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Vol. 67 No.

210 | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024 | 25 Pages | `5 & for Pune `6 only Quality at Value


EDITIONS: MUMBAI*, Pune, Nashik, Konkan, Indore, Bhopal, E-paper
Vol. 67 No. 210 | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024 | 25 Pages | `5 & for Pune `6 only Quality at Value


EDITIONS: MUMBAI*, Pune, Nashik, Konkan, Indore, Bhopal, E-paper

INSIDE ANANT, Shanaya, Suhana
& Ananya’s breezy
INDIA’S POWER Scorching heat forced
excessive use of cooling
33 c. 29 c.

RADHIKA fashion steal the ECONOMY ON TRACK CONSUMPTION appliances like ACs and Sunrise : 06:00 am

PRE-WEDDING show FOR HIGHER GROWTH RISES 15% IN MAY desert coolers Sunset : 07:13 pm


abid Surti has saved
nearly 30 million US President Ronald Reagan was of-
litres of water by
repairing leaky faucets in
strangers' homes. Turn to
ten called the “Teflon President”. A
Teflon leader – the political lexicon
says – is ‘‘so charismatic that like a
Mumbai page to know Teflon non-stick pan, nothing un- ith exit polls predicting a
more about his incredible wanted can stick to him. No matter thumping majority for the
work how much dirt or grime his opponents BJP in the Lok Sabha elec-
uncover, no matter how much they tions, markets are likely to see a bull
ridicule him, the voters keep doting on rally from Monday onwards. Ac-
him. He almost has a seemingly mag-
ical ability to avoid blame.’’
PM Modi’s personal charm and style
cording to market analysts, the exit
polls have allayed election misgiv-
ings which were weighing on mar-
Arunachal is a
cakewalk, but BJP
too seem to form a seemingly protective kets for the last one month,

ith just two days layer that insulates him from his detrac- resulting in heightened market
left for the an- tors and explains his perpetually high volatility. If we look at the last five

blank in Sikkim
nouncement of Lok popularity ratings. The answer to the general elections, on the day of
Sabha Election results, Ma- query the FPJ posed about the PM’s counting, Sensex gave negative re-
harashtra MLA Ravi Rana mystique and magic is perhaps staring turns thrice -- in 1999, 2004, and
on Sunday stirred a major us in the face – if the exit polls are to be 2019 -- of 0.24 per cent, 11.10 per cent,
controversy by claiming taken at their face value. and 0.76 per cent, respectively. FPJ NEWS SERVICE / GUWAHATI
that Uddhav Thackeray is ECHO CHAMBER: But there is one big tional narrative’’. Without prejudice, this tremely dismissive of the exit polls. So, Twice in 2009 and 2014 it had given
likely to join the BJP-led imponderable here – the social media – applies to both the Opposition and the BJP. when the Congress rubbished the poll- positive returns of 17.70 per cent The first Assembly election re- 60/60
NDA after it secures power it can both reinforce existing beliefs as The long-drawn poll campaign was sters’ results as ‘bogus’, it was more or and 0.90 per cent, respectively. Fol- sults are out – in Arunachal Target : 31
at the Centre. “Uddhav well as muddy the waters. Many of us bad enough – inducing both voter less a predictable reaction. But the lowing the election outcome, the and Sikkim. The ruling BJP
Thackeray is set to join PM are part of the problem, as we tend to fatigue and a feeling of ennui. To top it grand old party raised the decibel level next major trigger will be the RBI had mixed fortunes, returning
Modi’s government within live in an echo chamber – be it on Face- all, the exit polls are a killjoy – they take further when it charged that the exit policy announcement scheduled for to power in Arunachal Pradesh
20 days after the swearing-in book or Instagram. We only wish to hear away the thrill of listening to a blow-by- polls were a “deliberate attempt to June 7. for the third consecutive term
ceremony of the NDA,” Ma- like-minded voices. blow account on judgment day with per- justify rigging” of the elections and part Manufacturing and services PMI but not winning even one seat
harashtra MLA Ravi Rana None other than NC leader Omar Ab- petual edge-of-the-seat excitement and of the “psychological games” being data for May are scheduled to be an- in Sikkim.
told CNN-News18. Stating dullah dwelt on this aspect when he said often, with a lump in the throat. played by PM Modi, to lower the morale nounced during the week. Along The BJP had already
that he had earlier predicted ‘‘social media is an echo chamber where MIND GAMES: To add to the boredom, of the INDIA bloc workers. with exit polls, market will also re- secured unopposed 10 of the 60
Eknath Shinde and Ajit wishful thinking is passed off as the na- the Opposition parties tend to be ex- CONTD. ON NATION act to domestic GDP data. Assembly seats in Arunachal BPJ NPP CONG OTH
Pawar’s exit from Shiv Sena Pradesh, with Chief Minister 46 5 1 8


and NCP accurately, the Pema Khandu and Deputy
MLA asserted, “I know, this Chief Minister Chowna Mein SIKKIM 32/32
time as well, I will be right.” among the winners. The party Target : 17
“The Prime Minister had also bagged 36 of the 50 seats,
said that a window is always
open for Uddhav Thackeray
as he is Balasaheb Thacker-
ay’s son. I am sure that
knock at EC door
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / NEW DELHI read the letter from the BJP,
ANKIT SALVI & MEGHA KUCHIK women started arguing.
results of which were an-
nounced on Sunday, to take its
tally in the Assembly to 60.
Among the winners were all
Uddhav will use this win- signed by Union Minister Nir- MUMBAI
CCTV FOOTAGE Hearing the commotion, the four women candidates of
dow to come back to BJP,” Both the hamstrung Opposi- mala Sitharaman and Piyush UPENDS TALE the actor came outside and the BJP.
the MLA said. tion INDIA bloc and the ruling Goyal. Accusing the Opposi- Actor Raveena Tandon seems tried to resolve the matter. As Its ally, Conrad Sangma's Na-
BJP, energised by the exit poll tion of working according to a to have essayed the role of a the two women were not tional People's Party, won five
QUOTABLE QUOTE results, were on Sunday franti- plan that first discredits insti- saviour in real life on Satur- ready to listen to the driver, seats, the People’s Party of SKM SDF BPJ CONG OTH
cally knocking at the doors of tutions and then the electoral day night, trying to rescue her Raveena went to the Khar po- Arunachal secured two, and 31 1 0 0 0
Understand the the Election Commission. process, the BJP mentioned driver from an angry crowd lice station to file a com- the Nationalist Congress Party
chronology of exit While the Opposition has the recent hearing on Electron- and enduring assault in the plaint. The two women also (Ajit) won three seats.
polls.BJP supporters want to asked the commission to en- ic Voting Machines in the process—there is CCTV arrived there. The victory evoked immedi- Arunachal Pradesh, especially
maximize share market profits sure that all norms are fastidi- Supreme Court. footage to vouch for the fact. Within a few hours, both ate response from Prime Min- for the BJP. The party has set a
using these exit poll results. ously followed during Tues- ‘‘They have a clear pattern, The incident unfolded in Ban- parties resolved the issue and ister Narendra Modi. “Thank new record in these Assembly
Their faces are telling the tale day's counting, the BJP warned first, they target the institution dra, where three women did not file any complaints you Arunachal Pradesh! The elections...There is pro-incum-
– AKHILESH YADAV the poll body against "coordi- then they target the process claimed to have been abused against each other. Senior Po- people of this wonderful state bency sentiment. In 2019, we
nated attempts" by the Opposi- and methods of the institution and assaulted by her while lice Inspector Mohan Mane of have given an unequivocal won 41 seats and in 2024 we won
BUSINESS AS USUAL: tion to "undermine the integri- and then if the judgement goes she was in an inebriated state. passing by. The car did not Khar Police Station, stated, mandate to politics of develop- 46 seats,” Khandu said.
PM Modi held several ty" of the electoral process. against then they'll raise ques- According to police, touch them but they insisted “The fight between the driver ment. Our party will keep Union Home Minister Amit
meetings on Sunday on fire "They (the Opposition) are tions and file cases against the Raveena’s driver was revers- they were struck. After of Raveena’s car and the pedes- working with even greater Shah thanked the people of
safety, heatwave, cyclone directly attacking the Demo- election process, EVM and ing a car outside the actor’s Raveena had gone inside her trians due to the car reversing vigour for the state’s growth,” Arunachal Pradesh for their
and his 100-day agenda. cratic institutions and pose a VVPATS," the letter read. bungalow, inside the com- bungalow and the driver had did not result in any physical Modi posted on X. “unwavering confidence in the
threat to the electoral process," CONTD. ON NATION pound when two people were parked the vehicle, the contact. CONTD. ON NATION “This is a historic day for BJP”. CONTD. ON NATION

Amul milk prices Mid-air ruckus by flier Mom tries to shift blame, BULLETIN
are up `2/ litre Bomb threat to son can’t recall accident

An Air India flight (IX-473)

FPJ NEWS SERVICE / AHMEDABAD from Kozhikode to Bahrain had
to be diverted to Mumbai be- Mumbai flight FPJ NEWS SERVICE / PUNE switched with hers. Vishal
Agarwal, the boy’s father M otorists using
expressways will have to
The price of all variants of cause of a passenger attempt- MEGHA KUCHIK/ MUMBAI Shivani Agarwal, the mother who is a realtor, was previ- shell out more from Monday
Amul milk has been increased ing to open the aircraft door, of the teen who was accused ously taken into custody for as the National Highways
by Rs2 per litre with effect physically assaulting, and For the second day in a row, of running over two people allegedly destroying evi- Authority of India (NHAI) has
from Monday in view of the in- abusing other passengers and there was a bomb threat to in his Porsche car on May 19, dence related to the case. decided to hike tolls across the
crease in the cost of operation creating a commotion. The ac- a Mumbai-bound aircraft, feigned ignorance about why The two have been re- country by an average of 5 per
and production, Gujarat Coop- cused, identified as Abdul with a note being discov- the doctors at Sassoon Hospi- manded to police custody till cent. The annual revision of
erative Milk Marketing Feder- Nadukkandiyil, 25, from Ker- ered on the Vistara flight tal asked her to give her June 5, after the police highway user fee was earlier
ation managing director Jayen ala, was handed over to the se- (UK 024) from Paris, short- blood sample in- sought remand in to come into effect on April 1.
Mehta has said. curity department by the crew ly before it was scheduled stead of asking for KILLER connection with the But the hike was deferred due
The last time GCMMF had food inflation. Since February after the pilot landed the air- The AI flight forced to to land in the city. This her son’s. PORSCHE destruction of evi- to the Lok Sabha elections.
raised milk price was in Febru- 2023, Amul has carried out no craft at Mumbai Airport. The comes on the back of a In- ‘‘We have record- dence related to the Now, it will come into effect
ary 2023; this hike is needed to hike in prices of fresh pouch flight then continued to land at Mumbai diGo flight from Chennai ed the statement of the accident that claimed the from June 3. The change in toll
compensate farmers for their milk in major markets,” Bahrain. The incident took with 172 people on board woman (49). She told us that lives of the two IT profes- fee is part of an annual
increased cost of production, GCMMF said. Amul as a policy place on June 1, and a case was physically assaulted the crew landing in “full emer- the doctors of the hospital sionals. exercise to revise the rates
Mehta said. The revised price passes on almost 80 paise of registered at the Sahar police members and attempted to open gency” conditions in Mum- had told her to give her blood Meanwhile, the 17-year-old that are linked to the changes
of 500 ml pouch of Amul buffa- every rupee paid by consumers station the same day. the door of the aircraft. The bai on Saturday after re- sample instead of who had knocked down the in the wholesale price index
lo milk stands at Rs36, while for milk and milk products to According to the police re- crew tried to convince him that ceiving a bomb threat. her son’s. She feigned IT professionals admitted to (CPI)-based inflation. There are
that of 500 ml Amul Gold milk milk producers, it said. port, Air India flight IX-473 de- it was dangerous for everyone The Paris flight landed ignorance about why the doc- the Pune Police that he was around 855 user fee plazas on
is Rs33, and that of 500 ml “The price revision shall parted from Kozhikode at on the flight and brought him on Sunday under a security tors told her so,” a report heavily drunk while driving the national highway network
Amul Shakti milk is Rs 30. help sustain remunerative 10.10am for Bahrain. The ac- back to his seat. He then started cover at 10.19 am with more quoted the police commis- when the accident occurred, on which user fee is levied as
“The increase of Rs2 per milk prices to our milk pro- cused, Abdul, was travelling on to abuse other passengers, phys- than 300 individuals, in- sioner saying. according to a news report. per the National Highways Fee
litre translates into a 3-4 per ducers and to encourage the flight, seated at 15T. Around ically assault them and threat- cluding crew members, on Shivani was arrested on The juvenile is in an obser- (Determination of Rates and
cent increase in MRP, which is them to increase milk pro- noon, he went to the back of the ened to open the door of the air- board. CONTD. ON NATION June 1 after it emerged that vation home till 5 June. Collection) Rules, 2008.
much lower than the average duction,” it said. plane and, without reason, craft. CONTD. ON NATION the boy’s blood sample was CONTD. ON NATION


Kejriwal returns to Tihar, likens self to Bhagat Singh PARADE OF PLANETS H yderabad, one of the
bustling metropolitan cities

GAURAV VIVEK BHATNAGAR / NEW DELHI A Delhi court will pass order to freedom fighter Bhagat Singh and
said: “We are disciples of Bhagat Singh.
MONDAY ONWARDS of the country, ceased to be
the common capital of
Telangana and Andhra
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, on his interim and regular Bhagat Singh went to jail to free the FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI perfect straight line but rather Pradesh from Sunday as per
who was released by the Supreme bail on June 5 country; I am going to jail to save the a result of the planets’ orbits the Andhra Pradesh
Court on interim bail for the Lok Sabha country. Bhagat Singh was also hanged; Six planets are set to line up and being roughly in the same Reorganisation Act, 2014.
elections, on Sunday returned to Tihar “This is a dictatorship because you I am also ready to be hanged. This time provide a rare celestial treat for plane, with slight inclinations Beginning June 2, Hyderabad
Central Jail on the expiry of his release can put anyone in jail without any rea- I don't know when I will come back and astronomy enthusiasts. from the Earth’s orbit known will be the capital city of
period. son and without any proof,’’ said Kejri- what these people will do to me in jail. Stargazers will on Monday as the Ecliptic. Initially, Jupiter Telangana only. Hyderabad
Prior to returning to Tihar, where he wal, who was arrested by the Enforce- But I will not bow down.” see Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, will be closer to the Sun but was made the capital city of
has been again lodged in jail No. 2, Ke- ment Directorate in the Delhi liquor Kejriwal, who upon his release from Saturn, Neptune, Uranus Mercury will take its place as the two states for 10 years
jriwal addressed the workers at the scam on March 21. The agency had sub- prison had campaigned extensively for align in a manner that would the week progresses, according when the bifurcation of
Aam Aadmi Party office. Here, he once sequently submitted in courts that he party and INDIA bloc candidates, also look like a straight line, in an to the Indian Institute of Astro- undivided Andhra Pradesh
again reiterated that he has been impli- was the “kingpin and key conspirator” took a dig at the exit polls which pre- alignment that is often re- physics, Bengaluru. was carried out in 2014.
cated in a “fake case”. He further as- of the scam, in which “kickbacks were dicted that the BJP-led NDA would re- ferred to colloquially as a “Pa- During this planetary align- Despite ten long years after
serted that “the Prime Minister demanded” in lieu of grant of liquor li- turn to power. He quipped that these rade of Planets”. The optimal ment, Saturn will shine promi- separation, several issues such
himself has admitted this in an inter- cences; also, he was “actively involved polls were manipulated and one of time to view this is Sunday but nently in the eastern morning as the bifurcation of assets are
view when he said, ‘I admit that I have with the process of crime, including us- them even spoke about 33 seats of Ra- it will also be visible for several sky, appearing yellowish, with still unresolved between
no evidence against Kejriwal, no recov- ing it for AAP campaign”. jasthan going to the BJP when there days after this, said experts. Mars positioned below in a red- Andhra Pradesh and
ery has been made’.” Kejriwal also sought to liken himself were only 25 seats. CONTD. ON NATION The alignment itself is not a dish hue. CONTD. ON NATION Telangana.

After double
Lotus bloom? Kerala huddle UP ‘big boost’ for BJP
SHANKAR RAJ As soon as the exit polls predicted big gains with BJP to defeat Congress.
Exit polls forecast INDIA, comprising
Congress and SP, will secure between 9 and
ducks, ‘reprieve’
for Cong in Raj
for BJP, which is expected to get a big jump hakaran said he was sure BJP is basking in the opti- 12 seats. The projected vote shares Exit polls have predicted a
Ruling Left Democratic Front in the vote share from 15 per cent in 2019 BJP will not open its account mism generated by the latest underline BJP’s dominance with NDA loss of 2 to 5 seats for BJP in
(LDF) and Congress-led Unit- in Kerala. “They might open exit polls, which predict a Rajasthan. However, Con-
ed Democratic Front (UDF) to 27 per cent this time, UDF and LDF first their account in the future, commanding performance in expected to garner 49 per cent of the votes, gress, which had lost all seats
on Sunday reacted with shock denied that the saffron party will open its but not this time under the Uttar Pradesh. According to while INDIA is likely to receive 34 per cent in last two LS elections, may
over almost all the exit polls
predicting that the lotus will
account and then went into a blame game present political circum-
stances,” he said. “The UDF
news channels and pollsters,
BJP is poised to secure be- Samajwadi Party, will secure testing two each, and
get anything between 2 and 4
seats. The exit polls data
‘bloom’ in Kerala for the first will get all the 20 seats in Ker- tween 68 and 71 seats, a sub- between 9 and 12 seats. The NISHAD Party one seat. doesn’t mention a clean swe-
time in the Lok Sabha elec- predicted big gains for BJP, jayan said BJP can have two ala,” he added. stantial improvement from projected vote shares under- ep for the saffron might for
tion this time. which is expected to get a big MPs from Kerala for two days Union minister V Mu- the 62 seats it won in 2019. line BJP’s dominance, with CHALLENGES FOR OPPN the third consecutive time.
Most exit polls have pre- jump in the vote share from 15 and when the results come, raleedharan hit back at both However, this figure falls NDA expected to garner 49 BSP, meanwhile, is grappling According to the data re-
dicted that the BJP is likely to per cent in 2019 to 27 per cent they will find themselves the fronts and said the state- short of the 2014 benchmark per cent of the votes, while with an existential crisis fol- leased by India Today Axis
win 1-4 seats and was sure on this time, the two Fronts first without any lawmaker in the ments of their leaders only when the party captured 71 INDIA is likely to get 34 per lowing a poor performance in My India, NDA (BJP Plus) is
Thrissur where Prime Minis- denied that the saffron party Lok Sabha from Kerala. betrayed their nervousness. seats, a key factor in its rise to cent, and other parties cap- the assembly election, where projected to win 16-19 seats in
ter Narendra Modi had pin- will open its account and then K Muraleedharan, the son In 2019, though six exit power at the Centre. turing the rest 17 per cent. it won only one seat and saw Rajasthan, while INDIA is
ned his hopes on actor-turned went into a blame game. of Congress leader, the late K polls had predicted NDA Exit polls are a big boost to its vote share drop by nine per projected to win 5-7 seats.
politician Suresh Gopi. The LDF said if BJP wins a Karunakaran, said BJP would win one seat, BJP fail- BJP as in two consecutive BJP’S STRATEGIC cent to 13 per cent. The party At the same time, Times
In fact, Modi had focused seat, especially in Thrissur, it would only get a third spot in ed to open an account in the polls, its tally has come down ALLIANCES is striving to protect its core Now ETG has predicted NDA
on Thrissur and made multi- would be because of the UDF. Thrissur. Muraleedharan, state. The 2019 poll saw a land- when compared with last one. This election season, BJP-led Dalit vote base and dispel the to win 18 seats and INDIA to
ple visits to Thrissur and also “Many Congressmen had who himself is a candidate in slide victory for the UDF, with alliance includes the “BJP’s B-team” tag. win 7 seats in Rajasthan.
attended the wedding of cross-voted for Suresh Gopi,” Thrissur added if BJP man- the alliance winning 19 of the LOOKING BACK Rashtriya Lok Dal, Suheldev News 24 Today’s Chanakya
Suresh Gopi’s daughter at the senior leader AK Balan said, ages to get the second spot, 20 seats in the southern state. In 2014 Lok Sabha election, Bharatiya Samaj Party and LOOKING FORWARD has predicted NDA will win
famous Sri Krishna Temple adding it was a tacit move to “the prime accused would be This time too, the UDF is BJP won 71 seats but came NISHAD Party. The alliance All eyes are on results to be 22 seats and INDIA will win
in Guruvayur. defeat CPI-M. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vi- expected to emerge winner down to 62 in 2019. Similarly, aims to improve its tally, announced on June 4. BJP’s on 3 seats.
While all eyes are on Thris- LDF convener EP Jayara- jayan”. with the largest number of in the 2017 assembly election, buoyed by the positive senti- anticipated gains underscore
sur, equally important is jan dismissed the exit poll The Congress leader, seats from Kerala, but the BJP won 312 seats but came ment following the inaugura- its continued strength in UP, QUOTA CATAPULT
Thiruvananthapuram where predictions and said they whose sister Padmaja Venu- Front’s numbers would see a down to 255 in 2022. tion of the Ram Mandir and but the actual numbers will FOR CONGRESS?
Union minister Rajeev Chan- were highly speculative. gopal had triggered a storm small dip. This time it is ex- the fractured Opposition, reveal the extent to which it Political experts believe exit
drasekhar is tipped to defeat Tourism Minister Mo- in Congress by joining BJP pected to get around 16 seats. PERCENTAGE WISE with BSP not part of INDIA. has managed to consolidate polls may be an outcome of
Shashi Tharoor of Congress. hammed Riyas, son-in-law of just ahead of the election, CPI-M is expected to win in 4- The exit polls forecast INDIA, BJP is contesting 75 seats, its position or if the Opposi- caste-based politics in some
As soon as the exit polls Chief Minister Pinarayi Vi- said CPI-M was in league 8 seats and BJP 1-3. comprising Congress and while RLD and SBSP are con- tion can strengthen toehold. seats of east and northwest
Rajasthan where BJP had to

Post-poll tremors in Bengal

face the issue of reservation
Punjab has no
clear ‘winner’
Buoyant Nitish leaves for Delhi raised by the Opposition.
Responding to the exit
polls, Chief Minister Bhajan-
DHEERAJ KUMAR / PATNA tion, NDA bagged 39 of the Reacting sharply, RJD lal Sharma said BJP will win
RAJESH MOUDGIL ARITRA SINGHA / KOLKATA state’s total 40 seats. Deputy leader Tejashwi Yadav said, all the 25 seats in Rajasthan
CHANDIGARH As the countdown for the re- chief minister and BJP lea- “The opposition INDIA bloc for the third time. He said,
Even as the exit polls showed sult for the Lok Sabha der Vijay Kumar Sinha said is winning the election. Peo- “People of the country know
Exit polls have not predicted an upward trend for BJP in election begins, Bihar Chief NDA’s performance would be ple are winning the election. Modiji does whatever he says
any clear win for any of the West Bengal and edge past Minister Nitish Kumar on better than the projected Our alliance will get more and says whatever he does.
political majors in Punjab Trinamool Congress, the Sunday left for Delhi. Hindustani Awam Morcha than 295 seats.” People have this faith. Based
which went to polls on Satur- state is sitting on the edge of When the reporters asked patron and former CM Jitan RJD MP Manoj Jha said on this confidence, I can say
day with a voter turnout of its seat as reports about inci- him about the exit polls pre- Ram Manjhi said, “In INDIA Prime Minister Narendra on June 4, our party will win
62.80 per cent. dents of post-poll violence dicting formation of the meeting on Saturday, it could Modi never discussed em- more than 400 seats.”
Of the total 13 seats, Con- have started pouring in. Narendra Modi government not be decided who should be ployment and socio-economic
gress in 2019 won eight, BJP From fresh tension at for third term, Nitish tersely blamed for the defeat. Yes, it justice but Tejashwi raised CONFIDENT CM
and Shiromani Akali Dal two Sandeshkhali to the killing of replied, “It will be formed.” was definitely decided that by these issues vigorously dur- While former chief minister
each and ruling AAP one. BJP workers in Krishnana- Although sources claimed the afternoon of June 4, lead- ing his election rallies. Ashok Gehlot and said exit
While the survey agencies, gar by alleged TMC goons, the Nitish’s visit to the capital ers of all the parties in the IN- “I and my party have never polls’ are the result of PM’s
the Axis My India and To- stage is set for a bloody script. was due to personal reason, DIA bloc who were dreaming given any importance to the threat. “The PM’s ‘threaten-
day’s Chanakya, predict a Tension erupted in Sand- Security men and locals after a clash at Sandeshkhali during the he is expected to meet top BPJ of victory should administer exit polls. I have seen Tejash- ing rhetoric’ in rallies two
major jump in BJP’s tally — eshkhali after police tried to leaders. He will return to Bi- the oath of Prime Minister- wi’s campaign in Bihar evok- days ago has impacted the
2-4 — an improvement in arrest a BJP worker from his Phase 7 of the Lok Sabha election in North 24 Parganas —PTI
har on Monday. ship to themselves in their ing overwhelming response exit polls’ outcome. We wish
Congress tally is likely. house. The women of the area ing heckled by police. had to seek refuge at the BJP All exit polls’ results have dreams. By the way, Modi ji is from people. The final result in public interest the exit
However, another survey agitated in front of the police At Kaliganj under Krish- district party office. In Ja- predicted 31-34 seats to NDA. coming. Greetings for the vic- will be different. We will win polls’ results are wrong like it
agency, Matrize, predicted a van and dragged the worker nanagar LS constituency, a davpur, a CPI-M supporter In the 2019 Lok Sabha elec- tory in advance.” at least 25 seats in Bihar.” happened in 2004,” he said.
major win for AAP which it from the cops clutches. BJP worker was shot dead was beaten up and spent the

Able administrator, organiser, mass leader

said, could win a maximum Later, police went to the and his headless body was night at the party office.
of 6 seats, SAD 4, Congress 3 house of the saffron camp found. The family of the de- Meanwhile, BJP state pres-
and BJP could get 2 seats. worker and asked him to re- ceased BJP worker alleged ident Sukanta Majumdar
port at the PS. TMC, sensing defeat, killed warns of ‘UP like encounter’
Congress ‘to do The wife of the BJP worker him. BJP Krishnanagar can- in the state after BJP comes GANGTOK: Much waters Parishad and SDF, respective- ed in a corruption case, in switched sides to the SKM,
better’ in Haryana claimed they were being ha-
rassed ‘unnecessarily’.
didate Amrita Roy after visit-
ing the house of the deceased
back to power at the Centre.
“After we get the figures, a
have flown down Teesta and
Rangeet rivers since Prem
ly, registered such landslide
2017, Tamang revamped his
fledgling party, which unseat-
leaving him as the lone repre-
sentative of his party in the
The survey agencies have “My husband, a BJP work- BJP worker said, “It is a UP-like encounter will take Singh Tamang rebelled Tamang, 56, regarded as an ed Chamling from power two assembly.
predicted an improvement in er, was not involved in the ten- sadist attitude. How can place against perpetrators of against then Sikkim chief able organiser, ad- years later, win- Tamang, on the other hand,
Congress tally in Haryana, sion and clashes that took someone run away with the violence. Our target is 30 minister Pawan Kumar ministrator and ning 17 seats. Tho- went on to further conso-
where all the 10 seats were place during the polls on June head of a human being?” seats from Bengal. We will Chamling and formed his fiery politician, ugh SDF had won lidate his power and expand
bagged by ruling BJP in 2019. 1. But the police are still ha- In Kolkata (Uttar) few reach it,” said Majumdar. own party, Sikkim Krantikari rode on a slew of 15 seats, two party his party base and support, fo-
Most exit polls held though rassing us,” she said. polling agents of candidate TMC spokesperson Shan- Morcha, in 2013. development and MLAs won two cusing on welfare schemes
BJP was ahead, it would not The women in the village Tapas Roy were beaten up in tanu Sen said, “We don’t be- Fifteen years after quitting welfare measures, seats each and had targeted at women and weak-
have a clean sweep. Congress alleged just because they are Beliaghata and in Tangra lieve in exit polls but believe Sikkim Democratic Front in besides his person- to quit one seat er sections and implementing
performance will improve. BJP supporters, they are be- some saffron camp workers in people’s polls.” 2009, he decimated Cham- al charisma, to each, effectively development work with gen-
ling’s party, scripting history massively increase putting the party’s erous funding from the Cen-
by winning 31 of 32 assembly his party’s seats and vote strength at 13 in the assembly. tre as he stitched an alliance

Chamling out of assembly after 40 years seats in the Himalayan state

in 2024. Only twice before, in
1989 and 2009, had political
parties, Sikkim Sangram
After having walked out of
prison, where he was lodged
for a year after being convict-
Chamling suffered mass
desertions of his MLAs, as 10
legislators joined the BJP,
while the remaining two
with the BJP. The coalition,
however, collapsed ahead of
2024 assembly poll over the
seat-sharing issue. —PTI
AGENCIES / GANGTOK the 2019 assembly election, further boost in 1989 when he
when Sikkim Krantikari was made the Industries, In-
For the first time in nearly 40
years, five-term former chief
minister Pawan Kumar
Morcha ended Chamling’s 25-
year rule.
Before his drastic fall,
formation and Public Rela-
tions Minister by Bhandari
after he was elected for a sec-
Music & sports lover
who brought BJP to
Chamling will not be seen in- Chamling seamlessly led ond term from Damthang.
side Sikkim Assembly after a Sikkim as its chief minister However, the bonhomie be-
crushing defeat at the hands for nearly a quarter of a cen- tween the two leaders did not

power in Arunachal
of protégé-turned-archrival tury, eclipsing the 23-year last long as Chamling ques-
Prem Singh Tamang’s SKM. tenure of the late Jyoti Basu, tioned the leadership style of
Not only did his Sikkim who was the CM of West Ben- Bhandari and in turn, got
Democratic Front lose 31 of gal from 1977 to 2000. sacked from SSP in 1992.
the 32 assembly seats it con- In 1985, Chamling won his By then, Chamling had AGENCIES / ITANAGAR
tested in the poll, but even the astating for hardcore SDF maiden assembly election found his mooring in the state
73-year-old politician could supporters, the fall of Cham- from Damthang constituency politics and was looking for- Pema Khandu, a sports en-
not win either of the seats, ling, once a powerful regional in his home district of South ward to making an identity of thusiast and music aficiona-
Namcheybung and Poklok- satrap who thrived on sub-na- Sikkim on the ticket of his own. He was probably the do, has emerged as a tall
Kamrang, he fought, a result tionalism, had begun five Sikkim Sangram Parishad only chief minister who had leader in Arunachal Pradesh
few could have predicted. years ago. led by then chief minister seen six prime ministers over the years, especially
Although the outcome of SDF suffered a massive de- Nar Bahadur Bhandari. from the late P V Narasimha EVMs and other election material being brought to Keylong from after a constitutional crisis in
the assembly poll may be dev- sertion of 12 MLAs soon after His political journey got a Rao to Narendra Modi. Kaza in Himachal’s Lahaul & Spiti on Sunday —PTI 2016 that led to the imposition
of the President’s rule.


Khandu was regarded as a
strategist who, through polit-
ical manoeuvring, brought
BJP to power for the first time that led to the imposition of
in the northeastern state bor- the President’s rule.
BISWAJEET BANERJEE ing small caste-based parties versus who?” This narrative the BJP’s campaign centred displayed a miniature copy of party at the national level. dering China. When the central rule was
LUCKNOW like Suheldev Bharatiya resonated with the electorate. on the vision of a “Viksit the Constitution at rallies in “The strategy for both BJP BJP on Sunday returned to lifted, he became a minister
Samaj Party of Om Prakash During my coverage, 90 per Bharat” (Developed India) by UP, while Akhilesh Yadav and INDIA was clear. If BJP power in Arunachal for the in the Kalikho Pul-led gov-
Often deemed a crucial battle- Rajbhar, Rashtriya Lok Dal of cent of people this correspon- 2047, the Opposition focuses centred his campaign around wants to secure victory or third time in a row, as the par- ernment, supported by BJP.
ground for political parties, Jayant Chaudhry, and dent spoke to voiced concerns on immediate concerns like “vote for INDIA bloc to save even maintain its tally, it must ty won 46 seats in the 60-mem- However, this government
Uttar Pradesh remains cen- NISHAD party of Sanjay about unemployment, infla- unemployment and rising the Constitution.” continue to expand or at least ber assembly. was short-lived. The Supreme
tral to politics, encapsulated Nishad under the National tion and farm distress. How- prices, highlighting the de- This issue resonated with retain its social base of upper Khandu’'s political odyssey Court’s intervention restored
by the old saying, “The road Democratic Alliance umbrel- ever, a majority concluded cline in government job op- the masses. Modi and Amit castes, backward castes other began amid a personal tra- Tuki, who soon resigned, and
to Delhi passes through Luc- la. Their campaign is inter- their conversations with a re- portunities and questioning Shah attempted to dispel the than Yadavs and Dalits. On gedy. The untimely demise of at just 37, Khandu became the
know.” As the largest state, twined with themes of religi- signed yet resolute endorse- schemes such as Agniveer, fear, stating no one can alter the other hand, for the Oppo- his father, former chief min- chief minister in July 2016.
electing 80 members of Par- on, nationalism, governance, ment: “Aayega toh the controversial the Constitution. However, sition to make any significant ister Dorjee Khandu, in a hel- Since then, Khandu and
liament, it significantly influ- and a well-oiled organisation- Modi hi” (Ultimately, FPJ POLL new recruitment the fear had already taken impact, it needs to attract a icopter crash in 2011, thrust his government have twice
ences the outcome. The al machinery on the ground. Modi will return). POSTMORTEM process for the root among some segments of substantial portion of BJP’s him under the spotlight. changed their party affilia-
essence of the electoral battle Conversely, the Opposition, Modi’s enduring armed forces. the electorate. To counter supporters,” said Nomita P Importantly, he joined Con- tion in quick succession —
lies in how effectively parties though fragmented, focuses popularity poses a significant BJP’'s electoral strategy re- this, BJP used religion to Kumar of the Giri Institute of gress in 2000 and held various from Congress to People’s
address key issues such as re- its campaign on pressing is- challenge for the Opposition. volved around the slogan “Ab blunt Opposition barbs. Modi Development Studies. positions, it was not until he Party of Arunachal in Sep-
ligion, caste, social welfare, sues such as economic anxi- BJP capitalised on this, ki baar 400 paar”. This decla- accused Congress of wanting She noted the result will won a by-election uncontest- tember 2016 and then to BJP
and governance, which ety, anti-incumbency and con- branding every promise un- ration led to speculation to redistribute wealth and not only shape the future of ed from his father’s con- in December, the same year.
deeply resonate with voters. cerns about the potential ero- der the banner of “Modi ki about potential constitutional reservation benefits from UP but have profound impli- stituency Mukto, he truly be- Just three months into his
The political landscape in sion of democratic founda- Guarantee” (Modi’s Guaran- changes, particularly regard- backward castes to Muslims, cations for the national poli- gan to carve out his political term, 43 ruling Congress
UP presents a stark contrast tions under the prolonged tee). Despite Modi’s personal ing reservations. The opposi- reigniting old polarising nar- tics. The new government path. Khandu’s rise was swift. MLAs defected to PPA, a BJP
between ruling BJP and the BJP rule. Samajwadi Party popularity, a decade in power tion seized this opportunity, ratives. will face the monumental Serving initially as the ally. A history graduate from
Opposition. BJP, led by Prime and Congress remained the has rendered local BJP repre- alleging BJP aimed to funda- The battle between con- task of addressing major is- tourism minister in Nabam Delhi’s Hindu College, Khan-
Minister Narendra Modi, is main coalition partners. sentatives vulnerable to anti- mentally alter the Constitu- trasting narratives is critical, sues such as unemployment, Tuki’s Congress government, du is a member of the Monpa
vying for a third consecutive As the campaign pro- incumbency sentiments. tion and eliminate reserva- especially in UP, because a economic distress and social his leadership trajectory tribe, which predominantly
term, leveraging a robust so- gressed, BJP strategically Economic anxiety res- tion benefits. Congress leader massive success here would welfare that dominate the soared following a constitu- inhabits Tawang and parts of
cial coalition by incorporat- posed the question, “Modi onates across the state. While Rahul Gandhi prominently ensure a bigger lead for the concerns of the electorate. tional crisis in January 2016 West Kameng.
IMFL worth `10.10 lakh seized from tempo in Palghar
Palghar: The district rural police seized Indian inspector Vijay Mutadak of the Talasari police
made foreign liquor (IMFL) worth Rs10.10 lakh station said on Sunday. A case under the
from a tempo in Palghar district. Based on a Maharashtra Prohibition Act was registered
tip-off, the police intercepted a tempo at Udhva against the tempo driver, and no one has been
MUMBAI | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024 in Talasari taluka on Saturday evening, arrested, the official said.

Parties keep their fingers crossed Police nab 5th suspect

day: Traffic
on WEH With the exit polls pointing to a third term for the NDA, leaders of both the Mahayuti and
from Haryana in plot
Maha Vikas Aghadi claim that they are on course to win more seats than predicted
KALPESH MHAMUNKAR/ said, “People have rejected
to harm Salman Khan
In preparation of the vote MUMBAI the false propaganda against ANKIT SALVI / THANE rested after Deputy Commis-
counting day on Tuesday, the Modi. Opposition parties sioner of Police (Zone 11), Pan-
Mumbai Traffic Police on Both the Mahayuti and Maha termed exit poll false when it Panvel police arrested a man vel, Vivek Pansare, sought the
Sunday announced traffic re- Vikas Aghadi (MVA) al- goes against them.” from Haryana in connection help of Bhiwani Superinten-
strictions on the Western Ex- liances have claimed that Former chief Minister of with a plot to attack actor dent of Police Varun Singhala
press Highway (WEH). As the they will win more seats than Maharashtra Prithviraj Cha- Salman Khan, taking the and a Crime Branch team
vote counting centre set up at the ext poll predictions. Exit van claimed that MVA will number of people held in the from Navi Mumbai left for the
Veterinary College and polls predicted 350-380 seats win 32 seats and Independent case to five, an official northern state.
NESCO Exhibition Centre, to NDA and 150-180 seats to candidates will also support said on Sunday. Gogalia was pro-
located at Goregaon East on INDIA bloc. Various exit MVA. The exit poll predic- He is allegedly a duced before a magis-
the WEH, all private buses polls also predicted that BJP- tions are not always right, he member of the trate in Bhiwani on
and heavy vehicles will be led Mahayuti will get 22-35 said. Lawrence Bishnoi Sunday, who granted
banned on Shankarwadi seats, while MVA 15-26 seats Union minister Ramdas and Goldie Brar Navi Mumbai police
near Jogeshwari to Dahisar in Maharashtra. Athawale on Sunday said the gangs, the official transit remand till
Check Naka on June 4 from 6 Vijay Vaddetiwar, Opposi- ruling National Democratic said. June 5, the release
am to 7 pm. tion leader in State assembly, Alliance (NDA) will get more The police had ar- said, adding he was
According to Deputy Com- said, “If you go on the road number of Lok Sabha seats rested four people af- Deepak Gogliya being brought to Pan-
missioner of Police Mitesh and ask ten people about the than predicted by the exit ter getting a tip-off in vel.
Ghatte, Traffic (western sub- poll results, eight people will Strict surveillance is being kept on the strong room at Sewri –VIJAY GOHIL polls. September-October last year On Saturday, Pansare had
urbs), the move is necessary say INDIA. During West Ben- Addressing a press confer- about a conspiracy to harm told journalists that Panvel po-
for all the ballot boxes to gal elections, BJP declared The Shiv Sena will If you go on the road and In Maharashtra, the ence in Mumbai, Athawale the actor. The investigation in- lice station senior inspector
reach the counting centre more than 170 seats but they maintain its 2019 ask ten people about the ruling Mahayuti win expressed confidence that cluded infiltrating social me- Nitin Thackeray got inputs in
without any hindrance. had won only 70 seats. Every- tally of 18 seats and the poll results, eight people will will 35 to 40 seats (out of 48), the BJP-led NDA will get dia groups of the Lawrence September-October last year
Essential services provid- one knows that exist polls are Congress say INDIA. During and in the more than 400 seats in the Bishnoi gang, the police said. about a conspiracy to harm
ing vehicles such as vegeta- never perfect. You will see and NCP will West Bengal country, the NDA 543-member Lok Sabha. In an official release, the po- the actor.
bles, milk, bakery products, the government will change also do well. elections, BJP will get more “In Maharashtra, the rul- lice said Deepak Hawasingh Their investigation found
drinking water, petroleum on June 4.” Supriya Sule declared more than than 400 seats. ing Mahayuti win will 35 to Gogalia alias Jonny Valmiki, that four gang members had
products, ambulances, gov- Shiv Sena (UBT) leader will win in 170 seats but they Last year, the BJP 40 seats (out of 48), and in 30, was arrested from Bhiwani recced Salman Khan’s farm-
ernment and semi-govern- Sanjay Raut on Sunday Baramati by had won only 70 got more success the country, the NDA will in Haryana on Saturday. house in Panvel, the area
ment vehicles and school bus- called the exit polls a “corpo- more than seats. Everyone than what the get more than 400 seats,” It said Gogalia had made ac- around his home at Bandra,
es will be exempted from the rate game”. “The INDIA 1.5 lakh know that exist exit polls said the Republican Party commodation arrangements and places he visited for film
above-said restrictions. block is going to form the votes and the Congress polls are never perfect. You predicted in the assembly of India (A) chief, whose for the other accused as well as shooting, the DCP had said.
government by winning 295- will deliver its best will see government will elections to Rajasthan, MP party is a constituent of the provided logistical and vehicle In April, a case was regis-
310 seats. In Maharashtra, we performance change on June 4 and Chhattisgarh NDA. support. Gogalia was in touch tered a case against 17 people,

Cinemas to are going to win 35+ seats,”

Raut said.
–Sanjay Raut,
Sena MP
–Vijay Vaddetiwar,
Oppn leader in State assembly
–Ramdas Athawale,
Union minister
Athawale said the Con-
gress-led opposition tried to
with the other accused including Lawrence Bishnoi
through video calls, it added. and his younger brother An-

livestream “It is not the sample sur-

vey, we have taken views of dercurrent," he said. will also do well. (NCP(SP) the Congress will deliver its
create confusion among Dal-
its by saying the Constitution
The release said he was ar- mol Bishnoi, he had said.

poll results Mumbai blasts convict

people. We don't require exit “The Shiv Sena will main- Lok Sabha member) Supriya best performance,” Raut will be changed, but the NDA
polls, we are working on the tain its 2019 tally of 18 seats Sule will win in Baramati by added. has been able to clear the air
field. We understand the un- and the Congress and NCP more than 1.5 lakh votes and Nitesh Rane, BJP MLA, among people.

killed in prison attack


In a unique initiative to en-

gage citizens in the electoral
process, cinemas in Maha-
rashtra will be screening live
Release of Gawli: SC to hear state’s plea today
FPJ NEWS SERVICE the premature release of The state government, the benefit of prisoners who
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI and smashed Khan’s head,
following which he collapsed
results of the 2024 Lok Sabha NEW DELHI Gawli, who was also however, has opposed his plea were of advanced age and A convict in the 1993 Mumbai on the ground. He was rushed
election on Tuesday. convicted under the provi- before the high court for pre- physically weak, and the 2010 serial bomb blasts case was to hospital where he was de-
The initiative will be ex- The Supreme Court is sched- sions of the Maharashtra mature release, saying re- guidelines would not apply at fatally attacked by five in- clared dead,” an official said.
tended to major cities such as uled to hear on Monday a plea Control of Organised Crime vised guidelines dated March all. mates in Kalamba Central The attackers were identi-
Mumbai, Pune, Nashik and of the state government chal- Act (MCOCA). 18, 2010, for premature re- "In view of the above dis- Jail in Kolhapur on Sunday, fied as Prateek alias Pilya
Nagpur, where numerous lenging a Bombay High Court On April 5, the Nagpur lease, contemplates that there cussion, we hold that the peti- police said. Suresh Patil, Deepak Netaji
cinemas will broadcast the order which paved the way bench of the Bombay High shall be no premature release tioner is entitled to the bene- Prima facie, an argument Khot, Sandeep Shankar Cha-
results on the big screens. for the premature release of Court had allowed the plea of of a convict of organised fits flowing from the remis- with other inmates over tak- van, Rituraj Vinayak Inam-
MovieMax chain in Sion gangster-turned-politician Gawli in which he had sought crime unless he undergoes 40 sion policy dated January 10, ing a bath in the bathroom dar and Saurabh Vikas.
will be one of the prominent Arun Gawli, who is serving his premature release on ac- application for premature re- years of actual imprison- 2006, which was prevailing on area of the jail resulted in the Kolhapur Police has filed a
locations to screen the entire life imprisonment for the 2007 count of the remission policy lease by the state authorities ment. the date of his conviction. We attack on 59-year-old Munna case of murder against the
vote-counting process. As murder case of Shiv Sena cor- on January 10, 2006, which is unjust, arbitrary and is li- The high court rejected the also hold that by applying the alias Mohammad Ali Khan five men. They will be arrest-
votes are counted across the porator Kamlakar Jam- was prevailing on the date of able to be set aside. submission of the state gov- rule of ejusdem generis, con- alias Manoj Kumar Bhawar- ed soon, the official added.
country, citizens will tune sandekar. his conviction on August 31, Gawli has contended that ernment, terming it as "total- victs of MCOC Act cannot be lal Gupta. Khan was serving Gupta was sentenced to
into their television screens A vacation bench of Jus- 2012. he has completed 65 years of ly misconceived" and said the excluded from availing the life imprisonment in the seri- life imprisonment with a fine
to watch news channels offer- tices Aravind Kumar and Gawli has claimed to have age and has been certified as revised guidelines of 2010 benefits of the said policy. al blasts case. of Rs2.75 lakh. The prosecu-
ing predictions and analysis. Sandeep Mehta will hear the complied with all the condi- weak by the Medical Board were general in nature. Writ Petition is accordingly “Amid the argument, some tion said he was a close asso-
According to Paytm, vari- plea of the state government tions of the 2006 policy. making him eligible for avail- It had said the 2006 policy allowed," the high court had undertrial inmates removed ciate of Tiger Memon, a key
in which they had opposed He said the rejection of his ing the benefit of the policy. was specifically framed for ordered. the iron cover from drainage conspirator.
M5 (Kalyan)
Eternity Mall (Thane, Gaothans observe ‘Cross Feasts’ to most all exit polls are confi-
dently predicting the return
making preparations in
earnest. They have already

of the BJP, most received orders for pedas

commemorate village crucifixes

Kanjurmarg) Mumbaikars are not popping from Mahayuti
Wonder Mall (Thane, the bubbly yet because in the ‘karyakartas’. In contrast,
Mira Road) past exit pollsters have in- Maha Vikas Aghadi workers
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI have been lost due to road- deed gone wrong. They are appear to be adopting a wait-
MovieMax chain (Sion)
ous cinemas in the region, in- Mumbai’s Gaothans, settle-
widening and other projects.
Some were marked as ‘illegal’ The sweet waiting for the results to be
officially declared on Tues-
and-watch attitude. They will
place orders on Tuesday
cluding SM5 Kalyan,
Eternity Mall Thane, Kanjur-
ments that predate the estab-
lishment of the city, celebrat-
by the BMC. Gleason Barretto
of MGP said that the crosses taste of victory day.
But sweet shop owners
morning after watching the
news channels. Interestingly
marg, Wonder Mall Thane,
Mira Road, and MovieMax
chain in Sion will take part in
ed the ‘annual cross feast’ on
June 1 to commemorate cru-
cifixes that dot the villages.
needed to be protected as they
are part of the cultural and
historical heritage of the city.
T he tension is truly killing.
Anxiety levels in the city
are peaking. Even though al-
across the metropolis appear
to have immense faith in the
exit polls. They have started
it is not only pedas that will
be on demand but also
samosas, vada paavs, etc.
the initiative. Holy crosses are a common “The tradition of commu-
The livestream will start at feature in East Indian locali- nity holy crosses was
9am and continue for six
hours. Ticket prices will
ties in Mumbai, Thane, Vasai
and Raigad. East Indians
initiated even before the BMC
existed. The authorities need
range from Rs99 to Rs 300. trace their origins to religious to respect the religious senti-
In Pune, MovieMax conversions of local castes ments and ancestral tradi-
Amanora will screen the re- such as Agris, Kolis, Bhan- tions of the sons-of-soil East
sults. People in Nashik can daris, and other groups, to Ro- Indian Community. Various
watch the vote count at The man Catholicism by Por- initiatives are being set-up by
Zone on College Road, while tuguese missionaries in the a century ago to ward off the had declared May 31 as Holy like minded associations to
those in Nagpur can view the 16th and 17th centuries. plague. The commemoration Cross Day in 2013. protect and restore our tradi-
results at MovieMax Eternity Community members includes the rosary in the Apart from praying for the tional community holy cross-
Nagar. gather to recite the rosary in East Indian dialect of local community, the partici- es,” said Barretto.
The primary objective of October and May to com- Marathi. Devotees are served pants observe rituals for a “The gaothan holy crosses
this initiative is to make the memorate the crosses, but boiled grams and soft drinks good rainy season. On Satur- are symbols of faith and have
election results more engag- May 31 is especially celebrat- after the prayers as part of day, the event was celebrated saved the indigenous people
ing by doing away with tradi- ed as it is designated as Cross the celebration. The Mobai at 36 gaothans, including Pali from disease and famine. We
tional viewing methods and Feast Day. Many of the cruci- Gaothan Panchayat (MGP), and Chuim in Bandra, Madh pray that the authorities re-
creating a community-based fixes are centuries-old, but the main representative or- and Malwani in Malad. alise the importance of these
experience. some were erected more than ganisation of East Indians, Many of the crucifixes holy crosses.”

‘You are entitled to give flat to any or all of your kids’

Act, an associate member can seven members. Does this the membership of the socie- general meetings, minutes of
be any member of the family exclusion have a negative ty. Though your membership committee meetings, etc, can
whose name does not stand in impact on our membership, can be substantiated by the be inspected free of cost by
the share certificate. when the society goes in for other documents on record, it any member in the society’s
Associate membership is redevelopment? is advisable not to take a office during office hours.
HOUSING SOCIETY coterminous with the — Sudhir Joshi, Mulund chance and set the house in You can make a written re-

original membership. In the A share certificate is an evi- order. All the seven members quest to the society giving the Young cricketers take rest in the shade of a bus stop at Churchgate during the hot afternoon on Sunday
event of death, resignation, dence of being a member of should make applications to list of documents you need. – VIJAY GOHIL
or expulsion of a member, the the society. Your society has the society/ general body to You are required to pay to the
associate membership also issued the share certificates include their names in Form I society the prescribed fees for

I A taste of Bangalore Kudos to railway

own a 2BHK flat in And- comes to an end. With only after complying and J. In case no action is tak- obtaining the documents. The
heri. I have a son and two the prior permission with the formalities en you have to file a complaint society should furnish a copy
daughters – all married.
My son and his wife and
of the member cer-
tain rights like
like procuring a
copy of the regis-
with the registrar requesting
him to issue direction to the
of the required documents
within 45 days from date of T he latest addition to Mumbai's
gastronomic map is ‘Benne’ on 16th Road,
engineers, workers
children stay with me. My
son is also an associate
member of my flat. Now I
voting, contesting
the election, etc,
are available to
tered sale agree-
ment, application
for membership,
society to do the needful.

Can the secretary / manag-

the payment of such fees.
Please refer to Bye-Law 171
to know the fees payable to
Bandra (West). It was opened by a duo who mi-
grated to Mumbai from Bengaluru. They were
missing the vegetarian fare available back
T he mega blocks on Central Railway im-
posed for carrying out platform extension
work at CST and Thane and the simultaneous
want to make a will. Is my the associate share application ing committee refuse or de- the society for supply of home, so they opened a small outlet to feed re-alignment of the tracks caused a lot of in-
right to make a will of my member. However, fee, and admission lay any document/s request- copies of various documents themselves and fellow Mumbaikars. convenience to lakhs of commuters. But they
choice affected in any way he does not become fee, from the appli- ed in writing by a member? to members. Any delay in pro- Benne in Kannada means butter. Some of overcame difficulties in the true spirit of
because of my son being an the owner of your Sharmila Ranade cant and pursuant to Where can I file a complaint viding the documents will our local restaurants like Ramashray in Mumbai. The railway engineers and maz-
associate member of the flat. Your children the approval by the in case of refusal or delay? amount to non-compliance of Matunga serve benne dosa but apparently it is doors carried out the mega work with clinical
flat? Can I make a will say- will not be able to sell the flat general body. A resolution to — MY Patel, Santacruz the provisions of the Act. As not the same as what is available in the Kar- precision and within a short deadline. Hun-
ing that on my death the flat unless it is transferred in accept the membership and No, the secretary or the man- per Bye-Law 174(A) you may nataka capital. It is made of more watery bat- dreds of workers could seen working like ants
should be sold and whatever their name/s as stated in the issue a share certificate is aging committee cannot re- file a complaint with the reg- ter and contains puffed rice. with quiet efficiency. Drone shots of the work
money received be shared will. They need to be the own- mandatory. fuse to give the documents istrar in case of refusal or de- Benne claims it uses ‘IR 8 dosa rice, poha, made one proud of them. With more and
equally between my three ers of the flat to be able to sell Pursuant to the issuance of pertaining to the society to lay in getting the required fenugreek and chana dal’. The rice is a special more residential buildings coming up in the
children? or otherwise deal with the the share certificate, it is the any member. In accordance documents from the society. variety. Other items on the menu includes akki distant suburbs, the load on both Central and
— Hariprasad Chaubey, said flat. responsibility of the manag- with Section 154B-8 of the roti, podi plain dosa, podi masala dosa, idli, Western Railways is increasing by the day.
Andheri ing committee to update MCS Act, documents such as The questions are medu vada, Mysore pak and a variety of chut- But the state government doesn’t appear to
You are entitled to make a will The names of all seven mem- Form I (register of members) copy of the MCS Act, rules answered by Sharmila neys. Also on offer are filter coffee, Horlicks have a plan to ease the burgeoning burden on
giving your flat to any or all bers of the new wing con- and J (list of members). The and the bye laws, the last au- Ranade, a legal expert and Bournvita! our local trains.
the three children irrespec- structed subsequently are register of members is con- dited balance sheet, the profit associated with Mumbai

Tailpiece A
tive of the fact that your son is not included in Form I and J sidered as the prima facie ev- and loss account, list of mem- Grahak Panchayat. The social media message read ‘Bharatiya Janata will Party on Tues-
an associate member. As per even though the share cer- idence of the date on which bers of the committee, regis- questions, in brief, may be day’! (Compiled by S Balakrishnan)
Section 154B-2 of the MCS tificates are issued to all any person was admitted to ter of members, minutes of sent to [email protected]
In a first, peacock royal butterfly spotted in Pench Tiger Reserve
Nagpur: The Pench Tiger Reserve recently documented
the first photographic record of the ‘peacock royal’, also
called the Tajuria cippus, a lycaenid butterfly widely
distributed across Asia. Wildlife conservationist Mandar
Pingle said that four to five specimens of the Tajuria
cippus were sighted on a ficus species tree at Mama
Tower, located at an elevation of 438 metres above sea
level, at 4pm on May 23.

Mahadev players plan big Ordeal of commuters over

Worli route shut
till Nov for
Coastal Rd work as marathon block ends
move from UAE to Sri Lanka
They are forced to take the betting empire to the island nation as

Worli’s Khan Abdul Gaffar

Khan Marg on the north-
bound lane will remain
closed till November, an-
The mega block, which started from Thursday midnight, was
undertaken to facilitate widening of platforms at Thane, CSMT
the nitty-gritty of UAE operations stand exposed, says ED probe nounced the Mumbai traffic
police, citing the ongoing The marathon mega block –
ASHISH SINGH / MUMBAI subsidiary, was identified as a Coastal Road work. The said which started on Thursday
REASONS BEHIND RELOCATION prominent sponsor in the road goes towards Prabhade- midnight, upending the travel
The masterminds behind the Lanka Premier League (LPL) vi in Dadar from Worli. It plans of lakhs of commuters –
Mahadev Online Book 2023. According to officials, starts from Bindu Madhav finally ended on Sunday
empire are planning a strate-
gic relocation of operations
1 Red
issuance made Mahadev 5 explore the possibilities of
Corner notice The visit was meant to
Saurabh Chandrakar and Da-
wood Ibrahim's brother Mus-
Thackeray Junction to JK
Kapoor Junction, which was
ahead of schedule, said the
Central Railway. The respec-
key players target of shifting the headquarters,
from Dubai to Sri Lanka, re- taqueem Kaskar serve as pro- shut on Saturday till Novem- tive blocks of 63 hours and 36
global law agencies staff from Dubai
vealed the Enforcement Di- moters of the betting app. ber 30, according to the police hours at Thane and CSMT –
rectorate (ED) investigation. During the LPL 2023, Khelo- notification. meant to facilitate widening
The reason behind the move
could be that the nitty-gritty
2 They even tried to
relocate their empire to
faced yar's promotion was visible
from the field to the boundary
According to the traffic po-
lice, while the route will be
of platforms – led to cancella-
tion of 930 local services and
Caribbean, African resistance
of the UAE operations has from local ropes, team jerseys to players' closed, vehicular traffic, several express trains.
been laid bare due to the on- betting helmets. The betting app also heading north from Bindu During the period, the CR
going probe, putting the app sponsored a team, the 'Colom- Madhav Thackeray Junction completed the mammoth task
operators on the target of 3 Nitish Diwan, a key
figure, confirmed
bo Strikers.' Furthermore, will be diverted and permit- of commissioning of elec-
global law agencies. Investi-
gation, so far, has unearthed
the relocation the second team, 'Damula
Aura,' also featured Kheloyar
ted to travel only towards the
Worli-Bandra Sea Link.
tronic interlocking at CSMT
for extension of platforms 10
plan during
details encompassing the en-
tire betting empire, including
interrogation as a sponsor on their jerseys.
Notably, several Pakistani
The alternate route provid-
ed by the traffic police is: Ve-
and 11 and widening of plat-
forms 5 and 6 at the Thane 15 Senior section
10 contractors 5 Excavators
the intricacies of Mahadev's cricketers were part of differ- hicles moving from Mela station. The CSMT platforms
Dubai-based headquarters,
subsidiary app operations,
4 He said
that he had ent teams in the LPL. During
the matches, an advertise-
Junction to Khan Abdul Gaf-
far Khan flyover – to Worli
have been extended by 385
meters, increasing the total
400 Labourers 2 concrete
pumps 32 Tank
travelled to
UAE-based shell firms, com-
plex web of Dubai hawala
last year
ment for Tiger-Exchange, an-
other Mahadev subsidiary,
Naka, proceeding towards
Podar Junction to the desired
length to 690 meters. They can
now accommodate passenger 20 Team of
workers 4 Locomotives
transactions and associated was prominently displayed destination. The second route trains of 24 coaches. A block
entities. According to reliable on the boundaries. is from Bindu Madhav of 36 hours, starting from A team of 250 staff oversaw four locomotives. The work
sources, many associates of came the target of interna- However, the plans encoun- Sources indicate that for Thackeray Junction, mo- 12.30am of June 1, was under- the arduous job. The widen- was overseen by 15 senior sec-
Mahadev promoters have vis- tional law enforcement. Sub- tered a roadblock in Zimbab- the past year-and-a-half, Ma- torists can take a right turn taken on the CSMT-Byculla ing of Thane platforms 5 and tion engineers, while 20
ited Sri Lanka in recent sequently, they attempted to we as the local betting mafia hadev's promoters have al- towards Flora Foundation, main line and CSMT-Vadala 6 was comparatively tough as teams of around 400 labour-
months. relocate their business em- and the Russian syndicate, legedly been actively working going towards Sir Pochkhan- Road harbour section. they are one of the busiest ers managed by 10 contrac-
The ED stumbled upon the pire to Caribbean and African which operates worldwide, on establishing a new hub in wala Marg, to the JK Kapoor The work done during this platforms handling more tors worked round-the-clock
relocation plan when it found countries. Nitish Diwan, a did not allow them to estab- Sri Lanka. Under the Junction. period involved assembling, than 300 suburban as well as to meet the deadline.
the footprint of Mahadev app key figure and arrested ac- lish their betting empire. pretense of legitimate invest- The right turn from Bindu laying and dismantling of mail/express trains, the CR Anticipating the inconven-
promoters in Sri Lanka. The cused, disclosed during his However, the agency is uncer- ment, they have channelled Madhav Thackeray Junction turnouts, erection of over- said. Widening by 2-3 meters ience to commuters, the CR
app operators might have interrogation during his visit tain whether this indicates a substantial funds into the to Flora Fountain, moving to- head equipment portals, in- for the entire length of 587 had set up help desks at vari-
chosen the island nation due to Dubai last year, he traveled mere shift of the betting busi- country's real estate market wards the Podar Junction, cluding erection of two spe- meters was done by place- ous stations to provide assis-
to its financial turmoil and to Zimbabwe along with an ness module to the island na- and various other businesses. and reaching JK Kapoor cial portals of 53 meters cov- ment of 785 precast hollow tance. To fill in the vacuum,
political challenges, especial- associate of Subham Soni, tion or the promoters also The aim is to secure valuable Junction to the desired desti- ering all 10 lines; a first for In- blocks; another first for plat- BEST ran 486 additional bus-
ly widespread corruption. one of the app's masterminds. plan to relocate there. assets and lay the ground- nation, is another route pro- dian Railways. In addition to form construction. The es, while additional forces of
During the ED investigation, The visit was meant to ex- The ED discovered the in- work for the betting empire. vided as an alternative to the lengthening of platforms, heavy-duty task was per- Railway Protection Force per-
it was revealed that following plore the possibilities of shift- volvement of Mahadev app Allegedly, the promoters are motorists. wiring of points, signals, DC formed with the help of two sonnel and ticket checkers
the issuance of the Red Cor- ing the headquarters and promoters in Sri Lanka last funding this expansion in a The second phase of the track circuits and other tech- concrete pumps, five were deployed to ensure prop-
ner notice against the Ma- staff of Mahadev Online year when the Pakistan-based manner akin to a corporate Coastal Road will be opened nical works were also carried Poclains, a roller and a ballast er communication with the
hadev key players, they be- from Dubai to Zimbabwe. Kheloyar app, a Mahadev enterprise. on June 10. out. train, 32 tank wagons and commuters.

‘The TB phase CATCH THE WAVE Cop gets leg massage during
redefined my life' ‘nakabandi’; video goes viral
Those who shared the video on social media said it was from a
FACE TO FACE numb, but my mother, who
herself had been through a police check in Kalyani Nagar, the site of May 19 Porsche crash
life threatening disease and

hen physical health had come out stronger, never AGENCIES / PUNE “Sub Inspector Gorade, 57, of
deteriorates, your gave up. She made sure that The traffic cop can be Yerwada Traffic Division was
body demands you her daughter too gracefully A video showing a traffic po- seen sitting on a chair [deployed] for drunk and
be emotionally stronger to crossed over to the other side liceman getting a leg massage drive at Adlabs Chowk,
face and fight the disease. and emerged stronger. from an unidentified man in while the youth Kalyaninagar.”The DCP said
Akshata Acharya, a “One minute at a time” is Pune went viral on social me- massages his leg due to continuous day-and-
survivor of Multidrug-resis- what she kept telling me dia, though a senior official night duty for two days,
tant tuberculosis – a type of whenever I was at the on Sunday said it was due to professionals were killed in Gorade’s blood sugar levels
TB that is observed in only precipice of a breakdown and the personnel’s medical con- the accident, which has touched 550 (mg/dl or mil-
two of five people and is con- I guess that mantra worked dition. In the video, the traffic sparked nationwide outrage ligrams per decilitre), follow-
sidered by WHO as a “health beautifully. policeman can be seen sitting due to means deployed to get ing which he had cramps in
security threat” – spoke to on a chair while the youth the accused off the hook, in- his legs.
Swarna Srikanth after pen- What inspired you to write a massages his leg. cluding switching his blood “Hence, he sat down sud-
ning down her experiences of book encapsulating your ex- Those who shared the samples taken for tests to de- denly on the ground. The per-
combatting MDR-TB in her periences? video on social media said it termine alcohol consump- son in the footage helped to
book Eclipsed. I was feeling unsettled and was from a nakabandi (police tion. release cramps in the leg.
therefore, to articulate and check) in Kalyani Nagar, the Clarifying on the viral Still, we are verifying facts
What was the toughest part untangle my thoughts, I start- site of the May 19 Porsche video, Deputy Commissioner and [will] take necessary ac-
of the whole ed journaling. I crash involving an allegedly of Police (Traffic) Rohidas tion,” the DCP added in the
phase – diag- kept making As monsoon nears, tetrapods are being placed at Marine Drive to tame high tide waves — SALMAN ANSARI drunk minor driver. Two IT Pawar, in a message, said, message.
nosis or bat- notes about
tling the dis- everything I
Getting those
witnessed dur-
ing this phase ‘Bldr used MLA car sticker to ferry cash’ Posing as army personnel,
2 dupe printing shop owner
reports in as it helped me
hand and declutter. The
learning the random pages Acting on a whistleblower’s complaint, poll body files case against Ghatkopar
fact that I have of my diary developer, his sons, nephew; they have secured anticipatory bail, confirm cops ANKIT SALVI / MUMBAI son, who introduced himself
multidrug-re- started taking as Major Kuldeep Singh, an
sistant tuber- a concrete DHARMESH THAKKAR / MUMBAI lature car pass on the wind- A digital printing shop owner ‘army accountant’.
culosis was shape, and shield is a crime and violation lost more than Rs5 lakh with- He trapped Gala by saying
just a one- that’s when I Acting on a complaint by the of the Emblem and Names in 19 hours to cons who posed that his payment will be
minute thing. had my aha! State Election Commission, Act and other sections of the as army personnel. In his given from an army account,
What followed later was a big- Tilak Nagar police have Indian Penal Code (IPC),” complaint lodged with the which has unique ways of
ger battle and it was tough be- How different do you think booked a Ghatkopar-based said the police official. MRA Marg police, Nikunj working. Singh further said
cause the treatment lasted for your life would have been if builder, his two sons and During the election code of Gala, 30, said that he runs 'Pa- that Gala needs to send Rs5 to
two years. A patient has to you were not affected by nephew for allegedly pasting conduct, suspicious vehicles cific Printing' shop in the initiate the process. Unsus-
pop thousands of pills, which MDR-TB? an unauthorised MLA sticker are intensively checked by Fort area. Recently, he re- pecting, he followed the in-
have brutal side effects, so Oh, very different. I don’t on a personal car during the the police and flying squad of ceived a WhatsApp call from structions and even received
every day was a new struggle. know ‘good different’ or ‘bad model code of conduct. The the election commission a man who introduced him- a refund of Rs10. On the same
different’, but having gone poll body approached the po- since movement of cash and self as Sahil Kumar, an army pretext, Singh asked him to
When physical health chal- through some crazy ups and lice after receiving a com- unaccounted money is the officer from Dolphin again send Rs27,000,. In this
lenged you, did mental downs, I cherish the lessons plaint from a whistleblower, highest in this period, said an Heritage Military Camp, manner, the con kept fleecing
health become your this disease and its ramifica- who alleged that they election commission official. Kalina. Gala, who finally realised the
strength? tions have taught me. It was a resorted to trickery to move accused,” said a cused since the car “The accused used the unau- He told Gala that he fraud when he received a fake
There were physical chal- blessing in disguise. I would unaccounted cash. The ac- senior police offi- is registered in his thorised MLA sticker to en- wanted to place order of purchase order for standees.
lenges, of course. I was briefly not call the TB-phase “life cused have been identified as cial. The Gandhi name. The accused sure a free pass since cars of printing the
confined to a wheelchair defining”, but “life-redefin- builder Chandrakant family is a promi- are from the Ra- elected representatives are national
when I was diagnosed with ing”. Gandhi, his sons Ashish and nent real estate de- jawadi area of seldom checked,” alleged the flag and the
peripheral neuropathy. I nev- Manish, and nephew Nilesh. veloper of Ghatkopar Ghatkopar East and official. army logo
er thought I would be able to As an actor and a theatre However, the quartet man- with multiple business- also run a firm that sup- An FIR has been filed un- on 30
walk properly ever. But the artist, do you see yourself aged to secure anticipatory es. They are promoters with plies boxes to the famed Ever- der the IPC sections 170 (Per- standees.
TB journey was not just performing ‘Akshata and bail to avoid arrest, said a cop. cross holdings in 14 compa- est Masala. “The Gandhi fam- sonating a public servant), According-
about physical health, but Her MDR-TB Story’ some “A case has been registered nies. Gandhi Estates Pvt Ltd, ily is well-connected to have 171 (Wearing garb or carrying ly, the com-
mental health as well, which day? against the developer and the Chandrakant Gandhi and As- acquired the high-security token used by public servant plainant
is something not widely dis- “Akshata and Her TB Story” Maruti Breeza with the MLA sociates, Chandrakant Gand- stickers on personal vehicles, with fraudulent intent), sought
cussed. was meant for a book. As an sticker has been seized. Fur- hi Builders Pvt Ltd are some which are meant only for among other provisions. Rs2,700. He
I used to cry for days with- actor, am now set for a new ther investigation is under- of their firms. elected representatives of the The Gandhi family re- later got a
out even knowing why… it journey. My debut film, Mal- way to ascertain the origin of The police have named state assembly. The unautho- mained unavailable for call from
was a scary space. I was har, releases on June 7. the MLA sticker used by the Chandrakant as the prime ac- rised use of the elected legis- comments. another per-
Navi Mumbai man duped of `67.6 lakh in share trading fraud
Thane: A case has been registered against five share trading for good returns. He made the
persons in Navi Mumbai for allegedly cheating a man complainant deposit Rs67.6 lakh through an online
of Rs67.6 lakh by luring him into share trading, police application, said an official. When the man did not get
said on Sunday. The accused contacted the complainant any returns, he realised he had been cheated and
between April 14 and May 30 and lured him to take up approached the police, he said. MUMBAI | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024

Drunk driving cases on rise Pune Porsche case lays

Woman killed,
husband injured
after being hit
bare the rot in our system
in city, 2,502 held since Jan by a dumper
NK GUPTA/ THANE AFRIDA ALI / MUMBAI book was deployed to ensure
that no arm of law could reach
of 2021, two-wheelers have ac-
counted for maximum fatal

A 52-year-old woman was he Pune Porsche case the entitled brat who spent road accidents (44.5% of the
Mumbai police and traffic cops jointly conduct raids across Mumbai; killed, and her husband in- has been dominating Rs48,000 at a booze party. If total), followed by cars that
pubs, bars, liquor shops and hookah parlours come under the scanner jured after being hit by a
dumper at Samrat Ashok
the front pages and the
headlines for over two weeks
that’s the kind of money that
can be made by the pubs and
account for 15.1% and trucks
or lorries that account for
AISHWARYA IYER / MUMBAI Chowk in Dombivli West on now. A 17-year-old takes to the bars, is there any surprise that 9.4%. Separate lane for two-

Sunday afternoon. The cou- Pune roads in the wee hours there is no restriction on un- wheelers is still an alien con-
Following the Pune Porsche ple – Sneha Dabhilkar and of May 19, his speeding derage drinking? It’s a vicious cept in India, something
crash case, new data from the Ashok Dabhilkar – was head- Porsche hits a two-wheeler cycle, the profits go into the which is mandatory in world
Mumbai traffic police (MTP) ing towards the passport of- killing two people on the spot. pockets of police and excise class cities.
show that more than 2,502 fice when the accident oc- Prima facie it’s a case of departments, who turn a blind Let’s turn to data on drunk-
people have been held since curred. drunken driving, speeding eye to keep the mutually bene- en driving. According to gov-
January for driving under the According to the police, and rash and negligent driv- ficial system running. ernment data, drunken driv-
influence of alcohol, which is Ashok, a retired Mumbai fire ing that led to fatal conse- ing led to 5,122 accidents and
a criminal offence. While 74 brigade team member, lost quences. 2,376 fatalities in 2019. This
minors were caught driving balance while overtaking a Two weeks later, as we look What will it take to amounts to nearly seven
without a valid licence.
The Mumbai police, along
car on his motorcycle, caus-
ing both to fall on the road. A
at this case, it turns out that
all the maladies of modern
make the system deaths every single day. In In-
dia, the maximum punish-
with the MTP are being extra dumper moving in the oppo- India lie exposed. From cor- incorruptible? ment for such deaths is two
vigilant after the Pune Porche site direction struck them, ruption in government There is no hope, unless years in jail. The punishment
incident, which occurred on with Sneha coming under the offices to police complicity to elected governments make in drunken driving cases,
May 19, where a teenage son rear wheel and Ashok falling liquor policies to road safety it a mission to weed out even when it causes death, is
of a wealthy and influential to the other side, suffering in- hazards, right up to irregular- corruption at every level lighter because it doesn’t
realtor allegedly at the wheel juries. ities in pub culture and and mete out exemplary amount to murder that predi-
of a speeding car, killed two Locals at the spot appre- teenage parenting, political punishment to those babus cates itself on ‘intent’. How-
young IT professionals, who hended the dumper driver influence in high-profile and officers who favour ever, the same offence invites
were on a two-wheeler. Re- 2,502 Penalty is either six 50 2,562 371 and informed the police. The cases and flawed criminal jus- the high and mighty. As for much harsher penalty
ports suggest that the teen Held for drunk driving months of jail or Bars and pubs Minors couple was rushed to tice system. the entitled lads of rich abroad.
was drunk, yet the Juvenile since January `2,000 for first offence raided last week Drunk Shashtrinagar hospital, Let’s start with corruption, In the US, Japan and South
caught dads, only if a few of them
Justice Board granted him drivers where Sneha was declared and it turns out that absolute- Africa, it may lead to impris-
for face the harshest
bail. 74 Two years of prison or 5 penalised same dead upon arrival, and Ashok ly no one is immune. Govern- punishment, can there be a onment for up to 15 years and
The Mumbai police and Minors caught driving `3,000 for second or Bars found with by police offence received first aid. ment officials in the police real fear of the law. in the UK, for up to 14 years.
MTP have initiated special without a valid licence subsequent offence unlawful activities last year in 2023 A case was lodged under force to medical institutions In Canada, France and Singa-
campaigns to raid pubs, bars, section 304(A) (causing death to the excise department; are pore, the maximum punish-
liquor shops and hookah par- in the Sion area said they are creased because of the special the Ministry of Road Trans- by negligence) 279 (rash and all equally guilty. After all, it As for road safety, it’s a sor- ment for this is 10 years in
lours as part of combing op- told to ‘take down details of operations, nakabandis and port and Highway, is Rs 25,000 negligence) of the Indian Pe- has taken just a few phone did saga. India roughly ac- jail. All these countries also
erations to check and ensure all customers with their age’. even surprise checks at sig- along with legal action of the nal Code and relevant section calls from a powerful busi- counts for just about 1% of impose severe fines and can-
no minors were served alco- The 2,502 drunk drivers nals, sensitive areas, etc. We minor’s parents/guardians of the Motor Vehicle Act. nessman to strike deals to the global vehicle population cel the convict’s driving li-
hol or any narcotics. who were held, are penalised aim to conduct more such op- and cancellation of vehicle According to police cover up the case in such a but it accounts for about 6% cence either permanently or
Last week, police raided under sections of the Motor erations to prevent road registration. sources, the reason to visit manner that the prosecution of the total global road acci- for a long period of time.
over 50 bars and pubs, and Vehicle Act. The penalty is ei- mishaps and maintain traffic Apart from the routine op- the passport office was that finds no evidence to build a dents. Almost 70% of the acci- Last but not the least, the
five bars were found to have ther six months of jail or discipline,” said a senior po- erations of drunk driving, the Ashok had planned a family case against the guilty. dents involve youngsters. De- larger malaise of our
unlawful activities. A case Rs2,000 for the first offence, 2 lice official. MTP even conducted a sur- trip abroad. After returning One phone call to the dean spite the overhauled Motor country; the unholy nexus of
was also registered against a years of prison or Rs3,000 for In underage driving, i.e., prise check-up during which home for lunch, they met of a medical college made Vehicles Act (2019), no decline politician-businessman-po-
Powai-based bar for serving the second or subsequent of- driving without a valid li- they held 442 drunk drivers with the accident. sure that the original blood in road accidents is visible. lice. This has led to a system
alcohol. Similarly, another fence. This figure of 2,502 – is cense below 16 years of age, and 23 minors – without a Senior police inspector sample was tampered with. On the contrary, data reveals where money and power can
Dadar-based hotel was fined between January and May 28. this year 74 minors have been valid licence and driving un- Sanjay Pawar said, “The One visit to the police station that over 168,000 people were subvert any legal system and
and action was taken against Meanwhile, last year, police caught, while in 2023, 371 der the influence of alcohol. dumper driver, Santosh from the local MLA ensured killed in road crashes in 2022, insulate any guilty person.
a waiter and manager of the caught and penalised 2,562 for were caught. As per MVA Act, Prompt actions were taken Salve, has been arrested and that lighter sections of the In- an increase of around 10% It’s an all-too-familiar script
hotel cum bar, for serving al- the same offence. “Numbers the fine for underage driving against all, said a senior po- is in police custody. State- dian Penal Code were invoked. over the previous year. that plays over and over
cohol to a minor. A local bar of drunk driving have in- is Rs500, which now, as per lice official. ments will be recorded.” Every possible trick in the As per last available record again.


Thane: Puravankara Riders rally for safer streets
buys 12.7-acre plot and sustainable commuting
BHALCHANDRA CHORGHADE / projects at Pali Hill and FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI Leszek Sibilski, who started a of accidents and lost commu-
NAVI MUMBAI Lokhandwala. campaign to get the United nity members. Our commu-
In November 2023, Pura- Mumbai’s cyclist community Nations involved in the idea. nity has been working on ap-
Puravankara Ltd has an- vankara secured rights to gathered on Sunday morning In April 2018, the United Na- proaching the government to
nounced the acquisition of undertake the to take part in a ride from tions General Assembly an- make cycling conditions
12.75 acres of land in Patlipa- redevelopment of two hous- Kalina to Bandra-Kurla Com- nounced that June 3 will be safer. Respect for cyclists from
da on Ghodbunder Road, ing societies spanning three plex to celebrate ‘World Bicy- celebrated to draw attention fellow road users is impor-
Thane, by its wholly-owned acres in the Lokhandwala cle Day’. to the benefits of using a sim- tant,” said Iyer, who is the
subsidiary company, Purva area of Andheri (West). Nearly 500 cyclists had reg- ple, affordable, and environ- current ‘Bicycle Mayor’ of
Oak Pvt Ltd. The project has a develop- istered for the ride that start- mentally sustainable means Mumbai, a designation
The land has an estimated ment potential of 5.8 lakh ed at the University of Mum- of transportation. created by BYCS, an Amster-
potential carpet area of 18.20 square feet carpet area worth bai’s Kalina campus and con- Sunday’s participants also dam-based non-profit that pro-
lakh square feet and a poten- Rs 1,500 crore. cluded at a hotel in Bandra- promoted their new cam- motes cycling as an environ-
tial gross development value In April this year, the com- Kurla Complex. paign ‘Give Cyclists 4 Feet’ to ment-friendly and healthy
of Rs4,000 crore over the proj- pany was selected as the ‘pre- ‘World Bicycle Day’ is cele- create safer conditions for cy- mode of commute.
ect lifecycle. ferred developer’ for a 2.5- brated on June 3. According clists on the city’s roads. The Mumbai cyclists are also
Purvankara’s Managing acre redevelopment project to Dr Vishwanthan Iyer, a campaign hopes to convince promoting their ‘MeCycleRid-
Director Ashish Pura- in Pali Hills with a develop- neurosurgeon and cycling en- motorists and other road er’ programme that helps un-
vankara said the expansion ment potential of 4.10 lakh thusiast, the day was first pro- users to give safe space on the derprivileged women and chil-
is in addition to the compa- square feet carpet area and a posed by a Polish-American roads dren from urban areas to use
ny’s recent redevelopment potential of Rs2,000 crore. Labourers reconstruct the historical wall of Gateway of India as part of a renovation project —SALMAN ANSARI social scientist, Professor “Recently, we had a couple cycling as a mobility mode.

‘Doctors continue to be covered Threats to scribe:

under Consumer Protection Act’ MNS workers
Your friend will not be in haRERA or NCLT? We are SURESH GOLANI /
able to apply for dismissal of told that MahaRERA takes MIRA-BHAYANDAR
Aabid Surti, 90, goes beyond

the complaint against him for too long to issue recovery

the simple reason that a larger
three-judges Supreme Court
certificate. Kindly advise.
Dilip Phadke, Mulund
More than 20 MNS workers
from Mira-Bhayandar, in-
‘paani bachao’ campaigns
bench in its landmark judg- You can file an application for cluding the city party chief POOJA PATEL
ment in ‘IMA v/s VP Shantha’ executing this order under Sandeep Rane, have been

has held that doctors and med- Section 40 of RERA 2016. How- booked for issuing threats to xcuse me, may we
CONSUMER ical services are squarely cov-
ered under CPA.
ever, it is true that it takes
quite some time in MahRERA
the editor of a Bhayandar
weekly newspaper and news
please check the
taps in your

CONNECT This judgment does not

stand overruled by a smaller
bench of two judges of the
to get the recovery certificate
issued. Even the further
process of propertry attach-
portal three months ago. Ef-
forts were also made to ran-
sack the office of the com-
home for leakages and fix
any leaky ones for free?”
Imagine a lazy Sunday in-
Presented by

My friend is a doctor against Supreme Court. That precise- ment & auction is time-con- plainant journalist Shashi terrupted thus by a
whom a complaint has been ly is the reason why this small- suming. Sharma. grinning 90-year-old
filed in Bandra District Com- er bench has requested the The Insolvency & Bank- The MNS workers and of- stranger who has arrived,
mission. I read that a chief justice of India to revisit ruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) does fice-bearers have been uninvited, with a plumber.
Supreme Court bench has the ‘IMA v/s VP Shanta’ case recognise homebuyers like booked under the relevant That's what Aabid Surti,
ruled that advocates are not judgment by constituting a you as ‘financial creditors’. To sections of the Indian Penal founder of Drop Dead Foun-
covered under the Consumer larger bench. file an application under Sec- Code and the stringent Ma- dation, has been doing for
Protection Act (CPA) and no Thus, unless this judgment tion 7 of IBC and thereby re- harashtra Media Persons the last 17 years.
complaint can lie against ad- in IMA vs VP Shanta case is cover the amount, there must and Media Institutions (Pre- Founded in 2007, Surti’s
vocates in any consumer duly overruled by a larger be minimum of 10% of the vention of Violence and dam- one-man NGO prevents FOUNDER, DROP DEAD
court. The court also ob- bench of at least five judges, homebuyers pooling together age or Loss to Property) Act, wastage of water caused by FOUNDATION friend posed two questions continue his work, fixing
served that there was no leg- no consumer commission or at least 100 homebuyers of 2017. tens of thousands of leaky Surti did not have answers leaky faucets in police sta-
islative intent to cover can dismiss the com- the same real estate project. The incident dates back to taps. to — how much water actu- tions, traffic police
other professional plaints pending You have not indicated the February 15 when Sharma, Every Sunday, for two ally gets wasted due to chowkies and public toilets.
jobs under the CPA. against doctors. total number of units in your while reporting the incident hours, Surti, along with a faulty taps; and how do you Further spreading the
Is it true? If true, real estate project. Hence let of firing at a cake shop in plumber, goes from door to get a plumber to visit for a message of water conser-
can my friend ap- We are a group me illustrate by an example. If Kashimira on his news door in the Mira Road single minor job? vation, Surti tried to tap
ply for dismissal of of 10 home buy- there are up to 100 units in channel, inadvertently men- neighbourhood.If a They were valid ques- into people’s religious be-
the complaint ers who booked your project, then only your tioned Shivaji instead of plumber is not available, he tions. “Serendipitously, I liefs. Using his creative
against him? flats with a de- group of 10 homebuyers will Chhatrapati Shivaji fixes leaky faucets himself. came across an article that skills, he made posters with
Sadanand Shirke, veloper in Mulund be entitled to file an applica- Maharaj Junction as the This simple but effective said if one drop of water is messages of ‘save water’
Prabhadevi, Mumbai Advocate Shirish between 2013 and tion at NCLT under Section 7 nearby landmark. Terming idea was born when Surti ENDORSER: CHARRU wasted every second, then and pasted these in church-
It is true that a two- Deshpande 2016. The builder of IBC. If your project has it as an insult to the most had an epiphany of sorts at SHARMA, FILMMAKER, in a day, thousands of drops es, mosques, temples and
judge bench of the had given different more than 100 units then your revered and great Maratha a friend’s place. “I was at a of water are wasted.” That gurudwaras in Mira Road.
Supreme Court has held that dates of possessions to all of group of only 10 homebuyers warrior, irate MNS workers friend’s home and I could prompted him to do some- The posters had messages
advocates are not covered un- us. However, the last date of will not be able to file an appli- and office bearers, who were hear the sound of water KATHA PVT LTD thing and he started his from various holy books,
der the CPA. It is also true that possession was December cation under proviso 2 of Sec- allegedly instigated by Rane, dripping to the floor of his NGO, in 2007, at age of 72. appealing to devout people
Aabid Surti is a one-
the bench has observed that 2019. All of us have paid in tion7 (1) of IBC. not only issued threats to bathroom,” says the nonage- Since then, single-hand- to take up water conserva-
man army and does
there was no legislative intent the range of Rs75 lakh to I suggest that notwithstand- Sharma, but also gathered in narian. The friend said he’d edly, Surti has managed to tion. He is tickled that local
incredible work of saving
to cover any professionals or Rs1.2 crore. Due to the long ing some delay, at least initiate large numbers in an appar- get the tap fixed, but when save around 30 million litres policemen asked him for
thousands of litres of water by
professional services under delay we have cancelled our the execution process in Ma- ent bid to ransack his office. Surti visited him again of water from being wasted. copies of these posters, to
merely fixing leaky faucets.
the CPA. This, according to bookings and filed complaint haRERA since your builder he However, the police arrived months later, much to his Surti, who is a screen- paste inside police stations.
Even at this age, he continues
me, is a mere observation before MahaRERA for full re- has not filed an appeal. You on time and ensured no unto- disdain, he found the tap writer, cartoonist, author, “They said even criminals
to do this phenomenal work,
(obiter) of the Supreme Court fund of our money with inter- can approach NCLT even after ward incident took place. still leaking. painter and a playwright, will now know the value of
and that too without any
and not the ruling (ratio) on est and compensation. We getting the recovery certifi- Sharma said, “Despite ten- “I was irked to a level that pivoted when COVID-19 re- water,” Surti says.
financial support. His water
this point. Furthermore, this received the order from Ma- cate, provided you comply dering an apology on the web- I felt compelled to do some- strictions stopped him from
conservation work is one of
observation is not supported haRERA in our favour in Feb- with threshold requirement portal for the unintentional thing about this,” says Surti, visiting homes. Scan the QR
the most terrific contributions
by any concrete evidence to es- ruary 2024. However, till date under Section 7 (1) as stated mistake, these people did not who grew up on a pavement “I have learnt from Gand- code to read
to society, considering the
tablish that the Parliament the builder has neither com- above. relent and continued issuing and understood the value of hiji to overcome whatever more about
future generations are likely to
ever intended to exclude pro- plied with the order nor chal- Advocate Shirish V Deshpande, threats and targeting me on water more than most peo- obstacles come my way,” Angels of
suffer due to water shortage.
fessionals (including advo- lenged it. In such a case, chairman, Mumbai Grahak social media platforms. They ple. As he berated his friend says Surti, who then picked Mumbai
cates, doctors, etc) from the what is a better option for us Panchayat even circulated my personal for not fixing the tap, his public establishments to
purview of the CPA. to execute this order – Ma- Email: [email protected] photos tagged with abuses.”
Class 11 admissions: Online preferences to open soon
Pune: Starting June 5, students
in Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad
municipal areas can submit online
preference lists for Class 11
college and branch selections. The
first round of regular admissions
has been announced, with two
more rounds to follow.
PUNE | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024

PMC TO FIX 33 TRAFFIC SPOTS ‘Parents manipulated blood

PMC extends
property tax
rebate deadline
sample at Sassoon Hospital’

The Pune Municipal Corpora- PTI

tion (PMC) has extended the
deadline for availing property The parents of a 17-year-old
INDU BHAGAT tax concessions. The civic body boy allegedly involved in a
will keep its citizens' facility Porsche car accident tam-
In a bid to reduce the traffic centre open from 9am to 9pm pered with his blood sample
congestion across the city, for tax collection. The centres by visiting the state-run Sas-
the Pune Municipal Corpora- will also be open on public holi- soon General Hospital in
tion (PMC) has announced days, Saturdays, and Sundays. Pune, a court was told on Sun-
plans to prioritise the devel- The last day for availing the day.
opment of 33 crucial spots benefit of 10 per cent and 5 per The police made this claim
for road widening, which ac- cent concession in property tax while seeking the remand of
cording to the civic body will was May 31, but the civic body the couple in connection with
benefit the commuters and has extended the scheme for 15 the destruction of evidence
will reduce the traffic con- more days to accommodate the related to the May 19
gestion. public who were facing techni- accident, which claimed the
The road department of cal errors. lives of two IT professionals.
PMC and police have identi- The civic body has sent tax The couple has been remand-
fied 33 chronic traffic conges- notices via mail to all 14.22 lakh ed to police custody until
tion spots after conducting in- property holders within its ju- June 5. The court was told that police have secured
spection and extensive study risdiction. Those who have not The minor's mother, Shiv- the CCTV footage available at the hospital
termed the Road Safety Im- yet received their notices can ani Agarwal, was arrested on
provement Plan based on in- access their details on the prop- June 1, after it emerged that
but also need to verify
puts from the citizens and the erty tax department’s website the boy's blood samples were
traffic department. Both the at propertytax.punecorpora- replaced with hers. swapped with that of his which is a bailable offence, he
department collectively came Vishal Agarwal, the boy's mother. said, adding that two doctors
up with the recommendation The website offers multiple father and a realtor, was pre- The court was told that po- and a hospital staffer are al-
to improve road safety and en- online payment options, includ- viously taken into custody for lice have secured the CCTV ready in police custody in
sure smooth commutes. ing Net Banking, Credit Card, allegedly destroying evidence footage available at the hospi- connection with the blood
PMC commissioner Dr Ra- Debit Card, Bharat QR Code, related to the case. tal but also need to verify sample swap.
jendra Bhosale said, "We UPI Google Pay, UPI PhonePe, Both parents were pro- whether the footage has also Surendra Agarwal, the
have identified more than 30 Post Debit Card, UPI, Pos Credit duced before a holiday court, been tampered with. boy's grandfather, was also
spots in the city, which will Card, EBPP, Mobile Wallet, where police sought a seven- The couple's lawyer, arrested for allegedly kidnap-
be developed under road Amazon Pay, and NEFT-RTGS. day remand for further inves- Prashant Patil, argued that ping and pressuring the fami-
widening initiative to reduce PMC is urging citizens to tigation. The police told the the police had already ly's driver to take the blame
the traffic congestion. These take advantage of the extended court that the parents alleged- searched their house and re- for the accident.
sports have been identified, and for some spots we even ily decongested by conduct- Ahmednagar road, Wagholi, deadline and avail themselves ly conspired and destroyed covered CCTV footage, assert- The police have registered
we have to make few changes need a redevelopment to ing minor changes like fixing Pune solapur road, Navle of the discount, ensuring the evidence related to the car ing that the couple has coop- three separate cases includ-
make the roads wide. The re- the traffic signal and shifting bridge, are amongst those timely tax payment for the de- crash. erated with the investigation ing one for the accident itself,
work will include the re- encroachments away from that will be fixed. However, velopment of the city. The Agarwal couple went and should be sent to judicial another against a bar that al-
moval of poles from some the road. In some stretches, most of this work would in- Citizens had complained to the Sassoon Hospital to ma- custody. The court, however, legedly served alcohol to the
As per the study conducted spots, adding few signals and we have found that even by clude fixing proper signage, about technical errors during nipulate the blood samples of granted police custody. minor, and a third involving
by PMC and police u turns. Our team has in- reducing the footpath size, shifting bus stops to the posi- the payment of the tax and their minor son, the police The couple was booked un- the boy's father for allowing
department, most of the spected the areas and we are the traffic flow can be tion, and making a footpath. were demanding extensions. said, adding that the blood der IPC section 201 (causing him to drive the car without a
junctions could be easily going to start the work to smoothened." or concrete dividers, increas- "We have extended the dead- sample of the teenager was disappearance of evidence) valid license.
decongested by conducting solve the traffic congestion. According to the PMC ing the height of the divider lines so that a maximum num-
minor changes like fixing the Bhosale said the civic body while all the roads have to be controlling speeding, setting ber of people can avail them-
traffic signal and shifting
encroachments away from
the road
and the police department
will soon have a meeting to
pick the junctions. "As per
decongested, the initial work
would begin with the roads
in Koregaon park. PMC will
up a proper turning radius,
removing temporary en-
croachments and fixing
selves of the discount, and we
urge the citizens to take advan-
tage of the discount period and
Actor Mona Singh opens RJ Malishka
hits airwaves
up about her spooky city
- Ravindra Bhosale the study conducted by PMC fix the missing road link proper markings on roads make their payment promptly
PMC chief and police department, most
of the junctions could be eas-
from Gangadham to Tullana-
gar on Baner sus Road.
along with zebra crossings to
smoothen traffic.
to avoid any last-minute rush,"
said a PMC official.
with satirical
rap track
bridge incident STAFF REPORTER

council officer Ramchandani Super Giants, Aswani Royals win title ANI In response to the nationwide
uproar over the Pune Porsche
rams SUV into STAFF REPORTER played between the Ramchan-
dani Super Giants and the
Actor Mona Singh, who is
currently promoting her up-
hit-and-run case, RJ and ac-
tress Malishka Mendonsa has

two vehicles The Aswani Cricket Cup Sea-

son 3 (ACC3) culminated in a
Pimpri Indians. Opting to bat
first, Ramchandani Super Gi-
coming horror-comedy film
'Munjya,' shared a spooky en-
released a new satirical song
condemning the system.
spectacular finale, ants posted a competitive counter that she faced in The video features Malish-
PTI celebrating the spirit of score of 98/4 in their 12 overs, Pune while she was ka in the studio, delivering
sportsmanship and competi- with notable contributions returning back home. fiery verses in a mix of
An SUV allegedly driven by tion. In men’s cricket the from Himanshu (24 runs), Speaking to ANI the Marathi and Hindi rap. She
the chief officer of a mu- Ramchandani Super Giants, Karan Aswani (20 runs), and actress shared the incident details the case, explaining
nicipal council in Pune dis- while in the women’s dodge- Raunak Batra (17 runs). from her time in Pune. how the 17-year-old minor, un-
trict rammed into two vehi- ball, the Aswani Royals won Srichand Aswani, Founder "One night, while return- der the influence of alcohol,
cles on Saturday but the title of the third season of of ACC and Owner of Aswani ing home on my scooty, I killed two people while driv-
nobody was injured, police the Aswani Cricket Cup. The Promoters & Builders said crossed the Bund Garden ing at over 200 km/h in Pune.
said. tournament was held at that the ACC3 finale drew an Bridge, a famous spot in Malishka criticises the en-
The incident occurred in Mrunal Garden, Pune, show- impressive crowd, with over Pune. At the bridge's begin- "I believe in the existence tire system, including
Talegaon Dabhade town, casing thrilling hitting, kept the audience on fending champions from ACC 800 people attending the ning, a girl asked for a lift. Re- of negative and positive doctors, hotel and bar owners,
about 38 km away from performances in women's the edge of their seats. Aswani Season 2, managed 14 hits, re- matches at the venue. The luctant to give lift to a energies. There are cops, and even the judiciary,
Pune city. dodgeball and men's cricket. Royals, playing their first ACC sulting in a decisive victory men's finals alone saw a stranger at night, I drove on. people who practice for being compromised to pro-
NK Patil, the chief Women's dodgeball match season, set a high bar by scor- for the Aswani Royals. Dia- turnout of more than 500 To my surprise, the same per- black magic, evidenced tect the accused by ultimately
officer of Talegaon Dab- was played between Royal ing 26 hits, with standout per- mond Super Queens, owned spectators. Additionally, the son reappeared at the other by sightings of lemons, blaming a driver. In the video,
hade municipal council Challengers Varun and formances from Jiya Joukani by Shikha Sewani and Somya event garnered significant end of the bridge, asking for a chilies, and dolls on Malishka, highlights the dis-
who was at the wheel, was Aswani Royals. The 8-minute and Reshma Sukheja, each Sewani, secured third place. online attention, with the fi- lift again. It was a chilling ex- streets. It's best not to parity in justice: while the cul-
sent for medical examina- game, divided into 4 minutes contributing 7 hits. Royal Men's Cricket Final was a nal day’s YouTube stream perience." The actress further prit received a minimal pun-
tion to ascertain whether of dodging and 4 minutes of Challengers Varun, the de- thrilling contest and it is achieving over 15,000 views. spoke about her belief in
engage with these ishment of writing an essay
black magic. practices to avoid for killing two people, the
He was sent "I believe in the existence unnecessary risks maker of a satirical video was
for medical
examination to
ascertain whether he
Sangli: Free breast cancer tests for women of negative and positive ener-
gies. There are people who
practice black magic, evi-
denced by sightings of
– Actor Mona Singh

Sathyaraj, the film helmed by

slapped with an FIR.
She emphasises her re-
sponsibility as a radio person-
ality to ensure the public
PTI lance, and using the AI and thermal tech- travelled more than 1,000 kilometres and lemons, chilies, and dolls on Aditya Sarpotdar revolves doesn't forget the incident and
was driving drunk nology, the machine detects breast cancer screened approximately 5,000 women, streets. It's best not to engage around 'Munjya,' a rooted that justice is served.
In a bid to improve women's health in ru- tumors," she said. Awhale said. with these practices to avoid myth from the world of Indi- Malishka has a long asso-
he was driving drunk. ral areas, the Solapur Zila Parishad in The project, conceptualised by Awhale, Among them, 64 cases were found to be unnecessary risks." Mona an belief and cultural system. ciation with Hindi cinema.
"The chief officer drove Maharashtra has launched a project for is designed to address the high prevalence suspicious (of cancer) in the thermal also spoke about her role in Recently, makers released She trained actress Vidya
his SUV recklessly and neg- free breast cancer screening using of breast cancer among women, particu- screening and mammography. Three cas- 'Munjya,' where she is por- the teaser. Balan for her role as an RJ in
ligently which rammed into portable equipment and Artificial Intelli- larly in areas where access to healthcare es have been found positive and the pa- traying the character of Pam- The teaser introduces 'Lage Raho Munnabhai' and
two parked vehicles from gence through a mobile ambulance. facilities is limited, she said. tients are currently under medical follow- mi. Munjya, a CGl character, to appeared as a wild card con-
behind on a roadside, caus- Women in rural areas are often too shy Under the project, free breast cancer up, she said. "I'm playing the character the audience in a remote for- testant in the dance reality
ing damage," a Talegaon to go for such screenings. screening is being provided in rural and The initiative is not only aimed at pro- of Pammi in the film. Abhay est. Munjya springs into ac- show 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 7'.
Dabhade police station offi- Hence, instead of waiting for them to urban areas of the Solapur district, bene- viding free diagnoses but also to offer is portraying Bittu, my son, tion after hearing the popular She worked with Vidya again
cer said. come forward, it was decided to reach out fiting hundreds of women, the official treatment if cancer cases are detected and I'm his mother, who is song 'Munni Badnam Hui' in 'Tumhari Sulu', playing
A complaint was lodged to them, which led to the inception of 'Pro- said. during the screening. pretty strict and possessive from Bollywood superstar the role of RJ Albeli Anjali.
by one of the owners ject Nidan' which was started in March, Awhale stressed on the importance of "If breast cancer is detected at an early about him. Our journey to- Salman Khan's 2010 block- Malishka will next be seen
of a damaged vehicle, he Zilla Parishad Chief Executive Officer early detection of breast cancer. stage, it significantly reduces the need for gether is filled with twists buster film Dabangg. portraying Sarojini Naidu in
said. Manisha Awhale told PTI. "The prevalence of breast cancer extensive treatments, like chemotherapy, and turns. There's plenty of The screenplay of Munjya the upcoming streaming se-
"We are investigating "We have equipped a dedicated ambu- among women is high. In my family also, and lowers medical expenses. The ma- drama and chaos. My charac- has been developed by Yogesh ries 'Freedom at Midnight'.
whether Patil was under lance for the screening and diagnosis of we have suffered a lot due to cases of chine takes only about 15 minutes to ter in the film is a lot of fun, a Chandekar and Niren Bhatt, The show, based on the
the influence of alcohol breast cancer. A start-up called Niramai breast cancer, which motivated me to screen one person," Awhale said. bit loud and feisty, and it's while Sachin Sanghvi and Ji- eponymous book, explores
when the incident took has developed a non-invasive technology, raise awareness in this area," she said. All Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in hardcore comedy, something gar Saraiya have composed India's fight for
place. He has been sent for and the equipment provided by them is The project was started in March with the district have been informed of the I've never attempted before." the music for the film. independence and the
medical investigation," the portable and can be used anywhere. We the aim of reaching out to 7 lakh women project and are involved in spreading Starring Sharvari, Mona The film is scheduled to be critical moments of the parti-
officer added. have fitted this machine into an ambu- in the district. So far, the ambulance has awareness about it. Singh, Abhay Verma, and released on June 7. tion era.


Labourer crushed to death by crane Vishwanath Karad receives 'Vishwashanti Ratna'

ANKIT SHUKLA Road. Around 10am, Devali
was passing behind the STAFF REPORTER pressed that Dr Karad's com-
While the Pune Porsche crane. Unfortunately, crane mitment to this cause, in-
crash case is grabbing driver Salim Ali didn't see Prof Dr Vishwanath Karad, spired by his sister Prayagak-
headlines nationwide, an- behind, and the crane's the founder of the MIT Edu- ka, serves as a vital lesson for
other shocking accident oc- back end mounted over cation Group, was awarded the youth of Pune and be-
curred on Karve Road in him. The cyclist died on the the prestigious 'Vishwashanti yond.
the city on Saturday morn- spot. We have sent the body Ratna' award in a grand cere- In his acceptance speech,
ing. to Sassoon General Hospi- mony at the COEP auditori- Dr Karad expressed heartfelt
According to informa- tal for autopsy." um in Pune. The event was at- gratitude towards COEP and
tion received, a 66-year-old "The accused crane driv- tended by numerous distin- reminisced about his forma-
labourer, who was heading er has been booked. After guished figures, including tive years at the institution.
to work on a bicycle, was getting the deceased's med- Padma Vibhushan awardee He credited the Mechanical
crushed to death by a crane. ical report, we will register Dr Raghunath Mashelkar, Engineering department and
The deceased has been an FIR against the driver," world-renowned computer the guidance of mentors like
identified as Devali (66), a Hasbanis added. scientist Dr Vijay Bhatkar, ing. He emphasised Dr Dr Bhatkar highlighted the which he visited religious Dr Mashelkar and Dr
resident of Kothrud. He is Currently, footpath and and former Governor of Karad's lifelong mission to re- pride of having Dr Karad sites across various Bhatkar for his success, dedi-
reported to be a daily wage cycle path construction is Sikkim and MP Srinivas alise the vision of Swami speak in the same hall where countries. Dr Bhushan Pat- cating the honor to the people
labourer and was heading underway on Karve Road. Patil. Vivekananda by transform- Swami Vivekananda ad- wardhan, former Chairman of Pune.
towards Deccan through This has narrowed the Dr Karad was celebrated ing pilgrimage sites into cen- dressed an audience in of NAAC, and other digni- The ceremony concluded
Karve Road on his bicycle. road for traffic, and the for his pioneering contribu- ters of knowledge and pro- Chicago 131 years ago, un- taries praised Dr Karad's ded- with a strong message on
Speaking to The Free number of vehicles is high tions to education and his re- moting global peace. derscoring his ication to science and educa- the importance of wisdom,
Press Journal, Vipin Has- during morning and lentless efforts to promote In addition to the 'Vish- contemporary role as a mes- tion. knowledge, and values in
banis, Senior Police Inspec- evening hours. It is becom- world peace. Dr Mashelkar washanti Ratna' award, Dr senger of world peace. Ulhas Dada Pawar, recall- education, inspired by Dr
tor at Deccan Police ing increasingly difficult praised Dr Karad as a "uni- Karad received a 'Lifetime Dr Shripal Sabnis noted Dr ing many memories with Dr Karad's exemplary work
Station, said, "The accident to ride a bicycle on the road versity of innovation" and Achievement' award from Karad's efforts in fostering in- Karad, emphasised the im- and dedication to fostering
took place in the morning when cars are coming fast lauded his groundbreaking the COEP Technology Uni- terfaith harmony through his portance of value-based edu- peace and understanding
near Sonal Hall on Karve from the flyover. work in Polymer Engineer- versity Alumni Association. Vishwashanti tour, during cation in today's world. He ex- across the globe.
Dharashiv: MCC violation case against Archana Patil
T he Election Commission has registered a case against Archana
Patil, Mahayuti candidate in Osmanabad Lok Sabha
constituency, for violating the code of conduct. The Commission
stated that the meeting held after Patil's show of strength during
CHHATRAPATI SAMBHAJINAGAR | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024 filing was unauthorised.

CSMC’s claim of nullah ‘Jalsamruddhi Gaon Abhiyan’

presents theatrical
interpretations of
for tanker-free village in CSN

MAHAGAMI Dance Gurukul

recently presented the the-
cleaning remains a farce
MANISH GAJBHIYE every year, the residents com-
atrical interpretation of the plain that the rainwater en-
classic Sanskrit literary work The Chhatrapati Sambhaji- ters their houses due to heaps
of Ashwaghosh, ‘Bud- nagar Municipal Corporation of garbage accumulated in
dhacharitram,’ which deals (CSMC) has claimed that 97 the nullahs.
with the life and emotional percent of the nullahs in the CSMC administrator G
journey of the Buddha. city have been cleaned as pre- Srikanth has claimed that 97
As a part of a creative as- monsoon measures, but in re- percent of the cleaning task
signment for the students of ality, the claim remains a has been completed until
the Natyashastra Diploma farce. now. However, the picture is
and BPA Kathak and Odissi, The corporation has spent very different. Heaps of
the 3rd canto was explored around ₹60 lakh on the nullah garbage can be seen in the
using the ancient theatrical cleaning as a pre-monsoon nullah near Aushadhi Bha-
elements of Bharat Muni's measure. Still, heaps of van. The water from this nul-
Natyashastra. garbage can be seen in many lah had entered the houses of
The theatrical presentation nullahs. The residents have the residents around two
titled 'Tatkshane' (meaning complained that the water years back. Similarly,
'that moment') revolved from the nullahs will enter garbage can be seen in the
around the visit of Prince their houses once the mon- Killeark nullah as well. STAFF REPORTER age. It is important that these sistant, police patil and gram-
Siddharth to the forest, soon starts. The residents of Devana- villages should be made self- sevak.
where he witnesses the three As the heat is on the rise, gari and Ulkanagari have The Chhatrapati Sambhaji- sufficient. Hence, the Jalsam- Additional District Collec-
life-stirring situations: aging, environmentalists have pre- lodged complaints of garbage nagar district administration ruddh Gaon scheme should tor Dr Arvind Lokhande, resi-
sickness, and death. dicted more than average in the nullahs to the corpora- will implement the ‘Jalsam- be implemented rigorously. dent Deputy Collector Vinod
This imaginative dramatic rainfall in the city this year. tion on the toll-free number. ruddhi Gaon Abhiyan’ from Measures should be taken to Khirolkar, agriculture super-
presentation was designed Every year before the ad- The residents complained June 5 to make all the villages restrict water to be drowned intendent Prakash Desh-
and directed by Parwati Dut- vent of the monsoon, the cor- that no cleaning task has been in the district tanker free. away and should be stored in mukh, animal husbandry
ta, Dean, Faculty of Perform- poration undertakes the nul- The corporation has spent around ₹60 lakh on the undertaken at Ulkanagari, Presently, water is supplied to the wells, borewells and other commissioner Dr Pradeep
ing Arts, MGM University. lah cleaning drive so that the nullah cleaning as a pre-monsoon measure. Still, Jai Bhavaninagar, Telipura, various villages through water sources, he added. Zod, assistant commissioner
The students of Bachelors in rainwater should flow easily Devanagari, and other parts tankers due to the acute The work will be imple- Dr Raman Ingale, Dr Rekha
Performing Arts (Kathak & from the nullahs. However, heaps of garbage can be seen in many nullahs of the city. water shortage. In such vil- mented by establishing com- Mane, executive engineer
Odissi), Siddhi Sontakke and lages, the water refilling and mittees at the taluka level. Ajeet Waghmare, Jeevan Ded-
Bhargavi Methekar, gave an water harvesting projects will The sub-divisional officers wal, Deepak Koli, M M Khan

Divisional Commissioner Ardard retires

involved presentation using be implemented under the will head while the block de- and others were present.
the 11 elements of Bharat's scheme. The rain water will velopment officer will be the At present, the Marathwa-
Natyashastra with aesthetic be refilled in the well, member secretary, and will da region is facing acute wa-
elements inspired by the borewells and other water also include tehsildar, deputy ter shortage. The average wa-
Ajanta paintings. STAFF REPORTER sources. engineer water supply and ter stock in nearly 3,000 dams
This act was greatly appreci- District Collector Dilip agriculture officer. The re- in Maharashtra is down to
ated by the audience and the- Divisional Commissioner Swami said, various villages sponsibility of each will be on 22.06 per cent, with the Chha-
atre lovers. Two more acts Madhukarraje Ardad retired in the district are being pro- the village – level committee trapati Sambhajinagar divi-
were presented by Shravan after his prolonged service on vided water through tankers led by tehsildar and will in- sion recording the lowest at
US and Doyal Jha, students of Friday. Ardad bade farewell due to the acute water short- clude talathi, agriculture as- 8.78 per cent
the 2nd semester of the Diplo- in a function organised at the
ma in Natyashastra. They district collectorate here on
used dance techniques of
Kuchipudi, Bharatanatyam,
and Yakshagana to explore
Municipal Commissioner
G Srikanth, District Collector
Officials of Karnataka’s seed company booked
the theme of Buddhachari- Dilip Swami, Jalna District STAFF REPORTER cense to sell the seeds in Maharashtra, still the
tam, which was praiseworthy. Collector Shrikrishna Pan- through the administrative narrated his experiences Pardeshi, Avinash Pathak seeds were being sold here.
Dean Parwati Dutta said chal, Deputy Commissioner service. It is important to during his prolonged and other officers also spoke The local police and the agriculture The district superintendent agriculture of-
that the significance of an- Jagdish Miniyar, Ardad’s maintain balance and con- service. . on the occasion. Nayana Bon- department in a joint operation booked three ficer and his team received the information
cient Indian theatre tradi- wife Chaya Ardad, daughter trol of mind while working G Srikanth in his speech darde made an introductory persons of a seed company from Karnataka for that cotton seeds are being sold secretly to the
tions is not followed in mod- Apeksha and other officers in the stressful and crisis sit- mentioned the contribution speech. selling cotton seeds in Nanded district without farmers without any license. The local police
ern theatre. Through the aca- were present. uations. I was lucky that I re- and role of Ardad in the The names of Dilip permission and duping the farmers. The agent and the agriculture department team laid a
demic initiatives at Mahaga- Ardad said, "Working as a ceived cooperation from my water supply scheme for the Gawande, Suraj Madre and of the company has been arrested while seeds trap and arrested the accused and seized 60
mi, efforts are being made to government officer, I always colleagues and staff during city. Nidhi Pande are on the top of worth ₹52,000 has been seized from him. A case bags of seeds worth ₹51,840 from him.
revive and present the Indian worked as a medium be- my tenure while working on District Collector Swami, the list for the post of divi- has been registered against the agent and direc- Based on the complaint lodged by agricul-
theatre traditions with the tween the government and various posts in Nanded, Jal- Jalna District Collector Pan- sional commissioner but it tors of the Chemicide Crop Protection Pvt Ltd, ture officer Sachin Kapale, a case has been reg-
help of research and creative the public. It was an opportu- na, Chhatrapati Sambhaji- chal, DC Miniyar, Suresh Ved- has not been officially con- Karnataka with the Shivajinagar police istered against the agent Mithun Dema Cha-
exploration. nity to service the people nagar and Mumbai." He also mutha, Kushalsingh firmed. station. This company does not have the li- van and two directors of the company.

Nashik police bid farewell to retiring staff
N ashik Police bid adieu to 33 retiring members of the Nashik City
Police team, including ACP (Crime) Dr Sitaram Kolhe, on
Saturday. Additionally, farewells were extended to Radhakrishna
Game, Nashik Divisional Commissioner, and Dr BG Shekhar, IGP-
Nashik Range.

NMC warns private schools Mechanical sweepers to Five injured in

auto rickshaw
NMC, said, "It is the job of
every school director to run
be off road in monsoon accident

The Nashik Municipal Corpo- the school according to rules. STAFF REPORTER An accident involving an
ration has issued a warning to However, if someone has ar- auto rickshaw occurred on
private schools that have in- bitrarily increased the fees While the mechanical sweep- Sunday morning in front of
creased their fees without and if a proper complaint is ers purchased by the Nashik Saguna Company near
proper authorisation. Out of filed with us, we will investi- Municipal Corporation have Khadak Jamb village on the
approximately 250 private gate and take action against made the city roads gleam, Mumbai-Agra highway, in-
schools in the city, some have the violating schools." they will be rendered ineffec- juring five people. The rick-
arbitrarily hiked fees by up to At present, with the new tive during the monsoon sea- shaw driver lost control,
10 per cent. The Education De- academic year starting on son. The sweepers are unable causing the vehicle to veer
partment of the Municipal June 1, the admission process to collect dirt and soil effec- off the road.
Corporation will investigate has been underway for sever- tively due to mud, and at- The injured individuals
these unauthorised fee in- al months. In light of the tempting to do so could cause have been identified as Son-
creases and take action unauthorised fee hikes by the machines to fail. Conse-
PERFORMANCE OVER ali Shivaji Rathod (30), Lak-
against any schools found vio- some private schools, parents quently, mechanical THE MONTHS shmi Appa Chavan (48),
have expressed their frustra- sweeping will be stopped for Naina Shivaji Rathod (5), An-
tion and have approached the the next four months, saving January: 4,066 km cleaned jali Shivaji Rathod (10), Shiv-
municipal education depart- the corporation ₹36 lakhs per February: 6,073 km cleaned aji Bhagwan Rathod (35), all
"It is the job of every school lating regulations. from parents. ment for intervention. In re- month. are residents of Longe, Chal-
director to run the school March: 5,333 km cleaned
Under existing rules, any The Education sponse, the education depart- The Municipal Mechanical challenges posed by the isgaon. The auto rickshaw,
according to rules. However, fee increase by private Department of the Nashik ment is now focusing on this Department invested ₹32 rainy season. The accumula- April: 4,699 km cleaned with registration number
if someone has arbitrarily schools must be proposed to Municipal Corporation over- issue and intends to ensure crores in four mechanical tion of mud, water on roads, May: 3,468 km cleaned MH 48 BV 9791, sustained sig-
increased the fees and if a and approved by the Educa- sees both municipal and pri- compliance with the rules. sweepers, modelled after dividers, and footpaths pre- nificant damage in the acci-
Total: 24,272 km cleaned
proper complaint is filed tion Department of the Mu- vate schools within the city. The Municipal Corpora- those used in Rajkot, Gujarat. vents the machines from op- dent.
with us, we will investigate nicipal Corporation. The department conducts tion's Education Department These sweepers joined the erating effectively. Attempt- Upon receiving the infor-
and take action against the However, it has been reported regular inquiries and inspec- is set to investigate these com- municipal fleet in January ing to clean muddy surfaces mud on the roads during mation, the free ambulance
violating schools. that some schools have by- tions and responds to com- plaints and enforce regula- and have been cleaning city can lead to malfunctions and monsoon, cleaning with me- service of Jagadguru
- BT Patil, passed this procedure and im- plaints from the public. tions to protect parents and streets efficiently, collecting increased maintenance chanical brooms is not possi- Narendracharya Maharaj
Education Officer, NMC plemented fee hikes unilater- Speaking about the issue, students from unjustified fee dirt and garbage from roads costs. ble. The device may malfunc- Sansthan, stationed at Shir-
ally, prompting complaints BT Patil, Education Officer, increases. and footpaths and even spray- Dr Avesh Palod, Director of tion. To avoid damage and ad- wade Phata, promptly ar-
ing water to control dust. Solid Waste Collection and ditional expenses, rived at the scene. The
Despite their impressive Management, NMC, "In the mechanical sweeping will be injured were transported
IPS Ranjan Kumar Sharma takes charge
THIEVES STEAL performance over the past
four months, mechanical
sweepers struggle with the
last four months, 24,000 km of
roads were cleaned with me-
chanical brooms. Due to the
suspended during the rainy
season and will resume once
the weather is dry."
to the government hospital
in Wadalibhoi for treat-

25 TON OF STEEL Spontaneous

STAFF REPORTER The next morning, when
the manager arrived,
response to Man drowns in Darna River
Workers from another
company have stolen 25
Shamsunder informed him
that he had seen Shiv-
Bicycle Rally
tons of steel rods worth ₹ shankar and Suraj, em-
12 lakhs from Shree Maha- ployees of the company, STAFF REPORTER
lakshmi Steel LLP in loading bundles of steel
Pathardi. rods into a truck (MH 15 Ahead of World Bicycle Day,
According to the com- HH 7676). Bhutada then au- celebrated on June 3, the
plaint filed by Pawan dited the goods in the Nashik Cyclists Foundation,
Bhutada, the company godown and found that 25 organised a grand cycle rally
manager, the theft oc- tons of steel rods were on Sunday. The event saw en-
curred at Shree Mahalak- missing. Upon further in- thusiastic participation from
shmi Steel LLP's godown quiry, it was revealed that 120 cyclists. Each participant
in Pathardi. Company Suraj and Ram Bodke, who received an attractive t-shirt
workers Shivshankar, work at Soham Sales Cor- with the message "Pedal for a STAFF REPORTER lagers, recovered the body. immediate rescue efforts,
Sonu, Ram Singh, Monu, poration, had stolen the Better World." The deceased was sent to the Punaji Nama Veer tragically
and Chhotelal reside in the goods with the assistance The rally commenced at A tragic incident occurred in rural hospital for a post- drowned.
godown. On May 19, 2024, of Shivshankar. 6:30am from Shivshakti the Darna riverbed at Borli mortem examination. This incident follows a se-
at around 1am, Shamsun- A case has been regis- Cycle and Fitness on Ganga- Vaghachi Wadi in Igatpuri Punaji Nama Veer and his ries of recent drownings in
der Yadav, the company's tered against the three in- pur Road. A celebration took taluka, where a 45-year-old wife, Sakhubai Punaji Veer, the region, including five
IPS Ranjan Kumar Sharma (Right) has been appointed as the crane driver, saw two indi- dividuals at Indiranagar place for anniversary of man, Punaji Nama Veer, 38, were residing in the Darna people who drowned in
viduals loading iron bars Police Station based on Nashik Cyclists Foundation drowned while swimming. riverbed area of Borli Bhavli Dam and two in
new Special Inspector General of Police for the Nashik range. into a cart from the Bhutada's complaint, and Director Suryakant Aher Upon receiving the infor- Vaghachi Wadi. On Friday af- Vaitarna Dam last week.
On Sunday, he assumed office, taking over from Dr BG Shekhar godown. Fearful, he went further investigation is be- was marked. Breakfast was mation, the Igatpuri police ternoon, the couple went for a The police have started fur-
Patil (Left) in Nashik back to sleep without in- ing conducted by Police also provided for all partici- promptly arrived at the scene bath in the river when the in- ther investigation into the
forming anyone. Sub-Inspector Sonar. pants. and, with the help of local vil- cident occurred. Despite the incident.
Job cuts in Tata Steel's UK operations inevitable, says CEO Narendran

June 3 Mfg PMI data for May Loss of jobs for around 2,500 workers at Tata Steel's and they are continuously protesting against the company
June 4 General Elections result operations in the UK, which are in a transition phase, is in the UK. Tata Steel owns the UK's largest steelworks at
June 5 Services PMI data for May "inevitable", the company's CEO T V Narendran said. Fear Port Talbot in South Wales and employs around 8,000
June 7 RBI interest rate decision of job losses has attracted criticism of the workers' unions people across all its operations in that country. MUMBAI | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024

Mcap of 8 of 10 top firms
erodes by `2.08 lakh cr
India’s power consumption up likely
Deep tech startup policy
in upcoming Budget
15% to 156.31 bn units in May
The combined market valuation of eight
of the top-10 most valued firms declined PTI / New Delhi
by Rs 2,08,207.93 crore last week, with
bellwether Reliance Industries, TCS and The commerce and industry min-
Infosys taking the biggest hit. While istry may propose a dedicated
these three firms along with ITC, Life Data showed that the peak supply was 245.41 giga watt on Saturday, June 1 policy for deep tech startups to
Insurance Corporation (LIC), Hindustan PTI / New Delhi promote innovation, for the forth-
Unilever Ltd, Bharti Airtel and ICICI Bank
were the laggards, HDFC Bank and State India's power consumption rose nearly 15 per
AC makers clock 2-fold coming Budget to be announced
by the new government, an offi-
Bank of India (SBI) emerged as gainers. cent to 156.31 billion units (BU) in May as jump in sales in May cial said. interventions to create a con-
compared to the year-ago period, mainly due A blistering summer has led to an almost Voting for the Lok Sabha polls ducive ecosystem.
Early GST recovery: to scorching heat in the country which forced
excessive use of cooling appliances like air
two-fold jump in sales of air-conditioners in
May even as leading manufacturers have
is over and the counting is sched-
uled for June 4. The new govern-
It also aims to harness the
transformative potential of tech-
CBIC issues directions conditioners and desert coolers. been grappling with delays in installation ment is likely to take oath this nological advancement across di-
The CBIC has said the Principal In May 2023, the power consumption stood and replenishing inventories of hot-selling month. The new government verse sectors, serving as a
Commissioner or commissioner level at 136.50 BU, government data showed. energy-efficient models. may announce the full Budget for catalyst to stimulate ripple effects
officers can issue directions to recover The highest supply in a day (peak power de- The mercury is hovering above 45 degrees 2024-25 in July. throughout the economy and lay-
GST dues before the stipulated three mand met) also rose to an all- time high of at several places including the national The official said that startups ing the groundwork for new in-
months of serving of demand order. 250.07 GW in May 2024 against 221.42 GW in SWELTERING HEAT capital, which has been under the grip of a have to convert their innovation dustry creation.
Under the GST law, if a taxable person
does not pay the amount specified in an
order passed under the CGST Act within
the year-ago month. The previous all-time
high peak power demand of 243.27 GW was
recorded in September 2023.
136.50 BU Power consumption
in May 2023
severe heatwave for the past few days. At
the same time, AC makers are navigating
exceptional demand, recording their best-ever
into intellectual property rights
and for that extensive R&D is re-
Deep technology refers to inno-
vations founded on advanced sci-
entific and technological break-
three months from the date of service of Last month, the power ministry had pro- sales in a month so far. The policy is in the final stages throughs. Due to their disruptive
such order, the tax officer can initiate jected a peak power demand of 235 GW mainly due to high mercury levels in May Leading brands like Voltas, LG, Daikin, and the ministry may forward nature, they have the potential to
recovery proceedings only after the during daytime and 225 GW during evening which forced people to excessively use cooling Panasonic, and Blue Star witnessed robust this proposal for the full Budget solve India's most pressing socie-
expiry of this period. hours for May and 240 GW during daytime appliances like air conditioners and desert sales in May and the industry expects an announcement, the official said. tal issues.
and 235 GW during evening hours for June coolers. overall growth of 30 to 35 per cent in 2024 In July last year, a draft Nation- According to the draft, the pri-
India gets highest FDI 2024.
The ministry also estimated that peak pow-
The demand for power as well as consump-
tion will continue to be steady during this
compared to their sales of last year.
Voltas recorded a two-fold jump in the
al Deep Tech Startup Policy
(NDTSP) was released for stake-
ority is to strengthen the
research and innovation ecosys-
from Singapore in FY24 er demand may hit 260 GW during this sum- summer, they said. The data showed that the sales of residential AC in May and expects holders' comments. tem leading to scientific break-
India received the highest foreign direct mer. peak supply was 245.41 GW on Saturday, June the positive momentum to continue in the It is aimed at addressing the throughs and technological ad-
investment (FDI) from Singapore in Experts said the increase in power con- 1. The peak power demand was recorded at remaining period of the April-June quarter, challenges confronting deep tech vancements, boosting India's
2023-24 even as overseas capital sumption as well as growth in demand was 224.10 GW in entire June 2023. said its MD & CEO Pradeep Bakshi. startups through definitive policy knowledge-driven economy.
inflows into the country contracted by
about 3.5 per cent due to global
economic uncertainties, according to the
latest government data. Though FDI
from Singapore has dipped by 31.55 per
Advantage BJP in exit polls; Stock FPIs take out `25,586 cr RBI unlikely to cut
interest rate on
cent to USD 11.77 billion in 2023-24,
India has attracted the maximum inflows
from that country, the data showed.
market sentiment to get a boost from equities in May June 7: Experts
PTI / New Delhi
Next major trigger this wk will be RBI policy announcement on June 7
Infosys fined $ 3,142 by PTI / New Delhi China will also play a significant
PTI / New Delhi
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is un-
Texas Comptroller role in shaping market senti- Foreign investors pulled out a likely to cut the benchmark inter-
IT major Infosys has been fined an Trading in the equity market will ments," Meena said. massive Rs 25,586 crore from Indi- est rate at its upcoming monetary
amount of USD 3,142.02 (around Rs largely depend on two major Manufacturing and services an equities in May due to uncer- policy review meeting, taking
2.60 lakh) by the Texas Comptroller of events this week - general elec- PMI data for May are scheduled to tainty surrounding the outcome place soon after the announce-
Public Accounts, USA. The penalty was tions result and the RBI interest be announced during the week. of general election and outper- ment of the Lok Sabha election re-
imposed due to non-payment of sales rate decision - analysts said, "Exit polls results, which indi- formance of Chinese markets. sults, amid inflation challenges,
tax for the period of April 2024, adding that the benchmark in- cate clear victory for the NDA This was way higher than a net said experts.
according to a regulatory filing. dices may rally on Monday on exit completely removes the so-called outflow of over Rs 8,700 crore in mar, Chief Investment Strategist, The Monetary Policy Commit-
polls' prediction of a massive win can lead to a rally as majority of election jitters which have been April on concerns over a tweak in Geojit Financial Services, said. tee (MPC) may also refrain from
Income tax dept imposes for the BJP-led NDA and strong
GDP data. Exit polls on Saturday
the exit polls are giving 350+ seats
to the NDA. Conversely, a negative
weighing on markets in May. This
comes as a shot in the arm for the
India's tax treaty with Mauritius
and a sustained rise in US bond
According to the data, Foreign
Portfolio Investors (FPIs) made a
rate cut as economic growth is
picking up, notwithstanding the
penalty of `4.68 cr on L&T predicted that PM Narendra Modi surprise from actual results might bulls who will trigger a big rally in yields. net withdrawal of Rs 25,586 crore elevated interest rate of 6.5 per
The income tax department has imposed will retain power for a third trigger a knee-jerk reaction in the the market on Monday," said V K Before that, FPIs made a net in- from equities in May. cent (repo) prevailing since Feb-
a penalty of over Rs 4.68 crore on Larsen straight term, with the NDA ex- market," said Santosh Meena, Vijayakumar, Chief Investment vestment of Rs 35,098 crore in The relatively high valuations ruary 2023. The meeting of the Re-
& Toubro Ltd, according to a regulatory pected to win a big majority in the Head of Research, Swastika In- Strategist, Geojit Financial Serv- March and Rs 1,539 crore in Feb- and weak earnings, particularly serve Bank Governor Shaktikan-
filing. The department levied a penalty polls. vestmart Ltd. ices. ruary, while they took out Rs in the financial and IT sectors ta Das headed MPC is scheduled
of Rs 4,68,91,352 in connection to the "All eyes are now on the most Following the election outcome, “Next week the biggest trigger 25,743 crore in January, data with where FPIs have a high alloca- for June 5 to 7. The decision will
tax proceedings of erstwhile L&T significant event of the past five the next major trigger will be the for our market is election results the depositories showed. tion, along with political uncer- be announced on June 7 (Friday).
Hydrocarbon Engineering Limited, a years - the outcome of the Lok Sab- RBI policy announcement sched- on Tuesday. On Monday, we have Going ahead, election results, tainties such as ambiguity
wholly-owned subsidiary, which was ha elections, scheduled for Tues- uled for June 7, he added. HSBC Manufacturing PMI and which will be out on June 4, could around the outcome of elections,
RBI last hiked the repo
merged with the company on April 1, day. Before that, market partici- "A key aspect to monitor will be globally ECB monetary policy determine FPIs flows into Indian global risk-off sentiment, and the rate to 6.5% in Feb 2023
2021, L&T said in the filing on Saturday. pants will react to the exit polls on the behaviour of foreign investors along with US Non-farm payroll equities in the near future. appeal of Chinese markets, have
Monday. "The market is approach- in the aftermath of the election re- data will dictate the global trend," In the medium term, US inter- led to FPI selling, Vipul Bhowar, The central bank last hiked the
MosChip bags `500 cr ing the event with caution, and the
positive surprise from exit polls
sults. On the global front, macro-
economic data from the US and
said Dinesh Thakkar, Chairman,
Tradebulls Securities.
est rates will exert more
influence on FPI flows, Vijayaku-
Director of Listed Investments at
Waterfield Advisors, said.
repo rate to 6.5 per cent in Febru-
ary 2023 and since then it has held
contract from CDAC the rate at same level in its previ-
Semiconductor and system design ous six bi-monthly policies.
services firm MosChip Technologies has
said that it secured a contract of Rs
509.37 crore from the Centre for
OPEC+ extends supply cuts Adani portfolio delivers record 45% If the interest rate remains un-
touched again on June 7, it would
be the eighth time for the RBI to
Development of Advanced Computing
(CDAC). This significant contract involves
the development of a high-performance
amid slack prices into 2025 EBITDA growth of `82,917 cr in FY24 maintain the status quo on the
benchmark repo rate.
On expectations from the June
computing (HPC) SoC (System on a Chip) AP / Frankfurt IANS / New Delhi company. policy, Madan Sabnavis, Chief
using state-of-the-art 5nm (nanometer) A strong asset base built over Economist, Bank of Baroda, said
technology, according to the company. Saudi Arabia and allied oil pro- Despite external volatilities and three decades now stands at Rs economic conditions have largely
ducing countries on Sunday ex- headwinds, the Adani Portfolio 478,137 crore (approximately $57 remained unchanged since the
NMDC's iron ore output tended output cuts through next
year, a move aimed at supporting
of companies has delivered
strong and consistent growth in
billion), higher by 16 per cent.
The assets now serve a consumer
last policy. High-frequency indica-
tors like PMI and GST collections
falls 37% in May slack prices that haven't risen FY24 and the past five years, base of over 350 million users, do show that growth is on course.
Country's largest iron ore miner NMDC even amid turmoil in the Middle which signifies the strength and ry of the Adani Portfolio. with a fast-growing consumer He further said concerns on in-
has reported a 37 per cent fall in its East and the start of the summer of alliance members including stability of its businesses, the Cash profit or funds flow from franchise across airports, elec- flation remain even though the
production at 2.34 million tonnes (MnT) travel season. the Saudis. Analysts expected company said on Sunday. operations (FFO) was at Rs 56,828 tricity distribution, smart meter- last couple of numbers have come
in May 2024. It had produced 3.71 MnT The OPEC+ alliance, made up those unilateral cuts, which In FY24, the Adani Portfolio of crore (nearly $6.7 billion), "regis- ing, gas distribution, and a direct- at less than 5%. The ongoing heat
of iron ore in the same month last year, of members of the producers car- expire at the end of the month, to companies delivered a record tering a growth of 51 per cent to-consumer digital platform. wave has affected prices of veg-
the company said in an exchange filing tel and allied countries including be extended as well. EBITDA growth of 45 per cent year-on-year, owing to its disci- "Equity deployed to total assets etables in particular and while the
on Saturday. NMDC's monthly sales also Russia, decided at an online meet- International benchmark Brent (year-on-year), reaching Rs 82,917 plined investment strategy pro- is highest ever at 62 per cent, IMD has predicted a normal mon-
declined by 22 per cent to 2.82 MnT in ing to hold steady its production has loitered in the $81-$83 per bar- crore (approximately $10 billion), viding high conversion of EBIT- against 55 per cent in FY23," said soon, it would be prudent to wait
May this year from 3.62 MnT in May levels, which include collective rel range for the past month. Even which is the highest in the histo- DA into cash profit", said the the company. and monitor how it progresses.
2023. cuts of 2 million barrels per day, the war in Gaza and attacks on
through Dec 31, 2025. shipping in the Red Sea by Houthi
KKCL enters women
denim wear segment
The Saudis need higher oil
prices to fund ambitious plans by
Crown Prince Mohammed bin
rebels in Yemen have not pushed
prices up toward the $100 per bar-
rel level last seen in September
Legacy issues behind us, PNB on right path to outperform its competition: MD
Kewal Kiran Clothing (KKCL), the Salman to diversify the country's 2022. Reasons include higher in- PTI / New Delhi 229 per cent among the 12 public PNB topped the chart am better than my peers," he told
manufacturer of Killer jeans, on Thursday economy away from fossil fuel ex- terest rates, concerns about de- sector banks during the fiscal PTI in an interview.
announced the acquisition of a 50 per ports. Higher oil prices would also mand due to slower than desired With legacy issues behind, Pun- ended in March 2024. The bank's
recording the highest profit Going forward, he said, the net
cent stake in Kraus for Rs 166.51 crore. help Russia maintain economic economic growth in Europe and jab National Bank (PNB) is on the net profit increased over three- growth of 229% among the NPA would come down below 0.5
Kraus Casuals Private Ltd (KCPL) growth and stability as it spends China, and rising non-OPEC sup- right path to outpace the compe- fold to Rs 8,245 crore compared to 12 PSBs during FY2024 per cent and the net interest mar-
manufactures jeans for women and the heavily on its war against ply including from US shale pro- tition and achieve greater heights Rs 2,507 crore in the previous fis- gin of around 3 per cent during
listed KKCL is venturing into the Ukraine. ducers, US motorists have ben- in terms of profitability during cal. the current financial year.
women's denim segment through the The OPEC+ statement didn't efitted from weaker oil prices. the current fiscal and subsequent Recalling the position of PNB bers among PSBs and Provision "We are on the right path be-
deal, a statement said. say what would happen to an addi- Gasoline prices have been quies- years, the bank's managing direc- three years ago, Goel said it was a Coverage Ratio (PCR) was low. cause we have taken a lot of ini-
tional set of voluntary cuts that cent recently, averaging $3.56 per tor Atul Kumar Goel said. laggard on many counts with one "Today you see my net NPA re- tiatives like improving under-
Glenmark Pharma reaches include a reduction of 2.2 million
barrels a day by a smaller group
gallon last week, a penny less than
a year ago.
PNB topped the chart record-
ing the highest profit growth of
of the highest gross and net non-
performing assets (NPAs) num-
duced to 0.7 per cent and even the
PCR is more than 95 per cent. I
writing, collections, digital and
HR transformation.
6 mn people for BP control
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals marked
month of May as the ‘Hypertension
Awareness Month’. Glenmark partnered Demerger of biz to help CV business capitalise on opportunities globally: TaMo Major 18 listed builders sell
with more than 1000 healthcare
professionals (HCPs) from in 250+ cities
and towns across the country, and
PTI / New Delhi talise on growth opportunities.
As part of the initiative, the
merger will help in securing syn-
ergies across the PV, EV and JLR,
`1.17L cr worth properties in FY24
organized 400+ public awareness rallies The proposed demerger of exist- commercial vehicle (CV) business particularly in the areas of EVs, PTI / New Delhi
and reached out to 6 mn adults, raising ing automotive business into two and its related investments would autonomous vehicles, and vehicle
awareness about the disease. listed entities will help the com- be housed in one entity, while the software. Eighteen major listed real estate
mercial vehicle vertical become passenger vehicle (PV) business, On sales outlook, Wagh noted: developers sold properties worth
Infinix launches GT 20 more agile and capitalise on the
opportunities available globally,
including electric vehicles (EVs),
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and its
"Looking ahead, I expect FY25 to
be yet another exciting year for
Rs 1.17 lakh crore during the last
fiscal with Godrej Properties be-
Pro Smartphone according to Tata Motors Execu- related investments, will come un- the CV industry, given the coming the largest player posting
Infinix has launched its much tive Director Girish Wagh. der a separate listed entity. favourable macroeconomic con- Rs 22,527 crore of sales bookings.
awaited series phone- adrenaline-fueled In March this year, Tata Motors "The proposed demerger will ny's commercial vehicle business, text, especially in the domestic Except for a few realty players, ings of nearly Rs 1.17 lakh crore,
GT 20 Pro. The GT 20 Pro smartphone is announced the demerger of its help us improve focus and make said in a message to shareholders market." Tata Motors' CV busi- all major developers have bulk of pre-sales came from the
priced at Rs 24,999 and 26,999 commercial and passenger us more agile to capitalise on op- in the auto major's Annual Report ness has been delivering strong achieved higher sales bookings in residential segment.
for 8+265GB and 12+256 GB vehicle segments into two sepa- portunities in the CV market glob- for 2023-24. operational and financial per- 2023-24 compared to the preceding Commenting on the strong per-
respectively. —Agencies rate listed entities to better capi- ally," Wagh, who heads the compa- As per the company, the de- formance, he stated. financial year. formance of listed realtors, Dhruv
This was largely driven by Agarwal, CEO of
USING 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY TO BUILD ENGINES AND ROCKETS strong demand for residential and PropTiger, said, "Listed real
properties, especially luxury estate firms in India have excelled

Agnikul eyes launching satellites by 2025: CEO Ravichandran homes, across major cities.
Many developers clocked
record pre-sales in the 2023-24 fis-
due to strong brand recognition,
diversified portfolios, and
superior access to capital." Listed
PTI / New Delhi customers who will be able to have The first test flight of Agnibaan build engines and rockets led to cal, riding on a surge in consumer realty firms' experienced manage-
customised launch vehicles for SOrTeD (suborbital technology Agnikul Cosmos, a space sector demand. ment practices and adoption of
After the successful test flight of their satellites. demonstrator) on May 30, which start-up incubated at the IIT According to the data compiled advanced technologies for market-
its Agnibaan rocket, Chennai- "Nine to twelve months I would lasted for 66 seconds, came after Madras Research Park in 2017. from regulatory filings, eighteen ing, sales, and customer service
based space start-up Agnikul Cos- say. Probably by the end of this fi- four unsuccessful attempts. The other co-founders were major listed realty firms have re- have further strengthened their
mos is hoping to start launching nancial year or the early part of "It was a big sense of relief. I Moin SPM, an operations special- ported combined sales bookings market position, he observed.
satellites early next year. the next financial year is what we think we got a lot of learning in ist, and Satyanarayanan of about Rs 1,16,635 crore in the "These elements collectively
In an interview with PTI, Ag- are targeting," Ravichandran said differentiating between building a Chakravarthy, a professor at IIT 2023-24 fiscal, up 33 per cent from contribute to their outstanding
nikul co-founder and Chief Execu- when asked about the commercial vehicle and launching a vehicle," Madras and Head of the National nearly Rs 88,000 crore in the pre- sales performance, giving them an
tive Officer Srinath Ravichandran cryogenic engines and the rocket orbital launch of the Agnibaan said Ravichandran, whose idea to Centre for Combustion Research ceding year. edge over smaller or non-listed
said the 3D-printed semi- will offer quick turnaround for rocket. use 3D printing technology to and Development. Of these combined sales book- peers," Agarwala said.
Indian girl still in A nine-year-old girl, yet to be formally named but
identified as a schoolgirl from Kerala on a day out in
Maria, daughter of Vinaya and Ajeesh of Gothuruthu in
Kochi, who were having a meal at a Turkish restaurant
‘critical condition’ after London with her Birmingham-based family, remains in
“critical condition” in the hospital after suffering a
in Hackney when she was shot on Wednesday night. In
a statement released via the police, Erim Metto, CEO of
drive-by motorbike gunshot wound in a drive-by shooting by a motorbike
borne assailant in east London. The city’s Malayali
the Turkish Cypriot Association said that the community
is shocked by the incident at a Turkish restaurant in
shooting in London community have named the innocent victim as Lissel Hackney. – Aditi Khanna/PTI MUMBAI | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024

Fraud agent's arrest brings relief Lockdown to leadership: An Indian


to student community in Canada student thrives in Australia

Brajesh Mishra has been sentenced to three years for immigration frauds
rimming with excitement, I my university to help international stu-
arrived in Australia at the start of dents transition to life in Australia. I was
VISHWAKARMA /MUMBAI 2020 and within the first two weeks then selected to mentor the English and


of my time at Deakin University, the na- online students. I have also been able to

n Indian student has tional lockdown was announced. While serve organisations such as Study
expressed satisfac- studying from home I involved myself Geelong and Engineers Australia as their
tion regarding the with local community groups, helping to ‘Student Ambassadors’. My role with En-
arrest, prosecution and sen- provide free meals. This initiative not only gineers Australia involved promoting en-
tencing of Brijesh Mishra helped me network but also introduced gineering and STEM among students. I
(37), an Indian agent of the me to some incredible individuals who participated in university elections and
Overseas Education Con- provided pivotal guidance during my ini- won three years in a row, and served as
sultant, for his involvement tial phase in Australia. People of Colour Representative, Campus
in Canadian immigration Coordinator and Assistant General Secre-
fraud. Mishra has been sen- What inspired me? tary. Through these roles, I have been able
tenced to three years in Firstly, Australia offers world-class educa- to lead initiatives on student rights, educa-
prison in Canada after tion. tion, and housing and bring the voice of
pleading guilty to multiple Secondly, I found that the weather won’t international students to the university
Canadian immigration of- require a lot of adjustment. management. I also became the founder
fences. Finally, Deakin University stood out as and the president of the Deakin Universi-
Between 2017 and 2020, it offers an innovative engineering cur- ty Indian Club which quickly became the
Mishra, who worked for Ed- riculum called ‘Project Oriented Design largest student-led body in Geelong.
ucation Migration Services Based Learning’. This approach allows Through my efforts of promoting inclu-
in Jalandhar, signed fake ad- students to gain hands-on experience sivity, student rights and welfare initia-
mission papers for hundreds throughout their degree. tives, I was finally awarded the Students
of Indian immigrants trav- I applied to Deakin University and I was Helping Students Award by Deakin Uni-
elling to Canada. The major- Representative image Brijesh Mishra thrilled to be accepted and offered a schol- versity, the Geelong Youth Award by the
ity of the students from var- arship. local government of Geelong and the Vic-
ious regions of Punjab have Expressing his satisfac- welcomed the verdict. He Nirman also highlighted that students don’t face this torian International Student of the Year
claimed that Mishra prom- tion with the verdict, Batth stated, “The recent verdict the importance of vigilance kind of harassment in the University and education Award by the Victorian Government.
ised them admission to said, “I feel better now be- in the Brijesh Mishra case is and thoroughness for aspir- future,” Kaur added. Kaur system
Canadian universities, but cause the real culprit is be- a welcome dose of justice ing international students, also expressed her frustra- My university colleagues and classmates Homesickness and challenges
upon their arrival, they hind bars.” and a stark warning against noting, “Mishra’s case is a tion, saying, “Three years is have been incredibly welcoming. Initially, as an international student
were told to accept admis- As a victim of misrepre- fraudulent practices target- wake-up call. He is likely not enough because the stu- I found the university environment Homesickness is a hard reality for
sion to lesser-known, tier 2-3 sentation, Batth advised as- ing vulnerable international just one player in a vast in- dents have already lost too quite challenging, but I gradual- almost all international stu-
institutions. piring Indian students to students. Mishra’s activities dustry with many others much time in their profes- ly began to adjust. The profes- dents. During my first year in
Despite receiving work conduct thorough research jeopardised many young continuing deceitful prac- sion.” sors are exceptionally ap- Australia, I used to call my
permits, the former students and not blindly follow their people’s futures in Canada, tices. It’s crucial for stu- proachable. Many professors family at least two to three
were unable to pursue the immigration consultants. causing immense stress and dents to be aware and pre- According to the PTI, even scheduled one-on-one times every day. I found
process of becoming perma- uncertainty. His actions pared.” while pleading guilty to meetings to guide me. walking outside in nature
nent residents (PR) due to Legal team for the highlight the need for robust three charges related to The other staff at Deakin and talking to someone help-
the discovery that their ad- affected students protections for The verdict is not Canada's Immigration and University are equally support- ful.
mission letters signed by Daljit Nirman, a lawyer who international students enough Refugee Protection Act on ive, offering guidance whenever
Sarbjeet Singh
Food, accommodation and
Mishra were fake. assisted affected students, against such exploitation.” Sharing her concern, Man- Wednesday, May 29, Mishra I needed it. The university has overall living are big challenges.
preet Kaur, a volunteer for apologised to the court. “I several staff initiatives, such as writing The first challenge is accommodation.
Misrepresentation the Montreal Youth Student cannot change the past, but I mentors, math mentors and Deakin Tal- After coming to Australia, I lived with my
victim Daljit Nirman’s (Canadian lawyer) essential Organisation, which helps can make sure I do not do it ent. These services are run by staff who uncle for a short time. I got into a shared
Chaman Batth completed a Indian and international again in the future,” he train experienced students to assist new- accommodation where I lived with two
diploma in web development tips for prospective students to avoid scams students on a wide range of pleaded. comers, creating a supportive and inclu- other people. I had to buy everything for
and digital marketing from n Conduct thorough research: Research thoroughly before issues, stated that Mishra is Mishra was arrested in sive environment. myself, from cooking utensils to mat-
Montreal College of Infor- selecting a course or institution. Verify the legitimacy of the not the only fraudster ex- Surrey, BC, in June 2023. He The education system is very different tresses.
mation and Technology in institutions and courses through official Canadian education websites ploiting students. had entered Canada on a from what I was used to back home. In I learned cooking in India, so I could
2021. Batth became a victim and resources. “There are many others tourist visa, which had ex- Australia, students are required to study cook for myself. And finding vegetarian
of Mishra’s fraudulent ac- like him. The court’s pired at the time of his ar- by themselves. The professors are meant food was not a big problem.
tivities. Mishra gave him a n Use authorised representatives: Always use licensed Canadian verdict of a three-year sen- rest. Crown and defence to provide students with sufficient re- The most challenging aspect for me was
fake admission letter from lawyers or immigration consultants You can verify their credentials tence is not enough to com- lawyers jointly recommend- sources. It was challenging to adjust to time management—study, along with
Humber College. When he through the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) or similar regulatory bodies. pensate for the mental ha- ed a three-year prison sen- this, however, the university's orientation part-time work, cooking, cleaning, etc. I
realised that he had become n Avoid "Too Good to be True" offers: Be sceptical of offers that rassment and financial loss tence, which the judge ap- programme provided a heads-up on what would usually cook a lot of food that
a victim of fraud, Batth had seem too good to be true. High fees or promises of guaranteed of the students,” Kaur told proved. Mishra was arrested to expect. would usually last two to three days before
suicidal thoughts. admission without proper verification are red flags. the FPJ. Kaur stressed the in 2023 and it will count as I had to re-cook.
“At first, I was getting sui- need for collective action time served, which means Culture
cidal thoughts. Then, we vic- n Verify admission letters: Confirm the authenticity of your against such corruption, he will serve an additional One of the most striking cultural shocks Living costs and expenses
tims connected through so- admission letters directly with the educational institutions. Do not urging the government to 19 months. for me was the laid-back nature of Aus- I got my first part-time job at a conven-
cial media and, with no oth- rely solely on intermediaries. be more attentive to prevent Gagan Nahal, Mishra’s tralia. Australians are very relaxed about ience store and later also worked at a pizza
er option left, we protested future harassment of stu- defence lawyer, was quoted everything and love to celebrate even the store and a local supermarket. All this
n Seek legal advice: Consult with Canadian immigration lawyers or
24/7 in front of the CBSA of- dents. by PTI saying, “He did show smallest wins. Whether at the workplace helped me earn some money and manage
licensed paralegals for guidance. They can provide accurate
fice from May 2023," Batth “We don’t know how the genuine remorse. The pleas or university, there is no strict hierarchy. my expenses. I set up a savings goal for
information and help navigate the complexities of the immigration
told The Free Press Journal government is going to deal entered today were a demon- Bosses, managers, and CEOs are easily ap- myself. I also used cost-cutting techniques
(FPJ). with him. But if something stration of his remorse be- proachable, and you can address your pro- such as cooking at home, using public
Batth recounted the im- n Stay informed about scams: Educate yourself about common bad is happening to some- cause he had the right to a fessors by their first names. These transport and differentiating between
pact of Mishra’s actions, frauds targeting international students, such as phishing, fake job one, we need to come togeth- trial.” Nahal noted that 12 cultural nuances were both surprising needs and wants before spending money
stating, “Because of him, offers and housing scams. Be cautious about sharing personal er, unite and fight against victims came forward dur- and refreshing. on something.
our future was in danger. Af- information and financial details. the corrupt system. If they ing the CBSA’s investiga-
ter spending five to six years really wanted to, either the tion. Highlights of my journey The author is a student of Bachelor of Civil
and all of our parents’ sav- n Official resources: Utilise official resources like Immigration, Canadian government, the After serving his sentence I was able to start study support groups at Engineering (Honours), at Deakin University
ings in Canada, we received Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and designated learning Indian government, or any in Canada, Mishra is expect-
deportation letters for some- institutions to get accurate information and updates. part of the world, they ed to be deported to India to
thing we never did.” should be more attentive so face further charges.

Future leaders must integrate Yale University elects first British Indian schoolboy eyes world
technical and business knowledge female president in 323 years record with Rubik’s Cube feat
EDUCATION DESK/MUMBAI chair of the presidential PTI since the age of five to cre-

REBECCA LOADES search committee, an- ating intricate portraits


Yale University has appointed nounced that McInnis was A British Indian school- out of several of them, the
Technological advancements Maurie McInnis as its 24th the unanimous choice of boy who created a giant schoolboy’s family has
and digital transformations president, marking the first the Yale Board of Trustees. artwork depicting Prime been nurturing his
are increasingly shaping to- time in the institution's 323- "A compelling leader, dis- Minister Rishi Sunak by unique talent. In August,
day’s business landscape. To year history that a woman will tinguished scholar, and de- using his Rubik’s Cube- he wants to showcase his
address the challenges busi- hold this prestigious position. Maurie McInnis File voted educator, she brings solving skills is eyeing a speed-solving prowess
nesses will face today and Beginning July 1, McInnis, photo to the role a deep under- speed record entry into and create a massive cube
into the future, current and who is currently president of standing of higher educa- the ‘Guinness World mosaic of Indian Prime
future leaders must Stony Brook University in New York, will tion and an unwavering commitment to Records’ later this year. Minister Narendra Modi.
integrate their technical and take over the role of outgoing president Pe- our mission and academic priorities. Henil Soni, 11, was re- “I am eagerly anticipat-
business knowledge. ter Salovey. McInnis announced on Her experience and accomplishments cently awarded with an ing the opportunity to at-
Leaders who do so will be Wednesday morning that she would be over the past three decades have pre- Inspire Award by the British Youth tempt breaking the Guinness World
able to make important deci- starting individual meetings and listening pared her to lead Yale in the years International College (BYITC) at an Record on August 4 in India, where I
sions that balance technolog- sessions in the upcoming summer. ahead," Bekenstein stated on behalf of event in the UK Parliament complex will demonstrate my speed-solving
ical feasibility, market viabil- the full board. for his mastery of the Rubik's Cube prowess with the Rubik's Cube,”
ity, and strategic alignment. About McInnis Bekenstein characterised the as a “testament to his sharp intellect added Soni.
They will also be able to iden- McInnis holds a BA in Art History from search for Yale's next president as "ro- and unwavering determination.” A total of 27 awards were present-
tify and mitigate risks better, the University of Virginia and a PhD in bust," with efforts made to cast a wide The pupil of the Two Village – C of ed at the Inspire Awards event
bridge communication gaps, History of Art from Yale University, net and gather a variety of viewpoints E (VC) Primary School at Harwich in earlier this year, with the winners re-
and foster innovation. Identi- where she arrived as a graduate student on the ideal attributes and qualifica- Essex, south-east England, is excited ceiving trophies and certificates
fying and seizing opportuni- Representative image 35 years ago. As she steps into her new tions. at the prospect of taking his cube- from BYITC – founded in 2015 by
ties that drive growth and role, her top priority will be to reconnect He expressed his appreciation to the solving to the next level. Glasgow-based academic and educa-
create value will also allow governments must also put proach. To do so, Tata Motors with the Yale community. “You make four academics who were on the search “I am deeply honoured to receive tor Dr. Rashmi Mantri.
these leaders to steer their supportive policies and regu- has been collaborating with this university what it is. The communi- committee: Anjelica Gonzalez, Steven the Inspire Award at the British Par- “I have seen first-hand how
organisations towards sus- latory frameworks into place the government, energy ty environment that brought me to Yale Berry, Daniel Colón-Ramos, and Jackie liament. BYITC's recognition has achievement in learning and skills
tainable success in an ever that incentivise adoption companies and technology was created by those who came before Goldsby. They were all very insightful, provided me with a platform to can fill young people with confi-
more digitalised and address safety firms to secure policy sup- us and has been sustained and enriched very committed, and very collegial. Ad- showcase my achievements, and dence and show them how amazing
world. concerns. port, develop charging infra- by all of us," she said. ditionally, he expressed gratitude to the winning the Rubik's Hero in the Ac- they really are. Through BYITC, we
Although India ■ When it comes structure, and enhance bat- Yale faculty, staff, alumni, and student ademics Category has been a pro- have helped thousands of students
is renowned for to supply, a wide- tery technology. Trustee Josh Bekenstein advisory council for their invaluable found milestone in my journey,” excel in maths, English, program-
its technological spread, reliable This makes it clear that lauds robust search contributions to the thorough search Soni said. ming, and cyber security,” said
and engineering network of success depends on leaders Josh Bekenstein ’80, senior trustee and process. From solving the Rubik's Cube Mantri.
capabilities, with charging sta- who can blend their techni-
large numbers of tions requires cal knowledge of EVs with
Indian engineer-
ing students gradu-
ating each year, the
vestment and coor-
Rebecca Loades dinated efforts be-
in- strategic business insights to
navigate the complex land-
scape and drive the adoption
Spelling Bee finalists, mostly Indian-American children, visit White House
country faces a complex tween the government, pri- of sustainable mobility solu- PTI night, and judges determined their parents.

challenge regarding electric vate sector, and energy com- tions in India. Therefore, ac- that he spelled 29 of them cor- The four other Indian
vehicles (EVs). The benefits panies. Additional invest- cess to education that in- Bruhat Soma, the Scripps Na- rectly — nine more than his Americans were: Rishabh
of integrating EVs into the ments in battery R&D and volves developing technical tional Spelling Bee's Indian- competitor, Faizan Zaki. Saha, 14, and Shrey Parikh,
mainstream transportation manufacturing are also and business skills is vital to American winner, along with On Friday, the White House 12, from California; Aditi
system are clear; a reduction needed. enable leaders to navigate the seven other finalists, was invited them to attend an Muthukumar, 13, from Col-
in fossil fuel dependence and In India, Tata Motors has these issues. invited by the White House event on the South Lawns orado; and Ananya Rao
pollution – yet India still been leading EV roll-out Increasing access to busi- for a visit, a lifetime experi- where President Joe Biden Prasanna, 13, from North
faces difficulties in making with models like the Tata ness education, complement- ence for these young talents. welcomed the Kansas City Carolina.
this a reality. Nexon EV. However, the com- ed with technical knowledge, Soma, a 12-year-old seventh- Chiefs to celebrate their They did not meet the pres-
■ From the market perspec- pany has faced difficulties will enable the development grade student from Florida, championship season and ident but saw other champi-
tive, consumers are con- scaling up production and of a pipeline of leaders who emerged victorious in the victory in Super Bowl LVIII. ons — the Super Bowl cham-
cerned when it comes to con- meeting demand amid sup- can reimagine and benefit prestigious Scripps National Soma, sporting a yellow pion Kansas City Chiefs.
sidering an EV’s range, ply chain constraints and in- the future. Spelling Bee on Thursday, championship T-shirt and a All the finalists were seen
charging time, and upfront frastructure limitations. earning more than $50,000 in red tilak on his forehead, was taking pictures on the White
costs. Marketing strategies Addressing a complex The author is the Director of MBA cash and other prizes. joined by seven other House lawns and were excited
and education alone are in- challenge requires creativity programs at ESMT Berlin, He blitzed through 30 finalists, including four oth- about visiting the office-cum-
sufficient to build trust, so and a multi-faceted ap- Germany words in 90 seconds Thursday ers of Indian descent, and Bruhot Soma residence of the US President.
42 TN students hospitalised after having hostel food
ERODE (TAMIL NADU): A total of 42 students which they complained of uneasiness and
of a private engineering college here took ill vomiting. They were then taken to the Erode
after consuming food served at the hostel District Medical College Hospital. The
early on Sunday. According to police, the condition of all the affected students is said to
students had dinner at the hostel following be stable. MUMBAI | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024

Visva-Bharati says
no religious meet Launch pads across CDS General Start-up CEO: Agnikul aims Drugs worth
Chauhan visits to launch satellites by 2025 `9.5 cr found in
soap cases in
LoC active: J&K DGP
held on campus ‘INS Chilka’
KOLKATA: Left wing Students
Federation of India (SFI) has ANI / Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
Assam, 6 held
alleged "saffron forces" are AGENCIES / Cachar (Assam)
holding 'certain religious Chief of Defence Staff
activities' on Visva-Bharati Around 70 terrorists waiting to infiltrate, says Swain (CDS) General Anil Police seized 1.90 kg of heroin
campus with over 12 rooms Chauhan on Sunday visited worth Rs 9.5 crore and appre-
allotted to one such PTI / Srinagar ‘INS Chilka’, the premier hended six drug peddlers in
organisation in the university training establishment for two separate operations in
guest house. Visva Bharati Around 60 to 70 terrorists are Agniveers of the Indian Assam's Cachar district, an
authorities, however, said, "no "active" on launch pads across Navy located in Odisha. official said.
religious meet has been the Line of Control (LoC) and During the visit, General Agnikul made history with the world's first 3D-printed rocket Numal Mahatta, Superin-
allowed within the university its "degraded capability" has Chauhan received an engine launch recently tendent of Police of Cachar
campus" but any room of the not stopped Pakistan from overview of the training ac- district, said, “Based on cred-
varsity-run guest house can sending men and material to tivities and progress of the PTI / New Delhi "It was a big sense of relief. ible intelligence Cachar Po-
be booked by any "bona-fide Jammu and Kashmir, accord- Agniveer batches at ‘INS I think we got a lot of learn- lice conducted two separate
organisation. ing to Director General of Po- Chilka’, and was briefed on After the successful test- ing in differentiating be- special operations on Satur-
lice Rashmi Ranjan Swain. the critical role played by flight of Agnibaan SOrTeD, tween building a vehicle and day against the transporta-
Traffic jawan kills Giving an overall assess-
ment of the current security
the facility in shaping
future sea warriors.
Chennai-based space start-
up Agnikul Cosmos is
launching a vehicle," said
Ravichandran, whose idea to
tion of narcotic substances at
Ram Prasadpur, Dholai and
10-year-old son situation along the border ar- "General Anil Chauhan, hoping to start launching use 3D printing technology Banskandi, Lakhipur.” The
NAVSARI (GUJ): A traffic eas and the challenge posed the Chief of Defence Staff satellites early next year. to build engines and rockets arrested persons were identi-
brigade jawan allegedly by drone droppings, Swain at (CDS), visited ‘INS Chilka’, In an interview with PTI, led to Agnikul Cosmos, a fied as Bintu Singha (28), Ra-
poisoned, strangled his 10- the same time said Indian se- the premier ab-initio train- Agnikul co-founder and space sector start-up incubat- jen Singha (41), Ekbar Hus-
year-old son and dumped the curity personnel will make it ‘People who kept 'hisab-kitab' for Pak in ing establishment of Indian Chief Executive Officer Sri- ed at the IIT Madras Re- sain (23), Borjohna Hmar
body in a room at his "absolutely hard" for the ad- the past queued up to vote this time’ Navy for Agniveers on 1 Jun nath Ravichandran said the search Park in 2017. (27), Robert Lalmalsawn (24)
workplace in Gujarat's Navsari versary to succeed. 24. The CDS was briefed on 3D-printed semi-cryogenic The other co-founders and Daniel Lalringhet (26).
city, police said on Sunday. "In our meetings with our PTI / Srinagar threats, DGP Rashmi Ranjan the pivotal role played by engines and the rocket will were Moin SPM, an opera-
Sanjay Baria (37) allegedly security partners, we general- Swain said. ‘INS Chilka’ in shaping fu- offer quick turnaround for tions specialist, and Satya- `43 lakh drugs from
killed his son Vansh and ly have come to the conclusion People who kept "hisab-kitab" This year's Lok Sabha election ture sea warriors of the In- customers who will be able to narayanan Chakravarthy, a Bangkok seized in Surat
dumped his body in the utility that it is a fact that the adver- (accounts) and acted as eyes saw a remarkable voter turnout dian Navy. An overview of have customised launch ve- professor at IIT Madras and Police seized LSD and hybrid
room of a traffic chowky, an sary or the enemy has not and ears of the "enemy" in the in Jammu and Kashmir, which training activities along hicles for their satellites. Head of the National Centre cannabis worth Rs 43 lakh
official said. Baria called his stopped from sending men past took part in the electoral signalled towards a shift in the with analysis of Agniveer "Nine to 12 months I would for Combustion Research ordered from Bangkok via
wife on the phone around 3.40 and material," Swain, who process this time as the Jammu region's political landscape, batches trained till date at say. Probably by the end of and Development. the dark web from an apart-
pm on Saturday to inform her holds the dual charge of the and Kashmir administration Swain told PTI, highlighting a Chilka was provided," this financial year or the ear- Women engineers ment in Surat.
about their son, Superintendent J&K Police and the CID, told and the police ensured a safe newfound sense of freedom as per a release from ‘INS ly part of the next financial Saraniya Periaswamy, the The drugs were ordered by
of Police (Navsari) Sushil PTI in an interview. space free from external from fear among the people. Chilka’. year is what we are target- Vehicle Director for Agni- one Partha Mandirwala, a
Agrawal said. The accused is He also mentioned the pres- Interacting with the Ag- ing," Ravichandran said baan SorTeD, and Umamah- resident of Adajan locality in
absconding, and teams have ence of foreign terrorists destabilise the area". about 60-70 persons in groups niveers, General Chauhan when asked about the com- eswari K, the Project Surat, police said on Sunday.
been formed to apprehend from the western neighbour "I would say the enemy's in- of five or six at different emphasised the importance mercial orbital launch of the Director of the first Mission, Mandirwala was not found
him, he said. Baria was a operating in the region. tent is very much there, the places waiting to be pushed of the Agnipath Scheme in Agnibaan rocket. played a key role in the test at his residence, but LSD and
jawan with the traffic brigade While acknowledging some capability certainly degraded, into our side," Swain said, as- fostering a youthful and dy- The first test flight of Ag- flight. hybrid cannabis worth Rs 43
deployed to assist traffic police, success in countering these but the ability to occasionally serting that together with the namic profile within the nibaan SOrTeD (suborbital Agnibaan SOrTeD was a lakh were seized in the raid.
the official said. attempts, Swain said that the rock the system and unsettle Army, paramilitary forces services and contributing to technology demonstrator) on vertical ascent flight unlike Special Operations Group
threat remains and sustained you is there," he said. and J&K Police, “we are deter- nation-building by produc- May 30, which lasted for 66 sounding rockets that are sleuths received information
4 lion cubs born efforts are required to further
reduce the "enemy's ability to
"At any given point of time,
perhaps you would have
mined that we will make it
hard for the adversary”.
ing skilled, disciplined, and
motivated youth.
seconds, came after four un-
successful attempts.
launched using guiding rails
placed at a particular angle.
that Mandirwala was buying
drugs from Bangkok.
in Etawah safari
ETAWAH (UP): Lioness Neerja

Heatwave impact: Voter turnout dips in Uttar Pradesh

has given birth to four cubs at
the Etawah Safari Park in
Uttar Pradesh.
At least three of the four cubs
are healthy while one is still BISWAJEET BANERJEE / Lucknow In the first phase, voting took place in phase, the lowest among all phases. In sev- 33 poll personnel die due to heat wave
weak. With this, the number eight western constituencies where tem- enth phase, the persistent high tempera- Thirty-three poll personnel succumbed to
of lions at Etawah Safari Park In a significant trend observed during the peratures were around 39°C, the lowest tures (43°C) continued to affect voter heat-related conditions in seventh phase of
has increased to 16. Safari recent elections in Uttar Pradesh (UP), the among all phases. This phase saw the high- turnout, which remained below 56% at the Lok Sabha election held in the state on
Director Anil Patel said the rising temperatures appeared to have a de- est voter turnout at 61.11%. But in second 55.60%. Saturday, according to Uttar Pradesh Chief
mating of the lioness with the terrent effect on voter turnout. Out of the phase, as temperatures increased to 41°C, As compared to 2019 elections, data indi- Electoral Officer (CEO) Navdeep Rinwa.
male lion Kanha, which came seven phases of voting, only the third phase turnout dropped to 55.19%. cates a substantial difference in voter The number included home guards, san-
from Gujarat, took place saw an increase in voter participation com- Despite the temperature rising further to turnout in first, second, third and seventh itation workers and other poll staff.
between February 12 and pared to previous phases. 42°C, in third phase, voter turnout slightly phases of 2024 elections. In the first phase, A voter also died at a booth in the Sikan-
February 15, 2024. This is the “Overall, UP experienced a 2.11% de- increased by 2.36% from the second phase, the turnout dropped by 5.5% while in the darpur area of Ballia Lok Sabha con-
first time that Neerja, also crease in voter turnout across its 80 con- recording 57.55%. The temperature on the compared to the second and third phases. second phase turnout decreased by 7.48% stituency. Ram Badan Chauhan, who was
born at Etawah Safari Park on stituencies compared to the 2019 elections,” fourth and fifth phaseswas around 40°C and With temperatures peaking at 43°C and as compared to 2019. From 3rd to 7th phase standing at the polling booth, fell uncon-
December 12, 2020, has Navdeep Rinwa, Chief Electoral this resulted in slightly higher voter heatwaves exacerbating conditions, voter the decline in voters’ turnout was between scious and was rushed to a health centre
delivered cubs. Officer, said. turnouts of 58.22% and 58.02%, respectively, turnout plummeted to 54.04% in sixth 2.47% and 2.77%. where doctors pronounced him dead.


SIT to probe attack on BJP’s 2 loco pilots hurt as goods SIT searching for
Patliputra candidate, one held trains collide in Punjab PTI / Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab)
Bhavani Revanna
PTI / Bengaluru is found. It is a due process of
law and nothing else," Para-
DEERAJ KUMAR / PATNA cident, City SP (East) Bharat polls in the seventh and last The Special Investigation meshwara told reporters
Soni said that altogether phase on Saturday. He said Two loco pilots were injured Team carried out searches at here.
Taking serious note of the nine people had been named RJD MLA’s act amounted to on Sunday morning when a various locations in the last The SIT had issued a notice
attack on BJP MP and party as accused in the FIR lodged violation of the model code stationary goods train was hit 24 hours looking for Bhavani to Bhavani asking her to be
candidate from Patliputra by BJP MP following the in- of conduct, adding that he from behind by another at the Revanna, mother of suspend- present at her home on June 1
Ram Kripal Yadav, police on cident. had already lodged a com- Sirhind railway station here, ed JD(S) MP Prajwal Revan- as there was a need to ques-
Sunday formed a Special In- “An intensive interroga- plaint with Patna district a Government Railway Police na, in connection with a tion her in the kidnap case
vestigation Team (SIT) to tion of the nabbed accused magistrate- cum-district re- (GRP) official said. woman kidnap case as she linked to allegations of
probe the alleged assault on is on even as raids are being turning officer Shirsat Kapil He said the collision caused was not present at her resi- sexual abuse against her son.
Yadav and his supporters in conducted to nab other ac- Ashok in this connection. the engine of one of them to dence at Holenarasipura in When a team of SIT sleuths
the constituency. cused,” he added. When Yadav came to flip over to another track and Hassan district, sources said reached Bhavani's house,
Yadav is pitted against Meanwhile, BJP MP Ya- know about the RJD MLA hit a passenger train. on Sunday. 'Chennambika Nilaya', she
RJD chief Lalu Prasad`s eld- dav said that all the named entering the polling booth, There was no loss of life in Restoration and relief work underway after a goods train derailed Meanwhile, Karnataka was not present.
est daughter, Misa Bharti. accused should be arrested he rushed to the spot and the incident that took place at Sirhind in Fatehgarh Sahib, on Sunday Home Minister G Paramesh- Two women lawyers
Acting swiftly, SIT also ar- as soon as possible. He said took details of it from vil- near Madhopur in Sirhind wara said a search is on to reached 'Chennambika Ni-
rested one of the accused, he had never faced such a lagers. His convoy was at- but loco pilots Vikas Kumar pital in Patiala, he added. tions have been issued to the "arrest" Bhavani, who is laya' on Saturday evening and
Vikas Kumar, in this connec- situation in his 40 years of tacked when he was return- and Himanshu Kumar were Railway officials said district administration to found "absconding". She is met the SIT officials. They did
tion. Yadav’s cavalcade was public life. ing to the state capital. injured, the GRP official said. restoration work was under- provide all possible help. hiding somewhere and will not disclose the purpose be-
attacked and gunshots fired The BJP candidate ac- Yadav managed to escape A Fatehgarh Sahib Civil way and trains are being di- "There was news of an ac- be arrested soon, he added. hind the meeting.
in Masaurhi in Patna dis- cused RJD MLA Rekha Devi unhurt but some of his sup- Hospital doctor said Vikas verted through Rajpura, Pa- cident involving two trains at "They (Special Investiga- It is learnt that Bhavani
trict late evening on Satur- of entering into a polling porters were beaten up by Kumar suffered injuries to tiala and Dhuri and some via Sirhind railway station. tion Team) are searching for had communicated through
day. booth when votes were assailants and one of them his head and Himanshu Ku- Chandigarh. Thank God that there was no her (Bhavani) to arrest her. her lawyers that she was un-
Confirming the arrest of being cast in Patliputra Lok also sustained injuries on mar to his back. They were Punjab Chief Minister loss of life," he said in a post It's not known where she is. well and would appear before
one of the accused in the in- Sabha seat, which went to the head in the assault. referred to the Rajindra Hos- Bhagwant Mann said direc- in Punjabi on 'X'. She will be arrested once she them (SIT) shortly.

Kingpin of Iran-based organ racket nabbed in Hyd Hyderabad ceases to be common

capital of Telangana and Andhra
SHANKAR RAJ “Prathapan is the kingpin of a ma- the donors received only Rs 5 lakh to Later, he became an active after completing the medical formal-
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM jor organ smuggling racket operating Rs 6 lakh each, said a police officer. A member of the racket and its deals ities. Sabith flew ahead to Iran, re- PTI / Hyderabad bifurcation of undivided
in the country. He was the chief coor- youth from Thirunellayi in Palakkad were centered in Iran, the police said. ceived the donors and ensured that Andhra Pradesh was car-
In a major breakthrough, the alleged dinator of organ trade. He was re- was the only person on the list from While Sabith Nasar was the key they returned home after the organs Hyderabad, one of the ried out in 2014.
kingpin of Iran-based organ trade sponsible for finding the donor, con- Kerala, he said. person in Kerala, he was reporting to were harvested. bustling metropolitan Telangana came into ex-
racket, was nabbed from a ducting medical examination and en- Prathapan had himself got in one Madhu, a resident of Kochi, who Due to international ramifications cities of the country, ceased istence on June 2, 2014.
Hyderabad hotel by the Kerala police suring that the person was medically touch with the operators of the was leading the operations of the and with reports that part of the to be the common capital of "On and from the ap-
while he was planning to leave the fit to donate organs,” said Saxena. racket for the first time to donate a racket from Iran. money may have gone to terror fund- Telangana and Andhra pointed day (June 2), Hy-
country. Identified as Ballamkonda The police worked meticulously to kidney. However, the donation failed As per investigations, Madhu ar- ing, tCentral agencies, including Pradesh from Sunday as derabad in the existing
Ramaprasad aka Prathapan, 41, a establish the links of Sabith Nasar of as he was found to have contracted rived in Delhi last year. Then Pratha- NIA, are also investigating the case, per the Andhra Pradesh Re- State of Andhra Pradesh,
resident of Vijayawada, Andhra Thrissur, who was arrested on his ar- some disease during medical exami- pan, Sabith Nasar and Madhu and have completed the preliminary organisation Act, 2014. shall be the common
Pradesh, he allegedly introduced rival from Iran with Prathapan. nation ahead of the harvest. formed a shell company, which was probe, said sources. Beginning June 2, Hyder- capital of the State of
his victims to the mafia in Iran. The gang targeted poor and illiter- While his efforts to donate his kid- controlled by one Sajith Shyam, who Sources said the Iranian govern- abad will be the capital city Telangana and the State of
Prathapan was nabbed by a special ate rural people from Madhya ney failed, he sniffed an opportunity was already detained by the police. ment’s compensation scheme for or- of Telangana only. Andhra Pradesh for such
investigation team (SIT) led by Er- Pradesh, Maharashtra, Hyderabad, for organ sale as Iran had legalized The police said the gang contacted gan donors and the legal backing it Hyderabad was made the period not exceeding ten
nakulam district police chief Vaib- and Delhi. They earned Rs 50 lakh to organ donation from non-related per- donors through social media plat- provides could have motivated organ capital city of the two years," said the AP Reor-
hav Saxena. Rs 1 crore for each organ sold while sons in 1988. forms. Prathapan sent them to Iran trafficking. states for 10 years when the ganisation Act.


AAP MLA defects to BJP, does U-turn Dog undergoes non-invasive heart surgery
RAJESH MOUDGIL for Rinku’s having received Angural’s re-
CHANDIGARH rallies and quest, has said that a decision PTI / New Delhi scatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair (TEER) state university two years ago, he said.
other elec- on Angural’s request would procedure using a valve clamp on The pet dog was discharged in a sta-
Ruling Aam Aadmi Party tion-related be taken in the near future. A dog with a complex heart condition May 30. ble medical condition just two days af-
(AAP) legislator from Jaland- works for However, according to re- successfully underwent a minimally "It's called hybrid surgery as it's a ter surgery.
har West Sheetal Angural, him after ports, AAP would take a call invasive heart surgery at a hospital combination of a micro surgery and Mitral valve disease is the most
who had recently joined the leaving AAP. on the development as anti-de- here with veterinarians claiming it to interventional procedure. The best common heart condition in dogs in In-
BJP along with Jalandhar MP As per fection law had come into ef- be the first such procedure to be car- part about this procedure is that it is dia as well as in rest of the world and
Sushil Rinku, has requested media reports, he said in his fect with his resignation. ried out by private practitioners in the minimally invasive as it's a beating accounts for 80 per cent of all heart
withdrawal of his resignation letter that had his resignation Meanwhile, Jalandhar had Indian subcontinent. heart procedure and not like an open diseases in dogs in India and world-
to the assembly Speaker. been accepted, election would witnessed a multi-cornered Seven-year-old beagle, Juliet, was heart surgery, which needs a heart wide. This disease is amongst one of
Angural had left AAP on have to be held again for Ja- contest for the June 1 polling suffering from Mitral valve disease for lung bypass machine," Sharma ex- the major causes of deaths in dogs,
March 27 and also tendered landhar West seat, which with Congress fielding its for- the last two years, Dr Bhanu Dev
Representative photo plained. Sharma said.
his resignation from the post would have caused huge ex- mer chief minister Charanjit Sharma, an interventional cardiolo- which result in back flow of blood As per the pet parents, they were "The only treatment majorly avail-
of MLA to the assembly penditure by state govern- Singh Channi, the BJP, Sushil gist for small animals at Max PetZ within the left upper chamber of the giving heart medications to Juliet for able so far includes medicinal treat-
Speaker. Now, he has written ment, hence he was with- Rinku, AAP, Pawan Kumar Hospital in East of Kailash, said on heart and subsequent congestive the last one year, Sharma said. ment, which delays the onset of clini-
to the Speaker, withdrawing drawing his resignation. Tinu and Shiromani Akali Sunday. heart failure (fluid build-up in lungs) They learnt about the procedure cal signs and gives symptomatic relief
his resignation. Speaker Kultar Singh Sand- Dal (SAD) nominating Mo- The condition is caused by degener- as the disease progresses. from their visit to the US where this for sometime. It is not curative,"
Angural had also worked hwan, who has confirmed hinder Singh Kaypee. ative changes in mitral valve leaflets The surgeons performed a Tran- surgery was introduced at Colorado he said.
Man sets wife, son afire, immolates self in Kerala
VARKALA (Kerala): A man set his wife and son
on fire before immolating himself over an alleged
family dispute here, police said. The man hailing
from nearby Chemmaruthi succumbed to burns on
Sunday. His wife and son were admitted to the
Thiruvananthapuram Government Medical College
with severe burn injuries and their condition was
stated to be serious.

Forest fire breaks

Delhi could become Another IIM in

out in Udhampur Orange

alert in Northeast soon

A forest fire erupted in

Gangera Hill in Udhampur
district of Jammu and Kash-
mir on Sunday, said officials.
barren desert: HC
Court took note of the record temperature in Capital

With the southwest monsoon


The Union government has

given the nod for setting up
“The fire erupted in the bringing widespread rains to an Indian Institute of Man-
morning. Upon receiving the AGENCIES / NEW DELHI various parts of Kerala, the agement (IIM) at Palashbari,
information we reached the India Meteorological Depart- near Guwahati, Assam Chief
spot and started dousing the The Delhi High Court recent- ment (IMD) on Sunday Minister Himanta Biswa Sar-
fire. It is still going on,” Heatwave persists in Jammu ly took judicial notice of the sounded an orange alert in ma said in a post on social me-
Bharam Dutt Sharma, block The heatwave conditions on highest temperature of 52.3 Ernakulam district, which dia platform X. Sarma in his The selection
forest officer in Udhampur Sunday persisted in Jammu degrees Celsius ever recorded has been receiving incessant tweet added that this made
told ANI. which recorded the maxi- in Delhi. “It is not far to see downpours for the past sever- Guwahati one of the select committee has
Another major forest fire mum temperature at 41.6 de- the day when this city may be al days. An orange alert few cities in India to host pres- finalised a plot
has been raging in Daya Dhar grees Celsius, 2.2 notches only a barren dessert if the means very heavy rain of 11 tigious educational institu-
of Ghordi Block in Udham- above season's average, the present generation continues cm to 20 cm. tions like the IIT, AIIMS, Na-
measuring 77 hectare
pur for the past three days. meteorological department an apathetic view on the de- Meanwhile, 582 people tional Law University, and at Marabhita, and
The fire, despite continuous
firefighting efforts, remains
However, the day tempera-
forestation,” said Justice
Tushar Rao Gedela while
were shifted to 33 relief
camps in Kottayam following
now, an IIM.
Over the past 18 months,
approved IIM
uncontained. Arti Sharma, ture in Jammu was 1.3 de- hearing a batch of petitions A man covers his child’s head with a cloth for protection from the heavy rains and floods, dis- Assam has worked relentless- Ahmedabad as the
BDC Ghordi, has appealed to grees Celsius less than that of seeking direction on the pro- scorching sun on a hot Sunday in Haryana’s Gurugram —PTI trict authorities said. Kot- ly for presenting a case for IIM mentor institute
the administration to deploy the previous day, a spokesper- tection of deemed forests in tayam District Collector de- in the state with the Union Ed-
Indian Air Force helicopters son of the meteorological de- Delhi on May 31. er appointed its former judge “Since the next date of clared holiday on Monday for ucation ministry. Assam not
to combat the Daya Dhar fire. partment said. The India Meteorological Najmi Waziri as the chairper- hearing is already fixed for schools for converting the only offered 300 bighas of industrial linkages.
The Daya Dhar forest area He added that the city may Department on Saturday said son of an internal depart- July 29, it is expected that all buildings into relief camps. prime land in Palashbari but The selection committee fi-
is home to a significant popu- witness relief from the pre- the reading of 52.9 degrees mental committee of city offi- things and requirements of Meanwhile, Assam’s flood also extended logistical sup- nalised a plot situated at
lation of peacocks. The loss vailing conditions after June Celsius by a weather station cials dealing with the protec- the chairperson and the com- situation remained grim port, emphasising its commit- Marabhita, measuring nearly
of vegetation has not only im- 4 and may see light to moder- at Mungeshpur in northwest tion of forests in Delhi, was mittee shall be put in place with 3 more deaths and new ment to fostering excellence in 77 hectare, and approved IIM
pacted the peacocks but also ate rain or thunder at many Delhi was due to a “malfunc- informed that Waziri was un- and in full working condition, areas inundated, though the education. Ahmedabad as the Mentor In-
other wildlife and the overall places with gusty winds at tioning sensor”. able to perform his duties due prior thereto,” the court di- number of affected people de- According to a letter dated stitute for the new IIM. At
ecosystem, officials said. few places. The court, which had earli- to a lack of infrastructure. rected. creased marginally. April 10, addressed to the Di- present IIM Shillong is the
rector of Indian Institute of only IIM in the north east.

Heatwave & floods: India’s weather story so far in 2024 Skip afternoon
hours: Zomato
Management, Ahmedabad, by
P.K. Banerjee, Joint Secretary,
the state government has
Chief Minister Sarma, on
Sunday said, “This will be a
game-changer for Assam,

PTI / NEW DELHI Vimal Mishra, Vikram Sarab- ary 2022. El Nino causes a In many northern regions omato on Sunday agreed to provide a plot of making the state an education
hai Chair Professor, Civil En- warming of the sea surface of the country, the “spring requested customers to land free of cost and free from hub in Eastern India and also
Sweltering heatwave in north gineering and Earth temperatures. season is disappearing,” the avoid ordering during peak all encumbrances in an area help fulfill our economic aspi-
India, floods and landslides in Sciences, IIT Gandhinagar, While the north was under researchers said. afternoon hours unless it is with good infrastructure and rations.”
the northeast, all in the first said, adding that tempera- the grip of a heatwave, ‘Re- With monsoons ahead and necessary in response to
five months of 2024 has led
people to wonder: where is all
tures were “similar to those
in the Sahara desert”
mal’ wreaked havoc in the
north east. Murtugudde ex-
La Niña predicted, they are
not expecting it to cool down
the extreme heatwave in
the country. “Please avoid
Contractor’s burnt, decapitated
this headed?
“This could be the worst
Earth system scientist
Raghu Murtugudde, profes-
plains, “Remal stayed intact
on land longer because of
right away. “I expect the dry
heat to continue into June,
ordering during peak
afternoon unless absolutely
body found in Assam
summer in the last 120 years, sor at IIT-Bombay, told PTI heat from the Bay of Bengal with intermittent relief, if a necessary,” Zomato wrote DIGJYOTI LAHKAR / GUWAHATI
at least for north India. Never this was due to multiple phe- (a consequence of El Nino) weak monsoon prevails over on X. Heatstroke-related
have temperatures gone so nomena: climate change, El and the land still wet from north India,” said Mishra. deaths have been reported The body of Sunil Gogoi, a government contractor and local
high for such a vast region, Nino and the water vapour re- pre-monsoon rain. That ex- Murtugudde said that cooling in Bihar, Rajasthan, BJP leader, was found with the head missing and in a half-
which is also densely populat- leased by Tonga's Hunga Ton- tracted a lot of rain from the from such a record high could Jharkhand, and Delhi. burnt condition in an open field in Assam's Lakhimpur dis-
ed. This is a record in itself,” ga volcanic eruption in Janu- cyclone.” happen over the year. trict. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has been
entrusted to probe the suspected murder of a contractor, a sen-
ior official said.
Parents go out
to vote, girl, 7,
Now, register to visit 3 women among 8 Naxals Lakhimpur Superintendent of Police Aparna Natarajan
said, “It appears to be a case of murder, prima facie. But we

Kainchi Dham in U’khand

cannot say anything more at the moment. Investigating agen-

surrender in Chhattisgarh
cies are coming from Guwahati and only then the picture will
raped & killed ANI / DEHRADUN a meeting on them too,” he
be clearer.”
Director General of Police GP Singh, in a post on X, said a
PTI / BARIPADA said. team of CID and Forensic Science Laboratory has been sent to
Uttarakhand Chief Minister “Arrangements for regis- PTI / SUKMA kam (31), Podiyam Nande (30) accidentally stepped over a Dhakuakhana to take forward the investigation.
A man allegedly raped a sev- Pushkar Singh Dhami said tration will be made for and Sodhi Tulsi (32), carried a pressure IED connection, According to reports, the murder has raised suspicions due
en-year-old girl and killed her on Sunday that registration Kaichi Dham, which has be- Eight Naxals, four of them bounty of Rs 1 lakh each, offi- triggering the blast, an to Gogoi's recent involvement in the arrest of corrupt
when she was alone at home facilities will be started for come a world-famous Dham. carrying a cumulative cials said. The surrendered official said. executive engineer Jayanta Kumar Goswami. Gogoi's com-
as her parents went to cast Kainchi Dham, the ashram As a large number of people bounty of Rs 5 lakh, surren- Naxals will get facilities as Five persons have died in plaint had led to Goswami's arrest by the anti-corruption
their votes, police said on of Neem Karoli Baba in are coming there, the visitors dered before security forces per the state government's IED blasts in Bijapur district department. —With inputs from PTI
Sunday. Nainital district. should not face any problems, in Chhattisgarh's Sukma dis- surrender and rehabilitation in the last two months.
The incident happened at a Dhami said this to his offi- their journey should be trict on Sunday, police said. policy, they added. PURI FIRECRACKER EXPLOSION
village in Kuliana police sta- cials at a meeting to review smooth,” he added. Three women are among Naxals set fire
tion area in Odisha's Mayurb-
hjanj district on Saturday,
they said.
the Char Dham Yatra and
other matters. Kaichi Dham
is a beautiful secluded moun-
Ahead of this, a govern-
ment statement mentioned
the number of devotees is in-
the eight surrendered cadres,
who were allegedly tasked
with cutting roads, putting up
Man injured in IED blast
A 22-year-old man was
injured when a pressure im-
to mobile tower Toll mounts to 13
The 23-year-old man went tain ashram, also referred as creasing rapidly in Kainchi Maoist pamphlets and provised explosive device, al- Narayanpur: Naxals set PTI / BHUBANESWAR While two of the injured
to the girl's house, and took Neem Karoli Baba's ashram. Dham and Purnagiri. posters, conducting recce on legedly planted by Naxals, ex- a mobile tower on fire late people died on Sunday morn-
her to near a river where he The CM, who had visited Dhami directed the offi- security personnel and col- ploded in Chhattisgarh's Bi- Saturday night in The death toll in the Puri fire- ing, two others succumbed in
allegedly raped her and then Badrinath on Saturday, and cials to make adequate park- lecting illegal levy for japur district on Sunday, po- Narayanpur district. The cracker explosion mounted to the afternoon, a statement is-
strangled her to death, they reviewed the arrangements ing arrangements along with Maoists, officials said. lice said. incident occured under 13 on Sunday after four more sued by the Special Relief
added. there, said that currently, the basic facilities at Kainchi Of the surrendered, The blast occurred when the the Dhaudai police people succumbed to their Commissioner's office said.
Villagers found the body of yatra is underway very sys- Dham. Meanwhile, over woman cadre Vetti Mase (42) the victim, Madvi Nanda, a station area. burn injuries, according to an In all 30 people were in-
the girl and caught the ac- tematically. “Whatever neces- 19,000 pilgrims paid obei- was active as a member of resident of Chhutwai village, Narayanpur Superinten- official statement. jured in the explosion of a
cused. They later handed him sary arrangements have to be sance and offered prayers at platoon no. 24 under the was heading to Tarrem in his dent Of Police Prabhat At present, 17 people, in- stockpile of firecrackers that
to the police. A case was filed made, we have reviewed the Kedarnath on Sunday, Malangir area committee of tractor. He stopped at a spot Kumar said, adding that jured in the explosion, are un- happened during Lord Jagan-
under section IPC sections them. Water, electricity, bringing the total number of Maoists and carried a reward where road construction was the officials reached the dergoing treatment in vari- nath's 'Chandan Yatra', a ritu-
376AB (rape) and 302 (mur- roads, all these are also very pilgrims who had visited the of Rs 2 lakh. Three other underway, and went to the spot and the search oper- ous hospitals in Puri, al, on the night of May 29
der), another officer said. important issues, I have held shrine to over 6,00,000. cadres, Sagar alias Deva Mad- side of the road to urinate. He ation was intensified. Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. in Puri.

FROM THE FRONT PAGE the counting process and ensure

that those are implemented.
Sources, sharing details of the first
incident, claimed that the actor
decided to divert the flight to
Mumbai. The flight made an
victory, winning 31 seats in the
32-member Assembly, while the
Cops exhume bodies of 2
THE TEFLON PM? 4”.He also lamented that the
One such plea is for ensuring that
the control units of the EVMs are
was brutally attacked by the mob.
The three women, who claimed to
emergency landing at Mumbai
Airport Bay V-10 at 1.30pm. The
BJP failed to win any of the 31
seats it contested.
minor girls who drowned
Rahul Gandhi dubbed the exit outgoing home minister (Amit moved through CCTV-monitored be victims, had gathered outside crew handed over the accused, The opposition Sikkim Democratic FPJ NEWS SERVICE / Later, a youth who was
polls as “Modi media poll”. “This Shah) had called up 150 district corridors and a verification of the the actor’s residence and were the along with all his documents, to Front, which ruled the state for 25 BHOPAL at the pond raised the
is Modi ji’s poll, it is his fantasy magistrates and collectors on date-and-time display of the first to pick a fight and hurl the Air India security department. years in a row till 2019, secured alarm that the two per-
poll,” Gandhi told reporters at the Saturday. “The exit poll results control units is done. "This abuses at the driver, said the Subsequently, Air India security only one seat, with its president The Bandhavgarh po- sons drowned in the
AICC headquarters, after a bear no relation to reality,” the verification is important because source. officers brought him to the Sahar Pawan Kumar Chamling losing in lice have exhumed bod- pond. The villagers
meeting with MPs via video Congress leader claimed. unless it is done, there is no “If the driver had injured them police station and handed him the two constituencies he ies of two minor girls jumped in the pond and
conference. The India Today-Axis My India authenticity that it is the same first, why didn’t they go to the over to the cops, filing a case contested. from a burial ground took out the bodies.
Asked how many seats the INDIA survey has forecast 361-401 seats control unit that came from the police station and file an FIR?” the against him under the Indian Modi hailed Chief Minister Prem and conducted post- The villagers later
bloc would get, Gandhi reiterated for the BJP-led alliance and 131- polling booth, that it has not been source questioned, adding that Penal Code sections 323 Singh Tamang and the SKM for mortem in the buried their bodies in
what party president Mallikarjun 166 seats for the INDIA bloc in the changed," CPM leader Sitaram the accusations against the driver (voluntarily causing hurt), 336 (act the victory. presence of a team of the burial ground with-
Kharge had said on Saturday, but 543-member Lok Sabha; the ABP- Yechury said. were false. “While Raveena was endangering life), 504 While Sikkim had recorded a doctors at government out informing the po-
in a more picturesque manner. C Voter has predicted 353-383 "The slips and tags that are put trying to calm down the mob, a (provocation to breach of the turnout of 79 per cent in state hospital on Sunday. lice.
“Have you heard of Sidhu Moose seats for the ruling alliance and when an EVM is sealed should be man came out of nowhere and peace), and 506 (criminal polls, Arunachal had clocked 82.7 According to the po- When the police got
Wala’s song ‘295’? So, 295.” 152-182 seats for the opposition shown to all the counting agents slapped her hard. He also pulled intimidation), along with the per cent voting. Counting of votes lice, the two minor the information, they
Congress general secretary Jairam coalition. for verification. After pressing the her by the hair, causing her pain,” Aircraft Act section 22 (assault, for the lone Lok Sabha seat in cousins, both aged reached along with the
Ramesh also hit out at PM Modi Slamming the exit polls, Ramesh button for the results, the source told FPJ. “Because intimidation, or threatening, Sikkim and Arunachal's two seats around five, were play- administrative officials
for holding several meetings, said, in some states, the NDA had reconfirming the date of polling is there was no accident, the Khar whether physically or verbally). will be held on June 4. ing near a pond at and retrieved the bod-
including a long, brainstorming been given more seats than the not done ... that has to be police did not register a complaint Amdi in Dulhari Tola ies and the post-
session to review the 100-day number of seats available in that ensured," he added. or an FIR. The accusations are Kejriwal returns to... Mom tries to shift... on Friday night. While mortem was per-
agenda of the “new government”, state. Last month, the Opposition had completely false and baseless.” Kejriwal therefore urged all polling The teen was questioned for playing and bathing, formed.
saying these were “pressure Ramesh pointed out that Congress flagged an instance where CCTV counting agents of the INDIA about an hour in the presence of the two minors slipped After the post-
tactics” to send out a signal to the treasurer and senior leader Ajay cameras at the spot, where Bomb threat to... alliance to remain vigilant till the his mother, who was arrested on in the deep water and mortem, the bodies
bureaucracy and the Maken had raised the issue of Electronic Voting machines were It was only after the Vistara flight final counting is over, “so that Saturday. “Our officials asked the died. were handed over to
administrative structure that he candidates’ counting agents not stored for the Baramati Lok Sabha departed from Paris that a crew they are unable to manipulate the minor about his location before SDOP Bandhavgarh the family members
was coming back. being allowed at the Assistant constituency, were switched off for member discovered a handwritten results”. He also noted that “5% the accident, his presence in Blak Nagendra Pratap and they buried them
“These are mind games – ‘I am Returning Officer’s table. 45 minutes. bomb threat note on an VVPAT should be matched with and Cosie pubs, the Porsche drive, Singh said most of the again. The SDOP said
coming back, I am going to be the He said the Congress had raised airsickness bag. The crew member EVM results and if there was no details of the accident, tampering population of the area no assault or sexual as-
Prime Minister again’. He is all such issues before the poll Women claim... informed the pilot, who declared a matching then we should expose of evidence, collection of blood is of Baiga tribe and sault was found in the
sending a signal to the watchdog and had filed 117 Both parties came to the police full emergency. The flight then their EVM scam.” samples and medical tests. To all they were busy in investigation. The fam-
bureaucracy, the administrative complaints over the last 77 days, station, resolved the matter, and landed at Mumbai airport in an Before returning to Tihar Jail, the questions, the minor had a work. After some time, ilies of the deceased
structure of the country and we 14 of which were against the PM. agreed not to file cases against isolation area. Kejriwal also paid a visit to single answer — that he had no most of them left the will get an ex-gratia of
hope that the civil servants who “There has been no credible action each other.” “The note, which was found Hanuman Temple and Mahatma memory of anything as he was pond. Rs 4 lakh each.
have been entrusted with the from the EC. It is a constitutional CCTV footage from outside pinned to an airsickness bag, only Gandhi’s samadhi at Raj Ghat with drunk,” said a crime branch
responsibility of ensuing a fair body and we expect it to function Raveena’s residence has surfaced contained the word ‘bomb’. Since his wife Sunita and various senior official.
counting of votes will not be
intimidated and not be frightened
in an impartial, professional
manner; it must give us the
online, showing three women
waiting outside her house, as she
there were more than 300
passengers on board, it took time
party leaders and ministers. He
also convened a meeting of the Parade of Planets... Cop in MP CM’s security
by these pressure tactics,” Ramesh
told PTI at the AICC headquarters.
confidence that it is on top of the
job,” he said.
arrived in her car. Later, they can
be seen getting into a heated
for them to disembark and for
checks to be conducted. Nothing
Political Affairs Committee of the
party, which is its highest decision
The Moon will also make an
appearance in its crescent phase,
attacked for cash
Later, in a post on X, Ramesh said, altercation, first with the driver suspicious was found,” said a making body, to convey various adding to the celestial panorama. FPJ NEWS SERVICE / BHOPAL
“Till the very last, the outgoing Opposition & BJP... and then with the actor. Raveena police official. plans and ideas that may be The planetary alignment could be
Prime Minister will play mind "When they are losing an election is heard pleading with the mob On May 28, a similar threat was implemented in his absence. seen from across India, given clear A police constable deployed in force ensuring safe-
games. Today his media managers they are looking for a scapegoat not to harm her, saying, “Please out about a flight from Delhi to A Delhi court is due to take a skies ahead of sunrise, according ty of the Chief Minister was allegedly attacked by
put out the news that he held and looking to justify the loss and don’t hit me, please don’t push.” Varanasi. In that episode, decision on Kejriwal’s interim bail to experts. three assailants in Kotra Sultanabad area on Fri-
seven meetings. I’m sure they will they don't want to accept the A social activist posted a video on passengers were evacuated via plea for undergoing medical tests However, observing these planets day night, the police reported on Sunday after reg-
put out more such news on reality of who the voters choose," X (formerly Twitter) mentioning emergency exits at Delhi’s Indira and regular bail plea on June 5. close to the horizon just before istering a case. The cop was assaulted with a
Monday – but by the evening of it added. allegations of Raveena and her Gandhi International Airport. The arguments in these appeals sunrise may pose a challenge sword when he refused to hand over cash to as-
the 4th, the outgoing Prime Earlier, on Sunday, the Congress driver assaulting an elderly were heard by Special Judge because of their proximity to the sailants for buying liquor, the police said.
Minister would have become the said this was the third time they woman near Rizvi Law College. Mid-air ruckus by Kaveri Baweja at the Rouse Sun. Kamla Nagar police station TI Nirupa Pandey
former Prime Minister.” were meeting the commission. The family claimed that Raveena flier Avenue Courts on Saturday. Jupiter and Mars are likely to be said that a case has been registered against
Speaking to PTI, Ramesh also said Among other things, it was was under the influence of alcohol Since Abdul’s seat was near the visible about 20 minutes before unidentified men for assaulting constable Sanjay
that the exit polls that emanated pointed out that postal ballots and that the woman had emergency door, after the Arunachal is a... sunrise, with Mercury positioned Malviya, 31. The cop is deployed in the police force
from the ‘lapdog’ media on should be counted and their sustained head injuries. They had episode, the crew changed his The party’s mood was, however, less than 10 degrees above the which ensures CM Mohan Yadav’s protection, she
Saturday evening have been results declared before the gone to Khar Police Station. The seat, but he continued to be quite sombre in Sikkim, where the eastern horizon. Uranus and added. Malviya in his complaint said that on Fri-
“orchestrated and masterminded outcome of the EVMs is post tagged Mumbai Police, the disruptive and attempted to Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) Neptune, known for their day night, he had purchased an ice-cream from the
by the man whose exit is announced. Also, the poll panel Commissioner of Mumbai Police, endanger the lives of other fliers. returned to power for the second faintness, will remain elusive to Depot square, and was heading towards his house
inevitable and guaranteed on June should issue clear guidelines on and Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. The crew informed the pilot, who consecutive term by a landslide the naked eye. on his bike, when he was attacked.
AUGUST 29, 2022
3, 2024

Govt sets Jan 2025 as new NGT upholds demolition of

Curlies nightclub in Anjuna
deadline for coastal plan Cites violation of coastal zone regulations


In a landmark decision, the
National Green Tribunal


(NGT) has upheld the demo-
lition order against Curlies,
a well-known nightclub, bar,
and restaurant situated in An-
The ruling marks a signifi- Court directive in January restaurant.
„ NGT noted that there States & UTs in finalizing cant victory for environmental 2023, which ordered the green However, the NGT deter-
After missing out on two were issues with regard to CZMP „ Delay of almost five „ State had sought time regulations and coastal zone court to provide a fresh oppor- mined that the documentary
deadlines- October 2023 mapping and that Goa had „ MoEF has NCSCM as years since CRZ notification till May 31, 2024 to com- management in Goa. tunity for both the applicant evidence presented by Nunes,
and May 2024, the Goa engaged NCSCM -- who an expert body which has 2019 was notified plete the plan The tribunal dismissed an and the coastal authority to including house tax receipts,
Government has now set had prepared CZMP 2011-- „ State had first missed „ In absence of updated appeal by Linet Nunes, the present their cases, and to is- panchayat NOCs and certif-
January 2025 as the new time been specifically estab- owner of Curlies, who had sue a new order based on the icates, and a Gut book ex-
and NCESS for the purpose lished to assist the Coastal October 31, 2023 deadline CZMP 2011 based on
frame to complete the Coastal challenged the demolition law. tract, were unreliable and in-
Zone Management Plan „ No clarity as to how States & UTs set by NCZMA 1:25,000 scale, process of directive issued by the Goa In a comprehensive 29-page sufficient to substantiate her
(CZMP) 2019. different studies undertak- „ Response filed by States „ MoEF&CC later stopped new plan was halted Coastal Zone Management order pronounced on May claim.
In an affidavit filed before en by the various institutes & UTs shows that there granting permissions Authority (GCZMA). 31, 2024, a bench comprising The NGT identified sev-
the National Green Tribu- would be incorporated in The order mandated the Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh eral discrepancies in the
nal (NGT), Goa’s Chief Sec- is lack of coordination under CRZ 2011 for devel- demolition of the illegal and Expert Member Dr Vijay panchayat’s documentation.
retary Puneet Kumar Goel
CZMP between Coastal State/UTs opmental projects in the ground-plus-one structure Kulkarni dismissed Nunes’ It noted that some docu-
disclosed that the Thriva- „ Slams MoEF&CC for with NCSCM and MoEF State located on Survey No. 42/10, appeal. The bench found her ments appeared forged, while
nanthpuram-based Nation- doing “very little” to assist within the Anjuna panchayat claims regarding the struc- others had been tampered
al Centre for Earth Science jurisdiction. ture’s existence prior to the with or torn.
Studies (NCESS), appointed to The structure had further 1991 Coastal Regulation Zone The court highlighted that
draft CZMP 2019 has informed almost five years since the CRZ ion Ministry for Environment, process of new plan was halt- Further, other institutes encroached into adjacent (CRZ) notification to be un- the original Gut book of the Di-
that the coastal plan would be notification 2019 was notified Forest and Climate Change ed. such as National Institute of plots, namely Survey Nos. substantiated. rectorate of Land Survey and
completed by January 2025. -- the Rules and Regulations of (MoEF&CC) stopped granting During the hearing, NGT Oceanography (NIO) Goa have 42/9, 11, 45/19, and 45/41. The 1991 CRZ notification Land Records (DSLR) showed
Goel also said that a pro- which are currently not appli- permissions under CRZ 2011 noted that there were issues been engaged by the State to The GCZMA’s order also re- prohibits new constructions no structure in the disputed
posal from NCESS has been cable to Goa in the absence of for developmental projects in with regard to mapping and study beach nourishment. quired the restoration of the in designated coastal areas to property. This raised serious
received for preparation of the plan. the State. the State has engaged both “However, there is no land to its original state. protect the fragile ecosystem. questions about the validity
Integrated Coastal Regulation State had first missed out State had later sought time National Centre for Sustain- clarity as to how the different The legal battle over Curlies Central to Nunes’ defense of the Gut book maintained
Zone Plan (ICRZP) and the October 31, 2023 deadline set till May 31, 2024 to complete able coastal management studies undertaken by the has been protracted, with nu- was the assertion that the by the Talathi of Anjuna, sug-
same is pending for the gov- by the National Coastal Zone the plan; however in the ab- (NCSCM) -- who had prepared various institutes would be merous twists and turns. premises had been an old res- gesting possible fraudulent
ernment approval. Management Authority (NCZ- sence of updated CZMP 2011 CZMP 2011-- and NCESS for incorporated in the CZMP,” The matter was reheard by idential structure predating manipulation in collaboration
There has been a delay of MA), following which the Un- based on 1:25,000 scale, the the purpose. NGT noted. the NGT following a Supreme 1991, later converted into a with local officials.

40-yr-old meets
watery grave at Unclaimed bodies pile up Met Dept sounds ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER JAM
‘yellow alert’ in
Dudhsagar river
THE GOAN I NETWORK in GMC amidst red-tape Goa up to June 5

In a tragic incident, a GOA HAS HIGHEST NUMBER OF MORTUARY The meteorological depart-
40-year-old man, originally
from Rajasthan but residing CABINETS EVEN SURPASSING AIIMS IN DELHI ment has issued a ‘yellow
alert’ for Goa from June 2
in Margao, drowned in the (Sunday) until Thursday (June
Dudhsagar River at Pipal- THE GOAN I NETWORK 5) even as it has predicted heat
mal-Collem around 4 pm on wave conditions to prolong
Sunday. PANAJI with the maximum tempera-
The incident occurred Goa, perhaps has the highest tures fluctuating between 33
when Gopal Ram Patel had number of mortuary cabinets to 35 degrees Celsius up until
accompanied his family for in Goa Medical College and June 8.
a bath in Dudhsagar River at Hospital (GMC), even surpass- On Sunday, Panaji record-
Collem. ing the largest hospital, AIIMS ed the highest temperature of
Upon receiving the news, in Delhi but bureaucratic red- 35.5 degrees Celsius. The Met
the Collem Police rushed to tape continues to create hur- office also cited the possibility
the spot and after following dles in cremating unidentified of light showers until June 8.
the necessary procedures, and unclaimed bodies. 2 more unnatural deaths reported The South West Monsoon, A serpentine queue of vehicles traverse along Mall de Goa, Porvorim on Sunday. Long queues
of motorists are witnessed everyday especially along the NH 17 highway from Mandovi Bridge
including conducting a With over 30 bodies, includ- meanwhile, has already ar-
panchnama, sent the body ing those of foreigners, lying PANAJI: Amid several such instances, Goa recorded two more rived in parts of Lakshad- Circle up to the Socorro junction. Narayan Pissurlenkar
for post-mortem examina- in the morgues at GMCH and deaths on Sunday with their bodies found floating in a river weep, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and
tion. South Goa District Hospital; and a bush. Karnataka, and the Rayala-
Recently, a 62-year-old two Nigerian convicts of drug Body of Sathish Seetharaman, 23, from Tamil Nadu, was seema region, it said.
tourist from Bangalore had
gone missing at the Dudh-
sagar waterfall at Collem.
peddling were finally cremat-
ed after a wait of nearly eight
years. Drug convicts Paul
found in roadside bushes in Saligao whereas Ali Nadaf, 33,
from Shapur-Bandoda, was found floating in Durbhat after
being reported missing since Saturday.
The Met office also said
that the monsoon will reach
the Andhra coast along and
Goa police set to implement
new criminal laws from July 1
Recently, the Office of the Ozomen -- who died while the rest of Karnataka and Ray-
Deputy Conservator of For- serving a jail term at Agua- alaseema in the next two days.
ests Wildlife and Ecotour- da Central Jail on December In the rest of the country,
ism (North) Division Panaji 31, 2016 -- and his compatriot Bills amounting to lakhs of tion, there’s also a prevailing meanwhile, heat wave condi-
issued an advisory that the Ezemillar, who died at Colvale rupees are allegedly pending confusion over which author- tions are likely to add to the THE GOAN I NETWORK idence Act 1872 shall cease to triya Raksha University, Na-
Dudhsagar Waterfalls tour- Jail on January 16, 2019, were as the local bodies have not ity would conduct the final woes of States like Punjab, have any effect after the Bhar- tional Forensic Science Uni-
ism circuit would be closed unclaimed in the GMCH mor- received payment from the ad- rites of the bodies with some Haryana, Delhi, Uttarakhand, PANAJI tiya Nagrik Suraksha Samhi- versity, Goa, Bureau of Police
from June 1 due to advance- tuary. ministration to facilitate the panchayats alleging shortage Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Director General of Police ta, Bhartiya Sakshya Samhita Research and Development
ment of monsoon. Sources revealed to The final rites. of funds. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, (DGP) Jaspal Singh has and Bhartiya Nyaya Samhita besides some have attended
Goan that lack of coordina- For example, the Corpora- In 2020 when the district Jharkhand and Odisha, the conveyed the preparedness are implemented. ‘Training of Trainers’ courses,
tion among government agen- tion of City of Panaji charges administration took charge of Meteorological Department of his force to implement the A detailed presentation Gogia was told.
WEATHER >> cies, particularly officials in
the district Collectorates and
Rs 3,000 to conduct the final
rites of each body, for which
the disposal of bodies during
the COVID-19 pandemic, us-
has said.
Many people have died in
three new criminal laws from
July 1 at a review meeting
was made before Gogia by SP
North Akshat Kaushal detail-
Several technological up-
gradation measures, crucial
Max: 31 C the police besides miscommu- bills are sent to the Collector- ing the disaster management various parts of the coun- chaired by Director, National ing training programs organ- to implement the mandatory
Min: 29 C nication and failure by high- ate. “Bills till last year have funds, there was a misinter- try due to these severe heat Crime Records Bureau, Vivek ized for all ranks. IGP Omvir provisions of videography of
Humidity: 80% er authorities to follow up on been cleared but those from pretation that this responsi- waves and according to the Gogia. Singh Bisnoi and other SPs various police processes and
TIDES these cases, have led to the January are pending without bility would continue. This Met many of these States are Pertinently, the three old also participated in the review mandatory forensic exami-
piling up of the bodies. Quite which further procedures can- led to non-coordination and likely to continue experienc- criminal laws -- Indian Penal meeting. nation of scene of crime by
Low: 08:48 22:18 a few have been lying for over not take place,” sources said. subsequent bureaucratic red ing the high temperatures in Code 1861, Criminal Proce- Goa’s police personnel forensic teams were also high-
High: 02:15 16:10 a year. With lack of communica- tapism. the coming days. dure Code 1973 and Indian Ev- have been trained by Rash- lighted in the report.

With expectations high, Living Will: Easing burden of docs treating terminally ill patients
Amit, Yuri and Altone THE PROCEDURE: HOW IT WORKS THE GOAN I NETWORK president, Sandesh Chodka-
nar was the second witness.
with terminal diseases like
cancer or renal failure where

cynosure of all eyes PANAJI „ A panel of two other „ The document has to The will was also handed over no treatment can hope give

n Friday, Justice M S doctors from the same hos- be attested either by a to his family doctor Shekhar the patient any quality of life,”
Sonak, of the Bombay pital and a second panel gazetted officer or by a Salkar. Salkar said.
THE GOAN I NETWORK lead for Captain Viriato High Court at Goa, According to Salkar, for now However there is an elab-
Fernandes in these three became the first Goan to of doctors from outside the notary public these ‘living wills’ are physi- orate procedure that doctors
MARGAO segments. register a “living will” at the hospital must endorse the „ It must then be deposit- cally handed over but efforts must ensure when taking
With just two days to go for Given that they were elect- event organised by the Indian decision that the patient’s ed with Deputy Collector’s are on for these to be digitally decisions on the basis of a
counting of votes scheduled ed from their respective con- Medical Association’s Goa condition is fit to invoke a living will involves the office who will collect all available. patient’s living will.
on June 4, Congress leader- stituencies of Cuncolim and branch, also making this tiny the living will and remove concerned person writing these wills and keep them Currently the Deputy Collec- “A panel of two other
ship, including Congress pres- Quepem just two years ago in State the first in the country life support tor (Sub-Divisional Magistrate) doctors from the same
ident Amit Patkar, Opposition the 2022 Assembly elections, to put in operation the regime down their “wishes” and with the office of the des- is the repository of these living hospital and a second panel
leader Yuri Alemao and Que- party leaders expect the duo that permits registering such „ In Goa, the procedure to sign in the presence of two ignated Additional District wills. But in the near future the of doctors from outside the
pem MLA Altone D’Costa are to give sizable lead for Captain wills. be followed for executing witnesses Collectors records of these wills could hospital must endorse the
back in the cynosure of all Viriato from these two seg- What then is a ‘living will’ move to the digital mode and decision that the patient’s
eyes. ments. and how does it help both be available in the public condition is fit to invoke the
Bereft of MLAs and party It’s not that the Congress patients and doctors? tinue life support rather than advance medical directives take appropriate decision in domain. living will and remove life
organisation worth its had not led over the BJP in the According to the IMA, it is continue to remain in vegeta- (living will) and also issued the event their health worsens Confirmed knowledge of support,” Dr Salkar said.
name in many an Assembly elections held in the recent a legal document which can tive state. guidelines. to a point where nothing more the existence of a living will As for patients and their
segment, party leadership past, but Congress leaders in be executed by people whose In effect the living will On admission to a hospital can be done medically. suffices for doctors to take a families, it will help in terms of
is hoping that the party fare private say sizeable lead in health is declining or those permits passive Euthanasia, a patients who have executed In the case of Sonak reg- decision on behalf of patients saving unnecessary expendi-
well in at least the segments Cuncolim and Quepem will with terminal diseases, by decision endorsed by the Su- a ‘living will’ or their family istering his living will, the to discontinue life support and ture on continuing life support
of Cuncolim, Quepem and keep the party in good stead which they make a choice in preme Court of India in 2018 members must present it to Registrar of Births and Deaths, let fate take its course. when it is medically evident
Curchorem to stop a surging and to make up for any short- advance to permit doctors when it issued the directive to the hospital authorities so Dinesh Shetty was one of the “These usually will come that there is no scope for bet-
BJP if not to give an outright fall in other segments. take the decision to discon- governments to implement the doctors are aware and can witnesses while IMA State in play with patients inflicted terment.
President Murmu, PM Modi, Sonia, Rahul extend greetings on Telangana Foundation Day
HYDERABAD: President Droupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress leaders Sonia as a significant Information Technology hub of the country. I pray that Telangana and its people
Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi on Sunday extended greetings to the people of Telangana on the occasion of continue to prosper and contribute to the nation's development," President Murmu posted on X."Best
statehood day. "Warm greetings to all citizens especially to the people of Telangana on Statehood Day! wishes to my sisters and brothers of Telangana on their Statehood Day. Every Indian takes great pride in
Telangana is endowed with a rich heritage, composite culture and enterprising people. It has emerged the state’s contribution to national progress," said Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a post on X. HYDERABAD | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024



Chief Minister A Revanth

‘Govt's focus on revival of
Reddy has termed Congress
leader Sonia Gandhi as a
mother of Telangana State
Telangana economy’
and said that a strong bond be- HYDERABAD: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has informed
tween mother and the Telan- that the State government is focusing on the revival of the
gana land is above politics. Telangana economy for increasing the wealth and distribute the
Addressing the Telangana same to the poor. Addressing at the Telangana Formation Day
State Formation Day celebra- celebrations at Parade Grounds here on Sunday, the Chief

KCR hoists national flag

tions at Parade Grounds, Se- Minister said the State economy was completely ruined when
cunderabad here on Sunday, the Congress government came to power in Telangana.
the Chief Minister said that "The debt burden on the State was mounted to Rs 7 lakh crore.
the government had invited The State government has presented a white paper in the FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD KCR reminded that
Sonia Gandhi to attend as the Assembly and explained the facts to the people.
guest to the Formation Day Besides strengthening the economic condition, the government Under the aegis of BRS party Indira Gandhi did not
celebrations as the latter had will also give priority to welfare and development of the State.
Salaries to government employees and pensioners are being
, the decennial celebrations show mercy even
fulfilled the Telangana peo- of the formation of Telan-
ple’s aspirations. paid on the first day of every month," Revanth Reddy said. gana state were celebrated in
though 11 MPs won in
He also found fault with Stating that the State government is laying a strong foundation a grand manner. Former the Congress party
by conceiving long term plans for future generations, the Chief
those leaders for questioning
in what capacity Sonia Gand- Minister said the ‘Green Telangana - 2050 Master Plan ‘ is
Chief Minister and party
chief KCR attended the func-
during the first phase
hi was invited. being prepared for the entire Telangana. "We are dividing the tion held at Telangana Bha- of the separate
Telangana State into three zones. The area within Hyderabad
"Does it require permission mari, who was then the Speak- will never forget the
Outer Ring Road (ORR) is Urban Telangana and the area
van in the city. Telangana movement .
to invite the mother to the er of Lok Sabha. sacrifices and contributions Speaking on the occasion.
child’s home? We recognised As a woman, as a mother made by these three women between Outer Ring Road and Regional Ring Road (RRR) will be he remembered the days of
Mahatma Gandhi as the father who knows how painful it is leaders," Revanth Reddy said. Sub Urban Telangana. Rural Telangana is defined as the area the Telangana movement. waiting for someone like KCR
of the nation in what position? to lose a child, Meera Kumari The Chief Minister stated from the Regional Ring Road to the borders of Telangana Stating that Today is an to come for Telangana,” he
As long as the history of Telan- gave full support to the Telan- that on behalf of the four State," he disclosed. He further stated that under the mega emotional day, He explained said. KCR claimed that he had
gana exists, Sonia Gandhi is gana agitation and played a crore people of Telangana, plan, the government will clearly announce where the as to how Telangana and the told him the same thing sev-
being recognised and respect- crucial role in getting the the State government would development should take place in the three zones and what people of Telangana had eral times. "Jaishankar told
ed as the mother by Telangana Telangana Bill passed in the express its gratitude to Sonia kind of infrastructure should be built. Revanth Reddy said the been insulted. KCR said that me to stand for Telangana till
society. A strong bond between Lok Sabha. In addition to Gandhi, Meera Kumari, and State government has envisaged plans to transform the river some people raised the the end. At that time, the con-
mother and this land is above this, Bharatiya Janatha Party Sushma Swaraj for fulfilling Musi catchment area into an employment generation zone Telangana slogan and threw gress and TDP leaders
politics," Revanth Reddy said. ( BJP) leader Sushma Swaraj the dream of separate State through the Musi riverfront development project. "Rs 1,000 the yoke in the middle. He worked for their own selfish
He stated that the formation as the Opposition leader in and three leaders would crore have already been allocated for the project. The proposed recalled that there was a interests. No one has re-
of Telangana State today the Lok Sabha had extended remain in the history project will definitely enhance the brand image of Hyderabad ban on the use of telangana sponded for Telangana state “
means the first initiative step full support for the Telangana of Telangana for- and reach it to another level. There are three dimensions in word in the undivided as- he claimed.
that has been taken by Sonia Bill. The people of Telangana ever. this: tourism, economy and environment. Musi will also sembly. KCR reminded that the
Gandhi bravely. fetch irrigation needs of the erstwhile Rangareddy and KCR reminded that Indira Telangana leaders, if they
"As the chairperson of the Nalgonda districts," the Chief Minister said. Speaking about Gandhi did not show mercy were the CM, did not stay in
Does it require permission to invite the
UPA government on that day, mother to the child’s home? We the Metro Rail expansion, the Chief Minister said the State even though 11 MPs won in office for a full term and were
she took forward the process of recognised Mahatma Gandhi as the government is planning to complete the expansion works the Congress party during ousted in the middle. He also
creating Telangana State with father of the nation in what position? As long to meet the growing transportation needs of the people. the first phase of the separate reminded that he had taken
as the history of Telangana exists, Sonia "At first, we will try to complete the Regional Ring Road at
the strong determination. Sim- Gandhi is being recognised and respected as Telangana movement . the path of agitation at a time
ilarly, the second credit goes to the mother by Telangana society.
the earliest. Similarly, the priority will be given to complete “At such a time, Prof. when there was a powerful
freedom fighter Babu Jagjivan the irrigation projects to provide more water at lower cost. Jayashankar worked for CM who had even the central
– Revanth Reddy, Chief Minister
Ram's daughter, Meera Ku- Telangana.Jaishankar was government in his hands.

State formation
day celebrated in
Exit polls give TDP alliance sweep in AP
Cyberabad CP Avinash Mo- predicts a majority for
hanty who was the chief All the major exit polls bar- the TDP-led alliance,
guest at the Cyberabad police ring a few, predicted that TDP
Commissionerate premises lead JSP and BJP alliance estimating they will
today on the occasion of will sweep the Andhra win between 111 and
Telangana statehood day, Pradesh state Assembly elec-
hoisted the national flag. tions comfortably securing
135 seats, while YSRCP
Speaking on the occasion, the absolute majority in the might secure between
the CP said wished everyone
a very happy Telangana
175 seats. The state assembly,
which has 175 seats, requires
45 and 60 seats. TV5
Statehood Day. He said that a majority of 88 seats to form Telugu's exit poll is
the state of Telangana, which the government. The Exit more optimistic for the
was formally formed on June polls suggest that the TDP
2, 2014, had completed 10 will on its own get 120 to 130 TDP, predicting they
years on Sunday . He urged seats, JSP, 15 and BJP 6 seats. will win over 161 seats,
the police personnel to whole- Only one Exit poll agency
heartedly perform their duty predicted that the YSRCP will leaving the YSRCP with
in laying a strong foundation cross 100 seats. And all the only 14.
for the future of Telangana exit polls gave zero seats for
state. the Congress.
Cyberabad Joint CP Traf- As per S-GED exit poll, the liance with CPI and CPI-M.
fic D. Joel Davies, DCP, Mad- TDP-JSP-BJP alliance is pro- As far as Lok Sabha polls in
hapur. G. Vineeth, jected to win 139 out of the 175 AP, Axis My India projected a
Jwala presents Sajiva Vahini Shamshabad DCP Narayana
Reddy, Balanagar DCP Srini-
seats, leaving the YSRCP with
36 seats. The RISE exit poll while YSRCP might secure could win between 94 and 104 tally dropped from 102 in 2014
huge gain of 20-22 seats the
NDA, and only 2-4 seats for
Sanatana Dharmam book to KCR vasa Rao, Rajendranagar
DCP Srinivas, Medchal DCP
suggested that the NDA al-
liance would get between 92
between 45 and 60 seats. TV5
Telugu's exit poll is more opti-
seats, while the NDA might
secure around 71 seats.
to 23. In present election, the
TDP formed a formidable al-
the ruling YSRCP.
The voting for the assembly
FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD Dharma make baseless crit- Nitika Pant, Cyberabad DCP and 102 seats and YSRCP set- mistic for the TDP, predicting In the 2019 elections, the liance - by allying with the election took place in a single
icism. KCR recalled how he Crimes Narasimha Kotha- tling with with 48 to 60 seats. they will win over 161 seats, YSRCP defeated TDP to wrest BJP and actor-turned-politi- phase on May 13, with the of-
Writer and former CPRO to was a Palanquin bearer palli, DCP EOW K. Prasad, , Peoples Pulse also predicts leaving the YSRCP with only power. In that election, the YS- cian Jana Sena Party (JSP). ficial results scheduled for re-
KCR, V Jwala Narasimha when Palakurthy Ministerial Staff and other a majority for the TDP-led al- 14. Aaraa Mastan’s exit poll RCP swept the state by bag- The Congress headed by Ja- lease on June 4, along with
Rao has presented his book Nrusimha Siddhanti was staff were present ok the oc- liance, estimating they will presented a close contest, pro- ging 151 of 175 seats with 49.95 gan's sister YS Sharmila led those for the Lok Sabha Elec-
Sajiva Vahini Sanatana felciated at a function in Ra- casion. win between 111 and 135 seats, jecting that the YSR Congress per cent of votes. The TDP's the charge and stitched an al- tion 2024.
Dharmam to former CM K bindra Bharathi.
Chandradrasekhara Rao at Elaoborating further on
his residency here on Satur-
day. Jwala explained to KCR
that the book is compilation
the everlasting Sanatana
Dhamra in our daily lives,
KCR said every mother sings
BRS party retains Mahbubnagar local body seat
of 90 articles on a wide lullaby Jo Atchutananda to FPJ BUREAU/MAHABUBNAGAR were polled in this election. they have retained their seats from his MLC post . The EC had
range of subjects dealing her child but will never sin The Officials confirmed that again. It is known that the held a by-election to the seat on
with Haindava, Vedic cul- Jo Ravananada. This how Counting of votes for Ma- 21 votes turned out to be BJP has stayed away from March 28. Manne Jeevan
ture. Taking a cursory look right from the infant stage habubnagar Local Bodies invalid. The BRS got the contest. Reddy of the Congress, Naveen
at the book, KCR said that children are inculcated with MLC by-election has been 763 votes while the Kasireddy Narayana Kumar Reddy from the BRS
Sanatana Dharma is ever- the right value of the completed. The BRS party Congress got 652 Reddy, who was the and Sudarshan Goud as the In-
lasting and it will continue Sanatana Dharma. KCR won a landslide victory in votes. One vote was MLC of Mahabubna- dependent candidate stood in
to exist forever. Sanatana congratulated Jwala for wrt- this election. BRS party can- polled for the Inde- gar local bodies, won the fray. The MLC by-election,
Dharma provides wisdom ing plethora of books on didate Naveen Reddy defeated pendent candidate. the assembly elections which was held after the trans-
and knowledge to every Santana Dharma and other Congress candidate Jeevan The BRS leaders and from Kalwakurthy con- fer of power in the state, was
seeker. People who have no spiritual and Puranic as- Reddy by a margin of 111 activists have celebrated stituency as a Congress par- taken up by the BRS and the
knowledge about Sanatana pects. votes. A total of 1,437 votes the victory in a big way as ty candidate. He later resigned Congress as a prestige issue.
Let's work with dedication and
The role of RTC employees in the formation of state is memorable: Sajjanar participation for the development
of the city: Vijayalakshmi
FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD Many people were martyred in the first and “In line with the increased
rush with the Mahalaxmi FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD She extended her greetings
Telangana State Road Trans- second phase of Telangana movement and scheme, the management has to the people of the city, officials
port Corporation (TGSRTC) added that on behalf of the TGSRTC family, they decided to put another 2000 Greater Hyderabad Munici- and public representatives on
Managing Director VC Sajja- new diesel and 990 electric pal Corporation (GHMC) the occasion of Telangana For-
nar today said that the role of were paying rich tributes to the martyrs on the buses into use in a phased Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi mation Day. During the celebra-
RTC employees in the Telan- occasion of the state's formation day. manner. A total of 2,990 new today said that the officials tions, the Mayor paid tributes to
gana statehood movement buses, including diesel and and public representatives all those who lost their lives in
was memorable. He recalled country. A large number of fore the Mahalaxmi scheme electric buses, will be avail- should work collectively with the Telangana movement with-
that the strike with the slogan 56,604 RTC employees partic- was implemented. Currently, able soon,” he said dedication for the develop- out caring for their lives.
'Bus ka payya nahi chalega' ipated in the strike and on an average, 55 lakh people He also said that the ment of GHMC so that the She said that The state was
had given a breather to the worked tirelessly to achieve travel by TGSRTC buses TGSRTC management had state can move forward on the formed on June 2, 2014, due to
Telangana movement. He Swarajya. The role of RTC every day,” he said . decided to replace 3 thousand path of further development. the united struggle of all sec-
said that inspired by the employees in the Telangana He also said that The 2017 jobs in line with the new bus- The mayor hoisted the na- tions of the people for the for-
Telangana movement, revolu- movement has been etched wage revision, which was es and added that It had been tional flag after receiving the mation of Telangana state.
tionary changes were in history,” he recalled pending for more than seven revealed that they would be police salute along with She did not elaborate on
brought about in the organi- He said that the Mahalax- years with the help of the replaced as soon as possible GHMC Commissioner Ronald the welfare and development
sation. The decennial cele- mi-free bus travel scheme for state government, was ful- with the permission of the Rose at the GHMC headquar- programmes being imple-
brations of the formation of who laid down their lives in that on behalf of the women was implemented filled by them . He said that government. ters on Sunday to mark the mented in the GHMC as the
Telangana state were held at the Telangana movement. TGSRTC family, they were within 48 hours of the gov- The company had announced TGSRTC Chief Operating formation day of Telangana. code is in force in the wake of
the Bus Bhavan premises in Later, he received a guard of paying rich tributes to the ernment's announcement a fitment of 21 per cent for its Officer Dr. Ravinder, Finance Speaking on the occasion, the Parliamentary elections.
Hyderabad on Sunday in the honour from TGSRTC securi- martyrs on the occasion of and added that it was because employees. Nine pending Adviser Vijaya Pushfa, CEIT the Mayor said that by keeping Senior officials of various de-
city . The company's Manag- ty personnel. the state's formation day. "In the RTC employees were DA's have been sanctioned, he Rajasekhar, CTM (Commer- in mind the needs of the people partments of GHMC E.N.C. Geo
ing Director VC Sajjanar was Speaking on the occasion, 2011, the RTC employees con- working in the spirit of the said. cial) Sridhar, CPM Ushadevi, in the GHMC, everyone should Uddin, EVDM Director Prakash
the chief guest at the event. Sajjanar said that many peo- tinued their 29-day strike movement that Mahalakshmi Sajjanar said that In the CCOS Vijayabhaskar and oth- be involved in the development Reddy, CE Devanand,
The national flag was un- ple were martyred in the first saying 'we too'. The general was successfully implement- last two years, 1,500 new ers participated in the Telan- of the city and added that all Additional Commissioners K.
veiled by him on the occasion and second phase of Telan- strike was one of the biggest ed. “On an average, 45 lakh diesel buses had been pur- gana State Avaratana celebra- should work with dedication Srivastava, Nalini Padmavathi,
. He also paid tributes to those gana movement and added strikes in the history of the people travelled every day be- chased and made available. tions. collective efforts. Geetha Radhika.
Heat stroke kills Jabalpur collector’s son
Bhopal: The 20-year-old son of Jabalpur collector Deepak Saxena died in Delhi. Sources said
Amol Saxena complained of vomiting due to heat stroke and his condition deteriorated. He
was rushed to the hospital, but could not be saved. Confirming the death, Dr Sanjay Mishra,
CMHO, Jabalpur, said, “Amol’s body will be brought to Jabalpur on June 3.”

Rioters clash with police in Itwara

They’re vehicles to
& raise awareness FIR registered against
over hundred
pelting incident. The FIR
also includes the names of
more than a hundred un-
pati police station in-
charge TC Shinde promptly
arrived at the scene with
The police have charged
the arrested individuals
under sections 147, 149, 336,
Three state residents began my first all-India cycle
unidentified people identified rioters. additional police forces and 353, and 188. Continuous pa-
yatra on January 26, 1988. It
pedalled thousands of took me 1.5 years to cover all SP Devendra Patidar as- used minimal force to dis- trolling is being conducted
FP NEWS SERVICE sured that the city’s peace perse the crowd, in the Itwara region to
miles to nurture the states. I cycled for 24,360
Burhanpur would not be compromised preventing further escala- maintain order.
km. Till date, I have cycled for
public causes around 2.10 lakh km. Even under any circumstances. tion. The youth who posted When contacted SP Pati-
SMITA Tension gripped the Itwara
when not on a trip, I cycle for On Sunday, the armed the objectionable content dar said, “We have arrested
[email protected] around 30-40 km on most locality of Burhanpur town forces and district police has also been arrested. seven rioters by registering
days. on Saturday night when a force personnel conducted Those who were arrested a case against those who
As bicycles become a fit-
ASHOK HINDUSTANI, frenzied mob engaged in a flag march in the disputed are Mohammad Ehsan, 29, post objectionable content
ness tool, there are many stone-pelting at the police, area to reinforce security. a resident of Lohar Mandi, and try to disturb the peace.
people who ride them for 56, ex-servicemanattempting to disrupt the The unrest originated Farid, 33, a Shahad Kua, The police will strictly deal
an entirely different pur- city’s peace. The police’s from an objectionable so- Mohammad Atique, 35, a with such elements. Com-
pose. Awareness about swift response prevented cial media post about a par- resident of Azad Nagar Nai mon citizens can also share
On the eve of World Bicycle further escalation, result- ticular religion by a young Basti, Sikh Ramadan alias information about spread-
Day, Free Press talked to
mental health ing in minor damage to po- man from the Itwara re- Saddam, 35, a resident of ing unrest with the police,”
three residents in the state lice vehicles. gion. This led to a com- Adilpura Utatar, Moham- said the SP.
for whom bicycles are ve- The Ganpati police plaint lodged by Shorab with the delayed action moved to Itwara, raising mad Yunus, 20, a resident of The situation remains
hicles to spread socially-rel- station reported on Sunday Qureshi and others at the against the accused, gath- slogans and engaging in Shahdakua, Tausif, 20, a under control as the au-
evant messages among that seven individuals have Ganpati police station. ered at the police station. stone-pelting. resident Itwara Gate and thorities continue their ef-
masses. They have been pro- been arrested in Members of the Muslim When the police dispersed ASP Antar Singh Kanesh, Nadim Mohammed, 27, a forts to ensure the safety and
moting causes like environ- connection with the stone- community, dissatisfied them from there, they CSP Gaurav Patil, and Gan- resident of Itwara Gate. security of the residents.
ment protection, women em-

Rain, lightning may continue

powerment, saving girl child
and tree plantation by under-
taking long and arduous bi-
cycle journeys. Excerpts: Villagers reel under water
Swacch Bharat,
shortage, tanker cost rises
to lash several districts
In 2021, I went on bicycle
Beti Bachao journey from Srinagar to
Kanyakumari with the
objective of raising
awareness about mental
health. I covered distance of
3,600 kilometres in 26 days, HEATWAVE puram, Harda, Betul, Bur- Places Deg/Cel
cycling about 170-180 km
every day. During second WITH HOT NIGHT hanpur, Khandwa,
Khargone, Bar-
Niwari 45.1
wave of Covid-19 pandemic,
my friends and I used
CONDITION TO wani, Dewas, Chhatarpur 45.0
Katni, Jabal-
bicycles to supply medicines, PREVAIL pur, Nars-
Shivpuri 44.0
food items and other inghpur, Tikamgarh 44.0
necessities to people who OUR STAFF REPORTER Chhind-
were confined to their Nowgong 43.8
[email protected] wara,
After serving as commando in homes either because they Katni, Ba- Gwalior 43.5
army for 16 years, I retired in or their family members Continuous moisture feed- laghat,
2008. I have been spreading were Covid-positive. I don’t Singrauli 43.4
ing with the advancement Mandla, Damoh, Sagar,
message of Swachh Bharat, use any automobiles for of monsoon toward the cen- Pandhurna, Bhopal, Vi- Guna 43.4
Swastha Bharat, Ped Lagao, going to places, which aretral parts of the country led disha, Raisen, Sehore,
Paryavaran Bachao (Clean within 5-km radius of my Khajuraho 43.2
to light rain, lightning with Ashok Nagar, Shivpuri, FP NEWS SERVICE the water supply in the
India, healthy India; plant home. That reduces air speedy wind in many parts Sheopurkalan and Panna Rajgarh 42.9 Sehore town and the villages
trees, save environment) and pollution and saves fossil fuel.
of the state. The monsoon is districts. linked to the town is en-
also Beti Bachao Beti Padhao VARUN NAMDEV, expected to hit the state by Damoh 42.5
At the temperature front, With heat baking the entire sured from Kahiri Dam, Ja-
through long bicycle trips. I 33, photographerJune 15-20, according to the Bhopal recorded a day tem- Sidhi 42.4 state, the villages of Sehore moniya Dam and Bhagwan-
meteorological department perature of 40.8 degrees Rewa 42.4 have been grappling with pura lake. But in view of
officials. Celsius and a night tem- southwest and central Bay water shortage lately. To less rain observed last year,
Women are safe in India Meanwhile, an orange perature of 29.4. Indore of Bengal will prevail in the Shahdol 42.3 add to the people’s woes, the water level has gone
Many people in foreign countries believe that India is unsafe alert for heatwave as well recorded 40.1 day tempera- next two days. This system the water is supplied once down.
for women. So, I covered almost the entire country riding a Ashok Nagar 42.2
as hot nights has been is- ture and 26.3 night tem- leads to moisture feeding to in two days in the villages The residents of several
bicycle over a period of 10 sued in Niwari, Datia, Sin- perature. Madhya Pradesh. Ratlam 42.0 and price of water tankers villages in Sehore told the
months to show to the world grauli, Sidhi, Umaria, Favourable conditions for Western disturbance is has increased. media that water supplied
that women travelling solo Chhatarpur, Tikamgarh, the onset of monsoon over seen as a trough in the mid- circulation is over south- Official sources in Sehore through taps come once in
are safe in India. I began Gwalior, Bhind, Morena, some more parts of the cen- dle tropospheric westerly west Rajasthan. A cyclonic told the media that price of two days, that too is not
journey on November 1, Rewa, Mauganj, Satna, tral Arabian sea, the re- winds. A trough from west circulation is over coastal the water tankers, which clean. When Free Press
2022, from Bhopal and Maihar, Shahdol and Din- maining parts of the South Uttar Pradesh extends up Andhra Pradesh. A cy- stood at Rs 300 earlier, have tried getting in touch with
ended in Delhi on August 15, dori districts. Arabian sea, Lakshadweep to West Assam across clonic circulation is over been hiked to Rs 400 and the municipality chairman
2023. I covered distance of Moreover, rain, lightning and Kerala, some parts of southeast Uttar Pradesh, the southeast and even Rs 500 in several vil- Prince Rathore, he did not
25,500 kilometres riding a with speedy wind at 50 Karnataka, some more Jharkhand and Gangetic adjoining east-central Bay lages and areas of Sehore respond to the phone call
bicycle. I am also planning a km/h is likely in Narmada- parts of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. A cyclonic of Bengal. town. It is noteworthy that made to him.
bicycle trip from
Kanyakumari to Kargil to pay

Cops exhume Of orphan tiger cubs & bid Govt mulls clamping
tribute to martyrs next
month. I use bicycle for going to places, which are within 20
kilometres of my village Nataram in Rajgarh district.
ASHA MALVIYA, 26, mountaineer bodies of two minor Sec 52 on DAVV
girls who drowned to release them in jungles INDORE: Higher education minister

Police raid Digvijay

Inder Singh Parmar has said that they
OUR STAFF REPORTER would try to clamp Section 52 of Madhya
[email protected] has the ability to protect its Pradesh University Act-1973 on Devi Ahi-

multi, nab two

territory. lya Vishwavidyalaya which is in the mid-
The Bandhavgarh police have ex- According to Kanha dle of a storm due to back-to-back question
humed bodies of two minor girls from Tiger Reserve deputy di- paper leaks during MBA first semester

drug smugglers
a burial ground and conducted post- rector Puneet Goyal, the exams. “We will try our best to impose Sec-
mortem in the presence of a team of behaviour of both the or- tion 52 so that there is no scope for any sus-
doctors at government hospital on phan tigers is under study. picion on the temples of education. We are
Sunday. One of the orphan tigers is also trying to make the transparent sys-
OUR STAFF REPORTER cused after cordoning off According to the police, the two minor in Kanha reserve for past tem,” he said while addressing ABVP ac-
[email protected] the area. cousins, both aged around five, were two years. tivists who had staged a demonstration to
According to the police, playing near a pond at Amdi in Dulhari Once a decision is taken press for their demands. Section 52 ousts
A team of 3 ACPs, 8 TIs the accused have been Tola on Friday night. While playing and to release orphan tigers the incumbent vice chancellor and dis-
and 70 police personnel identified as Arvind Ni- bathing, the two minors slipped in the into the wild, they will bands the entire executive council.
led by additional DCP hale of Digvijay Multi and deep water and died. either be released in
Zone-4 raided Digvijay Ganesh Dhobi of Prajapat SDOP Bandhavgarh Nagendra Pratap Kanha Tiger Reserve or
Multi under Dwarkapuri
police station limit and ar-
Nagar. During interroga-
tion, the accused allegedly
Singh said most of the population of the
area is of Baiga tribe and they were busy
will be sent to another re-
serve. The appropriate age Man electrocuted by
rested two drug smug-
glers, police said on Sun-
day. The police seized
confessed to their crime.
A case was registered
under relevant sections of
in work. After some time, most of them
left the pond.
Later, a youth who was at the pond
to release feline into the
wild is two-and-a-half to
three years.
cooler while taking clothes
20.28 gram of brown sugar the NDPS Act against the raised the alarm that the two persons Meanwhile, Kanha Tiger Indore: A second death within a span of four
worth Rs 1.50 lakh and accused. drowned in the pond. The villagers Reserve has been asked to days from electrocution due to an electric
74.55 kg ganja worth 7.50 During search operation, jumped in the pond and took out the hone the hunting skills of shock from a cooler occurred in the city on
lakh from their posses- the police also came to bodies. two tiger cubs brought Sunday. A 30-year-old man was electrocuted
sion. The police received know about some women The villagers later buried their bodies OUR STAFF REPORTER be released into the wild in from Van Vihar National to death after receiving an electric shock
information that some indulged in smuggling in the burial ground without informing [email protected] about two weeks. The or- Park recently. They also from a cooler while taking clothes kept on it
people in Digvijay Multi namely Sangeeta Jatav, the police. phan tiger was rescued lost their mother in under the jurisdiction of Khudel Police sta-
are indulging in smug- Anita Jatav and Meena When the police got the information, The authorities at Kanha from Seoni after death of its jungles of Ratapani sanctu- tion on Sunday morning. According to the po-
gling intoxicants and sell- alias Nanda Baghore who they reached along with the adminis- Tiger Reserve are con- mother. ary. lice, the deceased was identified as Lakhan, a
ing it to youths. The were not found at the spot. trative officials and retrieved the bodies templating to release an Kanha has another or- They too will be released resident of BamanTekari village. He was a la-
police team including ad- The police also caught and the post-mortem was performed. orphan tiger, aged over phan tiger, aged two years, into the wild once their bourer. His brother said that Lakhan had
ditional DCP Anand some peddlers namely After the post-mortem, the bodies were two-and-a-half years, into that may also be released in hunting skills improve. come after taking a bath and while taking
Yadav, ACP Nandani Hem Prakash, Ashish handed over to the family members and the wild. jungle once its wild behav- A senior forest officer clothes to wear which were kept on the
Sharma, ACP Hemant Bhavalkar, Deepak they buried them again. At present, the iour comes to fore. said that seeing the grow- cooler, he received an electric shock on com-
Chauhan and Devendra Mankar and Jayesh Ma- The SDOP said no assault or sexual as- authorities are observing During behaviour study, ing number of orphan fe- ing in contact with the cooler around 9 am.
Dhurve operated a search sane and action under pre- sault was found in the investigation. The its wild behaviour, which it is seen whether it can lines, plan is afoot to in- His one hand and back suffered severe burn
operation and raided the ventive measures was families of the deceased will get an ex- they say is encouraging. On hunt, how far it stays away crease the re-wilding facil- injuries, and they rushed him to the hospital
place and nabbed the ac- taken against them. gratia of Rs 4 lakh each. getting permission, it will from humans, whether it ity in Kanha. where he was declared brought dead.


Education institutions also have onus to stimulate discussions on critical issues: Rai
OUR STAFF REPORTER like environmental, social and plines came together to share practices in today’s world,’ he theme of this year’s conference concluded with a valedictory 2. 2nd Prize: Srishti Bach-
Indore governance (ESG),’ he said their latest research findings, said. focused on ESG value creation ceremony recognising the out- wani, a doctoral student at IIM
while addressing the conclud- fostering a collaborative envi- He said that IIM Indore was in the context of climate crises standing contributions of the Lucknow, clinched the 2nd Best
IIM Indore director Prof Hi- ing day of the 14 edition of the ronment that spanned the committed to fostering an envi- and international conflicts. participants. The Best Paper Paper award for her work on ‘Re-
manshu Rai here on Sunday International Conference on globe. ronment where academic excel- These issues have become criti- Awardees also received prizes ducing Food Waste through In-
emphasised the importance of Excellence in Research and Rai said, ‘Education has the lence and practical relevance cal topics in the business on this occasion. Their names stagram: Analyzing Influencer
addressing contemporary is- Education (CERE) which was power to bring about signifi- intersect, driving impactful re- world. ‘Many businesses are are as follows: Communication Strategies.’ She
sues through academic dis- held at IIM Indore from May 31 cant change by equipping indi- search and meaningful dia- grappling with understanding 1. 1st Prize: Rajula Abdul received a prize of Rs 20k.
course. to June 2. viduals with knowledge and logues. ‘Through events like the correlation between their Rashid, a doctoral student at 3. 3rd Prize: Satyajit Ka-
‘As educational institutions, The three-day event was skills needed to tackle complex CERE, we aim to empower the commitment to ESG factors MES Mampad College, secured mila, an EDPM participant at
we have a unique marked by an array of paper global challenges. Our youth next generation of leaders to and their long-term success in the Best Paper award with her re- IIM Indore, was awarded the
responsibility to curate topics presentations and workshops, and scholars are at the make informed decisions that global value chains’, he said. search titled ‘Gender barriers in 3rd Best Paper prize of Rs 15k
for deliberation that not only further solidifying the confer- forefront of this transforma- positively impact society and Over 118 scholars presented career progression to managerial for his research titled ‘Identifi-
attract the best and most inno- ence’s reputation as a premier tion; their fresh perspectives the environment,’ he added. their papers on the third day of positions: the case of Indian fe- cation and analysis of adoption
vative minds but also stimulate platform for academic ex- and innovative ideas are cru- Prof Manish Popli, Chair – the event, showcasing a wide male employees.’ Rajula’s in- barriers of Government E-
profound, thought-provoking change and innovation. cial in driving sustainable de- Doctoral Programme in Man- array of research topics and in- sightful study earned her a prize Marketplace (GeM) portal in
discussions on critical subjects Scholars from various disci- velopment and ethical agement (DPM), said that the novative ideas. The conference of Rs 25k. India.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Quality is never an accident. It is
always the result of intelligent effort.
SINCE 1928


Despite differences, there is more that unites us
politics and polarisation could also shows that the US and the UK have right freely in our country. The laws ward self-flagellation needs to be

The Road be misleading. Acerbic comments, twelve times the incidence of rape on dowry prohibition, cruelty curbed, and we need to acquire a lot

Economy on track Ahead

breathless coverage of ‘the unusual
and odd’ (‘man bites dog’ is news,
not ‘dog bites man’!) utterances and
per unit population. Even if we as-
sume that many rape victims do not
report the crime for fear of ostraci-
against women in marriage, repre-
sentation of women in local govern-
ments, the 106th Amendment man-
more confidence in our people, our
politics and our institutions.
Much of the election rhetoric was

for higher growth

events on TV, and the widespread sation, the crime is much more dating reservation of seats in legis- about branding and political market
÷ Jayaprakash Narayan use of social media where anybody
can say anything without filters
prevalent in the ‘advanced’ coun-
tries than in India. We need to do a
latures were all enacted by unani-
mous consent. Our society, for all its
segmentation. There is much more
that unites our parties and society

magnify the perception that our so- lot to enhance the freedom of our faults, has always welcomed moder- than that divides us. Our voters have

he growth figures for the tenth and last year t last, the prolonged election ciety is hate-filled, crime-ridden, un- girls and women, and give them the nity. We could eradicate the evil time and again exhibited uncom-
of the Narendra Modi government ahead of campaign for the 18th Lok safe, and obscurantist; or that our opportunity to fulfil their potential. practices of sati and child marriage, mon maturity and common sense.
the results of the Lok Sabha poll, which most Sabha is over. I am writing politics is retrogressive, oppressive But our rhetoric and emotion be- and legalised widow remarriage There are many flaws in our democ-
this column on June 1, and by the and anarchic or fascist (depending cause of our own unique cultural even before Independence with rela- racy. Vast illegitimate expenditure
likely would usher in its third straight five-year
end of the day the seventh phase of on which end of the political spec- factors are misinterpreted by global tive ease. If we take caste inequali- to induce voters, excessive resort to
term, came rather late for these to impact the polling will be completed and the trum you are inclined to support). society and even by many among us ties, affirmative action policies in- short-term welfare at the cost of col-
voting in the seventh and last phase of polling. In people’s choices of representatives Our society’s emotional responses in the country. This tragic episode il- cluding reservation in education lective needs and long-term growth
any case, it is anyone’s guess whether in a poll nar- will be revealed soon. on occasion, and volatility further lustrates how our own self-image is and public employment, abolition and investment in the future, and
rative dominated by caste, communal, reservations In the heat of political battle artful amplify the image that India is un- shaped by rhetoric and emotion, not of untouchability, criminalising vi- appeal to primordial loyalties of
dodges, exaggerations, distortions governable and is a ‘functioning an- caste, region, religion and language
and other such considerations growth would direct- and vilification of political adver- archy’. There is life after this election. We need to bury the weaken our democracy, society and
ly concern a vast majority of voters. Those who
take keen interest in economic growth might have
saries are common. Increasingly, we
have made our politics a no-holds-
Take for instance, the horrific in-
stances of sexual violence against
hatchet, stop our obsession with who wins and who economy. But we have many re-
deeming features: the voters vote
already voted in the earlier phases. Nonetheless, it barred, life-or-death struggle, Polar- women. The ‘Nirbhaya’ case is one loses, and focus on the future freely, elections are conducted fairly,
isation on grounds of caste, region, such terrible crime that mobilised votes are counted honestly, and we
is good to know that the growth in 2023-24 was an
language and religion has become millions and touched every Indian. all accept and embrace the election
impressive 8.2% due to a higher- than- expected in- all too common, instead of reasoned We need to strengthen rule of law by evidence and logic. olence or insult on caste basis, and verdicts.
crease of 7.8% in the last quarter. The data released debate. As French President Em- and improve social norms to ensure There is much that is wrong with welfare measures to help the long- There is life after this election. We
by the National Statistical Office last Friday shows manuel Macron recently said, often that every woman is safe and has the our politics and governance. Our oppressed sections to come out of need to bury the hatchet, stop our
that the growth numbers exceeded the projections emotion trumps rationality in poli- opportunity to participate equally democracy is a work in progress, poverty and discrimination have all obsession with who wins and who
tics. And negative emotion (envy, in our economy, politics and society. and is still evolving. But we should been embraced by all parties and in- loses, and focus on the future. Inclu-
made by the NSO itself and a number of indepen- anger, prejudice, hatred) trumps Even one act of gender violence and recognise that our society, institu- stitutions of state, and welcomed by sive economic growth, fiscal disci-
dent economists. In fact, the expansion is higher positive emotion (hope, aspiration). sexual assault is one too many, and tions of state, and political parties our fractious society with little re- pline, quality education and health-
than the RBI’s earlier forecast of 7%. This is the The scorching summer heat and the we cannot, and should not tolerate have in general been very progres- sistance. care, rule of law, genuine decentral-
ninth time since 1961-62 that the economy has heat of political battle make a par- crimes against women. But the way sive and forward-looking. Our legis- We tend to exaggerate our differ- isation and ending corruption
ticularly difficult combination. global media interpreted our emo- lation on women’s freedoms and af- ences, and underestimate the should be the minimum goals on
recorded over 8% growth. Notably, the two-year
Combine this with our enormous di- tional response to such crimes was firmative action policies ending factors that unite us. Considering which we unite and move forward.
coronavirus interruption adversely impacted the versity of caste, region, language devoid of facts and logic. Even the caste discrimination are excellent that we constitute 18% of the global
growth record of the Narendra Modi government in and religion, and our tortuous histo- redoubtable BBC and influential examples. population, and we have unmatched The author is the founder of Lok Satta
the 10 years he has been in the saddle in New Delhi. ry, and we see how our political rhet- CNN portrayed India as the ‘rape A very liberal abortion law guar- diversity, our society and polity have movement and Foundation for
Reacting to the latest GDP numbers, Modi sounded oric seems very divisive and polaris- capital of the world’! Even a single anteeing women’s reproductive unified the country and promoted Democratic
ing. rape is reprehensible and should not rights was enacted more than 50 enlightened views and modernity in Reforms.Email:[email protected] /
optimistic of a higher growth in the coming years, But that impression of divisive be tolerated. But a simple fact-check years ago, and women exercise that a remarkable way. Our tendency to- Twitter@jp_loksatta
saying it was `just a trailer of things to come...’ The
NSO data showed that agriculture continues to be a
laggard, pulling down the overall numbers. In the
third quarter of last financial year it grew at a mere
0.4% while it nudged a bit up in the last quarter at
0.6%. Erratic monsoon was cited as one of the fac-
Challenges that lie before the new government
tors for slow agri growth. Manufacturing continued rate during this period. find the right man or woman with ers depend upon rice cultivation to logical hurdles which still makes
The causes for this dismal state of the right skill sets needed for the jobs make a living and Indians consume these power sources costly as well as
to fare well, registering 9.9% growth in 2023-24. Real
estate sector too fared well. A big employer, its Ringside affairs are many — one principal
reason has been the slowly worsen-
they have on hand.
The recent flurry of headline news
about 102 kg of rice a year per head.
It naturally flows that the
inertia in policy making and imple-
mentation has to be overcome.
growth meant a healthier spurt in demand for the
steel and cement sectors as well. Services sector
View ing situation of the small and medi-
um scale enterprises in India which
in most newspaper and television
channels that many places in India
monetary policy framed by India’s
central banker — the RBI — will be
Climate change and sudden cli-
mate shocks such as cyclones and in-
saw some moderation due to the slow growth in employ nearly 111 million people. including the capital city of Delhi ex- similarly challenged in trying to bal- tense heatwaves means that the
÷ Jayanta Roy Chowdhury Their decline has meant fewer jobs perienced 50 degree plus tempera- ance the needs of checking inflation- progress that India made in health-
trade, hotels, travel, communications, etc. Mean-
are being created. tures has only highlighted what ary bursts by raising interest rates care will also remain challenged in

while, private investment was yet to pick up steam here is a thrill of excitement At the same time lack of skill train- many saw coming — climate change and giving cheaper loans to both the years ahead.
while public spending on infrastructure was going in the air as the country ing for our youth which would make is upon us and will affect the coun- businesses and agriculture. India is in any case in a state of epi-
strong. In fact, economists ascribed the higher than awaits results of its longest them employable and replacement try’s life and economy in many ways The other grave threat flowing demiological transition where the
expected growth in the last quarter to a sharp in- parliamentary polls since 1952. A of workers with increasing automo- in the years ahead, to the extent that from climate change will be to pattern of mortality and disease is
new government will be sworn in mation and robotisation in most it may well pose a challenge to India’s power generation capacity. slowly changing from one of high
crease in tax collections, given the gap between the sooner rather than later and it will large sectors of industry has meant India’s growth story. In short in any Hotter summers will mean more de- mortality among infants and chil-
GDP and gross value added (6.3%). Importantly, the obviously get down to the task of crowding of workers in farming, the top five challenges facing the next mand for cooling- both homes and dren and episodic famine and epi-
growth numbers by themselves fail to get votes un- taking forward the country. informal sector and construction, government, managing the fall-out workplaces. Power generation was demics to one of degenerative and
less there is a real increase in the employment rate. The new government of course where the quality of jobs is suspect of climate change will have to be one pushed up by a huge 9.4% in April human-made diseases, which itself
will be aided by the singular fact that and under-employment rampant. of the biggest priorities. this year to meet the unprecedented is placing a huge transition burden
On the other hand, there was good news for the gov-
India reported last week a GDP The rising unemployment figures India’s agriculture production demand. The growing demand in on its heathcare set-up.
ernment insofar as despite the plethora of welfare growth rate of 8.2% for the financial have another ugly side — people growth was down to 1.4% in 2023-24 May-June has meant more frequent The new diseases unleashed by cli-
schemes, massive investment in infrastructure, de- year just gone by, making it the smuggling out of India in search of down from 4.7% in the year before. A breakdowns in many metropolises mate change or by climate episodes
fence, etc. it had managed to keep the fiscal deficit fastest growing economy among the work in places ranging from the US flour millers body has come out with and industrial centres. A breakdown will mean healthcare infrastructure,
in check. top ten in the world. and Europe to Cambodia and Rus- a widely accepted estimate that in the stretched power supply especially in suburban areas, will re-
While it may gain some succour sia. India will produce 105 million metric system could be another challenge to main more than stretched for years
Against the revised estimate of 5.8%, the gap be- from this achievement, nevertheless, Finding these youth jobs, prefer- tonnes of wheat this year, which India’s growth story, similar to the to come. At the same time in the ab-
tween income and spending had narrowed down to the challenges before the govern- ably quality ones, is a priority for In- would be significantly lower than one the country faced in the 1980s sence of a functional and robust pub-
5.6%. As per the official data, for the last financial ment which will be sworn in will cer- dian society as the alternative could last year’s 112 mmt. Production of and ‘90s, when both power genera- lic health care system, the demand-
year, the fiscal deficit was Rs.16.54 trillion as tainly remain a-plenty. range from unrest and social strife to cereals, pulses and oilseeds have also tion and transmission were racing to supply gap in healthcare will widen,
The biggest of them perhaps is that an alarming rise in crime and politi- been lower than a year ago in 2023-24. meet India’s growing electricity de- increasing healthcare costs for the
against the budgeted figure of Rs.17.86 trillion. The
of the spectre of rising youth unem- cal chaos on our streets. This not only means price shocks mand. entire nation, the pinch of which
prudent management of the economy despite pres- ployment which threatens to negate Obviously, retraining youth to up- will be more frequent for consumers, The challenge could be met by a will of course be felt most acutely by
sures on spending in an election year was to be com- the demographic dividend that India grade them in skills which the world but also that farm production and in- combination of climate mitigation the elderly whose income is usually
mended. RBI has announced a transfer of over 2.11 is enjoying with one of the youngest wants — whether those be industry comes will be challenged. India had measures to ensure the fight to con- subject to the vagaries of interest
lakh crore as surplus to the government for the fi- populations globally. specific or in terms of general train- dipped into its wheat reserve stocks trol temperatures is addressed pay-outs on their life’s savings.
According to statistics recently re- ing — is a must. The Skill India mis- last year as production was chal- across the country by extensively One will have to see how the state
nancial year 2023-24. Yet another report in a pink leased by the periodic survey of sion is a good step forward, and the lenged even as demand for wheat greening the land, conserving water and the new or ‘not so new’ regime
daily said that LIC and central public sector under- labour force by the central govern- numbers quoted of those who have both for consumption as well as pro- and rebuilding traditional channels which gets to run the ship of India
takings together would give over Rs 1.26 lakh crore ment, the average percentage of ur- been trained or upskilled sound im- cessing spiked. There are reports of water harvesting on the one hand tackles these challenges and takes
in dividend for the last financial year. The perfor- ban unemployed for those in the age pressive. However, the actual results that the country might consider the and increasing renewable power the nation towards its promised
group 15-29 in January- March 2024 which should have seen our work- unprecedented step of importing generation capacity on the other — place in the sun. Hopefully while the
mance of the public sector units has improved
stood at 17%. A dozen states reported places being flooded with trained wheat after many years to replenish ranging from the chain of nuclear sun is still shining.
tremendously under the Modi government follow- an over 20% unemployment rate manpower are still awaited. Anec- stocks and cool down prices. power plants long planned, to solar
ing a clear-cut hands-off approach adopted by it, during this period with one of them dotal evidence shows many busi- A similar situation in rice could be and hydrogen cell power plants The writer is former head of PTI’s
leaving it to the professional managements to run reporting a 30% plus unemployment nesses find it increasingly hard to even more disastrous, as more farm- among others. But to do so, techno- eastern region network
them most efficiently. However, the challenge for
the next government was to create jobs at a faster
rate along with a faster rate of economic growth. A Having your prayers answered LETTERS of excessive gaming. Parents, as the
primary influence on their children, should
humanity. He did not inconvenience the
local fishing community and the general
jobless growth relying on a trickle-down effect has — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar TO THE EDITOR set boundaries and promote a balanced public who visit the tip of the country to
proved woefully inadequate to meet the aspirations lifestyle by emphasising education and see the spectacular sunrise and sunset. But

of the fast growing army of tens of millions of un- strong tendency to to happen now. In sankalpa Tale of two PMs encouraging outdoor activities and real- then, the Swami had no political ambitions.
keep doing something, you say, “let it happen whenev- world interactions. This approach will also Yash Pal Ralhan, Jalandhar

employed youth. whether important or er it has to.” ormer PM Manmohan Singh has accused benefit the economy by ensuring a
unimportant, becomes an im-
pediment to meditation.
Strength lies in the power of
your sankalpa (intention).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of
“lowering the dignity of the prime
healthier and more productive future
Proper upbringing is the
FPJ Archives 'Doing' starts first with an in- The mind is full of sankalpa minister’s office with his hate speeches”. Ayushi Chouhan, Ujjain
JUNE 3, 1949 tention and then translates
into action. Though intention
springs from Being, when it
and vikalpa (imagination, fan-
cy). All work gets done
through sankalpa. Even the
During his stint as the PM, MMS was
accused of having gone to the other
extreme. He used to maintain silence over
Dog ban won’t work T his has reference to your edit ‘Doctors
turn criminals’ (May 29). The concluding
line “Far easier for the father and the
becomes doing it does not let
you settle down. All inten-
tions, good or bad, trivial or
act of moving one’s arm is
preceded by the sankalpa in
the mind. The sankalpa of a
issues when he was supposed to speak
out, and at times he even avoided
controversial situations. Only time will tell
W ith reference to the report ‘Activists
push for ban on foreign dog breeds
across India’ (May 31), a complete ban on
grandfather would have been to bring up
the boy as a law abiding citizen” is spot
on. The influential father and grandfather,
important, need to be dropped weak mind is ineffective. We which PM was the lesser of two evils. foreign dogs is undemocratic, and will and even the boy’s mother, colluded to get
for meditation to happen. can make our mind strong by PG Menon, Chennai serve no useful purpose but to drive the him out of the case. Whereas, in a report
But isn’t dropping all inten- sadhana (spiritual practices) business underground. The problem of from Barwani, the poor father of a son who
tions itself an intention?
Yes, but this intention is the
and knowledge. Then the
sankalpa will also be strong.
Keep check on gaming dogs being abandoned when they fall sick
or their owners get tired of them, will not
fraudulently retrieved money from an ATM
turned him over to the police because he
last and necessary one.
Dropping intentions is
not an act. Just the inten-
When sankalpa arises
in your heart, then it
helps expand your
A fter Covid-19, the gaming industry has
seen significant growth but also
sparked worries about its impact on youth
be solved and neither will the stray dog
Peter Castellino, Mumbai
wanted to teach his son a lesson in
honesty. The honest father is a brickmaker!
Contrast this with the Richie Rich teenager
tion to drop them it- consciousness in the during crucial years for their studies, backed to the hilt by an opulent family.
self serves the pur-
pose. Dropping all in-
universe. In this
huge universe, I want
personal growth and other development.
To overcome this, the government and
Purpose of meditation Avinash Godboley, Dewas

tentions even this little parents should work together to not let the hen Swami Vivekananda swam across Dear reader,
for a moment
GUIDING LIGHT sankalpa to negative effects of gaming take over the the gulf to meditate on the rock for We are eager to know your opinions, comments and
suggestions. Write to [email protected] with the title of the
brings you in touch with your happen. Suppose you are ask- child. The government should create three days, he wanted only to be in letter in the subject line. Using snail mail? Send your letters
Self and in that instant medi- ing a question to someone and awareness and impose proper rules and communion with God. The meditation to The Free Press Journal, Free Press House, Free Press
tation happens. you have a doubt whether this regulations to mitigate the negative effects helped him dedicate himself to serving Marg, 215 Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021.
While you sit for meditation question will be answered or
you have to let the world be the not, you will hesitate to ask it MIKA’S MATRIX
way it is. The repetition of or you will make errors even
meditation is to habituate in the process of asking. So
your system to stop and start the right way of asking is,
activity at will. The ability to first, having that confidence
consciously do this is a pre- in the divine and knowing
cious skill. that “I have this request and it
There is a difference be- will be granted to me.” One
tween intention and desire. should apply effort, work and
Desire is that which gives you also relax.
anger and upsets you. Before going to bed,
Sankalpa is having an inten- meditate for 10 minutes and
tion. It means taking your con- surrender whatever you de-
CHARGE-SHEET AGAINST FRANCE sciousness to the universe, to
the infinite; then bringing the
sire, and sleep happily. The
main things to follow are sad-
Chandernagore, June 2. Mr. Arun Chandra Dutta, member of the mind to the present moment, hana (spiritual practices and
Administrative Council of Chandernagore in charge of Information and making a wish for some- self effort), awareness, and
and External Affairs, today charged the French Government with thing that you long for in your then abandoning of feverish-
"insidious efforts to influence, prejudice and even sabotage" the mind. Desire means to want it ness.
referendum on the future of Chandernagore.
Boeing space flight called off after computer troubles
Florida: Last-minute computer trouble cancelled Saturday’s launch
attempt for Boeing’s first astronaut flight, the latest in a string of
delays over the years. Two NASA astronauts were strapped in the
company’s Starliner capsule when the countdown automatically was
halted at 3 minutes and 50 seconds by the computer system that
controls the final minutes before liftoff. With only a split second to
take off, there was no time to work the latest problem and the
launch was called off.

Indonesia’s Mount
2 Israeli ministers threaten to quit
Finance and National Security ministers oppose any deal before Hamas is destroyed
China lands on far
side of the moon
Ibu erupts again AGENCIES / abandonment of the goal to ing that Gaza no longer poses
Jakarta: Indonesia’s Mount Ibu TEL AVIV, JERUSALEM destroy Hamas. This is a a threat to Israel. The notion AGENCIES / BEIJING the brightness and darkness
erupted again on Sunday and reckless deal, which consti- that Israel will agree to a per- of the lunar surface, the
spewed thick, grey ash 7,000 Two far-right Israeli minis- tutes a victory for terrorism manent ceasefire before A Chinese spacecraft suc- CNSA was quoted as saying
metres into the air, officials ters have threatened to quit and poses a security threat to these conditions are fulfilled cessfully touched down on by state-run Xinhua news
said. The volcano, located on the governing coalition if the State of Israel". He then is a non-starter,” he added. the far side of the Moon on agency. The lander hovered
an island in the eastern North Prime Minister Benjamin vowed to "dissolve the gov- The row came as tens of Sunday, in the first endeav- about 100m above the safe
Maluku province, erupted for Netanyahu agrees to the ernment" rather than agree thousands of people rallied our of its kind to collect sam- landing area, and used a
more than six minutes, Gaza ceasefire proposal to the proposal. in Tel Aviv, calling on the Is- ples from the moon’s rarely laser 3D scanner before a
according to Muhammad made by US President Joe Netanyahu's right-wing raeli government to accept explored terrain. slow vertical descent. The op-
Wafid, chief of Indonesia’s Biden on Friday. coalition holds a slim majori- Biden's proposed plan. Many The Chang'e 6 touched eration was supported by the
Geology Agency. A column of Finance Minister Bezalel ty in parliament, relying on a demonstrators also demand- down in the South Pole- Queqiao-2 relay satellite, the
ash could be seen rising high Smotrich and National Secu- host of factions, including ed Netanyahu's resignation Aitken Basin at 06:23 Beijing CNSA said.
into the sky. It spewed out rity Minister Itamar Ben- Ben-Gvir's Otzma Yehudit and some told reporters they time on Sunday morning, the The lander should spend
material including volcanic ash Gvir said they were opposed (Jewish Power) party - who feared the PM could torpedo China National Space Ad- up to three days gathering
and sand. Local authorities to striking any deal before hold six seats - and the proposal. ministration (CNSA) said. material from the surface in
advised residents to stay Hamas was destroyed. Smotrich's Religious Zionism government". Hamas's military and govern- A group campaigning to Launched on May 3, the an operation the CNSA said
indoors as long as the rain of In a post on social media party, who holds seven seats Before the intervention of ing capabilities were de- bring home Israeli hostages mission aims at collecting would involve "many engi-
ash mixed with sand continues. on Saturday, Smotrich said to maintain power. Netanyahu's government stroyed and all hostages were captured by Hamas has precious rock and soil from neering innovations, high
Mount Ibu has been continually he told Netanyahu he would But Yair Lapid, one of Is- partners, a senior foreign pol- released. warned that such a move this region for the first time risks and great difficulty".
erupting since early May. "not be part of a government rael's most influential opposi- icy adviser said many details In a rare statement on Sat- would endanger the lives of in history. The probe could "Everyone is very excited
that agrees to the proposed tion politicians, was quick to of the proposed plan needed urday, during the Jewish those held in Gaza. extract some of the Moon's that we might get a look at
One shot dead in outline and ends the war
without destroying Hamas
offer his backing to the em-
battled prime minister. His
to be worked out and there
would be no permanent
Shabbat, the Israeli Prime
Minister said, “Israel’s condi-
Scuffles broke out between
protesters and police officers,
oldest rocks from a huge
crater on its South Pole.
these rocks no-one has ever
seen before," explains Profes-
Ohio, 26 injured and bringing back all the Yesh Atid (There is a future) ceasefire "until all our objec- tions for ending the war have who used mounted officers
Akron: A shooting on a street hostages". party holds 24 seats. He said tives are met". not changed: the destruction and water cannons to dis-
in Akron, Ohio, killed one man Echoing his words, Ben- Netanyahu "has our safety Prime Minister Netanyahu of Hamas’s military and gov- perse the crowds. Some
and wounded 26 other people Gvir said, "the deal.. means net for a hostage deal if Ben- himself insisted there would erning capabilities, the free- demonstrators were also re-
early Sunday morning, the end of the war and the Gvir and Smotrich leave the be no permanent truce until ing of all hostages and ensur- portedly detained.
according to reports by local
news outlets. The shooting

Power shutdowns hit Ukraine Women lead Prez

reportedly happened after
midnight near Kelly Avenue
and 8th Avenue. Initial reports

as Russia targets energy infra polls in Mexico

said a 27-year-old man was
killed while dozens of wounded
victims were transported to
area hospitals. The Akron police
and fire departments and a AP / KYIV AGENCIES / MEXICO CITY being killed across Mexico.
representative for the mayor’s Sheinbaum, a 61-year-old
office did not immediately Ukraine imposed emergency In an election likely to give scientist who served as may- The landing was fraught sor John Pernet-Fisher, who
respond to an email seeking power shutdowns in most of Mexico its first woman presi- or of Mexico City from 2018 with risks, because it is very specialises in lunar geology
additional information. the country on Sunday, a day dent, nearly 100 million peo- to 2023, has the backing of difficult to communicate at the University of Man-
after Russia unleashed large- ple are registered to vote on the outgoing president Lopez with a spacecraft once it chester. He says the chance to
Trump makes scale attacks on energy infra-
structure and claimed it
Sunday in the race to replace
outgoing President Andres
Obrador. Sheinbaum is a
member of his Morena party.
reaches the far side of the
Moon. China is the only
analyse rock from a com-
pletely different area of the
U-turn on TikTok made gains in the eastern Manuel Lopez Obrador. Both Obrador, who has been in country to have achieved the Moon could answer funda-
Washington DC: Donald Trump Donetsk province. front runner Claudia Shein- power since 2018, cannot run feat before, landing its mental questions about how
has joined TikTok, the short The shutdowns were in baum, and for the top of- Chang'e-4 in 2019. planets form. Most of the
video social media platform place in all but three regions her main ri- fice again as After launching from Wen- rocks collected so far are vol-
that is owned by China-based of Ukraine following Satur- val, Xóchitl under Mexi- chang Space Launch Center, canic, similar to what we
tech giant ByteDance and that day’s drone and missile at- Gálvez, are co's constitu- the Chang'e 6 spacecraft had might find in Iceland or
he tried to ban as president, tack on energy targets that shortages could still worsen Ukraine. He claimed that far ahead in tion presi- been orbiting the Moon wait- Hawaii.
according to a Reuters report. injured at least 19 people. as need spikes in late China is pressuring other the polls of dents are lim- ing to land. But the material on the far
He posted a launch video on Ukraine’s state-owned summer and the bitter-cold countries and their leaders the only male ited to a The lander component of side would have a different
his account on Saturday night, power grid operator Ukren- winter. not to attend the upcoming candidate, single six- the mission then separated chemistry .
showing Trump greeting fans at ergo said the shutdowns af- Meanwhile, Ukrainian talks. Jorge Álvarez year-term. from the orbiter to touch "It would help us answer
an Ultimate Fighting fected both industrial and President Volodymyr Zelen- “Russia, using Chinese in- Máynez. The elec- down on the side of the Moon those really big questions,
Championship fight in Newark, household consumers. skiy tried to put forward fluence in the region, does Voters will also elect all tions are widely seen as a ref- that faces permanently away like how are planets
New Jersey. The account with Sustained Russian attacks Ukraine's plight at Asia’s pre- everything to disrupt the members of Mexico's Con- erendum on Lopez Obrador, from Earth. formed, why do crusts form,
the address @realdonaldtrump on Ukraine’s power grid in mier security conference in peace summit,” he said at the gress and governors in eight a populist who has expanded During the descent, an au- what is the origin of water
had more than 450,000 recent weeks have forced the Singapore. Shangri-La defence forum. states, as well as the head of social programmes but large- tonomous visual obstacle in the solar system?" profes-
followers by 0800 GMT. government to institute na- Zelenskiy accused China “Regrettably this is unfortu- Mexico City's government. ly failed to reduce cartel vio- avoidance system was used sor Pernet-Fisher said.
Trump’s attempt to ban TikTok tionwide rolling blackouts. on Sunday of helping Russia nate that such a big inde- The campaign has been lence in Mexico. His Morena to automatically detect obsta- The mission aims to
in 2020 during his term as Without adequate air defens- to disrupt an upcoming pendent powerful country as overshadowed by violent at- party currently holds a sim- cles, with a visible light cam- collect about 2 kg of material
President was blocked by the es to counter assaults and al- Swiss-organized peace con- China is an instrument in the tacks, which have resulted in ple majority of seats in both era selecting a comparatively using a drill and mechanical
courts. low for repairs, though, the ference on the war in hands of Putin.” more than 20 local candidates houses of Congress. safe landing area based on arm, according to the CNSA.

Crossword #1158 By Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar

600 evacuated as
ARIES: Today is the LIBRA: Today is the PTI rebuffs talk
day to study, focus on day to travel and
offers by PML-N,
floods hit Germany
job. Expect expenditure study. Expenditure for
for health, travel,
study. People in communication,
business, travel,
education is expected. People from KP governor
tourism,education will be benefited. communication, health, travel will ANI / ISLAMABAD
Ill health of or dispute with family be benefited. Ill health of or travel
members is indicated. Some people with family members is indicated. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
may suffer from ear pain, bronchitis, Some people may suffer from eye has strongly rejected the rec-
asthma etc. problem or coughing. onciliation offer from Pak-
TAURUS: Today is the SCORPIO: Today is istan Muslim League-Nawaz
day for enjoyment the day to travel and (PML-N) and Khyber
and travel. Expect study. Expect Pakhtunkhwa Governor,
expenditure for travel, expenditure for saying that the party would
entertainment, communication. business, education premiums. not hold talks with “mandate
People from communication, People in medical, and insurance thieves”, reported ARY
tourism, entertainment fields will will get success. Ill health of or News.
be benefited. Harmony in family dispute with family members is Reacting to the dialogue
members is indicated. Some indicated. Some people may suffer offer by the Minister for Pe-
people may suffer from back pain. from toothache, bronchitis. AGENCIES / FRANKFURT coastal cities and towns. Wa- troleum Division and PML-N
ter levels in many areas have leader Musadik Malik and
GEMINI: Today is a SAGITTARIUS: Today More than 600 people were reached their highest levels Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)
day to work and is the day to face evacuated from their homes, in a century, according to Governor Faisal Karim Kun-
gain. Expenditure for problems and losses, even as a firefighter died news reports. di, the PTI spokesperson
education, house, so act wisely. Expect while trying to rescue resi- Two of the hardest-hit termed the offer, from those
vehicle is indicated. expenditure for health dents trapped by major flood- southern German states are who have “no authority or
People dealing with property, and premiums. People in ing in southern Germany af- Bavaria and Baden-Wutert- credibility” to mediate, as
vehicle, communication will be maintenance and security will get ter heavy rain that was ex- temberg. ridiculous.
benefited. Happy time with family success. Ill health of or dispute pected to continue through- Ten districts in Bavaria de- Those who promised to
members is indicated. Some with family is indicated. Some out Sunday, according to clared a state of emergency hold talks were "imposed
Across simple form of 28Moccasin 41__ __ even keel : people may suffer from tooth people may suffer from eye local media. and efforts were on to evacu- through fake mandate" ,a
1 Break image-projector 29A wedge of wood cruising serenely? pain. problem. Continuous rainfall over ate more than 670 residents PTI functionary said.
5 Swoon using slides? used as a fastener (2,2) several days has caused wa- of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen "National criminals are
CANCER: Today is the CAPRICORN: Today is
10 __ __ _ ghost : 52 Extreme mental - "big" change? 42To imitate day to invest, take the day to travel and
ter levels to rise in several district on Sunday. The not entitled to make deci-
scared to death, or physical 30Licentiate in 43Skin affliction care of health. Expect take care of health.
rivers in Germany, including weather service issued the sions that serve the interests
in a way (4,2,1) suffering Medicine and 44Satisfy with food the Donau, Neckar, and highest level of severe weath- of the country, nor is there
expenditure for health Expect expenditure for
13 Loafed 53 One of Captain Surgery, acronym? 45Closest Point of Guenz, leading to er warnings for several dis- space for reconciliation," the
and travel. People spouse and medical.
14 Struggle, Hook's men 31Eastern continent Approach widespread flooding in tricts in southern Germany. PTI functionary said.
from medical, tourism, People in communication and
contend 34A ___ B : A & B 46Eighth month, in communication fields will do well. tourism fields will be benefited. Ill
15 Farm animals Down have the same short Ill health of or tour with family is health of or dispute with family CLIMATE CHANGE WOES
16 Ships' 1 Transmit value? 47IRS in India

As sea levels rise, Panama

indicated. Some people may suffer members is indicated. Some people
approaches to 2 A naive person 38Leave at once! 48One of many a from bronchitis or ear pain. may suffer from throat problems.
shores 3 Dispur is its 40Animal's resting- batsman needs to
LEO: Today is the day AQUARIUS: Today is
18 Before, for the capital place score

readies to evacuate island

to travel and the day to face
poet 4 Spanish stew communicate. Expect problems and losses,
19 Assemblyman, in 5 Soft, pear- FPJ - SUDOKU - 49 expenditure for so act wisely. Expect
short shaped fruit education, travel, communication, expenditure for health, business,
20 Wild goat 6 Fuss, bother entertainment. People in tourism, children. People in insurance, AP / GARDI SUGDUB (PANAMA)
24 Hang loosely 7 Playback singer medical, investment will get maintenance will get success.
27 Ratify Arun success. Ill health of or long Domestic life may be disturbed On a tiny island off
29 Girl's name 8 It divides the journey with family members is due to health issues. Some Panama’s Caribbean coast,
32 Hurt court at tennis indicated. Some people may suffer people may suffer from back about 300 families are pack-
33 Dip in liquid 9 Tax deducted from asthma or bronchitis. pain. ing their belongings in prepa-
35 Jefferson Davis at source, in ration for a life change. Gen-
VIRGO: Today is the PISCES: Today is the erations of Gunas have
was its pres. short day to work and take day to enjoy and study.
36 Bombay 10Wan grown up on Gardi Sugdub in
care of health. Expect Expect expenditure for a life dedicated to the sea and
Suburban Electric 11Culture expenditure for entertainment and
Supply, in short? medium tourism. Now, they will trade
health, job, business. People from education. People in fields like all that for the mainland’s
37 Binet-Simon test 12Solitary communication, maintenance will communication, education, sports, solid ground.
measurements 17Scandinavian be benefited. Ill health of or entertainment will be benefited. The Gunas of Gardi Sug-
39 Petname for 20Coloured dispute with family members is Family get-together or enjoyment is dub are the first of 63 com-
Florence portion of the indicated. Some people may suffer indicated; there might be some munities along Panama’s “We’re a little sad, because ministry of housing said that
42 White person eye from bronchitis,respiratory dispute. Some people may suffer Caribbean and Pacific coasts we’re going to leave behind some people have decided to
45 Capital of Egypt 21Genuine or real problems. from back pain. that government officials the homes we’ve known all stay on the island until it is
49 A place in (4,4) and scientists expect to be our lives, the relationship no longer safe, without re-
Greece 22Eden denizen Solution forced to relocate by rising with the sea, where we fish, vealing a specific number.
WHAT TO DO: Fill in the
renowned for its 23Marked wrong
43 Acne, 44 Sate, 45 CPA, 46 Aug, 47 ITO, 48 Run.
grid so that every row, every 28 Pac, 29 Gib, 30 LMS, 31 Asia, 34 Equals, 38 Scram, 40 Lair, 41 On an, 42 Copy, sea levels due to global where we bathe and where Gardi Sugdub is one of
traditional rural 25War god column and every 3x3 box
11 Agar, 12 Lonesome, 17 Lapp, 20 Iris, 21 Bona fide, 22 Eve, 23 Xed, 25 Ares, 26 Gir,
warming and melting polar the tourists come, but the sea about 50 populated islands
setting? 26___ Forests : caps in the coming decades. is sinking the island little by in the archipelago of the
Down: 1 Send, 2 Naif, 3 Assam, 4 Paella, 5 Figs, 6 Ado, 7 Ila, 8 Net, 9 Tds, 10 Pale,
contains the digits 1 to 9.
50 Lodge; build or the lion Every puzzle has only one
52 Agony, 53 Smee. Until recently, the island’s little,” said Nadín Morales, Guna Yala territory. It is
construct (3,2) sanctuary in Indigenous residents rowed 24, who prepared to move only about 400 yards (366
36 BSES, 37 IQs, 39 Flo, 42 Caucasian, 45 Cairo, 49 Arcadia, 50 Put up, 51 Lantern,
correct solution. 19 MLA, 20 Ibex, 24 Sag, 27 Approve, 29 Gloria, 32 Pained, 33 Immerse, 35 CSA,
51 Magic ___ : Gujarat? Across:1 Snap, 5 Faint, 10 Pale as a, 13 Idled, 14 Agonise, 15 Goats, 16 Landfalls, 18 Ere, or sputtered off with out- with her family. meters) long and 150 yards
board motors to fish. An official with Panama’s (137 meters) wide.
JUNE 3, 2024

Jones' power-hitting
Shoriful injury, setback for Bangladesh
leads USA to win New York: Bangladesh suffered an injury setback as left-arm
pacer Shoriful Islam needed six stitches on a split-webbing in his
bowling hand after their T20 World Cup warm-up match against
USA overcomes early stumble to defeat Sri Lanka's strategy to tame South Africa in Group D showdown; India here. The incident happened in the penultimate ball of
Canada in the ICC T20 WC opener Namibia faces Oman India's innings on Saturday, when Shoriful tried to stop a drive
from Hardik Pandya and hurt his bowling hand. Tanzim Hasan
PTI / DALLAS it will go for sure. I like to Sakib bowled the last ball of the innings as Shoriful walked off
come in when the team is un- PTI / NEW YORK the field in pain. "Shoriful suffered a split injury between the
Aaron Jones was at a loss for der pressure, it brings out the index and middle finger of his left hand while trying to stop a
words after starring in the best in me." Sri Lanka will rely on their ball in his last over," Bangladesh Cricket Board chief physician Dr
USA's seven-wicket demoli- Despite losing two early exceptionally varied bowling Debashis Chowdhury was quoted on ESPNCricinfo.
tion of Canada in the T20 wickets, Jones said he was attack to tame the unre-
World Cup opener in which confident of chasing down the strained batting power of Kohli adjudged as the CCI’s cricketer
the New Yorker introduced total with their long batting South Africa in their Group D Dubai: Team India batting star Virat Kohli was seen yelling
himself to cricket's elites with lineup. He got a helping hand T20 World Cup opener here 'God's plan baby' to Rinku Singh before receiving the trophy for
a 40-ball 94. from Andries Gous, who on Monday. being the ICC Men's ODI Cricketer of the Year 2023 and
Set a target of 195, USA made 65 off 46 balls in a 131- They will be eager to get receiving the cap. The ICC's official handle on X shared the video
stuttered initially, losing run partnership with Jones. onto the points table at the of the same on their official social media handles as Kohli struck
opener Steven Taylor for zero "With our batting line-up, earliest too as some tricky various stylish poses. The 35-year-old indeed had a year to
in the second ball of the in- knew anything under 200 is teams like Netherlands, remember, headlined by a record-shattering 2023 World Cup
nings, and were 42/2 after 6.3 chaseable. Outfield and pitch Bangladesh and Nepal are campaign. The right-handed batter finished the tournament as
overs. were good and we knew that," clubbed with them in the the leading run-getter with 765 runs, registering the record for
But said Jones after USA's highest group. most runs by a batter in a single campaign, thereby breaking
Jones had run chase in T20Is. South Africa have spread Sachin Tendulkar's 673 runs hammered in the 2003 edition.
other ideas as All praise for Jones, USA all their cards on the table as
he came up skipper Monank Patel said: the team selection indicated Pant SKY play golf in hotel passage
with a counter-at- "We've always known, he has the most likely route they New York: Team India cricketers Suryakumar Yadav and Rishabh
tacking knock to the game. He played would take in this ICC show- Pant were involved in a fun game in a hotel passage following
script a memorable win fearless cricket piece. Match starts at Match starts at the T20 World Cup 2024 warm-up match against Bangladesh on
with 14 balls to and backing A batting line-up 6.00 am 8.00 pm Saturday at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in
spare. his shots. consisting of captain Aiden SQUADS (FROM): SQUADS (FROM): South New York. In a video shared by Pant himself on Instagram, the
"I don't It was Markram, wicketkeeper bat- Oman: A Ilyas (c), Z Live on Live on Africa: A Markram (c), O duo involved themselves in what seemed a game of golf using a
think it is clean ter Heinrich Klaasen, Quin- Maqsood, K Prajapati, Star Sports Star Sports Baartman, G Coetzee, Q de cricket bat and ball.With Pant and Suryakumar using a brown
easy to put it hitting. ton de Kock, David Miller and P Athavale, A Khan, S Kock, B Fortuin, R paper bag as a goal and scoring one as well, their joy knew no
into words. We "We Tristan Stubbs could be a Khan, M Nadeem, N Hendricks, M Jansen, H bounds as they yelled and celebrated.
know Canada want to nightmare for any bowling at- Khushi, M Khan, Bl Khan, Rafiullah, Klaasen, K Maharaj, D Miller, A Nortje, K Rabada, R
come hard continue tack. Kaleemullah, F Butt, S Ahmad, K Kail. Rickelton, T Shamsi, T Stubbs. Stokes meets Kane and England team
against us the way Klaasen and Stubbs have Namibia: G Erasmus (c), Z Green, M V Lingen, Sri Lanka: W Hasaranga (c), C Asalanka, K Mendis, London: Veteran England all-rounder Ben Stokes was seen
since it is a we are been in roaring form of late. D Leicher, R Trumpelmann, J Brassell, B P Nissanka, K Mendis, S Samarawickrama, A meeting football team's skipper Harry Kaner and other
big rivalry. playing. In this World Cup cycle, the Shikongo, T Lungameni, N Davin, JJ Smit, J Mathews, D Shanaka, D De Silva, M Theekshana, D footballers of the national team during their practice session
Happy to take Don't want right-hander has averaged 41 Frylinck, JP Kotze, D Wiese, B Scholtz, M Wellalage, D Chameera, N Thushara, M Pathirana, D ahead of their UEFA Euro 2024. A video of the same surfaced on
the team over to change our and struck runs at 182. Kruger, PD Blignaut. Madushanka. social media as the England Test captain was seen in all black
the line," said fearless cricket whether In the IPL 2024 too, Klaasen and wearing some accessory around his neck. Led by Harry
Jones, who we play Pakistan or In- made 471 runs from 16 match- Kane, England will participate in the 24-team tournament,

17 12 05
smashed 10 sixes, dia." es at a strike rate of 171 for the Matches that Times South Africa SL winning beginning on June 15th, with Germany taking on Scotland. .
the second most Sunrisers Hyderabad. have been played has emerged in the ties
in a T20 World With our Stubbs has been equally between these victorious played so far Rohit asks police to be gentle with invader
Cup innings be- batting impressive for the Delhi Cap- Dallas: A spectator breached the security and invaded the pitch
hind West Indian line-up, knew itals, amassing 378 runs from to hug Team India skipper Rohit Sharma during the T20 World
Chris Gayle's 11 anything under 14 matches and he made them ers, especially Klaasen. of Lankan spinners such as T20 WC after their triumph in Cup 2024 warm-up match against Bangladesh on Saturday.
against England in 200 is chaseable. at a strike-rate of 190. In the run-up to the World captain Wanindu Hasaranga 2014, will be eager to try a cou- India set the target of 183 for Bangladesh to chase in a
2016. Outfield and pitch Both these gifted power- Cup, the 32-year-old from (economy 7.42) and Maheesh ple of overs from pacers stipulated 20 overs. A fan suddenly invaded the pitch and ran
On his big shots, he were good and strikers come in the middle- Transvaal has averaged 59 Theekshana (6.71), both of Matheesha Pathirana and towards Rohit Sharma to hug him. The USA police quickly
said: "I go through my we knew that order when the spinners will against spin and made runs whom had to battle injuries Dilshan Madhushanka in intervened and tried to take him off the field. The two policemen
processes and I like my – Aaron Jones, be in operation, and to add to at an eye-watering strike-rate in the recent past. that phase when Klaasen and were spotted pushing the pitch Invader down to the ground.
power hitting. I know if US batter Lanka's worries, they are phe- of 191. So, Sri Lanka, who have not Stubbs are looking for accel- However, Sharma intervened and asked the US policemen to be
I get it in the middle, nomenal against the tweak- It will certainly worry a set reached the knockouts of a eration. kind and go easy with the spectator.

INDIAN TEAM: GAMBHIR with a win Yuvraj Singh emphasises strength and self-belief
KKR Mentor finally breaks silence on his future PTI / GEORGETOWN first over bowled by Akeal
Hosein. The flamboyant Yuvraj Singh
ROHAN SEN / MUMBAI West Indies defeated Papua However, it was pacer Ro- reckons India could break
New Guinea by five wickets mario Shepherd who picked their ICC trophy drought if
Kolkata Knight Riders mentor Gautam Gambhir in their opening encounter the first wicket by having they play to their strengths
on Sunday finally expressed his desire to coach of the ICC T20 World Cup Tony Ura caught behind in rather than thinking of where
the Indian men's cricket team during an event in here on Sunday. the second over of the game. the opposition is going to
Abu Dhabi. Chasing a target of 137 set The ball seamed away, in- harm us in the T20 World Cup,
Gambhir, who is being touted as the frontrun- by PNG, Roston Chase and ducing a thick edge from the as there is no dearth of skills
ner to bag the high-profile job and replace Rahul Andre Russell with 42 and batter. and self-belief in the squad.
Dravid after the T20 World Cup 2024, recently won 15 respectively saw their Hosein got rid of number India last won a major
the Indian Premier League 2024 with KKR. team home with one over to three Lega Siaka with an global tournament when Ma-
The BCCI invited applications for candidates to spare. arm ball before Alzarri hendra Singh Dhoni led the
apply for the coach's post and received over 3000 and we start playing and representing them, Earlire, Sese Bau made a Joseph sent back PNG skip- team to title triumph in the
interests, according to reports. The deadline for India will win the World Cup. The most important fine half century to take per Assad Vala (21 off 22 ICC Champions Trophy in I believe we have the self-belief of winning big
applying for the head coach's position was May 27. thing is to be fearless,” GG added. PNG to 136 for eight. balls). Vala came up with a 2013, two years after Yuvraj tournaments. I think if India believes and backs themselves
The board is yet to reveal who all have applied Gambhir won the IPL trophy for the third time The gulf between the two couple of crisp hits in the played a starring role in the and play to their own strengths, I'm sure they'll go all the way.
for the job. with KKR but it was his first as the mentor. He teams was very much evi- cover region before being ODI World Cup victory at And that's what I believe in
"I have not answered this question, although a had lifted the title twice before as captain of the dent but Bau (50 off 43 balls) caught brilliantly by Roston home. – Yuvraj Singh, former Indian all-rounder
lot of people have asked me. But I have to answer franchise in 2012 and 2014. made an instant impact on Chase at backward point. India were also the winners

you know. The former India opener will have to leave his the big stage with his spirit- Vala's six over extra cover of the inaugural edition of the
"I would love to coach the Indian team. There is job as the KKR mentor if he gets appointed as ed effort. off spinner Chase in the T20 World Cup in which Yu- Jadeja is the second Indian spinner to take a
no bigger honour than coaching your national Team India head coach due to conflict of interest. PNG, playing their previous over was one of vraj hit six sixes in a Stuart five-wicket haul in World Cups. Yuvraj Singh
team. You are representing 140 crore Indians and Gambhir was a serial trophy winner during second T20 World Cup, were the highlights of PNG's in- Broad over in a league match was the first, picking up 5 for 31 against
those across the globe as well," Gambhir told a kid his playing days, having lifted two World Cups reeling at 50 for four before nings. against England. Ireland in 2011.
who asked him about his coaching future at an with the Indian team in 2007 (World T20) and 2011 Bau shared a 44-run stand Bau then ensured that the Asked about the absence of
event for the Medeor Hospital. (ODI WC). He was the top-scorer in both the finals with Charles Amini (12) to odd boundary kept coming a silverware in more than a and backs themselves and The former all-rounder
"...and when you represent India, how can it get India played and won under MS Dhoni. save them the blushes. as PNG tried to consolidate decade, Yuvraj said, "I just feel play to their own strengths, added, "... I think that's the rea-
bigger than that?" Gambhir also captained the Indian team in six Expecting the pitch to their innings. that we played the World Cup I'm sure they'll go all the way. son why we won. We focused
Gambhir also explained to young fan how ODIs from late 2010 to late 2011, winning all the turn, the West Indies picked Bau, a leftie like Vala, 2007 final and we've been the And that's what I believe in." on where, how we are good
India can end their ICC title drought and win a matches. three spinners and put the smashed left-arm spinner qualifying semis and I think An ICC Ambassador for the and the things that we need to
World Cup for the nation once again. The 42-year-old, who was an MP with the BJP opposition in after winning Gudakesh Motie for a six it's just a matter of time... T20 World Cup, Yuvraj was do rather than thinking of
"It is not me that will help India win the World for five years in Delhi, then brought his playing the toss. and couple of fours to give "I believe we have the self- present at the opening of Fan where the opposition is going
Cup, it is 140 crore Indians who will help India win success to his mentoring in the IPL and won with The help for the spinners the innings much needed belief of winning big tourna- Park at the Oculus Trade Cen- to harm us. We have the match
the World Cup. If everyone starts praying for us KKR this year. was visible as early as the momentum. ments. I think if India believes tre in New York. winners.


Rohit Sharma satisfied with performance in T20 WC warm-up

PTI / NEW YORK 32 balls, while Hardik Pandya to ensure that we are working "All in all, we got run- "We are adapting really well
smashed 40 in 23 deliveries af- around and ensuring that the around and to get a game here because the practice sessions
The Indian team is yet to nail ter Suryakumar Yadav guys are looking after does is really nice. Hopefully, we were also there in the morning
its batting line-up for the T20 helped himself to an 18-ball feel a little bit heavy under- can prepare well for the next and everyone turned up and
World Cup and much should- 31. neath," Dravid said in a video couple of days and be ready." did their 100% there, that we
n't be read into the think "Quite happy with how posted by the BCCI. Arshdeep, who made good can see on the field as well, the
tank's decision to send things went. Pretty much got India ticked multiple boxes use of the pitch said the team way we played as a team, and it
Rishabh Pant at number what we wanted from the during their comfortable win was nicely adapting to the was a nice result," Arshdeep
three in the warm-match game. Like I said at the toss, it over Bangladesh in the warm- conditions despite some chal- said.
against Bangladesh, said was important to get used to up match, but none bolder lenges. Dube, who has made a name
skipper Rohit Sharma. the conditions. for himself with his ability to
India emerged winners by "New venue, new ground, New venue, new ground, drop-in pitch - important to get hit big sixes besides bowling his
60 runs at the Nassau County drop-in pitch - important to used to it and we managed pretty well medium pacers, added, "It was
International Cricket Stadi- get used to it and we managed – Rohit Sharma, Indian skipper fun playing here, and it was
um, restricting Bangladesh to pretty well," Rohit said after good to have a win in our first
122 for nine after posting 182 the match. warm-up game. Obviously, it's
for five in the allotted 20 overs Left-arm seamer Arshdeep than the fifty by Pant which "Feels good, really impor- well-built. But there is a chal-
on Saturday. Singh shone with the ball, has all but sealed his place as tant how you start. We got lenge for the players. It's not
On Pant batting at No.3, Ro- picking 2/12 in three overs the first-choice wicketkeeper wickets early on and did not easy.
hit said, "Just to give him an while all-rounder Shivam batter in the ICC showpiece. give away runs. The wicket "The warm-up match is im-
opportunity. We have not real- Dube grabbed 2/13 in three skill-set (at the death too). and then see what combina- out. Obviously, it looks like a Dravid added, "A little bit was helping us as well, so we portant for us to be ready for the
ly nailed down what the bat- overs. "We saw it today. He bowled tion is best for us." good facility in terms of as spongy (pitch) at times but I tried to keep it simple and got T20 World Cup. So it was impor-
ting unit will look like. Even Asked about Arshdeep, Ro- pretty well, swung the ball up Head coach Rahul Dravid quickly as they have put up. thought we coped really well. the result as well. tant to get used to it in batting,
the bowlers did pretty well. hit said, "He has shown us, in front, and then bowled one at said the pitch was a bit soft The ground is a bit soft and The batters had put an above- "The ground is sand-based, bowling and fielding and hence,
All in all happy with how whatever games he has the backend. We have got 15 and spongy, while lauding the the guys could feel that on the par score on that wicket and so you need to get the rhythm we got a good idea after playing
things went." played, he has the skills up- good players here. We have to performance of his players. hamstring and the calves. the bowlers came out and right. It will be a challenge to today and it was a different ex-
Pant struck a fluent 53 off front. He has got a very good see what the conditions are "It's great to get a good hit- "So, that's the area we need bowled really well. adapt to the conditions here. perience," Dube said.

Printed and Published by Girdharlal Lakhotia for the Proprietors, Indian National Press (Bombay) P. Ltd., at Journal Press, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021. Tel: 69028000, Advt. Dept. 69028026. E-mail: [email protected] • OFFICE: Indore: 3/54, Press Complex, A. B. Road, Indore-452 008, Tel: 2555111-2, Fax: 2558555,
New Delhi: 1/8 INS Bldg., Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110 001; Tel.: 23718853; Kolkata: Tel.: 22875645; Chennai: Tel: 28217766; Bhopal: Tel: 2660570, 4271345. Transportation charges Rs. 2.00 only. Managing Editor: Girdharlal Lakhotia. Editor: S.S. DHAWAN Reg. No. MCS/048/2021-23; RNI No. 1541/1957
Turkish club Fenerbahce announces Jose Mourinho as its new coach
Istanbul: Former Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho will be unveiled
as the new coach of Fenerbahce soccer club later Sunday, the club
said. Following days of strong indications that Mourinho was to take
charge of the Istanbul club, it said in a post on social media platform
X early Sunday that the Portuguese manager was to attend a
ceremony at its Sukru Saracoglu ground.


Om shatters record at the GMAAA meet
Mumbai: Om Satam from PSP Club, after winning gold in the
1500m Free Style event on the opening day, went one better as
he shattered the 400m Free Style record (04:21.28 secs) of Overcome the stubborn Dortmund with two second half goals
Ishaan Jaffer of Otters Club set in 2015, by clocking 04:21.18
secs in the boys 15-17 section of the GMAAA (Greater Mumbai AGENCIES / LONDON before halftime. A stern-faced
Amateur Aquatics Association’s) junior and sub-junior Carlo Ancelotti emerged from
swimming championships here on Sunday. It was Om’s third Dortmund dominated much of the dressing room at halftime,
gold, having earlier won the 800m and 200 individual medley the game, but Madrid secured still in discussion with Jude
events. Meanwhile, Fateh Chahal (Forest Cub) was again in his their 15th European title with Bellingham and Toni Kroos.
element as he bagged his second record-breaking gold in the two second-half goals. Dani The German midfielder, play-
boys-II category– winning the 100m Back Stroke while eclipsing Carvajal and Vinícius Júnior ing his last game for the club,
GAF’ Vedant Bapna’s 2017 timing by clocking 01:04.68 secs. found the net as Real Madrid took on added responsibility
Earlier, he had shattered Neel Roy’s 2015 timing of 02:22.95) defeated a determined Borus- and forced Gregor Kobel into
by clocking 02:21.83 secs in the 200m back stroke event. sia Dortmund 2-0 in the 2024 action with a whipped free-
(Detailed report on our website) UEFA Champions League final kick.
at Wembley Stadium. Dortmund remained fo-
Kalina Strikers romp to 4-0 victory Before the game, Edin cused and positive, continuing
Mumbai: Kalina Strikers struck good form and handed Indian FC Terzi urged his Dortmund to create better chances. Cour-
a 4-0 defeat in a III Division match of the MFA league at the players to be brave, saying, "If tois stood firm to deny a sting-
Neville D’Souza ground, Bandra. Striker Akbar Khan played the we are brave, then we're going ing Füllkrug header just after
lead role by scoring a brace of goals, while teammates Aldrin to have a chance." Dortmund the hour mark.
Fernandes and Saurav Rathod scored one each to seal Kalina exceeded bravery in the first With Ancelotti's,

Strikers victory and Indian FC’s loss. In a closely and keenly half; they were fearless against Bellingham and Na-
contested encounter, Kapadia Nagar Under-19 worked hard to the 14-time champions, creat- cho came close to
overcome Fort United by a fighting 1-0 scoreline. Striker Sadiq ing numerous chances that adding a second
Naeem struck the all-important winning goal to secure the win should have given them a half- Real Madrid now before Vinícius
for Kapadia Nagar and to collect the full three points. time lead. have European Júnior sealed the
(Detailed report on our website) Federico Valverde and the victory, receiving
otherwise well-contained Viní-
titles in their Bellingham's pass
Amit, Jaismine clinch Paris quotas cius Júnior had early attempts Karim Adeyemi was central rounding Thibaut Courtois, Brandt, while Niclas Füllkrug an Ian Maatsen shelves as and finishing
Bangkok: World championships silver medallist boxer Amit for Real Madrid, but Dortmund to Dortmund's threat. He was and later tested the Madrid narrowly missed nodding the pass, and Courtois of now across Kobel to
Panghal and national champion Jaismine Lamboria qualified for showed greater cutting edge, denied by a last-ditch tackle goalkeeper with a precise rebound back towards goal. had to push a powerful secure Madrid's 15th Eu-
the Paris Olympics with contrasting quarterfinal wins at the 2nd lacking only the final finish. from Dani Carvajal after through ball from Julian Füllkrug also hit the post from Marcel Sabitzer drive wide just ropean crown.
World Qualification Tournament here on Sunday. Panghal's
comeback to the Indian team culminated in the fifth Olympic
quota in boxing as the multiple-time Asian Championships
medallist notched a hard-fought 5-0 win over China's Chuang Liu
for a ticket to his second Games. Jaismine, who dropped down Gauff hits the elite eight in style Djokovic triumphs in
epic 4-hour battle
from 60kg, then reclaimed the women's 57kg quota for the
country, which India had to be surrender after holder Parveen Ultra-consisent world No.3 claims a fourth consectutive quarter-final ticket in Paris
Hooda was suspended for whereabout failure last month.
New Delhi: The chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra, Coco Gauff excelled as the Second seeds Rohan Bopanna and Matthew Ebden overcame
took to social media and hailed Indian teen chess sensation R frontrunner, storming back fighting Brazilians Orlnado Luz and Marcelo Zormann in a testing In an electrifying display of re-
Praggnanandhaa following his stunning victory over world number into the Roland-Garros quar- three-set opening round. The Brazilians made life tough for the silience and determination,
one Magnus Carlsen and world number two Fabiano Caruana at ter-finals with a commanding Australian Open champions who scraped through 7-5 4-6 6-4 in two world No.1 Novak Djokovic
the ongoing Norway Chess competition. Pragananadhaa continued 6-1, 6-2 victory over world No. hours and seven minutes. fought tooth and nail to keep
with his dominating ways in the ongoing Norway Chess 51 Elisabetta Cocciaretto on his Roland-Garros title defense
competition as he defeated the world number two player Fabiano Court Philippe-Chatrier. The ALCARAZ IN QUARTERS alive in a marathon match
Caruana in round five in a classical chess game on Saturday night. Italian had impressively de- against Italy’s Lorenzo Muset-
"Pragg. Now, it was the world #2 in the bagg..." Anand Mahindra feated two top 20 players to ti. The showdown, which com-
wrote on X. With this victory, he defeated both world number one reach the last 16, but Gauff, Carlos Alcaraz wasted little time in reaching the quarter-finals at menced before 11pm on Satur-
Magnus Carlsen of Norway and the world number two Caruana in
classic chess for the first time ever.
drawing on her experience in
familiar territory, secured a
Roland Garros for the third consecutive year on Sunday, when he
dispatched Canadian Felix Auger-Aliassime to gain parity in the
day and concluded at 3.07am
on Sunday in Paris, etched it- 269 Minutes the
match went
on, to become the
clash with either No. 8 seed pair’s Lexus ATP Head2Head series. The Spaniard played front-foot self into the annals of tennis
Kadur, Sherif conquer Blueband Rally Ons Jabeur or Danish young- tennis throughout the two-hour, 20-minute clash on Court Philippe- history as the latest finish ever longest ever encounter
Nashik: Bengaluru’s Karna Kadur, a two-time Overall National ster Clara Tauson. Chatrier to advance 6-3, 6-3, 6-1. recorded at Roland-Garros. at the Roland Garros
champion, along with multiple nationial co-driver champion Meanwhile, Iga Swiatek four-time Grand Slam cham- In a match that lasted for
Musa Sherif, switched up gears admirably and annexed the Rally demonstrated remarkable re- pion in an instant classic, 7- curing her 18th consecutive Swiatek's dominance was four hours and 29 minutes, No- to the full five sets with a score
of Maharashtra in style, as the second round of the Blueband silience in her journey to the 6(1), 1-6, 7-5. Swiatek then took win on the Parisian clay. It evident as she didn't even face vak Djokovic prevailed over of 7-5, 6-7 (6-8), 2-6, 6-3, 6-0. The
Sports fmsci Indian National Rally Championship for four- quarter-finals. In the second another step forward on Sun- was a vintage performance a game point against her. The Lorenzo Musetti in five sets to conditions certainly tested
wheelers, organised by Western India Sports Association (WISA), round, she braved a two-hour day, blasting past a stunned from the Polish star, who im- match concluded when advance to the last 16 of the both players as the match end-
successfully concluded here on Sunday. Sherif calling the pace and 57-minute cliffhanger Anastasia Potapova with a proved her 2024 clay record to Potapova hit a forehand into Roland Garros. The Serbian ed after 3 AM local time - shat-
notes, Kadur focussed on consistency and gained advantage against Naomi Osaka, saving flawless 6-0, 6-0 victory on 18-1 and her overall season the net on the first match was fully tested by Musetti tering the tournament's previ-
with skilful driving to win the Overall honours on Sunday. a match point to defeat the Court Philippe-Chatrier, se- record to 40-4. point. who took the World number 1 ous latest finish of 1:26 AM.

Crossword # 1158

Word Search
Across 36 Bombay Suburban Down sanctuary in Gujarat?
1 Break Electric Supply, in 1 Transmit 28Moccasin
5 Swoon short? 2 A naive person 29A wedge of wood used
10 __ __ _ ghost : 37 Binet-Simon test 3 Dispur is its capital as a fastener - "big"
scared to death, measurements 4 Spanish stew change?
in a way (4,2,1) 39 Petname for 5 Soft, pear-shaped fruit 30Licentiate in Medicine
13 Loafed Florence 6 Fuss, bother and Surgery, acronym?
14 Struggle, contend 42 White person 7 Playback singer Arun 31Eastern continent
Riddler 15 Farm animals 45 Capital of Egypt 8 It divides the court at 34A ___ B : A & B have
A grocer buys two kinds of tea, one at Rs. 32 per pound, and the 16 Ships' approaches 49 A place in Greece tennis the same value?
other, a better quality, at Rs. 40 per pound. He combines the two to shores renowned for its 9 Tax deducted at source, 38Leave at once!
types together, which he proposes to sell for 43 cents per pound. 18 Before, for the traditional rural in short 40Animal's resting-place
His intention is to make a profit of 25 percent. poet setting? 10Wan 41__ __ even keel :
How many pounds of each kind of tea must he use to make a 19 Assemblyman, in 50 Lodge; build or 11Culture medium cruising serenely? (2,2)
mixture of 100 pounds of tea to sell? short construct (3,2) 12Solitary 42To imitate
20 Wild goat 51 Magic ___ : 17Scandinavian 43Skin affliction
Solution: 70 pounds of the Rs. 32 tea, 30 pounds of the Rs. 40 tea.

24 Hang loosely simple form of 20Coloured portion of the 44Satisfy with food
27 Ratify image-projector eye 45Closest Point of
29 Girl's name using slides? 21Genuine or real (4,4) Approach
32 Hurt 52 Extreme mental or 22Eden denizen 46Eighth month, in short
33 Dip in liquid physical suffering 23Marked wrong 47IRS in India
35 Jefferson Davis 53 One of Captain 25War god 48One of many a
was its pres. Hook's men 26___ Forests : the lion batsman needs to score
46 Aug, 47 ITO, 48 Run.

SUDOKU 42 Copy, 43 Acne, 44 Sate, 45 CPA,

38 Scram, 40 Lair, 41 On an,
30 LMS, 31 Asia, 34 Equals,
25 Ares, 26 Gir, 28 Pac, 29 Gib,
21 Bona fide, 22 Eve, 23 Xed,
12 Lonesome, 17 Lapp, 20 Iris,
9 Tds, 10 Pale, 11 Agar,
4 Paella, 5 Figs, 6 Ado, 7 Ila, 8 Net,

Down: 1 Send, 2 Naif, 3 Assam,

53 Smee.
Can you find the words connected in one way or the other with the theme indicated by 50 Put up, 51 Lantern, 52 Agony,
the title in today's Word Search? 42 Caucasian, 45 Cairo, 49 Arcadia,
The words may be read horizontally, vertically or diagonally either forwards or backwards,
35 CSA, 36 BSES, 37 IQs, 39 Flo,
29 Gloria, 32 Pained, 33 Immerse,
but always in straight lines. Use a ruler to cross them through as you find them. 20 Ibex, 24 Sag, 27 Approve,
16 Landfalls, 18 Ere, 19 MLA,
13 Idled, 14 Agonise, 15 Goats,
Across: 1 Snap, 5 Faint, 10 Pale as a,

Abaft Capstan Hull

Alee Caulk Knot
Avast Cleat List
Beam Davit Port
Belay Deck Prow
Bilge Fathom Rigging
Binnacle Galley Shroud
WHAT TO DO: Fill in the
Boom Hatch Taffrail grid so that every row, every
Bosun Hawser Wake column and every 3x3 box
contains the digits 1 to 9.
Bridge Hold Every puzzle has only one
correct solution.
Sugar scrub for natural skin:
Sugar not has surprising health benefits but it is also considered
beneficial for skin. AHA, or Alpha Hydroxy Acid, is a great exfoliator
found in sugar. It helps in exfoliating the your top layer of skin, removing
dead skin cells and revealing your natural radiance.

Vastu for house exterior

Get glossy lips
6 Sugar
Sugar is known to be one of
AMRITHA K the best natural exfoliators.
How to do: Mix
Compound wall: Underground together 1 tbsp of

JYOTI S The compound is
reservoir: J O U R N A L sugar and some

the wall that covers the ips are one of the water. Apply
boundary of the house. It should always be in
most attractive facial this paste on
the northeast and should

he surroundings of your The compound wall should features and all of us your lips and
have more height and never be in southeast or
home is not only confined to would love to keep it rosy gently scrub
thickness in the Southern south-west. One should
the external appearance. It all the time. But most of us in a circular
and Western sides as cover the all inner portion
is crucial for the surroundings of face the problem of dry and motion. Apply
compared to the Northern of the tank with tiles,
your home to have a flow of the right
and Eastern sides, as it preferably of white colour, discoloured lips, which can 4 Rose water this every day
energy, and that is why considering even affect our personality. It helps in brightening the before you go to
prevents negative energy so as to ensure cleanliness
the vastu for exteriority holds prime Exposure to the sun, excess colour of your lips, as it circulates bed for attaining
in the house. Light walls of the tank.
importance. We enter and exit the tea or coffee intake, and blood flow. faster and better
house, from the outside world to in the North and East Well / Bore well / failing to take a proper results.
How to do: All you need to do for
inside the home and the place which sides are beneficial as they Tube well: care of the lips can lead this is to apply cold rose water on 7 Pomegranate
brings all the happiness and good ensure morning rays and These should be to dryness of the lips. We Pomegranate helps in
your lips with the help of a cotton ball.
luck. Having a proper surrounding proper light in the house. constructed in North - East depend on chemical creams lightening dark lips instantly.
Repeat this 2-3 times and go to bed.
as per Vastu, can rope in the cosmic This way the South and or eastern sides to bring all and other treatments which
West sides will also become
Wash it off the next morning. How to do: All you need is 1
energy flow that promotes health, round prosperity and new can be harmful in the long
wealth and harmony to you and heavier than the rest which opportunities for growth. run. However, why do you
5 Aloe Vera tbsp of pomegranate juice and 1
Aloe vera helps in rejuvenating tbsp of carrot juice. Apply this
your family while creating the first is very auspicious. Open space around have to depend on these if
the skin, leaving the skin to look mixture on your lips and leave
impression of a house to anyone who Garage: the building: you can find simple and it overnight. Wash it off the next
visits. The best place to brighter and moisturized.
We have to carefully natural remedies sitting morning.
construct a garage is the back at home and that too How to do: Cut an aloe vera leaf
north-west and south-east
examine the space given
overnight? Yes, you read and squeeze to take the gel out of it. 8 Almond oil
to us around the building You can also use ready-made aloe vera Almond oil contains
corner, and never in the that right! There are several
and make sure that you gel that you get in the market. But properties that prevent the
north-east, north or east homemade remedies that
are leaving the maximum using the fresh aloe vera gel is always discoloration of your lips, thus
portion of the house. can be easily used to have
space on the North and better. Apply this on making it appear brighter.
Overhead tanks: East side and less on the those natural-
to your lips and How to do: Take some almond
Overhead tanks for South and West sides. looking glossy,
pink and soft gently massage. oil and gently massage it on to
water storage should be The construction should
lips. So, let’s Repeat this once your lips and leave it overnight.
placed/constructed in never be on the Northern
see what every day for best Do this every day before you go
south, west or south-west. and eastern wall as this
they are. results. to bed.
However, south-west violates the basic principle
direction is considered of Vastu. The left area in 3 Beetroot 9 Lemon and honey
best for an overhead tank the North should not be
1 Glycerin The stain of the Lemon and honey nourishes your lips,
according to Vastu. And less compared to the open Glycerin is the best ingredient that beetroot helps in keeping it soft and moisturized throughout.
any kind of underground area left in the South. helps in moisturizing the lips. brightening the lips and How to do: All you need for this home
tank created for storage
The proportion: How to do: Before you go to bed, apply also makes the lips turn remedy is a few drops of honey and 1
of water should be in the glossy.
The ratio between the some glycerin on your lips. You can try teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix both the
north-east; it should be How to do: All you
length and breadth of the this remedy every day to get glossy lips ingredients well and apply it on to your
noted that an underground need for this is some
building should be 1:1 or naturally. lips. Leave it on for 1 hour and then wipe it off
tank should never be
1:1.5 or maximum up to 1:2. beetroot juice, 3-4 mint leaves with a wet cloth.
constructed at the point 2 Apple cider and a few drops of almond oil.
It should never exceed this
where north and east Vinegar Apple cider vinegar helps in Cut the beetroot into small 10 Baking soda
The limit in any circumstance,
directions meet. It should
otherwise it will become a
removing the pigmentation on your lips pieces and blend them well. Baking soda will help you to reduce the pigmentation
levels: either be in the east or in and makes your lips turn glossy. Strain the juice. Add some and will lighten your dark lips, thus making it appear glossy
At any level the ‘long bar’ shaped plot and
the west but never in the
is not at all auspicious. How to do: Dilute a few drops of apple mint leaves and a few drops of overnight.
West, South, South - center. cider vinegar in water. With a cotton almond oil. Apply it on to your
West sides should be more How to do: Add some water to 1 teaspoon of baking soda to
swab, apply this on your lips and leave it lips with the help of a cotton form a paste. Apply this paste on your lips and gently scrub it
elevated than the North, Terrace / Porch / Portico / Balcony: on for 10-15 minutes. After this, wash it swab. Leave it for 15 mins and
North - East and East sides. All these should always be located in the North, East or North in a circular motion. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash it off
off in lukewarm water. then wash it off. in normal water. Use this every alternate day.
Basically, the flow of water - East sides of the building to bring health, wealth and happiness.
should always be from If one needs to construct balconies in the southwest, they should be
the South to North or smaller than balconies in the northeast. One can construct an open

How to treat pigmentation 5 Aloe vera

West to East. terrace in the north-east, by constructing a major part of the first floor
in the southwest. SHIVANGI KARN
Method 1
Ingredient: 1 Aloe vera

Can migraine decrease the risk S on hands and legs?

kin pigmentation leaf.
or discoloration can How to do: Take a fresh
play a major role in aloe vera leaf and squeeze to

of diabetes in women?
affecting a person’s self- take the gel out of it. Rub this
esteem and confidence. After gel on your hands and legs.
all, we all prefer to look Leave it on for 20 minutes
presentable. Discoloration and then rinse it off in
attack. Fasting causes low Orange juice or pigmentation on our normal water. Do this twice
PRAVEEN KUMAR blood sugar in the body and It is low in glycemic index and also hands and legs is a problem 1 Apple or thrice a day to see faster
increases the production helps prevent migraine attack due to faced by most of us, isn’t cider results.
of ketones. The increase high magnesium content. it? When compared to vinegar Method 2
in ketone bodies, thus acts How to prepare

iabetes is a our face, sometimes the Ingredients: 1 Ingredients: 2 tbsp aloe
as a triggering factor in Ingredients: Two oranges, a small colour of our hands tbsp apple cider vera gel, almond oil.
chronic condition the onset of migraines. piece of ginger, a pinch of mineral salt,
characterised by and legs differ. Taking vinegar, 2 tbsp How to do: You can also
These factors explain the basil or mint leaves. care of our hands water.
high glucose levels in the mix 2 tablespoons of aloe
inverse association between Method: Wash, peel and remove the and legs is equally How to do: Mix
body while migraine is both vera gel with a few drops of
migraine and diabetes risk. white membranes and seeds of oranges important just like together apple cider
a chronic and an episodic almond oil to brighten your
As the glucose levels are by curing them into halves. In a juicer, we concentrate vinegar and water.
condition characterised hands and legs. Apply this
high in diabetes or during blend oranges along with ginger. If you on making our Apply the solution on
by extreme headache, mixture on your skin. Leave
the prediabetics period, the prefer cool juice, let the oranges cool in skin on the face
particularly in one area your hands and legs. 3 Orange peel 4 Lemon it on for 15-20 minutes and
risk of migraine can become the fridge for some time. Avoid adding appear brighter. Let it stay for 5 minutes.
of the brain followed by Method 1 wash it off in plain water and
low compared to people with ice as it may decrease the nutrition of Overexposure Rinse it off with lukewarm Lemon pack
nausea and sensitivity to Ingredients: Orange peel pat dry. Remember not to go
low blood sugar levels. the juice. Pour in a glass, add salt and to the sun and water after 5 mins. Ingredients: 3 tbsp
light. Diabetes can cause powder, 2 tbsp curd. out in the sun directly after
Low-glycemic index drinks to top with basil or mint leaves. Serve. skin tan can be 2 Potato
lemon juice, 1 tbsp curd,
applying this on your skin.
many complications, How to do: Powder some 2 tbsp gram flour.
including migraine. The
soothe migraine pain Green leafy smoothies one of the main Ingredients: 1 potato
A low-glycemic diet It consists of all the green leafy reasons for dark dry orange peels and How to do: Add 3
condition is prevalent How to do: Cut a potato mix this powder with 2 tablespoons of lemon 6 Cucumber
can have a promising effect vegetables such as spinach, broccoli hands and legs.
in around six per cent of into small pieces. Grate the tablespoons of chilled curd. juice in a bowl. Mix it Cucumber cream
on headache or migraine and kale. The presence of essential Although there
men and eighteen per cent potato and squeeze to take Apply this mixture on with 1 tablespoon of Ingredients: 1 Cucumber,
pain by reducing the vitamins like vitamin B and folate in are umpteen
of women. However, the out the juice. With the help your hands and legs. After curd and 2 tablespoons 2 tbsp aloe vera gel.
inflammatory cytokines these vegetables may help prevent ready-made
association between them of a cotton pad, apply the 20 minutes, gently scrub of gram flour. Apply this
and improving digestive migraine. creams that How to do: Cut cucumber
is still controversial as solution on your hands it off in a circular motion pack on your hands and
conditions such as irritable How to prepare are available in into small pieces and blend
genetic and environmental and legs. Leave it on for to remove it. Repeat this legs. Make sure that you
bowel syndrome which Ingredients: Fresh green vegetables the market to them to form a paste. Add
factors, in addition to 15-20 minutes. Wash it off regularly for faster results. apply a thick layer of it.
is also associated with such as spinach, celery, carrot tops, solve this issue, 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
other predisposing factors, with normal water. After 20 minutes, rinse it
migraines. lettuce and kale Fresh fruits such as it might take time Method 2 gel into the paste and mix
such as hypoglycemia and Apply a moisturizer off with cold water and
Some of pineapple, mango, berries, oranges or and a lot of money. Ingredients: 2 tbsp orange them well. You will get a
fasting play a vital role in after washing your pat dry.
these any seasonal fruit as per your taste But then it’s no peel, 2 tsp honey, 1 tsp creamy paste. Apply this
triggering the condition. In skin off, since there
drinks and preference. Cinnamon or flaxseed more a big deal brown sugar. Lemon scrub cream twice in a day in the
this article, you will find are chances that your
include: for added nutrition (optional). Liquid when we have simple Ingredients: 2 tbsp morning and evening. Wash
an association between skin might get dry. How to do: Mix together 2
for blending such as water, home remedies lemon juice, 1 tbsp sugar, off the mixture in cold water
diabetes and migraine in Repeat this thrice a tablespoons of orange peel,
coconut water or oat Ginger tea that can be 2 tbsp honey. after 10 minutes.
women. Take a look. week. 2 teaspoons of honey and 1
milk. The easily made. How to do: In a bowl, Cucumber pack
Associations between Method: Add Here are
teaspoon of brown sugar.
add 2 tablespoons
antioxidants and If you do not have Ingredients: 4 tbsp
migraine and diabetes in greens, fruits some natural of lemon juice and 1
phytochemicals in ginger brown sugar, you cucumber paste, 2 tsp gram
women and liquid to ingredients tablespoon of sugar. Add flour, 2 tsp lemon juice.
may help prevent nausea and can use the normal
A study has shown the blender to treat 2 tablespoons of honey to
common migraine attacks. white sugar. Mix How to do: In 4 tablespoons
that women with active and blend pigmen- this mixture. If you want,
How to prepare these well and of cucumber paste, add 2
migraine are at a 30 per cent them to you can use lemon peel
Ingredients: Half teaspoon of grated tation scrub it gently on teaspoons of gram flour and
lower risk of type 2 diabetes form a on your powder instead of lemon
ginger, water as per two cups, lemon your hands and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
compared to women with no smooth hands juice, but it’s completely
(optional), honey (optional). legs. Leave it on Mix them together to form
migraine history. This can mixture. and optional. Gently scrub
Method: Boil the ginger in water for 15 minutes and a pack. Apply this on your
be due to elevated levels of Pour into legs in this mixture on your
for 3-5 minutes and let it steep for then wash it off in skin and leave it on for 20-25
fatty acid plasma and ketone a glass less than 10 hands and legs and wash
10 minutes. Strain and pour plain water. minutes. Rinse off in cold
bodies, which have been and serve. days. it off in normal water.
in cups. Add lemon and water after it gets dry.
reported before a migraine
honey, if preferred.
Serve hot.
Easy to digest

Benefits of ghee for babies:

NEHA GHOSH A study has shown that
ghee is packed with short
chain saturated fatty acids

ccording to a study that are easily digestible by
the body. As the digestive
Good for digestion, brain development and immunity
published in the
journal Infant and systems of the
Young Child Feeding, after babies are
reaching six months of age, still in the
breastmilk is not enough to phase of Lactose friendly Boosts immunity May treat eczema How much ghee is best for babies?
development According to a study, ghee A study talks Experts suggest giving 1-2 drops of ghee, two times a
meet the growing demands Eczema is a common skin
after six contains minimal lactose and about a medicinal day, before infants attain six months. After six months,
of energy and nutrients condition characterised by
months and galactose, in spite of containing preparation named around a teaspoon can be given by adding it to semi-solid
for the baby. Therefore, dry, itchy, inflamed,
getting tolerant to all food around 99.3 per cent of fat (both swarna bindu prashana foods. The amount of ghee can be increased to one or
it must be accompanied discoloured and rough
types, ghee, being a simplified fat healthy and unhealthy) and (SBP) consisting of gold one and a half teaspoons, twice a day, as
by complementary foods scaly patches on the
food, qualifies as a semi-liquid being a milk product. nanoparticles, ghee and the baby reaches one year of age.
for infants proper growth skin. According to the
food that can easily be tolerated Milk products are often honey. The study says
and development. Ghee is American Academy
and digestible in their bodies. known to cause lactose that SBP, when given
a concentrated source of of Dermatology,
Also, ghee helps increase the intolerance in infants when introduced at an to kids on an empty
around 90 per cent of
How to Include bhee in your baby’s
energy and helps provide
certain vital fats, vitamins excretion of bile acids from the early stage and also due to genetic factors. stomach in the morning,
people with eczema diet?
digestive tract, thus helping in However, ghee can be included in a low can help improve their You can add ghee to foods
and fatty acids to a growing experience it
digestion. galactose diet for babies as it is lactose friendly. immunity. The study like: Upma, Roti , Khichadi,
baby. It is a type of liquid before the age of
also adds that though Daal, Rice , Vegetable
butter that is obtained from Helps in brain development Helps add weight gold nanoparticles
five, mainly due
puree, porridge.
the clarification of milk fat Adding ghee to a baby’s diet Mother’s milk is the primary source of fat to immune-system
mainly have Feeding ghee to babies
(cow/buffalo milk) at a high can help promote their brain and vital nutrients. When babies attain six dysfunction. Ghee
immunomodulating has been practised for
temperature. Ghee is also development and boost learning months, they need some extra amount of energy could be a great
effects, adding ghee generations. Experts say
an indigenous milk product and memory. Ghee is packed with and calories which breastmilk only, cannot massage baby oil and
and honey modifies its that homemade ghee is
that is found everywhere omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic provide. This may lead to malnourishment and may help soften and
effect and can help boost best compared to market-
and is well-known in Indian acid, along with vitamins, that weight loss in babies. Ghee, in dose-dependent moisturise the skin
immunity in babies, based ghee, as it is free
delicacies, along with having help in the development of the amounts, may help promote muscle and bone and treat symptoms
especially those born of chemicals and other
a long shelf-life. In this brain of babies. Also, consumption development in babies, thus increasing their of eczema to a great
with immunodeficiency ingredients (if any).
article, we will discuss the of ghee at early stages may help weight in a healthy way, without increasing extent.
benefits of ghee for babies and prevent the risk of degenerative cholesterol levels and risk of heart diseases and
other details. Take a look. diseases like dementia later in life. obesity. Disclaimer: The Free Press Journal bears no responsibility for the content that appears on this page.
Mandy inger-actor Mandy Moore is set to welcome her third child, a baby girl, with her
S musician husband Taylor Goldsmith. The “This Is Us” star shared the news on
Instagram earlier this week. Moore, already a mother to sons Augustus and
Oscar, shared a picture of the two boys wearing T-shirts that read “Big” and
“Middle”. “Sometimes life imitates art. The Third is our own Big Three coming soon.
third Can’t wait for these boys to have a baby sister,” the 40-year-old wrote, referring to her
pregnancy character Rebecca and Jack (Milo Ventimiglia)’s three children in “This Is Us”. Moore
welcomed Augustus in February 2021 and Oscar in October 2022. —PTI

Suhana, Ananya and Shanaya keep it chic for Anant Ambani
and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding Italy bash
Sara shares pictures
with Ibrahim from Rome
CJ DESK ferent as she donned a pretty little

nant Ambani and Radhika

yellow dress.
As soon as the picture went on- A lot of Bollywood A-
listers were seen

A Merchant’s pre-wedding festivi-

ties grabbed everyone’s eye-
balls. The festivities are
line, fans took no time to spam the
comment section. While one
wrote, “Damn, they look gor-
heading to Anant Am-
bani and Radhika
Merchant’s pre-
a star-studded affair with geous,” another one wedding bash in
several B-town celebs gracing dropped fire and heart Rome. Various de-
the event. Among them, emojis. Ananya Panday tails about the
were the trio of bestfriends also dropped a comment cruise celebrations
– Suhanan Khan, Ananya and wrote, “I’m the best,” that await them
Panday and Shanaya Kapoor. while Ananya’s mother Bha- have been making
The girl gang seemed to have vana Panday commented with the rounds online.
a lot of fun as Shanaya dropped multiple heart emojis. Sara Ali
the inside pictures of them ex- Previously, Shanaya posted a se- Khan, Janhvi
ploring beautiful Italy. ries of photos showcasing herself in a Kapoor,
In the pictures, Shanaya, Suhana and striking red dress by Marchesa Fash- Ananya
Ananya look inseparable, and fans are ion. Elevating her look, she adorned Panday,
gushing over their friendship as they herself with a gold choker and a dia- Karisma
give all the BFF goals. While Suhana mond ring. Additionally, Shanaya Kapoor,
looked gorgeous in a long black and shared images of herself donning a and
blue shade bodycon outfit, Shanaya too white gown accentuated with a large Karan
looked like a dream in a multi-colour white flower. Completing her ensemble, Johar -
body-hugging outfit. However, Ananya, she opted for vibrant red lipstick and to
on the other hand, chose to be a bit dif- shimmering earrings. name a
few were all
seen at the airport a
Janhvi cutely feeds BF Shikhar Pahariya day or two back.
Soon pictures of

A new video
making the
rounds on social
them enjoying Rome
started surfacing online
as they shared them on
media shows Janhvi their personal handles.
Kapoor, being a Sara Ali Khan took to her
dotting girlfriend Instagram late in the
and feeding food evening on Saturday and
to her boyfriend shared some lovely pic-
Shikhar Pahariya tures of her enjoying
in Italy. At the with her friends and
same time, Oprah brother Ibrahim. While
singer Andrea in some pictures she’s
Bocelli was heard seen dressed in casual at-
performing in the tires, some have her look
background. glamorous in a se-
Makeup artist quinned gown posing
Meera Sakhrani with her handsome
originally shared brother Ibrahim all
the video on her suited up.
Instagram story.


Actor Harsh CAUGHT ON CAM Richa
A still from Manthan

Mayar Chadha,
Ali Fazal
opens up Swara

about his Bhaskar
in the

season of
much-loved Special
and First look of Gullak season 4
more special premiere of the re-

arsh Mayar is currently gearing up for the fourth

A stored version of Manthan,
the 1976 classic by Shyam
Benegal, opened to a packed

H season of his much-loved series, Gullak, where he

portrays the role of Aman Mishra. Ahead of it,
the actor talked to The Free Press Journal,
house here with several cinema
personalities, including the veteran
director and film’s cinematograph-
where he was asked if he feels recognised after being er Govind Nihalani, attending the
in the industry for several years. He said, “I have to put a event.
mask on my face even after COVID whenever I am step- Manthan, financed by 5 lakh
ping out or having alone time. (laughs) I love meeting peo- farmers of Gujarat 48 years ago
ple, but sometimes you are not in the mood, but they still who donated Rs 2 each to fund the
recognise me. I love that. I love clicking photos with people. film, was last month showcased at
Now, I am even recognised by my name and not just by my the 77th Cannes Film Festival un-
character. So, I am glad.” der its Classics segment.
Further, Harsh mentioned that portraying a teenager on- It starred Smita Patil, Girish Kar-
screen in Gullak has been complicated. He emphasised the nad, Naseeruddin Shah, Amrish
need to consistently infuse Aman’s character with innocence, Puri, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, and
liveliness, and a hint of notoriousness to maintain his youthful Abha Dhulia. The Film Heritage
appeal. “I feel Aman is a very loving character who is also appre- Foundation (FHF), the not-for-prof-
ciated by the audience. He is different from me. So, to make it, it it organisation behind the movie’s
takes time. I give credit to the director, writer and team, who restoration, shared a series of pho-
make it possible every year.” tos from Saturday’s event on its of-
Harsh has consistently maintained his stance of refusing to ficial Instagram page.
engage in kissing or intimate scenes on screen. Sharing the rea- “It was a star-studded evening
son, he said that he does not feel comfortable with it, as he be- and a full house at the special pre-
lieves such acts are deeply personal and reserved for individu- miere of the restored Manthan in
als with whom one shares a special bond. “We are in filmmak- Mumbai today that was attended by
ing and it’s not important that if you don’t show intimacy or the cast and crew of the film and
kiss, you will miss out. Even before getting married, I said the several luminaries from the film in-
same thing. I don’t feel it; I don’t come from that background; dustry and patrons of the arts in-
I don’t have a problem with people doing it but I can’t do it.” cluding Shyam Benegal, Govind Ni-
When questioned about his opinion on censorship, Harsh halani, Naseeruddin Shah, Kulb-
expressed concern that censorship might lead to the removal hushan Kharbanda, Abha Dhulia,
of important elements, such as necessary contexts or scenes Preeti Sagar, Prahlad Kakkar,
depicting realistic portrayals of crime in shows. He added, Shama Zaidi and the families of
“It’s fine for films because a lot of people go there. On OTT, Smita Patil, Girish Karnad, and Dr
there are shows like Gullak that you can watch with your Verghese Kurien,” the Mumbai-
family so it’s good. Why do you want to remove them?” based FHF said in the post.
Since his last appearance alongside Rani Mukerji in Fronted by Patil, Manthan is in-
Hichki, Harsh has been absent from Bollywood films. spired by the groundbreaking milk
Sharing his reason, he said that he got occupied in the cooperative movement by Dr Vergh-
OTT space, where he felt respected and found more ese Kurien that transformed India
fulfilling roles. However, he revealed that he into one of the largest milk produc-
was doing an upcoming action-comedy film. ers in the world and is credited for
“I am very thankful to Yash Raj Films that creating the billion-dollar brand
they gave me that opportunity to do such an Amul. Its title song Mero Gaam
important part in their film so if there are Katha Parey, sung by Sagar, was
more things like that, I will do it but you will later used as the soundtrack for
not see me in such a role, that is for sure.” Amul’s television commercial.
Lastly, sharing a message to the filmmakers, Jackie According to FHF, the event
he expressed his desire to narrate stories as an Shroff opened with a standing ovation for
actor while demonstrating his versatility and Benegal and the film’s team. Shiv-
potential contributions. “I am keen and looking endra Singh Dungarpur, FHF direc-
forward to the fact that they will cast me, but tor, moderated a session with the
sometimes things don’t work out but someday,” cast and crew where they spoke
Harsh concluded. Sanya Sagar and Prateik Babbar about the making of Manthan.

ctor Khushi Kapoor shared adorable post for
her rumoured boyfriend and actor Vedang

bliss on
Raina on his birthday.
MUMBAI | MONDAY | JUNE 3, 2024 Taking to Instagram stories, Khushi posted a
picture of Vedang with a cute fur baby in his

Incredible Insta
Along with the post, she wrote, “Happy bday @vedan-
Preity graina.”
Birthday boy Vedang re-shared Khushi’s post on his In-
Zinta stagram stories and dropped red heart emojis.
wraps up In one of the episodes of Karan Johar’s show, the host
Karan asked, “So, conjecture goes that you are dating

shooting Vedang Raina?” “You know that scene in Om Shan-
ti Om, where a row of people saying ‘Om and I
for are just good friends’”, replied Khushi Kapoor.
Lahore Ever since the release of the musical The
Archies, there were rumours that Khushi
1947 Khushi and Vedang Raina are dating.
Kapoor The Archies, follows the lives of Archie,
Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel and
CJ DESK shares Dilton, took audiences to the fictional hilly

ctor Preity Zinta says she has completed filming for her up-
adorable town of Riverdale.
The film explores friendship, freedom,

A coming movie Lahore 1947, describing it as the toughest film

of her career.
Directed by Rajkumar Santoshi, the period drama is pro-
picture to
love, heartbreak and rebellion.
Vedang Raina will be seen in Jigra
alongside Alia Bhatt.
duced by Aamir Khan. rumored Jigra marks the second film of Vedang,
Preity Zinta, who stars alongside Sunny Deol in Lahore 1947, who debuted last year with Zoya
shared a video montage of the pictures from the film set, on Insta- boyfriend Akhtar’s The Archies.
gram on Saturday. Vedang Helmed by Vasan Bala, Jigra will
“It’s a wrap on Lahore 1947 and I couldn’t be more grateful to the be co-produced by Karan Johar and
entire cast and crew for such an incredible experience. Raina on Alia herself.
“I sincerely hope all of you appreciate and enjoy this film as his The film is all set to hit the the-
much as we did making it. It’s definitely the toughest film I have atres on September 27, 2024.
worked on,” the 49-year-old captioned her post. birthday Director Vasan Bala previously
She also expressed gratitude to the cast and crew, includ- helmed films like Monica O My
ing co-star Shabana Azmi, cinematographer Santosh Darling, a crime thriller film
Sivan and music composer AR Rahman. Peddlers and Mard Ko Dard
“Full marks to everyone for Nahi Hota.
all their hard work & pa- Jigra was announced last
tience during the last couple year in September. The
of months. Thank announcement video
you Raj ji, showed the film is a
Aamir, tale of a sister’s love
Sunny, Sha- for her brother and
bana ji, San- how she would do
tosh Sivan and anything to pro-
AR Rahman from the bot- tect him.
tom of my heart. Loads of
love always,” Zinta added.
Lahore 1947 reunites the
actor with Deol, with
whom she has previously
worked on The Hero: Love
Story of a Spy, Farz and
Bhaiaji Superhit.

Actor speaks on
keeping his
personal life
private amid
rumours stuff to REVELATION CJ DESK

myself’ S
anjeeda Shaikh is currently basking in the
glory and success of her web series
Heermandi. The actress who essayed a
significant role in the show has re-
cently opened up on being groped by a
woman in a nightclub.
CJ DESK The Heeramandi actress, talking to
a media company revealed that
ditya Roy Kapur has grabbed she was shocked when this inci-

A the headlines for his alleged

breakup with actress Ananya
Panday. Recently, the actor
dent happened. In a night club,
a passerby woman came and
felt up her breasts. The actress
talked about the opinions being reveals being taken aback by the
made on social media and how he keeps incident.
his personal life private. Sanjeeda says, “'I remember one in-
Aditya stated that he maintains silence cident very vaguely but it was by a
about his personal life. “I’ve never really girl. I was in a nightclub. One girl was
found the need, the urge or the want to have passing by and she just touched my breast
people know all about me and my personal and she left. I was kind of taken aback,
life. So maybe that’s why I keep stuff to myself rather like what just happened. We hear men
than, you know, put it all out there,” he stated. smack you on the back and they misbehave,
He further added, “I feel like, why let it in? Why ladkiyaan koi kum nahi hai.”
do I have to spend time processing some rubbish The actress also stated that when you are
that I don’t need to? It’s not helping me. It’s almost headed on the wrong way, you are going to do
become a sport now where people know that their it irrespective of your gender. She says, “It
opinions can be out there and find it necessary to has nothing to do with men or women, whatev-
have opinions. They just want to say something er is wrong is wrong. If a woman has wronged
about everything.” you, tell her. Because I think playing the vic-
Aditya said that, while he may appear aloof for timhood card is very unattractive.”
not having a social media presence, he can’t focus The Heeramandi actress parted ways with
on every comment made about him. He said, “I husband Aamir Ali in 2020.
guess maybe the perception that I don’t give a f*ck
comes from the fact that I’m not as active on social

media. During Koffee With Karan, I said stuff about
not really reading what people say about me. I don’t
think it’s necessary to get into the granular level
about what every comment about you is because, at
the end of the day, there are going to be people that
like you and people that don’t.”
CJ DESK Sonakshi shoots Mumbai, on Sun-
onakshi Sin- for Karan Meanwhile,

S ha, who has

been receiv-
ing a lot of
romantic thriller
Sonakshi was
seen in dual
roles as Rehana,
positive responses on her the former chief
for her work in the birthday courtesan of
streaming series Heeraman- Shahi Mahal, and
di: The Diamond Bazaar, was her daughter Fa-
celebrated her birthday on Sunday. reedan in Heeramandi: The
However, the actress has prioritised Diamond Bazaar. The series
her work commitments and spend marked the OTT debut of In-
her special day on the sets of a film. dian auteur Sanjay Leela
This is after a long time that Son- Bhansali. The series also
akshi was spending her birthday on a stars Aditi Rao Hydari, Man-
set. Usually, she takes time off for her isha Koirala, Richa Chadha,
birthday to travel, but this year, work Sharmin Segal, and Sanjee-
comes first. She is working on a ro- da Shaikh.
mantic thriller film directed by debu- It tells the story of courte-
tant Karan Rawal. sans from the Heeramandi
A source from the production re- district of Lahore and
vealed that Sonakshi was shooting blends it with India’s free-
for the film in Naigaon, northern dom struggle.




E-Commerce Needs
Affiliate Marketing
New e-commerce companies leave behind the inefficient ‘spray and pray’
methods of marketing and look to affiliates, says the author.
With lessons from Zeenat Aman, Sourav Ganguly, Neelesh Misra and more,
day's digital landscape, consumers
Goafest 2024 had three full days of information, entertainment and celebration heavily lean on social proof when de-
ciding on purchases. Publishers with
in store for the advertising fraternity.
a dedicated following hold significant
sway over their audience. Thus, when
sensitisation in advertising to creat- they endorse an affiliate product, it
BY TEAM BRANDSUTRA ing consumer loyalty and building fu- BY KAMIL KHAN lends credibility to both the product
ture-proof agencies, a constant bal- and the brand, ultimately shaping

oafest 2024 was held on the ancing act has to be played with tried- buying decisions.

29th, 30th and 31st of May at and-tested and new-age mechanisms. ndia's e-commerce industry is set Increased ROI: Affiliate marketing
the Westin Hotel, Powai in On Day 2, Zeenat Aman talked to soar, expected to reach $111 bil- offers a higher ROI by paying com-
Mumbai. The event, in its 17th edi- about her transition from the silver lion by 2024, as reported by IBEF. missions solely for sales, unlike tra-
tion, was woven around the theme screen to the mobile screen. Zeenat From groceries to furniture, online ditional marketing. Determining ROI
‘The Age of Adaptability’ and curated was taken by surprise with the re- shopping is becoming increasingly is often uncertain. However, affiliate
20 knowledge sessions and 15 master- sponse she received on social media, popular among Indian consumers, marketing's performance-based mod-
classes with 50+ speakers. achieving an engagement rate of mainly in tier-2 and tier-3 cities. el ensures profitability. Small and
Rana Barua, President of The 16.6% last year - surpassing Jennifer With 125 million online shoppers al- new online businesses prefer affili-
Advertising Club, told the press Aniston and Kareena Kapoor. The ready in India and an additional 80 ates, paying only for closed sales, not
that amid an election, prudent mar- septuagenarian shared insight about million anticipated by 2025, the rise is clicks or impressions. It grants direct
keting spending and a last-minute her relevance, having partnered with attributed to affordable smartphones access to a receptive audience, boost-
relocation of the festival, the com- new-age brands like Bumble, Cred and data plans, prompting greater in- ing sales.
mittee, too, had to adapt to thrive. In- and Urban Company. As an entertain- vestments from retail businesses. Brand Awareness & Reach: Online
stead of having one ‘presented by’ er for life, she emphasised “the im- With enhanced customer experiences businesses aim for widespread recog-
sponsor, they onboarded over 50 portance of believing in what you do and broader accessibility, online retail nition. Affiliates boost brand aware-
partners. and giving it your all.” is projected to capture 10.7% of In- ness and reach by driving traffic to
And so it began… At the Westin in Simultaneously, masterclasses host- dia's total retail market by 2024. websites. They earn revenue shares,
Powai, attendees were greeted with ed by Flipkart Ads, D&AD, WARC, As the new e-commerce sector con- becoming loyal advocates and foster-
fun stalls imparting information WhatsApp and more gave the infor- tinues to grow steadily, it encounters ing trust with potential customers.
through interactive games, photo- mation absorbers a chance to test challenges in the competitive land- Each affiliate already has an audi-
booths and edibles. A peppy way to their creativity and knowledge appli- scape and marketing strategies. Be- ence, allowing advertisers to tap into
red carpet you into intensive knowl- cability. Through classes like ‘Getting yond mere promotion, new e-com- new markets. This expands brand
edge sessions and masterclasses by Harit Nagpal Neelesh Misra Creative with Conversations’, ‘Mas- merce platforms seek engagement reach effectively.
day, and drinks, dinner and celebra- terclass on Brand Integration’ and and ROI to succeed in India's increas- Data Tracking: Affiliate marketing
tions on the part of the Abby award- ‘Unlock Award Winning Ideas’, par- ingly competitive market. Often, with- tracking yields crucial insights into
winners by night. ticipants could easily engage with out a dedicated marketing depart- customer origins and buying behav-
Day 1 saw a showstopping perform- speakers and deepen their under- ment or ample budgets, they opt for iour and is easily accessible via affili-
ance by Bollywood playback singer standing. ineffective ‘spray and pray’ methods, ate tracking. This data aids business-
Sukhwinder Singh who got the audi- Day 3 was kicked off by Indian play- draining resources. Amidst evolving es in optimising websites for better
ence’s heart thumping with his hit back singer Harshdeep Kaur. If peo- trends, e-commerce platforms must conversions and collaborating effi-
songs, among which were ‘Hud Hud ple were getting a little weary on day consistently choose optimal market- ciently with top publishers.
Dabangg’, ‘Chhaiya Chhaiya’ and ‘Jai three of the festival, Harshdeep’s per- ing solutions. Among these, affiliate Improves SEO: Affiliate publishers
Ho’. formance snapped us right back into marketing stands out as a favoured enhance business visibility by link-
Harit Nagpal, MD & CEO of Tata the groove. option for new online businesses. ing to the brand's website, improving
Play, in his keynote session, took us And if that wasn’t enough, Dr Affiliate marketing is a strategy SEO and organic rankings. Quality
through the ages, picking up inspir- Marcus Ranney of Human Edge where businesses compensate affili- content from high-ranking publish-
ing stories of adaptability — from his gave participants a wake-up call ates for attracting customers through ers boosts SEO, and sharing engag-
grandparents having to relocate dur- with his session on longevity. While their promotional activities. Affiliates ing content benefits both. Websites
ing the 1947 partition to the wacky medical science has helped add endorse products or services to their like LinkMyDeals facilitate this by
ways people made their money over years to the average lifespan, he followers and receive a commission publishing e-commerce offers
the years. brought attention to the fact that for successful sales. When customers across numerous coupon platforms,
While the audience laughed along, we’re living sicker than ever. He em- buy items through affiliate links, com- generating backlinks and boosting
his speech set the tone for the festival. phasised the keys to health and missions are gained. Hence, affiliates domain authority and brand recogni-
People have always had to adapt; not longevity - a good night’s sleep, act as representatives for the compa- tion.
just to survive, but to thrive. Harit healthy foods, movement and seek- ny, earning a share of the revenue. Affiliate marketing can greatly in-
brought to our attention that it is ing connections. Evidently, in our at- Affiliate marketing's performance- fluence brand perception and sales,
rarely the industry leaders that dis- Zeenat Aman and RJ Anmol tempt to keep up with the ever- driven approach has led to significant offering increased exposure for prod-
rupt their own markets. This could ei- changing world, we lose sight of the successes across various industries, ucts. While a strong affiliate network
ther happen due to complacency or alleged, is when you get comfortable. sessions from Snapchat and What- essentials. from subscriptions to products. Par- is beneficial for new online business-
the fear of obsolescence of their own The lineup of sessions that followed sApp to sessions that resonated with Later, beloved radio storyteller Nee- ticularly attractive to SMEs and on- es, it's crucial to be discerning in
products. But since disruption is in- offered the audience wide-ranging our emotional and creative sides. lesh Mishra showed us first-hand how line businesses, it serves as a valu- partner selection. This is where affil-
evitable, the best time to change, he perspectives with information-heavy From panel discussions on gender nothing can transport you like a good able outsourced marketing channel. iate marketing agencies come in, aid-
storyteller. He read to the audience a By leveraging specialised knowledge, ing new e-commerce platforms in

Top Accolades from the Abby Awards fictional letter from a retired post-
man. The letter was about the chang-
businesses can efficiently reach their
target markets, saving resources.
making informed decisions within
their budget. Moreover, to enhance
ing world through the postman’s eyes This cost-effective strategy boosts their affiliate marketing efforts, new

T he Abby Awards, in its 55th year, boasted its largest-

ever industry participation, with 3,506 entries from
273 companies. The awards have also been adapted to
and how he finally chooses to adapt
from letters to email. His storytelling
received a standing ovation from the
traffic and enhances profits effective-
e-commerce platforms can utilise
tracking and optimisation tools for
real-time monitoring and analysis of
include new and relevant award categories, adding up audience. How is affiliate marketing an effec- campaign performance.
to a total of 73. Saurav Ganguly, too, talked about tive solution for new e-commerce
Leo Burnett bagged the award for ‘Creative Agency of adaptability and navigating his ca- businesses? (The author is the Chief Technology Officer
the Year’ for the third year in a row and a Grand Prix for reer highs and lows, saying, “Nothing Authentic Recommendations: In to- and Director at Sellergize)
‘Feel the Music with Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy’ for Spotify taught me better than sport; it's a lev-
India. eller. You know, every next inning,
you start from zero.” He reminded au-
Famous Innovations won the Grand Prix for their
public service ad ‘Blockbuster Excuses’ for the Mumbai diences that while circumstances will
Police. Maitri Advertising Works also won the Grand Prix change, what shouldn’t is your faith
for their campaign ‘Sex Education Shakeela's Driving and belief. Bata India names Deepika
School’ for Netflix. Through wide-ranging information,
philosophy and creative-heavy ses-
Deepti as Head of Marketing
FCB Group India won the Grand Prix for their Deepika Deepti was the Head of Marketing
campaign ‘Untangling The Politics Of Hair’ for STIR - sions, the advertising fraternity and
at Metro Brands, prior to which she worked
Design Magazine for social awareness. They also won festival attendees had their brains
with Adidas for about 11 years, where she
the Grand Prix for the use of AI in the ‘Lulumelon EOSS’ stimulated. Surely, words from the
served her final role as Director of Brand
ad for HDFC Bank. Leo Burnett wins Creative Agency of the Year three-day festival will reverberate for
Activation - Emerging Markets. In her new
months after.
role with Bata, she will drive business growth and build brand equity.

Skechers onboards

Marketing Marries AI
TEAM BRANDSUTRA Sunil Chhetri as brand
MA Global India’s Impact
2024 championed the theme Captain of the Indian national
‘Marketing in the Age of AI - football team, Sunil Chhetri has
Inspire, Innovate, Integrate’. The 13th Digital transformations are more rapid and impactful than ever before with marketers needing to buck up and signed with Skechers to appear in
edition was replete with 10 keynotes, their marketing campaigns. Sunil
15 sessions, an annual report and a ride the wave of change. MMA Global India, through its Impact event, aims to help them do just that. will also join the Skechers team of
Gen AI whitepaper. athletes competing in the brand’s performance footwear. The Skechers
Eminent speakers like Amit Jain, football boots will be rolled out to India in August 2024.
Rahul Agarwalla, Ajeet Bajaj, Raj
Rishi Singh and Rashi Goel explored Disney Star welcomes
the risks and benefits of adopting AI,
the necessity for a solid strategic 19 sponsors for ICC Men’s
roadmap and the future evolution of T20 Cup
AI in marketing. Disney Star’s line-up for the T20 Cup in-
Amit Jain, MMA India Board Chair, cludes Dream 11, Maruti, AMFI, Parle
during his address, said, “AI's poten- Products, BPCL, Haier, ICICI Bank, Jock-
tial to revolutionise the very ethos of ey and KP Group (Kamala Pasand), among others. The tournament,
marketing cannot be overstated. By which begins on June 2, will feature a record 20 teams divided into four
leveraging AI, marketers are not only groups, competing in 55 matches.
predicting behaviours but also craft-
ing compelling, data-driven narra-
tives that resonate on a personal lev-
Swiggy elevates Himanshu
el.” Mendiratta to GM - Ads
Ajeet Bajaj, Padma Shri awardee
and Managing Director at Snow Leop-
Monetisation & Sponsorship
Himanshu Mendiratta, Swiggy’s Senior Manag-
ard Adventures, narrated his experi-
er of Ads Monetisation, has been promoted to
ences from completing the polar trilo-
the position of General Manager - Ads Moneti-
gy, which entails skiing to the North
sation and Sponsorship. In his new role, he will
Pole, South Pole and across the
be responsible for Swiggy’s revenue planning and operations. Himan-
Greenland icecap. Ajeet has also com-
shu previously worked with HCL Technologies, OYO, Ola and Vedantu.
pleted the Explorer's Grand Slam,
scaling the highest mountains on
each of the seven continents. In his Amit Jain Parthasarathy M A and Moneka Khurana
Hero MotoCorp's Bharatendu
address, he recounted the value of Kabi moves on
leadership while applying life princi- what AI can and cannot achieve com- laboration with GroupM, compiles ving Gen AI Discovery & After 19 years, Hero MotoCorp’s Head of Cor-
ples to marketing job roles. pared to human ability, with wit and over 65 insights and perspectives Adoption’ which addresses common porate Communication & Corporate Social Re-
In a session titled ‘Humanity in the humour. from key industry leaders on the im- questions about Gen AI discovery sponsibility, Bharatendu Kabi, has resigned
Age of AI’, comedian Papa CJ and At the event, the annual flagship re- pact of AI on the 4Ps of marketing: and adoption, was also unveiled. from the company. CEO Niranjan Gupta re-
Sukhleen Aneja, Chief Executive Of- port ‘Modern Marketing Reckoner product, price, promotions and pack- The whitepaper is supported by facts vealed this in a regulatory filing. Bharaten-
ficer, the Good Brands Co, the Good (MMR) - Winning With AI’ was aging. and statistical data from MMA global du’s last day with the company will be July 31, 2024.
Glam Group, brought perspectives to launched. This report, created in col- MMA Global India WhitePaper ‘Dri- reports.

Knowledge partner Feedback: [email protected]




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To Form Govt for 2nd Term in Arunachal Pradesh in Northern Israel, Threatening Ceasefire Talks Mob After Alleged Rash Driving Incident

Post-Poll Violence in Bengal: BJP Leader Hafizul Arvind Kejriwal Returns to Tihar Jail After Ex-Columbia Student Yells 'You Are a
Sheikh Shot Dead, Beheaded By TMC Workers Campaigning, Denounces Exit Polls as 'Fake Rapist' at Palestinian Students

Mom-to-Be Deepika Padukone Bollywood Icon Hema Malini Ishan Khattar Enjoys Meal at
Radiates Pregnancy Glow at Exudes Charm at Mumbai Bandra Restaurant
Khar Restaurant Airport

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