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Country: United Mexican States

Committee: Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)

Topic: The Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Indigenous Communities
Delegates: Carolina Sánchez and Camila Quispe
School: Colegio Santa Ursula
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +51 972 585 430 / + 51 922 224 820

In a world where Indigenous Communities in America have been struggling during the last five hundred years,
to survive in a continuously changing world. As from the arriving of the Europeans to America, Indigenous
Communities where faced to enter in conquer wars, slavery, force work and new diseases, resulting asuffering
from genocide resulting in a total of at least 56 million deaths only in the colonization of Americain a period of
less than a century (Winebrenner, Brent, et al. “The colonization of America killed 56 million indigenous people
and changed the world climate.” La Vanguardia, 1 February 2019).

They were forced to change their habits and culture, and also to abandon their religions and their own lands
because of colonialism and imperialism, for the convenience of foreign kingdoms and empires. Nowadays, some
of these problems do not exist anymore however, indigenous Indigenous communitiesCommunities, composed
of approximately 476 million people, are marginalized due to their poor unknowledge about their rights and lack
of information about international negotiations with the commercial exchange ( “Indigenous Peoples:
Overview.” World Bank). This reality shows us that this kind of worldwide problem will continue unless we
face itProvided the above, the following report will highlight the mechanism to ensure the cultural heritage of
Indigenous Communities, focusing in the case of Mexico, and regarding the legal framework stated for their

Mexico, a country rich in cultural diversity and history, acknowledges the paramount importance of preserving
cultural heritage, particularly within our indigenous communities. We stand committed to address the
multifaceted challenges and formulate comprehensive strategies to safeguard the cultural heritage of our
indigenous populations. One of the problems that our country faces is the stealing of cultural pieces, given that
91.5% of the cases go unpunished where only 8.5% of these objects are recovering. Mexico has singmen the
session, June 14, 2016) . Third section, article XIII point number two, that says that States will provide redress
through effective mechanisms, where the indigenous communities have been deprived without their free, prior
and informed consent or in violation of their laws, traditions and customs. Also last year on November 17, the
new federal law for the protection of the cultural heritage of indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and
communities was published, with the objective of recognizing, guaranteeing the protection and well-being of
indigenous peoples and communities. But like Joaquín Elizade, lawyer expert on intellectual property said “The
problem is the laws are deficient and lack attention from lawmakers and government institutions”.

For these reasons the United Mexican States are concerned about this problem, and because of that, propose the
programs of conscientization “Caring for our traditions,, where we empower and give conscience to these
communities and people in general so they can know their rights (that are mentioned in the new federal law for
the protection of the cultural heritage of indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities) and know
what they are buying also supervising the importance that their culture identity be safeguarded. To compromise
with policy trades to the brands in order to engage creator communities and to give back for what they have
borrowed or been inspired by.

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