ACN Practical 4

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bxpeinent No rdt
Coniause TP Static Sothng using xelevant Sofhaae
TJ Psachical Sianhcance: Ihe puspase of this psachcal is to
lecxo the stahc souhioa
T Relevant Psoasam Outcome
o Discipline Knouledge
o Design of Softusase
o Eng, Tools, Expesinertatin 29 Testing
I Releuart Couse Outeane
Abilts to conhuse petoask using static ouiea.
w] Relevont Affechie domain elated outcornes
a follouw Safehy measuaes
bfollaw Ghica Psachces
TMinimurn lheotihcal Backasound
Titsoducina Rating
Rauting is a psocess that bilds he xohina tabel cn a
Soutes a packet toansmithing oth ntomathan to ench t
destinahan. Houwerex fa patet is tsanstnitina am cne
Subnet to ancthex subnet EquiES Noutina noaatit Such
as destnation nehoosk & detaut qateway -to ench t's
Duparmic V5 Gtuhic Rouhiog -
Thexe aue tuso methads that coan be usal to ao ohnq
inlosmathon to a outex.

a Gtatic Routing: As the name suqgest Static aouhos

Conhqused by an administsatox manua
Gahic xotting doesnt use any tochiog alqosrthm
update the xouting tables. Ihis method is mose Sütable
Fox a Small netook whexe onene easly
easily memones al the
xoutes intobmoian Since static xouhng does alloco
automatic xaute updates
bJ Dynamic Racing Suppose a nehaosk topology that
Contains 30 x0te each xoutex haye
mltiple subnets Hence, dynamic xouting as a Solutim
fos tis Dypamic x0uiog is typicolly conhqusel coth the
help to poctbcol called soching psotocol. Since dypamic
souhng updates gouting automahicaly Hence,it is mose
sutable os a long netuok Th additim tis less- hine
consuming, than the static ouhin. Hawerex, dunamic
xouhing consume mose aesousce Such as CPU. Memony
do and width

rollouoing Shous the Step uwi2e psoceduse to conhique

netoosk Using stathc xouinqi
Step 1 Desigo tallauoing Scenaiotoith so otes
tuo computess

Logical Set Ties

S4328 Rode0 Rout COP

Rout CDP

Play Cetis
Aafs CapurejPa Gagturv Farard


Event U Simufation
PYe Last soar Sor Detineig Droe Cos Timet Ptd ur Et Dalate


Step &: mode.

Trtestace fast Trtesace xlo ina global Conhqusahiar
Ru CConfia)# iteolace faste tesmert of
RLc Conhaf) ip adoes 10, 0.,0.1a55, 0.0.0
RuC ConfiaD#noshutaouon
RC Coaa)t exit
itesace Subial a6.
Rl Coahig) inteface Senial al0
#i0 addess a0. 00/A55.0-0-0
R Conha-i)*extt

Step 3: Conhquse Soutes assign in addaesr tox boh

RC's oth appzoach ip Subnet mask deaut
Step 4:Noa Conhque both aotes oth Stahe souter
by defaut, Routex know only diaected connechel
netoosks hence xotex Kncus only 10.0-0:0 to Q0008
t doesnt knaw the 30-00.0 like these doesnt kno:
about l0-0-0-0 So we axe qoing to add sthic Tostex
to this both xouter Ri #ixoter desthinghen nehuok
destinahiam Dho subnet mask Lnext HOP addbe in oue
R iust qie this command in this Case peshinahion is
30-0-0-0 ts subnet mask is Q55-0-0-0 next hop.
addess is Q0-0-0-a.
Tht's t ll nouo both &outexs kaow all netk chek
by ping ip addess oF host
Step 5 Double click pC moae to desktop then Command.
psompt gien the command pinq 30-0-0-0 like
this you Loill get sepls xom 30.0-0-0
Resousces Reagined
S. Name oF Resouxces Specificahian

Computes Systerm QGR RAM

3) S/N Cisco packet

Poactical Related Queshions

1 Dehne Rohing
Rating is the psocess of selechng poth Yox txating a
netoosk ox beteen o accxos molhiple nehcak only. Rouhing
is Mang types netwoak,including chxcut
Such as the poblic Suitehedetuwok Such as Tntenet
a Diffeaence betoeen

Gtuthic Rouhing, Dynamie Roting

is usel in salles nf is used in laxae netok
Tn Static souting, user dehinaTn dynamic souhing outexs
doutes ae used to hquse out ae updoted to hod the
Shostest path. shotest oute

Gtatic aoutes gouides highex Duynamic sortex psruides less

secusy Secusity
Static ortin is a manual Dynamie ouing is an autornahic
piooces. psocess.

3 Gire the compansion o unicast muHicast 9 bsoad cast ouhing.

Unicast: Tsafhic many stea ms o TP packets that means
acxossn lou a
Single point, such as a
website senes to sing le endpoint Such as cient Pc.

BxoadcastTafic sheas xoma Sinale that point

to all possible end points itthin each nekal
which is geneally a LAN TRis is the easiest technique
to ensUe toafic

Mulhcost Th this method taffhc bethaeen the bxoadgd

boundaies of unicast bsoadcast 9 muticast
is a one sense or many desioation on
one way
distabuhim which means that onls the deshinahn openly
poitt on this eaueshinq to accegt that data om
a speciSc souxce to eceire the tsathe stean
4 What is meant by outing alqosithen ? Enlist them.
A souing algosthm s a psocedue that Jayex
the sote to sanstex dato packets oom S0uxCe to
the destination they hop tin doecinq intenmet
txaffic effcienty detautt a data packet leves it Souse
t can choase amona the many diffesert path to cwhit
ts desingthian
Rotiag2 solated
Non adoghe
Random oalk
S What is liok state ouling
Link stute Kouting
xauhing ae one he tuo hain clacses 8ouhing
psotocolsusel in pac ket suitching neha For Compulo
communicathen the othex being cstance vecty x0vhing
psctscols ExLink stue bouting poatecols include open
shastest path hst 2 inteanediate Ssiem to temiooe
S ohat is intex donain intes domain pootocals 9
Domain Potocol Tntesdomoio Pootbcol
Routing alqosthm conaks within Trtes domain algonithn uonks
between domain. only utbin domaio

Rheed to qoa only about R need to qrow onls obout

athes xoutex orthio heix othes xoutex ithin theix
domain between them. domain
Paotocols Used intesdomain Paotocols sed in intexdomain
TOuhng ae knouon as xouting abe knaon as inteious
extenion gateuway pactbcals. gateuay fieopu pootocols.

Y Refeence leaming Resousce fos Rending.

http /sud Ccna Com.
5) bto|l o . 0acketyaumetuoaxh. Com

IK Skils develsped
Abilithy to canhguse ip stathic xauhing
Moxks Obtained eDotd Teaches Gignctuse o
Psocesses PsoductTotal (So)
AelaBed (3 Related(is) 209]22
33 1447

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