The fifth period(第五课时)

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The fifth period(第五课时)

Part B Read and write

▶ 教学内容与目标
课时教学内容 课时教学目标
 能够通过看图讨论预测故事的开端和进一步发展来激
 能够通过完成读后活动来训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型
 能够正确地听、说、认读单词“basket, part, licked,
Read and write
 能够从阅读中获取有用的句型来口头描述自己一天的
 能够明白凡事都有好坏两面,在我们的努力下坏事也
▶ 教学重点
▶ 教学难点
1. 培养阅读技巧和阅读兴趣。
2. 学会用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。
▶ 教学准备
1. 预习《状元大课堂》
《创优作业 100 分》
2. PPT 课件、课文音频、视频、实物等。
▶ 教学过程
Step 1: Pre-reading①
1. Greetings.
Say hello to students. Divide them into two groups. Let them PK by getting more
lucky stars to make things become better and better.
2. Chant together.
Show a chant. Let students chant with the teacher.
3. Let’s judge: Good or bad.
Show some pictures and sentences.
T: Say “It was good!” if you think it is good. Say “It was bad!” if you think it is

T: A girl has some good news and bad news. Let’s look at the girl’s weekend.

T: Life is full of good news and bad news. It was a good weekend but also a bad
weekend for the girl! Can you think of any good or bad things in your holiday?
Ss: I went swimming in my holiday. It was good. But I hurt my leg. It was bad.

T: Wonderful! Wu Binbin also has good news and bad news. Let’s have a look.
◆ Teaching purpose①
news and bad news”这个话题,为后面的学习打下很好的基础。
4. Discuss and answer.
(1)Show pictures in “Read and write”. (课件出示:Read and write 板块的图片)
Let students try to answer two questions:
①How did Wu Binbin meet Max?
②What will happen next?
Let students discuss in groups and then communicate in class. Make a model:
Wu Binbin lost his cap. The dog found his cap. They will become good friends.
They will play with each other…
(2)Let students say the good news and bad news in the pictures.
Check the answers together.

Step 2: While-reading
1. Fast reading.
T: Wu Binbin and his family had a bad but also good day on April 2. 3. rd with
the dog Max. He wrote a diary about it. Let’s read it together.
Ask students to read the diary by themselves. Let them try to get more key
information and number the pictures.
Check the answers. (课件出示:该板块答案)
2. Careful reading.②
(1)Let students read the first paragraph of the diary carefully. This time, answer
the question: What did Wu Binbin’s family do in the morning? Underline the key
phrases about activities in the book.
◆ Teaching purpose②
Ask one student to answer the question. Then check the answer together.

Take out a real basket, and put a toy dog in the basket.
T: This is a basket. We can put many things in it. Now the dog is sitting in the
(Write down the word “basket” on the blackboard.)
Lead students to read it several times. Then ask students to pass the basket one
by one and read the word at the same time.
(2)Let students read the second paragraph of the diary carefully and answer two
①What’s the matter with Wu Binbin’s mum?
②What did they do?
Underline the key phrases about activities in the book.
T: What’s the matter with Wu Binbin’s mum?
Ss: She didn’t feel well.
T: What did they do?
Ss: They…
Then check the answers together.
T: What can you do if your mum doesn’t feel well?
Ss: I can give hot water to her./I can make some delicious food for her…
T: Good girl/boy! Your mum will be happy! OK! Let’s go on.
Teach the new words by asking students to do the matching task.

Help students understand the new words “part, licked, laughed” by body
languages and simple explanations. Make a model:
T: Let’s play a funny play, too. S1, you will play the part of a dog. I will play the
part of Dad. Let’s go!
(Write down the new words on the blackboard.)
Lead students to read them several times and do the corresponding actions at the
same time.
(3)Task: Finish the charts on Page 29.
T: What happened to Wu Binbin’s family? Please think of the good news and the
bad news in Wu Binbin’s diary. And write them down in your books.
Ask several students to stand up and read their answers. The student who gets the
right answer can get a lucky star.
Check the answers together. (课件出示:表格答案)
(4)T: How was Wu Binbin’s day?
Ss: It was good./It was bad.
T: You’re all right. It was a bad day but also a good day!
3. Read again.
(1)Play the recording of “Read and write”. (课件出示:Read and write 板块的
音频) Let students read the diary by following the recording. Then read it by
themselves with correct sense groups and pausing.
(2)Retell the diary.
Ask students to retell the diary by filling in the blanks on the PPT.

The student who does a good job can get a lucky star.
Step 3: Post-reading③
1. Group work.
Ask students to think and discuss in groups: Your bad but also good day.
Encourage students to write it down in their books.
Make a model on the PPT.
2. Show time.
Let some students stand up to read their bad but also good day.
Each one who stands up can get a lucky star.
◆ Teaching purpose③
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension④
1. Enjoy the traditional story “塞翁失马”. (出示课件)
Talk about the good and bad things in the story.
The teacher makes a model: The bad thing is that Saiweng lost his horse. The
good thing is that the horse came back with another fine horse several months later.
The bad thing is that his son fell off the horse and hurt his leg. The good thing is
2. Emotional education.
T: Be happy and try your best in your life. As the saying goes, “Bad luck often
brings good luck.” I wish the lucky stars you’ve got today can help you laugh a lot in
your later life!
◆ Teaching purpose④
▶ 板书设计

▶ 作业设计
1. Read the diary to your parents.
2. Do the exercise. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《状元作业本》对应课时作业 P29 第一


licked → dressed → made → rode → sat → took → laughed
▶ 教学反思
1. 在趣味学习中潜移默化地渗透阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读能力。
2. 本课时的内容比较多,因此在设计教学时,尽量化难为简,采用多种方
3. 鼓励学生大胆开口,坚持让学生融入课堂,做课堂的主人。
4. 采用分段式教学,降低了学生的学习难度,也培养了学生的逻辑思维能
5. 板书的设计基于本课的重点,一目了然,有效地帮助学生理解重点和整

▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Read and write
 Be able to predict the beginning and further development of the diary by observing
the pictures. Activate relevant background knowledge or vocabulary.
 Be able to train the ability to think and capture different types of information in the
text by completing the exercises after reading.
 Be able to listen, speak and read the words “basket, part, licked, laughed”.
 Be able to get useful sentence patterns to describe daily activities orally and finally
write a short paragraph.
 Be able to understand that every coin has two sides, and the bad things can be
turned into good things through our efforts.
▶ Teaching Priorities
 Be able to understand the diary and complete the following exercises.
▶ Teaching Difficulties
 Develop reading skills and interest in reading.
 Learn to describe past events in the simple past tense.
▶ Teaching Procedures
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes

1. Greetings. Lead students to

1. Greetings.
2. Chant together. review what they
2. Chant together.
3. Let’s judge: Good have learned. The
3. Say “It was good!”
or bad. topic “good news
or “It was bad!”
4. Discuss and and bad news” is
Pre-reading 4. (1) Answer two
answer. introduced in the
(1)Show pictures in game segment,
(2)Say the good news
“Read and write”. which lays a good
and the bad news in
(2)Lead students to foundation for the
the pictures.
say. following study.
While-reading 1. Fast reading. Lead students to
Read the diary and
Ask students to read the article
number the pictures.
number the pictures. independently by
2. Careful reading. Answer the questions reading in sections,
Ask questions and and finish the tasks. underlining
give tasks. phrases, answering
Teach the words questions,
“basket, part, licked,
Read the diary after
the recording.
3. Read again.
Retell the diary by
Play the recording matching, etc.
filling in the blanks.
of “Read and write”. Stimulate students’
enthusiasm and
Think and discuss in
1. Group work. Train students to
Post-reading Write down the bad
express themselves.
but also good day.
2. Show time. Read their works.
1. Enjoy the 1. Talk about the
Consolidation traditional story good and bad things
Set up a correct
& “塞翁失马”. in the story.
world view.
Extension 2. Emotional 2. Learn the old
education. saying.
1. Read the diary to your parents.
2. Do the exercise.

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