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Date Sep 23, 2020

Infiniti Apple CarPlay Module

Installation Manual for Professional

INFINITI QX60 2017-20


01 Components 03

02 Chapter #1. Removal work the DCU monitor & bezel 06

03 Chapter #2. Assembly work the DCU monitor 08

04 Chapter #3. Assembly work the Main Interface bracket 19

05 Chapter #4. Installation work the CarPlay wiring & parts 25

06 Chapter #5. Installation work the CarPlay Settop 44

07 Chapter #6. CarPlay/Android Auto Operation Test 48

08 Chapter #7. Trouble Shooting 52

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Components : CarPlay Module


CarPlay Settop AUX Filter CarPlay Main Cable CarPlay CarPlay MIC
(USB/Speaker/AUX) Cable

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Components : Interface Module

★ ★


DCU Main Cable Ribbon Cable 50p Ribbon Cable 60p LVDS Cable
(Direct) (Reverse)

★ ★ ★

1TRMAQ515C 1TRSU22V1A 1VCF12219A

Ribbon Cable 10p Main Interface Sub Interface Board Sub Data Cable

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Components : Interface Module

★ ★ ★

1ACF113V1A 1NBAW17V1A 1NSF1X519A 1PRF113V1A

AUX Cable Mounting Brackets Mounting Bracket Sub Interface Board

Screws x 8EA Plastic Rivets x 3EA

★ ★ ★

1SPSU13V1A 1PFF114V1A 1SKAW0820A

Sub Interface Board Pad Protecting Film 8 inch CarPlay External Speaker

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Chapter #1

Removal work the OEM monitor & bezel

DCU(Display Control Unit) monitor Disassemble

Remove the DCU monitor. Disconnect the upper display cables.

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Chapter #2

Assembly work the DCU monitor

Components : DCU monitor assembly parts

Sub Data Cable Sub Interface board Sub Interface Board Pad LVDS Cable

Ribbon Cable 10p Sub Interface Board Ribbon Cable 60p

(Reverse) Plastic Rivets x 3EA (Reverse)

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Disassemble the remaining components from the DCU monitor as shown.
Be careful not to lose or damage any of the removed components.

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Sub Interface Board

Ribbon Cable 10p Sub Data Cable LVDS Cable

※ Caution : Sub Data pin & LVDS pin is the same. Please see cable name tag for differentiation.

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Insert the OEM Ribbon Cable into Sub Interface Board located on the bottom left corner (CON5).
Make sure the pins are aligned straight across and plastic tab is properly locked in place.

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Insert Ribbon Cable 10p onto the Sub Interface Board as shown (CON3).
Make sure the pins are aligned straight across and plastic tab is properly locked in place.

※ Caution : The blue side of the Ribbon Cable 10p should face up when inserting.

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Cut all screws to be 2mm

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※ Caution : The blue side of the Ribbon Cables should face up when inserting.

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Arrange cables for easy
Check connection assemble
(OEM Ribbon Cable)
Connect Ribbon Cable 10p
Check Micro SD is
Connect Ribbon Cable 60p to DCU Monitor Board

※Caution : The blue side of the Ribbon Cables should face up when inserting
Check all connection before assemble

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Connect carefully

Final Assembly should look like above.

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LVDS Cable

Sub Data Cable

Final Assembly should look like above.

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Chapter #3

Assembly work the Main Interface bracket

CarPlay Settop
Main Interface

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Chapter #4

Installation work the CarPlay wiring & parts

Position DCU Main Cable

Bring out the harnesses of

DCU Main Cable as shown

DCU Main Cable

Connect a harness of DCU Main Cable and an OEM cable’s connector. And wrap with noise-absorbing sponge.

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Position CarPlay MIC Cable

CarPlay MIC Cable

Bring out a small connector of CarPlay MIC Cable to bottom space through DCU monitor space as shown picture.

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Work AUX Cable

AUX Cable

Remove OEM cable from audio

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Work AUX Cable

OEM AUX Cable and Port

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Work AUX Cable

Connect OEM Cable via AUX Cable (jack by jack)

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Work AUX Cable

AUX Cable (not OEM Cable)

Connect OEM AUX port via AUX Cable Connect OEM cable.

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Work CarPlay External Speaker

CarPlay External Speaker

Taping noise absorbing Sponge

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Work CarPlay External Speaker

Bring out the harnesses of CarPlay External Speaker as

shown image.

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Work CarPlay Main Cable

Connect and noise absorbing sponge taping of the

CarPlay External Speaker

CarPlay Main Cable

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Work CarPlay Main Cable

AUX Filter Connect and taping noise of AUX Filter.

AUX Port of CarPlay

Main Cable
Connect and Taping Taping Noise .
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Position CarPlay Settop

Disassemble cover

Position of CarPlay Settop

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Define DCU Main Cable

① DCU Main Cable
Main Interface Power (20pin)

② DCU Main Cable

CarPlay Touch (3pin)
④ ③ ③ DCU Main Cable
CarPlay Power (6pin)

⑤ ④ CarPlay MIC Cable (5pin)

⑤ CarPlay Main Cable

USB, AUX, Speaker Port ( 9pin )

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Work DCU and CarPlay Main Cable

Install cable in the

direction above
DCU Main Cable
Temporary taping for easy
install (will remove after

Remove taping after

position done

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Position USB port of CarPlay Main Cable

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Wiring of LVDS & Sub Data Cables up to DCU monitor

DCU Assemble

① Make sure of the cable position
(come through the back side—NOT FRONT)

② Direct the cable little right and down

(DO NOT direct the cable directly down
the bracket because the cable may get damaged).

DCU Monitor connection looks like above

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Wiring of LVDS & Sub Data Cables up to DCU monitor

Temporary Taping for easy

install(will remove after work)

Remove taping after

position done

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Position CarPlay External Speaker

Install CarPlay External Speaker under

OEM audio

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Position USB port of CarPlay Main Cable

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Chapter #5

Installation work the CarPlay Settop

CarPlay Settop

Taping Noise absorbing sponge

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Connect Cables

CarPlay Settop Main interface

- Connect below to the CarPlay Settop - Connect below to the Main Interface
① CarPlay Power ⑤ Main Interface Power
② CarPlay Touch ⑥ Sub Data Cable
③ CarPlay MIC ⑦ LVDS Cable
④ CarPlay Main Cable

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Position CarPlay Settop

CarPlay Settop Main Interface

Connection each port

Taping Noise absorbing sponge

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Chapter #6

CarPlay/Android Auto Operation Test

Connect Smart Phone

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To toggle between modes: Long-press (~2 seconds) the “RETURN” button on the steering wheel control

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Set AUX mode

Set car stereo sound for CarPlay (AUX mode of OEM audio)

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Chapter #7

Trouble shooting
Trouble Shooting

[NOTICE] Some phones have issues connecting to the Android Auto/ Apple CarPlay system that
are unrelated to the product that we provide. Please search for solution online on this bug with
your phone make model and the keyword “Android Auto” or “Apple CarPlay” depending on your
phone’s make.

When DCU CarPlay screen is not able to be connected with your phone,

1) Unplug your phone USB cable first, turn off the engine completely, restart the engine and plug it again.
2) Please make sure that your phone USB cable is an original brand, not a third-party product.
3) Uninstall Android Auto app and reinstall it (or update Android Auto app)
4) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 )
b. Replace the CarPlay Main Cable ( Page 34~ )

It is connected with your phone, however, it’s on and off intermittently.

1) Check again that your phone USB cable is an original one

2) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 )
b. Replace the CarPlay Main Cable(USB) ( Page 34 ~ )

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Trouble Shooting

In case that the volume(OEM stereo speaker) from CarPlay is too low or no sound at all.

1) Please make sure that AUX mode is on from QX60 OEM sound system. ( Page 51 )
2) Check all AUX line connected properly with AUX Cable, AUX Filter and CarPlay Main Cable. ( Page 35 )
3) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the AUX Cable ( Page 28 ~ )
b. Replace the AUX Filter ( Page 35 )
c. Replace the CarPlay Main Cable ( Page 34 ~ )
d. Replace the CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 )

If the CarPlay External Speaker volume is too low or no sound at all.

1) Please make sure that your phone USB cable is an original brand, not a third-party product.
2) From the main screen of CarPlay -> select Settings -> select Audio Settings -> Control the volume.
3) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.

a. Replace the CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 )

b. Replace the CarPlay External Speaker ( Page 42 )
c. Replace the CarPlay Main Cable ( Page 34 ~)

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Trouble Shooting

When both screens(DCU OEM screen & DCU CarPlay screen) scrambled, not working.

1) Check the power cable of main Interface ( Page 46 : #5 )

2) Check the Sub Data Cable of main Interface ( Page 46 : #6 )
3) Check the Sub Data Cable of Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
4) Check connect the 60pin Ribbon Cable of Sub Interface Board ( Page : 14, 15)
5) Check connection the Ribbon Cable of DCU Monitor board ( Page 16 )
6) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the main Interface ( Page 46 )
b. Replace the Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
Replace the Ribbon Cable 60p ( Page 15 )
Replace the Sub Data Cable ( Page 11 )
c. Replace the DCU Main Cable ( Page 26 ~ )

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Trouble Shooting

When only DCU CarPlay srceen scrambled (goes black, shaking, not working etc…),

1) Check connection the LVDS cable & Sub Data Cable of Main Interface ( Page 46 : #6, #7 )
2) Check connection the power pin of CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 : #1 )
3) Check connection the LVDS cable & Sub Data Cable of Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
4) Check the Ribbon cable(50pin) of main Interface ( Page 21 )
5) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 )
b. Replace the Main Interface ( Page 46 )
c. Replace the Ribbon Cable 50p ( Page 21 )
d. Replace the LVDS cable ( Page 11 )
e. Replace the Sub Data Cable ( Page 11 )
f. Replace the Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
g. Replace the DCU Main Cable ( Page 26 ~ )

When only DCU OEM screen scrambled, (but DCU CarPlay screen looks normal)

1) Check connect the Sub Interface Board 60pin, Ribbon cable ( Page 14, 15 )
2) Check connect the DCU Monitor Board and Ribbon cable 60p ( Page 16 )
3) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
b. Replace the Ribbon Cable 60p ( Page 15 )

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Trouble Shooting

When the DCU OEM touchscreen does not work (but DCU CarPlay touchscreen works),

** After starting the engine, you must wait until DCU monitor is completely on. If you touch the screen
before DCU monitor is on, the touchscreen may not be functional properly.

1) Check connect the Touch Ribbon Cable 10p of Sub Interface Board ( Page 13 )
2) Check connect the Touch Ribbon Cable 10p of DCU Monitor board ( Page 16 )
3) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
b. Replace the Touch Ribbon Cable 10p ( Page 13, 16 )

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Trouble Shooting

When does not work touchscreen with DCU CarPlay screen (but works touchscreen with DCU OEM

1) Check the touch of CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 : 2 )

2) Check the Sub Data Cable of Main Interface ( Page 46 : 6 )
3) Check connect the Sub Data Cable of Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
4) If the trouble shooting is still not solved, replace the parts below in order.
a. Replace the Main Interface ( Page 46 )
b. Replace the CarPlay Settop ( Page 46 )
c. Replace the Sub Interface Board ( Page 11 )
Replace the Sub Data Cable ( Page 11 )
d. Replace the DCU Main Cable ( Page 26 )

If DCU CarPlay screen does not toggle from the steering wheel control button (Return button)

a. Replace the Main Interface ( Page 46 )

b. Replace the DCU Main Cable ( Page 26 )

If a back-up camera does not show the rear view on the status DCU CarPlay screen when you shift
your car into reverse,

a. Replace the Main Interface ( Page 46 )

b. Replace the DCU Main Cable ( Page 26 )

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North American Division of E-SENSE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
15052 Red Hill Ave, Suite B, Tustin, CA 92780
Tel. 855-558-6284
Fax. 714-515-3050
E-mail. [email protected]

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