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Class X – IT (402)

Board Practical File


Submitted by: Tanmay samele Teacher’s name: Girija mam

Class & Section: 10 A Teacher’s signature: _________

Roll number: 35
Class X – IT (402) Board Practical File

S.No Practical Teacher's Sign

Explain the styles given in the Styles
and Formatting Window for writer and
paste the screen shot of the window
Write the steps to create new style in
Open Office Writer.
Write the steps to consolidate data of
two sheets in Open Office Calc .
Write the steps to record Macro in
4 open
office calc.
Write the steps to create table with
5 minimum five fields on an entity
"STUDENT" in design view.
Write the command for the following
table Student
Illustrate the use of various options
7 under computer Accessibility in
Keyboard, Mouse, Display tab
Write the steps to create instant
messaging account for Google Talk
Q1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window
for writer and paste the screen shot of the window also.

Ans. supports the following types of styles:

1. Page styles
2. Paragraph styles
3. Character styles
4. Frame styles
5. Numbering styles
6. Cell styles
7. Graphics styles
8. Presentation Styles

Styles given for writer are shown below

Character Styles

Paragraph Style
Frame Styles
Page Styles
List Styles

Styles and Formatting Window – Snapshot

Page styles : include margins, headers and footers, borders and

backgrounds. In Calc, page styles also include the sequence for printing
Paragraph styles : control all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance, such as
text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and can include character
Character styles : affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font
and size of text, or bold and italic formats.
Frame styles : are used to format graphic and text frames, including
wrapping type, borders, backgrounds, and columns.
Numbering styles : apply similar alignment, numbering or bullet characters,
and fonts to numbered or bulleted lists.


Q2. Write the steps to create new style in Open Office

Writer. Ans. We can create New (Custom) Styles in two


1. Creating a new style from a selection :

1. Open the Styles and Formatting window and choose the

type of style you want to create.
2. In the document, select the item you want to save as a style.
3. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on the New
Style from Selection icon
4. After Clicking on New Style from Selection, create style
dialog box appear.
5. Write the name for the new style and click on OK


Q3. Write the steps to consolidate data of two sheets in Open

Office calc
. Ans. 1. Open a new file in Open Office Calc and write the following data :

Sheet-1 screen shot

2. Open another file in Open Office Calc and write the following Data

Sheet-2 screen shot

3. Open the third sheet and click on Data → Consolidate. The following
dialog box appear
4. Click to select Source data range of first sheet and then click on Add
5. After adding Source data range from both the sheets, the dialog box will
appear like shown below:
6. Click on the green button and select the Cell where you want the
consolidated data.
7. After adding both the range and selecting the cell where we want the
result, click on OK button
8. After clicking OK button, we will get the consolidated data as shown below.
Q4. Write the steps to record Macro in open office calc.

Ans. Following steps create a macro that performs paste special with multiply.
1. Open a new file in calc.
2. Enter the following data.

3. Select cell A3, which contains the number 3, and copy the value to the
4. Select the range A1:C3. 5. Use Tools > Macros > Record Macro
to start the macro recorder.
5. The Record Macro dialog is displayed with a stop recording button.

6. Use Edit > Paste Special to open the Paste Special dialog.
7. Set the operation to Multiply and click OK. The cells are now multiplied by

8. Click Stop Recording to stop the macro recorder. The Basic Macros dialog opens and save the macro
at specified place with a particular name.
Q5. Write the steps to create table with minimum five fields on an entity
"STUDENT" in design view.

Ans. We will design the following table.

Field Name Data Type

ID Integer
Name Varchar
Address Varchar
Phone Varchar
DOB Date

1. Click on Create Table in Design View… option available under Tasks

and a Table Design window appears as shown below.

2. Specify the field name and data type of the field to be created as shown below.
3. In the gray box at the left of the line, right-click and select Primary
Key, bringing up a key icon in the box

4. Save the table (File > Save)

Q6. Write the command for the following table Student.

Rollno Class Name Phone_no

1 XII Sumit 1234565
2 X Amit 3564583
3 X Anuj 1236589
4 XI Mini 5869542

1. Display all the records of table Student.

2. Insert record of your choice
3. Display record of student whose roll number is 3
4. Display record of students who are in class 'X
5. Display the record of 'Anuj'
1. Select * from student;
2. Insert into student values(5, 'XI' , 'Suman' , 6953245)
3. Select * from student where Rollno = 3;
4. Select * from student where class = 'X'
5. Select * from student where name = 'Anuj';


Q7. Illustrate the use of various options under computer

Accessibility in Keyboard, Mouse, Display tab .

Ans. To launch accessibility options in WindowsXP, Click Start > Control

> Accessibility Options.

The Accessibility Options window appears

Keyboard Tab :

Sticky Keys

Sticky Keys is an accessibility feature to help computer users with physical

disabilities. To enable Sticky Keys, select Use Sticky Keys.

• Click Apply.
• Click OK.

The Sticky Keys icon appears in the system tray.

Filter Keys :

Filter Keys is a feature of Microsoft Windows. It is an accessibility function

that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, making typing
easier for people with hand tremors.
• To enable Filter Keys, check Use Filter Keys.

• Click Settings under Filter Keys and check “Ignore Repeated Keystrokes”.
• Click Apply.
• Click OK.
Display Tab:

Select the Display Tab. A window with options to configure accessibility

options for display is displayed with option.

• High Contrast
• Cursor Options
Mouse Tab :

MouseKeys is an accessibility feature that assists people who have difficulty
using a mouse. Select the Mouse Tab, a window to configure accessibility
options for mouse will be displayed

• To enable MouseKeys, Check Use MouseKeys.

• Click Apply.
• Click OK.

******************************************************************** Q8. Write the

steps to create instant messaging account for Google Talk .

Ans. Google Talk is an instant messaging service that provides both text and
voice communication developed by Google Inc. Before you start using Google
Talk, a Gmail account is required.

First download Google Talk application from

To launch Google Talk, Click Start > Programs >Google Talk>Google Talk.

You need to have a list of contacts that are available for chat. If you don’t have
any contacts, you can add their Gmail account to your contact list by sending an
Signing In into your Google Talk Account

To use Google Talk, you need to sign in with your account details.
After signing in into your Google Talk account, you should see a window
similar to the one displayed below. Now the Google Talk application is ready
for use.

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