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Lecture 3 Data is everywhere lets manage it!
 Some common uses of database systems.
 Characteristics of file-based systems.
 Problems with file-based approach.
 Meaning of the term database.
 Meaning of the term Database Management
System (DBMS).
 Typical functions of a DBMS.
 Major components of the DBMS environment.
 Personnel involved in the DBMS environment.
 Advantages and disadvantages of DBMSs
 DBMS Architectures
Components of the DBMS
 There are five major components: hardware,
software, data, procedures, and people.
 Needed for DBMS and the applications to run on.
 Can range from a single personal computer, to a single
mainframe, to a network of computers.
 Depends on the organization’s requirements and the DBMS used.
 A DBMS requires a minimum amount of main memory and disk
space to run, but this minimum may not give acceptable
 The frontend is the part of the DBMS that interfaces with the
user. This is called client-server architecture: the backend is the
server and the frontends are the clients.
 Made up of DBMS software and the application
programs, together with operating system, including
network software if the DBMS is being used over a
 Application programs may be written using a
fourth-generation language like SQL embedded in
a third generation language
 From the end-users’ point of view data is the most
important component of the DBMS environment.
 Data is the bridge between the machine components
and human components.
 The database contains both the operational data and
the metadata (“data about data”).
 The structure of the database is called the schema.
 Procedures are instructions and rules that govern the design and use
of the database.
 Documented procedures on how to run the system are required by
the users of the system and the staff that manage the database.
 Procedures may consist of instructions on how to:
 log on to the DBMS;
 use a particular DBMS facility or application program;
 start and stop the DBMS;
 change the structure of a table.
 There are four distinct types of people:
 Data and database administrators,
 Database designers,

 Application developers,

 End-users.
Data and Database Administrators
 They deal with the management and control of a DBMS and its data.
 The Data Administrator (DA) is responsible for the management of
the data resource including
 database planning,
 development and maintenance of standards,
 policies and procedures,
 and conceptual/logical database design.
 This person consults with and advises senior managers so that the
database development will support corporate objectives.
 The Database Administrator (DBA) is responsible for the
 physical realization of the database,
 including physical database design and implementation,
 security and integrity control, maintenance of the
operational system,
 ensuring satisfactory performance of the application for
 Some organizations have one person performing both
Database Designers
 Large database design projects have two types of
 Logical database designer: identifies the data (the
entities and attributes), the relationships between the
data, and the constraints on the data that is to be
stored in the database.
 Physical database designer: decides how the logical
database design is to be physically realized.
Application Programmers
 People who implement the application programs that
provide the required functionality for the end-users.
 Usually application developers work from a
specification produced by systems analysts.
 Each program contains statements that request the
DBMS to perform some operations on the database
including retrieving data, inserting, updating, and
deleting data.
End Users
 End-users are the “clients” for the database, which has been designed and
implemented, and is being maintained to serve their information needs.
 End-users can be classified according to the way they use the database
 Naïve users: access database through specially written application
programs that attempt to make the operations as simple as possible.
 Sophisticated users: knows the structure of the database and facilities
offered by the DBMS. May use a high-level query language like SQL to
perform the required operations or may even write application programs
for their own use.
Advantages of DBMSs
 Control of data redundancy
 Data consistency
 More information from the same amount of data
 Sharing of data
 Improved data integrity
 Improved security
 Enforcement of standards
 Economy of scale
Advantages of DBMSs
 Balance of conflicting requirements
 Improved data accessibility and responsiveness
 Increased productivity
 Improved maintenance through data independence
 Increased concurrency
 Improved backup and recovery services
Disadvantages of DBMSs
 Complexity
 Size
 Cost of DBMSs
 Additional hardware costs
 Cost of conversion
 Performance
 High impact of failure
Functions of DBMS
 Data Storage, Retrieval, and Update.
 A User-Accessible Catalog.
 Transaction Support.
 Concurrency Control Services.
 Recovery Services.
 Authorization Services.
 Support for Data Communication.
 Integrity Services.
 Services to Promote Data Independence.
 Utility Services.
Disadvantages of DBMSs
 Complexity
 Size
 Cost of DBMSs
 Additional hardware costs
 Cost of conversion
 Performance
 High impact of failure
Functions of DBMS
 Data Storage, Retrieval, and Update.
 A User-Accessible Catalog.
 Transaction Support.
 Concurrency Control Services.
 Recovery Services.
 Authorization Services.
 Support for Data Communication.
 Integrity Services.
 Services to Promote Data Independence.
 Utility Services.
System Catalog
 Repository of information (metadata) describing the
data in the database.
 One of the fundamental components of DBMS.
 Typically stores:
 names, types, and sizes of data items;
 constraints on the data;
 names of authorized users;
 data items accessible by a user and the type of access;
 usage statistics.
Labs Work Basics.
 Oracle 10g
 Installation

 Overview

 SQL basics
Basics of SQL (DML)
 List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
 Execute a basic SELECT statement
Select Statement (conti..)
Select Statement

P_Id LastName FirstName Salary Address City

1 Hansen Ola 100 Timoteivn 10 Lahore

2 Svendson Tove 200 Borgvn 23 Karachi

3 Pettersen Kari 300 Storgt 20 Islamabad


 Select person living in city Islamabad.
 Any question!
See you in Next Class !

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