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TIME (in minutes): 120


Part 1 - Short Answer Questions (Total Marks: 35)

1. I think that war can have a damaging effect on people’s lives. (1 marks)
Choose ALL the reasons that support this opinion.
A. I believe that in certain situations a war may seem unavoidable or necessary.
B. I think that war should be avoided under any circumstances.
C. In my opinion, war can also protect the interests of people.
D. In my opinion, war brings only destruction and death in people’s lives.

Correct Answers:
A. I think that war should be avoided under any circumstances.
B. In my opinion, war brings only destruction and death in people’s lives.

2. Choose if True or False. (4 marks)

A. The nautilus is a transparent web of jelly that spreads itself to catch the wind. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: True

B. The ship was going from the Azores islands to New York. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: False

C. The storms made all the passengers sick. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: False

D. The writer was eager to catch his first glimpse of the Azores islands. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: False

3. Change each pair of sentences into a single sentence using the connectors given in
brackets. (2 marks)

A. Kathy missed the deadline. She could not connect to the Internet. (as) (1 marks)
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
Kathy missed the deadline as she could not connect to the Internet.
B. Martin could not pass the exam. He studied very hard. (despite) (1 marks)
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
Martin could not pass the exam despite studying very hard.

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. (4 marks)

A. Jacob is the __________ of the two brothers. (1 marks)

A. most polite
B. more polite

Correct Answer:
more polite

B. The pen is ___________ than the sword. (1 marks)

A. mightiest
B. mightier

Correct Answer:
C. The tiger is the ___________ of all animals. (1 marks)
A. most ferocious
B. more ferocious

Correct Answer:
most ferocious

D. I did _________ on this assignment than the last one. (1 marks)

A. worst
B. worse

Correct Answer:

5. Choose if True or False. (4 marks)

A. Her offer was so good that I could not refuse it. (1 marks)
Good is an adjective in this sentence.

Correct Answer: True

B. My brother cooks delicious food. (1 marks)
Cooks is an adjective in this sentence.

Correct Answer: False

C. The car ride on the hills was bumpy. (1 marks)

Bumpy is an adjective in this sentence.

Correct Answer: True

D. The brave firefighter saved the cat from the fire. (1 marks)
Brave is an adjective in this sentence.

Correct Answer: True

6. Read the underlined words in the sentences. Choose True if the underlined word is
spelled correctly. Choose False if it is spelled incorrectly. (4 marks)
A. I was surprised at her awkword behaviour. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: False

B. The election commission discovered that neither candidate had received enough votes to
be declared the winner. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: True

C. We should all take steps to protect the envirenment. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: False

D. I attend football practise every Friday. (1 marks)

Correct Answer: False

7. Which of these could be ways to improve a travelogue? (1 marks)
A. Details about the writer's personal life
B. Reasons why people should NOT visit the place
C. Details of hidden attractions in the place
D. Details of different ways to reach the place

Correct Answers:
A. Details of hidden attractions in the place
B. Details of different ways to reach the place

8. Match the adverbs with their correct type. (1 marks)

Before adverb of time

Usually adverb of manner

Nearby adverb of frequency

Beautifully adverb of place

Correct Answer:

Options Answers
Before adverb of time

Usually adverb of frequency

Nearby adverb of place

Beautifully adverb of manner

9. Read a part of a diary entry. Correct the 5 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation mistakes
that you find in it. (1 marks)

The party began with my best friend singing my favourit song. After that, we all danced
for a long time.
Then it was time for me to cut the delecious looking chocolate cake.
The cake was large, so we all had plenty to eat, All my friends wished me a happy
I felt so happy and gratful.

Sample Answer
The party began with my best friend singing my favourite song. After that, we all danced for
a long time.
Then, it was time for me to cut the delicious looking chocolate cake.
The cake was large, so we all had plenty to eat. All my friends wished me a happy birthday.
I felt so happy and grateful.

10. Choose the signal words/phrases that are used to state opinions in an argumentative
essay. (1 marks)
A. Firstly
B. As well as
C. I strongly believe
D. In my view
E. In addition to
F. It is my firm belief

Correct Answers:
A. I strongly believe
B. In my view
C. It is my firm belief
11. Arrange the events in the correct order, based on Zlata’s Diary. (1 marks)
A. I’d write to you much more about the war if only I could. But I simply don’t want to
remember all these horrible things (Wednesday, April 29, 1992).
B. It’s now 11:00 a.m. Ivana’s birthday is actually today on 4 March (29 September
1992), but she had her party yesterday. It was super.
C. On 4 March 1992 (Wednesday) the barricades were removed, the “kids” [a popular term
for politicians] had come to some agreement. Great?!
D. On 2 March1992 (Monday) the whole city was full of barricades.

Correct Answers:
A. It’s now 11:00 a.m. Ivana’s birthday is actually today on 4 March (29 September
1992), but she had her party yesterday. It was super.
B. On 2 March1992 (Monday) the whole city was full of barricades.
C. On 4 March 1992 (Wednesday) the barricades were removed, the “kids” [a popular term
for politicians] had come to some agreement. Great?!
D. I’d write to you much more about the war if only I could. But I simply don’t want to
remember all these horrible things (Wednesday, April 29, 1992).

12. Choose a way in which we can make a diary entry special. (2 marks)
A. By adding some fictional characters and events
B. By adding some personal touches like giving it a name
C. By writing in the third person and in a formal manner

Correct Answer:
By adding some personal touches like giving it a name
13. Which features of historical fiction do you find in this quote? Answer in 1–2 sentences.
(2 marks)
In the buildings of Tellson's Bank in Paris, Mr. Lorry sat by a wood fire. It was only September,
but the cold had come early. His face reflected the horror he felt. By him sat Dr. Manette;
Lucie, his daughter, and her child were in an inner room.
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
The language of the story is rather old-fashioned. The use of a wood fire also tells us that it
is set in the past.

14. Why do you think Zlata wrote a diary? Answer in 2 sentences. (2 marks)
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
I think Zlata considered her diary to be like a friend and even named it Mimmy. Zlata felt
safe sharing her innermost thoughts and feelings in it.

15. Here are some sentences that can be used to plan an essay on the topic, Taking up a
Hobby. Arrange them in the correct order. (1 marks)
A. I started to bake out of the blue, on a day when I was upset.
B. Baking is a hobby I recently took up.
C. I will encourage more people to take up a hobby that brings them joy.
D. Measuring and mixing ingredients helped calm me down.
E. I realized that having a hobby is important, to relax and recharge.

Correct Answers:
A. Baking is a hobby I recently took up.
B. I started to bake out of the blue, on a day when I was upset.
C. Measuring and mixing ingredients helped calm me down.
D. I realized that having a hobby is important, to relax and recharge.
E. I will encourage more people to take up a hobby that brings them joy.

Fill in the blanks with the verbs that agree with the nouns. (2 marks)
1. The police ____________(has/have) since arrested the thieves.
2. Several of my classmates ____________(is/are) signing up to help.
3. The players, as well as the coach, ____________(want/wants) to help train youth from
difficult backgrounds.
4. The committee ____________(discusses/discuss) every concern that is raised.

17. Choose the correct connecting adverb to complete this sentence. (1 marks)
I wrote non-stop for three hours. ____________, I was unable to answer all the questions on
the exam.
A. In addition
B. Nevertheless
C. Consequently
D. Naturally

Correct Answer:

18. What is the theme of the story, The Prisoner of the Republic? (1 marks)
A. The power of a prisoner
B. The value of family
C. The consequences of unfair laws and injustice

Correct Answer:
The consequences of unfair laws and injustice

Part 2 - Long Answer Questions (Total Marks: 25)

1. Make notes to write an argumentative essay on Competitiveness among students should
be encouraged. (4 marks)





Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
Thesis: Agree
1. Helps them grab opportunities
2. Helps them identify and hone their interests
3. Positively motivates them to improve
Counterargument: Makes students selfish; encourages unfair practices
Conclusion: Beneficial: Prepares students to succeed in the competitive world
2. Write an argumentative essay on Encouraging competitiveness among students. (7
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
I believe that competitiveness among children should be encouraged, as it prepares them
for adulthood.
Grooming children to be competitive from an early age enables them to identify and grab
opportunities that will help them succeed in life. For instance, many schools are now
providing scholarships and internships to the students who excel in their studies and
extracurricular activities. If a student does not have a competitive spirit or the will to
improve his/her skills, they will definitely lose out on exciting opportunities.
However, there are concerns expressed by many people that competitiveness can make
children selfish. This may not be true. Engaging with others in competitions means
students are forced to work with others and develop a personality that they can be proud
of. Participating in competitions continuously means that children develop team spirit and
encourage their peers to do better.
To conclude, it can be said that if children are taught the importance of respecting one's
competition, they can reap the benefits of the many opportunities that today's competitive
world throws their way.

3. Write a diary entry on a situation, incident, or event that you feel strongly
about. Remember to include the following: (7 marks)
• Beginning: Give the date, introduce the event, and say how you feel.
• Middle: Describe what happened; write in an informal way.
• End: Write about how you felt about the event and how it affected you or your plans.
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample
Friday, 20 August 2021
When I woke up this morning, I never thought that this day would turn out to be so
exciting. I was a little nervous because this was the first time I was taking part in the school
tennis championship.
The game began, and I started playing as well as I could. My opponent was a well-trained
player who had won the last championship. When it was half time, he had scored 2 points,
and I had scored none. I was starting to lose hope, but then I remembered my mother’s
words, "Never give up!" I scored 3 points, and when the game ended, I had more points
than my opponent. I couldn’t believe that I had won.
I could hear everybody cheering for me. I felt so proud and happy. I had achieved one of my
cherished dreams.

Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs from the box. (2 marks)

Then In addition Otherwise Consequently

A. These calculations are incorrect. ____________, you've misspelled many words.

B. My sister was very ill. ____________, I would have come to your birthday party.
C. He waited for the bus for hours in the rain. ____________, he fell ill.
D. At first, Jake only worked part-time at the newspaper. ____________ he was promoted and
given a permanent position.

5. Do you think historical fiction is a good way of communicating historical facts? Give
reasons for your answer in 4–5 sentences. (2 marks)
Sample Answer
Answer may vary. Sample answer.
Yes, I believe that historical fiction is a good way of communicating historical facts. Since a
lot of people like to read stories, historical fiction is a way to make them aware of the past
while also entertaining them. The use of characters and plots makes history come alive. I
think it is an interesting way of providing knowledge.

6. Does a work of historical fiction include only accurate facts? Give reasons for your
answer in 4–5 sentences. (3 marks)
Sample Answer
Answers may vary. Sample answer.
The accuracy of facts varies in every work of historical fiction. Generally, major historical
events and their key details are used exactly, while various minor details are left out or
changed to suit the story. Sometimes, events are changed to suit the perspective of fictional
characters, keeping audience interest in mind. Historical fiction, therefore, is a combination
of fact and fiction.

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