Functions of Trade Unions

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Functions of Trade Unions Functions relating to members Functions relating to organization Functions relating to the union; and Functions

ions relating to the society. Functions relating to trade union members 1. To safeguard workers against all sorts of exploitation by the employers, by union leaders and by political parties. 2. To protect workers from the atrocities and unfair practices of the management. 3. To ensure healthy, safe and conducive working conditions, and adequate conditions of work. 4. To exert pressure for enhancement of rewards associated with the work only after making a realistic assessment of its practical implications.

5. To ensure a desirable standard to living by providing various types of social service health, housing, educational, recreational, cooperative, etc. and by widening and consolidating the social security measures. 6. To guarantee a fair and square deal and social security measures. 7. To remove the dissatisfaction and redress the grievances and complaints of workers. 8. To encourage workers participation in the management of industrial organization and trade union, and to foster labour-management cooperation. 9. To make the workers conscious of their rights and duties. 10. To impress upon works the need to exercise restraint in the use of rights and to enforce them after realistically ascertaining their practical implications.

11. To stress the significance of settling disputes through negotiation, joint consultation and voluntary arbitration. 12. The raise the status of trade union members in the industrial organization and in the society at large. Functions relating to industrial organization 1. To highlight industrial organization as a joint enterprise between workers and management and to promote identity of interests. 2. To increase production quantitatively and qualitatively, by laying down the norms or production and ensuring their adequate observance. 3. To help in the maintenance of discipline. 4. To create opportunities for workers participation in management and to strengthen labour-management cooperation.

5. To help in the removal of dissatisfaction and redressal of grievances and complaints. 6. To promote cordial and amicable relations between the workers and management by settling disputes through negotiation, joint consultation and voluntary arbitration, and by avoiding litigation. 7. To create favourable opinion of the management towards trade unions and improve their status in industrial organization. 8. To exert pressure on the employer to enforce legislative provision beneficial to the workers, to share the profits equitably, and to keep away from various types of unfair labour practices. 9. To facilitate management. communication with the

10. To impress upon the management the need to adopt reformative and not punitive, approach towards workers faults.

Functions organization





1. To formulate policies and plans consistent with those of the industrial organization and society at large. 2. To improve financial position by fixing higher subscription, by realizing the union dues and by organizing special fund-raising campaigns. 3. To preserve democracy. and strengthen trade union

4. To train members to assume leadership position. 5. To improve the network of communication between trade union and its members. 6. To curb inter-union rivalry and thereby help in the creating of unified trade union movement. 7. To resolve the problem of factionalism and promote unity and solidarity within the union.

8. To eradicate casteism, regionalism and linguism within the trade union movement. 9. To keep away from unfair labour practices. 10. To save the union organization from the exploitation by vested interests personal and political. 11. To continuously review the relevance of union objectives in the context of social change, and to change them accordingly. 12. To prepare and maintain the necessary records. 13. To manage the trade union organization on scientific lines. 14. To publicise the trade union objectives and functions, to know peoples reaction towards them, and to make necessary modifications. Functions relating to society

1. To render all sorts of constructive cooperation in the formulation and implementation of plans and policies relating to national development. 2. To actively participate in the development of programmes of national development, e.g., family planning, afforestation, national integration, etc. 3. To launch special campaigns against the social evils of corporation, nepotism, communalism, casteism, regionalism, linguism, price rise, hoarding, black marketing, smuggling, sex, inequality, dowry, untouchability, illiteracy, dirt and disease. 4. To create public opinion favourable to governments policies and plans, and to mobilize peoples participation for their effective implementation. 5. To create public opinion favourable to trade unions and thereby to raise their status.

To exert pressure, after realistically ascertaining its practical implications, on the government to enact legislation conducive to the development of trade unions and their members

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