Busn 5000

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BUSN 5000

Homework 2

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in a timely manner.

Question 1 – Choose a market in which McDonalds currently operates. Provide a thorough

SWOT analysis of McDonalds in that market. For each of the four components, provide one
paragraph outlining your observations. Then in one additional sentence, identify one key
observation. Please use the separate headings for each component to clearly delineate the
four parts.


McDonald's has various competitive advantages in the United States. The brand has significant

global awareness and consumer loyalty, because to its extensive network of well-established

franchisees and constant cuisine. Its operational efficiency, which is supported by a highly

standardized and simplified procedure, offers swift service while adapting to the fast-paced

American lifestyle. Furthermore, McDonald's is always pioneering new menu options and

marketing methods, putting it at the center of the growing food restaurants sector in the US.

Key Observation - McDonald's great brand awareness and operational effectiveness are critical

to maintaining its position of power in the highly saturated US fast-food business.


One noteworthy problem for McDonald's in the United States is its vulnerability to shifting

consumer preferences for healthier alternatives. The impression of fast food being bad for you has

resulted in greater demand for alternatives, affecting McDonald's sales. Furthermore, the vast

menu may provide difficulties in maintaining uniformity across all items, potentially contributing
BUSN 5000
Homework 2

to operational complications and service disruptions. Managing the need for healthier options

while maintaining simplicity in operation is still a problem.

Key Observation - McDonald's confronts difficulty in meeting the rising need for cleaner meal

alternatives while retaining uniformity throughout its wide menu.


The United States market provides potential for McDonald's to leverage on the movement toward

sustainability and ethical sourcing. Embracing eco-friendly methods and increasing openness in

ingredient procurement will help attract environmentally concerned customers.

Furthermore, employing technology to improve the user experience, such as mobile ordering and

distribution services, creates new opportunities for development and market reach. Working

together with nearby vendors and enterprises can help McDonald's position in the growing US


Key Observation - McDonald's may connect with consumer tastes by stressing sustainability,

ethical sourcing, and using new technology to promote customer interaction.

BUSN 5000
Homework 2

One important challenge to McDonald's in the United States is fierce rivalry for the fast-food

market. Rivalry from both conventional competitors and developing, creative chains is an ongoing

problem. In addition, economic turmoil or volatility might have an influence on customer buying

patterns, which in turn affect the fast food chain sales. Changing rules and health worries may

result in tougher industrial standards, necessitating ongoing adaptation to meet with shifting


Key Observation - McDonald's confronts risks from severe concurrence, economic instability,

and shifting legislation, needing continuous tactical flexibility or invention.


In summary, while McDonald's in the United States benefits from its brand power and

operational effectiveness, it faces problems due to changing consumer tastes. Taking advantage of

potential in environment and science and technology, as well as resolving shortcomings in menu

flexibility, will be critical to preserving and strengthening its market position.

Question 2 – Based on your SWOT analysis, provide an executive summary of your findings as
well as a recommendation for ten-year strategy to improves McDonalds competitive position
in this market. Do not quote directly from any source including ChatGPT. Rely on your own
reasoning. Limit 300 words.

Looking at McDonald's contemporary scene, it's clear that the iconic golden arches are

built on a solid foundation of awareness of the company, client loyalty, and efficiency in operation.

Over the years, as a loyal McDonald's customer, I've seen the smooth service that appeals to the

hectic America culture. It's a lot more than an ordinary meal; it's a sensory overload tailored for
BUSN 5000
Homework 2

folks on the go. McDonald's ability to remain on top of developments by delivering creative

cuisines and regional treats connects with my changing dietary needs and tastes.

However, as someone who is more concerned about health and sustainability, I've seen the

difficulties McDonald's confronts. Competition' emphasis on fresh, organic, and environmentally

derived foods shows a growing customer concern, which I also share. Addressing the contradiction

of providing better alternatives sans.

As we look ahead, I am enthused about the prospects that technology provides. In my

everyday life, the ease of ordering using smartphones and the importance placed on component

tracking are ideally aligned with the clarity I desire as a consumer. I've also discovered that

relationships with well-known businesses in many industries may stimulate my attention, adding

a new layer to the McDonald's journey beyond the menu.

However, I am conscious that there are some potential risks on the horizon. The advent of

rivals with a health-focused orientation and the development of craft chains specializing in

particular dietary requirements present obstacles. Economic instability will have an influence on

my personal buying patterns, and I realize McDonald's need to handle these changes while

remaining accessible to customers like me.

To summarize, McDonald's maintains a particular place in the hearts of many Americans,

including me. The trick is to embrace technology while yet being committed to ethical behaviors.

As a committed consumer, I am excited to see organizational along with supply chain

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Homework 2

improvements ensure prioritise the environment and health, ensuring that McDonald's stays a

mainstay in our lives for years to come.

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