Co4 Math 6 Q4 Week 4 (2023-2024)

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Teacher VINNES LOVE N. OPONG Grade & Section: GRADE 6 – DEL PILAR
Teaching Date May 14, 2024 Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
Teaching Time 1:50-2:40 PM Quarter: 4TH


The learner demonstrates understanding of pie graphs and

Content Standard
experimental probability.
The learner is able to create and interpret representations of data
Performance Standard (tables and pie graphs) and apply experimental probability in
mathematical problems and real-life situations.
The learner describes the meaning of probability such as 50%
Learning Competency and its
chance of rain and one in a million chance of winning. (M6SP-IVg-
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to;
1. describe meaning of probability as impossible, unlikely, as
likely as unlikely, likely, and certain;
2. quantify different events using probability;
3. demonstrate teamwork through cooperating in group
1. Offline Reference:
 Mathematics 6 TG, MELCS
 SLM in Mathematics 6 Quarter 4 Module 6 : DESCRIBING
 21ST Century Mathletes Textbook for Grade 6 pp. 334-341
2. Online Reference:
 Teacher D (Youtube Channel)

Visual aids, writing materials, flashcards, activity sheets, letter

The learning session will start with:
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance: Have the group leader facilitate.
5. Classroom Management: Instruct the learners to:
A. Preliminary Activities ▪ Arrange their chairs properly.
▪ Clean the top of their desk.
▪ Pick up trashes on the floor
▪ Ask permission when needed.
▪ Listen when the teacher is talking.
▪ Participate actively.
▪ Follow instructions.
Let’s DIVIDE! Answers are in decimals. COT Indicator 1
IM to be used: Flashcards Applied
knowledge of
content within
and across
1. Drill 1÷4 = 5÷10= 3÷4= curriculum
teaching areas.
1÷2 = 8÷10=
COT Indicator 2
Used a range of
teaching strategies
that enhance
achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills.

Before we proceed to our new lesson today, let’s have first a short COT Indicator 1
review. Applied
knowledge of
content within
and across
In-Order! curriculum
Mechanics: teaching areas.

1. Form 3 groups of pupils.

2. Review 2.The teacher will give each group a number segment and papers COT Indicator 9
containing numbers. Used strategies
(Group 1: Decimal form, Group 2: Percent form, and Group 3: for providing
Fraction form). timely, accurate,
3.Within 1 minute, each group will arrange the numbers in order and constructive
from least to greatest and will paste it on their line segment. feedback to
4. The groups will present their answer, the teacher checks their improve
answer. performance.

News Flash: Weather Update! COT Indicator 3

Applied a range
The teacher will act as a news reporter and will flash different kinds of teaching
of weather updates. Based on the weather updates, the learners will strategies to
choose what action will they make: acting hot for a hot weather develop critical
forecast, and acting cold for a cold weather forecast. and creative
3. Motivation
thinking, as well
1. News Flash: Weather Update! There is 100% chance of rain as other higher-
today! order thinking
2. News Flash: Weather Update! There is 0% chance of rain today! skills.
3. News Flash: Weather Update! There is only 10% chance of a
sunny day today!
B. Developmental Activities
GUESS ME! COT Indicator 3
IM to be used: Letters Puzzle Applied a range
of teaching
Fill in the boxes with the letter that the number represents using the strategies to
develop critical
data inside the box. What is the hidden word?
and creative
thinking, as well
A – 1 B – 2 C - 3 D – 4 E – 5 F – 6 G – 7 H – 8 I – 9 J – 10 as other higher-
K – 11 L -12 M -13 N – 14 O – 15 P -16 Q – 17 R – 18 S – 19 order thinking
1. Presentation T -20 U -21 V – 22 W – 23 X – 24 Y – 25 Z – 26 skills.

16 18 15 2 1 2 9 12 9 20 25
COT Indicator 2
p r o b a b i l i t y Used a range of
teaching strategies
that enhance
achievement in
Present lesson topic and objectives. literacy and
numeracy skills.

COT Indicator 2
Used a range of
 Probability – the chance that something will happen. teaching strategies
that enhance
2. Unlocking of Terms  Impossible – will never happen, 0%. learner
 Certain – will surely happen, 100%. achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills.

3. Activity Let’s Team Up! COT Indicator 1

IM to be used: group activity sheet Applied
knowledge of
The learners will be divided into 3 groups. Each one will content within
demonstrate teamwork by working as a group. Each group will be and across
given an activity sheet which states the instruction for their activity.
teaching areas
They need to finish their work in 4 minutes.
Each group shall choose a reporter for their activity.
Their work will be graded based on the given rubrics. COT Indicator 2
Remind the learners to maintain proper discipline as they do their Used a range of
activity. teaching strategies
that enhance
The following rubric for their scoring will be presented by the achievement in
teacher: literacy and
numeracy skills.

COT Indicator 3
Applied a range
of teaching
strategies to
develop critical
and creative
thinking, as well
as other higher-
order thinking

Describe the meaning of probability by pasting the correct
definition written on the copra to each number on the
probability line segment. COT Indicator 7
Established a
culture by using
0% 25% 50% 75% 100% teaching
strategies that
respond to their
cultural, socio-
economic, and
Match by connecting COLUMN A which is the probability in
fraction form written on each agong with the correct COT Indicator 8
description on COLUMN B. Adapted and used
strategies to
address the needs
of learners from
Read and analyze each event. Then, quantify each event using
the correct probability. Write your answers on the cup of
coffee beans.

1. The probability that a cow

will fly.

2. The probability that the

night will come later.
COT Indicator 9
Used strategies
for providing
Give each group that gets the correct answer 5,000 timely, accurate,
Congratulations Clap. and constructive
feedback to
4. Analysis Listen and learn! COT Indicator 1
IM to be used: visual aids Applied
knowledge of
content within
Probability is used to describe how likely or unlikely it is that and across
something will happen. Probability may be given in decimals, curriculum
teaching areas
percents, or fractions. The value of probability ranges from 0 to 1.

COT Indicator 2
We can describe the meaning of probability and we can quantify Used a range of
different events using IMPOSSIBLE, UNLIKELY, AS LIKELY teaching strategies
AS UNLIKELY, LIKELY, and CERTAIN. that enhance
achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills.


0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1

To further understand, let us look at the probability line segment


Use impossible, unlikely, as likely as unlikely, likely, and certain
to describe the meaning of probability in each statement and to
quantify a given event.
1. The probability that it will rain today is 50%.
Ans: AS LIKELY AS UNLIKELY. This means that the chance to
rain today is as likely as it is unlikely. It does not mean that it will
rain nor will it not rain today.
2. It will snow tomorrow.
Ans: IMPOSSIBLE. The climate of the Philippines is tropical, it is
impossible to snow here tomorrow.
3. The sun will rise tomorrow.
Ans: CERTAIN. It is certain that the sun will rise every day. Its
probability is 100% sure.
4.The probability that in tossing a coin I will get a tail.
Ans: AS LIKELY AS UNLIKELY. This means that if I flipped a
coin it is as likely as it is unlikely to land a head or tail.
5. Observe the spinner below:

What is the probability of the spinner landing other than

Ans: LIKELY. This means that there are three out of four or ¾ or
75% chance the spinner is landing on a planet other than Jupiter.

COT Indicator 3
Q-and-A! Applied a range
IM to be used: flashcards of teaching
strategies to
develop critical
5. Abstraction Describe the probability of the following numbers: (use flashcards) and creative
0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% thinking, as well
How will you quantify different events using probability? as other higher-
What is the probability for you to get the correct answer in a group order thinking
activity if you will demonstrate teamwork? skills.

6. Application Think-Pair-and Share! COT Indicator 2

IM to be used: activity sheet Used a range of
teaching strategies
that enhance
The learners will work as a pair. learner
Each pair will quantify the given event using the correct description achievement in
of probability. literacy and
numeracy skills.
They need to finish their work in 2 minutes.
3 random pair shall be called after the activity to share their answers.
Remind the learners to maintain proper discipline as they do their
COT Indicator 3
activity. Applied a range
of teaching
Look at the balls inside the box. There are 1 yellow ball, 2 blue strategies to
balls, and 1 red ball. Without looking in the box, what is the develop critical
probability of picking a yellow ball? and creative
thinking, as well
as other higher-
order thinking

COT Indicator 9
Used strategies
Ans. The probability is ¼ or 25%. Thus, it is unlikely to for providing
happen. timely, accurate,
and constructive
feedback to

Ready-Test-Go! COT Indicator 3
Choose and write impossible, unlikely, as likely as unlikely, likely, Applied a range
or certain to describe each of the following statement: of teaching
strategies to
____________1. The sport’s analyst says that Manny Pacquiao has develop critical
75% chance of winning his fight. and creative
____________2. The weather update states that there is only 25% thinking, as well
chance of rain today. as other higher-
____________3. Taylor Swift is your mother. order thinking
____________4. The day after Saturday is Sunday. skills.
____________5. There is 50% chance that I can go to the field trip.

Quantify! COT Indicator 3
Quantify each of the following events as impossible, unlikely, as Applied a range
likely as unlikely, likely, or certain to happen. of teaching
strategies to
develop critical
1. You will obtain 7 when rolling a regular dice. and creative
2. The pointer of the spinner numbered 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 4, 5 thinking, as well
stopping in 3. as other higher-
3. The probability of picking a green stick without looking in a pile order thinking
of sticks pictured below. skills.


A. No. of learners who earned ______: Number of learners who earned 80% and above.
80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require ______: Number of learners who requires additional activities for remediation.
additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons ______: Number of learners who caught up the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue ______: Number of learners who continue to require remediation.
to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:

strategies worked well? Why o Group collaboration
did this work? o Games
o Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw
o Answering preliminary activities/exercises
o Carousel
o Diads
o Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
o Rereading of paragraphs/Poems/Stories
o Differentiated Instruction
o Role Playing/Drama
o Discovery Method
o Lecture Method
o Others: ______________________________________________________

o Complete IMs
o Availability of Materials
o Pupil’s eagerness to learn
o Group member’s cooperation in doing their task
o Others: ______________________________________________________

F. What difficulties did my o Bullying among pupils

Principal or supervisor can help o Pupil’s behavior/attitude
me solve? o Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
o Science/Computer
o Internet Lab
o Additional Clerical Works
o Others: ______________________________________________________
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other o Localized Videos
o Making big books from views of the locality
o Recycling of plastics to be used as instructional Materials
o Local Poetical composition
o Others: ______________________________________________________

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

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