Ch6 - Electrical System DA

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electrical system Ch 6 page 1

Chapter 6

Electrical system
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303 E





413 H




SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

Ch 6 page 2 electrical system

El.system index

How to use the electrical documentation........................................... 5

Faultfinding, what to do...................................................................................................................5
Description of the VCU2 functionality ............................................... 7
Doosan Moxy VCU 2.......................................................................................................................7
Find wiring contact on VCU2...........................................................................................................8
LCD Instrumentation Unit.................................................................. 10
Warning Lights Display..................................................................................................................10
LCD screen main menu.................................................................................................................11
LCD use description ....................................................................................................................11
Pos reference list...........................................................................................................................12
Description of the main electrical system........................................ 16
General description.......................................................................................................................16
Welding on the dump truck............................................................................................................16
Battery hazard prevention.............................................................................................................17
Component position........................................................................... 19
Electrical parts view.......................................................................................................................19
El.system, outside front and rear...................................................................................................21
Electricai equipment inside cab........................................................ 22
El.system, Cab inside....................................................................................................................22
Switch panel..................................................................................................................................23
Heater unit exploded.....................................................................................................................24
Heater unit parts list......................................................................................................................25
Central lubrication main unit, (overview).......................................................................................26
Rear frame ....................................................................................................................................28
DA series functions and parameters................................................ 29
Brake/brake charge system (Accumulators) (7)..........................................................................29
WDB Cooling (only on DA40) (7)...................................................................................................29
Emergency Steering system (9)....................................................................................................30
Park brake (6)...............................................................................................................................31
Low engine oil pressure (2)...........................................................................................................31
Low coolant level (3)......................................................................................................................31
Clogged air filter (4).......................................................................................................................31
Central lubrication pump (11)........................................................................................................31
Charge lamp (12)...........................................................................................................................32
Body tip system (13)......................................................................................................................32
Load weighing (32)........................................................................................................................33
Differential lock (28)......................................................................................................................33
Cooling fan control.........................................................................................................................34
Quick warmup function..................................................................................................................35
Cooldown function.........................................................................................................................35
Alternative engine speed...............................................................................................................36
Interior light....................................................................................................................................36
Retarder and Engine brake (24 - 25).............................................................................................36
Emergency Stop............................................................................................................................36
Fuel Heater....................................................................................................................................37
A/C compressor control.................................................................................................................37

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electrical system Ch 6 page 3

To be implented.................................................................................. 38
Engine electrical components........................................................... 40
Engine EMS S6 / S8......................................................................................................................45
Electrical cable routing..................................................................................................................47
EMS connection chart...................................................................................................................48
EMS pin list....................................................................................................................................50
Engine Management System S8...................................................................................................54
Engine speed and camsghaft sensors..........................................................................................58
Wastergate solenoid valve.............................................................................................................58
Control unit EMS S8......................................................................................................................62
Fuel pressure sensor.....................................................................................................................62
Fuel inlet metering valve................................................................................................................63
Solenoid valve for XPI injector.......................................................................................................63
Transmission spesification of electrical components.................... 64
Transmission speed sensors.........................................................................................................64
Transmission temperature sensors................................................................................................65
Transmission solenoid valves........................................................................................................66
Transmission pressure switch........................................................................................................67
Transmission electric switch..........................................................................................................67
Sensors hydraulic system................................................................. 68
Steering valve, el. connection........................................................................................................69
Main valve el. connection...............................................................................................................70
Parking brake sensor.....................................................................................................................71
Body float sensor...........................................................................................................................72
Electrical chart and circuit................................................................. 74
Cab roof cable set.........................................................................................................................74
Cab floor cable set.........................................................................................................................75
Cab inside rear wall cable set .......................................................................................................76
Wiring (cable set) S1 - S6.............................................................................................................77
Cirquit chart cabine (No1).............................................................................................................79
Junction box battery compartment................................................................................................80
Cirquit chart front and rear frame (No2)........................................................................................81
Exhaust Emmission Control.............................................................. 83
Wiring diagram for the exhaust emission control...........................................................................83
System overview for electrics........................................................................................................85

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Ch 6 page 4 electrical system

SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

electrical system Ch 6 page 5
How to use the electrical documentation

The electrical documentation consists of three different types of documents:

map, circuit drawings and a cross reference list.
Each document includes a different quantity of component numbers.

Component numbers (abbreviation:

Each electrical component got its own private component number (Pos)

The component number is the same for the Shop Manual as for the Parts Catalogue.

Circuit drawings:
A circuit drawing shows the current flow from the power supply through the wiring, fuses, switch, different elec-
trical components and further on to the ground connection point.

Map are an figure drawings who show place on machine where the component is located

Reference list
The reference list are an list where the Pos number are listed up. There also an reference to location on map
and Circuit drawing.

LCD display
When using the Display, diagnostic function there should be easy to find component who can make the
Look at the Operation & Maintenance manual for more detailed description for the LCD display

Faultfinding, what to do

1. Description
At the circuit drawing: see how the current flows from the power supply through the other
different components or connection points until you find a component or connection point which can
cause the malfunction.

2 Always check alarm and warning description in display first

Allways check out the fuse.
Do remember that a components ground connection must be of the same quality as the components
power supply!

See if the connection of the electrical cables are according to the circuit drawing.

See if the component is working according to its specifications.

SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

Ch 6 page 6 electrical system

If some malfunction;
first always check on the VCU2 computer LCD display,
diagnostics function.

LCD lay
Find the component
who make the

El.system index
Description of el. system ................................................................ 637
General description .................................................................................................................... 637
Welding on the dump truck ......................................................................................................... 637
Battery hazard prevention ........................................................................................................... 638
How to use the electrical documentation .................................................................................... 639
Faultfinding, what to do ............................................................................................................... 639
Practical example ....................................................................................................................... 640
Description of circuit symbols ..................................................................................................... 640
Electrical parts view .................................................................................................................... 642
DA series functions and parameters ............................................. 644
Open the Index list to find the page Brake/brake charge system (Accumulators) ..............................................................................
WDB Cooling (only on DA40) .....................................................................................................
Emergency Steering system .......................................................................................................

hvere the component is described.

TO BE IMPLENTED: ................................................................................................................... 645
Park brake ............................................................................................................................... .647
Low engine oil pressure .............................................................................................................. 647
Low coolant level ...................................................................................................................... 647

Clogged air filter ........................................................................................................................ 647
Central lubrication pump ............................................................................................................ 647

Charge lamp .............................................................................................................................. 648
Body tip system .......................................................................................................................... 648
Load weighing ........................................................................................................................... 649
Load weighing ........................................................................................................................... 649
Cooling fan control ...................................................................................................................... 650
Quick warmup function ............................................................................................................... 651
Cooldown function ...................................................................................................................... 651
Alternative engine speed ............................................................................................................ 652

Go to page Position Reference List

Interior light ............................................................................................................................... .. 652
Retarder and Engine brake ......................................................................................................... 652
Emergency Stop ......................................................................................................................... 652
Fuel Heater ............................................................................................................................... .. 653
A/C compressor control .............................................................................................................. 653
Engine electrical components. ....................................................... 654
Spesification of electrical components ....................................................................................... 662
Engine spesification of electrical components ............................ 663
Engine speed sensors ................................................................................................................ 663
Transmission spesification of electrical components ................. 668
Transmission speed sensors ...................................................................................................... 668
Transmission temperature sensors ............................................................................................. 669
Transmission solenoid valves ..................................................................................................... 670
Transmission pressure switch ..................................................................................................... 671
Transmission electric switch ....................................................................................................... 671

Find the position number El.system index

Description of el. system ................................................................ 637

for component with

General description .................................................................................................................... 637
Welding on the dump truck ......................................................................................................... 637
Battery hazard prevention ........................................................................................................... 638
How to use the electrical documentation .................................................................................... 639 Pos reference list

malfunction and read out the

Faultfinding, what to do ............................................................................................................... 639 Pos. No Circuit and Map No. Description VCU2 text (circuit diagram)
Practical example ....................................................................................................................... 640 place ref.
Description of circuit symbols ..................................................................................................... 640
40 1- G4 Steering column switch
Electrical parts view .................................................................................................................... 642

Map or Circuit this component

41 1- I 5 3B OPBTN2 Operating buttons
DA series functions and parameters ............................................. 644 42 1- M5 3B Tip joystick
Brake/brake charge system (Accumulators) .............................................................................. 644
43 1- K4 3B Foot brake pedal

WDB Cooling (only on DA40) ..................................................................................................... 644

place is belong to
44 1- F11 3B LCD unit
Emergency Steering system ....................................................................................................... 645

TO BE IMPLENTED: ................................................................................................................... 645 45 1- E15 3B HVAC unit

i nce
Park brake ............................................................................................................................... .647 46 1- J 4 3B Accelerator pedal

Low engine oil pressure .............................................................................................................. 647 47 1- J 4 3B Park brake switch
Low coolant level ...................................................................................................................... 647 48 1- L4 3B Gear selector

Clogged air filter ........................................................................................................................ 647 49 1- I 3 3B Ignition key switch
Central lubrication pump ............................................................................................................ 647 50 1- E10 3B Alarm buzzer

Po fere
Charge lamp .............................................................................................................................. 648
51 1- A3 3B Cigarette lighter
Body tip system .......................................................................................................................... 648
52 1- A4 3B 12V outlet
Load weighing ........................................................................................................................... 649
Load weighing ........................................................................................................................... 649 53 1- B3 3C 24V/12V converter
Cooling fan control ...................................................................................................................... 650 55 1- A9 3B CB unit
Quick warmup function ............................................................................................................... 651 56 1- D9 Driver seat
Cooldown function ...................................................................................................................... 651 57 1- F5 3B Windscreen washer pump

On the Position Reference List is displayd the map or circuit

re t
Alternative engine speed ............................................................................................................ 652 60 G4 3C SIFUI Sensor interface unit
Interior light ............................................................................................................................... .. 652 80 1- A5 3A Radio/CD
Retarder and Engine brake ......................................................................................................... 652
81 1- A5 3A Climate control panel
Emergency Stop ......................................................................................................................... 652
82 1- D5 3A RH interior light

hvere component are described. Here you find witch place on

Fuel Heater ............................................................................................................................... .. 653

A/C compressor control .............................................................................................................. 653 83 1- D5 3A LH interior light
84 1- E5 3A-3C Door switch
Engine electrical components. ....................................................... 654 85 1- E5 3A Wiper

circuit and wich map this is described.

Spesification of electrical components ....................................................................................... 662
86 1- C4 3A-3C LH speaker
Engine spesification of electrical components ............................ 663 87 1- C4 3A RH speaker
Engine speed sensors ................................................................................................................ 663
88 1- A14 3A Heater unit relay
Transmission spesification of electrical components ................. 668 100 1- A5 3A Antenna
Transmission speed sensors ...................................................................................................... 668 101 1- B10 3A Roof LH work light
Transmission temperature sensors ............................................................................................. 669
102 1- B10 3A Roof RH work light
Transmission solenoid valves ..................................................................................................... 670
103 1- B10 3A Roof beacon/marker light
Transmission pressure switch ..................................................................................................... 671
Transmission electric switch ....................................................................................................... 671 XXX 2- B14 Starting motor
130 2- C15 Main switch
131 2- D14 Battery bank

Position number 140

2- A4
2- A4
2- A4
P1 pump
P2 pump
Accumulator1 Front brake

Circuit number with

reference place Map

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 102 103 101

52 42 49 45A 51

3B S44 41 47 48 D2 45B 56 D1


307 327
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SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

electrical system Ch 6 page 7
Description of the VCU2 functionality
Doosan Moxy VCU 2

The VCU2 is place inside cabin on rear wall right side, covered by interior plate


Short main description of the VCU2

VCU2 is the electrical interface for all equipment inside and outside cabin.

VCU2 controls 3 separate CANbuses (CAN1, CAN2 and CAN3):

• CAN1 is connected to: VCU2, Engine, Transmission and LCD unit;
• CAN2 is connected to: VCU2, LCD unit and future SATCOM unit;
• CAN3 is connected to: VCU2, Groeneveld lubrication and WB2 (at rear frame).

VCU2 contains functionality for histogram logging.

(The current CT1 = 400 log values, VCU2 = 800 log values)

VCU2 replaces all onboard relays with electronic controlled outputs.

Short circuit protection is implemented on each output in addition to traditional fuses.
Virtual (software) fuses resets every time the ignition is turned off.

VCU2 reads signals from all devices inside cabin.

Signals are processed in software to control outputs or CANbus data. (Example: Accelerator pedal
position is read by the VCU2 - signal is processed by software - and finally a speed request is sent to the
engine via CANbus)
VCU2 controls most of the hydraulic system using solenoids and pressure transmitters and it reads
pressure from pumps, accumulators, etc.

VCU2 controls brake charge system, park brake, cooling fan, engine brake and tipping system.

SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

Ch 6 page 8 electrical system

Find wiring contact on VCU2

1 2 3 4 5
On the VCU2 there is contact point for different wiring
connections. These are all markt with an X and a number
(X1 X2 etc.) A
These number you can find on the Electrican Circuit
See explanation

Sikringer type etc.

SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012
electrical system Ch 6 page 9

1 2 3 4
To find the fuse locatrion on Circuit

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Ch 6 page 10 electrical system

LCD Instrumentation Unit

Warning Lights Display

21 20 19 18 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


26 27 28 29 34
30 33

31 32

1. Engine failure warning 18. Working lights and extra high beam
2. Low engine oil pressure warning 19. Rotating beacon light
3. Low coolant level warning 20. Lamp fault
4. Air filter warning indicator 21. Seat belt warning
5. Transmission failure warning 22. Transmission Lock-up indicator
6. Parking brake activated indicator 23. Automatic/Manual Transmission status
7. Brake failure warning 24. Retarder brake indicator
8. Hydraulic system failure warning 25. Engine brake indicator
9. Emergency steering warning 26. Rear camera view button/Main
10. General failure 27. Menu button
11. Lubrication system warning 28. Differential locks indicators
12. Battery charge warning 29. Retarder oil temperature
13. Body down indicator 30. Transmission oil temperature
14. Direction light indicator 31. Engine coolant temperature
15. High beam indicator 32. Body weigth indicator
16. Main light indicator 33. Urea (AdBlue) level
17. Rear working lights 34. Fuel level

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electrical system Ch 6 page 11

LCD screen main menu

LCD use description

There are 6 point to choise on the screen

To find, use the up and down and select buttons to choise

• User setting
o Trip counter A and B reset

• Detailed view
o Extended gauge and sensor view

• Service
o Clutch calibration and display information download

• Diagnostic
o Diagnostic information for engine, transmission and vehicle
t i o n & 3 an isplay
a er d
• Software update
O per hapt LCD
c t
o Update of display firmware the al ou
! e in Manu n ab
T E s e e tio
• Language NOease nanc scrip
l e
P int e d e
o Change of display language
Ma mor n.
for ctio

SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

Ch 6 page 12 electrical system

Pos reference list

Pos. No Circuit and Map No. Description VCU2 text (circuit diagram)
place ref.
40 1- G4 Steering column switch
41 1- I 5 3B OPBTN2 Operating buttons
42 1- M5 3B Tip joystick
43 1- K4 3B Foot brake pedal
44 1- F11 3B LCD unit
45 1- E15 3B HVAC unit
46 1- J 4 3B Accelerator pedal
47 1- J 4 3B Park brake switch
48 1- L4 3B Gear selector
49 1- I 3 3B Ignition key switch
50 1- E10 3B Alarm buzzer
51 1- A3 3B Cigarette lighter
52 1- A4 3B 12V outlet
53 1- B3 3C 24V/12V converter
55 1- A9 3B CB unit
56 1- D9 Driver seat
57 1- F5 3B Windscreen washer pump
60 G4 3C SIFUI Sensor interface unit
80 1- A5 3A Radio/CD
81 1- A15 3A Climate control panel
82 1- D5 3A RH interior light
83 1- D5 3A LH interior light
84 1- E5 3A-3C Door switch
85 1- E5 3A Wiper
86 1- C4 3A-3C LH speaker
87 1- C4 3A RH speaker
88 1- A14 3A Heater unit relay
100 1- A5 3A Antenna
101 1- B10 3A Roof LH work light
102 1- B10 3A Roof RH work light
103 1- B10 3A Roof beacon/marker light
XXX 2- B14 Starting motor
130 2- C15 Main switch
131 2- D14 Battery bank
140 2- A4 P1 pump
141 2- A4 P2 pump
142 2- A4 Accumulator1 Front brake

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electrical system Ch 6 page 13

Pos. No Circuit and Map No. Description VCU2 text (circuit diagram)
place ref.
143 2- A4 Accumulator2 Rear brake
144 2- B4 Accumulator3 Park brake
145 2- B4 A (body lift)
146 2- B4 Park brake
147 2- B4 Emergency steering
160 2- C4 Ambient
161 2- C4 Front hubs
162 2- C4 Hydraulic tank
170 2- C4 WDB tank level
171 2- D4 Emergency stop switch
172 2- K4 Expansion tank level
173 2- K4 Air filter sensor
180 2- D4 Body tip up
181 2- D4 Body tip down
182 2- E4 Fan drive
183 2- E4 Engine exhaust brake
190 2- E4 Brake charge valve
191 2- E4 Park brake valve
192 2- F4 Float valve
193 2- F4 Rear diff lock valve
194 2- F4 Fan stop valve
195 2- G4 Fan reverse
200 2- H5 Fuel tank level sensor
201 2- H5 Hydraulik tank
202 2- I4 EP400 oil level sensor
205 2- I5 Fan sped sensor
210 2- J5 Scania S8
211 2- K5 Scania SCR
212 2- E15 Engine fuel heater
220 2- L5 ZF EC2 EP400
221 2- M5 Filter restriction switch (Transm.)
230 2- H10 Sentral lubrication GW Twin-3 Can
303 2- A10 RH mirror arm low beam
304 2- A10 RH mirror arm work light
305 2- A10 RH upper mirror
306 2- B10 RH lower mirror
307 2- B10 RH mirror arm direction light
307 2- B10 RH mirror arm mark light

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Ch 6 page 14 electrical system

Pos. No Circuit and Map No. Description VCU2 text (circuit diagram)
place ref.
310 2- B9 RH front direction light
311 2- C9 RH high/low beam
323 2- D10 LH mirror arm low beam
324 2- D10 LH mirror work light
325 2- D10 LH upper mirror
326 2- D10 LH lower mirror
327 2- E10 LH direction light
327 2- E10 LH mirror arm mark light
330 2- E9 LH front direction light
330 2- E9 LH park light
331 2- F9 LH high / low beam
340 2- E11 Signal horn (LH side)
341 2- F11 Signal horn (RH side)
350 2- G10 AC compressor clutch
400 2- H10 Lubrication pressure sensor
410 2- J11 RH brake & rear direction & tail light
411 2- J11 LH brake & rear direction & tail light
412 2- J10 License plate light
413 2- J10 RH rear work light
414 2- J10 LH rear work light
415 2- K10 Reverse alarm
420 2- L11 WB2T (or RU1)
421 2- M10 RH tandemtemperature
422 2- M10 LH tandem temperature
423 2- K10 BU1
424 2- M10 Body down sensor
430 1- I11 Rear camera

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electrical system Ch 6 page 15

Pos. No Circuit and Map No. Description VCU2 text (circuit diagram)
place ref.
D1 1- J9 Diagnostics
D2 1- G8 LCD USB connector
F1 2- B15 Main fuse 100a
F2 2- B15 Secondary Fuse 15A
F3 2- D15 Secondary Fuse 20A
K1 2- E14 Engine heater relay

S1 3C 3C Cab split- Deutch HDP20

S2 3C 3C Cab split- Deutch HDP20
S3 3C 3C Cab split- Deutch HDP20
S4 3C 3C Cab split- Deutch HDP20
S5 3C 3C Cab split- Deutch HDP20
S6 3C 3C Cab split- Deutch HDP20
S44 3B Harnes split for LCD unit
S55 3C 3C Harnes split
S57 3B Harnes split
S70 3C 3C Split
S71 3C 3C Split
S72 3C 3C Split
S75 3C 3C Harness split
S76 3C 3C Harness split
S77 3C 3C Harness split
S96 3C 3C Harness split
S97 3C 3C Harness split
S98 3C 3C Harness split
S22O 2- M3 EP400 filter sensor
X1-23 3C 3C

SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012

Ch 6 page 16 electrical system

Description of the main electrical system.

General description

The truck has a 24V system.
The batteri ÷ is used as ground connection.

Two batteries, each 12V/230Ah, are connected together in
serial connection to provide the system with 24V. The batteries
are located in the right hand side fender.
A 28V/100A alternator is used to charge the batteries. The
alternator is located on the front of the engine.

Battery main switch

A main switch is connected on the batteri + supply cabel.
The batteri main switch is located in the left hand side fender.

The fuses are located on the VCU2 inside the cab, behind the
cover on the back wall + “junction” box in front left fender.

Welding on the dump truck Off

The transmission and the engine are equipped with electronic
control units. Before welding on the dump truck:
1. Disconnect batteries.

2. Unplug the connector on the electronic control units for the

engine and the transmission.
The control units are located in the wall behind the seat.

3. Earth point should be less than 1 m from welding point.

4. There should not be sealings, bearings or wiring harness

between the welding point and the earth point.

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electrical system Ch 6 page 17

· Never shut off main switch when engine
are running

· Keep the batteries in good condition.

· Batteri power assistance: see Operating

and Maintenance manual

· When exchanging electrical

components: allways turn off
the battery main switch.

· Remember that a open circuit symptom

in a warning light circuit might be a
broken bulb.

Battery hazard prevention

Battery electrolyte contains sulphuric acid and can quickly

burn the skin and eat holes in clothing. If you spill acid on
yourself, immediately flush the area with water.

Battery acid could cause blindness if splashed

into the eyes. If acid gets into the eyes, flush
them immediately with largequantities of water
and see a doctor at once.

If you accidentally drink acid, drink a large quantity

of water or milk, beaten egg or vegetable oil.
Call a doctor or hospital immediately!

When working with batteries ALWAYS wear safety glasses

Batteries generate hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is very EXPLOSIVE,
and is easily ignited with a small spark or flame.

Before working with batteries, turn the starter switch to the OFF- position, and the battery main
switch must be turned OFF.

Avoid short-circuiting the battery terminals through accidental contact with metallic objects, such
as tools, across the terminals.
When removing or installing, check which is the positive (+) and negative (-) terminal.

Removing the batteries:

1. Disconnect ÷ terminal connected to the earth point.
2. Disconnect the battery cable between the batteries.
3. Disconnect + terminal connected to the starter.

When installing the batteries, carry out the procedure in the opposite order, 3 - 2 - 1.
Tighten the battery caps securely.

When removing any battery cap, wear rubber gloves to prevent electrolyte contact
with the skin.

Tighten the battery terminals securely, check that the terminals are not loose by
trying to move the battery cables by hand.
Loosened terminals can generate sparks and lead to an explosion.

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Ch 6 page 18 electrical system

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electrical system Ch 6 page 19
Component position
Electrical parts view

Go to the Pos reference
Principal components 220
list to find place on the
circuit drawings parts
belong to.
X-BS VCU2 El.central
350 130 Main switch
131 Battery
200 140 Hydraulic testpoint
171 Engine emergency switch off
172 Exp tank level
173 210 173 Air filter sensor
200 Diesel tank level sensor
350 201 Hydr-t-level sensor
210 Engine Control S8 / S6
424 220 Transmission control unit
172 221 Transmission pressure sensor
230 Central lubrication main unit
350 Compressor, A/C (clutch)
420 340 Horn Lhs
341 Horn Rhs
529544 420 WB2T Sensor input WDB unit
424 Body tilting sensor
XXX 201
X-BS VCU2 El.central
529544 Alternator
140 512510 Starter
210 142
341 340
512510 230

131 Test block:

140 Pump 1 pressure
171 130 141 Pump 1 pressure
+ 142 Front brake pressure
+ 143 Rear brake pressure
144 Park brake pressure
145 Tilt cylinder pressure

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Ch 6 page 20 electrical system

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electrical system Ch 6 page 21
El.system, outside front and rear

NOTE. 102 103 101

Go to the Pos reference
list to find place on the
circuit drawings parts
belong to. 305 325

306 326
200 162
307 327

304 324

303 323

310 330
341 340
311 331

414 413

411 410



SHOP MANUAL DA40 - 02.2012
Ch 6 page 22 electrical system

Electricai equipment inside cab

El.system, Cab inside

44 41
Go to the Pos reference
list to find place on the
circuit drawings parts
belong to.

41 Operation switch panel
42 Tip joystick
43 Foot brake pedal
44 LCD unit 47
46 Accelerator pedal
47 Park brake switch 42
48 Gear selector
49 Ignition key switch
51 Cigarette lighter 49
52 12V outlet

D2 USB / LCD connector


43 46

Accelerator pedal Pos 46 522575

Accelerator pedal
POS 46 Function
wires 4-pin UMNL

pin 1 (Blue) pin 2 GND 2
pin 2 (White) pin 4 Output Signal 2
pin 3 (Yellow) pin 1 +5V Supply 2
pin 4 (Red) pin 1 +5V Supply 1
pin 5 (Black) pin 2 GND 1
pin n (Green) pin 3 Output Signal 1

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electrical system Ch 6 page 23

Switch panel

Roof and mirror arm Main Lights On/Off Mirror Arms Light On/Off
Front Lights On/Off Turns on automatically when
Needs engine running reverse gear selected
for activation

Optional Spots
Parking lights / mark
lights On/Off
Works also with igniton off F1
Hazard Lights On/Off

Cabin interior lights

Manual On/Off F2
Override button
Rotating Beacon On/Off Engine after run shutdown
Works also with ignition off Special engine start for hydraulic
system flushing
Accelerator pedal failure limp
home (press for 1200 RPM)
Heated Mirrors On/Off Transmission emergency
Needs engine run- mode activation
ning for activation Enable tip up for vehicle speed
Disable 1000 RPM engine start
up limit (cold conditions)
Diesel fuel heater On/Off

Heated seat On/Off

Needs engine run-
ning for activation
Inter axle
differential lock
Reduced retarder force
Rear axle differential Affects both retarder
lock (only DA30) and engine exhaust brake

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Ch 6 page 24 electrical system

Heater unit exploded

2 13 27 24 18 35
1 1 1 1 2 1

28 1

33 1
12 1

7 1
5 1

31 2



Fan speed 8
regulator 1

17 10 11 9 23 25 4 1 16 15 22 34 3 20
1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1

To this figure see

component list next page

To get access to service work for the heater and AC unit, following this description:
1 Remove the chair from cabine
2 Remove plastic panels covering the unit
3 To get inside of unit, remove the front steel plate.

If complete unit have to be disassembled; the AC unit have to be release gas from the AC unit, the pipe and
water hose (in and out) have to be disassembled from the unit.
Disassemble electrical connection.
Disassemble screw who are fasten to the floor bracket.

If new parts needed see in the Parts Catalog

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electrical system Ch 6 page 25

2 13
1 1
Heater unit parts list
Cabine upper front window.
Pos. Qty Description

4 3 SPACER M4x25 1
5 1 RED CAP D50mm
1 81
10 2 SEAL 3
17 1 BLOWER 24v
Fan speed
23 2 SONDE
25 1 MOTOR 24v
27 1 SONDE
17 10 11 9
28 1 FILTER FRESH 1 2 2 1
30 1 WATER VALVE 24v
32 1 HOSE 16x24
35 1 ATC 24v KIT

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Ch 6 page 26 electrical system

Central lubrication main unit, (overview)

For this lubrication unit these Pos number not are on the Pos reference list

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Ch 6 page 28 electrical system

Rear frame

Go to the Pos reference
list to find place on the
circuit drawings parts
belong to.
424 413
410 430
Body down sensor

Gap between plate

and sensor: 15 ±1mm

To Cabine
VCU2 unit
Rear Central


1 Central lubrication
2 Rear light RHS 7
3 Rear light LHS
4 Free
5 Working light
St. lubrication system: 6 Signal, Buzzer
Groeneweld 7 Signal to the Buzzer

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electrical system Ch 6 page 29
DA series functions and parameters
Brake/brake charge system (Accumulators) (7)

ACC1, ACC2 and ACC3 alarm limits: 135/120bar

Max charge time: 3min

Low pressure warning -> alarm trig: Vehicle moving and/or in gear

Alarmbits1: .space 2 ; ** Brake Charge **

Sensor error on ACC3 (common/park)

Low Pressure on ACC3 (*1)
Sensor error on ACC1 (front) Alarm (red,
Low Pressure on ACC1 (*1) loud alarm)
Sensor error on ACC2 (rear)
Low Pressure on ACC2 (*1)
CHARGE solenoid short circuit (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
CHARGE solenoid open circuit (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
Charge pressure not reached on ACC3

Low Pressure warning on ACC3 (*2)

Low Pressure warning on ACC1 (*2) Warning (amber,
Low Pressure warning on ACC2 (*2) short beep)

WDB Cooling (only on DA40) (7)

Front hubs temperature warning: 93/100°C

Front hubs temperature alarm: 110/120°C
Rear tandem temperature warning: 76/80°C
Rear tandem temperature alarm: 86/90°C
Oil level alarm filter time: 3 sec

Alarmbits2: .space 2 ; ** WDB Cooling (only on DA40) **

CAN signal from rear frame

Front WDB oil level too low
Sensor error on FRONT HUBS
Too high temperature on FRONT HUBS Alarm (red,
Sensor error on TANDEM LEFT loud alarm)
Too high temperature on TANDEM LEFT
Sensor error on TANDEM RIGHT
Too high temperature on TANDEM RIGHT

High temperature warning on FRONT HUBS Warning (amber,

High temperature warning on TANDEM LEFT short beep)
High temperature warning on TANDEM RIGHT

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Emergency Steering system (9)

Reads output shaft speed from transmission.

Alarm trigger: 2.2/2.5bar + >200rpm for 3 seconds

Sensor error on EMST Alarm (red,

Pressure too low while vehicle moving loud alarm)

Warning (amber,
Sensor error Transmission output shaft short beep)

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Park brake (6)

Engage automatically if ignition is switched off.

If switch is in released position when turning on ignition, the driver will need to flip the switch on-off to release
park brake.

Lamp will turn on/off: 10/50bar

If pressure sensor (PBOUT) fails, the lamp will reflect switch position.

Low engine oil pressure (2)

Lamp state is controlled from Scania canbus message.

Low coolant level (3)

Lamp state is controlled from float switch in expansion tank.

Normal voltage = 12-14V
Alarm voltage < 4V

Clogged air filter (4)

Lamp state is controlled from pressure switch on pipe between filter and turbo.
Normal voltage = 24-28V
Alarm voltage < 4V

Central lubrication pump (11)

If canbus connection is lost nothing happens.
If Groeneveld reports “Lubrication reservoir level” then lamp will be amber.
If Groeneveld reports “Pump disabled” then lamp will be red.

Vehicle speed limited to 7km/h if lamp is amber or red.

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Charge lamp (12)

Lamp state is controlled from Scania canbus message. Scania ECU is monitoring the alternator.

Body tip system (13)

Green float:
Body down (proxy switch contact) and A pressure( body lift) < 7.5bar and engine running.
The float solenoid valve is open to tank in this state.

Amber lock:
Body down (proxy switch contact), and A pressure > 11.5bar and engine running.
Body down (proxy switch contact) and engine stopped.

Amber body up:

Body up (proxy switch open).

WB2 communication is missing.

Then the body is lifted (proxy switch open) then vehicle speed is limited to 10km/h.
If the WB2 canbus communication or the sensor is failing the vehicle speed is also limited to 10km/h.

An over center safety function is implemented. This function monitors the A and B pressures and limits the tip
up speed. The function will start limiting the real lift pressure is < 15bar.

Tipping down with load will limit the down speed of the body. This function will start limit at 70bar on A pressure.
Full limit is at 150bar.

If pressure sensor A or B is faulty/missing the tip speed will be limited both up and down.

Accumulator charge is activated during tip up at full speed (550/600mA).

For a soft landing of the body the float is activated during tip down when the proxy switch is closing.

The button on the joystick is used to active engine control during tipping.
The Transmission and gear selector must be in neutral state to activate this function.

The engine speed range is as follows:

Tip up: 450mA=720rpm 620mA=1800rpm
Tip down: 450mA=720rpm 620mA=1300rpm

It is possible to override both the over center and the soft down function by holding the override button on the
panel while using the joystick.

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Load weighing (32)

When the body is lifted the tip up drive is limited to 400mA during the measurement phase.
The measure time will last for minimum 0.6sec after the highest pressure is detected. Typical total mea-
suring time is <1sec.

The pressure is calculated from both A and B pressures.

The load is registered and counted in the VCU2 if the weighing value is >= 3.0t.
The next registration is not possible before the vehicle has traveled > 50m or after a timeout of 3 min-

Amber/red symbol indicates overload with the following values:

DA30 = 28,1 t.
DA40 = 40 t.

Differential lock (28)

The center differential lock is controlled via the canbus to the ZF TCU.
The rear difflock (DA30 only) is controlled by the VCU2 using a solenoid valve in the hydraulic

The center and rear differential lock buttons on the panel are requests for difflock.
The differential lock are engaged only if conditions are in valid ranges.
If differential lock is released automatically due to protection the panel buttons (requests) will
also be forced off.

The criteria for engaging the center differential lock is:

Vehicle speed <18km/h
Transmission input torque < 1000Nm

The center differential lock will automatically disengage if vehicle speed >20km/h.

The criteria for engaging the rear differential lock (DA30 only) is:
Vehicle speed <8km/h
Transmission input torque must be in range -500Nm to +1000Nm
Center differential lock must also be engaged.

The rear differential lock will automatically disengage if vehicle speed >12km/h or if center
differential lock is released.

The front differential is a limited slip locking type.

On the DA40 the rear differential is a limited slip locking type.

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Ch 6 page 34 electrical system

Cooling fan control

The VCU2 is controlling the cooling fan using various temperature parameters.
The hydraulic part consists of two solenoids. One proportional for speed control, and one valve for stopping the

Fan speed is defined as follows:

0% = fan stopped
1% = fan at minimum speed (approx. 270rpm). Solenoid drive = 800mA
100% = fan at maximum speed (approx. 1450rpm). Solenoid drive = 180mA

The temperatures parameters are as follows:

Engine coolant temperature (measured on engine via canbus):

>5°C = 0%
5-82°C = 1%
83-94°C = 1-100%
>94°C = 100%

Transmission sump temperature (measured on transmission via canbus):

>5°C = 0%
5-85°C = 1%
86-100°C = 1-100%
>100°C = 100%

Retarder temperature (measured on transmission via canbus):

>10°C = 0%
10-94°C = 1%
95-112°C = 1-100%
>112°C = 100%

Front WDB oil temperature (DA40 only, measured via VCU2):

>10°C = 0%
10-74°C = 1%
75-115°C = 1-100%
>115°C = 100%

Charge air compensated temperature (measured on engine via canbus and in front of cooling pack):

The fan is controlled to maintain a maximum 25°C rise in charge air temperature in respect to the ambient tem-

The reference ambient temperature is measured in the front of the cooling package.
If the ambient temperature is < 25°C the reference is set to 25°C.
If the ambient temperature is > 55°C the reference is set to 55°C.

Temperature difference (charge_air – reference):

<=0°C = 0%
1-15°C = 1%
15-25°C = 1-100%
>25°C = 100%

If any of the above sensors is missing of faulty the fan speed is forced to 100%.

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electrical system Ch 6 page 35

Quick warmup function

The quick warmup function is using the ZF retarder to add heat into transmission oil and engine coolant water.

The ZF software may need an upgrade to accept this feature.
The quick warmup is automatically activated when the following conditions are met:

Engine speed = 400..900rpm

Engine coolant temperature < 60/70°C
Charge air temperature < 15°C
Accelerator pedal = IDLE
Park brake = ENGAGED
Transmission and gear selector = NEUTRAL
No clutch calibration running
First accumulator charge after startup is finished

When all these criteria are met for at least 30 seconds the quick warmup will engage.
If any of the above criteria is violated the quick warmup will immediately be disabled.

When the quick warmup is active the engine coolant temperature will act as a hysteresis to enable/disable the
function keeping the coolant temperature between 60 to 70°C.

(A practical test starting at 0°C the coolant temperature reached 70°C in approx. 8 minutes)

Cooldown function

The cooldown function is implemented to protect the engine

turbo during shutdown of the machine.
A 3 minute timer is used for this purpose.
This timer is reset every time the following criteria are met:

Engine speed > 1000rpm and fan drive > 40%

Engine speed > 1000rpm and charge air pressure > 0.14bar

If the timer is still running at the time the ignition is turned off
the engine will continue to run.
The engine and other functions will automatically shut down
when the timer has reached 3 minutes.

The following functions are influenced when the cooldown is


Turn off Radio/CD, CB, Climate system and outside lights.

The engine will run at idle speed and the transmission will be
forced to neutral.
Park brake will be activated.

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Ch 6 page 36 electrical system

Alternative engine speed

The F1 button on the panel is used to control the engine rated speed.
F1 inactive = 2100rpm
F1 active = 1950rpm

Changing mode is only possible when the transmission is in NEUTRAL.

When the 1950rpm rated speed is selected the VCU2 will control the
engine droop via the canbus. Also an alternate shift table in the ZF trans-
mission is used.

Interior light

Delay light function when entering vehicle. 15 seconds delay from door
close to light off.
If ignition is turned on within 15 seconds the light will immediately turn off.

A timer will turn off the interior light automatically after 15 minutes to
preserve battery capacity.

The interior light has a red light source that is used for alarm purpose.
The red light is flashing together with the audible alarm.

Retarder and Engine brake (24 - 25)

The retarder and engine brake will automatically engage when the vehicle is moving and the
accelerator pedal is released.

The retardation force is set to 100% when the accelerator pedal is released.

The retarder force can be reduced to 50% by activation the retarder limit button on the panel.

The retarder force can also be adjusted with the accelerator pedal by slightly pressing the
pedal after activation.

Emergency Stop

The engine can be stopped by pressing the outside emergency Emergency

stop switch. stop switch
This switch must be released to enable start of the engine again.

For emergency steering test an engine stop function has been

added to the button panel inside cab also.
Press and hold the override and hazard light buttons until the Main
engine is fully stopped. switch

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Fuel Heater

The fuel heater is enabled with a button on the switch panel.

The fuel heater is located inside the diesel filter on the engine. The
heater also has an integrated thermostat that will switch off at ap-
prox. 25°C to not overheat the diesel fluid.

A/C compressor control

The A/C clutch is controlled by the VCU2. There are two pressure transmitters connected in the A/C system
together with the A/C request from the climate control panel to control the clutch.

To enable clutch the following conditions must be met:

Request signal from control panel = ACTIVE
LP pressure between 0.3/0.4 to 19/22bar
HP pressure between 1.8/2.0 to 19/22bar

To extend compressor lifetime the minimum off time is set to 15 seconds.

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To be implented
Alarmbits 4: .space 2 ; ** General hydraulic 1 **

Sensor error on A(TIP)

TIP-UP proportional solenoid abnormal value
TIP-UP proportional solenoid open circuit
TIP-DOWN proportional solenoid abnormal value
TIP-DOWN proportional solenoid open circuit Alarm (red,
FLOAT solenoid short circuit loud alarm)
FLOAT solenoid open circuit
Hydraulic tank level sensor error
Hydraulic tank level too low

Warning (amber,
Hydraulic tank level low short beep)

Alarmbits 5: .space 2 ; ** General hydraulic 2 **

Sensor error on PBOUT

PBOUT pressure too low
PBOUT pressure too high
PARK-BRAKE solenoid short circuit
Alarm (red,
PARK-BRAKE solenoid open circuit
loud alarm)
FAN proportional solenoid abnormal value
FAN proportional solenoid open circuit
FAN-STOP solenoid short circuit
FAN-STOP solenoid open circuit

Alarmbits 6: .space 2 ; ** General hydraulic 3 **

Sensor error on PUMP1

PUMP1 pressure too low
PUMP1 pressure too high
Sensor error on PUMP2 (*3)
PUMP2 pressure too low (*3)
PUMP2 pressure too high (*3) Alarm (red,
Sensor error on HYDRAULIC-TANK loud alarm)
Too high temperature in HYDRAULIC-TANK
REAR-DIFF solenoid short circuit (*4)
REAR-DIFF solenoid open circuit (*4)
EB proportional solenoid abnormal value
EB proportional solenoid open circuit

Warning (amber,
High temperature warning in HYDRAULIC-TANK short beep)

Alarmbits 7: .space 2 ; ** Sensor 1 **

Alarm (red,
SIFU1 supply short circuit loud alarm)
Fuel tank level sensor error

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Alarmbits 8: .space 2 ; ** Sensor 2 **

Accelerator/tip joystick 5V error

Accelerator pedal signal error Alarm (red,
Tip joystick signal error loud alarm)
Gear selector signal error

Alarmbits 9: .space 2 ; ** Engine/TM external **

EP400 oil level sensor error

Alarm (red,
Coolant level low
loud alarm)
Engine air filter clogged

Alarmbits 10: .space 2 ; ** A/C system **

A/C clutch short circuit Alarm (red,

Sensor error on HP loud alarm)
Sensor error on LP
A/C clutch open circuit

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Ch 6 page 40 electrical system

Engine electrical components.


Alternator 28V 35 - 100A
Output at 6000 rpm. 2500 W
Gear ratio 3,5:1
Number of poles 8
Resistance in rotor approx. 11.2 ohm +/- 5%
Resistance in stator, Phase-Phase 0.085 ohms +/- 0.001
Brushes, min, length >2.5 mm
Slip rings, min. diameter >13.8 +/- 1 mm

Tightening torque, belt pulley 65 Nm

Batteries Qty 2x12V, series connected

Ground connection Negative
System voltage 24V

Brush length

The brush holder is fixed on the charge

regulator. The brushes must be checked for
damage and length. The ends must be bright and
rounded off so they fit against the slip rings.
Brush length is measured between the end of the
brush and the brush holder.
The correct length is >2.5 mm for 90A.

Rotor Slip rings

The slip rings must be bright metal across their

whole surface. Dull slip rings indicate bad
contact with the brushes. The slip rings can be
accessed after removing the charge regulator.
Measure the rotor resistance using an ohmmeter
between the slip rings.
Correct resistance is 11.2 W for 90 A.
Correct resistance is 8.4 + 0.4 W for 65 A.
When measuring the strap between the slip rings
and the core, the ohmmeter must show infinite
resistance, at least 10 MW.

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electrical system Ch 6 page 41

Charge testing
The alternator must not be run without the battery connected.
The rectifiers can otherwise overload and be damaged.
Output test B+
1 Connect a calibrated test instrument with load resistor as 3
2 Start the engine and let it run for a few minutes before
carrying out the test. V A
3 Rev up the engine to 1715 rpm, 6000 rpm for the alternator.
Apply current to the load resistor.
The voltmeter should read 28 V.
The alternator must supply at least 88 A for the 2 1
90 A alternator.

A digital clip-on ammeter can be connected to 7

B+ on the alternator for a more precise reading.

1 Test instrument for alternator. Equipped

with voltmeter and ammeter plus 6
load resistor.
2 Connection to load resistor
3 Clip for current reading
4 Connection to voltmeter
5 Alternator
6 Starter motor
7 Battery

Control voltage test
This test requires fully charged batteries in
order to obtain correct readings. B+
1 Connect the voltmeter and ammeter as 4
illustrated. 3
2 Start the engine and allow it to run until the
alternator delivers 5 A at B+.
3 Rev up the engine to 1715 rpm, 6000 rpm V A
for the alternator.
Voltage at 20°C must be 28.0 V +0.5 V.

2 1

Equipped with voltmeter and ammeter

plus load resistor.
2 Connection to load resistor
3 Clip for current reading
4 Connection to voltmeter
5 Alternator 6
6 Starter motor
7 Battery

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Ch 6 page 42 electrical system

150 Starter 512510

Voltage: 24 V
Max power consumption: 6,7 kW (9,1 hp)

Bosch JE:

Assembly Specifications
Power 6.7 kW
Direction of rotation (viewed
towards flywheel housing) Anti-clockwise
Min. diameter of commutator 42.5 mm
Min. length of carbon brushes 17.5 mm
Spring pressure of carbon brushes 47-53 N
Resistance in drawing winding 0.5 ohms
Resistance in holding winding 2.5 ohms
Max. radial run-out in rotor 0.10 mm
Max. radial run-out in commutator 0.03 mm


The starter motor is activated via ECU S8 / S6

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Integral parts

1 Solenoid switch

2 Coupling lever

3 Field windings with pole shoes

4 Rotor with commutator

5 Starter pinion

6 Brush holder with four carbon brushes

Exploded view drawing

1 Excitation winding
2 Bolt
3 Compression spring
4 Bearing
5 Bolt
6 Gasket ring
7 Nut
8 Stud
9 Bolt
10 Bolt
11 Intermediate bearing
12 Spacer washer
13 Freewheeling gear
14 Washer
15 Rotor
16 Rear bearing shield
17 Bearing
18 Carbon brush kit
19 Carbon brush holder
20 Cover
21 Bolt
22 Bolt
23 Washer
24 Nut
25 Washer
26 Conducting bar
27 Coupling lever
28 Solenoid switch, solenoid
29 Front bearing shield
30 Bolt
31 Spacing washers and gasket
32 Assembly parts for conducting bar
33 Washer
34 Nut
35 Washer
36 Bolt
37 Bearing
38 O-ring

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Ch 6 page 44 electrical system

Renewal Carbon brushes

Equipment required
Four spring locks are required to renew the carbon brushes and
springs simply and safely.
These can be easily made from thin sheet steel which is cut into
four pieces approximately 20 x 40 mm.

Work description

Before renewal, the starter motor should be removed.

1 Mark the position of the rear bearing shield with a marker.

2 Remove the rear protection cover.
3 Undo the through bolts and remove the rear bearing shield.

4 Undo the bolts to the carbon brush connections.

5 Fit the spring locks to relieve the spring pressure on the
carbon brushes.
6 Remove the carbon brush retaining plate after marking its
position against the pin housing.
7 Check that the commutator is not damaged.
Wipe it over and clean the commutator segments if

8 Remove the carbon brushes and the old

springs with a screwdriver.
9 Place new carbon brushes in the brush
holder. Do not fit the springs yet.
10 Refit the carbon brush retaining plate
according to the mark with the new carbon
brushes and connect the cables to the
carbon brushes.

11 Fit the new springs to the carbon brushes. Use a small

screwdriver in the centre of the springs and clamp them
with it.


Wear protective goggles! The brush holder

springs have a very high spring force.

• Fit the comb which presses the carbon brush in position.

• Tension the spring one half turn.
• Press in the centre of the spring on the attachment plate

12 Refit the bearing shield as indicated by the marks.

13 Fit the protection cover.
14 Refit the starter motor.

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Engine EMS S6 / S8

Control unit S6 / S8 Tier2 and Tier4

Power supply: Nominal 24 V DC .

The Control unit is transient
and reverse voltage
protected by a series diode.
The engine control unit collects information that it later converts to signals for controlling
the fuel system, alternator, starter motor, radiator fan and air conditioning.

The vehicle electrical system has a system voltage of +24 V and is grounded via the chassis.

The engine control unit converts the system voltage to a lower voltage of +5V for supplying the sensors, etc.
These sensors are grounded through the control unit.

Sensor group
The coolant temperature sensor T33 and the charge air sensor T47 form one sensor group.
This means that the voltage supply from the control unit is common to both sensors.
If, for example, one sensor is short-circuited it may also affect the other.

Turn off the ignition and wait until the warning lamp has extinguished before disconnecting the
control unit. Otherwise the control unit may be damaged!

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Ch 6 page 46 electrical system

The sensor group includes:

Coolant temperature sensor, T33

Charge air pressure sensor, T47

Charge air temperature sensor, T47

You can make an aid from

steel wire, see illustration, to
make it easier to remove the
connectors from the control

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Electrical cable routing


Electrical cables must

be correctly routed and
clamped in order to prevent
chafing and cable faults


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EMS connection chart

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Ch 6 page 50 electrical system

EMS pin list

A1/1 Control of injector, cylinder 4 +24V XPI injector, (V144)

A1/2 Control of injector, cylinder 5 +24V XPI injector, (V145)
A1/3 Control of injector, cylinder 6 +24V XPI injector, (V146)
A1/4 Not used
A1/5 Not used
A1/6 Grounding of injector, cylinder 4 Ground XPI injector, (V144)
A1/7 Control of injector, cylinder 5 Ground XPI injector, (V145)
A1/8 Grounding of injector, cylinder 6 Ground XPI injector, (V146)
A1/9 Not used A1/10 Not used
A2/1 Not used
A2/2 Ground, exhaust back pressure sensor Ground Exhaust back pressure sensor, (T125)
A2/3 Voltage supply, exhaust back pressure sensor +5V Exhaust back pressure sensor, (T125)
A2/4 Ground, fuel pressure sensor Ground Fuel pressure sensor, (T111)
A2/5 Voltage supply, fuel pressure sensor +5V Fuel pressure sensor, (T111)
A2/6 Not used
A2/7 Control of the exhaust back pressure sensor Analogue input signal Exhaust back
pressure sensor, (T125)
A2/8 Not used
A2/9 Not used
A2/10 Control of the fuel pressure sensor Analogue input signal Fuel pressure sensor, (T111)
A3/1 Not used
A3/2 Signal, camshaft position sensor Frequency, input signal Camshaft position sensor, (T135)
A3/3 Signal, camshaft position sensor Frequency, input signal Camshaft position sensor, (T135)
A3/4 Signal from engine speed sensor 2 Frequency, input signal Engine speed sensor 2, (T75) 1
A3/5 Signal from engine speed sensor 2 Frequency, input signal Engine speed sensor 2, (T75) 2
A3/6 Not used
A3/7 Grounding of damper, EGR Ground Valve block, (V107)
A3/8 Control of damper, EGR PWM output signal Valve block, (V107)
A3/9 Grounding of damper for exhaust brake Ground Valve block, (V107) 2
A3/10 Control of damper for exhaust brake PWM output signal Valve block, (V107) 7
A4/1 Not used
A4/2 Ground, position sensor for throttle Ground Position sensor for throttle, (T162)
A4/3 Control of the throttle PWM output signal position sensor for throttle, (T162)
A4/4 Grounding of position sensor for EGR valve Ground Position sensor for the EGR valve, (T124) 3
A4/5 Voltage supply, position sensor for the EGR valve +5V Position sensor for the
EGR valve, (T124) 1
A4/6 CAN communication, electric motor for adjustable turbocharger CAN HIGH Electric
motor for adjustable turbocharger, (M30)
A4/7 CAN communication, electric motor for adjustable turbocharger CAN LOW
Electric motor for adjustable turbocharger, (M30)
A4/8 Not used
A4/9 Not used
A4/10 Signal from position sensor for the EGR valve Analogue input signal Position sensor for the
EGR valve, (T124) 2
A5/1 Not used
A5/2 Not used
A5/3 Not used
A5/4 Signal from engine speed sensor 1 as engines only Frequency, input signal
Engine speed sensor (T74) 1
A5/5 Not used
A5/6 Not used
A5/7 Not used
A5/8 Not used
A5/9 Not used
A5/10 Not used
A6/1 Not used
A6/2 Not used

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A6/3 Heating of intake air temperature and flow sensor +24V Intake air temperature and flow sensor
A6/4 Grounding, position sensor for throttle Ground Position sensor for throttle, (T162)
A6/5 Voltage supply, position sensor for throttle +5V Position sensor for throttle, (T162)
A6/6 Not used
A6/7 Not used
A6/8 Grounding of intake air temperature and flow sensor Ground Intake air temperature and flow
sensor (T126)
A6/9 Signal from intake air temperature and flow sensor Analogue input signal Intake air temperature
and flow sensor (T126)
A6/10 Signal, position sensor for throttle Analogue input signal Position sensor for throttle, (T162)
A7/1 Not used
A7/2 Grounding, oil pressure sensor Ground Oil pressure sensor, (T5)
A7/3 Voltage supply, oil pressure sensor +5V Oil pressure sensor, (T5)
A7/4 Not used
A7/5 Not used
A7/6 Not used
A7/7 Voltage supply, intake air temperature and flow sensor
Only for gas engine +5V Intake air temperature and flow sensor (T126)
A7/8 Signal, oil pressure sensor Analogue input signal Oil pressure sensor, (T5)
A7/9 Voltage supply, coolant temperature sensor +5V Coolant temperature sensor, (T33)
A7/10 Grounding of coolant temperature sensor Ground Coolant temperature sensor, (T33)
B1/1 Control of injector, cylinder 1 +24V XPI injector (V141)
B1/2 Control of injector, cylinder 2 +24V XPI injector, (V142)
B1/3 Control of injector, cylinder 3 +24V XPI injector, (V143)
B1/4 Not used
B1/5 Not used
B1/6 Grounding of injector, cylinder 1 Ground XPI injector, (V141)
B1/7 Grounding of injector, cylinder 2 Ground XPI injector, (V142)
B1/8 Grounding of injector, cylinder 3 Ground XPI injector, (V143)
B1/9 Not used
B1/10 Not used
B2/1 Not used
B2/2 Not used
B2/3 Not used Fuel temperature sensor (T91)
B2/4 Grounding of charge air pressure sensor Ground Charge air pressure sensor (T122)
B2/5 Voltage supply, charge air pressure sensor Charge air pressure sensor (T122)
B2/6 Not used
B2/7 Not used
B2/8 Grounding, charge air temperature sensor Ground Charge air temperature sensor (T121)
B2/9 Voltage supply, charge air temperature sensor +5V Charge air temperature sensor (T121)
B2/10 Signal, charge air pressure sensor Analogue input signal Charge air pressure sensor (T122)
B3/1 Voltage supply 2, control unit +24V Battery
B3/2 Grounding 2, control unit Ground Battery
B3/3 Signal via starter lock Digital input signal Starter lock
B3/4 Grounding, electric motor for variable geometry turbocharger Ground Battery
B3/5 Not used
B3/6 Voltage supply 1, control unit +24V Battery
B3/7 Grounding 1, control unit Ground Battery
B3/8 Voltage supply, electric motor for variable geometry turbocharger +24V Battery
B3/9 CAN red bus CAN HIGH Red CAN
B3/10 CAN red bus CAN LOW Red CAN
B4/1 Shutting down the alternator ADR only PWM output signal ADR only
B4/2 Not used
B4/3 Not used
B4/4 Not used
B4/5 Not used
B4/6 Not used

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B4/7 CAN exhaust gas aftertreatment CAN HIGH EEC3

B4/8 CAN exhaust gas aftertreatment CAN LOW EEC3
B4/9 Not used
B4/10 Not used
B5/1 Control of starter motor Digital output signal Starter motor (relay) M1 A1
B5/2 Not used
B5/3 Signal from alternator Digital input signal Alternator, (P3) A2
B5/4 Not used
B5/5 Signal, fan rotational speed sensor and solenoid valve PWM input signal Not used
Rotational speed sensor and solenoid valve for the fan, (T123)
B5/6 Not used
B5/7 Grounding, fuel inlet metering valve Ground Fuel inlet metering valve, (V120)
B5/8 Control of the fuel inlet metering valve PWM output signal Fuel inlet metering valve, (V120)
B5/9 Control of alternator 1 PWM output signal Alternator, (P3) A3
B5/10 Not used
B6/1 Control of fan rotational speed sensor and solenoid valve PWM output signal Rotational speed
sensor and solenoid valve for the fan, (T123) Hydraulic pump (V119) bus
B6/2 Not used
B6/3 Control of coupling coil for AC compressor Digital output signal
Coupling coil for AC compressor (V2)

B6/4 Grounding of coupling coil for AC compressor Ground Coupling coil for AC compressor (V2)
B6/5 Voltage supply of fan rotational speed sensor and solenoid valve +12V Rotational speed sensor
and solenoid valve for the fan, (T123)
B6/6 Grounding of fan rotational speed sensor and solenoid valve Ground Rotational speed sensor
and solenoid valve for the fan, (T123) Hydraulic pump (V119) bus
B6/7 Not used
B6/8 Not used
B6/9 Grounding of fan rotational speed sensor and solenoid valve Ground Rotational speed
sensor and solenoid valve for the fan, (T123)
B6/10 Not used
B7/1 Signal, turbo speed sensor Frequency, input signal Turbo speed sensor, (T120) 1
B7/2 Voltage supply, electric motor for variable geometry turbocharger +24V Electric motor
for variable geometry turbocharger, (M30)
B7/3 Not used
B7/4 Not used
B7/5 Not used
B7/6 Signal, turbo speed sensor Frequency, input signal Turbo speed sensor, (T120) 2
B7/7 Grounding, electric motor for variable geometry turbocharger Ground Electric motor for
variable geometry turbocharger, (M30)
B7/8 Not used
B7/9 Not used
B7/10 Not used

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Engine Management System S8

1 T21, charge air temperature

2 T122, charge air pressure
3 T33, coolant temperature sensor
4 T5, oil pressure sensor
5 T74, T75, engine speed sensors
7 T111, fuel pressure sensor
8 V141-V148, XPI injectors
9 V120, fuel inlet metering valve
10 T125, exhaust back pressure
17 M1, starter motor
18 P3, alternator

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The S8 has been developed to control the Scania XPI fuel system. More components than before are controlled
by the engine control unit and the control of some components has been extended.

The communication and control of the following components operates as in the S7:

Engine speed sensors

Coolant temperature sensor

Charge air pressure sensor

Charge air temperature sensor

Oil pressure sensor

Fuel temperature sensor

Starter motor

Control of fuel injection

Control of alternator

Oil level sensor

Solenoid valve for the AC compressor

Exhaust brake proportional valve


The engine management system controls the fuel system, SCR system, variable geometry turbocharger and a
number of other components such as the alternator, starter motor, and AC compressor

Electronic control of the fuel system provides increased control over injection, allowing combustion to be opti-
mised. Optimum combustion results in turn in lower fuel consumption.

Electronic control of the fuel system is required to meet emission requirements.

A brief description of the way in which the engine management system and the components concerned work
together follows. A more detailed description of the components and their interaction with the engine manage-
ment system is provided under the relevant component.

Fuel injection

The engine control unit receives a message via CAN if acceleration is requested. The engine control unit re-
ceives information about the engine speed, fuel temperature and fuel pressure, charge air pressure and charge
air temperature from the relevant sensors. The engine control unit then controls the components in the fuel
system so that the correct amount of fuel is injected. The engine control unit also takes into account information
about the turbocharger speed, air temperature and air flow to the engine in order to supply fuel to the injectors.

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Fuel injection is optimised through adaptation. In this case the engine control unit adapts to each individual
injector at regular intervals in order to provide the best possible performance and fuel economy.

During adaptation, the engine idles hard with the exhaust brake active.


The engine control unit determines when the alternator is to charge. When charging is permitted, i.e. when the
charging conditions are met, the engine control unit sends a signal to the alternator to charge.

The engine control unit receives a signal back from the alternator when it is charging.

If a higher power supply is required, e.g. during cold weather, the engine control unit can request an increase in
alternator charging.

Starter motor

When sending signal from starter switch to the the VCU, the VCU sending canbus signal to the engine
controller The engine control unit activates the starter motor by sending a control voltage to the relay on the
starter motor.

Cooling fan (See in the hydraulic chapter)

The VCU control unit controls the fan speed via a signal to the fan solenoid valve. The VCU receives information
which it then processes to control the fan speed so that the required cooling is obtained.

AC compressor

The VCU unit controls the activation of the AC compressor. When the VCU unit receives a request to activate
the AC compressor, it powers the AC compressor coupling coil.

Exhaust brake (See in the hydraulic chapter)

The VCU is controlling the exhaust brake. When exhaust brake is activated the VCU controls a proportional
solenoid in the hydraulics to distribute pressurized oil to the exhaust brake cylinder.

Interaction with other systems

Functions involving the interaction of the engine control unit with other systems are described below. A more
detailed description is provided under the relevant user function.

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Request for torque

The control units for the gearbox management system, TCU, and VCU, can, if necessary, request torque via
the engine control unit, e.g. when changing gear and for traction control. The system concerned may request
maximum torque for a short period, then the torque is limited to approximately 70% for a further period. If the
time limit is exceeded, the engine control unit resumes control.

If both systems request control over torque at the same time, the TCU request has the highest priority.

Request for limited torque

The control units for the gearbox management system, TCU, and VCU, can, if necessary, request limited
torque. The engine control unit then limits the fuel volume according to the system which requests the lowest
torque. If required, the fuel injection can be switched off completely. The function is not accessible under start.
If the torque is limited so much when idling that there is a risk of the engine stopping, the idle speed control will
intervene and increase the fuel volume so that the engine speed is maintained.

Request for control of AC compressor

The AC compressor coupling coil is controlled by a signal from the VCU2 unit when using ACC.

Request for engine shutdown

The VCU can send a signal to the engine control unit to switch off the engine. The engine control unit then car-
ries out a controlled shutdown.

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Engine speed and camsghaft sensors

There are two engine speed sensors in the EMS system, en- Engine speed sensors
gine speed sensor 1 and engine speed sensor 2. The sensors 1 Engine speed sensor 1, T74
are inductive. This means that they only produce signals when 2 Engine speed sensor 2, T75
the engine is running.
The signal strength varies significantly, depending on the air The detail shows some of the holes in
gap between the sensors and the flywheel as well as on the the flywheel that are detected by the
engine speed. engine speed sensors.
The EMS system performs an assessment of the signal
strength at different engine speeds.
If the signal strength becomes too low, a fault code is gener-
Both engine speed sensor 1 and engine speed sensor 2 read
the position of the flywheel.
This means that the system cannot determine which of two
possible revolutions the engine is at, i.e.
whether, for example, cylinder 1 or cylinder 6 is at the ignition
Every time the engine is stopped and the voltage cut off, the
engine position is stored.
Next time the voltage is switched on, the stored position of the
engine is used to determine which
revolution the engine is at.
When the engine has started, a system check is performed to
verify that the stored position is correct.

Resistance: 485-595 W
Inductance: 187-253 mH
Measure between: 541- 1 and 2

Distance between sensor and

flywheel/gear ring: 0,5- 1,5mm

Wastergate solenoid valve

The solenoid valve for the wastegate

valve receives signals from the
engine control unit and regulates the
turbocharger charge pressure via the
wastegate valve.

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Sensor engine coolant temperature

T33, Coolant temperature sensor

Coolant temperature sensor, XPI fuel system
Applies to engines with cylinder block generation 2.

The engine control unit uses the value from the coolant temperature
sensor to adjust the fuel quantity and injection timing when starting
the engine and when the engine is cold. The coolant temperature
also affects the engine idling speed and maximum engine speed T33
when the engine is cold and the engine power when it is too warm.

Directly after a cold start, the engine control unit limits the engine
speed to 1000 rpm in order to protect the engine, the engine idling
speed is raised to 600 rpm.

The length of time engine speed limitation is engaged varies

depending on the coolant temperature.

Less than +10°C, approximately 40 seconds

More than +20°C, approximately 8 seconds

The engine idling speed returns to normal when the coolant has reached 20 - 60°C (the temperature limit differs
between engine types).

In certain engines, the engine power is limited when the coolant temperature exceeds a certain temperature,
between 116 °C - 117 °C depending on the engine type. The engine power is limited so that the engine does
not overheat, and a fault code is generated at the same time.

The sensor is of the NTC type, which means that its resistance is temperature dependent. If the temperature
increases, the resistance in the sensor drops. The engine control unit converts the sensor resistance to voltage.
If the voltage is outside a certain range a fault code will be generated and the control unit will operate according
to a preset temperature value.

The engine will then have poorer cold-start characteristics and will emit more white smoke in cold weather.

The coolant temperature affects EGR, white smoke limitation and adaptations.

The sensor measures the coolant temperature in the cylinder block after the coolant has passed the combus-
tion chamber. The sensor consists of an NTC (Negative Temp Coefficient) thermistor, where resistance drops
as temperature increases. The sensor is temperature-sensitive between -40 and +120ºC.

Resistance at 20 ºC is 2419 ± 85 Ω.

Switch engine oil pressure

The switch closing at oil pressure: < 0,7 bar 11 Ω
The switch open at oil pressure: 1,1 bar ± 0,15 bar 111 Ω

Measure between : 542 - 1 and 2

543 - 1 and 2

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Sensor coolant level monitor

Detach the connector, grasp the sensor firmly and

pull it out from its position under the coolant reservoir.
The sensor is not in direct contact with the coolant so
it is not necessary to drain the coolant.

Sensor engine boost temperature

T121, Charge air temperature sensor

The charge air temperature sensor detects the temperature
in the inlet pipe between the turbocharger and the charge
air cooler.

The engine control unit uses the information from the sen-
sor to control the relationship between the intake air and
EGR gases going to the engine. The sensor also monitors
the temperature of the air coming into the charge air cooler
so that it is not higher than the temperature the charge air
cooler material can withstand.

When there is a high power output the turbocharger rotates

at a high speed. A high turbocharger speed means that the
pressure and thereby the temperature of the air coming into
the charge air cooler increases. If the temperature is higher
than is permitted, the engine control unit limits the power
output by reducing the quantity of fuel injected.

The sensor is of the NTC type, which means that its resis-
tance is temperature dependent. If the temperature increas-
es, the resistance in the sensor drops. The engine control
unit converts the sensor resistance to voltage. If the voltage
is outside a certain range, the engine control unit will work
to a pre-programmed temperature value, and a fault code
will be generated. The engine will then react slower than
normally during throttle application.

Resistance at 20°C: 2,419 ± 85 Ω.

Temperature sensitivity: Between -40 and +120ºC.

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Engine charge air pressure

T122, Charge air pressure sensor

The charge air pressure sensor detects the absolute pressure
in the intake manifold, i.e. the atmospheric pressure plus the
positive pressure provided by the turbocharger.

The signal from the sensor is directly proportional to the charge

air pressure. A high pressure gives a high voltage and vice

The engine control unit uses the information from the charge
air pressure sensor to control the relationship between the in-
take air and EGR gases going to the engine. Depending on the
factors that requested the acceleration, engine speed, engine
acceleration and charge air temperature, the engine control
unit will expect a certain charge air pressure. Should there be
a fault in the signal, the engine control unit will work to a preset
pressure value. At the same time, the engine torque will be
limited and a fault code will be generated.

Engine oil pressure sensor

T5, Oil pressure sensor
The engine control unit reads the voltage from the sensor.

In the case of some faults, e.g. when the signal voltage from the
sensor has been outside a certain range, the oil pressure gauge
will show 0 bar even though the oil pressure is higher than this.

The oil pressure lamp will not light up until the oil pressure has
moved outside the permitted pressure range.

The engine control unit expects a certain oil pressure depending

on the engine speed. Below 1000 rpm, the oil pressure should
be at a certain level. Over 1000 rpm the oil pressure should be at
a higher level in order to provide sufficient oil pressure for piston
cooling, etc. If the oil pressure is below the permitted value, the
oil pressure lamp will light up. The oil pressure lamp therefore
lights up at different pressure levels depending on the engine
The pressure sensor is a capacitive sensor and measures the
absolute pressure.
Measurement range is 0.5-9 bar (A).

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Control unit EMS S8

The engine control unit controls the engine functions.

Fuel pressure sensor

The fuel pressure sensor informs the engine control unit of the
current fuel pressure in the accumulator.
The fuel pressure sensor registers and informs the engine control
unit of the current fuel pressure in the accumulator.

The engine control unit compares the measured fuel pressure

with the fuel pressure requested and calculates how much fuel
the fuel inlet metering valve should convey to the high pressure
pump so that the correct fuel pressure is obtained in the accumu-

The engine control unit registers the voltage from the sensor. The
signal voltage is directly proportional to the fuel pressure. A high
pressure gives a high voltage and vice versa.

If there are any faults with the signal, the engine control unit will
operate according to a preset pressure value while at the same
time generating a fault code. As a safety measure, engine torque
is limited.

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Fuel inlet metering valve

Resistance values

Temperature °C Resistance ± 0.5 ohms

-20 1.8
0 2.0
20 2.2
40 2.3
60 2.5
80 2.7

The fuel inlet metering valve controls how much fuel is brought into the high pressure pump.
The fuel inlet metering valve is located on the high pressure pump. The fuel metering valve controls the fuel
flow to the high pressure pump and is controlled by a PWM signal from the engine control unit.

The engine control unit uses the signal from the fuel pressure sensor on the accumulator to calculate how
much fuel should be supplied to the high pressure pump and then controls the fuel metering valve so that it
releases the required quantity of fuel.

If power to the fuel metering valve is cut, it will become fully open and a fault code will be generated at the
same time.

Solenoid valve for XPI injector

The solenoid valve is part of the injector. The solenoid valve con- V142 V144 V146
trols the fuel injection. When the solenoid valve is not powered, V141 V143 V145
the injector is closed. When the solenoid valve is supplied with
power, fuel is injected into the cylinder. The opening time of the
solenoid valve is controlled by the engine control unit.

The amount of fuel injected into the cylinder is determined by the

opening time and the pressure in the accumulator.

The number of injections in each compression stroke can vary.

This leads to more efficient combustion, lower exhaust emissions
and quieter engine operation.

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Transmission spesification of electrical components

Transmission speed sensors

Transmission sensors for

speed pick-up.
Hall-Sensor of the Output
Working range: 2 Hz to 5 Khz
Supply voltage: 24 V
Distance between sensor and
gear ring: 1,0 mm + 0,5 mm

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Transmission temperature sensors

The temperature sensor oil out from transmission is placed

inside converter housing.
Remove plug vith 24 mm Allen screw key

Clutch pressure
NB. controller
ZF position (Solenoid valve)

number Resistance at 20°C 11 Ω

Temperature sensor
oil in from cooler

Resistance at
20°C 61465 Ω 270


oil out to Left Hand side

Resistance at
20°C 61465 Ω

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Transmission solenoid valves

Shifting block II Shifting block I

Propotional valve
Resistance at 20°C 11 Ω

Shifting block I
1 Pressure regulator valve Y1
2 Pressure regulator valve Y2
3 Pressure regulator valve Y3
4 Pressure regulator valve Y4
5 Pressure regulator valve Y5
6 Pressure regulator valve Y6
7 Presure reduce valve 9bar
8 Wiring harness ErgoControl II
A= connection of wiring harness shifting block II
B= connection of control unit (TCU)

Shifting block II
9 Connect valve Cooler 1,5 bar
10 Pressure regulator valve Y10
11 Pressure regulator valve Y7
12 Pressure regulator valve Y9
13 Pressure regulator valve Y8
14 Presure reduce valve 9bar

Shifting block I: 3 1
1 = pressure controller with follow-on slide
2 = pressure reducing valve 2
3 = wiring harness ErgoControl II

• A = connection of wiring harness shifting block II

• B = connection of control unit (TCU)

For more information, se Chapter 2 Transmission

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Transmission pressure switch

Transmission electric switch

Sensor, sump temperature

Restance: 1 kΩ to 1,5 kΩ
Measure point: Connector pos 156 between 8 and 9

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Sensors hydraulic system

141 – Pump 2 143 – Rear Brake 145 – Tilt Cylinder

Pressure Pressure Pressure

140 – Pump 1 142 – Front Brake 144 – Park Brake

Pressure Pressure Pressure

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Steering valve, el. connection

147 - Emergency

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Main valve el. connection
190 – Accumulator

146 – Parking Brake

182 – Fan

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Parking brake sensor

191 – Parking Brake

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Body float sensor

192 – Body

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Electrical chart and circuit

Cab roof cable set

3A 82 87










83 84 86 103

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Cab floor cable set

52 42 49 45A 51

3B S44 41 47 48 D2 45B 56 D1








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Cab inside rear wall cable set

3C 86
Back wall inside cab

S75 53 S53 S55 S96 S97


S72 S98


X1-23 S71 S70 60 S1-6

60 Sensor interface unit

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Wiring (cable set) S1 - S6

Wiring S1 - S6

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Cirquit chart cabine (No1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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Junction box battery compartment

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Cirquit chart front and rear frame (No2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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Exhaust Emmission Control
Wiring diagram for the exhaust emission control

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System overview for electrics

1 Control unit EEC3

2 NOx sensor

3 Temperature sensor

4 Level and temperature sensor

5 Reductant pump

6 Reductant doser

7 Coolant valve

8 Electrically heated reductant hoses

1 Reductant tank

2 Control unit EEC3

3 Reductant pump

4 Level and temperature

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