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10 CLEAR SIGNS You Have The Holy Spirit (Christian Motivation) - YouTube


Have you ever wondered if you have the Holy Spirit or have you ever found yourself questioning
whether the Holy Spirit is active in your life? You are certainly not alone if we are honest, many of us
grapple with these very thoughts at different points in our spiritual journey so how can we identify the
signs of the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives today. As we look at some of the signs of the Holy Spirit,
I want to encourage you to -not just know about the Holy Spirit, but to truly -know him. There is a big
difference. Come to experience the Holy Spirit and let him lead you every step of the way. Your life
will never be the same. I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the name of Jesus so
watch until the end and open your heart to receive the blessing of this prayer. The Bible offers clear
insights and assurances about the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. Romans 8:9 says you however
are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the spirit, if indeed the spirit of God lives in
you. Moreover, if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. This passage
highlights that having the Holy Spirit is a definitive mark of being a true believer in Christ.
Furthermore, Acts 2:38 advises us to repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This tells us that
the Holy Spirit is a gift given to all who genuinely turn to Christ, signaling the beginning of a
transformative relationship. Imagine holding a well-worn Bible, its pages filled with little scribbles,
highlighted verses and bookmarks even though each page you turn tells stories of Faith, resilience
and Redemption. As you read, familiar verses comfort you while new insights challenge and grow
your faith. Each word, each story, in this Bible reflects God's unwavering love for us. And that gentle
nudge, the quiet voice in your heart, guiding you to a particular verse or Insight. This is just one
example of what being led by the spirit, truly means, so when we talk about the Holy Spirit we are not
just speaking of a distant concept or vague idea. We are speaking of the promised Holy Spirit, God's
ever-present helper in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the living Breath of God, the force that can move
mountains. The spirit is our helper; standing by our side; the teacher that reveals truths; the comforter
in times when we're downhearted and the guide that directs our steps on unfamiliar paths and guides
us through the storms of life just as Jesus said in- John 14:26. But the advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the father will send in my name will teach you everything and remind you of all I have shared
with you through every Twist and Turn of Life. The Holy Spirit is there playing multiple roles; always
guiding, teaching, helping and comforting us in this journey as Believers. We realize that stepping into
faith is more than just a choice, it's an invitation to a life filled with the power and love of Christ. It is
about feeling a new energy, the same energy that empowered Jesus to perform Miracles, heal the
sick and touch countless lives; but remember in Zechariah 4:6, the Bible tells us that it is not by might,
nor by power, but by my spirit. This verse emphasizes that it is God's spirit that empowers us to do
extraordinary things, just as Jesus was empowered to perform Miracles and heal the sick from the
stories in the New Testament to the exciting adventures in the book of Acts. The holy spirit's presence
is evident these stories are not just events from the past but are alive and relevant today, reminding
us that the holy spirit continues to work wonders in our lives. So today let us explore 10 signs that
show the Holy Spirit’s presence Among Us. Sign number one: Transformation of character. In our
lives, change is inevitable, like seasons shifting; we too undergo changes both inside and outside. But
when the Holy Spirit is actively working within us there's a particular kind of change, a special
transformation that is unlike any other, as the Bible explicitly states in Galatians 5:22 - 23 But the
fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control; these aren't just words but transformative changes. Their presence is an
indication of a heart deeply influenced by God's grace and the Holy Spirit. Whether you are making
reference to your own life or the life of others, these changes should be present in a believer's
character. It is as if a garden once dominated by wild weeds, suddenly flourishes with colorful and
fragrant blossoms. Consider that this transformation is not always instant nor is it always easy. There
will be days of struggle, of doubt, days of trying and failing. So I am not here to tell you that your walk
with God is going to be perfect but what's important is that in the midst of these trials we persevere,
leaning on the unwavering strength and grace of God, for it's not the absence of challenges that
defines our faith but our resilience and reliance on him while experiencing them. It's the holy spirit that
nurtures us gently tending to our souls, guiding us through those challenging moments, just as a
potter shapes clay, the spirit molds our character, smoothing out rough edges and filling the cracks
with Christ's love over time our desires shift from the worldly to the Heavenly, from pleasing ourselves
to pleasing God. It is a journey from being self-centered to being Christ centered and it is truly one of
the most beautiful adventures one can experience sign. Sign Number two: Desire to pray. Prayer is
like a heart song, a sacred melody, which we share with the Creator, yet there will be moments when
our voice falters, when motions cloud our thoughts and words escape us. It’s in these silent gaps,
these pauses, that the Holy Spirit steps in as beautifully stated in Romans 8:26 Likewise, the spirit
also helps in our weaknesses for we do not know what we should pray for, as we ought, but
the spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. This is
telling us how the spirit becomes our voice translating our heart's deepest yearnings into a language
only God understands. It is like having a friend who knows exactly what is on your mind even when
you cannot find the words to express it. One of the beauties of prayer is its simplicity. It does not
require grand gestures or eloquent words; all it needs is a sincere heart. The Holy Spirit amplifies this
sincerity by turning our simple whispers into profound conversations with God. He becomes our
partner in prayer, guiding our spirit and deepening our connection with the almighty. So when we

kneel down to pray, we are never truly alone, the spirit is right there with us ensuring, that every sigh,
every tear, every unspoken word, is heard, felt and cherished by God. Sign number three:
Conviction of sin. We have all had moments in our lives when we felt a tug at our heart, signaling
that something we have done was not right. This deep sense of awareness is not merely a feeling of
guilt; it is the Holy Spirit working within, heightening our sensitivity to sin and driving our hearts
towards repentance. Look at what Jesus himself stated in John 16:8 and when He has come, He
will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. We see this happening in
the story of King David and the prophet Nathan. When David strayed, it was Nathan's gentle rebuke,
inspired by God's spirit that guided him back to righteousness. The Holy Spirit plays a similar role in
our lives offering gentle corrections and guiding us back when we drift, but here's the thing, the
challenge arises when some of us overlook the gentle nudges of the holy spirit that has been urging
us to return to the right path. Over time, if ignored, these sins can form habits or strongholds in our
lives that may become challenging to break free from. These strongholds not only entangle us, but
also complicate our lives even further.
Sign number four: Understanding of scripture. Have you ever read a scripture that you have seen
countless times before but suddenly it speaks to you in a new and profound way? I can surely testify
to this and I know that this experience is not unique to me. That is the Holy Spirit’s work making the
word of God come alive and making it resonate deeply and personally with us. John 16:13 assures
us however when, He the spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. The Bible tells us
about the Ethiopian unic in Acts 8: 27 – 39. While reading from the book of Isaiah, the Ethiopian unic
was approached by Phillip. Without the spirit's Guidance, the unic struggled to understand the
scripture he read, but with Philip's Spirit explanation, the message became clear and he was baptized.
As we delve into God's word, the spirit consistently sheds light on scriptures, revealing deeper truths
and making connections that we might have missed on our own. Sign number five: Empowerment
for service. Imagine finding a well of strength and ability within you that you never knew existed. That
is the transformative power of the Holy Spirit equipping believers with the strength to serve witness
and testify for Christ. Acts 1:8 says but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come
upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to
the end of the Earth. Think of the Apostle Peter before the Holy Spirit came upon him, he denied
Jesus out of fear. Afterwards, filled with the spirit, he stood in front of thousands boldly proclaiming
the gospel. Likewise, as the spirit works within us, our God-given talents and our spiritual gifts, not
only become evident, but also are refined and utilized all for the glory of God.
Sign number six: Increased compassion. It is more than just a fleeting sentiment it is an
overflowing of God's love in our hearts. Romans 5:5 states how hope does not disappoint because
the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us this love,

transformed us, leading us to genuinely care for those around us. Remember the Good Samaritan.
His compassionate act towards a total stranger displayed a heart touched by divine love. It is
essential to note that sometimes other individuals may also outwardly perform acts of kindness
without genuine compassion at the core; but true spiritual transformation is marked, not just by
actions, but also by an authentic love that stems from a deep connection with God. So there is a
difference as it relates to the Good Samaritan. In a similar way, the Holy Spirit stirs in us an authentic
concern aligning our hearts with Jesus’ profound command to love God holy and to extend that same
love to others under the Holy Spirit’s influence alongside this love for our fellow humans. There also
arises a deep genuine love for Jesus himself. It is an affection that is sincere; going beyond mere
ritual or religion while drawing us closer to his heart and his ways. This transformation is a testament
to the spirit's power to redirect our affections and priorities anchoring them firmly in Christ.
Sign number seven: Speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost, a miraculous event occurred.
Acts 2:4 tells us and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as
the spirit gave them utterance. This was evident in the early church where believers were empowered
by the spirit, expressing their faith in diverse yet unifying ways. However, even today this miraculous
gift of speaking in tongues is still present in the lives of many believers serving as a testament to the
spirit's active presence. Consider this speaking in tongues is a supernatural sign, showcasing the
spirit's magnificent work within us. It is a divine utterance that allows our spirit to communicate directly
with God, while not everyone may experience this. In the same way it remains a genuine testament to
the spirit's overflow within our lives. So if you ever doubt the spirit's presence in your life due to your
experience differing from others, remember that it is not about comparison. Each of us has our own
Story. Embrace your unique experience for it is genuine and valid. It is a testament to the ever-
present overflow of the spirit in your life. Interestingly, I can vividly recall my first experience of
speaking in tongues. It occurred at night right after I was emerging from a dream, so these spiritual
moments manifest in their own perfect timing. Like many believers, you can seek God's guidance and
request the gift of speaking in tongues. As a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence be patient and avoid
comparing yourself with others. Remember it is a gracious gift and a unique experience. All that is
required of you is to be openhearted and welcome it. Sign number eight: Guidance in decision-
making. Life is filled with Crossroads decisions that can significantly shape our path. These
decisions can sometimes mean the difference between life and death, success or failure, seizing an
opportunity or missing it, but with the Holy Spirit’s influence as believers, we will not be left wandering
in the dark or navigate these moments alone. As we tune in to the Holy Spirit’s divine guidance, we
find Clarity even in life's most complex moments. Romans 8:4 assures us for as many as are led
by the spirit of God these are sons of God. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is our compass, providing
divine direction and wisdom. Consider the story of Paul and Silas in the book of Acts, when they were

imprisoned for preaching the gospel. Rather than falling into despair, they sang praises to God. As a
result, a miraculous earthquake opened the prison doors. Their unwavering faith and the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, not only led to their physical freedom, but also to the jailer's spiritual salvation.
Therefore, this kind of divine direction not only enlightens us with the truth or points us to the right
path but also provides peace, assuring us that we are in alignment with God's will. Sign number nine:
Biblical signs and wonders. The Bible is not just a book of past events; it is a testament to God's
enduring power and the wonders that come through faith. Mark 16:17 - 18 promises and these signs
will follow those who believe in my name. They will cast out demons, they will speak with new
tongues, they will take up serpents and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them.
They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover such divine demonstrations are not limited to
Biblical times. Reflect on the Apostle Paul's journey in Acts. Once blinded on the road to Damascus,
he later regained sight through Ananias’ prayer showcasing God's miraculous power in today's world.
Believers are still witnesses to and instruments of God's marvelous Works, proving the timeless
nature of his promises and the ever-present power of the Holy Spirit. Sign number 10: Peace
and faithfulness. Amidst the Whirlwind of life's uncertainties and challenges, there exists a sanctuary
of calm available to every believer. Philippians 4:7 tells us and the peace of God which
surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus. This is not
a temporary feeling or a short-lived comfort; it is a profound enduring peace that anchors our souls.
Consider the Apostle Paul imprisoned and bound yet his letters radiated with an inexplicable peace.
Even in chains, he wrote words of encouragement and hope revealing the deep well of peace that
was his through the Holy Spirit. Such inner peace is not dictated by our surroundings but it comes
from the Holy Spirit, reminding us continually of God's everlasting love and care. Also in a world
where people often change their minds and do not always stay loyal, the Holy Spirit gives believers a
strong and lasting commitment to faithfulness. Therefore, if you are struggling with staying faithful you
might want to seek the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit to help you maintain your commitment
to your spiritual beliefs and values. Consider that as a believer, if you are unfaithful to others you are
also being unfaithful to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. The devil will stick around if he
finds that you are not resisting. In 2ond Timothy 2:13, the Bible reminds us if we are faithless he
remains faithful. He cannot deny himself the strong sense of commitment or ability to stay faithful. He
isn't just something we do on our own. It's a divine gift given to us. Think of Stephen, the first
Christian martyr. As stones rain down on him, he gazed heavenward and saw Jesus standing at the
right hand of God. Instead of anger or fear, Steven's heart overflowed with faithfulness. Praying for
his persecutors with such unwavering commitment to God's teachings, even in the face of dire
adversity is a testament to the spirit's transformative power within. Guiding us to hold fast to God's
promises and live out our faith courageously. Isn't it comforting to know that in our journey with God

we are not alone? The Holy Spirit actively Works within us, nurturing in our growth, guiding our steps
and instilling virtues that reflect the heart of Christ. Let us embrace these signs with open hearts,
trusting in God's plan and purpose for our lives. As we journey forward, let us remain steadfast
leaning into his unwavering love and grace. With the Holy Spirit by our side, we can confidently face
tomorrow knowing we are held, guided and loved beyond measure. Remember we are living in times
where many voices clamor for our attention but there is one voice, the spirit's gentle whisper that can
guide us through the most turbulent of storms and into the calm of God's Embrace. Let us not merely
seek the signs, but yearn for a deeper intimate relationship with our creator. Through the
transformative power of the Holy Spirit changing us to become more like Jesus in that intimate
relationship, we find true purpose and peace, so let us continually foster our bond with the Holy Spirit
ensuring we remain in tune to his daily guidance and influence now let us go to the Lord in prayer. I
want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer. Let us pray
to our gracious and merciful God. *Heavenly father, almighty God, you are the alpha and the Omega;
you are the creator of Heaven and Earth. God of both the visible and the invisible, I praise you and
give you all the glory. You are a bright light in the dark, giving comfort to the downhearted and
strength to the weak. Lord, today I come before you to seek your holy presence. I invite your Holy
Spirit into my life. Make your holy presence known to me Lord. Holy Spirit, you are my helper and
comforter; may you fill me, empower me, guide me and teach me. Holy Spirit. I ask that you bring
about a true change of my character; may you fill me with fruit of your spirit, love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Lord help me to show these
changes in my life, not just for my own good, but also for those around me. May my heart align with
your desires and may my actions reflect your love. Father as I seek to draw closer to you, I lay down
my burdens and seek your guidance through the Holy Spirit. I am grateful that your Holy Spirit steers
me away from sin and toward your righteousness and Grace. Lord may your Holy Spirit help me to
have a deeper understanding of the scriptures; may your word come alive in my heart bringing light to
every corner of my being and leading me to your truth. I pray for empowerment, Lord, so that through
your Holy Spirit, I may be a vessel for your service reaching out to others with love compassion and
kindness. Father let me recognize the gentle nudges of your Holy Spirit in my decision-making,
ensuring that every step I take is in alignment with your perfect will. Lord, as I grow in faith may signs
and wonders manifest in my life in ways that will bring glory and honor to your name. May you guide
me to understand and receive the gift of speaking in tongues using it for your divine purposes. Father
may your Holy Spirit give me the peace that surpasses all understanding; may you bless me with an
unwavering faithfulness to stand firm in trials always staying in obedience to your word and your will
in the name of Jesus I rebuke every force that seeks to derail my journey father I ask for your divine
protection. I am thankful that you are my deliverer; you are my shield and Buckler. Lord, you are my

hiding place. I declare that everything is working for me and not against me. Lord, may you bless the
work of my hands and bless me in my comings and goings. Deliver me from all evil; lead me not into
temptation and keep me close to you in the name of Jesus. I declare good health and healing over
my body, mind and spirit. I cast out every Spirit of confusion doubt and fear from my life; in the name
of Jesus, thank you. Lord that you are greater than any challenge I may face. Lord, as I bring my
loved ones before you I ask that, they seek you more each day; may you show them mercy and bring
them to experience your peace, love, and grace. Father let their lives resonate with testimonies of
your goodness and may they find refuge under your wings and comfort through your Holy Spirit. Lord
as I say this prayer; together with everyone listening; for every person opening their heart to you right
now, I ask that you fill them with your Holy Spirit. I pray that we will experience your divine touch, a
revelation of your love and a profound understanding of our purpose in you. For those feeling weak
Holy Spirit, may you give them strength and courage to overcome. For those experiencing sadness,
sickness, pain, or hurt; Holy Spirit may you be their comforter and healer. Lord help those who are
worried or troubled in their hearts and minds; to feel your peace and love. For those who are feeling
confused or lost, Holy Spirit may you help them to come to know all truth and to be their counselor;
providing them with guidance and clarity. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; the love of God and
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer,
in the name of Jesus, I pray, amen. If you were blessed by this message, type the word amen in the
comment section below. I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name
of Jesus. You can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel; you can do this by sharing
the video with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this prayer.
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