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Siddhi Education Society’s

Saraswati Vidyamandir English Medium

School, Jalgaon Dapoli

This is to certify that Atharva Sudhir Sawant

Of Class _X_ Div __A___ has successfully
completed Practicals of Information
Technology during the academic year 2021-

Teachers sign

Saraswati Vidyamandir
English Medium School,
Jalgaon, Dapoli

Class X – IT (402)
Board Practical File (2021-22)
(Based on OpenOffice)

Submitted By Atharva Sudhir Sawant.

Class and Section 10th A
Roll Number 27
Practical No. 1

To create a new style using Drag- and-

1. Select the style to be updated in
the Styles and formatting window.

2. Select the section of paragraph

text, the format of which to be
used to update the style selected
in the styles and formatting
3. Drag the text into Main Styles and
Formatting window area and
release the mouse button when
the insertion line is seen above an
entry .

With this procedure , paragraph

style directly above the insertion
line is given in new format.
Practical No. 2

To resize an image and a drawing

Resizing an Image
1. Click on the image, if necessary,
to show the blue sizing handles.
2. Position the pointer over one of
the blue sizing handles. The
pointer changes its shape, giving
a graphical representation to the
direction of the resizing.
3. Click and drag to resize the
4. Release the mouse button when
satisfied with the new size
Resizing a Drawing Object
1. A quick and easy way to resize
the object is done by dragging the
object’s sizing handles.
2. Position the pointer over one of
the blue sizing handles. The
pointer changes its shape, giving
a graphical representation to the
direction of resizing.
3. Click and drag to resize the object
4. Release the mouse button when
satisfied with the new size.
Practical No. 3

To use Predefined Templates


1 Click on the File menu-

Templates- Organize. It will open
the Template Management dialog
2 In the Template Management
dialog box:
 In the box on the left, double
click on option the folder
containing the template that
you want to set as default and
click on the template name
that you want to set as the
 Click on the commands button
on the right and from its drop
down menu click command Set
as default template.
 The next time onwards with
every File- New command the
document will be created from
this template.
Practical No. 4

To customize table of contents and
apply character styles

Customizing Table of content
1. by clicking in the document
where you want the table of
contents to appear and choose
Insert- Indexes and Tables-
Indexes and tables.
2. The insert index/Table dialog box
3. the required setting and click on
ok button.
To apply character styles
3 Be sure you have previously
defined a suitable character style.
4 In the Insert/Index table dialog
box, under the Entries tab,
Structure line, click on the button
representing the element which
you want to apply a style.
5 From the character Style drop
down list, select the desired style.
6 Click on ok button to apply the
Practical No. 5

To implement mail merge


1. Select starting document

 Use the current document
 Create a new document
 Start with an existing document
 Start from template
 Next
2. Select document type
 Next
3. Insert address block
 Click on Create to create a
new data source.
4. Create Salutation
5. Adjust layout
6. Edit document and insert extra
fields if needed.
Practical No. 6

Objective: To use Scenarios

1. Select the cells that contain the
values that will change between
scenarios. To select multiple
ranges, hold down the Ctrl key as
you click. You must select at least
two cells.
2. Choose Tools-Scenarios option.
The create scenario dialog box
3. Enter a name for the new
scenario. It is best to use a name
that clearly identifies the scenario.
This name is displayed in the
Navigator and in the title bar of
the border around the scenario on
the sheet itself.
4. Optionally add some information
to the comment box. The example
shows default comment. This
information is displayed in the
Navigator when you click on the
Scenarios icon and select the
desired scenario.
5. Optionally select or deselect the
options in in the setting section.
See below for more information
about this options.
6. Click on OK to close the dialog
box. The new scenario is
automatically activated.
Practical No. 7

Objective: To create Hyperlink

Method 1
1. Tools-Autocorrect options and
selecting URL Recognition.
Method 2
Click on the Hyperlink icon on the
Standard toolbar or choose Insert
Hyperlink from the menu bar.
To turn existing text into a link,
highlight it before opening the
hyperlink dialog box.
Practical No. 8

Objective: To share documents

(Collaboration) and to set a
spreadsheet for sharing.

Sharing Documents (Collaboration)
Enter a name on the Tools- Options-
OpenOffice- User Data Page

Setting a Spreadsheet for Sharing

To enable sharing, check the box at
the top of the dialog, and then click on
The Tools – Share Document
command can be used to switch the
mode for a document from unshared to
Practical No. 9

Objective: To use the Macro Recorder

1. Open a new spreadsheet
2. Enter numbers into a new sheet
3. Select and copy the content of a
4. Select the range.
5. Use Tools- Macros- Record Macro
to start the Macro recorder. The
Record Macro dilog box is
displayed with a stop recording
6. Use Edit-Paste Special to open
the Paste Special dialog box.
7. Set the operation to Multiply and
click on OK. The cells are now
multiplied by 3.
8. Click on stop recording to stop the
macro reader. The OpenOffice
Basic Macros dialog box opens
9. Select the current document.
10. Click on new module. If no
libraries exist, then standard
library is automatically created
and used. Type a name for the
new module.
11. Click on OK button. Select the
newly created module, type
pastemultiply in the Macro name
box and click on Save.
Practical No. 10

Objective: To use Goal Seek

1. Place the cursor in the formula cell
and choose Tools menu Goal Seek
2. In the Goal Seek dialog box,the
correct cell is already entered in the
Formula Cell field.
3. Place the cursor in the Variable cell
field. In this sheet, click in the cell
that contains the value to be
4. Enter the desired result of the
formula in the Target value field.
Practical No. 11

Objective: Advantages of Database

1. Sharing of data
Different users can use the same
database to access the data according
to their needs

2. Data redundancy
It avoids duplication of data and ensures
that it there is only one instance of
certain data.

3. Data inconsistency
It helps to avoid data inconsistency. It
means if a single database is used by
multiple users then it also ensures that
the same data is present for all the

4. Confidentiality
DBMS can ensure different views for the
different users of the database. This
keeps the confidentiality of the data

5. Highly Securable
database can be secured by assigning a
lock to it by using keys. In a database
data is stored in the form of tables. Each
instance of data is known as tuple. The
table stores the data based on some
To create a Query with design view

1. Click on the Queries button on the pane of
the opening screen. Screen with different
options appears.
2. Click on Create Query in Design View
option. The Add Table or Query dialog box
3. Select the table photographs and click on
the Add button.
4. Click on Close button to close the Add Table
or Query dialog box.
5. In the design grid for query choose the fields
of the tables whether the field is to be visible
or not and the search criteria for the query.
Practical No. 14
SQL and DDL Commands

12. Data Definition Language (DDL)
This command enables you to
perform the following tasks:
 Create alter and drop schema
 Grant and revoke privileges
and roles
 Comments to the data
13. Transaction Control Language
Transaction control commands
manage changes made by DML
commands. Theses SQL
commands are used for managing
changes affecting the data.
Commands are COMMIT,
14. Data Control Language (DCL)
It is used to create roles,
permissions and referential
integrity as well as it is used to
control access to database by
securing it. These commands are
15. Data Manipulation Language
This SQL commands are used for
storing retrieving modifying and
deleting data. Commands are
Practical No. 15
To create Report using Wizard

Step 1
 The Report Wizard opens
 Select the name of table and select
the fields to include in the table.
Step 2
 The second step wizard Labelling
fields will open up
 You may change the label names
of fields and click on Next button.
Step 3
 The third step wizard opens up
named as Grouping.
 Click on Next button as we do not
want grouping of fields here.
Step 4
 The fourth step wizard Sort
options opens up.
 Choose the fields by using drop-
down menus and their orders.
Step 5
 Choose Layout step screen
opens up.
 Choose the layout for data and
headers and footers
 Here we have chosen Default
 Click on Next button
Step 6
 Create Report wizard opens
 Type the name into title of
 From static and dynamic report
and click on finish button

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