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ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE 2. GRANT OF LICENSE ....................................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE 3. CONSIDERATION FOR LICENSE ................................................................................ 7
ARTICLE 4. REPORTS AND ACCOUNTING ..................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE 5. PAYMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 11
ARTICLE 6. DILIGENCE AND COMMERCIALIZATION............................................................. 12
ARTICLE 7. PATENT PROSECUTION .............................................................................................. 12
ARTICLE 8. INFRINGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 14
ARTICLE 10. DAMAGES, INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE ........................................... 15
ARTICLE 11. CONFIDENTIALITY .................................................................................................... 16
ARTICLE 12. TERM AND TERMINATION ...................................................................................... 18
ARTICLE 13. ASSIGNMENT................................................................................................................ 20
ARTICLE 14. ARBITRATION .............................................................................................................. 20
ARTICLE 15. MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................................................... 21
ARTICLE 16. NOTICES ........................................................................................................................ 23
APPENDIX A COMPANY’S DEVELOPMENT PLAN...................................................................... 25
APPENDIX B LICENSED PATENTS .................................................................................................. 26
APPENDIX C U.S. GOVERNMENT LICENSE(S) ............................................................................. 27
APPENDIX D RUNNING ROYALTY PERCENTAGES ................................................................... 28
APPENDIX E MINIMUM ROYALTIES.............................................................................................. 29
APPENDIX F MILESTONE PAYMENTS ........................................................................................... 30
APPENDIX G LICENSE MAINTENANCE FEES .............................................................................. 31
APPENDIX H DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES AND DATES ....................................................... 32
THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the __________________, (the
“Effective Date”) by and between EMORY UNIVERSITY, a nonprofit Georgia corporation with
offices located at 1599 Clifton Road NE, 4th Floor, Mailstop 1599/001/1AZ Atlanta, Georgia 30322,
(hereinafter referred to as "EMORY") and
("COMPANY") (EMORY and COMPANY collectively being the “Parties”).
WHEREAS, EMORY is the owner of all right, title, and interest in inventions and technology,
developed by employees of EMORY and is responsible for their protection and commercial
development; and
WHEREAS, EMORY has developed certain inventions and technology related to
, which is in part described in Emory TechID No. ; and
WHEREAS, COMPANY wishes to obtain and EMORY wishes to grant certain rights to pursue
the development and commercialization of the inventions in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and the premises herein,
the parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows.


"Affiliate" shall mean any corporation or non-corporate business entity which controls, is controlled by,
or is under common control with a party to this Agreement. A business entity shall be regarded
as in control of another corporation if it owns, or directly or indirectly controls, at least fifty
(50%) percent of the voting stock of the other corporation, or possesses, directly or indirectly, the
power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such entity.
"Agreement" or "License Agreement" shall mean this Agreement, including all APPENDICES.
“COMPANY’s Development Plan” shall mean the plan detailed in APPENDIX A, which may be
amended upon written agreement by the parties.
"Dollars" shall mean United States dollars.
"Field of Use" shall mean .
"Indemnitees" shall mean the Inventors, EMORY, its directors, officers, employees and students, and
their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and legal representatives.
“Inventors” shall mean the named inventors of the Licensed Patents.
"Licensed Patents" shall mean the patent applications identified in APPENDIX B, together with any and
all substitutions, extensions, divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part (to the extent that
the claimed subject matter of such continuations-in-part is disclosed in the parent License Patent

and rights to the continuations-in-part are not obligated to a third party), foreign counterparts of
such patent applications and any patents which issue thereon anywhere in the world, including
reexamined and reissued patents.
"Licensed Product(s)" shall mean any process, service or product covered by a Valid Claim of any
Licensed Patent, and/or that incorporates or uses any Licensed Technology. For the avoidance of
doubt, a process, service or product is a Licensed Product if it incorporates Licensed Technology
and adds additional features.
"Licensed Know-How" shall mean all formulations, designs, technical information, know-how,
knowledge, data, specifications, test results and other information, whether or not patented or
patentable (“Know-How”), which are known, learned, invented, or developed by the Inventors as
of the Effective Date to the extent that (i) such Know-How is required for the manufacture, use,
development, testing, marketing, import, offer for sale or sale of any Licensed Product and (ii)
EMORY possesses the right to license the use of such Know-How to COMPANY for commercial
“Licensed Technology” means Licensed Patents and Licensed Know-How.
"Licensed Territory" means .
"Net Selling Price" of Licensed Products shall mean the gross selling price paid by a purchaser of a
Licensed Product to COMPANY, an Affiliate or Sublicensee of COMPANY, or any other party
authorized by COMPANY to sell Licensed Products less the following discounts:
a) customary trade, quantity and cash discounts actually allowed and taken, including
rebates granted to managed health care or governmental organizations;
b) credits actually given for rejected or returned Licensed Products;
c) freight, postage, shipping, transportation and insurance costs, if actually paid and
separately itemized on the invoice paid by the purchaser; and
d) excise taxes and customs duties included in the invoiced amount.
Where a Sale is deemed consummated by a gift, use, or other disposition of Licensed
Products for other than a selling price stated in cash, the term "Net Selling Price" shall mean the
average gross selling price billed by COMPANY in consideration of the Sale of comparable
Licensed Products during the three (3) month period immediately preceding such Sale, without
reduction of any kind. If no Sales of Licensed Products have occurred in the preceding three (3)
months, then the parties shall, in good faith, negotiate the cash value of such Sale. In the event
that the parties cannot agree on the Net Selling Price within thirty (30) days of beginning such
negotiations, the Net Selling Price shall be determined by a mutually agreeable qualified

“Prosecution and Maintenance” or “Prosecute and Maintain,” with respect to a particular patent
application or patent, means the preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance of such patent
or patent application, as well as re-examinations, reissues, applications for patent term extensions
and the like with respect to such patent or patent application, together with the conduct of
interferences, the defense of oppositions and other similar proceedings with respect to such patent
or patent application.
"Sale," “Sell” or "Sold" shall mean the sale, transfer, exchange, or other disposition of Licensed Products
whether by gift or otherwise by COMPANY, its Affiliates, Sublicensees or any third party
authorized by COMPANY. Sales of Licensed Products shall be deemed consummated upon the
first to occur of: (a) receipt of payment from the purchaser; (b) delivery of Licensed Products to
the purchaser or a common carrier; (c) release of Licensed Products from consignment; (d) if
deemed Sold by use, when first put to such use; or (e) if otherwise transferred, exchanged, gifted,
or disposed of, when such transfer, exchange, gift, or other disposition occurs.
To the extent that a Licensed Product is provided for a Humanitarian Purpose or is
distributed under an Investigational New Drug Application (“IND”) or its domestic or foreign
equivalent, the distribution will not be considered a Sale if the Net Selling Price does not exceed
the Absorbed Cost thereof. Licensed Product distributed for a “Humanitarian Purpose” shall
mean: 1) distribution through programs providing Licensed Product to government agencies or
not-for-profit organizations established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes; and
2) distribution to physicians, pharmacies or patients in countries that are listed in attached
APPENDIX I. For these purposes, “Absorbed Costs” shall mean the amounts allocated by
COMPANY for distribution of a Licensed Product calculated from: (i) direct labor used in
support of manufacturing operations; (ii) materials; (iii) overhead costs including facility and
administrative expenses; and (iv) reasonable third party costs.
"U.S. Government Licenses" shall mean the non-exclusive license to the U.S. Government or agencies
thereof pursuant to grant No.: [insert grant number], copies of which are attached hereto as
"Valid Claim" shall mean a claim in an unexpired patent or pending patent application so long as such
claim shall not have been irrevocably abandoned or held invalid in an unappealable decision of a
court or other authority of competent jurisdiction in the relevant country.


2.1. License. EMORY hereby grants COMPANY and its Affiliates an exclusive right
and license, subject to Sections 2.2 through 2.5 to make, have made, use, import, offer for sale and sell
Licensed Products in the Field of Use in the Licensed Territory during the term of this Agreement.
2.2. Government Rights. COMPANY acknowledges that EMORY and COMPANY have
certain obligations and the United States government certain rights in the Licensed Technology if such
was developed with funding from the United States. COMPANY hereby warrants that it shall take all
action necessary to satisfy and to enable EMORY to satisfy such obligations. If the United States
government should take action which renders it impossible or impractical for EMORY to grant, or which
conditions or reduces the rights and licenses granted herein, EMORY or COMPANY may terminate this
Agreement upon reasonable prior notice or cause it to be equitably reformed to reflect such conditioned or
reduced rights and licenses. COMPANY shall not have any right to the return of any payments of any
kind made by it to EMORY prior to the date of such action.
2.3. Reserved
2.4. Retained License. EMORY hereby retains, on behalf of itself, its employees and research
collaborators, a right to make, have made, use, import, and transfer Licensed Products and practice
Licensed Technology for research, educational and non-commercial and humanitarian clinical purposes.
2.5. Global Health Exclusion: The exclusive license granted herein is further conditional on a
retained, sublicensable, license to EMORY solely for research and development of products, technologies
or services for addressing public health needs for any Neglected Tropical Disease (“NTD”) in a Least
Developed Country (“LDC”), as such are defined in APPENDIX J. Upon request, COMPANY agrees
to grant a royalty free, non-exclusive license in any LDC for manufacture, use or sale of a product,
technology or service for addressing public health needs for a NTD.
2.6. Sublicenses. Upon written approval from EMORY, COMPANY may grant sublicenses to
third parties (“Sublicensees”), without the right to grant further sublicenses, that are consistent with the
terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that COMPANY shall be responsible for the operations
of its Sublicensees that are relevant to this Agreement and remain responsible for any reporting and any
payment of all fees and royalties due under this Agreement.
2.6.1. a provision requiring the Sublicensee to indemnify EMORY and maintain liability
coverage to the same extent required pursuant to Section 10.3 of this Agreement;
2.6.2. a provision that grants EMORY the right to audit the Sublicensee to the same extent that
EMORY has the right to audit pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement;
2.6.3. a provision that causes automatic termination in the event that a Sublicensee challenges,
either directly or indirectly, the validity, enforceability or scope of any claim within the

Licensed Patent in a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, including
in a reexamination or opposition proceeding.
2.7. No Implied License. The license and rights granted in this Agreement shall not be
construed to confer any rights upon COMPANY by implication, estoppel, or otherwise as to any
technology not specifically identified in this Agreement as Licensed Technology.
2.8. U.S. Manufacturing. To the extent that any Licensed Technology is developed using any
funding from the United States, COMPANY agrees that any Licensed Products used or sold in the United
States will be manufactured substantially in the United States unless any waivers required are obtained
from the United States Government by COMPANY.


3.1. License Fee. As partial consideration for the license granted to COMPANY under this
Agreement, COMPANY shall pay EMORY a license fee in the amount of
Dollars within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
3.2. Equity Consideration. As partial consideration for the license granted to COMPANY
under this Agreement, within sixty (60) days of receipt of a Stock Distribution Agreement (attached as
APPENDIX K), COMPANY shall issue that number of shares/units of COMPANY that constitute
% of total equity, with a fair market value equal to
on the date of issuance. Total equity shall be calculated as the total number of shares of issued and
outstanding shares assuming: a) the conversion of all issued and outstanding securities into stock; b) the
exercise of all issued and outstanding warrants or options; and c) the issuance, grant and exercise of all
securities reserved for issuance pursuant to any stock option plan then in effect. COMPANY agrees to
provide EMORY with a copy of its capitalization table and its bylaws within forty five (45) days from the
Effective Date of this Agreement, as well as to provide any additional requested information regarding its
capitalization to support the share calculation. The COMPANY and EMORY agree to enter into a Stock
Purchase Agreement.
3.2.1. Should COMPANY’s Board and/or the preferred stockholders fail to approve the issuance
of such shares to EMORY within forty-five (45) days after the Effective Date of this
Agreement, COMPANY will pay EMORY dollars in lieu
of the issuance of such shares within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date.
3.2.2. COMPANY acknowledges that in accordance with EMORY's Intellectual Property Policy,
certain individuals are to receive a portion of the common stock received as consideration
hereunder. COMPANY shall issue the shares granted to EMORY under this Article directly
in the name of the individuals and/or institutions and in the proportions as agreed to in the

Stock Distribution Agreement attached as APPENDIX K.
3.2.3. Preemptive Rights. If COMPANY proposes to sell any equity securities or securities that
are convertible into equity securities of COMPANY, then EMORY and/or its Assignee (as
defined below) will have the right to purchase up to percent
of the securities issued in each offering on the same terms and conditions as are offered to
the other purchasers in each such financing. The term “Assignee” means (a) any entity to
which EMORY’s participation rights under this section have been assigned either by
EMORY or another entity, or (b) any entity that is controlled by EMORY.
3.3. Running Royalties. As partial consideration for the license granted to COMPANY under
this Agreement, COMPANY shall pay EMORY a total royalty equal to the percentage set forth on
APPENDIX D times the Net Selling Price of all Licensed Products Sold during the term of this
Agreement by COMPANY, its Affiliates, its Sublicensees or any third party authorized by COMPANY to
Sell Licensed Products.
3.4. Minimum Royalties. In the event that, following the first Sale of a Licensed Product
(“First Sale”), the aggregate royalties paid to EMORY during any calendar year pursuant to Section 3.3
hereof do not exceed the minimum royalty set forth in APPENDIX E, COMPANY shall pay to EMORY
no later than sixty (60) days following the last day of such calendar year the difference between such
minimum royalty amount and the actual royalties paid.
3.5. Sublicensee Payments. Within thirty (30) days of receipt by COMPANY, COMPANY
shall pay EMORY percent of any fees or payments paid to COMPANY by
a Sublicensee (“Sublicensee Percentage”) as consideration for a sublicense grant under this Agreement.
Such Sublicense Percentage shall be applied to any payments made to COMPANY by a Sublicensee,
including but not limited to any initial licensing fees, milestone fees, maintenance fees, minimum royalty
payments and premium equity payments, to the extent any such premium equity payment is directly
attributable to the sublicense of the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technology. For purposes of this
Agreement, premium equity payments shall mean the positive difference between the amount paid for
COMPANY equity by a Sublicensee and the fair market value of said equity. The fair market value shall
be the amount paid in the last round of financing if within six (6) months, or, if no round of financing
occurred in that time, shall be agreed upon by the parties.
3.6. Milestone Payments. COMPANY shall pay EMORY a Milestone Payment in the
amount specified in APPENDIX F no later than thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the corresponding
Milestone Event. To the extent that a Milestone Payment is due to the COMPANY from a Sublicensee,
the COMPANY shall pay EMORY the amount of the Milestone Payment due, as well as a Sublicense
Percentage of any additional amount paid to COMPANY.
3.7. License Maintenance Fees. In the event that all Milestone Payments have not been paid

to EMORY prior to an anniversary of the Effective Date as set forth on APPENDIX G, COMPANY
shall pay to EMORY the corresponding Maintenance Fee.
3.8. Reimbursement for Patent Expenses.
(i) COMPANY shall reimburse EMORY for all fees, costs, and expenses incurred by EMORY
after the Effective Date and during the term of this Agreement related to Prosecuting or Maintaining the
Licensed Patents in the Licensed Territory. COMPANY shall deliver such payment to EMORY within
thirty (30) days after EMORY notifies COMPANY of the amount of such fees, costs, and expenses. To
the extent that COMPANY does not remit payment of any uncontested amounts within sixty (60) days of
notification, a late payment charge of one percent (1%) per month will be assessed against the
(ii) COMPANY shall reimburse EMORY for all fees, costs, and expenses incurred by EMORY
as of the Effective Date related to Prosecuting or Maintaining the Licensed Patents. COMPANY shall
deliver such payment to EMORY within thirty (30) days after EMORY notifies COMPANY of the
3.9. Tax Payments. All payments made to EMORY under this Agreement shall be made free
and clear of any tax, withholding or other governmental charge or levy (other than taxes imposed on the
net income of EMORY), all such non-excluded amounts being “Taxes.” Should the COMPANY be
obligated by law to withhold any Taxes on such payments, the payment due hereunder shall be increased
such that after the withholding of the appropriate amount EMORY receives the amount that would have
been paid but for the Taxes withheld. Should EMORY be obligated to pay such Taxes, and such Taxes
were not satisfied by way of withholding, COMPANY shall promptly reimburse EMORY for such
payment, in an amount such that after the payment of the Taxes, EMORY has received the same amount
that it would have received had such Taxes not been payable.


4.1. Progress Reports. Within thirty (30) days after June 30 and December 31 of each
calendar year, COMPANY shall provide EMORY with a written report substantially similar to the
template in APPENDIX L, detailing the activities of the COMPANY relevant to the COMPANY’s
Development Plan and the development and commercialization of Licensed Products. For avoidance of
doubt, non-receipt of such written report within the specified time period shall be considered a material
breach of this Agreement under Section 12.2.
4.2. Royalty Reports. During the term of this Agreement, COMPANY shall provide EMORY
written reports semiannually until the first Sale of a Licensed Product and quarterly thereafter (due
January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1) showing:

i. the occurrence of any event triggering a Milestone Payment obligation or any other
payment in accordance with Article 3; and
ii. a summary of all reports provided to COMPANY by COMPANY'S Sublicensees,
including the names and addresses of all Sublicensees; and
iii. the amount of any consideration received by COMPANY from Sublicensees and an
explanation of the contractual obligation satisfied by such consideration;
iv. within a given fiscal quarter, the gross selling price and the number of units of all
Licensed Products (identified by product number/name) Sold in each country of the
Licensed Territory, together with the calculations of Net Selling Price; and
v. within a given fiscal quarter, the royalties payable in Dollars which accrued hereunder;
vi. within a given fiscal quarter, the exchange rates, if any, used in determining the amount
4.3. Records. During the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years thereafter,
COMPANY shall keep at its principal place of business true and accurate records of all Sales in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the respective country where such Sales
occur and in such form and manner so that all royalties owed to EMORY may be readily and accurately
determined. COMPANY shall furnish EMORY copies of such records upon EMORY’s request.
4.4. Right to Audit. EMORY shall have the right, upon prior notice to COMPANY or a
Sublicensee, not more than once in each calendar year and the calendar year immediately following
termination of the Agreement, through an independent certified public accountant selected by EMORY,
to have access during normal business hours as may be reasonably necessary to examine the records of
COMPANY or Sublicensee to include, but not be limited to, sales invoice registers, sales analysis reports,
original invoices, inventory records, price lists, sublicense and distributor agreements, accounting general
ledgers, and sales tax returns, in order to verify the accuracy of the of the calculation of any payment due
under this Agreement. If such independent public accountant's report shows any underpayment of
royalties by COMPANY, its Affiliates or Sublicensees, within thirty (30) days after COMPANY'S receipt
of such report, COMPANY shall remit or shall cause its Sublicensees to remit to EMORY:
(i) the amount of such underpayment; and
(ii) if such underpayment exceeds five (5%) percent of the total royalties owed for the fiscal year
then being reviewed, the reasonably necessary fees and expenses of such independent public accountant
performing the audit. Otherwise, EMORY's accountant's fees and expenses shall be borne by EMORY.


5.1. Payment Due Dates. Royalties shall be due commencing upon the first Sale of a
Licensed Product in the Licensed Field of Use in any country in the Licensed Territory. Royalties and
sublicense fees payable to EMORY as a result of activities occurring during the period covered by each
royalty report provided for under Article 4 of this Agreement shall be due and payable on the date such
royalty report is due. All other payments required under this Agreement, if not specified otherwise in this
Agreement, shall be payable within thirty (30) days of the due date for each payment.
5.2. Payment Delivery. Unless otherwise requested by EMORY, all payments due to
EMORY under this Agreement shall be made in person or via the United States mail or private carrier to
the following address:
Emory University
Attn: Director, Office of Technology Transfer
1599 Clifton Rd. 4th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Facsimile: (404) 727-1271

Any payment in excess of one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars or originating outside of
the United States can be made by wire transfer to an account of EMORY designated by EMORY from
time to time and royalty reports shall be sent by facsimile or express courier to the Director, Office of
Technology Transfer on the same date. Royalty reports may also be transmitted via email to OTT-
[email protected], provided that if no confirmation of receipt is received, COMPANY agrees to
forward the report via facsimile.
5.3. Currency Conversion. Except as hereinafter provided in this Section 5.3, all royalties
shall be paid in Dollars. If any Licensed Products are Sold for consideration other than Dollars, the Net
Selling price of such Licensed Products shall first be determined in the foreign currency of the country in
which such Licensed Products are Sold and then converted to Dollars at a ninety (90)-day trailing average
published by the Wall Street Journal (U.S. editions) for conversion of the foreign currency into Dollars on
the last day of the quarter for which such payment is due.
5.4. Interest. Royalties and other payments required to be paid by COMPANY pursuant to
this Agreement shall, if overdue, bear interest until payment at a rate one percent (1%) per month. The
interest payment shall be due from the day the original payment was due until the day that the payment
was received by EMORY. The payment of such interest shall not foreclose EMORY from exercising any
other rights it may have because any payment is overdue. Should any overdue payment be collected
through a third party service due to non-payment, COMPANY agrees to pay any fees charged by such
service in addition to any overdue delinquency.


6.1. Diligence. COMPANY represents and warrants that it has the necessary expertise and
will, as appropriate, acquire the necessary resources to fully develop and commercialize Licensed
Products. COMPANY shall use its best efforts, either directly or through Affiliates or Sublicensees,
throughout the term of this Agreement to comply with COMPANY's Development Plan and to bring
Licensed Products to market through a thorough, vigorous, and diligent program for exploitation of the
right and license granted in this Agreement and to create, supply, and service in the Licensed Territory as
extensive a market as reasonably possible, and shall include substantially similar diligence and
commercialization terms in any sublicense agreement. In no instance shall COMPANY's best efforts be
less than efforts customary in COMPANY's industry. If EMORY determines that COMPANY is failing
to meet its diligence requirement for any particular Licensed Product, EMORY may, upon thirty (30)
days' written notice, terminate or partially terminate this Agreement and grant third parties rights in the
Licensed Technology, unless within such period COMPANY can provide proof of diligence.
6.2. Development Milestones. COMPANY shall adhere to the schedule of development
milestones and dates set forth in APPENDIX H. If COMPANY fails to meet any deadline set forth in
APPENDIX H, EMORY may, upon thirty (30) days' written notice, terminate or partially terminate this
Agreement and grant third parties rights in the Licensed Technology unless COMPANY cures its failure
within such period.


7.1. Licensed Patents. The Prosecution and Maintenance of the Licensed Patents shall be the
primary responsibility of EMORY. EMORY shall reasonably Prosecute and Maintain Licensed Patents,
except to the extent that EMORY has obtained written confirmation from COMPANY that a patent or
patent application within the Licensed Patents shall be allowed to lapse, or to the extent that COMPANY
is delinquent in its reimbursement under this Agreement.
(i) Comment. EMORY shall provide COMPANY with copies of all filings and official
correspondence pertaining to such Prosecution and Maintenance of the Licensed Patents so as to
give COMPANY an opportunity to advise and cooperate with EMORY in such Prosecution and
Maintenance. In the event EMORY desires to transfer the prosecution of any of the Licensed
Patents to new patent counsel, COMPANY’s written consent shall be obtained, which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
(ii) New Applications. COMPANY shall notify EMORY in writing of the countries in
which COMPANY wishes additional patent applications to be filed, including but not limited to
national phase filings and regional registrations. EMORY shall, at COMPANY’s expense, file

such additional patent applications. EMORY may, at its own expense, file patent applications in
any country in which COMPANY elects not to file and such applications shall not be subject to
any license granted to COMPANY hereunder.
(iii) Reimbursement. If COMPANY should fail to timely make reimbursement for patent
expenses for any Licensed Patent, EMORY, in addition to any other remedies under the
Agreement, shall have no further obligation to Prosecute or Maintain such Licensed Patent(s).
COMPANY, upon ninety (90) days written notice, may advise EMORY that it no longer wishes
to pay expenses for one or more Licensed Patents. EMORY may, at its sole option, elect to pay
such expenses and, if so, such patents or patent applications shall cease to be subject to any
license granted to COMPANY hereunder.
7.2 Extension of Licensed Patents. COMPANY, at its expense, may request that EMORY
have the normal term of any Licensed Patents extended or restored under any country's procedure for
extending patent term. Royalties shall be payable until the end of the extended term of the patent. In the
event that COMPANY does not elect to extend a Licensed Patent, EMORY may, at its own expense,
effect such extension and, if EMORY elects to pay such expenses, such extended Licensed Patents shall
not be subject to any license granted hereunder subsequent to its non-extended expiration date.


8.1 The Parties shall promptly notify each other of any suspected infringement of any
Licensed Patents.
i. During the Term, COMPANY shall, at its expense, have the right to enforce any Licensed
Patents against such infringer and may defend any declaratory judgment action brought against it
alleging the invalidity of a Licensed Patent. COMPANY agrees to defend EMORY against any
counterclaim brought against it in such action. EMORY shall cooperate with COMPANY in
such effort, at COMPANY'S expense, including being joined as a party to such action, if
necessary. COMPANY shall reimburse EMORY for any costs incurred, including reasonable
attorneys’ fees, as part of any action brought by COMPANY.
ii. COMPANY shall not enter into any settlement agreement or other voluntary final
disposition in any action regarding the Licensed Patents, including without the express written
consent of EMORY. Any amounts received for punitive or exemplary damages shall be shared
equally between EMORY and COMPANY and any other amounts received, including
compensatory damages or damages based on a loss of revenues which exceed the out-of-pocket
costs and expenses incurred by COMPANY, shall be deemed to be the proceeds of Sales of
Licensed Products in the fiscal quarter received.
8.2 If COMPANY fails, within one hundred twenty (120) days after receiving notice of a
potential infringement, to institute an action against such infringer or notifies EMORY that it does not
plan to institute such action, then EMORY shall have the right to do so at its own expense. COMPANY
shall cooperate with EMORY in such effort including being joined as a party to such action if necessary.
EMORY shall be entitled to retain all damages or costs awarded in such action. Should either EMORY
or COMPANY be a party to a suit under the provisions of this Article and thereafter elect to abandon
such suit, the abandoning party shall give timely notice to the other party who may, at its discretion,
continue prosecution of such suit.


9.1 Representation by Emory. EMORY represents that it has the right and authority to enter
into this Agreement and that, to the best of its knowledge, neither the execution of this Agreement nor the
performance of its obligations hereunder will constitute a breach of the terms and provisions of any other
agreement to which EMORY is a party. EMORY represents that, to the best of its knowledge, it is an
owner of the Licensed Technology and has the right to issue licenses to the same. EMORY does not
warrant the validity of the Licensed Patents licensed hereunder and makes no representation whatsoever

with regard to the scope of the Licensed Patents or that such Licensed Patents or Licensed Technology
may be exploited by COMPANY or its Affiliates or Sublicensees without infringing other patents.
9.2 Merchantability and Exclusion of Warranties. COMPANY possesses the necessary
expertise and skill in the technical areas pertaining to the Licensed Products and Licensed Technology to
make, and has made, its own evaluation of the capabilities, safety, utility and commercial application of
the Licensed Products and Licensed Technology. ACCORDINGLY, EMORY DOES NOT MAKE ANY


10.1 No Liability. EMORY shall not be liable to COMPANY or COMPANY'S Affiliates, or

customers and/or Sublicensees of COMPANY or COMPANY’S Affiliates, for compensatory, special,
incidental, indirect, consequential or exemplary damages resulting from the manufacture, testing, design,
labeling, use or sale of Licensed Products.
10.2 Indemnification. COMPANY shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the
Indemnitees, from and against any and all claims, demands, loss, liability, expense, or damage (including
investigative costs, court costs and attorneys' fees) Indemnitees may suffer, pay, or incur as a result of
claims, demands or actions against any of the Indemnitees caused or contributed to, in whole or in part,
by COMPANY'S or COMPANY'S Affiliates, contractors, agents, or Sublicensees manufacture, testing,
design, use, Sale, or labeling of any Licensed Products or the use of any Licensed Technology.
COMPANY agrees to provide attorneys reasonably acceptable to EMORY to defend against such a
claim. EMORY shall cooperate with COMPANY in any defense of such claim. COMPANY shall not
settle any such claims, demands or actions under this Section 10.2, without the express, prior written
consent of EMORY, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. COMPANY'S
obligations under this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason.
10.3 Insurance Without limiting COMPANY'S indemnity obligations under the preceding
paragraph, COMPANY shall, prior to any clinical trial or Sale of any Licensed Product, cause to be in
force a products liability insurance policy. Such policy shall:
(i) provide Indemnitees product liability coverage in an amount no less than ten
million dollars ($10,000,000.00) per occurrence;

(ii) insure Indemnitees for all claims, damages, and actions mentioned in Section
10.2 of this Agreement;
(iii) include contractual liability coverage for all liability which may be incurred by
Indemnitees in connection with this Agreement;
(iv) require the insurance carrier to provide EMORY with no less than thirty (30)
days' written notice of any change in the terms or coverage of the policy or its
cancellation; and
(v) If written on a “claims made” basis, the Company agrees to provide coverage for
ten years after the contract is completed.
Company shall purchase statutory Workers Compensation insurance including employers liability
with a limit of at least $1 million per claim. Company shall also purchase automobile liability, crime and
professional errors and omissions insurance with limits of at least $1 million per claim.
All insurance coverage required under this Agreement shall be primary to any coverage carried
by EMORY, shall waive all rights of subrogation against any additional insured and shall be placed with
insurers whose A.M. Best’s rating is at least A-X.
As detailed in Section 2.5, COMPANY agrees to require any Sublicensee under Section 2.5 of
this Agreement to maintain insurance coverage consistent with this Section 10.3.
10.4 Notification. COMPANY shall provide to EMORY prior to its first clinical trial or
commercial Sale of any Licensed Product, certificates of insurance evidencing the coverages required in
section 10.3 above and adding EMORY as an additional insured.
10.5 Notice of Claims. COMPANY shall promptly notify EMORY of all claims involving the
Indemnitees and shall advise EMORY of the amounts that might be needed to defend and pay any such
claims. EMORY shall promptly notify COMPANY of any and all claims brought to its attention relating
to COMPANY’s indemnity obligations under this Agreement.


11.1 Treatment of Confidential Information. Except as otherwise provided hereunder, during

the term of this Agreement and for a period of five (5) years thereafter:
(i) COMPANY and its Affiliates and Sublicensees shall retain in confidence and use only for
purposes of this Agreement, any written information and data supplied by EMORY under this
(ii) EMORY shall retain in confidence and use only for purposes of this Agreement any written
information and data supplied by COMPANY under this Agreement and marked as proprietary.
For purposes of this Agreement, all such information and data which a party is obligated to retain
in confidence shall be called "Confidential Information."

11.2 Right to Disclose. To the extent that it is reasonably necessary to fulfill its obligations or
exercise its rights under this Agreement, or any rights which survive termination or expiration hereof,
each party may disclose Confidential Information to its Affiliates, Sublicensees, consultants, outside
contractors, governmental regulatory authorities and clinical investigators on condition that such entities
or persons agree:
(i) to keep the Confidential Information confidential for at least the same time periods
and to the same extent as each party is required to keep it confidential;
(ii) to use the Confidential Information only for such purposes as such parties are
authorized to use it.
11.3 Release from Restrictions. Each party or its Affiliates or Sublicensees may use or
disclose Confidential Information to the government or other regulatory authorities to the extent that such
disclosure is reasonably necessary for the prosecution and enforcement of patents, or to obtain or maintain
any regulatory approval, including authorizations to conduct clinical trials, or commercially market or
obtain pricing approval of any Licensed Products, provided that such party is otherwise entitled to engage
in such activities under this Agreement.
The obligation not to disclose Confidential Information shall not apply to any part of such
Confidential Information that:
(i) is or becomes patented, published or otherwise part of the public domain, other than by
unauthorized acts of the party obligated not to disclose such Confidential Information (for purposes of
this Article 11 the "receiving party") or its Affiliates or Sublicensees in contravention of this Agreement;
(ii) is disclosed to the receiving party or its Affiliates or Sublicensees by a third party provided
that such Confidential Information was not obtained by such third party directly or indirectly from the
other party under this Agreement; or
(iii) prior to disclosure under this Agreement, was already in the possession of the receiving
party, its Affiliates or Sublicensees, provided that such Confidential Information was not obtained directly
or indirectly from the other party under this Agreement; or
(iv) results from research and development by the receiving party or its Affiliates or Sublicensees,
independent of disclosures from the other party of this Agreement, provided that the persons developing it
have not had exposure to the Confidential Information from the disclosing party; or
(v) is required by law to be disclosed by the receiving party, provided that the receiving party
uses its best efforts to notify the other party immediately upon learning of such requirement in order to
give the other party reasonable opportunity to oppose such requirement; or
(vi) COMPANY and EMORY agree in writing may be disclosed.


12.1 Term. Unless sooner terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the term of
this Agreement shall commence on the effective date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect
until the expiration of the last to expire of the Licensed Patents.
12.2 Termination. EMORY shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon the
occurrence of a material breach. Without limitation, any one or more of the following shall each be
deemed a material breach of this Agreement by COMPANY:
i. failure of COMPANY to make any payment required under this Agreement when due; or
ii. failure of COMPANY to provide Progress Reports or Royalty Reports; or
iii. lack of Diligence as set forth in Article 6; or
iv. the insolvency or dissolution of, or institution of any proceeding under any bankruptcy,
insolvency, or moratorium law, by or on behalf of COMPANY or its creditors; or
v. assignment by COMPANY of substantially all of its assets for the benefit of creditors or
placement in the hands of a trustee or a receiver; or
vi. any COMPANY decision to cease developing or quit the business of selling Licensed
Products; or
12.3 the breach by COMPANY of any other material term of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the COMPANY challenges the validity or enforceability of any
Licensed Patent in a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement shall
terminate immediately.
EMORY shall provide COMPANY written notice describing the breach, which notice shall
include EMORY’s intention to terminate the Agreement. If COMPANY does not cure the breach within
thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, this Agreement will terminate immediately. If COMPANY
disputes such breach in good faith by written notice to EMORY within the thirty (30) day period, the
matter will be submitted to dispute resolution as described under Article 14. EMORY’s right to terminate
shall be suspended until resolution of the dispute. The procedures set forth in this Section 12.2 shall not
prejudice EMORY’s right to receive royalties or other sums due hereunder and shall not prejudice any
cause of action or claim due to any breach or default by the COMPANY.
12.4 Notice of Bankruptcy. COMPANY must inform EMORY of its intention to file a
voluntary petition in bankruptcy or of another's intention to file an involuntary petition in bankruptcy to
be received at least forty five (45) days prior to filing such a petition. If COMPANY files a petition of
bankruptcy without conforming to this requirement, this shall be deemed a material, pre-petition,
incurable breach.

12.5 Failure to Enforce. The failure of EMORY, at any time, or for any period of time, to
enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or
as a waiver of the right of EMORY thereafter to enforce each and every such provision of this
12.6 Termination by COMPANY. COMPANY shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement at its sole discretion upon ninety (90) days written notice to EMORY.
12.7 Effect. If this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever, COMPANY shall
return, or at EMORY's direction, destroy, all tangible materials (including plans, documents, samples,
biological materials, models and the like) pertaining to the License Patents or Licensed Technology
supplied to COMPANY by EMORY, retaining one archival paper copy in its corporate legal department
as required so that compliance with any continuing obligations may be determined. Upon termination of
this Agreement for any reason, in the event EMORY provides notice to COMPANY, COMPANY shall
provide EMORY full and complete copies of development information, including in vitro studies,
toxicology, pharmacokinetic, efficacy, clinical and other technical data and all correspondence to and
from regulatory agencies relating to approval of Licensed Products generated by COMPANY and/or its
Affiliates, contractors and agents (hereinafter “Development Information”). Upon termination of this
Agreement, COMPANY shall cease manufacturing, processing, producing, using, importing or Selling
Licensed Products; provided, however, that COMPANY may continue to Sell in the ordinary course of
business for a period of three (3) months reasonable quantities of Licensed Products which are fully
manufactured and in COMPANY’s normal inventory at the date of termination if (a) all monetary
obligations of COMPANY to EMORY have been satisfied and (b) royalties on such sales are paid to
EMORY in the amounts and in the manner provided in this Agreement. However, nothing herein shall be
construed to release either party of any obligation which matured prior to the effective date of such
12.8 Regulatory data. Upon termination of this agreement for any reason, in the event
EMORY provides notice to COMPANY, COMPANY shall provide EMORY, at its request, full and
complete copies of all development information, including toxicology, pharmacokinetic, efficacy, clinical
and other technical data and all correspondence to and from regulatory agencies relating to approval of
licensed products (hereinafter “development information”). In the event EMORY enters into a license for
such licensed products with a third party, COMPANY shall grant such third party the right to make
unlimited use of development information. Should COMPANY have developed any know-how or other
intellectual property covering any licensed product during the term of this agreement, COMPANY shall
grant such third party a license to practice under the same for development, use or sale of licensed


COMPANY may grant, transfer, convey, or otherwise assign any or all of its rights and
obligations under this Agreement in conjunction with the transfer of all, or substantially all, of the
business interests of COMPANY. EMORY's written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld,
shall be required prior to any other assignment of COMPANY'S rights or obligations under this
Agreement. This Agreement shall be assignable by EMORY to any other nonprofit corporation which
promotes the research purposes of EMORY.


14.1. Negotiation. Any dispute related to this License Agreement shall be settled in accordance
with the procedures specified in this Section. COMPANY and EMORY agree to attempt to settle any
claim or controversy arising out of this Agreement through consultation and negotiation in good faith and
spirit of mutual cooperation. Any dispute between the parties relating to this Agreement will first be
submitted in writing to a senior executive of COMPANY and EMORY (the “Dispute Notice”), who will
promptly meet and confer in an effort to resolve such dispute. Any agreed decisions of the executives
will be final and binding on the parties. All negotiations pursuant to this Section are confidential and
shall be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of applicable rules of evidence.
14.2. Mediation. If the parties are unable to resolve any dispute by negotiation within thirty
(30) days of the Dispute Notice, then either party may initiate mediation upon written notice to the other
party demanding mediation (the “Mediation Notice”), whereupon the dispute will be mediated by a
mutually acceptable mediator to be chosen within thirty (30) days after the Mediation Notice. The parties
will share the costs of the mediator equally. If the parties cannot agree upon selection of a mediator
within thirty (30) days of the notice, then upon request of either party, the AAA shall appoint the
mediator. Mediation shall take place in Atlanta, Georgia and shall proceed under the then current
American Arbitration Association Model Commercial Mediation Procedures to the extent that the Model
Procedure does not conflict with provisions of this article.
14.3. Arbitration. Any dispute which has not been resolved by negotiation or mediation as
described above within ninety (90) days of the Dispute Notice, shall be settled by arbitration. The
Arbitrators shall not have the ability to determine the validity or enforceability of any Licensed Patent.
Arbitration shall be conducted under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
Association by three arbitrators, one to be appointed by EMORY, one to be appointed by COMPANY,
and one to be appointed by the two arbitrators appointed by EMORY and COMPANY. Arbitration shall
take place in Atlanta, Georgia, and the decision of the arbitrators shall be enforceable, but not appealable,
in any court of competent jurisdiction.

14.4. Costs. The fees and expenses, but not attorney’s fees, incurred in connection with any
mediation or arbitration shall be borne by the party initiating the mediation or arbitration proceeding (or
equally by both parties if both parties jointly initiate such proceeding) subject to reimbursement by the
party which does not prevail in such proceeding promptly upon the termination thereof in the event that
the party initiating such proceeding is the prevailing party.
14.5. Continued Obligations. Each party shall continue to perform its undisputed obligations
under this Agreement, including payments due, pending final resolution of any dispute arising out of or
relating to this Agreement; provided, however that a party may suspend performance during any period in
which the other party fails to perform its undisputed obligations.


15.1 Export Controls. COMPANY acknowledges that Licensed Products and Licensed
Technology may be subject to United States laws and regulations controlling the export of technical data,
biological materials, chemical compositions, computer software, laboratory prototypes and other
commodities and that EMORY's obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon compliance with
applicable United States export laws and regulations. The transfer of technical data and commodities may
require a license from the cognizant agency of the United States government or written assurances by
COMPANY that COMPANY shall not export data or commodities to certain foreign countries without
the prior approval of certain United States agencies. EMORY neither represents that an export license
shall not be required nor that, if required, such export license shall issue.
15.2 Legal Compliance. COMPANY shall comply with all laws and regulations relating to its
manufacture, processing, producing, using, importing Selling, labeling or distribution of Licensed
Products and Licensed Technology and shall not take any action which would cause EMORY or
COMPANY to violate any laws or regulations.
15.3 Independent Contractor. COMPANY'S relationship to EMORY shall be that of a
licensee only. COMPANY shall not be the agent of EMORY and shall have no authority to act for, or on
behalf of, EMORY in any matter. Persons retained by COMPANY as employees or agents shall not, by
reason thereof, be deemed to be employees or agents of EMORY.
15.4 Patent Marking. COMPANY shall mark Licensed Products Sold in the United States
with United States patent numbers. Licensed Products manufactured or Sold in other countries shall be
marked in compliance with the intellectual property laws in force in such foreign countries.
15.5 Use of Names. COMPANY shall obtain the prior written approval of EMORY or the
Inventors prior to making use of their names for any commercial purpose, except as required by law. As
an exception to the foregoing, both COMPANY and EMORY shall have the right to publicize the

existence of this Agreement; however, either COMPANY nor EMORY shall disclose the terms and
conditions of this Agreement without the other party’s consent, except as required by law..
15.6 Place of Execution. This Agreement and any subsequent modifications or amendments
hereto shall be deemed to have been executed in the State of Georgia, U.S.A.
15.7 Governing Law. This Agreement and all amendments, modifications, alterations, or
supplements hereto, and the rights of the parties hereunder, shall be construed under and governed by the
laws of the State of Georgia and the United States of America.
15.8 Venue. Only courts in the State of Georgia, U.S.A., shall have jurisdiction to hear and
decide any controversy or claim between the parties arising under or relating to this Agreement.
15.9 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between EMORY
and COMPANY with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall not be modified, amended or
terminated, except as herein provided or except by another agreement in writing executed by the parties
15.10 Survival. Articles [9, 10, 11, 12.7 and 12.8] shall survive termination of this Agreement
for any reason.
15.11 Severability. All rights and restrictions contained herein may be exercised and shall be
applicable and binding only to the extent that they do not violate any applicable laws and are intended to
be limited to the extent necessary so that they will not render this Agreement illegal, invalid or
unenforceable. If any provision or portion of any provision of this Agreement, not essential to the
commercial purpose of this Agreement, shall be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court of
competent jurisdiction, it is the intention of the parties that the remaining provisions or portions thereof
shall constitute their agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof, and all such remaining
provisions, or portions thereof, shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent legally permissible, any
illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision of this Agreement shall be replaced by a valid provision which
shall implement the commercial purpose of the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision. In the event
that any provision essential to the commercial purpose of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable and cannot be replaced by a valid provision which will implement the commercial purpose
of this Agreement, this Agreement and the rights granted herein shall terminate.
15.12 Force Majeure. Any delays in, or failure of performance of any party to this Agreement,
shall not constitute a default hereunder, or give rise to any claim for damages, if and to the extent caused
by occurrences beyond the control of the party affected, including, but not limited to, acts of God, strikes
or other concerted acts of workmen, civil disturbances, fires, floods, explosions, riots, war, rebellion,
sabotage, acts of governmental authority or failure of governmental authority to issue licenses or
approvals which may be required.

15.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed by facsimile and in counterparts, each of
which is deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument


All notices, statements, and reports required to be given by one party to the other shall be in
writing. Progress and Royalty reports required under Article 4 may be delivered electronically with a
copy to [email protected].
Except for progress and royalty reports required under Article 4, all reports shall be hand
delivered, sent by private overnight mail service, or sent by registered or certified U.S. mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested and addressed as follows:

If to EMORY: Emory University

Office of Technology Transfer
1599 Clifton Rd., 4th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
ATTN: Director
Facsimile: (404) 727-1271

If to COMPANY: [insert company name]

Such notices or other communications shall be effective upon receipt by an employee, agent or
representative of the receiving party authorized to receive notices or other communications sent or
delivered in the manner set forth above. Either party hereto may change the address to which notices to
such party are to be sent by giving notice to the other party at the address and in the manner provided
above. Any notice may be given, in addition to the manner set forth above by facsimile provided that the
party giving such notice obtains acknowledgement by facsimile that such notice has been received by the
party to be notified. Notice made in this manner shall be deemed to have been given when such
acknowledgement has been transmitted.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EMORY and COMPANY have caused this Agreement to be signed
by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year indicated below.


By: _________________________________ By: _________________________________
Name: Todd T. Sherer, Ph.D. Name: [insert full name]
Title: Assoc. VP for Research & Exec. Director, Title: [insert title]
Office of Technology Transfer

Date: _________________________________ Date: [insert date]










Percentage of Net Selling Price Cumulative Annual Net Selling Price

[insert number] % <$100 million

[insert number] % $100-300 million
[insert number] % >$300-500 million
[insert number] % >$500 million



Calendar Year after First Sale Minimum Royalty

Year 1 (1st calendar year following First Sale) $ [insert #] million

Year 2 $ [insert #] million
Year 3 $ [insert #] million
Year 4 and subsequent years $ [insert #] million



Milestone Event Milestone Payment

a) [insert event description] $ [insert amount]

b) [insert event description] $ [insert amount]

c) [insert event description] $ [insert amount]

d) [insert event description] $ [insert amount]

e) [insert event description] $ [insert amount]



Effective Date Anniversary License Maintenance Fee

Second Anniversary $ [insert amount]

Third Anniversary $ [insert amount]
Fourth Anniversary $ [insert amount]
Each Subsequent Anniversary $ [insert amount]



1. [insert milestone event description]

within [insert #] years of the Effective Date of this Agreement; and

2. [insert milestone event description]

within [insert #] years of the Effective Date of this Agreement; and

3. [insert milestone event description]

within [insert #] years of the Effective Date of this Agreement; and

4. [insert milestone event description]

within [insert #] years of the Effective Date of this Agreement; and

5. [insert milestone event description]

within [insert #] years of the Effective Date of this Agreement.


List of Low and Low Middle Income Countries

1. Afghanistan South Asia Low income

2. Bangladesh South Asia Low income
3. Benin Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
4. Burkina Faso Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
5. Burundi Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
6. Cambodia East Asia & Pacific Low income
7. Central African Republic Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
8. Chad Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
9. Comoros Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
10. Congo, Dem. Rep. Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
11. Eritrea Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
12. Ethiopia Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
13. Gambia, The Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
14. Ghana Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
15. Guinea Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
16. Guinea-Bissau Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
17. Haiti Latin America & Caribbean Low income
18. Kenya Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
19. Korea, Dem. Rep. East Asia & Pacific Low income
20. Kyrgyz Republic Europe & Central Asia Low income
21. Lao PDR East Asia & Pacific Low income
22. Liberia Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
23. Madagascar Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
24. Malawi Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
25. Mali Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
26. Mauritania Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
27. Mozambique Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
28. Myanmar East Asia & Pacific Low income
29. Nepal South Asia Low income
30. Niger Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
31. Rwanda Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
32. Senegal Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
33. Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
34. Somalia Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
35. Tajikistan Europe & Central Asia Low income
36. Tanzania Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
37. Togo Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
38. Uganda Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
39. Uzbekistan Europe & Central Asia Low income
40. Vietnam East Asia & Pacific Low income
41. Middle East & North
Yemen, Rep. Low income
42. Zambia Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
43. Zimbabwe Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
44. Albania Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income

45. Angola Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
46. Armenia Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
47. Azerbaijan Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
48. Belize Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
49. Bhutan South Asia Lower middle income
50. Bolivia Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
51. Cameroon Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
52. Cape Verde Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
53. China East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
54. Congo, Rep. Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
55. Côte d'Ivoire Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
56. Middle East & North
Djibouti Lower middle income
57. Ecuador Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
58. Middle East & North
Egypt, Arab Rep. Lower middle income
59. El Salvador Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
60. Georgia Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
61. Guatemala Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
62. Guyana Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
63. Honduras Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
64. India South Asia Lower middle income
65. Indonesia East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
66. Middle East & North
Iran, Islamic Rep. Lower middle income
67. Middle East & North
Iraq Lower middle income
68. Middle East & North
Jordan Lower middle income
69. Kiribati East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
70. Kosovo Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
71. Lesotho Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
72. Maldives South Asia Lower middle income
73. Marshall Islands East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
74. Micronesia, Fed. Sts. East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
75. Moldova Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
76. Mongolia East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
77. Middle East & North
Morocco Lower middle income
78. Nicaragua Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
79. Nigeria Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
80. Pakistan South Asia Lower middle income
81. Papua New Guinea East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
82. Paraguay Latin America & Caribbean Lower middle income
83. Philippines East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
84. Samoa East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
85. São Tomé and Principe Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
86. Solomon Islands East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
87. Sri Lanka South Asia Lower middle income
88. Sudan Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income

89. Swaziland Sub-Saharan Africa Lower middle income
90. Middle East & North
Syrian Arab Republic Lower middle income
91. Thailand East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
92. Timor-Leste East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
93. Tonga East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
94. Middle East & North
Tunisia Lower middle income
95. Turkmenistan Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
96. Ukraine Europe & Central Asia Lower middle income
97. Vanuatu East Asia & Pacific Lower middle income
98. Middle East & North
West Bank and Gaza Lower middle income


For purposes of Section 2.5, Least Developed Countries (“LDCs”) are:

Angola Benin Burkina Faso Burundi

Central African Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of
Republic the Congo
Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia
Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Lesotho
Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali
Mauritania Mozambique Niger Rwanda
Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia
Sudan Togo Uganda United Republic of
Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia
Kiribati Lao People’s Myanmar Nepal
Democratic Republic
Samoa Solomon Islands Timor-Leste Tuvalu
Vanuatu Yemen Haiti

For purposes of Section 2.5, Neglected Tropical Diseases (“NTDs”) are:

Buruli Ulcer Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)

Cysticercosis, Dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever
Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease) Echinococcosis,
Endemic treponematoses (Yaws) Foodborne trematode infections (Clonorchiasis;
Opistorchiasis; Fascioliasis; Paragonimiasis)
Human African trypanosomiasis Leishmaniasis
Leprosy Lymphatic filariasis
Onchocerciasis Rabies
Schistosomiasis Soil transmitted helminthiasis
Trachoma Podoconiosis
Snakebite Malaria



THIS STOCK DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between
EMORY UNIVERSITY, a nonprofit Georgia corporation with offices located at 1599 Clifton Road NE,
4th Floor, Mailstop 1599/001/1AZ Atlanta, Georgia 30322, (hereinafter referred to as "EMORY") and
[insert company name], a [insert company description] corporation having a principal place of business
located at [insert company address here] (hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY").

As partial consideration for the grant given under the License Agreement entered into in
conjunction herewith between EMORY and the COMPANY, COMPANY agrees to issue certain shares
to EMORY. In accordance with EMORY's Intellectual Property Policy, certain individuals are to receive
a portion of the common stock received as consideration hereunder.

COMPANY hereby agrees to issue the shares granted to EMORY under this Article directly in
the name of the following individuals and/or institutions and in the proportions and/or amounts listed

Name of Individual or Institution Percent of Distribution of total Number of shares to be issued to

Shares Individual or Institution

In accordance with the attached License Agreement, COMPANY agrees to issue such shares
within 45 days of the Effective Date of the License Agreement attached hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EMORY and COMPANY have caused this Agreement to be signed
by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year indicated below.


By: _________________________________ By: _________________________________
Name: Todd T. Sherer, Ph.D. Name: [insert full name]
Title: Assoc. Vice President for Research and Title: [insert title]
Exec. Dir. Office of Technology Transfer

Date: [insert date]

Date: _________________________________



City, State, Zip

Progress Report covering the period [January-June, YR or July-December, YR] for the
License between COMPANY and Emory University dated ________________, Emory Ref.

As required under Article 4 of the above-referenced license agreement, the following details the
progress made during the reporting period in commercializing the licensed technology.

 Overview
 Scientific/Technical Development
• In vitro testing completed/in progress
• In vivo testing completed/in progress
• New scientific advisors or specialists
• Identification of lead candidate or prototype status
 Commercial Development
• Business Development Initiatives and Partnership
• Fund Raising
• Grants
 Milestone events
 Licensed Products sold and royalties due
• Including units sold, country, Net Selling Price (and calculation, including identification
of all discounts), calculation of royalties due in dollars and exchange rate
 Sublicensees
• Summary of reports received in reporting period
• Overview of consideration received in reporting period
 Summary


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