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Chapter Eleven: Creating Information Systems


1. We have identified three general approaches to the acquisition of information processing

functionalities and the introduction of IT-based information systems. Which of the
following is not one of them?
A. Custom design and development
B. System selection and acquisition
C. End-user development
D. Open source development
E. None of the above

Correct answer: D

2. What are the three steps that occur during the implementation phase of the SDLC?
A. Programming, Testing, Installation
B. Investigation, Installation, Operations
C. Programming, Installation, Maintenance
D. Installation, Operations, Maintenance
E. Investigation, Testing, Installation

Correct answer: D

3. In which of the following phases should you expect to be most involved as a general or
functional manager?
A. Definition
B. Build
C. Implementation
D. A and B
E. A and C

Correct answer: E

4. In which phase(s) do the system development life cycle (SDLC) and the system selection
process differ most substantially?
A. Definition
B. Build
C. Implementation
D. A and B
E. A and C

Correct answer: D

5. The three generic phases of a system life-cycle process are:

A. Definition, Design, and Testing
B. Definition, Build, and Implementation
C. Planning, Testing, and Implementation
D. Build, Testing, and Deployment
E. None of the above

Correct answer: B

6. Why is the Systems development Life Cycle methodology typically referred to as “the
waterfall model”?
A. Because it was first popularized in a town with many waterfalls
B. To stress the fact that phases are sequential and iteration (or going back) should
be avoided as much as possible.
C. Because the SDLC, like prototyping, is not iterative.
D. To convey the notion that getting good user requirements is important and there
should be multiple opportunities to elicit user requirements.
E. B and D

Correct answer: B

7. Your book describes the systems selection process in-depth. Which of the following is
not a step in the system selection process?
A. Compile an RFP
B. Develop a vendor short list.
C. Solicit proposals.
D. Visit vendor sites.
E. Have vendors provide demonstrations.

Correct answer: D

8. Which of the following are not approaches to acquisition of information processing

A. Custom Design
B. Custom Development
C. System Selection and Acquisition
D. End-user Development
E. Open Source Development

Correct answer: E

9. Which of the following is not one of the advantages related to making your own systems?
A. Unique Tailoring
B. Flexibility
C. Control
D. Faster Roll-Out
E. All of these are advantages
Correct answer: D

10. Which of the following is not one of the advantages related to purchasing an off-the-shelf
A. Unique Tailoring
B. Faster Roll-Out
C. Knowledge Infusion
D. Economical Attractiveness
E. High Quality

Correct answer: A

11. The Systems Development Life Cycle has three main phases. These are:
A. Definition, System Design, and Implementation
B. Feasibility Analysis, Programming, and Implementation
C. Definition, Build, and Implementation
D. Investigation, Feasibility Analysis, and System Analysis
E. Installation, Operations, and Maintenance

Correct answer: C

12. The IS department workers that experts in both technology and the business processes are
called what?
A. Programmers
B. Analysts
C. Functional Managers
D. Help Desk Personnel
E. Technicians.

Correct answer: B

13. Which stage of the SDLS typically results in a “go” or “no-go” decision?
A. Feasibility Analysis
B. Systems Analysis
C. System Design
D. Programming
E. Testing

Correct answer: A

14. A bank upgrades a computer system at one of its branches. If this works correctly, then
the upgraded system will be installed at the other branches. Which migration approach is
this most likely related to?
A. Parallel
B. Direct
C. Phased
D. Pilot
E. Traditional

Correct answer: D

15. A bank upgrades the computer systems of its branches, one branch at a time. This is
most likely which of the following migration strategies?
A. Parallel
B. Direct
C. Phased
D. Pilot
E. Traditional

Correct answer: C


1. The Build phase of the SDLC is used to ensure that the software is properly integrated
with the other components of the information system.

Answer: False

2. The SDLC and prototyping methodologies are one and the same.

Answer: False

3. Both the SDLC and prototyping methodologies are use d to create custom systems.

Answer: True

4. Off-the-shelf systems enable infusion of knowledge in the organization

Answer: True

5. End-user development: The process by which an organization’s non–IT specialists create

software applications.

Answer: True

6. Custom software development is a systems development approach predicated on the

notion that it impossible to clearly estimate and plan in detail such complex endeavors as
information systems design and development projects.

Answer: False
7. A system analyst is a highly skilled IT professional who takes the system requirements
document (i.e., what the applications should do) and designs the structure of the system
(i.e., how the application will perform its tasks).

Answer: False


1. What are two advantages to custom developing and designing a software application?

a. Unique Tailoring: the custom developed software applications are molded to fit
the unique features of the firm that commissions them.
b. Flexibility and Control: the software is developed from scratch and since the firm
retains control over the code, the system can be evolved, at any time, in any
direction the firm would like.

2. Name two advantage to purchasing off-the-shelf software

a. Faster Roll-Out: purchased software dramatically reduces the time it takes to
obtain the software and begin the implementation process.
b. Knowledge Infusion: software vendors proactively seek out best practices in order
to code them into their applications.
c. Economically Attractive: purchasing off-the-shelf applications typically allows
the firm to capitalize on the economies of scale by the vendor.
d. High Quality: large software houses with mature products will point to their
significant testing budgets and large installed base of users for evidence that their
applications have been put through the paces and thus all major problems have

3. Name, in order, the principal phases of the SDLC

Answer: Definition, Build, Implementation

4. Name and describe the four approaches to software installation

a. Parallel: the old and new systems are run for a time together. It is the most costly
as it requires significant redundancy of efforts.
b. Direct: The most radical approach where the old system is suddenly discontinued
and the firm cuts over to the new one.
c. Phased: The new system progressively replaces the functionalities of the old one.
This approach is best suited to componentized applications that can be rolled out
in stages.
d. Pilot: Allows the firm to run the new system in one business unit or one of the
firm’s departments before rolling it out completely.

5. Occasionally, _________ will be used within the SDLC as a way to elicit user
requirements and seek input in the design of the user interface.

Answer: Prototyping

6. When purchasing off-the-shelf applications, a selection process similar to the SLDC is

used—the only difference being one additional phase in the process. What is the name of
this phase and where does it occur in the process?

Answer: Compile short list of vendors, it comes after the definition phase and before the
build phase.

7. List and describe two benefits of End-User development

a. Increased Speed of Development: projects that end users can complete
independently will be completed faster because they don’t get bogged down in the
IS function.
b. End-User Satisfaction: they are more likely to be satisfied with the result because
they have created the functionalities they wanted and decided what features to
c. Reduced Pressure on the IS Function: end-user development can limit the number
of requests the IS function receives, enabling them to be more focused on the
projects that require their attention.

8. We have discussed the notion of “make and buy” as a new trend that challenges the
traditional “make vs. buy” paradigm. Briefly explain what we have meant by “make and
buy” and provide an example.

Answer: Make or buy is the notion that modern off-the-shelf software is more and more often
configured and/or customized prior to implementation.


1. List and describe two risks of End-user development. Make sure to include at least two
examples of each.

Answers will vary, but should be similar to the following:

a. Unreliable Quality Standards: Quality software requires a number of stages that
inexperienced end-users may not use, such as testing, documentation, security,
b. High Incidence of Errors: the focus on outcomes and rapid development typically
conspire to increase the likelihood of errors in end-user developed applications
c. Continuity Risks: Because of individual development styles, it may be difficult
for anyone but the end-user that designed the software to use it, update it, repair it,
d. Increased Pressure on the IS function: end user development often creates needs
for assistance during the development process and, over time, the need for
assistance in managing the application after release.

2. Feasibility analysis is required to justify IT investments. Along with user requirements

this is where user-managers have the greatest input. Briefly describe the purposes of the
technical feasibility analysis, the economic feasibility analysis, and the behavioral
feasibility analysis.

Answers will vary, but should be similar to the following:

a. Technical feasibility aims to ensure that the new system is viable from a
technology standpoint and that it will work as advertised
b. Economic feasibility aims to ensure that the proposed new system is justifiable
based on a cost benefit analysis
c. Behavioral feasibility aims to ensure that the new system will be accepted and
adopted by the people involved and it will not be rejected.

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