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- Vor ‘ Just want to check in with you on meeting.. don’t need any thing for agenda but thought | would touch base ‘Text Message Wed, Oct 11 at 8:16 AM Wed, Nov 15 at 9:45PM Test Thu, Nov 16 at 11:37 AM Good morning Al, let me know if you want to meet today or tomorrow. Thanks Jeff.. how is your am on Friday? | have a meeting 9-10 and agenda review 11-12. So maybe 10ish? Thu, Nov 16 at 1:12PM Perfect.. see you then. Tue, Dec 19 at 12:03PM Hi Jeff, just checking in before tomorrow's meeting. | don't really have any questions but anything we need to discuss before tomorrow at 5pm? Hope we can get through as efficiently as possible .)\, Al Rogers Just have some ideas on how you want board meetings to go going forward. | think we don't have consensus from the board on how that should look. I'm hoping for that too. We. Didn't have any public comment at the Commission meeting today. Very surprising Let me know and happy to discuss at your convenience. Tue, Jan 16 at 11:40AM Good morning Jeff.. Hope all is well and if you have a moment to discuss agenda that would be great.. flexible to your time us Yes let me know what time you have today. I can set up a quick phone call. Anytime works before 3pm.. Ok I can chat now if that works Sure xe Thanks Jeff.. always appreciate your time and feedback Anytime. Thank you! Tue, Jan 23 at 11:21AM Good morning Trustee Rogers, | wanted to let you know our policy team will be meeting in February to go over existing policies. Would you be willing to meet with Corinne, Stacy, and myself after that meeting to go over findings? Thanks! For sure.. thanks Jeff us Awesome thank you! I'll also update you on our Renew Washoe County Libraries (aka tax initiative) plan. Perfect Mon, Jan 29 at 12:20PM Good morning Trustee Rogers, | wanted to let you know that | will have an update on the tax plan by Wednesday. I'll share that will you to get your feedback for the board report. Our policy team will meet Feb 15 and we can discuss a time after that to meet with Corinne and Stacy. Sounds good and pretty flexible on time and day to meet.. thanks for the update. Great I'll send you what | have when I have it and then see what day time works for you to discuss. Fri, Feb 2 at 11:37AM Just a quick update. I have a draft of the report but they just need a little tweaking. | should have that done on Monday. Our next policy team meeting will be on Feb 15. | think Chair Jacks wants to discuss four policies at the next meeting. | also wanted to let you know that | did receive an email with Mr Church which seemed to go to a bunch of folks. | did respond to him and straighten out his misunderstanding. I've contacting commissioners to let them know where we are with the ballot initiative (aka Renew Washoe County Libraries) Fri, Feb 2 at 1:13PM Thanks ob Tue, Feb 6 at 3:12PM Good afternoon Trustee Rogers, | am going to send the Renew Washoe Countv Libraries (aka ballot initiative) to your trustee account. good time to meet and discuss. Let me know a Tue, Feb 6 at 4:20PM Saw you just called will call you back ina moment No worries.. traveling right now and was inadvertent call.. will text when back in Reno and read the report. Thank you. Read Ah got it. Thanks! Thu, Feb 29 at 12:41PM Hi Jeff.. let me know if you have time next week to meet? And discuss Renew and other items. I'm free Monday before 4, Tuesday after 11 and Thursday after 11. Let me know what works. Thanks! Thu, Feb 29 at 2:21PM Let's do Thursday at your preferred time after 11.. anytime works ol Great how about 11:30? See you then at downtown Thu, Mar 7 at 8:16 AM Good morning Al. I've been fighting the flu all week. Are you ok if we switch today's meeting to a phone call or reschedule for next week? No worries.. feel better and next week should work. Ok great. I'll set up a time then. Thanks! Mon, Mar 11 at 2:22PM Hi Jeff.. | have availability tomorrow after 1pm and on Thursday.. let me know if either day/times work. Great how about 2:30 Tuesday? | have a tour at Northern Nevada Literacy Council for a donor (I'm on the board there) and | should be done by then. See you then tomorrow = Great! Ok sent you an appointment Thu, Mar 14 at 11:23AM Good morning, Chair Jacks is cancelling next week's meeting due to lack of quorum. She will not be able to attend and Trustee Silver needs to leave early. Thanks Jeff Mon, Mar 18 at 7:00PM Good afternoon, are you available for a phone call tomorrow or later this week? Let me know. Thanks! Absolutely.. tomorrow works. Thinking of attending BCC tomorrow.. Great I'll be there We can chat then if you attend Just a quick touch base Sounds good «®@ any idea on time? Not sure. | think we are 17 for the appointment so it's hard to tell when they will decide. | can text you and we can chat on the phone when you are available Tue, Mar 19 at 12:07PM At Commission Chambers now «= - Comisscag) Creal Tue, Marte aPOeZAM ig Arona Good morning Commissioners.. | hope we can add a strong positive and empathetic trustee today. | am very concerned as the LBOT has not met since January and the Chair cancelled tomorrow's meeting.. again.. and again with no excuse. And as you are aware she (they) are ONLY focused on the removal of the Director.. thank you A and | may stop in to meeting to observe/speak. Appreciate your support. nierme UE CHAS Apr 7, 2023 at 2:27PM hs Wcl Hi Alexis.. sent an email last week but forgot to include discussion with you about Library Board appointment.. have my name in but checking with you if you already have someone/D1 individual already in mind? | would need you Mariluz and now Clara.. others are not fans! Thanks in advance. Al Rogers Omg! I'd love to have you on the library board!!! I'm also looking into the road and will get back to you They are both wonderful All good and thank you Alexis...have become more than a little concerned about libraries after watching recent CC meetings dialogue. | know Clara but have not met Mariluz.. any insight on them? I'd email them and let them know who you are and why you are interested They'd appreciate that Or call their work cells Thank you and will do a8 Thanks for you time responding today always appreciate ... Yes Apr 25, 2023 at 3:51PM Sorry 2 .. the girl speaker really shook me as she walked out and did not get to much/all .. thank you and | know the center (heart) of the dais and Commission will make the right the choice.. happy to see a great pool of applicants and good luck! & all good in my world ©) | know - it's a bummer Tue, Jun 20 at 3:29PM Congratulations or should | say condolences Tue, Jun 20 at 5:30 PM All good Chair..thanks so much for your support! Look forward to hitting the ground tomorrow and will stay in touch. Please do! Thx! Mon, Jul 24 at 11:07 AM Sorry for the weird phone connection! | called to invite you to my campaign kick off on August 3! from 5:30 - 7:30 PM PT at my childhood home, 5010. Pleasant View Dr, Sparks, NV 89434. I'd love for you to come! Click to Load Preview > Mon, Oct 23 at 4:41PM ALEXIS HILL OR WA COUNTY COMMISSION Alexis Hill for Washoe County Commission | wanted to be sure you saw this- I know you already donated so I'm not asking for money. Just want to you know about an event in your hood and if you want to invite other neighbors feel free! Thu, Oct 26 at 4:24PM No worries Alexa and thanks for reaching out and sorry for missing your call... in travel mode right now. | would love to go next week but headed out again to Oregon in the morning anticipating our first grandchild (due yesterday!) | could be back in time so can | let you know? It would just be me. Hope all is well and keep up the good work «& oy Congrats on the baby! Yes! Just come by if you can! Happy travels! Will do thank you and thanks again for the invite! Fri, Jan 5 at 1:01PM I'm so sorry - running a few min late but I'm coming No worries Driving up to the garage now! Fri, Jan 5 at 5:57 PM Alexis..Thanks so much for your time and listening today. | appreciate your kind words and support and let me know when and how | can help you this year.. and here is to a successful 2024 for you and Washoe County! | so appreciate your service! Yes! 2024 will be spectacular! Tue, Mar 19 at 11:03AM Good morning Chair... | hope we can add a strong positive and empathetic leader/trustee today. | am very concerned as the LBOT has not met since January and the Chair cancelled tomorrow's meeting.. again.. and again with no excuse. And as you are aware she (they) are ONLY focused on the removal of the Director.. thank you A and | may stop in to meeting to observe/speak. Appreciate your support. Tue, Mar 19 at 1:10PM | saw you! Thx for your dedication! | hope you are excited for Tammy! Yes & she will be | good addition. Thank you Delivered Apr 25, 2023 at 3:04 PM . ACM Ready to withdraw your name yet? Al this is Dave Solaro Apr 26, 2023 at 7:59 AM Great to hear from you Trish and hope all is well with you. Take care and hope we cross paths sooner than later. Crazy world at WC Commission Apr 26, 2023 at 9:36 AM Ha ha &3.. not sure why number got saved as Trish? Weird? but thanks Dave and good to connect yesterday. Take care a» Wed, Jun 21 at 3:59PM Glad to see you made the first meeting. Welcome to the LBOT. Thanks Dave ...not officially yet but want to get a flavor of it all. Fri, Jul 28 at 9:54 AM Happy Friday Dave.. can | get a quick meeting with you in the near future to discuss LBOT and specifically performance evaluation for Jeff and expansion fund. Thanks. Al Rogers Absolutely. Would you mind sending me a few days and times that will work for you and | will get it set up. | think it would be good to have the Library budget analyst available as well. Thanks Dave and aaree on analvst.. The week of Aug 7th Monday or Wednesday works..or Monday August 14th.. anytime of day & Mon, Jul 31 at 10:26 AM How about Wednesday the 9th? Will 2:30 work? That day works but the only appointment | have and can't miss is already is at 2:30 a Could you do later that day? Yep os 3:45 here at the Managers office? Perfect and see you then. Mon, Dec 4 at 10:05AM Morning Dave.. Hope your holiday season is good so far.. just want to make sure my survey for Jeff's evaluation was received with score and comments? Assume we will get staff report late next week? When posted. Thanks again. Mon, Dec 4 at 11:46 AM | did receive 4 of 5 surveys the last one was completed on 11/27. | do not know which one was not provided as the survey was anonymous even from my side. You will receive all of the data at the time of posting later next week. Thank you. Thanks Dave oe Tue, Jan 30 at 8:11AM Morning Dave.. can we talk when you have a couple of minutes? How about 9:30 or so? of Delivered tiene oP ROSTRE NORE Wed, Oct 10:09 AM Hey just got your message No worries at all! Mon, Oct 9 at 10:34 AM Hey Al this is Lea Moser. | apologize | need to cancel today. | have a meeting scheduled during the time | said to meet today No worries.. any time Weds am or next Monday? Ok let me Check Wednesday. Can you do early morning? Sure ce Ok perfect how is 8 or 8:30am? Either works Let's do 8:30. Thank you ! Pangolin still works? Yes uly.. see you Wednesday Wed, Oct 11 at 8:13 AM Got here a little early us Ok sounds good! | love 3 minutes away I'll be there soon! Wed, Oct 11 at 10:01AM Thanks for meeting today! I'm meeting with Jeff tomorrow to discuss my feedback and some of the thinas we discussed. If anvthina new and pertinent arises s Il let you know Sounds good and thank you for the time and meeting. Wed, Oct 11 at 12:11PM Just fyi | spoke with our DAG and he said we cannot have subcommittees or closed sessions. Basically we can only have one on one meetings with each other and a formal meeting subject to OML. Otherwise no other way to informally discuss anything in private as a board Wed, Oct 11 at 1:40 PM Scratch that, Formation of the subcommittee will be on this agenda Mon, Oct 16 at 1:48 PM GIANNA JACKS — Ener Se aoe rem vee coca ee conned to eching our Horares "understand the value of stiong pubic spaces. My eight yeas inthe United States Navy Reservas have ‘eintorced te mporance of Gsapine,teamacrk, and dedeaton, ‘As a wile and mother of three Home-schooled chien, | know the signcance of libraries in our Shicrer's educabon {0 save you and ous comunity a Lary Goad Trustee. You puts essen and sou sare your hugs and concerns. Yogeter, we can senor ou Isa 10 IF YOU CANT JOIN US IN PERSON. rere eR Lor TPR ULTa RO ey rescovan sour comnts ro [email protected] WEDNESDAYOCT WEDNESDAYNOV WEDNESDAYDEC ,,, 18TH@5:00PM 15TH@5:00PM 20TH@5:00PM SIERRA VIEWLIBRARY NORTH VALLEYS DOWNTOWN RENO 4goxsourH vnGiNa sr. LIBRARY LIBRARY AINSIDE RENO TOWN A075 NHILLS BLVD 301 ScENTER st. RENO, NV80508 RENO, NV 69601 Jolt NLME FOR eA TTT (EAGER! MULIVATS) LETS TALK ABOUT AL TAINS OOK AN LPDARES. SWILLAS GORGEOUS AT WORK ON DIPLAS. A LUDRARN SECTION Aa AMAZING COE) GJACKS@WASHOE: Any interest in doing one of these? If not | think I'm going to just so the public doesn’t get a one sided perspective of the library | believe she is going to use it to say - I've went out and talked to the community - and use it in her tool box Mon, Oct 16 at 7:05PM Right.. Probably not from me. | don’t see my role as LBOT to create outreach.. Interested to see her next week. Delivered women = WOOSTEE TAKS Mon, Marna: Nat 10:50AM Good morning Al I've some serious problems trying to put this agenda together against Jeff Scott. |'m battling over bylaws still - so I've got a rough draft of the bylaws. | was wondering if you could just take a quick glance over on the grammar | highly doubt we're gonna get them completed at next. Wednesday's meeting once again. Ann silver has to leave after 30 min. And the meeting is 5:30 not 5pm. Best Gianna I'll send some emails tonight. Is there a better email for you?

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