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Subject:Economics DPP-01

Topic: Introduction

1. The most fundamental economic problem is______. vkSlr dherksa esa o`f) ds dkj.k
lcls cqfu;knh vkfFkZd leL;k ls_____A (c) whether the army should buy more tanks or more
(a) unlimited wants/vlhfer vko';drk,¡ missiles

(b) allocation of resources/lalk/kuksa dk vkoaVu D;k lsuk dks vf/kd VSad ;k vf/kd felkbysa [kjhnuh
(c) exploitation/'kks"k.k
(d) the reasons for the increase in the price of orange
(d) scarcity of resources/lalk/kuksa dh deh juice
larjs ds jl dh dher esa o`f) ds dkj.k
2. The study of determining the prices in individual
markets is called_______
5. Which of the following is a microeconomic problem?
O;fäxr cktkjksa esa dherksa ds fu/kkZj.k ds v/;;u dks
_______ dgk tkrk gS
fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k ,d lw{e vkfFkZd leL;k gS\
(a) the reasons why average prices are falling
(a) positive economics/ldkjkRed vFkZ'kkL=
vkSlr dhersa fxjus ds dkj.k
(b) micro economics/lw{e vFkZ'kkL=
(b) the reasons Kathy is buying less orange juice
(c) macro economics/eSØks vFkZ'kkL=
dSFkh de larjs dk jl [kjhnus dk dkj.k gS
(d) welfare economics/dY;k.kdkjh vFkZ'kkL=
(c) the reason why overall employment may fall
dkj.k D;ksa lexz jkstxkj fxj ldrk gS
3. Economics is the study of:
(d) the impact of the government budget deficit on
vFkZ'kkL= dk vè;;u gS%
(a) the distribution of surplus goods to those in need.
eqnzkLQhfr ij ljdkjh ctV ?kkVs dk izHkko
t:jrean yksxksa dks vf/k'ks"k oLrqvksa dk forj.kA
(b) affluence in a morally bankrupt world.
6. Microeconomics includes all of the following
uSfrd :i ls fnokfy;k nqfu;k esa laiérkA EXCEPT.
(c) ways to reduce want to eliminate the problem of ekbØksbdkWukWfeDl esa fuEufyf[kr dks NksM+dj lHkh 'kkfey
scarcity. gSaA
deh dh leL;k dks de djus ds rjhdsA (a) the effect of increasing the money supply on
(d) the choices we make because of scarcity. inflation
deh ds dkj.k ge tks fodYi pqurs gSaA eqnzkLQhfr ij eqnzk vkiwfrZ esa o`f) dk izHkko
4. Which of the following is a macroeconomic problem? (b) the purchasing decisions of an individual
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh ,d eSØksbdkWukWfed leL;k gS\
,d O;fDrxr miHkksDrk ds Ø; fu.kZ;
(a) What do plumbers earn more than janitors
(c) the effect of an increase in cigarette tax on
Iyacj pkSdhnkjksa ls T;knk D;k dekrs gSa
cigarette sales
(b) the reasons for the increase in average prices
flxjsV dh fcØh ijk flxjsV dj esa o`f) dk izHkko

(d) the hiring decisions a firm makes O;fDrxr oLrvksa dh dhersa

,d QeZ }kjk fd, x, HkrhZ fu.kZ; (b) important rather than trivial issues
ekewyh eqíksa ds ctk; egÙoiw.kZ
7. Which of the following explains the difference (c) how individual markets work
between microeconomics and macroeconomics? O;fDrxr cktkj dSls dke djrs gSa
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk lw{e vFkZ'kkL= vkSj (d) the economy as a whole
eSØksbdkWukWfeDl ds chp varj dh O;k[;k djrk gS\
vFkZO;oLFkk iwjh rjg ls
(a) microeconomics studies the impact of
government taxes on the national unemployment
rate 9. Macroeconomic issues include:
lw{e vFkZ'kkL= jk"Vªh; csjkstxkjh nj ij ljdkjh djksa eSØksbdkWukWfed eqíksa esa 'kkfey gSa%
ds izHkko dk vè;;u djrk gS (a) the impact of government regulation on markets
(b) macroeconomics studies the impact of cktkjksa ij ljdkjh fofu;eu dk izHkko
government regulation and taxes on the price of
(b) total employment nationwide
individual commodities and services while
microeconomics does not ns'k Hkj esa dqy jkstxkj
eSØksbdkWukWfeDl O;fDrxr oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa dh (c) studying what factors affect the price and quantity
dher ij ljdkjh fofu;eu vkSj djksa ds izHkko dk of automobiles
vè;;u djrk gS tcfd lw{e vFkZ'kkL= ugha djrk gS vè;;u djuk fd dkSu ls dkjd vkWVkseksckby dh
(c) use different sets of tools and ideas dher vkSj ek=k dks izHkkfor djrs gSa
midj.kksa vkSj fopkjksa ds fofHké lsVksa dk mi;ksx djsa (d) studying the regulation of wages and production
costs in the software industry
(d) microeconomics studies the decisions of
individuals and firms and macroeconomics lkW¶Vos;j m|ksx esa etnwjh vkSj mRiknu ykxr ds
studies the entire economy fofu;eu dk vè;;u
lw{e vFkZ'kkL= O;fDr;ksa vkSj Qeks± ds fu.kZ;ksa dk
vè;;u djrk gS vkSj eSØksbdkWukWfeDl iwjh 10. Who is the author of book “Wealth of Nations”?
vFkZO;oLFkk dk vè;;u djrk gS ÞosYFk vkWQ us'kalß iqLrd ds ys[kd dkSu gSa\
(a) Adam Smith/,Me fLeFk
8. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals (b) Paul Samuelson/ikWy lSeq,ylu
(c) Alfred Marshal/vYQzsM ek'kZy
eSØksbdkWukWfeDl vFkZ'kkL= dh og 'kk[kk gS tks fuEu ls
lacfa /kr gS% (d) Lionel Robins/fy;ksuy
s jkWfcUl
(a) the prices of individual goods

Answer Key
1. (d) 6. (a)
2. (b) 7. (d)
3. (d) 8. (d)
4. (b) 9. (b)
5. (b) 10. (a)

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