Lesson 1.5

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Banga, Aklan

A Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 10
I. Objectives:

At the of the lesson, the students must be able to:

a. Identify the cases of pronouns; and
b. Use the cases of pronouns correctly.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cases of Pronouns
Reference: Almonte et al. (2015) Celebrating Diversity through World
Literature – Grade 10. REX Book Store, Inc. pp. 287 – 289
Materials: Laptop, Poem Chart, Pronouns Chart, Marker, and Chalk.

III. Procedure
A. Prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Recapitalization
The teacher will ask the class about the previous lesson. She will
randomly select learners to answer the questions related to the previous
lesson in class.

D. Motivation
 The learners will be asked to read the poem, “The Book”.

“You are old, little book”, the small boy said
“Yet your pages are clean and white.
Your covers are stiff, your corners are straight.
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”

“In my youth”, said the book

“I came into the hands of children who handled me with care.
They opened me gently, their fingers clean,
my margin, they kept clean and fair.”

“They never used pencils or bookmarks,

nor tried to pull me apart in strife.
With such kindly treatment, my strength and my looks
will last me the rest of my life.”

 The learners will answer questions which will be raised by the

 After which the learners will identify and underline the pronouns in
the poem, “The Book”.

E. Lesson Proper
 The learners will share their prior knowledge about pronouns and
cases of pronouns.
 The three cases of pronouns will be presented to the learners by
the teacher.
personal pronouns are used in a sentence
Perspective CASE CASE CASE
- personal - personal - personal
pronoun is pronoun is pronoun shows
used as a used as an possession or
subject object of the ownership
or infinitive
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First I We me us my, mine our,
Person ours
Second You you you you your, yours your,
Person yours
Third He him his (male)
Person (male) They (male) them her, their,
She her hers(female) theirs
(female) (female) its (neuter)
It it
(neuter) (neuter)

 The learners will read the presented examples and determine the
difference between Subjective, Possessive, and Objective

F. Application
Developing Mastery
 The class will be divided into three groups.
 Group leaders will randomly pick their assigned sentences.
 Each group will identify the cases of pronouns used in the

Group Column A Column B

1 Aunt Emily told me a lot about Possessive Case
her baking secrets.
2 We want to learn like to bake Subjective Case
like her.
3 David taught him how to preheat Objective Case
the oven.

 Each group will choose their representative to present the group’s

 Each group will answer questions after presenting their group’s
o What pronoun is underlined in column A?
o What is the case of the personal pronoun ______?
o Why did you say that _____ is in the
possessive/subjective/objective case?

G. Generalization
 What are the cases of personal pronouns?
 How do you determine the cases of pronouns?
 When is a pronoun in the subjective case?
 When is a pronoun in the objective case?
 When is a pronoun in the possessive case?
IV. Evaluation
Part I. Enumeration

Enumerate 3 Cases of Pronouns


Give 2 Plural forms of Personal Pronouns.


Part II. Identify the cases of each underlined pronoun. Write O if the case is
objective, S if Subjective, and P if possessive.

1. They cross the railway line.

2. There is no secret in Nature which baffles him.
3. Fyokla leads him into a thicket.
4. He is like a pickpocket in his ways.
5. Its power is tremendous.

V. Assignment
Instruction: Underline the personal pronouns used in each sentence. Write
the case of pronoun on the space before the number.

_____1. They attended the meeting.

_____2. He went to see the exhibit.
_____3. The dog wags its tail.
_____4. Jane’s daughter is taller than her.
_____5. Don’t mess up with them.

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