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Mastering Technical Mathematics

Mastering Technical Mathematics


Stan Gibilisco Norman Crowhurst

NewYork San Francisco Washington, D.C. Auckland Bogota Caracas Lisbon London Madrid MexicoCity Milan Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto

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To Samuel, Tim, and Tony from Uncle Stan

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Contents Borrowing 26 Subtracting with larger numbers 27 Subtracting cash 28 Making change 29 Subtracting weights 30 Using a balance 31 Subtracting liquid and dry measures 32 Questions andproblems 33

3. Multiplication 34
A short cut for repeated addition 34 Use of tables 35 Patterns in numbers 35 How calculators multiply 37 Putting together how people did it 37 Carrying in multiplication 39 A matter of order 40 Using your pocket calculator to verify this process 40 Skipping zeros 41 Either number can be the multiplier 41 Using subtraction in multiplication 42 Multiplying by factors 44 Multiplying with weights 44 Multiplying lengths 45 Multiplying measures 45 Questions andproblems 48

4. Division 50
Division began as counting out 50 How a calculator does it 51 Division is multiplication in reverse 52 Dividing into longer numbers 52 Multiplication checks division 53 More about how a calculator does it 54 Dividing by larger numbers (the people way) 54 Multiplication as a "check again" 56 Division by factors 56 Which method is best? 57 When a remainder is left 57 What does the remainder mean? 59 How a calculator handles fractions 61 Fractions that have multiple parts 62 Decimal equivalents of fractions 62 More difficult fractions 63

Contents ix Where more figures repeat 64 Decimal for one eleventh and others 64 Converting recurring decimals to fractions 65 Where more than one digit recurs 66 Questions andproblems 67

5. Fractions 69
Different fractions with the same value 69 Factors help find the simplest form+ancellation Spotting the factors 70 Rules for finding factors 71 How far to try 72 Squares and primes 72 Factoring with a calculator 73 Adding and subtracting fractions 74 Finding the common denominator 75 Calculators that "do" fractions 76 Significant figures 77 Approximate long division: why use it 78 Longhand procedure 79 Using a calculator to find significance 79 Approximate long multiplication 81 Questions andproblems 81 69

6. Area: the second dimension 84

Scales of length: units and measurement 84 Length times length is area 85 What is square? 85 The right angle 86 Different shapes with the same area 87 Square measure 88 From oblongs to triangles 89 Parallelograms 89 Area of parallelograms 90 Area of acute triangles 91 Area of obtuse triangles 92 Area of triangles 93 Metric measure 94 The metric system 95 Area problems 95 Questions andproblems 98


7. Time: the fourth dimension 100

What is dimension? 100 The fourth dimension: time 101 Using time to build more dimensions 102 Average speed 103 The reference quantity 105 Changing the average 107 Making up time 107 Rate of growth 108 Fractional increase 109 Percentages 109 Percentages with money 111 Percentages up and down 112 Graphical representation of facts 113 Graphs 114 Questions andproblems 117

Part 2. Introducing algebra, geometry, and trigonometry as ways of thinking in mathematics 8. First notions leading into algebra 123
Shorter methods for longer problems 123 Graphs check arithmetic and find solutions 125 Algebra: a more direct way 125 Writing it as algebra 126 Different ways of writing in arithmetic and algebra 127 Brackets or parentheses 127 Using more than one set 128 A problem expressed by algebra 129 Removing parentheses to solve it 130 Putting a problem into algebra 130 Solving it by removing the parentheses 131 Checking your answer and your work 131 Magic by algebra 132 Minus times a minus makes a plus 135 Solving the problem 135 Arithmetic numbers in algebra 136 Number problems 136 Questions andproblems 137

9. Developing "school"algebra 140

Orderly writing in algebra 140 Indices show "place" in algebra 141



Dimension in algebra 142 Expressions, equations, etc. 142 An equation as an action statement 143 Using an equation to solve a problem 144 Simultaneous equations 145 Simultaneous equations solve a fraction problem 146 Solving the problem 147 Solving by substitution 148 Solving for reciprocals 149 Long division clarifies how algebra works 150 Long division finds factors in algebra 151 Questions and problems 152

10. Quadratics 154

Problems with two or more answers 154 Quadratic graph is a symmetrical curve 155 Solving a quadratic equation 156 Using factors to solve equations 157 Finding factors to solve quadratics 158 How factors solve quadratics 158 When factors are even more difficult to find 159 Completing the square 160 Completing the solution by completing the square 161 Checking the answers 162 What the answers mean 163 Comparing methods 164 Formula method 165 Solving by formula 166 Checking results 169 A quadratic problem 170 Questions and problems 171

11. Finding short cuts 173

Difference of squares is always sum times difference 173 Sum and difference in geometry 175 Difference of squares finds factors 175 One way to find a square root 176 "Continued square root 179 Importance of place in square root 179 Importance of signs in successive roots 180 Imaginary numbers 180 Imaginary numbers find the other two cube roots 181 Simultaneous quadratics 183


Always check! 184 Questions and problems


12. Mechanical mathematics 187

Relationship between force and work 187 Measure of force 18 7 Speed and distance 189 Acceleration and distance 190 Force and work 192 Work and energy 193 Energy and power 194 Gravity as a source of energy because of position 195 Weight as force 196 Gravitational measure of work 197 Energy for constant acceleration 199 Kinetic energy and velocity 199 Acceleration at constant power 200 A stressed spring stores energy 201 Spring transfers energy 202 Resonance cycle 203 Travel and velocity in resonance system 204 Questions andproblems 206

13. Ratio in mathematics 209

Proportion or ratio 209 Manipulation of ratio 209 Applying the principle to bigger problems 211 Shape and size 213 About angles in triangles 213 Use of square-cornered triangles 214 Angles identified by ratios 215 Special fact about the right triangle 21 6 Names for angle ratios 218 Spotting the triangle 219 Degree measure of angles 220 Finding trig ratios for certain angles 221 The right isosceles triangle 222 Other angles 223 Using trigonometry in problems 223 Questions and problems 226

14. Trigonometry and geometry conversions 229

Ratios for sum angles 229 Finding sin(A + B) 230 Finding cos(A + B) 231



Finding tan(A + B) 232 Ratios for 75 degrees 233 Ratios of angles greater than 90 degrees 234 Ratios for difference angles 235 Sum and difference formulas 236 Ratios through the four quadrants 237 Pythagoras in trigonometry 238 Multiple angles 239 Properties of the isosceles triangle 240 Angles in a circle 242 Definitions 243 Questions and problems 244

Part 3. Developing algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus 15. Systems of counting 249
Degrees of accuracy 249 Fractions in extended system counting 250 Orders of magnitude 251 Systems of counting 253 Duodecimal system 254 Conversion from decimal to duodecimal 255 Conversion from duodecimal to decimal 256 Binary counting 256 Converting decimal to binary 257 Binary multiplicatiion 258 Alternative binary conversion 260 Binary division 260 Special calculator binary 262 Indices 262 Roots: inverse of powers 264 Surds and indices 265 Questions andproblems 265

16. Progressions 268

Arithmetic progression 268 Geometric progression 269 Harmonic progression 270 Sum of an arithmetic series 271 Sum of a geometric series 272 Converging series 274 Sum of a converging series 275



Rate of convergence 276 Permutations 277 Factorial notation! 278 Combinations 279 Powers of a binomial 280 Binomial expansion 281 Binomial series 282 Completing some patterns 283 Using binomial to find roots 284 Making a series converge 285 Questions andproblems 286

17. Putting progressions to work 289

Rates of change 289 Infinitesimal changes 291 Successive differentiation 294 Differentiating a complete expression 295 Successive differentiation of movement 297 Circular measure of angles 298 Differential of angles 300 Successive differentiation of sine wave 301 Finding series for sine 302 Finding series for cosine 304 Questions andproblems 305

18. Putting differentiationto work 308

Differential of sine waves 308 Sinusoidal motion 309 Harmonic motion 310 Linear or nonlinear relationship 311 Nonlinear relationships 312 Analysis of nonlinear relationships 313 Symmetrical nonlinearity 314 Multiple components of power sinusoids 316 Fourth power term in transfer characteristic 317 Combination of power terms 318 Multiples and powers 319 Formulating expressions to specific requirements 321 Combining algebra and trigonometry 322 Questions andproblems 323

19. Developing calculus theory 326

The concept of functions 326 Two functions multiplied together 327

Checking the formula 328 Using the product formula 329 One function divided by another 329 Checking quotient functions 330 Using the quotient formula 330 Function of a function derivative 332 Equation of a circle 333 Successive derivatives of tangent function 334 Integration is the reverse of differentiation 335 Patterns in calculations 336 The constant of integration 336 Definite integrals 337 Finding area by integration 338 Area of a circle 339 Curved areas of cylinders and cones 340 Surface area of sphere 341 Finding volume by integration 341 Volume of a pyramid 341 Volume of cone 343 Volume of sphere 344 Questions and problems 344


20. Combining calculus with other tools 347

Maxima and minima 347 Maximum and minimum points 348 Point of inflection 349 Second derivative gives more information 350 More help from second derivatives 351 Maximum area with constant perimeter 352 Boxes with minimum surface area 352 Cylindrical container with minimum surface area 353 Conical container 355 Equations for circles, ellipses, and parabolas 355 Directrix, focus, and eccentricity 356 The ellipse and the circle 357 Relationships between focus, directrix, and eccentricity 358 Focus property of parabolas 359 Focus property of ellipses 360 Reflection properties of ellipses and parabolas 360 Hyperbolas: eccentricity greater than unity 361 Asymptotes 362 Second-order curves 363 Conic sections produce second-order curves 364 Questions andproblems 365



2 1. Introduction to coordinate systems 366

Two-dimensional systems of coordinates 366 Equation of a straight line 367 Equation for a circle 367 Three-dimensional systems of coordinates 369 Equations of line and plane in rectangular coordinates 370 Equations in spherical polar coordinates 371 Three-dimensional second-order curves 372 Questions andproblems 372

Part 4. Developing algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus as analytical methods in mathematics 22. Complex quantities 377
Imaginary quantities 377 The complex plane 379 Complex quantities 379 Multiplying complex quantities 382 Reciprocal of complex quantities 382 Division of complex quantities 383 Rationalization 384 Checking results and summarizing 385 Use of a complex plane 386 Quadratic roots with complex quantities 388 Roots by complex quantities 389 Questions andproblems 389

23. Making series do what you want 392

A pattern to a series 392 Pursuing the pattern 393 Natural growth and decay functions 394 Value of e 395 Series for arctan x 396 Concept of logarithms 396 A gap in the series of derivatives 397 Logarithmicfunction in calculus 398 Functions of e 399 Relationship between exponential and trigonometric series 399 Convergence of exponential and trigonometric series 400 Significance of exponential series 400 Significance of E " 401 Complex exponential functions 401 Complex p plane 403

Contents Complex frequency plane 404 Hyperbolic functions 404 Questions and problems 406


24. The world of logarithms 409

Logarithmic series 409 Logarithmic series: modified 41 0 Calculating logarithms 412 Common logarithms 414 Using logarithms: multiplication and division 415 Using logarithms: indices 41 6 Using logarithms with a formula 418 Finding the law by logarithms 419 Questions andproblems 420

25. Mastering the tricks 422

Trigonometrical series: tan x 422 Series for sec x 423 Series for arcsin x, arccos x 423 Convergence of a series 424 A useful conversion 425 Power /multiple conversions 426 Checking the result 428 Integration tools: partial fractions 428 More partial fractions 429 Product formula in integration 429 More product formula 431 Another one by product formula 431 Changing the variable 432 Slope on logarithmic scales 434 A numerical example of slope on log scales 436 Making the curve fit parameters 436 Drawing hints 437 Questions andproblems 438

26. Development of calculator aids 44 1

The slide rule 441 The simple nomogram 442 Multi-formula nomograms 442 The ratio nomogram 443 The reciprocal nomogram 444 The graphical chart 444 Change of scales in the graphical chart 446 Resolving complex quantities graphically 447


Construction for the complex resolution graph 447 Modified linear representation 448 Other possibilities 448 Another concept in chart design 450 Duality between types of calculators 451 Waveform synthesis 451 Fourier series 453 A triangular waveform 453 A square wave 454 Relationship between square and triangular 454 An offset square wave 456 The square wave as a "switching" function 456 Series for quadratic curve 459 The finite approach to the infinite 461 Questions and problems 463

27. Digital mathematics 465

Numbering 466 Decimal system 466 Binary system 467 Octal system 467 Hexadecimal system 467 Logic and Boolean algebra 467 Trinary logic 468 Fuzzy logic 468 Electronic logic gates 468 Basic gates 468 Composite gates 470 Binary circuits and symbols 471 Bits and bytes 4 71 Flip-flops 4 72 Compression 4 73 RGB color model 474 Working with truth tables 475 Building up 475 Breaking down 476 Questions andproblems 477

Appendix. Answers to questions and problems 479 Index 559 About the Authors 569

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Most people are "strong" in certain areas of mathematics, and "weak" in others. In your job, you probably need knowledge of some fields far more than others. If you're lucky, your strongest knowledge will correspond to the field you use or need the most. But if you're like most people, there will be differences. For example, I'm pretty good at calculus and analysis, and not so good at probability and statistics. But in my current work, I need to have a functional knowledge of statistics more than I need to differentiate or integrate functions. As a result, I found myself working harder, as I revised this book, on the probability and statistics sections than on the calculus sections. When you use this book as a "refresher" course, keep in mind that you might need intensive work on subjects you don't like or are not good at. The material here is presented in a "fast-and-furious" format.There's a lot of information in a small space. You'll sometimes find your progress must be measured in hours per page, rather than pages per hour. If you get stuck someplace, don't worry. Just skip ahead or go back, work on something else for a while, and then come back to the hard stuff. And of course, you can always refer to more basic texts to reinforce your knowledge of subjects where you are weak.

Stan Gibilisco

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From counting to addition

These are Some of the ways Seven things can be arranged.

Counting in tens and dozens

When you have a large number of things to count, putting them into separate groups of convenient size makes the job easier. People in most of the world use the number 10 as a basis or "base" for such counting. It is called the decimal system, from the Latin decenz, which means ten. Thus, 2 groups of 10 are 20; 3 are 30; 4 are 40; and so on.

It is easier to count Big Numbers in TENS

From counting to addition





0000e800C000<~~ dozen


not much used nowadays

Tens aren't the only size of group (base) that people have used. At one time, many things were counted in dozens (twelves). Eggs and other things are still bought in dozens.This system is called the duodecimal.

or in DOZENS

Writing numbers greater than 10

When we have more than ten, we state the number of complete ten groups with the extras left over. Thus, 35 means 3 tens and 5 ones left over. The numbers are written side by side.The left-hand number is tens and the right hand number is ones: 35.



6 From counting to addition




Why zero is used in counting

If we have an exact count of tens and no ones are left over, we need to show that the number is in tens, not ones. To do this, we write a zero (0) as the right-hand number in the ones place, which shows an exact number of tens, because there is nothing left over for the ones place. Zero means "none."

Man's earliest computer: the abacus

Various kinds of abacuses have been around for thousands of years. The one shown has a number of rows of beads, separated so that one bead is in one space and 4 beads are in another, all in the same row. First, we show how to count with it. Start with the bottom row. All of the beads are pushed to the 1eft.Youcount 1 and move one bead to the right. Notice the little diagrams underneath that show what it looks like to count to 9. After you've moved all 4 beads to the right on the "4" count, push them all back to the left and bring the one bead to the right for the "5" count. So, the one bead represents 5. To count 6, start moving the 4 beads over again. If you want to count 9, what do you do? The successive rows of beads represent "registers." Move a bead to the right in the next row up, and return all of the first row to the left. The bead represents 10.The second row contains the tens beads. Other kinds of abacuses might be used differently, but the idea is the same.

From counting to addition

By tens and hundreds to thousands
The abacus represents numbers well. A better way to visualize numbers is to think of packing many things into boxes. This box holds 10 things (apples, for example) each direction. So, each layer (this box would be rather large) contains 100 apples. If you have 10 of these layers, with 100 in each layer, the box contains 1,000 apples. Just imagining packing in this manner helps us to understand numbers. Thus, the 2 full boxes each contains 1000.The one part-filled box contains 5 full layers (500), 6 full rows on the next layer (60), and 3 ones in an incomplete row. The whole number adds up to two thousand, five hundred and sixty three (2,563).

From counting to addition




Two thousand five hundred sixty three

1 thousand

2 thousand-

6 tens

5 hundreds

1 3 ones and

From counting to addition

Don't forget the zeros

When a count has leftover layers, rows and parts of rows with this systematic arrangement idea, you will have numbers in each column. However, if you have no complete hundred layers (as at A) the hundreds place will be a zero. That is three thousand and sixty five (3,065). You might have no ones left over (as at B) or no tens (as at C), or even no tens or hundreds (as at D). In each case, it's important to write a zero to keep the other numbers in their proper places. For this reason, zero is called a "placeholder." I repeat, don't forget to use zeros!

A 3 complete thousands


Three thousand and sixty five No hundreds

4 complete thousands
Four thousand three hundred seventy

2 complete thousands
Two thousand five hundred and four

3 complete thousands


Three thousand and eight

No tens or hundreds

zeros are important!

10 From counting to addition

Beyond thousands: millions and more

Maybe you can imagine stacking thousands of boxes so that the boxes represent a whole new set of counting. Here one complete box that contains one thousand apples is magnified in a stack of many similar boxes. In this picture, the million stack is nearly complete. In the million stack, each layer contains one hundred thousand (100,000), each row contains ten thousand (10,000), and each box contains one thousand (1,000). So think of those commas as marking off according to the size of "box" you count in for the time being.

Different ways of viewing big numbers

Take another look at the abacus to see how useful it is. Each row represents a successively higher counting group, or register, by 10 times. Thus, with only 6 rows you can count to one million (actually, up to 999,999, which is 1 short of one million). If you had 9 rows you could count up to one billion. Each three digits are marked with a comma to "keep track" of the number.

From counting to addition







Addition is counting on
Now that a method of counting is established, a method of calculating can be developed. The first step is addition. Suppose you've already counted 5 in one group and 3 in another group. You put them together or add them and what do you have? The easiest way to picture this situation is to count on. People count on their fingers all the time if they don't have their "addition facts" memorized. If you memorize your addition facts, that's fine. But nothing is wrong with counting on: it just takes longer. Some make an addition table, like a multiplication table (such as in chapter 3) and use that till they remember all the addition facts. Do what's best for you.

To Add



12 From counting to addition

Count On




Adding three or more numbers

Here is a principle that those who invented the "new mathematics" gave a fancy name. Put simply, it says that you can add three or more numbers in any order. Suppose you have to add 3 and 5 and 7.Whatever order you add these three numbers, the answer is 15. This principle extends to however many numbers you might have to add. It becomes more important when we start adding together numbers with more than just the one digit.

add together






~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ Q O Q a o Q
three, five, and seven are fifteen no matter which two you add first!


From counting to addition


seven and five are






twelve and three are








5 and 4 are 2 and 2 are 1 and 3 are




Four Hundred and Forty Nine

14 From counting to addition

Adding larger numbers

So far, you have added numbers with only a single figure or digit-ones. Bigger numbers can be added in just the same way, but be careful to add only ones to ones, tens to tens, hundreds to hundreds, and so on. Just as 1 and 1 are 2, so 10 and 10 are 20,100 and 100 are 200, and so on.We can use the counting-on method or the addition table for any group of numbers, so long as all the numbers in the group belong. That is, they are all in the same place: one, tens, hundreds, or whatever. So, let's add 125 and 324.Takethe ones first: 5 and 4 are 9. Next the tens: 2 and 2 are 4. Last the hundreds: 1 and 3 are 4. Our result is 4 hundreds, 4 tens, and 9 ones: 449. Notice that we are taking short cuts.We no longer count tens and hundreds one at a time, but in their own group, tens or hundreds. If you added all those as ones, you would have 449 chances of skipping one, or of counting one twice. So, the short cut not only makes it quicker, it also reduces the chances of making a mistake.

In that example, we deliberately chose numbers in each place that did not add up to over 10, to make it easy. If any number group or place adds to over 10, you must "carry" it to the next higher group or place. Suppose you had to add 27 and 35.Takethe ones first: 7 and 5 are 12.Thatis, 1 ten and 2 ones. The 1 belongs in the tens' place. Now, instead of just 2 and 3 to add in the tens' place, you have the extra 1 that resulted as ten "carried" from adding 7 and 5.The 1 is said to be carried from the ones' place. This carrying goes on any time the total at a certain place goes over ten. For example, add 7,358 and 2,763. Starting with the ones: 8 and 3 are 11: we write 1 in the ones' place and carry 1 to the tens' place. Now, the tens: 5 and 6 are 11, and the 1 carried from the ones makes 12.Write 2 in the tens' place and carry 1 to the hundreds' place. Now, the hundreds: 7 and 3 are 10, and 1 carried from the tens' makes 11 hundreds. Again, write 1 in the hundreds' place and carry 1 to the thousands' place. Now, the thousands: 7 and 2 are 9, and 1 carried from the hundreds make 10 thousands. Since neither of the original numbers had any ten thousands, write 10 thousands and finish, because nothing is left to add to the 1 carried this time.The answer is 10,121. Another example: suppose you now have to add 7,196 and 15,273.Start with the ones: 6 and 3 are 9. Write nine in the ones' place and nothing is left to carry to the tens'. Next, 9 and 7 are 16.Write the 6 and carry the one to the hundreds. Now, the hundreds: 1 and 2 are 3, and the 1 carried makes 4. Again, none to carry to the thousands. So, in the thousands: 7 and 5 are 12. Now, carry 1 to ten thousands, where only one number already has 1. 1 and 1 are 2 for the ten thousands' place.The answer is 22,469.

From counting to addition



step 1. ones

2. tens


16 From counting to addition


Successive addition
A calculator performs addition by adding each number by counting on, like this book showed you how to do. But it does it ever so much more quickly than people can.Trace it through to see how it does it, then do it on your own calculator.

The old-time way

Older people learned to add by columns. Each way gets the right answer if you don't make a mistake. At the top of page 17, we take the same five numbers that were added on the previous section and add them the old way. First, the ones. 6 and 3 are 9; 9 and 3 are 12; 12 and 2 are 14; 14 and 6 are 20; write 0 in the ones' place and carry 2 to the tens' place. Maybe it's best to count the carried number first so that you don't forget it. Some people add it last, just be sure. Now, the tens: 2 carried and 7 are 9; 9 and 2 are 11; 11 and4are 15; 15and4make 19; 19and7make26; write6inthetens' place and carry the 2 to the hundreds' place. Do the hundreds' place the same way: 2 carried and 4 are 6; 6 and 5 are 11; skip the number that has no hundreds' place; 11 and 5 are 16; 16 and 3 are 19; write 9 in hundreds' and carry 1 to the thousands'. Now, the thousands': 1 carried and 3 are 4; 4 and 5 are 9; skip the next; 9 and 6 are 15; and no thousands are in the last number; write 5 in the thousands' place and carry 1 to the ten thousands'. Finally the ten thousands: 1 carried and 1 are 2; 2 and 2 are 4; and that's all there is. So, the answer is 45,960, the same as we got the other way.

From counting to addition


Ten thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones


3 5

5 3

7 2 4 4 7

6 3 3 2 6

Step 1

and @are and

step 2

Qare and

Step 3
Step 4



and carried

This is how an Adding Machine adds.

Successive Addition (contd.)


Or you can add the same numbers this way.

18 From counting to addition

Checking answers
Already, the same five numbers have been added in two different ways. Before calculators made it so easy, bookkeepers would use two methods, usually those shown here as the 2nd and 3rd, to check themselves. First, they would add the numbers by columns, starting at the top and working down, as you did in the last section.Then,they would add the same numbers starting at the bottom and working up. In the units' column that would go 6 and 2 make 8; 8 and 3 are 11; 11 and 3 are 14; 14 and 6 are 20. Each column should have the same answer, whether you add from the top or bottom. Now, calculators are used so much more, but that is no guarantee that you won't make a mistake. A good plan is to add up with the calculator as well as to add down. 376 and 6,542 are 6,918; 6,918 and 43 are 6,961; 6,961 and 25,523 are 32,484; and 32,484 and 13,476 are 45,960. You see the advantage of using more than one method.The partial sums that you move through on the way are different. You only reach the same answer at the end. The likelihood that you would enter the same wrong number twice under these conditions is much reduced. If you get different answers, work each one again until you find where you made your mistake.

Three Ways to Add - Two Ways to Check your Answer


From counting to addition




Modern scales read weight digitally. You might have seen another kind of scale in a doctor's office.The old-fashioned grocer's scales are now antique items, but knowing how they worked helps understand math. Those scales had two pans supported from a beam pivoted across a point (fulcrum) at an equal distance on either side of the fulcrum.When the weight in both pans was equal, the scales balanced: the pans were level with one another. When the weights were unequal, the pan with the heavier weight dropped and the other rose. To use such scales, the grocer needed a set of standard weights, shown here. Standard (avoirdupois) weight, still used in English speaking countries, does not follow the metric or " 10 times" scale. Instead, it has 16 drams to an ounce, 16 ounces to a pound, 28 pounds to a quarter, and 4 quarters (112 pounds) to a hundredweight, 20 hundredweights (or 2240 pounds) to the ton, often called the long ton because a ton of 2000 pounds is used more today. A set of weights consisted of those shown at the top of the diagram overleaf-just 12 of them, unless the grocer wanted to measure more than 15 pounds. With these weights, if the scale was sensitive enough, he could weigh anything to the nearest dram. Suppose you have to weigh a parcel. First, put the parcel in the pan on the left. Then, put standard weights on the other pan until the scale tips the other way.


From counting to addition

If a 1-poundweight doesn't tip it, a 2-pound weight is tried. It still doesn't tip. But the 2 and 1 together, making 3 pounds, does tip it. So, the parcel weighs more than 2 pounds, but less than 3. He leaves the 2-pound weight in the pan and starts using the ounce weights. 8 ounces doesn't tip the scale. If 4 ounces are added, to make 12 ounces, it doesn't tip. But the 2-ounce weight, which brings the weight up to 2 pounds 14 ounces, tips it. If the 1-ounce weight is used instead of the 2-ounce weight, the scale still doesn't tip. So, the parcel is more than 2 pounds 13 ounces and less than 2 pounds 14 ounces. If you want to be more accurate, follow this method until it balances with 2 pounds, 13 ounces and 3 drams.

" a





1 dram 2 drams 3 drams 4 drams 5 drams

1 ounce = 16 drarns

2 ounces

1 pound = 16 ounces


3 ounces

a 0 0

6 drarns
7 drarns

4 ounces
5 ounces

8 drarns

6 ounces
7 ounces


8 ounces


ni80 !
6 I

2 pounds

3 pounds

4 pounds


8 0

6 pounds


8 pounds


From counting to addition



more than 2 pounds

less than 3 pounds

more than 2 pounds 12 ounces

less than 2 pounds 14 ounces

more than 2 pounds 13 ounces

less than 2 pounds 13 ounces and 4 drams

more than 2 pounds 13 ounces and 2 drams



22 From counting to addition

Liquid and dry measures

The common measures of quantity (bulk), both liquid and dry, are pints, quarts, and gallons. Although they are not the same, unless you are measuring water (which isn't dry), each measure has 2 pints to a quart, and 4 quarts to a gallon. The metric measures of all these units will be covered later.

1 Pint

1 Quart

1 Gallon

Questions and problems

1. Does it make any difference in the final answer whether you count them (a) one by one, (b) in groups of ten, and (c) in groups of twelve? 2. Why do we count larger numbers in hundreds, tens, and ones, instead of one at a time?

3. The figure zero (0) means none.Why then should we bother to write down this number?
4. What are (a) 10 tens and (b) 12 twelves? 5. What are (a) 10 hundreds, (b) 10 thousands, and (c) 1,000 thousands?

6. By counting on, add the following groups of numbers, then check your results by adding the same numbers together in reverse order. Finally, use your pocket calculator:
(a) (d) (g) 3+6+9 6+4+8 5+8+8 (b) (e) (h) 4+5+7 1+3+2 9+8+7 (c)


2+7+3 4+2+2 7+1+8

From counting to addition


7. Add together the following groups of numbers: in each use a manual method (without using a calculator) first, then verify your answer with a calculator. Practice using different methods: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 35,759 23,574 29,123 14,285 28,171 4 + 85,714 + 71,428 235 + 5,742 + 1 2 10,950 + 423 + 6,129 + 12,567 + 35,742 + 150 + 90,909 + 18,181 1,000 + 74+ 359 + 9,091 +81,818

8. How does adding money differ from adding numbers? 9. Add together the following weights: 1 pound, 6 ounces, and 14 drams; 2 pounds, 13 ounces, and 11 drams; 5 pounds, 11 ounces, and 7 drams. Check your result by adding them in at least three ways. If you get different answers, find your mistakes. 10. What weights would you use to weigh out each of the quantities in question 9, using the system of weights. Check your answers by adding up the weights you name for each object weighed. 11. In weighing a parcel, the 4-pound weight tips the pan down, but the 2- and 1-pound weights do not raise the parcel pan. What would you do next to find the weight of the parcel (a) if you want it to the nearest dram; (b) if you have to pay postage on the number of ounces or fractions of an ounce? 12. How many inches are in 2 yards? (First, add the number of inches in 3 feet to make 1 yard, then add the inches in another yard to make 2 yards.) 13. A fleet of cars needs oil changes.Three of the cars require 5 quarts each, two require 6 quarts each, four require one gallon each. How many gallons of oil does the owner need? Write down the number of quarts for each car (4 for the ones that use a gallon), add them up, and count off 4 quarts for each gallon. 14. If the owner can buy quarts at 90 cents and gallons at $3.50, to be economical, how will he buy the oil? 15. A woman buys three dresses at $12.98 each, spends $3.57 on train fare to get to town, and $5.00 on a meal while she is there. How much did she spend altogether?

- - -









three 1 from eight are



and -three



26 Subtraction

Checking subtraction by addition

It is most important, all through mathematics, to be sure that you have the right answer.That is why we use at least two ways of adding, one to check the other. In subtraction, an easy way to check the answer is to reverse the process by addition. to see if we get the number we began with.

In addition, if the one's figures added to ten or over, it carried into the tens' figure, and so on. In subtraction, this process is reversed. Suppose you must subtract 17 from 43. First, subtract the ones. But 7 is larger than 3. You could subtract 7 from 13. So, "borrow" a ten to make that 3 into 13. 7 from 13 leaves 6.Taking away the 1 that was borrowed from the ten's column leaves only 3 from which we can take the 1. So, 17 from 43 is 26.






.----.---------------ones 10 borrowed from

1 3







Now, check the result by adding 26 and 17. In the ones, 6 and 7 are 13.Write the 3 and carry the 1 to the ten's column. In the ten's column, 1 carried and 2 are 3, and 1 is 4. So, 26 and 17 are 43, which checks back with the number you began with. Your answer should be right because you would have to make two very special mistakes to return to the correct original figure. Usually, if you make two mistakes, the final result would be even further from the correct answer than if you only made one.

Subtracting with larger numbers

Now that you have the idea, try some really big numbers. Here 17,583 is subtracted from 29,427.Work through it yourself.You will have to borrow from the hundreds for the tens, and again from the thousands for the hundreds. Go over this carefully.When borrowing, some people like to cross out the original figure and reduce it by 1. Thus, at the hundred's figure, you are subtracting 5 from 3, which, with 1 borrowed from the thousand's, is 13.Then, in the thousands, subtract 7 from 8, not 9. Finally, (as shown on the next page) turn it around and add 17,583 and 11,844.Carry in the same places that you borrowed and you should return to the original number in the top line of the subtraction.


1 1

1 1

4 borrowed






Subtracting cash
Cash is no more difficult to subtract than other numbers are.The only difference is in the dollars and cents. Start at the cents and work back. If you take a larger number of cents from a smaller number, you have to borrow a dollar.


subtracting cash

add CHECKING and



Making change
This idea of counting on, or using addition to check subtraction, is often used by sales clerks when making change. Suppose you bought something for $3.27 and use a $5 bill for payment. Subtraction will show that you should get $1.73 in change. The clerk figures the bill (or maybe the cash register does it-most new ones do), then "proves" it by giving you change, as shown.

Making Change




THEN TWO DIMES SAYING, "3.40, 3.50."

SAYING, "3.75, 4 DOLLARS."




Putting 3 pennies in your hand, he says, "$3.27, 28, 29, 30." Then, he puts 2 dimes in your hand, saying "$3.40, 50 ." Next 2 quarters, saying "$3.75, $4.00" Finally, he gives you a dollar bill, saying "$5," which was the amount you tended. What he did was check the change by adding it to the cost of what you bought, to come to the amount you tended in payment.

Subtracting weights
Suppose a mother wants to weigh her baby, who is too big for baby scales and too wriggly to get a reading on ordinary scales. The mother weighs herself holding the baby in her arms, then weighs herself without the baby. The difference, obtained by subtraction, is the baby's weight. If she weighs 156 pounds holding the baby and 121 pounds without the baby, then the baby weighs 156 - 121, or 35 pounds. That minus (-) sign is the sign used to indicate subtraction,just as a plus (+) sign indicates addition.


Mother and baby weigh 156 pounds Mother only weighs 121 pounds So baby weighs 35 pounds


Mother weighs 121 pounds Baby weighs 35 pounds So mother and baby weigh 156 pounds



Using a balance
You might not see the balance used often today. If you can get some old-fashioned scales, it's a good exercise. If not, you must imagine it. Suppose you are weighing something that eventually you find weighs 3 pounds 14 ounces. In the traditional method, you would put the parcel in one pan and a selection of weights in the other pan. You'll have 1- and 2-pound weights, and 8-, 4-, and 2-ounce weights. The other method uses subtraction (backwards addition, however you want to view it). The parcel weighs just under 4 pounds. So, put small weights in the pan with the parcel and find that it balances with the 2-ounce weight in the parcel pan, and the 4-pound weight in the weight pan. So, the parcel weighs 2 ounces less than 4 pounds or the weight of the parcel plus 2 ounces equals 4 pounds.

There are 2 ways to use a balance


Parcel weighs more than 3 pounds

less than 4 pounds lillany tries later]



Parcel weighs more than 3 pounds

less than 4 pounds


So the parcel must weigh 3 POUNDS 14 OUNCES



Subtracting liquid and dry measures

Another application for subtraction is when figuring the mileage of a car. You cannot measure the gas used on a trip, because you no longer have it. For example, you began the trip with 20 gallons in the tank. If you could measure what is left in the tank, you would find 11 gallons. But the gas gauge might not be that accurate. At the beginning of the journey, you filled the tank. You took the trip. Then, you filled the tank again. It needed 9 gallons, so you used 9 gallons.You automatically check the subtraction when you refill the tank.


Start journey with a tankful20 gallons start with finish with

Finish journey1 1 gallons left

Refill tanktakes 9 gallons

20 gallons 11 gallons in tank (finish) refill takes full tank again


11 gallons 9 gallons

20 gallons



Questions and problems

1. Make the following subtractions and check your results by addition, both by hand and using your calculator.


- 46


123 81



543 37


762 371


509 -410


263 - 74


4,321 - 1,234

6,532 -2,356


11,507 - 8,618

2. A refrigerator's list price is $659.95. A local discount store offers a $160 discount on this item. How much would you pay at this store? Check your result by addition.

3. A lady purchased items priced at $2.95, $4.95, $3.98, $10.98, and $12.98. After adding up the bill, the store clerk offers to knock off the extra cents, so she would pay only the dollar amount.The lady has a better idea.Why not knock the extra cents off each item? How much more would she save if the store clerk accepted this suggestion.?
4. A child wants to weigh her pet cat.The cat won't stay on the scales long enough to get a reading. So she weighs herself with the cat, then without it. With the cat, she weighs 9 3 pounds.Without it, 85 pounds. How much does the cat weigh? 5. A recipe calls for 1 pound 12 ounces of rice.You have an old fashioned scale to measure it with. All the pound weights are there, but the only ounce weights that have not been lost are the 1- and 4-ounce weights. How can you weigh the 1 pound 12 ounces?Prove it by showing that the scale balances. 6. You are studying a road map on which town B is between towns A and C.The map shows only selected distances. Between A and B, it shows 147 miles. Between A and C, it shows 293 miles. If you want to go from B to C, how far is it? 7. A freight company charges partly on weight and partly on mileage. The distance charge is based on direct distance-even if the company's handling might necessitate taking it further. A package addressed to town B had to travel from A to C, which is 1,200 miles, and back to B, on the direct route between A and C, which is 250 miles. What distance is the charge based on? 8. A man has a parcel of land along a 1-mile frontage of highway. He has sold pieces with frontages of 300 yards, 450 yards, 210 yards, and 500 yards. How much frontage does he have left to sell?

- - -



This problem leads to the next step in calculating.This short cut remembers what so many counts of any particular number add up to. At one time, children learning arithmetic would spend hours memorizing printed multiplication tables, often without knowing why they'd need such things. If you were lucky enough to remember that 7 times 3 equal 2 1, you got the answer more quickly. However, many people who "knew" that answer could not tell you why 7 times three are 2 1.

Use of tables
The multiplication table was one of man's earliest computers: a ready way of getting answers without having to do all that adding. So to understand it, and see more about how numbers "work," make you own multiplication table, such as the one shown here. Start with the numbers along the top and down the left side. Now, count in twos, and write the results in the next column, under "2 times." Each next figure down the column is 2 more than the one above it. Now, do the same thing with the "3 times" column, adding 3 for each next figure down the column. Continue until you have done the "9 times" column.


Patterns in numbers
If you counted carefully enough, your table should be right. The idea of making your own is so you know that the table is true. That way, using it will not be "cheating," which is what some teachers say about students who use printed

36 Multiplication
tables.You will be using what you have already done and verified. So, how do you verify it? The simplest check is odds and evens. An even number is one whose one's figure is 2,4, 6, 8, or 0. An odd number has a one's figure of 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. Notice that the only places where you have odd numbers are where both the number at the top of the column and the beginning of the line are odd. If either of them are even, the number in that space is even. Now notice the column and line opposite 5. These are shown by themselves in Part A. All the numbers have a one's figure of either 0 or 5. Another thing you might notice is that any multiplication can be found in two places, except where the number is multiplied by itself. Thus, 3 times 7 is the same as 7 times 3. This rule is true for every combination of two different numbers. Another interesting set is the column or line against 9. Notice that each successive number has one more in the tens and one less in the ones, and also that adding the two digits together always makes 9.





Some PATTERNS in numbers make useful CHECKS



Now take the diagonal where numbers are multiplied by themselves. These numbers are called 'squares." We'll see why later. Complete the box of figures by writing a " 1" at top left. Now, notice the difference between successive places down the "square" diagonal. 1 and 3 are 4.4 and 5 are 9. 9 and 7 are 16. 16 and 9 are 25 and 11 are 36. 36 and 13 are 49. 49 and 15 are 64. 64 and 17 are 81. Each step adds the next odd number from the one you added last. Now, take diagonals the other way. 1 either way from 9 finds 8. 1 either way from 16 finds 15, and so on. Moving away from the "square" diagonal along the other diagonal always drops by 1. If you pursue this direction, you would find that the next answer drops by 3, and so on.This information is very useful later on.

How calculators multiply

The table we just examined only goes up to 9 times 9. Years ago, children had learned up to 12 times 12, or even 24 times 24. What a chore! In the tens (or "decimal") system, all we really need is up to 9 times 9. Multiplying by 10 merely adds a zero to the end. 5 times 6 equal 30. 5 times 60 are 300. 50 times 60 are 3000. Whichever number you multiply by 10, the product gets multiplied by 10 (using an extra O), too. Calculators use this fact. Actually a calculator does not multiply. It keeps on adding. But because it does so much faster (one addition in about a millionth of a second) it adds more quickly than you can multiply. If you enter 29 3 times 135, here is what the calculator does inside (see page 38). Starting from zero in both "registers," it takes the first digit of the multiplier, here ' (representing loo), moves the product up by the multiplicand (that's the fancy name for 293 in this case) in the product register, at the hundreds place and by 100 in the multiplier register. Since no more hundreds are left, it now moves to the tens, which it moves up by 3 additions. Finally, it moves up 5 times for the units place in the multiplier to find the product 39,555.The calculator has merely done addition to complete what people do by multiplication.

Putting together how people did it

Simple multiplication,just using the facts in the table you constructed, is easy. But people have to multiply bigger numbers, like the one at the top of page 39. To do it, you must multiply every part of one number, the multiplicand (as it used to be called) by every part of the other number, the multiplier. You can multiply in any order, so long as you do it systematically, so as not to miss any.You could multiply as another exercise and let your calculator assemble it. Let's take it in order, from left to right in each number, the multiplicand first in each case. Few people ever learned to do it that way. Maybe they would have understood it better if they had, before learning the usual ways of shortening what you write down.



How calculators multiply





Putting together how people did it

Multiplicand Multiplier Subproduct Cumulative Total

Carrying in multiplication
In addition, carrying is used as a way of saving what had to be written down. Multiplication can do the same thing. It also helps us to be systematic.

These are what you really do. However you can save space and check on the

You can save time by not writing this zero 7 X 3,542 =>24,794 20 X 3,542 7 0 , 8 4 0 ~ remember to ' leave space for it. 95,634

3,542 X 27

= >


40 Multiplication
Here's another example that will show this rule better: 3,542 multiplied by 27. First the ones: 7 times 2 are 14; write 4, carry 1.The tens: 7 times 4 are 28, with 1 carried makes 29; write 9 carry 2. The hundreds: 7 times 5 are 35, with 2 carried is 37; write 7, carry 3. The thousands: 7 times 3 are 21, with 3 carried is 24.That finishes 3,542 x 7: 24,794. Now do the tens part, which equals 70,840, in the same way. Sometimes you don't write the zero, just space the last digit (4) over, so it's in the tens column. The whole thing is written down in one "piece" or algorithm, as the professional mathematicians call it. This is essentially how people performed multiplication before we had computers.

A matter of order
As the Introduction showed, at one time "new math" consisted in multiplying from the other direction. Here, the same multiplication has been performed in the reverse order: first the 20, then the 7 where, on the previous page, the 7 was multiplied first, then the 20. The answer is the same either way, provided no mistakes are made. The importance thing in long multiplication by hand is to do it systematically. If the multiplier has three or more digits, work consistently, either from left to right or from right to left.
3,542 X 27 70,840 24,794

20 X 3,542 7 X 3,542 I

= >



Using your pocket calculator to verify this process

When you have a pocket calculator, it is easy to punch in one number, then the multiply sign, then the other number, and finally the equals sign. Bingo, you have the answer, all complete.This method doesn't help you see how it's done. Here's how you can do that. Assume you have a calculator with a single memory, which is the simplest type. Multiplying 7 by 2, it gives you 14, which you enter in memory with the MS button. Now, multiply 7 by 40, which gives you 280. Add this number to the 14 with the M+ button. You can read what you already have by pressing the MR button. Finish multiplying by 7 and the MR button will list your answer "longhand:" 24794.



Now, you can go on multiplying by 20. With a single memory, you don't see the "times 20" part separately, as you did in longhand. The final answer is the same. If you have a calculator with more than one memory, you can store each part in a separate memory and then add the contents of the two memories.

Skipping zeros
When you multiply longhand, don't forget the zeros, if your multiplier has a zero in it. When you pass zero, there is no point in writing a line of zeros, because zero times anything is still zero. But don't forget that, in this case, after multiplying by 20 (the tens figure), the next one is the thousand figure, which moves to the left two places instead of one, because the multiplier has no hundreds figure.
23,056 1,024

2 e

23,056 1,024 9 , 2 v i e d



In multiplication too, zeros are used to keep figures in their "places."

Either number can be the multiplier

We tend to use the "shorter" number as the multiplier, because it looks like less work. It isn't: you still have to multiply every digit in one number by every digit in the other, but it looks simpler. Here are two examples where the same two

42 Multiplication
numbers are multiplied together, swapping places for multiplicand and multiplier. Of course, you can verify this very easily with your pocket calculator. Whichever way you punch in the numbers, e.g., 3542 x 27 or 27 x 2542, you will get the same answer, 95634.This principle is given a fancy name in one version of the so-called "new math." Don't bother with it, just remember that it's true.

original work check work


70,840 95,634



Using subtraction in multiplication

Sometimesit's convenient to make complicatedcalculationsin your head, instead of relying on a calculator. Although a calculator isn't "interested" in short cuts, they can be a big help when you do things in your head. It is also a useful way to verify your result-even in your head!



Here are two examples of using subtraction, instead of addition, in multiplication.When I show some people this "trick," they say "I didn't know you could do that!" The multiplier 29 is 1 less than 30. So, multiply by 30, which is much easier than multiplying by 29. Then, subtract once times the original number, which is itself Check it in the usual way; you will find the same answer. In the second example, 98 is 2 less than 100.This example is even easier. Multiplying by 100 just puts two zeros to the right of the original number. Subtract twice the original number, to represent -2 in the multiplier, and you have the answer. Multiplying by 2 is much less work than multiplying by 8 and then 9 and adding them together,which is what has been done to verify the result. If you don't like all that work longhand, do it on your pocket calculator.

By subtraction

By addition

30 X 47,392 minus 1 X 47,392

1 1,421,760 ) 1 )

9 X 47,392 plus 20X47,392

1 426,528 ) 1 947,840 )


98 100 X 63,257 minus

8 X 63,257 plus

1 6,325,700 )

1 506,056 )




Multiplying by factors
Here's another way that works very well with certain numbers. Suppose the multiplier is 35. That happens to be 5 x 7. Instead of multiplying the whole original number by 5 and by 30 and adding the results, you can multiply first by 5, then multiply that result by 7. As is shown here, both ways give the same answer.You can verify this answer on your pocket calculator, too.




Multiplying with weights

When you use systems that are nondecimal (not based on the 10 system) multiplication is complicated a little. Some pocket calculators are equipped to make such conversions, but you need to know what to do if yours isn't when you encounter such a problem. Suppose you have to find what 25 times 1pound 3 ounces is.You can multiply the pounds by 25, and you can multiply the ounces by 25. But 25 pounds, 75 ounces isn't the way you'd normally express that weight! Anything over 16 ounces must be converted into pounds. Convert 16 ounces to an extra pound and subtract the 16 ounces. Doing this procedure 4 times converts the 75 ounces to 4 pounds and 11 ounces. Now, add the 4 pounds to the 25 pounds, so the total is 29 pounds 11 ounces.You could convert the 75 ounces to pounds by dividing by 16. However, the remainder would still have to be converted back to ounces.



Your calculator will convert 75 ounces to 4.6875 pounds. If you subtract the 4, that leaves 0.6875 as the part over 4 pounds. Multiply that by 16 to convert back to ounces, and you have 11.

PROBLEM IN WEIGHT 25 X 1 pound 3 ounces

25 times

3 ounces is

75 ounces
-16 -

or 1 pound 59 ounces -16

or 2 pounds 43 ounces

or 3 pounds 27 ounces -16 or 4 pounds 1 1 ounces

25 times 1 pound is

25 pounds

25 times 1 pound 3 ounces is 29 Pounds 11 Ounces

Multiplying lengths
Multiplying lengths is similar, except that the English system uses 12 inches to the foot, 3 feet to the yard, etc., instead of the decimal or metric system.Where necessary, we have to make the same kind of conversions between inches, feet, and yards. See the example on page 46.

Multiplying measures
In the same way, if you multiply a measure by a fairly large number, it is usually convenient to change the unit of measure in which we express it. See example at the bottom of page 46 and top of page 47. Suppose you multiply 3 pints by 250. The answer is quite easily found to be 750 pints. But quantities this large are usually given in gallons, not in pints. Remembering that 8 pints are in a gallon, you can proceed to count off in eights. This procedure is quite long (unless your calculator does it). From 750, 8 can be subtracted 93 times and 6 pints are left over. If you divide 750 by 8, you have 9 3 3/4 gallons.The calculator would read 9 3.75.

46 Multiplication

to cut off 5 pieces 10 in

5 times 10 is

-1 2 -

50 inches

or or or or

1 foot 2 feet

38 inches

26 inches -12


3 feet 4 feet

14 inches -1 2 2 inches

1st piece

2nd piece 101inches

3rd piece

4th piece


5th piece

20 inches 2 ft.

301 inches
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

40 inches
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 ft.

3 ft.

4 ft.



One motor crankcase takes 3 pints of oil

How much is needed for 250 motors?

250 times 3 pints is or 1 gallon 742 pints -8 or 2 gallons 734 pints -8 or 3 gallons 726 pints - 8 71 8 pints or 4 gallons


750 pints

or 93 gallons or 6 pints

3 quarts

93 gallons
There MUST be an easier way!

48 Multiplication

Questions and problems

1. Multiply the following pairs of numbers together as shown: check your results by using the upper number as the multiplier in each case. (a) 357 (b) 243 (c) 24 (d) 37 (e) 193 (f) 187

x 246

x 891

x 36

x 74

x 764

x 263

2. Multiply the following pairs by using subtraction to make the working simpler. Verify your results by the more usual method. (a) 2,573 x 19 (b) 7,693 x 28 (c) 4,497 x 18 (d) 5,396 x 59 (e) 7,109 x 89

3. Multiply the following pairs by using factors of the second number. Check your results by long multiplication.
(a) 1,762 x 45 (b) 7,456 x 32 (c) 8,384 x 21 (d) 9,123 x 63 (e) 1,024 x 28

4. An airline runs 4 flights per day between two cities, every day except Sunday, when it runs 2. How many flights a week is this? 5. The same flight (question 4) is also made only twice on the 12 public holidays of the year. How many flights are made per year (based on 52 weeks)? 6. A mass-produced item costs 25 cents each to make, and $2 to package.The package cost is the same for a packet of one or of many thousand. What is the cost for packets of: (a) 1 (b) 10 (c)25 (d) 100 (e)250 (f) 1,000 (g) 5,000 (h) 10,000? 7. If you ignore the manufacturing cost, how much is saved by packaging the items of question 6 in packets of 250 instead of 1O ? (Assume a total quantity of O 500 .) 8. On a commuter train, single tickets sell for $1.75.You can buy a 10-trip ticket for $15.75. How much does this save over the single-ticket rate? 9. On the same train, a monthly ticket costs $55. If a commuter makes an average of 22 round trips a month, how much will he save by buying a monthly ticket? 10. An employer offered an employment contract beginning at $500 a month, with a raise of $50 a month every year for 5 years. The contract expired after the 6th year. Employees bargained for a starting figure of $550 a month, with a raise of $20 a month every 6 months. Which rate of pay was higher at the beginning of the sixth year? Which rate resulted in the greatest total earnings per employee for 6 years? By how much?



11. A manufacturer prices parts according to how many are bought at once. The price is quoted per hundred pieces in each case, but the customer must take the quantity stated to get a particular rate. The rates are $7.50 apiece for 100, $6.75 apiece for 500, $6.25 apiece for 1,000, $5.75 apiece for 5,000 and $5.50 apiece for quantities over 10,000.The rate for any in between quantity is based on the next lower number. What is the difference in total cost for quantities of 4,500 and 5,000? 12. Small parts are counted by weighing. Suppose 100 of a particular part weigh 2 ounces and you need 3,000 of the parts. What is the weight?

13. A bucket that is used to fill a tank with water holds 4 gallons and 350 bucketfulls are required to fill the tank. What is the tank's capacity? 14.A freight train has 182 cars each loaded to the maximum which, including the weight of the car, is 38 tons. What is the total weight that the locomotive has to haul? 15.A car runs 260 miles on one tankful of gas. It has an alarm that lets the driver know when it needs refilling. If the journey requires 27 fillings and at the end, the tank is ready for another, how long was the journey? 16.Two railroads connect the same two cities. One charges 10 cents per mile, the other 15 cents per mile. The distance between the cities is 450 miles by the first railroad, but 320 miles by the second.Which company offers the cheaper fare? By how much? 17.One airline offers rates based on 14 cents per mile for first-class passengers. Its distance between two cities is 2,400 miles. Another airline offers 10 cents a mile for coach, but uses a different route, marking the distance at 3,200 miles. Which fare is cheaper? By how much? 18.The first airline (question 17) offers a family plan. Each member of a family, after the first, pays a rate that is based on 9 cents per mile. Which way will be cheaper for a family (a) of 2? (b) of 3? and by how much? 19. A health specialist recommends chewing every mouthful of food 50 times. One ounce of one food can be eaten in 7 mouthfuls. A helping of this food consists of 3 ounces. How many times will a person have to chew this helping to fulfill the recommendation? 20. An intricate pattern on an earthenware plate repeats 9 times around the edge of the plate. Each pattern has 7 flowers in the repetition. How many flowers are around the edge of the plate?

- - -



Second Method



@ @

@ @

How a calculator does it

A calculator uses a repeated process of subtraction to divide 45355 by 193. 100 times 193 is 19300. For the moment, leave out the comma to mark thousands. Subtracting 19300 from 45355 leaves 26055. That's 100 times. 26055 is still greater than 19300, so it subtracts the same number again, leaving 6755. That's 200 times. Now, it drops by 10 to 1930.That subtracts from 6755 three times, leaving, in succession, 4825,2895, and 965, while adding 10 to the quotient "columvl" (called a register in calculator parlance) each time. That's 230 times. To finish, it subtracts the plain number, 193, five times and the quotient column is 235.




Division is multiplication in reverse

Just as a calculator performs multiplication by repeated addition, it also performs division by repeated subtraction. In fact, this pattern in mathematics is useful to follow through. Each process that we learn has a reverse and each reverse process provides a way to check the one it reverses.

four plus seven equals eleven four and seven are eleven

Subtraction 11-4=7
eleven minus four equals seven four from eleven leaves seven

Subtraction is the reverse of Addition

Multiplication Division
twenty-eight divided by four equals seven four goes into twenty-eight seven times

4 X7=28
four times seven equals twenty-eight four sevens are twenty-eight




7 4/28

Division is the reverse of Multiplication

Dividing into longer numbers

Though few people do this, it's useful to have a multiplication table for the divisor, in this case 7, at the side.Thistable enables you to subtract the number in the quotient all in one "bite," rather than one piece at a time (like the calculator does). The remainder each time is less than the divisor, so "bring down" the next digit or figure and continue for the next place in the quotient. Here is what you really do, then how it is usually written.



+ 7 =1

200 1 1,400 and 300 left over

4 are

5 are 6 are

exactly 42

8 are 9 are


56 1 1 6 3 1

49 ~.


Usual Way of Writing

t left-over figure (usually carried in head)

(2X 7 )

(4 x 7)

(9X 7)


1 4

34 28 63 4 63

(17 - 14, carry down the 4)

(34 - 28, carry down the 3)

Multiplication checks division

You can always check division by multiplication,whether you do it the old-fashioned way or on a calculator. Using a calculator, you would punch in 1743, then +,then 7, then =, and the calculator would read 249. Now, with 249 still reading, punch x then 7, then = again, and it will read 1743. "Why do this?" you might ask.This procedure confirms that you hit the correct keys. If the last figure isn't the one you began with, since the calculator doesn't make mistakes, you probably hit a wrong button somewhere.





divided into d




7 divides

249 736


1,743 7

More about how a calculator does it

Look back to How a calculator does it.The calculator has to "know" that its first subtraction will be 100 times. To do this procedure, it begins with 1 times, then tries 10 times and 100 times. If it finds that the dividend is larger, it will increase to 1000 times. If it finds that the divisor is larger, it will drop back to 100 times. After subtracting 100 times twice, it tries the third time, finds that the division is bigger, so it drops back to 10 times. The same thing happens when it has subtracted 10 times three times.The fourth time it finds that the divisor is bigger, so it drops back to the plain number as shown on opposite page.

Dividing by larger numbers (the people way)

Here is an example of why we suggested having the multiplication table at the left. 23 is not in your regular multiplication table. Of course, you might try at each place, without the table, and save a little time. But it is more "methodical" to prepare the table first, so you can see at a glance of the table what the next digit is. For example, 23 into 149 seven times is 161.That number is too large, so it tries six times, which is 138. Then 138 is larger than 119, so it must be 5 times. Finally, the last digit (conveniently) is exactly twice. What happens when it isn't exact? The answer follows shortly as shown on page 56 at the top.








Multiplication as a "check again"

With larger numbers as divisors, it's more important to check your techniques because you have more chances of making a mistake. These mistakes occur both when you do it by hand and when you use a calculator.

In Long Division

.. .

...Long Multiplication
is the Check


Division by factors
In multiplication, you used multiplication by factors. It also works in division, if the divisor has factors. For example, 28 is 4 times 7. So you can divide the dividend by 4, then by 7.You can also multiply by factors to check the answer.



Divide 37,996 by 28 4 X 7=28 so...



Which method is best?

The previous page showed that, whether you used long division or factors, the same answer was produced. Any number in the multiplication table (and many more) can use factors. So, which method is best? It's a matter of preference.With a calculator, maybe there's not much point in using factors. With longhand, you have another way to check your work (see example on page 58).

When a remainder is left

In the section, Dividing by bigger numbers (thepeople way), I asked what happens when division doesn't "come out" exactly? Try it on a calculator: you'll see. Doing it longhand, for example, 37 divides into 10,050 271 times, with a remainder 23.What does that mean? How does it relate to the string of figures that a calculator reads out? See example at top of page 59.



With these numbers, you have a choice: Factors or Long Division


Division 59

Division doesn't always come out exactly even

too big

2 @g

d Qmm

27 1

37 110,050

3 111

37 8 296 37 2 74

1 259


What does this number mean? 37 divides into 10,050 271 times, with a REMAINDER of 23

What does the remainder mean?

Take a simpler example. Pursue the dividing-out picture that the chapter started with. Dividing 25 into 6 shares gives each share 4, with one over the remainder number 25.What do you do with the remainder? Suppose they were pies. You'd take the 25th pie and divide it into 6 equal parts, then give each of the 6 people 1 part, in addition to 4 whole pies. This is the origin of fractions.The part, one sixth, is written as 116.The bottom number is called the denominator, the number of possible pieces. The top number is called the numerator, the number of pieces that you actually have.

Divide 25 by 6


60 Division







Using 24 makes 4 each in 6 groups.


Divide Number @into six equal parts.

Each part is one-sixth of the whole. The fraction one-sixth is written 25+6=4+



How a calculator handles fractions

Now, let's start on what a calculator does with fractions. If you divide 25 by 6, it will read out 4.16666. . . . Here's what the little thing does. Down till the quotient accumulator reads 4, it follows what you already know. However, it just doesn't stop. Had you punched in 2500 divided by 6, it would read 4 16.66. . . . Following the description in What does the remainder mean? your answer would be 4 16 116. The calculator adds a decimal point when it goes beyond zero in the ones place. Look at it this way: 25 is the same as 25.0000. Call that "25 point zero, zero, zero, zero." The zeros only make a difference where they "hold a place," with "real numbers" before and after them, or where they keep the real numbers away from the ones place. A division such as 6 into 2500 would go on forever. Each 4 can be divided by another 6.

62 Division

Fractions that have multiple parts

In What does the remainder mean?,the 1 left over divides into 116 part each. Here, we do the same thing again, with 30 divided by 7. You get to 28, with 4 each, and the remainder is 2-that is, 2 parts are left over. So, the fraction is 217: Numerator 2, denominator 7. 7, the bottom number, indicates that each whole is divided into 7 parts. The 2 on top indicates that each gets 2 of those one-seventh parts. That's all that fractions really mean.


@ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ 00
(J T@








--- - ---_-7 J

' =,-J I

- - -J - ,
\ \

\ I . --I-

--:-- -'2 >&% I , / .

0 c 0 , r J , d d( r C


4 -




Decimal equivalents of fractions

Previous pages have shown how a calculator turns a fraction into a decimal. That's what it does, naturally-if anything is natural about a calculator! Now, look at what a calculator does with a few simple fractions. Here are a few that convert to relatively simple decimals:



More difficult fractions

Those fractions turned into relatively simple decimals.The harder ones are those that always run off the end of the calculator's space. 416 116 was one. Here's another that looks simple: 113. But when you divide 3 into I, after bringing down zero after zero, you get an unending string of 3s. Earlier generations had a useful trick to avoid having to keep writing 3s; they put a dot over the 3 to indicate that it keeps repeating. Here we show some more fractions that end up with one number that keep repeating.
1 -. 3

0.3333333 3/ 1.0000000

.. .

1 point three - = 0.3 recurring 3

Some decimals would go on forever with one number.. .

' '

1st Method


1 5 X 6

5 '3 carried 0.8?333 . . .

64 Division

Where more figures repeat

In all the fractions in the last section, the decimal equivalent,which is what your calculator always gives you, ended up with one figure that kept repeating. Another kind of fraction first shows up in the decimal equivalent for 117. Here, 6 digits repeat. Interestingly, for numerators 1 through 6, the decimal equivalent uses the same sequence of repeating digits, starting at a different place. The old way of indicating the repeating digits is to put a dot over the digits that repeat. Notice that when you multiply the repeating decimal for 117 by 7, you get a row of repeating nines. This number virtually is the same as 1, because it falls short of 1 by an infinitely small number.This problem leads to an idea for converting repeating decimals to equivalent fractions.

. . .and some keep it going with groups of numbers

0.9 + 0.0 = 1 and 0.0 = 0 so 0.9 = 1

Decimal for one eleventh and others

When your denominator is 11 and the numerator is 1, .09 repeats. If the numerator is 2, .18 repeats, and so on, until 101l l = .90 repeating. As before l l/ l l, being the same as 1, comes to .99 repeating. Here is a clue. I/ 11 is the same as 91 99, because 9 x 11 is 99. Do you begin to see how to handle this problem? The decimal for 117 has 6 recurring digits. On page 65 are the recurring decimals for 1117 and 1119. Notice that each has one less number of digits than the denominator. The one for 1117 has 16 digits. The one for 1 19 has 18 digits. 1 Do you wonder why?





1 - = 0.09 11


Decimals recur in Pairs for Elevenths



These numbers used for 1 3 4 91012

~ , ~ , ~ , f i

These numbers used for 2 5 6 1 & 1 _ 1 13,13, 13, 13, 13, 13 , ~ , ~ (sixteen numbers for seventeenths) and (eighteen numbers for nineteenths)

(six numbers for thirteenths)

1 - = 0.6588235294 117647 17
1 - = 0.05263 157894736842i


Converting recurring decimals to fractions

Although recurring decimals are easier to handle when you know what they mean, using old-fashioned fractions is often easier. How can we convert a recurring decimal to a fraction? Shown here is how to do it when only one digit recurs. Nonrecurring digits represent that many tenths, hundredths, thousandths, or whatever place the digit is in. Then, a recurring digit represents that many ninths-zeros after the 9 in the denominator to put it in the right place value. Always check your result by dividing top by bottom, calculator style, to see if you get the decimal that you began with.

Using 9's to convert recurring decimals to fractions


66 Division

Where more than one digit recurs

In this case, you just use as many 9s as digits that repeat.Then, cancel down to the simplest form of fraction and check your result by dividing numerator by denominator to see if you get your original recurring decimal. Some of this technique is explained further after the next question and problem section.


Check 99 4 396

99 7 693






Check 37 7 25 9

Questions and problems

1. Make the following divisions: (a) 7)343 (f)2)7862 (k) 11(b) 9)729 (g)4)3936 (c) 8)4928 (h)6)3924 (d) 5)3265 0')13)3081
(e) 3 )6243

(1) 17)6443 (m) 19)8341 (n) 23)28382

Check your answers by multiplication. 2. Make the following divisions by successive (divisionby factors) and long division; if your answers do not agree, check them with long multiplication: (a) 15)3600 (b) 21)15813 (c) 25)73625 (d) 2 8 m

3. Make the following divisions and write the remainder as a fraction, using whichever method of conversion you like best:
(a) 7 )3459 (b) 8 )23431 (c) 9 )13263 (d) 3)14373 (h) 29)92929

(e) 6)29336 (f) 17)8239 (g) 28)-

4. A profit of $14,000,000 has to be shared among holders of 2,800,000 shares of stock.What is the profit per share? 5. Total operating cost for an airline flight between two cities is estimated as $8,415. What fare should be charged so that a flight with 55 passengers just meets operating cost? 6. A part needs a special tool that costs $5,000. With this tool, the machine makes parts for 25 cents each. But the price must also pay for the tool. If the tool cost is to be paid for out of the first 10,000 parts made, what will be the cost of each part?

68 Division
7. A freight car carries 58 tons (1 ton = 2000 pounds), including its own weight, and runs on 8 wheels. Its suspension distributes the weight equally among the wheels.What is the weight on each wheel? 8. A man makes 1,200 of a certain part in 8 hours. How much time is spent for making each part? 9. A package of 10,000 small parts weighs 1,565 pounds. The empty package weighs 2.5 pounds. How much does each part weigh (hint, convert the pounds to ounces)? 10. Another package weighs 2,960 pounds full and 5 pounds empty. One part weighs 3 ounces. How many parts are in the full package? 11. A narrow strip of land, 1mile long, is to be divided into 33 lots of equal width. How wide is each lot? 12. On a test run, a car travels 462 miles on 22 gallons of gas. Assuming performance is uniform, how far does it go on each gallon of gas? 13. A particular mixture is usually made up 160 gallons at a time. It uses 75 gallons of ingredient 1, 50 gallons of ingredient 2, 25 gallons of ingredient 3, and 10 gallons of ingredient 4. If only 1 gallon is required, what amounts of each ingredient should be used? 14. Find the simplest fractional equivalent of the following decimals:

15. In the following decimals, all the digits after the decimal point repeat. Find their fractional equivalents.

Check each by dividing back to decimal form again.

- - -



Always Find the Factors in a Fraction

-160- - - - - 1,280


Simplest Form

by canceling 7's

5xRx13 65 - - 5 X13 2X3XRX11 2X3x11 66

If the numerator and denominator both end in zeros, you can strike off the same number of zeros from each. If both are even, divide both by 2. Sometimesthe factors aren't so obvious. Here, for the fraction 4551462, is one way. After checking the factors of each, they both contain a 7. If 7 is a factor of both the numerator and denominator, divide both by 7.

Spotting the factors

Here are rules for spotting factors. If the last digit of a number divides by 2, then the whole number does. This rule can go further. If the last 2 digits divide by 4, the whole number does. If the last 3 digits divided by 8, the whole number does. That leads to a whole series of checks for powers of 2: 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. A similar set works for powers of 5: 25, 125,625, 3 125, etc. Rules also exist for 3s and 9s. Add the digits together. If the sum of the digits divides by 3, the whole number does. If the sum of digits divides by 9, the whole number does. The check for dividing by 11 is more complicated.Add alternate digits in two sets. If the sums are identical, differ by 11, or differ by a multiple of 11,the whole original number divides by 11.

12 3



1+3+8=12 - =4

46 exactly

3 f i


Fractions 71
15 exactly 9l-z




- =2

18 9

82 exactly
9 f i

11 b 8 + 9 = 1 7 869 1 7 - 6 = 11 4 6

2,577 exactly


79 exactly 11 E 9

Rules for finding factors

That covers finding simple numbers as factors: 2, 3,4, 5, 8, 9, 11, etc. If 2 and 3 both "go," then 6 is a factor. No easy check exists for 7. When finding factors, tryprimes-numbers that won't factorize into smaller numbers. This table shows factors of numbers and identifies primes up to the number 20. We have to try each prime when looking for factors. Isn't there an easier way?


Factors of 139?
2 X ?
3 X ?

19 7 2: 3: 1 + 3 + 9 = 1 3 11: 1 + 9 = 1 0

5: 7 l - F

11 x ? 12 X 1 2 = 144-toobig

So 139 is a prime number

Factors of 493?
2 X ?
3 X ?

70 7

5 x ? 7 X ?

2: 3: 4 + 9 + 3 = 1 6 4+3=7 11: 9 - 7 = 2 29 exactly 17 f i K

5: 7 12

11 X ? 13 X ?

37 ,3 13 / 493

72 Fractions

How far to try

A useful principle can save you from wasting time when looking for factors. Remember the multiplication table-that line of squares down the diagonal? It goes far beyond the numbers in the table. Look at it this way: If a number does not have at least two factors, it must be prime. So, if it has any factors at all, at least one of them must be smaller than the nearest square. Look at these two examples.The nearest square to 139 is 144. If 139 has any factors, at least one of them must be less than 12. After trying up to 11, none of them work, so 139 must be prime. The square of 23 is larger than 49 3.Try squaring each number before you try it as a factor. 23 squared is 529. Try all the primes up to 23. When you reach 17, you will find that 17 divides into 483 29 times. So, the factors of 49 3 are 17 and 29.
2 Prime number
3 Prime number


= > >

5 Prime number
6 =2X3

7 Prime number

1 L>
y > 1
1 > 1

I I P r i m number
12 = 2 X 2 X 3

Prime number

14 = 2 X 7

Prime number

1= >
Squares and primes

18 = 2 X 3 X 3

19 Prime number
20 = 2 X 2 X 5

Suppose you want the factors of 8,249.The table of squares show that the square of 91 is 8,28 1.Try primes up to 89, the last one before 91. You will find that 73 and 113 are factors. If you had reached 89 with no factor, the original number (8,249) would have been prime.



When making a table of squares, look for patterns, like you did with the much simpler multiplication table. Look at the middle column.The last two digits run the squares of 9 down to 0 and then up to 9 again for the square of 59.This occurs because the square of 50 ends in double zero and twice 5 (the first digit) is 10. A similar sequence begins at 9 1 and runs up to 109. PRIME


Factoring with a calculator

Of course, a calculator can help you make such a table. It can also help you find factors. The easy way is to put the number of which you want factors in memory, then keep withdrawing it with the MR (memory recall) key to try the next prime. If it displays a number with a decimal, you don't have a factor.When you hit a factor, the readout is a whole number. Thus, in the example on the next page, when you get to 73, the calculator reads 113. Here's how it goes:



Enter 8249 Press M in or M+ (making sure that the memory is empty) Enter divide by 7 and = reads 1178.428571 Press MR and It N It 11 It 749.9090909 ' It It N It 13 634.5384615 ' It It It N It 17 485.2352941 It N It 19 It 434.1578947 ' It N It 23 It 358.6521739 ' It It N It 29 It 284.4482759 It N It 31 It 266.0967742 ' It N It 37 It 222.9459459 ' It N It 41 It 201.1951220 ' It N It 43 It 191.8372093 ' It N It 47 It 175.5106383 ' It N It 53 It 155.6415094 ' If If N I' 59 I' 139.8135593 It N It 61 It 135.2295082 ' It It N It 67 It 123.1194030 It N It 71 It 116.1830986 ' It It 73 It 113 That's it!

Adding and subtracting fractions

If your calculator handles fractions,it keeps finding the simplest form for you. But it helps if you know what it's doing. If your calculator doesn't handle fractions, it will calculate everything in decimals.This system is difficult to verify, unless you do it yourself, the old way. Remember: in adding or subtracting fractions, they must have the same denominator. For instance, to add 112, 213, and 5/12, both 112 and 113 can be changed to 12th~. is 6/12 and 213 is 8/12. Now just add numerators, because 112 they are all 12th~: 8 5 = 19. 19/12 is more than 1. Subtract 12/12 for 1. 6 1 7112 is the answer.

+ +

---- -

l2 8





Suppose you must subtract 3 315 from 7 5/ 12.60 is the common denominator. 315 is 36/60 and 5/12 is 25/60. You cannot subtract 36 from 25. So you borrow 1, converting it to 60th~. Now, subtract 3 36/60 from 6 85/60. 36 from 85 is 49.3 from 6 is 3 and the complete answer is 3 49/60.

To Add Fractions, Each One Must Have the SAME DENOMINATOR

5 Subtract 3 2 from 7 5 12


Common denominator = 60


36 25 25 25 60 + 25 85 =6Because - is bigger than -, change 7 - to 6 + 1 - = 6 60 60 60 60 60 60

Finding the common denominator

How do you find a common denominator? Sometimes it's easy. It's not always so obvious. Older textbooks had a routine for the job, but it wasn't easy to understand. Here's a way you can understand. See illustration at top of page 76. Suppose you have:

Find the factors of each denominator: 4 = 2 x 2; 3 and 5 are both prime; 6 is 2x3;12is2x2x3;lOis2x5;30is2x3x5;and15is3x5. Our common denominator must contain every factor that is in any denominator. The factors are 2, 3, and 5. The common denominator is 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 = 60. Now convert all the fractions to 60th~. numerators are: The 15 + 20 + 24 + 10 + 25 + 18 + 14 + 16, which adds up to 142. Reduce the final form, because both divide by 2, yielding 71/30. Taking out 30130 for a whole 1,twice, the answer is 2 11/30.

76 Fractions
Add together


1 1 2 1 5 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

_ _ _1


_- - 1 1 6


5 5 12-2~2x3

--10 2x5


2X3X5 x2 3x5

4 - - -2 15

15 +20+(2 X12=24)

+ 10+(5 X5 =25) + ( 3 X 6 =

1 8 ) + ( 7 X 2 = 1 4 ) + ( 4 X 4 = 16)

same answer

Sometimes the working denominator is not so obvious!

Calculators that "do" fractions

Some pocket calculators "do" fractions.Knowing how to use fractions and knowing calculator limitations can help you understand more about fractions and decimals. Individual calculators might use different ways of keying the problem in, but the way it works is similar.The readout might also differ. See the example at the top of the facing page. Enter 4 and 217. Other keys change the readout first to 30.7, called in the old parlance an improper fraction, meaning that its value is more than 1; then to 4.2857 1428 . . ., its decimal form. Now, multiply by 7. The calculator will read 30. Divide by 7. It does not give you 4 and 217 again, but the decimal form, 4.2857 1428 . . . Do some of the things, adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing fractions that this book has shown you. The calculator will give the same answers, always presenting them in their simplest form. These methods will help you understand just what your calculator does and how it does it. In turn, this knowledge will help you understand the whole process.





Significant figures
Just how accurate is the figure you look at? Ask yourself how reliable the number is that you look at. Devices that give you numerical information might be either analog or digital. Some think that digital is much more accurate. However, numbers can be deceptive. Suppose you talk about a 150-pound man. Does he weigh exactly 150 pounds-not an ounce more or less? Is he between 149.5 and 150.5 pounds, or is he between 145 and 155 pounds? The answer depends on what figures in that number 150 are "significant." If the 0 is just a placeholder, then if he weighed less than 145 or more than 155,the number would be stated as 140 or 160. If the 0 is "significant," then 150 means that he weighs from 149.5to 150.5 pounds. If he weighed less than 149.5 or more than 150.5,the number would be 149 or 151.




For it to mean not an ounce more or less than 150 pounds, the weight should be written as 150 pounds, 0 ounces. The word signiJicant should tell you that other figures are not significant.The following pages will show why this point can be important.

Approximate long division: why use it

Long division is something you can't "tell' a calculator. Most students had trouble with it because they didn't understand it. Suppose you divide 150by 7.Your calculator gives you something like 21.4285714. . .You are tempted to believe all those figures. Now apply what the previous page said. If 150 means more than 145 and less than 155, which means only two figures are significant (the 1 and 5), then dividing by 7 could yield something between 14517 and 15517, which read out as 20.7 1527571 . . . and 22.142857 14. . . The only figure that doesn't change is the 2 of 20! The other figures, in any of these answers, can't be reliable.You could say the possible "spread" is from 20.7 to 22.1. Now, if the 0 of 150 was significant, the result can be from 149 517 to 150 517, which read out as 2 1.3571428 and 2 1.5(surprise, 150.5 divides by 7 exactly!) Now the "spread" is reduced to between 21.357 and21.50. Suppose you have 153 (an extra significant figure) to divide by 7. Examine the possibilities here.




DIVIDE 153 by 7:


153 153'5 152.5 152


21.7H5714i(857... ) 7 / 152.5000000


Longhand procedure
Suppose that you have to divide 23,500 by 291 and you believe those end zeros in the dividend aren't significant. You could assume it was between 23,450 and 23,550, perform both divisions, and then decide what was significant. But longhand, that's a lot of work! The practice was to draw a vertical line where figures begin to be progressively more doubtful. You could divide between the "limiting values" as the possible errors, because only so many figures are significant, then you could guess at the most probable value.This procedure is illustrated at the top of page 80.

Using a calculator to find significance

Exploring shows what you can do with a calculator that wouldn't have been practical longhand.Take values that represent the biggest variation on either side of the stated value, then deduce how accurate the answers will be. Notice that in

80 Fractions

DIVIDE: 23,500 BY 291


20.0 03.7 16.30 14.55 1.750 1.746 400 29 1

Figures this side of line get p r o g r e s s i v e l y more doubtful

23,28 220 203 -

7 X 29


Nearest third significant figure 80.8

Finding the limits of accuracy

O X 291 8 X 29 -232 9 X 3 -7 2

26 0 28

0 X 292 6 X 29 -7 14 9 X 36-


310 1 X 291-rn OX 29 6x3-18 19

0 X 292 4 X 29


130 14 1 5 (nearest)

5X 3



division, both numbers (the dividend and the divisor) can have a number of significant figures. An answer cannot have more significant figures than the number with the least number of significant figures used as "input" for the problem.

Approximate long multiplication

The same methods for long division work for multiplication, as shown here for multiplying 5.32 by 2.9 1. It also applies to addition or subtraction. Suppose you add 55 to 1,000,000.What does that million mean? It could mean "give or take" 500,000. More likely, it would mean "give or take" 50,000. Even at that figure, adding 55 is unlikely to make a difference.That is an extreme example.The result of any operation can only be as accurate as the "weakest link" which in that case would be the million figure. Only in rare instances would the number 1,000,000 mean exactly that number, not 999,999 or 1,000,001.

Multiply 2.91 by 5.32


582 15.4812

These figures are doubtful

2 X 5.32 0.9 X 5.3 0.01 X 5

> >

Nearest third figure 15.5

5.32 2.91 10.64 4.79 5 15.48

Questions and problems

1. Arrange the following fractions in groups that have the same value:

2. Reduce each of the following fractions to its simplest form:

3. Without actually performing the divisions, indicate which of the following numbers divide exactly by 3,4,8, 9, or 11: (a) 10,452 (e) 64,572 (b) 2,088 (f) 37,848 (c) 5,841 (d) 41,613

82 Fractions
4. Find the factors of the following: (a) 1,829 (d) 7,031 (b) 1,517 (e) 2,059 (c) 7,387 (f) 2,491

5. Add together the following groups of fractions: (a) (b) (c) (d) 115 116 +4/15 3/10 213 118 113 5/18 7/12 419 114 115 116 1/10 1/12 417 314 7/12 8/21 516

+ + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

and reduce each to its simplest form. 6. Find the simplest fractional equivalent for the following decimals: (a10.875 (b)O.6 (c)O.5625 (d)O.741 (e)O.128

7. Find the decimal equivalent of the following fractions: (a) 213 (e) 617 (b) 314 (f) 718 (c) 415 (g) 819 (d) 516

8. Find the decimal equivalent of the following fractions: (a) 113 (e) 117 (b) 114 (f) 118 (c) 115 (g) 119 (d) 116

9. Find the fraction equivalent to the following recurring decimals: (a) 0.416 (e) 0.571428 (b) 0.21 (e) 0.909 (c) 0.189 (f) 0.090

10. What is meant by significant figures? To illustrate, show the limits of possible meaning for measurements given as 158 feet and 857 feet. 11. Using the approximate method, divide 9 32 by 173.Thenby dividing (a) 9 32.5 by 172.5 and (b) 9 3 1.5 by 173.5, show how many of your figures are justified. Noting that 932 and 173 have three significant figures, what conclusion would you draw from these calculations? 12. Divide 9 3,700 by 857 using an approximate method.Then by dividing 9 3,750 by 856.5 and 93,650 by 857.5, show how many of your figures are justified. Can you shorten your method still further to avoid writing down meaningless figures? 13. (a) List all of the prime numbers less than 60. (b) Using this list, how can you test a given number to determine whether or not it is prime? (c) What is the largest number you can test in this way, using this list?



14. Find the differences of the following pairs of fractions. Reduce the result to standard form with the lowest possible denominator.
(a) 3/4- 1/16 (d) 2551100 - 1/10 (b) 11/13 - 1 (e) 23117 - 1/34 (c) 16/20


- - -

Area: the second dimension


can multiply 17 by 23. But the answer is 391 what? It doesn't make sense! However, multiplying a length by a length can make sense.The second dimension is a result of these multiplications, as you shall see.

Length times length is area

You probably already guessed that multiplying a length by a length produces an area. If a piece of wallpaper 27 inches wide is 108 inches long, its area is 27 inches times 108 inches. The answer is in square inches. The answer is deduced from the way you began counting: laying articles in rows and thus building squares or areas of other shapes. If you lay 27 square inches in a row, then line 108 rows of 27 square inches, the total area (the wallpaper in the question) is 27 times 108 square inches. If you count the little squares, you will find 2,9 16 square inches.

But you can multiply INCHES by INCHES.

inches inches 108 X 27


= 2.916 square inches

What is square?
We are used to the shape we call square, that we've probably never bothered to define it. Counting those square inches, you probably thought of them as measuring 1 inch "each way." But if you measure 1 inch along four edges, you might not end up with a square.What makes it a square? The fourth side must end where the first side began. Also, opposite sides must be parallel. Even then, the figure still might not be square. The angles must be what we call "right" angles. See the example at the top of page 86.

86 Area: the second dimension

What is Square?




The right angle

What is a right angle? Look at what the phrase originally meant. Suppose a carpenter makes a table. He must attach its four legs to the table top. All four legs should be attached at one particular angle so that the table stands securely (unless you use some fancy means to hold the table). This was called the right angle, from which the word originated. Other angles are wrong angles, without some extra construction to strengthen them.

Diamonds do not have the RIGHT angles.

So they will not always fit.

Area: the second dimension


Squares always fit because they have RIGHT angles.

Different shapes with the same area

Take a piece of drawing paper 22 inches by 30 inches, cut it across, and rejoin it to be 44 inches by 15 inches.The area is the same both times because it's the same paper, just rearranged. 22 x 30 is 660 square inches. 44 x 15 also is 660 square inches. The same number of square inches could be arranged into almost any number of different shapes.

All these shapes are 660 square inches.


88 Area: the second dimension

Square measure
In linear measure-measuring along a line in a single direction+ach foot has 12 inches and each yard has 3 feet. But how many square inches are in a square foot or square feet are in a square yard? That's easy to figure out.When we were counting, 10 rows of 10 is 100,which is 10 times 10. So, 12 times 12 or 144 square inches are in a square foot. Notice one more thing: 6 square inches are different from a 6-inch square. A 6-inch square is a square, each side of which is 6 inches long, so it contains 6 times 6, or 36 square inches. 6 square inches could be an area 6 inches long by 1 inch wide, or 3 inches long by 2 inches wide, or even 4 inches long by 1 112 inches wide, each of which multiplies out to 6 square inches.

12 inches = 1 foot

144 square inches = 1 square foot

3 feet = 1 yard 9 square feet = 1 square yard

6 square inches

Codverting square units into other square units

6-inch square

Area: the second dimension


From oblongs to triangles

All the areas that have been considered so far have had four sides with right angles between the sides. Mathematicians call such shapes rectangles, a word of Latin origin,which means 'having right angles."An easy way to understand areas of triangles is to think of a triangle as a rectangle (oblong) cut in half diagonally. Notice that this is a special kind of triangle with a square corner. Other kinds of triangles will be described later on.

AREA = LENGTH TIMES BREADTH = 8 inches X 6 inches = 48 Square Inches

AREA = HALF LENGTH TIMES BREADTH 1 = - X 8 inches X 6 inches

= 24 Square Inches

So far, squares and rectangles have been covered. What about other four-sided shapes that have parallel sides, but not right angles? Geometry distinguishes two kinds, just as squares and rectangles have right-angle corners. If the four sides are equal, it's called a rhombus, or in common terms, a diamond. If the sides are unequal, it can be called a rhomboid or aparallelogram. The illustration at the top of the next page shows that, if the sides of a rectangle are kept the same, but the angles are changed (it's now a parallelogram) its area decreases, until eventually it disappears, when it "squashes" into a straight line.


Area: the second dimension



oblong (rectangle)

diamond (rhombus)



Area of parallelograms
One way to find the area of a parallelogram is to take it from a different rectangle-one that has one pair of sides the same as the parallelogram, but the other two sides are shorter. The straight-across distance between the first two sides is the same as the distance between those two sides in the parallelogram.


Sides 10" and 15" Distance squarely between 15" sides is 8"


Same parallelogram Sides 10" and 15" Distance between 10" sides is 12"

8 / .$



\c *4


AREA OF PARALLELOGRAM = area of oblong = length X breadth = 15 inches X 8 inches = 120 SQUARE INCHES

15 inches


Area: the second dimension


Away of seeing that the rectangle has the same area as the parallelogram is to note that the parallelogram turns into the rectangle by moving the same size of triangle from one end to the other.

Area of acute triangles

Any triangle that is not square cornered, can consist of two square-cornered triangles, each of which is half of a corresponding rectangle. The two rectangles, put together, form one larger rectangle. And the two square-cornered triangles form one larger triangle. The dimension of the rectangle side that is between the two smaller rectangles also becomes the vertical height of the triangle, if the two sides joined together are seen as the base. In the example on this page, the triangle breaks into two square-cornered triangles, each with one side 12 inches and two other sides are 5 inches and 9 inches, respectively.The whole side, the base of the triangle, is 5 + 9 = 14 inches. 12 inches is its vertical height. The entire rectangle contains 12 x 14 = 168 square inches. So, the area of the triangle is half of the rectangle, 84 square inches. A rule begins to emerge. The area of a triangle is half of the base times the vertical height.

acuteangled triangle

obtuseangled triangle

14 inches base Area of Left Oblong = 5" X 12"
= 60 Square Inches

acute-angled corner obtuse-angled corner Area of Combined Oblong = 14" X 12"

= 168 Square Inches

Area of Right Oblong = 9" X 12"

PLUS = 108 Square Inches SquareCornered Triangle = - X 108 2

SquareCornered 1 Triangle = - X 60 2
= 30 Square Inches

1 Triangle = - X 168 2
= 84 Square Inches

PLUS = 54 Square Inches





Area: the second dimension

Area of obtuse triangles

An obtuse triangle has one angle wider than a right angle. At the way it is on this page, the vertical height "overhangs" the base. The main triangle is a larger right triangle with a smaller one taken away from it. So, each triangle is half the corresponding rectangle and the formula holds good, although the vertical height is measured outside the base of the main triangle.

7 inches

base 32 inches

7 inches

Area of Large = 24" X 32"

Area of Small Right = 24" X 7"

= 768 Square MINUS = 168 Square

Area of Left = 24" X 25" Rectangle = 600 Square Inches

Area of Large SquareCornered = 7 X 768 Triangle Inches

Area of Small SquareCornered = Triangle

X 168

Area of 1 Left Obtuse = - X 600 2 Triangle

= 300 Square

= 384 Square MINUS = 84 Square



Area: the second dimension


Area of triangles
You can turn that same triangle around, using its longest side as base, instead of one of the shorter sides. Now, find its area in the same way that you did for the acute triangle. Notice that so long as you take the vertical height from the base to the remaining angle (corner), the formula is true and gives the same answer for the same triangle.

AREA OF A TRIANGLE The answer is the same whichever side is used as Base.

base 40 inches


Area of Each Small Rectangle = 20" X 15"

Area of BigRectangle =40" X 15"

= 600 Square

= 300 Square Inches X 2


Area of Each 1 Square-Comered = 7X 300 Triangle 150 Square Inches X 2



= 300 Square



Area: the second dimension

Metric measure
For many years, inconsistency in systems of measurement made learning arithmetic difficult. 12 inches to the foot, 3 feet to the yard, 220 yards to the furlong, and 8 furlongs to the mile. Then, 4 gills to the pint, 2 pints to the quart, and 4 quarts to the gallon in liquid measure. Several measures of weight are used. The common one is avoirdupois: 16 drams to the ounce, 16 ounces to the pound, 14 pounds to the stone, 2 stones to the quarter, 4 quarters to the hundredweight, and 20 hundredweights to the ton. Some of these measures have not been used in recent years. Troy weight, used for jewelry, has 24 grains to the pennyweight, 20 pennyweights to the ounce, and 12 ounces to the pound. Isn't it confusing? Some countries have adopted the metric system, in which every measure is based on 10s. This system is certainly easier to learn. The problem is that so many people already learned to use the old systems, so the new ones, though simpler to learn, are strange to them. Such a change involves making practical changes. For example, plywood is made in sheets 4 feet by 8 feet.What is that in meters? It comes out to an awkward fraction.What do we do? Change the standard size for plywood sheets or describe the present size with rather awkward numbers?

Metric Measure



16 drams = 1 ounce 16 ounces = 1 pound


I / -

100 centimes = 1 franc

1,000 meters = 1= 1 meter 1 0 centimeters kilometer 0

12x 3x 220X ETC.


All decimal multiples lox loo

,-.1 I


1,000 grams = 1 ~

Area: the second dimension


The metric system

Metric has advantages in scientific work.This book won't have to get into that. To use it, for people accustomed to older systems, requires conversions. Here are the conversions for linear measure. As you go through, I'll let you know about metric units in other measures.


100 centimeters = 1 meter
1 1 1 1 1 ~ l l ' l l " l ' ~ l l l l l " l l ~ " " l l l l l ~ " 1 l l l l l l ~ l l l l l 1 l ' l ~ 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 l ~



1 12








I l l l l l l l l l l l
/ /

, 12 inches = , ,. 1 foot -,

2 3 24 36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 meter = 39.37 inches


3 feet = 1 yard 36 inches = 1 yard

1 1


2.54 cm 1 inch

1 square inch

1 square inch = 6.45 square centimeters

Area problems
Simple area problems are concerned with an amount of area, using whatever square units are appropriate. However, sometimes these problems are a matter of "fitting" something into a space of stated dimensions. Areas are not always simple in shape. So, you need ways to figure more complicated shapes. If the shapes are square-cornered, but more than a simple rectangle, several ways might be used to figure them. Shapes other than rectilinear (having straight sides) are covered later in this book. Problems, such as papering a wall can, in turn be complicated by a pattern, which must be matched on adjoining strips.Tilesor material that comes in standard square or oblong pieces give another kind of "matching" problem: how do you cut pieces to fill the space so as to minimize wasted pieces? Many of these problems can be worked out by making detailed trial calculations. Examples are shown on the next two pages.

96 Area: the second dimension

Find the Area of this Floor

I X h
9 ft

1 ft

I-- --..
piece piece piece piece piece


piece -

1sx9 ; 135 sq ft

piece @ 3 X 3 = +3 f t d 9 sq ft piece @ 3x 5 = +3 ftd


@ 135 @ 6 @ 9 @ 32 @ 15

8X4= f1 ( 1

area = 197

METHOD 2 k i

f4 t 8 ft


piece piece piece

@ 12 @ 15 @ 28

@ 1 2 1=12sqft ~

outside area 55 is 18 X14 = 252 square feet

subtract 55


5X 3= 15 sqft
piece @ I 7X4= 28 sq ft L-------I

I =

actual area 1974 square feet


Area: the second dimension





Papering a Wall



s t panel

2nd panel

3rd panel

4th panel


Five panels must be allowed. Each 86" long. Total 430" or 35 feet 10 inches Avoid joins in panels. If 30-ft rolls are used (36OU), will do 4 panels: 344". this Last panel must start new roll.

Pattern repeats every 20"

...when there's a pattern

If pattern has to match, length must be allowed to next larger complete pattern length. 80" is not enough. Needs 100" so 30-ft roll will only do 3 panels (300"). Remaining 60" is waste.


1 2

Tiling a Floor

...with square tiles

All pieces must be counted as well as whole tiles. 8 x 4 = 32 tiles needed.

1st wayt'
L -3k1 04
kt 3 l4 -f o

2nd way


...with oblong tiles Area 90" 130"

X Tiles 9" X 12" 1st way saves 10 tiles over 2nd way.


Area: the second dimension

Questions and problems

1. Find the area of the following rectangles: (a) (c) (e) 54 inches by 78 inches 250 yards by 350 yards 17 inches by 5 feet (b) (d)

13 feet by 17 feet 3 miles by 7 miles 340 yards by 1 mile

2. What is a right angle? Why is it so named? 3. How many square feet are in (a) 5 square feet, (b) a 5-foot square? 4. Find the area of square-cornered triangles, where the sides by the square corner have the following dimensions: (a) (c) (e) 5 inches by 6 inches 20 yards by 30 yards 20 inches by 2 feet (b) (d) (f) 12 feet by 13 feet 3 miles by 4 miles 750 yards by 1 mile

5. A field was thought to have four straight sides. Opposite pairs of sides measure 220 yards and 150 yards respectively.But the field does not have square corners. A measurement between the opposite 220-yard sides finds that the straight-across distance is 110 yards. Find the area of the field in acres (an acre is 4,840 square yards). 6. A parallelogram has sides 20 inches and 15 inches long. The straight-across distance between the 20-inch sides is 12 inches. Calculate the straight-across distance between the 15-inch sides. (HINT: use the fact that the area can be calculated in two ways.) 7. Find the area of the following triangles: (a) (b) (c) base 11 inches, height 16 inches base 31 inches, height 43 inches base 27 inches, height 37 inches

8. Two sides of a triangle are 39 inches and 52 inches. When the 39-inch side is used as the base, the vertical height is 48 inches.What is the vertical height when the 52-inch side is used as the base? 9. A piece of property has two square corners. The side that joins these square corners is 200 yards long. Measuring from each square corner, the two adjoining sides are 106.5 yards and 265.5 yards. The fourth side, joining the ends of these sides is 250 yards long. What is the acreage of this property? (HINT: treat this area in two parts, an oblong and a square-cornered triangle.)

Area: the second dimension


10. A piece of property measures 300 yards by 440 yards. The owner wants to keep a smaller piece inside that piece that measures 110 yards by 44 yards and sell the rest.What is the area he wants to sell? 11. Find the area of the floor in the drawing.












6 "4 9'


1. ;;


t , h /.



12. The walls of the room in question 11 are 7-feet high. Doors and windows at the positions shown, run from floor to ceiling.What is the total surface area of the walls?

- - -

Time: the fourth dimension


Later, volume is related to measure and weight. For now, the fourth dimension needs our attention: time.

The fourth dimension: time

How can time be a dimension?Think about it.We use avariety of ways to measure it.The ancients used sand in an hour glass. Until recently, we used spring-wound or weight-driven clocks or watches. Quartz electronic instruments use frequency counted off digitally, as a measure of time. More than measuring time, here we relate it to other measures, making it a fourth dimension. A measure is "in" a dimension.The length (or width) of a desk is a specific number of inches, though the measure goes on beyond the ends of your desk. Just so, when we measure time, we measure a particular duration of time, but time goes on, beyond the piece we measure.Time is a dimension.




102 Time: the fourth dimension

Using time to build more dimensions

Combining length one way with length another way forms an area. Similarly, combining time with length or distance, forms speed. Suppose you walk at a steady rate and an even pace to go a mile in 15 minutes. If you don't change that pace, you will go another mile in the next 15 minutes. In an hour (60 minutes) you'll go 4 miles. Our speed is 4 miles per hour (mph). Keep it up, and you'll do 4 more miles in the next hour, and so on.To find distance travelled, multiply speed by time. The same is true of driving. If you drive 60 miles per hour, you go a mile every minute. In 60 minutes (1 hour), you will go 60 miles. To know speed, you must know how far in how much time. If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours at a steady speed, you must be doing 50 miles every hour. Six hours at 50 miles each hour is 300 miles. Speed is distance (a length dimension) divided by time.


1 mile every

IS minutes

4 milei per haur

2 miles

3 milts

3 milcs

Distance + Time = S p d 60 MILES PER HOUR

S p e d X Time = Distance


Time: the fourth dimension


Average speed
In the last section, it was assumed that speed was steady. It isn't always. On a 300mile journey, you might go 30 miles the first hour, 45 miles the second, 60 miles the third, 55 miles the fourth, fifth and sixth hours. A total of 300 miles are travelled in 6 hours. So,the average speed is 300/6 = 50 miles an hour.You probably didn't travel at a steady speed all the way. Sometimes you went faster, sometimes slower.This measure is called average speed. It is the steady speed necessary to cover the distance in the same time.

Finding Average Speed


300 miles

30 Mph
45 Mph
60 Mph

55 Mph

55 Mph

55 Mph

Total distance Total time Average Speed

300 miles 6 hours

= 50 MPH




1 mile in 1 minute

60 miles in 1 hour (60 minutes)

1 mile in 40 seconds


60 + 2 3

= 90 mph


1 mile

Lap is 3 miles;

time is 2 minutes

Speed is 3 i - = 90 mph 30


Time: the fourth dimension

Watch your car's speedometer. You will find that you can seldom go at a steady speed for a whole hour, or even for a few minutes. Measuring the distance covered every hour shows the average speed during that hour. Instead of noting the distance travelled every hour, you might notice your speed on the speedometer every few minutes. The speedometer will show how your speed varies during each hour. Perhaps you have to brake to a stop during the hour. What does that do to the average? Later, calculus will help you answer that problem. A racing driver watches his speed closely. Each lap of track might be 1 mile long. Speed for the lap can be figured by timing that lap. If the lap is made in exactly 1 minute, the speed is 60 miles per hour. If a mile requires 40 seconds, he would drive 1 112 miles in 60 seconds,which would be 90 miles per hour.

Averages per lap Lap number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 5 4 3.5 4 3.5 5.5 4.5 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Miles per hour

50 + 10 = 60 75 85.7 75 85.7 54.5 66.7 75 75

Average of speeds
5 6 7.5 8.57 7.5 8.57 5.45 6.67


Complete run

l l 68.17 ?

Time: the fourth dimension


A lap is 3 miles and the time is 2 minutes (1130 of an hour). Dividing 3 miles by 1/30,which is the same as multiply by 30, gives the speed as 90 miles per hour. Suppose you time a 50-mile race, made by driving 10 laps on a 5-mile course. The times made by one driver for the 10 laps were 6, 5,4, 3.5,4, 3.5, 5.5,4.5,4 and 4 minutes. The total time for 50 miles was 44 minutes, an average speed of 68.17 mph. You could calculate the average speed for each lap and then average the speed over 10 laps. Each represents the speed for 1110 of the total distance. So, shouldn't the average be found by adding together the speed for each lap and dividing by lo? Doing that gives an average of 70.26 mph, a different figure. Which is right?

The reference quantity

Speed (movement) involves two dimensions: distance and time. Which is more important? Usually, time is. You want to get somewhere, but you want to know when. Time will pass whether you go fast or slow. So, the distance is measured against time, miles per hour. Miles are referred to the time required to travel.

Lap number

6 5 4 3.5



Average of minutes per mile

0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.1 1 0.09 0.08

+ 10=

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 5 5

5.5 4.5 4

5 5 5 5 5

1 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.7


0.9 0.8 0.8

Complete Run


0.88 minutes per mile = 0.88 X50 = 44 minutes for 50 miles.





Time: the fourth dimension

In the previous section, distance was the reference used: time was measured every 5 miles, rather than distance every so many minutes. That is why the discrepancy occurs. Look at slowness instead of speed: minutes per mile, instead of miles per minute.We don't usually measure in minutes per mile. The figures would be 1.2, 1,O.8,0.7,0.8,0.7,1.1,0.9,0.8, and 0.8 minutes per mile. Adding the figures produces 8.8 minutes. As each was taken over 5 miles, not 1, 50 miles will require 5 times 8.8 (44 minutes), an average of 68.17 miles per hour.


30 rnph for 1 hour 30 miles

30 rnph for 10 min 5 miles 60 mph for 50 min s m i l e s

55 miles per hour

30 mph for 20 min 10 miles 60 rnph for 40 rnin

%s 50 m e per hour
30 rnph for 30 rnin 15 miles 60 mph for 30 min %miles 45 miles per hour 30 mph for 40 min 20 miles 60 mph for 20 min 20 miles
40 miles per hour

30 mph for 50 min 25 miles 60 mph for 10 min 10 miles 35 miles per hour 60 rnph for 1 hour 60 miles

Time: the fourth dimension


Changing the average

Suppose you travel for 1 hour. Assume that you went 30 rnph for the whole hour: you will have gone 30 miles. Now suppose that for the last 10 minutes you go 60 mph: you went 25 miles at 30 rnph and 10 miles at 60 mph, a total of 35 miles. The average is now 35 mph. The rate increases as more time is travelled at the higher speed.

Making up time
Now suppose you have 45 miles to go and an hour to do it in. At a steady speed that would be 45 mph. But suppose you go at 30 rnph for 10 minutes-that's 5 miles travelled. Now you need to go 40 miles in 50 minutes-48 mph. That's just 3 rnph faster than going steady all the way.

30 rnph for 10 min 5 miles leaves

50 minutes. Needs

30 rnph for 20 min 10 miles leaves

30 mph for 30 min 15 miles leaves

30 miles and 30 minutes. Needs

30 rnph for 40 min 20 miles leaves

20 minutes. Needs

30 rnph for 50 min 25 miles leaves

10 minutes. Needs

30 rnph for 1 hour 30 miles leaves



Time: the fourth dimension

Rate of growth
Speed and rate ofgrowth are similar ideas, rather like comparing the hare and the tortoise method of travel. In terms of minutes or hours, growth might be imperceptible. You can measure time in days or weeks. You can measure growth in inches or feet. The rate of growth raises another question of reference quantity. If a seedling is 2 inches high today, and tomorrow it's 10 inches high, that sounds like fast growth. However, if a 30-foot tree grows to 30 feet 8 inches by tomorrow, you'd have to look twice to see if it had grown overnight at all. When you add 8 inches to 2 inches, that's a big growth. But added to 30 feet, 8 inches doesn't seem like much.


Time: the fourth dimension


Fractional increase
The seedling grew from 2 inches to 10 inches, increasing 4 times yesterday's height. The 30-foot tree added 213 foot (8 inches), which is only 213 divided by 30, as a fraction of the height of the tree: 2/90 or 1/45. Considered as a fractional increase, the seedling adds 4 times its height, the tree only 1/45, although both actual measurements are 8 inches. Using fractional increase as a reference, the seedling grows 180 times as fast as the tree.

Percentages are a standard way to express things as a fractional reference. Percentages were developed before decimals to make working in fractions easier. Decimals might be easier to understand directly, but percentages were used so long that they became a habit for many purposes. Percentages began because fractions are clumsy. If you were asked which is the bigger fraction, 215 or 318, could you answer just by looking at them? Converting to decimals makes it easy: 2/5 is 0.4 and 3/8 is 0.375. So, 2/5 is larger.


Time: the fourth dimension

1. BY FRACTIONS COMMON DENOMINATOR IS 5 X 8 = 40 2 3 3 x 5 - - - - - 16 - - - - - 15 - 2x8 5 5x8-40 8 8x5-40





STARTS AT 2 INCHES; GROWS TO 10 INCHES Growth is 8 inches which is 4 times starting height
4 times is

400 - or 400% 100


Growth is
- i

2 1 30 = - - 90 45


Time: the fourth dimension


Percentages use 100 as the denominator, so the numerator can often be a simple number. You can see that percentages, like decimals, make it easier to compare fractions at a glance. 40% is obviously more than 37.5%. Another reason for using percentages is that they always refer to the starting size or number. If you say something grew 8 inches, you don't know whether to think if that's fast or slow,unless you know how big it was at the beginning. For the seedling,it is 400%. For the tree, it is 2/45 x 100 =200/45 = 2 2/9% or 2.222%. A percentage is a number divided by 100,taken as a fraction of the number that you started with.

Percentages with money

When dealing with money, you often hear about percentages. If railway or airline fares increase,it's usually figured as a percentage. Dividends are paid as a percentage, so that everything can be divided fairly.

Flat rate increase:

Everybody pays $1 more.

5 cents


Percentage increase:
Everybody pays 10%
5 cents

( 6

th) more. 5 ; cents

goes up to


Time: the fourth dimension

A railway company has to raise fares because costs have increased. It would not be fair to charge everyone $1 more. That would raise a 5-cent fare to $1.05 and a $30 fare to only $3 1. If the profits for a company are $10,000, $50 would be given to each of the 200 stockholders. One stockholder might have invested $1, another $100,000. Would it be fair for each of them to get $50 of the profit? Such things are worked out on a percentage basis. If the railway's costs rise from $100,000,000 to $110,000,000, that is a 10% increase. To get this money back in fares charged, each should increase by 10%.Thus, the 5-cent fare would then only increase to 5.5 cents (probably 6 cents), and the $30 fare would go to $33. Similarly, if profits are $10,000 on a total investment of $2,000,000, the rate is 5%. The stockholder who invested $1 gets 5 cents. The one who invested $100,000 gets $5,000 dividend.

Percentages up and down

One thing to watch in percentages: always use the starting figure of a transaction or calculation as the 100% point. Suppose a man buys property for $100,000 and its value increases, so he sells it for $125,000. He's made 25% profit on the deal: it cost him $100,000, he recovered his $100,000, and made $25,000 more. The profit is $25 for every $100 of the starting price. The value decreases, so the second man sells it for its original price of $100,000. Being back to its original price, after having gone up 25%, you might think it dropped 25%. But it hasn't. The second man paid $125,000.Of his original investment, he gets $100,000. The loss is still $25,000, but now it's a fraction or percentage of $125,000,not of $100,000.The loss is 20%. He lost $20 for every $100 of his purchase price. $20 x 1250 = $25,000.


for $100,000

Sells it for $125,000 25.000 Profit $25,000 100,000 = 25%

Time: the fourth dimension


for $125,000

Sells it for $100,000

LOSS $25,000 25,000 = 20% 125,000
A 25% increase is the same fractional change, reversed, as 20% decrease. Smaller percentages come nearer to being the same, either way. For larger percentages,the difference is larger. An increase of 100%is doubling,but the reverse, which is halving, is a decrease of only 50%.

Graphical representation of facts

Visual presentation of statistics is common these days. Commercials use it all the time-even if their "facts" are questionable! Visual comparison conveys an impression more quickly and effectively than numbers can. So, graphic presentation is widely used. Lengths replace numbers. Suppose you want to show your club's growth in membership. The figures for successive years are: 47,52,65, 73, 76,77, 85, 96, 11O.To show this growth, you draw lines



96 e g g



Time: the fourth dimension

or blocks to represent the number of members for each year. If you draw each member at 1/16 inch, 100 members are 6 7 / 8 " high. Having drawn the lines, equally spaced,to represent 1-year intervals,you have avisual picture of membership growth.You can place the lines either horizontally or vertically.

Visual presentations can help in many ways. A club might want to show how many members belong to certain groups: engineers, doctors, lawyers, salesmen, factory workers, shop assistants, truck drivers, musicians, etc. They could list these occupations as percentages or a number of lines could be placed side by side, as on the previous page. But here, the idea is to show how much each is, of the whole. So, a square of suitable width is marked off in 100 units and each group is given a space, which represents that percentage of the total. Since the total is loo%, all the widths together must fill the box.



How a Graph is Made
Each tenth divides by ten again making 100 parts





Circle divides into 10 parts (each 36" on a protractor)

Time: the fourth dimension


Another way that is sometimes favored, is to divide a circle up in the same way. Its circumference is divided into 100 parts (10 are shown here to make it clearer). Then, divide the circumference according to the percentages in the groups and draw lines from each marker to the center. Graphs are also used to help make calculations.Suppose tests on an electric motor relate electrical wattage input to horsepower output. Results are tabulated-from electrical power running "light" with no mechanical output, to electrical power inputs for various horsepower outputs. Suppose you have a job that requires an unlisted amount of horsepower.How do you calculate the electrical power it needs? A graph makes the job easier. Mark points on squared paper to show all the figures in the table, then join the dots made.You need not know anything about electricity to do this graph. Find the amount of electrical power that is needed for the new job by reading it on your graph.T h s process is called interpolation. Graphs can show a lot of things that are not obvious from the figures used to make them. They also are useful to check figures. In making the tests tabulated, you read meters to write down numbers. A meter might have numbers on its scale at 20 and 30, with 9 unmarked lines in between. The reading should be 23, but maybe you wrote 27 by mistake. All the other readings are correct.

Power supply

Electrical Wattmeter

Electric Motor

Mechanical Hosepower

,600 ,400 ,200 ,000 800 600 400 200 150



I 0 2 !















150 306 474 654 846 1,050 1,266 1,494


Time: the fourth dimension






7.5 14.25 27 33.75 46.5


when rechecked

The same basic informationpresented different ways


50 40

2 30 $ 20

y l I I I I I I I I I

Overall Average


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


z 2
w '


2 2



Time: the fourth dimension


You plot your graph using your figures. All the points line up nicely, except the one that you wrongly copied as 27. This point immediately gives you a clue where you made the mistake. So, you take that reading again and find that you misread the meter. Modern meters have digital readings. You could copy the numbers down wrong. Nobody is exempt from making occasional mistakes. The same basic information can often be presented in a variety of different ways. Going back to the race track situation from earlier in this chapter, here are some ways to show the driver's performance visually. Here visual can have two meanings: watching him go around the track or using graphs that analyze his performance visually.

Questions and problems

1. How far will a car go at 35 mph for 36 minutes? (HINT: find what fraction 36 minutes is of one hour.) 2. A riverboat makes a water speed (at which its motor propels it through the water) of 10 mph. The river has a downstream current flow at 2 mph. How fast does the boat go (a) upstream? (b) downstream? 3. How long will the riverboat in question 2 take to make a journey of 96 miles (a) upstream? (b) downstream? 4. Traveling at a water speed of 10 mph, the riverboat burns half a ton (1 ton is 2000 pounds) of fuel per hour. How much fuel does the boat use on its 96-mile journey (a) upstream? (b) downstream? 5. If the boat slows down to make the downstream journey in the same time as the upstream one, and if that reduces fuel burned in proportion to speed reduction, (a) Will reducing the downstream speed save fuel? (b) How much? (c) What would be the percentage saving (on the round trip)? 6. If the boat reduces its water speed on the upstream run, will it save fuel or use more? How much? What percentage. 7. A man invests $50,000 in stock. For the first year, it pays a dividend of 5% on his investment. At the same time, the value of his stock rises to $60,000. If he sells the stock, how much profit will he make (a) in cash? (b) as a percentage?

8. During early weeks of growth, a tree's height is recorded every week. For 5 successive weeks, the heights are 16It, 24 ", 36 ", 54", and 8 1It.what is the percentage growth per week for each of the 4 weeks? What is the percentage for the whole month?


Time: the fourth dimension

9. Make a graph of the tree's growth for the month. From the graph, estimate the height of the tree in the middle of the second week. 10. A race track has an 8-mile lap that consists of 5 miles with many hairpins, corners, and grades.The remaining 3 miles has straights and banked curves.The best time any car can make over the 5-mile part is 6 minutes, but the 3-mile section lets drivers "open up." Two drivers tie for the best on the 5-mile part, but one averages 90 mph on the 3-mile part, and the other averages 120 mph. Find the average speed for each on the whole lap. 11. A car is checked for mileage per gallon and is found to give 32 mpg on straight turnpike driving. How far will it go on a tankful if the tank holds 18 gallons? 12. A company needs printed circuit boards for which two processes are available. The first needs a tool that costs $2,000, then makes boards for 15 cents apiece. The other uses a procedure that initially costs $200, then makes boards for 65 cents each. Find the cost per board, assuming the total quantity ordered is: 100, 500, 1,000,2,000, 5,000, and 10,000units, by each process. 13. Plot a graph of the cost per board by the two processes (question 12) for quantities from 1,000 to 10,000 boards. For how many boards would the cost of both processes be the same? 14. Driving a car at a steady 40 mph produces a mileage of 28 mpg. Driving the same car at 60 mph reduces the mileage to 24 mpg. On a journey of 594 miles, how much gas will be saved by driving at the slower speed and how much longer will the journey take? 15. A man pays $200,000 for some property. After a year its value rises 25%, but he does not sell. During the next year its value drops lo%, after which he sells. What profit did he make on his original investment (a) in cash? (b) percent? Why was it not 25 - 10 = 15% profit? 16. After all allowances and deductions have been made, a man's taxable income is $120,000. How much tax will he pay at 20% on the first $30,000 and 22% on the rest? 17. A square-cornered triangle with 12-foot and 16-foot sides against the square corner has the same area as a parallelogram with opposite pairs of sides that are 10 feet and 16 feet long.What is the distance between the 16-foot sides? 18. An aircraft gains altitude at 1,000 feet per minute. How long does it take to climb to its flying altitude of 22,000 feet? If its forward speed while climbing is 360 mph, how far does it travel while climbing?

Time: the fourth dimension


19. An aircraft in level flight has a speed of 420 mph, but it consumes fuel at half the rate (per minute) compared with climbing. How far can the plane fly level, using the same amount of fuel used in climbing to 22,000 feet?

- - -

- - -

124 First notions leading into algebra

Width of inner enclosure (feet)


First notions leading into algebra


Graphs check arithmetic and find solutions

With all the steps in the calculations, you might make a mistake. By graphing your results you can find mistakes. The results should be on a straight line or on a smooth curve (according to the type of problem). A point that isn't on the line or curve, alerts you to a mistake. Make the graph with squared paper. Choose a scale that uses as much paper as possible without making the values awkward to read. Here, each small space represents 20 feet of fencing.The problem says you have 456 feet of fencing, so the graph shows that the width of the inner enclosure can be 27 feet.

Algebra: a more direct way

The methods of the last two pages are quite long. They involve making the same series of calculations several times with different numbers. A pocket calculator makes these problems easier than they used to be. However, it's still a long way around, especially if you only want one answer. See example on top of page 126. Without actually using algebra, first write all the pieces, in terms of either width or feet, and add them. The total length of fencing is 16 widths + 24 feet. You calculate each answer in the table with this formula, using only one multiplication (x 16) and one addition (+24). Or, turn everything around with a process you will become more familiar with in algebraic terms. This is an equation: Total length of fencing = 16 widths

+ 24 feet.

The words on either side of the equals sign have the same value; they are different ways of naming the same amount. Next, if you subtract 24 feet from each side of that equals sign, the statement or equation will still be true. Each side will be 24 feet less. Now you have: Total length of fencing - 24 feet = 16 widths. Divide both sides by 16 and it will still be true. Each side will be 1116 what it was before. Length of fencing - 24 feet, all divided by 16 = width.
pieces each -long
= -

pieces each []loon

pieces each

long = a n d v l

pieces each

long =I 6 widths
a n d 1 -

126 First notions leading into algebra

find total length

Total length of fencing =d an Total length of fencing is 16 X 25, then add 24 feet

250 400

116 X 25 = 460 ft add +24 ft Answer 1 total = 424 ft



Total fencing length is 456 ft: find width and length of enclosure

Reverse Process

456 Subtract 24 ft +24

432 J. Divide by 16 4 \432

4 F


Answer 2

27 ft wide, and 3 X 27 = 8,l feet long


Writing it as algebra
Writing problems of this kind can be shortened by using the first, or some convenient letter, to stand for each original measurement or quantity in the problem. You could write w for width. Length is specified as 3 times the width, so write length as 3w,meaning 3 times w. Finally, write f for the total length of fencing. When using algebra, as in arithmetic, always be careful that units are consistent. Here they are all in feet. Do not use some in inches or yards, and others in feet.



The single letter can stand for these Since the whole problem is stated in


the word is not nkcessary same units

Standard Letters
The same problem, using standard letters, is y = 16x+24 where: x = width of enclosure in feet y = total length of fencing in feet

First notions leading into algebra


When you start in algebra, a lot of questions arise that many teachers don't answer, so most people eventually give up. Through this book, I try to answer questions as they logically arise.

Different ways of writing in arithmetic and algebra

In arithmetic, we write numbers using figures in a row. Thus, 23 is 2 tens plus 3 ones. In algebra, ab isn't a tens and b ones, but a multiplied by b. Get used to this, because it's the way everybody does it. As you look at such new things, ask yourself, "What's this new way of writing mean?" That's one difference between arithmetic and algebra, of which you'll see more as you go on. Different kinds of algebra exist. The kind that's been taught in schools for years is "school algebra." In it, ab is a times b and xy is x times y. Sometimes, a period, often above the line, is used for multiplication. Sometimes, even a times sign is used, but a times sign is too easily confused with the letter x. Computer algebra is somewhat different from "regular" algebra. One difference is that multiplication is shown by an asterisk between the letters: a * b."

means plus plus

means all multiplied by

100 60 3

To multiply 16 by 3 : multiply 6 by 3 multiply 10 by 3 Add together



To multiply 16 by x : multiply 6 by x multiply 10 by x A total of 16 times x

6x lox 16x

16w + 24 means: 16 is multiplied by w, but 24 is not

What does 1 6 ~ 2 mean? 4

It has no definite meaning

Brackets or parentheses
When many older folks learned algebra, the use of brackets or parentheses, was standardized. Some uses that you will see today were considered unnecessary.

128 First notions leading into algebra

Computers use algebra that has changed that somewhat. But the principles haven't changed. Parentheses are used today because we often want to know which to do first, add or multiply, for instance. Some remember the rule, "do the inside brackets first." Others think better about why to do that.What is inside the parentheses is regarded as a single quantity. Thus, "w + 6" is enclosed in parentheses, meaning that all of it is multiplied by the "2" outside the parentheses.
2(w + 6) means 2 MULTIPLIED by w + 6 If w is 15, 2(w + 6 ) is 2 X 21 = 4 2 2w + 6 means 2 MULTIPLIED by w; then add 6 If w is 15, this means 2 X 15 = 30; add 6 makes 36 Different

That's why brackets are used In arithmetic

23 means 20 plus 3

In algebra
ab means a times b If a is 2 and b is 3; ab=2X3=6

Rewriting the Problem

Inner fence: 2 sections w and 2 sections 3w = 2 w + 6 w = 8w Outer fence: 2 sections w + 6 and 2 sections 3w + 6

Total fence = 8w + 2(w + 6) + 2(3w + 6)

= (8 + 2 + 6)w =

+ 12 + 12

as before

Using more than one set

In the previous section,two expressions in parentheses used the same w to derive lengths in the outer fence for width and length. The inner fence didn't involve parentheses. If you want to calculate how much lumber it requires, assume that you need 12 feet of lumber for each foot run of fence, whether inner or outer. Multiply the total length of fence by 12, so put a different pair of parentheses around this section of equation. Four kinds of parentheses are commonly used. Some call them all parentheses, some call them all brackets. Call them what you like, so long as you know how to use them.

First notions leading into algebra



12 feet needed for every foot run of fence Total footage of lumber = 12[8w + 2(w+ 6 ) + 2(3w + 6)] ft Note use of brackets within brackets

Four kinds of brackets can be used, when needed.

Parenthesis, or round Square [ Brace


+( w + 6 )

+ 61 { w +6 ) w +6

A problem expressed by algebra

For any kind of algebra to be useful, you must be able to write a problem into it. Don't make x mean anything for the moment so that it can mean anything about which you might have a problem. x comes into the problem 3 times. First, as the number itself. Then, as a number that is 4 times another number that is 5 more than x. Finally, as a number that is 2 times a number that is 3 less than x. These three numbers added together are 2 1 0 . How do we solve it to find out what x was to begin with?


The problem requires to:



0Take x
@ Take x, add 5
multiply by 4

@ Take x, subtract 3
multiply by 2

@ Add @, @ . and @ together

multiply by 3

his makes

130 First notions leading into algebra

Removing the parentheses to solve it

We solve the previous equation by removing the parentheses, following the rule as explained, starting from the inside ones. 4 times x + 5 is 4x + 20. 2 times x - 3 is 2x - 6.

Multiply each part of what's inside the parentheses by what's outside it. Then, collect the pieces inside the big parentheses. Add the three x terms: 1 (don't write the 1 in algebra), 4, and 2. That makes 7x. Add two plain numbers, 20 and -6. 20 - 6 = 14.Now, you can multiply the whole thing by 3 more easily: 21x 42. An easier, more direct way exists in this case. If 3 times what's in the big parentheses is 210, then each must be 113 of 2 10 (70). 7x + 14 = 70. If you subtract 14 from both, the new numbers will still be equal. 14 - 14 is 0. So, 7x + 14 - 14 = 70 - 14. 70 - 14 = 56. So 7x = 56. Divide both sides by 7: x = 8. That's the number you wanted to know. Check it. First, you have 8. Then, multiply 5 more than 8 (which is 13) by 4. That makes 52. Finally, multiply 3 less than 8 (which is 5) by 2. That makes 10. Adding together: 8 52 10 = 70. 3 x 70 = 210, which is what the problem said to start with.

+ +

Solving the Problem

+ 3 (both sides), gives

7 x + 14=70


21x + 42 = 210

Subtract 14: 7x = 56 Divide by 7: x = 8

Subtract 42: 21x = 168

Divide by 21: x = 8

Same answer

Putting a problem into algebra

Here's a problem where algebra could help. Eleven young people (some boys, some girls) went to eat together. Each boy ordered something that cost $1.25. Each girl ordered something that cost $1.60. The total check came to $16.20.

First notions leading into algebra


One way of writing the problem is shown. Each price was written as a number of nickels. You could also write it in dollars, but that would involve decimals. Whatever units you use, stick to them throughout the problem.

to boys and girls

Each boy's meal costs $1.25 or 25 nickels

$1.60 or 32 nickels Total check is $16.20 or 324 nickels

How manv bovs?
Cost of boys' meals Q -5 x Cost of girls' meals -3(1 42 1 Total cost

nickels x) nickels

This is the problem expressed in algebra

Solving it by removing the parentheses

After removing the parentheses, the -x on the left is bigger than the +x, so the x term is minus. You can change all the signs. If two minus quantities are equal, the same two plus quantities will be equal too. You can look at the same thing as taking away the minus quantity from both sides. If you subtract a minus quantity, it is the same as adding a plus quantity. See example at the top of page 132. Think about it carefully. Understand it, then make the rule you can most easily use yourself. However you do it, it comes down to 28 = 7x or 7x = 28. Dividing both sides by 7, x = 4 (meaning 4 boys), which leaves 7 girls.

Checking your answer and your work

Always check your answer against the original problem statement. 4 boys at $1.25 is $5.7 girls at $1.60 is $11.20.Added together, this makes $16.20,which the problem gave as the total bill (as shown on page 132). Now, look at the algebraic statement to see what it means. In that statement, 352 - 7x = 324 (or the equivalent, if you did it in dollars), 352 nickels is the price it would have been if they were all girls (i.e., no boys, the x figure was zero). that's $17.60.The 7x means that every boy makes the bill 7 nickels (or 35 cents) less.The 324 nickels are the actual bill ($16.20).

132 First notions leading into algebra

Solving the Problem

Minus becomes plus Plus becomes minus

4 boys 11 - 4 = 7 girls
Each boy pays $16.20 i or $4 05 4


4 boys at $1.25 = $5.00 7girlsat$1.60 =$11.20 Total check $16.20

Checking each statement

Ail girls would make the check nickels

For each boy the check is 7 nickels less

So the actual check is nickels

Magic by algebra
This trick is good to use at a party. Ask each person to think of a number (not say what it is) and write it on a piece of paper. Then, tell them to: Add 5. Multiply by 2. Subtract 4. Multiply by 3. Add 24. Divide by 6. Subtract the number you first thought of. Give them time to do each, before you give the next instruction. Finally you announce that their answer is 7.

First notions leading into algebra


The fact that they all thought of different numbers, but all have the same answer (if they didn't make a mistake) seems like magic. However, you can prove that it works by using x to stand for any number.The fact that x disappears at the end shows that the answer will work for any number.

ink of a Number TRI

8 a

8 1

1 Think of a number x 2 Add5 x + ~ Multiply by 2 2(x + 5 ) = 2x + 10 @ Subtract 4 2x + 6 Multiply by 3 3(2x + 6) = 6x + 18 6 Add 24 6x + 42 7 Divide by 6 x + ~ 7

1 Think of a number x 2 Add5 x + ~ Multiply by 2 2(x + 5) @ Subtract 4 2(x + 5 ) - 4 Multiply by 3 3 [2(x + 5) - 41 6 Add 24 3[2(x + 5 ) - 41 + 24 7 Divide by 6 3[2(x + 5 ) - 41 + 24 6 @ Subtract x 3[2(x + 5 ) - 41 + 24 -X 6 Simplify: 3[2(x + 5 ) - 41 + 24 - x = 3 [ 2 ~ 10-41 + 24 +


134 First notions leading into algebra

G travels at 30 rnph Boat --. in still water.

a -


t Water x mph

- , -

-x 2 +miles ++ 1(30 + x) miles+ 6 -.'

Water moves downstream at x mph. Boat's speed downstream is (30 + x) mph. In 10 minutes, he goes 1 6 (30 + x) miles. He drifts for 30 minutes - mph. Totalisdistance at x downstream 1 1



1 1 - (30 + x) + - x miles&

He drives upstream at (30 - x) rnph for 20 minutes. This brings 1 him back - (30 - x) miles. 1 3 1 1 Hefini~hes~(30+x)+yx-~(30-~) miles downstream from starting point.

Floating log


5 miles

>e. downstream log -1x - l

moves Boat is 5 miles from log.

In 10 minutes drive

1 5 x miles.

In next 30 minutes, boat stays 5 miles from log. Both drift 1 - x downstream. Log is now

., -

from start.


5 miles
( 6 )


In driving back, boat

passeslog, finishes 5 miles upstream. Log is now x miles downstream. Final position of boat is (x - 5 ) miles downstream.

Downstream is + Upstream is Boat going upstream travels Speed is boat's water- speed less speed of water - (-) = + because water is still going downstream

First notions leading into algebra


Minus times a minus makes a plus

This problem is difficult to understand without something you can visualize. Suppose a man rents a boat with a motor, which will drive it at 30 miles per hour in still water. First, he drives it downstream for 10 minutes. Then, he drifts with the current for 30 minutes. Finally, he heads upstream for the remaining 20 minutes.Where does he finish, relative to his starting point? You don't know how fast the river is flowing, so write an x for the river's rate of flow in miles per hour.This variable gives us an expression for his final position, in miles downstream: 5 + 1/6x + 1/2x - 10 - (- 1/3x). The minus is times a minus because heading upstream is the opposite direction. If the river was not flowing, he'd go 10 miles upstream (the -10). Since the river is flowing at x miles / hour, he floats less than 10 miles upstream by 1/3x miles, which turns out to be downstream, because that's the way the river is flowing. Since he's heading upstream, it slows him down: minus times minus.

Solving the problem

Now, use an imaginary floating log to solve a problem of that kind. The boat's position, relative to the log, will be given by the numbers without x. In one hour, the log floats x miles downstream.You can substitute values for x to get a variety of "answers." Collecting the number terms, +5 and -10, he finishes 5 miles upstream from wherever the log finishes. If the stream is flowing at 5 miles/ hour, the log travels
Starting point

5 miles



Water flows at 5 mph. Boat finishes 5 miles above log, which is 5 miles downstream. So boat is back at starting point.

= 4 miles

5 miles
1 mile

Boat finishes -- D upstream; x -15mile = -1

,---------Water flows at 4 mph.

Water flows at 6 mph. Boat finishes 1 mile downstream; x - 5 = +1 1 mile

136 First notions leading into algebra

5 miles downstream, so he finishes where he started. If the stream flows at 4 mph, he finishes 1 mile upstream from his starting point. If the stream flows at 6 miles per hour, he finishes 1 mile downstream from his starting point.

Arithmetic numbers in algebra

Earlier in this chapter, the difference in writing arithmetic and algebraic numbers was shown: numbers in a row represent, for example, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. Algebraic letters in a row represent numbers multiplied together-in school algebra, not always, as you shall see later. To understand this distinction better, use algebra to solve number problems. If you don't know what the digits of a number are, you would write them, for example 1OOu + 1Ob + c; u is the hundreds' digit, b the tens' digit, and c the ones' digit.

ab means a times b

56 means 5 tens plus 6 ones

If a is 5 and b is 6 10a + b is 56 10a + b could stand for ANY two-figure number in arithmetic Any three-figure number could be lOOa + lob + c where a, b, and c, are the figures

Number problems
Suppose someone notices that a certain number's ones' digit is twice the tens' digit, but adding 18 to the first number reverses its digits.What number have you got? You could try a few numbers until you find the one that "works." Algebra gives you a more direct route. Assume that the ten's digit is x, then the tens' digit means 1Ox.The ones' digit is twice x (2x). So, the whole number is 12x.Now, add 18.that's 12x + 18.What was the units' digit is now the tens' digit.The tens' digit in the new number is 20x instead of 1Ox. The unit's digit is just x instead of 2x, so the new number is 21x. Write an equation putting these two descriptions together.

Subtract 12x from both sides or move the 12x to the other side by changing its sign (however you prefer to think of that), and get 9x = 18 (or 18 = 9x). x is 2 and the original ones' digit is twice that (4). The numbers are 24 and 42. Check: 42 - 24 = 18. That problem was easy. They're not all that easy, but the same method works.Working with them helps you to understand the differences.

First notions leading into algebra


1st Number is - i

g 2
Add 18 But this makes the

A Number Problem
number is lox + 2x = 12x This makes 12x + 18

2nd Number


L T h e s e are the same number, so

12x + 18 = 21x Check

Subtract 12x: 18 = 21x - 12x = 9x 18 = 9 x , s o x = 2

First number is 24 Add 18 Total is 42, which is the original number reversed

Questions and problems

1. When a certain number x is subtracted from 12, the result is the same as when the number is multiplied by 2. Write, and solve, an equation to find the unknown number x. 2. When a certain number y is multiplied by 19, the result is the same as when the number is added to 36. Write, and solve, an equation to find the unknown number y. 3. Solve the following "word equations" for the unknown number z: (a) z divided by 2, and then added to 10, equals 20 (b) 4 times the quantity (zminus 7) equals 0 (c) 10 divided by z, then added to 7, equals 12

4. Suppose x = 5 and y = 7.Then what is the value of xy? Why isn't it 57? How can 57 be expressed in terms of x and y

5. Simplify the following expressions:

(a) 5[3x - 2(5x + 7)] - 9 (b) 14 2[x 5(2x 3)]

+ +

6. Write down and simplify an expression for the following: a number has 5 added, then is multiplied by 3; the same number has 6 added, then is multiplied

138 First notions leading into algebra

by 4; finally, it has 7 added, then is multiplied by 50. Add these three results together. 7. A number has 3 added, then is multiplied by 4; the same number is multiplied by 4, then 3 is added; these two results are added, multiplied by 5, and 6 is added to the total. Write down this expression and simplify it. If the total is 361, what was the original number? 8. A professional society's membership is $20 per year for full members and $8 per year for student members. Membership totals 2000 with annual dues of $35,200. How many members and how many student members do they have?

9. The ones' digit of a number is 2 more than its tens' digit. Multiplied by 3, the tens' digit is what the ones' digit is. What is the number? (HINT: use x for the tens' digit.)
10. A two-figure number has a one's digit that is 1more than the tens' digit.When the number is multiplied by 4, the ones' digit is what the tens' digit was, and the tens' digit is 3 times the first ones' digit. What was the original number? (HINT: use x for the original tens' digit.) 11. Use algebra to show that in any number where the ones' digit is 1 more than the tens' digit, adding 9 will reverse the digits. 12. Use algebra to show that in any number where the one's digit is greater than the tens' digit, adding 9 times the difference between the digits reverses them. (HINT: use a for the tens' digit, a + x for the units' digit.) 13. By substituting various values of x into the following two expressions, say what is different about them. Show why the second is unique:

14. In each of the following expressions, y is on one side and an expression containing x is on the other. In each case, make a transpositionthat will put x by itself on one side, with the correct expression containing y on the other.

(e) y = 3x- 7

(0 = Y


First notions leading into algebra


15. Show that the following equations cannot be solved for x.

16. Make a graph showing several x and y values for each of the following equations.By doing this, you will see that equations (a) and (c) are fundamentally different than equations (b) and (d).What is the difference? (a) (b) (c) (dl y=x+2 y + 1 = x ( 3 x - 1) 5+x=2-2y x = ~ Y ( Y 1) -

17. Choose any number. Add 6 to this number. Multiply the resulting sum by 3. Then from this, subtract 12. Divide the result by 3. Finally, subtract the number you chose to begin with. The answer will always be 2. Write down a series of expressions showing how this "magic number" problem works.

- - -

Developing "school" algebra


Indices show "place" in algebra

Compare how generations of students once wrote long multiplication in arithmetic (before pocket calculators did it for them), with something similar in algebra. Successive places in arithmetic, moving left in columns, stand for that many of successively bigger "powers" of 10.Furthest to the right are the ones (not multiplied by ten at all). Next, a number of tens; then, a number of hundreds (10 times 10); then, a number of thousands (10 times 10 times 10). In algebra, the "places" are separated by plus (or minus) signs. Successive places, moving from right to left, contain plain numbers furthest to the right; next, a number times x; then, a number times x squared; and so on. In arithmetic, you know the relationship between figures in successive places. They always are in steps of 10 :1. In algebra, no fixed relationship between successive quantities exists. But it is consistent; x always has the same value in the same problem-even if you don't know what the value is. If x is 3, then x squared is 3 times 3, or 9, and successively higher powers are 27, 8 1,243, and so on. If x is 5, then powers move up through 25,125,625, and so on.

142 Developing "school" algebra

Dimension in algebra
Different places, according to the power of x involved, also correspond to successive dimensions. When you multiply a length by a length, the result is an area. Multiply the area by another length and the result is a volume. That is why x times x is called x squared, and x times x times x is called x cubed. A cube is the simplest form of volume. On this page, you have multiplied mixed numbers (something times x times a simple number), one of which stands for a square (this one has an x2 in it) and the other represents a simple dimension, to get a cube. First, use numbers times x, x squared, and x cubed. Then, use letters instead of numbers, a, b, c, d, e. Here, a, b, c, d, e represent numbers, which you can fill in, if you know them. If you substitute a = 3, b = 5, c = 4, d = 7, and e = 6, this is the same as the numbers you used first. The letters allow you to fill in any other numbers, and the general form as it is called, gives you the answer in terms of powers of x. When such letters are used, x, y, and z are variables, but a, b, c, etc., are called constants. Constants can have different values, but these values remain constant in a particular problem.

18x2 + 30x + 24 21x3 + 3 5 +~ 8 ~ 2 ~ 21x3 + 53x2 + 58x + 24

aex2 + bex + ce adx3 + bdx2 + cdx adx3 + (ae + bd)x2 + (be + cd) x + ce

Both methods agree

Expressions, equations, etc.

In old-time school algebra, students learned equations. In that use, an equation is a type of statement with an expression on either side and an equals sign (=) in

Developing "school" algebra

100 90 80


cch 0

" Y

60 50

30 20 10

Values of x ['$+solve for y when x = 17 solve for x when y = 65


3x+5 3x + 5 = y 3x + 5 = 65

is an expression is an equation using that expression is an equation to be solved for x

the middle. For the problem being worked, the quantities on either side of the equals sign are equal. That sounds obvious?Well, later came inequations and more. An inequation is like an equation, except that two expressions are not equal, which school algebra shows with an #. Some statements use the signs > meaning "is greater than," and < meaning "is less than," to be more specific. Next came "truth" statements,which simply tell whether such equations or inequations are true or false. Computers use such statements with similar signs, except that they use > < or < > (take your pick, they both mean the same) instead of #.

An equation as an action statement

A school algebraic equation is a simple statement. It might be true or not true. It never represents a state of change. In school algebra, states of change come later in studies called calculus. Computer programs use an equals sign quite differently-as an action statement. It looks like an equation, but it isn't. Failure to understand this difference causes many problems for would-be computer programmers.

144 Developing "school" algebra



> <



Here is a simple example. In school algebra, the equation x + 2 = 9 can be true only if x is 7. If true, it is equally true written the other way around: 9 = x 2.Complicate it a little with an equation, such as, x 2 = 2x - 3.You can still find a value for x for which the equation is true. Try 5. No other value "works" in that equation. It's a good school equation. Now look at this: x = x + 2.In school algebra it's impossible. It cannot be "true." No value of x can make it 2 more than itself. But to a computer that, written exactly like an equation in school algebra, is an "action statement." After the computer "reads" the statement, it means x is 2 more than it was before. It would go like this. Maybe x has a value of 7. The computer reads x = x 2.Now, x has a value of 9-2 more than it was before. In school algebra, x = 7 and 7 = x both mean the same thing. A computer could read x = x + 2, but not x + 2 = x. However, it could read x = x - 2. Confusing? Start thinking about it now, you will understand it better when you get to use it.

Using an equation to solve a problem

Suppose a problem reduces to the following facts: three consecutive numbers, the first is divided by 2, added to the next and divided by 3, added to the third and divided by 4, which yields the 4th consecutive number. You need to find these numbers, which would be difficult by arithmetic. In algebra, write the first three numbers as x,x + 1, and x + 2. Then, doing what the problem says yields the 4th number, which will be x + 3.Algebra derives the right numbers directly. In arithmetic, you can only guess at various numbers until you hit the right ones.

Developing "school" algebra


Using an Equation to Solve a Problem

A number, x, is divided by 2
The next number, x + 1, is divided by 3 The next one, x + 2, is divided by 4

x+l 3 x+2 4

x x+l x+2 These results are added: - + -+ 2 3 4



{ 6x + 4(x

+ 1 ) + 3(x +2)



ee consecutive numbers. But the three we want give a fourth consecutive number, x + 3; so:

Multiply by 12: 13x + 10 = 12(x + 3) = 12x + 36 Subtract 12x + 10: x = 26


E + Z +28
2 3 4


As required

Simultaneous equations
Often a problem can be solved with only one variable. Sometimes it is easier to use two or more variables. If you know that 4 times one number plus 5 times another number add up to 47, and 5 times the first number plus 4 times the second number add up to 43: how would you find the answers? The numbers can be found in several ways. Don't think that one way is the only right way. Sometimes you can even spot a way that's easier than the "textbook" way. Here the textbook way "eliminates" one variable.To do so, multiply one equation, both sides, by 4, and the other one by 5, then subtract one product from the other. That gets rid of one variable: 4 times the 1st is 16x + 20y = 188. Five times the 2nd is 25x + 20y = 21 5. Subtracting the 1st from the 2nd is 9 x = 27. So x = 3. From either equation you can then get y = 7. Check it for yourself.

146 Developing "school" algebra


@ 4x+5y=47 @ 5x+4y=43

5y=47-4x 4y=43-5x


1 (47 - 4x) 5



c .

both are true

@4x3+5~7=12+35=47 @5~3+4~7=15+28=43

The previous method is graphical. However, one student who couldn't do algebra saw 9 "miscellaneous unknowns" in both equations, but one had 5 x's and 4 y's, and the other had the other combination.He concluded that y must be 4 more than x. Putting y = x 4 into either one produced the equation 9x = 27. From that point, the method was the same.

Simultaneous equations solve a fraction problem

Suppose you have a fraction.You don't know what its numerator and denominator are, but someone says that subtracting 1 from both creates the fraction 112, but adding 1 to both makes the fraction 315. Write x/y for the original fraction. Subtracting 1from each gives the first fact (equation). Adding 1 to each gives the second fact (equation). See how these answers are converted into a pair of simultaneous equations.

Developing "school" algebra


@ Multiply by 2(y - 1):

2(x - 1) = y - 1 2x-2 =y-1


@ Multiply by 5(y + 1):

Solving the problem

5(x + 1) = 3(y + 1)
5x+5 =3y+3


Here are a few examples, the first of which is the fraction problem from the previous section that shows how to eliminate one variable. First, multiply one or both equations by numbers that will make the variable to be eliminated have the same coeficient (a fancy word for the number in front of the variable). Then, either add or subtract the two equations in that form. If the signs are the same, subtract. If they are opposite, add. Here is a third problem, reduced to two equations so that you can concentrate on the algebraic method. Study each of the three examples on these pages, so you understand how to use this method, called eliminating one variable. Always check your results.


SOLVING SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS Method 1 2x-y=1 @ To eliminate y


y = 10-1 = 9
5 =4 - ---1 --

Multiply @ by
Signs are the


Substitutein @ 2 x 5 - y = I

Fraction is 5 : 9


1 8 2


148 Developing "school" algebra

x+y=30 4x-3y=1



To eliminate y
= 91

Multiply @ by 3 Signs are the Substitute in

@ 13 + y = 30




3y = 40 @

TOeliminate y

Multiply Multiply

@ by 7

@ by 3
= 301

Signs are OPPOSITE, so ADD

x=301+43=7 3y=40-7=33 Substitute in @ 7 + 3y = 40 y=33+3=11


7 + 3 x 11=7+33=40
12 X 7 - 7 X 11 = 8 4 - 7 7 = 7

Solving by substitution
In the three sets of equations so far, you used the first method, eliminating one variable. The following method can often be a short cut. The section of simultaneous equations introduced it at the end. Interestingly, the student who "discovered" it was having problems with algebra! The method is demonstrated here more formally. Again, don't forget to check your result.

Developing "school" algebra


Most teachers came to rely on published answers to check their results. This led to students doing the same thing-if they could get the answer book. Checking your own result not only avoids such "cheating": In life, when you use mathematics, you don't have an "answer book." In recent years, many engineering projects have failed because the designers didn't know how to check their work.The Golden Gate bridge is still going strong. Many more recent bridges have plunged people into the drink below because they failed. The habit of checking your work could save lives when you get into the work world!


PROBLEM 4 7x + 2y = 90
8x-y= 1


@ to give

Value for y:
Substitute in



+ 2 (8x - 1) = 90

Substitute in

y = 8 X 4 - 1 = 31


Solving for reciprocals

The example at the top of page 150 shows a different kind of simultaneous equation: one in which variables appear as reciprocals, or in which it is easier to solve for reciprocals. Study this example in which we solve for 1/x and 1/ y , instead of for x and y. Notice particularly why solving for the reciprocals is easier for some kinds of problems. One thing you should learn from studying simultaneous equations is that you can often save time by using common sense to find the easiest way, rather than following a set routine for all such equations.

150 Developing "school" algebra


-+-=x y 15
---=x y

l'O 30

To eliminate Y

Multiply Multiply

@ by 4
by 3



Signs are OPPOSITE, so ADD

Substitute in

2 0

23 = 56 - = 3 - 115 - 23 -+ 1 112+3 - 0 15 10 -30-6 1 = -1 SO x=6 x 6 4 4 - - - - 1 -2 5 - 1 -5- - = - 1 --5 y 30 y 6 30 - 30 30

-I = - 1

4 - - 24-- 4 s o -



Multiply Multiply

0 by l5xy
by 30xy

30y + 4 x = 14xy 5 150y - 120x = xy

The other way is much easier



1 + -3= - - -+ 9 14 5 5 15 - 15

Long division clarifies how algebra works

These days long division by algebra has little practical use. It does help to understand how algebra works, and it is particularly helpful in developing an understanding of dimension. Compare the two ways of doing long division shown at the top of the facing page, in arithmetic and algebra. You should be able to "figure it out," and do the examples in the Question and Problem section at the end of this chapter. Look at this exercise to see how people used to solve these problems.

Developing "school" algebra




Long division finds factors in algebra

This chapter covers finding factors in arithmetic-you still need that. Students of mathematics will find it important in algebra, but not in everyday use, as it was once. Here is a parallel between finding factors, in arithmetic and in algebra for you to study.Try the simple exercises that follow.



lGF -%


1 3x3 - 16x2 - 8x + 45
3x3 - 15x2

3x2- x



x2-8x x2+5x

13x + 4 5 13x + 65

83 and 353 ARE FACTORS

3x + 5 and x

*- 7 x + 9 ARE FACTORS

152 Developing "school" algebra

Questions and problems

1. Perform the following multiplications: (a) ( x + l ) ( x - 3 ) c ( + ) ( - ) (b) (x-3)(x-5) (d)(x+1)(x2-x+1)

2. Perform the following divisions. In each case, check your result by multiplication.

3. Use long division to find the factors of: (a) x2 + 2x- 35 (b) x3 + x2 - 5x - 5 (c) x3 + x2 - 7x - 3
NOTE: each of the above has two factors.

4. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations. If there is no solution, explain. (a) (b) (c) (d) 4x - 8y = 2 and -3x + 5y = -5 2x+3y=Oand7~-2~=2 y = 2 x + 4 a n d y = -2x-6 y = 4x+2andy = 4x-2

5. A rectangle has certain dimension. Making it 2 feet wider and 5 feet longer increases its area by 133 square feet. Making it 3 feet wider and 8 feet longer increases its area by 2 17 square feet.What were its original dimensions? A good question for simultaneous equations. 6. Divide the number c into two parts, such that a times one part is equal to b times the other part. If c is 28, a is 3 and b is 4, what are the parts? It might be easiest to find the second part first. 7. A fraction is somewhere between 314 and 415. Adding 3 to both the numerator and the denominator makes the fraction equal to 415, but 4 subtracted from each makes the fraction equal to 314.What is the fraction? 8. In another fraction, adding 1 to both the numerator and the denominator makes the fraction equal to 417, but 1 subtracted from each makes the fraction equal to 519.What is the fraction?

Developing "school" algebra


9. Adding 1 to the numerator and denominator of another fraction makes it equal 7/12, but 1 subtracted from each makes it equal to 9/16. What is the fraction? 10. The highest two of four consecutive numbers, multiplied together, produce a product that is 90 more than the lowest two multiplied together. What are the numbers? 11. Work with five consecutive numbers yields the fact that if the middle three numbers are multiplied together, they are 15 more than the first, middle, and last numbers multiplied together.What are the numbers? 12. A man has an option on a piece of land. He was told that the measurements were 50 feet longer than it is wide.The survey shows that it is 10 feet less in width than he was told. The seller offers him an extra 10 feet in length. Does he get the same total area? If not, how much does he lose on the deal? Does it depend on the actual dimensions?

- - -



1 1

175 1300

1 1 1 1 1 1 I







y=ax+b y=ax2+bx+c

Quadratic graph is a symmetrical curve

If you plot the values of 40x - x2,against x, you can get a curve. If x is either 0 or 40,40x - 2 has a value of zero. When x is 20,40x - x2 reaches a maximum of 400. In this particular problem, x represented one side of a rectangle whose two sides added up to 40. The two pairs of values were the same, just reversed. Later, you will come to pairs of answers that are not simple reversals.


10 30

15 20 25 Length of side x feet



40 0


25 20 15 10 Length of other side (40 - x) feet



Solving a quadratic equation

Suppose you know that, as well as using 80 feet of fencing, it encloses an area of 300 square feet. One way to solve this problem would be to write: 4 0 x - x 2 = 300. Then, rearrange this equation to make something on one side equal to zero on the other side.The equation reduces to: x' - 4 0 x + 300 = 0. Why would we do that? This procedure will be clearer later. For now, notice what happens if you plot values of the left-hand side, x 2 - 4 0 x + 300. Here, the curve is inverted and the position of the values are changed to straddle the horizontal zero line. The zero line becomes the locator of the solutions because the solution was written: x2 - 4 0 x + 300 = 0 . This changing around is called transposition. It reproduces the same curve in a different position.

40~-~2~300 Transpose: 40~-x*-300~0

Values of x

TRANSPOSITION: Same Curve - Different Position



Using factors to solve equations

The expression: x2 - 40x 300 can be factorized into two linear factors: (x - 10)(x - 30). Multiplying those expressions, x - 10 and x - 30,yields our first expression: x2 - 40x + 300. Now, see something else about the curve on the previous page. Plotting lines that represent x - 10 and x - 30, these become zero when x = 10 or when x = 30.Notice that the quadratic curve passes through the zero line at the same values of x as x - 10 = 0 or x - 30 = 0. So, finding the factors of an expression, formed by transposing an equation to something equal to zero, gives the solutions of that equation. If the factors have a minus sign (as here), the solutions are the corresponding plus quantities. later, you'll see that if the factors have (or one of them has) a sign, the corresponding solution has a - sign.


7 ' x2

40x + 300 = (x - lO)(x - 30)

Values of x

Combined value is zero when EITHER factor is zero



Finding factors to solve quadratics

To find factors, you need rules to help. You find these rules by examining the coefficients of each term to see how they are constructed. Each factor, for the kind of expression you are using (of the form: ax2 + b x + c = 0 , where b and c might be either + or -) will be "so many" x, plus or minus a number. In each expression, numbered (I) through (4), the coefficient of x2 is 3. If it has simple factors, one of them must be x plus or minus a number, and the other must be 3x plus or minus a number. In all of these expressions, the numeric term is 15. So, in the two factors, one must have plus or minus 3 and the other must have plus or minus 5. Or else one must have plus or minus 1 and the other must have plus or minus 15. If the sign in front of the number (in this case 15) is plus, then the signs in the factors must be either both plus or else both minus, and the coefficient of x is the sum of the two cross products. If the sign in front of the number is minus, the signs in the factors must be opposite; one minus and one plus, and the coefficient of x is the difference between the two cross products. Study this system carefully, until you can find the factors fairly easily.


How factors solve quadratics

Those first factors in the section "Using factors to solve equations" were simple. Those in the last section get a little more difficult.The lines for the factors on the graph are not parallel lines.Taking example 2, the thing that is the same as in the previous section is that the solutions come at the two places where the straight lines cross the zero line.



Make sure you understand the points these diagrams show: 1. How the solutions are derived from the points where the graphs cross the zero line 2. How the root (answer) that corresponds to the factor has the opposite sign.

3. Its value is the numerical part of the factor, divided by the coefficient of x (or whatever variable you use).

If factor is x

Value of x for "root" corresponding to factor



When factors are even more difficult to find

Factorizing is a simple method of solving quadratics when factors can be found easily. Then, show some that are not so easy. For the expression: x2 - 6x + 6, you need two numbers of the same sign (which will be minus) that, multiplied together, make 6 and are added together to also make 6. You can try fractions, but they never work out exactly.The other example is also difficult.You need a way to find such factors more directly than by trial and error.

160 Quadratics



Completing the square

The whole purpose of adopting algebra was to find more direct ways of working. Remember that. By completing the square, you can stop searching for factors. It can be understood by using a geometrical figure. Your expression starts in the form: ax2 + bx + c = 0. Notice that if N = (x + n), then N2 = (x + n12which, multiplied out, is: N2 = x2+ 2nx + n2 . Here, you show the correspondence between the algebraic expression and a geometrical figure. Study it carefully. Go back to those equationsthat did not factor easily. Take them in the reverse order. Because 2n from our formula is 6 113, n must be half of that, 3 116.To find n2 square 3 116. 3 116 is 1916. Squaring that (both numerator and denominator) is 361136 (10 1/36).


A direct method for solving quadratic equations



Completing the Square



I JI is

Completing Add n 2 the Square

16 x 6 - 3361 9 x 19 6

1 @ 1 x 2 - 6 : l j ~ 2 - 6 ~ ~ = - 1

I = 10%

Both sides need to be changed so that the left side has the number 10 1/36. Then, 1/36 is on the right side, which is the square of 116.The other side isn't so easy, although it looked easier at first. The square is 3, so the root must be the square root of 3.

Completing the solution by completing the square

The previous section had two equations in which both sides of each equation was a square, although the second one didn't look like it. A square can have a root (the number that makes that square) that is either positive or negative. So, the first one can have x - 3 116 equal to either + 1/3 or -113.The possible answers are 3 113 or 3. The second one leads to 3 plus root 3 or 3 minus root 3 as the possible answers.

162 Quadratics

1 1 I So ( x - 3 -6) = + - o r - - 6 6

1 If x - 3 - 6 + - 6 -- 1

x = 3 - + -6 = 6

Two Answers


So ( x - 3 ) = + a o r - &

1f x - 3 = + h

Two Answers
If x - 3 = - A

Checking the answers

Don't forget to check your answers. Go through each of the original equations, substitute in each solution you found to see that the equations are true.

Checking the Answers

or x = 3


Both answers check

63x = 3 X 7 = 19 ~ * - 6 7 ~ = 91-9 ~ - 1 0



x=3-& 6x=6(3-&)=

x 2 = 3 2 - 2 ~ 3x 18-6&

f i +K 2 = 9 - 6 & + 3 = 1 2 - 6 h
answers check

= 12-6t./?-18+6&=-6

What the answers mean

You might wonder how completing the square can have two answers.The construction in "Completing the bill" explains. Only one solution seems obvious. After all, one area will fill the space. Look at the significance of N2 = ( x - n)'. Here, xis the big square and the ' final square that represents N is smaller, so x2 is diminished by two quantities nx. Notice how drawing the two rectangles, which represents n times x overlap, by another square that is x2. So, as you found in algebra, the geometrical construction supports it: ' = x 2 -2nx+n 2 . N' Go over this formula carefully to be sure you understand it.

Geometric Interpretation for the Two Solutions

1 x could be either 3 or 35

= 33

36 when x

164 Quadratics

Comparing methods
If a problem can be solved in two or more ways, making a comparison can help in two ways: you can pick the best method for a particular problem, and you can gain a better overall understanding of the methods. What the factor method means, when looked at as geometry, is shown below. Writing an equation with zero on one side, if it factors, can represent a rectangle where each factor represents one of its dimensions. When either of its sides is zero, its area is zero. Factors find what those values are. Look at the completing the square method in steps.You start with a similar general form: x2 + bx + c = 0. The coefficient of x is optional, but eliminating ' it makes the equations easier to solve. First, rearrange it so that the number is on the other side with the sign changed. Now, the left side has an incomplete square. The third step is to complete the square, and the fourth is to add the same to both sides. Now, you have a complete square on the left, so the fifth step is to take the square root of both sides. Finally, transpose the roots so that you have a statement that lists the two values of x (or whatever variable your equation uses).


Met hod Method
1. Expression

What it Means
dx + e

2. Find Factors
(dx + e)(fx
Such that

+ g) = 0
df = a


eg = c &

At these two values, area is zero

3. Solutions are
x=- e d



The geometry shows what it means. This method is more involved than just finding the factors, but it always gets an answer, which finding the factors cannot do so easily.

"Completing the Square" Method

Method What it means
Either of these values of x

1. Expression

2. Rearranged



1 1 3. n is- b, so n 2 = - b2 2 4 4. Complete Square

1 x 2 + b x +-b2=-1 b2-c 4 4

2 -2 2


0 .%
0 u

> c 0 a

5. Take square root

6. Transpose

Formula method
Theformula method really applies the completing the square method to derive a formula, into which you substitute the constants if the problem can be expressed in that general form.Theform of the answer shown on this page might look different from the one that is generally given in textbooks. This example is to relate it better to the geometric way of visualizing it.The more common form is:

166 Quadratics

Formula Method Using Algebra on Algebra

@ @
@ @ @

General Form of Quadratic Equation: ax2+ bx + c = 0

Reduce so Coefficient of x2 is 1: divide by a

b c x2+-x+-=o a a

Transpose for Completing the Square:

b x 2+ - x = - - C a a
b Complete the Square: n is - n 2 = 2 b 2a 4a2

x ~ b+ - b2 + ~ x -& a 4a 4a Take the Square Root: 2a



Transpose to get Final Formula: x=--

Solving by formula
Once you reduce the problem to the standard form, the formula method is just a matter of substituting the numbers. Work through the same equations solved by factors. Pay particular attention to the signs, since you should have already learned to do them by factors. Here are some more quadratics that are solved by formula. No. 5 (on page 168) follows the same method of examples 1 through 4. You might not immediately spot the square root of 169, but you can check it by multiplying 13 by 13. No. 6 (on page 168) needs to be rearranged before the formula can be used, by multiplying through by x and then transposing. No. 7 (on page 168) is the first of a kind where the final result on the right doesn't have a simple root. You need the square root of 8, which is something less than 3. So, one answer is a small fraction (an unending decimal) and the other is slightly less than 6. That sign (which you'll find on a calculator button) means the square root of, and it is called a surd.





168 Quadratics

Rearrange: 6x2- 5x - 6 = 0

26 Multiply by x: x 2 + 1 =- x 5 2- -26 Rearrange: x x + 1 = 0 5

Multiply by x: x *+ 1 = 6x
Rearrange: x2- 6x + 1 = 0



Checking results
Always check your results, by substituting back into the original equation or the original problem. In quadratics, you have two solutions to check.

Both Check d

~+1=3+ 0

+ 3 - 0 = 6

Both Check d

170 Quadratics

A quadratic problem
Sometimes a problem leading to a quadratic equation seems to have only one real answer. Being realistic people, we naturally ask what the other answer means. If we don't, we should. For example, a picture to be framed is twice as long as it is high. The frame provides a 3-inch margin around all sides. The total area, frame and picture, is 260 square inches.What are the dimensions of the picture? Making x the height and 2 x the length of the picture, the dimensions of the frame will be x + 6 and 2 x + 6 , which multiply to ( x + 6 ) ( 2 x + 6 ) = 2x2 + 18x + 36 as the area.The question lists the area as 260 square inches. So, the equation can be reduced to x2 + 9 x - 1 1 2 = 0. Solving it, you find the two answers that are characteristic of quadratics, 7 or - 16. The positive answer is easy. The picture is 7" x 14". The frame is 13 " x 20 ",which multiplies to 260 square inches.

What are the picture dimensions?

Total area = 260 sauare inches

By formula

a=1 b=9 c = - 112







Obviously a picture with negative dimensions has no practical meaning. However, it could have a mathematical meaning. The picture dimensions are -16" x -32". By adding twice 3' each way, the frame dimensions are - 16 " + 6 " x -32" + 6 " , or -10 'I x -26 " , which also multiplies to +260 square inches.

Questions and problems

1 . Find the factors and thus say what values of x make the following expressions equal to zero: (a) x2 + 7 x - 8 (c) 7 x 2 - 48x - 7 (b) 3 x 2 - 1 6 x + 1 3 (d) 30x2 - 7 3 x + 40

2. Solve the following by completing the square: (a) x2 - 4 x = 45 (c)x2-7x+7=O (b) x 2 - 6 = x (d)x2-12x=4

3. Solve the following quadratics by formula:

(a) 5 x2 6)

X - y - - y

2x - 7 = 0 1 - 24

(b) 7 x (d) x +


4x - 3 = 0 = 10

4. Solve the following quadratics and explain anything unusual you observe about the solutions: (a) 5 x2

3x - 2 = 0

(b) 5~2

3~ = 0

(c) 5 x2 - 3 x + & = 0

5. A quantity is required, such that adding twice its reciprocal will produce a sum of 4. What is the quantity? Leave surds in your answer and check both results. 6. An enclosure's length is 10 feet less than twice its width. Its area is 2800 square feet. Find its dimensions. Explain the negative answer as well as checking the positive answer. 7. Extending each side of a square area by 6 feet makes its area 4 times as big. Find the original side length and explain the negative answer. 8. Find three successive numbers whose sum is 318 the product of the lower two numbers. (HINT: take x as the middle number.) Explain the less obvious solution.

9. In mowing a lawn 60 x 80 feet, how wide a strip around the edge must be mowed for half the grass to be cut? Explain the second answer.

172 Quadratics
10. At a party someone tried to run a "think of a number" game and gave the instructions: think of a number, double it, subtract 22, multiply it by the number your first thought of, divide it by 2, add 70, and subtract the number you first thought of.The answer (he said) was 35. Only two people, who had used different numbers, had that answer.What two numbers did those two use? 11. The height of a small box is 1inch less than its width and the length is 2 inches more than its width. If the total area of its sides is 108 square inches, what are its dimensions? 12. The negative solution to question 11 leads to another set of dimensions whose total surface area is also 108 square inches.What are these dimensions?

- - -

174 Finding short cuts



Multiply 37 x43: 37=40-3 43=40+3

Check by Long Multiplication

Same Answer

Finding short cuts


Sum and difference in geometry

Thesum anddzflerence principle can be seen in geometry, as well as in algebra. If you take the smaller square from the bigger square here, you are left with the shaded area. Cutting the upright piece off and laying it end-on to the other piece, the resulting rectangle has the dimensions: a + b and a - b. It's just a matter of spotting the easier way once you know the principle. Suppose you have to multiply 37 by 43. If you spot that 37 is 40 - 3 and 43 is 40 + 3, it's quicker to think, 40 squared is 1600,3 squared is 9, so 37 times 43 is 1600 - 9,whichis 1591. If you aren't sure, check it by long multiplication or with your calculator. It's always good to check, anyway. See examples on the facing page.

Difference of squares finds factors

It also provides short cuts in algebra. x4 x2 1 has no odd powers of x, so you might think of x2 as the variable and thus think of it as (x2)?+ (x2) + 1. x2 + x + 1 doesn't have factors (not simple ones, anyway), so you think that making x a square doesn't make it have factors, either. However, if you notice that (x + is x2 + 2x + 1, then [(x2)+ 112 is x4 + 2x2 + 1.That is x2 more than the expression you want factors for, and x2 is also a square. So, the expression: x4 + x2 1 is the difference between two squares. Written that way, the factors are: [(x2 1) + X] and [(x2 1) - XI,which you can turn into a more conventional order: (x2 x 1) (x2 - x 1). Check the equation by multiplying out.

+ +

+ +

+ +

Factorize: x 4 + x


Factors are: (x

+ I + X ) (X + 1


More usually written:

x2-X-t 1


x*+x+l x2-x+1 +x3-x2+x





176 Finding short cuts

One way to find a square root

Years ago, students learned a routine to find square roots that was not explained to them. Understanding it paves the way for understanding not only square roots, but a lot of other things that computers do. Earlier in this book, I asked for the square root of 8. The square root of 9 is easy. First, look at squares and the square roots of easier numbers in arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, using numbers that "work-out." See how this works for a square root that is a 2-digit number (the square has 3 or 4 digits). Here the problem 37 squared is 1369 is worked through forward and backward. You can use the same method to find square roots that have more than 2 digits. Here, a third digit is added to the root, and the square has 6 digits. Now, look at how math students used to set it-before calculators would do it for them. The first thing they did was to markoff the digits in pairs from the right.Why do that? For example, the square root of 9, which is 1 digit, is 3; but the square of 90 (2 digits) is more than 92 (81) and less than lo2 (100). So, a 1-digit root can become a square that has 1 or 2 digits. That is why you mark the digits in pairs; to know whether the first digit of the root is taken from a number between 1 and 10 or one between 10 and 100. Next, enter the first digit of the root, on top, and try for the second digit. If the first digit of the root is u, we subtract a' from the square line.What is left must be 2ab + b2. So, double a, leave a space for b, try various values for b and multiply both a and b by b, which gives 2ab + b2 for that place. Subtract again. Now, the first two digits of the root are a and the remainder is a new 2ab + b2. Go on like that through however many digits you need.

Square of 32

Square of (a + b)


3X3in 100's Twice 3 X 2 in

Area = a2 + 2ab + b2

Square is 1002

+ 20ab + b2

Finding short cuts


FIND the SQUARE ROOT of 1369

c 0i2 a 1 0
I -I

Tens: 30* is 900; 402 is 1600


100 100 10a

100 100 10a


lOa l0a

I 1 I -___I

4 I

Square root is between 30 and 40 2 times 30a + a2 is 1369 - 900 = 469


- - - - II



2 times 30 is 60 7 60 42 -

302 = 900
2 X 30 X 7 = 420

49 72= (30 + 7) = 1369

a=:'] a* = 49

The square root of 1369 is 37

In hundreds place





178 Finding short cuts


Find the Square Root of 2
\1t )\5
& G %


b* s@ *

Finding short cuts


"Continued" square root

In the procedure where the square is a number of digits with no decimal fraction, you marked digits in pairs from the right.Where the square has a decimal fraction part or where the root might do so, mark places in the square from the decimal point each way. Where you have no decimal point, the right end of the number is where the decimal point would be.Where the root continues, perhaps indefinitely, you have a decimal part to the root. The square root of 2 (a well-known number in mathematics) is found by this method. Later, other methods of finding, not only square roots, but other roots are shown. See bottom of page 178.

Importance of place in square root

It is always important to watch place. This has occurred before-in division, for example. But with square roots, using the wrong pairing can produce a wrong set of digits and a wrong decimal place. Remember, mark off the digits in pairs-each direction from the decimal point. A similar, but much more complicated method, can find cube roots. Years ago (before my time) some schools taught that method. Now, when a calculator will probably do it anyway (a lot faster) knowing how to do it "by h a n d is rather pointless. Being more complicated, it has more opportunities for making mistakes!


NOTE: Zero
is added to complete a pair

Mark off in PAIRS of places FROM DECIMAL POINT

180 Finding short cuts

Importance of signs in successive roots

Looking at this pattern leads to discovering a whole new branch of mathematics. The square root of a positive number can be positive or negative. If you pursue a cube root, you'll find that the cube root of a positive number must be positive and the cube root of a negative number must be negative. Now take the fourth root, which is the square root of the square root. Obviously the root can be either positive or negative, but something seems to be missing. The first square root can be either positive or negative.We can take the root of the positive root again, but is the negative root just left hanging sort of uselessly? It begins to look as though you should have 2 square roots, 3 cube roots, 4 4th roots, and so on.

Let's consider SIGNS

Square Roots


a3 a
- a3


Cube Root Cube Root



Fourth Square

+ ,2

/ \ ,2 -

Imaginary numbers
Studying this problem led to a concept that is now called imaginary numbers. Once negative numbers weren't "allowed: they didn't represent real things. Then, it was found that they could be used in calculation to get valid answers.

Finding short cuts


The roots on the previous page are "real" roots-roots that mean something physical (even the negative ones). So you can handle these imaginary numbers, but you need a sign to separate them from real numbers, just as the minus sign separates negative numbers from positive numbers. The symbol mathematicians picked to do this was the letter i. They write an i in front of the number.Thus, just as "-" "times" "-" is a positive, i times i is a negative. Just as a negative times a negative is a positive, and 3 negatives multiplied together is another negative, i times i is a negative. 3 i's multiplied together is -i; 4 i's multiplied together is another positive again, and so on.


Real r o o t s f i = Imaginary rootsv-

+ 1 or - 1 1 = + i or - i


Fourth Roots
Fourth Power Squares Roots



+ la

- ia

Cube Roots Suppose (a + ib)

a+ib x a+ib = a2 + 2 iab + i2 b2 x a+ib = a3 + 3 ia2b + 3i2 ab2 + i3 b3 +a3+ 3i a2b - 3 ab2- ib3

This can = 1, if

Imaginary parts vanish

I 0
Real parts = 1 a3-3ab2=1


Imaginary numbers find the other two cube roots

The pattern suggested that we should have 3 cube roots, but the old arithmetic only found one.We can approach finding the other two in several ways. First, try algebra. Let's look for the cube root of +1.

Finding short cuts


Simultaneous quadratics
Sometimes a problem with two variables has two possible solutions that are given by quadratic equations. Suppose a rectangular area is enclosed on only three sides.Those three sides require 20 feet of fencing to enclose an area of 48 square feet.What are the dimensions of the fence? From this problem, you get the equations shown, using dimensions a and b: a for the two sides and b for the one side. Equation 1: 2a + b = 20 Equation 2: ab = 48

This problem looks difficult, compared with what you have done before. One way to eliminate work here is to square equation 1. (2a + b)' = 400, multiplies to:

By subtracting 8 times equation 2: 8ab = 384, you have:

Now, taking the square root, you get 2a - b = 4, but that answer can be f4. This equation leads to 2 sets of answers. The square root of 4 h + 4ab + b2 = 400 can only be +20, because that was in our original equation. Now, you have two sets of answers: 8 by 6 or 12 by 4.

What are the dimensions of a and b? Fencing


by 8:

4a2+ 4ab + b2= 400

Multiply Subtract:

4a2-4ab+b2 = 16

When 2a - b = + 4, adding

Substituting 12 + b = 20 1 When2a-b=-4,adding Substituting 8 + b = 20 I

2 00
1 and

gives 4a = 24 a= 6 b= 8


184 Finding short cuts

Always check!
I can never stress checking enough. Again, don't use the answer book; it doesn't check your work. Go back over your work yourself. Verify it by using the two sets of answers in the original problem. Two sides 6 feet andone side 8 feet add up to 20 feet of fencing,which enclosed 48 square feet.Twosides 4 feet and one side 12feet also addup to 20 feet offencing and it also encloses 48 square feet.Thistime, because the problem is not symmetrical, you find two answers that are not reversals of one another.

Solution 1
2X6+8=20 6X8=48

Solution 2
2 ~ 4 12=20 + 4 X 12=48


Questions and problems

1. Using the difference-of-squaresmethod, find the following products: (a) 63 x 77 (c) 117x123 (e) 49 x 51 (b) 85 x 95 (d) 193x207

Using long multiplication (or a calculator) to check your results. 2. Find the square root of the following numbers: (a) 179,776 (c) 456,976 (e) 12,769 (b) 20,164 (d) 9,920.16

Finding short cuts


3. Find the square root of the following numbers (correct to three decimal places:

4. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations. (a)x+y=20andxy=96 (c) 3 x + y = 3 4 a n d x y = 6 3 (b)x-y=5andx (d) x - y = 6 a n d x
2 2

+ y2 =53 + y2 =26

5. The force exerted by wind is proportional to the square of the wind speed. Suppose a wind blows at 30 miles per hour, and exerts x amount of relative force on objects in the physical environment.Then how much relative force is exerted by a wind blowing at the following speeds? Calculate your answer to two significant digits.
(a) 10 miles per hour (c) 40 miles per hour (e) 100 miles per hour (b) 20 miles per hour (d) 60 miles per hour

6. The intensity of a light beam varies according to the inverse of the square of the distance. Suppose that, at a distance of 10.00 feet, a light beam has a relative brilliance of x "light units." Then how bright will the beam be at the following distances? Calculate your answers to four significant digits. (a) 2.000 feet (c) 15.00 feet (e) 100.0 feet (b) 5.000 feet (d) 25.00 feet

7. A box has avolume of 480 cubic inches and a surface area (all six rectangular sides added together) of 376 square inches. It is 6 inches high. Find the other two dimensions. 8. A rectangular area has to be enclosed with fencing. It is known to have an area of 10 acres (435,600 square feet). Assuming that the area is square, with 660 feet on each side, 2460 feet of fencing are bought. Since the area is rectangular, the fencing covers only three sides and exactly half the fourth side.What are the dimensions of the area? 9. Suppose, in the previous question that the fencing was 110 feet short of completing the enclosure.What are the dimensions? Why do the alternative answers in question 8 differ, but for this question, the dimensions are the same in opposite order?

186 Finding short cuts

10. Two numbers multiplied together are 432; one divided by the other leaves a quotient of 3.What are the numbers? 11. Add the following pairs of complex numbers. Note that in this problem and the next two, the square root of - 1 is represented by j. This is common among engineers, as opposed to i, which is common among mathematicians.You should get used to seeing it both ways. (a) 2 j2 and 1 -j4 (c) 1 j2 and 1 -j2

+ +

(b) -2 (d) -2

j6 and 9 -j2 -j3 and 2 +j3


12. In each of the following pairs of complex numbers, subtract the second from the first. (Hint: Multiply the second number by - 1 and then add.) (a)7+j7andl+j4 (c) 6 j6 and 6 -j6

(b)-2+jlOand-3-j2 (d) -4 -j5 and -4 +j3

13. Find the products of the following pairs of complex numbers. (a)8+j2andl-j2 (c) 0 +j2 and 7 -j2 (b)-3-jOand3-j2 (d) 6 -j3 and 6 +j3

- - -

188 Mechanical mathematics


A heavy load moves slowly when pushed


I+ I

A light load is moved more quickly by the same effort






A heavy load moves fastel



Mechanical mathematics 189



Force is needed to start and stop movement But very little force is needed to maintain steady speed

1 11

11 I


Force is proportional to:

@ weight moved @ acceleration

(or deceleration)
1 pound by a velocity of 1 foot per second, in every I second

Poundal is force that will accelerate

Dimension of Force
In poundal units:
pounds X feet seconds Mass X length (or distance) time In metric units: Dyne is grams X centimeters seconds

Speed and distance

The "per second per second" sounds confusing at first-as if I repeated myself by mistake. Look at it in a way that avoids this repetition. Assume that you travel by car at 40 miles per hour. For the next minute, you accelerate steadily so that 1 minute later, you are moving at 60 miles per hour. This acceleration is 20 miles per hour per minute. Although exact repetition is avoided, 'per hour, per minute' is still used. These measures are two different units of time. "Per hour per minute' is not a standard unit of acceleration, but it helps to understand the principle by not using confusing repetition. If acceleration is steady, the average speed during that minute will be midway between the start and finish speeds of 50 miles per hour. The distance travelled during that minute will be the same as if this average speed had been used for the whole minute: 516 mile.

190 Mechanical mathematics

During 1 minute speed increases steadily from 40 to 60 mph




I ) I


1 1 minute is - hour 60

Average speed for 1 minute is 40

60 = 50 rnph

So distance is 50x - =- mile 60 6

Acceleration was 20 miles per hour per minute

Acceleration and distance

A standard unit of acceleration is feet per second per second (ft/sec2). Assume that a steady acceleration of 10 ft/ sec2from a standstill is used. At the start, you are not moving. After 1 second,you will have accelerated by 10 ft / sec2 to a velocity of 10 ft / sec.The average velocity for the first second will be 5 ft/sec2,half way between 0 and 10. So, you will travel 5 feet during this first second. During the next second,the velocity will change from 10 ft / sec to 20 ft / sec, an average of 15 ft/sec. Thus, you will travel 15 feet in the 2nd second, a total of 20 feet from our start. The average over 2 seconds is 10 ft/sec, which will take you 20 feet in 2 seconds-the same result. During the 3rd second, the speed increases from 20 ft/sec to 30 ft/sec, an average of 25 ft/sec, to travel 25 feet, a total of 45 feet. Over the 3 seconds, the average is 15 ft/sec (45 feet). You can tabulate distances travelled for any number of seconds from the start. If we plot the result as a graph, the resulting curve is a quadratic.

Mechanical mathematics 191

Acceleration in feet per second per second (ftlsec 2 )

Assume acceleration is 10 ft/sec2 Speed At beginning At end Average for of second second Number of second of second Feet per second from start Also distance in feet 1st 0 10 5 2nd 10 20 1 5 3rd 2 5 30 20 40 4th 30 3 5 5th 45 50 40 Total distance from start


4 5 80

Curve is Quadratic


Time in seconds

General Formula
Total time from start Speed at start Speed at end of time Average speed Total distance from start t 0 at 1

Specific Example
5 seconds
50 feetlsecond

2 at

25 feetlsecond
125 feet

5 at2
Algebraic Symbol

Note on Dimension
Acceleration Speed (Velocity) Distance

is is is length (distance) time2 length (distance) time length (distance)

feet second feet second feet

at or v

5 at2 or

192 Mechanical mathematics

Mathematics develops formulas to give the answer directly, from any particular set of facts. If t is the total time from the start (when speed is 0, a standstill), the speed at the end of this time is at (a times t) feet per second (ftlsec). So, the average speed between a start of 0 and a finish of at ft/sec is at12 ft/sec. Since the time is t seconds, the distance travelled from the start is at2/2 feet. The results will agree with those worked out step by step on the previous page if you use a = 10. Notice that acceleration uses units of length (distance) per time per time, such as feet per second per second. Thus, acceleration has the dimensions of length/time2,or in units: feet/ second2. Velocity results from multiplying acceleration by time, and thus it is length/ time (length divided by time once), in units, such as feetlsecond or miles/hour. Distance covered, measured in feet or miles, is obtained by multiplying velocity by time.

Force and work

Force is a measure of push or pull, as stated earlier. Work (as a mathematical term) is a measure of what is done by that push or pull. If nothing moves, as when you lean against something, the force is there, but no work is performed. Work results when an applied force causes movement. Force is a mass times acceleration.Work is proportional to applied force and distance moved. Work is force times distance, so it must be mass times acceleration times distance. Distance moved, using constant acceleration from a standstill, is at2/2. So, work is mass times acceleration times at2/2. Since velocity is acceleration multiplied by time, this can be simplified to m2:?/2.
FORCE is mass x acceleration
Symbols f = ma -- mv t

Quantities mass x length time2


pounds X feet seconds or poundals grams x centimeters seconds 2 or dynes


WORK is the result of FORCE applied for DISTANCE

w = mad

lengthL time2

pounds X feet 2 seconds or foot-poundals



seconds or ergs

Mechanical mathematics


Force used

..............10 f t / s e c 2 ........ 5 ft/sec2

... 5000 poundals 80 160 Distance moved ............................... feet.................... feet Time required ................................. 4 seconds................8 seconds
10,000 poundals
Work done

I t

Final speed

Units of work are the foot-poundal, (the work done by a force of 1 poundal moving through 1 foot), and the erg, the work done by 1 dyne moving through 1 centimeter. The formula mv2/2 represents the work of bringing a specific weight to a certain velocity, regardless of the acceleration. If the acceleration is 10 ft/sec2, 80 feet and 4 seconds are required to reach a velocity of 40 ft/sec. If the acceleration is 5 ft/sec2, it requires 8 seconds and 160 feet. Either way, 800,000 footpoundals will move 1000 pounds from standstill to 40 ft/sec, although time and distance differ. Work is given directly by the formula mv2/2.YOU not have to do know time or distance-only the mass and final speed.

Work and energy

Work and energy use the same units, because they are the same at different times. For example, an archer pulls back the string of his bow. The string is pulled back by a force that is equal to (or a littler greater than) the tension of the string.The archer's energy transfers to the bow string as work. The amount of work that is needed to pull the bow string back is stored in the bow as energy,which ultimately sends the arrow on its flight. When the archer releases the arrow, the string's thrust accelerates it to flight velocity. This work transfers the energy of the drawn bow to the energy of the arrow in flight. Energy is a capacity for doing work and, conversely, work is the transfer of energy, from one form or place to another. So, both use the same units: footpoundals or ergs, according to the system of units employed. When the energy is in the form of a mass in motion, the appropriate formula is mv2/2.This formula can be used for the work needed to attain this motion or for the energy stored by it.

194 Mechanical mathematics


is a capacity for doing work

is the transfer of ENERGY from one form to another

Units are the same for both

foot-poundals ergs

Energy and power

Power is a rate of doing work, or of transferring energy from one form to another. As work is force applied over a distance, power is force applied over a distance within a specified time. You already know the units used, but an example will illustrate the relation between power and the other quantities. Assume the question relates to horsepower vs. the weight of a car. For example, one motor unit develops a power of 290,000 foot-poundalsper second, and another has twice the power, 580,000 foot-poundals per second. Coupled with these powers, different weights must be moved. One is 1500 pounds, the other is 3000 pounds. Energy is measured in the form mv2/2. SO, power must be in the form: mv2/2t. Transposing this, using the symbol p for power, the time for a mass to reach a given velocity is m ~ ~ /From this formula you can find the time taken 2 ~ . by: 1. The smaller power unit with the smaller weight 2. The smaller power unit with the greater weight 3. The greater power with the greater weight

Mechanical mathematics 195 POWER is a rate of doing WORK or of transferring ENERGY

WORK or ENERGY is FORCE applied for a DISTANCE POWER is FORCE applied for a DISTANCE within a TIME

1 w = -mv2

footmass X length2 poundals time* or ergs mass X length2 time3 footpoundals per second or ergs per second

p = -mv 2t

Power (foot-poundals/sec) Weight (mass) pounds Time to 30 mph [ 44 ft/sec] 60 mph [ 88 ft/sec] 90 mph [I32 ft/sec] 290,400 1,500 5 sec 20 sec 45 sec 290,400 3,000 10 sec 40 sec 90 sec 580,800 3,000 5 sec 20 sec 45 sec

If you want to, you can complete the set by taking the greater power with the smaller weight! Tabulate the time needed in each case to reach 44, 88, and 132 ft/sec, which are the speeds that correspond to 30, 60, and 90 miles/hour. Notice that the time needed is related to the square of the speed to be reached. At constant acceleration, speed is proportional to time. At constant power, acceleration must diminish as speed increases.

Gravity as a source of energy because of position

To keep the units basic (1 pound, 1 ft/sec2 etc.), gravity has been left out of force, work, and power. This force can be realized only by working along a level road or surface horizontally. The constant vertical force of gravity that acts around us, however, provides a convenient means of storing and concentrating energy. A pile driver illustrates this principle. First, work is done by lifting a weight against the force of gravity.The weight is not accelerated upwards, but it is lifted steadily against a constant force-gravity pulling downwards. Just as energy or work is force times distance, this energy takes the form of distance lifted times weight.

196 Mechanical mathematics


Work lifting weight stores energy

Loosing weight, gravity speeds weight down. Energy drives the pile

Moving twice the distance requires twice the work, stores twice the energy. Velocity is not involved. . .yet. Less power requires more time to do the same amount of work. When the weight reaches the top, it is released to drop on the pile. Gravity is a mutual pull between earth and any mass. Doubling the mass doubles the pull (weight). So, in freefall, any object will drop at the same acceleration-approximately 32 ft/ sec2. As the object accelerates downwards, it stores energy at the rate of mu2/2, as a result of its motion.When it hits the pile, this stored energy is concentrated for a very short time, thrusting the pile downward. The momentary force is many times the weight caused by the steady force of gravity on that mass. In metric units, the force of gravity is equivalent to an acceleration by a force of about 98 1 dynes per gram.

Weight as force
From that illustration, you can see that weight provides a steady force acting downwards as a result of the gravitational pull between the earth and any mass. The force is found from the mass on which gravity acts, multiplied by the acceleration of gravity, which produces 32 feet/sec2 or 98 1 centimeters/sec2.The force that is needed to prevent the weight from falling is equal to the pull of gravity on the weight. As the pull of gravity accelerates the weight downwards at 32 ft/sec2, the force of gravity on a mass of 1 pound must be 32 poundals. On a 2-pound weight, the force will be 64 poundals, and so on.

Mechanical mathematics



A weight falls, pulled by gravity, with an acceleration of 32 feet per second per second

Force needed to prevent weight falling is equal to gravity's pull on the weight

On a 1-pound weight, the force of gravity is 32 poundals On a 2-pound weight, the force of gravity is 64 poundals

A pound, the gravitational unit of force, is equal to 32 poundals

Thus, a mass of 1 pound provides a gravitational force of 32 poundals. Otherwise stated, when you use gravity on a mass of 1 pound, it becomes a 1-pound weight, exerting a force of 1 pound (32 poundals in absolute nongravitational units). For this reason, in basic or absolute force units, the mass is 1 pound. However, in gravitational units, the weight is 1 pound.

Gravitational measure of work

In gravitational measure of work, force does not have to accelerate a mass. Gravity exerts a force continuously on everything, pulling it downwards.If something doesn't fall downwards, it's because an equal force supports it, pushing it up. If a 10-pound weight (gravity acting on a 10-poundmass) rests on the floor, it presses on the floor with a weight (force) of 10 pounds. Correspondingly, the floor pushes upward against the weight with a force of 10 pounds to prevent it from falling. Does the floor change its upward force according to what is on it? Yes. If you hold the 10-pound weight, your feet press on the floor, and the floor presses on your feet with a force that is 10 pounds more than just you standing on the floor. All the time that these forces balance, they are forces in equilibrium. If the floor cannot provide that much upward push, it collapses, and work (although probably destructive) is done. See illustration at top of next page.

198 Mechanical mathematics

Gravitational Measure of Work


To lift a weight against the pull of gravity requires work. One pound requires a force of one pound. To lift it 1 foot requires 1 foot-pound of work.

A foot-pound is = the gravitational unit of work 1 foot-pound = 32 foot-poundals


Start Constant acceleration 1 foot per second per second In lst foot-poundal second 2

2 feet
3 seconds

In 2nd 2 - - = I - " 1 1 second 2 2 In3rd second


1 2

4 seconds

In 4th g - 4-1 = 3-" 1 second 2 2 In 1 second from start I foot-poundal


distance = - at2

Mechanical mathematics 199

Energy for constant acceleration

It is simplest to assume that acceleration is constant, which means that velocity increases at a uniform rate, such as 1 ft/ sec2.This strategy is convenient because as well as being a steady growth in velocity, acceleration represents a steady force. However, it does not correspond with a constant rate of work, transfer of energy, or power. The faster an object goes, the more power is needed to maintain the given force. Work is force times distance. So, maintaining the same force at higher speeds requires (or produces, depending on viewpoint or situation) more work, energy, or power. As shown in the example at the bottom of the facing page.

Kinetic energy and velocity

At constant acceleration, such as when a weight falls by the pull of gravity, energy builds in proportion to time squared.This rule occurs because energy is proportional to velocity squared.


start 1 set 2

3 set 4 set

Acceleration: 32 ft per second per second

Time in seconds

200 Mechanical mathematics

Viewed another way, energy is proportional to force times distance. But as distance, at constant acceleration, increases in proportion to time squared, energy and distance both increase as time squared. Constant acceleration means velocity grows in direct proportion to time. Thus, the two ways of referring to energy conform: kinetic energy is energy caused by motion; it is proportional to velocity squared. Potential energy is energy caused by position; it is proportional to force and distance moved against that force. Potential energy must be built from movement. As long as start and finish are both the same or at some constant velocity, movement is not involved in the calculation, as it is with kinetic energy. In the pile driver, for instance, a little more force is needed to start its upward movement.While it ascends at a constant rate, force and movement are both constant. A little less force is used to reach the top, if it stops before being released. The overall work needed to lift it is weight times height lifted, in foot-pounds.

Acceleration at constant power

The rate of work (power) at constant acceleration, increases with velocity, requiring progressively more power during acceleration. For many purposes, acceleration at constant power is close to what happens. By rearranging the formula that relates kinetic energy and power:

So if power p and mass m are both constant, velocity must increase with the square root of time. Assume that constant power enables the accelerated mass to reach 100ft/ sec in 20 seconds.You can calculate the velocity at any time during the 20 seconds. It has been calculated here for 4-second intervals.You can do it without knowing the mass or power involved. For the full 20 seconds, velocity reaches 100 ft/sec. 100 squared is 10,000. Divide this number in proportion to time: 2000 for 4 seconds, 4000 for 8 seconds, 6000 for 12 seconds, and 8000 for 16 seconds.Then, take the square root to find the velocity at each of these times in ft / sec.

8 12 I6 Time in seconds


Mechanical mathematics 201

Time Velocity ft/sec

20 sec



m and p are constant

Notice that acceleration is much faster at the beginning. Then, as velocity builds, acceleration drops. That particular figure was not included, but half the final speed is reached in only a quarter of the time. The faster an object goes, the slower its speed increases.

A stressed spring stores energy

Another way to store potential energy is with a spring, rather similar to the archer's bow from earlier in this chapter. First, assume that the spring supports only the weight that is attached to it. This weight will figure in the energy interchanges discussed in the following pages. Now, progressively apply more force (than the 1 pound) to compress the spring. To compress it 3 inches requires an additional 2 pounds of force. A 6inch compression requires 4 pounds, 9 inches, a 6-pound extra force. The force that is applied to compress the spring by 1 foot, uniformly grows from 0 at the start to 8 pounds at the finish. So, the average force over the 1 foot of compression must be 4 pounds. Thus, the energy stored in the spring, when it is compressed, is 4 foot-pounds (4 x 32 = 128 foot-poundals). The energy will remain stored as long as the 8-pound force holds the spring compressed.

202 Mechanical mathematics

A Stressed Spring Stores Energy

2 pounds

Spring supports 1 pound weight

Force of 2 pounds compresses spring

Force of 4 pounds compresses spring

Force of 6 pounds compresses spring

Force of 8 pounds compresses spring

r Average force ~istance moved Work = Energy stored

, 4 pounds 1 foot 4 foot-pounds or 4 X 32 = 128 foot-poundals

Spring transfers energy

Assume that the force holding the spring compressed is suddenly released. The spring starts to accelerate the 1-pound weight upward with a force of 8 pounds (which was just removed). As it goes upward, the accelerating force will diminish, but the velocity will continue to grow because the accelerating force disappears only when the extra 1-foot compression has all been decompressed.To find what happens to velocity, remember that both methods of considering energy must always agree.The total energy doesn't change. When the spring is half decompressed (to 6 inches), the force has dropped to 4 pounds (128 poundals). The average force represented in this compression is 2 pounds (64 poundals), and the distance over which this average force is compressed is 6 inches (112 foot). So, the remaining potential energy is 64 x 112 = 32 foot-poundals. Of the original 128 foot-poundals, 96 must have been turned into kinetic energy. This equation must be mv2/2; m is 1 pound, so

Mechanical mathematics 203

v2 must be 2 x 96 = 192.So, vis the square root of 192 (13.856 ft/sec).When the spring is fully decompressed, all the energy is kinetic, so now v2 = 256 (v = 16 ft / sec).


I pound

l pound

13.85 ftlsec

SPRING COMPRESSED Force = 8 pounds or 256 pdls Energy = 128 ft-pdls

SPRING HALF DECOMPRESSED Force = 4 pounds or 128 pdls Average force: 64 pdls
1 Distance compressed: - ft

SPRING FULLY DECOMPRESSED All energy transferred: 128 ft-pdls = 1 m 2v ~

v2 = 256

I All energy potential I

Energy stored: 32 ft-pdls Energy transferred: 1 128 - 32 = 96 ft-pdls = - mv 2 m = 1 pound; so v 2 = 192

v = a 6 = 16 ft/sec

1 6.


114 potential

Resonance cycle
The transfer of energy from potential to kinetic in the spring and weight arrangement forms the first part of a resonance cycle.The weight moves upwards at 16 ft/sec. The spring now starts to decelerate the weight because the spring is going into tension (pulling down, instead of pushing up). For each 3 inches upward about the neutral position, it will apply a tension of 2 pounds until it reaches a foot, where the tension becomes 8 pounds.

204 Mechanical mathematics

ENERGY TRANSFER Resonance Cycle Tension Force

8 pounds

Upward Velocity 16 ft/sec

Downward velocity 16 ftlsec Compression Force 8 pounds

Force 8 pounds

1 pound

1 pound

As with the compression, the average force of tension over the foot of movement is 4 pounds, so the potential energy will again be 4 pounds (128 footpoundals). All of the energy is again potential and the weight is momentarily stationary. Having reached this extreme, an equal acceleration downward starts the second half of the cycle. A similar interchange of energy continues until the neutral position is again reached. At this point, all the energy is again kinetic and the velocity will be 16 ftlsec downward, steady (for the moment)-neither accelerating nor decelerating.Then, as it continues downward, compression starts again, until the weight comes to rest fully compressed, 1 foot down, with an 8-pound force pushing it back up. This process would go on forever, but the energy gradually transfers to other forms. Friction will absorb some of the energy.The excursion and velocity slowly diminish and the weight eventually stops.

Travel and velocity in resonance system

You started with an assumed compression of 1 foot, which led to a maximum velocity of 16 ftlsec. Suppose the initial compression is only 6 inches, or that friction has decreased the excursion to this magnitude. The maximum force is now 4 pounds, instead of 8 (128 poundals, instead of 256). The distance over which the average force was 2 pounds (64 poundals) is now compressed to 6 inches, instead of 1 foot. So, the maximum potential energy is 32 foot-poundals.

Mechanical mathematics 205

When the weight passes through the neutral position, all this energy will become kinetic; v2will now be 64, so v is 8 ft/ sec. Notice that halving the travel also halves the maximum velocity reached.The object travels half the distance at half the speed, so it performs the entire cycle in the same time. Interestingly, regardless of the magnitude of the oscillation, resonance still requires the same time. This principle is used in the balance wheel of clocks or watches, the pendulum of grandfather clocks, and many similar devices-not just mechanical, but also electrical, electronic, and atomic.

Maximum Travel and Maximum Velocity

Maximum Travel 12 inches

ftlsec 1 pound

Max. travel: 6 inches ftlsec

1 pound

1 pound

Max. Travel: 12 inches Max. force: 8 pounds Energy stored: 4 ft-pounds, 128 ft-pdls Max. velocity: v 2 = 256 v = 16 f t l s e c

Maximum Travel: 6 inches Max. force: 4 pounds Energy stored: 1 ft-pound, 32 ft-pdls Max, velocity: v2 = 64
v = 8 ftlsec

Half the travel, half the speed Twice the travel. twice the speed

/z: E

206 Mechanical mathematics

Questions and problems

1. Suppose a car accelerates uniformly from standstill to 40 miles/hour in 3 minutes. How far will it travel in that 3 minutes? 2. In the next 6 minutes, the car increases its speed at a steady rate, from 40 miles / hour to 60 miles / hour. How far will it travel in these 6 minutes? 3. The same car brakes to a stop in 30 seconds. If the deceleration is uniform during these 30 seconds, how far will the car travel before it stops? 4. From the fact that 1 mile = 5280 feet and 1 hour = 3600 seconds, find the speeds in miles / hour that corresponds to 88 ft / sec. 5. During takeoff, an aircraft builds up a thrust that accelerates it at 16 feet/ sec2.Its take-off speed is 240 miles/hour. Find the time from releasing the brakes until the plane lifts into the air. How much runway is required? 6. A gun can use cartridges with pellets of two sizes, one that is twice the weight of the other. If the heavier pellet leaves with a muzzle velocity of 150 ft/sec, find the muzzle velocity of the lighter pellet, assuming that the explosive charge develops the same energy in each case. 7. A car's motor and transmission develops constant power during maximum acceleration. This particular car can reach 60 miles/hour in 20 seconds. In how long will it reach 30 miles/ hour? 45 miles / hour? 8. If the weight of car and drive (in question 7) were 3000 pounds, what time is necessary to reach the three speeds, 30, 45, and 60 miles/hour, when an additional load of 1000 pounds is carried?

9. Find the power developed by the motor and transmission of the same car in foot-poundals per second.
10. A spring and weight resonance system can be changed, either by altering the weight or the spring. By figuring the effect of such change on maximum velocity reached from a given starting deflection, deduce the effect of (I) doubling the weight, (2) halving it.

11. Using the accompanying graph of distance versus time (see following drawing), make rough estimates of the speed of the object, in meters per second, for the instants of time corresponding to 1, 2, 3, and 4 seconds. Explain how you deduced these results.

Mechanical mathematics 207

Distance, meters

2 3 Time, seconds

12. Using the accompanying graph of speed versus time (see following drawing), determine the approximate acceleration of the object, in meters per second per second, for the instants of time corresponding to 1,2, 3, and 4 seconds. Explain how you deduced these values.
speed, meters per second

2 3 Time, seconds

208 Mechanical mathematics 13. Assuming the object described by the above drawing has a constant mass, and there is no friction, tension, nor gravitational influence, how does the applied force vary qualitatively with time? Explain how you know this. (Think of a mass in outer space, propelled by a small rocket.)
14. The accompanying graph (see following drawing) shows speed versus time for an object that moves faster and faster for a while, and then slows down.Thus, the curve appears somewhat "bell-shaped." Qualitatively, how does the acceleration vary with time? When is the acceleration greatest? When is it smallest? What is the acceleration when the elapsed time is 2 seconds?
Speed, meters per second For Problem 14, Chapter 12


Time, seconds

- - -

210 Ratio in mathematics



Ratio in mathematics



3 4= 5 x



or 3:4 = 6:x

= 24 24 X =

c = -ad

a = -bc d


b = -ad c

d=bc a

Applying the principle to bigger problems

A man's will states that his estate is to be divided between his three sons, in proportion to their ages. The amount of the estate is $78,000, and their ages are 53, 47, and 30. How much does each get? First, assume that the basis ofthe proportion is $xper year of age to each person.This means the sons get $53x, $47x, and $30x, respectively.That adds up to $ 1 3 0 ~ . know that total is $78,000. So, the equation is: You

Substituting into the statements,they receive $31,800, $28,200, and $18,000. To check, add these amounts. They add to $78,000 and prove that the answer is correct.

212 Ratio in mathematics


Ages ...



30 How much each?

Money.. .


$Xper year of age 53x + 47x + 30x = 130x = 78,000

Son aged 53 years gets $600 X 53 = $3 1,800


add up

Three triangles the same Shfirn use the same three angles Size is fixed by length of sides Each has three sides

in the same proportion

same three angles same shape I


Ratio in mathematics 213

Shape and size

Ratio and proportion form a good basis for showing the distinction between shape and size.This principle can be shown with triangles, the simplest geometric figure with straight lines for a boundary (see example at bottom of facing page). If a triangle is expanded in proportion, its respective sides maintain the same ratio, one to another. It has the same shape, but it differs in size. Since it has the same shape, it also has the same angles. All angles marked 1 are equal. Those marked 2 are also equal, as are those marked 3. The sides with one crossmark have the same proportion to the sides with two crossmarks in each triangle. The proportion between sides with two and three crossmarks, or between sides with one and three crossmarks, are the same in each triangle-or with any others that have the same shape. So, triangles that have the same shape have the same angles. Although their sides might be longer or shorter,they are in the same proportion.

About angles in triangles

When two straight lines cross (mathematiciansuse the work intersect), the opposite angles are equal.To prove this statement, draw square corners at the intersection, based on each of the lines. You can easily see that any pair of angles numbered 1 and 2 have a total angle of two square corners. One pair of square

Any angle 1 + angle 2 = 2 square comers

Angles in Triangle add up to two square corners

Shape of triangle fixed by TWO angles

214 Ratio in mathematics

corners consists of top angle 2 and left side angle 1. Another pair consists of top angle 2 and right side angle 1. The total is the same, two square corners, and both use the same angle (2), so the two angles (I) must be the same. Similarly, you can show that the two angles (marked 2) are equal. Next, if two parallel lines intersect a third line, the angles at the intersections will be equal, if taken in correct pairs. To show this: complete a rectangle with square corners. As with the single intersection, you can now prove that angles numbered 1 are all equal, as are all angles numbered 2. In any triangle, its three angles always add up to two square corners.To show this statement, extend one side at one corner and draw a line parallel to the opposite side. Because of their positions, relative to parallel lines, corresponding angles (marked 1 and 2) are each equal.Where the side is extended are three angles numbered 1,2, and 3, that add up to two square corners. So, the corresponding angles inside the triangle (also numbered 1, 2, and 3) must also add up to two square corners.

Use of square-cornered triangles

A square-cornered triangle becomes a very important building block in other shapes and sizes, whether in triangles or in more-complicated shapes. Any triangle can be divided into two square-cornered triangles. Unless the original triangle is square cornered, the division into two square-cornered triangles can be made in three ways. In the triangles shown, one such division is done with a thin line, the other two with dashed lines.



Any triangle can be divided into two square-cornered ones - three ways


The perpendiculars always intersect at one point

Ratio in mathematics 215 If all the angles are acute, all three ways of dividing into two square-cornered triangles are additive, so the original triangle is the two square-cornered ones added together. However, if one angle of a triangle is obtuse (wider than a square corner) two of the possible divisions require a difference, rather than a sum. The original triangle is the larger square-cornered triangle minus the smaller one. An interesting fact about these divisions, which I will not prove here, is that the three dividing lines from the corners of the original triangle, formed by making them perpendicular to the opposite side, always intersect at a single point. Perpendicular means the two lines create two square-cornered angles. In an acute-angled triangle, the point of intersection is inside the triangle. In an obtuse-angled triangle, the point is found only by extending all three perpendiculars (dotted lines). This exercise begins to show the importance of squarecornered (right) triangles as building blocks.

Angles identified by ratios

Angles determine the shape of a triangle and also the ratio of its sides. In an ordinary triangle, any of the three sides can be changed to alter all three angles, so the relationship between the side ratio and the angle becomes rather involved. One angle is fixed as a square corner (right angle). Because its three angles must add up to two right angles, the other two must always add up to one right angle. In a right angle, the longest side opposite the right angle, is called the hypotenuse. A triangle that uses this angle and a right angle can have only one shape, because all three angles are fixed. Regardless of how big (or small) you draw the triangle, the ratio is the same for the particular angle of interest.This ratio identifies the angle uniquely. No other angle can have the same ratio.

The greater the angle (UP to a square corner, the larger the ratio


side opposite - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - 3 longest side 2 4 6 .' '



Ratio in mathematics

If you begin with a small angle and gradually increase it toward a right angle, the fraction that represents the ratio (side opposite/hypotenuse) is always greater for greater angles.

Special fact about the right triangle

The proof shown here is the original,because it works for any square cornered triangle, not for just one. Some proofs rely on cutting the big squares into fancyshaped pieces, then rearranging them to compose the two smaller squares. These proofs only work for that particular triangle. The Pythagorean theorem says that the area of the squares (based on the two sides alongside or adjacent to the square corner) always adds up to the area of the square on the longer side (opposite the square corner in the triangle, called the hypotenuse).This theorem is expressed by B~ = c2. The prove it, as shown in 1, drop a perpendicular from the square corner onto the opposite side (hypotenuse) and extend it across the big square. Now (2) you have completed two triangles, shown shaded.They must be equal.The angle between sides (1 and 2) of each triangle consists of the same angle of the original triangle, plus a square corner; so both angles must be the same. Sides (1 and 2) are the same because they are sides of the same squares.You can see that the triangles are the same, just rotated by a square corner from one another. So, they must have the same area. In 3, the square at the right is based on (or under) the blackened line, and it is the same height (measured downwards from the line) as one of the triangles. The shaded part of the big square sits on the same base (blackened line) as the other triangle, and they are the same height, measured a different way, because you are using a different side as base. The square and the rectangle (shaded in 3 must each be double the area of the triangles (shaded in 2). As the triangles in 2 are

ConventionalPythagorasproof Let A B r be a right-angled trianglehaving the angle BAr right; Isay that the square on B r is equal to thesquares on BA, Ar. For let there be described on B r the square BAEr, and on BA A r the squares HB O r (Eucl. i. 46/, and through A let A h be drawn parallel to either BA or TI$ and let AA Z r bejoined. Then, since each ofthe angles B A r BAH is right, itfbllows that with a straight line BA and at the point A on it, two straight lines A r AH, not lying on the same side, make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles; therefore r A is in a straight line with AH (Eucl. i 14). For the same reasons, BA is also in a straight line with AO. And since the angle A B r is equal to the angle ABA, for each is right, let the angle A B r be added to each; the whole angle ABA is therefore equal to the whole angle ZBr. Andsince AB is equalto B c and Z A t o BG the two A B BAare equal to the two B r ZB respectively;and theangle ABAis equal to the angle ABr. The base AA is therefire equal to the base Zr, and the triangle ABA is equal to the triangle ZBr (Eucl. i.4). Now theparallelogram BA isdouble the triangle A B L for theyhave thesame base BAand are in thesameparallels, BA. A h (Eucl. i 41). And the square HB is double the triangle ZBr, for theyhave the same base A h and are in the sameparallels ZB, Hr. Therefbre, theparallelogram BA is the equal to the square HB. Similarly, f AE BK arejoined, it can also beproved that the 0 parallelogram r A is equal to the square Or. Therefbre the whole square BAEr is equal to the two squares HB Or. And thesquare BAEr is described on Br, while thesquares HB O r are described on BA. Ar. Therefore the square on the side B r is equal to the squares on the sides BA Ar. Therefbre in right-angled triangles the square on the side subtending the right angle is equal to the squares on the sides containing the right angle.-Quad Erat Demonstrandum.

Ratio in mathematics


equal, their doubles must be equal (i.e., the shaded square is equal to the shaded rectangular part of the big square). Now, do the same thing in steps 4 and 5 to show that the other shaded square (5) is equal to the other part of the big square.Finally (6), since the smaller squares are equal to their respective rectangular parts of the big square, the total area of the smaller square must equal the area of the big square. Taken slowly in steps like that, it is not difficult to see, but you might need to read it twice. Fundamentally, this principle in geometry and trigonometry has the name of the famous Greek mathematician-Pythagoras.


Divide Big Square by perpendicular from square comer

riangles are the same: &Ano L U ~ have two 3 ~ u c . atho. D a l l l c . , same angle; same triangle is turned a quarter-tum.



half square, the other half is a rectangle. So the square equals the rectangle.

@ Big Square, two oblongs, equal

to two little squares together

218 Ratio in mathematics

Names for angle ratios

As you proceed in studying mathematics, the use of ratios to identify angles assumes a more important role. You need names to identify them. These names are the terminology of trigonometry. The right triangle used to identify the ratios has three sides.The ratio of any two of its three sides identifies an angle. In picking those two sides, you have three possible choices.These three basic ratios must be defined and named. The sine is opposite side/ hypotenuse. Each particular angle is written with "sin," followed by a letter or symbol to identify that particular angle. A is shown by the angle.This angle ratio will be written sin A. The cosine uses the ratio adjacent side/ hypotenuse. For the same angle,write it as cos A. The tangent uses the only remaining combination, side opposite/ side adjacent.Write it as tan A. If you previously learned that a tangent is a line that touches the circumference of a circle, this usage is different. The little diagrams at the left show how to remember the relationship of the ratio to the angle. The line with the arrow is the numerator. It leads to the side that forms the denominator of the ratio. Remember that these names (sine, cosine, and tangent), represent ratios, not lengths. A ratio identifies the angles, regardless of how large or how small the triangle is drawn.

side adjacent


side opposite longest side

Written sin A

These are the names used in TRIGONOMETRY

Ratio in mathematics


Spotting the triangle

Remembering the ratios in trigonometry,without looking back, requires as much time and practice as learning the multiplication tables in arithmetic. What can be more confusing, needing more care, is spotting the right sides for the ratio when the angle is not in the position used in the previous section. Regardless of where the angle is, you must construct a right triangle (or use one that's already there) one way or another.Then, the ratio follows the definition. A sine is always side opposite over the hypotenuse, according to how the triangle is disposed. The other ratios follow similar layouts. Here are some possible positions that you might encounter: The top triangle repeats the arrangement from the previous section. The next triangle tips the right-angled triangle the other way up. The third triangle is the same triangle as the first, but the angle you refer to is different. The fourth triangle has the angle at the bottom, with the right angle at top left. These are only a few of the possible positions that you might encounter.You must get accustomed to identifying the sides of the appropriate right triangle so you correctly identify the ratios.





I; a a

9 V1

side adjacent

y k f / b

/ a 1
*\bG 9 V1

longest s ~ d e

side opposite


220 Ratio in mathematics

Degree measure of angles

If you already know about degree measure for angles, you might wonder why a right angle is not called a 90-degree angle. Degree measure for angles is more modern than the recognition that a certain angle is a "right angle." Degree measure for angles requires a complete circle (rotation) in a flat surface, 360 degrees. A half rotation is half of 360 (180 degrees). A quarter rotation, which is a right angle, is thus 90 degrees. Acute angles are less than 90 degrees, and obtuse angles are more than 90 degrees (but less than 180 degrees). Two special angles, other than 90 and 180 degrees, are based on two special triangles. The first is an equilateral triangle, which has all three equal sides. It also has all equal angles, and a unique symmetry. All three angles are 60 degrees. The other special angle comes from a right triangle, which has two shorter equal sides. Since the three angles must add up to 180 degrees, and one of them is 90 degrees, the other two must each be 45 degrees. This triangle is called a right-isosceles triangle. Isosceles means "having two equal sides."


Full circle


kiik ago
Half circle Quarter circle

1 10~1000900


160" 170" 180"

Acute angles

Obtuse angles




Equal sides Equal angles

Two sides equal Two angles equal

Ratio in mathematics


Finding trig ratios for certain angles

The special triangles from the last section help us to find ratios that correspond to special angles they contain. All angles of the equilateral triangle are 60 degrees. When you draw a perpendicular line from one corner to the opposite side, another angle forms on each side of the upright. Taking one of the right triangles, you know two of its angles, 90 and 60 degrees. So the third angle must be 30 degrees. Another way of seeing this, is that the perpendicular cuts the top angle in half. If the equilateral triangle has sides 2 inches long, the half side will be 1 inch. From Pythagoras, calculate the perpendicular.The square on the 2-inch side is 4 square inches. The square on the 1-inch side is 1 square inch. So, the square on the perpendicular must be 3 square inches. Its length must be the square root of 3. From this fact, you can calculate all three ratios for both a 30-degree angle and a 60-degree angle.

RATIOS of 30" and 60" ANGLES

12 = 1


1.732 3.00

1 I Equilateral Triangle

343 3462















222 Ratio in mathematics

The right isosceles triangle

The right isosceles triangle enables you to calculate the ratios for 45 degrees. In a right isosceles triangle, the two equal angles must add up to 90 degrees, so each angle is 45 degrees. If each side by the right angle is 1 inch, the square on the hypotenuse must have an area of 2 square inches. Its length must be the square root of 2. Two other special angles are 0 and 90 degrees.They are difficult to visualize because they have no triangle. In theory, it only has 2 sides-the third side dropped to zero length.That gives you the figures to use. Thinking of 90 degrees, the side opposite and hypotenuse are equal, and the adjacent side is zero. Now, you can make a limited table of values for angles 0,30,34,60, and 90 degrees.

RATIOS of 0, 4S0, and 90" ANGLES -




tan = 100

Ratio in mathematics


Other angles
That selection is rather limited.Until recently, this book had used tables (a sample of which is on the next page). Now, it's easier to use a pocket calculator (many have these functions included). To understand mathematics, you should learn where such tables come from. A calculator works out the value for the angle you enter, but with tables, you must find the number (in the table) and perhaps interpolate between the values (listed in the tables). Even using a calculator, you can make mistakes with the data you enter. Knowing what to expect can help. Study the following diagram and table.


To infinity

. ,


30" 45' 60" Angle degrees


Using trigonometry in problems

Three examples on page 225 show how to use, either the table from the previous section or your pocket calculator to solve problems that involve trigonometry.
Example 1 An observation point at sea level is 20 miles from a mountain peak. The elevation of the peak above sea level is 5 degrees, viewed from this point. How high is the peak? The relationship involves the adjacent side (a distance of 20 miles), the height, the opposite side, and an angle of 5 degrees. This is the tangent ratio. From the

224 Ratio in mathematics

Tangent 0.0000 .0175 .0349 ,0524 ,0699 .0875 ,1051 ,1228 .I405 . I 584 .I763 . I 944 .2126 ,2309 .2493 ,2679 .2867 .3057 .3249 .3443 .3640 .3839 .4040 .4245 .4452 .4663 .4877 .SO95 .53 17 .5543 ,5774 ,6009 ,6249 ,6494 ,6745 .7002 .7265 .7536 .78 13 2098 .839 1 3693 .9004 .9325 ,9657
1 .ooo

Angle 0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" 21" 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 28" 29" 30" 31" 32" 33" 34" 35" 36" 37" 38" 39" 40" 41" 42" 43" 44" 45"



[ Cosine




Ratio in mathematics


ight? 20 miles = 20 X 5280 ft = 105.600 ft height tangent 5" = 105,600 From table: tangent 5" = 0.0875


I Height = 0.0875 x 105,600 ft = 9,240 ft I

height tangent 84" = 50

height 0.0875 = 105,600

From table: tangent 84O = 9.5 144

50 ft

height = 9.5144 X 50 ft = 475.72 ft

sine 70" =

47 length

From table: sine 70" = 0.9397

47 = 0.9397 length 47 length = - = 50 ft 0.9397


Ratio in mathematics

table or from your calculator, tangent 5 degrees is 0.0875.The calculator on my desk gives 0.0874887-a little more accurate than the table! The height is 0.0875 times the 20-mile distance. Convert the figure to feet by multiplying by 5280 and you have the peak height, 9240 feet. How accurate was that 20 miles or the 5-degree elevation do you suppose?
Example 2 A high building is viewed from 50 feet away, from its vertical wall. The angle to the horizontal line of sight is 84 degrees. How high is the building? This problem again involves the tangent.The table gives tan 84 as 9.5144.My desk calculator says 9.514364.The table is correct to 4 decimal places. By multiplying this figure by 50 feet, the height of the building is 475.7; round it off to 476 feet. Example 3 A ladder must reach the roof of a building 47 feet high.The slope of the ladder, when rested against the building, should be 70 degrees.What ladder length is necessary? The solution involves ratio of opposite side to hypotenuse, which is sine, but it's the inverse. Sine 70 degrees is 0.9397 in the table, near enough. Dividing 47 by 0.9 397 gives the needed ladder length as a very small fraction over 50 feet.

These three examples use two of the ratios. Any problem like this involves ascertaining which ratio you need and writing and solving the equation to find the answer.

Questions and problems

1. The aspect ratio for a television picture is 4: 3. Awide-screen movie is transmitted so that the picture fills the full height of the TV screen.What proportion of the width must be lost at the sides, if the aspect ratio of the movie picture is 2 : l? (Sketch this screen, to help you grasp the question). 2. Another way of transmitting the picture in question 1 would be to include the full picture width and mask off an area (top and bottom), where the picture does not fill the TV screen. What proportion of the TV screen will be masked off (top and bottom).

3. A man wills his estate to his 5 children-3 boys and 2 girls. It calls for each to get an amount proportional to his or her age at the time of his death; however, the boys get twice the rate for their ages that the girls do. When the will is made, the boys' ages are 40, 34 and 26, while the girls are aged 37 and 23. If the father dies the same year, what will each receive from an estate of $22,1O ? O
4. If the father of question 3 lives 10 years after making the will, the estate has not changed in value, and all 5 are still living, how much will each get?

Ratio in mathematics


5. The two sides of a right triangle that adjoin the right angle are 5 inches and 12 inches long.What is the length of the hypotenuse (opposite the right angle)? Find the length by calculation, not by construction and measurement. 6. A highway gradient is measured as the rise in altitude divided by the distance along the pavement surface. An 8000-foot length of straight highway maintains a gradient of 1 in 8 (118). Find the altitude gained in this distance, and the amount by which the distance measured horizontally falls short of 8000 feet. Use the Pythagorean theorem, not tables. 7. At a distance of 8 miles, the elevation of a mountain peak, viewed from sea level, is 9 degrees. Some distance further away, still at sea level, the elevation is 5 degrees.What is the height of the peak, and the distance of the second viewpoint? 8. A railroad track stretches for 3 miles at a gradient of 1 in 42 up; then, 5 miles of 1 in 100 up; then, 2 miles level; followed by 6 miles of 1 in 250 down; 4 miles level, and finally 5 miles at 1 in 125 up. How much higher is the finish point than the starting point? 9. A house is to have a roof slope of 30 degrees that is gabled in the middle.The width of the house is 40 feet and the roof is to extend 2 feet horizontally beyond the wall to provide snow protection.What distance-from the ridge of the gable to the guttering-is needed for rafters? 10. By how much could the rafter length be reduced in the house (question 9) by making the roof slope 20 degrees? 11. A house wall is 50 feet high and a ladder used to scale it is 60 feet long. How far from the base of the wall must the ladder be placed for its top to just reach the top of the house wall? Finish this question two ways: first, calculate it with the tables (or a trig calculator) to four significant digits; second, calculate it directly by the Pythagorean theorem. 12. In the drawing overleaf, all length units are in centimeters (cm). Assume the lengths and angle measures to be exact; for example, the angle is 45.00000. . . degrees and the base length is 88.00000. . . cm. From the data given, use the Pythagorean theorem to derive the length of side x to four significant digits. 13. Use trigonometry, not the Pythagorean theorem, to derive the length of side y in the drawing to four significant digits. 14. Use trigonometry to derive the measure, in degrees, of angle q in the drawing to the nearest tenth of a degree. 15. Use trigonometry to derive the measure, in degrees, of angle r in the drawing to the nearest tenth of a degree.

228 Ratio in mathematics

For Problems 12 through 16, Chapter 13

44 cm

16. Find the measure of angle r in the drawing to the nearest tenth of a degree by using a method that does not involve trigonometry.

- - -


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

Wanted sine, cosine, or tangent, of whole angle (A + B)

Sine 30" = 0.5 Sine 45" = 0.707 Sine (30" + 45") = sine 75" = ? Sine (30" + 45") sin 30" + sin 45" Sine of an angle is never more than 1

The easiest way to find sin(A + B), uses the geometricalconstruction shown here. The big angle, (A + B), consists of two smaller ones, A and B. The construction (I) shows that the opposite side is made of two parts. The lower part, divided by the line between the angles (2), is sin A. The line between the two angles divided by the hypotenuse (3) is cos B. Multiply the two together. The middle line is in both the numerator and denominator, so each cancels and leaves the lower part of the opposite over the hypotenuse (4).

Finding sin(A

+ B)

sin (A + B)

sin A

cos A

sin B


sin A cos B + cos A sin B

Trigonometry and geometry conversions


Notice the little right triangle (5).The shaded angle is A, because the line on its top side is parallel to the base line. Similar right triangles with an angle A show that the top angle, marked A, also equals the original A. The top part of the opposite (6), over the longest of that shaded triangle, is cos A. The opposite over the main hypotenuse (7) is sin B. Since the side marked "opposite" (7) is in both the numerator and denominator when cos A and sin B are multiplied together, cos A sin B is the top part of the original opposite-for (A + B)-divided by the main hypotenuse (8). Now, put it all together (9). Sin(A + B) is the two parts of the opposite-all divided by the hypotenuse (9). Putting that into its trig form: sin(A + B) = sinAcosB fcosAsinB.

Finding cos(A

+ B)

A very similar construction finds the formula for the cosine of an angle made with two angles added together.


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

Using the same construction (I), notice that the adjacent side is the full base line (for cos A), with part of it subtracted at the right. Each part must use the same denominator,the hypotenuse of the (A B) triangle. The full base line, divided by the dividing line between angles A and B, is cos A (2). This dividing line, divided by the hypotenuse of (A B) triangle, is cos B (3). So, the full base line divided by the hypotenuse is the product cos Acos B (4). Now, for the little part that has to be subtracted. The shaded part (5) represents sin A, which multiplied by the shaded part (6) is sin B, which produces the other piece you need (7). The subtraction produces cos(A + B) (8) so that the formula we need is:

cos(A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B

A complete geometric derivation of the formula for tan(A + B) is complicated. An easy way is to derive it from the two formulas that you have already done. In any angle, the tangent is equal to the sine divided by the cosine. Using that fact, tan(A B) = sin(A B)/ cos(A B). In a way that does it, but you can expand that to:

Finding tan(A

+ B)

tan(A + B) = [sinA cos B + cos A sin B]/[cos A cos B - sin A sin B] Divide through top and bottom by cos A cos B, which turns all the terms into tangents, giving: tan(A + B) = [tan A + tan B]/[l

tan A tan B]

Angle sine opposite - adjacent . longest longest

Angle cosine

Angle tangent

opposite bnge$


- opposite adjacent

sin A cos A = tan A sin B = tan B cos B

sin (A + B) =tan (A + B) cos (A + B)

Trigonometry and geometry conversions


tan (A


sin (A + B) cos (A + B)

- sin A cos B + cos A sin B

cos A cos B

sin A - cos A -


sin A sin B

zA +

sin B s A cos B

tan A + tan B 1 -tan A tan B

Ratios for 75 degrees

Show the ratios for sine, cosine, and tangent by substituting into the sum formula, then reducing the result to its simplest form, before evaluating the surds. After making the basic substitutions in each case, the rough work is in shading-to show how the result is reduced to the simplest form for evaluation.

sin 75"

= sin (30" + 45") = sin 30" cos 45" + cos 30" sin 45"

cos 75"
= cos (30" + 45") = cos 30" cos 45" - sin 30" sin 45"

tan 75"
= tan

(30" + 45") = tan 30" + tan 45" 1 -tan 30" tan 45"


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

If you use your pocket calculator for evaluation, it will probably make no difference whether you simplify the expressions first or just plow through it! Everything depends on the calculator: some do make a difference, some don't!

Ratios of angles greater than 90 degrees

So far, ratios of acute angles (between 0 and 90 degrees) have been considered. Other triangles with obtuse angles (over 90 degrees) might go over 180 degrees in later problems. To simplify classification of angles according to size, they are divided into quadrants. A quadrant is a quarter of a circle. Since the circle is commonly divided into 360 degrees, the quadrants are named by 90-degree segments. 0-90 degrees is the 1st quadrant, 90-1 80 the 2nd, 180-270 the 3rd, and 270-360 the 4th. Drawing in lines to represent the quadrant boundaries, with 0 or 360 horizontal to the right, 90 vertical up, 180 horizontal to the left, and 270 vertical down. Now, use this method for plotting graphs. Progressively larger angles are defined by a rotating vector, starting from zero and rotating counterclockwise. Horizontal elements are x: positive to the right, negative to the left. Vertical elements are y: positive up, negative down.The rotating vector is r. So, the sine of an angle is y/r, the cosine xlr, and the tangent ylx. The vector r is always positive. So, the sign of the ratios can be figures for the various quadrants. Here, the signs of the three ratios have been tabulated for the four quadrants. Also how the equivalent angle in the first quadrant "switches" as the vector passes from one quadrant to the next. In the first quadrant, the sides were defined in the ratios for sine, cosine, and tangent. As you move into bigger angles in the remaining quadrants, the opposite side is always the vertical (y).What was called the adjacent is always the horizontal (x). The hypotenuse is always the rotating vector (r). You will begin to see a pattern to the way these trigonometric ratios for angles vary.

I adjacent
Third Quadrant
Fourth Quadrant


Trigonometry and geometry conversions



Ratios for difference angles

Now, you have two ways to obtain formulas for difference angles. First, use a geometric construction, such as the one that was used for sum angles, reversing it so that (A - B) is the angle B subtracted from the angle A. In reasoning similar to that which was used for the sum angles, presented here somewhat abbreviated, are the sine and cosine formulas:


sin(A - B) = sin A cos B - cos A sin B cos(A - B) = cos A cos B sin A sin B

Geometrical Construction



Trigonometry and geometry conversions

sin B cos B

cos(A - B)

Sum and difference formulas

The second method of finding the formula for difference angles uses the sum formula already obtained, but makes B negative. From our investigation of the signs for various quadrants, negative angles from the 1st quadrant will be in the 4th quadrant. Making this substitution produces the same results that arrived geometrically in the previous section. Finding the tangent formula follows the same method, either going through substitution into the sine and cosine formulas, or more directly, by making tan(-B) = - tan B. Either way you get: tan(A - B) = [tan A - tan B]/[1 + tan A tan B]

sin (A + [-B])

= sinAcosB + cosA (-sinB) = sinAcosB - cosAsinB = cosAcos [-Bj

= =

sinAcos [-B]

+ cosAsin [-B]

cos (A + [-B])

- sinAsin 1-B] cosAcosB - sinA (-sinB) cosAcosB + sinAsinB

tan (A + [-B])

= tanA tan [-B] 1- tanAtan[-B]


tanA - tanB 1 - tanA (-tanB)

- tanA - tanB 1 + tanAtanB

Trigonometry and geometry conversions

= sin (45" - 30")
= sin 45" cos


30" - cos 45" sin 30"

= cos (45" - 30")

cos 45' cos 30" + sin 45" sin 30"

= tan (45" - 30")

tan 45" - tan 30" -1 + tan 45" tan 30"


+ -


= 2 -A = 0.268


Ratios through the four quadrants

You can deduce a few more ratios with the sum and difference formulas. You already did ratios for 75 degrees. Now, do those for 15 degrees. These formulas give ratios for angles at 15-degree intervals through the four quadrants. Plotting them out for the full 360 degrees, you can see how the three ratios change as the vector sweeps through the four quadrants. Both the sine and cosine "wave" up and down between 1 and -1. Notice that the "waves" are displaced by 90 degrees, one from the other. This fact becomes important later.


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

The tangent starts out like the sine curve, but quickly it sweeps up to reach infinity at 90 degrees. Going "offscale" in the positive direction, it "comes on" from the negative direction on the other side of 90 degrees. Going through the 180-degree point, the tangent curve duplicates what it does going through 0 or 360 (whichever you view it as). At 270 degrees, it repeats what it did at 90 degrees.

Pythagoras in trigonometry
A formula can often be simplified, as was found by deriving the tangent formulas from the sine and cosine formulas, and changing it from terms using one ratio to terms using another ratio. In doing this, the Pythagorean theorem, expressed in trigonometry ratios, is very handy. Assume that a right triangle has a hypotenuse of 1 unit long.Then one of the other sides will have a length of sin A and the other of cos A. From that, the Pythagorean theorem shows that: cos2A sin2A = 1. This statement is always true, for any value of A. . A little thing here about the way it's written. COS'A means (cos A ) ~If you wrote it cos A', the equation would mean something else. A is a number in some angular notation that represents an angle. A' would be the same number squared. Its value would depend on the angular notation used, so it's not a good term to use. What is meant is the angle's sine or cosine squared, not the angle itself. The Pythagoras formula can be transposed. For instance, two other forms are: cos2 A = 1 - sin2 A, and sin2 = 1 - cos2 A.


sin 'A = 1 - cos *A cos2A

Trigonometry and geometry conversions


Multiple angles
The sum formulas, along with the Pythagorean theorem, are used for angles that are 2, 3, or a greater exact multiple of any original angle. Here, give formulas for 2A and 3A.The same method is pursued further in Parts 3 and 4 of this book. The sum formula works whether both angles are the same or different: sin(A + B) or sin(A + A). However, sin(A + A) is really sin 2A. So, sin 2A is sin A cos A + cos A sin A. They are both the same product, in opposite order, so this statement can be simplified to sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A. Similarly, cos 2A = cos Acos A - sin Asin A, which also can be written: cos 2A = cos2A - sin2A. Using the Pythagorean theorem, change that to: cos 2A = 2 cos2A - 1. Finally, tan 2A = 2 tan A/[1 - tan2 A]. Now, the triple angle (3A) is used just to show how further multiples are obtained. Basically, it's as simple as writing 3A = 2A + A and reapplying the sum formulas. But then, to get the resulting formula in workable form, you need to substitute for the 2A part to get everything into terms of ratios for the simple angle A. Work your way through the three derivations shown here. You can see that it will get more complicated for 4A and more (in Parts 3 and 4 of this book).

= sin (A + A)

Derived from Sum Formulas

= sinAcosA + cosAsinA

= cos (A

+ A)

= cosAcosA - sinAsinA
= cos2A - s i n 2 ~ cos 2~ - (1 - cos 2 ~ ) =

=tan (A + A) =

tanA + tanA 1 - tanAtanA

2tanA 1



-- sin 2A cos 2A

- 2 sinAcosA cos2A - sin2A

sinAcosA cos2A cos2A sin*A

2 tanA 1 - tan2A


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

= sin

Ratios for 3A

(A + 2A)

= sinAcos2A = =

+ cosAsin2A sinA(cos2A - sin2A) + 2cosAsinAcosA sinA(1 - 2sin2A) + 2(1 - sin 2A) sinA

= sinA(3 - 4 sin2A) or = 3sinA - 4sin3A

= cos

(A + 2A)

= cosAcos2A - sinAsin2A

= cosA(2cos2A - 1 ) - 2sin 2 ~ c o s ~
= c o s ~ ( 2 c o - 1)~ 2(1 - cos *A)COSA s~ -

= 4cos3A


=tan (A + 2A)

tanA + tan2A 1 - tanAtan2A tanA +

2tanA tan2 A

- 3tanA - tan 3A -

1 - 3tan2 A

Properties of the isosceles triangle

You have already seen that a right triangle is a useful building block for other shapes. An isosceles triangle has slightly different uses. But the fact on which these uses are based is that an isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles opposite those two sides. A perpendicular from the third angle (not one of the equal ones) to the third side (not one of the equal ones) bisects that third side. That is, it divides it into two equal parts, making the whole triangle into mirror-image right triangles. With isosceles triangles, any triangle, except a right triangle, can be divided into three adjoining isosceles triangles, by dividing each side into two equal parts and erecting perpendiculars from the points of bisection. Where any two of these bisecting perpendiculars meet, if lines are drawn to the corners of the original triangle, the three lines must be equal, because two of them form the sides of an isosceles triangle. So, the perpendicular from the third side of the original triangle must also meet in the same point. This statement is true, as we show here, whether the original triangle is acute or obtuse. The difference with an obtuse-angled triangle is that the meeting point is outside the original triangle, instead of inside.

Trigonometry and geometry conversions


What does a right triangle do? Perpendiculars from the mid-point of the hypotenuse to the other two sides will bisect those two sides-you get two out of three! The meeting point happens to sit on the hypotenuse.

Two sides equal

The ISOSCELES Triangle

Perpendicular bisects angle between equal sides, and base

Two angles equal


efore, t h must be equal


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

Angles in a circle
A basic property of a circle is that its center is at an equal distance from every point on its circumference.This equal distance is the radius of the circle. If you draw any triangle inside a circle, the perpendiculars from the mid points of its side will meet at the circle's center and radii from the corners of the triangle will divide it into three isosceles triangles. Now, if you name the equal pairs of angles in each isosceles triangle, A, A, B, B, C, C, you find that the original triangle has one angle A + B, one angle B + C, and one angle A + C. The three angles total 2A + 2B + 2C. This, you know, adds up to 180 degrees. In any isosceles triangle, the angle at the apex is 180 degrees minus twice the base angle. Because of the fact deduced in the previous paragraph, 180 - 2A must be the same as 2B + 2C, for example. Consider the angles that are opposite from the part of the circle, against which the top left side of the triangle sits. The angle at the centre is 2B + 2C, as just deduced.The angle at the circumference is B + C. You will find that, for any segment of a circle, the angle at the center is always twice the angle at the circumference. The proof on the previous page leads to an interesting fact about angles in circles. Instead of identifying the angles with a side of a triangle, use an arc (portion of the circumference) of the circle. The important thing is the angle that corresponds to the arc at the center. A part of the circumference of a circle that is identified by the angle at the center is called the chord of the circle.

2A + 2B + 2C = 180" (main triangle) Angle at center on base: 180" - 2C = 2A + 2B Angle at apex (on circle) on same base

The angle at the center is twice the angle at the circumference

Trigonometry and geometry conversions


Any angle drawn touching the circumference, using this chord as termination for the lines bounding the angle, must be just half the angle at the center. Thus, all the angles in a circle, based on the same chord, must be equal. Suppose that the chord has an angle of 120 degrees. The angles at the circumference will all be exactly 60 degrees. A special case is the semicircle (an exact half circle).The angle at the center is a straight line (180 degrees). Every angle at the circumference of a semicircle is exactly 90 degrees (a right angle). Any triangle in a semicircle is a right triangle.

Every angle on the same chord is equal Every angle in a semicircle is a right angle

right angles

The previous pages have often used angles that add up to either a right angle (90 degrees) or to two right angles (180 degrees). When two angles add up to 180 degrees (two right angles), they are called supplementary. When two angles add up to 90 degrees (one right angle), they are called complementary.


Trigonometry and geometry conversions

DEFINITIONS: Supplementary angles Complementary angles

Two angles that make up 180, or two right angles, are supplementary

T w o angles that make up 90, or one right angle, are complementary

Questions and problems

1. The sine of angle A is 0.8 and the sine of angle B is 0.6. From the various relationships obtained so far, find the following: tanA, tanB, sin(A + B), cos(A + B), sin(A - B), cos(A - B), tan(A + B), and tan(A - B), without using tables or a calculator's trig buttons. 2. At the equator, Earth has a radius of 4000 miles. Angles around the equator are measured in meridians of longitude, with a north-to-south line through Greenwich, England as the zero reference. Two places are used to observe the moon: one is Mt. Kenya, on the equator at 37.5 east of Greenwich; the other is Sumatra, on the equator, at 100.5 east. How far apart are these two places, measured by an imaginary straight line through the Earth? 3. If sights were made horizontally from the observation points in question 2 (due east from the first, due west from the second), at what angle would the lines of sight cross? 4. At a certain time, exactly synchronized at both places, a satellite is observed. In Kenya, the elevation of a line of sight, centered on the satellite, is 58 degrees above horizontal, eastward. In Sumatra, the elevation is 58 degrees above horizontal, westward. How far away is the satellite? Use the distance between the points calculated in question 2. 5. The cosine of a certain angle is exactly twice the sine of the same angle.What is the tangent of this angle? You don't need either tables or calculator for this question. 6. The sine of a certain angle is exactly 0.28. Find the cosine and tangent without tables or the trig functions on your calculator.

Trigonometry and geometry conversions


7. The sine of a certain angle is 0.6. Find the sine of twice this angle and three times this angle. 8. Find the sine and cosine of an angle exactly twice that of question 7. 9. Using 15 degrees as a unit angle, and the formulas for ratios of 2A and 3A, find the values of the sines of 30 and 45 degrees. 10. Using 30 degrees as a unit angle, find the values for the sines of 60 and 90 degrees. 11. Using 45 degrees as a unit angle, find values for the tangents of 90 and 135 degrees. Confirm your results from the quadrant information on page 237. 12. Using 60 degrees as a unit angle, find values for the cosines of 120 and 180 degrees. Confirm your results from the quadrant information on page 237. 13. Using 90 degrees as a unit angle, find values for the cosines of 180 and 270 degrees. Check your results from the quadrant boundary information on page 237. 14. Using the tangent formulas for multiple angles and the tables, find the tangents for three times 29, 31,59, and 61 degrees. Account for the changes in sign between three times 29 and 31 degrees and between 59 and 61 degrees. 15. The sine of an angle is 0.96. Find the sine and cosine for twice the angle. 16. A problem leads to an algebraic expression of the form 8cos2A + cos A = 3. Solve for cos A, and state in which quadrant the angle representing each solution will come. Give approximate values from tables or your calculator.

- - -

- - -


Systems of counting

Notice how each "place" in the decimal system, yields a closer approximation to the square root of 3. To test it, see how close squaring the root brings you to the square you started with: 3. The first place is 1, which squared is only 1-an error of 2 from the true square of 3. Had 2 been used, the answer would have been closer: a square of 4-an error of 1. But our rule is to stay below the true value. Another method could use the closest value before going to the next step. The second place comes closer quickly. 1.7 squared is 2.89, reducing the error to 0.11.the third place, 1.73 yields a square of 2.9929-an error of 0.007 1. The fourth place, 1.732 comes a lot closer, making a square of 2.999824-an error of 0.000176.

Fractions in extended system counting

If you used a septimal(7s) system, a fraction of 117 would be 0.1-completely accurate with only one place beyond the point (not a decimal point, if this system is a septimal). In the decimal system, the fraction that results from dividing by 7 isn't so easy. Follow the same error-noting procedure. Though noting the progressive reduction of error is similar, of more interest is the kind of decimal fractions that repeat.

Decimal equivalent of: 1

0.142857 7 m 7 30 28 20 14 60 56 40 35 50 Repeat 49 1



3 10


1 -

3 500

1 2500
1 20000 1 1000000

Systems of counting


These problems should make you ask how accurate or reliable the figures are. What does an error of 1 part in 1 million mean? whether you happen (which is very unlikely) to be using a septimal system instead of a decimal one, just how precise is 1/7?

Orders of magnitude
The orders of magnitude begin another whole new concept in mathematics. To show another angle of this concept, suppose you are approaching an area that consists of a perfect square.To get the area you need more accurately, you add or subtract a little bit to or from both dimensions. Starting with a square of dimension Leach way, you either add or subtract small pieces S to or from each dimension. The change in area consists of two small, long slices (dimensions L by S) and one very much smaller piece that measures S both ways. The smaller S is, relative to L, the smaller S squared, relative to SL. You could extend this concept to a similar adjustment on a cubic volume. Now, starting with a big cube, L each way, you add or subtract 3 slabs that are L square and S thick, three sticks that are L long by S square, and one very tiny cube that is S cubed. If S is 1110 of L (and it might be much smaller), then S cubed is I/ 1000 of L cubed.


3 'pieces LXLXS


Systems of counting


You can show the same progression algebraically. To do this, if a is a small fraction, then powers of a, a2,a3 ,a4 ,etc., consist of a descending series of orders of magnitude. Notice that successive powers of a have a series of coefficients which, if you take the fourth power, are l,4,6,4, and 1. Still lingering in our familiar decimal system, you substitute different values for a, and show how changing it changes the successive powers of (1 + a). If a is 0.1, successive powers begin to "spill over" into earlier "places." Up to the 4th power, the first two digits are 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, but at the 4th power, 1.5 would be nearer. If a is 0.01, higher powers of a do not interfere with the first term, which is now in the second decimal place. Drop what follows the second place, the first two places are now 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, and 1.04. Further terms in that 4th power only make it 1.0406in the 4th place. However if a is 0.2, the later terms much sooner intrude into earlier ones.The blocked figures show this intrusion.

Systems of counting


Systems of counting
Before electronic digital devices were invented,we used counters with little wheels that carried numbers. The numbers that showed through the front window were like those that electronic digital devices display. If you took the cover off the rest of the wheel, you could see how it work, which helped you understand number systems. The right-most wheel counted from 0 to 9 on a decimal system.When it came to 9, it would move from 9 to 0, and move the next wheel from 0 to 1. Every time the first wheel passed from 9 to 0, the next wheel would advance 1 more, until it returned to 9. Then, two wheels would read 99. As the first wheel moved from 9 to 0 this time, the next one would also move from 9 to 0, and the third wheel would move from 0 to 1, making it read 100.


1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


Systems o counting f

Duodecimal system
The decimal (base ten) system is not the only system that you could use.Years ago, some cultures used the duodecimal system-counting to twelve instead of ten. To use a wheel-counter system, you would need two more numbers on each wheel. In the wheels shown here, the extra symbols are t and e for ten and eleven. Modern digital systems more often use base 16, called the hexadecimal system.





twelve and one

twelve and nine

twelve and ten

twelve and two twelves two twelves and one eleven

nine twelves ten twelves ten twelves and eleven and one

In the DECIMAL system successive places to the left represent successively higher powers of ten: 10 is ten; 100 is 1 hundred; 1000 is 1 thousand.

ten twelves and eleven

eleven eleven twelves twelves and one

In the DUODECIMAL system 10 represents twelve; 100 is twelve twelves or 1 gross; 1000 is twelve gross, and so on.

eleven one gross twelves and eleven

one gross and one


Systems of counting


The first six letters of the alphabet complete the single digit numbers up to what would be called 15. Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F In the decimal system, " 10" (one zero) means ten. In the duodecimal system,

" 10" means twelve. In hexadecimal, " 10" means sixteen.To get some exercise in
different systems, use duodecimal for a bit.You will see why calculators or computers use hexadecimal on the inside-they usually read out in decimal.

Conversion from decimal to duodecimal

Why work in duodecimal when it's never used? Because something unfamiliar makes you think, it makes it easier to understand what is used. Hexadecimal is based on binary (base two), which is not as easy for systems that use a larger number base, because it's difficult to see something that is only two state (like yes or no) as counting. So, look at conversion from decimal to duodecimal. To find how many times a number counts up to twelve, you divide the number by 12 in the familiar decimal system.The remainder at the bottom is the number of ones left over after a number of complete twelves in the quotient have been passed on to the twelves counter.Then, divide by 12 again.This time the remainder is eleven. In duodecimal, all numbers up to eleven must use a single digit, so e is used. You can follow through the rest of this conversion. The duodecimal equivalent of decimal 143 13 1 is 6t9e7.

Convert decimal 143131 to duodecimal


2 / 108 112 108 47

12/x ~ 1 2 m
9 6


12 23 12 111 108 33 24 91 84 -

24 9

or t

36 11 ore

7 I


Systems of counting

Conversion from duodecimal to decimal

How do you convert from duodecimal to decimal? Simply reverse the process. Using duodecimal, divide the duodecimal number by ten however many times is necessary.You need at least the tens' column of the duodecimal multiplication table.You were probably familiar with the twelve times column+nough to do it fairly easily. However, this way you need to use the ten times column in the twelve system.This system is unfamiliar and it makes you think. Go down the ten times column.Ten times two are 18.That means 1 twelve and 8,which you would more normally call twenty.Twelve and eight make twenty, don't they? Next, ten times 3 are 26, meaning 2 twelves and 6. Two twelves are 24, and six make what is normally called 30. Finish to the end of the column.

Convert duodecimal 6+9e7 to decimal 8349 68 29 26 3e 34 77 9e3

76 94 92 29 26 3 I

12 92 t -

1 4 1 4 3 1 3 1
t I

93 92 1

le 4 18 3 C




Original decimal number on previous section

Binary counting
The difficulty about working in binary is that each place has only two "states," which are 0 and 1.You don't count "up to" something and then move to the next place. If you already have 1,the next 1 puts it back to 0 and passes a 1 to the next

Systems of counting


place. If you have a row of 1s, then adding another 1 shifts them all back to 0, and passes a 1 to the next place (from right to left). In the window panel here, the decimal number equivalent replaces the binary numbers. In the binary system, every place would be either a 1 or a 0.


Converting decimal to binary

Here, at the top, values of places in binary that have a 1 instead of a 0, are listed as decimal. Start with the number in decimal form, 1546.First, the 11th column of binary, is 1024. that puts a 1 in the 11th column of binary. Subtract 1024 from 1546, leaving 522. Next, the 10th column in binary is 5 12, so subtract 512 from 522, leaving 10, and put a 1 in the 10th column of binary. With 10 left, the next binary digit that you can use is the 4th column, which is 8. So we pass over the columns from 9th to 5th, put a 1 in the 4th column, and subtract 8 from 10 (leaving 2). The 2 puts a 1 in the 2nd column of binary, which finishes the conversion. To complete what the previous section began, the table on the next page lists the binary equivalents for decimal numbers from 1 to 30.


Systems of counting

Column Value

Contains column 11 column 10 column 4 column 2 5 22 512 10

J. J. J. 11 lolololololl

1 2 , -



1011 101

Decimal Binary Number Number

Decimal Binary Decimal Binary Number Number Number Number

Binary multiplication
Although you enter data into your calculator or computer in the familiar decimal notation, they all use binary to perform all of the mathematical functions that they perform. Try running a sample multiplication, basically as your calculator does it. Suppose you multiply 37 by 27. First, it must convert each number to binary, which it does as you enter the numbers. I'll simplify it a bit by converting it to true binary, instead of one of the biquinary conversions that make it easier for the calculator, but more difficult for you to understand.That comes later. On the facing page are the conversions of 37 and 27 to pure binary. Here is multiplication in binary, set out as you would set out ordinary long multiplication, but in a system where no numbers above 1 are "allowed." Every digit must be either 1 or 0. What it really amounts to is adding together the sequence of digits that represent 37 at every "place" where a 1-digit is in 27. Four 1-digits are in 27, so the three 1-digits in 37 (with 0s interspersed) are entered 4 times in the proper places (to represent "27 times") and added. You

Systems of counting


can show them all added at once. However, the calculator does it. Every two 1s return that place to 0 and pass a 1 to the next place to the left. Working from the right, the first three places each have only one 1, which appears in the sum. The fourth place has two Is, which make a 0 in that place and pass 1 to the fifth place, which already has a 1 of its own, so it becomes 0 and passes a 1 to the sixth place. This place already has two Is, so that place goes to 1 again and passes a 1 to the seventh place, where again two 1s are. This place now has a 1 and it passes a 1 to the eighth place. The eighth place has no 1s, so the 1 passed is entered and that's the end of the "passing left." The remaining two places each have a single 1,which gets "brought down." The product, in binary,is 1111100111. Convert the binary number back to decimal, by putting the decimal equivalent of each binary place where a 1 is. Adding the decimal equivalents comes to 999. To check, multiply 37 by 27, the old fashioned long way. "Which is the long way?" you might ask. The binary way seems long to you. The only reason a calculator does it so quickly is that it performs millions of "operations" per second.It goes the long way around and calculates more quickly than you can via the short way that you are familiar with.

Multiply 37 X 27 by Binary
Convert to binary: 6th place

37 1 32 -

3rd place
1st place

5th place


5 4 1 1 -

1 0 0 1 0 1


260 Systems of counting


I Convert to decimal



Alternative binary conversion

Here is another way to convert decimals to binary. It uses a table of binary equivalents for numbers from 1 to 9 in each decimal place. To illustrate its use, the two numbers for division on the next page are converted to binary below the table. Notice that the binary equivalents for a particular digit bear no relationship to one another-from one column to the next. You cannot shift a decimal point or multiply by ten by making a similar shift in binary. I'll return to what calculators or computers do about this problem in a minute.

Binary division
Binary division shows what you learned in part 1 of this book in a rather dramatic way: division is really repetitive subtraction. Subtracting the binary for 37, which is 100101, in the top places of the dividend is exact with no remainder. What is left is the binary for 37 in the last place. So, the quotient, in binary, is I00000 1. To interpret the binary number back to decimal, use some more subtraction in binary and apply the table from the previous section.The first subtraction is the binary for 100,which leaves 11101. For the binary of 20, which leaves 1001, subtract the binary for 9. So working through binary, dividing 4773 by 37 leaves 129 as the quotient.

Systems of counting



Conversion Table

Divide 4773 by 37 4773:

4000 700


111110100000 1010111100 1000110

DIVIDE 4773 by 37 1001010100101by100101


262 Systems of counting

Special calculator binary

You noticed that binary digits for various digits in decimal changing with each decimal place makes conversion complicated.When you enter a digit on a calculator, the first digit appears on the right. When you enter the next digit, the first digit moves left and the new one appears to its right. If the calculator had to convert the digit to the new binary sequence for the next place, the system would be very complicated. So, the calculator allocates 4 binary places for each decimal place, which requires very little more "room" in the calculator's memory than pure binary would. In effect, the calculator now "works" in decimal, but uses 4 "bits" of binary to convey each place of decimal. Decimal Numerical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 True Binary 000 1 0010 001 1 0 100 0101 01 10 0111 1000 1001 Place Biquinary 000 1 00 10 001 1 0100 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100

In any system of numbers, binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal (or even some others that are not in common use), the place of a number indicates a power of the number on which the system is based. In the binary system, according to where the 1 appears, it represents some power of 2. In the 4th place, it is the 3rd power of 2, which is 8. Here is a comparison between powers of 2 and powers of 10. From this example, you can see some rules for using indices that help us take further short cuts in multiplication and division. First, remember that multiplication and division are short-cut methods for performing repeated addition and subtraction. Now, indices are short-cut methods for repeated multiplication and division.

Systems of counting



1 210 1' INDICES

2x 2x 2 = 2 4 I O X l o x lox 1 0 = 1 0 4 X X X X X X X = x4 x x x...... x x = X" x


n times

any quantity is 1

a times

b times

2 "

x2 = 25
4 =32

X x X.... X x X x X x X . . . . x x x
Total a + b times I

(a - b) X-...times
x 2

.= X

+x.S X - 3 =

~ x ~ x ~ x . x ' x ~ 3x7'


b times

2 +2 =2

x x x - 1 5 ~2 + 2 = 2 - ~ x x x x x & x x - $ x
4 + 3 2 = -1 8


264 Systems of counting

Suppose you have to multiply xa by xb.The product is x("+~). can easily You see it if you write x multiplied by itself a times, then multiply the product by x multiplied by itself b times.The total number of times that you multiply x by itself is a + b times. To illustrate, assume that a is 3 and b is 2; x3 multiplied by x2 makes x5.Numerically, 23 is 8, 22 is 4, and 25 is 32.8 x 4 = 32. It checks. Now try division. Dividing xa by xb,the quotient is X(~-~).YOUcheck this can answer by multiplying x by itself a times the numerator of a fraction and using x times itself b times for the denominator. You can cancel b times the number of x's in the numerator and leave a residue of x's in the numerator that is ( a - b) times. To illustrate, make a = 5 and b = 2. x5 divided by x2 equals x3. If you used 2 for x, x5 is 32, x2 is 4, and x3 is 8.32 divided by 4 is 8.

Roots: inverse of powers

Here, you must distinguish between the inverse of a number and the inverse of a power. A minus index is the inverse or reciprocal of the number raised to the power, indicated by the index. Roots are the opposite of powers. For example, because 22 is 4, 4lI2 is 2; 23 is 8, SO 8'13 is 2; 24 is 16, SO l6lI4 is 2, and so on. Fractional indices represent roots. The 312 power of 4 is 8, the square root of 4 is 2, and 23 is 8. Reversing this process, 8213is 4. YOU find other numbers can in roots by the process of square root. For example, 211' (the square root of 2) is 1.414, etc.; 8'12 is twice this.Why? Since 4'12 is 2 and 211' is 1.414, (2 times 4)'12 is 8'12 (twice 1.414),which is 2.828. You are not restricted to square roots, or indeed to any specific roots. Now, a whole new field of numbers is opened.

What about other fractions?

325 = 16

Systems of counting


Surds and indices

Introducing surds is actually going back to a virtually obsolete way of writing roots. Before the fraction index notation introduced in the previous section came into vogue, it was customary to use a surd in front of a number to indicate its square root. Thus, a surd in front of x represented the square root of x, the same as x1I2.Putting a 3 in front of the surd indicated the cube root of x; instead of the square root. Putting a small n or any other letter or number in front of the surd likewise represented a specific root. If the number under the surd has a power b and an a in front of the surd, the expression can be written as: xbIa.A surd followed by a vinculum over (line over the top of) 2 + b2 is the root of the whole expression.This expression can be written: (2 b2 )1 2. + 1

Questions and problems

NOTE: questions and problems on these pages are not in graded order.They The assume a knowledge of earlier parts of this book. If you have difficulty with a problem, try others first and then return to the one that is difficult. These questions are designed so that you have to exercise some initiative in applying the principles that have been introduced up to this point. 1. Find the decimal equivalent of the fraction 1/37. Determine the error that occurs when this decimal equivalent is found to three significant digits. 2. Using the binary system, multiply 15 by 63 and convert back to the decimal system. Check your result by directly multiplying the decimal numbers.

3. Using the binary system, divide 1922 by 31 and convert back to the decimal system. Check your result by directly dividing the decimal numbers.


Systems of counting

4. Find the values of the following expressions: ( a ) 1 6 ~ / ~ (b)243.8 (d) 64':' (e) 343413 (~)25l.~

5. Convert the following numbers from decimal to binary. As a check, convert them back. (a) 62 ( 4 49 (8) 650 (b) 81 (4 98 (h) 999 (c) 111 (f) 222 (i) 2000

6. Convert the following numbers from binary to decimal. As a check, convert them back. (a) 101 (d) 111100 (b) 1111 (c) 10101 (e) 110111000110

7. Multiply 129 by 3 1 in the decimal system. Multiply the binary equivalents of these numbers. Suppose an error is made in the second digit from the right in the second number in the decimal product, so 129 is multiplied by 41 instead of by 3 1. Suppose a similar error occurs in the binary system, so the second digit from the right in the second number is reversed. Compare the relative error in the decimal system with the error in the binary system.

+ 8. Evaluate the expression (2 b2)'12for the following values: (b) a = 1 2 a n d b = 5 (a) a = 4 and b = 3 (c) a = 2 4 a n d b = 7 (d) a = 4 0 a n d b = 9 (f) a = 8 4 a n d b = 13 (e) a = 6 0 a n d b = l l (g) a = 112andb = 15
What does each pair have in common? 9. Evaluate the expression (h+ b2)'12 for the following values: (a) a = 8 andb = 6 (c) a = 24andb = 10 (e) a = 48 andb = 14 (b) a = 1 5 a n d b = 8 (d) a = 35andb = 12 (f) a = 63andb = 16

What does each pair have in common? 10. Write as simple decimal numbers, without fractions, the following expressions: (a)1oo2 (c) loop2 (b)100~/~ (d)

Systems of counting


From these four values, find the values of the following expressions by the method of adding and subtracting indices: (f) 10o5l2 (e) 10o3I2 (g) 1oo3l2 (h) 1 0 0 ~ ~ 1 ~

11. Using a calculator's square root function button only, evaluate the following to at least three decimal places:
(a) 10o1I4 (c) ioo1/16 (b) 1 0 0 ~ 1 ~ (d) 10o1I3*

12. As the value of the exponent in the previous problem is repeatedly cut in half, that is, 1/64, 11128, 11256, 11512, and so on, what number will the expression approach? Why? 13. Find values, correct to three decimal places, for the following:
(a) 32O.l (d) 32.4 (g) 32.7 (b) 32.2 (e) 32O.j (h) 32.8 (c) 32.3

( 32O.' 0
(i) 32.9

14. Evaluate the following expressions, using a calculator if you wish. Where applicable, render expressions to at least three decimal places:
(a) (4 (g) (j)

1 (lo2 - 26)1 2 2 114 (5? - 3 ) 656l1I2 6561 'I8

(b) (e) (h) (k)

(36? - 83) 1 2 1 (172 - 15'' li6 ) 6561 'I4 656l1I8

(c) (28? - 212)113 (f) 656l1I2 (i) 656lK1I4

- - -



The algebraic series gives the general form of an arithmetic progression, or series of numbers, where a is the first term and each term is d more than the previous one. If the numbers diminish, instead of increase, d would have a minus sign. The geometric construction shows the relationship of a series of terms that are represented by a series of equally spaced vertical lines. Each line is longer than its neighbor to the left by the same amount.

Geometric progression
On the previous page, each term differs from the previous term by the same amount, added or subtracted. In geometric progression, each term is multiplied by the same amount to get the next term. Just as the difference in arithmetic progression can either add or subtract, so the ratio of one term to the next in geometric progression can either expand or contract successive terms. Here are some samples of geometric progression. In the first one, each term is twice the previous one. In the second, it is 3 times the previous one. In the third, each term is 1.5 times the previous one. In the fourth, the process is reversed: each term is half of the previous one. In the fifth, each term is 213 of the previous one.
1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 6 ....

1, 3, 9 , 2 7 , 8 1


a, ar, ar 2 , ar3, ar4

16, 24,36,54, 81 .... 1 1 1 1 1 ' 2 ' 5 ' s . E-...

@is 1st term

@is ratio between one term and the next

4 st term+

t 3 r d term+ +5th term-7th term-

-n 2d -4th -6th

tr e m

+8th term +


270 Progressions
The algebra gives the general form for all geometric progressions. a is the first term and r is the ratio by which each term is multiplied to find the next term. The geometric construction shows the two types. At the left is an expanding series. At the right is a contracting, or as mathematicians call it, a converging series. Notice that the expanding series quickly "runs away" (goes off scale), while the converging series gets smaller and smaller, indefinitely.The construction in each case uses similar right triangles to represent the changing ratio.

Harmonic progression
A third kind of progression has been taught in schools. It is not used as often as arithmetic and geometric progressions. Other progressions are none of these three. You can learn something about progression in general by studying these three types. The easy way to understand harmonic progression is as reciprocal of arithmetic progression. Instead of each term increasing by d (a constant amount), it is diminished by being divided by an arithmetic series. If the first term is a, the second term is a divided by 1 + d, the third divided by 1 + 24 and so on. In the first numerical example, d is 1.In the second, d is 112.In the third, d is 1 again, but the first term is 1, not 60 (as in the first series). These patterns in numbers serve a variety of purposes that will be developed as you study them. They form basis for series that calculate trig ratios for any angle and many other things.

Patterns in Numbers
will help


GEOMETRIC @ Check working HARMONIC @ Find more direct methods @ Find answers that eluded other methods



Sum of an arithmetic series

Often, to find the answer, you must sum a series by adding all its items. The long way would be write down all the terms and add them up. Where many terms are, you have two ways of getting the sum. If you know the first term, a, the last term, E and the number of terms, n, then , the total is n times the average term. Because the terms increase (or decrease) uniformly, the average term is midway between first and last. The midpoint can be found by adding together the first and last and dividing by 2. So the sum is 2(a 4112. If, on the other hand, you don't know the last term, but know the first term, a, the difference, d, and the number of terms, the last term is a + (n - 1)d. So, sum of the first and last is: a a + (n - l)d or 2a + (n - 1)d. Now, use the first method and simplify: n[2a + (n - 1)4/2. This equation can be simplified to: nu + n(n - l)d/2. The symbol universally used for the sum of a series is a Greek capital sigma, C .

First term: a Second " a + d Third " a + 2d Fourth " a + 3d Nth " a+(n-l)d

last termt = a + (n - 1) d

I means

(Greek capital

( 2 a + (n- 1) d) 2

Sum of terms 1 through n


272 Progressions

Add together 3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15

First term: Last term: Number of terms: a= 3 L=15 n= 7

Find the sum of - 7 , 4 , -1, +2, +5


.... to 12 terms

Pheck B
2 5 8
11 14 17

7 4 -1 -12

First term: a = -7 Difference: d= 3 Number of terms: n = 12

2 ;

na +

n ( n - 1)d 2

Sum of a geometric series

This problem is not so simple, but the trick that you learn here is helpful with series that you will study later. Because a is a factor common to all the terms, it can be put outside parentheses with a list of all the multipliers inside. Now, if you multiply every term by ratio r, they all move one to the right. In one line, you have r times the sum. However, it begins with r times a and ends with rn times a.The original sum has, inside the parentheses, terms that begin with 1 and finish with F1. Assuming that r is greater than 1, subtract the original sum from r times the sum. All the middle terms disappear, because they are all the same. Inside the parentheses, -1 and rn is left. The sum on the other side of the equation is multiplied by r - 1. So, the sum can now be found by dividing both sides by r - 1.



First term: a Ratio: r The nthterm: a r n

a, ar, ar2,ar3, ar4, ....

Sum of terms I to n: = a + a r + a r 2 + a r 3 + ...+ a r n - ? + a r n - I = a [ 1 + r + r 2 + r 3 + ... + r n - 2 + r n - 1 ]

How to simplify this

Multiply both sides by r:

Subtract original

= a [I

+r+r2+ri +r4

....+ r n I

Divide both sides by (r - 1)

= a [rn- 11

All the middle

0 1

Find the sum of 10 terms 1,2,4,8,16 ....

1 Check 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256


274 Progressions

Find the sum of 7 terms







Here, you sum a couple of geometric series, one to 10 terms, the other to 7 terms. In each case, verify the result by doing it "the long way." Actually, you probably won't have to use this formula very often, but it's worth hanging on to for those few occasions when it is useful. Look on the checking as a sort of reversible process. If you haven't used the formula for some time, you might not feel sure about it. Do it "the long way," then by formula, which will prove two things: that you didn't make a mistake in doing it the long way and that the formula "works!"

Converging series
The series you have considered so far have been expanding or diverging: each term is larger than the one before it. This occurs because r is greater than 1. In a converging series, each term is smaller than the one before it. A story exists about an Eastern potentate who offered a philosopher a reward for some work. He offered him a chess board with grains of wheat on each of its 64 squares. He would put 1 grain on the first, 2 grains on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth, and so on, until he got to the 64th square. It didn't sound like much, until he figured it. The grand total is P4- 1, which is 18,446,744,073,709,55 15 grains! That was more wheat than he expected! 1,6 When r is less than 1, rn is less than 1. If n is large-especially if you sum the series to infinity, f is zero. So, the sum of the series reduces to a very simple expression.


r is greater than 1 every term is greater than the one before it.

For example: r = 2 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16,32,64 .... This is a DIVERGING SERIES



F k - 4,
every term is smaller than the one before it.

1 For example: r = 2 1 1 1 4323 l 35 8 .... This is a CONVERGING SERIES


Sum of a converging series

Because the order of both the numerator and the denominator are reversed by making the series converge, the result is still positive. An interesting thing happens if you sum to infinity. You continue until the series disappears into nothingness. When r is less than 1, rn becomes zero by making n infinity. So, the formula becomes very simple: a/(l - r).
n =a[l + r + r 2 + r 3 + . . . . . + r n - ' 1 Multiply by r Lower line is smaller, so subtract
1 r

r z l =a[

r + r 2 + r 3 +.....+r n - ' + r n ]

Divide by ( 1 - r) In an endless series

n is infinity


So increasing powers of r become smaller, and r" = 0


a(l-rm) - a(l-0) 1-r 1-r


1 -r

276 Progressions

Rate of convergence
You can see how the use of different series for the same calculation can often make the work easier.The sum of three different series produces a value of 4 at infinity. The first one is 1, 314, 9116, 27/64, etc. Notice that the sum to 6 terms is 3 29511024: still quite far from 4, although it seems logical that it will eventually get there. The second one is 2, 1, 112, 114, etc. Notice that the sum to 6 terms now is 3 15116. It's already only I/ 16 short of its ultimate value of 4. The third one is 3,314,3116,3164, etc. Notice that the sum to 6 terms is now 3 102311024-only 111024 short of its ultimate value. Each of these series has a successively greater rate of convergence than the one before it.
Sum of series 1, 3 , 9 , 27 .... to infinity - - 4 1664 a=1 1 =- =4 1 r= 1 3 1 4 n=00

reaches 4

1 @ - sum of series 2, 1, 2 '

a =2

.... to infinity

1 r= -

r = - =2- = 2 1 1





1 2 + 1 + 1- + - + - 1+

; 3'?1

B 16

1 -+ 16


reaches 4 Notice difference in rate of convergence

Sum of series 3, - , . . .. to infinity 4 16'64 a =3 I a - - = - = 43 r - 3 r= 1 3 1 -4 4 4 n=ca

z= ;

3 +3 - + 3- + 3- + -3 + + 3









i la M

TT~ i i ~

reaches 4



Permutations have many practical applications.If gamblers used it, they'd realize how great the real odds are and probably quit gambling. With 10 horses in a race, basically each one has a 1 in 10 chance of winning. If one or two are better runners than the others, the others have less than 1 in 10 chance of winning. But why waste time? Gamblers will keep losing more money than they win! In this example, 7 horses can pass the winning post. Any one of the 7 can come in first. For each winner, 6 are left that can come in second. So, the possible first and second place are 7 times 6 (42). For each first two, 5 choices are left for third place. This makes 2 10 possibilities for the first three places. To find the order of the rest, the possibilities are: 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. Maybe that 1 is redundant: he's the only one left! However, it means that 5040 orders are possible.
In how many orders can 7 articles be placed?

There are 7 choices for 1st place. Then ....


For each 1st, there are 6 choices for 2nd place This makes 7 X 6 = 42 choices for 1st and 2nd place

@ @ @
@ @

For each of the 42 1st and 2nd choices, there are 5 choices for 3rd place.42X5 =210 choices for places 1, 2, and 3



For each of the 2 10 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd choices, there are 4 choices for 4th place. 210X 4 = 840 choices for places I , 2, 3, and 4

9 9 @ 9 9 0 @ @

For each of the 840 lst, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th choices, @ @ @there are 3 choices for 5th place. 840X 3 = 2520 choices for places 1,2, 3,4, and 5

For each of the 2520 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th @ @ @ choices, there are 2 choices for 6th place. 2520X 2 = 5040 choices for places I , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6

When 6 places are filled, only one is left for the remaining place

7 articles can be arranged in 5040 different orders



Factorial notation!
How many ways can so many be taken from so many? The usual symbols for expressing this are k articles chosen from an available n. Examining the figures used so far, you could write that n(n - l)(n - 2) . . . (n - k + 1). Mathematicians use a shortened way of writing these equations and calculators use the same method to make the calculation, factorial notation. The accepted symbol is an exclamation point after the number. Factorialnotation is defined as the product of every integral number from 1 up to the number marked. The permutation of k articles taken from an available n is the product of all the numbers from n, down to the number: n - k + 1.That seems to be the simplest form. But calculators use another way to arrive at the answer. If you divide


There are n choices of 1st place For each of these, there are n - 1 choices of 2nd place For each of these, there are n - 2 choices of 3rd place

TOTAL: n (n - 1) (n - 2 ) choices for first three places

[n - (k - I)] or [n - k + 11 choices of k th position, or a total of n (n - 1) x .... x (n - k + I) choices for k places

FACTORIAL NUMBERS IX 3x 4 .... xn is called 2x FACTORIAL n written boor n!

How many permutations of 3 articles taken from an available lo?



factorial n (written n!) by factorial (n - k) (written (n - k)!), by canceling the shorter string of numbers from the longer, you are left with a product of all the numbers from (n - k + 1) to n. Pocket calculators provide an x! button that will factorially read out whatever number was entered when that button was pressed. It won't work if you enter a fractional number or if you enter a number whose factorial expansion is too big for the calculator to handle.

Calculating permutations considers the order in which the articles were chosen. In combinations, order is not important. If you must pick 3 letters from the first 10 letters of the alphabet, A though J, you have 10 choices for your first pick, 9 choices for second, and 8 for third. That multiplies out to 720 possible choices. Suppose your choice picks the first 3 letters, A, B, and C. These could have been picked in any order. 6 different orders exist for which you could pick just the first 3 letters. So, permutations take order into account. Combinations deal only with which ones are picked, in any order. Pursuing the 10-letter choice from which you picked 3: 720 possible choices exist (taking sequence into account). However, if you only want to know which 3, any order, divide 720 by 6, which is 120.

PERMUTATIONS of 3 taken from 10 includes



6 different orders of each combination

How many COMBINATIONS of 3 taken from lo?

How many COMBINATIONS of 7 taken from lo? Each 3 taken leaves 7, so it should be the same answer

280 Progressions


PERMUTATIONS of k taken from n are This is written n! P = n k (n-k)!

n! (n - k)!

n Pk n! COMBINATIONS of k taken from n are -k! (n - k)! k!

This is written
n C

n! (n-k)!k!

n! n! BECAUSEnCk = ( n - k ) ! k! and n C (n-k)= k! (n- k)!

Therefore C = C n k n (n-k)

The symbol for permutations is P, with two subscripts, one in front of the P and one after it. The one before it says how many the choice is from. The one after it says how many are chosen. The formula for permutations of k taken from n is: n!/(n - k)! The symbol for combinations is C, written in the same style. The formula for combinations of k taken from n is: n!/(n - k)!k! Notice that the same formula also gives the number of combinations of (k - n) taken from n. What this says is that the number of ways that a certain number, k, can be taken from a bigger number, n, is equal to the combinations of those left in the same case. This fact might seem obvious if you think about it. Still, it is a useful fact when calculating.

Powers of a binomial
A binomial is any expression that consists of two terms, with either a plus or a minus sign between them. For a general form of binomial, write: (a + b). When such an expression is raised to successive powers (squared, cubed, fourth, etc.), it generates a successively more complicated series of terms, each of which consists of a power of a, of b, or a product of both powers. You can multiply successive expressions of the general binomial (a + b) to get the pattern of terms that form. In any of the powers of the binomial, start with a raised to that power, followed by terms that consist of successively lower



powers a, multiplied by successively higher powers of b, until you get to the last term, which is b raised to the same power. Each of the product terms, with powers of both a and b, has a numerical coefficient. First, investigate the pattern of these coefficients by forming a pyramid, as is shown here.
multiply by .....................a + b a2 + 2ab + b2


a binomial
is (a + b)

multiply by .....................a + b a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

a+b a 4 + 4 a 3 b + 6 a 2 b 2 + 4 a b 3+ b 4

is ( a + b)3

Power Index


Write out the expansion: (a + b)". It is: (a + b) (a + b) (a + b) (a + b) . . . n times. Now, multiply all those terms together. First, is simple: the first term of each is an.Next, is almost as easy: take n - 1 of a's and 1 b. You have n of those. Now, it begins to get involved: the combinations in which you take n - 2 a's and 2 b's. After going through this step, write the general term in the whole expansion. It has 3 parts: the coefficient, which is the combination of k [you are at the (k + 1)th term] a's taken with n - k 8s; then, C k ; and finally bk; all multiplied together.

Binomial expansion

282 Progressions
(a + b)" is

.... ntimes

Coefficeint of a" is 1. All first terns multiplied together. Terms in an- 'b are each (n - 1) terms a, multiplied by one term b. There are n combinations like this. Terms in an- 2b2are each (n - 2) terms a, multiplied by two terms b. Combinations are .C2

Each term in the EXPANSION has three parts or factors

The coefficient Exponent of the first term Exponent of the second term (a+b)" =an + n a n ' b + nC2 a

+ ....+ n a b n - ' + b n

This is the (k + I ) ' ~ term

Binomial series
Notice something here about the writing. Up till now, to indicate multiplication, the "times" sign has been used. Now, use a dot, like a period. To avoid making it look like a decimal point, keep the dot above the line. This measure saves space when you have a lot to write.



Expand (a + b)7
( a + b ) " = a n + n a n ' b + ,C2a

n + .... ,,Cka - k bk +..

These two the same; from here on repeat d

Find 13' by +5 expanding (10 + 315 +! ? .




l o 3 32 > 10. lo3*9 > 2 5.4 +- lo2 3 ---+ 10 lo2*27 2 + 5 10*3~-50*81-


> 100,000 >150,000

9 0 ~ ~ 0 27,000 4,050


Completing some patterns

For some pages now, strange "ground" has been covered. When you do that, it is always good to check your bearings to see where you're going. First, find out if the binomial series will work when the value of n is such that the series continues forever-a nonterminating series. ~ . Try expanding (4 + 1 ) ~Obviously, 4 1 = 5 and the -1 exponent takes the reciprocal of 5. The result should be 1/5. Following the rules, the expansion reduces to 1/4 - 1/6 + 1/64 - 1/ 1024 . . . In this geometrical series, r is - 1 /4. The sum to infinity is a/(l - r). So, 114 is divided by 514, which reduces to 115. As a geometrical series, it "works." As far as you've taken it (only 4 terms) the value is 20511024.20511025 would be exactly 115.Pretty close! , Another example is (4 - l ) ~ 'which should be 113.In 4 terms, it is 34111024; 34111023 is exactly 113.

284 Progressions


Using binomial to find roots

The previous pages might seem like mathematical exercises. Actually, you were becoming familiar with a new technique-the use of series of making calculations. Now, you will see how it can be used to shorten the method for finding square roots. Here, use three different expansions to find the square root of 2.The first one is (1 + 1)l12. The second is (914 - 1/4)'12. The third is (49125 + 1/25)'12. Notice that each is a method of writing root 2. Look at the results. The first looks as if it might get there eventually, but it hasn't got very close after 5 terms. The second has 4 terms to get it correct to 4 places of decimals; certainly an improvement.The third has 4 terms to get it correct to 6 places of decimals.




Making a series converge

Notice how you went about making the series in the previous section.Youwanted a square root, so you made the first term of the binomial a perfect square.That way the first term of the series would be a simple root.The second term was also a square. Computing the successive terms was relatively simple.The better convergence was obtained by making b much smaller than a. You have proved that the binomial "works" for finding square root with an infinite series, and you can find a result to a given accuracy more quickly. Next, you can use it for other things, as you did with the square root.

286 Progressions

Making a Series Converge


+ 113

1 2


1 16


l 3 a2=i



m m a=4Pb 0 0

1 7

Next coefficients


Ratio between successive terms

Questions and problems

1. Identify the following progressions according to type: arithmetic, geometric, or harmonic. State the first term and the value of d or r. 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 -9, -3, 3, 9, 15 16, 12, 9,6-3/4,5-1/16 -8l,54,-36,24,-16 1512,1260,1080,945,840,756 (f) 1, 112, 114, 118, 1116, . . . (g) 192, 498, 16,
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

2. Sum the following series:

(a) 1 3 5 7 9 . . . (through the 20th term) (b) 23 + 2 5 + 2 7 + . . . + 6 9 + 7 1 +73

+ + + + +



(c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h)

5 + 1 0 + 2 0 + 4 0 + 8 0 + . . . (throughthe llthterm) 5 - 10 + 20 - 40 + 80 - . . . (through the 10th term) 100 + 50 + 25 + 12.5 + . . . (through the sixth term) 100 - 50 + 25 - 12.5 + . . . (through the sixthterm) 100 - 50 + 25 - 12.5 + . . . (through the seventh term) 6 + 17 + 28 + 39 + 50 + . . . (through the 19th term)

3. Sum the following infinite series, if the series converges to a finite sum. If the series does not converge, so indicate:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h)

1 112 114 118 1/16 . . . 1 + 112 113 114 1/5 . . . 900 + 90 + 9 0.9 0.09 . . . 10 - 6 3.6 - 2.16 1.296 - . . . 700 + 210 + 63 + 18.9 + 5.67 + . . . 1 0 + 9 + 8 . 1 +7.29+6.561 + . . . 180 - 144 + 115.2 - 92.16 .. 256+128+64+32+16+ ...

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +


4. Evaluate the following permutations:

5. Evaluate the following combinations:

6. A new telephone area code is created. This opens up a new block of sevendigit telephone numbers. The only numbers that cannot be assigned are those whose first digit is a zero. How many different seven-digit telephone numbers can be assigned in the new area code?
7. Suppose that an additional restriction is placed on the telephone numbers in the previous problem: the first digit cannot be a zero, one, or nine. How many different seven-digit telephone numbers can be assigned in this system?

8. Twelve horses run in a race. If all the horses have equal ability:
(a) What are the odds that you can name the correct winner? (b) What are the odds that you can name the horses that come in first and second, but not necessarily in order? (c) What are the odds that you can name the horses that come in first and second in the correct order?

288 Progressions 9. In the same race as the one in the previous problem, what are the odds that a particular horse will come in among the first three?
10. Assume the following: There are 200 billion (2 x 1o1l ) stars in our galaxy besides our sun. To support life as we know it, a star must resemble our sun and have at least one earthlike planet. The chance of an earthlike planet evolving life as we know it is one in five. Six percent of stars resemble our sun. Of these, three percent have at least one earthlike planet. Given these premises, how many planets in our galaxy can be expected to evolve life as we know it? 11. You have read the following statistics: (a) One out of every five males over the age of 18 has had a speeding ticket within the past 12 months. (b) One out of every 10 females over the age of 18 has had a speeding ticket within the past 12 months. (c) Men and women frequent singles bars in equal numbers. You choose a person at random in a singles bar where, presumably, everyone is over 18 years of age. What is the probability that you will choose a person who has had a speeding ticket within the past 12 months? 12. Suppose you choose one man and one woman at random, in the same bar as in the above problem. What is the probability that you will choose a man and a woman who have both had speeding tickets in the past 12 months? 13. A tossed coin is equally likely to land heads or tails. For two tosses, the probability of the coin landing heads both times is one in 2? or 114. For three tosses, the probability of the coin landing heads in every case is one in 23 or 118. For four tosses, the probability of the coin landing heads in every case is one in 24 or 1/16. In general, if the coin is tossed n times, the chances of it landing heads every time is 112". Based on these facts, suppose you toss a coin 14 times and it comes up heads every single time. What is the probability that it will come up heads on the 15thtoss?

- - -

290 Putting progressions to work

Weight and Spring Resonance

Velocity downward is compressing spring

Spring force is accelerating upward But how do you find

Velocity upward is expanding spring

Spring force is accelerating downward

This is where we came in

POSITION VELOCITY ACCELERATION at any particular instant?

The weight and spring resonance system, also described in chapter 12, shows how velocity and acceleration change during its movement. How do you check those facts? Infinitesimal calculus, which is really quite easy, despite its imposing name, helps study all these problems.

Infinitesimal Changes
Relationship between quantities x and y of form Infinitesimal increase in x: y + dy = (x + dx)"

x + dx

Corresponding increase in y: y

+ dy

( x f d x ) " = x n + n x "-'dx+ Because


- = 0 -= 0 X x2



doubly infinitesimal infinite

(x+dx)" = x n + n x " - ' d x y +dy = x n + n x n - ' d x = x" Y dy


n x n - ' d x or

The rate of change of y with respect change in x at instant y = xn is: nxn- '

Putting progressions to work


Infinitesimal changes
Any relationship can be plotted as a graph. Any graph can have an algebraic equation to express the relationship that was plotted. Some equations are simple, some are complex.Those that relate to the real world have two types of variables: independent and dependent. In an equation, such as y = xn,x is the independent variable, on which the value of y depends, so the dependent is also variable. Increasing x causes y to increase. Looking at one point on a graph doesn't tell you the rate of y's increase. A stretch of the graph, like timing the car over a distance, can tell you the average rate of y 's increase. Infinitesimal calculus lets you calculate speed at a point, like the radar gun measures it. The idea is simple. To measure slope at a point, measure change over an infinitesimally small "piece" of the graph. The very small change in y, divided by the very small change in x that caused it, gives the slope at that point. Use the symbols dx and dy to represent infinitesimally small changes. Compared to x and y, they are too small to be measurable.


292 Putting progressions to work

Here is the general solution for the slope of a graph for y = xn.The binomial expansion is used to expand (x dx)". Then y = xn is subtracted from the expression for y + dy = (x + dx)", to leave an equation for dy in terms of dx. The smaller you make a change, the smaller the higher powers become. If dxlx = 0 (but is comparable with dy), (dx)2 l x2 completely vanishes. Now apply these principles to a few cases and see how it "works."Apply it to the simplest possible equation, y = x. Dividing dy by dq after subtracting y = x, we have dyldx = 1. This statement is easily seen to be correct, because for every change of 1 in x, y also changes by 1. Take the next power of x, y = x2. From the formula in this section, dyldx = 2x.Plotting the curve for y = x2,for values of x from -5 to +5, draw a smooth curve through the 11 points. If your curve represents the true curve for y = x2, you can draw triangles under the curve with a base length of 1, and a slanting side that just touches the curve at the same slope as the curve. In each case, the vertical height of the triangle is 2x for the particular point.

Putting progressions to work


Values of dyldx can be plotted as another graph (this time a straight line), which shows the slope of the first curve at every point. This time, try the graph of y = x3. From the formula, dyldx = 3 2 . For higher powers of x, the scale for y has to be changed to get the graph on the page. Draw tangent triangles for the unit horizontal base and measure the height to verify the formula.Then, plot a graph for dyldx. Notice that the cubic curve, unlike the square curve or parabola, curves upward for positive values of x, and downward for negative values of x. Its slope is always upwards, except when x = 0, where it is momentarily horizontal, the zero slope. The slope is equally positive for the same values of x, positive and negative. Take one more power of x for the time being: y = x4.Changing scales again, plot from x = -5 to x = +5. This curve is similar to that for y = x2, in that values of y are positive for both positive and negative values of x. Of course, the curvature is quite different. Correspondingly, the curve for dyldx is again negative when x is negative, because the y = x4 slope is downward (from left to right). Once again, the triangle constructions verify the formula result.

294 Putting progressions to work

Successive differentiation
In the preceding pages, the slope of the curve was found by a single differentiation, dyldx. Some problems require successive dzflerentiation. For example, velocity is a rate of change of position. Acceleration is a rate of change of velocity. So, acceleration is a second differentiation of position; the first gives velocity, the second gives acceleration (or deceleration), and the third gives the rate of change of acceleration. Because acceleration changes, it must have a rate of change.

Putting progressions to work


Starting with y = x4, successively differentiate to find these successive derivatives (as mathematicians call them). Previously the simplest equation, y = x" was used. It seems obvious that a constant will transfer to the derivative. The work here confirms it:
If y = axn, then dy/dr = anxn-'

Differentiating a complete expression

Suppose an equation for y in terms of x contains a whole expression, with several terms that involve different powers of x. In general form, this might be y = axm+ bxn + . . . It could continue to any number of terms, so only two are taken here. Increasing x by dq substitute x + dx for x, each time it occurs in the original equation and increase y by dy (to make y + dy). Using the same method as on previous pages, you have:


Putting progressions to work

Subtracting the parts that correspond to y, the parts that correspond with dy are left:

Dividing through by d x gives an expression for d y l d x that shows that d y l d x is equal to the sum of differentiations of individual terms in the original expression. Put in sample numbers: y = x5 - 50x3 + 5 2 0 ~ .The derivative is: d y l d x = 5x4 - 150x2 + 520. Notice that where the original term has a minus sign (as does 50x3)the term in the derivative also has a minus sign. Work through the example in the previous section with tabulated values of y and dyldx, term by term, from x = -6 to x = +6. Study the curves. Where the curve for y reaches a maximum or minimum, the curve for d y l d x passes through zero value. Momentarily, y is neither increasing nor decreasing. Where the curve for y crosses the zero line, except at the ends, where both curves go "off scale," the d y l d x curve is at a maximum positive or negative. At those points, the slope of y reaches a maximum, either up or down.

+ dy = a (x + dx)" + b (x + dx)" = a [xm+ mxm ' dx] + b [xn + nxn




Putting progressions to work

2 1




Successive differentiation of movement

The successive differentiation of movement can be applied to movement (for example, a travelling car).Time is the independent variable because whatever happens, time continues. Distance is the dependent variable because it depends on time, speed, and other things. Time never depends on anything, so it is always the independent variable when considered in relation to other variables. From the variables of time and distance, which usually have either the symbols t and d or x and y, the successive differentiations are called derivatives. The first derivative, distance measured against time, is velocity.The second derivative is acceleration, the rate of change of velocity. Rate of change of acceleration has

298 Putting progressions to work

no name. Its units would be feet per second cubed! These relationships can be demonstrated during 5 successive time intervals. At first, everything is stationary. Distance (from any other point) is fixed. Velocity and acceleration are both zero. For the second interval acceleration increases, assume a steady rate, shown by the straight slanting line. Velocity will increase with a quadratic curve. Distance will begin increasing with a cubic curve. For the third interval, acceleration holds constant, so velocity increases steadily in a straight line segment. That part of the distance curve will be quadratic. For the fourth interval, acceleration decreases back to zero. Velocity follows an inverted quadratic curve and distance approaches a straight line. For the fifth interval, acceleration is again zero. Velocity is constant (a horizontal straight line) and distance is a steeply sloping straight line. You can learn quite a bit about derivatives by studying these relationships.

TIME: Independent variable DISTANCE: Dependent variable VELOCITY: Rate of change of distance ACCELERATION: Rate of change of velocity CHANGE OF ACCELERATION


Circular measure of angles

Angles can be measured in a variety of ways, but all are virtually ratios. Degree measure divides a complete circle (rotation) into 360 degrees. The number of degrees show how much of a complete rotation the angle is. Advocates of metric wanted to divide the circle into 100 parts, which they call grades. This measure is sometimes used, but the principle is the same as the others. Dividing a circle into quadrants is quite basic. All methods of measuring angles are essentially a way to take the circumference, divided by the radius, as a ratio. By this definition of an angle, none of the well-known measures results in

Putting progressions to work


convenient numbers. Many parts of mathematics define an angle as the ratio of the arc length around the circumference, divided by the radius. The circular measure of angles, as this is called, fits with definitions of trigonometric ratios. Sine, cosine, and tangent are all ratios that identify an angle. None of them is conveniently proportional to all angles. Sine and tangent begin at small angles, in direct proportion to the angle, but this proportionality breaks down long before the first right angle.Thecosine begins at 1 and decreases, slowly at first, reaching zero at the first right angle. Arc length, measured along the circumference and divided by radius, is always proportional to the angle that the ratio identifies.The circular measure of an angle is stated in radians. Measuring distance around the circumference, the first semicircle (180 degrees) accommodates a little over 3 radii. A whole circle accommodates twice as many, a little over 6 radii. The ratio of the length of a semicircular arc to its radius has the universal symbol n (the Greek letter pi). For the present, use its approximate value of 3.14. On this basis, a right angle is half of n radians. Using this equivalent, assign radian values to angles to correspond to degree measure for 60,45,30, and 15 degrees.


@ By degrees: 360 to a circle

or complete revolution


@ Dividing a revolution or
circle into 100 parts

Angle in radians =

length of arc radius

@ By quadrants: 4 to a circle

300 Putting progressions to work

Tabulating the radian equivalents for these angles, as well as the values for sine and tangent that you calculated in Part 2, notice how close the three figures are at 15 degrees. For very small angles, the figures are even closer. As the angle increases, the divergence becomes greater.

sine =

opposite radius

cosine =

adjacent radius

tangent =

opposite adjacent

angle in - arc radians - radius

is approximately 3.14


Differential of angles
Circular measure allows you to apply the principles of differential calculus, concerning infinitesimal changes. As already pointed out, for very small angles, the ratio for the sine is almost the same as its circular measure (in radians). So, for nearly zero angle, sin dx = dx. Because the adjacent equals the hypotenuse at zero angle and 1/1 = 1, cos dx = 1. These values are true, regardless of the value of x, because they concern only the infinitesimally small angle, dx. Suppose y = sin x. Apply the sum formula to the right-hand part of y + dy = sin (x + dx). Substituting sin dx = dx and cos dx = 1 gives: y + dy = sinx+cosx.dx Take away the original part: This leaves: Dividing both sides by dx :
y = sinx dy = cosx. dx dyldx = cos x

Similarly, if y = cos x, again use the sum formula and substitute for cos dx and sin dx: dyldx = - sin x.


As angles get smaller these figures become more nearly identical

Putting progressions to work



For infinitely small angles, using radian measure
sin dx = dx cos dx = 1



+ dy = sin (x + dx) = sinxcosdx + cosxsindx = sinx + cos x dx

cosx dx

9 = COS X


y=cosx &lift
Y h% I?

+ dy = cos (x + dx)


~ 4 % ~
a$= I


'' 4

i (


= cosxcosdx - sinxsindx = cosx - sinx dx = cos X dy = - sinx dx

i s

x: " !

,,, , ..


E ~ " E ; ~ % *

- - - sin x dy


Successive differentiation of sine wave

These facts about trigonometrical ratios help draw the sine-wave curve (for both sine and cosine); drawing the curves also provides a better picture of this relationship. Here, values between 0 and 2n radians (0 and 360 degrees) for sin, d y l d x of sin x, cos x, and so on, are tabulated and the curves are drawn. Notice that differentiating the sine yields the cosine, differentiating the cosine yields minus the sine, differentiating minus the sine yields minus the cosine, and differentiating minus the cosine yields plus the sine. The angle shows both degree measure and radian measure. A radian is slightly less than 60 degrees. If you marked off 1 radian, a straight line from zero would reach a value of 1 at 1 radian. Also, at the 60-degree point, the slope is precisely half that starting at zero.

Putting progressions to work

Slope = 0.5

Slope = -0.5

Finding series for sine

This fact about sine and cosine curves helps relate the quantities that are represented by these ratios to actual angles (measured in radians). Although better ways show up later, this basis will calculate ratios for all angles, not just the simple angles in Part 2. Notice the style of writing that is used to save repeating the dependent variable. Instead of writing, 'If y = sin x, the dyldx =" or whatever the variables are, substitute what it is that you make y equal to. So, write "dldx sin x =," which is read as "d by dx sine x equals."

then - s i n x = a

Putting progressions to work




Shortened method of writing

sinx=ax+bx2+cx3 +dx4 +ex5 +fx6 +gx7 dx 4 or cos x =I d - cos x = dx or -sin x =/ SO sin x = also =




+3 . 2 ~ ~ + 4.3dx + 5*4ex3+ 6*5fx4 + 7*6gx5+ ....


d -sinxorcosx= dx

I; s o a = 1

d - cos x or -sin x = 0; so(2)b = 0 dx

What helps derive this series is that the 4th derivative is the same quantity repeated, or the second derivative is minus the same quantity. So, first write sin x as a series of powers of x with different coefficients,which you need to find values for. Differentiate the series of sin x, term by term, to yield d/dx sin x, which must also be cos x, as already shown. Pursuing this, differentiate it term by term to yield dldxcos x, which must also be - sinx. Reversing signs, you have two expressions (series) for sin x. Both expressions consist of a series of powers of x. So, the respective coefficients must be the same, which lets you calculate them. The last form begins with -2b, which has no counterpart in the first one. When x is 0, sinx is 0, so -2b must be 0, too. The term -3 .2c is equal to a. You know that for small values of x, sinx = x, so a must be 1 and c must be -1 /3! As b was zero, d must also be zero. Next, -5 .4e = c, which you already know is equal to -3 .2a, so e must be +1/5! (minus times minus makes a plus). You have developed a series for sinx, in terms of powers of x, when x is the angle in radians.

304 Putting progressions to work

Finding series for cosine

To find a similar series for cosine, the procedure is the same. When x = 0, Following through, you cos x = 1. The first term is 1 without a power of x(xO). get another series, which uses the terms that the sine series left out. To try out these series, in the sine series, put x = 0.5.That number is slightly less than 30 degrees.This measure converges rapidly, allowing sin 0.5 to be evaluated to 6 places of decimals after only 4 terms.


c o s x = a + b x + c x 2 +dx3


+fx5 +5fr4

+gx6 +(lyx5

+ .........

- cos

or - sin x -- s i n " ) = or - cos x



d: }=
= -

b + c x + i d x 2 +4ex3

+ .,.......


+ 3*2d x + 4.3e

+ 5*4f x3 + 6.5g

+ .........
.....,,.. .....

.# "W$

; ; T ,, ; g? '$l;

2 ; (m3 , & ; g; 'i;,x;ggrgj ; @t;fi~; &2 3

When x = 0

cos x = 1 d -c ~ ~ ~ ~ r - s i n x = O dx

soa= 1 sob=O - 3-2d = b = 0,

d =0

- 6*5g = e, so g = -

1 I or- 6.5-4.302 6!

= 1 - - + - - - + ......

x2 2!

x4 4!

x6 6!

I 4th term is less than 1


x = 0.5 (slightly less than 30")

S l n x =1- - -1 - +1 . 2 6 8

1 I 1 120 32 5040*128+

2nd 3rd


x = 1.5 (slightly less than 90') 1 9 1 1 729 cosx=1--*-+-.---. 81 2 4 24 16 720 64 - I - - +9 - - 27 81 8 128 5120+""

4th -

I 4th term is 0.01582 1 So many more terms

are needed for corresponding accuracy

sin 0.5 correct to six ,,laces -

Putting progressions to work


For the cosine series, try an angle of x = 1.5,which is slightly less than 90 degrees, so its cosine is less than 0.1. The 4th term evaluates to 0.01582. . . (in decimals). Many more terms are necessary to find an answer that is correct to 6 places.

Questions and problems

1. Find dyldx for the following functions: (a) y = 5x2 (b) y = x 2 + 3 x - 5 (c) y = (X 5)(x - 2) (d) y = x 2 +cosx (e) y = 4 x 3 -4x 2 - 4 x - 4 (0y = s i n x + 2 c o s x (g) y = 5x4 + 2x2 (h) y = xp2 + 4xp4

2. Suppose a car starts from a stationary position and accelerates at a rate of 5 miles per hour per second. How far will the car travel in 10 seconds? 3. In the previous problem, how fast will the car be moving, in miles per hour, at the end of 10 seconds? 4. Suppose the car in problems 2 and 3 stops accelerating (acceleration becomes zero) at the end of the 10 seconds, and continues indefinitely at this zero acceleration rate. How far will the car have traveled from its initial position 20 seconds after it first started? 5. An object in free fall, in the gravitational field of the earth, accelerates downward at a rate of 32 feet per second per second (32 ft/sec2),assuming there is no effect from air resistance. Suppose you drop a lead ball (heavy enough to render air resistance irrelevant) off a building 20 stories high, where each story is 10 feet. How long will it be, in seconds, from the time the ball is dropped until it hits the ground?

6. In problem 5, how fast will the ball be traveling, in feet per second, when it hits the ground?
7. Refer to the graph of acceleration versus time in the following drawing. Suppose a car starts out traveling at a speed of 44 feet per second. Write an equation for the speed of the car v, in feet per second, as a function of time t, in seconds, based on the information given in this graph.

306 Putting progressions to work

Acceleration, Wsec

Time, - seconds I 10

For Problems 7 through 10, Chapter 17

8. Write an equation, based on the information in the above drawing, for the displacement s, in feet, of the car as a function of time t, in seconds. Assume that when t = 0, s = 0.

9. Based on the information in the above drawing and the derived equations, how fast will the car be traveling, in feet per second, after the following lengths of time? Express your answers in decimal form, to four significant digits.
(a) 1.000 sec (c) 5.000 sec (b) 2.000 sec (d) 10.00 sec

10. Based on the information in the above drawing and the derived equations, how far will the car have traveled, in feet, from its starting point, after the following lengths of time? Express your answers in decimal form, to four significant digits. (a) 1.000 sec (c) 5.000 sec (b) 2.000 sec (d) 10.00 sec

11. Refer to the graph of voltage versus time in the following drawing.The curve is a sine wave. The maximum voltage is +8 . O volts, and the minimum voltage is O -8.00 volts.Write down an equation for the voltage V (at any given instant) as a function of time t. 12. How rapidly, involts per second, is the voltage in the above drawing changing at the following times? Use a calculator if you need one, and express your answers to four significant digits.

Putting progressions to work



For Problems 11 and 12, Chapter 17

(a) t = 0.000 sec (c) t = 2.500 sec (e) t = 6.000 sec

(b) t = 2.000 sec (d) t = 5.000 sec (f) t = 7.500 sec

13. What is the measure, in radians, of the following angles? Use a calculator and specify to at least four significant digits. (a) 10.00 degrees (c) 75.00 degrees (e) 220.0 degrees (b) 30.00 degrees (d) 145.0 degrees (f) 300.0 degrees

14. What is the measure, in degrees, of the following angles? Use a calculator and specify to at least four significant digits. (a) 0.2000 radians (c) 1.000 radians (e) 2.200 radians (b) 0.5000 radians (d) 1.700 radians (f) 3.500 radians

15. Assume that the earth makes one complete revolution around the sun, relative to the distant stars, in exactly 365.25 days. Given this information: (a) How many degrees of arc does the earth advance around the sun in one day? Express your answer to five significant digits. (b) How many radians of arc does the earth advance around the sun during the month of April, which has 30.000 days? Express your answer to five significant digits.

- - -

Putting differentiation to work


y + dy = sina (x + dx) = sinaxcosadx + cosaxsinadx = sinax + adx cosax adx cosax

+ 3dx


3dx cos3x

- = a cosax

Assume the equation is y = sin 2x, instead of y = sin x. Following the same method, dyldx = 2cos 2x. Next, take y = sin 3x. The derivative is dyldx = 3 cos 3x. Finally, using a general multiplier, a, if y = sin ax, dyldx = acos ax. Using the shortened form of writing: dldx sin ax = a cos ax.

Sinusoidal motion
Using the simple equation: y = sin x, the slope of the curve at the zero (starting) point is equal to its magnitude at maximum, which is why the cosine has the same amplitude as the sine wave. When the multiple constant a was introduced, a times as many waves were in the basic period, so the slope of the original wave is a times as steep.The amplitude of the derivative is multiplied by a. Now assume the equation y = A sin bt represents some motion with passage of time, t. A is the maximum movement from its average position and y is the distance from this reference position at time t. b is a constant rate that shows how fast the thing moves every time it passes through the zero (reference) position and thus, how many times it will make its complete excursion back and forth in a given time. Velocity is the first derivative, given by dyldt. It figures to dy/dt = Ab cos bt. Acceleration is the next derivative, given by the equation: b ~ d2y/dt2 = - ~ sin bt Notice that the maximum velocity occurs every time that the object passes through zero (reference) position and zero velocity occurs at each extreme. Zero acceleration occurs at the zero position, when velocity is a maximum, and is a maximum at each extreme. Notice that the zero position and the zero acceleration coincide. Maximum excursion and maximum acceleration also coincide.Acceleration is b? times position (in whatever units are used) and it is of the opposite sign.When position is maximum upwards, acceleration is maximum downwards, and vice versa.

310 Putting differentiation to work

y = A sin bt

- = Ab

cos bt

Acceleration -- - - *b2 a sin b d2y dt

Harmonic motion
This fact about systems in mechanics, electric circuits, acoustics-in fact every branch of science+xplains the cyclic interchange of energy, called harmonic motion. Part 2 showed that such a system has a characteristic period (oscillation time) regardless of the amplitude of movement.There the movement was called resonance. Harmonic motion is the name given to the movement it makes during the cyclic period, which is sinusoidal. In this particular example, the pressure and movement are sinusoidal. In an electrical system, the voltage and current would be sinusoidal. In an acoustic system, the air flow and pressure variation would be sinusoidal, and so on. The natural relationship is fixed by quantity b. Only at one frequency, which makes bt = 2n, will this natural relationship hold, where energy interchanges with no external force applied.Thevalue of b2 is fixed by the stiffness of the spring and by the mass of the moving weight. Change either one and b2 changes, which results in a different natural resonance frequency.

Putting differentiation to work


Displacement = A sin bt

Velmityv = Ab

cos, bt7



Linear or nonlinear relationship

Pure harmonic motion at a specific frequency occurs only if the spring is linearthe relationship between the amount of compression or tension and the force produced is a straight line graph. In a linear spring, if every inch results in a force of 15 poundals, the force for successive inches will increase in uniform steps, 15, 30,45,60,75, etc., both ways.

312 Putting differentiation to work

However, a spring might not be linear. The extra force might increase as the spring becomes more fully compressed. Instead of increasing 15,30,45,60, and 75 for successive inches, the figures might run 16,34,54,76, and 100.In tension, the effect might be reversed, so successive forces of tension, at inch intervals, read 14, 26, 36, 44, and 50 poundals. Such a spring is nonlinear, because the force is not proportional to displacement.













c s a

- - - - - a a a a
m cd ' ~ 3



s a
I n

3 0

m C
7 0


-0 E: 7 0





' ~ 3 C



' n






Nonlinear relationships
Plotting the force/displacement relationship tabulated in the previous section as a graph, you find that it can be resolved in two components. The linear part is the same as the linear spring-1 5 poundals for every inch. Then, the square-law part is proportional to the square of displacement. Because displacement is in opposite directions, one is considered positive, the other negative. So, one way the square-law component will add to the linear force. The other way, it will partially cancel the linear force.

Putting differentiation to work


Now, assume the movement is somehow made sinusoidal so that the force produced is determined by the sinusoidal variation in position. You can show this position by plotting motion and force separately, each against time. By plotting each, you are using the curve at top left as a "transfer characteristic." For each point in time on the motion sinusoid, you project the corresponding point on the transfer curve horizontally onto the corresponding time point on the force curve. On the last graph, the dashed line is a true sinusoid, and the solid line curve is the force produced by this nonlinear spring. The top part is more pointed and the bottom part is flattened.

Analysis of nonlinear relationships

By replotting the curve on the right of the previous section, you analyze it. The equation for the transfer characteristic can be written: f = 15s + s2, where s is in inches andf is in poundals. On the transfer curve, s is the independent variable time.


Putting differentiation to work

Substituting the movement equation into the transfer characteristic,you have a term in sin2at. Transposition in the bottom left panel converts the sin2at term to a form that contains cos 2at, a double-frequency sinusoid. This component is usually called a second harmonic, because its frequency is twice that of the basic (fundamental) movement frequency.
+Complete "period" of movement +

s = Ssinat General form for displacement with time


s = Ssinat


s 2 = 15 (5sinat) + ( 5 ~ i n a t ) ~ = 75 sinat + 25 sin2at

f = 75 sinat + 12.5 - 12.5 cos2at

Symmetrical nonlinearity
The nonlinearity considered in the last two sections wasn't symmetrical.The top of the wave was stretched and the bottom was compressed. This relationship is asymmetrical. Consider a symmetrical nonlinearity, in which both top and bottom are compressed.You might think of it as a spring, but it can apply to many things. Both ways, for greater displacement, force ceases to be proportional.You find that this nonlinearity is equivalent to adding a cubic term to the transfer characteristic. The equation takes the form:f = as + bs3. In the example shown, constants a and b are 125 and -1, respectively. Making a similar transposition, the sin3at term gives a combination of a sinat term and a sin 3at term. When substituted into the main equation, the

Putting differentiation to work


sin at term reduces the amplitude of the fundamental,but the sin 3at term helps it follow the original amplitude as it leaves the zero line, and flattens it as it approaches maximum amplitude. Study this concept carefully.

316 Putting differentiation to work

s = Ssinat General form for displacement with time

s = Ssinat

f = 125s - s3 = 125 (5sinat) - (5sinat)3

4sin 3 at = 3sinat - sin3at

1 sin 3 at = 3 sinat - - sin3at 4 4

125 sinat + -sin3at 4

= 625sinat - 93.75sinat

+ 3 1.25sin3at

Multiple components of power sinusoids

The previous pages have discussed the simplest form that asymmetrical and symmetrical nonlinearity can take. However, the departure from the linear might not be exactly a square or cube term-or even a combination of both. It might have higher power terms. Any curve can be resolved into a power series that involves successively higher powers of at (the independent variable).

sin at
cos4at = cos22at - sin22at
= 2cos22at - 1

sin at
sin4at = 2sin2atcos2at
= 4 sinatcosat (cos2at - sin2at)

cos2at = 1 - 2sin2at cos22at = (1 - 2sin2at)2

= 1 - 4sin2at + 4sin4 at

cos4at = 1 - 8sin2at+ 8sin4at sin5at = sinatcos4at + cosatsin4at

= sinat (1 - 8sin2at + 8sin4at)

cos4at = 2 cos22at - 1
= 1 - 8sin2at

+ 8sin4at

+ 4 sinatcos 2at (cos 2at - sin 2at) = sinat { 1 8sin2at + 8sin4at


sin 4at = - 3 - 4cos2at + cos4at

Putting differentiation to work


Look at 4th and 5th power terms. A pure 4th power term results in sin4at. Follow down the substitutions that lead to sin4at = 118 {3 - 4 cos 2at + cos 4at). The 4th power adds both second and fourth harmonics, as well as a zero line offset.To get a pure 4th (if for some reason you'd want it) added to the fundamental, you must add a 2nd power term as well. The method is similar with 5th power. Follow down the substitutions that lead to:

So, this modifies the fundamental, as well as adding (or subtracting from) the third harmonic and providing some of the fifth.

Fourth power term in transfer characteristic

To make the treatment more general, use x and y for the independent and dependent variables of the transfer curve. These variables could apply to any of the many things where harmonic motion can occur. Assume that the equation is: y = 32x 8x4,and take variations of x between +1 and - 1.



318 Putting differentiation to work

The sharpening of the upward peak and blunting of the downward one is even more abrupt than when nonlinearity was caused by just the square term. The resulting transfer curve "stays with" the straight part (fundamental) more closely for some distance, then leaves it more rapidly. In place of the input sine wave, the resultant wave is analyzed in terms of harmonics, as obtained by the algebra.You should begin to see by now that algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus are not separate subjects, as once taught, but are different "tools" in mathematics.

Combination of power terms

The last few pages show how to investigate successively higher power terms. By following the expression in "multiple components of power sinusoids," the fifth power makes the combination of fundamental, third, and fifth harmonics almost cancel a region near the "zero line," and depart suddenly at the ends. Third and fifth harmonics are additive in their effects near the peaks-either accentuating or flattening them, according to the sign of the fifth power term. Power terms do not usually come alone-especially the higher order ones. The fourth will usually have some second with it. The fifth will usually have some third with it. Sometimes odds and evens will combine. To illustrate, assume a transfer curve that represents the equation:

Nearer to the zero line, the x2 term causes a downward bend. Then, as the curve extends outwards,the x4 terms overtakes it, causing an upward bend at the ends.

Putting differentiation to work


Now, substitute this transfer curve into a sinusoid of the form x = A sin at. This equation gives a general expression for the resultant wave of the form shown in the box. Substitute different values for A into the coefficients and tabulate the results to show amplitudes of fundamental, offset, second, and fourth harmonics. Notice that the signs of the offset and the second harmonic change as the amplitude increases. Only the fourth harmonic stays in the same direction, however, it's very small at smaller amplitudes, so it has a negligible effect. At an amplitude of A = 2, the second disappears. The points on the output, for values of A at 1, 2, and 3, are marked on the curve shown in the previous section. Later, this book defines maximum and minimum points more specifically.

. y = 1OOAsinat - 4~~ sin2at + A4 sin4 at

Multiples and powers

Finding expressions for multiple angle functions in terms of powers of unit angle functions can be pursued systematically, as shown here. The first step is to extend the multiple angle formulas as far as you need-a step at a time. Using sum formulas, first find expressions for sin 2A and cos 2A; regard 2A as (A + A). Next, regarding 3A as (2A + A), you find expressions for sin 3A and cos 3A. Regarding (n + l)A as (A + nA), substitute already found expressions for sin nA and cos nA. The tabulation takes this as far as 6A. The working is not shown.You might wish to work each step through to see how it "works."

320 Putting differentiation to work


sin2A = 2sinAcosA cos2A = cos2A - sin2A

= 2 c o s 2- I ~
= 1 - 2sin2A

sin3A = 3sinA - 4sin3 A sin4A = 4sinA ( 2 c o s ' ~ cosA) sin5A = 5sinA - 20sin3A + 1 6 s i n 5 ~ sin6A = cosA (6sinA - 32sin" A + 32sin5A)

cos3A = 4 c o s 3 - 3cosA ~ ~ cos4A = 1 - 8 c o s 2 + 8 c o s 4 ~

= 1 - 8 s i n 2 + 8sin4A ~

cosSA = 5cosA - 20cos3A + 16cos5A ~ ~ cos6A = 3 2 c o s 6 - 4 8 c o s 4 + 18cos2A - 1


I - 1 8sin2A + 48sin4A - 32sin6 A

For the even powers, both sinnA and cosnA use a form of the expression for cosnA, and substitute it for the lower powers. For the odd powers, take the expression for sin n A to get sinnA and the expression for cos n A to get cosnA with similar substitutions.Here again, only the results are tabulated. Try a few to see how to do it. Notice that the expressions for even powers all have a constant term, but the odd powers do not.This pattern is because the even powers cause an asymmetrical effect. The substitutions used to derive the expressions in the previous section become involved in detail working. Nothing was difficult and the routine became familiar with practice, but the very number of substitutions made means that a mistake could creep in at any point.We need a simple means to check the results. Although the checks shown here are no absolute guarantee that an expression is correct, if they follow the pattern, and the numerical coefficients check out correctly, the answer is much more likely to be right. Use two angles for each check: A = 0 and A = n/2,which is 90 degrees. Whatever the multiple, n A is always 0 when A is 0, so sin n A should always be 0 and cos n A always 1 in this column. For the 90-degree column, n A should always be n right angles. So, for sinnA, the sequence will be +1 .O, -1 .O, and +l . . .and cos n A will have the same sequence, beginning at 0 instead of 1. In the powers' table (0)" is always 0 and (1)" is always 1. So, sinnA will always be 0 for A = 0 and 1 for A as a right angle. Similarly, cosnA will always be 1 for A = 0 and 0 for A as a right angle.

Putting differentiation to work



CHECKS: A = 0 and A = 5(90)

All these check columns should have either 0 or 1 in the appropriate pattern. If one of the coefficients in the detail working has gone wrong, it will almost inevitably cause a different result in one or both of these checks.

Formulating expressions to specific requirements

These expressions for sin nA and cos nA and for powers of sin A and cos A, using algebra on the trig functions, can derive an expression that meets any requirement that you choose. Previously, the expression resulted in a zero coefficient of cos 2at when A = 2. Suppose you wanted an expression so that this term disappeared when A = 5? You want an expression in the form: y = x + ax2 - bx4 SO that by substituting the time variable, x = A sin ct, the coefficient of cos 2ct disappears when A = 5.This equation leads to a ratio between the coefficients a and b. So long as the coefficients are in this ratio, the coefficient of cos 2ct will disappear when

322 Putting differentiation to work

A = 5.To tie the coefficients down to definite values, rather than just a ratio, when A = 5, the coefficient of cos 4ct must be 1. For the coefficient of cos 2ct to disappear, b~~~~must equal a~~~~or A? = u/b. For this to occur when A = 5, u/b must be 25. For the coefficient of cos 4ct to be 1, b~~~~ must be 1.That makes b = 8/625, in decimal form 0.0128. Because a/b is 25,25 times 0.0 128 is 0.32.The expression that you want is: y = x + 0.32x2 - 0.0128x4 To check, substitute x = 5 sin ct into that equation and satisfy yourself that the cos 4ct coefficient is 1.

y = Asin c t + a (Asin ~

t ) ~ (Asin ~ t ) ~ b -

Required: b~~ =- aA2 2 2

bA4= 1 8
8 or 0.0128 b is- 625 8 a is-or - 25 022


y=5sinct+4-4cos2ct-3+4cos2ct-cos4ct = 5sin ct + 1 - cos 4 c t

Combining algebra and trigonometry

Algebra, such as that in the previous section, often helps solve trig problems. Suppose a problem reduces to the trigonometric equation: 3cos2Af 8 sin A = 5.You could solve this equation by hunting for a value of A that satisfies that equation. However, algebra gives us a more direct way. First use the substitution cos 2A = 1 - 2 sin2A to bring all the functions of A into the form of sin A and its powers. Now, the equation is 3 + 8: sinA -6sin 2 A = 5 Rearranging this as a quadratic, it is: 6sin2A - 8 s i n A + 2 = 0

Putting differentiation to work


Dividing through by 2 makes it simpler. Now, solve the equation as a quadratic. It doesn't matter that the variable is sin A instead of xor some more familiar variable. The formula method gives values of sin A as 1 or 113. If the problem required it, you can now give angle A appropriately. Check the answer(s), either in the original problem (which wasn't given here) or in the form. In this case, both answers check.

Solve 3cos2A + 8sinA = 5

sinA == 1 or-

1 3


If sinA = 1, cos2A = - 1

1 7 If sinA = - , cos2A =3 9

Questions and problems

1. Refer to the following drawing, which depicts the motion of a heavy weight oscillating with a spring. Assume the maximum positive (upward) and negative (downward) displacements to be precisely 6 meters and minus 6 meters, respectively. Also assume the period of oscillation to be exactly 3 seconds. At what points in time (values of t) is the velocity of the weight the greatest positively? What is the velocity, in meters per second (mlsec), at these points? Express your answers to three significant figures. 2. At what points in time is the velocity of the weight greatest negatively? What is the velocity in m/ sec at these points? Express your answer to three significant figures.


Putting differentiation to work

Displacement, meters

Time, l seconds 10

For Problems 1 through 8, Chapter 18

3. At what points in time is the acceleration of the weight greatest positively? What is the acceleration in m/sec2 at these points? Express your answer to three significant figures.

4. At what points in time is the acceleration of the weight greatest negatively? What is the acceleration in m/sec2 at these points? Express your answer to three significant figures.
5. Suppose the tension of the spring is increased so the weight oscillates at the third harmonic of the original frequency, but the positive and negative peak amplitudes (excursions) remain exactly 6 and -6 meters, respectively. At what points in time is the velocity of the weight maximum positively? What is the velocity, in meters per second (mlsec), at these points? Express your answers to three significant figures.

6. In the situation of problem 5 at what points in time is the velocity of the weight greatest negatively? What is the velocity in m/sec at these points? Express your answer to three significant figures.
7. In the situation of problem 5, at what points in time is the acceleration of the weight greatest positively? What is the acceleration in m/sec2 at these points? Express your answer to three significant figures.

8. In the situation of problem 5, at what points in time is the acceleration of the weight greatest negatively? What is the acceleration in m/sec2 at these points? Express your answer to three significant figures. 9. Using the formulas for multiples and powers (page 320), find the following. Assume all angle measures are in radians. You may use a calculator; express your answers to four significant figures.

Putting differentiation to work


(a) sin2 (n/2) (c) sin3 (n/4) (e) sin5 (n/3)

(b) cos2 (n/3) (d) cos3 (3n/4) (f) cos6 (2n/5)

10. Using the formulas for multiple components of power sinusoids (page 316), find the following. Assume the angle 0 is 35 degrees in all cases. You may use a calculator; express your answers to four significant figures. (a) (c) (e) (8) sin4 (28) sin4 (48) sin3 (38) sin5 (38) (b) sin4 (38) (d) sin4 (58) (f) sin5 (28) (h) sin5 (48)

11. Using the formulas for multiple components of power sinusoids (page 316), find the following. Assume the angle 8 is 55 degrees in all cases. You may use a calculator; express your answers to four significant figures. (a) (c) (e) (8) sin4 (28) sin4 (48) sin3 (38) sin5 (38) (b) (d) (f) (h) sin4 (38) sin4 (58) sin5 (28) sin5 (48)

12. Supposeyou twirl a ball around on a string that is 10 feet long, as shown in the following drawing. The ball makes one complete revolution around your body every 2 seconds, exactly.What is the tangential speed of the ball in ft/ sec? Use a calculator and express your answer to four significant figures. 13. Assume the ball whose motion is shown in the above drawing rotates in a horizontal plane. What is the northward-moving component of the ball's speed at the instant the ball is traveling towards the northwest (45 degrees west of north)? Express your answer to four significant figures.

For Problems 12 and 13, Chapter 18

- - -

Developing calculus theory


You worked through some examples where functions could be differentiated, term by term. Here are examples of various functions in general groups. The Trig functions can family y = axn,for which the derivative is: dyldx = anxnpl. be assembled as a series of such terms. A related group has the general form: y = a/xn. Another way of writing that, as in the section of indices, would be: y = axpn.Then, the general form gives the derivative as: dyldx = -an . xp("+l), which can be switched back to its original form: dyldx = -an/xn+' . To work with functions in general, since they can take various forms, a general form is: y =f (x), which is read " y is a function of x" or " y equals f of x." This expression can mean any function of x, with the implicationthat it is a function for which you already can derive the derivative.

Two functions multiplied together

Assume that y = uv, where u and v are each (different) functions of x (they don't have to be different, but this procedure would be pointless if they were the same).You want to know dyldx This general form assumes the independent variable x. If you increase x by dx to x + dx, then from derivatives that you already know, u will increase to u + du and v will increase to v + dv. Saying increase could mean decrease if the sign happens to be negative. As y = uv, then: y + dy = (u + du)(v + dv). Multiplying out, the right side has four terms. The first is uv, which corresponds to y. The next two are udv and vdu, and the fourth term is the product of two infinitely small changes, which makes it negligibly small&even in infinitely small terms. So, the fourth term is meaningless; throw it away. After taking away the finite part, y = uv, you are left with: dy = udv + vdu. By dividing through by dx, the equation is in its more complete form.

Derivative of Two Functions Multiplied Together

u = f , ( x ) and and y = uv Find dy dx v=f2(x)

y = uv y + dy = (u + du) (v + dv)
= uv

+ udv + vdu + d

= uv

dy =

+ vdu

328 Developing calculus theory

Checking the formula

A general proof like that on the previous page is rather vague and difficult to visualize. Does it really work? To begin with, try it on something you can check. x7 is equal to x4 times x3.You already know that d/dy y is 7x6.Try it as a product, x4 times x3. Make u = x4 and v = x3, du/dx = 4x3 and dvldx = 3x2. The next step: udvldx = x4 times 3x2,which multiplies out to 3x6;vduldx = x3 times 4x3, which multiplies to 4x6. Adding the two together is 7x6.The same answer. Here's another one: y = 2x.You know the direct way that dyldx = 2 cos 2x. Also sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x. That's a product. Make u = sin x and v = cos x. Leave 2 outside the parentheses. duldx = cos x and dvldx = - sin x. So, udvldx = - sin2x and vduldx = cos2x, which, put together, is cos2x = 2(cos2x - sin2x). You already established that cos 2x = cos2x - sin2x. So, dyldx = 2 cos 2x, which again confirms the method.

PRODUCT FUNCTIONS Checking ones we know

=(3+4)x6 Same answer =7x6

y = sin2x dy dx

= 2sinxcosx

= 2 [sin x (- sin x)

r l v
-= -sinx

+ cos x

cos x

Developing calculus theory


Using the product formula

In each of the previous problems, you left the answer in the simplest form that was derived from this method. Different forms could be used. The best form to use would probably depend on the rest of the problem. The second example uses a reciprocal function of x with a trig function. Next, you derive a quotient formula. This one could be done either way. In the section "Checking quotient functions," it will be treated as a quotient to get the same answer.


One function divided by another

Turn to one function divided by another. y = ulv, where u and v are both functions of x. As usual, add dy to y, du to u, and dv to v+each corresponding to an addition of dx to x. So, y + dy = (u + du/(v + dv). Multiplying both sides by v dv and multiplying out the left side, you have a doubly infinitesimal product. dydv, which you "throw away" and leave an equation with yv on the left. So, divide through by v and you have: y + ydvlv + dy = (u + du)/v. ydvlv has no business with a y in it, or on the left, so substitute y = u/v and put it on the right. Now, you have: y + dy = u/v + (vdu - udv)/v2. Subtract the part that you began with, y = u/v, then: dy = (vdy - udv)/v2. Put the dx denominators in to complete the expression.


Developing calculus theory


~ f u = f , ( xa)n d v = f ? ( x ) andy =v Find dy dx u

(y+dy) (v + dv) = u + du yv

+ ydv + vdy + W

v = u + du

Substitute for y

y+,+dy=-+- u idv v v

du v

u du udv y + d ~ = - - + - - ~ v v v u =-+ vdu- udv v

vdu - udv dy = v2

Checking quotient functions

Here, use that formula on two examples that you already know the answers to. First, turn the powers-of-x thing around: x4 is the quotient of x7 divided by x3. Using this formula, you find the same answer that was obtained directly: dyldx = 4x3.See the illustration at the top of page 33 1. Then, do the other one that was regarded as a product in "Using product formula." u = sin 2x and v = x3 (where the product formula used: v = 1/x3). duldx = 2 cos 2x, as before. vduldx = 2x3cos 2x and udv/dx = 3x2sin 2x. Putting them together with v2, which is x6, as the denominator, and canceling the x's in numerator and denominator, produces the same answer.

Using the quotient formula

A simple application of the quotient formula is to find the derivative of tan x because tan x is sin x/ cos x. Writing u = sin x and v = cos x, the derivatives are: du/dx = cos x and dvldx = - sin x. Substituting into the formula and simplifying, dyldx is (cos2x + sin2x)/ cos2x. Dividing through by the denominator, this becomes dyldx = 1 + tan2 x. Also, the numerator is 1, by the trig form of Pythagoras, so dy/dx can also be written: 1/ cos2x.

Developing calculus theory


dy dx

x3*7x6- x7*3x2 x

ame answer

- (7 -3)



sin 2x x

u = sin 2x


2 cos 2x


dy-x3* -dx

2 cos 2x-3x2m sin2x x6 - 2 cos 2x - 3 sin 2x x x

Using Formula


sin x

u = sin x


dy -cos2 x - (- sin2 x) - cos2 x + sin 2x dx cos2 x cos2 x

cos x dx dv -=-sinx dx

x2+ 4 y= sln 2x
dy - = 2x sin 2x - ( x 2 + 4) 2 cos 2x dx



- 2x --

2 (x 2+ 4) = 2x cosec 2x - 2 (X2+ 4) cot 2x-cosec 2x sin 2x -tan 2x sin 2x

sine written

- = cosecant


1 cosine I written sec

tangent I written

= cotangent


332 Developing calculus theory

For the second example, take y = (x2 + 4) sin 2x. Using the formula and making the substitutions, it simplifies to something that still looks rather cumbersome. You are digging into more frequent uses of functions that involve reciprocals of sine, cosine, and tangent. Other functions enable these equations to be written more simply. The cosecant is llsine, the secant is llcosine, and the cotangent is 11tangent.These terms are abbreviated to see, csc, and cot, respectively.

Function of a function derivative

Although you might expect this section to be more involved that the ones that covered products or quotients of derivatives, actually it's simpler.The derivation is simple algebra. If y =f (u) and u =f (x), then because dyldx is too complicated to write directly, du is used as an intermediary. Multiplying together dyldu and duldx, each of which is relatively simple, the du's cancel and leave dyldx. To illustrate and check the method, take y = sin5x.To make u the intermediary, it must be sin x. So, u = sin x and y = u5. Differentiating in stages: dyIdu = 5u4,which is 5 sin4x. Then, duldx is cos x. So, the product derivative is: dyldx = 5 sin4 xcosx.
If y = f(u) and u = f(x)


y = sin5 x

dy - = 5u4*cos x = 5 sin 4xcosx dx

Alternate method as check

y = sin5x =-(lo 16

sin x - 5 sin 3x + sin 5x)

1 =-(lo cos x + 4 5 cos x - 60 COS" 16

1 16

+ 25 cos x - loo C O S x + 80 C O S X) ~ ~

=-(80 cos x - 160 cos3x + 80 cos5x)

= 5 cos x (1 - 2 c0s2x + c0s4x) = 5 cos x (1 - C O S * X ) ~ = 5 cos x sin4x

bhe same as 5 sin4x cos x

Developing calculus theory


To check this equation, convert sin5x to functions of multiples of x (chapter 18). differentiate this term by term. Now, substitute back for cos 3x and cos 5x, collect and simplify, to find the same answer in somewhat different form. sin2 x = 1 - cos2x, so sin4x = (1 - cos2 x)2. After this substitution,the result is the same.

Equation of a circle
An interesting use for the function of a function formula is to find the derivative of the equation for a circle. In its simplest form, this equation is x2 + y2 = 3. Radius is constant, so 2 is constant. Turning it around and taking the square root, you have an expression for y. The plus or minus sign in front of the surd means that y can be positive or negative. Actually, a circle has four combinations of the same numeric value of x and y. Both x and y can be either positive or negative and give a point in each quadrant. The method of finding the derivative is to make u equal to (r2 - x2)? and y = u1I2An interesting way to check the result in all 4 quadrants, is to take the half right angles, where x and y are each r divided by root 2. The slope is unity at each of these points, but of changing sign. By checking, each answer is correct.

When x and y are both the same sign, the slope is - 1 Il opposite signs I? +1
dy When x = 0, - = 0 dx
dy When x = I . is undefined -, dx


Developing calculus theory

Successive derivatives of tangent function

If you had difficulty finding the derivative of tan x in question 6 of chapter 17, it will have been cleared up in "Using the quotient formula." Now, apply the function of a function formula to finding successive derivatives of the tangent. Sine and cosine functions run in cycles and come back to the original in the 4th derivative, but not so with the tangent. The first derivative of y = tan x was 1 + tan2x. Make u = tan x and y' = 1 + 3. notation is another one used to save space: y' (called y prime) This is the 1st derivative of y and it means the same as dyldx. 2, 3, or more primes are used to indicate the 2nd, 3rd derivative, etc. Using the function of a function formula, obtain the second derivative. To find the 3rd derivative, substitute u and v for factors in the 2nd, and use the form y' = 2uv. In the same way, make similar substitutions in the successive derivatives and use the product formula. Notice that successive derivatives of tanx have a growing complexity of terms that involve higher powers of tan x: each derivative uses powers up to one higher.

y = tanx
dy -= 1 + tan2x (see p. 3-87) dx

= 2 tanx (1 + tan2x)

= 2 {tanx 2tanx (1 + tan2x) + ( 1

+ tan2x) (1 + tan2x)}

= 2 ( ( 1 + tan2x) Gtanx

(1 + tan2x) + (1 + 3tan2x) 2tanx (1 + tan2x)}

= 4tanx (1+ tan2x) {3(1 + tan2x) + ( 1 = 8tanx ( I

+ 3tan2x)}

+ tan2x) (2 + 3tan2x)

y', y", y"' are first, second, and third DERIVATIVES of y

Developing calculus theory


Integration is the reverse of differentiation

Having now gained some familiarity with differentiating a function (also called finding its derivative) it's time to look at the reverse process. What's that? Differentiation plots a growth rate (or the reverse). The reverse takes growth rate and builds whatever grows, called integration.You will see this system better as you progress. Slope, found by differentiation,uses an infinitely small change in x to produce infinitely small change in y. If you add an infinite number of these infinitely small pieces, you have x and y, respectively. If you add all the pieces of y (called dy) together, you have y. 1ff '(x) is y ',two names for the same infinitesimal piece, then the reverse process builds the original x and y. This process is expressed with the integral sign, which is an old-fashioned long letter s. Integration finds what function, when differentiated, will produce the derivative that you began with. Another sign is also used, with difference explained later: the Greek capital sigma (C). From the differentiating you have done, you can start on integration just by taking the reverse process.
y is a function of x dy is a first derivative of the same function times dx dy is an infinitely small change in y, corresponding to an infinitely small change in x, identified as dx

If the infinitely small changes are added together, the whole is

dy = Y

f '(x)dx = f(x)



y = asinx

9= acosx dx

y = acosx y = asinx

1ydx = - acosx = asinx j ydx

Integration consists of finding what function, when differentiated, will give the one we start with


Developing calculus theory

Patterns in calculations
Reviewing the study of mathematics, always begin with a positive process, then reverse it to produce a negative process. After counting, you got into addition, which was reversed to make subtraction. After shortening multiple addition to make multiplication, it was reversed to parallel multiple subtraction, making division.Then, indices brought powers, then reversed it to find roots. In each, what began as a negative process, searching for a question to produce an answer, later developed into a positive approach to eliminate the search. Integration has a similar relationship to differentiation.

5 and 3 make


5 times 3 are


5 to the 3rd power is

to the 3rd power is 122

d dx of axn is

- of dx

is anx " -

The constant of integration

When you differentiate a function, you find its slope at a point or at a whole sequence of points. However, saying that a road has a certain slope (1 in 16, for example) doesn't state how high the road is. It could be at sea level or on top of a mountain. Looked at mathematically, the three equations here each begin with y = x3 - 12x.Then there is a constant that is shown as +8, nothing, or -8. All three equations give the same derivative because derivative of the constant is 0 (e.g., nothing). By reversing the process, you have no direct means to find the constant. So you must leave room for an unknown constant, called the constant of integration. If the road began at sea level, then integrating over any distance would find the height of the latest point above sea level.

Developing calculus theory


The Constant of Integration

ALL of these,



Reversing the Process

fixes the LEVEL of the whole curve


Definite integrals
This more specific use for integration is practical.The general integral (above) has mainly a theoretical value. A definite integral "adds it up" between definite values. It specifies that the curve starts at a certain point and follows the derivative to a new point. The integral is written the same way as for the general integral, but limits are put against the long S. The lower one is where it begins, the upper one is where it ends. Next, the integral (the general one, less the constant) is put in square parentheses,with the limits outside at the right.Then, substitute the values of the integral, first at the upper limit, then at the lower limit, which you subtract from the value at the upper limit. In the graph, the general integral is plotted without the constant of integration. When substituting in the lower value, you could make the starting point by inserting a constant of integration that would make the point zero. However, it is not necessary, because you subtract this value from the upper value. Whatever you make the constant, it disappears when you subtract one value from the other. By substituting x = -2 and x = + 1, the second produces -11 and the first produces +16. By subtracting the first from the second, the change is -27. Substituting values x = +2 and x = +3, the same process produces the change of y in this range as +7.


Developing calculus theory


lrb ydx

Integral ydx between limits of a and b

Finding area by integration

A most useful application for integration is for finding areas, volumes, and similar things. If y is a succession of infinitely small elements in an area or volume, the sum of these elements over a certain range of the curve that is represented by this function will be the area under the curve,which consists of an infinite number of infinitely narrow strips. From the infinite to the finite! To prove that this method works, take the larger shaded area.The equation of the upper side is: y = 1/2x + 7. The integral (working the differential formula backwards) is: 1/4x2 + 7x. By making substitutions for x = 2 and x = 10 (which were arbitrarily chosen when the equation was written; any other combination could be used) and subtracting the area is 80. Checking it by the geometrical formula proves that you have the right answer.

Developing calculus theory


If y represznts the height of continuous succession of infinitely small elements of an area, gives the area under curve y, between points x I and x

Finding Area by Integration




+ 7)dx


-x + - l o 1

=[aX2+7X~2 = (7.70)




1 @ Average y = - (8 + 12, = l o 2

Area = base x average height =8x 1 = o m

Area of a circle
The area does not have to be under a curve. Here, the area of a circle is found by two methods. In the first, the element of area is a wedge from center to circumference, taken at angle (in circular measure) x. The element has an area 112 base times height. The height is r, and the base is rdx. So, the area of the element is 1/2r2dx. Angle x is the variable. Integrating produces 1 /2r2x. the lower limit is zero, the upper one is 2n. Substitute and subtract (subtracting zero doesn't alter the upper limit), gives the well-known formula: nr2.

Total area is
of area

= (zr2)- (0)



340 Developing calculus theory

Total area is
2xxdx =2nx*dx

The other method uses a thin ring at radius x from the center. Here, the area of the element is the length of the ring, 2nx times its thickness, dx. Integrating that from zero to r gives the same well-known result. Compare the methods carefully until you understand how each is done.

Curved areas of cylinders and cones

With cylinders and cones, you could find the area two ways, as with the circle. For the cylinder, the length of the element is 2nr and its width is dx. Integrating from zero to h (the height), produces what, in this case, is fairly obvious, 2nrh. For the cone, instead of being nr2,it is nrl, and 1is the slant height of the cone.

Area of Cylinder Curved Surface


Area of /length

x breadth

Total = f o 2xrdx

Area of Cone Curved Surface

Radius of cone base = r Slant height of cone = !

= 2xrx

X- x dx !

= (nrl') -(O) = X E

Same answer can be found using angular integration, as with circle

Developing calculus theory


Surface area of sphere

Move a ring around the sphere from one "end (if you can imagine a sphere having an "end!") to the other. Measure the position of the ring by angle x. By taking angle x from zero to n radians, the ring will cover the entire area of the sphere's surface. The circumferentiallength of the element is 2nr sin x. Its width is rdx, so area is 2m2sin x dx. Integrating from zero to n: the integral is: -2nr2 cos x. When x is n, cos x is - 1, so the minus times minus makes a plus. When x is zero, cos x is +1. So, - cos x is -1. Again, minus times minus makes a plus. The answer adds to 4nr2. Another way to calculate it would be to use the distance along the axis as the variable, from - r to +r. The function produced is more involved and not so easy to integrate, but the result is the same.
Circumferential length of surface element = 2 n r sin x r sin x Width of element = rdx

Area of element = 2 n r 2sin xdx

Surface area of sphere =


2nr2sin xdx

Finding volume by integration

The same method can be used to find volumes. See the illustration at the top of page 342. As the element of an area is a line of width (dx), so the element of a volume is an area of thickness (dx).Taking the volume of this wedge, the area of the element is the area of the base multiplied by x/l: wtx/l.The thickness is dx, so the volume of the element is wtxdxll. Integrating, with respect to x, produces wtx2/21.Substitutionagain is simple because x starts at zero.Thevolume is wt1/2.

Volume of a pyramid
To make the formula more general, A is used to represent the area of the base and an element of volume at x is taken from the apex. Follow the same method down through. The difference is that the area is proportional to the square of the distance from the apex: (xlh)'. See the example at the bottom of page 342.

342 Developing calculus theory


Volume of Wedge
Area of element = wt Thickness of element = dx Volume of element =% xdx

Volume of whole wedge


xdx f

,a .2] [

=($) @)
-~ -

t e

Area of base = A Area of element

(;>' (:>' dx
A x 'dx

Thickness = dx Volume of element dv =A olume of whole pyramid V =



Developing calculus theory


Volume of cone
The method on the previous page for finding the volume of a pyramid can also be applied directly to the volume of a cone. Its base is a circle whose area (see u. "Area of a circle") is n' Notice that, as compared with the curved surface area, the height is the vertical height, which is measured perpendicular to the base; not the slant height, which is measured up the surface. Another method to find the volume of a cone uses an element that is a cylindrical shell of radius x. Check it through; the answer should be the same.

Method 1
of base A

Method 2
Area of element, surface of 2nx (r - x)h cylinder r Volume of element =


As before

344 Developing calculus theory

Volume of sphere
Here again, you have a choice of methods to find the volume. The first method takes "slices" of the sphere (very thin, of course) and the second takes cylindrical shells. Taking slices, x goes from -r to +r. The cylindrical shell method takes values of x from zero to r. However,the volume of the element has a product function. If you remember the differentiation, it's not difficult.The first method is simpler.

Area of element

Thickness = dx of element = -n( r 2- x *)dx Volume of sphere =




x 2, dx

+ [nr 2 x - - x 3 ] ' 3 -r = ( n r 3 - nr3 --)(T 3

3 nr3



Alternative Method

Area of element = 4 rrx \ / r T Volume of element = 4 B x

d m dx

Questions and problems

1. Using the product formula, find the derivative of the product of the functions u and v when: (a) u = 2x+ 3 (b) u = x 2 - 6 x + 4 (c) u = sin x (d) u = x 5 - 4 and and and and v = x3 v=3sinx v = cosx v = -2x3 + 2

Developing calculus theory


2. Using the quotient formula, find the derivative of the quotient of the functions u and v when: (a) u = - 3 x - 6 (b) u = x' + 2x (c) u = sinx (d) U = ~ 4 - 4 X and and and and
v v v v
= x2 2 = sin x = 3 +cosx = -2x 2

3. In rectangular coordinates, the slope m of a line whose equation is y = mx + b, where b is a constant, is dy/dx. Find the slope of a line tangent to a circle centred at the origin and having a radius of 3 units, when the point on the circle through which the tangent line passes corresponds to the following angles counterclockwise from the x axis:
(a) (c) (e) (g) 10 degrees 105 degrees 300 degrees 2 radians (b) 55 degrees (d) 190 degrees (f) 1 radian (h) 4 radians

4. Suppose an oscilloscope shows a waveform like the one in the following drawing. Assume each vertical division represents exactly 1 volt (1 V), and each horizontal division represents exactly 1 millisecond (1 msec). The peak signal amplitudes are exactly plus and minus 5 V. The ramps are straight lines. Assign t = 0 for the time at the origin (the center of the display).This waveform is passed through a circuit called a dzflerentiator, which produces an output waveform that is the derivative of the input waveform. Draw a graph of the output waveform. Include the maximum and minimum amplitudes.

For Problems 4 through 7, Chapter 19

5. Suppose the waveform in the above drawing is passed through two successive differentiator circuits. Draw a graph of the output waveform from the second differentiator. Include the maximum and minimum amplitudes.

346 Developing calculus theory

6. Suppose the waveform in the above drawing is passed through a circuit called an integrator, whose output is the mathematical integral of the input. Draw a graph of the output waveform. Include the maximum and minimum amplitudes. 7. Suppose the waveform in the above drawing is passed through two successive integrators. Draw a graph of the output waveform, including the maximum and minimum amplitudes.

8. Evaluate the following indefinite integrals and check your results by differentiation:
(a) s4x3dx (b) 6x5dx (d) x4dx (c) 9x8dx (f) -4 sinx dx (e) 2cos x dx

9. Evaluate the integrals from problem 8 as definite integrals, with limits of and +1. Assume angle measures to be in radians.

10. The following drawing shows the quadratic function, that is, a function of the form y = ax2 bx c, where a, b, and c are constants. First the area under this curve between the following points on the abscissa:

+ +
and and and and

(a) x = -2 (b) x = 0 (c)x=-1 (d) x = -1

x=O x=1 x=2 x=4

For Problems 1 and 11, Chapter 19 0

11.Find the derivative of the function shown in the above drawing.Then find the area under the resulting curve between the same abscissavaluesas in problem 10.

- - -


Combining calculus with other tools

Plot a graph

Maximum and minimum points

On the graph paper at the left, the nine points are marked. Although they give an idea where the curve goes, they are not precise enough to be sure that it is accurate. A greater number of points might help, but the difficult spots are the maximum and minimum points. Apparently, a minimum is at or near x = -3, a maximum is at or near x = +1, and another minimum is at or near x = +3. The derivative d y / d x = 4 x 3 - 3x2 - 3 6 x + 27 is a cubic equation in x, which can have 3 roots. Try x + 3 as a factor to represent the root at x = -3. It factors to: ( x + 3)(4x2 - 15x + 9). Finding the roots of the second factor can now be solved as a quadratic.They are x = +3 (the factor is x - 3) and x = +3/4 (the factor is 4x - 3). Now, you know that the two minima are precisely at x = -3 and x = +3, and the maximum is at x = 3/4. This information is a big help when plotting the curve accurately at these points.

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Maximum or minimum when 4x - 3 = 0 x = 4

Point of inflection
What might be even more difficult by simply plotting points, without help from the derivative, is a curve of the type represented by: y = x4 - 6x2 + Xx. Six points are tabulated, from x = -3 to x = +2. Without better knowledge, you might look for a mistake in the region between x = 0 and x = -1. It doesn't look like a smooth curve.


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The derivative is: dy/dx = 4x3 - 12x + 8 . This equation can be factored to: 4(x + 2)(x- l ) ( x - 1). Notice that the two identical roots are x = + 1. Mathematically, both a maximum and minimum occur at x = 1. Such a point is called a point of inflection. It means that, right at the point of the root ( x = + I ) , the curve is momentarily level.

Second derivative gives more information

Go back to the function considered in "Maximum and minimum points." The = second derivative is: d2?:/dx2 1 2x2 - 6x - 38. Equating this to zero finds two more special values of x. These roots are x = -1.5 and x = +2. The second derivative has points where the first derivative has maxima or minima. A maximum in the first derivative is a point of maximum slope in the original function.

Minimum Maximum Slope + .Maximum

- 27


+ 54

Slope -

Combining calculus with other tools


Most often, the second derivative finds points of maximum slope in the original function. Whichever it finds, it provides more information that enables the original function curve to be plotted more accurately.

More help from second derivatives

Now, it's time to take two more functions of x. The second derivative has two roots, x = - 1 and x = +l . The original curve has a maximum slope at x = - 1. The other point is the one that was already identified as the point of inflection, which is a minimum slope-zero!

Maximum and Minimum Slopes atx=-1 x=+l


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The other curve merely changes the coefficient of the x term. Because it doesn't reach the second derivative, it will have the same roots. Here, you see what happens when the curve is tilted-what changing the x coefficient does. Instead of a point of inflection, it has a point of minimum slope. If the x coefficient was changed the opposite way, the coincident maximum and minimum at the point of inflection would be separated, and that point would become one of maximum negative slope. The first derivative would have three different roots, instead of having two of them coincident.

Maximum area with constant perimeter

One practical use of differentiation is to find such a maximum. Derive the formula for the area of this oblong with constant perimeter. It is a quadratic: area = x(p - x) (when the perimeter is 2p).The derivative is: dA/dx = p - 2x. The derivative is zero when 2x = p or x = 1/2p. So, the maximum area is when the oblong is a square with equal dimensions both ways. Had the area been kept constant, the perimeter varied, and the minimum perimeter solved for, the result would have been the same.


{ Constant Perimeter Maximum Area

Perimeter = 2p

- - - p - 2x dA

This is zero when p = 2x

1 p-x=p--p


x =


1 or also = - p 2

Boxes with minimum surface area

The previous section shows that the best shape of an area for minimum perimeter is square. So, how high should a box be for minimum surface area? Assume that the volume is V and the base is x square; the height must be v/x2. You have a top and bottom that each have an area of x2, and four sides that each have an area of x times v/x2,which reduces to V/x. So,the total surface area is 4V/x + 2x2.Differentiating, dA/dx = -4v/x2 + 4x, which will be zero when V = x3, making the height equal to the sides of the square base. In other words, the figure is a cube.

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To make this exercise more interesting, suppose that the box only needs the square base-no top. Now, the total area is 4Vlx +x2. Differentiating, dA/dx = -4v/x2 + 2x, which will be zero when V = l/2x3, making the height half the length of the square sides.


Constant Volume Minimum Surface Area

Surface area: Top and bottom 2x2 Four sides 4x

- -

X2 - X

4v -

4v Total surface area = - + 2x




+ 4x

This is zero when x3=V

-= x


Surface area: Bottom x 2 Four sides 4x

--x2 - X


Total surface area = -+ x dx


( y+ -5+


This is zero when x3= 2V

Height is half side length

Cylindrical container with minimum surface area

The volume of a cylinder is n3h. he surface area is nr2 for both top and bottom and 2nrh for the curved surface.The total surface area is: 2nr(r + h). To obtain only one variable, write h in terms of the constant V and the variable r, which is: h = ~ / n ? .Now, the equation for total area becomes: A = 2 n 2 + 2Vlr. The derivative is: dA/dr = 4nr - 2v/r2.The derivative is zero when: r3 = V/2n. To find h, substitute in the expression for h already found, h = 2r. Twice the radius is diameter, so the minimum area is when height equals diameter.


Combining calculus with other tools

Suppose you want a cylindrical container with no top. Following the same method for the open box, the height needs to be equal to the radius-half the diameter. In short, if a closed container is cut in two, two open containers of minimum surface area are formed.

Minimum Surface Area for Constant

SURFACE AREA ~ = 2 n r 2

To get only one variable

+ 2nrh + 2rrr (r + h) substitute h =- v


(top and bottom) (curve surface)

Tofind minimum

fi = 4a r - 2v dr r

This is zero whe



v Substitue to find h: h = rrr2

Diameter equals height Same Container Without Top

2v fi = 2rrr -dr

This is zero when nr3= V

OR r 3-v


Height equals radius, or half diameter

Combining calculus with other tools 355

Conical container
What is the best shape for an ice cream cone?You want one in which the cone will accommodate a given volume with minimum surface area. which, to put h "in the picVolume is: V = 1/3nr2h.Surface area: A = nr& ture," is A = r(? + h2)'I2.Substituting to get h in terms of V and r, then substituting that into the one for A, differentiating and equating to zero, you find that h, for minimum surface area, is equal to root 2 times r (diameter divided by root 2). Do you not see many ice cream cones this shape? Maybe the manufacturer doesn't want to give you so much ice cream for the cost of the cone!

Constant Volume Minimum Surface (Curved)
1 VOLUME V = -nr 2h 3

SURFACE AREA A =n r l' =nrY?'Z

Substitute h =T

3v : A =nr n; r

-dA dr -

I (4n2 r Z2 q 7 n2r4+ r2

m2) is zero when ?rr2r6= 9v2 This r

d 2


Substitute to find h: h = 3V = J2nr3 - 4 2 , 7cr xr2

Equations for circles, ellipses, and parabolas

At left is the equation (in its simplest form) for each of these curves. Using those equations, both the circle and ellipse are centered at the origin (where both x and y are zero).The parabola is different. At right is a more general equation for the same curve, which is not so centered. Deriving these general forms is a simple matter, merely substitute (x- a) for x and (y - b) for y, in the original simple form, the multiply out. Notice that the relationship between the second-order terms (those that involved x or y squared) is unchanged by this shift. This fact lets you recognize curves that are circles, ellipses, or parabolas from their respective equations, when you might otherwise not be sure what they are.


Combining calculus with other tools

In the circle, the r represents radius. In the ellipse, two constants replace it, designated q and s. They are half the principal axes of the ellipse.These principal axes can be regarded as maximum (major) and minimum (minor) diameters of the ellipse.



General (x - a)2+ (y - b)2= r2

x2 special x2+ y 2 = r 2or-+$ = 1 r2 r

W -2an-2by+a2+b2=r2 I
2. Ellipse
(X - a)* + General - (Y - b) = 1 d s2

Special x 2 + * = 1 9 s

, 5

Special y = fx

General y - b = f(x - a)2

Directrix, focus, and eccentricity

On the previous page, the parabola was the "odd man out," as compared with the circle and the ellipse. A circle is generated with a compass that has its point at the center. An ellipse is generated with a little more complicated device that uses two centers to elongate it. But a parabola?

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An alternative way to generate curves describes these curves more effectively. If you drove around a circular track, you would not have a compass attaching you to the center of the track! You would direct your course with the steering wheel. Paralleling that idea, visualize going along a parabolic course, positioning yourself by two things; a focus and a directrix. For the parabola, you keep the two distances, from the focus and the directrix, equal. That distance, at a given point, is designated u. Where the focus is opposite the directrix, those two distances are each f (called focal length). Drawing a line through the focus parallel to the directrix, you can divide the u, measuring your distance from the directrix, into 2 and y. f Fact 1 relates to the u that measures your distance from the focus. Fact 2 relates to the other u Combine them, rearrange, and you have an equation that is . of the same form as a parabola. The condition described here is, in fact, another way to generate a parabola. Because the two 12s are equal, this curve has an eccentricity of 1 (unity).


Distance of curve from focus and directrix is EQUAL at all points That a curve satisfying this condition is a parabola Fact 1: Fact 2: x2+ Y 2 = u 2 u=y+2f

Combine 1 and 2: x2+ y 2 = (y + 2



Which is an equation for a parabola

The ellipse and the circle

Make eccentricity less than 1. Use the same method, but the distance from the focus is eu instead of u. Apply the same two facts and combine them, as you did for the parabola. Finish with an equation for the curve that takes the same form as an ellipse. As eccentricity ( e ) decreases, the distance from the directrix increases, and eu gets to be closer tof in value. If you make eccentricity zero, the same equation simplifies so that it represents a circle, andf is then r.


Combining calculus with other tools

Distance of curve from focus and directrix is constant ratio at all points Distance from focus on axis = f f Distance from directrix on axis = e

Focus \f;xY U I f f(l+-) 1 e e Directrix


That a curve satisfying this condition is an ellipse

1 Fact l : x 2 + Y 2 = e 2 F a c t 2 : y + f ( l + - ) = u ~2

1 Combine 1 a n d 2 : ~ ~ + ~ ~ = e ~ ( y + f ( 1 + - ) ] ~ e


- 2ef

(I + e) y = f 2(1 + e)'

Which is an equation for an ellipse

Focus As e becomes smaller, distance from directrix becomes greater; focus is nearer center of ellipse; ellipse becomes more like a circle


A CIRCLE is a second-order curve with an ECCENTRICITY 1x2+ y2= f 2 (f is then r)

Relationships between focus, directrix, and eccentricity

Look at these three curves in terms of the new parameters.The circle has a single focus, which is the center. The directrix removes itself to infinity. In fact, because it's removed to infinity, you could regard it as being at infinity in every direction. A circle of infinite radius would be a straight 1ine.Viewedas an algebraic equation for a circle the second order terms, x2 and y2 are equal. The ellipse has two foci at finite distance from each other.The ellipse is symmetrical about those two foci. An ellipse is eccentric. Mathematically or numerically, that eccentricity is greater than zero (the circle's value) but less than 1. Like the circle, its algebraic equation has two second order terms, x2 and y2,but their coefficients are not equal. With two symmetrical foci, it has two directrices at finite distances. The parabola can be viewed (more about this later) as having two foci: one finite and one infinite. Its single directrix is at a distance equal to the focal length, thus eccentricity is 1 (unity). Its algebraic equation has only one second-order term.

Combining calculus with other tools


Focus Directrix Eccentricity 2nd-Order Terms

Single At Infinity

2 Finite 2 at finite distance

1 Finite

1 Infinite




Only one

Focus property of parabolas

Rearranging the equation for a parabola forms an equation for x in terms of the focal length and y. Now, look at the angles at a specific point on the curve, 0 between a line from the focus and the parabola's axis, and 4, the slope of the curve at the same specific point. Tan 0 is equal to y l x . Tan 4 is equal to dyldx. Using these facts, you can deduce the relationship 0 = 24. This relationship about the parabola is important.

Equation of Parabola

dX rzl



4 fy - Y tan 2 $ = 2tan 0 - -1 -tan2@ 4f-2-y2-4f2


Combining calculus with other tools

Focus property of ellipses

Applying the same idea to an ellipse, write equations for the minor and major axes. For convenience, a and b are half of each. Relating these to the coefficients of x2 and y2, finish with conversion factors, write the ratio of alb, in terms of eccentricity e, and a value of e, in terms of the ratio alb (or more precisely, bla, because it yields the square root of a number less than I).


Equation of Ellipse x2+ (1 - e2) y 2- 2ef (1 + e) y = f2(1+ e ) 2

a = Half major axis = 1-e



= ef

e f y 2-- (1 - e)

2 2

x 2+ e2f2(1+e)- 2e2f2(1+e)=f2(1+e)2 I-e 1-e

b = Half minor

axis = f


Reflection properties of ellipses and parabolas

The angular relationship of the parabolas explains why a light source at the focus reflects from all points along the surface of the parabola into a parallel beam. An optical law of reflection is that angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. The fact that angle 4 is half of angle 0 means that the angle of the line from the surface point to the focus is equal to the angle between the surface point and the line parallel to the axis. Extending this to the ellipse, instead of focusing into a parallel beam as the parabola does, an ellipse focuses from one focal point to the other.

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Hyperbolas: eccentricity greater than unity

The circle has zero eccentricity; the ellipse is less than unity; the parabola has an eccentricity of 1. So, what happens if the eccentricity is greater than I ? The result is a curve, called a hyperbola. Look at the equations: for the circle, the coefficients of x2and y2 are equal; for the ellipse, they are unequal; for the parabolas, one is zero; for the hyperbola, one reverses its sign.

Focus of hyperbola

\ \


*Hyperbola directrix


Combining calculus with other tools


Another parameter helps define hyperbolas. To derive it, write the algebraic equations in yet another form. For the circle, the equation: x2 + y2 = ? is divided through by ?, so the left-hand side consists of two ratios squared, which together make 1. For the ellipse, the half axes are labeled q and s. The sum of x 2 / q 2 and is 1.The hyperbola reverses one of these signs, so the difference is equal to 1. For the parabola, one of these second-order terms disappears.

The new parameter that helps construct these curves is called an asymptote. It is a straight line through the origin (the point where x = 0 and y = 0) whose equation is: x / y = q/s. The curve approaches this line more and more closely as it moves further from the origin. Notice the various lines identified in the previous section for the complementary ellipse and hyperbolas. On this page, notice one particular hyperbola, the right hyperbola. An ellipse has two pairs of complementary hyperbolas, both of which use the same pair of asymptotes. A right hyperbola has two identically shaped curves; both touch a central circle.

= e 2 x 2 + 2 e f ( e + l ) x + f 2 ( e + 1)*

(e (e2- 1 ) x 2 +2 ef (e + 1) x - y2+f2e2-- + 1)- fze2 (e + I) f 2 ( e + (e - 1) (e - 1)

f2(e + 1) e- 1

(d- ) ( x + I

fe e- 1



f2(e+ 1) e- 1


RIGHT HYPERBOLA: q = s = r (of circle)


r 1 +./2


Combining calculus with other tools


Second-order curves
To prepare for the next step, which relates all of these curves to conic sections, notice the different characteristics of these curves. A circle has a single focus and only 1 curve. Viewed as a special ellipse, you could say that it has a single focus because the two elliptical foci coincide. It's not difficult to understand zero eccentricity-that's what "round" means to some people! Both second-order terms have equal coefficients. Its directrix is at infinity in any direction. An ellipse begins eccentricity which, by the definition given in mathematics, is less than 1 for any completed curve (circles and ellipses). An ellipse has two directrices that are parallel with the minor axis and closer to the ellipse as the ellipse itself elongates. Its equation has two second-order terms that are unequal but the same sign. A parabola is a marginal curve-the first one not to complete itself within finite dimensions. Theoretically, it has 2 foci, one finite, the other infinitely removed. Its eccentricity is 1 and it has only one second-order term. A hyperbola goes a step further than the parabolas by having 2 finite foci and 2 directrices. The hyperbola's eccentricity is greater than unity, secondorder terms are opposite sign, and it is characterized by asymptotes.



Combining calculus with other tools

Conic sections produce second-order curves

Here is another way to relate this succession of second-order curves. A circle or an ellipse is seen as a section through a cylinder at right angles for the circle and obliquely for the ellipse. Also, slightly less obviously, they can be seen as sections through a cone (4). Making a cut parallel to the opposite face of the cone (5) yields a parabola. Cutting more obliquely results in hyperbolas because the cutting plane intersects both cone extensions.You canvisualizethe extended cone by picturing the slanting side that protrudes beyond the apex and turning it "inside out," or giving that part a negative volume. lf the plane cuts parallel to the cone's axis (8), the sloping sides of the cone coincide with its asymptotes. If it cuts obliquely (1I), the hyperbola still has asymptotes, but they do not coincide with the side of the cone.The dashed lines (12) indicate the asymptotes in that case.

Questions and problems



Hyperbola Ellipse


Combining calculus with other tools


1. Find the point (x7y) on the graph of the function y =f (x) = -3x2 at which the function attains its maximum value.

+ 2x + 2

2. There are infinitely many points (x, y) on the function y =f (x) = 2 sin x + 2, at which the slope of the function is maximum. Write a general expression for these points. 3. Suppose you are standing on a vast, frozen lake in the middle of the night, holding a flashlight. The beam from the flashlight is cone-shaped.The outer face of the light cone subtends a 20-degree angle with respect to the axis (the ray corresponding to the beam center). How can you aim the flashlight to form a circular region of light on the ice? 4. In the situation described in problem 3, how can you point the flashlight so the edge of the region of light forms an ellipse on the ice? 5. In the situation described in problem 3, how can you aim the flashlight so the edge of the region of light forms a parabola on the ice?

6. In the situation described in problem 3, how can you aim the flashlight so the edge of the region of light forms a half-hyperbola on the ice?
7. Determine x and y intercepts, local maxima, local minima, and points of inflection (if any) for the following functions. Specify the points as ordered pairs ( ~ Y),where Y =f ( 4 . 7 (a) f (x) = 2x3 - 5 (c) f(x) = 2tanx (b) f(x) = (x2 3)(x - 4) (d) f(x) = -3cosx

8. Using the informationyou obtained in the previous problem, plot graphs of the functions given. Intercept points, local maxima, local minima, and points of inflection (if any) should be labeled. Otherwise, the curves can be approximately drawn.

- - -

Introduction to coordinate systems 367 To convert them to polar coordinates,the radius r is the square root of the sum of the squares of x and y. Angle 61 has a tangent of ylx. At one time, the English used a negative index after the ratio symbol. This would be written tanp1ylx. The method commonly used today is arctan ylx, which represents exactly the same. The other conversion is simpler. If the polar coordinates are r and 0, the equivalent rectangular coordinates are x = r cos 0, y = r sin 61.


O = arctan Y x
the angle whose tangent is

y = rsin 0

x = rcos0

Equation of a straight line

You have written many equations that represent straight lines (also curves). A general form for a straight line, in rectangular (sometimes called Cartesian for Rene Descartes, a 16th-century French philosopher) coordinates is: y = ax + b (see figures at the top of page 368). Here, a is the ratio between rates of change of x and y (or dyldx) and b is the point where the line crosses the y axis. At the y axis, x is 0, so at that point: y = b. Making direct substitutions for y and x, the equation in polar coordinates becomes r sin 0 = ar cos 0 + b.That,too, is the general form. Both forms are simplified considerably if the line passes through the origin. Then, b = 0, y = ax, and 0 = arctana, where 0 is constant, not a variable angle, as in the general equation.

Equation for a circle

In general terms, we write an expression, using rectangular coordinates, x and y, the circle's radius, R (using a capital R here, to avoid confusion with the r polar coordinate), and the coordinates of its center, a and b. If the circle is centered on the origin all the terms with a or b in disappear, leaving the more familiar form: x2 y2 = R~ (see figure at the bottom of page 368). By substituting, x = r cos 0 and y = r sin 0, we derive an expression for the . same circle in polar coordinates.The two terms r2 cos20 + r2 sln2 61 add together to make ?, and all the other terms are transferred to the other side.

368 Introduction to coordinate systems


b 8= arc tan (a + -) X
r = d x 2 + (ax + b12

0 = arc tan a b is intercept


r sin 8= ar cos 0 + b


b =0


(x -a)2+ (y - b)2= R2 ~ ~ - 2 a x + a ~ + ~ ~ - 2 b ~ + b ~ = R ~

x2+ r2= R*


r =R

a=O b=O

r2= x 2 + y

= ~ ~ ax + 2by-a2-b2 + 2

r2-2 [acosO+ b sine] r + (a2+ b 2 ) - R 2 = 0


Introduction to coordinate systems 369

Three-dimensional systems of coordinates

Both these systems can be extended to the third dimension. Just as two coordinates in either will specify a point in a plane, three coordinates will specify a point in three-dimensional space. In the rectangular system, add a third direction mutually at right angles to the other two, usually called the Z axis. Coordinates x, y, and zcompletely locate a point P in three-dimensional space, with respect to origin 0 and axes X,Y, and


The polar system can use an additional angle in several ways. It still uses an origin and a reference axis as the starting point. The simple method is to use a reference plane in addition to the reference axis. A plane that contains the point P and the reference axis will have a specific angle to the reference plane. That angle has the symbol 4, the Greek letter phi. Then, starting from the reference line, within the plane already defined by 4, measure angle 8, the Greek letter theta, to the radius r, which measures the distance from the origin. Thus, the point is completely defined by r, 4, and 8. As in rectangular coordinates, it is . specified by x, y, and z


X .

c d

x axis

x = rsin Bcosq

y = rsin Bsin 9 r2= x2+ 2+ z2

@ = arctan Y X


Introduction to coordinate systems

Equations of line and plane in rectangular coordinates

In a plane, the only linear form is a line. Three-dimensional space has two linear forms: a line and a plane. The equation for a line in three-dimensional space is really two equations.Using the intercept designation from the linear equation in a plane, a is the slope of the line, with reference to the XYplane: a = dyldx.This equation denotes the slope of the plane that contains the line in the XY plane. b is the intercept of the plane that contains the line on the YZ plane. Next, c = dyldz is the other direction and d is its intercept on the XY plane. This data enables the equation to be written: y = a x + b = cz + d . The other linear form is the equation for a plane. Just as a simple equation represents a line in a plane, so a simple equation represents a plane in threedimensional space. Using the XZ plane as the reference, c can be the intercept of the plane on the y axis, a the slope dyldx, and b the slope dyldz. To avoid confusion with the coordinate angles in polar coordinates, use the angles a and (the Greek alpha and beta) to correspond with their tangents, a and b. This identification helps to identify angles, as well as the slopes with which they correspond.

Equation of Line in Three Dimensions

y=ax+b=cz+d dy a = - b is y intercept on yz plane dx dy c = - d is y intercept on xy plane dz

Equation of Plane in Three Dimensions

a = tana=-dy

b = tan p=-dy

c is intercept on y axis

Introduction to coordinate systems


Equations in spherical polar coordinates

Using the equivalent from "Three-dimensional systems of coordinates," convert each set of values on the previous page to spherical polar coordinates, and make a double equation with two equals signs, as for rectangular coordinates. Regarding this as two equations, you can derive separate equations in polar coordinates. Both coordinates are necessary to define a line. By itself, each defines a plane. The line that the two equations put together defines the intersection between the two planes. The substitutions convert the rectangular coordinate equation for a plane to one that uses spherical polar coordinates. Any of these expressions, like virtually all equations that include trig functions, can take a variety of forms. Use a conversion that changes slope factor a of the rectangular system to angle y? (Greek psi) so tan I+? = a. You could write arctan a instead of $.Use whichever is most appropriate in a specific problem.


x = r sin Ocos@
y = r sinesin @
z = r cose

,r sin 0 sin $ = br sin Ocos @ sin $ - a c o s @ =r sine

Make a = tan y~

+ b,=

cr cos 8+ d


sin w = d-

L = c cos 8d
a sin ecas 4


x = r sin Ocos$
y = r sin &in@
z = r cos0

r sin Osin $ = ar sin Bcos @ + brcos c I +

sinesin$ - a sinOcos@- b cosO=r

372 Introduction to coordinate systems

Three-dimensional second-order curves

Equations can represent any three-dimensional shape. Equations for cones and other simple shapes are equally simple. Here is one that is not so easy. It can be viewed as a parabolic curve rotated around the Y axis, touching the origin. In 2 rectangular coordinates, it is y = a(x2 + z ). Suppose you need to know the volume that is enclosed under this threedimensional shape, within a square area defined in the XZ plane as 2s each way. To tie down the dimensions of the parabola, the height of the solid at its corners (where it is a maximum), is h, measured parallel to theyaxis. The simplest method to solve this problem uses multiple integration in two directions. This is the same as simple integration, done one after the other. It makes no difference which direction is taken first. In this case, it is obvious because the x and z dimensions are interchangeable,however, even if they weren't it makes no difference.

Rectangular parabolic section: Element
= ydxdz = a (x2+ z2) dxdz

Maximum value of y = a (s2+ s2) a=- h = 2 as2 2s2 =h Volume



h 2Si (x2+z2)

Questions and problems

1. The following drawing is a graph of a straight line. The x- and y-intercept points are shown. Draw a graph of this curve in polar coordinates, substituting r for x and 0 (in radians) for y. Restrict 0 to the range 0 to 2n. 2. Draw a graph of the curve in the drawing in polar coordinates, substituting r for y and 0 (in radians) for x. Restrict 0 to the range 0 to 2n.

Introduction to coordinate systems



For Problems 1 and 2, Chapter 21

3. The following drawing is a graph of a curve in polar coordinates.Values of 0 are shown in degrees. Draw an approximation of this curve in rectangular coordinates, substituting x for 0 and y for r. Consider only positive values for all variables.


For Problems 3 and 4, Chapter 21

4. Draw an approximation of the curve in the above drawing in rectangular coordinates, substituting y for 0 and x for r. Consider only positive values for all variables.

5. Determine the equation of Line A (a straight line) in rectangular three-space shown in the following drawing.


Introduction to coordinate systems

For Problems 5,6,and 7, Chapter 21

6. Determine the equation of Line B (a straight line) in the above drawing.

7. Determine the equation of the plane containing Lines A and B in the above drawing.

- - -

- - -


Complex quantities


- Quantities

+ Quantities

i Quantities neither @+ nor CQ


ixixi = - i





ixixixi = +


Complex quantities


The complex plane

These rectangular coordinates can now be regarded as a complex plane, in which you can plot quantities that are part real and part imaginary. The real part is measured right for positive and left for negative. An imaginary part is measured up for positive and down for negative. The complex quantity can be written algebraically as: a + ib. If both parts are positive,the quantity is in the first quadrant. Ifthe real part is negative and the imaginary part is positive,the quantity is in the second quadrant. If both parts are negative, the quantity is in the third quadrant. Finally, if the real part is positive, but the imaginary part is negative, the quantity is in the fourth quadrant. Now look at the cube root of - 1 (see Part 2, where it was the cube root of +l). The root in the first quadrant is at what would be called 60 degrees, and it could be called the first cube root of -1. Now squaring that puts the product in the second quadrant, at what would be called 120 degrees. Cubing it verifies it as a cube root, by turning 180 degrees, on the negative end of the real axis.

a isbis-

a is + bis-

Complex quantities
The Pythagorean theorem, whether you think in terms of geometry, trigonometry, or algebra, shows that the magnitude of each root, which is the length of the vector from the origin, is 1.You have taken three steps with the cube root of -1.


Complex quantities

Suppose that you start with the same quantity in the second quadrant (120 degrees), and write in the polar coordinates as 1, with the angle at 120 degrees. Multiply this first cube root of +l by itself, to get the square at 240 degrees, and again to get the cube when it is 360 degrees, which proves that the quantity you began with is the cube root of 1. Check your work with this technique to gain confidence in the use of complex quantities. See the complex quantity interpretation of the three cube roots of 1.Cubing the first root at 120 degrees multiplies that angle by 3, making 360 degrees, which is the same as 0, thus it is positive. Cubing the second at 240 degrees multiplies that by 3, making 720 degrees, where it becomes positive after two revolutions. Cubing the third at 360 degrees (a.k.a. 0 degrees) makes either no revolutions, keeping it positive or 3 revolutions, where it arrives at positive again. In the last two sections, everything was kept simple by taking only quantities that had a magnitude of 1. How are quantities with magnitudes other than 1 represented? Look at the cube root of 8. Using the method already used a few times now, the first cube root of +8 is -1 plus i root 3, which is 120 degrees. Now, multiply that by itself and simplify: -2 - i2 root 3. Multiplying by the root again returns the answer to +8; the imaginary part disappears to prove that the cube root is correct.


Complex quantities


Three Cube Roots of 1

1 Revolution

2 Revolutions

3 Revolutions

Cube Root of 8

is - I

+i h


1- i 3

2/120 or 2/240


Complex quantities

Multiplying complex quantities

Now confirm the method by multiplying any two complex quantities. You have two quantities, each written in two different ways: in rectangular coordinates as real and imaginary parts or in polar coordinates as a magnitude and an angle. In the picture, two quantities set out, each beginning at the positive real (X) axis. Beginning at the magnitude of the first quantity and multiplying each part of the second by the magnitude of the first, erect the third shaded triangle.This triangle brings you to the product, in magnitude and angle, or it can be read in rectangular coordinates as real and imaginary parts. Study the diagram to see how the quantities that appear in the algebra are reproduced in coordinate geometry.




(a + ib) (c + id) = ac - bd + i (ad + bc)

a = rcose b = rsin 0
r = d Z 2 s=

d m

ac-bd+i(ad+bc) = r s [ c o s 0 c o s ~-sinesin$]

+ irs kos0 sin $ + sin 0 cos


= rscos(e+$)+irssin(e+$)

Product of Magnitudes


m l ELI

If the quantity a + ib has a magnitude r that is greater than unity, its reciprocal will have the magnitude 1/r, which will be less than unity.The larger shaded area uses unit magnitude on the positive real axis for its base, and the magnitude r of the quantity a ib for its top side. Scaling this area down to make the longest side fit unit magnitude on the positive real axis, the side that was 1 in the bigger triangle is now the reciprocal of the original complex quantity, in both magnitude and polar angle.

Reciprocal of complex quantities

Complex quantities 383 The algebra shows how to calculate these values. Having a complex quantity in the denominator is not easy to handle. However, multiplying top and bottom by a - ib, the denominator becomes the sum of two squares, which reverses the sign of the imaginary part in the numerator. In the study and use of complex quantities, a quantity such as a - ib is called the conjugate of a + ib, or vice versa.

a = rcos I

b = rsin 0

a cos (-0) = a2+ b2

-b sin (-0 ) = a2+ b2

a-ib - a-ib -a2-(ib)2 a 2 + b 2

Division of complex quantities

The next logical step is division.Take two complex quantities and divide one by the other. From the actual size of the divisor (shaded are in left part of sketch), change the magnitude of the longest side to fit the longest side of the dividend, maintaining its shape or proportion.The quotient is then the side of the proportionate area of the divisor that was unit positive on the real axis before it was reduced. As the right part of the sketch shows, the angle of the quotient is found by subtracting the angle of the divisor from the angle of the dividend. Magnitudes are simply divided, represented by rls. Check the consistency of the methods that represent the operation, shown here.


Complex quantities


a = rcos 0 a+ib=r/B b = rsin 0 c = scoso c+id=s& d = ssin $ a + i b = ~ / ~ - ~ c+id s

= - [cos ( 0 - $ ) + isin (0-

- cos


)=- -

1 . -sin(-$)= s

c c2+ d 2 -d c2+ d 2

+ @ ) ]= ac + bdc2+i d(bc 2


You have already performed rationalization without naming it as such. In complex quantities, rationalization is what simplification is in fractions and similar subjects. A complex quantity is a simple combination of a real part and an imaginary part. Complex quantities can, as numerators, share the same denominator, as a matter of convenience or simplicity, but the denominator should be entirely real. Otherwise, the real and imaginary parts of the numerator are not truly real and imaginary, but each are complex. Take a simplification that consists of two complex quantities multiplied together in the numerator and two more multiplied together in the denominator. When these quantities are multiplied, the numerator and denominator can each be simplified to single real and imaginary parts. Now, to rationalize, the numerator and denominator are each multiplied by the conjugate of the denominator, so only the numerator contains both real and imaginary parts. If desired, the whole quantity can be written separately: as a real part and as an imaginary part.

Complex quantities




(a + ib) (c + id) (e + if) (g + ih)

(a + ib)(c + id) = ac - bd + i(bc + a d ) q l

Write k = ac - bd: L = bc + ad

(e + if)(g + ih) = eg - fh + i(fg + eh)= m + in d

(a + ib) (C

Write m = eg - fh; n = fg + eh

+ id) - k + i 1 -(e + if) (g + ih) m + in

(k + i /)(m - in) (m + in)(m - in)

- km + e n + i( e m kn) -

m2+ n2


(3 + i4)(5 - i6) (4 + i3)(1 - i2)

3 - 9+i2

10 - i5

39 + i2 5(2 - i l )

Checking results and summarizing

It is easy to make mistakes when handling many numbers+ven if you use a calculator! Often, the numbers happen to be convenient for making some relatively simple checks. Here, the first factor in the numerator has the same magnitude as the first factor in the denominator. One factor is 3 + i4 and the other is 4 + i3. The magnitude of both is 5. So, the whole expression will have the same magnitude if these two factors are removed; only the angle is changed. You could check to see that the magnitude is the same with these two factors removed. Study the summary about complex quantities. First, study which quadrant a quantity falls in, according to the sign combination of its real and imaginary parts. Next, study the significance of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, and roots, in terms of magnitude, angle, and real and imaginary parts. You cannot add or subtract magnitude and/or the angle of complex quantities; you have to work on the real and imaginary parts. In multiplication and divi-


Complex quantities

sion, magnitudes multiply and divide, but angles add and subtract. For powers and roots, the magnitudes take powers and roots, but angles multiply and divide by the indices. Any of these operations can be performed with real and imaginary parts by using the operator, i.


(3 + i4)(5 - 16) (4 + i3)(1 - i2)

5-- i6 1-i2

(5 - i6)(1 + i2) 1+4

a + ib
1st Quadrant

Same Magnitude -a+ib 2nd Quadrant


3rd Quadrant

a-ib 4th Quadrant

Operation -+ Magnitude


( ) "

( ) "

.e/ le/



+ + Imaginary + +

Use of a complex plane

This understanding of complex quantities led to the use of a complex plane in various ways, which we sample later. In the earlier graphic representation of quantities, the quantity measured horizontally was x and vertically was y. Sometimes t was horizontal.The independent variable was horizontal and the dependent was vertical. The independent variable has a plane, so it can be complex. The real part is measured left or right, but the imaginary part is measured at right angles to it. The direction for the dependent variable is vertical. Here, a relatively simple example uses a complex plane that shows two properties of this kind of presentation. At all points, magnitude of y is measured vertiz cally. Quantities x and i are in the complex horizontal plane. To make the

Complex quantities


working easier to follow, y is expressed as a complex fraction-real and imaginary parts in both numerator and denominator. At a point where the denominator is zero (I), the value of y goes to infinity, called a pole. Where the numerator goes to zero (2), the value of y is zero, called a zero.
Dependent variable (y)

Independent variable (x)


Complex Plane


Plane of Independent Variable


Complex quantities

Quadratic roots with complex quantities

Earlier quadratics problems were craftily avoided where the quantity under the surd, in the formula method, would be negative because such a problem would have "no real roots." You probably thought the problem could not be solved. With imaginary numbers, such a problem can have an imaginary or complex solution with very definite mathematical meaning-no figment of the imagination! Here are two examples. In the first, the quadratic uses real quantities that result in conjugate complex roots. In the second, the quadratic itself is complex and has complex roots that are not conjugate. So, quadratic equations "work with complex quantities, as well as with real ones.


x 2 + x + 1= O

BY formula

x = - 12

+JiT 4d

1 i43 x=--+2 2

id2 x2=-- I - -




1 1 ~ = - i 2- - J - ~ + l +


x = --

43 . 1 2 '5

43 i x = -I+ i 2 2

1 X2=--

i y x 2 + i x - 1 = 0 )/

Complex quantities


Roots by complex quantities

From the pattern summarized in "Checking results and summarizing," you can simplify finding roots by using complex quantities. For example, you know that 32 has a fifth root that is 2. But your advancing knowledge of mathematics suggests that 32 has 4 more roots.What are they? You could develop a set of simultaneous equations, but an easier method is more visual. Rather obviously, these roots are of magnitude 2, with angles that divide the four quadrants into five parts. Using values of sine and cosine of these angles, we can derive the complex roots.

2 / 720

The 5 Fifth Roots of 32

2 1360" -

2 /288"


0.618 i1.9022 - 1.618 2 i1.1756

Questions and problems

NOTE: these problems, the square root of -1 is denoted by j, not i. You should In get used to this notation because it is commonly used by engineers.

1. Multiply 0.6 +j0.8 by 0.8 +j0.6. Verify that the product is pure-imaginary and has a magnitude of 1.


Complex quantities

2. Square each of the quantities in problem 1.Then multiply the resulting complex numbers together, and verify that the product is pure-real and has a magnitude of 1.

3. Solve the following quadratic equations. Include imaginary, complex, and real solutions.
' (a) x - 2x + 2 = 0 (c) 13x2 - 4 x + 1 = 0 (e) x - j 2 x - 8 - 0 ' (b) x 2 - 2 x + l 0 = 0 (d) x -j2x - 10 = 0 '

4. Find the six 6th roots of 64. Express the coefficients in decimal form to three significant digits. Plot the corresponding vectors on the complex plane. 5. Find the ten 10th roots of 1,024. Express the coefficients in decimal form to three significant digits. Plot the corresponding vectors on the complex plane. 6. Find the nine 9th roots of 5 12. Express the coefficients in decimal form to three significant digits. Plot the corresponding vectors on the complex plane. 7. Refer to the following drawing. Find the sum of these two complex numbers.

Each division represents one unit

-2 - j3


For Problems 7 through 14, Chapter 22

8 . Plot the vector denoting the sum of the complex numbers shown in the above drawing.
9. Find the product of the complex numbers shown in the above drawing.

Complex quantities


10. Plot the vector denoting the product of the complex numbers shown in the above drawing. 11. Divide the complex number shown by the second-quadrant vector by the complex number shown by the third-quadrant vector in the above drawing. Express the coefficients in decimal form to three significant digits. 12. Plot the vector denoting the quotient you found in problem 11. 13. Divide the complex number shown by the third-quadrant vector by the complex number shown by the second-quadrant vector in the above drawing. Express the coefficients in decimal form to three significant digits. 14. Plot the vector denoting the quotient you found in problem 13. 15. Refer to the following drawing. Find the product of these two complex numbers.
Each radial division represents one unit

For Problems 15 through 17, Chapter 22

16. Plot, in polar coordinates, the vector denoting the product of the complex numbers shown in the above drawing. 17. Convert the product vector from problems 15 and 16 to standard complex form-that is, to the form a +jb, where a and b are real and j is the square root of - 1. Express the coefficients to three significant digits.

- - -

Making series do what you want


The panel shows the basic pattern, called the Maclaurin series. Iff (x) is the function that you want to expand into a series, find the successive derivatives of the function, as in the second line under the panel (below the n line). Then, find the value of this derivative when x = 0, which you write in the next line. This value, divided by factorial n, becomes the coefficient of xn in the expansion.This number is then written in the last line, and it agrees with the original series (as derived earlier). When no term exists for a given power of x, the value of that derivative when x is zero is also 0.

Pursuing the pattern

Now you have a tool to let you expand a function series more quickly. Try the expansion of ( a llx)". You run into trouble right away! When x is zero, the function's value is undefined. You need another rule: you cannot take just any function of x. You must choose it so that all values of the function and its derivatives, when x is zero, are defined. Now, look for a function that fits a need you have found. The derivative is either equal to or is proportional to its value at each point. It forms the basis for natural rates of growth or decay. If the slope is upwards, it's growth; if downward, it's decay. In both, the rate of change is proportional to the value at the instant. This function does not yet have a name.

Must use x so that all values of f,(0) are defined

To find f(x) so that f, (x) = f(x)
or f , (x) = - f(x)


Making series do what you want

Natural growth and decay functions

The easiest way to find a series for such a function is to use the method used for the sine and cosine series in Part 3. Only alternative derivatives appeared in that final series, here every one does. Equate each successive term in the derived expansion: first, b = a; then, c = b/2; d = c/3, e = c/4; and so on. By multiplying the successive coefficients (the function is given by 4 the constant), outside of the parentheses, which contain a series that begins 1 + x, subsequent terms take the general form xn(n!),the nth power of x divided by n factorial. Try another approach. Expand (a + 1In)". Show the expansion, while n is still finite, in two forms. However, make n huge and it changes, because n - 1 is substantially equal to FZ. All those large n's cancel, leaving just the reciprocal factorial series, which is the same asf (x), if you make x = 1 and a = 1. If you use the binomial expansion of (1 + 1In)"", and again make n huge, the expansion becomes the same as f (x) for any value of x, not just x = 1. What does this expansion show you? It demonstratesthat the expansion of (1 + 1In)", when n is huge, represents a "number" to which is given a universal symbol, e. If this number is raised to the power of x, which makes ex, you have the function you are looking for. If f (x) = ex then f '(x) = ex also. In the way of writing used earlier, if y = ex,then also dyldx = ex.


If n is huge,

Same as f(x) when x = 1 and a = 1

Making series do what you want



If n is huge,
( l

;x )= n

1 +x+-+



-+-+-+.... ! 3! 4! 5




Same as f(x)
If (1 + -) n
Then ( 1 + -) n
1 1
1 I 1 =e=1 + I +-+-+-+-+....S1! 2! 3 ! 4!

=ex = I

+x+-+-+-+-+.... 2 ! 3! 4! 5 !





Value of e
Calculate the value of e which you can do on your calculator, to more decimal places, if you wish. Enter 1 in memory. Dividing 1 by 1 is still 1 . Add that into memory. Dividing by 2 provides 0.5. Add that into memory. Dividing by 3 produces 0.16666. Add that into memory. Keep dividing by the next higher integer till you have enough decimal places.

. I 6 6 6 6 6 6


> .041 6 6 6 6

.0083333 . 0 0 1 3 8 8 8 . 0 0 0 0 2 4 8

t 6

> .0001984 > .0000027

. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

t 8

+9 I.>


nx(nx - I ) 1 nx(nx - I )(nx - 2) 1 nx(nx - I)(nx - 2)(nx - 3) 1 -+ 2! n' 3! n3 4! n4



Making series do what you want

Series for arctan x

As an exercise in using the series from "A pattern to a series," find a series for arctanx. First, find the series of functions: f '(x), f "(x) and f "'(x), when f (x) = arctan x. If y = arctan x, then x = tan y. You already know that dxldy = 1 + tan2y = 1 + x2. So, dy/dx = 1/(1 + x2). that is f '(x). From there on it's easy, using the quotient formula. Having done a few, you substitute in x = 0. Arctan 0 = 0. f '(x) = 1.f "(x) is 0 again. f "'(x) = -2, and so on. Writing the series in the form from "A pattern to a series" and simplifying, arctanx = x - x3I3+ x5I5- x7I7+ . . .

Concept of logarithms
From this point on, we introduce two alternative symbols for e: the lower case Greek epsilon (e) and the Arabic 'ayn (r).You should get used to seeing these. The inverse function of y = ex has some unexpectedly useful properties.To keep up with the convention of making x the independent variable and y the dependent, start by writing the equation the other way: x = ey.The inverse of

Making series do what you want


this equation is read, " y equals log to the base E of x." "Log" is short for the word logarithm, a word that is derived from the Greek that means "words about numbers," the study of numbers. The "arithm" part is also used in "arithmetic." What the statement means is that to obtain x, e has to be raised to the power y. Thus it is the exact inverse of the statement x = 9:the same fact, stated the opposite way, starting at x to find y, instead of vice versa. No simpler way exists to define a logarithm. A better understanding of what logarithms are comes from using them or applying them in mathematics. The graph shows values of x corresponding to values of y at 1,2, and 3. Logarithms allow you to calculate values of y for values of x between 1, 2.7 183, 7.389 1, 20.085, etc. Having calculated such inbetween logarithms to any required accuracy, multiplication and division can be replaced with simple addition and subtraction, and indices can be replaced with simple multiplication and division.
x=&Y Inverse y = log_x

or log, x = y

If logEx = m log, y = n

log x y = m + n Similarly log

X -=m -n

A gap in the series of derivatives

At the top of the next page, the functions of x are listed in the form f (x) = axn with their derivatives in the form f '(x) = anxnpl.The table is plain sailing for positive values of n and for negative values of n. You can even go down to fractional values of n, positive and negative, but a gap shows up in the sequence of derivatives at n = 0. As the derivative's coefficient gets near zero, its index approaches -1, but it never gets there! Here is a derivativewith no function for it to belong to:f '(x) = 1/x. But what isf (x)?


Making series do what you want


ax ax ax a/x a/x a/x a/x 'I2

a 2ax

Another Approach Needed

3 -1 -2 -3 0.5
-0.5 0.1

3ax2 -a/x -2a/x -3 a/x 2/2ax-l/ -1 /2ax-312


Logarithmic function in calculus

Start with the inverse function: x = eY.YOU differentiate this function, giving can dxldy = eY = X: that is how e was defined. The reciprocal of that is what you were looking for: dyldx = 1lx. So, if x = 9,then log, x = y. That is the missing function in the series. However, applying Maclaurin's series to this one sets a problem becausef (0) is undefined.The logarithm of a number is the power to which E must be "raised" to produce that number.You need some other way to find this series.
dx - = &Y= dy



Another Approach Needed

Making series do what you want


E You calculated a series for e and % in the section, "Natural growth and decay functions." It represents natural, or exponential growth (or decay). As x increases in linear increments, ex increases in exponential increments: its rate of growth is proportional to itself, ex.Fairly obviously e-", which is the same as 1/ex, yields the same series of terms, but with signs alternately changed to plus and minus. You can find this by substituting (-x) for x in the series. You can also find the series for eixand ePixby making a similar substitution in the original series. Here, you have evaluated the terms for the -x series for a short distance.

Functions of

Relationship between exponential and trigonometric series

Did you notice the similarity between the series for sine and cosine, and the exponential series in the previous section? If you multiply sin x by every term in the series is multiplied by i Now, you can put these together so that eix consists of cos x and i sin x added together, and that epixconsists of cos x - i sin x. You can turn that equivalence around by simply adding and subtracting those equations and dividing them by 2. So, you have a family of exponential functions. The real series is representative of exponential growth and decay. Imaginary series combine to make the series for sine and cosine.


400 Making series do what you want

sinx = x - x + x 5 -33 --.... ! 5! isinx = ix - - + --.... 3! 5!

x2 x4 cosx= I - - + -21 4 !






= cosx

+ isinx


= cosx - isinx

cosx = &IX + &-IX 2 sinx


Exponential growth Exponential decay Both combinations of real and imaginary trigonometry (sin and cos) functions


- &-IX i2

Convergence of exponential and trigonometric series

The term in these four series are all the same: only the pattern of signs changes. So, from term to term, each will have the same rate of convergence. Here, to show how rate of convergence changes withvalues of x, successive terms are tabulated.The bigger x is, the further into the series expansion before the terms turn to converge. Notice that, whatever finite value x has, the series eventually begins to converge.

Significance of exponential series

To see what the series do, the example at the top of the facing page shows a succession of plotted terms, both for % and E-". In the first, adding successive terms sweeps the curve upward, and each term brings in further curvature when the preceding terms are inadequate to reach the exponential. In the negative series,the effect is more easily seen. Alternate terms, by themselves, pull the curve alternately up and down, but the overall effect is an exponential decay curve. Study these curves and pursue the series further, if you wish.

Making series do what you want


Significance of ciX
Following the same method for elx, real and imaginary terms are plotted separately (see figure on top of page 402). The first real term is a constant. Successive terms pull the curve up and down, approaching something that looks like an expanding sine wave. The first imaginary term (second term of the series) is a linear upward slope, which represents the beginning of a sine wave. Beyond this slope, the combination is similar to the real terms. Remember that the real and imaginary terms are quite separate entities in the complex quantity. If you could visualize them in the complex plane, the effect would be rotational+specially if you could combine positive and negative imaginary series, according to the formula in, "Relationship between exponential and trigonometric series." However, the imaginary terms can be isolated as a series by adding the conjugate series, which is what the formula does.

Complex exponential functions

Functions, such as 8 + j b or eapib, complex exponential functions in the sense are that the exponential base (e) is raised to a power or uses an exponent that is part

402 Making series do what you want

Complex exponential functions

ca ib = eaeib= &a (cosb + isinb) ea- i b = E-ib= &a (cosb - isinb)

+ &a-ib =


Real part of

or -



eat C o s u t
Sine-wave Curve

Exponential Coefficient

Making series do what you want


real, part imaginary (see figure at bottom of page 402).These numbers should not be confused with imaginary functions of e, such as eix,which are complex quantities or complex functions of x, but are not complex exponential functions of x. Notice that the conjugate pairs of complex exponential functions can be combined to produce a real function.The writing can be simplified by assuming the conjugate to be used to obtain the real function, but instead using only one of the pair with the words, "the real part of." Whichever method of expression you use, the complex exponential function (either a conjugate pair of them or the real part of one) is a convenient way to represent a sine-wave curve with an exponential coefficient.

Complex p plane
The complex p plane is the significance of the real part of the complex exponential function or of the conjugate pair. The envelope lines at top and bottom follow equations: eatand -eat. Between these amplitude boundaries, as amplitude markers, is the expanding cosine wave of stated angular frequency. Angular frequency, using the symbol lower case Greek omega w, is 2n times periodic frequency. At the right is the concept of a complex p plane. With axes -a and +a, horizontally, and positive and negative i times angular frequency vertically, the plane accommodates the complex quantity p = a + iw.The quantity pertinent to the problem under study is notp itself, but P.Used this way, the plane represents exponents of e, and is called the complex p plane.


Negative real components

Positive real +a components -+

404 Making series do what you want

Points on the horizontal axis represent real exponential functions: to the left for decay, to the right for growth or expansion. Points on the vertical axis are imaginary exponential functions and represent (in pairs, at equal distance from the origin, above and below) real frequency of unchanging amplitude. Conjugate pairs of points, located in upper and lower quadrants to the same side of the vertical axis, represent exponentially decaying (left side) or growing (right side) sinusoids, similar to the one at the left, which would be to the right.

Complex frequency plane

To engineers, the complexp plane is not very "real." On it, growth and decay are real elements, and frequency is represented by conjugate imaginary elements. If performance is analyzed in terms of frequency, it might be more convenient to regard frequency as a real quantity.To do this, rotate the plane through 90 degrees q by writing p = a ico = iq. NOW, = -ia. The plane so formed can be called a q plane, from this derivation, or because of its purpose, the complex frequency plane. Real frequencies always appear in pairs (positive and negative) of equal value. Formulas for resonance always involve a solution in the form f 2 or co2, which always, mathematically, has equal positive and negative roots. In the q plane, simple exponential growth or decay is shown by single imaginary values on the vertical axis, above or below the horizontal axis. Growing or decaying sine waves are presented by conjugate pairs, to right and left of the vertical axis, in which, for this presentation, conjugate has a slightly different significance.The usual conjugate pair has a real pair of the same sign, with the imaginary pair of opposite sign. In this use, the imaginary pair have the same sign and the real pair have the opposite sign.

Quantity q is in complex frequency plane

Image real frequency (negative)

Real frequency

Hyperbolic functions
The trigonometric functions, such as cosx and sinx, represent an angle in radians, stated in circular measure. In this measure, 2n radians represent a complete rotation (360 degrees).This relationship is easy to visualize.

Making series do what you want


To complete the pattern, just as cos x is equal to a complementary pair of imaginary exponential functions (so is sin x), you need functions that consist of complementary pairs of real exponential functions. To correspond with normal circular measures, these functions are called hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic sine. Following the trig ratio pattern, a hyperbolic tangent also exists. These use the symbols or abbreviations, cosh, sinh, and tanh, adding the h to represent hyperbolic. In reading, they are pronounced "cosh," "shine," and "tank," which area easier to pronounce. These functions are hyperbolic because the ratio is measured along the curve of a hyperbola, instead of around a circle. Notice that however large a hyperbolic "angle" becomes, it remains in the same quadrant, unlike the circular measured angle, which rotates through four quadrants. NOTE: in this diagram, rotation is drawn the opposite direction from the usual convention for space reasons only.

cosx = isinx =

&ix ix

&-ix &-ix


coshx = iZX+ E - ~ 2

( is HYPERBOLIC angle I EQUIVALENT in E @to REAL angles 8, real part

of &i0

406 Making series do what you want

Questions and problems

1. Refer to the following drawing. This is a hypothetical graph of the energy remaining in a small storage battery with the passage of time. Note that the vertical scale is not linear, but is logarithmic. As a result, the exponentialdecrement curve appears as a straight line.This is known as a semilog graph and is common in scientific and engineering applications.Given the values assigned to the three points shown, and the fact that the decay function is exponential, find the actual decay function, letting x represent time and y represent energy remaining in the battery.
Energy, watt-hours

For Problems 1 and 2, Chapter 23

(2.00,0.0183) 0.01 0
1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I

1 Time, hours

2. Given the function you obtained in problem 1, calculate the energy remaining in the battery after the following elapsed time periods.You can use a calculator. Express your answers to three significant figures. (a) 10 minutes (c) 90 minutes (b) 30 minutes (d) 3 hours

3. Write out, and calculate, a series for the value of e to five terms. Express your answer in decimal form to four significant digits.

Making series do what you want


4. Write out, and calculate, a series for the value of l/e to five terms. Express your answer in decimal form to four significant digits. 5. Write out, and calculate, a series for the value of eJ to five terms,wherej is the engineering expression for the square root of - 1.Express your answer in decimal form to four significant digits.

6. Write out, and calculate, a series for the value of l/eJ to five terms. Express your answer in decimal form to four significant digits.
7. Refer to the following drawing.This is a graph of the radioactivity in the soil following the detonation of a hypothetical nuclear bomb. The half life, or the time required for the radioactivity level to fall to 50 percent of its initial value, is one million years. The decay curve is approximately plotted on a log-log graph, which is common in scientific and engineering applications.Write down a function that depicts the curve shown. Let the percentage of radioactivity remaining be represented by y, and the time in millions of years be represented by x
Percentage of radioactivity remaining


Time, millions of years

8. What percentage of radiation remains after:

(a) 2,500,000 years? (c) 7,000,000 years? (e) 20,000,000 years? (b) 5,000,000 years? (d) 10,000,000years?

NOTE: The corresponding points on the curve might not all be shown on the graph. Express your answers to four significant digits.

408 Making series do what you want

9. After how many years will the following percentages of radiation remain?
(a) 10 percent (c) 2 percent (e) 0.1 percent (b) 5 percent (d) 1 percent

NOTE: corresponding points on the curve might not all be shown on the The graph. Express your answers to two significant digits.

10. Write out, and calculate to four terms, the series for the following hyperbolic cosines. Angles are in radians. Express your answers to three significant digits. (a) cosh 1 (c) cosh2 (b) coshn/2 (d) coshn

11. Using the exponential formulas on page 405, calculate the hyperbolic cosines of the following angles in radians. Express your answers to five significant digits. (a) 0.5 (c) 2.0 (b) 1.0 (d) 4.0

12. Write out, and calculate to four terms, the series for the following hyperbolic sines. Angles are in radians. Express your answers to three significant digits. (a) sinh 1 (c) sinh 2 (b) sinh n/2 (d) sinh n

13. Using the exponential formulas on page 405, calculate the hyperbolic sines of the following angles in radians. Express your answers to five significant digits. (a) 0.5 (c) 2.0 (b) 1.0 (d) 4.0

- - -


The world o f logarithms

When the coefficients are simplified by dividing by the factorial number series, they are a sort of harmonic series that doesn't converge very rapidly. Numerators are successive powers of x, and denominators are the simple number series, not the factorial. You'll want logs of numbers bigger than 2. Here, the rate of convergence is shown in finding log 2 by this method. Two things slow its convergence: the only diminishing factor is essentially a harmonic series of the integral number reciprocals. It straddles the ultimate value, which means it has to converge much further to reach its ultimate value.

Find Log, 2

There must be a Quicker Way

Logarithmic series: modified

Here is a trick that logarithms are made for. If you modify the variable again, using (1 + x)/(l - x), by the principles of logarithms, the log of this variable will be the log of (1 + x) minus the log of (1 - x). First, the series of log(1 - x) was a succession of powers of x divided by the harmonic succession of integral numbers, alternating in sign. The series for log(1 - x) uses the same numerical terms, but all the signs are minus. Remember, you're going to subtract it from log(1 x), which turns all those minus signs positive in the final value. This method does two things: it knocks out the even powers of x and combines them.The series is contained in big parentheses, multiplied by 2. To show how much more quickly this series converges, use it to calculate log 2, which by the first method would take forever. Make (x + l)/(x - 1) = 2. That's another variable change. Solving that equation, the variable in the series is not 1,but 113.Since every other term has dropped out, successive terms diminish by x2 (or 119).This ratio results in much quicker convergence. It converges so rapidly that only 4 terms are now needed to obtain log 2 to 4 places of decimals.

The world of logarithms

-1 f, (x) = 1 -x
-1 f2 (x) = (1 - x12


f(x) = log, (I - x)

f,(O) = - 1

-2 f, (x) =(1 - x13

f3(0) = - 2


1- x



+ x) - log,(l

- x)

Much Quicker Convergence


The world o f logarithms

Calculating logarithms
Here you calculate two logarithms to find a comparison in convergence rate. To calculate log 1.1, make x = 1/21. Successive terms now converge by more than 400 : 1.Three terms of the series produce the log correct to six decimal places. As you already saw, to calculate log 2, x = 113, so convergence is about one decimal place for each extra term. For accuracy to six places, seven terms are required. Now try log 3; x = 112. The series converges much more slowly, but try another way. You've already "done" log 2. Log 3 = log 2 + log 1.5, because Log1.5usesx = 1/5anditcon3 = 2 x 1.5.So,findlog1.5andaddittolog2. verges faster than log 2 did. Now you have a quicker reliable 6-figure value for log 3.

The world of logarithms


+L(i)ll = .000088 11 2

convergence than log, 2

L0g,3 = L0g,2

13 2

= .MHX)18 8

+ Log ,l.5

In the example at the top page 413, you tackle finding all the logs for integers up to 10. Notice the short cuts you can take. Log 4 is twice log 2. You can derive it either from 4 = 2 x 2 or from 4 = 2?. Log 5 is log 4 + log 1.25. Log 6 is log 2 + log 3. Log 7 is log 4 + log 1.75.Log 8 is 3 times log 2 because 8 is 23.Log 9 is twice log 3 because 9 = 3'. Finally, log 10 is log 2+ log 5.


The world of logarithms

L0gE7 = log,4

+ log, 1.75 x =11


Log, 10 = log,2 + 10gE5


Common logarithms
Although all logarithms must be calculated in their basic form to the base c, sometimes called hyperbolic or Naperian logarithms (from the name of the discoverer of logarithms), they are generally called either natural logarithms or log base e.

Logl02: 2.302585 1.6931471 .6907755 23716 23026 690 691 .301030

Logl,3: .477 121 2.302585 110986122 .9210340 1775782 1611810 163972 161181 279 1 2303 488 461 27


Loglo100=2 Etc.

23 4

The world o logarithms f


If logs used base 10,then log 10 to base 10 is 1.You change the base by dividing the natural logarithm by log 10. The resulting figure is the same number's logarithm in base 10.

Using logarithms: multiplication and division

Most students of this edition will use logarithms from their pocket calculatorit's so much easier than using tables. A calculator that provides logs has both kinds, natural and common. The key for common logs is marked log and the one for natural logs is marked In. Both are useful. The examples on this page were prepared from 4-figure log tables. Your calculator probably lists more figures than the tables did. On my calculator, I enter log 32 and get 1.505149978; 256 produces 2.408239965. Adding them is 3.9133889944. Using the shift, which reverses the action, the answer is 8 192 exactly! The last example shows another difference with tables. The table only gave the mantissa-the decimal part. You had to insert the characteristic-the whole number to the left of the decimal point that tells where the point is in the number itself. 0.0969 is the mantissa (in 4-figure tables) for the digits 125. The bar over the 1 indicates that the characteristic is negative. So, the log is -1 + 0.0969. My calculator reads -0.903089987. However, if I enter 1.25 instead of 0.125, it reads 0.096910013. If the number is larger than 1, the mantissa doesn't change; only the characteristic changes as the decimal point shifts.

Multiplication 56 x 35

= 1960
Log35 = 1.5441 Log 56 = 1.7482 Log 1960 = 3.2923

Division 1224 + 36 = 34
Log 1224 = 3.0878 Log 36 = 1.5563 Log 34 = 1.5315

LO^ 256
64 X 0.125 = 8

= 2.4082

3.9 l 33 Log 8192=3.9134 )

Log 64 = 1.8062 LO^ 0. I 25 = i.0969 Log 8 = 0.9031


The world of logarithms

Using logarithms: indices

Here again, the examples on these two pages were prepared from 4-figure tables. A pocket calculator can find the answers far more accurately.In fact, most calculators have one key, xY,which saves the use of the log key altogether. However, just look at this page and "work it over" with a calculator. Log 12 reads 1.079181246. x3makes it 3.237643738.Using theshift andlog produces 1728 exactly. Enter 12 again. Press xy, then 3, and =.The calculator reads 1728 again. In the next example, log 2 is 0.301029995, the correct answer again. However, entering log 1024 lists 3.010299957 one more place. The previous pages used logs or the xYkey where the indices were fairly obvious. Sometimes the answer isn't that simple. Here's one: 35415.Doing it by calculator logs: Log 35 = 1.544068044. Times 0.8 = 1.235254435. Shift log = 17.189 15135. Using the xy key produces the same answer. You could also calculate it by binomial expansion and take it further, if your calculator is equipped with adequate memory and paren features. You needn't recalculate each term. After the second term, you can multiply/divide by the additional factors. For example, to get the third term from the second, multiply by 3 and divide by 320, and so on.This series converges very rapidly.


LO^ 12 = 1.0792
X 3 3.2376 Log 1728 = 3.2375

= 1 7 2 8 ~ 12

Log 1728 = 3.2375 s 3 1.0792 (nearest) Log 12 = 1.0792 2 lo = 1024 Log 2 = 0.3010 X I0 3.0100 Log 1024 = 3.0103 Log 1024 = 3.0103

Six-Figure Log 2 = 0.301030 X 10 3.010300

Roots are more accurate than powers


0.0625 = 0.5

Log 0.0625 = 2.7959 4 = 1.6990 Log 0.5


The world of logarithms


35 4'5 By Logs

Log 35 = 1.5441
Antilog 1.2353 = 17.19

By Binomial Expansion

SOL5By Logs

Log 50 = 1.6990

Antilog 2.5485 = 353.6

By Binomial Expansion



Logs agree to four figures

In this one, 4-figure logs are rather limited.Using the same calculator, either with logs or the xY key, the result is 353.5533906.Thechoice of binomial expression produced all except the last two digits with only 4 terms.


The world o f logarithms

Of course, your calculator won't pick up a binomial series for you. That's just an exercise to show that the binomial works to check your calculating. How does the calculator do it? It has built-in programs that run the log series-so fast it will read an answer in a fraction of a second. Remember, it works in binary, even though it keeps track of decimal digits. It's fast, but you have the brains!

Using logarithms with a formula

The formula here relates pressure and volume in the physical expansion and compression of a true gas. It is typical of many application formulas.The quantities p and v are variable. k and index n are both constants. In this tabulation, k = 1000 andn = 1.4. Tabulate values of v from 10 to 30 (assuming this covers the range needed in our specific problem) and use logarithms to calculate the corresponding value of p (in the last column).The 3rd column lists values of 0.4 log v as an aid in finding 1.4log v. Tabulating with this method made the work easier before the advent of calculators.

Log v

O.4Log v 1.4Log v 3-1.4Log v Antilog

The world of logarithms


The 4th column subtracts from 3, which is log 1000.To do this on a calculator, you have a choice: use logs or the xYkey. Either way, you have a twist to get k into it. If k was other than a power of 10, it would complicate matters a little. One method is to use the 1/ x (reciprocal) key, then multiply by 1000 (or whatever k is).

Finding the law by logarithms

Here, the process of the previous section is reversed.You know that a few pairs of values for v andp relate, according to a law of the type: pvn = k. This shows how it was done by logs, again before the advent of calculators.You can use your calculator here, but the option of using the xY key is not so easy; using the log key is easier. Take thelogs ofthepvalues: 1.361727836and 1.176091259.Subtract, getting 0.185636579. Take the logs of the v values: 1.176091259 and 1.301029996. Again subtract: 0.124938736. Divide the first subtraction by the second: 0.185636579/0.124938736 = 1.485820827, the value for n. This calculation involves use of your calculator's memory or a scratch pad. Realize that all those digits are unnecessarily "accurate." The numbers you began with are probably only accurate to 2 significant figures.

Find n and k in pvn = k

Log p + n log v = log k
(1) 1.3617 + 1.1761 n = log k (2) 1.1761 + 1.3010 n = log k Subtract 0.1856 - 0.1249 n = 0

Log 1.3010 = 0.1 1 4 4 Log n = 0.1720



The world o f logarithms

Questions and problems

1. Refer to the following drawing. These functions are graphed on a log-log scale. Redraw approximations of the functions on a semilog scale (with the x axis linear and they axis logarithmic). Choose scales that are reasonable for the angle of values in each case.

For Problems 1 and 2 Chapter 24 ,

2. Redraw approximations of the functions of the above drawing in rectangular coordinates. Choose scales that are reasonable for the range of values in each case.The scales need not be the same on each axis, but both axes must be linear.

3. Refer to the following drawing. These functions are graphed in rectangular coordinates. Redraw approximations of the functions on a semilog scale (with the x axis linear and the y axis logarithmic). Choose scales that are reasonable for the range of values in each case.
4. Redraw approximations of the functions of the above drawing in log-log coordinates. Choose scales that are reasonable for the range of values in each case. The scales need not be the same on each axis, but both axes must be logarithmic. 5. Using the formula logloxy = loglox + logloy, find the following products by adding numbers. You may use a calculator. Express your answers to three significant digits. (a) 5.44 3.67 (c) 36.7 2.56 (b) 10.5 0.567 (d) 0.987 0.822

The world of logarithms 421

For Problems 3 and 4, Chapter 24

6. Using the formula logloxY= yloglox, find the values of the following expressions to three significant digits.You may use a calculator. (a) 5.443.67 (c) ?16.7'.~~ (b) 10.5.567 (d) 0.987O.~~'

7. If natural logs (base-e) were used instead of base- 10 logs in the calculations for problem 6, would the results still be valid? 8. If base-7 logs were used rather than base-10 logs in the calculations for problem 6, would the results still be valid?

- - -

Mastering the tricks


Series for sec x

The series for secx method is similar to the working that you did for tanx. However, the zero and finite terms, when equating the derivative to 0, alternate with those for tanx. Because the first derivative of secx can take the product form, sec x tanx, sec x is a factor of every derivative. Still, it is simpler to write the rest of the factors in terms of tan x and its powers. The second derivative is found from the product formula,where uis sec x and v is tan x. Following derivativesmust be treated first by the function of a function formula and then completed with the product formula.

f(x) = secx
f(x) = secx f,(x) = secx tanx f2(x)= secx ( 1

+ 2tan2x)

f3(x) = secxtanx (5 + 6tan2x) G(x) = secx (5 + 28tan2x + 24tan4x) f5(x) = secx tanx (6 1 + 180tan2x

+ 120 tan4x)

&(x)= secx (61 + 662tan 2x + 1320tan4 x + 720tan6 x)

x2 5x4 61x6+. - secx = 1 +-+-+2! 4! 6!

Series for arcsin x, arccos x

You already found a series for arctan x in chapter 23. The series for arcsin x and arccos x are found in the same way (as shown at the top of page 423), but they are not quite so simple as the one for arctan x because the derivative is not quite so simple.The denominator always contains (1 - x2) with an exponent that has an odd half, but the method is exactly the same. When the sine is 0, the angle is 0, and no constant term is in the arcsin series. As with other trig series, alternate terms have zero coefficient. For the arccos series, the angle whose cosine is zero is n/2 (commonly called 90 degrees). So, the series has a constant term of precisely this value. After that, the only difference from the arcsin series is that the following terms all have negative signs. The arccos is simply n/2 minus the arcsin. You should have known this, but it's interesting to have the math prove it for us!

424 Mustering the tricks

f (x) = arcsinx
If y = arcsinx
- = COSY =

dx dy

q 1/ sin y- d G d y T dx
f(0) = 0
f, (0) = 1



x -+ 225x7+ arcsinx = x + - + 9x5 3! 5 ! 7!

(1 - x2l3I2 1+2x2 (1 - x2)5I2 9x + 6 x3 (1 - x2)'j2

f2(0) = 0 arccosx:

f3 (0) = 1 f4 (0) = 0

f(0) =2


9+72x2+24x4 f5(o)=9 (1 - x ~ ) ~ / ~
225x + 600x 3+ l20x (1 - x2)l 112
f6 (O)

Convergence of a series
The basic binomial series showed how to assess the convergence of a series (see "Calculating logarithms" in chapter 24). There you used a specific series to find a certain quantity, rather than using a general series to find a function.The convergence here concerns the range of values for the function, for which the series does converge, or for which it can be used. Notice the ratios between successive coefficients in the % series. They are the harmonic series of whole numbers, which eventually reach infinity (at infinity). However large x is made, provided it is still finite, the series will eventually converge. In the basic log series [for log(1 x)], the ratio between successive coefficients is a fraction that has its numerator, the denominator of the next earlier term and as its denominator, the numerator of the next term. As the series approaches an infinite number of terms, this ratio becomes 1 (i.e.,the coefficients

Mastering the tricks


cease to converge). So,the only way that this series can converge indefinitely is for x to be less than 1. In the modified log series, the coefficients again approach unit ratio. Although the condition for continued convergence is still that x must be less than unity, the quantity for which you are finding the log is: (1 x ) / ( l - x), which reaches infinity only when x reaches unity. So, this series can find logs up to infinity. Here, we use the term "infinity" in a non-rigorous way, representing it by the symbol 00.

Log cx= 1 + x

x2 x3 +-+-+-+ x4 ...................+-x W

2 ! 3! 4!


Coefficient ratios



Converges provided

Coefficient ratios





2 3 4 3
Converges provided


Coefficient ratios




3 5 7 5
Converges provided


A useful conversion
Chapter 23 showed that the exponential function with an imaginary index is identical to a complex quantity that consists of a real cosine term and an imaginary sine term. This fact can be used more easily by writing the imaginary exponential function in simpler form, represented by y. Be careful to remember that y is never a simple quantity, but always a complex one of the form elx.Similarly, 1/ y is its conjugate complex quantity, F i x .

426 Mustering the tricks

After identifying cosx in the form: 1/2(y + lly), and sinx in the form: is (1/2i)(y - 1/y), notice the rinxis the same as y" and epinx the same as lly", and the real and imaginary parts are functions of nx, not of xn.With this fact, you can use some useful conversions. By the same way of writing, cosnx is and sin 1/2(yn + 1If), nx is (1/ 2 i ) ( f - 1/yn).

A Useful Conversion
E ~ X cosx =

+ isinx = y

1 = cosx - isinx = Y

Where y is a simpler way of writing the complex E ' ~

Then, cosx and

E~~~ cos nx =

=+ (y

sinx=- y - 2i

i) i)

+ isin nx = yn

1 linx - isin nx = 7 = cos nx

Then, cos nx
sin nx

= L (Y + 2 n ,

=i 5 )


Power/multiple conversions
These (y 1/y) and (y - 1/y) forms can easily make conversions from powers of trigonometric functions to their multiples, and vice versa. It becomes merely a matter of expanding those binomials and pairing off from the ends. From this method, it becomes obvious why even powers of both sine and cosine functions result in cosine multiple functions. With odd powers, the sine functions produce multiple sine functions, while the cosine functions produce multiple cosine functions. As you will notice, the results are exactly the same as those obtained in Part 3 by a much more lengthy method. The form: (y + 1/y), etc., makes conversion of a compound power combination easier to follow through. Take sin2x cos4x. Each factor, sin2x or cos4x, can be converted to multiple functions by either method. The forms, -1/4(y2 - 2 + 1lY2)and 1116(y4 + 4y2 + 6 + 4/y2 + 1ly4), can be multiplied out in one extra line and then converted back to multiple form. The work becomes very short.

Mastering the tricks


Even Powers

cos x-16 Y + - i)4=$(y4+4y2+6+l+a -l

= Q [cos4n

+ 4cos2x + 3

Odd Powers


=A $=A
(Y +

(y5+ 5y3+ loY+ g+ Y Y 3 y5

I+) L

sin2 xcos4 x



428 Mustering the tricks

Checking the result

You can verify the previous page result by multiplying out equivalent multiple functions for sin2x and cos4x. Then, you must find substitutions for cos22x and the product cos 2x cos 4x, before you have the answer completely in multiplefunction form. In integral calculus, conversion from power functions to multiple functions makes integration much easier. It splits the power product into simple multiple functions (sum or difference terms) that can be integrated individually.


2 +COS~X ~ -

C O S - cos6x ~ X

Same result d

Integration tools: partial fractions

Another useful tool in integration is partial fractions. An expression such as (x 1)/(x2- 4) would be difficult to integrate, unless it could be "broken down." In this case, the denominator can be a factor, so it is possible to express the complete fraction in partial fractions-each with a simpler numerator (an easier form to integrate).

Mastering the tricks


The easiest method is to assume that (x + 1)/(x2 - 4) is equal to a/(x 2) + b/(x - 2), then solve for a and b. Integrating, the solutiontakes the form: 1/4 log(x + 2)+ 3/4 log(x - 2) + a. That is not its simplest form. Putting the two factors together (adding logs is the same as multiplying the numbers they belong to) and making the constant of integration (c) a factor, the result at least looks much simpler.


must be reducible to

a x+2

+-x -b2

a -+--


b - a(x -2) + b(x x-2 x2- 4

+ 2) -(a + b) x + 2 ( b x2- 4


More partial fractions

The top example on page 430 is solved just like the previous one-only it is slightly more involved. Each of these examples resulted in denominators with x having a coefficient of 1. What if the denominator takes the form, ax b? The next example tackles this. Working from the differential side: the derivative of log(ax + b) is a/(ax + b); to get l/(ax + b) for the derivative, you need to start with 1/ a log(ax b). So the integral of 1/(ax b) is 1/a log(ax b), plus the constant of integration of course, unless it is a definite integral.

Product formula in integration

In differentiation, you found the product formula useful.This formula can be converted for integration, although it's not quite so easy to do. To make the writing easier, use primes to show derivatives, instead of using dldx every time. Notice that primes should be used only when the independent variable is not ambiguous. However, once you adopt them, you don't have to write the independent variable every time.

430 Mustering the tricks

Coefficients of x 2 : a + b + " x : 4a-2b




- log,


(ax + b) = ax + b

Product formula in integration

(uv)' = UV' + u'v uv' = (uv)' - U'V uv'dx = uv - u'vdx


Example: ~ x c o s x d x xsinx - sinxdx = = xsinx + cosx /

d - (xsinx + cosx) = sinx + xcosx - sinx dx = xcosx

v' = COSX v = sinx u' = 1


Mastering the tricks


First, rearrange the formula so that one factor term is on the left and the other is on the right with the product term. That form is standard for integrals. From there, it's easier to follow an example. Suppose you must integrate x cos x. Assume that u of the product formula is x, and v is cos x on the left side. Now, find v and u' to complete the right side. uv ' is x sin x and the remaining expression integrates easily to cos x. Check by differentiating the answer. First, dldx of x sin x, using the product formula, is sin x + x cos x. Then, dldxx is - sin x. Putting it together, + sin x cancels - sin x, leaving x cos x, which was what you had to integrate.It checks.

More product formula

Here is an example where the u function isn't so simple. You must integrate % sin xdx. This example has one good point: making u = %, u' is also ex. The formula has a complementary integral on the right, in addition to the product term: -ex cos X.DOthe same thing and substitute into the first integral. Now the integral you started with is on both ends, except that it is negative on the right. Add it to both sides to double it. Divide both sides by 2 and you have the answer. Again, check with the differentiation product formula to prove that the answer was correct.
Sexsinx dx = - Ex cosx + lexcosxdx I = - E'COSX + e x sinx - ~'sinxdx


= sinx

v =

I EXsinxdx = - ex(sinx - cosx) 2


d 1 1 1 - - E" (sinx - COSX)- E' (sinx - cosx) + - cX(cosx + sinx) = dx 2

Another one by product formula

Here is another variation of the general method. Take x3cos x. Completely integrate the terms by applying the product formula three times, each time reducing the power of x by 1. Substitutions are made at each step and the additional part of that step adds to the result. Finally, terms are collected to simplify it.

432 Mustering the tricks

Running the differential (in two lines that are added to represent the udv and vdu separately), the coefficient of sinx cancels, leaving x3cos x, the number your started with, so the result was correct.

u = x 3 v' = cosx v = sinx u'= 3x

DI x ?cosx dx = x3sinx 'I

u = 3x V' = sinx v = - cosx u' = 6x

u = 6x v' = cosx v = sinx u' = 6


= x3sinx + 3x2cosx -

= x 3sinx

+ 3x 2cosx - 6x sinx +

6 sinxdx

= x3sinx + 3x2cosx - 6x sinx - 6cosx = (x3- 6x) sinx

+ (3x2- 6) cosx

Check d

d kx3- 6x) sinx + (3x2- 6x) cosx]

(3x2- 6) sinx + (x3- 6x) cosx

- (3x 2-

6) sinx +

6x cosx

Changing the variable

Often changing the variable helps integration.This problem could be tackled by the power/multiple conversion method, but changing the variable is more direct. It has an odd power of cos x. Cos x is the derivative of sin x, so you can write: cos x dx = d sin x. Make sin x the variable in place of x, which changes the integral (as shown) in the third line. The independent variable is now sin x, not x. So, cos2 x is equal to 1 - sin2 x. Multiplying out, integrate sin2 x - sin4 x, with sin x as the variable.This formula is the simplest of all, giving 1/3 sin3x - 1/ 5 sin5x. Again, the result checks by differentiation. Partial fractions will not "work" when the denominator has a surd.To solve it, you need a new function, so that the numerator, with the dx and the denominator, each converted to the new variable, simplifies the integral to a form that will integrate readily.

Mastering the tricks


In this case, write x = sin 0.The denominator is then cos B and dx becomes cos e dB. Substituting all these parts, the cosine terms in numerator and denominator cancel, leaving the very simple integral, sin B dB.The result, - cos B merely must be expressed in terms of the first variable, x. A check shows that the answer is correct. Making x = tan0 works in much the same manner. Follow it through and you'll get the idea of what to look for in deciding on the variable that will help. jcos3 xsin2xdx cosx = dsinx dx

cosxdx = dsinx
= =


jcos2 xsin2xdsinx
1 - sin2x) sin2xdsinx 1 1 - sin3x - - sin5x 3 5

Check /

-&li sin3x- - slnSx1


= =

(sin2x - sin4x)cosx

sin2x ( 1

- sin2x)cosx


d1 Y = x cos0


dx = cosOd0

sin OcosedO COS~

jsin edB


434 Mustering the tricks

then d + x2= sec0 l and dx = sec26de tang* sec20de-J - tan 0sec0d 0 sec 0 sin 0


1 cos 0

= sect3

Slope on logarithmic scales

When you consider the slope of a curve, the quantities are usually plotted on linear scales-the actual variables. Sometimes the more useful scales are logarithmic. For example, the auditory frequency range is logarithmic, by octaves. Most stimuli, such as hearing, also follow an approximately logarithmic law. Applications of this nature need to be shown on logarithmic scales.Though the quantities marked on the scales might be x and y, the scale used to display them will be logarithmic. To find the slope of a curve at a point where the function is y =f (x), but x and y are both plotted on log scales, you need to evaluate d log y l d log x, instead of the more usual dyldx. Treating this as a function of a function at both ends, the original derivative, dyldx, must be multiplied by x/y. Notice that nothing is changed if one function is regarded as being x2 instead of x, provided that 2 is substituted for x at all points. For example, y = 1 - ax2 + x4 represents a curve shown on log scales of x and y. In electronics, x might stand for frequency and y for db. Refer the slope to logx2 as the variable. Suppose you need the points of maximum slope. Maximum slope is now found by the equating second derivative to zero. The numerator is a quadratic whose roots give the values of x2, where maximum slope occurs. The slope (on the logllog scale) is found by substituting these roots into the first derivative. Notice that when x = 1, the slope of this equation is 1 on this scale, whatever value a has.

Mastering the tricks


Slope on log scales

dy -= f , (x) dx d log y dy

d log y d log y -= - dy dlog x dy dx

.-. dx dlog x

1 d log x - ------ - 1 Y dx x

dx = -x
d log x

dlogf(x) - xafl(x) d log x f( 4

Maximum slopes d log x2dx2-


(x4- ax2+ 1 )(4x2- a)-(2x4- ax2) (2x2- a ) ( ~ 4 - ax2+ I ) ~

When x2= 2 a

+ J&$ a-

d l o g y - x2(2x2-a) - 2x4-ax2 d log x2 x4- ax2+ 1 x4- ax

436 Mustering the tricks

A numerical example of slope on log scales

The general method on the previous page will be clearer with a numerical example. Here, a = 1.8. The little diagram at the bottom shows what the working means. If desired, the same values can be used to calculate both the curve itself and its slope at various points, giving a very accurate picture of the curve.

d log y = x2(2x2- 1.8) d log x x4- 1 . 8 ~ 2 +1

Zero slope: x2= or x2= 0 0.9

Maximum slopes: d2log y - (x4logx 2dx

1.8x2+ 1)(4x 2- 1.8) - (2x 4- 1 . 8 ~ ')(2x (x4- 1.8x2+




4 x6- 9x4+ 7.24 x2- I .8


log scale

Making the curve fit parameters

Here, the situation is reversed. Instead of finding the maximum slope for a given equation, find an equation to provide specified maximum slopes. Just work the same equations found in the section, "Slope on logarithmic scales." You can also plot much more detail by having all this extra data.

Mastering the tricks


Values of x for maximum slope:

x2= 2 - 5

4 3


Value of x for slope zero:

x2= 4 3 -

Values of curve at these points:

Drawing hints
The curve shown in the graph at the top of the next page is drawn from the data in the previous section, calculating just two extra points for x = 0.5 and x = 2. Notice that, in finding points on a log scale, you can use more convenient measures than the printed scales. For instance, if 5" is a decade of x, 2.5" is a decade of x2 and 1.25" is a decade of x4.So, to find a value of root 3 or reciprocal root 3, measure from the center (a reference value of 1) a distance of log 3 on a 2.5" decade, instead of using the 5" measure printed. Slope is easily aligned by finding points on the x2 scale in a 4: 1 ratio (2: 1 ratio on the x scale), then finding points on they scale that are 4: 1 ratio for unity slope (either way, up or down); 16 : 1 for a slope of 2; 64: 1 ratio for a slope of 3 (remembering the scale is logarithmic, so the ratio goes in powers), and so on.

438 Mustering the tricks

Questions and problems

1. Determine the value of tan x, using the series expansion, to four terms and three significant figures, for an angle of exactly 45 degrees. 2. Determine the value of tanx, using the series expansion, to four terms and three significant figures, for an angle of exactly 1 radian.

3. Determine the value of sec x, using the series expansion, to four terms and three significant figures, for an angle of exactly 45 degrees.
4. Determine the value of sec x, using the series expansion, to four terms and three significant figures, for an angle of exactly 1 radian. 5. Using the series expansion to four terms, find the angle, in radians, representing arcsin 0.500. Express the angle value to three significant digits.

Mastering the tricks


6. Express the angle from problem 5 in degrees.

7. Using the series expansion to four terms, find the angle, in radians, representing arccos 0.500. Express the angle value to three significant digits.

8. Express the angle from problem 7 in degrees. 9. What is the minimum value that a real number plus its reciprocal can attain?
10. Refer to the following drawing. This is a semilog graph, with a base- 10 log scale on the y axis and a linear scale on the x axis. A portion of the curve of a function, y =f (x), is plotted on this graph. Several points are labeled. What is the function?


For Problems 10 through 16 in Chapter 25

11. What is the derivative of the function whose graph is plotted in the above drawing? 12. What is the second derivative of the function whose graph is plotted in the above drawing? 13. What is the third derivative of the function whose graph is plotted in the above drawing? 14. Determine the derivatives dyldx, at the points labeled, for the function whose graph is plotted in the above drawing. Why does the derivative increase, while the slope in the graph appears to decrease?

440 Mustering the tricks

15. Determinethe second derivatives d2y/dx2,at the points labeled,for the function graphed in the above drawing.

16. Determine the third derivatives d3y/dx3,at the points labeled, for the function graphed in the above drawing.

- - -

442 Development of calculator aids

The simple nomogram

A nomogmm is an alignment chart. Using parallel lines, it works like a slide rule, except that you find the answer by laying a straightedge, such as a ruler, across the chart. Using linear scales, the reference performs addition or subtraction. Using logarithmic scales, like the slide rule, it can perform multiplication or division. By varying the spacing between the parallel scale lines, the nomogram has a flexibility that the slide rule does not have: different scales accommodate different ranges. Although the scale can be finely marked, reading them with the precision of the slide rule is more difficult.The accuracy of a nomogram is usually not as good as a slide rule.

Development of a Simple Nomogram

~ ' ( + b) = ax' + by' a



Multi-formula nomograms
At top left is a slightly different-proportioned set of scales for the same operation shown in the previous section, but the sum or product appears on one of the outside lines instead of the middle one (which might not be central). At lower left, the principle extends to a 4-line nomogram where scales can produce two results, zand u-one for x + y, the other for x - y. the logarithmic scales can represent xy and x/y.

Development of calculator aids


At right is an example of a chart that does this. Notice the length (or range) of the various scales.The spacing of the lines must be calculated to provide correct geometry. Always one scale (in this case, the one for u)must have much less range than the others.

Development of a Two-Formula Nomogram


a a+b

0 k-a-++b+



1 (b + c) z' = ex' + by' 2

(b + c) u' = (a + b + c) x' - ay'

1 unit




aSo: --a + bc+ c b

The ratio nomogram

So far, nomograms use parallel lines. This new type uses an N configuration. The line joining the parallel lines has a scale that gives the ratio of the quantities on the other two scales. Notice that when the parallel scales have linear scales, the scale on the sloping scale that connects them is nonlinear. If this nomogram is used for other than linear scales (such as logarithmic), the connecting scale presents a changed scale to correspond, which represents the ratio between the functions for the scale's dimensioning.


Development of calculator aids

Development of a Ratio Nomogram

The reciprocal nomogram

By placing the scale lines in a convergent manner, as shown at the top of the facing page, the nomogram construction is adapted for use in reciprocal relationships. Compare the convergent linear scales with the reciprocal scales on the parallel line construction. Of course, this arrangement can be used to make graphic calculations that are more complex than simple reciprocals.

The graphical chart

The graphical chart, shown at the bottom of the facing page, can have two advantages over the simple nomogram. For 4 variables, for which the nomogram form was shown, the graphical chart provides greater range for all variables. As a related secondary benefit, all its areas are equally sensitive. The nomogram tends to compress readability on center scales, and open it on outside scales.This disadvantage disappears with the graphical chart. Another advantage of the graphical chart is that it is complete in itself.You do not need a straightedge to read it. Like nomograms and slide rules, scales can use any calibration law that is convenient for the purpose: linear, logarithmic, or something else.

Development of calculator aids


Convergent Linear


446 Development of calculator aids

Change of scales in the graphical chart

Graphical charts can improve accuracy where nomograms and simpler graphical charts lose it. However, they can become difficult if not impossible to read; sometimes following one law all the way makes it necessary to cut the scale off too soon or make the chart size infinitely large without logical reason. Compare the charts shown below. On the left, straight-line scales for horizontal rulings use linear spacing-the values of y follow a reciprocal law. Radialline rulings look linear vertically and reciprocal horizontally. The focus for the radial lines is off-scale on the left. At right, the same quantities use change of scale to make the whole chart more readable.The top and bottom of the chart use logllog rulings, with appropriate scales.The middle part approached the advantage of the left arrangement by using curved rulings that are produced by sliding a ruling template sideways. The law is still logarithmic horizontally, but it switches to linear vertically, so it transits from one direction log to the reverse. It removes the focal point, which was just off scale on the left representation,to a theoretically infinite distance.


Reciprocal z = xy

Development of calculator aids


Resolving complex quantities graphically

Graphic ways to resolve complex quantities provide much variety. For positive real values, the simple chart at top left does it. Then reciprocal, going into the other two quadrants, looks like the top right, for magnitude and phase. The real and imaginary components look like the bottom right, making the complete reciprocal lower two quadrants look like the bottom left.


Magnitude, Phase, Real, and Imaginary Components


Reciprocal Magnitude and Phase

Imag ,

Imag .

Complete Reciprocal Pattern

Real and Imaginary Components

Construction for the complex resolution graph

The previous section only showed what the chart looked like; it didn't say how to construct it. Rather obviously, it has a serious discontinuity between the positive real and the negative real half of the circle. Here is a better way before you can get into construction. Magnitudes between 0 and 1 will be in one half circle; between 0 and infinity, they are in the other half. Instead of having both 0 and infinity at the center, as in the previous section, zero is at the bottom and infinity is at the top. The vertical diameter is the real axis in the previous section, the horizontal diameter the imaginary axis.The vertical diameter remains the real axis, but the imaginary axis the circumference. Then, the component resolution curves are drawn in as shown.


Development of calculator aids

Modified Linear Graphical Representation

Radius of Main Circle is Unity
Radius for real component curves = l+x

s 2x Radius for magnitude curves = 1 -x2

Radius for imaginary component curves

Modified linear representation

The modified linear representation shows the complete chart, for which construction was shown in the previous section. This form of chart does accommodate all complex quantities-from zero to infinity. The spacing begins to resemble logarithmic (although it is not mathematically), especially around unit magnitude, which is the horizontal diameter.

Other possibilities
Before proceeding to a final idea for a graphical resolution of complex quantities, look at some other possibilities. A slide rule with square-law scales (markings proportional to the square of the value) would do it.The same set of scales would produce magnitude with real and imaginary components, but not the angle.

Development of calculator aids


Modified Linear Graphical Representation

Nomogram 1

Nomogram 2


Development of calculator aids

The two nomograms, set out on different proportions, do essentially the same functions as the slide rule (but with problems in proportion, which is why more than 1 nomogram is desirable), except that they also provide an angle scale. Notice how the scales change the distribution of values.

Another concept in chart design

Take another look at "Modified linear representation." The scales are open, wellspaced, and almost logarithmic over a considerable area of the chart. They converge to make reading difficult as the values approach 0 or infinity.The remedy is to "open out" the top and bottom of the chart to make it really logarithmic, as shown. Phase is linear, everything else logarithmic.The curves are log sin, made by sliding the template vertically. Its disadvantage is minor. In theory at least, the charge on page 449 covers values from zero to infinity, if reading near either extreme is impossible. This chart opens up those areas, making them readable, but the chart also never quite reaches zero or infinity.Take your pick!


Linear Phase Scale

T \

Imaginary Axis

Real Axis

Imaginary Axis

Curves are Log Sine

Development of calculator aids


Duality between types of calculators

Before leaving this subject, observing a duality between the calculators is instructive. The nomogram lines represent variables that are identified by numbers of arrowheads on arrows that mark the direction of increasing value alongside the scales. On the graphical chart to the right, similar arrows show direction of movement for the variable to change. On the nomogram, the alignment straightedge could pivot about a point on one scale. Such a point on the nomogram becomes a printed line on the chart, on a scale at right angles to the corresponding arrow.The line that represents the straightedge on the nomogram corresponds with a single point where lines intersect on the chart. Angular movements on the chart correspond with a column in space on the nomogram. The heavily outlined part of the graphical chart corresponds to the area of calculations that the nomogram can make. Thus, the graphical chart covers twice the area in this sense.


Duality Between Nomogram and Graphical Chart

Waveform synthesis
Any repetitive or periodic waveform can be synthesized from a series of sine waves. Here, over a sawtooth waveform, a series of sine waves are added in succession to show the idea. The first sine wave has the same frequency as the sawtooth. The sine wave bears no resemblance to the sawtooth, except that it crosses the zero line at the same points. Adding a third harmonic (3 times the


Development of calculator aids

fundamental) "splits the difference" between the sawtooth and the sine wave. Adding some fifth harmonic again splits the difference and the resulting wave begins to look like the sawtooth. Add enough odd harmonics and you finish up with a sawtooth. But how do you find how much of each harmonic to use? With Fourier's series, you can write anf (x) describe the wave you want to to make. This sawtooth would have an f (x)for just one period-a straight line going from +A to -A, to which you can write a linear equation. Both the sawtooth and the sine waves that compose the line are symmetrical above and below the zero line over a complete period. However, if you multiply the two together and integrate the product over the whole period, the result will only be zero if that harmonic is not present in the synthesis. At the bottom of the third, the dashed lines show the two waveforms-the sawtooth and the third harmonic.The solid line is the two waves multiplied together. In the first half of the sawtooth, the product crosses the zero line where the fifth harmonic does-the same way. In the second half, it reverses, resulting in a wave that sits more above than below the zero line in both halves, showing that fifth harmonic is part of the sawtooth.

Waveform Synthesis
Any periodic waveform can be synthesized from fundamental and harmonics. How to calculate their relative magnitudes?


I \ 11

Average value of f(x)sin3x I Average value of f(x) is zero Average value of sin3x is zero In whole period of waveform average value of product is zero onlv if f(x) does NOT confain sin3x

Development of calculator aids


Fourier series
A square wave can be regarded as a switch. It's a simple function that reverses a constant value every half period. Reversing the second harmonic at half the fundamental period results in a reversed wave that is still balanced above and below zero.When this is done to third, the first and second half periods have two half waves up and one down. This function lets you write the general form for the Fourier series. Each successive harmonic frequency's waveform is multiplied, point by point, by the function for the waveform that you want to synthesize (or analyze). The product curve is integrated over the whole period and divided by n to find the average value.

No second harmonic lf(x)sin2x = 0

Third harmonic lf(x)sin3x gives value

General Form
f(x)= a o + a , s i n x + a , s i n 2 x + .

. . . . . . . . .. + a , + b, cos x + bZcos2x + . . . . . . . . . .+ b,

sinnx cosnx

+. .......... + ...........

a. is average value, if other than symmetrical above and below zero line

Fourier Series

a,, =

,, S

f(x)sin nx dx Twice average value of product curve

b, =


nx I '"~(X)COSdx

A triangular waveform
A triangular waveform is obviously a cosine series. But first, the function for a triangular wave is in two parts-two straight line sections. Substituting in Fourier, each must be integrated separately. A common factor out front simplifies to -4Aln. Inside the big brackets is a series of odd harmonic cosine terms, whose coefficients are 1/n2.


Development of calculator aids

%= o
a, = 0

oFious1+y c o m e series


Arc -2 + Ki n ~ ~ ( y - c x s n x d x ~ o )

1 A =Ir [it ( x - ~ ) ~ i n n x + ~ c o s n x+n A

1, [t( y X )

sin nx - n ?FOI A

0 when n is even When n is odd

0 when n is even When n is odd

1 1 Series = -7 c w x + rus3x+-COSSX+ " ...


A square wave
Look at the square wave on the next page, which is useful not only as an entity in itself, but as a step toward other waveforms as well. This is obviously a sine series. Like the triangular waveform, f(x) has two parts, one for each half wave. Integrating over the whole period, the amplitude is 4Alnn. Putting the 4Aln outside the brackets, the terms inside are 1l n sin nx, with odd values of n only.

Relationship between square and triangular

Now that Fourier has given a series for both triangular and square waves, notice a confirming fact. A square wave can be first derivative of a triangular wave. A triangular wave has two constant slopes that coincide with the ups and downs of the square wave.

Development of calculator aids

+A f(x),"=+~;f(x)?=-A





= ,

7 0 :

11"Asinnndx +L(ln n


(- A) sinnxdx

[- A " 1 [- A ncosnx]o II. ,cosnx]

n n n

2X -- -+- 2A

When n is odd

0 When n i even s

-- When n is odd - 4A

Series =

1 1 %[ sinx + - sin3x + - sin5x + ...I 3 5

1 -cos5x+.... 25

Check d


Development of calculator aids

An offset square wave

Suppose the square wave "sits on" the zero line, instead of being symmetrically above and below it. This location produces a constant term. The series turns out just the same, except for the constant term, which offsets the wave.
f (x)" = A ; f (x), = 0

b,= 0

When n is odd

Obviously sine series

o When n is even

i i Series -A + = [ s i n x i - s 1 n 3 x + - s1 n s x i 2


The square wave as a "switching" function

The square wave, either symmetrical or asymmetrical, can be used in a product function use of the Fourier series. In electrical supplies for electronic equipment, two kinds of supply rectifiers convert alternating current (which is sinusoidal in form) to direct current to power the electronic circuits in the equipment. A full-wave rectifier turns both half waves of the alternating waveform around, so both "go" the same way. The half-wave rectifier merely accepts one half of the sine wave and blocks the other one. In terms of Fourier, the full wave is like applying a balanced or symmetrical square wave to the sine wave. The half wave is like applying an asymmetrical square. In each case, the output waveform is the same as if the input sine wave was multiplied by its respective square wave. You already have the Fourier series for the square wave, so you can use the product expression, term by term. Multiply each term of the square wave series . by sin x Now, each term converts the product sine term (the first one is sin2)to a difference of cosines. Collect the terms.

Development of calculator aids


Product Formula Short-Cuts


Development of calculator aids

f (x) = sinx

x -!$+~[iinx+isin~x+


7t 27t


4c 7

Development of calculator aids


Each series produces a constant, the direct current from the rectifier, plus a new Fourier series, the alternating "ripple" that rides the dc. Notice that the constant from the half wave is half that in the full wave. The half wave also has a sine term that the full wave does not. The amplitude of the cosine series for the half wave is half that of the full wave. The illustration here verifies the conclusion that was deduced mathematically on the previous page. The dotted wave at the top is the first one. The solid line is the same waveform of half the amplitude. Add this line to an identical sine wave (peak from baseline) amplitude and you have (bottom solid curve) the second curve. It's quite simple to verify the conclusion derived from the calculation.

Series for quadratic curve

The rectified half waves look like part of a quadratic curve. Here, a quadratic curve is used as the basis for Fourier analysis, assuming that, instead of continuing with the quadratic curve, it uses only the part between - and + (repeating this part cyclically).This curve yields a cosine series, but the coefficients are different from the half-wave series. Here is the synthesis of the quadratic simulation curve. At top left is the first cosine term. At top right are two successively closer approaches. Notice that the first four terms (the constant, fundamental, and the two harmonics) closely approach the quadratic curve, except for the "points," where it levels off to begin the next period. In rectified waveforms, all the terms have the same sign. The quadratic curve has terms with alternate signs. At bottom right, the coefficients are compared.

Series for Quadratic Curve

460 Development of calculator aids

b n = l -71 A ( ; ) n j

c o s n ~ d x =;i sinnx ;; ; ~

%sinnxdx n n:

= 7c n7c2 sinnx


2Ax + n n cosn x

n n +2cos

nx dx +l T


2Ax I& sinnx + n n cosn x [ TS 7c n7c2

-sinnx :A2 n 7c


Signs alternate
1/2 Cosine

Const. Fund. 2nd 3rd Series
2 -


4 371

4 4 4 - - 15rr 35, 63n

Signs all the same

From opposite extreme

Development of calculator aids


The finite approach to the infinite

Notice that by adding terms to Fourier, the wave keeps approaching the ultimate waveform, but it would only "get there" if the series continued out to infinity. For many purposes, a finite series can come closer. Instead of synthesizing the square wave from frequencies, use the transfer characteristic approach from Part 3. By adding extra terms, the "ripples" (overshoot that occurs any time you cut off Fourier at finite frequencies), are avoided. Here, the first three terms are plotted out with the algebra for up to 6 terms. Here, the coefficients are modified for better comparison and conversions are added to derive the sine series that will produce the linear power series that is derived from the transfer characteristics. Here, you assemble substitutions (for decimal equivalents of total harmonics for this approach to a square wave) for successive finite numbers of terms-up to 6. Then, Fourier coefficients are compared which, of course, extend to infinity. Notice that the last term is always much smaller when it is first introduced. On the last line, the 11th harmonic has a coefficient of only 0.0002403, where Fourier has 0.115749. In the same series, the 9th harmonic is more than 3 times its value when it was the last term. Such series make the slope that theoretically should be vertical in the square wave, nearer to vertical, without producing the "ripples" which cut the Fourier series short of infinity.

Derivation: 2nd term:

y' = k ( 1 - x 2,

3rd term:

y' = k (1 - 2x2+ x4)

462 Development of calculator aids

4th term: y' = k ( I
- 3x2+ 3x4- ~ 6 )

5th term: y' = k (1 - 4 x 2 + 6x4- 4x6+ x8)

6th term:

y' = k ( 1 - 5x2+ 10x4- 10x6+ 5x8- xlO)

Approximations for comparison: x 1 term: y = 2terms:y= 1 . 5 ~ - 0.5x3 3 terms: y = 1.875~ 1 . 2 5 ~+ 0.375~ 4terms: y = 2.1875~-2.1875x3+1.3125x5-0.4375x7 5 terms: y = 2.4609~ 3.2812~ + 2.9531x - 1.4062~+ 0.2737~ 6 terms: y = 2.7070~ 4.51 17x + 5.4141~- 3.8672~ + 1.5039x9- 0.2461~ -

Conversions: sin3mt = 3 sinot - sin 3ot



= 10 sinot-5 sin 3ot + sin 5ot 16

sin7 wt = 35 sinot - 21 sin 30t + 7 sin 5ot - sin 70t 64 sin9ot = 126sinot - 84sin3ot + 36sinSot - 9sin7ut - sin9ot 256 sin 11 cot= 462sinot - 330sin3ot + 165sin5wt - 55sin7ot + 1lsin9ot - sin1 l o t 1024

Development of calculator aids

2 terms,







sin l l o t

corn. den.

sinot sin30t total: sinwt sin3wt sink total: sinwt sinbt sinswt sin7wt total: sinwt sin3wt sinswt sin7wt sin9wt total: sinat sin3wt sin5wt sin7 wt sin9wt sin "wt total:


3 terms,


4 tenns,


5 tenns,


6 terms,

+ 63

63 0.0002403


Fourier, compared: 1.273239

0.424413 0.254648 0.18 1891 0.14147 1 0.115749

Questions and problems

1. Refer to the following drawing.This is a square wave as it might appear on an oscilloscope display. Let x be the time in microseconds; Let A be the amplitude in millivolts.Write down the first five terms of a series representing this wave. 2. For the wave in the following drawing, write down the first five terms of the representative series where time is specified in seconds, and amplitude is specified in volts. 3. A log scale can show a 10 : 1 range of values. How many such scales, each spanmust ning 1On to 1o(~+'), be placed end-to-end to display the following ranges of values? (a) 0.2 to 20 (c) 20 to 1,000,000 (b) loto 1,000 (d) 30,000,000 to 70,000,000

4. Devise a coordinate system that can plot all possible ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y) within a finite area.

464 Development of calculator aids

Amplitude, millivolts

Time, microseconds

For Problems 1 and 2, Chapter 26

5. Devise a coordinate system that can plot the entire set of complex numbers within a finite area.

6. An alternating-current (AC) sine wave is half-wave rectified, so the negative half of the wave is "chopped off" while the positive half is left alone. Suppose the peak amplitude of the AC input is plus-or-minus 100.0volts.What is the average voltage of the output, to four significant digits?
7. An AC sine wave is full-wave rectified, so the negative half of the wave is "inverted (made positive) while the positive half is left alone. Suppose the peak amplitude of the AC input is plus-or-minus 100.0 volts. What is the average voltage of the output, to four significant digits?

8. Suppose the AC input in problem 6 is a square wave, rather than a sine wave. What is the average output voltage in this case? 9. Suppose the AC input in problem 7 is a square wave, rather than a sine wave. What is the average output voltage in this case?

- - -

466 Digital mathematics

People are used to dealing with the decimal number system which has ten unique digits (in our way of thinking). This probably arose from the fact that humans have ten fingers, including thumbs, on which to "count." Digital machines, such as computers, use schemes that have some power of two unique digits, most often 2(2'), ~ ( 2 ~ ) ,16(24).This is because it is easier for electronic circuits to or deal with groups of switches, each of which has two possible states (offJon). In these systems, the numerals 10, 100, 1000, etc., don't represent the same actual quantities as they do in the decimal system.Thenumbering schemes are different. Perhaps if we humans had evolved with only eight fingers, we would be using a base-8 number system.

Decimal system
The decimal number system is also called modulo 10, base 10, or radix 10. Digits are representable by the set (0, 1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8, 9). The digit just to the left of the radix point is multiplied by 1oO, 1.The next digit to the left is multiplied by or 1ol, or 10.The power of 10 increases as you move further to the left. The first digit to the right of the radix point is multiplied by lop1,or 1/10.The next digit to the right is multiplied by lop', or 1/ 100.This continues as you go further to the right. Once the process of multiplying each digit is completed, the resulting values are added. This is what is represented when you write a decimal number. For example,

Digital mathematics 467

Binary system
The binary number system is a method of expressing numbers using only the digits 0 and 1.It is sometimes called base 2, radix 2, or modulo 2. The digit immediately to the left of the radix point is the "ones" digit.The next digit to the left is a "twos" digit; after that comes the "fours" digit. Moving further to the left, the digits represent 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. (in our way of thinking), doubling every time. To the right of the radix point, the value of each digit is cut in half again and again, that is, 112, 114, 118, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, etc. Consider an example using the decimal number 94:

In the binary number system, the breakdown is:

When you work with a computer or calculator, you give it a decimal number that is converted into binary form.The computer or calculator does its operations with zeros and ones. When the process is complete, the machine converts the result back into decimal form for display. In a communications system, binary numbers represent alphanumeric characters, shades of color, frequencies of sound, and other variable quantities.

Octal system
Another scheme, sometimes used in computer programming, is the octalnumber system, so named because it has eight symbols (according to our way of thinking), or 2'. Every digit is an element of the set (0, 1,2, 3,4,5,6,7).

Hexadecimal system
Yet another numbering scheme, also used in computer work, is the hexadecimal number system, so named because it has 16 symbols (according to our way of thinking), or These digits are the usual 0 through 9 plus six more, represented by A through F, the first six letters of the alphabet. The digit set thus becomes {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B, C, D, E, F).

Logic and Boolean algebra

Logic refers to methods of reasoning used by people and electronic machines. The term is also sometimes used in reference to the circuits that comprise most digital devices and systems.

468 Digital mathematics

Boolean algebra is a system of mathematical logic using the numbers 0 and 1 with the operations AND (multiplication), OR (addition), and NOT (negation). Combinations of these operations are NAND (NOT AND) and NOR (NOT OR). Boolean functions (see top table, page 469) are used in the design of digital logic circuits. In Boolean algebra, X AND Y is written XY or X * Y. NOT X is written with a line or tilde over the quantity, or as a minus sign followed by the quantity. X ORY is written X + Y. The lower table shows the values of logic functions, where 0 indicates "falsity" and l indicates "truth." The statements on either side of the equal sign are logically equivalent.The following table shows several logic equations.These are facts, or theorems. Boolean theorems can be used to analyze complicated logic functions.

Trinary logic
Trinary logic allows for a neutral condition, neither true nor false, in addition to the usual truelfalse (highllow) states. These three values are representable by logic - 1 (false), 0 (neutral), and +1 (true). Trinary logic can be easily represented in electroniccircuits by positive, zero, and negative currents or voltages.

Fuzzy logic
Infuzzy logic, values cover a continuous range from "totally false," through neutral, to "totally true." Fuzzy logic is well suited for the control of certain processes. Its use will probably become more widespread as the relationship between computers and robots matures. Fuzzy logic can be represented digitally in discrete steps. For a smooth range of values, analog systems are used.

Electronic logic gates

All binary digital devices and systems employ switches that perform various Boolean functions.These switches are called logicgates. Usually, the binary digit 1 stands for "true" and is represented by about plus five volts (+5V). The binary digit 0 stands for "false" and is represented by about 0 V. This is positive logic. There are other logic forms, the most common of which is negative logic (in which the digit 1 is represented by a more negative voltage than the digit 0).This discussion deals with positive logic.

Basic gates
An inverter or NOTgate has one input and one output; it reverses the signal. An OR gate can have two or more inputs. If both, or all, of the inputs are 0, then the output is 0; if any of the inputs are 1,then the output is 1. An AND gate can have two or more inputs. If both, or all, of the inputs are 1, the output is 1; otherwise the output is 0.

Digital mathematics




OR identity
AND identity

Double negation

Contradiction Commutativity of OR Commutativity of AND

X+Y = Y+X X*Y = Y*X X+(X*Y) = X X*(-Y)+Y

= X+Y

X+Y+Z = (X+Y)+Z = X+(Y+Z) X*Y*Z = (X*Y)*Z = X* (Y*Z) X*(Y+Z) = (X*Y)+(X*Z) -(X+Y) = (-X)*(-Y) -(X*Y) = (-X)+(-Y)

Associativity of OR Associativity of AND Distributivity DeMorgan's Theorem DeMorgan's Theorem

470 Digital mathematics

Composite gates
Sometimes an inverter and an OR gate are combined.This produces a NOR gate. If an inverter and an AND gate are combined, the result is a NAND gate. An exclusive OR gate, also called an XOR gate, has two inputs and one output. If the two inputs are the same (either both 1 or both 0), then the output is 0. If the two inputs are different, then the output is 1. The functions of logic gates are summarized in the table below. Their schematic symbols are shown in the drawings.




REMARKS Changes state of input. Output high if any inputs are high. Output low if all inputs are low.

1 2 or more


2 or more

Output low if any inputs are low. Output high if all inputs are high.


2 or more

Output low if any inputs are high. Output high if all inputs are low.


2 or more

Output high if any inputs are low. Output low if all inputs are high.


Output high if inputs differ. Output low if inputs are the same.

Digital mathematics 471

Logic Gate symbols


q m

I 3



33Binary circuits and symbols


Binary circuits work with signals that attain discrete, well-defined levels. These systems are actually nothing more than groups of electronic switches. Some binary digital circuits are relatively simple,but others are complicated almost beyond imagination. The microprocessor in a personal computer, for example, has so many digital gates that a legible diagram of it (one that you could read without a magnifying glass) might occupy several square miles. Binary symbols are usually represented in a digital code called ASCII (American National Standard Code for Information Interchange), which is a seven-unit scheme for the transmission of data. Letters, numerals, symbols, and control operations are represented. ASCII (pronounced "ASK-ee") is designed primarily for computer programming and communications. There are 27, or 128,possible representations.

Bits and bytes

The use of binary data yields optimum communications efficiency. If multilevel signaling is required, then all the levels can be represented by groups of binary digits. A group of n binary digits can represent 2" levels. A bit is an elementary unit of digital data, represented by either logic 0 or logic 1. A group of eight bits is a byte. In communications, a byte is sometimes called an octet. One kilobit (Kb) is equal to 21 = 1,024bits. Amegabit (Mb) is 21 = 1,024 kilobits, or 1,048,576 bits. A gigabit (Gb) is 21 = 1,024 megabits, or 1,073,741,824 bits. Data quantity is usually specified in kilobytes (units of 21 = 1,024 bytes), megabytes (units of 220= 1,048,576 bytes), and gigabytes (units of

472 Digital mathematics

230 = 1,073,741,824 bytes). The abbreviations for these units are KB, MB, and GB respectively. Alternatively you might see them abbreviated as K, M, and G. There are larger data units. The terabyte (TB) is 2" bytes, or 1,024 GB. The petabyte (PB) is 2" bytes, or 1,024 TB.The exabyte (EB) is 260bytes, or 1,024 PB.

Aflip-Jop is a form of sequential logic gate. In a sequential gate, the output state depends on both the inputs and the outputs. A flip-flop has two states, called set and reset. Usually, the set state is logic 1 (high), and the reset state is logic 0 (low). R-Sflip-flop inputs are labeled R (reset) and S (set). The outputs are Q and -Q. (Often, rather than -Q, you will see Q', or perhaps Q with a line over it.) The outputs are always in logically opposite states.The symbol for an R-S flipflop, also known as an asynchronousfl(ip-flop,is shown at drawing A below. The logical processes that take place in an R-S flip-flop are shown at A in the table.


A: R-S flip-flop R
0 0


B: J-K flip-flop

0 0

1 1

Digital mathematics 473

Flip-flops and triggering

Positivegoing Negative-


Synchronousflip-flop states change when triggered by the signal from a clock. In static triggering, the outputs change state only when the clock signal is either high or low. This type of circuit is sometimes called a gated$@-$op. Inpositiveedge triggering, the outputs change state at the instant the clock pulse is positivegoing. The term edge triggering derives from the fact that the abrupt rise or fall of a pulse looks like the edge of a cliff (drawing B above). In negative-edge triggering, the outputs change state at the instant the clock pulse is negative-going. Master/slave (M/S) flip-flop inputs are stored before the outputs are allowed to change state. This device essentially consists of two R-S flip-flops in series. The first flip-flop is called the master, and the second is called the slave. The master flip-flop functions when the clock output is high, and the slave acts during the next low portion of the clock output. This time delay prevents confusion between the input and output. J-Kflip-flop operation is similar to that of an R-S flip-flop, except that the J-K has a predictable output when the inputs are both 1. Part B of the above table shows the input and output states for this type of flip-flop. The output changes only when a triggering pulse is received.The symbol for a J-K flip-flop is shown in drawing C above. R-S-Tflip-flop operation is similar to that of the R-S flip-flop, except that a high pulse at theT input causes the circuit to change state. Tflip-flop operation uses only one input. Each time a high pulse appears at theT input, the output state is reversed. That is, 1 becomes 0, and 0 becomes 1.

Data compression is a way of maximizing the amount of digital information that can be stored in a given space, or sent in a certain period of time. Text files can be compressed by replacing often-used words and phrases with symbols such as =, #, &, @, etc., as long as none of these symbols occurs in the uncompressed file. When the data is received, it is uncompressed by substituting the original words and phrases for the symbols.

474 Digital mathematics

Digital images can be compressed in either of two ways. In lossless image compression, detail is not sacrificed; only the redundant bits are eliminated. In lossy image compression, some detail is lost, although the loss is usually not significant. Text and programs can generally be reduced in size by about 50 percent. Images can be reduced to a much larger extent. Some advanced image-compression schemes can output a file that is only a few percent of the original file size.

RGB color model

All visible colors can be obtained by combining red, green, and blue light. The RGB (red/green/blue) color model is a scheme for digital video imaging that takes advantage of this. Color is a function of wavelength.When energy is concentrated near a single wavelength, you see an intense hue. The vividness of a hue is saturation. The brightness of a color is a function of how much total energy the light contains. In most video displays, there is a control for adjusting the brightness, also called brilliance.

Color can be portrayed in a cube




A colorpalette is obtained by combining pure red, green, and blue in various ratios. Assign each primary color an axis in three-space as shown. Call the axes R (for red), G (for green), and B (for blue). Color brightness can range from 0 to 255, or binary 00000000 to 11111111.The result is 16,777,216(256~) possible colors. Any point within the cube represents a unique color.

Digital mathematics


Some RGB systems use only 16 levels for each primary color (binary 0000 through 111I). This results in 4,096 possible colors. RGB colors are commonly expressed as hexadecimal numbers, ranging from 00 (zero intensity) to F F (maximum intensity) for each color. Red is listed first, then green, and finally blue, forming a six-digit number to represent a particular color. For example, you might see FF8040 representing F F for red, 80 for green, and 40 for blue. The range of values from 00 to F F for each color yields 16,777,216total possible colors.This scheme is sometimes referred to by graphics people as "millions of colors."

Working with truth tables

Truth tables are, in theory, infinitely versatile. It is possible to construct or break down logic operations of any complexity by using these tables, provided you have lots of paper and a fondness for column-and-row matrix drawing. Computers can also be programmed to work with truth tables, although the displays and printouts get horrible to deal with if the logic functions are messy.

Building up
You can easily build up complex logic operations by means of a truth table. An example of such a building process is shown in the table below.

There are three variables X, Yand Z. Each can be either 0 or 1 (low or high). All the possible combinations are listed by writing binary numbers XYZ upwards from 000 through 111.This forms the first three columns of the truth table. If there are n total variables, there will be 2" possible combinations. The fourth column lists the values of X + Y, the OR function. Some rows are duplicates of each other; you write all the resultants down anyway.

476 Digital mathematics

The fifth column lists the negations of the values in the second column; this is the NOR operation -(X + Y) The sixth column shows the values of XZ, the AND function. The seventh column is the disjunction (OR operation) of the values in the fifth and sixth columns. It renders values for the complex logic operation -(X + Y) + XZ.

Breaking down
Suppose you were called upon to break down a logical operation, rather than to build it up. This is the kind of problem encountered by engineers. In the process of designing a certain digital circuit, the engineer is faced with figuring out what combination of logic gates will yield the complex operation, say, XY + -(XZ) + YZ. Proceed by listing all the possible logic states for the three variables X,Y, and Z in three columns, exactly as in the table below.

Next, find the values of XY, listing them in the fourth column. Next, find values XZ and list them in a fifth column. Negate these values to form a sixth column, depicting -(XZ). (You might be able to perform the AND and NOT operations together in your head, skipping over the XZ column. But be careful! It's easy to make errors, and in a digital circuit, one error can be catastrophic.) Next, find valuesYZ and list them in a seventh column. Finally, perform the OR operation on the values in the columns for XY, -(XZ) andYZ. A multiple-valued OR is 0 only if all the individual variables are 0; if any or all of the inputs are 1, then the output is 1.

Digital mathematics


Questions and problems

1 . Refer to the following drawing. This is a schematic diagram of a digital logic circuit with four inputs and one output. Write down a Boolean expression for this circuit.

For Problems 1 and 2, Chapter 27


2. Write down a truth table for the logic circuit shown in the above drawing. Include columns for each of the four variables, and break down the function into steps as performed by each of the three logic gates.

3. What is the difference between lossy data compression and lossless data compression?
4. How many total input signal combinations are there in a logical system with: (a) (b) (c) (d) two inputs? five inputs? eight inputs? 12 inputs?

5. Draw schematic diagrams of binary digital circuits that represent each of the following logic functions. Try to use the smallest possible number of gates. (There are often multiple answers to problems such as these, but engineers strive for the simplest designs.) (a) (b) (c) (4 (e) -(XU) -(X + Y ) (-XI + (-Y) (-X)(-Y) -X(Y Z) XY

+ +

6. What decimal number values do the following binary numbers represent?

(a) 100100 (c) 111000 (b) 100111 (d) 111110

478 Digital mathematics

7. What octal number values do the binary numbers in problem 6 represent?

8. What hexadecimal number values do the binary numbers in problem 6 represent? 9. In the RGB color model, what colors are represented by the following numbers?
(a) F O O FOO (c) O O F O OF (e) FFFFFF (b) O F O OF O (d) 000000

10. Qualitatively describe the following colors in the RGB model:

(a) 800000 (c) 000040 (e) 404040 (b) 008000 (d) COCOCO

- - -

480 Answers to questions and problems

5. The answers are: (a) 1,000 (one thousand) (b) 10,000 (ten thousand) (c) 1,000,000(one million) 6. The answers are: (a) 18 ( 4 18 (8) 21 (b) 16 (4 6 (h) 24 (c) 12 (f) 8 (i) 16

7. The answers are: (a) 130,912 (d) 157,549 (b) 163,123 (e) 92,333 (c) 17,145

8. There is no difference, except that when cents are included you must place a decimal point (period) between the second and third digit from the right. 9. The total weight is exactly 10 pounds. 10. To balance 1 pound, 6 ounces, and 14 drams, you would use weights of 1 pound, 4 ounces, 2 ounces, 8 drams, 4 drams, and 2 drams.To balance 2 pounds, 13 ounces, and 11 drams, you would use weights of 2 pounds, 8 ounces, 4 ounces, 1 ounce, 8 drams, 2 drams, and 1 dram. To balance 5 pounds, 11 ounces, and 7 drams, you would use weights of 4 pounds, 1 pound, 8 ounces, 2 ounces, 1 ounce, 4 drams, 2 drams, and 1 dram. 11. The solutions are as follows. (a) You would experiment with the ounce weights until the presence or absence of a single ounce weight made the difference between the balance tipping and not tipping. Then you would do the same with the dram weights, until the presence or absence of a single dram weight made the difference between the balance tipping and not tipping. You would then consider the weight of the parcel to be the heavier of the two. (b) You would experiment with the ounce weights until the presence or absence of a single ounce weight made the difference between the balance tipping and not tipping.You would then consider the weight of the parcel to be the heavier of the two. 12. There are 72 inches in 2 yards. 13. The car owner needs 10 gallons and 3 quarts in all (43 quarts). 14. In general, it is more economical to buy the gallon. A gallon is four quarts. Thus the price is $3.60 per gallon (4 times 90 cents) if he buys by the quart, but $3.50 per gallon (given) if he buys by the gallon. In the scenario of problem 13,

Answers to questions and problems


the cost of 43 quarts (purchased by the quart) is $38.70, while the cost of 11 gallons (purchased by the gallon) is $38.50. It is still more economical to buy the oil by the gallon in this case. 15. The woman spent $47.5 1 altogether.

Chapter 2
1. The answers are: (a) 23 (d) 391 (g) 3,087 (b) 42 ( 4 99 (h)4,176 (c) 506 (f) 189 (i) 2,889

2. You would page $659.95 - $160.00 = $499.95.

3. The clerk's method yields a total price of $35.00, while the lady's method yields $31.00. She would therefore save $35.00 - $31 .OO = $4.00.
4. The cat weights 93 - 85 = 8 pounds. 5. Place the 4-ounce weight on the pan of the scale, and the 2-pound weight on the other pan.This is a difference in weight of 1 pound and 12 ounces (remember there are 16 ounces in a pound). Then add rice to the scale pan containing the 4-ounce weight (leaving the weight there) until the scale balances. The amount of rice in the pan must then be equal to the difference between the weights, or 1 pound and 12 ounces. 6. The distance between B and C is 293 - 147 = 146 miles, assuming all three towns lie along a straight line. 7. The charge is based on the direct distance between towns A and B. Assuming all three towns A, B, and C lie along a straight line, the charge will be based on the difference 1,200 - 250 = 950 miles. 8. One mile is 1,760 yards. The frontage sold is 1,460 yards. There are thus 1,760 - 1,460 = 300 yards left to sell.

Chapter 3
1. The answers are: (a) 87,822 (d)2,738 (b) 216,513 (e) 147,452 (c) 864 (f) 49,181

2. The answers are:

482 Answers to questions and problems

(a) 48,887 (d)318,364 (b) 215,404 (e) 632,701 (c) 88,686

3. The answers are:

(a) 79,290 (d) 574,749 (b) 238,592 (e) 28,672 (c) 176,064

4. The total number of flights in a week is (4 x 6) + 2 = 24 + 2 = 26. 5. The total number of flights in a year is (26 x 52) - 24 = 1,352 - 24 = 1,328. 6. The answers are: (a) $2.25 (d) $27.00 (g) $1,252.00 (b) $4.50 (e) $64.50 (h) $2,502.00 (c) $8.25 (f) $252.00

7. Five 100-item packages would cost ((100 x $.25) + $2.00) x 5 = ($25.00 $2.00) x 5 = $27.00 x 5 = $135.00. Two 250-item packages would cost ((250 x $.25) $2.00) x 2 = ($62.50 + $2.00) x 2 = $64.50 x 2 = $129.00. The saving is therefore $135.00 - $129.00 = $6.00.

8. Ten single tickets cost $1.75 x 10 = $17.50. A 10-trip ticket costs $15.75. By purchasing a 10-trip ticket, you save $17.50 - $15.75 = $1.75. 9. Taking 22 round trips (which is 22 x 2 = 44 one-way trips) with single tickets costs $1.75 x 44 = $77.00.The saving is therefore $77.00 - $55.00 = $22.00. 10. Under the employers's plan, an employee would start at $500 a month and get five $50 raises, so at the beginning of the sixth year, the pay would be $500 + ($50 x 5) = $500 + $250 = $750 per month. Under the employees' plan, an employee would start at $550 a month and get ten $20 raises, so at the beginning of the sixth year, the pay would be $550 + ($20 x 10) = $550 $200 = $750 per month, the same rate as under the employer's plan. Under the employer's plan, an employee would make the following amounts:

$500 x $550 x $600 x $650 x $700 x

12 = $6,000 during the first year 12 = $6,600 during the second year 12 = $7,200 during the third year 12 = $7,800 during the fourthyear 12 = $8,400 during the fifth year

for a total of $36,000 during the first five years. Under the employees' plan, an employee would make the following amounts: $550 x 6 = $3,300 during the first six months $570 x 6 = $3,420 during the second six months

Answers to questions and problems


$590 x 6 = $3,540 during the third six months $610 x 6 = $3,660 during the fourth six months $630 x 6 = $3,780 during the fifth six months $650 x 6 = $3,900 during the sixth six months $670 x 6 = $4,020 during the seventh six months $690 x 6 = $4,140 during the eighth six months $7 10 x 6 = $4,260 during the ninth six months $730 x 6 = $4, 380 during the tenth six months For a total of $38,400 during the first five years. The employees' plan results in more total earnings over five years; the difference is $38,400 -36,000 = $2,400.

11. If you buy 4,500 items, you must buy 4 lots of 1,000 and one lot of 5OO.That is a total cost of (4 x 1,000 x $6.25) + (500 x $6.75) = $25,000.00 + $3,375.00 = $28,375.00. If you buy 5,000 items, the total cost is 5,000 x $5.75 = $28,750.00. The difference is therefore $28,750.00 - $28,375.00 = $375.00.
12. You need 30 sets of 100 parts to get 3,000 parts (30 x 100 = 3,00O).Thetotal weight is therefore 30 x 2.5 = 75 ounces.This is 4 pounds and 11 ounces. 13. The tank's capacity is 4 x 350 = 1,400 gallons. 14. The locomotive must haul 182 x 38 = 6,9 16 tons. 15. The journey was 27 x 260 = 7,020 miles. 16. The cost of a trip on the first railroad is 450 x $. 10 = $45.00.The cost of a trip on the second railroad is 320 x $. 15 = $48.00. The difference is therefore $48.00 - $45.00 = $3.00 per one-way trip. The first railroad is cheaper than the second (although the trip will probably take longer because the mileage is greater). 17. A one-way trip on the first airline costs $15 x 2,400 = $360.00; a one-way trip on the second airline costs $.lo x 3,200 = $320.00. the second airline is cheaper by an amount of $360.00 - $320.00 = $40.00 per one-way trip. 18. The answers are determined as follows. (a) For a family of two on the first airline, a one-way trip will cost ($.I5 $.09) x 2,400 = $.24 x 2,400 = $576. On the second airline it will cost ($. 10 + $. 10) x 3,200 = $.20 x 3,200 = $640.00. Thus the first airline is cheaper by an amount of $640.00 - $576.00 = $64.00. (b) For a family of three on the first airline, a one-way trip will cost ($.I5 + $.09 + $.09) x 2,400 = $.33 x 2,400 = $792.00. On the second airline it will cost ($.10+$.10+$.10) x 3,200 = $.30 x 3,200 =


Answers to questions and problems

$960.00. Thus the first airline is cheaper by an amount of $960.00 - $792.00 = $168.00 19. The total number of chews is 50 x 7 x 3 = 1,050 chews. 20. There are 9 x 7 = 63 flowers around the edge of the plate.

Chapter 4
1. The answers are: (a) (d) (8) (k) (n) 49 653 984 1484 1,234 (b) (e) (h) (1) 81 2,081 654 379 (c) (f) (j) (m) 616 3,931 237 439

2. The answers are: (a) 240 (c)2,945 (b) 753 (d) 362

3. The answers are: (a) (c) (e) (g) 494-117 1,473-213 4,889-113 1,226-15/28 (b) (d) (f) (h) 2,928-718 4,791 484-11117 3,204-13129

4. The profit per share is equal to $14,000,000.00/2,800,000.00 = $140/28.00 = $35.0017 = $5.00. 5. The fare per passenger should be $8,4 15.00155 = $153.00. 6. The tool costs $5,000.00 and there are 10,000 parts to be made. Each part has a gross manufacturing cost of $5,000.00/10,000 = $5.00/10 = $.50. Parts are made for $.25 each; therefore the cost of each part is $.50 - $.25 = $.25. 7. The total weight is 58 x 2000 pounds = 116,000 pounds. Each wheel carries 116,000/8 pounds = 14,500 pounds. 8. The total time, 8 hours, is equal to 8 x 60 x 60 seconds = 28,800 seconds. There are 1,200 parts. Therefore, the time required to make each part is 28,800/1,200 = 288112 = 14416 = 72/3 = 24 seconds. 9. The full package weighs 1,565 x 16 = 25,040 ounces. The empty package weighs 2.5 x 16 = 40 ounces. The total weight of the parts is

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25,040 - 40 = 25,000 ounces. The weight of each part is therefore 25,000/10,000 = 25/10 = 240unces. 10. The full package weighs 2,960 x 16 = 47,360 ounces. The empty package weighs 5 x 16 = 80 ounces. The total weight of the parts is 47,36080 = 47,280 ounces. The number of parts in the package is therefore 47,28013 = 15,760. 11. One mile is 5,280 feet. This is to be divided into 33 equal parts. The width of each lot is therefore 5280133 = 160 feet. 12. On each gallon of gas, the car travels 462122 = 21 miles. 13. The quantities must all be divided by 160 to get the amounts needed for 1 gallon. First, convert all figures to fluid ounces.There are 128 fluid ounces to the gallon. Thus, there must be (75 x 128)/160 = 60 fluid ounces of ingredient l , (50 x 128)/160 = 40 fluid ounces of ingredient 2, (25 x 128)/ 160 = 20 fluid ounces of ingredient 3, and (10 x 128) = 8 fluid ounces of ingredient 4 to make 1 gallon of the mixture. 14. The answers are: (a) 718 (d) 74111000 (b) 315 (e) 161125 (c) 9/16

15. The answers are: (a) 4161999 (d) 1481259 (b) 7/33 (e) 1011111 (c) 7/37

Chapter 5
1. These sets of fractions have the same value:

2. The simplest forms of the fractions, in order, are: 112, 2/7,3/ 13,213,315, 11115, 13117, 13116,213, 113,215, and 19/23. 3. The answers are: (a) 10,452 divides by 3 and 4 (b) 2,088 divides by 3,4, 8, and9 (c) 5,841 dividesby3, 9,and 11

486 Answers to questions and problems

(d) 4 1,613 divides by 3 and 11 (e) 64,572 divides by 3 and 4 (f) 37,848 divides by 3,4, and 8 4. The answers are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) Factorsof 1,829 are 31 and59 Factors of 1,517 are 37 and41 Factors of 7,387 are 83 and 89 Factors of 7,03 1 are 79 and 89 Factorsof2,059are29and71 Factors of 2,49 1 are 47 and 53

5. The answers are:

(a) 815, properly written as 1-315 (b) 127172, properly written as 1-55/72 (c) 48/60, reducible to 415 (d) 262184, reducible to 13 1/42, properly written as 3-5/42 6. The answers are: (a) 718 (d) 74111000 (b) 315 (e) 161125 (c) 9/16

7. The answers are: (a) (c) (e) (f) 0.666666. . . 0.8 0.857142857142.. . 0.875 0.333333. . . 0.2 0.142857142857. . . 0.125 (b) 0.75 (d) 0.833333.. . (g) 0.888888.. .

8. The answers are: (a) (c) (e) (f) (b) 0.25 (d) 0.166666 . . . (g) 0.111111.. .

9. The answers are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 4161999 2 1/99, reducible to 7/33 1891999, reducible to 7/37 57 14281999999, reducible to 517 9091999, reducible to 1011111 901999, reducible to 101111

10. If a measurement is specified as 158 feet, the actual distance is at least 157.50000. . . feet, but less than 158.50000 . . . feet. If a measurement is specified as 857 feet, the actual distance is at least 856.50000.. . feet, but less than

Answers to questions and problems


857.50000 . . . feet.The margin for error is equal to a span of exactly one foot (plus or minus exactly six inches) in either case. 11. The quotient, rounded off to three significant digits, is equal to 5.39. Using a calculator capable of expressing eight digits in the display, (a) 932.50000/172.50000 = 5.4057971, and (b) 931.50000/173.50000 = 5.368876.The only digit that remains the same over this span is the numeral 5. Therefore, in a practical experiment involving this quotient of measured values, one could justify the result to only one significant digit: 5. 12. The quotient, rounded off to three significant digits, is equal to 109. Using a calculator capable of expressing eight digits in the display, (a) 93,750.000/856.50000 = 109.45709, and (b) 93,650.000/857.50000 = 109.21282. The left-hand three digits, 109, are the same over this span. Therefore, in a practical experiment involving this quotient of measured values, one could justify the result to three significant digits: 109. The best method of shortening the process and making it less "messy" is to use a calculator (or better yet, a computer programmed to determine significant digits). 13. The answers are determined as follows. (a) The prime numbers less than 60 are 2,3,5,7, 11, 13, 17, 19,23,29,31,37, 41,43,47, 53, and 59. (b) To test a number to see if it is prime, divide it by each and every prime starting with 2 and working up the list. If none of the quotients is a whole number, then the tested number is prime. If any of the quotients is a whole number, then the tested number is not prime. (c) The largest number you can test using this list is 60 x 60 = 3600. 14. The answers are: (a) 11/16 (d) 2-9/20 (b) 64/91 (e) 1-11/34 (c) 17/40

Chapter 6
1. The answers are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 4,2 12 square inches 22 1 square feet 87,500 square yards 2 1 square miles 1,020 square inches 598,400 square yards

2. A right angle measures 90 degrees (114 of a circle). It is so named because it represents the optimum angle for attaching the legs to a table top.

488 Answers to questions and problems 3. The answers are:

(a) 5 square feet (b) 25 square feet 4. The answers are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) 15 square inches 78 square feet 300 square yards 6 square miles 240 square inches 660,000 square yards

5. The area is 220 x 110 = 24,200 square yards. This is 24,200/4,840 = 5 acres.
6. The area of a parallelogram is equal to the length of the base times the height. Using a 20-inch side as the base and 12 inches as the height, the area is 20 x 12 = 240 square inches. Using a 15-inch side as the base, the height (straight-across distance between the 15-inch sides) must be such that, when multiplied by 15, the result is 240 (the area). This height is equal to 2401 15 = 16 inches. 7. The answers are: (a) (1 1 x 16)/2 = 88 square inches (b) (3 1 x 43)/2 = 666.5 square inches (c) (27 x 37)/2 = 499.5 square inches 8. The area of a triangle is equal to half the length of the base times the height. In this case, it is (39 x 48)/2 = 936 square inches. The product of the base and the height is 1,872 (twice the area). This quantity is a constant, no matter which side of the triangle is considered the base. Therefore, if the 52-inch side is used as the base, the height must be 1,872/52 = 36 inches. 9. The property can be divided into two parts: a rectangle measuring 200 by 106.5 yards, and a triangle whose base length is 150 yards and whose height is 200 yards. The area of the rectangle is 200 x 106.5 = 21,300 square yards. The area of the triangle is (150 x 200)/2 = 15,000 square yards. The total area is 2 1,300 + 15,000 = 36,300 square yards. An acre is 4,840 square yards, so the area of the property is 36,300/4,840 = 7.5 acres. 10. Assuming the property is rectangular, the total area is 300 x 440 = 132,000 square yards. The owner wants to keep a piece that measures 110 x 44 = 4,840 square yards. Therefore, the area he wants to sell is 132,000 - 4,840 = 127,160 square yards.

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11. Convert all lengths to inches. Then consider the outside rectangle that measures 207 by 216 inches. Its area is 207 x 216 = 44,712 square inches. From this, subtract two rectangles measuring 8 1 by 84 inches and 24 by 60 inches.The areas of these rectangles are, respectively, 6,804 and 1,440 inches. The floor area of the room is therefore (44,712 - 6,804) - 1,440 = 36,468 square inches.You might want to divide by 144 to obtain the answer as 253.25 square feet. 12. Consider the walls as a set of rectangles, each of which is 7 feet (84 inches) high. Then starting at the upper left-hand corner and proceeding clockwise, the areas of the rectangles are: 84 x 84 = 7,056 square inches 24 x 84 = 2,O 16 square inches 60 x 84 = 5,040 square inches 24 x 84 = 2,O 16 square inches 63 x 84 = 5,292 square inches 54 x 84 = 4,536 square inches (window = 0 square inches) 54 x 84 = 4,536 square inches 27 x 84 = 2,268 square inches (window = 0 square inches) 27 x 84 = 2,268 square inches 84 x 84 = 7,056 square inches 8 1 x 84 = 6,804 square inches 48 x 84 = 4,032 square inches (door = 0 square inches) 48 x 84 = 4,032 square inches The surface area of the walls is the sum of all these areas, or 56,952 square inches. You might wish to divide this figure by 144 to obtain the answer as 395.5 square feet.

Chapter 7
1. In an hour, a car going 35 mph will go 35 miles, and 36 minutes is 315 of an hour. Therefore, in 36 minutes, if the car travels at a constant speed, it will go 35 x 315 = 21 miles. 2. The answers are: (a) Upstream speed is 10 - 2 = 8 mph (b) Downstream speed is 10 + 2 = 12 mph

3. The answers are:

(a) To go 96 miles upstream takes 9618 = 12 hours (b) To go 96 miles downstream takes 96112 = 8 hours

490 Answers to questions and problems

4. The answers are:

(a) The upstream journey takes 12 hours and burns 12 x 112 = 6 tons of fuel (b) The downstream journey takes 8 hours and burns 8 x 112 = 4 tons of fuel
5. To make the downstream journey at a land speed of 8 mph, the water speed would need to be cut to 6 mph, or 60 percent of (0.6 times) its former speed.This would result in the ship burning 112 x 0.6 = 0.3 tons of fuel per hour. The journey would take 12 hours, which would burn 12 x 0.3 = 3.6 tons of fuel, which is 0.4 tons less than before. (a) The speed reduction would save fuel. (b) The fuel savings for the downstream journey would be 0.4/4 = 10 percent. (c) Without the speed reduction, the round-trip fuel burned is 10 tons. With the downstream water speed reduction, 0.4 tons are saved going downstream but nothing is

saved going upstream. Therefore the total fuel saving for the round trip is 0.4/10 = 4 percent.
6. Suppose the water speed were cut by 2 rnph going upstream, from 10 rnph to 8 mph. Then the land speed would be reduced to 6 mph, and it would take the ship 9616 = 16 hours to make the upstream journey. Assuming the fuel con-

sumption decreased in proportion to the water speed reduction, there would be 0.5 x 0.8 = 0.4 tons burned per hour. In 16 hours the ship would burn 16 x 0.4 = 6.4 tons of fuel.Therefore, if the water speed upstream were reduced by 2 mph, the total amount of fuel burned would increase from 6 tons to 6.4 tons.This is a change of 100 x 0.416 = 6.667 (or 6-213) percent. 7. The value increases by $10,000, and the dividend paid on the initial investment is $50,000 x 0.5 = $2,500. Therefore, the total amount made in cash is $10,000 + $2,500 = $12,500.This is 100 x $12,500/$50,000 = 25 percent.
8. In the first week, the percentage growth is lOOx(24 16)/ 16 = 100 x 0.5 = 50 percent. In the second week, the percentage growth is 100 x (36 - 24)/24 = 100 x 0.5 = 50 percent. In the third week, the percentage growth is 100 x (54 - 36)/36 = 100 x 0.5 = 50 percent. In the fourth week, the percentage growth is 100 x (8 1 - 54)/54 = 100 x 0.5 = 50 percent. For the whole month, the percentage growth is 100 x (81 - 16)/16 = 100 x 65/16 = 406.25 percent.

9. See the following drawing. In the middle of the second week, the height is 30 inches as interpolated from the graph. 10. At 90 mph, a car travels 3 miles in 3/90 or 1/30 of an hour, which is 2 minutes. For the whole lap, this car takes 6 + 2 = 8 minutes.That translates to an average speed of 8 x 6018 = 60 mph. At 120 mph, a car travels 3 miles in 3/ 120 or 1/40 of an hour; that's 1.5 minutes. For the whole lap, this car takes 6 + 1.5 = 7.5 minutes. That translates to an average speed of 8 x 6017.5 = 64 mph.

Answers to questions and problems

Height, inches




Interpolated height = 30 inches

Time, weeks Answer to Problem 9, Chapter 7

11. At 32 miles per gallon, the car will travel 18 x 32 = 576 miles on 18 gallons. 12. Using the first method: 100 boards cost $2,000 + ($. 15 x 100) = $2,015 500 boards cost $2,000 + ($. 15 x 500) = $2,075 1,000 boards cost $2,000 + ($. 15 x 1,000) = $2,150 2,000 boards cost $2,000 + ($. 15 x 2,000) = $2,300 5,000 boards cost $2,000 + ($.I5 x 5,000) = $2,750 10,000 boards cost $2,000 + ($. 15 x 10,000) = $3,500 Using the second method: 100 boards cost $200 + ($.65 x 100) = $265 500 boards cost $200 + ($.65 x 500) = $525 1,000 boards cost $200 + ($.65 x 1,000) = $850 2,000 boards cost $200 + ($.65 x 2,000) = $1,500 5,000 boards cost $200 + ($.65 x 5,000) = $3,450 10,000 boards cost $200 + ($.65 x 10,000) = $6,700 13. See the following drawing.The figures can only be approximated. Finding the exact answer requires algebra. 14. At 28 mpg, a trip of 594 miles burns 21.2 1 gallons of gas (to the nearest hundredth of a gallon). At 24 mpg, the same trip burns 24.75 gallons. Therefore, by going at the lower speed, the gas saving is 24.75 - 21.21 = 3.54 gallons. At 40 mph, a trip of 594 miles requires 14.85 hours. At 60 mph, the same journey will

492 Answers to questions and problems

Thousands of dollars

Thousands of boards Answer to Problem 13, Chapter 7

take 9.9 hours. Therefore, by going at the higher speed, the time savings is 4.95 hours, or 4 hours and 57 minutes. 15. At the end of the first year, the property value rises by $200,000 x 25% = $200,000 x 0.25 = $50,000, so it appreciates to a value of $200,000 + $50,000 = $250,000. During the next year it decreases by $250,000 x 10% = $250,000 x 0.1 = $25,000, so it depreciates to a value of $250,000 - $25,000 = $225,000. You can't simply subtract the percentages to calculate the final value, because the percentages are not based on the same amount. 16. The total tax is ($30,000 x 20%) + (($120,000 - $30,000) x 22%) = ($30,000 x 0.2) + ($90,000 x 0.22) = $6,000 + $19,800 = $25,800. 17. The area of the triangle is (16 x 12)/2 = 96 square feet. Therefore, the parallelogram also has an area of 128 square feet. Consider one of the 16-foot sides as the "base" of the parallelogram. Then the "height" of the parallelogram (the distance between the 16-foot sides) is equal to 96/16 = 6 feet. 18. At 1,000feet per minute, it will take the aircraft 22,00011,000 = 22 minutes to reach an altitude of 22,000 feet. A forward (land) speed of 360 miles per hour is equivalent to 360160 = 6 miles per minute. So in 22 minutes, the aircraft will travel forward 22 x 6 = 132 miles.

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19. If the plane burns fuel at half the rate, a given amount of fuel will last twice as long. It took the plane 22 minutes to climb to cruising altitude, so it will be able to fly 44 minutes level. At 420 miles per hour, which is 7 miles per minute, this is a distance of 44 x 7 = 308 miles.

Chapter 8
1 . The equation is 12 - x = 2x. To solve, add x to each side, getting 12 = 3x. Then divide each side by 3, getting 4 = x.Thus x is equal to 4. 2. The equation is 19y = y + 36. Subtract y from each side, getting 18y = 36. Then divide each side by 18, getting y = 2.

3. The problems are solved as follows.

(a) The equation is 212 + 10 = 20. Subtract 10 from each side to get z / 2 = 10.Then multiply each side by 2 , so z = 20. (b) The equation is 4(z - 7 ) = 0. Divide each side through by 4 to get z - 7 = 0 .Then add 7 to each side, so z = 7. (c) The equation is 10/z + 7 = 12. Subtract 7 from each side, so 1012 = 5. Multiply each side by z so 10 = 52. Then divide each side by 5, so 2 = z, , or z = 2. 4. The value of x y is 5 . 7 (5 times 7), or 35. It is not 57, because in algebra, x y means " x times y." The number 57 is equal to ( 5 . 10) + (7 . I), which in this case is 1 Ox + y. (NOTE when addition and multiplication occur in the same that expression without parentheses, you should do the multiplication first.) 5. To simplify, multiply the expressions out, starting with the innermost parts first.This yields the following sums: (a) -35x - 79 (b) 22x + 44 6. Let the number be x. Then the original expression is 3 ( x + 5) + 4 ( x + 6 ) + 50(x + 7). This can be multiplied out to obtain 3x + 15 + 4 x + 24 50x 350, which can be simplified to 57x + 389.

7. Let the number be x. Then the original expression is

This can be multiplied out, getting

which can be simplified to

494 Answers to questions and problems

Multiplying out again gives 40x+75+6 which can be simplified to 40x + 8 1. If the total is 361, then 40x+81 = 361 Subtracting 8 1 from each side of this equation gives 40x = 180.Then dividing through by 40 yields

8. Let x be the number of full members.Then there are 2,000 - x student members. The total annual dues received from full members is 20x dollars; the total annual dues received from student members is 8x dollars. The overall total received is 35,200 dollars.This number is equal to 20x + [8(2,000 - x)] We can write the equation 2 0 + (16,000 - 8 ~ = 35,200 ~ ) Simplifying gives 12x + 16,000 = 35,200 Subtracting 16,000 from each side, we get

Dividing through by 12 reveals that x = 1,600.Thereare thus 1,600 full members and 2000 - 1,600 = 400 student members.

9. Using x for the tens' digit, the ones' digit is +2. The problem tells us that

Subtracting x from each side, we get 2x = 2. Therefore, x = 1.The tens' digit is 1, and the ones' digit is 1 2 = 3, so the number is 13.

10. Letting x represent the tens' digit, the ones' digit is x + 1. The original number is therefore equal to lOx+x+ 1 = l l x + 1 Four times this quantity is the new number, which is

We are further told that the new ones' digit is x, and the new tens' digit is

Answers to questions and problems


The new number is therefore equal to

Now we know that

4 4 x + 4 = 31xf30
Subtracting 31x from each side gives

13x + 4 = 30
Subtracting 4 from each side tells us that

Dividing through by 13 gives us x = 2. Therefore, the original tens' digit was 2, and the original ones' digit was 3, so the original number was 23. 11. For the original number, let the tens' digit be represented by x Then the ones' digit is x + 1.The number is therefore equal to

Adding 9 to this yields 1 1 x 10.Now suppose the digits in the original number are reversed.Then the number is equal to

which simplifies to 1 lx + 10.This is, as we already showed, equal to 9 plus the original number.

12. Let the tens' digit of the original number be represented by a Let the ones' digit be a x.Then the original number is equal to

The difference between the digits is equal to

Multiplying this by 9 yields 9x.Adding this to the original number gives us

Now consider the original digits being reversed.This number would be

496 Answers to questions and problems

Multiplying this out gives us which simplifies to 1 l a + lox. This is equal to the original number plus 9 times the difference between the digits, as we showed before. 13. The first expression is meaningless when x = - 1, because then, the denominator is equal to zero, and division by zero is not defined.The same thing happens in the second expression if x = -3. The value of the first expression changes when the value of x changes. But this is not true for the second expression. In this case the numerator is equal to 3(x + 3),which is always 3 times the denominator. Therefore, for all values of x (other than -3, for which the quotient is not defined), the second expression is equal to 3. 14. The solution processes are as follows: (a) Subtract 5 from each side to get y - 5 = x. Then transpose to get x=y-5. (b) Add 2 to each side, getting y + 2 = x/3. Then multiply each side by 3, obtaining 3(y + 2) = x. Finally, multiply out the left-hand side, getting 3y + 6 = x. Finally, transpose, getting x = 3y + 6. (c) First, multiply out the right-hand side, getting y = 6 x + 12.Then subtract 12 from each side, getting y - 12 = 6x. Next, divide each side by 6, getting (y - 12)/6 = x. The left-hand side of this expression can be simplified to get the expression y/6 - 2 = x. Finally, transpose, obtaining x = y/6 - 2. (d) In this expression, first invert each side, getting 1 / y = x - 1 .Then add 1 to each side, getting 1 / y + 1 = x. Finally, transpose, obtaining x = 1 / y + 1. (NOTE: These manipulations require that both x and y be nonzero). (e) First, add 7 to each side, getting y + 7 = 3x. Then divide each side by 3, getting (y + 7)/3 = x. Next, divide out the left-hand side to obtain (1/3)y 713 = x.Then transpose, getting x = (1/3)y 713. (f) First, multiply each side by 3, getting 3y = 5x + 4. Then subtract 4 from each side to obtain 3y - 4 = 5x. Next, divide through by 5, getting (3y - 4)/5 = x. Divide out the left-hand side to obtain (3/5)y-415 = x. Finally transpose to get x = (3/5)y - 4/5.

15. Each of these three problems is solved by showing that the "equations" are not really equations at all, but are actually statements declaring that two different numbers are equal. In the first example, multiply out the left-hand side, obtaining

Then add 18 to each side, obtaining

Answers to questions and problems


Subtract 4x from each side, getting 2 = 0, which is a false statement. In the second example, subtract 5x from each side, getting 3 = -7, which is a false statement. In the last example, multiply each side by 2, obtaining

Then multiply each side by 2 again, getting

Finally subtract 2x from each side, getting 16 = 24, which is a false statement. 16. The graphs for (a) and (c) are straight lines, while the graphs for (b) and (d) are curves. 17. The sequence of expressions goes like this:

x x+6 3(x + 6) 3x 18 3x + 6 x+2 2

starting number add 6 multiply by 3 multiply out the previous expression subtract 12 divide by 3 subtract x to get final result

Chapter 9
1. The products are as follows.WARNING: signs (+and -) can be tricky! The (a) (b) (c) (d) x2 - 2x - 3 x2 - 8x + 15 x2 - 1 x3 1

2. The quotients are as follows.WARNING: signs (+and -) can be tricky! The (a) (b) (4 (d) x -3 x -5 x -Y x3 - x + 2

3. The factors are as follows:

(a) (x + 7)(x - 5) (b) (x l)(x2 - 5) (c) (x + 3)(x2 - 2x - 1)


Answers to questions and problems

4. Solutions exist for (a), (b), and (c), but not for (d). In the first three cases:
(a) x = 712 and y = 1512 (b) x = 16/25 and y = -4125 (c) x = -5/2 and y = -1 The last pair of equations, (d), implies that x is a number equal to itself plus or minus 1. There exists no such number.Therefore, this pair of simultaneous equations has no solution.

5. Let x represent the length and y represent the width.Thenthe area of the original rectangle is equal to xy. The following equations hold true according to the information given: ( x + 5 ) ( y + 2 ) = x y + 133 ( x + 8 ) ( y + 3) = x y 217

These equations can be multiplied out to obtain:

Subtracting x y + 10 from each side of the top equation, and x y side of the bottom equation, yields:

+ 24 from each

Multiplying the top equation through by 3 and the bottom equation through by 2 gives:

6 x + 15y = 369 6 x + 16y = 386

Subtracting the top equation from the bottom results in this:

y = 17 feet
"Plugging in" to the top equation previously yields:


+ 255 = 369; therefore 6 x = 114 and x = 19 feet

These are the original dimensions: 17 by 19 feet.

6 . We are given that c = 28, a = 3, and b = 4. Let the unknown parts be x and y. From the information given, these two simultaneous equations result:

The first equation can be changed to y = 28 ond equation:

- x. Using

substitution into the sec-

Answers to questions and problems


This can be solved for x, yielding x = 16.Thus y = 28 - 16 = 12. 7. Let the fraction be called x/y. Then, from the information given, we obtain the following two simultaneous equations: (X 3 ) / b 3) = 415 (x - 4)/0f - 4) = 314 Cross-multiplying these gives two equations that are more straightforward: 5x+15 = 4 y + 1 2 4~ - 16 = 3y - 12 Solving these yields x = 25 and y = 32, so the fraction is 25/32.

8. Let the fraction be called x/y. Then, from the information given, we obtain the following two simultaneous equations:

Cross-multiplying these gives:

Solving these yields x = 3 1 and y = 55, so the fraction is 31/55. 9. Let the fraction be called x/y. Then, from the information given, we obtain the following two simultaneous equations:

Cross-multiplying these gives: 12x+ 1 2 = 7 y + 7 16~-16=9y-9 Solving these yields x = 23.5 and y = 41, so the fraction is 23.5141.This is not a fraction in the strict sense, but a quotient. But it must be in this form to meet the conditions stated in the problem. 10. Let the numbers be x, x + 1, x + 2, and x + 3. Then according to the problem, Multiplying out each side of this equation yields Subtracting the quantity (2 x) from each side results in this equation:


Answers to questions and problems

Therefore, x = 21. The four consecutive numbers are 2 l,22,23, and 24. 11. Let the numbers be x, x problem,

+ 1, x + 2, x + 3, and x + 4. Then according to the

Multiplying out each side gives us this: Subtracting the quantity (x3 + 6x2)from each side gives: Solving this yields x = 3.Therefore, the numbers are 3,4,5,6, and 7. 12. The man is told the width is x feet, and the length is x + 50 feet.This would result in an area of x(x + 50) = x2 + 50x square feet. However, it turns out that the actual width is x - 10 feet. The seller offers an extra 10 feet in length, to make the new length x + 60 feet. This results in a total area of (x - 10)(x + 60) = x2 + 50x - 600 square feet.This is 600 square feet less than what he was originally told, no matter what the actual dimensions are.

Chapter 10
1. The solutions are found as follows: (a) The factors are (x + 8) and (x - 1).The expression is zero when either of the factors is equal to zero; that is, when x = -8 or when x = 1. (b) The factors are (3x - 13) and (x - 1).The expression is zero when either of the factors is equal to zero; that is, when x = 1313 or when x = 1. (c) The factors are (7x 1) and (x - 7).The expression is zero when either of the factors is equal to zero; that is, when x = - 117 or when x = 7. (d) The factors are (6x - 5) and (5x - 8).The expression is zero when either of the factors is equal to zero; that is, when x = 516 or when x = 815.

2. The solutions are: (a) x = 9 o r x = -5 (b) x = 3 or x = -2 (c) x = (7 + 2l11')/2 or x = (7 - 2l1I2)/2 (d) x = 6 + 4 0 ~ ~ ~ o r x = 6 -1120 4 NOTE: "112 power," or exponent of 112, indicates the square root. the

3. The solutions are:

(a) x = 7 / 5 o r x = -1 (b) x = 1 orx = -3/7 (c) x = 5 o r x = -1/5

Answers to questions and problems


NOTE:This formula should first be converted to standard quadratic form, which is 5x2 - 24x - 5 = 0. (d) x = 5 + 24'12 or x = 5 - 24'12 NOTE:This formula should first be converted to standard quadratic form, whichisx2 - lox + 1 = 0. 4. The solutions can be found using the quadratic formula.The results are: (a) x = 1 o r x = -215 (b) x = O o r x = 315 (c) x = 3/ 10; this is the only solution (it "occurs twice")

5. Let the unknown quantity be x. Then, according to the problem, x 2/x = 4. This can be rearranged to standard quadratic form: x2 - 4x + 2 = 0. The quadratic formula can be used to find the solutions: x = 2 + 2'l2 or x = 2 - 2'12. (The 112 power indicates a square root, and can replace a surd.)

6. If we let x be the width, then we can derive the equation x(2x - 10) = 2800, which can be translated to standard quadratic form: 2x2 - 1O - 2800 = 0. The x quadratic formula yields solutions x = 40 feet or x = -32.5 feet. (The negative value has no practical meaning; it is a mathematical artifact.) The length of the enclosure is 2x - 10 feet according to the problem; this is 70 feet. 7. Let x be the length of a side of the square. Then the area of this square is equal to x2 square feet. From the information in the problem, we can derive the equation (x 6)2 = 4x2, which translates to standard quadratic form: -3x2 + 12x + 36 = 0. Using the quadratic formula, we obtain the solutions x = -2 or x = 6. (The negative value has no practical meaning; it is a mathematical artifact.) The length of a side of the original square is therefore 6 feet.

8. Let the three numbers be x - 1, x, and x

+ 1.Then according to the problem:

This can be rearranged into standard quadratic form: x2 - 9x = 0. Using the quadratic formula, we obtain x = 0 or x = 9. There are thus two number sequences that fulfill the requirements of the problem: (8, 9, 10) and (-1,0, 1). Both solutions are mathematically valid, although the latter is a bit "strange" (check it and see!). 9. Let x represent the width of the strip.The outside rectangle is 60 by 80 feet. Then the length of the inside rectangle is 80 - 2x feet, and its width is 60 - 2x feet. The outside rectangle has an area of 4800 square feet; thus the inside one has an area of 2400 square feet. From these facts we know that (80 - 2x)(60 - 2x) = 2400. This converts to standard form: 42 - 28Ox


Answers to questions and problems

+ 2400 = 0. Using the quadratic formula, we obtain x = 60 feet or x = 10 feet.

The sensible answer is 10 feet. (If the strip were 60 feet wide, the area actually mowed would be greater than the area available to be mowed, a practical impossibility.) 10. A quadratic equation can be obtained from this information: x2 - 12x + 35 = 0. Using the quadratic formula, the solutions are determined a s x = 7 0 r x = 5. 11. Let the width of the box be represented by x inches. Then the height is x - 1 inches and the length is x + 2 inches. We are told that the total area of all the faces of the box is equal to 108 square inches.Therefore: This can be converted to standard quadratic form: 6x2 + 4x - 112 = 0. Solving by means of the quadratic formula yields x = 4 inches or x = -4-213 (four and two-thirds) inches. Using the positive answer, the box measures 3 inches high by 4 inches wide by 6 inches long. 12. The "other answer" to the above problem yields a "width" of -4-213 inches. The "height" is 1 inch less than this, or -5-213 inches. The "length" is 2 inches more than the "width," or -2-213 inches. If these numbers are used to calculate the total surface area of the box, the result is 108 square inches, a meaningful figure! Think of negative dimensions as representing antimatter. Then you might imagine that surface area has the same meaning whether an object is made of matter or antimatter.

Chapter 11
1. The answers are: (a) 4,851 (c) 14,391 (e) 2,499 (b) 8,075 (d) 39,951

2. The answers are: (a) 424 (c) 676 (e) 113 (b) 142 (d) 99.6

3. The answers are: (a) 5.477 (c) 7.746 (e) 8.944 (b) 7.071 (d) 8.367

Answers to questions and problems 4. The answers can be derived as follows:


(a) Consider that y = 20 - x. Then the equation xy = 96 can be rewritten in terms of only x, and rearranged into standard quadratic form as x2 - 20x + 96 = 0. Using the quadratic formula yields x = 8 or x = 12. If x = 8, then the fact that xy = 96 means that y = 12. If x = 12,then the fact that xy = 96 means that y = 8. Therefore the solutions, written as ordered pairs, are (xi y) = (8, 12) or (x, y) = (12,8). (b) Consider that x = y + 5.Thenthe equation x2 + y2 = 53 can be rewritten in terms of only y, and rearranged into standard quadratic form as 2 9 10y - 28 = 0. Using the quadratic formula yields y = -7 or y = 2. If y = -7, then the fact that x = y + 5 means that x = -2. If y = 2, then x = 7. Written as ordered pairs, the solutions (x, y) are therefore (-2, -7) or (7, 2). (c) Consider that y = 34 - 3x.Then the equation xy = 63 can be rewritten in terms of only x, and rearranged into standard quadratic form as -3x2 34x - 63 = 0. Using the quadratic formula yields x = 9 or x = 713. If x = 9, then the fact that xy = 63 means that y = 7. If x = 713, then the fact that xy = 63 means that y = 27.Therefore the solutions, written as ordered pairs, are (x, y) = (9,7) or (x, y) = (7/3,27). (d) Consider that x = y + 6.Then the equation x2 + y2 = 26 can be rewritten in terms of only y, and rearranged into standard quadratic form as 2y2 + 12y + 10 = 0. Using the quadratic formula yields y = -5 or y = -1. If y = -5, then the fact that x = y + 6 means that x = 1. If y = -1, then x = 5. Written as ordered pairs, the solutions (x, y) are therefore (1, -5) or (5, - 1).

5. To obtain the relative force figures, let y be the wind speed in miles per hour. Then, because the force f is proportional to the square of the speed, f = ( y / 3 0 ) ~ x . ~ h u s , answers are, to two significant digits: the (a) y = 10 thereforef = (10/30)'x = 0 . 1 1 ~ (b) y = 20 thereforef = (20/30)?x = 0.441;: ~ (c) y = 40 thereforef = ( 4 0 1 3 0 ) ~= 1 . 8 ~ = (d) y = 60 thereforef = (60130)~~ 4 . 0 ~ (e) y = 100 thereforef = (100/30)'x = 1l x 6. To obtain the relative brilliance figures, let y be the distance in feet. Then, because the brightness b is proportional to the inverse of the square of the dis~hu , tance, b = (1O . O O / ~ ) ~ X .sthe answers are, to four significant digits: (a) y = 2.000 therefore b = (10.00/2.000)2x = 2 5 . 0 0 ~ (b) y = 5.000 therefore b = (10.00/5.000)2x = 4.000.;: (c) y = 15.00 thereforeb = (10.00/15.00)2x = 0.4444~ = (d) y = 25.00 therefore b = (10.00/25.00)~~0 . 1 6 0 0 ~ (e) y = 100.0 therefore b = (10.00/100.0)2x = 0.0100.;:


Answers to questions and problems

7. Let the dimensions of the box be 6 inches, y inches, and z inches.Then, based on the information given, we have the following two equations: 6yz = 48 0 (formula for volume of box) ) 2(6y) + 2 ( 6 ~ + 2yz = 376 (formula for surface area of box) These can be simplified to yz = 80 and 6y + 62 + yz = 188. Substituting from the first equation directly into the second, the second simplifies further to y + z = 18. This can be changed to y = 18 - z, and then the first equation can be rewritten as (18 - z)z = 80. Converting this to standard quadratic form yields -2+ 18- - 80 = 0. Using the quadratic formula, z = 8 or z = 10. We know that yz = 80. So if z = 10,then y = 8; if z = 8, then y = 1O.The other two dimensions are 8 inches and 10 inches. (It doesn't matter which of these is the width and which is the depth.) 8. Let the sides be x and y, measured in feet. Based on the information given, we can state the following: xy = 435,600 (formula for area) 2x + 3y/2 = 2,640 (perimeter minus half of side y) The second equation can be rewritten as x = 1,320 - 3y/4. Substituting into the first equation above, (1,320 - 3y/4)y = 435,600. Converting to standard quadratic form, we obtain the equation -Y2 1 , 7 6 0 ~ 580,800 = 0. Solving via the quadratic formula yields the results y = 1,320 or y = 440. Knowing that xy = 435,600, this yields the results x = 330 or x = 990.There are thus two possible sets of dimensions for the enclosure: 1,320 by 330 feet, or 440 by 990 feet.

9. As in problem 8, let the sides be x and y, measured in feet. Based on the information given, we can state the following:
xy = 435,600 (formula for area) 2x + 2y = 2,750 (available fencing plus 110 feet)

The second equation can be rewritten as x = 1,375 - y. Substituting into the first equation above, (1,375 - y)y = 435,600. Converting to standard quadratic form, we obtain the equation -Y2 1 , 3 7 5 - 43 5,600 = 0. Solving via the quad~ ratic formula yields the results y = 880 or y = 495. Knowing that xy = 435,600, this yields the results x = 495 or x = 880. The enclosure therefore measures 495 by 880 feet (x and y are interchangeable). This is simply a coincidence.

10. Let the numbers be x and y. Then according to the information given:

The second equation can be written as y = 3x. Substituting this into the first equation gives x(3x) = 432, or 3x2 = 432. Dividing each side by 3 gives

Answers to questions and problems


x2 = 144.There are two solutions: x = -12or x = 12.Because y = 3x, this gives respective y-values of -36 and 36. Expressed as ordered pairs, the solutions are (x, y) = (-12, -36) or (12,36). 11. The sums are: (a) 3 -j2 (4 2 (b) 7 -j8 (dl 0 (b) 1 j12 ( 4 -.8 (b)-9+j6 (dl 45

12. The differences are: (a) 6 j3 6) j12 (a) 12-j14 (c) 4 j14

13. The products are:

Chapter 12
1. The average speed over this 3-minute period is 20 miles/hour (half the final speed) because the acceleration is constant.This is 113 milelminute. Thus, in 3 minutes, the car travels 1 mile. 2. Because the acceleration rate is uniform, the average speed for the 6-minute period is 50 miles/hour, which is 516 milelminute. Therefore, in 6 minutes, the car will go 5 miles.

3. Because the deceleration is uniform, the average speed for this 30-second period is 30 miles/hour, or 112 milelminute. Thus, the car will require 114 mile to come to a stop.
4. The speed is 60 miles/hour. First, multiply 88 feetlsecond by 3,600 seconds/ hour toget 3 16,800feetlhour; then divide by 5,280 feetlmile to get 60 miles/hour. 5. First, convert 240 miles / hour into feet/ second. From the previous problem we know that 60 miles/ hour is 88 feet/ second.Thus 240 miles/ hour is 352 feet/ second.Velocity (v) is equal to acceleration (a) times time (t): v = at, provided the units are uniform throughout the calculation. Thus 352 = 16t, so t = 352/16 = 22 seconds. The acceleration rate is constant, so the average speed for these 22 seconds is 35212 = 176 feetlsecond. The total distance is therefore 176 feet/ second multiplied by 22 seconds = 3,872 feet. 6. The energy is equal to half the mass times the velocity squared; that is, e = mv2/2. Let the lighter pellet have mass m, and the heavier pellet have mass 2m. Let v be the velocity of the lighter pellet. Then "plugging in" the numbers from the information given, we obtain the equation 2m(150)'/2 = mv2/2.The

506 Answers to questions and problems

m's cancel out from either side; thus the equation solves for v = 2 12 feet per second (to three significant figures). 7. The time t for a mass m to reach a velocity v, given the application of power p, is given by the formula t = mv2/2p. Both m (the mass of the car) and p (the power) are constants.Therefore, we know that the time t is proportional to v2.If v = 60 miles / hour, then r = 20; we are given this information. If v is cut in half (to 30 miles/ hour), then t must be cut to 114 its previous value, or 5 seconds. If v is cut to 314 its initial value (45 miles/ hour), then t must be cut to 9116 its previous value, or 11.25 seconds. 8. If m is increased from 3000 to 4000 pounds, the right-hand side of the equation t = mv2/2p will increase to 413 its previous value. Therefore the left-hand side, the time t, will also increase to 413, or 1.33, times its previous value. The new times can be derived by simply multiplying the solutions to problem 7 by 1.33; thus for 30,45, and 60 miles/hour, the required times will be 6.67, 15, and 26.7 seconds respectively. 9. Given that the mass of the car is 3000 pounds in the previous problem,we can plug numbers into the equation t = mv2/2p and obtain 20 = 3000(88)~/2p. (Remember that 60 miles/hour = 88 feetlsecond). Solving, we obtain p = 580,800 foot poundals per second. 10. Recall the formula e = mv2/2.~his be rearranged to give ZI = (2e/m)li2. can Velocity is therefore proportional to the inverse of the square root of the mass. If the mass is doubled, therefore, the velocity will drop to 0.707 times its previous value. If the weight is halved, the velocity will increase to 1.414 times its original value. 11. Draw tangent lines to the curve as shown in the accompanying figure. A straight edge, such as a ruler, can be used for this purpose. Then graphically estimate the slopes of the lines at time points 1,2, 3, and 4 seconds.These slopes are approximately 1, 1.5,2, and 3 meters per second, respectively. 12. Using the same method as for problem 11, the slopes of the lines can be estimated as 3, 2, 1.5, and 1 meter per second per second, for time points corresponding to 1,2,3, and 4 seconds, respectively. 13. The applied force is directly proportional to the acceleration, which is indicated by the slope of the tangent to the curve at any given point. Therefore, the applied force decreases with time. 14. The acceleration starts out at a very large value, decreases until the elapsed time is 4 seconds, and then begins to increase slightly after that. The acceleration is greatest at 0 seconds, and is smallest (that is, largest negatively) at about 4 seconds. At a time of 2 seconds, the acceleration is 0 because the slope of the curve is 0.

Answers to questions and problems

Distance, meters
10 -


8 --

-6 --4 --

Time, seconds Answer to Problem 11, Chapter 12

Speed, meters per second


2 3 4 5 Time, seconds Answer to Problems 12 and 13, Chapter 12

Chapter 13
1. The wide-screen movie has an aspect ratio of 2 : 1,which is equivalent to 6 : 3 (ratio of width to height). The TV picture has an aspect ratio of 4 : 3. Therefore, the movie image is 614, or 312, as wide as the TV image when both have the same height. This means that the TV image is only 213 as large as the movie image. A total of 113 of the movie image is lost (116 at either side).


Answers to questions and problems

2. In this case, think of the movie aspect ratio (width to height) as 12: 6 (2 : 1 times 6/6), and the TV aspect ratio as 12 : 9 (4 : 3 times 313). The movie image is therefore 619, or 213, as high as the TV image when both are the same width. 3. To simplify this problem, imagine that all the children get money in proportion to their ages, but double the "effective ages" of the boys. The boys' "effective ages" are 80, 68, and 52; the girls' "effective ages" are 37 and 23. Add these all up to get 260. Divide the estate, $22,100, by 260 to get 85 "dollars per effective child year." Each child's share is then determined by multiplying 85 by his or her "effective age." The boys receive $6,800, $5,780, and $4,420; the girls get $3,145 and $1,955. 4. The boys' actual ages will be 50,44, and 36; their "effective ages" will therefore be 100, 88, and 72.The girls' actual (and "effective") ages will be 47 and 33. Add these numbers to get 340. Divide the estate (still, presumably, $22,100) by 340 to get 65 "dollars per effective child year." Now the boys receive $6,500, $5,720, and $4,680; the girls receive $3,055 and $2,145. 5. Let the length of the hypotenuse be represented by x. Then x2 = 1 2 + 52 = 144 + 25 = 169.The value of x is the square root of 169, or 13. ~ 6. Because the gradient is 1: 8, in an 8,000-foot span of road, the altitude gained will be 1,000 feet (8,000 divided by 8).To find the horizontal distance, construct a right triangle with the base, call it x, as the horizontal distance, the height = equal to 1,000 feet, and the hypotenuse 8,000 feet. Then x2 + 1,000~ 8,000~. This solves for x = 7,937 feet (to four significant digits). 7. Let the height of the mountain, in miles, be represented by x. Let x be the height of a right triangle whose base is 8 miles long. Then x/8 = tan 9" = 0.1584 (to four significant digits). Solving this equation, x = 1.267 miles. Now suppose the angle is 5 degrees. Let y be the distance to the mountain; it is the length of the base of a right triangle whose height is 1.267 miles. Therefore, 1 . 2 6 7 1 = tan 5" = 0.0875. Solving this equation yields ~ y = 14.48 miles. 8. Convert all distances to feet. We will round off to the nearest foot in each calculation. For the first 3 miles (15,840 feet), the altitude gained is 15,8401 42 = 377 feet. For the next 5 miles (26,400 feet), the altitude gained is 26,400/100 = 264 feet. For the next 2 miles, there is no change. For the next 6 miles (31,680 feet), the altitude gained is -31,680/250 = -127 feet (or a loss of 127 feet). For the next 4 miles, there is no change. For the last 5 miles (26,400 feet), the altitude gained is 26,400/125 = 21 1 feet. The total altitude gained is the sum of all these figures: 377 + 264 + 0 + (-127) + 0 + 21 1 = 725 feet.

Answers to questions and problems


9. Consider that each rafter forms the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose base measures 22 feet; the angle between the base and the hypotenuse is 30 degrees. Let x be the length of the hypotenuse. Then 22/x = cos 30" = 0.8660. Solving, x = 25.40 feet. 10. Let the rafter length be y when the angle is 20 degrees. Then 22/y = cos 20" = 0.9397. Solving, y = 23.41 feet. This is 1.99 feet shorter than is the case with a 30-degree angle. 11. Consider a right triangle whose base is the height of the wall (50 feet), and whose hypotenuse is the length of the ladder (60 feet). Then the cosine of the angle between the ladder and the wall is 50/60 = 0.8333.The angle can be determined, using a calculator, to be 33.56 degrees. Let x be the distance between the base of the ladder and the wall; this is the side opposite the 33.56-degree angle. By trigonometry, x/50 = tan 33.56" = 0.6634. Solving, x = 33.17 feet. Using the Pythagorean theorem, x2 + 502 = 602.Thus x2 = 3600 - 2500 = 1100, so x is the square root of 1100, or 33.17 feet. 12. The theorem states that x2 = 882 + 442 = 7,744 + 1,936 = 9,680. Thus x = 98.39 cm. 13. Consider the 45-degree angle. Its cosine is 0.707 1.This is the ratio of the base to side y; that is, 88/y = 0.707 1. Solving, we get y = 124.4 cm. 14. The tangent of angle q is the ratio of the 44-cm side to the 88-cm side; "in your head" you can probably see that this ratio is 112.Thus tan q = 0.500. Using a calculator with inverse trig functions, determine that q = 26.6 degrees. 15. The tangent of angle r is the ratio of the 88-cm side to the 44-cm side. Therefore, tanr = 2. Using a calculator with inverse trig functions, determine that r = 63.4 degrees. 16. The interior angles of a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, 90 + q + r = 180. We know that q = 26.6. Thus r = (180 - 90) - q = 90 - q = 90 - 26.6 = 63.4 degrees.

Chapter 14
1. To find the tangents of A and B, we must find the cosines. Recall sin2 A + cos2 A = 1, for any angle A. This formula can be used to cos A = 0.6 and cos B = 0.8. The tangent of any angle is equal to the divided by the cosine. Thus, tan A = 0.810.6 = 413 = 1.333, tan B = 0.610.8 = 314 = 0.75.The sine of the sum of the angles is: sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B = (0.8) (0.8) + (0.6) (0.6) = 0.64 + 0.36 = 1 The cosine of the sum of the angles is: cos(A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B = (0.6)(0.8) - (0.8)(0.6) = 0.48 - 0.48 = 0 that find sine and

510 Answers to questions and problems

The sine of the difference of the angles is: sin(A - B) = sin(A + (-B)) = sin A cos(-B) + cos A sin(-B) = (0.8)(0.8) + (0.6)(-0.6) = 0.64 - 0.36 = 0.28 The cosine of the difference of the angles is:

The tangent of the sum of the angles is: tan(A + B) = (tan A + tan B)/(1 - tan A tan B) = (413 3/4)/(1 - (4/3)(3/4)) = (25/12)/0 = undefined!

The tangent of the difference of the angles is: tan(A - B) = tan(A + (-B)) = ((tan A + tan(-B))/(l - tan A tan(-B)) = (413 - 3/4)/(1 - (4/3)(-314)) = (7/12)/2 = 7/24 = 0.2917 2. The two places are at the base angles of an isosceles triangle.The apex of the triangle is at the center of the earth (see drawing below). The two equal sides are 4000 miles long. The apex angle is the difference in longitude, which is 100.5 - 37.5 = 63 degrees. Divide this isosceles triangle in half by dropping a perpendicular from the apex to the middle of the base. Then the hypotenuse of this triangle measures 4000 miles, and the angle between at the center of the earth is 6312 = 31.5 degrees. Side x, which is half the distance asked for in the problem, is of a length such that x/4000 = sin 31.5" = 0.5225. Therefore, x = 2090 miles, and the distance is twice this, or 4180 miles.


Answer to Problem 2, Chapter 14

Answers to questions and problems


3. The lines of sight would cross at an angle equal to the difference in longitude between them. The two places differ in longitude by 63 degrees. Thus the lines would cross at a 63-degree angle (see drawing below). Actually, when you talk about lines crossing, you can also consider two supplementary angles. Thus it is just as correct to say that the lines cross at an angle of 180 - 63 = 117 degrees.

Answer t o Problems 3 and 4, Chapter 14


512 Answers to questions and problems

4. Refer to the above drawing. The angles between the sighting lines (from the previous problem) and the direct line connecting the points (through the Earth) are both 31.5 degrees.This is half of 63 degrees, the angle between the two sighting lines themselves. Consider a perpendicular line from the satellite to the middle of the base; this creates two mirror-image right triangles whose bases are each 2090 miles.The angles adjacent to the bases are 31.5 + 58 = 89.5 degrees. Let x be the distance to the satellite (either from Sumatra or from Mt. Kenya; they are both the same). By trigonometry, 2090/x = cos89.5". Solving, x = 239,500 miles (to four significant digits). 5. We are given the fact that cos A = 2 sin A Therefore,the cosine divided by the sine is equal to 2, and the sine divided by the cosine is equal to 112, or 0.500.This is the tangent of the angle. 6. To find the cosine, use the formula cos A = (1 - sin2A)'/' This determines that the cosine of the angle is 0.96.Thetangent is the sine divided by the cosine, which is 0.2810.96 = 0.29 17 (to four significant digits). 7. To find the sine of twice the angle, use the formula sin 2A = 2 sin A - (1 - sin2A)'!? This yields a result of 0.96.Tofind the sine ofthree times the angle,use the formula sin 3A = 3 sin A

4 sin3A

This gives the result 0.936. (That's right-the sine of three times this angle is almost exactly the same as the sine of twice the angle. You can use a calculator or trig tables to find the measure of the angle, and draw its multiples as vectors on the coordinate plane.This will illustrate what's going on.) 8. The sine of the angle has already been determined as 0.96, from the previous problem.Then use the formula cos A = (1 - sin2A)'/' 2 12 1 = (1 - 0.96 ) = 0.28 9. Using the table on page 237, note that sin 15" = 0.259. Let A = 15". Let the square root sign (surd) be represented as the 112 power. Then: sin 30" = sin 2A = 2 sin A(l - sin2A)'/' = 0.518(0.933)"~= 0.500

Answers to questions and problems


This second result is somewhat imprecise because of the limited number of significant digits in the calculations. 10. Using the table on page 237, note that sin 30" = 0.500. Let A = 30". Let the square root sign (surd) be represented as the 112 power. Then: sin 60" = sin 2A = 2 sin A(l - sin2A)'/? = 1.000(0.75)~'~ 0.866 = and

11. Using the table on page 237, note that tan 45" = 1.000. Let A = 45O.Then: tan 90" = tan 2A = (2 tan A)/(1 = 2.000/0 = undefined! and tan 135" = tan 3A = (3 tan A - tan3 A)/(l = 2.000/(-2.000) = -1.000
2 C O S A

tan2 A)

3 tan2 A)

12. Using the table on page 237, note that cos 60" = 0.500. Let A = 60". Then: cos 120" = cos 2A = ~ and

1 = -0.500

13. Using the table on page 237, note that cos 90" = 0.000. Let A = 90.Then: cos 180" = cos2A = 2cos2 A - 1 = -1.000 and cos 270" = cos 3A = 4 cos3 A - 3 cos A = 0.000 14. To find the tangents of the original angles, it is easiest to use a calculator. Let the angles be called A, B, C, and D. Then, to three significant digits: tan A = tan 29" = 0.554 tanB = tan31 = 0.601 tan C = tan 59" = 1.66 t a n D = tan61 = 1.80 From the formula for the tangent of three times an angle: tan 3A = tan 87" = (3 tan A - tan3 A)/(1 - 3 tan2 A) = (1.662 - 0.170)/(1.000 - 0.921) = 18.9

514 Answers to questions and problems

tan 3B = tan 93" = (3 tan B - tan3 B)/(1 - 3 tan2 B) = (1.803 - 0.217)/(1.000 - 1.083) = -19.1 These answers are somewhat imprecise because the calculation processes were limited to three significant digits. The change in sign occurs as a result of the angle vector moving from the first to the second quadrant in the coordinate plane. tan 3C = tan 177" = (3 tan C - tan3 C)/(l - 3 tan2 C) = (4.98 - 4.57) / (1.000 - 8.27) = -0.0564 tan 3L) = tan 183" = (3 tan L) - tan3 C)/(1 - 3 tan2 1 ) ) = (5.40 - 5.83)/(1.000 - 9.72) = 0.0493 These answers are somewhat imprecise because the calculation processes were limited to three significant digits. The change in sign occurs as a result of the angle vector moving from the second to the third quadrant in the coordinate plane. 15. Use the formulas on page 239. Let the angle be A. Then sin A = 0.96, and: sin 2A = 2 sin A(l

sin2 A)''? = 0.538

To find the cosine, remember that for any angle B, sin2B + cos2 B = 1 and therefore cos2 B = I


The formula for cos 2A on page 239 states that: cos2A = 2cos2A- 1 Substituting: cos 2A = 2(1

sin2 A) - 1 = 1 - 2 sin2 A = -0.843

16. Let cos A = x. Then the equation, reduced to standard quadratic form, becomes 8x2+x-3=0 Using the quadratic formula to solve this, we obtain expressions containing the square root of 97, which is approximately 9.85.The resulting solutions are: x = 0.553 or x = -0.678 Remembering that x = cos A, a calculator can be used to find the angles, which are, respectively, 56.4 degrees, which is in the first quadrant, and 132.7 degrees, which is in the second quadrant.

Answers to questions and problems


Chapter 15
1. Dividing 1 by 37, we obtain 0.0270 (the first three significant digits are 2, 7, 0). Continuing the division yields a repeating decimal: 1/37 = 0.027027027027. . .The error, x, is the difference between the three-significant-digit value and the full repeating decimal:

2. In the binary system, 15 is denoted 1111, and 63 is denoted 111111. Multiplying these yields 111011000 1. In decimal form this equals:

Checking with a calculator, 15 x 63 = 945.

3. In the binary system, 1922 is denoted 11110000010, and 3 1 is denoted 11111. The quotient is 111110. In decimal form this equals:

Checking with a calculator, 1922/3 1 = 62. 4. Fractional exponents involve both powers and roots. The solutions are found as follows: (a) Find the 4th root of 16,which is 2; then cube 2 to obtain 16j14 = 8. (b) This expression is equivalent to 243415.First find the 5th root of 243, which is 3; then take the 4th power to obtain 243.8 = 8 1. (c) This expression is equivalentto 25'12. First find the square root of 25, which is 5; then cube this to obtain 251.5 - 125. (d) Find the cube root of 64, which is 4; then square 4 to obtain 64213 = 16. (e) Find the cube root of 343,which is 7; then take the 4th power of 7 to obtain the result 343413= 240 1. 5. The equivalents are as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) (h) (i) Decimal 62 = Binary 111110 Decimal 8 1 = Binary 1010001 Decimal 111 =Binary 1101111 Decimal 49 = Binary 110001 Decimal 98 = Binary 11000 10 Decimal 222 = Binary 11011110 Decimal 650 = Binary 1010001010 Decimal 999 = Binary 1111100111 Decimal 2000 = Binary 11111010000

516 Answers to questions and problems

6. The equivalents are as follows:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Binary 101 = Decimal 5 Binary 1111 = Decimal 15 Binary 10101 = Decimal 2 1 Binary 111100 = Decimal 60 Binary 110111000110 = Decimal 3526

7. The product 129 . 31 = 3999, and the product 129 . 4 1 = 5289. This is an error of 5298 - 3999 = 1290, which is 32 percent of the correct value (3999). The binary equivalent of 129 is 10000001, and the binary equivalent of 3 1 is 11111.The product of these numbers is binary 1111100 11111,which is equivalent to decimal 3999. If the second-to-last digit in the second binary number is reversed so the number becomes 11101, the binary product becomes binary 111010011101, which is equivalent to decimal 3741. This is an error of 3999 - 3741 = 258, which is 6.5 percent of the correct value (3999). 8. The value of each expression is one larger than the larger of a or b. The formula is the same as the one used for the Pythagorean theorem. Therefore, each of these number groups represents relationships among sides of right triangles. They are special cases because all three sides are in ratios that can be expressed as integers. 9. The value of each expression is two larger than the larger of a or b.The reason for this is the same as that for the previous problem. They are special cases of right triangles whose sides are in integral ratios. 10. The first four expressions are:
(a) loo2 = 10,000 (b) 1 0 0 ~ = 10 '~ (c) 1oop2 = 0.0001 (d) = 0.1 The second four expressions can be derived as whole-number powers of (b) and ( 4:
= ( 1 0 0 l / ~ = lo3 = 1,000 )~ (e) (f) 1 0 0 ~ =~ 1 0 0 ~ 1 =)lo5 = 100,ooo 1 ( ~ ~ 1'2 3 (g) 1 0 0 - ~ 1 ~ ( l o o ) = (0.1)~ 0.001 = = (h) 1 0 0 - ~ /= ( 1 0 0 - ~ / ~ ) ~ I ) = o.oooo1 ~ = (0. ~

11. The answers can be found by taking successive square roots (112 powers) of 100. Note that 100'' = 10.Then, using a calculator that displays eight digits:
(a) (b) (c) (d)

1 0 0 ~ = loll2 = 3.1622776 '~ 1 0 0 ~ '= (3.1622776)~'~ 1.7782793 ~ = 100"'~ = (1.7782793)~'~ 1.3335213 = 100'"~ = (1.3335213)'" = 1.1547819

Answers to questions and problems


12. The value will approach 1.The reason for this is that the exponent approaches zero, and any nonzero number to the zeroth power equals 1. 13. Note that 25 = 32, and therefore, 32lI5 = 32.2 = 2. This answers part (b). From this, we can determine the answers to (d), (0, and (h): (d) 32.4 = (320.2 )2 = 22 = 4 (f) 32.6 = (320.2 )3 = 23 = 8 (h) 32.8 = (320.2 )4 = 24 = 16 The value of 32'-I is the same as (32.2)112, which is 2lI2.Using a calculator that displays seven or eight digits (depending on its mood), this is found to be 1.4142135.This answers part (a). From this, we can determine the answers to (c), (4, (g), and 6): (c) (e) (g) (i)
= 32.3 = (320.1 )3 = (1.4142135)~ 2.828427 32.5 = (32.1)5 = (1.4142135)~ 5.656854 = = 32.7 = (320.1 )7 = (1.4142135)~ 11.313708 32.9 = (320.119 = (1.4142135)~ 22.627416 =

14. The expressions can be simplified to the following: (a) 6 (4 2 (g) 0.0123 0) 3 ' (b) (4 (h) (k) 28 2 9 0.3333 (4 7 ( 0 81 (i) 0.1111

Chapter 16
1. The progression types and parameters are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) arithmetic; a = 1, d = 4 arithmetic; a = -9, d = 6 geometric; a = 16, r = 3/4 geometric; a = -8 1, r = -2/3 harmonic; a = 1512, d = 1/ 5 geometric; a = 1, r = 1/2 geometric; a = 1, r = 2 (b) 1,248 (e) 196.875 (h) 1,995 (c) 10,235 (f) 65.625

2. The sums are: (a) 400 (d) -1,705 (g) 67.1875

3. The sums are: (a) 2 (d) 6.25 (g) 100 (b) non-finite (e) 1,000 (h) 512 (c) 1,000 (f) 100

518 Answers to questions and problems

4. Use the formula for the permutations of k articles in an available n articles:
.Pk = n ! / ( n - k ) !

Then the results are as follows. Notice that it's not always necessary to compute the factorials of the numerators; the terms of the factorials in the denominators often cancel out some of the terms of the factorials in the numerators. (a) 50!/(50 - 3)! = 50!/47! = 50 49 - 48 = 1 17,600 permutations (b) 10!/(10 - 5)! = 10!/5! = 10 . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 = 30,240 permutations (c) 12!/(12- 6)! = 12!/6! = 1 2 . 1 1 . 10 . 9 . 8 . 7 = 665,280 permutations (d) 10!/(10 - 4 ) ! = 10!/6! = 10 9 8 7 = 5,040 permutations (e) 7 ! ( 7 - 6 ) ! = 7 ! = 7 . 6 . 5 . 4 3 . 2 = 5,040 permutations

5. Use the formula for the combinations of k articles in an available n articles:

Ck = n ! / ( k ! ( n- k ) ! )

Notice that the n's and k's in each part of this problem are the same as the n's and k's in each part of the previous problem. This is convenient, because the results can be obtained by dividing the answers of the previous problem by k ! in each case: (a) 117,600/3! = 117,600/6 = 19,600 combinations (b) 30,240/5! = 252 combinations (c) 665,280/6! = 924 combinations (d) 5,040/4! = 2 10 combinations (e) 5,040/6! = 7 combinations

6. Suppose that zero were allowed as the first digit in the numbers. Then there would be 1 o7 = 10,000,000 possible telephone numbers in this area code.There are 1 o6 = 1 ,000,000 telephone numbers whose first digit is zero (this in effect creates six-digit numbers). Because the first digit cannot be zero, the total number of available telephone numbers is 10,000,000 - 1,000,000, or 9,000,000.
7. In this case, there will be 10,000,000 - 3,000,000, or 7,000,000 available numbers.

8. Assuming all 12 horses have equal ability:

(a) The probability of your naming the correct winner is 1/ 12. (b) There are 12C2 12!/[(2!(12 2)!]= 66 different ways in which the = horses can come in first and second, in no particular order. Your chance of making a correct guess is therefore 1/66.

Answers to questions and problems


(c) There are 12P2 12!/(12 - 2)! = 132 different ways in which the horses = can come in first and second, taking order into account.Your chance of making a correct guess is therefore 1 132. 1

9. This probability is 1/(12/3) = 114. Another way of thinking of this is to figure the chance that a particular horse will finish in the top quartile (114).
10. First, determine the number of sunlike stars in our galaxy. This is 0.06.2. 1011 =0.12. 1011 = 1.2. lo1' stars. Three percent of these stars have at least one earthlike planet; this number is 0.03. 1.2. lo1' = 0.036 . 10'' = 3.6 . lo8 stars. One in five, or 20 percent, of these planets can be expected to have life as we know it; this number is at least 0.2 3.6 lo8 = 0.72 lo8 = 7.2 - lo7, or 72,000,000, planets. (We say "at least" because some stars might have more than one earthlike planet.) 11. This problem can be solved easily via a bit of trickery. Suppose there are 100 people in the bar. (You can choose any number, but it's best if it's large and divisible by 2, 5, and 10).Then there are probably 50 men and 50 women in the bar. One in 5 men has probably had a ticket in the past year; that is 1/5 . 50 = 10 men. One in 10 women has probably had a ticket in the past year; that's 1/ 10 50 = 5 women. Therefore, 15 of the 100 people have probably had tickets in the past year. If you choose a person at random, the probability is 151100 = 15 percent that you will select a person who has had a speeding ticket in the past year. 12. If you choose one man, chances are 115 that he has had a ticket in the past year. If you choose a woman, chances are 1 10 that she has had a ticket in the 1 past year. Thus, the probability that they have both had tickets in the past year is (1/5)(1/10) = 1/50, or 2 percent. 13. The probability is 112, or 50 percent that the coin will come up heads, and 50 percent that it will come up tails. (Coin tosses are not affected by history.)

Chapter 17
1. The derivatives are as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) (h) dyldx = lox dyldx = 2x 3 dyldx = 2x + 3 dyldx = 2x - sin x dy/dx = 12x2- 8x - 4 dyldx = cos x - 2 sin x dyldx = 20x3 + 4x dyldx = -2xP3 - 16xP5


Answers to questions and problems

2. First, convert 5 miles per hour (miles/hour) into feet per second (ftlsec). Remember that 30 miles/hour = 44 ft/sec; therefore 5 miles hour = 4416 = 7.333 ft/sec. The acceleration a is therefore 7.333 ft /sec2. Knowing that the initial velocity v = 0 ft/sec, we can surmise that v, in terms of the time t in seconds, is a formula whose derivative is dvldt = a = 7.333. Therefore, v = 7.333t. Assign the initial displacement s = 0 ft (the starting position). Then we can surmise that s, in terms of t, is a formula whose derivative is dsldt = v = 7.333t. Therefore, s = 3.667t2. When t = 10, s = 3.667 . 10' = 366.7 ft. In 10 seconds the car will move 366.7 feet from its starting position. 3. Simply plug the value t = 10 into the above formula derived for v in terms of t.This gives v = 7.333 - 10 = 73.33 ftlsec. 4. In the second 10 seconds (from t = 10 to t = 20), the car will travel 73.33 ft/sec. 10 sec = 733.3 ft. We already know that in the first 10 seconds, the car traveled 366.7 ft. Therefore, the total distance traveled in 20 seconds is 733.3 ft + 366.7ft = 1,100 ft. 5. Given that the acceleration a = dvldt = 32, surmise that v = 32t, if t = 0 at the instant the ball is dropped. This tells us that dsldt = 32t, where s is the displacement downward from the point at which the ball is dropped. Therefore, s = 16t2. The building is 20. 10 = 200 ft high. Substituting 200 for s gives 200 = 16t2. heref fore, t = 3.536 seconds (to four significant figures). 6. We know v = 32t. When the ball hits the ground, v = 32 . 3.536 = 113.2 ftlsec. 7. Let the acceleration, in ft/sec2, be represented by a. Then using the slopeintercept form for a straight line, a = t - 4. Because a = dvldt, we can surmise that v = t2/2 - 4t + c, where c is a constant. Given that the starting velocity is 44 ft/sec, we know that c = 44. Therefore, v = t2/2 - 4t + 44. 8. Because v = dsldt, we can surmise that s = t3/6 - 2t2 44t c. Given that s = 0 when t = 0, we know that c = 0, so the formula is simply = t3/6 - 2 3 4dt.

9. Simply plug the time values into the equation derived in problem 7. The speeds are, rounded to four significant digits: (a) 40.50 ft/sec (c) 36.50 ft/sec (b) 38.00 ft/sec (d) 54.00 ft/sec

10. Simply plug the time values into the equation derived in problem 8. The displacements are, rounded to four significant digits: (a) 42.17 ft (c) 190.8ft (b) 81.33 ft (d) 406.7ft

Answers to questions and problems


11. Note that one complete cycle, equivalent to 360 degrees, takes place in 5 seconds.Then the angle q, in degrees, is equal to 72t,where t is in seconds.The voltage V peaks positively and negatively at 8 times the maximum value of the sine function. Therefore, we can surmise that V = 8 sin 72t (with angles expressed in degrees). 12. To find these values, we must find the derivative of the function obtained in the previous problem. Knowing that the derivative of the sine is the cosine, we can determine that dV/dt = 8 cos72t (with angles expressed in degrees). Plugging in values for t and using a calculator yields these results: (a) f8.000 voltlsec (c) -8.000 voltlsec (e) +2.472 voltlsec (b) -6.742 volt/sec (d) +8.000 volt/sec (f) -8.000 voltlsec

13. Using a calculator with a pi (n) key, you can determine that there are 0.0 17453 radians 1degree (to five significant digits). Thus the angle measures, to four significant digits, are: (a) 0.1745 radians (c) 1.309 radians (e) 3.840 radians (b) 0.5236 radians (d) 2.53 1 radians (f) 5.236 radians

14. Using a calculator with a pi (n) key, you can determine that there are 57.296 degreeslradian (to five significant digits). Thus the angle measures, to four significant digits, are: (a) 11.46 degrees (c) 57.30 degrees (e) 126.1 degrees (b) 28.65 degrees (d) 97.40 degrees (f) 200.5 degrees

15. To find the answer to (a), divide 360 degrees by 365.25 days, to obtain 0.98563 degreeslday (to five significant digits).To figure out (b), first multiply the answer (a) by 30.000 to obtain 29.569 degreeslmonth for April. Then multiply this by the radiansldegree figure determined in problem 13, which yields 29.569 0.017453 = 0.51607 radianslmonth for April

Chapter 18
1. First, derive a formula for the wave.The period is 3.000 seconds, corresponding to one complete cycle or 2n radians. The value of 2n is approximately 6.283. The peak amplitude, s, of the wave is plus or minus 6.000 m. The wave has a sinusoidal shape and begins at (0, 0), increasing positively, so it corresponds to a multiple of a sine function. The formula for s in terms of time t is: s = 6.000 sin(6.283/3.000)t = 6.000 sin 2.094t Differentiating this yields:

522 Answers to questions and problems

dsldt = (6.000 . 2.094) cos 2.094t = 12.56 cos 2.094t The velocity is greatest positively at t = 0.000, t = 3.000, t = 6.000, etc.This can be ascertained by simply observing the graph. Take the easiest example where t = 0.000.Then: cos 2.094t = cos 0.000 = 1.000 and the velocity is therefore 12.56 m / sec. Rounding to three significant figures, the maximum velocity is 12.6 m/sec (upward). 2. This can be inferred from the graph and a knowledge of the fact that the sine function is symmetrical. The greatest negative (downward) velocity is at t = 1.500, t = 4.500, t = 7.500, etc. It is the same magnitude as the maximum upward velocity, but has a negative value: -12.6 m / sec. 3. The acceleration, a, is greatest positively (upward) at the minimum displacement points on the graph, that is, at t = 2.250, t = 5.250, t = 8.250, etc. Using the formula on page 309, we can obtain a = d2s/dt2 = -(6.000 . 2.094~) 2.094t = -26.3 1 sin 2.094t sin Plugging in t = 2.250 yields:
n = -26.31 sin(2.094 2.250) = -26.31

-1.000 = 26.31 m/sec2

Remember that angles are specified in radians here, not in degrees. Rounding off to three significant figures yields n = 26.3 m/sec2 as the maximum upward acceleration. 4. The greatest negative acceleration occurs at the positive displacement peaks, that is, at t = 0.750, t = 3.750, t = 6.750, etc. Because the function is symmetrical, we can surmise from the previous problem that at these points, a = -26.3 m/sec 2 .

5. The period is 1.000 second, corresponding to 2n or approximately 6.283 radians. The formula for s in terms of time t is therefore:
s = 6.000 sin(6.283/1.000)t = 6.000 sin 6.283t

Differentiating this yields dsldt = (6.000 . 6.283) cos 6.283t = 37.70 cos 6.283t The velocity is greatest positively at t = 0.000, t = 1.000, t = 2.000, etc.Take the easiest example where t = 0.000.Then: cos 6.283t = cos 0.000 = 1.000 and the velocity, rounded to three significant figures, is therefore 37.7 m/sec upward.

Answers to questions and problems


6. The greatest negative (downward) velocity is at t = 0.500, t = 1.500, t = 2.500, etc. It is the same magnitude as the maximum upward velocity, but has a negative value: -37.7 mlsec.
7. The acceleration, a, is greatest positively (upward) at the minimum displacement points on the graph, that is, at t = 0.750, t = 1.750, r = 2.750, etc. Using the formula on page 309, we can obtain

a = d2s/dt2 = -(6.000 . 6 . 2 ~ 3sin)6.283t = -236.9 sin 6.283t ~ Plugging in t = 0.750 yields: a = -236.9 sin(6.283 . 0.750) = -236.9 . -1.000 = 236.9 m/sec2 Remember that angles are specified in radians here, not in degrees. Rounding off to three significant figures yields a = 237 m/sec2 as the maximum upward acceleration. 8. The greatest negative acceleration occurs at the positive displacement peaks, that is, at t = 0.250, t = 1.250, r = 3.250, etc. Because the function is symmetrical, we can surmise from the previous problem that at these points, a = -237 m/sec 2 . 9. The answers are derived as follows: (a) sin2(n/2) = (1/2)(1 - cos n) = (1/2)(1 - (-1)) = 1.000 (b) cos2(n/3) = (1/2)(1 cos(2n/3)) = (1/2)(1 - 0.5) = 0.250 (c) sin3(n/4) = (1/4)(3 sin(n/4) - sin(3n/4)) = (1/4)[(3. 0.7071) - 0.70711 = (1/4)(1.414) = 0.3535 (d) cos3(3n/4) = (1/4)[3 cos(3n/4) + cos(9n/4) = (1/4)((3 -0.7071) + 0.7071) = (1/4)(-1.414) = -0.3535 (e) sin5(n/3) = (1/1 6)[10 sin(n/3) - 5 sin n + sin(5n/3)] = (1/16)(10. 0.8660 - 5 . 0 - 0.8660) = (1/16)(7.794) = 0.4871 (0 cos6(2n/5) = (1/32)[10 15 cos(4n/5) + 6 cos(8n/5) + cos(12n/5)] = (1/32)(10 + (15 . -0.809017) + (6 . 0.309017) + 0.309017) = (1/32)(10 - 12.135255 + 1.854102 + 0.309017) = 0.0008708

10. The answers are derived as follows. Angles greater than 360 degrees are reduced by subtracting an integral multiple of 360, such that the resulting angle is between 0 and 360. Coefficients in the formulas are exact integral values. (a) sin4 70 = (3 - 4 cos 140 + cos 280)/8 = (3 + 3.0642 + 0.1736)/8 = 0.7797


Answers to questions and problems

(b) sin4 105 = (3 - 4cos 210 + cos420)/8 = (3 - 4cos 210 + cos 60)/8 = (3 + 3.4641 + 0.5000)/8 = 0.8705 (c) sin4 140 = (3 - 4 cos 280 + cos 560)/8 = (3 - 4 cos 280 + cos 200)/8 = (3 - 0.69459 - 0.93969)/8 = 0.1707 (d) sin4 175 = (3 - 4cos 350 + cos 700)/8 = (3 - 4cos 350 cos 340)/8 = (3 - 3.93923101 + 0.93969262)/8 = 0.00005770 (e) sin3 105 = (3/4)sin105 - (1/4)sin315 = (3/4)(0.96592) - (1/4)(-0.707 11) = 0.72444 + 0.17678 = 0.9012 (f) sin570 = (lOsin70-5sin210+sin350)/16 = (9.39626 + 2.50000 - 0.17365)/16 = 0.7327 (g) sin5 105 = (losin 105 - 5sin315 +sin525)/16 = (losin 105 - 5sin315 + sin 165)/16 = (9.65926 + 3.53553 + 0.25882)/16 = 0.8409 (h) sin5 140 = (10 sin 140 - 5 sin 420 + sin 700)/ 16 = (losin140 - 5sin60 +sin340)/16 = (6.42788 - 4.33013 - 0.34202)/16 = 0.1097

11. The answers are derived as follows. Angles greater than 360 degrees are reduced by subtracting an integral multiple of 360, such that the resulting angle is between 0 and 360. Coefficients in the formulas are exact integral values. (a) sin4 110 = (3 - 4 cos 220 + cos 440)/8 = (3 - 4 cos 220 + cos 80)/8 = (3 + 3.06417 + 0.17365)/8 = 0.7797 (b) sin4 165 = (3 - 4cos 330 + cos 660)/8 = (3 - 4cos 330 cos 300)/8 = (3 - 3.46410 + 0.50000)/8 = 0.004488 (c) sin4 220 = (3 - 4cos 440 + cos 880)/8 = (3 - 4cos 80 + cos 160)/8 = (3 - 0.69459 - 0.93969)/8 = 0.1707 (d) sin4 275 = (3 - 4cos 550 + cos 1lOO)/8 = (3 - 4 cos 190 + cos 20)/8 = (3 + 3.93923 + 0.93969)/8 = 0.9849 (e) sin3 165 = (314) sin 165 - (1/4) sin 495 = (314) sin 165 - (114) sin 135 = (3/4)(0.25882) - (1/4)(0.70711) = 0.19412 - 0.17678 = 0.01734 (f) sin5 110 = (lOsinll0 -5sin330+sin550)/16 = (losin 110 - 5sin330 + sin 190)/16 = (9.39693 + 2.50000 - 0.17365)/16 = 0.7327 (g) sin5 165 = (10 sin 165 - 5 sin495 + sin 825)/16 = (10 sin 165 - 5sin 135 sin 105)/16 = (2.58819 - 3.53553 + 0.96593)/16 = 0.01 162 (h) sin5 220 = (10 sin 220 - 5 sin 660 + sin 1loo)/ 16 = (10 sin 220 - 5 sin 300 sin 20)/ 16 = (-6.42788 + 4.33013 + 0.34202)/16 = -0.1097

+ +

12. First, calculate the circumference of the circle, c, in terms of the radius, r. Knowing that r = loft, c = 2nr = 62.83 19ft. The ball traverses this distance

Answers to questions and problems


every 2.000 seconds; therefore the tangential speed v of the ball, in ftlsec, is 62.8319/2.000 = 31.42ftlsec. 13. The northward component of the ball's speed, vn, is equal to the tangential speed (31.42ftlsec) multiplied by the cosine of the angle west of north. This angle is 45 degrees, whose cosine is 0.707 1.Therefore, vn at this instant is:

Chapter 19
1. Use the formula on page 327 to derive the answers. This formula can be written in "shorthand notation as

where the prime represents the derivative. (a) (uv) = 2x3 + (3x2)(2x+ 3) = 2x3 + 6x3 + 9x2 = 8x3 + 9x2 (b) (uv)' = (2x - 6)(3 sin x) + (3 cos x)(x2 - 6x + 4) = 6xsinx - 18sinx + 3x2 cosx - 18xcosx+ 12cosx = (6x- 18)sinx+ (3x2 - 18x+ 12)cosx (c) (uv)' = cos2 x - sin2x (d) (uv)' = (5x4)(-2x3 + 2) + (-6x2)(x5 - 4) = -10x7 + lox4 - 6x7 + 24x2 = -16x 7 + lox4 + 24x2 2. Use the formula on page 330 to derive the answers. In "shorthand this formula is

where the prime represents the derivative. (a) (u/v)' = [(-3)(x2 + 2) - (2x)(-3x - 6)]/(x4 + 4x2 + 4) = ( 3 ~ 2 1 2+ ~ + dX2+ 4) (b) (u/v) = [(2x + 2)(sin x) - (cos x)(x2 + 2x)]/ sin2 x 2 = (2xsinx+2sinx-x cosx-2xcosx)/sin2x x)(3 (c) (u/v)' = [(COS + cos x) - (- sin x)(sin x)]/(cos2x + 6 cos x + 9) = (3 cos x + cos2x + sin2x)/(cos2 x + 6 cos x + 9) = (1 3 cosx)/(cos2 x + 6 cos x + 9) = ~ 4 (d) ( U ~ V )[(12~3)(-2~2) ( - 4 ~ ) ( 3 ~ 4 = (-24x5 + 12x5- 16x)/4x

3. Calculus is not necessary to solve this problem (although you can use it if you want). It is only necessary to add 90 degrees, or n/2 (approximately 1.571) radians, to the angles given, and then find the tangent of the resulting angle.Thus the answers are as follows. Angles in (a) through (e) are in degrees; angles in (f ) through (h) are in radians:

526 Answers to questions and problems

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) slope = tan(l0 + 90) = tan 100 = -5.671 slope = tan(55 90) = tan 145 = -0.7002 slope = tan(l05 + 90) = tan 195 = 0.2679 slope = tan(l90 + 90) = tan 280 = -5.671 slope = tan(300 90) = tan 390 = tan 30 = 0.5774 slope = tan(1 + 1.571) = tan 2.571 = -0.6418 slope = tan(2 + 1.571) = tan 3.571 = 0.4579 slope = tan(4 + 1.571) = t a n 5.571 = -0.8633

4. The derivative is the slope of a function at a given point. If we let the derivative, in volts, equal the slope of the graph in Vlmsec, then the graph of the output will appear as shown in the following drawing.The vertical lines represent instantaneous voltage transitions. Mathematically they are undefined in slope.

1 msec

Answer to Problem 4, Chapter 19

5. In a practical circuit, the output of the second differentiator will be zero volts, continuous (that is, no output). Mathematically, the vertical lines in the graph of above cannot be differentiated,so the graph will appear as shown in the following drawing. The open circles represent points "missing" from the line V = 0. 6. Start at the point t = 0, v = 0 when integrating. First integrate the function f (t) = 5t from t = 0 to t = 1. The indefinite integral is 2.5t2 c. The constants

of integration can be ignored because we will take definite integrals. The curve will have a parabolic (quadratic) shape and will attain a value of +2.5V at t = 1 msec. The second straight-line part of the function, which slopes downward from t = 1 to t = 3, has the equation

Answers to questions and problems



1 msec

Answer to Problem 5, Chapter 19

The indefinite integral of this is

Evaluated from 1 to 2, this is 2.5,which adds on to the existing 2.5 volts to result in + 5 V at t = 2. The curve will be parabolic like the first part, but curved downward rather than upward. Evaluated from 2 to 3, this function is -2.5, so the parabola continues to curve downward, reaching f2.5 V at t = 3. The next straightline part of the function slopes up just like the first part, so the parabola will start upward again. You should be able to surmise from this that the waveform will be periodic with quadratic shape, with maximum peaks at +5 V and minimum peaks at 0 V, as shown below.

Answer to Problem 6, Chapter 19


Answers to questions and problems

7. To get the second integral, you must integrate the function shown in the graph above. Start at the point t = 0, v = 0. First integrate the function
f (t) = 2.5t2

from t = 0 to t = 1. The indefinite integral is 5t3/6.The constants of integration can be ignored because we will take definite integrals. The curve has a cubicfunction shape, begins at zero, and ends up at +5/6 V at t = 1 msec. In decimal form this is approximately +O. 8333 V. Next, integrate

from t = 1 to t = 3.The indefinite integral is -5t3/6

+ 5t2

Evaluatedfrom t = 1to t = 3,the definite integral is 22.5 - 4.1667 = + 18.333 V. This adds to the initial value of f0.83 33 V to give +19.1667V at t = 3msec. The integral (area under the curve) from t = 3 to t = 4 can be determined, upon visual inspection, to be the same as the first part from t = 0 to t = 1, that is, +0.8333V. Thus, at t = 4 msec, the function will attain a value of 19.1667 0.8333 = +20 V. This completes the evaluation of the first complete wave cycle from t = 0 to t = 4. During the next cycle, the wave will increase by 20 V more, to +40 V. As time progresses, in theory, the voltage will continue increasing without limit. Thus the waveform, graphed starting at t = 0, will look like the following drawing. In a practical circuit, the voltage could not increase without limit, but would level off at some maximum determined by the voltage of the power source.


Time, msec Answer to Problem 7, Chapter 19

Answers to questions and problems


8. The integral functions, denotedf (x), are as follows.The constant of integration, in each case, is represented by c. (a) f (x) = x4 c (c) f (x) = x9 c (e)f(x)=2sinx+c

+ +

(b) f (x) = x c ( 4 f (x) = x5/5 C (f) ~ ( X ) = ~ C O S X + C

9. The above functions are solved for x = 1 and also for x = -1. Then, the difference

is found. In every case, the constants of integration cancel out, so they need not be included in the calculations. (a) f(1) = 1 andf(-1) = 1; definite integral is 1 - 1 = 0 (b) f(1) = 1 andf(-1) = 1; definite integral is 1 - 1 = 0 (c) f ( l ) = landf(-l)=-1; definite integral is 1 - (- 1) = 2 (d) f(1) = 1/5andf(-1) = -115; definite integral is 1/ 5 - (- 1/ 5) = 2/ 5 (e) f (1) = 1.683andf (-1) = -1.683; definite integral is 1.683 - (- 1.683) = 3.366 (f) f(1) = 2.161 andf(-1) = 2.161; definite integral is 2.16 1 - 2.161 = 0 10. Before it is possible to find the areas under the curve, the function itself must be known. We are told it is quadratic. By checking the points shown on the graph, it can be determined that
y = ((x + 1)?/2) - 2 = (1/2)x2 + x - 3/2

This function is integrated to obtain

where c is the constant of integration, which cancels out when definite integrals are calculated. Call this functionf (x).Then: (a) f(0) = Oandf(-2) = 1113; definite integral is 0 - 11/3 = - 11/3 (b) f(1) = -516 and f(0) = 0; definite integral is -5/6 - 0 = -5/6 (c) f(2) = 1/3andf(-1) = 1116; definite integral is 1/3 - 11/6 = -312 (d) f(4) =76/6andf(-1) = 1116; definite integral is 7616 - 1116 = 6516


Answers to questions and problems

11. The function in the graph, again, is

which is the integral of its derivative (312 being an arbitrary constant which cancels out in definite-integral calculations).To find the areas, evaluate the function between the limit values. (a) f (0) = 0 and f (-2) = 0; definite integral is 0 - 0 = 0 (b) f(1) = 312 andf(0) = 0; definite integral is 312 - 0 = 312 (c) f(2) = 4andf(-1) = -1/2; definite integral is 4 - (- 112) = 912 (d) f (4) = 12 and f (- 1) = - 112; definite integral is 12 - (- 112) = 25/2

Chapter 20
1. The maximum is at the point where the derivative is zero. The derivative is

Solving the equation -6x

+ 2 = 0 yields x = 113.Then at this point,

The maximum therefore occurs at (x, y) = (1/3,7/3). We know it is a maximum rather than a minimum because the coefficient of the x2 part of the equation is negative, making the parabola open downward. 2. When the slope of the function is maximum, the derivative will be maximum. The derivative of the function is

The cosine function attains maximum values of 1, so 2 cos x attains maxima of 2. These maxima occur when x, in radians, is equal to any integral multiple of 2n. The values of x andf (x) can be tabulated as follows:

x = -4n x = -2n x=O x = 2n x=4n

f (x) = 2 sin(-4n) + 2 = 2 f (x) = 2 sin(-2n) + 2 = 2 f (x) = 2 sin(0) + 2 = 2 f (x) = 2 sin(2n) + 2 = 2 f (x) = 2 sin(4n) + 2 = 2


Thus, the slope off is maximum at points (x, y) = (2nn, 2), where n is any integer.

Answers to questions and problems


3. The edge of the region of light will be a circle if, and only if, the flashlight is pointed straight down, that is, so the axis of the beam is perpendicular to the plane of the lake surface.
4. The edge of the region of light will be an ellipse if, and only if, the beam axis subtends an angle of more than 20 degrees with respect to the plane of the lake surface. 5. The edge of the region of light will be a parabola if, and only if, the beam axis subtends an angle of 20 degrees with respect to the plane of the lake surface. 6. The edge of the region of light will be a half-hyperbola if, and only if, one of the following conditions is met: The beam axis intersects the lake surface and subtends an angle of less than 20 degrees with respect to the surface. The beam axis is aimed at the horizon. The beam axis is aimed into the sky at an angle of less than 20 degrees above the horizon. 7. The characteristics of the functions are as follows. (a) If x = 0, then f (x) = -5, so they intercept is at (0, -5). Iff (x) = 0, then 2x3 = 5, so x = 1.357 and the x intercept is at (1.357, 0). Taking the first derivative,f '(x) = 6x2.The slope of the curve is zero when 6x2 = 0. This equation has only one solution: x = 0, corresponding to the point (0, -5). It indicates a point of inflection because f is a cubic function. There exist no absolute maxima or minima. (b) This function is stated in factored form. Multiplied out, it is

If x = 0, then f (x) = -12, so the y intercept is at (0, -12). Iff (x) = 0, then x = 4 is the only real solution, so the x intercept is at (4, 0). Taking the first derivative,

Settingf '(x) = 0, which will show points at which the slope of the curve is zero, there are two real solutions, x = 2.215 and x = 0.4503. "Plugging in" these values and calculatingf (x), the points are found to be:

The second derivative can reveal whether these points represent local minima (second derivative positive), local maxima (second derivative negative), or points of inflection (second derivative zero).
f "(x) = 6x - 8

532 Answers to questions and problems When x = 2.215, f "(x) = 5.29. This represents a local minimum. When x = 0.4503,f "(x) = -5.298.This represents a local maximum. The second derivative is equal to zero when x = 4/3 = 1.333. At this x value, f (x)= - 12.741.Thus, the only point of inflection in the curve is:

The slope of the curve is not zero at this inflection point, but the point defines the transition from the range where the curve is concave downward to the range where the curve is concave upward. (c) This function has no local maxima or minima; its shape is similar to that of the tangent function, except stretched vertically by a factor of 2. Inflection points occur on the x axis at integral multiples of n radians; that is, at points (nn, 0), where n is any integer. (d) The curve is an inverted cosine wave, stretched vertically by a factor of 3. Minima occur where x is an integral multiple of 2n, and y = -3. Maxima occur where x is an odd integral multiple of n, and y = 3. Inflection points occur where x is an odd integral multiple of n/2, and y = 0. 8. The graphs of the functions in problem 7 are shown in the following illustrations.

Inflection (0,-5)

Answer to Problem 8(a), Chapter 20

Answers to questions and problems

Y -



-12 --6-


i I I I I I
-18 -12


Localmax. (0.4503,-11.37)
y-intercept (0,-12)


--6 ---



rnin (2.215,-14.11)

Answer to Problem 8@), Chapter 20

Answer to Problem 8(c), Chapter 20

Answer to Problem 8(d), Chapter 20


Answers to questions and problems

Chapter 21
1. See drawing.


Answer to Problem 1, Chapter 21

2. See drawing.


Answer to Problem 2, Chapter 21

Answers to questions and problems


3. See drawing.

50 100 150 200 Answer to Problem 3, Chapter 2 1


4. See drawing.

-0 0

Ix 5

Answer to Problem 4, Chapter 2 1

5. Use the formula on page 370. In this formula,

u = d y / d x = ( 4 - 0)/(2 - 0 ) = 4 / 2 = 2 b = y intercept on yz plane = 0 c = dy/dz = ( 4 - O ) / ( O - 5 ) = -4/5 d = y intercept on x y plane = 4

536 Answers to questions and problems

Therefore the equation is y = 2x = -4z/5

+ 4.

6. Use the formula on page 370. In this formula,

u = dy/dx = (1 -0)/(5-0) = 115 b = y intercept on yz plane = 0 c = dy/dz = (1 - O)/(O - 5) = -1/5 d = y intercept on xy plane = 1

Therefore the equation is y = x/5 = -215

+ 1.

7. Use the formula on page 370. It is necessary to know the intercept points on all three axes. We are given the z-intercept point (z = 5). The x-intercept and yintercept points can be inferred from the two points (2, 4, 0) and (5, 1, 0). The line connecting these points lies in the plane, and the intercepts can be determined to be x = 6 and y = 6. Thus:

and the equation is therefore y = -x



Chapter 22
1. The product is multiplied out as follows:

2. The squares are:

The final product is:

Answers to questions and problems


This quantity is pure-real and has a magnitude (absolute value) equal to 1.

3. These equations can be solved using the quadratic formula from Chapter 10. The answers are derived as follows:
(a) Here, the coefficients are

Plugging these values into the quadratic formula yields

which solves to x = 1 +j or x = 1 -j . (b) In this case, the coefficients are

Plugging these values into the quadratic formula yields

which solves to x = 1 + 3j or x = 1 - 3j. (c) Here, the coefficients are

Plugging these values into the quadratic formula yields x = [4 + (16 - 52)lP]/26 x = [4 - (16 - 52)lP]/26 which solves to x = (2 + 3j)/l3 or x = (2 - 3j)/13. (d) In this equation, one of the coefficients is imaginary:

Plugging these values into the quadratic formula yields x = [j2 + (4 + 40)~'~]/2 1 x = [j2 - (4 +40) 1 2I/ 2


Answers to questions and problems

(e) Here, the coefficients are

Plugging these values into the quadratic formula yields

which solves to x =j + 3 or x =j - 3. 4. Refer to the following drawing. The six vectors each have radius 2, and are spaced equally around a circle; therefore they are separated by 360/6 = 60 degrees. Let the roots be represented by rl through r6.Then:
rl = 2 cos 0 +j2 sin 0 = 2.00 r2 = 2 cos 60 j2 sin 60 = 1.OO j1.73 r3 = 2 ~ 0 120 +j2sin 120 = -1.00 fj1.73 s r4 = 2 cos 180 +j2 sin 180 = -2.00 r5 = 2cos240 +j2sin240 = -1.00 -j1.73 r6 = 2 cos 300 +j 2 sin 300 = 1.OO -j1.73

+j Vectors are spaced at 60-degree intervals

division is 112 unit


Answer to Problem 4, Chapter 22

5. Refer to the following drawing. The ten vectors each have radius 2, and are spaced equally around a circle; therefore they are separated by 360110 = 36 degrees. Let the roots be represented by rl through rlo.Then:

Answers to questions and problems


rl = 2 cos 0 +j2 sin 0 = 2.00 r2 = 2cos36fj2sin36 = 1.62fj1.18 r3 = 2 cos 72 +j 2 sin 72 = 0.618 +j1.90 r4 = 2 cos 108 j2sin 108 = -0.618 +j1.90 r5 = 2cos144+j2sin144 = -1.62+j1.18 rg = 2 cos 180 +j 2 sin 180 = -2.00 r7 = 2cos216+j2sin216 = -1.62 -j1.18 rg = 2 cos 252 j2 sin 252 = -0.61 8 -j1.90 rg = 2cos288 +j2sin288 = 0.618 -j1.90 rlo = 2cos324fj2sin324 = 1.62 -j1.18

Vectors are spaced at 36-degree intervals

division & 112 unit

Answer to Pmblem 5, Chapter 22

6. Refer to the following drawing.The nine vectors each have radius 2, and are spaced equally around a circle; therefore they are separated by 36019 = 40 degrees. Let the roots be represented by r l through rg. Then:
rl = 2 cos 0 +j 2 sin 0 = 2.00 r2 = 2 cos 40 +j 2 sin 40 = 1.53 +j1.29 r3 = 2 cos 80 j2 sin 80 = 0.347 j1.97 r4 = 2cos120+j2sin120 = -1.00+j1.73 r5 = 2cos 160 +j2sin 160 = -1.88 +j0.684 r6 = 2 cos 200 j2 sin 200 = - 1.88 -j0.684 r7 = 2 cos 240 j2 sin 240 = - 1. O -j1.73 O rg = 2cos280 j2sin280 = 0.347 -j1.97 rg = 2 cos 320 j2 sin 320 = 1.53 -j1.29

+ + + +


Answers to questions and problems

Vectors are spaced at 40-degree intervals

division is 112 unit

Answer to Problem 6, Chapter 22

7. To add two complex numbers, simply add their components individually. In this case the result is

8. Refer to the following drawing. Note that this summation obeys the "parallelogram rule" for vectors.The end points of the sum and addend vectors, along with the origin, constitute the four vertices of a parallelogram. 9. Multiplying the two complex numbers proceeds as follows:

lo. Refer to the following drawing.

11. First, find the reciprocal of the second complex number using the formula on page 38 3.Then multiply the result by the first complex number.The reciprocation proceeds as follows:

Answers to questions and problems



Each division represents one unit

-2 -j3


Answer to Problem 8, Chapter 22

The multiplication is a little "messy" and the signs are tricky, but the process is straightforward:


-3 +j5

Each division represents three units

Product = 14-j

Answer to Problem 10, Chapter 22


Answers to questions and problems

12. Refer to the following drawing.

-3 +j5


Each division represents 0.25 unit

1 I

1 I

1 I

1 I

1 I

Quotient = -0.692 - j 1.46 -2 - j3


Answer to Problem 12, Chapter 22

13. First, find the reciprocal of the second complex number using the formula on page 383.Then multiply the result by the first complex number.The reciprocation proceeds as follows:

The multiplication process is as follows:

14. Refer to the following drawing. 15. When multiplying complex numbers in polar coordinates, the angles add while the magnitudes multiply. Thus the product vector has magnitude 8, and angle 390 degrees, which reduces to 30 degrees. 16. Refer to the following drawing. 17. Use the formulas on page 383.The radius r and the angle 8 are: r=8 8 = 30 degrees

Answers to questions and problems


Quotient = -0.265 +j0.559

Each division represents 0.1 unit Answer to Problem 14, Chapter 22 Each radial division represents two units

Answer to Pmblem 16, Chapter 22


Answers to questions and problems

Thus the real coefficient, a, is calculated as follows:

and the imaginary coefficient, b, is calculated by: b = r sin0 = 8 . 0.500 = 4.00 Therefore, the complex number is 6.93 +j4.00.

Chapter 23
1. We are told this is an exponential decrement. Therefore, we know that the curve has the form J? = a e b Xwhere a and b are constants. The values of a and b , can be found by trial and error by "plugging in" the points shown. The result is the equation y = ep2". 2. The answers are derived as follows: (a) Note that 10 minutes is equal to 116 hour. Therefore = e-2/6 = e-l/3 - 0.716 watt hours (b) Note that 30 minutes is equal to 112 hour. Therefore -212 = e-' = 0.368 watt hours y =e (c) Note that 90 minutes is equal to 1.5 hours. Therefore = e-i?.l.5) = eK3 = 0.0498 watt hours = 49.8 milliwatt hours (d) The remaining energy after 3 hours is = e-'?.3) = (.-6 - 0.00248 watt hours = 2.48 milliwatt hours

. 3. Use the first formula on page 399, "plugging in" 1 for x Then

4. Use the second formula on page 399, "plugging in" 1 for x.Then

5. Use the third formula on page 399, "plugging in" 1 for x. Then

Answers to questions and problems


6. Use the fourth formula on page 399, "plugging in" 1 for x. Then

7. The half life is 1,000,000 years, so the radiation level decreases according to the function y = 2-" when x is specified in millions of years. 8. The percentage of radiation, p, remaining after x million years is equal to 100(2-"). Therefore the answers are derived as follows: (a) p = 1 0 0 ( 2 ~ ~ . ~ ) = 100(2-~/') = 100/2~/' 1 = 100/(25 )1 2 = 100/32"~ = 17.68 percent = (b) p = l00(2-~)= l 0 0 / 2 ~ 100/32 = 3.125 percent (c) p = l00(2-~)= l 0 0 / 2 ~ 100/128 = = 0.7812 percent (d) p = 100(2-~O)= 100/21 = 100/1,024 = 0.09766 percent (e) p = 1 0 0 ( 2 - ~ ~ ) 100/2~' = = 100/1,048,576 = 0.00009537 percent 9. To obtain solutions to these problems, first convert the percentages to proportions. Then "plug in" these proportions. The solutions are therefore derived as follows: (a) 10 percent is equal to 0.1 .Therefore

The subject of logarithms, which are needed to solve an equation like this, has not yet been covered in this course. However, a calculator with an "xth-root-of " function key can be used to solve this problem by trial-and-error. Only two significant digits are called for. In this case, the xth root of 10, or 10(11"), is equal to 2. Thus x can be found to be approximately 3,300,000 years. (b) 5 percent is equal to 0.05.Therefore, 0.05 = 2-" = 1/2" so 2" = 110.05 = 20 and 20(11") = 2 By trial and error with a calculator, x is found to be approximately 4,300,000 years. Another way of solving this is to note that 5 percent is exactly half of 10 per-


Answers to questions and problems

cent, the level in part (a). So the value of x must increase by the half life, or 1,000,000 years, from 3,300,000 to 4,300,000 years. (c) 2 percent is equal to 0.02.Therefore, 0.02 = 2-" = 112" s02" = 110.02 = 50 and 50(11") = 2 By trial and error with a calculator, x is found to be approximately 5,600,000 years. (d) Because 1 percent is halfof 2 percent, x in this case is 1,000,000more than in the previous problem, or approximately 6,600,000 years. (e) 0.1 percent is equal to 0.001. Therefore, 0.001 = 2-" = 112" s02" = 1/0.001 = 1,000 and 1,000(~~")2 = By trial and error with a calculator, x is found to be approximately 10,000,000 years. This is essentially the same scenario as that depicted in problem 8(d). (Teaser question: Why don't the numbers agree exactly?) 10. The answers are derived as follows: (a) cosh 1 = 1.00 + 0.500 + 0.04165 + 0.0013889 = 1.54 (b) cosh n/2 = cosh 1.5708 = 1.00 + 1.2337 + 0.25365 + 0.02086 = 2.51 (c) cosh 2 = 1.00 + 2.00 0.6667 0.08888 = 3.76 (d) coshn = cosh3.14159 = 1.OO + 4.9348 4.0587 1.3353 = 11.3

11. The answers are derived as follows, using a calculator with an ex function key: (a) cosh 0.5 = (e0.5+ e ~ O . ~ ) / 2 = (1.64872 + 0.60653 1)/2 = 1.1276 (b) cosh 1.0 = (e + ep1)/2 = (2.71828 + 0.36788)/2 = 1.5431 (c) cosh 2.0 = (e2 + ep2)/2 = (7.38906 + 0.13534)/2 = 3.7622

Answers to questions and problems

(d) cosh4.0 = (e4 + ee4)/2 = (54.5982 + 0.0183156)/2 = 27.308


12. The answers are derived as follows:

(a) sinh 1 = 1 .OO + 0.16667 0.008333 0.000198 = 1.17 (b) sinh n / 2 = sinh 1.5708 = 1.5708 + 0.64597 + 0.07970 + 0.004682 = 2.30 (c) sinh2 = 2.00 + 1.3333 + 0.26667 + 0.02540 = 3.63 (d) sinhn = sinh3.14159 = 3.14159 + 5.16770 2.55015 0.59926 = 11.5

13. The answers are derived as follows, using a calculator with an ex function key:
(a) sinh 0.5 = (e0-5- e ~ O - ~ ) / 2 = (1.64872 - 0.606531)/2 = 0.52109 (b) sinh 1.0 = ( e - e e 1 ) / 2 = (2.71828 - 0.36788)/2 = 1.1752 (c) sinh 2.0 = (e2 - ee2)/2 = (7.38906 - 0.13534)/2 = 3.6269 (d) sinh 4.0 = (e4 - ee4)/2 = (54.5982 - 0.0183156)/2 = 27.290

Chapter 24
1 . Refer to the following drawing. The labeled points are plotted exactly; the curves are drawn approximately.

2. Refer to the following drawing. The labeled points are plotted exactly; the curves are drawn approximately. 3. Refer to the following drawing. The labeled points are plotted exactly; the curves are drawn approximately. 4. Refer to the following drawing. The labeled points are plotted exactly; the curves are drawn approximately.


Answers to questions and problems

Answer to Problem 1, Chapter 24



Answer to Problem 2, Chapter 24

Answer to Problem 3, Chapter 24

Answers to questions and problems







Answer to Problem 4, Chapter 24

5. Let the expressionloglobe represented as log (no subscript). Use a calculator, and allow an extra decimal place during calculation. (a) This product can be found using logs and antilogs as follows: log 5.44 = 0.7356 log 3.67 = 0.5647 sum of logs = 1.300 antilog of sum of logs = 20.0 This is the product of the original two numbers, as you can verify by multiplying them out directly. (b) This product can be found using logs and antilogs as follows: log 10.5 = 1.021 log 0.567 = -0.2464 sum of logs = 0.7746 antilog of sum of logs = 5.95 This is the product of the original two numbers, as you can verify by multiplying them out directly. (c) This product can be found using logs and antilogs as follows: log 36.7 = 1.565 log 2.56 = 0.4082 sum of logs = 1.9732 antilog of sum of logs = 94.0 This is the product of the original two numbers, as you can verify by multiplying them out directly. (d) This product can be found using logs and antilogs as follows:


Answers to questions and problems

log 0.987 = -0.005683 log 0.822 = -0.08513 sum of logs = -0.0908 13 antilog of sum of logs = 0.8 11 This is the product of the original two numbers, as you can verify by multiplying them out directly. 6. Let the expression loglobe represented as log (no subscript). Use a calculator, and allow an extra decimal place during calculation. (a) This expression can be evaluated using logs and antilogs as follows: log 5.44 = 0.7356 multiply by exponent = 2.700 antilog of this product = 50 1 This can be verified, if desired, using a calculator that has a yx function key. (b) This expression can be evaluated using logs and antilogs as follows: log 10.5 = 1.021 multiply by exponent = 0.5789 antilog of this product = 3.79 This can be verified, if desired, using a calculator that has a yx function key. (c) This expression can be evaluated using logs and antilogs as follows: log 36.7 = 1.565 multiply by exponent = 4.0064 antilog of this product = 10,100 This can be verified, if desired, using a calculator that has a yx function key. (d) This expression can be evaluated using logs and antilogs as follows: log 0.987 = -0.005683 multiply by exponent = -0.00467 14 antilog of this product = 0.989 This can be verified, if desired, using a calculator that has a yx function key. 7. The results will still be valid if natural logs are used rather than base- 10 logs. 8. The results will be the same if base-7 logs are used. In fact, it does not matter what the logarithm base is, as long as the same base is used throughout the calculation.

Answers to questions and problems


Chapter 25
1. First, the angle must be converted to radians.To get radians, multiply degrees by 2nl360, or 0.017453.Thus the angle value to be "plugged into" the series is

When this number is placed in the series for tan x at the beginning of the chapter, the values of the first four terms are:

These are summed to obtain 0.997. As you probably know, the actual tangent of 45 degrees is exactly 1.This is the value toward which the series converges. 2. This problem is a little less tedious to solve, because the angle value is easy to "plug into" the series.The first four terms are:

These sum to 1.52.Using a calculator, the value of tan 1 is found, to three significant figures, to be 1.56. 3. Note from problem 1 that an angle of 45 degrees is 0.785385 radians. Then the first four terms of the series for sec 0.785385 are:

These sum to 1.41. Using a calculator, and remembering that the secant is the reciprocal of the cosine, the value is found to be 1.41 to three significant figures. 4. This is less tedious because the angle value is easy to "plug into" the series. The first four terms are:

These sum to 1.79. Using a calculator, the value of sec 1 is found, to three significant figures, to be 1.85.


Answers to questions and problems

5. The first four terms are:

These sum to 0.5236.This angle value is in radians. 6. To obtain degrees from radians, multiply by 1801%or 57.296. The angle in problem 5 is therefore equal to 0.5236 - 57.296 = 30.0 degrees. Using a calculator, you can determine that the actual degree value of arcsin 0.500 is exactly 30 degrees.This is the value toward which the series converges. 7. The first four terms are:

These sum to 1.05.This angle value is in radians. 8. The angle from problem 7 is equal to 1.05 57.296 = 60.2 degrees. Using a calculator, you can determine that the actual degree value of arccos 0.500 is exactly 60 degrees.This is the value toward which the series converges. 9. There is no minimum value. The larger a number becomes negatively (that is, the smaller it gets in arithmetic terms), the more negative the sum of the number and its reciprocal becomes. While the reciprocal approaches zero, the number, and therefore the sum, keeps getting smaller without limit. 10. The function is y =f (x) = x3. 11. The derivative is y' = f '(x) = 3x2 12. The second derivative is y" =f "(x) = 6x. 13. The third derivative is y 11' - f "'(x) = 6. 14. From problem 11, dyldx: = 3x2.~ h u the derivative at (1, 1) is 3, the derivas tive at (3, 27) is 27, the derivative at (5, 125) is 75, and the derivative at (8, 512) is 192. The derivatives increase, while the apparent slope of the graph decreases, because the y-axis scale is logarithmic rather than linear.This "compresses" the vertical scale and reduces the apparent slope of the graph. 15. From problem 12, d?y/dx2 = 6x.Thus the second derivative at (1, 1) is 6, the second derivative at (3, 27) is 18, the second derivative at (5, 125) is 30, and the second derivative at (8,5 12) is 48.

Answers to questions and problems


16. From problem 13, d 3 y / d ~ 3 6.Thus the third derivative is a constant, and is = equal to 6 at all four labeled points on the graph.

Chapter 26
1. The general series for a square wave with amplitude A and period 2n, expressed through the first five terms, is
f (x) = (4A/n)[sin x (sin 3x)/3 +(sin 7x)/7 (sin 9x)/9

+ +

+ (sin 5x)/5 + . . .]

In this general series, the values x are in radians, not in absolute time units. The period of the square wave in the drawing on page 464 is 30 microseconds. This represents 2n, or 6.283, radians. Therefore, 4.775 microseconds represent 1 radian. All of the x times in microseconds must therefore be multiplied by I/ 4.775, or 0.2094, in order to obtain angles in radians for "plugging into" the general expression for the series. The amplitude, A, is 4 millivolts. The series representing this wave, where x is in microseconds and f (x) is in millivolts, is:
f (x) = 5.093{sin(O.2094~) [sin(0.6282~)/3] +[sin( 1.047x)/5] [sin(1.466~)/7] [sin(l .885x)/9] . . .) = 5.093 sin(0.2094~) 1.698 sin(0.6282~) +1.019sin(l.O47x) 0.7276sin(l.466~) 0.5659 sin(1.885~) . .

+ + + +

2. The period of the wave in the drawing on page 464 is 0.00003 seconds.This represents 2n, or 6.283, radians. Therefore, 0.000004775 seconds represent 1 radian. All of the x times in seconds must be multiplied by 1/0.000004775 = 209,400 to obtain angles in radians. The amplitude, A, is 0.004 volts. Thus, the series representing this wave, where x is in seconds and f (x) is in volts, is:

3. The required number of scales are: (a) (b) (c) (d) Three (10-I to 1oO,10' to 1ol, and 10' to 10') Two (10' to 10'and 10'to 10') ~ i v (lo1 to lo2, lo2to lo3, 10' to lo4, 104to lo5,and lo5 to lo6) e One (lo7 to lo8)

4. Such a system can have four number lines, arranged as shown in the following drawing.The four number lines intersect at the zero points and represent the positive-~, positive-y, negative-x, and negative-y axes. In each case, the value 1 or


Answers to questions and problems

- 1 is halfway from the zero point to the end of the line; the value 2 or -2 is halfway from 1 or -1 to the end; the value 3 or -3 is halfway from 2 or -2 to the end, and so on.These lines are "geometrically compressed" so the values increase toward infinity without ever going off the ends of the lines.

Answer to Problem 4, Chapter 26

5. This system works on the same principle as the solution to problem 4. See the following drawing. The vertical axis is simply multiplied by j (the engineer's expression for the square root of -1).The horizontal axis represents real numbers a; the vertical axis represents imaginary numbersjb. 6. To determine the average voltage, note that the full cycle can be broken into two halves. The first half is the sine function multiplied by 100.0, over the range 0 to n.The second half is a zero function over the range n to 2n.To find the average value of the first half of the function, determine the integral Jl 00 sin x d x from . 0 to n, and then divide the result by n This is: -lOO.O(cos n

cos O)/n

= -100.0(-1 - l)/n = 200.0/n = +63.66 volts

to four significant digits.The second half of the cycle, being a zero function, will cut the average value in half over the full span 0 to 2n. Therefore, the average output is +3 1.83volts.

Answers to questions and problems


Answer to Problem 5, Chapter 26

7. The average amplitude is the same as that of the first half of the cycle in problem 6, because both halves of the cycle are identical in the output of a full-wave rectifier.Thus, the average output is +63.66 volts.

8. In this case, the average output for the first half of the cycle is f100.0 volts, and the average voltage for the second half of the cycle is 0 volts. Therefore, the average output of this circuit is +100.0/2 = +50.00 volts. 9. Here, the average output is +100.0 volts. This is because both halves of the cycle produce a constant +100.0 volt output. When a square AC wave is fullwave rectified, the result is pure DC with no ripple (in theory).

Chapter 27
1. A Boolean expression for the circuit in the drawing on page 477 is -[(WX)(Y + Z)]. Inputs W and X pass through an AND gate, inputs Y and Z pass through an OR gate, and the result passes through a NAND gate (logic AND followed by negation). 2. See following table.


Answers to questions and problems




- [(WX)(Y+Z)l

3. Lossy compression sacrifices some detail, and is used only with graphics files. Lossless compression does not sacrifice any detail or precision; it can be used with all types of files, including programs and text.
4. The answers are as follows: (a) With two inputs, there can be 2' = 4 binary signal combinations. (b) With five inputs, there can be 25 = 32 combinations. (c) With eight inputs, there can be 2* = 256 combinations. (d) With 12 inputs, there can be 212 = 4,096 combinations. 5. See the following drawing. 6. The decimal equivalents are:

Answers to questions and problems



Answers to Problem 5, Chapter 27

7. The octal equivalents are:

8. The hexadecimal equivalents are:

9. The colors represented by these numbers are:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Red, at maximum brightness and maximum saturation Green, at maximum brightness and maximum saturation Blue, at maximum brightness and maximum saturation Black White

10. The colors represented by these numbers can be qualitatively (approximately) described as follows:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Maroon or dark red Dark green Navy or very dark blue Light gray Darkgray

- - -


asynchronous flip-flop, 472 avoirdupois weight, 19 circles, equations, 333, 355 cone, area, 340, 355 cone, volume, 343, 355 conic sections, second-order curves, 364 cylinders, area, 340 cylinders, minimum surface area, 353-354 definite integrals, 337-338 directrix, 356-359 eccentricity, 356-359 ellipses, directrix, focus, eccentricity, 357-358 ellipses, equations, 355 ellipses, focus property, 360 ellipses, reflection properties, 360, 361 focus, 356-359 function derivative, 332-333 functions, 326-334 functions, cosecant, 332 functions, cotangent, 332 functions, division, 329-332 functions, multiplication, 327-329 functions, quotient formula, 330-332 functions, secant, 332 functions, tangent, successive derivatives, 334 hyperbolas, eccentricity greater than unity, 361-362 inflection points, 349-350 integration, 335-344 logarithmic function, 398-399 maxima, 347-349 minima, 347-349 parabolas, equations, 355 parabolas, focus property, 359 parabolas, reflection properties, 360, 361 pyramid, volume, 341-342 relationships and patterns, 336 second derivatives, 350-352 second-order curves, 356, 363 sphere, surface area, 341 sphere, volume, 344 volume calculations using integration, 341-342

angles (cont.) differential measurement, 300 infinitesimal changes, 301 multiple angles, trigonometry, 239-240 obtuse angles, 234-235 right angles, 86-87 supplementary angles, 243-244 triangle, 213-214 arccosine, series for, 423-424 arcsine, series for, 423-424 arctangent, series for, 396 area, 84-99 boxes with minimum surface area, 352-353 circle, using integration, 339-340 cones, 355 cones, using integration, 340 cylinders, minimum surface area, 353-354 cylinders, using integration, 340 different shapes with same area, 87-88 floors, finding area for tile or carpet, 96 integration calculation, 338-339 length-times-length calculation, 84-85 maximum area with constant perimeter, 352 parallelograms, 89-91 practical problems and applications, 95-97 right angles, 86-87 sphere, surface area, 341 square measures, 85-86, 88 triangles, 89, 93 triangles, acute, 91 triangles, obtuse, 92 walls, finding area for wallpaper, 97 arithmetic progressions, 268-269, 271-272 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 471 aspect ratio, 209 associativity of AND, 469 associativity of OR, 469 asymptotes, 362

base 2, 467 base 10, 466 binary circuits, 471 binary number system, 467 binary numbers, 256-257 calculator method, 262 decimal conversion, 257-258, 260 division, 260-261 multiplication, 258-260 binary signal, 465 binary symbols, 471 binomials converging series, 285-286 expansion, 281-282 expansion, logarithmic, 417 growth and decay functions, 394-395 infinite geometric progressions, 283-284 powers, progressions, 280-281 roots found using binomials, 284-285 series, 282-283 bit, 471 Boolean algebra, 467-469 Boolean operations, 469 borrowing in subtraction, 26-27 boxes, area calculations, 352-353 brackets in algebraic equations, 127-129, 140-141 brightness, 474 brilliance, 474 byte, 471-472

calculators, 451 calculus, 143, 326-365 area calculations, boxes with minimum surface area, 352-353 area calculations, maximum area with constant perimeter, 352 asymptotes, 362 circles, area, 339-340 circles, directrix, focus, eccentricity, 357-358

carrying in addition, 14-16 carrying in multiplication, 39-40 characteristics, logarithms, 415 chords, 242-243 circles angle measurement using progressions, 298-300 angles, 242-243 area calculation using integration, 339-340 calculus equations, 355 chords, 242-243 coordinate systems, equation of a circle, 367-368 directrix, focus, eccentricity, 357-358 equation of a circle, functions, 333 grades, 298 quadrants, 234-235 radians, 299-300 clock, 473 coefficients, 147 color palette, 474 combinations and progressions, 279-280 common denominators, fractions, 75-76 commutativity of AND, 469 commutativity of OR, 469 complementary angles, 243-244 complex quantities, 377-391 angles, 377 checking results, 384 cube roots, 380-381 division, 383-384 graphic solutions, 447 imaginary quantities, 377-378, 425-426 magnitude checking, 386 multiplication, 382 planes, complex, 386-387 problem solving, 379-380 quadratic roots, 388 rationalization, 384-385 reciprocals, 382-383 roots, 389 summarizing results, 384 vectors, 377 composite gates, 470-471 compression, 473-474 cones area calculations, 340, 355 volume calculations, 343,355 conic sections, second-order curves, 364 constant acceleration, 198-199 constant of integration, 336-337 constants, algebraic, 142 contradiction, 469 coordinate systems, 366-374 circles, equation of, 367-368 lines, equation in rectangular coordinates, 370 lines, equation in spherical polar coordinates, 371 multiple integration, 372 origin, 366 plane systems, 366 planes, equation in rectangular coordinates, 370 planes, equation in spherical polar coordinates, 371 polar systems, 366 second-order curves, threedimensional, 372 straight lines, equation of, 367-368 three-dimensional systems, 369 cosecant, 332 cosh, 405 cosine, 218, 223-224, 231-234 series for cosine, 304-305 cotangent, 332 counting (see also number systems), 3-1 1 abacus method, 6-1 1 accuracy depending on method, 249-250 binary numbers, 256-257 decimal number system, 4-5, 253 duodecimal numbers, 5, 254-255 magnitude order, 251-252 millions and billions, 10-1 1 numbers larger than ten, 5-6 tens to hundreds to thousands, 7-8 zero usage, 6, 9 cube roots, 180-182 complex quantities, 380-381 cubed numbers, 142 curves drawing. 437-438


fitting curves to parameters, 436-437 quadratic, series for, 459 second-order, 356, 363 second-order, conic section, 365 second-order, threedimensional, 372 sine waves, 237-238 slope on logarithmic scales, 434-436 cylinders area calculation using integration, 340 minimum surface area, 353-354

data compression, 473-474 decay funcctions, series, 394-395 decimal number system, 466 decimal numbers, 4-5, 253 binary conversion, 257-258, 260 duodecimal conversion, 255-256 fractional equivalents, 62-63, 65-67 repeating numbers, 63-67 definite integrals, 337-338 degree measurement of angles, 220 DeMorgan's Theorem, 469 dependent variables, 297 derivatives, second derivatives, 350-352 differentiation, 294-298, 308-325 algebra combined with trigonometry, 322-323 angles, 300 fourth power term in transfer characteristics, 317 harmonic motion, 310-31 1 integration vs., 335 linear or nonlinear relationships, 31 1 multiples and powers, 319-321 nonlinear relationships, 312-314 power sinusoids, multiple components, 316-317

562 Index
differentiation (cont.) power-term combination, 318-319 problem solving, 321-322 series for cosine, 304-305 series for sine, 302-303 sine waves, 308-309 sinusoidal motion, 309-310 successive, 294-295,297-298 successive, in sine waves, 301-302 symmetrical nonlinearity, 314-316 digital mathematics, 465-476 dimensions, 100-101 algebraic, 142 time as fourth dimension, 101 directrix, 356-359 disjunction, 476 distributivity, 469 dividends, 111-1 12 division, 50-68 algebra explained in terms of long division, 150-151 approximate long division and fractions, 78-79 binary numbers, 260-261 calculator method, 51 checking answers with multiplication, 56 complex quantities, 383-384 factors, 56 fractions, 60-66 functions, 329-332 logarithms, 41 5 remainders, 57-60 remainders, repeating numbers, 63-67 double negation, 469 dry measure addition of units, 22 metric system, 94-95 multiplication, 45 subtraction, 32 duodecimal numbers, 5, 254-255 decimal conversion. 255-256 calculating equations, 355 directrix, focus, eccentricity, 357-358 focus property, 360 reflection properties, 360, 361 energy constant acceleration, 198-199 gravity as energy source, 195-196 kinetic, 199-200, 203 potential, 201-202, 203 power and energy, 194-195 resonance cycles, 203-204 storage, stressed springs, 201-202 transfer, released springs, 202-203 transfer, resonance cycles, 203-204 velocity and kinetic energy, 199-200 work and energy, 193-194 epsilon functions of, 399 raised to a power, significance, 401 value of, series calculations, 395-396 equations in algebra, 125-126, 142-143 equilateral triangles, 220 exabyte, 472 exclusive OR, 470 exclusive OR gate, 470, 471 expansion, binomial, 281-282 exponential functions, complex, 401-403 gated, 473 J-K, 472, 473 masterlslave (MIS), 473 R-S, 472 R-S-T, 473 states, 472 synchronous, 473 T, 473 focus, 356-359 foot-poundal, 193 force, 187-189, 192-193 gravity as force, 196-197 formula method, quadratic solutions, 165-168 Fourier series, 453 fractions, 60-66, 69-83 addition, 74 approximate long division, 78-79 approximate long multiplication, 81 calculator method, 61,76-77 cancellation method using factors, 69-70 common denominators, 75-76 counting systems using fractions, 250-251 decimal equivalents, 62-63, 65-67 different fractions with same value, 69 factors, 70-72 factors, calculator method, 73-74 improper fractions, 76 partial fractions and integration, 428-429 percentages, 109-1 13 prime numbers, 71, 72-73 rate-of-growth, time, 109 repeating numbers, 63-67 significant numbers, 77-78 significant numbers, calculator method, 79-8 1 simultaneous equations, 146-149 square numbers, 72-73 subtraction, 74-75 functions, 326-334 circle, equation of, 333 cosecant, 332 cotangent, 332 decay, series, 394-395 derivatives, 332-333

factorial notation, 278-279 factors algebraic equations, long division method, 151 division, 56-57 fractions and cancellation, 69-70 multiplication, 44 progressions, factorial notation, 278-279 quadratic equations, 157160 squared numbers, 175 flip-flops, 472-473 asynchronous, 472

(see epsilon) eccentricity, 356-359 edge triggering, 473 electronic logic gates (see logic gates) ellipses
E, E

division, 329-332 exponential, 399 growth, series, 394-395 hyperbolic, 404-405 maxima and minima, 347-349 multiplication, 327-329 quotient formula, 330-332 secant, 332 tangent, successive derivatives, 334 fuzzy logic, 468 eccentricity greater than unity, 361-362 hyperbolic functions, 404 405 second-order curves, 363 hyperbolic logarithms, 414 hypotenuse, 215


lengths area calculations, 84-85 metric system, 94-95 multiplication, 45 linear relationships, 3 11 lines equation in rectangular coordinates, 370 equation in spherical polar coordinates, 371 equation of, 367-368 intersecting, 213 perpendicular, 21 5 liquid measure addition of units, 22 metric system, 94-95 multiplication, 45 subtraction, 32 logarithms, 396-397, 409-421 binomial expansion, 417 calculating, 4 12-414 calculus, logarithmic function, 398-399 characteristics, 41 5 division, 415 formulas using logarithms, 418-419 gap in series of derivatives, 397-398 hyperbolic, 414 indices, 416 laws using, 419 multiplication, 415 Napierian, 414-415 natural, 414 roots vs. powers, 416 series, 409-4 11 shift functions, 415 slope on logarithmic scales, 434-436 logic, 467-468 logic gates, 468, 470, 471, 476 basic, 468 characteristics, 470 composite, 470 symbols, 471 lossless image compression, 474 lossy image compression, 474

image compression, 474 lossless, 474 lossy, 474 imaginary numbers, 180-1 82 imaginary quantities, 377-378, 425-426 independent variables, 297 indices, number system placeholders, 262-264, 265 inequations in algebra, 143 infinite geometric progressions. 283-284 infinitesimal change, 291-294 inflection points, 349-350 integration, 335-344 area calculations, 338-339 circle, area, 339-340 cone, area, 340 cone, volume, 343 constants, 336-337 cylinder, area, 340 definite integrals, 337-338 differentiation vs., 335 multiple integration, 372 partial fractions, 428-429 product formula, 429-432 pyramid, volume, 341-342 sphere, surface area, 341 sphere, volume, 344 variables, changing variables, 432-434 volume calculations, 341342 intersecting lines, 213 inverter, 468 isosceles triangles, 220, 222, 240-241

gated flip-flop, 473 geometric progressions, 269-270, 272-274 infinite, 283-284 gigabit, 471 gigabyte, 471-472 grades, 298 graphs, 113-1 17, 444-450 algebra, 124-125 complex quantities, solving, 447 infinitesimal change, 291-294 inflection points, 349-350 linear representation, modified, 448-450 maximum and minimum points, 348-349 progressions, 291 quadratic equation curve, 155 scale changes, 446 gravity energy source using, 195-196 force using, 196-197 work measurement using, 197-198 growth functions, series, 394-395 growth rates fractional increase, 109 time as component, 108-109

harmonic motion, 310-31 1 harmonic progressions, 270 hexadecimal number system, 467 hue, 474 hyperbolas asymptotes, 362

J-K flip-flop, 473

kilobit, 471 kilobyte, 471 kinetic energy, 203 velocity and, 199-200

magnitude complex quantities, 386 orders of, 251-252 mass, 187, 197


ratios, 443-444 reciprocal, 444 nonlinear relationships, 31 1, 312-314 NOR, 470, 476 NOR gate, 469, 470 NOR operation, 476 NOT operation, 476 number games and tricks, 132-134 number systems, 3-1 1 bases defined, 4 binary, 256-257 decimal, 4-5, 253 decimal-binary conversion, 257-258 decimal-duodecimal conversion, 255-256 duodecimal, 5, 254-255 imaginary numbers, 180-182 indices, 262, 265 magnitude order, 251-252 placeholder importance, indices, 262-264 roots, 264 septimal, 250-251 surds, 265 vinculum use, 265 zero, 6, 9 numbering, 466 parallelograms, area calculation, 89-91 parentheses in algebraic equations, 127-129, 140-141 percentages, 109-1 13 money and dividends, 111-112 profit and loss, 112-113 permutations, 277-278 perpendicular lines, 215 petabyte, 472 plane coordinate systems, 366 planes complex, 379, 386-387 complex, frequency planes, 404 complex, p planes, 403-404 coordinate systems, equation in rectangular coordinates, 370 coordinate systems, equation in spherical polar coordinates, 371 polar coordinate systems, 366 positive-edge triggering, 473 potential energy, 201-202, 203 poundals, force measurement, 187 power acceleration at constant power, 200-201 energy and power, 194-195 power/multiple conversions, 426-428 powers, 264 combinations of terms, 318-319 multiples and powers, differentiation, 319-321 sinusoidal, fourth-power term in transfer characteristics, 317 sinusoidal, multiple components, 316-31 7 prime numbers, 71, 72-73 product formula, integration, 429-432 progressions, 268-307 arithmetic, 268-269, 271-272 binomials, converging series, 285-286 binomials, expansion, 281-282

master, 473 masterlslave (MIS) flip-flop, 473 maxima, 347-349 megabit, 471 megabyte, 471 metric system and conversions, 94-95 microprocessor, 471 minima, 347-349 minus index, 264 modulo 2, 467 modulo 10, 466 multiple-valued OR, 476 multiplicand, 37-39 multiplication, 34-49 addition vs., 34-35 algebraic, 140-141 approximate long multiplication and fractions, 81 binary numbers, 258-260 calculator method, 40-41 carrying, 39-40 checking answers, 41-42, 56 complex quantities, 382 dry measures, 45 factors, 44 functions, 327-329 length units, 45-46 lengths, area calculations, 84-85 liquid measures, 45 logarithms, 41 5 multiplicand vs. multiplier, 37-39 order of numbers, 40-42 patterns of multiplied numbers, 35-37 subtraction used in multiplication, 42-43 tables of multiplication, 35-37 weight units, 44-45 zeros, dropping extra, 37, 41 multiplier, 37-39

obtuse angles, 234-235 octal number system, 467 octet, 471 orders of magnitude, 251-252 OR, 468, 469, 470, 471, 475, 476 associativity of, 469 commutativity of, 469 multiple-valued, 476 OR function, 475 OR gate, 468, 470, 471 OR identity, 469 OR operation, 476

NAND, 470 NAND gate, 470, 471 Napierian logarithms, 414 natural logarithms, 414 negations, 476 negative-edge triggering, 473 nomograms, 442-444 multi-formula, 442-443

palette, color, 474 parabolas calculus equations, 355 focus property, 359 reflection properties, 360, 361 second-order curves, 363

binomials, finding roots, 284-285 binomials, infinite geometric progressions, 283-284 binomials, powers of a binomial, 280-281 binomials, series, 282-283 change, infinitesimal, 291-294 change, rate of change, 289-290 circular measurement of angles, 298-300 combinations, 279-280 convergence, rate of, 276 converging series, 274-276 converging series, binomials, 285-286 dependent variables, 297 differentiation, 295-297 differentiation, angles, 300 differentiation, successive, 294-295, 297-298 differentiation, successive, sine waves, 301-302 factorial notation, 278-279 geometric, 269-270,272-274 graphing change, 291-294 harmonic, 270 independent variables, 297 permutations, 277-278 series for cosine, 304-305 series for sine, 302-303 sum of arithmetic series, 271-272 sum of converging series, 275-276 sum of geometric series, 272-274 variables, 297 proportion (see ratios) pyramids, volume calculation using integration, 341342 Pythagorean theorem, 216-217, 238 curves, series for quadratic curve, 459 factors used to solve equations, 157-160 formula method for solving, 165-1 68 graphs and curves, 155 interpreting results geometrically, 163 sample problem: picture frames, 170-1 71 simultaneous equations, 183 solving quadratic equations, 156 quotient formulas, functions, 330-332


right angles, 86-87 right triangles, 214-21 5, 216-217, 222 roots, 264 binomials to find roots, 284285 complex quantities, 389 R-S flip-flop, 472, 473 R-S-T flip-flop, 473

saturation, 474 secant, 332 second derivatives, 350-352 second-order curves, 356, 363 conic section, 364 three-dimensional, 372 septimal numbers, 250-25 1 sequential logic gate, 472 series, 392-408 arccosine, 423-424 arcsine, 423-424 arctangent, 396 complex exponential functions, 401-403 complex frequency planes, 404 complex p planes, 403-404 convergence, 424-425 decay functions, 394-395 epsilon, functions of, 399 epsilon, significance, 401 exponential vs. trigonometric convergence, 400 exponential vs. trigonometric relationships, 399-400 exponential, significance, 400 Fourier, 453 gap in series of derivatives, 397-398 growth functions, 394-395 hyperbolic functions, 404-405 logarithmic, 409-41 1 logarithms (see logarithms) patterns, 392-393 quadratic curves, 459 secant, 423 trigonometric series, 422 shift function, logarithms, 415 simultaneous equations in algebra, 146-149

radians, 299-300 radix 2, 467 radix 10, 466 radix point, 466, 467 rationalization, complex quantities, 384-385 ratios, 209-228 angles identified by, 21 5-216 aspect ratios, 209 cosines, 218, 223-224 manipulation of, 209-21 1 nomograms, 443-444 problem solving using, 211-212 shape and size distinctions, 213 sines, 218, 223-224 summed angles, 229 tangents, 218, 223-224 trigonometric ratios for angles, 221 reciprocals, 264 algebra, 149-150 complex quantities, 382-383 nomograms, 444 rectangles, area calculation, 86-8 7 resonance cycles, energy, 203-204 travel and velocity, 204-205 RGB, 474, 475 RGB (red/green/blue) color model, 474 rhomboids, area calculation, 89-9 1 rhombus, area calculation, 89-9 1

quadrants, 234-235 quadratics, 154-171 checking answers, 162-1 63, 169 comparing methods used to solve, 164-165 complete solution, 160-162 complex quantities and quadratic roots, 388

566 Index
simultaneous equations in quadratics, 183 sine, 218- 223-224, 230-231, 233-234 series for sine using progressions, 302-303 sine waves, 237-238 differentiation, 308-309 fourth power term in transfer characteristics, 317 harmonic motion, 310-31 1 linear or nonlinear relationships, 31 1 nonlinear relationships, 312-314 power sinusoids, multiple components, 316-317 power-term combination, 318-319 sinusoidal motion, 309-310 successive differentiation, 301-302 symmetrical nonlinearity, 314-316 waveform synthesis, 451-452 sinh, 405 sinusoidal motion, 309-310 slave, 473 slide rule, 441 slope, logarithmic scales, 434-436 speed measurements, 102-107 acceleration, 189-192 acceleration at constant power, 200-201 average speed calculations, 103-105, 107 constant acceleration, 198-199 making up time, 107 rate of change and progressions, 289-290 reference quantity, 105-106 velocity, 192, 199-200 spheres surface area calculation using integration, 341 volume calculation using integration, 341 springs energy storage in, 201-202 energy transfer in released, 201-202 resonance cycles, energy transfer, 203-204 travel and velocity in resonance cycles, 204-205 square roots, 176-180 continued square roots, 178-179 cube roots, 180-182 imaginary numbers, 182 placeholder importance, 179 positive and negative signs, 180 square waves, 454 offset, 456 switching functions, 456-459 triangular waves vs., 454-455 squared numbers, 72-73, 142 difference equals sum times difference, 173-174 factors, 175 roots (see square roots) sum-and-difference principle in geometry, 175 squares, area calculation, 86-87 static triggering, 473 subtraction, 24-33 borrowing, 26-27 change-making, 28-30 checking answers using addition, 25-26 dry measures, 32 fractions, 74-75 large numbers, 27-28 liquid measures, 32 weight units, 30 successive differentiation, 294-295, 297-298, 301-302 sum and difference formulas, 175, 236-237 supplementary angles, 243-244 surds, 265 switching functions, square waves as, 456-459 symmetrical nonlinearity, 314-316 time (see also speed measurements), 100-1 19 rate-of-growth calculations, 108-109 speed, distance times time, 102-107 triangular waves, 453-454 series, trigonometric series, 422 square waves vs., 454-455 triggering, 473 edge, 473 negative-edge, 473 positive-edge, 473 static, 473 trigonometric series, 422 trigonometry algebra combined with, 322-323 angles, in a circle, 242-243 angles, multiple angles, 239-240 angles, triangle measurement, 213-214 area calculations, 89, 93 area calculations, acute triangles, 91 area calculations, obtuse triangles, 92 complementary angles, 243-244 cosine, 218, 231-232, 233-234 curves, sine waves, 237-238 degree measurement of angles, 220 difference-angles ratios, 235-236 equilateral triangles, 220 hypotenuse, 215 isosceles triangles, 220, 240-24 1 obtuse angles, 234-235 problem solving, 223, 225-226 Pythagorean theorem, 216-217, 238 ratios for angles, 221 ratios to identify angles, 215-216 right isosceles triangles, 222 right triangles, 214-217 sine, 218, 230-231, 233-234 sine-cosine-tangent tables, 223-224 sum angles, ratios, 229

T flip-flop, 473 tangents, 21 8, 223-224, 232-234 successive derivatives, 334 tanh, 405 terabyte, 472

sum and difference formulas, 236-237 supplementary angles, 243-244 tangent, 218, 232-234 trinary logic, 468 truth statements in algebra, 143 truth tables, 475-476 volume cone, using integration, 343, 355 pyramid, using integration, 341-342 sphere, using integration, 344


waveforms Fourier series, 453 quadratic curves series, 459 square, 454 square, offset, 456 square, switching functions, 456-459 synthesis, 451-452 transfer characteristics, 461-463 triangular, 453-454

variables, 142, 297 vectors, 277 velocity, 192 acceleration a t constant power, 200-201 kinetic energy and, 199-200 rate of change and progressions, 289-290 resonance cycles, 204-205 vinculum, 265

weight units addition of units, 19-21 balance (scales) use, 31 metric system, 94-95 multiplication, 44-45 subtraction, 30 work, 187-188, 192-193 energy and, 193-194 gravitational measure of, 197-198

XOR, 470 XOR gate, 470, 471

zero, 6, 9

multiplication, 37, 41

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