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Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, KHULNA

Expt No. : 1
Name of the Experiment: FLOW BENEATH A SLUICE GATE

Apparatus: i) Multipurpose Tilting Flume

ii) Sluice Gate
iii) Stop Watch


gy 22

Fig. 1 Flow beneath a sluice gate


The Bernoulli energy equation may be applied in those cases where there is a negligible loss of
total head from one section to another, or where the magnitude of the head loss is already known.
Flow under a sluice gate is an example of converging flow where the correct form of the
equation for discharge may be obtained by equating the energies at Sections 1 and 2 as shown in
the Fig. 1, as the energy loss between these sections is negligible.

H1 = H2 (1)

V2 V2
and, therefore, y1  1  y2  2 (2)
2g 2g

Expressing the velocities in terms of Q, the above equation becomes

Q2 Q2
y1   y2  (3)
2 gb 2 y12 2 gb 2 y22

where, b is the width of the sluice gate.

Simplifying and re-arranging the terms, one obtains

2 gy1
Q  by1 (4)
2 gy1
or alternatively Q  by 2 (5)

The small reduction in flow velocity due to viscous resistance between Sections 1 and 2 may be
allowed for by a coefficient Cv. Then

2 gy1
Q  Cv by2 (6)

The coefficient of velocity, Cv varies in the range 0.95 < Cv < 1.0, depending on the geometry of
the flow pattern (expressed by the ratio yg/y1) and friction.

The downstream depth y2 may be expressed as a function of the gate opening, yg, i.e.

y2 = Cc yg (7)

where, Cc is the coefficient of contraction whose commonly accepted value of 0.61 is nearly
independent of the ratio yg/y1.The maximum contraction of the jet occurs approximately at a
distance equal to the gate opening. Thus, Eq.(6) becomes

2 gy1 (8)
Q  Cc Cv by g
Cc y g

The above equation can also be written as

Q  Cd by g 2gy1 (9)

where, Cd is the coefficient of discharge and is a function of Cv, Cc, b, yg and y1.

Therefore, Cd  (10)
Cc y g / y1  1

Equation (9) may also be written as

Qa  Cd Qt (11)

so that Qt  by g 2gy1 (12)

where, Qt and Qa are the theoretical and actual discharges, respectively.

The momentum equation may be applied to the fluid within any chosen control volume where
the external forces are known or can be estimated to a sufficient degree of accuracy. The
horizontal components of these forces acting on the fluid within the control volume shown in
Fig. 1 are the resultants of the hydrostatic pressure distributions at Sections 1 and 2, the viscous
shear force on the bed and the thrust of the gate. It should be noted that the equation permits the
resultant gate thrust (Fg) to be determined even though the pressure distribution along its surface
is not hydrostatic. Over a short length of smooth bed the contribution of the shear force may he
neglected. The resultant force applied to the fluid within the control volume in the downstream
direction is given by

1 1 
Fx   gy12  gy22  Fg  b (13)
2 2 
The effect of this force is to accelerate the fluid within the control volume in the downstream
direction. Hence,

Fx  Qa V2  V1  (14)

Substituting for Fx and gathering terms, one obtains

 3  Q 2  y 
1 2  y1 
Fg  gy2    1  a 1 2
  (15)
2  y2  2
 b y2  y1 
 

Simplifying and eliminating Qa, we get

Fg 
1  y  y 3
g 1 2 (16)
2 y1  y2

The pressure distribution on the gate cannot he hydrostatic, as the pressure must be atmospheric
at both the upstream water level and at tile point where the jet springs clear of the gate.

Note that the thrust on the gate, FH, for a hydrostatic pressure distribution is given by

FH 

g y1  y g 2 (17)


i. To determine the discharge beneath the sluice gate.

ii. To determine Cv, Cc, and Cd.

iii. To plot Cc and Cd vs. yg/y1 in plain graph paper.

iv. To plot y1 vs. Qa for different yg in plain graph paper.


i. Explain why the pressure distribution along the surface of the gate is not hydrostatic.

ii. What happens when the gate opening is greater than the critical depth?

iii. Verify Equations (9) and (16).

iv. When does the submergence occur and what is its effect on the flow beneath a sluice


Comment on the results obtained, sources of error, etc.

Flow beneath a Sluice Gate
Experimental Data Sheet

Width of Channel, b = ______________ cm

Volume Actual Theoretical

No. yg y1 y2 of Time Discharge Discharge
of Water Qa Qt Cd Cc Cv
(cm) (cm) (cm) (Lit) (sec) (m3/s) (m3/s)

Name of Student :

Roll No.: Group No.:

Signature of
Date : Teacher

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