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Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question,
write the correct answers only.) (20)

1)Processed cereals should be kept in:

(a) Refrigerator

(b) Ice boxes

(c) Tightly covered bottles

(d) Open air

2)Jam and jellies are preserved with:

(a) Spices

(b) Vinegar

(c) Salt

(d) Sugar

3)Friction is applied on ______


(a) Cotton

(b) Silk

(c) Woollen

(d) Rayon

4)Ironing temperature of silk is:

(a) 275 degree F

(b) 150 degree F

(c) 100 degree F

(d) 450 degree F

5)Starch gives the fabric:

(a) Bluish tinge

(b) New and original look

(c) A frothy appearance

(d) A dull look

6)Physical and/or psychological violation of a child is known as:

(a) Human trafficking

(b) Child Abuse

(c) Female infanticide

(d) Female foeticide

7)The disadvantage of readymade garments are:

(a) No tailoring required

(b) Labels are provided for care instruction

(c) The final products have latest trends and styles

(d) Commonly available patterns as they are produced in bulk

8) physical abuse includes

a kicking

b biting

c hair pulling

d all of the above

9) trafficking largely includes girls groomed and forced into ____________

a Sexual exploitation

b Menta exploitation

c social exploitation

d none

10)_______budget shows expenditure exceeds income.

(a) Balanced
(b) Deficit

(c) Surplus

(d) Moderate

11)The main objective of furnishing a house is:

(a) To have imbalance look.

(b) To protect from microorganisms

(c) To spend money

(d) For aesthetics and functionalism

12)The advantage of modular kitchen is:

(a) Modular fittings cannot be easily repaired

(b) Last minute adjustments cannot be made

(c) Durable and easy to clean

(d) High manufacturing cost

13)__________ is a disorder that causes children to lose focus on task and involved in excessive
amount of activity.

(a) Dyscalculia (b) Dysgraphia (c) ADHD

(d) Dyslexia

14)White colour is used on kitchen ceilings to enhance:

1. Visibility

2. Cleanliness

3. Poor ventilation

4. Unhygienic conditions


B 2& 4


D only 1
15)One of the major social issues prevalent in our country


(a) Human capital

(b) Gender discrimination

(c) Morbidity

(d) Mortality

16)The impact of human activities on the environment

and climate change is called:

(a) Carbon footprint

(b) Child labour

(c) Feticide

(d) Population explosion

17) balanced diet helps in proper growth of the __________

a. Body

b. Brain.

c mind

d none

18) dark, green and yellow vegetables protect against

a. Night blindness.

b Day blindness

c. Brain development

d. None

19) species become endangered for two main reasons

a Loss of life and property

b loss of risk and death

c loss of body and life

d loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation

20) The PC – PNDT act was enacted on:

a 20 September 1994

b 25 October 1999

c 9 December 2005

d 28 November 2017

Question 2 (2*10=20)

1) what do you mean by cognitive development?

2) what is the aim of Street play?

3) what do you understand by ready-made garments?

4) state any two major causes of food spoilage

5) mention the need for good ventilation in a kitchen

6) list any two objectives of PMUY?

7) state two points while designing a poster?

8) list any two emotional changes observed in middle childhood?

9) define the term semi perishable foods?

10) define the term human trafficking?

SECTION B(60 Marks)

(Answer any four questions from this Section)

Question 3

1)Explain the importance of budgeting.

2)State the important features of a cooking centre.

3)Discuss any five factors affecting the choice of carpets.

Question 4

1)Discuss how social development forms an integral part of a child's development.

2)State the factors affecting the physical development of the child.

3)List any five symptoms of an ADHD Child.

Question 5
1)List any five factors to be kept in mind while storing perishable foods.

2)State any five hygienic measures to be followed while handling food.

3)Discuss the method of storage of semi perishable foods.

Question 6

1)Enumerate any five steps of laundering a white cotton shirt.

2)List any five benefits of using detergent in laundering of clothes.

3)How does budget and fashion play an important role in the selection of readymade garments?

Question 7

Write short notes on the following: (Any five points)

(i)Types of kitchens

2)Importance of a balanced diet

3)Role of peer group in middle childhood

Question 8

1)Explain any five objectives of MNREGA ACT.

2)Write a note on women empowerment

3)Describe gender discrimination in detail.

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