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Since 1915

Stationary Battery Systems

Test & Monitoring Equipment Rev. 11-19 1-800-554-2243

Storage Battery Systems, LLC (SBS) has been providing Power Solutions™ since 1915.
SBS strives to provide superior products and service while maintaining consistent quality and continuity.

SBS will design and size your system per IEEE standards based on your specific requirements. SBS
can provide the following services using fully-trained and experienced personnel, ensuring fast
completion and high quality:
•• Install, set up and test new stationary battery systems; decommission and recycle old stationary
battery systems
•• Provide preventative maintenance services for stationary battery systems
•• Capacity/discharge test stationary battery systems per IEEE standards
•• Conduct customized training classes

•• SBS will decommission and recycle your old battery system and install, set up and test your new
•• SBS has been installing stationary batteries for over 30 years and has the experience and
capabilities to do this type of work anywhere in the world

Preventative Maintenance (PM)

•• SBS can be contracted to do routine maintenance, such as quarterly or annual PMs
•• Both IEEE standards and NERC standard PRC-005-2 reference battery testing/maintenance
guidelines, and battery manufacturers also publish testing requirements to ensure warranty
compliance — SBS will test and provide detailed reports that will comply with these requirements

Load Tests
•• SBS can perform load tests based around your requirements or IEEE/NERC guidelines
•• If necessary, SBS can provide temporary power so that the system does not have to be shut down
•• After the load test is completed, SBS will provide complete reports that comply with NERC
standard PRC-005-2

SBS offers customized battery training courses on topics related to DC power that are designed around
your needs and requirements:
•• SBS can train at our corporate office in Menomonee Falls, WI or on-site at your company
•• SBS offers individual or group training sessions
•• Popular topics include Battery 101 and Maintenance and Testing
•• SBS can train your technicians during an actual installation, PM or load test

Contact SBS today for all your stationary battery service and testing needs. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Table of Contents
Stationary Batteries

1–6 • Flooded Lead Acid Batteries

20 year low maintenance designs

7–8 • Nickel Cadmium Batteries

For extreme applications

9–19 • Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries

Compact design and sealed = little/no maintenance
Pg. 1–6 Pg. 7–8 Pg. 9–19

Racks, Spill Containment & Enclosures

20–22 • Standard and Seismic Battery Racks

23–24 • Spill Containment Systems

25–28 • Custom DC Enclosures

Pg. 20–22 Pg. 23–24 Pg. 25–28


29–31 • Float Chargers

• Portable Maintenance Chargers

Pg. 29–31 Pg. 32 Pg. 32

Test and Monitoring Equipment

33–36 • Digital Hydrometers / Density Meters

37–38 • Battery Resistance Tester

39–46 • Constant Current DC Load Banks

47–48 • Hydrogen Gas Monitoring System

49–52 • Active Battery Monitoring System Pg. 33-36 Pg. 37-38 Pg. 39-46

STT Series Low Maintenance Tubular Flooded Batteries
OPzS 6 & 12 Volt Blocks (55–330 Ah)

SBS has been selling tubular lead-selenium vented batteries for
nearly 20 years. SBS was the first company to actively introduce this •• 20 year design life at 77° F
technology to the US market. •• Watering intervals: 1–3 years
•• Leak-proof post seal
The combination of the tubular positive plates and the lead selenium/
•• High cycle life:
low antimony alloy provides the best possible combination in lead
·· 1200+ cycles @ 80% DOD
acid plate technology.
·· 2000+ cycles @ 60% DOD
The battery world favors tubular positive plates for flooded, gel and •• 100%+ capacity upon delivery
AGM applications. STT batteries are manufactured in accordance with •• No positive plate growth damage
OPzS DIN 40736 standards.
•• Tank formed plates
•• Safe: zero voltage exposed to personnel
Lead Selenium/Low Antimony •• Flip-top, easy-fill, flame arrestor vent caps
By utilizing a small amount of selenium in the grid alloy, a dense fine •• Withstands high temperature applications
grain structure is produced. This alloy is extremely corrosion-resistant better than lead-calcium batteries
and virtually eliminates inter-granular corrosion which is one of the •• Typically in stock and ready to ship!
most common causes of cell failure. A lead selenium cell combines
the advantages of both lead calcium and lead antimony cells while
exhibiting none of the disadvantages.

Tubular Positive Plate Advantages


Due to increased positive plate surface area, tubular plates have more
electrical capacity than flat plates of comparable size and weight.
With positive plate shedding eliminated, tubular batteries also provide
up to a 30% longer service life compared to flat plate batteries.
Perhaps most importantly to stationary applications, the tubular
positive grid does not require horizontal bars, which virtually
eliminates positive plate growth and therefore post seal leaks and jar Applications
cracking. As a result, in applications which require a long service life, •• Switchgear/Substations
tubular plate batteries provide the best and most reliable power. •• Power Generation
•• Microwave Relay Sites
•• Telecommunications
•• Solar/Photovoltaic
•• Oil and Gas

Positive Plate Tubular plate with selenium/low antimony alloy (0.34" thick)
Negative Plate Pasted flat radial structure
Separation Microporous combined with corrugated separator
Case Material Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), impact resistant
Cover Material Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN)
Specific Gravity 1.240 S.G. @ 77º F
Post Design Leak-proof with brass insert
Intercells Fully insulated flexible copper cables (uninsulated bars optional)
Vent Caps Flip-top flame arrestor with dust cap
Temp. Range -4º to 131º F (68° to 77º F recommended)
Float Voltage 2.23 V/cell
Equalize Voltage 2.33–2.40 V/cell

1 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Option: taller posts available upon request (shown below)

With cap, .4" of Without cap, 1.1"

exposed post of exposed post
for testing for testing

Shown with and without removable protective caps

Technical Data
OPzS DIN 8 hr. Ah Voltage Battery Dimensions Weight w/ Electrolyte Electrolyte Short Circuit
Part No. Std. 30736 Rate (V) L x W x H (in.) Electrolyte (lb.) Weight (lb.) (Gallons) Current (Amps)
STT12V50 12V 1 OPzS 50 55 12 10.7 x 8.08 x 15.1 86.0 23.8 2.3 620
STT12V100 12V 2 OPzS 100 110 12 10.7 x 8.08 x 15.1 107 22.5 2.2 1260
STT12V150 12V 3 OPzS 150 165 12 15.0 x 8.08 x 15.1 149 31.7 3.1 1780
STT6V200 6V 4 OPzS 200 220 6 10.7 x 8.08 x 15.1 101 24.2 2.3 2240
STT6V250 6V 5 OPzS 250 275 6 15.0 x 8.08 x 15.1 130 31.9 3.1 2660
STT6V300 6V 6 OPzS 300 330 6 15.0 x 8.08 x 15.1 144 30.4 2.9 3040

Performance Data
Constant current discharge in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell at 77° F

Part No. 1 min. 15 min. 30 min. 1 hr. 1.5 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 6 hr. 8 hr. 24 hr.
STT12V50 75.0 54.3 40.2 27.3 21.3 17.8 13.6 9.50 8.39 6.85 2.67
STT12V100 150 109 80.3 54.6 42.6 35.5 27.2 19.0 16.8 13.7 5.34
STT12V150 225 163 121 81.9 64.0 53.3 40.9 28.5 25.2 20.6 8.01
STT6V200 300 217 161 109 85.3 71.1 54.5 38.0 33.6 27.5 10.6
STT6V250 375 272 201 137 107 88.8 67.9 47.6 41.9 34.2 13.3
STT6V300 450 327 241 164 128 107 81.4 57.1 50.4 41.0 16.0

Standard STT Kit Includes

•• Intercell-connector cables
•• Jumper cable(s)
•• Flip-top flame arrestor vent caps
•• No-oxide grease
•• Cell numbers
•• Brass wire brush
•• Utility funnel Insulated flexible intercell connectors standard. Flip-top, easy-fill, flame
•• Installation & Operation Manual Optional accessories on pages 5 and 6. arrestor vent caps

SBS reserves the right to change specifications and designs without notice.
Illustrations, data, dimensions and weights given in this brochure are for guidance only and cannot be held binding on the company. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 2

STT Series Low Maintenance Tubular Flooded Batteries
OPzS 2 Volt Cells (110–3,585 Ah)
SBS has been selling tubular lead-selenium vented batteries for nearly 20 years. Features
SBS was the first company to actively introduce this technology to the US market.
•• 20 year design life at 77° F
The combination of the tubular positive plates and the lead selenium/low antimony
•• Watering intervals: 1–3 years
alloy provides the best possible combination in lead acid plate technology.
The battery world favors tubular positive plates for flooded, gel and AGM •• Leak-proof post seal
applications. STT batteries are manufactured in accordance with OPzS DIN 40736 •• High cycle life:
standards. ·· 1200+ cycles @ 80% DOD
·· 2300+ cycles @ 60% DOD
Lead Selenium/Low Antimony •• 100%+ capacity upon delivery
By utilizing a small amount of selenium in the grid alloy, a dense fine grain •• No positive plate growth damage
structure is produced. This alloy is extremely corrosion-resistant and virtually •• Tank formed plates
eliminates inter-granular corrosion which is one of the most common causes of •• Safe: zero voltage exposed to personnel
cell failure. A lead selenium cell combines the advantages of both lead calcium •• Flip-top, easy-fill, flame arrestor vent caps
and lead antimony cells while exhibiting none of the disadvantages.
•• Withstands high temperature applications
Tubular Positive Plate Advantages better than lead-calcium batteries
Due to increased positive plate surface area, tubular plates have more electrical •• Many in stock and ready to ship!
capacity than flat plates of comparable size and weight.
With positive plate shedding eliminated, tubular
batteries also provide up to a 30% longer service
life compared to flat plate batteries. Applications
•• Switchgear/Substations
Perhaps most importantly to stationary
•• Power Generation
applications, the tubular positive grid does not

require horizontal bars, which virtually eliminates •• Microwave Relay Sites

positive plate growth and therefore post seal leaks •• Telecommunications
and jar cracking. As a result, in applications which •• Solar/Photovoltaic
require a long service life, tubular plate batteries •• Oil and Gas
provide the best and most reliable power.

Option: taller posts available upon request (shown below)

With std. With optional

cable, .33" of bar, .5" of
exposed post exposed post
for testing for testing

Positive Plate Tubular plate with selenium/low antimony alloy (0.34" thick)
Negative Plate Pasted flat radial structure
Separation Microporous combined with corrugated separator
Case Material Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), impact resistant
Cover Material Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN)
Specific Gravity 1.240 S.G. @ 77º F
Post Design Leak-proof with brass insert
Intercells Fully insulated flexible copper cables (uninsulated bars optional)
Vent Caps Flip-top flame arrestor with dust cap
Temp. Range -4º to 131º F (68º to 77º F recommended)
Float Voltage 2.23 V/cell
Equalize Voltage 2.33–2.40 V/cell

3 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Technical Data
8 hr. Ah Voltage Cell Dimensions Weight w/ Electrolyte Electrolyte # of Short Circuit Current
Part No. OPzS DIN Std. Rate (V) L x W x H (in.) Electrolyte (lb.) Weight (lb.) (Gallons) Poles (Amps)
STT2V100 2 OPzS 100 110 2 4.06 x 8.11 x 16.1 28.8 12.3 1.2 2 1240
STT2V150 3 OPzS 150 165 2 4.06 x 8.11 x 16.1 34.2 11.1 1.1 2 1860
STT2V200 4 OPzS 200 220 2 4.06 x 8.11 x 16.1 39.6 9.90 1.0 2 2380
STT2V250 5 OPzS 250 275 2 4.89 x 8.11 x 16.1 46.2 11.0 1.1 2 3000
STT2V300 6 OPzS 300 330 2 5.71 x 8.11 x 16.1 55.0 13.2 1.3 2 3500
STT2V350 5 OPzS 350 395 2 4.89 x 8.11 x 20.7 61.6 14.3 1.4 2 3300
STT2V420 6 OPzS 420 475 2 5.71 x 8.11 x 20.7 73.7 17.6 1.7 2 3900
STT2V490 7 OPzS 490 550 2 6.54 x 8.11 x 20.7 85.8 22.0 2.1 2 4950
STT2V600 6 OPzS 600 660 2 5.71 x 8.11 x 27.6 102 26.4 2.6 2 4500
STT2V700 7 OPzS 700 755 2 8.27 x 7.52 x 27.6 132 37.5 3.8 4 5350
STT2V800 8 OPzS 800 865 2 8.27 x 7.52 x 27.6 141 35.2 3.4 4 6200
STT2V900 9 OPzS 900 975 2 8.27 x 9.18 x 27.6 161 44.1 4.5 4 6950
STT2V1000 10 OPzS 1000 1090 2 8.27 x 9.18 x 27.6 170 44.0 4.3 4 7750
STT2V1200 12 OPzS 1200 1310 2 8.27 x 10.9 x 27.6 203 52.8 5.1 4 8850
STT2V1375 11 OPzS 1375 1605 2 8.27 x 10.9 x 33.5 244 77.1 7.8 4 8500
STT2V1500 12 OPzS 1500 1755 2 8.27 x 10.9 x 33.5 247 66.0 6.4 4 9000
STT2V1750 14 OPzS 1750 2047 2 8.35 x 15.7 x 32.6 296 78.0 7.5 6 10350
STT2V2000 16 OPzS 2000 2340 2 8.35 x 15.7 x 32.6 330 88.0 8.5 6 12600
STT2V2250 22 OPzS 2250 2630 2 8.35 x 19.2 x 32.6 405 130 13.1 8 16200
STT2V2500 20 OPzS 2500 2920 2 8.35 x 19.2 x 32.6 418 110 10.6 8 14450
STT2V3000 24 OPzS 3000 3585 2 8.35 x 22.7 x 32.6 495 136 13.2 8 18800

Performance Data Standard STT Kit Includes
Constant current discharge in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell at 77° F •• Intercell-connector cables
Part No. 1 min. 15 min. 30 min. 1 hr. 1.5 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 6 hr. 8 hr. 24 hr. •• Jumper cable(s)
STT2V100 150 109 80.3 54.6 42.6 35.5 27.2 19.0 16.8 13.7 5.34 •• Flip-top flame arrestor vent caps
STT2V150 225 163 121 81.9 64.0 53.3 40.9 28.5 25.2 20.6 8.01 •• No-oxide grease
STT2V200 300 217 161 109 85.3 71.1 54.5 38.0 33.6 27.5 10.6
•• Cell numbers
•• Brass wire brush
STT2V250 375 272 201 137 107 88.8 67.9 47.6 41.9 34.2 13.3
•• Utility funnel
STT2V300 450 327 241 164 128 107 81.4 57.1 50.4 41.0 16.0
•• Installation & Operation Manual
STT2V350 450 307 246 186 151 128 98.7 69.0 60.0 49.3 19.0
STT2V420 540 369 296 224 181 153 118 82.8 71.1 59.3 22.8
STT2V490 630 430 345 261 212 179 138 96.6 84.0 68.8 26.6
Flip-top, easy-fill, flame
STT2V600 690 456 393 313 258 218 170 117 103 82.5 31.9 arrestor vent caps
STT2V700 805 533 459 365 300 255 200 137 120 94.5 37.2
STT2V800 920 609 524 417 343 291 228 157 137 108 42.5
STT2V900 1035 684 590 470 387 329 256 176 155 122 47.9
STT2V1000 1150 760 656 522 430 365 284 196 172 136 53.2
STT2V1200 1380 913 787 626 515 438 341 235 206 164 63.8
STT2V1375 1458 937 820 666 566 492 391 277 245 201 74
STT2V1500 1620 1022 894 726 617 537 426 302 267 219 82.2
STT2V1750 1890 1118 978 793 674 588 470 337 298 256 95.0
STT2V2000 2160 1277 1118 907 771 672 537 385 341 293 109 Insulated flexible
STT2V2250 2454 1533 1341 1089 927 806 643 454 401 329 123 intercell connectors
standard. Optional
STT2V2500 2700 1703 1490 1210 1030 895 714 504 445 365 137
accessories on pages
STT2V3000 3240 2042 1789 1451 1236 1071 854 605 534 448 164 5 and 6.

SBS reserves the right to change specifications and designs without notice.
Illustrations, data, dimensions and weights given in this brochure are for guidance only and cannot be held binding on the company. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 4

Bi-Directional Recombination Vent Plug
For Stationary Flooded/Vented Batteries

Significantly reduces/eliminates watering intervals

and increases safety in poorly-ventilated areas

Principle of Operation
Operation of lead acid batteries results in the electrolysis of water.
Electrolysis reduces the amount of water in the electrolyte, which in
turn requires the battery to be watered more frequently, increasing
maintenance requirements. Hydrogen and oxygen are also naturally
created as part of this process and these gases can accumulate
and become explosive.
The SBS recombination vent caps help to prevent the gases
generated through electrolysis from escaping. Inside the cap is a
catalyst (rare earth element) which reacts with hydrogen and oxygen
and converts the gases into water vapor. This is an exothermic
process and heat is generated during this recombination process.
As the battery stops gassing and the cap cools, water vapor
condenses on the walls of the plug and will flow back into the
battery, thus 98% of the hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture generated
during charging will be recombined and converted back to water.
This process effectively eliminates the flow of gases from the •• Reduces the frequency of water refilling
battery into the atmosphere. (12–15 years topping-up interval)
•• Reduction of maintenance and service costs

SBS recombination vent caps significantly improve safety, •• Increases safety since explosive gases are not released
preventing (under normal conditions) the flow of gas into the from cell under normal operation
immediate surroundings and eliminating the risk of ignition, as well
•• Protects against flashback
as reducing the need for water refilling.
•• Lifetime of more than 20 years
The system is economical from both an installation and
maintenance perspective.

Bi-Directional Valve
In order to achieve the most effective gas recombination
plug, a special catalyst system using a bi-directional valve
is integrated to automatically regulate the pressure inside
the plug.
In order to maintain the safe operation of the system, a
flame arrestor is mounted over the valve in the plug in
the form of a ceramic flame screen. With this design the
vent plug gas emissions are minimal and safe for the
surrounding environment.
The design of the recombination plug increases the
safety of the battery in areas with limited ventilation while
maintaining the level of gas recombination at the highest
possible level.

Construction and Technical Data

Part No. Cell Capacity (Ah) Max Charging Voltage
(V/cell) Diameter in Inches (mm) Height in Inches (mm)
A B C H1 H2
RECOM-BD-500AH up to 500* 2.4 ± 1% 0.98 (25) 1.57 (40) 2.09 (53) 5.20 (132) 0.43 (11)
RECOM-BD-3000AH above 501* 2.4 ± 1% 0.98 (25) 1.57 (40) 2.09 (53) 5.20 (132) 0.43 (11)
*Will not fit on STT12V50 or STT12V100 batteries

5 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Battery System Accessories
Hydrometers and Accessories
Part No. Description
Z1G Hydrometer with glass float (1.100–1.320 scale)
HY-HOLDER Hydrometer holder with drip cup
1353 Thermometer w/SG correction factor table (-20° to 130° F)
STRAP-6FT 6 ft. lifting strap (for P/Ns STT2V100 through STT2V490)
STRAP-8FT 8 ft. lifting strap (for P/N STT2V600 and larger)

Z1G 1353

STT Solid Intercell Connectors STRAP-8FT

Part No. Description

SBS12V50/100-BB Solid intercell connector for STT12V50/100 - 3.5" x 1"
SBS12V150-BB Solid intercell connector for STT12V150 - 4.25" x 1"
SBS6V200Z-BB Solid intercell connector for STT6V200 - 5.5" x 1"
SBS6V250/300-BB Solid intercell connector for STT6V250/350 - 8.5" x 1"
SBS100/150/200 Solid intercell connector for STT2V100/150/200 - 6" x 1.25" Lead/tin plated copper bar


SBS250/350 Solid intercell connector for STT2V250/350 - 6.75" x 1.25"
SBS300/420/600 Solid intercell connector for STT2V300/420/600 - 7.5" x 1.25"
SBS490 Solid intercell connector for STT2V490 - 8.5" x 1.25"
STT2V800-3000 Contact SBS for details

STT Termination Plates

Part No. Description
7158740100-600 L termination plate for STT2V100-600 - 4" x 2.5" x 1.25"
7158740800 L termination plate for STT2V800 - 4.75" x 4" x 4"
7158741000 L termination plate for STT2V1000 - 6" x 4" x 4"
7158741500 L termination plate for STT2V1200-1500 - 7" x 4" x 4"
7158742000 L termination plate for STT2V1750-2000 - 10.25" x 4" x 4"
7158742500 L termination plate for STT2V2500 - 14.5" x 4" x 4"
7158743000 L termination plate for STT2V3000 - 18" x 4" x 4"

ANSI-Approved Eye Wash Stations

Part No. Description
7500 16 gallon gravity fed eyewash
7603 Portable air pressure operated eyewash with 15 gallon tank

7500 7603 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 6

Pocket Plate NiCd Batteries
Flooded Nickel Cadmium Cells (8–1680 Ah)

Nickel Cadmium pocket plate batteries are the most reliable and rugged batteries
available today. They can withstand, to a great extent, any type of abuse like overcharge,
deep discharge, even accidental reverse charge, and can be stored in any state of charge.
Pocket plate batteries are manufactured in 3 series (L, M, and H) based on their
performance capabilities. They are available in 1.2V single cells (KP-Series)and in
1.2V, 2.4V and 3.6V multi-cell blocks (KB-Series).
SBS’s pocket plate batteries are supplied with the electrolyte, intercell
connectors, related hardware and accessories required for normal
operation and maintenance.

•• Long float life: 25 years
•• Highest reliability among all battery systems
•• Operating temp. of: -4° to 131° F (Storage: -22° to 113° F)
•• Low maintenance
•• No shedding/loss of plate material
•• Quick charge capability
•• Very resistant to electrical and mechanical abuse
•• Flame-arresting vent protection
•• Long shelf life

KB Series •• No emission of corrosive gases KP Series

(Multi-Cell Block) •• Good charge retention (Single Cell)

Technical Data
Capacity Range Plate Typical
Pocket Plate Cell Series Plate Information Typical Applications
(Ah) Thickness Back-Up
Thick plates to provide a large Oil & gas, railway signaling, telecom,
Low Rate - Long Duration 8 – 1680 capacity reserve for a long 5 mm 3 hr. or more power plants, emergency lighting,
KPL / KBL duration photovoltaic, fire alarms
Optimized plate thickness
30 min. to 3 hr. Switchgear protection, UPS, emergency
Medium Rate which is ideal for medium
10 – 1460 3 mm or mixed loads lighting, instrumentation and process
KPM / KBM discharge performance and control
Thin plates to provide an
High Rate 9 – 990 excellent high rate discharge 2 mm Below 30 min UPS, generator starting
KPH / KBH performance

Use link below for detailed battery information.

7 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

HV Series Valve Regulated Pocket Plate NiCd Batteries
Ultra Low Maintenance Nickel Cadmium Cells (7–1680 Ah)

Valve regulated pocket plate batteries were designed to meet the needs of
applications requiring the traditional high reliability of nickel cadmium pocket
plate cells without the need to top-up with water. The VRPP battery works on
the oxygen recombination principle and therefore has a much reduced water
consumption. The level of recombination of these cells is 85–95%. Normal
vented type cells will have only a 30–35% recombination efficiency. When the
VRPP cells are properly float charged (between 1.40–1.42 V/cell) they will not
need to be topped off with water for nearly 20 years. If the levels do become low
during the life of the battery there are provisions to add water to the cells.
The VRPP batteries are available in 1.2V single cells or 2.4V, 3.6V or 4.8V multi-
cell blocks. Available in medium rate (HVM Series) and low rate (HVL Series), all
batteries are supplied with the electrolyte, intercell connectors, related hardware
and accessories required for normal operation and maintenance.

•• Long float life: 25 years
•• High cycle life: 2000 cycles @ 20% DOD
1.2V Cell 2.4V Block •• Reliable and predictable performance
•• Operating temp.: -4° to 131° F (Storage: -22° to 113° F)
•• Low maintenance
Operating Notes •• Minimal gassing


•• Float voltage range: 1.43 V/cell •• Very resistant to electrical and mechanical abuse
•• Max. equalize voltage: 1.45 V/cell •• No sudden failure due to internal corrosion
•• Current limit: 10% of C5 (C5 = 5 hr. Ah Rate) •• Good performance at low temperatures

Valve regulated vent

(Low pressure, flame arresting)

Nickel coated terminal pillar

(Provides good electrical conductivity)

Special polypropylene fibrous separator Positive plate

(Facilitates recombination) (Double perforated steel strip with positive active material)

Polypropylene cell container Negative plate

(Fusion welded to lids, makes the cell mechanically sturdy and (Double perforated steel strip with negative active material)
facilitates visual electrolyte level inspection)

Technical Data
Capacity Range Plate Typical
Pocket Plate Cell Series Plate Information Typical Applications
(Ah) Thickness Back-Up
Thick plates to provide a large Oil & gas, railway signaling, telecom,
Low Rate - Long Duration 7–1340 capacity reserve for a long 5 mm 3 hr. or more power plants, emergency lighting,
HVL duration photovoltaic, fire alarms
Optimized plate thickness
30 min. to 3 hr. Switchgear protection, UPS, emergency
Medium Rate which is ideal for medium
15–1680 3 mm or mixed loads lighting, instrumentation and process
HVM discharge performance and control

Use link below for detailed battery information. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 8

AGM VRLA Modular Battery Systems
100–400 Ah Battery Systems

The 2 Volt AGM batteries can be mounted vertically or

horizontally in a seismic modular rack. When ordered with the
modular racks, this system will come complete with an insulated
cable kit as well as removable Plexiglas shields making this a
very safe system. SBS typically stocks 48 and 125 Vdc AGM
systems complete with modular rack kits which include the
intercell connectors.

•• 15–20 year design life at 77° F
•• Cycle life: 1200 cycles at 80% DOD at 77° F
•• 100% capacity upon delivery
•• Maintenance free — no watering required
•• Telecom
•• No corrosive fumes — special battery room not required
•• Utility
•• Seismic modular racking available
•• Oil and Gas
•• Tank formed plates provide consistent and stable voltages
•• Solar/Photovoltaic
•• Extra space in jars for grid growth to enhance battery life
•• UPS
•• Can be installed vertically or horizontally
•• Emergency Lighting
•• UL Listed – UL file no. MH19767
•• Railways
•• AGM-100 and AGM-150 battery systems are typically in stock

Positive Plate Flat plate with lead-calcium/tin grid alloy
Negative Plate Flat plate with lead-calcium grid alloy
Separator Absorbent glass mat (AGM)
Container UL 94 HB plastic resin (flame retardant UL 94 V0 optional)
Safety Valve Self resealing, pressure regulated and explosion proof
Terminals High conductivity lead-plated, with brass insert
Modular Racking Seismic rated, acid resistant, epoxy coated
Temp. Range 5° to 130° F (68° to 77° F recommended)
Float Voltage 2.25 V/cell
Equalize Voltage 2.35 V/cell
Plexiglas Shields Included with rack kit
Intercell Connectors Fully insulated cables (included with modular rack kit)

Technical Data
Part No. 8 hr. Ah Rate Nominal L x D x H (in.) Weight (lb.) Internal Resistance Terminal
to 1.75 V/cell Voltage (V) (mOhms) Type
AGM-100 100 2 6.69 x 2.83 x 8.35 13.2 1.40 M6
AGM-150 150 2 6.69 x 3.86 x 8.35 18.7 1.10 M6
AGM-200 200 2 6.69 x 4.33 x 13.8 30.0 1.03 M8
AGM-250 250 2 6.69 x 4.33 x 13.8 32.0 1.00 M8
AGM-300 300 2 6.69 x 5.91 x 13.8 41.2 0.90 M8
AGM-400 400 2 8.27 x 6.89 x 13.8 56.2 0.70 M8

For flame retardant covers add ‘-FR’ after part number (Example: AGM-150-FR).

9 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Performance Data
Constant current discharge in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell at 77° F
Part No. 1 min. 15 min. 30 min. 45 min. 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 8 hr. 10 hr. 20 hr. 24 hr.
AGM-100 166 126 85.3 66.6 54.7 33.8 25.7 17.7 12.5 10.1 5.40 4.64
AGM-150 249 188 128 99.8 82.1 50.7 38.6 26.6 18.7 15.2 8.04 6.91
AGM-200 350 270 186 144 118 74.2 55.3 37.8 25.0 21.7 11.3 10.1
AGM-250 400 309 213 164 134 84.8 63.2 43.2 31.2 24.8 12.9 11.5
AGM-300 500 386 266 205 168 106 79.0 54.0 37.5 31.0 16.1 14.4
AGM-400 650 502 346 267 218 138 103 70.2 50.1 40.3 20.9 18.7

Seismic Modular Racks for 48 Vdc Systems

Battery Type Part No. L x D x H (in.) Layout
AGM-100 24xAGM100-RACK 21 x 8.0 x 58 4W x 6H
AGM-150 24xAGM150-RACK 25 x 8.0 x 58 4W x 6H
AGM-200 24xAGM200-RACK 27 x 13 x 57 4W x 6H
AGM-250 24xAGM250-RACK 27 x 13 x 57 4W x 6H


AGM-300 24xAGM300-RACK 33 x 13 x 58 4W x 6H
AGM-400 24xAGM400-RACK 43 x 13 x 58 4W x 6H

Seismic Modular Racks for 125 Vdc Systems

Battery Type Part No. L x D x H (in.) Layout
AGM-100 60xAGM100-RACK 50 x 8.0 x 58 10W x 6H
AGM-150 60xAGM150-RACK 60 x 8.0 x 57 10W x 6H
AGM-200 60xAGM200-RACK 64 x 13 x 57 10W x 6H
AGM-250 60xAGM250-RACK 64 x 13 x 57 10W x 6H
AGM-300 60xAGM300-RACK 80 x 13 x 57 10W x 6H
AGM-400 60xAGM400-RACK 107 x 13 x 58 10W x 6H
Other system voltages and rack layouts available upon request.

Insulated intercell connectors come standard with AGM type racks.

(If solid, uninsulated bars are required see E-AGM Series.) 24xAGM400-RACK 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 10

E-AGM VRLA Modular Battery Systems
200–3,000 Ah Battery Systems
The E-AGM 2 Volt batteries have a similar design as the classic AGM batteries, however they are
built in cases that are taller and thinner allowing a more compact footprint especially in larger Ah
systems. These batteries must be ordered with the horizontal seismic modular ‘EOS’ racks, and
these systems include solid intercell connectors as well as removable Plexiglas covers.
•• 15–20 year design life at 77° F
•• Cycle life at 77° F
·· 1200 cycles @ 80% DOD
·· 2250 cycles @ 50% DOD
•• 100% capacity upon delivery
•• Maintenance free — no watering required
•• No corrosive fumes — special battery room not required
•• Seismic modular racking
•• Tank formed plates provide consistent and stable voltages
•• Extra space in jars for grid growth to enhance battery life
•• UL Listed - UL file no. MH19767
•• E-AGM- 200–600 Ah battery systems are typically in stock

Positive Plate Flat plate with lead-calcium/tin grid alloy
Negative Plate Flat plate with lead-calcium grid alloy

Separator Absorbent glass mat (AGM) Applications

Container UL 94 HB plastic resin (flame retardant UL 94 V0 optional) •• Telecom
Safety Valve Self resealing, pressure regulated and explosion proof •• Utility
•• Oil and Gas
Terminals High conductivity lead-plated, with brass insert
•• Solar/Photovoltaic
Modular Racking Seismic rated, acid resistant, epoxy coated •• UPS
Temp. Range 5° to 130° F (68° to 77° F recommended) •• Emergency Lighting
Float Voltage 2.25 V/cell •• Railways
Equalize Voltage 2.35 V/cell
Mounting Orientation Horizontal only
Plexiglas Shields Included with rack kit
Intercell Connectors Lead plated copper bars (included with modular rack kit)

Technical Data
Part No. 8 hr. Ah Rate Nominal L x D x H (in.) Weight (lb.) Internal Resistance Terminal
to 1.75 V/cell Voltage (V) (mOhms) Type
E-AGM-200 200 2 3.72 x 7.26 x 14.7 29.7 0.67 M8
E-AGM-300 300 2 4.84 x 7.26 x 14.7 40.7 0.47 M8
E-AGM-400 400 2 6.54 x 7.26 x 14.7 53.9 0.35 M8
E-AGM-500 500 2 7.66 x 7.26 x 14.7 64.9 0.33 M8
E-AGM-600 600 2 8.78 x 7.26 x 14.7 77.0 0.28 M8
E-AGM-800 800 2 6.06 x 9.02 x 22.3 115 0.21 M8
E-AGM-1000 1000 2 7.32 x 9.02 x 22.3 137 0.18 M8
E-AGM-1200 1200 2 8.86 x 9.02 x 22.3 165 0.17 M8
E-AGM-1500 1500 2 10.5 x 9.02 x 22.3 203 0.14 M8
E-AGM-2000 2000 2 13.8 x 9.17 x 22.3 267 0.11 M8
E-AGM-3000 3000 2 19.6 x 14.3 x 14.7 385 0.10 M8
For flame retardant covers add ‘-FR’ after part number (Example: E-AGM-200-FR).

11 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Performance Data
Constant current discharge in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell at 77° F
Part No. 1 min. 15 min. 30 min. 45 min. 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 8 hr. 10 hr. 20 hr. 24 hr.
E-AGM-200 280 218 161 133 112 71.5 53.0 36.4 25.0 21.0 11.4 9.66
E-AGM-300 420 328 242 199 168 107 79.5 54.7 37.5 31.5 17.1 14.5
E-AGM-400 560 437 323 265 224 143 106 72.9 50.0 42.0 22.7 19.3
E-AGM-500 700 546 403 331 280 179 133 91.1 62.5 52.5 28.4 24.2
E-AGM-600 840 655 484 398 336 214 159 109 75.0 63.0 34.1 29.0
E-AGM-800 1120 874 645 530 448 286 212 146 100 84.0 45.5 38.7
E-AGM-1000 1400 1092 807 663 561 357 265 182 125 105 56.9 48.3
E-AGM-1200 1680 1311 968 795 673 429 318 219 150 126 68.2 58.0
E-AGM-1500 2100 1638 1210 994 841 536 398 273 188 158 85.3 72.5
E-AGM-2000 2800 2185 1614 1326 1121 715 530 364 250 210 114 96.6

Seismic Modular Racks for 48 Vdc Systems Racks include pos. and
neg. termination plates
Battery Type Part No. L x D x H (in.) with cover
E-AGM-200 24xEOS200-RACK 35 x 17 x 42
E-AGM-300 24xEOS300-RACK 35 x 17 x 50


E-AGM-400 24xEOS400-RACK 35 x 17 x 59
E-AGM-500 24xEOS500-RACK 35 x 17 x 66
E-AGM-600 24xEOS600-RACK 35 x 17 x 73
E-AGM-800 24xEOS800-RACK 42 x 25 x 57
E-AGM-1000 24xEOS1000-RACK 42 x 25 x 64
E-AGM-1200 24xEOS1200-RACK 42 x 25 x 73
E-AGM-1500 24xEOS1500-RACK 65 x 25 x 57
E-AGM-2000 24xEOS2000-RACK 66 x 25 x 70

Seismic Modular Racks for 125 Vdc Systems Fully-insulated system includes:
Battery Type Part No. L x D x H (in.)
•• Plexiglas shields
E-AGM-200 60xEOS200-RACK 85 x 17 x 42
•• Termination plate covers
E-AGM-300 60xEOS300-RACK 85 x 17 x 50 •• Solid intercell bar with polarity caps
E-AGM-400 60xEOS400-RACK 85 x 17 x 59
E-AGM-500 60xEOS500-RACK 85 x 17 x 66
E-AGM-600 60xEOS600-RACK 85 x 17 x 73
E-AGM-800 60xEOS800-RACK 107 x 25 x 57
E-AGM-1000 60xEOS1000-RACK 107 x 25 x 64
E-AGM-1200 60xEOS1200-RACK 107 x 25 x 73
E-AGM-1500 60xEOS1500-RACK 163 x 25 x 57
E-AGM-2000 60xEOS2000-RACK 165 x 25 x 70
Other system voltages and rack layouts available upon request. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 12

GEL VRLA Modular Battery Systems
200–2,000 Ah Battery Systems

The GEL Series 2 Volt batteries are constructed with a low gravity gel suspended electrolyte
to give superior long-duration and deep-discharge performance, as well as predictable
service life in telecom and renewable energy applications. These batteries must be ordered
with the horizontal seismic modular ‘EOS’ Racks and these systems include solid intercell
connectors as well as removable Plexiglas covers.
•• 15 year design life at 77° F
•• High cycle life at 77° F
·· 1500+ cycles @ 80% DOD
·· 3500+ cycles @ 20% DOD
•• 100% capacity upon delivery
•• Maintenance free — no watering required
•• No corrosive fumes — special battery room not required
•• Seismic modular racking
•• Tank formed plates provide consistent and stable voltages
•• Extra space in jars for grid growth to enhance battery life

Positive Plate Flat plate with lead-calcium/tin grid alloy
Negative Plate Flat plate with lead-calcium grid alloy

Separator Microporous glass separator

Container UL 94 HB ABS plastic (flame retardant UL 94 V0 optional)
Electrolyte Fixed as gel •• Telecom
Safety Valve Self resealing, pressure regulated and explosion proof •• Utility
Terminals High conductivity lead-plated, with brass insert •• Oil and Gas
Modular Racking Seismic rated, acid resistant, epoxy coated •• Solar/Photovoltaic
•• Emergency Lighting
Temp. Range 5° to 130° F (68° to 77° F recommended)
•• Railways
Float Voltage 2.25 V/cell
Equalize Voltage 2.35 V/cell
Mounting Orientation Vertical or Horizontal
Plexiglas Shields Included
Intercell Connectors Lead plated copper bars (part of modular rack kit)

Technical Data
Part No. 8 hr. Ah Rate Nominal Voltage LxDxH Weight Internal Resistance Terminal
to 1.75 V/cell (V) (in.) (lb.) (mOhms) Type
GEL-200 200 2 3.72 x 7.26 x 14.7 31.9 0.66 M8
GEL-300 300 2 4.84 x 7.26 x 14.7 42.7 0.48 M8
GEL-400 400 2 6.54 x 7.26 x 14.7 58.3 0.34 M8
GEL-500 500 2 7.66 x 7.26 x 14.7 68.9 0.33 M8
GEL-600 600 2 8.78 x 7.26 x 14.7 82.5 0.28 M8
GEL-800 800 2 6.06 x 9.02 x 22.3 116.0 0.22 M8
GEL-1000 1000 2 7.32 x 9.02 x 22.3 138.2 0.18 M8
GEL-1200 1200 2 8.86 x 9.02 x 22.3 166.1 0.17 M8
GEL-1500 1500 2 10.5 x 9.02 x 22.3 204.6 0.15 M8
GEL-2000 2000 2 13.8 x 9.17 x 22.3 268.4 0.11 M8
For flame retardant covers add ‘-FR’ after part number (Example: GEL-200-FR).

13 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Performance Data
Constant Current Discharge in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell at 77° F
Part No. 5 min. 15 min. 30 min. 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 6 hr. 8 hr. 10 hr. 24 hr. 48 hr. 100 hr.
GEL-200 290.4 246.0 171.0 114.0 70.8 52.5 36.5 32.1 25.0 21.3 9.8 5.1 2.7
GEL-300 435.6 369.0 256.5 171.0 106.2 78.7 54.7 48.1 38.0 31.9 14.7 7.6 4.0
GEL-400 580.8 492.0 342.0 228.0 141.5 105.0 72.9 64.1 50.0 42.6 19.6 10.1 5.3
GEL-500 726.0 615.0 427.0 285.0 176.9 131.2 91.2 80.2 63.0 53.2 24.4 12.6 6.7
GEL-600 871.2 738.0 512.9 342.0 212.3 157.5 109.4 96.2 75.0 63.8 29.3 15.2 8.0
GEL-800 967.7 821.1 612.1 441.0 291.9 215.3 146.7 126.9 100.0 83.2 38.7 20.6 11.2
GEL-1000 1210 1026 765.1 551.2 364.9 369.2 182.5 157.8 125.0 103.5 48.1 25.7 14.0
GEL-1200 1450 1231 917.2 660.8 437.8 323.0 220.1 190.7 150.0 125.1 58.1 31.0 16.9
GEL-1500 1815 1540 1148 826.8 547.3 403.7 272.4 235.5 188.0 154.5 71.7 38.3 20.8
GEL-2000 2419 2053 1530 1103 729.7 538.3 363.2 314.1 250.0 205.9 95.7 51.0 27.8

Seismic Modular Racks for 48 Vdc Systems Racks include pos. and
Battery Type Part No. L x D x H (in.) neg. termination plates
with cover
GEL-200 24xEOS200-RACK 35 x 17 x 42
GEL-300 24xEOS300-RACK 35 x 17 x 50
GEL-400 24xEOS400-RACK 35 x 17 x 59


GEL-500 24xEOS500-RACK 35 x 17 x 66
GEL-600 24xEOS600-RACK 35 x 17 x 73
GEL-800 24xEOS800-RACK 42 x 25 x 57
GEL-1000 24xEOS1000-RACK 42 x 25 x 64
GEL-1200 24xEOS1200-RACK 42 x 25 x 73
GEL-1500 24xEOS1500-RACK 65 x 25 x 57
GEL-2000 24xEOS2000-RACK 66 x 25 x 70


Seismic Modular Racks for 125 Vdc Systems

Battery Type Part No. L x D x H (in.) Fully-insulated system includes:
GEL-200 60xEOS200-RACK 85 x 17 x 42 •• Plexiglas shields
GEL-300 60xEOS300-RACK 85 x 17 x 50 •• Termination plate covers
•• Solid intercell bar with polarity caps
GEL-400 60xEOS400-RACK 85 x 17 x 59
GEL-500 60xEOS500-RACK 85 x 17 x 66
GEL-600 60xEOS600-RACK 85 x 17 x 73
GEL-800 60xEOS800-RACK 107 x 25 x 57
GEL-1000 60xEOS1000-RACK 107 x 25 x 64
GEL-1200 60xEOS1200-RACK 107 x 25 x 73
GEL-1500 60xEOS1500-RACK 163 x 25 x 57
GEL-2000 60xEOS2000-RACK 165 x 25 x 70
Other system voltages and rack layouts available upon request. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 14

VRZ Series Tubular Gel VRLA Batteries
200–3,000 Ah (2 Volt Cells)

The VRZ-Series batteries have tubular Construction

positive plates and a gelled electrolyte
making them the highest quality valve- Positive Plate Tubular plate with calcium-tin alloy
regulated battery design available. The Negative Plate Flat plate grid
VRZ batteries are ideal for applications Separation Microporous combined with corrugated separator
which call for maximum life and Case and Cover ABS
maintenance-free operation. Electrolyte Fixed as gel
Post Design Leak-proof with brass insert
Insulated flexible Intercells Fully insulated, flexible copper cables
intercell connectors Temp. Range 30º to 130º F (68º to 77º F recommended)
standard. Other Float Voltage 2.25 V/cell
accessories on page 6.
Equalize Voltage 2.35 V/cell

Technical Data
8 hr. Ah Voltage Cell Dimensions Total Weight
Features Part No. OPzV DIN Std. Rate (V) L x W x H (in.) (lb.) I.R. (mOhms)
•• 15 – 20 year design life at 77°F VRZ-200 4 OPzV 200 200 2 4.06 x 8.11 x 15.3 39.7 1.20
•• Maintenance-free operation VRZ-250 5 OPzV 250 250 2 4.89 x 8.11 x 15.3 48.5 1.10
•• Gel tubular plate technology VRZ-300 6 OPzV 300 300 2 5.71 x 8.11 x 15.3 57.3 1.00

•• Leak-proof post seal VRZ-350 5 OPzV 350 350 2 4.89 x 8.11 x 19.9 63.9 0.90
•• High cycle life: VRZ-420 6 OPzV 420 420 2 5.71 x 8.11 x 19.9 75.0 0.80
·· 1500+ cycles @ 80% DOD
VRZ-490 7 OPzV 490 500 2 6.54 x 8.11 x 19.9 86.0 0.73
•• Flame retardant ABS cover standard
VRZ-600 6 OPzV 600 600 2 5.71 x 8.11 x 26.8 101 0.62
•• Safe — fully-insulated connections
VRZ-800 8 OPzV 800 800 2 8.27 x 7.52 x 26.8 142 0.50
•• Built per OPzV DIN standards
VRZ-1000 10 OPzV 1000 1000 2 8.27 x 9.17 x 26.8 173 0.45
•• UL Listed - UL file no. MH19767
VRZ-1200 12 OPzV 1200 1200 2 8.27 x 10.8 x 26.8 205 0.40
VRZ-1500 12 OPzV 1500 1500 2 8.27 x 10.8 x 32.7 254 0.30
VRZ-2000 16 OPzV 2000 2000 2 8.42 x 15.7 x 31.8 342 0.25
•• Telecom
VRZ-2500 20 OPzV 2500 2500 2 8.35 x 19.2 x 31.8 432 0.20
•• Industrial
VRZ-3000 24 OPzV 3000 3000 2 8.35 x 20.7 x 31.8 512 0.18
•• Reserve Power
•• Utility
•• Solar
Performance Data
Constant current discharge in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell @ 77º F
Part No. 15 min. 30 min. 45 min. 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 8 hr. 10 hr. 20 hr. 24 hr.
VRZ-200 210 152 121 105 68.6 51.9 35.1 25.0 20.8 11.7 10.1
VRZ-250 263 190 151 131 85.8 64.9 43.9 31.3 26.0 14.6 12.6
VRZ-300 315 228 182 158 103 77.9 52.7 37.5 31.2 17.6 15.1
VRZ-350 343 257 208 184 119 90.0 60.9 43.8 35.6 20.5 17.6
VRZ-420 412 308 250 220 142 108 73.1 52.5 42.7 24.6 21.2
VRZ-490 480 359 291 257 166 126 85.3 62.5 49.8 28.7 24.7
VRZ-600 526 416 347 313 200 152 104 75.0 60.9 35.0 30.1
VRZ-800 702 554 463 418 266 202 139 100 81.2 46.7 40.2
VRZ-1000 877 693 579 522 333 253 174 125 102 58.4 50.2
VRZ-1200 1052 832 695 626 400 304 209 150 122 70.1 60.2
VRZ-1500 1157 970 844 781 492 377 257 188 152 87.4 75.2
VRZ-2000 1543 1293 1125 1041 656 503 343 250 203 117 100
VRZ-2500 1928 1617 1407 1302 820 628 428 313 253 146 125
VRZ-3000 2314 1940 1688 1562 984 754 514 375 304 175 150

15 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

UPS Series VRLA Batteries
For High Rate UPS Applications

The SBS UPS Series battery is suitable for all Features

critical power UPS applications including UL924 •• Premium high-rate UPS batteries
emergency lighting. Designed with high-density •• Design life: up to 10 years in float
thin plate technology, the UPS battery will deliver service at 77° F
up to 30% additional watts per cell than the typical •• Wide operating temperature: -10° to
UPS battery of equal footprint. 140° F; optimal 68° to 77° F
All jars are flame-retardant ABS (UL94) as •• Maintenance free — no water top-up required throughout service life
standard at no additional cost. The UPS series •• Transports via surface, water and air as “non-hazardous”
VRLA battery ensures your optimum longevity, •• No corrosive fumes — special battery room not required
reliability and availability. SBS offers complete •• Flame retardant covers
replacement services, IEEE testing and redundant •• Can be mounted both in horizontal and vertical orientation
battery strings in cabinets or on rack system.

Technical Data
Terminal T12
Part No. Voltage (V) Watts/Cell* Ah Rate** Length (In.) Width (In.) Height (In.) Type (Bolt)
UPS12-35WFR 12 35 9 5.95 2.56 3.90 .250 tab

UPS12-100WFR 12 92.8 27 6.46 4.92 6.89 T12
UPS12-150WFR 12 150.0 35 7.68 5.12 6.57 T6
UPS12-210WFR 12 225.1 55 9.02 5.43 7.99 T6
UPS12-300WFR 12 324.6 82 10.20 6.61 8.31 T6
UPS12-350WFR 12 370.3 95 12.00 6.61 8.27 T6
UPS12-400WFR 12 430.4 110 12.81 6.69 8.50 T8
UPS12-540WFR 12 539.0 155 13.19 6.77 10.94 T8
UPS6-700WFR 6 681.0 210 12.7 7.00 9.10 T8

*15 Min. rate to 1.67 V/cell @ 77° F

**Nominal 20 hr. rate to 1.80 V/cell @ 77° F

Comparative UPS Battery Part Numbers

SBS Part No. C&D MR-Series C&D Dynasty-Series EnerSys HX-Series Deka/Unigy HR-Series
•• UPS
UPS12-35WFR 12HX35
•• Telecommunications
UPS12-100WFR UPS12-100FR 12HX100 •• Emergency Lighting
UPS12-150WFR UPS12-150MR 12HX135/150 U1HR1500 •• Utility
•• Oil and Gas
UPS12-210WFR UPS12-210MR UPS12-200FR 12HX205 45HR2000
•• Railways
UPS12-300WFR UPS12-300MR UPS12-270FR 12HX300 24HR3000 •• Starting/Generator
UPS12-350WFR UPS12-350MR UPS12-310FR 12HX350 27HR3500
UPS12-400WFR UPS12-400MR UPS12-370FR 12HX400 31HR4000 Certifications & Standards
•• UL Listed - UL file no. MH19767
UPS12-540WFR UPS12-490/540MR UPS12-475FR 12HX505/540 31HR5000
•• ISO 9001 certified
UPS6-700WFR UPS6-620MR UPS6-620FR 6HX800 •• ISO 14000 certified 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 16

S Series (AGM) & G Series (Gel) VRLA Batteries
30–225 Ah (6 & 12 Volt Blocks)

The sealed construction of the

SBS VRLA series battery allows
trouble-free, safe operation in any
position. There is no need to add
electrolyte since gases generated
during charging are recombined
in a unique “Oxygen Cycle.”

Optional insulated cables available S Series (AGM) G Series (Gel)

Construction Features
Plates Lead-tin-calcium alloy •• Maintenance-free operation
Separator (S-Series) Microporous glass fiber (AGM) •• Low self discharge (long shelf life)
Case Material (S-Series) ABS •• Spill-proof construction
Separator (G-Series) Microporous glass fiber (Gelled) •• Wide operating temperature

Case Material (G-Series) ABS UL 94 V0 Flame Retardant •• 100% memory-free

Float Voltage 2.25 V/cell •• Non-restricted for air transportation
Equalize Voltage 2.35 V/cell •• UL Listed - UL file no. MH19767
Temp. Range 5° to 130° F (68° to 77° F recommended) •• Design life of 5 – 10 years in float service

Technical Data Applications

8 hr. Ah 20 hr. Ah Voltage Battery Dimensions Weight •• Utility (switchgear)
Part No.* I.R. (mOhms)
Rate Rate (V) L x W x H (in.) (lb.) •• Telecom
S Series AGM Batteries: •• UPS systems
ST-S-12330 33 35 12 7.68 x 5.12 x 7.01 24.7 11.0 •• Emergency lighting
•• Alarm systems
ST-S-12400 37 41 12 7.76 x 6.50 x 6.69 29.1 10.0
ST-S-12550 54 59 12 8.98 x 5.39 x 9.06 39.0 7.5
ST-S-12750 74 80 12 10.24 x 6.61 x 8.43 50.7 6.6
ST-S-12900 88 96 12 12.05 x 6.61 x 9.06 60.6 5.0 AGM Advantages (S Series)
ST-S-12V120 100 107 12 12.99 x 6.81 x 8.66 69.5 4.9
•• Competitively priced
•• Superior high rate discharge
ST-S-6V150 143 156 6 10.02 x 7.09 x 9.96 46.7 3.0 performance
ST-S-6V195 190 208 6 12.05 x 6.61 x 8.98 61.6 1.4 •• Commonly used in standby
ST-S-6V225GC 194 214 6 10.24 x 7.09 x 9.96 67.3 1.4 applications
G Series Gel Batteries:
ST-G-12550 44 50 12 9.02 x 5.43 x 8.31 36.6 9.0
ST-G-12750 61 70 12 10.2 x 6.61 x 8.43 50.7 7.9 Gel Advantages (G Series)
ST-G-12900 74 85 12 12.01 x 6.61 x 8.38 59.8 6.8 •• Best for cyclic applications
ST-G-12V100 85 96 12 13.0 x 6.81 x 8.58 68.4 5.9 •• High temperature tolerance
•• Excellent for long/deep discharge
*Additional models available. Please contact SBS for more information. •• Flame retardant case standard
17 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]
VRLA Battery Rack Configurations
For 30–225 Ah 6 & 12 Volt S, G and UPS Series Batteries

The SBS VRLA racks have adjustable rails allowing •• When ordered with batteries includes cables and jumper(s)
them to hold top terminal 6 or 12 volt VRLA •• -Z4 racks seismically certified to Zone 4 UBC standards
batteries ranging from 30 to 225 Ah (100 to 800 •• Powder coated with ASA 61 Gray, corrosion-resistant, epoxy powder
Wpc). The heavy duty yet light frame makes them •• All welded construction with 7 GA frame and rails
easy to move and install. •• Floor mounting brackets included with all racks
•• Ship pre-assembled for fast installation
3" lip •• Adjustable rails with 3" lip



Includes hold
VR-4T5W down brackets
Floor mounting
brackets standard

Seismic Zone 4 Certified

The VRLA rack rails have 3" high lips. Batteries that are shorter 29.47"
than 7" high do not require the ‘-Z4’ hold down bracket option for
seismic Zone 4 applications.
When a seismic rack is required for VRLA batteries taller than 7" 6.13"
high the ‘-Z4’ option should be ordered and a hold down bracket 12.25"
kit will be provided with the rack. Ø .56
Technical Data
Batteries Dimensions Weight
Part No. Description (6 or 12V) W x D x H (in.) (lb.) Bottom view - mounting footprint for 31.5"W racks
VR-1T4W 1 tier x 4 batt. 4 31.5 x 16.3 x 28.3 30
VR-1T4W-Z4 1 tier x 4 batt. 4 31.5 x 16.3 x 28.3 36 38.47"
VR-2T4W 2 tier x 4 batt. 8 31.5 x 16.3 x 28.3 40
VR-2T4W-Z4 2 tier x 4 batt. 8 31.5 x 16.3 x 28.3 46 6.13" Ø .56
VR-2T5W 2 tier x 5 batt. 10 40.5 x 16.3 x 28.3 50 12.25" TYP
VR-2T5W-Z4 2 tier x 5 batt. 10 40.5 x 16.3 x 28.3 56
VR-4T5W 4 tier x 5 batt. 20 40.5 x 16.3 x 67.5 98
VR-4T5W-Z4 4 tier x 5 batt. 20 40.5 x 16.3 x 67.5 104 Bottom view - mounting footprint for 40.5"W racks 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 18

PL Series & AFT Series VRLA Front Terminal Batteries
55–225 Ah* (12 Volt) Thin Plate Pure Lead and Lead-Calcium Batteries
The SBS thin plate pure lead PL Series and the lead-calcium AFT Series
are front terminal AGM VRLA batteries designed for mounting in cabinets
or 19" or 23" relay racks.
The PL Series battery is designed for critical applications that require the
longest and most reliable life possible. They are lighter, energy dense, and
can handle high temperatures better than the AFT Series battery. The SBS
Pure Lead batteries also have a 2 year shelf life at 77° F.

•• Long float life
PL Series AFT Series •• Designed to fit on 19" or 23" relay racks
•• Excellent high rate discharge performance
Construction •• Copper alloy terminal inserts
Series AFT PL •• Leak-free terminal seal
Plates Lead-calcium-tin alloy Thin plate pure lead •• 100% initial capacity
ABS jar/cover ABS jar/cover •• Non-hazardous cargo for ground, sea and air
Casing Material transportation
(FR UL94V-O optional) (FR UL94V-O standard)
Float Voltage 2.25 V/cell 2.27 V/cell •• Handles for easy handling
•• UL Listed - UL file no. MH19767
Equalizing Voltage 2.35 V/cell up to 2.40 V/cell
Temp. Range 5° to 130° F -40° to 149° F Additional PL Features/Advantages

Capacity at 32° F 86% 86% •• Pure lead positive plates for longest life
Design life at 77° F up to 10 years up to 15 years •• UL94V-O flame retardant jar/cover standard
•• Up to 2 year shelf life at 77° F
Storage time at 77° F 6 months 2 years
•• Fast charging acceptance

Technical Data
Part No.* 8 hr. Ah 10 hr. Ah Voltage Dimensions L x W x H (in.) 19" or 23" Rack Weight I.R. Applications
Rate Rate (V) (lb.) (mOhms)
•• Telecommunications
12AFT110 100 103 12 15.50 x 4.33 x 11.20 19" or 23" 76.1 4.3 •• UPS
12AFT150 145 150 12 21.69 x 4.33 x 11.30 19" or 23" 103 3.0 •• Utility
12PLH100FT 96 101 12 15.63 x 4.25 x 11.30 19" or 23" 68.3 4.5 •• Renewable
•• Railway
12PLH150FT 144 152 12 22.12 x 4.92 x 10.24 23" 101 3.6
•• Emergency lighting
12PLH190FT 182 192 12 22.10 x 4.92 x 12.60 23" 128 3.0

Performance Data
Constant current discharge data in Amperes to 1.75 V/cell at 77º F
Part No.* 10 min. 15 min. 20 min. 30 min. 45 min. 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 5 hr. 8 hr. 10 hr. 20 hr.
12AFT110 185 158 136 103 77.6 60.9 36.0 26.1 17.4 12.5 10.3 5.53
12AFT150 278 237 209 159 117. 94.1 53.9 39.2 26.1 18.1 15.2 8.02
12PLH100FT 221 179 148 108 77.7 60.9 34.4 25.5 17.4 12.0 10.1 5.26
12PLH150FT 323 266 224 167 123 97.9 54.6 39.7 26.5 17.9 15.2 8.07
12PLH190FT 390 324 264 196 144 115 66.6 48.4 32.3 22.7 19.2 10.1

*Additional models available. Please contact SBS for more information.

19 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Relay Rack Systems
Relay Racks, Trays and Pre-Wired Systems

Relay Racks Relay Rack Ordering Information

•• 19" and 23" rack configurations
Part No. Size Dimensions H x W x D (in.) Weight (lb.)
•• All steel construction
94384 19" 84 x 20.3 x 20 66
•• Black powder coat finish
94784 23" 84 x 24.3 x 20 70

19" Standard Battery Tray Standard Tray Ordering Information

H •• 350 lb. capacity
Part No. Size Inside Dimensions W x D (in.)
•• Designed for front access or monobloc
style batteries 91304 19" 17.2 x 19.0
•• Black powder coat finish

Standard 19" Tray


23" Heavy Duty Battery Tray Heavy Duty Tray Ordering Information
•• 650 lb. capacity
Part No. Size Inside Dimensions W x D (in.)
•• Designed for front access or monobloc
style batteries 91302 23" 20.39 x 22.25
•• Welded heavy gauge steel construction
•• Black powder coat finish

Heavy Duty 23" Tray

Pre-Wired Relay Racks Pre-Wired Rack Part Number Configuration

•• 19" or 23" pre-wired racks 91255 -
•• 650 lb. capacity per tray 1 2 3 4 5
•• Two pole quick disconnect per
string 1. Base Model No. 2. No. of Trays 3. Cable Size 4. Lug Hole Size 5. Strings per Tray
•• 850A busbar capacity 91254 (19” x 84”H) 1-5 02 = #2 A = #10 1 = One String
or 04 = #4 B = 1/4" 2 = Two Strings
•• Black powder coat finish
91255 (23” x 84”H) 20 = 2/0 C = 5/16"
40 = 4/0

The battery racks utilize our HD-Series Battery Trays which are optimized for the use of any front access battery.
These racks come pre-wired with an Ultra Flexible MTW-style cable which terminates each battery string to the DC
Junction Box located at the top of the rack.
For added safety, each tray is equipped with a 2-pole quick disconnect on each battery string for isolating
individual strings during system maintenance. Just add batteries and intercell connectors for an effective solution
for adding additional run time to any system. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 20

Standard Battery Racks
Zone 0 (Non-Seismic) Racks in Many Configurations

Our SBS standard racks have been designed for all types of stationary battery models. These easy-to-use racks are strong, have a flexible
design, and are acid-proof. Their light, small frame makes them easy to install, move and store.

Rails are insulated

with black polyethylene

Electrolyte protection: the

The upper profile of the rails
supports are coated with
permits the alignment of the
white epoxy powder.
battery during installation.

2-Tier racks
11.22" or
14.17" wide 1-Tier racks
8.46" or 11.42" wide


2-Step racks
16.93" or 22.83" wide

2-Step/2-Tier racks
19.69" or
25.59" wide 3-Step racks
25.39" or 34.25" wide

Please contact SBS for information on the

different rack lengths and designs available.

21 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Seismic Battery Racks
Zone 1 – 4 Racks, Most Available from Stock

SBS has many different seismic rack designs available

to meet almost all seismic rack requirements. We
offer adjustable racks, racks designed specifically for
our batteries, and racks that can be used with other
manufacturers’ batteries. We can custom-design racks
when needed.
SBS seismic racks are either certified, or built to Seismic
Zone 4 IBC/UBC standards.

Available styles
•• 2-Step
•• 2-Tier
2-Step Rack •• 2-Step/2-Tier
•• 1-Row (1-Tier)
•• 2-Row
•• Custom



The earthquake-proof racks for static battery installa-

tion are approved for use in California, in earthquake 2-Step
zone 4 as defined by the Uniform Building Code
1997. This approval is based on a thorough review Rack Profile
of the report entitled “static calculation-racks for
earthquake-proof battery installation.”

18 May 2001
No. 2001-64

Construction Standards
Required to Meet Code

4 Extreme
3 High
2A, 2B Moderate
1 Low
0 Non-seismic 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 22

Spill Containment Systems
High Density Polyethylene Pans and Neutralizing Pillows

The Uniform Fire Code (UFC) Article 64, Section 104.d and 104.e requires lead acid battery installations with more than
100 gallons of electrolyte be equipped with a “liquid-tight” spill-control barrier system. It also requires an approved method,
capable of neutralizing a spill from the largest lead acid battery.
In response to these new requirements, SBS offers a spill containment system solution. SBS’s system is quick and easy to
install with new battery racks.

Features How Our System Works

•• Welded 5/16" thick HDPE pans in multiple sizes •• SBS stocks different size spill pans that can be placed together
•• 12" x 12" Flame retardant acid absorbing/neutralizing in multiple combinations to form different spill containment
pillows (10" x 10" NiCd pillows available as an option) system lengths and widths.
•• Complies with EPA, OSHA, and Uniform Fire Code 64 •• We provide pillows and connectors that hold the pans together.
•• Acid tight, 4" tall barrier protects from corrosion •• Your rack will fit inside our spill containment system. If you are
•• Quick and easy installation mounting the racks to the floor, you drill through the pans where
•• Cost effective solution to electrolyte spills needed and silicone the bolt and hole to provide a 100% leak-
proof system.
•• Custom sizes available

12 in. Wide Spill 23 in. Wide Spill 25 in. Wide Spill

Containment Systems Containment Systems Containment Systems

Part No. Size L x W x H (in.) # of Pillows Part No. Size L x W x H (in.) # of Pillows Part No. Size L x W x H (in.) # of Pillows
SC23-12P2 23 x 12 x 4 2 SC37-23P6 37 x 23 x 4 6 SC23-25P4 23 x 25 x 4 4
SC28-12P2 28 x 12 x 4 2 SC42-23P6 42 x 23 x 4 6 SC28-25P4 28 x 25 x 4 4
SC34-12P3 34 x 12 x 4 3 SC49-23P8 49 x 23 x 4 8 SC34-25P6 34 x 25 x 4 6
SC46-12P4 46 x 12 x 4 4 SC50-23P8 50 x 23 x 4 8 SC46-25P8 46 x 25 x 4 8
SC51-12P4 51 x 12 x 4 4 SC54-23P8 54 x 23 x 4 8 SC51-25P8 51 x 25 x 4 8
SC57-12P5 57 x 12 x 4 5 SC62-23P10 62 x 23 x 4 10 SC57-25P10 57 x 25 x 4 10
SC62-12P5 62 x 12 x 4 5 SC67-23P10 67 x 23 x 4 10 SC62-25P10 62 x 25 x 4 10
SC68-12P5 68 x 12 x 4 5 SC75-23P12 75 x 23 x 4 12 SC68-25P10 68 x 25 x 4 10
SC74-12P6 74 x 12 x 4 6 SC79-23P12 79 x 23 x 4 12 SC74-25P12 74 x 25 x 4 12
SC84-12P7 84 x 12 x 4 7 SC84-23P14 84 x 23 x 4 14 SC84-25P14 84 x 25 x 4 14
SC90-12P7 90 x 12 x 4 7 SC92-23P14 92 x 23 x 4 14 SC90-25P14 90 x 25 x 4 14
SC96-12P8 96 x 12 x 4 8 SC96-23P16 96 x 23 x 4 16 SC96-25P16 96 x 25 x 4 16
SC102-12P8 102 x 12 x 4 8 SC104-23P16 104 x 23 x 4 16 SC102-25P16 102 x 25 x 4 16
SC107-12P9 107 x 12 x 4 9 SC109-23P18 109 x 23 x 4 18 SC107-25P18 107 x 25 x 4 18
SC114-12P10 114 x 12 x 4 10 SC121-23P20 121 x 23 x 4 20 SC114-25P20 114 x 25 x 4 20
SC119-12P10 119 x 12 x 4 10 SC126-23P20 126 x 23 x 4 20 SC119-25P20 119 x 25 x 4 20
SC125-12P10 125 x 12 x 4 10 SC134-23P22 134 x 23 x 4 22 SC125-25P20 125 x 25 x 4 20
SC130-12P10 130 x 12 x 4 10 SC138-23P22 138 x 23 x 4 22 SC130-25P20 130 x 25 x 4 20
SC136-12P11 136 x 12 x 4 11 SC142-23P22 142 x 23 x 4 22 SC136-25P22 136 x 25 x 4 22
SC148-12P12 148 x 12 x 4 12 SC151-23P24 151 x 23 x 4 24 SC148-25P24 148 x 25 x 4 24
SC159-12P13 159 x 12 x 4 13 SC168-23P28 168 x 23 x 4 28 SC159-25P26 159 x 25 x 4 26
SC164-12P13 164 x 12 x 4 13 SC176-23P30 176 x 23 x 4 30 SC164-25P26 164 x 25 x 4 26
SC170-12P14 170 x 12 x 4 14 SC180-23P30 180 x 23 x 4 30 SC170-25P28 170 x 25 x 4 28
SC198-12P17 198 x 12 x 4 17 SC193-23P32 193 x 23 x 4 32 SC198-25P34 198 x 25 x 4 34
SC221-12P19 221 x 12 x 4 19 SC217-23P36 217 x 23 x 4 36 SC221-25P38 221 x 25 x 4 38

23 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]



SC67-28P10 - Example System

Above system consists of:

A: Qty. 1 42" x 28" x 4" pan
B: Qty. 1 25" x 28" x 4" pan
C: Qty. 1 27" connector
D: Qty. 10 12" x 12" pillows

28 in. Wide Spill 34 in. Wide Spill 42 in. Wide Spill

Containment Systems Containment Systems Containment Systems


Part No. Size L x W x H (in.) # of Pillows Part No. Size L x W x H (in.) # of Pillows Part No. Size L x W x H (in.) # of Pillows
SC37-28P6 37 x 28 x 4 6 SC37-34P9 37 x 34 x 4 9 SC23-42P6 23 x 42 x 4 6
SC42-28P6 42 x 28 x 4 6 SC42-34P9 42 x 34 x 4 9 SC28-42P6 28 x 42 x 4 6
SC49-28P8 49 x 28 x 4 8 SC49-34P12 49 x 34 x 4 12 SC34-42P9 34 x 42 x 4 9
SC50-28P8 50 x 28 x 4 8 SC50-34P12 50 x 34 x 4 12 SC46-42P12 46 x 42 x 4 12
SC54-28P8 54 x 28 x 4 8 SC54-34P12 54 x 34 x 4 12 SC51-42P12 51 x 42 x 4 12
SC62-28P10 62 x 28 x 4 10 SC62-34P15 62 x 34 x 4 15 SC57-42P15 57 x 42 x 4 15
SC67-28P10 67 x 28 x 4 10 SC67-34P15 67 x 34 x 4 15 SC62-42P15 62 x 42 x 4 15
SC75-28P12 75 x 28 x 4 12 SC75-34P18 75 x 34 x 4 18 SC68-42P15 68 x 42 x 4 15
SC79-28P12 79 x 28 x 4 12 SC79-34P18 79 x 34 x 4 18 SC74-42P18 74 x 42 x 4 18
SC84-28P14 84 x 28 x 4 14 SC84-34P21 84 x 34 x 4 21 SC84-42P21 84 x 42 x 4 21
SC92-28P14 92 x 28 x 4 14 SC92-34P21 92 x 34 x 4 21 SC90-42P21 90 x 42 x 4 21
SC96-28P16 96 x 28 x 4 16 SC96-34P24 96 x 34 x 4 24 SC96-42P24 96 x 42 x 4 24
SC104-28P16 104 x 28 x 4 16 SC104-34P24 104 x 34 x 4 24 SC102-42P24 102 x 42 x 4 24
SC109-28P18 109 x 28 x 4 18 SC109-34P27 109 x 34 x 4 27 SC107-42P27 107 x 42 x 4 27
SC121-28P20 121 x 28 x 4 20 SC121-34P30 121 x 34 x 4 30 SC114-42P30 114 x 42 x 4 30
SC126-28P20 126 x 28 x 4 20 SC126-34P30 126 x 34 x 4 30 SC119-42P30 119 x 42 x 4 30
SC134-28P22 134 x 28 x 4 22 SC134-34P33 134 x 34 x 4 33 SC125-42P30 125 x 42 x 4 30
SC138-28P22 138 x 28 x 4 22 SC138-34P33 138 x 34 x 4 33 SC130-42P30 130 x 42 x 4 30
SC142-28P22 142 x 28 x 4 22 SC142-34P33 142 x 34 x 4 33 SC136-42P33 136 x 42 x 4 33
SC151-28P24 151 x 28 x 4 24 SC151-34P36 151 x 34 x 4 36 SC148-42P36 148 x 42 x 4 36
SC168-28P28 168 x 28 x 4 28 SC168-34P42 168 x 34 x 4 42 SC159-42P39 159 x 42 x 4 39
SC176-28P30 176 x 28 x 4 30 SC176-34P45 176 x 34 x 4 45 SC164-42P39 164 x 42 x 4 39
SC180-28P30 180 x 28 x 4 30 SC180-34P45 180 x 34 x 4 45 SC170-42P42 170 x 42 x 4 42
SC193-28P32 193 x 28 x 4 32 SC193-34P48 193 x 34 x 4 48 SC198-42P50 198 x 42 x 4 50
SC217-28P36 217 x 28 x 4 36 SC217-34P54 217 x 34 x 4 54 SC221-42P56 221 x 42 x 4 56 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 24

Battery & Charger Enclosures
Custom-Built NEMA 1, 3R and 12 Enclosures

SBS designs and builds custom DC enclosures

for battery systems and/or chargers. A typical
cabinet integrates batteries, racking and
chargers into an indoor (NEMA 1 or 12) or
outdoor (NEMA 3R) rated enclosure. There
are many different options and accessories
available, making every system unique and
built to your site-specific needs.

Typical Industry Standards

•• NEMA Type 1, 3R, 12
•• UL Listed Type 1, 3R, 12
•• CSA Type 1, 3R, 12
•• IEC 60529

Typical Features Accessories and Options


•• ANSI-61 gray powder coated finish •• Grill and washable filter kit
•• Carbon steel (0.104 – 0.125") •• Fan kit (includes grill and filter)
•• Continuously welded and ground smooth seams •• Rain hood (for outdoor NEMA 3R applications)
•• Lifting eyes for easy handling •• Door-activated LED lighting
•• Concealed door hinges •• NEMA 12 vents and fan kit
•• Key / Padlocking handle •• Subpanel
•• 3-point locking mechanism •• Heater with built-in thermostat
•• Body stiffeners •• Floor stand kit (6" or 12" stands available)
•• Oil resistant gasket •• Drip shield
•• Ground stud on door •• Viewing window
•• Print pocket provided on door •• Batteries (Flooded LA, VRLA or NiCd)
•• Provision for mounting LED light •• Battery rack and rack installation
•• Spill containment
•• Battery charger and charger installation
•• DC cabling

NEMA Type 1 – Enclosures are for indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to hazardous parts
and to provide a degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt).
This is a basic indoor cabinet that will include venting for batteries.

NEMA Type 3R – Enclosures are for indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to
hazardous parts; to provide a degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects
(falling dirt); to provide a degree of protection with respect to harmful effects on the equipment due to the ingress of water (rain,
sleet, snow); and that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
This is a typical outdoor cabinet that will require rain hoods for the vents.

NEMA Type 12 – Enclosures are for indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to hazardous
parts; to provide a degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects (falling
dirt and circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flyings); and to provide a degree of protection with respect to harmful effects on the
equipment due to the ingress of water (dripping and light splashing).
This cabinet will require NEMA 12 vents and/or cooling fans.

25 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Tips for Designing Enclosures
•• What equipment will be installed inside the enclosure? Only a charger? A battery/rack?
A battery/rack and charger? Will other equipment such as spill containment or a DC
disconnect switch be mounted inside the enclosure?

•• After the equipment is decided upon, the details of that equipment must be determined.
If the batteries are known, the next step is to determine the rack type and size, and, if
required, the spill containment size. If a charger is being installed, what is the cabinet
style/size? This is all necessary information for determining the minimum length, width
and height of the enclosure.

•• There may be multiple ways to configure the cabinet, so consider all possible options.
For instance, if a battery, rack and charger are required the system can be designed
using a 2-step rack with the charger mounted above, or with a 2-tier rack with the
charger mounted to the side of the rack. Depending on the equipment being installed,
one solution may be a more logical choice than the other.

•• A rack measuring 47.24" L x 23" D cannot be installed in a 48" L x 24" D enclosure. The
dimensions of the cabinets are the outside dimensions, so it is important to take into
account the thickness of the material and body stiffeners that are attached to the sides
and back of the cabinet for support, fans that take up internal length, etc.

Length and Depth (Width) Considerations:

•• For the length, if a fan is required, factor in 3" of extra space per side or 6" total.
Example: a 45" L rack will need an extra 3" per side or a minimum cabinet length of 51" L
(round up to 60" L).


If a fan is not required, 1" of space per side is acceptable, so a 48" L cabinet could work.
•• For the depth, factor in 1" of extra space for the front and back or 2" total.
Example: a 22" D rack will safely fit into a 24" D cabinet.
•• If a spill containment system is being installed, use the tray dimensions, rather than the
rack dimensions, and the same rules above apply.

Front View Left Side View Right Side View Top/Bottom View

Height Considerations:
Chargers need room to breathe and batteries need extra room above for maintenance
(watering and testing). To calculate the minimum height of the cabinet, use this general

Minimum Rack Space above 6" (for

height Battery Charger
Cabinet = (to top of + height + battery + height + space above
Height (12" ideal) charger)

Example: Rack height = 10" Battery height = 19" Charger = 25"

Minimum enclosure height = 10" + 19" + 12" + 25" + 6" = 72" (use 72" H cabinet minimum)
Note: if there is a situation where the above rules cause an issue, contact SBS for possible rack/cabinet customizations. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 26

Common Battery Enclosure Sizes
Technical Data
Length (in.) Height (in.)
Width/Depth Vent/Fan
Part No. No. of Doors [w/ rain [w/ 6" legs &
(in.) Size (in.)
hoods] eye bolts]
SBS-603624STD 1 door 36 [45] 24 60 [67.75] 6
SBS-723624STD 1 door 36 [44] 24 72 [79.75] 6
SBS-723636STD 1 door 36 [45] 36 72 [79.75] 6
SBS-903636STD 1 door 36 [45] 36 90 [97.75] 6
SBS-724824STD 1 door 48 [57] 24 72 [79.75] 6
SBS-724836STD 1 door 48 [57] 36 72 [79.75] 6
Single door cabinet Two door cabinet
SBS-726024STD 1 door 60 [69] 24 72 [79.75] 6
SBS-726036STD* 1 door 60 [69] 36 72 [79.75] 6
SBS-907224STD* 2 door 72 [81] 24 90 [97.75] 6
SBS-907236STD* 2 door 72 [81] 36 90 [97.75] 6
SBS-8611230STD* 3 door 112 [121] 30 86 [93.75] 10
SBS-8614930STD* 4 door 149 [158] 30 86 [93.75] 10

*These models typically use two sets of legs.


Three door cabinet

Standard/Typical Accessories

NEMA1 grille & washable aluminum filter kit - Charger subpanel and charger installation - Floor stand kit (required for NEMA
Stainless steel grill with thumb screws. Full or half size subpanels can be installed Type 3R applications) - Kit includes two
Available in 6" and 10" sizes. inside the enclosure to mount the charger and stands. Larger cabinets require two kits
other equipment. This feature is common when (4 stands). Stands measuring 6"H are
a charger is pre-installed inside an enclosure. standard and 12" stands are optional.
The subpanel typically mounts to the sides of
the cabinets and can telescope towards the
front or back of the cabinet.

Rack assembly and installation - SBS will assemble and mount DC cabling - SBS will supply and connect the DC cables
the battery rack inside the cabinet so once the enclosure is set in to the charger and provide the proper cable, lugs and
place it can be loaded with the batteries. To permanently mount insulating covers needed to connect to the supplied battery.
the rack, the floor stand kit is required.

27 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Battery Enclosure Options
NEMA Type 3R and 12 Applications
NEMA 1 grille and washable filter kit
Drip shield •• Rain hoods - When added to the standard grille/filter kit
or to the fan/grille/filter kit, these will prevent rain, sleet,
snow or water from being drawn into the enclosure.
Rain hoods are necessary for outdoor NEMA Type 3R
•• Drip shield - Protects door hardware against dripping
water and settling dust.
Rain hood (required •• NEMA Type 12 grille and washable filter kit - Housing
for NEMA 3R) and grille are made of heat resistant ABS-FR black
•• NEMA Type 12 fan kit with grille and filter - Housing and
grille are made of heat resistant ABS-FR black material.
110 Vac 60Hz or 230 Vac 50/60Hz input available.

Heater with built-

in thermostat

Fan kit with grille and filter

Spill Containment


•• SBS spill containment system can be pre-installed under
our standard or seismic rack. They can be supplied with or
without acid-absorbing and neutralizing pillows.
Other Options
•• Viewing window - 13" x 8" x 0.25"
polycarbonate window typically used for
viewing charger without opening the cabinet
door(s). NEMA Type 1, 3R or 12.

•• Door activated LED light - Overhead light

turns on when the cabinet door is opened. 120
Vac input option includes AC receptacle and
Thermal Management/Venting 110–277 Vac input option does not include AC
•• Heater with built-in thermostat - Models available with either receptacle.
120 Vac 60Hz or 230 Vac 50/60Hz input from
125–800 Watts. Brushed aluminum housing,
thermostat range is 0 to 100° F, fan blows heat •• Stainless steel -
upwards, switch for auto or fan setting. UL SS cabinets and
recognized component. accessories available for marine/offshore/
•• Fan kit with grille and filter - This kit is coastal environments. Stainless steel provides
designed to bring outside air into the enclosure improved resistance to salt, some acids and
from the bottom and force the hot air out of the high temperatures.
top of the other side. In a battery application the fan will also
help to force built up hydrogen gas out. The fan kit increases
the venting efficiency and reduces the temperature inside of the •• Hydrogen detector - SBS-H2 hydrogen
cabinet to the outside ambient temperature. 110 Vac 60Hz or detector can be installed inside cabinet and
230 Vac 50/60Hz input options available. can operate fan when 1% or greater hydrogen
levels are detected. 2nd form C
•• Thermostat for fan - Set point range of 30 to 140° F. Normally contact can be connected to your
Open (NO) contact to operate switch. Switch capacity: 10Amp alarm/SCADA system.
120 – 250 Vac resistive load, 1Amp 120 – 250 Vac inductive
load, 1.25Amp 24 Vdc 35mm DIN rail mounted.
Note: All AC wiring must be completed on-site by a licensed electrician. SBS does not perform any AC wiring. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 28

AT Series Battery Chargers
Stationary Battery Float Chargers

The AT10 and AT30 series chargers offer a combination of advanced technology microprocessor
control and performance engineered modular construction which make them easy to set up, operate,
and maintain. Single phase units (AT10) are available from 12–130 Vdc and rated from 6 to 100 Amps.
Three phase units (AT30) are available from 12–130 Vdc and rated from 25 to 1000 Amps.

Standard Features Applications

•• Local LEDs and common form “C” alarm contact for AC and •• Substations/Switchgear
DC fail, high and low Vdc, positive and negative ground fault •• Power Generation
•• 1% digital LED meter for Vdc, Adc, timer hours & alarm settings •• Telecommunications
•• 1% or less ripple with battery connected (unfiltered model) •• UPS
•• Manual or automatic 0–255 hour equalize timer •• Microwave Relay Sites
•• Seismic Zone 4 analyzed/qualified
•• ANSI 61 gray powder coated finish
•• AC and DC breakers
•• 30 year design life
•• Current limit from 50% to 110%
•• High DC voltage shutdown
AT Accessory Ordering Information
•• Reverse polarity protection
Part No. Description
•• NEMA and IEEE compliant
EJ5033-00 Temp. compensation probe assembly w/ 25 ft. cable
•• UL and CSA listed
EJ5033-01 Temp. compensation probe assembly w/ 50 ft. cable

EJ5033-02 Temp. compensation probe assembly w/ 100 ft. cable

EJ5033-03 Temp. compensation probe assembly w/ 200 ft. cable
EJ5037-01 Comm. kit using Modbus or DNP3 Protocols - 12 Vdc
Common Available Options EJ5037-02 Comm. kit using Modbus or DNP3 Protocols - 24 Vdc
•• Filtered charger: 30mVrms filtering with EJ5037-03 Comm. kit using Modbus or DNP3 Protocols - 48 Vdc
battery connected* EJ5037-04 Comm. kit using Modbus or DNP3 Protocols - 130 Vdc
•• Battery eliminator: 30mVrms filtering EJ5226-XX Ethernet gateway for Modbus or DNP3
without battery connected* EJ5126-00 Forced load sharing cable - 15 ft.
•• Individual Form C alarm contacts/relays EJ5126-01 Forced load sharing cable - 25 ft.
•• Medium or High rated AC & DC breakers EJ5126-02 Forced load sharing cable - 50 ft.
•• Ground pad with compression terminal EJ5017-05 Fan control contactor - 10A @ 120/240 Vac - 48 Vdc
•• Lightning arrestor EJ5017-06 Fan control contactor - 10A @ 120/240 Vac - 130 Vdc
•• Fungus proofing/tropicalization EJ5017-15 Fan control contactor - 20A @ 120/240 Vac - 48 Vdc
•• Static proofing EJ5017-16 Fan control contactor - 20A @ 120/240 Vac - 130 Vdc
*100 Vrms for 130V DC models EI0191-00 Drip shield assembly for 586/594 cabinet
EI0191-01 Drip shield assembly for 5017 cabinet
EI0191-02 Drip shield assembly for 5018 cabinet
EI0192-00 44"H floor stand for 586/594/5017 cabinet
Cabinet Information EI0192-02 60"H floor stand for 586/594/5017 cabinet
Dimensions (in.) Wall Floor Rack EI0193-00 19/23/24" Relay rack brackets for 586/594 cabinet
Cabinet Style W x D x H {H*} Mount Mount Mount EI0193-01 19" Relay rack brackets for 5017 cabinet
586 16.3 x 10.3 x 15.4 {22.7*} Std. Opt. Opt. EI0193-02 23/24" Relay rack brackets for 5017 cabinet
594 19.5 x 12.8 x 17.8 {25.0*} Std. Opt. Opt. EI0193-03 23/24" Relay rack brackets for 5018 cabinet
5017 19.3 x 16.0 x 26.8 Std. Opt. Opt. EI5008-00 Wall mounting kit for 5018 cabinet
5018 20.9 x 16.8 x 38.0 Opt. Std. Opt. Contact SBS NEMA 4/12 enclosure
5030 30.0 x 19.2 x 54.3 N/A Std. N/A Contact SBS Export packaging
163 42.3 x 25.1 x 62.6 N/A Std. N/A JH0003-XX Approval or As-Built drawings
198 58.0 x 30.0 x 80.0 N/A Std. N/A Many other options are available; contact SBS for details

*Height with penthouse Std. = Standard

Opt. = Available as option
N/A = Not available

29 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

AT10 6-25 Amps Single-Phase
Group 1 Ordering Code (For AT10 Single Phase Chargers 6–25A)
12 Vdc
A B C D E F G H J K L Ampere Cabinet Shipping
Your Code AT10 Rating Style Weight

6 586 83
12 586 87
Description Code Feature Description Code Feature 16 586 92
20 586 118
A AT10 AT10 Series AT10 AT10 Series
25 586 100
012 12 Vdc S Standard
30 5017 184
Nominal DC 024 24 Vdc F Circuit Breaker Rating M Medium
40 5017 189
B H High
Output Voltage 048 48 Vdc 50 5017 194
130 130 Vdc AUX Installed
G Aux Relay Board 75 5018 199
006 6 Adc XXX Not Supplied
100 5018 225
012 12 Adc G Installed
Nominal DC H Ground Pad
X Not Supplied
C 016 16 Adc
Output Current L Installed
020 20 Adc
J Lightning Arrestor
025 25 Adc X Not Supplied
24 Vdc
U Unfiltered F Installed Ampere Cabinet Shipping
K Fungus Proofing Rating Style Weight
X Not Supplied
D Filtering F Filtered
E Eliminator S Installed 6 586 99
L Static Proofing
X Not Supplied 12 586 109
AC Input Voltage 240 120/208/240V, 60 Hz*
(Standard) 16 586 115
E 480 480V, 60 Hz *Wired for 240 Vac unless otherwise specified, re-tappable in field. 20 586 119
AC Input Voltage 220 220V, 50/60 Hz Consult SBS for additional options and pricing. 25 586 136
416 380/416V, 50/60 Hz 30 5017 259

40 5017 267
50 5017 342
75 5018 355

AT10 30-100 Amps Single-Phase 100 5018 360

Group 2 Ordering Code (For AT10 Single Phase Chargers 30–100A) 48 Vdc
A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Ampere Cabinet Shipping
Rating Style Weight
Your Code AT10
6 586 105

Description Code Feature Description Code Feature 12

A AT10 AT10 Series AT10 AT10 Series
20 594 170
012 12 Vdc S Standard AIC
25 594 180
Nominal DC 024 24 Vdc M Medium AIC
B F AC Circuit Breaker 30 5017 217
Output Voltage 048 48 Vdc H High AIC
40 5017 225
130 130 Vdc O No Breaker
50 5017 250
030 30 Adc F Installed
G AC Input Fuses 75 5018 433
040 40 Adc X Not Supplied
100 5018 450
Nominal DC S Standard AIC
C 050 50 Adc
Output Current M Medium AIC
075 75 Adc
H DC Circuit Breaker
H High AIC
100 100 Adc
U Unfiltered
O No Breaker 130 Vdc
F Installed Ampere Cabinet Shipping
D Filtering F Filtered J DC Fuses Rating Style Weight
X Not Supplied
E Eliminator
6 586 130
A Installed
120 120V, 60 Hz K Aux Relay Board 12 594 155
X Not Supplied
208 208V, 60 Hz 16 594 215
G Installed
AC Input Voltage 240 240V, 60 Hz L Ground Pad 20 594 225
Group 2 ratings X Not Supplied
E 480 480V, 60 Hz 25 594 265
cannot be re-tapped L Installed
in field 220 220V, 50/60 Hz M Lightning Arrestor 30 5017 285
X Not Supplied
380 380V, 50/60 Hz 40 5018 340
F Installed
416 416V, 50/60 Hz N Fungus Proofing 50 5018 375
X Not Supplied
75 5018 482
S Installed
P Static Proofing 100 N/A N/A
X Not Supplied 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 30

AT30 25-1000 Amps Three-Phase
Ordering Code (For AT30 Three Phase Chargers)
Your Code AT30

Description Code Feature Description Code Feature

A AT30 AT30 Series AT30 AT30 Series
012 12 Vdc High KAIC F Installed
Nominal DC 024 24 Vdc AC Input Fuses X Not Supplied
B Output Voltage 048 48 Vdc S Standard AIC
130 130 Vdc M Medium AIC
H DC Circuit Breaker
Nominal DC H High AIC
C Output Current See Ratings Table Below
O No AC Breaker
U Unfiltered F Installed
D Filtering F Filtered J DC Output Fuses X Not Supplied
E Eliminator A Installed
208 208 Vac, 60 Hz K Relay Board X Not Supplied
240 240 Vac, 60 Hz G Installed
480 480 Vac, 60 Hz L Ground Pad
AC Input Voltage* X Not Supplied

(3 Phase) 220 220V, 50/60 Hz L Installed

380 380V, 50/60 Hz M Lightning Arrestor
X Not Supplied
416 416V, 50/60 Hz F Installed
S Standard AIC N Fungus Proofing
X Not Supplied
M Medium AIC S Installed
F AC Circuit Breaker P Static Proofing
H High AIC X Not Supplied
O No AC Breaker
*Contact SBS for other AC input voltages not listed.

12 Vdc 24 Vdc 48 Vdc 130 Vdc

Ampere Cabinet Shipping Cabinet Shipping Cabinet Shipping Cabinet Shipping
Rating Style Weight Style Weight Style Weight Style Weight
25 - - - - - - 5018 370
30 - - - - - - 5018 380
40 - - - - - - 5018 390
50 5018 260 5018 280 5018 310 5018 400
75 5018 330 5018 340 5018 390 5018 490
100 5018 380 5018 390 5018 500 5030 650
125 5030 450 5030 540 5030 550 5030 740
150 5030 550 5030 580 5030 600 5030 750
200 5030 590 5030 610 5030 660 5030 820
250 5030 610 5030 650 5030 720 163 1130
300 5030 650 5030 690 5030 760 163 1330
400 - - 163 1150 163 1100 163 1580
500 - - 163 1300 163 1350 198 2150
Note: For 260 Vdc
600 - - 163 1530 198 1600 198 2650
models contact SBS
800 - - 198 2020 198 2020 198 3250 for SCR charger
1000 - - 198 2440 198 2400 198 4200 information
Consult SBS for additional options and pricing.

31 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Portable Chargers
Maintenance Chargers For Lead Acid and Nickel Cadmium Batteries

Portable Single Cell Charger: BB0442-01

•• Boost charge a single cell without removing it from service (even while system is online)
•• Provides a charge to a replacement cell prior to installation
•• Input and output cables are stored inside the case when not in use
•• Lightweight built-in carrying case with handle

Input (AC) Output (DC)

•• 6 ft., 120 Vac, 3-prong cord •• Selectable 1.8V (NiCd) or 2.6V (Lead Acid)
•• Input to output isolation is 2kV •• Adjustable output voltage ±5%
•• Input current less than 0.5 Ampere •• Output AC ripple is below 1%
•• Selectable current limited at 3, 6 or 10 Amps

DC Output DC Output AC Input AC Input Dimensions Weight
Part No. (Amps) (Volts) (Volts) Frequency L x D x H (in.) (lb.)
BB0442-01 3/6/10 1.8/2.6 120 60 Hz 12.3 x 6.8 x 4.5 12.0

Universal Maintenance Charger: BB0443-XX

•• Charges 20-140 Vdc battery systems

•• AC input accepts 120, 208, 240 or 480 Vac at 60 Hz, single phase
•• Filtered output as a battery eliminator allows the charger to operate without
•• Output ripple:
• 200mVrms without battery
• 30mVrms with battery
•• Current limit adjustable from 10–110%
•• Mounted on a hand truck
•• Input and output circuit breakers
•• 2% analog AC ammeter
•• 1% digital DC ammeter

DC Output DC Output AC Input AC Input Dimensions Weight
Part No. (Amps) (Volts) (Volts) Frequency L x D x H (in.) (lb.)
BB0443-00 25 20–140 60 Hz 29.4 x 30.3 x 53.5 290
BB0443-01 50 20–140 60 Hz 29.4 x 30.3 x 53.5 390
240/480 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 32

SBS-2003 Digital Hydrometer / Density Meter
Digital Specific Gravity Tester with Bluetooth Downloading Capabilities

Specific gravity testing is easy and efficient with the SBS-2003. Simply insert the nozzle into the
battery and depress the finger pump, which draws a few drops of sulfuric acid (H2S04) through
the tube. Within three seconds the measured refractive index is converted into a temperature-
compensated specific gravity reading. The specific gravity, temperature and cell count are then
displayed. After testing is completed, you can transfer the data to your computer via Bluetooth and
download results into an Excel report.
Combining a light weight and durable design with easy maintenance, field-replaceable spare parts
and a large data storage memory, the SBS-2003 is suitable for use with lead acid batteries.

•• Measures specific gravity, ambient temperature and count
•• Automatic temperature compensation to 77° F (or 25° C)
•• Time savings: 5 times faster than conventional methods
•• Stores up to 1000 readings
•• Wirelessly transfers testing data to provided software to create an Excel report

•• Able to record temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius
•• ±0.002 accuracy

•• LCD display
•• IP64 water resistant

•• Utility
•• UPS
•• Data Centers
•• Telecom
•• Material Handling Data Archive/
Export into Excel

Cost Savings Example

SBS field studies show that using the SBS-2003 is five times faster 5 hr.
than using a standard glass hydrometer and thermometer.
4 hr.
If you spend 60 minutes testing specific gravities every month in
20 sites, this totals 60 minutes x 20 sites x 12 months per year = 3 hr.
14,400 minutes divided by 60 minutes = 240 labor hours per year. A time
Since we can reduce this time by 500%, 240 hours divided by 5 = 2 hr. savings of
over 500%
48 hours total time with the SBS-2003. 1 hr. with the
That’s a savings of 192 hours per year. Multiplied by $45.00 SBS-2003
per hour labor cost with benefits: 192 x $45.00 0 hr.
= $8,640.00 of savings per year. 5 Units 10 Units 15 Units 20 Units

Standard Glass SBS-2003


Video available at

33 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Hydrometer/Resistance Tester Package
3 Steps for Easy Data Management & Storage
When combined with our SBS-6500 battery diagnostic tester, the SBS-
2003 provides an all-in-one solution for your battery testing needs.
1. Press the ‘SG Upload’ button on the SBS-6500 resistance tester.
2. F ollow prompts for the 3-step data transfer from the SBS-2003
hydrometer. The hydrometer will then upload all of its specific gravity
readings into the SBS-6500.
3. Select the readings string to view and it inserts the SG information into the
string. The combined SG and SBS-6500 readings will be integrated into a SBS-6500 SBS-2003
single report for battery analysis. Battery Analyzer Hydrometer

Specific gravity readings will be integrated Now all data for each battery is in one,

into the SBS-6500 data/readings. easy-to-read spreadsheet. The generated
report will include the downloaded
specific gravity readings.

SBS-2003 Includes
•• Main unit
•• Instruction manual
•• Excel template software
•• Three (3) filling tubes
•• 9V battery
•• Adjustable hand strap
•• Hard case

Specifications Ordering Information

Method of Detection Specific gravity; light refraction method Part No. Description
Temperature Measuring: 5 to 40° C (41 to 104° F)
SBS-2003 Specific gravity tester (ºF and ºC)
S.G. Range 1.000–1.400
Measuring Time Within 3 seconds Accessory Ordering Information
Power Supply (1) DC9V alkaline battery Part No. Description
Calibration Distilled or de-ionized water
Spare parts kit includes: O-ring,
Specific gravity: ±0.002 @ 10 to 30° C (50 to 86° F) 2002/3-SPR-PRT-KIT sample chamber w/ rubber pump, (3)
Accuracy 9" filling tubes
Temperature: ±1° C @ 10 to 30° C (1.8° F @ 50 to 86° F)
Size 2.75" D x 1.75" W x 8.25" H; 10.75 oz. 2002/3-TUBE 9" filling tube for SBS-2003
Filling Tube 9.5" L x 1/8" diameter 2002/3-HOL Holster w/ belt for SBS-2003
SBS-TE CASE Soft case for hydrometer 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 34

SBS-3500 Digital Hydrometer / Density Meter
Digital Specific Gravity Tester with Downloading Capabilities for NiCd or Lead Acid Batteries

The SBS-3500 uses oscillating U-tube technology to measure

specific gravity and temperature of lead acid or nickel
cadmium batteries within seconds. The unit is able to take
readings between the range of 0.0000 to 3.0000. With the
ability to communicate wirelessly to a printer or computer via
the integrated IrDA interface, testing results can be uploaded
into an easy-to-read report.

•• Measures specific gravity, ambient temperature and count
•• Tests both lead acid and nickel cadmium batteries
•• Time savings: 5 times faster than conventional methods
•• ± 0.001 accuracy
•• Automatic temperature compensation
•• Compact, lightweight design enabling one-hand measurement
•• Stores up to 100 sample IDs for easy sample identification
•• Stores up to 1024 measurements including time stamps and
sample IDs
SBS-3500 Includes

•• Infrared data interface for data exchange

•• LCD display •• Main unit
•• Instruction manual
•• IR computer link and driver
•• 7" filling tube
•• Carrying case

Ordering Information
Part No. Description
SBS-3500 Specific gravity tester (ºF and ºC)

Accessory Ordering Information

Part No. Description
SBS-3500-TUBE 7" filling tube for SBS-3500
SBS-3500-PUMP Replacement hand pump for SBS-3500

Method of Detection Specific gravity; oscillating tube method
Measuring: 0 to 40° C (32 to 104° F)
Temperature Ambient: -10 to 50° C (14 to 122° F)
Storage: -20 to 70° C (-4 to 158° F)
S.G. Range 0.0000–3.0000
•• Utility
Measuring Time Within 3 seconds
•• UPS
Power Supply (2) AA batteries •• Data Centers
Calibration With dry air or pure water •• Telecom
Accuracy ±0.001; temperature: 0.2° C (0.4° F) •• Material Handling
Size 5.5" L x 5.4" W x 1" H, 12.2 oz. •• Battery Manufacturing
Filling Tube 7" L

35 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

SBS-3510 Digital Hydrometer / Density Meter
Digital Specific Gravity Tester with Downloading Capabilities for NiCd or Lead Acid Batteries

The SBS-3510 uses oscillating U-tube technology to measure specific gravity

and temperature of lead acid or nickel cadmium batteries within seconds.
The unit is able to take readings between the range of 0.0000 to 3.0000.
With the ability to communicate wirelessly to a printer or computer via the
integrated Bluetooth interface, testing results can be uploaded into an
easy-to-read report.

Unlike other digital hydrometers on the market, the measuring cell can
be replaced if damage occurs. This design feature eliminates the need to
replace the entire unit should the measuring cell become damaged.

Maintaining the digital hydrometer through proper maintenance is essential

to long lasting service life and accuracy. SBS recommends a maintenance
interval of at least once a year. SBS is able to meet all digital service needs.

Features Measuring Cell

•• Measures specific gravity, ambient temperature and count
•• Tests both lead acid and nickel cadmium batteries
•• Time savings: 5 times faster than conventional methods SBS-3510 Includes
•• ± 0.001 accuracy •• Main unit
•• Automatic temperature compensation •• Instruction manual

•• Compact, lightweight design enabling one-hand •• Built-In Bluetooth
measurement •• 7" filling tube
•• Stores up to 100 sample IDs for easy sample identification •• Carrying case
•• Stores up to 1024 measurements including time stamps
and sample IDs
•• Bluetooth interface for data exchange
•• Utility
•• Ability to connect with the SBS-6500 impedance tester via
Bluetooth for integrated data and reporting •• UPS
SBS-3510 SBS-6500 •• Data Centers
•• LCD display
•• Telecom
•• Material Handling
•• Battery Manufacturing

Ordering Information Specifications

Part No. Description Method of Detection Specific gravity; oscillating tube method
SBS-3510 Specific gravity tester (ºF and ºC) Measuring: 32 to 104° F (0 to 40° C)
Temperature Ambient: 14 to 122° F (-10 to 50° C)
Storage: -4 to 158° F (-20 to 70° C)
Accessory Ordering Information S.G. Range 0.0000–3.0000
Part No. Description Measuring Time Within 3 seconds
SBS-3510-Tube-Long 23.6" filling tube Power Supply (3) 1.5V AA (LR6) batteries
SBS-3510-TUBE 90 degree bent filling tube Calibration With dry air or pure water
SBS-3510-Cell-Boot Rubber housing measuring cell Accuracy ±0.001; temperature: 0.4° F (0.4° C)
SBS-3510-Boot Rubber housing operating panel Size 5.5" L x 5.4" W x 1" H, 12.2 oz.

SBS-3510-Wriststrap Spare wristband Filling Tube 7" L

SBS-3510-Carrystrap Set carrying straps

SBS-3510-Bluetooth-USB Bluetooth USB adapter
SBS-3510-Printer Printer CMP-20BT Bluetooth/RS232C 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 36

SBS-6500 Battery Tester
Assists with IEEE/NERC Compliance

The SBS-6500 is a multipurpose impedance and voltage tester. Readings of cells and
intercell connectors are taken within seconds using the included pin probes (or optional
clamp probes). The SBS-6500 can be programmed with site names, battery details and
pass/warning/fail alarm set points for ohmic measurements (pass/fail for voltage). All
data is retained in the meter’s internal memory for easy on-site access. With a computer
and the included software, the SBS-6500 generates custom graphical reports for historical
trending and comparisons.

The SBS-6500 pairs with our SBS-2003 digital hydrometer to import specific gravity
readings from the SBS-2003 into the SBS-6500. With this data merge, the SBS-6500 will
store and generate reports with voltage, ohmic, temperature and gravity readings.

•• Quickly records and stores ohmic, voltage and Data Storage:
temperature of strings, cells and intercell connectors 300 battery strings
•• Instantly retests and recalls readings on-site x 250 cells per string x
•• Pin probe or clamp probe compatible
4 tests per year over a
•• User-friendly software and easy-to-navigate menu
•• Convenient battery string and parameter set up period of 25 years =
via unit or software 7.5 million records
•• Organizes data by name and parameters for each
battery string (up to 300 strings)

•• Optional ability to download specific

gravity readings wirelessly from
SBS-2003 hydrometer
•• Meets IEEE and
NERC maintenance Features
recommendations for •• Versatile: tests flooded lead acid, VRLA, NiCd, Li-ion and
stationary battery systems NiMH batteries and strings
•• Automatically measures and stores data within seconds
•• Voltage testing range of 0–100 Vdc
Applications •• IEC 6101-1 CAT II 300V Safety Standard
•• Telecom •• Built-in NiMH battery with unit charging cord
•• Utility •• Large 3.8" LCD backlit display
•• Oil and Gas
•• Solar/Photovoltaic
•• UPS
•• Emergency Lighting
Size and Weight 4.2" W x 2.2" D x 8.3" H; 2.6 lb.
•• Railways
Storage 7,500,000 records
Ah Measurement Range 5–6000 Ah, 0–100 Vdc
Functions Voltage Measurement Resolution: 0.001V
Accuracy: ±0.1%
•• Tests and records impedance, voltage and temperature
readings of cells and intercell connectors Range: 1 mΩ to 400Ω
Resistance Measurement Resolution: 0.001 mΩ
•• On-screen pass/warning/fail indication during testing based Accuracy: ±1.0%
on set parameters Display 3.8" LCD, 320 x 240 backlit screen
•• Stores and displays all historical data on handheld unit Communication Interface USB, Bluetooth w/ SBS-2003
•• Communicates with computer and software via USB port
Software SBS-6500 Battery Management Software
•• Generates and displays battery string’s test report and
comparison data Software Format MS Windows
Power Supply Rechargeable NiMH battery pack
Operation Time 8 hours
Operation Temperature 14° to 122° F
Video available at

37 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Hydrometer & Resistance Tester Data Merge
When combined with our SBS-2003 hydrometer, the SBS-6500 provides
an all-in-one solution for your battery testing needs. The hydrometer
downloads specific gravity data directly into the SBS-6500 for viewing
or reporting. When a report is created with the SBS-6500 software,
correlating voltage, temperature, impedance and specific gravity data
readings will be together in a single report.
SBS-2003 SBS-6500 Tester

Battery Management Software

•• Interface for loading string and alarm
data to and from tester
•• Exports into Excel and PDF formats for
easy incorporation into custom reports
•• Creates graphs and reports for battery
analysis and trending


SBS-6500 Includes
•• Main unit
•• Pin probes
•• Instruction manual
•• Quick start guide
•• Software
•• USB cable
•• Unit charging cable
•• NiMH battery
•• Adjustable carrying strap
•• Carrying case

Clamp Probes (optional)


Accessory Ordering Information

Part No. Description
SBS-2003 Specific gravity tester
6500-CLAMP-PROBE Clamp probe leads
Ordering Information 6500-PIN-PROBE Replacement pin probe leads
Part No. Description 6500-PIN Replacement pin set for 6500-PIN-PROBES
SBS-6500 Battery tester 6500-BATT Spare NiMH battery for SBS-6500 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 38

SBS-8400 Battery Capacity Tester with Monitoring
10–300 Vdc, 0–120 Amp Constant Current Load Bank with Individual Cell Monitoring Capabilities

The SBS-8400 is a versatile and fully programmable, constant current discharge load bank
with detailed data acquisition and display capabilities. The unit features a user-friendly touch
screen menu and a complete built-in data monitoring/acquisition system when paired with
wireless modules and software.
Unlike basic load banks, the SBS-8400 is a high-tech solution for easy, efficient collection of
data and generation of records for archiving.

•• Automatically discharges batteries unmanned without danger of over-discharging
•• Individual cell monitoring capabilities via wireless modules
•• Can be used on a variety of systems with lead acid and/or nickel cadmium batteries
•• Test parameters are adjustable during test without stopping test
•• Automatically protects and saves data from an unexpected test stop/end
•• Easy to navigate unit menu and computer software
•• Download data after discharge to USB drive
•• Generates custom reports for trending, records and reporting with included software
•• Can be slaved with other load banks to increase amp draw up to 720 Amps


•• Wide voltage and current range: 10–300 Vdc / 0–120 Amps

•• Wireless module connection that measures and records individual cell voltages
•• 5.7 in. LCD touch screen
•• 30 parameter presets that can be adjusted during testing
•• Selectable discharge mode: constant current (amps) / power (kW)
•• 4 adjustable stop points and multiple alarm designs to control the process
•• Low system voltage: 0–250 Vdc
Touch Screen Menu •• Discharge time: 0–99 Hour 99 Min.
•• Discharge capacity: 0–9999 Ah
•• Low cell voltage: 0–15.00 V
•• View test data in real time on screen or with computer via RS232

•• Telecommunications
•• Utility
•• UPS
•• Battery manufacturing
•• Industrial maintenance
•• Critical power
•• Data center

Example of how the wireless modules

would be installed on a 48 Vdc system
consisting of qty. (24) 2 volt cells

Video available at

39 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

DC Volt Range 10–300 Vdc
10–15 / 150–300 Vdc: 0–60 Amps
DC Current Range •• Main unit
15–150 Vdc: 0–120 Amps
•• Instruction manual
Accuracy and Resolution ±1.0%, 0.1 Amp
•• Computer analysis software
Display 5.7" LCD Color Touch Screen
•• 6 ft. DC cable set (pos. & neg.)
Power Supply 110 Vac, 60 Hz •• 3 ft. AC cable
Communications Port USB / RS232 •• RS232 wire
Internal Memory 8MB Flash •• Case with wheels
Size (main unit) 9.0" x 14.5" x 27.0"; 53 lb.
Size (with case/acc.) 12.5" x 23.0" x 31.0"; 93 lb. Portable case included

Computer Analysis Software

•• User-friendly and easy to navigate
•• Data downloading and analyzing through
real-time communication or USB memory devices
•• Software interface includes: battery voltages curve and
bar chart, group voltage curve, current curve, capacities
histogram data form, etc.
•• Generate custom and detailed Excel reports with
USB and software

DC Clamp Slave Cable
8400-600A SLAVE-CAB-8400 Paralleling Load Banks
The SBS-8400 has a 0–120 Amp current range; however, it
is possible to parallel additional compatible load banks with
the SBS-8400 to increase the current.
With the optional P/N 8400-600A DC clamp the user can
discharge up to 720 Amps and the SBS-8400 will monitor
the total DC current being drawn by up to two (2) additional
load banks in parallel.

Accessory Ordering Information

Part No. Description
1.2/2V Wireless module kit w/ case
MODULE-1.2/2-25 Qty. 25 (+2 spare)*
1.2/2V Wireless module kit w/ case
MODULE-1.2/2-30 Qty. 30 (+2 spare)*
2/6/12V Wireless module kit w/ case
MODULE-2/6/12-15 Qty. 15 (+2 spare)*
SBS-8400 Slave load bank MODULE-2/6/12-30 2/6/12V Wireless module kit w/ case
Qty. 30 (+2 spare)*
8400-600A 600 DC Current Clamp

SLAVE-CAB-8400>8400 Paralleling Cable, SBS-8400 to SBS-8400/

SLAVE-CAB-8400>S Paralleling Cable, SBS-8400 to S-Series
SLAVE-CAB-8400>(2)S Paralleling Cable, SBS-8400 to (2)S-Series
Ordering Information
750 Watt Voltage Transformer 110/220 Vac
Part No. Description BCT110/220-1000 50/60 Hz
SBS-8400 0–300 Vdc, 0–120 Amp load bank Pelican case upgrade available

*Module details on pages 41-42 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 40

SBS Wireless Modules
Individual Cell Monitors (Accessory for Compatible Battery Capacity Testers)

During capacity testing, the wireless modules measure each cell’s voltage and
wirelessly send the data back to the paired load bank. All voltage values are displayed
on the load bank’s LCD screen and listed in the test report, which is created with the
computer software. Wireless modules make it easy to locate failed or problematic cells
in the battery bank.

•• Real-time cell voltage measurement during discharge test
•• Advanced technology that wirelessly communicates readings
between modules and load bank
•• Wide range for 1.2/2V or 2/6/12V battery applications
•• One module supports voltage measurements for up to 4 cells
•• Supports monitoring up to 120 cells/batteries in a single test
•• Protective storage included Voltage bar chart on load bank screen

Type SBS-2/6/12 SBS-1.2/2
Support Cell Voltage 2/6/12V 1.2/2V
Wires Six (1 Red, 1 Black, 4 Yellow) Five (4 Red, 1 Black)
Red & Black Red No. 1 & Black
Power Supply Wire Operating Voltage: 5–24 V Operating Voltage: 3.5–20 V
Max. Voltage: <400V Max. Voltage: <60V
Measure Voltage Range 0–16 V for each channel 0–5 V for each channel
Accuracy and Resolution ≤±0.5%, 0.01 V ≤±0.5%, 0.01 V
Dimensions / Weight 3.9 x 2.6 x 1.3 in. (100 x 65 x 32 mm) / 0.66 lb. (0.3 kg)
Operation Temp. / Storage Temp. / Humidity 23° to 122° F (-5° to 50° C) / -40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C) / 5% – 95% RH

41 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Connection Drawings
SBS-2/6/12 SBS-1.2/2
For Lead Acid Battery Monitoring For Single-Cell Monitoring

Monitoring 2Volt Cells with 2/6/12V Module Monitoring 6 or 12V Blocks with 2/6/12V Module Monitoring 1.2 or 2V Cells with 1.2/2V Module


Wireless Load Bank Module Kits Ordering Information

DC Voltages of Systems Module Package(s) Qty. of Modules
Battery Type to be Tested Required (Part No.) (+2 spares)
12–125 Vdc MODULE-2/6/12-15 15
Lead Acid Only (2/6/12V)
12–250 Vdc MODULE-2/6/12-30 30

12–125 Vdc MODULE-1.2/2-25 25

NiCd/Single Cell LA Only (1.2/2V)
12–250 Vdc MODULE-1.2/2-30 30 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 42

Battery Capacity Testers
24–250 Vdc, 0–300 Amp Series of Constant Current Load Banks

The only way to know if your stationary batteries will perform to Features
specification is to test them regularly. •• Many unit options with wide voltage and current range
NERC standard PRC-005-2 requires that vented lead acid and nickel •• Automatically discharges batteries unmanned without
cadmium (NiCd) systems be discharge tested every six (6) years danger of over-discharging
and valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries every three (3) years. •• Continuously holds the current set throughout the test
IEEE recommends load testing stationary flooded/vented lead acid •• LCD screen displays real time voltage, discharge
and NiCd stationary batteries every five (5 )years and VRLA batteries current and capacity/Ah removed
every 12–18 months. •• Test parameters are adjustable during test without
The SBS constant current load banks are an affordable way to stopping test
perform easy and accurate IEEE450 (vented lead acid), IEEE1106 •• 3 adjustable stop points for built-in protection
(NiCd) and IEEE1188 (VRLA) load tests. •• End system voltage
•• Discharge time
These units are quick and easy to set up. They display the voltage,
•• Discharge capacity (Ah)
current and Ah removed from the string during the test. Since this is
•• Units can be slaved with the SBS-8400 and/or other
a constant current load bank, the user also does not have to adjust
load banks to increase amp draw
the current during the test.
These load banks come standard with multiple adjustable stop
points and built-in protection to ensure that the batteries are never
damaged due to over-discharge.

Built-in Protection LCD screen


•• Audible alarm
•• Warning on LCD screen
•• High temperature shutdown
Control buttons
•• High voltage shutdown
•• Overload protection

Power switch

installation socket

External current


DC power cable sockets


Video available at

43 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

DC Clamp Slave Cable
P/N: 8400-600A P/N: SLAVE-CAB-8400>S


SBS-1110S SBS-1110S

•• Main unit With the optional P/N 8400-600A DC clamp the user
•• Instruction manual can parallel additional load banks of the same voltage
range to increase discharge current.
•• 9 ft. DC cables
•• Carrying case with wheels

Ordering Information Accessory Ordering Information
Part No. Description Part No. Description
24 Vdc 0–150 Amp / 48 Vdc 0–300 Amp 8400-600A 600 DC Current Clamp
SBS-4830S Constant Current Load Bank
Paralleling Cable, S-Series to S-Series/SBS-8400/
SBS-1110S 125 Vdc 0–100 Amp Constant Current Load Bank SLAVE-CAB-8400>S SBS-4815
SLAVE-CAB-8400>(2)S Paralleling
SBS-1230S 125 Vdc 0–300 Amp Constant Current Load Bank Cable, S-Series to (2) S-Series/SBS-8400/
SBS-2206S 250 Vdc 0–60 Amp Constant Current Load Bank BCT110/220-1000 750 Watt Voltage Transformer 110/220 Vac 50/60 Hz
SBS-2415S 250 Vdc 0–150 Amp Constant Current Load Bank Pelican case upgrade available for select models

Technical Data Specifications

Display LCD (128 x 64 pixels) DC Voltage DC Current Range Dimensions
Part No. Weight (lb.)
Range (Amps) L x W x H (in.)
During discharge: real time voltage / current / test
time / capacity discharged (Ah) 20–40 Vdc 0–150 A
Input SBS-4830S 26 x 9 x 16 40
User can set: end system voltage / test time /
capacity discharged (Ah) 40–60 Vdc 0–300 A
Test Type Unit holds the set current throughout the test SBS-1110S 90–150 Vdc 0–100 A 25 x 9 x 15 44
Overheat / Overload / Over voltage protection SBS-1230S 90–150 Vdc 0–300 A 36 x 9 x 25 110
Protection with audible alarm and screen warning
SBS-4830S uses DC power supply (from tested SBS-2206S 190–265 Vdc 0–60 A 26 x 9 x 16 40
Power Supply SBS-2415S 196–300 Vdc 0–150 A 36 x 9 x 25 110
125 and 250 Vdc units use AC power supply (110
Vac 60 Hz)
DC Cables Included, 9 ft. long 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 44

SBS-4815CT Battery Capacity Tester with Monitoring
24/48 Vdc, 0–150 Amp Constant Current Load Bank with Individual Cell Monitoring

The SBS-4815CT is a fully programmable and portable constant current load

bank with detailed data acquisition and display capabilities.
Built-in memory continuously records discharge data including: overall system
voltage, current and individual cell voltages (when modules are installed).

•• Can be powered from DC or AC power supply
Applications •• Weighs only 21 lb.; designed for portability
•• Telecom •• Can be slaved with other load banks of the
•• Forklifts, Golf Carts & AGVs same voltage to increase discharge current
•• Power Plants
•• Oil Companies


•• Voltage and current range: 20–60 Vdc / 0–150 Amps

•• 5.7" LCD touch screen
•• 4 adjustable stop points and multiple alarm designs to control the process intelligently
•• Wireless modules that measure and record individual cell voltages during testing
•• View test data in real time on screen or with computer via RS232
•• Download data after discharge to USB drive
•• Computer software for capacity evaluation and report generation

Internal Memory
•• Automatically protects and saves data from an unexpected test stop/end
•• Menu interface provides data management operations for parameter settings, test
results review, and download by RS232 or USB device to the computer software

Analytical Software
•• Powerful analytical software calculates test results and reports cell/battery
conditions and capacity
•• Software interface displays detailed graphs and charts
•• Ability to export raw data into customized Excel reports

45 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Discharge Protection
Stop Point Setting Range
Low System Voltage 0–60.0V
Discharge Time 0–99 Hour 99 Min.
Discharge Capacity 0–9999 Ah
Cell Low Voltage 0–15.00V

Wireless Modules Alerts

•• Included for collection of cell voltage data during testing
Malfunction LCD Prompt Warning Beep
•• Advanced technology that wirelessly communicates readings
between modules and load bank Input Over Voltage  
•• For 2/6/12V batteries Reverse Polarity  
•• One module supports voltage measurements for up to 4 cells
•• Easily locate failed cells in battery and estimate actual
Overload  
capacity of each cell Overheat  

Includes Parallel Operation
•• Main unit The SBS-4815CT has a 0–150 Amp current range;
•• Instruction manual however it is possible to parallel additional load banks of
•• Wireless 2/6/12 Volt modules (qty. 6 +1 spare) the same voltage range with the SBS-4815CT to increase
•• Computer analysis software current draw.
•• DC test (power) cables With the optional P/N 8400-600A DC clamp the user
•• 3 ft. AC power cable can discharge up to 750 Amps and the SBS-4815CT will
•• RS232 wire monitor the total DC current being drawn by up to three
•• Carrying case with wheels load banks in parallel.

Ordering Information Specifications

Part No. Description DC Volt Range 20–60 Vdc
20–40 Vdc: 0–75 Amps
SBS-4815CT Battery discharge and capacity tester DC Current Range
40–60 Vdc: 0–150 Amps
Accuracy & Resolution ±0.5%, 0.1 Amp
Accessory Ordering Information Display 5.7" LCD Color Touch Screen
Part No. Description DC Power Supply 20–60V
8400-600A 600 DC Current Clamp AC Power Supply 120 Vac, 50/60 Hz
Communications Port USB / RS232
SLAVE-CAB-8400>8400 Paralleling Cable, SBS-4815 to SBS-4815/8400
Internal Memory 8MB Flash
SLAVE-CAB-8400>S Paralleling Cable, SBS-4815 to S-Series Main Tester Size 16.25 x 9.0 x 9.0 in.
SLAVE-CAB-8400>(2)S Paralleling Cable, SBS-4815 to (2)S-Series Carrying Case Size 20.5 x 19.7 x 15 in.
750 Watt Voltage Transformer 110/220 Vac 21 lb. (main tester only)
BCT110/220-1000 Weight
50/60 Hz 62 lb. (tester, accessories, case)
Pelican case upgrade available 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 46

SBS-H2 Hydrogen Gas Detector
Complete Hydrogen Detection System

The SBS-H2 Hydrogen Detector is a hydrogen detection system with visual and
audible alarms and 1% and 2% hydrogen relays.
The system comes complete with the main control, a highly accurate hydrogen
gas sensor and a 25 ft. cable. This unit can be powered with AC and/or DC power
and can be mounted directly to a wall or to an electrical box, making it extremely
versatile and very user-friendly.
The SBS-H2 includes relays for remote connection to alarm/monitoring systems
and for control of external relays or an exhaust fan.

•• Protects life, property and company profits
•• Ideal for remote locations
•• Fail safe mode in event of loss of power
Includes •• Up to three (3) sensors can be installed to main control to meet space
•• Main control coverage requirements
•• Hydrogen sensor
•• 25 ft. cable
•• Universal power inputs: 110/220 Vac and/or 12–48 Vdc input

•• Strobe light for visual alerts

•• Sensor status indicator LEDs on the main control
•• Modular design for optimal placement of sensor(s)
Applications •• NRTL/C Certified: UL Std. No 61010-1 & CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-12
•• Substations
•• Battery rooms
•• Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
•• Battery cabinet systems Installation
•• Battery charging areas •• Wall or 2-gang junction box mountable
•• Hydrogen fueled back-up •• Mechanical relays are easily accessible:
power systems •• Warning 1% relay, 15 A @ 120 Vac; 10 A @ 277 Vac; 10 A @ 28 Vdc
•• Alarm 2% relay, 0.5 A resistive @ 28 Vdc, 0.5 A @ 125 Vac
•• Redundant power supply capability; dual AC and/or DC power supply
connections (DC power supply will operate as backup power source)
•• Indicator LEDs can be tested by pushing the red “TEST” button
•• Sensors can be tested in the field with the P/N H2-TESTKIT

Main Control Mounting and Power Options

Wall-mountable 2-Gang Junction Box 18 AWG AC Cord (optional)

Hardwired AC and/or DC

47 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

Warning Settings: Should the concentration of hydrogen gas in the air surrounding the sensor reach 1% by volume, the “1%
Warning” yellow LED will light up on the main control of the unit. In addition, the 1% internal relay will energize and can be used to
activate an external exhaust fan or a building management/alarm system (via SCADA Modbus).
Alarm Settings: Should the hydrogen gas concentration reach 2% by volume, the “2% Alarm” red LED will light up, the strobe
will flash and an audible alarm will sound. In addition, the 2% internal relay will energize and can be used to activate a building
management/alarm system (via SCADA/Modbus).

Available Accessories
Ordering Information
Part No. Description
SBS-H2 Hydrogen detector with (1) sensor and 25 ft. cable

Accessory Ordering Information Test Kit

Part No. Description
H2-SENSOR-25FT Additional hydrogen sensor with 25 ft. cable
H2-SENSOR-50FT Additional hydrogen sensor with 50 ft. cable
H2-SENSOR-100FT Additional hydrogen sensor with 100 ft. cable
Test kit (includes 1% and 2% hydrogen, regulator,
H2-TESTKIT tubing and case) Note: cannot ship via air freight
H2-JB 4 11/16" x 4 11/16" 2-gang junction box Additional Hydrogen Sensor
E190399 AC Cord 110 V, 10 A, 10 ft. with plug with 25 ft., 50 ft. or 100 ft. Cable

1% Hydrogen Dry contacts rated 10A/25 Vac
2% Hydrogen Dry contacts rated .5A/28 Vdc

Power source 110/220 Vac, 50/60 Hz and/or 2-Gang Junction Box

12–48 Vdc (9–58 Vdc operating voltage) (Hardwired AC and/or DC)
Temperature Sensor rating of -4° F to 176° F (-20° C to 80° C)
Size 4.7" L x 4.7" W x 1.2" D (main control) 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 48

EquaLink Battery Monitoring
Active Battery Management System with Voltage Balancing

EquaLink is an Ethernet-based battery management EquaLink has the ability to monitor current, ambient/room
system which monitors the voltage, internal resistance and temperature, humidity, hydrogen gas and electrolyte levels.
temperature of each battery in a stationary battery system. Through available Form C contacts/relays, EquaLink can
Through a patented Balancing process, EquaLink actively also monitor electrical equipment such as UPSs, inverters,
regulates the float charging current of each battery ensuring transfer switches, generators and air conditioning systems.
that all batteries charge at the optimal voltage. Continuously EquaLink is designed for lead acid batteries (flooded/
monitoring and balancing the individual charging/float wet, VRLA, gel, AGM, etc.) as well as some Ni-Cd, battery
voltage of each battery enables the full capacity of the applications. EquaLink is easy to set up and configure.
entire battery system to be available at all times.
EquaLink Battery Management System actively manages
batteries to increase reliability and extend life, whereas
other battery monitoring systems simply monitor batteries
as they deteriorate.

How It Works
EquaLink reads individual battery voltages and compares them
to the battery system‘s overall voltage. Each EquaLink module
controls the amount of float current passing through the battery
to regulate the voltage to the optimum value. This constant
monitoring and Balancing of the individual charging voltages
helps guarantee the availability of the battery system at
all times.
Due to its proprietary Balancing process, EquaLink surpasses
other battery monitoring systems, having the ability to monitor
and actively regulate battery voltage to within 0.001 volts of the
system’s average float charging voltage.
EquaLink’s Balancing prevents overcharging and undercharging, •• Battery 3’s voltage (top) is capped at the charge end voltage by
ensuring maximum capacity and service life. removing current to prevent overcharging and gassing
•• Battery 2 is supplied extra current until the optimal float charging
voltage is obtained
•• Battery 1 is held at the correct voltage and is performing ideally

49 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

•• Individual voltage regulation (Balancing)
•• Avoid overcharging batteries
•• Avoid undercharging batteries
•• Extend the life of the system
•• Increase battery capacity
•• Detect stratification
•• Prevent thermal runaway
•• Eliminate/reduce maintenance
•• Cost and time savings
•• NERC PRC-005 compliance
•• Battery swaps
•• Receive warnings in advance via alarm
•• User-friendly browser interface and software included

BATTERY MONITORING 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 50

EquaLink System Components




System Components (Included)

A WebManager Battery system’s central control unit, connects to modules
B Modules One module per battery for individual battery data collection
C Voltage Measuring Cable Attaches module to battery
D Communication Bus Cable Links system components together

System Accessories (Optional)

E DC Current Sensor Measures and records overall system DC current
F Auxiliary Alarm & Control Interface For monitoring other equipment through WebManager
G Hydrogen Gas Detector 1% Warning and 2% Alarm relays (EQ-AUX required)
H External Temperature Sensor For use when module not installed directly on battery
I Ambient Temperature Sensor Measures and records room temperature L
J Mounting Kit Wall mounting plate/DIN rail mounting kit
K Splitter Box Splitter for optimization of communication cable wiring
L Control Cabinet Customizable
M Electrolyte Level Sensor For monitoring electrolyte level at each cell

WebManager Interfaces/Display
The WebManager acts as the battery system‘s •• (3) RS232
central control unit. It gathers, evaluates, •• (2) RJ10 Communication bus cable outputs
and (on its internal flash memory) stores all •• (1) RJ45 10/100 Mbit Ethernet
pertinent system information. •• (3) LED (Manager status, device alarm, EquaLink alarm)
•• (1) Buzzer with mute button
•• (1) Dry Form C output contact

51 1-800-554-2243 [email protected]

EquaLink battery modules are capable of taking precise EquaLink transfers data through the communication bus cable
measurements of individual battery voltage, internal resistance system to the EquaLink WebManager.
and, through an integrated sensor, surface temperature. These There are 4 different types of EquaLink modules: 12 Volt, 2 Volt, 6
measurements are essential to making analyses of the batteries Volt and 8 Volt. The module can be mounted on the top or side of
in any given system. each battery.

Model BM-C20 BM-C40 BM-C30 BM-C23
Voltage 12 V 2V 6V 8V
AH Range 7–600 AH 7–5000 AH 7–600 AH 7–900 AH
Voltage Measuring/ 9.7–17 V 1.25–3.2 V 4.8–8.0 V 9.7–21.0 V
Balancing Range
IR Range 0.5–60 mOhm 0.02–60 mOhm 0.5–6 mOhm 0.5–60 mOhm
Balancing Power (Current) 0.15A 0.9A 0.3A 0.12A
Current Consumption 15–20 mA (<1 mA sleep mode) 35–40 mA (<1 mA sleep mode)

Voltage Measuring Cables Voltage

measuring Fuse to protect
The EquaLink voltage measuring cable assembly attaches the EquaLink Module cable system against high
module to the battery. It connects to both the positive and negative with Velcro to mount impedance/voltage
battery posts and measures individual battery data. on batteries

Communication Bus Cables Communication
bus cable
The EquaLink communication bus cables link the WebManager to
the modules and select accessories (current sensor, auxiliary bus
interface, splitter box).

EquaLink Order Code

Example* BM- 125- 60 x 2V .01
Your Code BM- x
Code Feature Available Options
A Nominal DC System 12- 12 Vdc Part Number Description
24- 24 Vdc
BM-ELSENSOR Electrolyte Level Sensor
48- 48 Vdc
BM-CT400A DC Current Sensor, 400Amp
125- 125 Vdc
BM-CT1000A DC Current Sensor, 1000Amp
250- 250 Vdc
BM-CT2000A DC Current Sensor, 2000Amp
XXX- Other XXX Vdc
Terminal Relay Controller, 4 digital inputs &
Number of Individual Enter number of batteries BM-AUX
B XXX 4 relay outputs
Batteries to Monitor (blocks or cells)
C Battery Voltage 2V 2 V Cells SBS-H2 Hydrogen Gas Detector (BM-AUX also required)

4V 4 V Blocks BM-REM-TEMP-9 External Temperature Sensor for Module, 9"L

6V 6 V Blocks BM-REM-TEMP-35 External Temperature Sensor for Module, 35"L
12V 12 V Blocks BM-SPLIT 1 x 5 RJ10 Splitter Box
D Input Power .01 120 Vac/12 Vdc BM-AMB-TEMP Ambient Room Temperature Sensor
.02 18–72 Vdc
.03 120–370 Vdc
*Example part number BM-125-60x2V.01 represents:
125Vdc system consisting of sixty (60) 2 Volt cells.
WebManager to run on 120 Vac input power. 1-800-554-2243 [email protected] 52

N56 W16665 Ridgewood Dr.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

SBS Recommended Testing Schedule  - Meets the minimum requirements of NERC PRC-005-2*
Based on IEEE & NERC PRC-005  or  - Meets IEEE Recommendations*

IEEE 450-2010
Vented / Flooded Lead Acid Batteries (VLA) Test Equipment
Monthly Quarterly Yearly 5 Years
Visually inspect batteries, rack, charger, room.   
Record battery system float voltage and current at battery terminals. SBS-600   
Record charger output voltage and current. Correct if needed. SBS-600   
Check electrolyte levels. Fill with distilled water to 'max' line if necessary.   
Record pilot cell(s) or block(s) voltage, electrolyte temperature and specific gravity †. SBS-2003 
Record voltage of ALL cells/blocks. SBS-600, SBS-6500 
Record specific gravity of 10% of the cells†. SBS-2003, SBS-2500, SBS-3500 
Record temperature of 10% of the cells. SBS-2003 
Record specific gravity of ALL cells†. SBS-2003, SBS-2500, SBS-3500 
Record the internal resistance value of ALL cells/blocks. SBS-6500  
Record temperature of ALL cells/blocks. SBS-6500 
Record internal resistance value of ALL cell-to-cell and terminal connections. SBS-6500 
Conduct load test two years after installation and then every five years. When the
SBS-8400, SBS-1230, SBS-1110 
system’s capacity falls below 90% load test annually.

Specific gravity should be temperature-corrected to 77°F.

IEEE 1106-2005
Nickel Cadmium Batteries Test Equipment Semi-
Quarterly Yearly 5 Years
Visually inspect batteries, rack, charger, room.   
Record battery system float voltage and current at battery terminals. SBS-600   
Record charger output voltage and current. Correct if needed. SBS-600   
Check electrolyte levels. Fill with distilled water to 'max' line if necessary.   
Record voltage of ALL cells/blocks. SBS-600, SBS-6500  
Record temperature of 10% of the cells. SBS-6500   
Record the internal resistance value and temperature of ALL cells/blocks. SBS-6500 
Record internal resistance value of ALL cell-to-cell and terminal connections. SBS-6500 
Conduct load test two years after installation and then every five years. When
SBS-8400 
excessive capacity loss is noticed load test annually.

IEEE 1188-2005
Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries (VRLA) Test Equipment
Monthly Quarterly Yearly 2 Years
Visually inspect batteries, rack, charger, room.   
Record battery system float voltage and current at battery terminals. SBS-600   
Record charger output voltage and current. Correct if needed. SBS-600   
Record voltage and temperature of ALL cells/blocks at the negative terminal. SBS-6500  
Record the internal resistance value of ALL cells/blocks. SBS-6500  
Record internal resistance value of ALL cell-to-cell and terminal connections. SBS-6500 
Conduct load test after initial installation and then every two years or 25% of
SBS-8400 
expected battery life.

*T he above testing schedules are based on SBS’s interpretations of both IEEE and NERC PRC-005-2. This information should be used for guidance purposes only and SBS
can’t be held responsible if the information is incorrect or if other parties interpret the information differently.

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