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Digital Documentation (Writer)

Tools to be used: Mail merge, Templates, Watermark, Columns, Hyperlink

Assignment 1: Mail Merge

Objective: Create personalized letters to project stakeholders.
Create a base document for the letter in Writer.
Use the Mail Merge tool to import a list of stakeholders from a spreadsheet.
Insert placeholders for names and addresses.
Complete the merge to generate individual letters for each stakeholder.
Assignment 2: Templates
Objective: Use a pre-designed template for the project report.
Open Writer and select a professional report template.
Modify the template to include the project's title, author, date, and other relevant information.
Use the template's styles for headings, subheadings, and body text to maintain a consistent look.
Assignment 3: Watermark
Objective: Add a watermark to the document to indicate its draft status.
Open the project report in Writer.
Go to the watermark settings and insert a "DRAFT" watermark.
Adjust the transparency and positioning of the watermark as needed.
Assignment 4: Columns
Objective: Format a section of the report in multiple columns.
Select the text to be formatted in columns.
Use the Columns tool to split the selected text into two or three columns.
Adjust the spacing and width of the columns for readability.
Assignment 5: Hyperlink
Objective: Add hyperlinks to the document for easy navigation.
Highlight the text or object to be hyperlinked.
Insert a hyperlink that directs to relevant sections within the document or to external resources.
Test the hyperlinks to ensure they work correctly.
Digital Spreadsheet (Excel)
Tools to be used: PivotTables, Conditional Formatting, Data Validation, Charts, VLOOKUP

Assignment 1: PivotTables
Objective: Analyze project data using PivotTables.
Import project data into Excel.
Create a PivotTable to summarize key data points, such as budget allocation and task completion
Use filters and slicers to view different aspects of the data.
Assignment 2: Conditional Formatting
Objective: Highlight important data using Conditional Formatting.
Select the data range to be formatted.
Apply Conditional Formatting to highlight cells based on specific criteria (e.g., deadlines, budget
Customize the formatting rules to improve data visibility.
Assignment 3: Data Validation
Objective: Ensure data integrity with Data Validation.
Select the cells where data validation is needed.
Set up validation rules to restrict data entry (e.g., only allowing dates within a certain range or
numerical values within a specific range).
Test the validation to ensure it works as expected.
Assignment 4: Charts
Objective: Visualize project data with Charts.
Select the data to be charted.
Choose the appropriate chart type (e.g., bar chart, line chart, pie chart).
Customize the chart's design, labels, and legends for clarity and impact.
Assignment 5: VLOOKUP
Objective: Use VLOOKUP to find data across sheets.
Set up a table where VLOOKUP will be applied.
Use the VLOOKUP function to search for data across different sheets and return the relevant
Test the function to ensure accurate data retrieval.
Digital Presentation (PowerPoint)
Tools to be used: Slide Master, Animations, Transitions, Charts, SmartArt

Assignment 1: Slide Master

Objective: Create a consistent design using Slide Master.
Open PowerPoint and access the Slide Master view.
Customize the Slide Master to include the project’s branding elements (e.g., logo, colors).
Apply the Slide Master to all slides for a consistent look.
Assignment 2: Animations
Objective: Enhance slides with Animations.
Select the elements on the slide to be animated.
Apply entrance, emphasis, or exit animations to the selected elements.
Adjust the animation timing and order for a smooth presentation flow.
Assignment 3: Transitions
Objective: Apply Transitions between slides.
Choose a transition effect for each slide.
Customize the transition duration and direction.
Apply the same transition to all slides for consistency or vary them to keep the audience engaged.
Assignment 4: Charts
Objective: Insert Charts to display data.
Select the slide where the chart will be inserted.
Insert a chart and choose the appropriate chart type.
Input or link the data source for the chart and customize its design and labels.
Assignment 5: SmartArt
Objective: Use SmartArt to visualize processes and hierarchies.
Select the slide where the SmartArt graphic will be inserted.
Choose a SmartArt graphic that best represents the information (e.g., process, cycle, hierarchy).
Enter the relevant information into the SmartArt graphic and customize its design.
By completing these assignments, you will have a well-documented project report, a detailed
spreadsheet with analytical capabilities, and a polished presentation to showcase the project's
results. Each tool and feature used will help in organizing, analyzing, and presenting the project
information effectively.

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