Pca. Inglés 6

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2022 - 2033
Grade/curse: 6 GRADE Level: MEDIA
Weekly hourly load No. weekly work hours Learning evaluation and Total weeks of classes Total class periods Number of curricular
contingencies units

40 4 36 8


O.EFL 3.1. Identify the main ideas and some details of written and oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the skills and subskills that contribute to communicative and pragmatic competence.
O.EFL 3.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and written English.
O.EFL 3.6. Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written ex-
pression of thought.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs, games and graphic short stories in order to
foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.9. Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expressions and short phrases in familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating a limited but effective
command of the spoken language in simple and routine tasks which require a direct exchange of information.

1. Citizen education and for democracy

4. CROSSCUTTING: 2. Environmental protection
3. The correct development of health and recreation of students
4. Sex education in childhood and adolescence


N.º Unit tittle Specific Contents Methodological orientations Evaluation Duration
objectives of in weeks
the planning
1 One O. EFL. 3.3 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.4 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.6 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards In group read the conversation texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at and repeat. I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the use of go and will with awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- the teacher. identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- Complete the sentences with use between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- I think / maybe. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other Repeat some new words
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) Make slogans. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
mation: Follow and identify key in-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Linguistic resources formation in
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Read and learn. lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a Practice the dialogues with go interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- and will, think and maybe, new provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- vocabulary, slogans visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- Read sentences and short these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- paragraphs els for their own.
I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
identify key information from a spoken
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- Produce and communicate message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- Look the graphics. Listen the used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) sentences with go and will, think ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what structions, a dialogue in a
and maybe, new vocabulary,
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
others say using verbal/non-verbal slogans Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
back-channeling, or by asking further Repeat any sentences. butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- Look at the pictures and (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us- pronounce the sentences.
ing facial expression or simple words CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! Personal Production inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) Write simple paragraph with go with reference
and will, think and maybe, new to features of written English and
READING vocabulary, slogans apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Read in class. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- Develop Literacy activities. and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, Develop the progress test. materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note
taking and finding words in a dictio- I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
nary. Evaluation support inferences using evidence
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading Heteroevaluation from texts and features of written
strategies to make text more compre- Co-evaluation English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
hensible and meaningful. (Example: Self-appraisal quence, etc.) and apply other learning
skimming, scanning. strategies in order to examine and in-
terpret a variety
WRITING of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim-
ple text-types, commonly used in print CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
and online, with appropriate language short simple familiar text-types –
and layout. (Example: write a greeting online or in print – using appropri-
on a birthday card, name and address ate language, layout and linking
on an envelope, a URL for a website, words.
I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
an email address, etc.)
short simple text-types and narra-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit-
tives, online and in print, using ap-
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and
propriate language,
proofreading (i.e., “the writing layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
process”) to produce well-constructed
informational texts. CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
responses to both oral and written
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS literary texts through pictures, au-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to ate literary texts
describe and organize ideas or organize using pre-established criteria, indi-
useful information from literary texts. vidually or in groups.
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
songs, dances and plays including audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
those that reflect traditional and popu- spond to oral and written texts and
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the use pre-established criteria to evalu-
conventions of the genre. (Example: ate literary texts individually or in
purpose, settings, audience, voice, groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
rhythm, etc.)
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
activities through a variety of student relevant information from literary
groupings to create and respond to litera- texts using group or class brain-
ture and other literary texts. (Example: storms and/or mind maps in order
small groups, cooperative learning to enhance collaborative
groups, literature circles, process writing responses to Literature.
groups, etc.) I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

2 TWO O. EFL. 3.3 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.4 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.6 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Present More than / less than texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at and read with de students. I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the use of money with the awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- teacher. identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- Complete the sentences with use between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- money. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other Repeat the sentences.
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
Linguistic resources mation: Follow and identify key in-
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand Read and learn. short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Practice the dialogues with More lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a than / less than, use of money. interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- Read sentences and short provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- paragraphs visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- Produce and communicate els for their own.
I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
identify key information from a spoken
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- Look the graphics. Listen the message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported read with More than / less than, when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- use of money. used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) Repeat any sentences. ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what structions, a dialogue in a
Look at the pictures and
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
others say using verbal/non-verbal pronounce the sentences. Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
back-channeling, or by asking further butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- Personal Production (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us- Write simple paragraph with with
ing facial expression or simple words More than / less than, use of CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! money inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) Read in class. with reference
to features of written English and
READING Develop Literacy activities. apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Develop the progress test. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, Evaluation materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note Heteroevaluation I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- Co-evaluation support inferences using evidence
nary. Self-appraisal from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
strategies to make text more compre- quence, etc.) and apply other learning
hensible and meaningful. (Example: strategies in order to examine and in-
skimming, scanning. terpret a variety
of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
ple text-types, commonly used in print short simple familiar text-types –
and online, with appropriate language online or in print – using appropri-
and layout. (Example: write a greeting ate language, layout and linking
on a birthday card, name and address words.
I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
on an envelope, a URL for a website,
short simple text-types and narra-
an email address, etc.)
tives, online and in print, using ap-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- propriate language,
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
proofreading (i.e., “the writing
process”) to produce well-constructed CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
informational texts. responses to both oral and written
literary texts through pictures, au-
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a ate literary texts
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to using pre-established criteria, indi-
describe and organize ideas or organize vidually or in groups.
useful information from literary texts. I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
songs, dances and plays including spond to oral and written texts and
those that reflect traditional and popu- use pre-established criteria to evalu-
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the ate literary texts individually or in
conventions of the genre. (Example: groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
purpose, settings, audience, voice,
rhythm, etc.) CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative relevant information from literary
activities through a variety of student texts using group or class brain-
groupings to create and respond to litera- storms and/or mind maps in order
ture and other literary texts. (Example: to enhance collaborative
small groups, cooperative learning responses to Literature.
groups, literature circles, process writing I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups, etc.) groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

3. THREE O. EFL. 3.3 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.4 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.6 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Look and read New Words. texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at Repeat the use Possessive form of I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) nouns. Play with world fun awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- Complete the sentences with use identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- of present progressive. between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- Repeat the sentences. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) Linguistic resources CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
mation: Follow and identify key in-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Read and learn. formation in
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand Practice the dialogues with New short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Words, Possessive form of nouns, lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a use of present progressive. interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- Read sentences and short provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- paragraphs visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- Produce and communicate els for their own.
I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
identify key information from a spoken
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- Look the graphics. Listen the message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported read New Words, Possessive form when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- of nouns, use of present used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) progressive. ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what structions, a dialogue in a
Repeat any sentences.
scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
others say using verbal/non-verbal Look at the pictures and Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
back-channeling, or by asking further pronounce the sentences. butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us- Personal Production
ing facial expression or simple words Write simple paragraph with New CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! Words, Possessive form of nouns, inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) use of present progressive. with reference
Read in class. to features of written English and
READING Develop Literacy activities. apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Develop the progress test. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, Evaluation materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note Heteroevaluation I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- Co-evaluation support inferences using evidence
nary. Self-appraisal from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
strategies to make text more compre- quence, etc.) and apply other learning
hensible and meaningful. (Example: strategies in order to examine and in-
skimming, scanning. terpret a variety
of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
ple text-types, commonly used in print short simple familiar text-types –
and online, with appropriate language online or in print – using appropri-
and layout. (Example: write a greeting ate language, layout and linking
on a birthday card, name and address words.
I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
on an envelope, a URL for a website,
short simple text-types and narra-
an email address, etc.)
tives, online and in print, using ap-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- propriate language,
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
proofreading (i.e., “the writing
process”) to produce well-constructed CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
informational texts. responses to both oral and written
literary texts through pictures, au-
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a ate literary texts
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to using pre-established criteria, indi-
describe and organize ideas or organize vidually or in groups.
useful information from literary texts. I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
songs, dances and plays including spond to oral and written texts and
those that reflect traditional and popu- use pre-established criteria to evalu-
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the ate literary texts individually or in
conventions of the genre. (Example: groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
purpose, settings, audience, voice,
rhythm, etc.) CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative relevant information from literary
activities through a variety of student texts using group or class brain-
groupings to create and respond to litera- storms and/or mind maps in order
ture and other literary texts. (Example: to enhance collaborative
small groups, cooperative learning responses to Literature.
groups, literature circles, process writing I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups, etc.) groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

4. FOUR O. EFL. 3.3 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.4 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.6 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Present adverbs of frequency and texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at read with de students. I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the use of why, because awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- with the teacher. identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- Complete the sentences with use between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- adverbs of frequency and use of ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other why and because.
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) Repeat the sentences. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
mation: Follow and identify key in-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Linguistic resources formation in
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Read and learn. lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a Practice the dialogues with interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- adverbs of frequency, why, provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- because. visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- Read sentences and short these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- paragraphs els for their own.
I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
identify key information from a spoken
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- Produce and communicate message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- Look the graphics. Listen the used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) read adverbs of frequency, why, ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what structions, a dialogue in a
others say using verbal/non-verbal Repeat any sentences. scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
back-channeling, or by asking further Look at the pictures and Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- pronounce the sentences.
(I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us-
ing facial expression or simple words Personal Production CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! Write simple paragraph with inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) adverbs of frequency, why, with reference
because. to features of written English and
READING Read in class. apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Develop Literacy activities. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- Develop the progress test. and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note Evaluation I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- Heteroevaluation support inferences using evidence
nary. Co-evaluation from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading Self-appraisal English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
strategies to make text more compre- quence, etc.) and apply other learning
hensible and meaningful. (Example: strategies in order to examine and in-
skimming, scanning. terpret a variety
of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
ple text-types, commonly used in print short simple familiar text-types –
and online, with appropriate language online or in print – using appropri-
and layout. (Example: write a greeting ate language, layout and linking
on a birthday card, name and address words.
on an envelope, a URL for a website, I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
an email address, etc.) short simple text-types and narra-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- tives, online and in print, using ap-
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and propriate language,
proofreading (i.e., “the writing layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
process”) to produce well-constructed
informational texts. CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
responses to both oral and written
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS literary texts through pictures, au-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to ate literary texts
describe and organize ideas or organize using pre-established criteria, indi-
useful information from literary texts. vidually or in groups.
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
songs, dances and plays including audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
those that reflect traditional and popu- spond to oral and written texts and
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the use pre-established criteria to evalu-
conventions of the genre. (Example: ate literary texts individually or in
purpose, settings, audience, voice, groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
rhythm, etc.)
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
activities through a variety of student relevant information from literary
groupings to create and respond to litera- texts using group or class brain-
ture and other literary texts. (Example: storms and/or mind maps in order
small groups, cooperative learning to enhance collaborative
groups, literature circles, process writing responses to Literature.
groups, etc.) I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

5. FIVE O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Present the use of past texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at progressive tense and read with I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) de students. awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- Repeat the read of recycle. identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- Complete the sentences with use between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- of singular and plural. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other Repeat the sentences.
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
Linguistic resources mation: Follow and identify key in-
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand Read and learn. short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Practice the dialogues with the lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a use of past progressive tense, interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- recycle, use of singular and plural. provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- Read sentences and short visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- paragraphs these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- els for their own.
I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
nouncement Produce and communicate identify key information from a spoken
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported Look the graphics. Listen the when the message contains frequently
used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- read the use of past progressive
ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
propriate intonation, etc.) tense, recycle, use of singular and structions, a dialogue in a
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what plural. scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
others say using verbal/non-verbal Repeat any sentences. Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
back-channeling, or by asking further Look at the pictures and butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- pronounce the sentences. (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us-
ing facial expression or simple words Personal Production CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! the use of past progressive tense, inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) recycle, use of singular and plural with reference
Read in class. to features of written English and
READING Develop Literacy activities. apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Develop the progress test. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, Evaluation
graphic organizers, context clues, note I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- support inferences using evidence
from texts and features of written
nary. Self-appraisal English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading
quence, etc.) and apply other learning
strategies to make text more compre- strategies in order to examine and in-
hensible and meaningful. (Example: terpret a variety
skimming, scanning. of written materials. (I.2, J.3)

WRITING CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of

EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- short simple familiar text-types –
ple text-types, commonly used in print online or in print – using appropri-
and online, with appropriate language ate language, layout and linking
and layout. (Example: write a greeting words.
on a birthday card, name and address I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
on an envelope, a URL for a website, short simple text-types and narra-
an email address, etc.) tives, online and in print, using ap-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- propriate language,
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
proofreading (i.e., “the writing
process”) to produce well-constructed CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
informational texts. responses to both oral and written
literary texts through pictures, au-
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a ate literary texts
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to using pre-established criteria, indi-
describe and organize ideas or organize vidually or in groups.
useful information from literary texts. I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
songs, dances and plays including spond to oral and written texts and
those that reflect traditional and popu- use pre-established criteria to evalu-
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the ate literary texts individually or in
conventions of the genre. (Example: groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
purpose, settings, audience, voice,
rhythm, etc.) CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative relevant information from literary
activities through a variety of student texts using group or class brain-
groupings to create and respond to litera- storms and/or mind maps in order
ture and other literary texts. (Example: to enhance collaborative
small groups, cooperative learning responses to Literature.
groups, literature circles, process writing I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups, etc.) groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

6. SIX O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Look and read the use of whose texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at and read with de students. I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the use of have / has with awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- the teacher. identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- Complete the sentences with use between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- of can / could ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other Repeat the sentences.
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
Linguistic resources mation: Follow and identify key in-
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand Read and learn. short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Practice the dialogues with lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a whose, have / has, can / could interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- Read sentences and short provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- paragraphs visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- Produce and communicate els for their own.
nouncement I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- Look the graphics. Listen the identify key information from a spoken
message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported read whose, have / has, can /
when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- could used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) Repeat any sentences. ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what Look at the pictures and structions, a dialogue in a
others say using verbal/non-verbal pronounce the sentences. scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
back-channeling, or by asking further Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- Personal Production (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us- Write simple paragraph with
ing facial expression or simple words whose, have / has, can / could CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! Read in class. inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) Develop Literacy activities. with reference
Develop the progress test. to features of written English and
apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Evaluation examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- Heteroevaluation and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, Co-evaluation materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note Self-appraisal I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- support inferences using evidence
nary. from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
strategies to make text more compre- quence, etc.) and apply other learning
hensible and meaningful. (Example: strategies in order to examine and in-
skimming, scanning. terpret a variety
of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
ple text-types, commonly used in print short simple familiar text-types –
and online, with appropriate language online or in print – using appropri-
and layout. (Example: write a greeting ate language, layout and linking
on a birthday card, name and address words.
on an envelope, a URL for a website, I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
an email address, etc.) short simple text-types and narra-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- tives, online and in print, using ap-
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and propriate language,
proofreading (i.e., “the writing layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
process”) to produce well-constructed
informational texts. CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
responses to both oral and written
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS literary texts through pictures, au-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to ate literary texts
describe and organize ideas or organize using pre-established criteria, indi-
useful information from literary texts. vidually or in groups.
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
songs, dances and plays including audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
those that reflect traditional and popu- spond to oral and written texts and
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the use pre-established criteria to evalu-
conventions of the genre. (Example: ate literary texts individually or in
purpose, settings, audience, voice, groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
rhythm, etc.)
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
activities through a variety of student relevant information from literary
groupings to create and respond to litera- texts using group or class brain-
ture and other literary texts. (Example: storms and/or mind maps in order
small groups, cooperative learning to enhance collaborative
groups, literature circles, process writing responses to Literature.
groups, etc.) I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

7 SEVEN O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Look the read about would / texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at wouldn’t and read with de I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) students. awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- Read about healthy and identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- unhealthy food. between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- Talk about three meals and listen ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other to de sounds
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) Complete the sentences with use CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
of would / wouldn’t. mation: Follow and identify key in-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Repeat the sentences. formation in
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Linguistic resources lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- Read and learn. provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- Practice the dialogues about visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- would / wouldn’t, healthy and these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- unhealthy food, three meals. els for their own.
nouncement Read sentences and short I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- paragraphs identify key information from a spoken
message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported
when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- Produce and communicate used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what Look the graphics. Listen the structions, a dialogue in a
others say using verbal/non-verbal read would / wouldn’t, healthy scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
back-channeling, or by asking further Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
and unhealthy food, three meals.
butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- Repeat any sentences. (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us- Look at the pictures and
ing facial expression or simple words pronounce the sentences. CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) Personal Production with reference
Write simple paragraph with to features of written English and
READING would / wouldn’t, healthy and apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to unhealthy food, three meals. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- Read in class. and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, Develop Literacy activities. materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note Develop the progress test. I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- support inferences using evidence
nary. Evaluation from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading Heteroevaluation English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
strategies to make text more compre- Co-evaluation quence, etc.) and apply other learning
hensible and meaningful. (Example: Self-appraisal strategies in order to examine and in-
skimming, scanning. terpret a variety
of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
ple text-types, commonly used in print short simple familiar text-types –
and online, with appropriate language online or in print – using appropri-
and layout. (Example: write a greeting ate language, layout and linking
on a birthday card, name and address words.
on an envelope, a URL for a website, I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
an email address, etc.) short simple text-types and narra-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- tives, online and in print, using ap-
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and propriate language,
proofreading (i.e., “the writing layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
process”) to produce well-constructed
informational texts. CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
responses to both oral and written
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS literary texts through pictures, au-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to ate literary texts
describe and organize ideas or organize using pre-established criteria, indi-
useful information from literary texts. vidually or in groups.
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
songs, dances and plays including audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
those that reflect traditional and popu- spond to oral and written texts and
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the use pre-established criteria to evalu-
conventions of the genre. (Example: ate literary texts individually or in
purpose, settings, audience, voice, groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
rhythm, etc.)
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
activities through a variety of student relevant information from literary
groupings to create and respond to litera- texts using group or class brain-
ture and other literary texts. (Example: storms and/or mind maps in order
small groups, cooperative learning to enhance collaborative
groups, literature circles, process writing responses to Literature.
groups, etc.) I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

8 EIGHT O. EFL. 3.6 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.7 Read and comprehension of
O. EFL. 3.9 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL many words that be approached CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS in the unit. ness of different cultures and iden-
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate re- tify similarities
sponsibly to one’s surroundings at Observation and understanding and differences between them
home and at school by exhibiting re- through oral and written literary
sponsible behaviors towards Observe and read about some texts.
the environment. (Example: chores at sports with de students. I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the use of to do / to awareness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, partic- have / to be with the teacher. identify similarities and differences
ipate in or recommend a favorite activ- Complete the sentences with use between them through oral and writ-
ity, book, song or other interest to vari- question words. ten literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
ous audiences. (Example: peers, other Repeat the sentences.
classes, teachers, other adults, etc.) CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
Linguistic resources mation: Follow and identify key in-
EFL 3.2.4 Follow and understand Read and learn. short straightforward audio texts re-
short, straightforward audio messages Practice the dialogues with some lated to areas of immediate need or
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a sports, the use of to do / to interest,
movie or cartoon (or other age-appro- have / to be, question words. provided vocabulary is familiar and
priate audio-visual presentations) if de- Read sentences and short visual support is present, and use
livered slowly and visuals provide con- paragraphs these spoken contributions as mod-
textual support. (Example: an an- els for their own.
nouncement Produce and communicate I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and
of a bus delay, an intercom announce- identify key information from a spoken
message of immediate need or interest
ment at school, a dialogue supported Look the graphics. Listen the when the message contains frequently
by facial expressions/gestures and ap- read some sports, the use of to used expressions and visual support. (Ex-
propriate intonation, etc.) do / to have / to be, question ample: rules for a game, classroom in-
EFL 3.2.9 React appropriately to what words. structions, a dialogue in a
others say using verbal/non-verbal Repeat any sentences. scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.)
Learners can use other classmate’s contri-
back-channeling, or by asking further Look at the pictures and butions in class as models for their own.
or simple questions to extend the inter- pronounce the sentences. (I.2, I.3)
action. (Example: express interest us-
ing facial expression or simple words Personal Production CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support
with appropriate intonation: Oh! Yes! Write simple paragraph with inferences from evidence in a text
Thanks. And you? etc.) some sports, the use of to do / to with reference
have / to be, question words. to features of written English and
READING Read in class. apply other learning strategies to
EFL 3.3.6 Apply learning strategies to Develop Literacy activities. examine
examine and interpret a variety of writ- Develop the progress test. and interpret a variety of written
ten materials using prior knowledge, materials.
graphic organizers, context clues, note Evaluation I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
taking and finding words in a dictio- Heteroevaluation support inferences using evidence
nary. Co-evaluation from texts and features of written
EFL 3.3.9 Identify and use reading Self-appraisal English (e.g., vocabulary, format, se-
strategies to make text more compre- quence, etc.) and apply other learning
hensible and meaningful. (Example: strategies in order to examine and in-
skimming, scanning. terpret a variety
of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
EFL 3.4.3 Write a variety of short sim- CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
ple text-types, commonly used in print short simple familiar text-types –
and online, with appropriate language online or in print – using appropri-
and layout. (Example: write a greeting ate language, layout and linking
on a birthday card, name and address words.
on an envelope, a URL for a website, I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write
an email address, etc.) short simple text-types and narra-
EFL 3.4.7 Use the process of prewrit- tives, online and in print, using ap-
ing, drafting, revising, peer editing and propriate language,
proofreading (i.e., “the writing layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
process”) to produce well-constructed
informational texts. CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
responses to both oral and written
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS literary texts through pictures, au-
EFL 3.5.6 Work in groups to create a dio/video or ICT in order to evalu-
brainstorm and/or draw a mind map to ate literary texts
describe and organize ideas or organize using pre-established criteria, indi-
useful information from literary texts. vidually or in groups.
EFL 3.5.8 Create stories, poems, I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
songs, dances and plays including audio, video, pictures and ICT to re-
those that reflect traditional and popu- spond to oral and written texts and
lar Ecuadorian culture, observing the use pre-established criteria to evalu-
ate literary texts individually or in
conventions of the genre. (Example:
groups. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
purpose, settings, audience, voice,
rhythm, etc.)
CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and
EFL 3.5.9. Engage in collaborative
activities through a variety of student
relevant information from literary
groupings to create and respond to litera- texts using group or class brain-
ture and other literary texts. (Example: storms and/or mind maps in order
small groups, cooperative learning to enhance collaborative
groups, literature circles, process writing responses to Literature.
groups, etc.) I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in
groups to create brainstorms and/
or draw mind maps to describe and
organize ideas or useful information
from literary texts and create collabo-
rative responses to literature through
process writing groups or literature
circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)

6. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEBGRAPHY (Use APA VI edition standards)
MINEDUC. Documento de Ajustes Curriculares 2016. The novelties in the fulfillment of the planning will be consigned. In
EDIPCENTRO. I Speak 6 addition, you can suggest adjustments for the best compliance with what
is planned in the instrument.
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