utilizing statistical quarter’s sales
predictive modeling by items and
capabilities, that territory?
includes both How does this affect
data mining and unprocessed
AI. Predictive acquisitions,
models use past human resources
and current data to and inventory
forecast forthcoming Management?
outcomes. Models
search for patterns,
clusters of behavior,
and events. Models
recognize outliers.
Cognitive Computing 21

Table 1.1 Different types of analytics and their examples [11]. (Continued)
S. no. Analytics type Description Examples
3 Prescriptive Use to create a What is the best
Analytics framework for blend of items for
deciding what to every locale?
do or not do in the In What Way the
future. The “prescient” consumers in
component ought each zone respond
to be tended to to marketing
in prescriptive promotions and
examination to help deals? What type
recognize the overall of the offer ought
outcomes of your to be made to each
activities. Utilize an client to fabricate
iterative procedure dependability and
so that your model increment deals?
can gain from the
relationship among
activities and results
4 Machine A coordinated effort In What Manner the
Learning and among people and city environment
Cognitive machines to take is secure?
Computing care of complicated Are there any
issues. cautions from
Incorporate and the immense the
evaluate different measure of data
sources of data to spilling from
anticipate results. checking gadgets
Need relies upon (video, sound, and
the issues you detecting gadgets
are attempting to for smoke or
understand. harmful gases)?
Improve adequacy of Which blend of
critical thinking and drugs will furnish
decrease blunders in the best result
predicting outcomes. for a particular
cancer patient
based on precise
attributes of the
tumor and genetic
22 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

Cognitive Computing

Analytics Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning, Natural Language
Processing, Knowledge Representation

Figure 1.7 Figure showing the convergence of technologies.

application in which the customer calls the executive for some reason, and
in this interaction, with the customer, the executive must clear the doubts
of the client and satisfy him by deciding in a short time. This helps the
organization to retain the customer and helps to add more clients to them
when the service provided to them is done in no time. The problem is that
there is a large amount of data available and to process it also is difficult.
As the data contains structured, semi-structured, and unstructured a large
number of analytical models are need to be incorporated so that the pre-
diction can be improved.

1.8 Machine Learning

Machine learning is the logical control that rose out of the general field
of Artificial Intelligence. It is an interdisciplinary field where insights and
information speculations are applied to discover the connections among
the information and to build up programs by adapting consequently with-
out human intercession. This procedure looks like the human learning
process. Analysts are as yet attempting to make machines smart and act
like people. This learning procedure begins with accessible information.
Information assumes an essential job in the machine learning process. ML
is also being utilized for information examination, such as identifying reg-
ularities in the information by fittingly managing incomplete information
and the transformation of constant information.
Machine learning is multidisciplinary and is a subset of AI. However, it
additionally consolidates the methods from statistics, control hypothesis,
Cognitive Science as shown in Figure 1.8. The subsequent explanation is
the exponential development of both accessible information and computer
Cognitive Computing 23

Multidisciplinary Field Intelligence

Probability & Neurobiology


Complexity Philosophy
Theory Information

Figure 1.8 Machine learning.

processing power. The order of AI additionally joins other information

investigation disciplines like data mining, probability and statistics, com-
putational complexity theory, Neurobiology, philosophy, and Information
Cognitive computing models use machine learning techniques depen-
dent on inferential insights to identify or find designs that direct their
behavioral patterns. Picking the fundamental learning way to deal with
model recognition versus disclosure of examples ought to be founded on
the available information and nature of the issues to be unraveled. AI regu-
larly utilizes inferential insights (the reason for prescient, instead of precise
examination) methods.
One of the more important uses of AI is to mechanize the procurement
of information bases utilized by supposed master frameworks, which plans
to imitate the dynamic procedure of human aptitude in a field. Be that as it
may, the extent of its application has been developing.
The significant methodologies incorporate utilizing neural systems,
case-based learning, hereditary calculations, rule enlistment, and analytical
learning. While in the past they were applied autonomously, as of late these
ideal models or models are being utilized in a crossbreed design, shutting
the limits among them and empowering the improvement of increasingly
compelling models. The blend of analytical techniques can guarantee com-
pelling and repeatable and reliable outcomes, a necessary part for practical
use in standard business and industry arrangements.
24 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

1.9 Machine Learning Process

1.9.1 Data Collection

• The quantity and quality of data decide how our model per-
forms. The gathered data is represented in a format which is
further used in training
• We can also get preprocessed data from Kaggle, UCI, or
from any other public datasets.

1.9.2 Data Preparation

Data preparation of machine learning process includes

• Arranging information and set it up for preparing.

• The cleaning process includes removing duplicate copies,
handling mistakes, managing missing qualities, standard-
ization, information type changes, and so on.
• Randomizing information, which eradicates the impacts of
the specific samples wherein we gathered or potentially, in
any case, arranged our information.
• Transforming information to identify pertinent connections
between factors or class labels and characteristics (predis-
position alert!), or perform other exploratory examination.
• Splitting data set into training and test data sets for learning
and validating process.

1.9.3 Choosing a Model

Choosing the model is crucial in the machine learning process as the dif-
ferent algorithms are suitable for different tasks. Choosing an appropriate
algorithm is a very important task.

1.9.4 Training the Model

• The goal of training is to learn from data and use it to predict

unseen data. For example in Linear, the regression algorithm
would need to learn values for m (or W) and b (x is input,
y is output)
Cognitive Computing 25

• In each iteration of the process, the model trains and

improves its efficiency.

1.9.5 Evaluate the Model

Model evaluation is done by a metric or combination of metrics and mea-
sures the performance of the model. The performance of the model is
tested against previously unknown data. This unknown data may be from
the real world and used to measure the performance and helps in tuning
the model. Generally, the train and the split ratio is 80/20 or 70/30 depend-
ing on the data availability.

1.9.6 Parameter Tuning

This progression alludes to hyperparameter tuning, which is a “fine art”
instead of a science. Tune the model boundaries for improved execution.
Straightforward model hyperparameters may include the number of pre-
paring steps, learning rate, no of epochs, and so forth.

1.9.7 Make Predictions

Utilizing further (test set) information which has, until this point, been retained
from the model (and for which class names are known), are utilized to test the
model; a superior estimate of how the model will act in reality.

1.10 Machine Learning Techniques

Machine learning comes in many different zests, depending on the algo-
rithm and its objectives. The learning techniques are broadly classified into
3 types, Supervised learning, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
Machine learning can be applied by specific learning strategies, such as:

1.10.1 Supervised Learning

It is a machine learning task of inferring function from labeled data. The
model relies on pre-labeled data that contains the correct label for each
input as shown in Figure 1.9. A supervised algorithm analyses the training
example and produce an inferred function that can be used for mapping
new examples. It is like learning with a teacher. The training data set is
considered as a teacher. The teacher gives good examples for the student to
26 Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

Supervise Learning Process: Two Steps

Learning(Training): Learn a model using the training data

Testing: Test the model using unseen test data to assess the model accuracy
No. of correct classifications
Accuracy =
Total no of test cases

Training Data Learning Algorithm Model Test Data Accuracy

Figure 1.9 Supervised model.

memorize, and guide the student to derive general rules from these specific
In the Supervised learning technique, an algorithm learns from histor-
ical data and the related target labels which may consist of numeric values
or string, as classes. And the trained model predicts the correct label when
given with new examples.
The supervised approach is generally similar to human learning under
the supervision of a teacher. There is a need to distinguish between regres-
sion problems, whose target is a numeric value, and classification problems,
whose target is a qualitative variable, such as a class or a tag. A regression
task determines the average prices of houses in the Boston area, and a clas-
sification task distinguishes between kinds of iris flowers based on their
sepal and petal measures. A supervised strategy maps the data inputs and
models them against desired outputs.
The supervised learning technique can be further divided into regres-
sion and classification problems.

• Classification: In the classification problem, the output vari-

able is a category, such as “red” or “blue” or “disease” and
“no disease”. Classification emails into ‘spam’ or ‘not spam’
is another example.
• Regression: In the regression problem, the output variable is
a real value, such as “price” or “weight” or “sales”.

Some famous examples of supervised machine learning algorithms are:

SVM, Bayes, KNN, Random forest, Neural networks, Linear regression,
Decision tree, etc.
Cognitive Computing 27

1.10.2 Unsupervised Learning

An unsupervised strategy used to map the inputs and model them to find
new trends. Derivative ones that combine these for a semi-supervised
approach and others are also be used. Unsupervised learning is another
form of machine learning algorithm which was applied to extract infer-
ences from the large number of datasets consisting of input data without
labeled responses.
Unsupervised learning happens when a calculation gains from plain
models with no related reaction, leaving for the calculation to decide the
information designs all alone. This sort of calculation will, in general,
rebuild the information into something different, such as new highlights
that may speak to a class or another arrangement of uncorrelated qualities.
They are accommodating in giving people bits of knowledge into the sig-
nificance of information and new valuable contributions to administered
machine learning techniques.
The most widely recognized unsupervised learning technique is clus-
ter analysis, which is utilized for exploratory information investigation to
discover hidden examples or gathering in the information. It is like learn-
ing without a teacher. The machine learns through observation and finds
structures in data.
Clustering and Association rule the two techniques that come under
unsupervised learning.
Hierarchical clustering, K mean clustering, Markov models.
As a part of learning, it takes after the strategies people use to make
sense of those specific articles or occasions are from a similar class, for
example, by watching the level of similitude between objects. Some sug-
gestion frameworks that find on the web through promoting robotization
depend on this sort of learning.
This opens the entryway onto a huge number of utilizations for which
AI can be utilized, in numerous territories, to depict, endorse, and find
what is happening inside enormous volumes of assorted information.

1.10.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning involves the mechanism of reward and punish-
ment for the process of learning. In this type of learning, the objective is
to maximize the reward and minimize the punishment. In Reinforcement
Learning Errors help you learn because they have a penalty added (cost,
loss of time, regret, pain, and so on).
Ex. when computers learn to play video games by themselves.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
que no es un bardaje?
Y aunque sea un bardaje, ¿qué mal hay en ello?
¿Puede haber mal mayor?
¿Qué dirás si también te venzo en este punto?
Me callaré; ¿qué podría hacer?
Ea, dime, ¿a qué clase pertenecen los oradores?
A la de los bardajes[550].
Lo creo. ¿Y los poetas trágicos?
A la de los bardajes.
Tienes razón. ¿Y los demagogos?
A la de los bardajes.
¿Ves cómo yo no hablaba tan neciamente? Mira ahora a qué clase
pertenecen la mayoría de los espectadores.
Ya miro.
¿Qué ves?
Por los dioses, veo que los más son bardajes. Este que yo conozco
ese, y aquel de los largos cabellos.
¿Qué dices ahora?
Somos vencidos. ¡Bardajes, recibid mi manto; me paso a vosotros!
(Se retiran.)

Y bien, ¿quieres llevarte a tu hijo, o dejarle para que le enseñe e
arte de hablar?
Enséñale, castígale, y no te olvides de afilar bien su lengua, de
modo que uno de sus dos filos le sirva para los negocios de poca
monta, y el otro para los de mucha importancia.
Pierde cuidado; te lo enviaré hecho un completo sofista.
Bien pálido, me parece, y bien miserable.
Id, pues; creo que te arrepentirás algún día. (Entran en la escuela
de Sócrates.) Queremos deciros, jueces, lo que ganaréis si nos
otorgáis la protección merecida. En primer lugar, al principio de la
primavera, cuando queráis labrar vuestras tierras lloveremos antes
para vosotros y en seguida para los demás; después, cuando vuestras
viñas tengan ya racimos, cuidaremos de que no las perjudiquen ni la
sequía ni la excesiva humedad. Pero, si algún mortal nos ofende
piense en los muchos males que le reserva nuestra venganza. No
recogerá de su campo vino ni fruto alguno; cuando principien a brota
sus vides y sus olivos, los devastaremos y los destruiremos por medio
del huracán; si le vemos fabricar ladrillos, lloveremos y romperemos
con redondo granizo las tejas de su casa; cuando él o alguno de sus
parientes o amigos contraiga matrimonio, lloveremos a torrentes toda
la noche[551], de modo que preferirá haber estado en Egipto a habe
juzgado injustamente.

(Estrepsiades sale de su casa con un saco de harina y se dirige a la

de Sócrates.)
Aún faltan cinco días; después cuatro, tres, dos, y por último viene
luego a toda prisa el que más temo, detesto y abomino, el día treinta
del mes[552]. Todos mis acreedores hacen el depósito necesario para
entablar un pleito y juran arruinarme y perderme: sin embargo, mis
proposiciones son moderadas y justas. «Amigo mío, digo a cada uno
no me exijas por ahora esta cantidad; dame prórroga para pagarte
esta otra; perdóname aquella.» Pero ellos dicen que así no cobrarán
nunca, me insultan llamándome injusto, y dicen que van a procesarme
¡Que me procesen! Poco me importa si Fidípides aprende el arte de
hablar bien. Pronto lo sabré; llamemos a la puerta de la escuela
¡Esclavo! ¡Hola, esclavo!

Salud a Estrepsiades.
Salud a Sócrates. Por lo pronto, toma esto[553]. Es justo regala
alguna cosa al maestro. Di, ¿ha aprendido mi hijo el famoso
Lo ha aprendido.
¡Bien, oh Fraude omnipotente!
Podrás ganar todos los pleitos que quieras.
¿Aunque haya habido algún testigo cuando yo tomé el préstamo?
Aunque haya habido mil.
De modo que podré gritar en alta voz: «¡Ay de vosotros, usureros
ahora pereceréis con vuestro capital y los intereses de los intereses
no me vejaréis más, porque en esa escuela se educa un hijo mío
armado de una lengua de dos filos, que será mi defensor, el salvado
de mi casa, el azote de mis enemigos, el que libertará a su padre de
infinitos cuidados y molestias.» Llámale pronto afuera. ¡Hijo mío, hijo
mío! ¡Sal de la casa! ¡Atiende a tu padre!
Helo aquí.
¡Oh, amigo mío! ¡amigo mío!
Parte, y llévatelo.
(Sócrates entra en su casa.)
¡Oh, hijo mío! ¡Ah! ¡Ah! ¡Cuánto me alegro al ver tu color! Tu rostro
indica que estás dispuesto primero a negar, después a contradecir, y
que te es muy familiar esta frase: «¿Qué dices tú?» y el fingirte
injuriado, cuando injurias y maltratas a los demás. Hasta en tu
semblante brilla la mirada ática. Ahora date maña a salvarme, ya que
me has perdido.
¿Qué te atemoriza?
El día viejo y nuevo.
¿Hay acaso algún día viejo y nuevo?
En él dicen que van a hacer sus depósitos para procesarme.
Pues perderán los depositantes; porque un día no puede ser dos
¿Que no puede ser?
¿Cómo? A menos que la misma mujer pueda ser a un tiempo vieja
y joven.
La ley así lo dispone.
Indudablemente no comprenden bien el espíritu de la ley.
¿Cuál es su espíritu?
El viejo Solón era, por carácter, amigo del pueblo.
Eso no tiene nada que ver con el día nuevo y viejo.
Y fijó dos días para la citación a juicio, el viejo y el nuevo, a fin de
que los depósitos fuesen hechos el día del novilunio.
¿Y por qué añadió el viejo?
¿Preguntas por qué, fatuo? Con objeto de que los que hayan sido
citados tengan un día para arreglar amigablemente el asunto; y de lo
contrario, para que pueda reclamárseles en la mañana misma de
Entonces, ¿por qué los magistrados no reciben los depósitos el día
primero de mes, sino en el anterior, en el día nuevo y viejo?
Me parece a mí que hacen lo que los glotones, adelantan un día
para disfrutar más pronto de los depósitos de los litigantes.
¡Bien! Pobres tontos que servís de juguete a nosotros los sabios
porque sois como piedras, como un rebaño de imbéciles, como
borregos aglomerados al acaso cual si fuerais tinajas. Preciso es que
yo entone un himno de alabanza en honor mió y de mi hijo.
«¡Feliz Estrepsiades, cuán sabio eres, y qué hijo has educado!»
Tales serán las palabras de mis amigos y conciudadanos cuando me
feliciten por haber ganado mis pleitos con tu elocuencia. Pero entra
que antes quiero darte una buena comida.
(Entran en la casa.)
PASIAS (dirigiéndose al testigo que viene con él).
¿Conviene perder alguna vez los bienes propios en provecho de los
demás? Nunca seguramente. Yo debí hace tiempo deponer toda
vergüenza y me hubiera ahorrado estos disgustos. Ahora, para
recobrar mi dinero, tengo que traerte como testigo, y convertir en
enemigo un conciudadano. Pero suceda lo que suceda, jamás
mientras viva, me he de mostrar indigno de mi patria[554]. Citaré a
(Sale Estrepsiades.)
¿Quién es este?
Para el día viejo y nuevo.
Sed testigos de que ha indicado dos días a la vez. ¿Por qué me
Por las doce minas que te presté cuando compraste el caballo
¿Un caballo? ¿No le oís todos vosotros que sabéis cuánto
aborrezco la equitación?
Y juraste por los dioses que me las habías de restituir.
¡Por Júpiter! Entonces mi hijo Fidípides aún no había aprendido e
razonamiento irresistible.
¿Y piensas por eso negar ahora tu deuda?
¿Qué otro provecho he de sacar de aquella enseñanza?
¿Y te atreverás a negarla ante los dioses cuando yo te exija e
¿Qué dioses?
Júpiter, Mercurio, Neptuno...
Sin duda; y aun añadiré tres óbolos por el gusto de que me hagas
prestar juramento.
¡Ojalá castiguen tu desvergüenza!
Si a este hombre le restregasen con sal estaría mejor[555].
¡Ah, te burlas!
Caben en él seis congios[556].
¡Por el gran Júpiter y por todos los dioses! No te burlarás de m
Me estás dando risa con tus dioses. Júpiter, por quien juras, excita
la hilaridad de las personas ilustradas.
Algún día serán castigadas tus blasfemias. Pero contesta si me
pagarás o no; despáchame pronto.
Ten paciencia. En seguida te voy a contestar claramente.
(Entra en su casa.)
¿Qué te parece que hará?
Me parece que te restituirá lo que le prestaste.
¿Dónde está el que reclama el dinero? Di, ¿qué es esto?
¿Qué es eso? Una pequeña troj.[557]
¿Y te atreves a reclamar tu dinero siendo tan rudo? No; jamás
devolveré ni un óbolo a quien llama troj a la troja.
¿Conque no me pagarás?
No, que yo sepa. ¿Pero te marchas, o piensas echar raíces en la
Me voy. Mas ten presente que o me muero, o hago el depósito lega
para demandarte.
Será una nueva pérdida que tendrás que añadir a la de las doce
minas. De todas maneras, siento que te suceda eso por haber llamado
neciamente troj a la troja.

¡Ay, pobre de mí!
¡Hola! ¿Quién es este que se queja? ¿Acaso ha hablado alguno de
los dioses de Carcino?[558]
¿Quién soy? ¿Quieres saber quién soy? Soy un hombre
Signe entonces tu camino.
¡Oh, triste suerte mía! ¡Oh fortuna, que has roto las ruedas de mis
carros! ¡Oh Palas, tú me has perdido![559]
¿Pues qué daño te ha causado Tlepólemo?
No te burles de mí, amigo mío; manda más bien a tu hijo que me
devuelva el dinero que me debe, hoy principalmente que estoy en la
¿De qué dinero hablas?
Del que le presté.
Tú no estás bueno, a lo que parece.
Es verdad, me he caído al hacer galopar los caballos.
Pues no se conoce, porque deliras como si nunca te hubieras caído
del asno.[560]
¡Conque deliro porque quiero cobrar lo que se me debe!
Es imposible que estés en tu sano juicio.
¿Por qué?
Me parece que tienes el cerebro algo perturbado.
Por Mercurio, te citaré a juicio, si no me devuelves el dinero.
Dime: cuando llueve ¿crees tú que Júpiter hace siempre caer agua
nueva, o bien que es la misma suspendida en el aire por el calor de
No lo sé, ni me importa saberlo.
Entonces, ¿cómo ha de ser justo el pagarte si no tienes ninguna
noción de meteorología?
Si te encuentras apurado, págame al menos el interés.
¿El interés? ¿Qué animal es ese?
Es el dinero que va creciendo más y más cada día, a medida que
trascurre el tiempo.
Muy bien dicho. Pero contesta: ¿crees tú que el mar es ahora más
grande que antes?
No, por Júpiter, siempre es igual: porque el mar no puede
¿Y cómo, gran canalla, si el mar no crece a pesar de los ríos que en
él desembocan, pretendes tú aumentar incesantemente tu dinero? A
ver si te largas pronto de esta casa. ¡Pronto! Un palo[561].
Sed testigos de esto.
¡Largo de aquí! ¿Qué esperas? ¿No te moverás?
¿No es esto una injuria?
¿Te mueves, o me obligas a que te pinche como a un caballo de
tiro? ¿Huirás? (Sale.) Ya iba yo a removerte con tus ruedas y tus
(Estrepsiades entra en la casa.)

¡Lo que es aficionarse a las malas obras! Este viejo, que las ama
con pasión, quiere defraudar a sus acreedores el dinero que le
prestaron; pero es imposible que hoy no le sobrevenga alguna
desgracia, y que este sofista, en castigo de sus tramas, no sea víctima
de algún mal imprevisto. Creo que muy pronto conseguirá lo que
deseaba, y su hijo sabrá oponer hábiles argumentos contra la justicia
y vencerá a todos sus adversarios aun cuando defienda las peores
causas. Pero quizá llegue a desear que su hijo sea mudo.

ESTREPSIADES (Saliendo precipitadamente).

¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Vecinos, parientes, ciudadanos, socorredme con todas
vuestras fuerzas! ¡Me apalean! ¡Ay mis mandíbulas! ¡Infame! ¿No ves
que es a tu padre a quien maltratas?
Lo confieso, padre mío.
¿Oís? confiesa que me maltrata.
Sin duda.
¡Perverso! ¡Parricida! ¡Horadador de murallas!
Dime otra vez esas injurias, y añade otras; ¿sabes que tengo e
mayor gusto en escucharlas?
Me estás cubriendo de rosas.
Maltratas a tu padre.
Y, por Júpiter, he de demostrar que tengo razón en pegarte.
¡Perversísimo! ¿Acaso puede nunca haber razón para pegar a su
Yo te lo demostraré y te convenceré con mis palabras.
¿Que me convencerás?
Hasta la evidencia y muy fácilmente. Elige cuál de los dos
razonamientos he de emplear.
¿Cuáles razonamientos?
El fuerte o el débil.
A la verdad, querido mío, daré por bien empleados mis afanes para
enseñarte a contradecir la justicia, si consigues persuadirme que es
bueno y justo que los hijos golpeen a sus padres.
Pues creo que te persuadiré de tal manera, que en cuanto me
hayas oído no tendrás nada que replicarme.
Tengo ganas de oírte.
A ti te corresponde, anciano, el encontrar un medio de reducirle a la
obediencia; porque no estaría tan soberbio si dudase de su triunfo. Po
tanto, hay alguna cosa que le hace insolente como hombre confiado
en sus propias fuerzas. Pero primeramente conviene que digas a
Coro cómo ha tenido lugar vuestra disputa. Esto es lo que debes hace
antes de todo.
Os diré cómo comenzó nuestra reyerta. Después que hubimos
comido, como sabéis, le mandé en primer lugar tomar su lira y canta
la canción de Simónides «Cuando el carnero fue trasquilado.» Y en
seguida me replicó que era una necedad cantar de sobremesa
acompañado de la cítara, como una mujer ocupada en moler trigo.
¿Y no era motivo para golpearte y patearte el que me hubieses
mandado cantar como si tuvieras cigarras convidadas?
Ahora no hace más que repetir lo que me dijo en casa: también
aseguró que Simónides era un mal poeta. Me contuve al principio
aunque con trabajo, y le mandé que, tomando la rama de mirto, me
recitase algún trozo de Esquilo. «¡Está muy bien! me contestó
precisamente yo considero a Esquilo el primero de nuestros poetas
como que es desordenado, enfático, estrepitoso y desigual.» Con
estas palabras, considerad como estaría mi corazón; pero reprimiendo
la ira, le dije: «Ea, recita si no, algunos pasajes de los poetas
modernos que son los más doctos.» Y en seguida cantó un fragmento
de Eurípides, en el que un hermano ¡justo cielo! viola a su hermana de
madre[562]. Entonces yo no pude contenerme y le dirigí los más
terribles insultos, y después, como suele suceder, acumulamos injurias
sobre injurias; y por último, este se lanza sobre mí, me golpea, me
maltrata, me sofoca y me mata.
Muy justamente. ¿Por qué no elogias al doctísimo Eurípides?
¡El doctísimo! ¡Ah!... ¿Cómo diré yo? Pero seré de nuevo
Sí, por Júpiter, y justísimamente.
¡Justísimamente, desvergonzado! ¡A mí que te he educado con
tanto cariño, que adivinaba los deseos que manifestabas con voz
todavía balbuceante! Si decías «brin», te comprendía, y te daba a
punto de beber. Si decías «manman», en seguida te traía pan. Apenas
habías dicho «caccan», te sacaba fuera y te sostenía para que
hicieras tus necesidades[563]. Ahora, aunque yo clame y grite, es bien
seguro, bribón, que no me sacarás fuera, ni me sostendrás. A
contrario, me sofocas y me obligas a desahogarme aquí mismo.
Creo que el corazón de los jóvenes palpita impaciente por escucha
lo que va a decir. Y si logra demostrar que obró justamente a
perpetrar tal crimen, no doy un comino[564] por la piel de los viejos
Ahora, gran inventor y removedor de palabras, busca argumentos
convenientes para justificar tu causa.
¡Qué grato es vivir entre cosas nuevas e ingeniosas y pode
despreciar las leyes establecidas! Cuando me ocupaba solo de la
equitación, no podía pronunciar tres palabras seguidas sin
equivocarme; pero desde que este hombre me ha hecho abandona
mis aficiones predilectas, y me he acostumbrado a los pensamientos
sutiles, a los discursos y a las meditaciones, me siento capaz de
probar que he obrado bien maltratando a mi padre.
Sigue con la equitación, por Júpiter. Prefiero mantener cuatro
caballos a ser molido a golpes.
Reanudo mi discurso en donde tú lo has interrumpido, y principio
por preguntarte: ¿Me pegaste cuando era chico?
Sí, porque te quería y miraba por tu bien.
Dime, ¿no será justo que ahora mire yo igualmente por tu bien, y te
pegue, puesto que el pegar a uno es mirar por su bien? ¿Es razonable
que tu cuerpo esté exento de palos y el mío no? ¿No nací yo de tan
libre condición como tú? Lloran los hijos, y ¿no han de llorar los
padres? ¿Crees que los padres no deben llorar?
¿Por qué?
Tú dirás que la ley tolera que el niño sea castigado, y yo replicaré
que los viejos son dos veces niños, y que es más justo castigar a los
viejos que a los jóvenes, por cuanto sus faltas son menos excusables.
Pero ninguna ley establece que el padre sea castigado.
¿No era hombre como tú y como yo el que primeramente presentó
aquella ley, y persuadió a los antiguos a que la aprobasen? Pues bien
¿qué se opone a que yo haga una nueva por la cual los hijos puedan a
su vez castigar a los padres? De buen grado os perdonamos los
golpes recibidos antes de la promulgación de esta ley, y consentimos
el haber sido maltratados impunemente. Mira cómo los gallos y los
demás animales se vuelven contra sus padres: sin embargo, ¿se
diferencian de nosotros en otra cosa que en no redactar decretos?
Ya que imitas a los gallos en todo, ¿por qué no comes estiércol y
duermes en un palo?
No es lo mismo, querido; Sócrates no admitiría ese argumento.
No me pegues, pues te perjudicarás tú mismo.
¿Por qué?
Porque lo justo es que yo te castigue; y que tú castigues a tu hijo, s
alguno te nace.
¿Y si no me nace? Habré llorado en vano, y tú morirás burlándote
de mí.
En verdad, amigos míos, voy creyendo que tiene razón, y que se
les debe conceder lo que es equitativo. Justo es que seamos
castigados si no andamos derechos.
Escucha otro argumento todavía.
Soy hombre muerto.
Quizá te alegres de haber sido maltratado.
¿Cómo? Dime qué ganancia sacaré.
Maltrataré también a mi madre.
¿Qué dices? ¿Qué dices? ¡Eso es mucho peor!
¿Qué dirás, si te pruebo por medio de aquel razonamiento que es
necesario maltratar a la madre?
Si haces eso, nada se opondrá a que te arrojes al Báratro[565] con
Sócrates y su maldito razonamiento. Por vosotras, Nubes, me sucede
esto; por vosotras a quienes encomendé todos mis asuntos.
Tú tienes la culpa de todo por haber seguido la senda del mal.
¿Por qué no me lo advertisteis antes, en vez de engañar a un pobre
viejo campesino?
Siempre obramos de esa manera cuando conocemos que alguno
se inclina al mal, basta enviarle una desgracia, para que aprenda a
respetar a los dioses[566].
¡Ay! Doloroso es el castigo, ¡oh Nubes!, pero justo. Pues no debía
haber negado a mis acreedores el dinero que me prestaron. Ahora
hijo mío querido, acompáñame para que nos venguemos del infame
Querefonte y de Sócrates, que nos han engañado.
Nunca maltrataré a mis maestros.
Respeta a Júpiter paternal.
¡Júpiter paternal! ¡Qué tonto eres! ¿Hay acaso algún Júpiter?
No hay tal; pues reina el Torbellino que ha destronado a Júpiter.
No lo ha destronado; pero entonces creía que ese Torbellino era
Júpiter. ¡Pobre de mi, que tomé por un dios a un vaso de arcilla![567].
Quédate ahí diciendo necedades.
(Se va.)
¡Funesto delirio! ¡Qué necio fui al negar los dioses, persuadido po
Sócrates! Pero, queridísimo Mercurio, no te encolerices conmigo: no
me aniquiles; perdona a un pobre hombre fascinado por la
charlatanería de los sofistas; sé mi consejero: ¿qué te parece?
¿entablaré contra ellos un proceso o adoptaré otra resolución?..
¡Excelente consejo![568] Dices que no espere la tardía determinación de
una sentencia e incendie cuanto antes la casa de esos habladores
¡Hola, Jantias! ven acá, trae una escalera y un azadón, sube en
seguida al tejado de la escuela; y si amas a tu dueño, sacude de firme
hasta que el techo se desplome sobre los habitantes. Dadme también
una antorcha encendida; quiero vengarme de esos infames a pesar de
toda su arrogancia.
¡Ay! ¡Ay!
Antorcha mía, lanza una llama devoradora.
¡Eh! tú: ¿qué estás haciendo?
¿Qué hago? Disputo sobre sutilezas con las vigas de la casa.
¡Ah! ¿Quién incendia nuestra casa?
Aquel a quien habéis cogido la capa.
¡Que nos vas a matar! ¡Que nos vas a matar!
No quiero otra cosa, con tal que el azadón no defraude mis
esperanzas o que antes no me desnuque cayéndome de lo alto.
Hola, ¿qué haces en el tejado?
Camino por el aire y contemplo el sol.
¡Ay de mí! Intentas asfixiarme.
¡Desgraciado! voy a morir quemado vivo.
¿Quién os mandaba ultrajar a los dioses, y contemplar el lugar de la
luna? Sigue[570], arranca, destroza, paguen así todas sus culpas, y
principalmente su impiedad.

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