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1. The ages of the two persons differ by 20 years. If 5 year ago, the older one be 5 times as old as the
younger one, then their present ages, in year are:
a. 25, 5 b. 30, 10
c. 35, 15 d. 50, 30

2. A, B and C are three typists, who working simultaneously can type 216 pages in four hours. In one
hour, C can type as many pages more than B as B can type more than A. During a period of five hours,
C can type as many pages as A can during seven hours. How many pages does each of them type per
hour respectively?
a. 14, 17, 20 b. 16, 18, 22
c. 15, 17, 22 d. 15, 18, 21

3. A person starting with 64 rupees and making 6 bets, wins three times and loses three times, the wins
and loses occurring in random order. The chance for a win is equal to the chance for a loss. If each
wager is for half the money remaining at the time of the bet, then the final result is:
a. a gain of Rs 27
b. a loss of Rs 37
c. neither gain nor a loss
d. a gain or a loss depending upon the order in which the wins and losses occur.
4. A man arranges to pay off a debt of Rs 3600 by 40 annual instalments which are in A.P. When 30 of the
instalments are paid he dies leaving one-third of the debt unpaid. The value of the 8thinstalment is:
a. Rs 35 b. Rs 50
c. Rs 65 d. Rs 70

5. A student was asked to divide a number by 6 and add 12 to the quotient. He, however first added 12 to
the number and then divided it by 6, getting 112 as the answer. The correct answer should have been:
a. 122 b. 118
c. 114 d. 124

6. A father with 8 children takes 3 children at a time to the zoological garden, as often as he can without
taking the same 3 children together more than once. Then:
a. number of times he will go to zoological garden is 56.
b. number of times each child will go to the zoological garden is 21.
c. number of times a particular child will not go to the zoological garden is 35.
d. All of the above.
7. Two spinning machines A and B can together produce 3,00,000 m of cloth in 10 hour, if machine B
alone can produce the same amount of cloth in 15 hour, then how much cloth can machine A produce
alone in 10 hour?
a. 2,00,000 m b. 1,00,000 m
c. 1,50,000 m d. 50,000 m

8. The sum of A and B's age is 43 years. 11 year hence, A's age will be 7/6 times B's age then. Find B's
present age.
a. 22 years b. 20 years
c. 24 years d. 19 years

9. A, B, C and D play a game of cards. A says to B "If I give you 8 cards, you will have as many as C has
and I shall have 3 less than what C has. Also if I take 6 cards from C, I shall have twice as many as D
has". If B and D together have 50 cards, how many cards have a got?
a. 27 b. 37
c. 23 d. 40

10. The age of Mr. Chetan in 2002 was 1/90 of his birth year. What is his age in 2006?
a. 30 b. 28
c. 26 d. 22
11. Ram's age was square of number last year and it will be cube of a number next year. How long must he
wait before his age is again a cube of a number?
a. 10 year b. 38 year
c. 39 year d. 46 year

12. In an objective examination of 90 questions, 5 marks are allotted for every correct answer and 2 marks
are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions a students got a total of
387 marks. Find the number of questions that he attempted wrong.
a. 9 b. 10
c. 11 d. 12

13. The ages of Shivali and Tanisha are in the ratio of 11:7 respectively. After 8 years the ratio of their
ages will be 15:11. What is the difference in years between their ages?
a. 4 year b. 10 year
c. 6 year d. 8 year

14. On a scale that measures the intensity of a certain phenomenon a reading of n+1 corresponds to an
intensity that is 10 times the intensity corresponding to a reading of n. On that scale the intensity
corresponding to a reading of 8 is how many times as great as the intensity corresponding to a reading
of 3?
a. 500 b. 810–310
c.105 d.50
15. The ratio of ages of a father and son is 17:7 respectively. 6 years ago the ratio of their ages was 3:1
respectively. What is the father's present age?
a. 64 b. 51
c. 48 d. 54

16. Naveen purchased two oranges, 3 apples and 5 bananas and paid Rs 40. Had Naveen purchased 3
oranges, 5 apples and 9 bananas, He would have to pay Rs 64. Gagan demanded only 1 orange, 1
apple and 1 banana. If Naveen purchased only what was demanded by Gagan, then how much would
he have paid (in Rs)?
a. 16 b. 28
c. 36 d. 24

17. A man has 1044 candles. After burning, he can make a new candle from 9 stubs left behind. Find the
maximum number of candles that can be made.
a. 116 b. 120
c. 130 d. 140

18. There are 10 stations on a railway line. The number of different journey tickets that are required by the
authorities is:
a. 92 b. 90
c. 91 d. None of these

19. Jay has with him a total of Rs 29 in 5-rupee and 2-rupee denominators. The number of 5-rupee notes
in one-half of one less than the number of 2-rupee notes. How many 5-rupee notes and 2-rupee notes
does Jay have respectively?
a. 7, 3 b. 3, 7
c. 2, 5 d. 5, 2
20. Sneh's age is 1/6th of her father's age. Sneh's father's age will be twice of Vimal's age after 10 years.
If Vimal's eighth birthday was celebrated 2 years before, then what is Sneh's present age?
a. 7 year b. 8 year
c. 6 year d. None of these

21. The right angled triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xy-plane, so that the right angle is at P and PR
is parallel to the x-axis. The x and y coordinates of P,Q and R are to be integers that satisfy the
inequality −4≤x≤5 & 6≤y≤16. How many different triangles with these properties could be
a. 1,100 b. 12,100
c. 10,000 d. 9,900

22. A,B,C and D each had some money. D doubled the amounts with the others. C then doubled the
amounts with the others. B then doubled the amounts with the others. A then doubled the amounts
with the others. At this stage, each of them has Rs 80. Find the initial amount with C (in Rs).
a. 75 b. 80
c. 95 d. 85
23. If 1 added to the age of the elder sister, then the ratio of the ages of two sisters becomes 0.5 : 1, but if
2 is subtracted from the age of the younger one, the ratio becomes 1:3, the age of the younger sister
will be?
a. 7 year b. 5 year
c. 8 year d. 10 year

24. In a certain game, each player scores either 2 points or 5 points. If n players score 2 points and m
players score 5 points and the total number of points scored is 50, what is the least possible positive
difference between n and m?
a. 5 b. 1
c. 3 d. 2

25. A man purchased 40 fruits; apples and oranges for Rs 17. Had he purchased as many as oranges as
apples and as many apples as oranges, he would have paid Rs 15. Find the cost of one pair of an apple
and an orange.
a. 70 paise b. 60 paise
c. 80 paise d. 1 rupee
26. A club consists of members whose ages are in A.P. The common difference being 3 months. If the
youngest member of the club is just 7 years old and the sum of the ages of all the members is 250,
then number of members in the club are:
a. 18 b. 20
c. 25 d. 24

27. 21 pencils and 29 pens cost Rs 79. But if the number of pencils and pens were interchanged, the cost
would have reduced by Rs 8. Find the cost of each pen.
a. Re 1 b. Re 2
c. Re 3 d. Re 4

28. A person buys 18 local tickets for Rs 110. Each first class ticket costs Rs 10 and each second class
ticket costs Rs 3. What will another lot of 18 tickets in which the numbers of first class and second class
tickets are interchanged cost?
a. 112 b. 118
c. 118 d. 124

29. Students of a class are made to stand in rows. If 4 students are extra in each row, there would be 2
rows less. If 4 students are less in each row, there would be 4 more rows. The number of students in
the class is:
a. 90 b. 94
c. 92 d. 96
30. Large, medium and small ships are used to bring water. 4 large ships carry as much water as 7 small
ships. 3 medium ships carry the same amount of water as large ship and 1 small ship, 15 large, 7
medium and 14 small ships, each made 36 journey and brought a certain quantity of water. In how
many journeys would 12 large, 14 medium and 21 small ships bring the same quantity?
a. 32 b. 29
c. 49 d. 25

31. How many differently shaped triangles exist in which no two sides are of the same length, each side is
of integral unit length and the perimeter of the triangle is less than 14 units?
a. 3 b. 4
c. 5 d. 6

32. If Dennis is 1/3 rd the age of his father Keith now, and was 1/4 th the age of his father 5 year ago,
then how old will his father Keith be 5 year from now?
a. 45 year b. 40 year
c. 55 year d. 50 year

33. Mahesh visited his cousin Akash during the summer vacation. In the mornings, they both would go for
swimming. In the evenings, they would play tennis. They would engage in at most one activity per day,
i.e. either they went swimming or played tennis each day. There were days when they took rest and
stayed home all day long. There were 32 mornings when they did nothing, 18 evenings when they
stayed at home, and a total of 28 days when they swam or played tennis. What duration of the summer
vacation did Mahesh stay with Akash?
a. 46 days b. 36 days
c. 39 days d. 58 days
34. A farmer has decided to build a wire fence along one straight side of his property. For this, he planned
to place several fence posts at 6m intervals, with posts fixed at both ends of the side. After he bought
the posts and wire, he found that the number of posts he had bought was 5 less than required.
However, he discovered that the number of posts he had bought would be just sufficient if he spaced
them 8m apart. What is the length of the side of his property and how many posts did he buy?
a. 100m, 15 b. 100m, 16
c. 120m, 15 d. 120m, 16

35. In a factory, each day the expected number of accidents is related to the number of overtime hour by
linear equation. Suppose that on one day there were 1000 overtime hours logged and 8 accidents
reported and on another day there were 400 overtime hours logged and 5 accidents. What is the
expected number of accidents when no overtime hours are logged?
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5

36. Five years ago, Bina's age was three times that of the Arti. Ten years ago, Bina's age was half that of
Chitra. If c represents Chitra's current age, which of the following represent Arti's current age?
a. (c-10)3 b. (c-6)+5
c. 3c−5 d. (5c-3) – 10
1. The sequences x1,x2 ... and y1,y2 … are in arithmetic progressions such that
x1+y1=100 and x22−x21=y99−y100. Find the sum of the first 100 terms of the progression,(x 1+y1),
(x2+y2) …
a. 0 b. 9900
c. 10,000 d. 11,000

Common information for questions numbered 2 and 3

P divides his property among his four sons A, B,C and D after donating Rs 20,000 and 10% of his
remaining property. The amounts received by the last three sons are in A.P and the amount received by
the fourth son is equal to the total amount donated. The first son receives as his share Rs 20,000 more
than the share of second son. The last son received Rs 1 lakh less than the eldest son.

2. Common Data Question 1 / 2

What is the total donation made by P?
a. Rs 55,000 b. Rs 65,000
c. Rs 75,000 d. Rs 80,000
3. Common Data Question 2/2
Find the share of the third son.
a. Rs 80,000 b. Rs 1,00,000
c. Rs 120,000 d. Rs 1,50,000

4. In an A.P, the 12th term is 7 times the 2nd term and the 8th term is 3 more than 10 times the first
term. What is the 5th term of the G.P whose first term is the first term of A.P and whose common ratio
is equal to the common difference of the A.P.
a. 162 b. 144
c. 156 d. 136

5. The total age of some 7 years old and some 5 years old children is 60 years. If I have to select a team
from these children such that their total age is 48 years, In how many ways can it be done?
a. 3 b. 2
c. 1 d. 4

6. The digits of a three number are in AP. If the number is subtracted from the number formed by
reversing its digits, the result is 396. What could be the original number?
a. 654 b. 135
c. 852 d. 753

Common information for questions numbered 7 and 8

The cost of fuel for running the engine of an army tank is proportional to the square of the speed and Rs.
64 hour for a speed of 16 kmph. Other costs amount to Rs. 400 hour. The tank has to make a journey of
400 km at a constant speed.

7. Common Data Question 1 / 2

The most economical speed for this January is:
a. 20 kmph b. 320 kmph
c. 35 kmph d. 40 kmph

8. Common Data Question 2/2

The total cost for the journey at this most economical speed is:
a. Rs 6,000 b. Rs 8,000
c. Rs 10,000 d. Rs 11,000
9. A and B throws one dice for a stake of Rs 11, which is to be won by the player who first throws a six.
The game ends when the stake is won by A or B. If A has the first throw, then what are their respective
a. 5 and 6 b. 6 and 5
c. 11 and 10 d. 10 and 11

10. On January 1, 2004 two new societies s1 and s2 are formed, each n numbers. On the first day of each
subsequent month, s1 adds b members while s2 multiples its current numbers by a constant factor r.
Both the societies have the same number of members on July 2, 2004. If b = 10.5n, what is the value
of r?
a. 2 b. 1.9
c. 1.8 d. 1.7
11. Abhishek had a certain number of Re1 coins, Rs 2 coins and Rs 10 coins. If the number of Re 1 coins he
had is six times the number of Rs 2 coins Abhishek had, and the total worth of his coins is Rs 160, find
the maximum number of Rs 10 coins Abhishek could have had.
a. 12 b. 10
c. 8 d. 6

12. In a family of husband, wife and a daughter, the sum of the husband’s age, twice the wife’s age, and
thrice the daughter’s age is 85; while the sum of twice the husband’s age, four times the wife’s age,
and six times the daughter’s age is 170. It is also given that the sum of five times the husband’s age,
ten times the wife’s age and fifteen times the daughter’s age equals 450. The number of possible
solutions, in terms of the ages of the husband, wife and the daughter, to this problem is:
a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. infinitely many

13. There are 2 mean, 3 women and 1 child in Pradeep’s family and 1 man, 1 woman and 2 children in
Prabhat’s family. The recommended calorie requirement is- Men: 240, Women: 1990, Children: 1800
and for proteins is: Men: 55 gm, Woman: 45 gm, children: 33 gm. Calculate the total requirement of
calories and proteins for each of the two families.
a. A: 12300, 278; B: 7900 ,166 b. A: 12400, 300; B: 8000, 167
c. A: 12300, 278; B: 6600, 200 d. A: 8000, 278; B: 7900, 166
14. The currencies in countries X and Y are denoted by Xs. and Ys. respectively. The exchange rate in 1990
was 1 Xs. = 0.6 Ys. The price level in 2006 in X and Y are 150 and 400 respectively with 1990 as a
base of 100. The exchange rate in 2006, based solely on this purchasing power parity consideration, is
1 Xs.=
a. 0.225 Ys. b. 0.625 Ys.
c. 1.6 Ys. d. 3.6 Ys.

15. A group of 630 children is arranged in rows for a group photograph session. Each row contains three
fewer children than the row in front of it. What number of rows is not possible?
a. 3 b. 4
c. 5 d. 6
Common information for questions numbered 16 to 18

A boy is roaming on the roof of his house observes that the insects are there in bunches. He found 'p'
insects on day 1. On day two, the number of insects doubled and he takes out 'q' insects and kills them. On
the third day again, the insects left is doubled and he again takes out 'q' insects and kill them. On the
fourth day also he found the same, insects left is doubled and he takes out 'q' insects again. He is surprised
to find that there are no insects left on his roof.

16. Common Data Question 1/3

If the number of insects on the roof, on day 1 is 63, then the number of insects that they kill on the
fourth day is:
a. 63 b. 90
c. 72 d. 75

17. Common Data Question 2/3

The minimum number of insects that he kills on any of the last three days is:
a. 8 b. 7
c. 0 d. 1

18. Common Data Question 3/3

The minimum number of insects that he left on day 1 is?
a. 8 b. 7
c. 0 d. 6

19. In a certain water body, 50 fish were caught, tagged and released to the same water body. A few days
later, 50 fish were caught again, of which 2 were found to have been tagged on previous occasion. If
the percent of tagged fish in the second catch approximates the percent of tagged fish in water body,
what is the approximate number of fish in the water body:
a. 10,000 b. 625
c. 1250 d. 2500

20. A transport agency has 5 carriers, each of capacity 15 tonnes. The carriers are scheduled such that the
first carrier makes a trip every day; the second carrier makes a trip every second. The third makes a
trip every third day and so on. Find the maximum number of times in a year that it is possible to
dispatch a total shipment of 75 tonnes in a single day. The operation starts on the 7th January 2010
and continue till the end of the year (31st December 2010) without any holiday.
a. 7 b. 6
c. 5 d. 8
21. A number of three digits in base 7, when expressed in base 9, has its digits reversed in the order. What
is the sum of the digits of the number?
a. 5 b. 6
c. 7 d. 8

22. When the index of an exponential expression with a positive base is doubled, then the expression
increases by 700%. If one of the values that the base cannot have is X which of the following is not a
possible value of P?
a. 4 b. 8
c. 5 d. 1

23. If x3−6x2+px+q is exactly divisible by x2−3x+2, then:

a. p+q > 0 and pq > 0 b. p+q > 0 and pq < 0
c. p+q < 0 and pq < 0 d. p+q < 0 and pq > 0
24. The mean salary in ICM ltd. was Rs 1500, and the standard deviation was Rs 400. A year later each
employee got a Rs 100 raise. After another year each employee's salary (including the above
mentioned raise) was increased by 20%. The standard deviation of the current salary is:
a. 460 b. 480
c. 560 d. None of these

25. Three persons Suresh, Devesh and Prashant were born on different days in the same year. If the date
and month of birth of Suresh, Devesh and Prashant are numerically equal, then what could be the
minimum difference in the ages of youngest and oldest in days?
a. 56 b. 60
c. 61 d. 62

26. N persons stand on the circumference of a circle at distinct points. Each possible pair of persons, not
standing next to each other, sings a two-minute song one pair after the other. If the total time taken
for singing is 28 minutes, what is N?
a. 5 b. 7
c. 9 d. 4
27. A small confectioner bought a certain number of pastries flavoured pineapple, mango and black-forest
from the bakery, giving for each pastry as many rupees as there were pastry of that kind; altogether
he bought 23 pastries and spent Rs 211; find the number of each kind of pastry that he bought, if
mango pastry are cheaper than pineapple pastry and dearer than black-forest pastry.
a. {10, 9, 4} b. {11, 9, 3}
c. {10, 8, 5} d. {11, 8, 4}

28. How many subsets of {1, 2, 3, ... , 11} contains at least one even integer?
a. 1900 b. 1964
c. 1984 d. 2048

29. A saint has a magic pot. He puts one gold ball of radius 1mm daily inside it for 10 days. If the weight of
the first ball is 1 g and if the radius of a ball inside the pot doubles every day, how much gold has the
saint made due to his magic pot?
a. (230-697)gm b. (230-697)gm
c. (230-717)gm d. (230-717)gm
30. The sum of the reciprocals of the ages of two colleagues is five times the difference of the reciprocals of
their ages. If the ratio of the products of their ages to the sum of their ages is 14.4 : 1, the age (in
years) of one of the colleagues must be between (both inclusive).
a. 20 and 23 b. 23 and 26
c. 26 and 30 d. 30 and 35

31. In a green view apartment, the houses of a row are numbered consecutively from 1 to 49. Assuming
that there is a value of 'x' such that the sum of the numbers of the houses preceding the house
numbered 'x' is equal to the sum of the numbers of the houses following it. Then, what will be the value
of 'x'?
a. 21 b. 30
c. 35 d. 42
32. A Metro train from Mumbai to Gurgaon has capacity to board 900 people. The fare charged (in Rs) is
defined by the function: f= (54−X 32)2, where 'x' is the number of the people per trip. How many
people per trip will make the marginal revenue equal to zero?
1. 1728 b. 576
c. 484 d. 364

33. A man buys Bank's cash certificates every year for a value exceeding the last year's purchase by Rs
400. After 24 years, he finds that the total value of the certificate purchased by him is Rs 144,000.
What is the value of the certificates purchased by him in the 13th year?
a. Rs 3820 b. Rs 5400
c. Rs 6200 d. Rs 4530
34. Ramesh has two examinations on Wednesday - Engineering Mathematics in the morning Engineering
drawing in the afternoon. He has a fixed amount of time to read the textbooks of both these subjects
on Tuesday. During this time he can read 80 pages of Engineering Mathematics and 100 pages of
Engineering Drawing. Alternatively, he can also read 50 pages of Engineering Mathematics and 250
pages of Engineering Drawing. Assume that the amount of time it takes to read one page of the
textbook of either subject is constant. Ramesh is confident about Engineering Drawing and wants to
devote full time in reading Engineering Mathematics. The number of Engineering Mathematics text book
pages he can read on Tuesday is:
a. 500 b. 300
c. 100 d. 60

35. On May 1, 2007, two organisations (A and B) were formed with n members each. On the first day of
each subsequent month, m members join A while the number of members in B gets multiplied by p. On
October 2, 2007, both organisations have the same number of members. If m = 20n, find p?
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5

1. F(x) is a fourth order polynomial with integer coefficients and with no common factor. The roots of F(x)
are –2, –1, 1, 2. If p is a prime number greater than 97, then the largest integer that divides F(p) for
all values of p is:
a. 72 b. 120
c. 240 d. 360
2. Fortuner, the latest SUV by Toyota Motors, consumes diesel at the rate of 1400x [(1000X) +x] litres
per km, when driven at the speed of x km per hour. If the cost of diesel is Rs 35 per litre and the driver
is paid at the rate of Rs 125 per hour then find the approximate optimal speed (in km per hour) of
Fortuner that will minimize the total cost of the round trip of 800kms?
a. 49 b. 55
c. 50 d. 53

3. In a cricket match, Team A scored 232 runs without losing a wicket. The score consisted of byes, wides
and runs scored by two opening batsmen: Ram and Shyam. The runs scored by the two batsmen are
26 times wides. There are 8 more byes than wides. If the ratio of the runs scored by Ram and Shyam is
6:7, then the runs scored by Ram is:
a. 88 b. 96
c. 102 d. 112
4. Three business entities X Ltd, Y Ltd. and Z Ltd, with 4, 3 and 5 employees respectively, merged into
XYZ Ltd in order to jointly raise the capital for setting up a new modern production plant in Jaipur. After
two years, on the question of management decisions on the new venture at Jaipur, the employees
started adopting differing viewpoints and began to quarrel among themselves. Given the fact that there
is no quarrel among the employees of the erstwhile (i.e. former) X Ltd, Y Ltd and Z Ltd, what could be
the maximum number of quarrels that can take place within XYZ Ltd?
a. 31 b. 53
c. 47 d. 41

5. PQRSTU is a regular hexagon drawn on the ground. Prashant stands at P and he starts jumping from
vertex to vertex beginning from P. From any vertex of the hexagon except S, which is opposite to A, he
may jump to any adjacent vertices. When he reaches S, he stops. Let Sn be the number of distinct
paths of exactly n jumps ending at S. What is the value of S2k, where k is an integer?
a. 0 b. 4
c. 2k d. Depends on the value of k

6. Firoz has a certain amount of money in only Re 1 and Rs 10 notes. The number of Re 1 notes multiplied
by the number of Rs 10 notes is equal to the total money (in Rs) that he has. The number of Rs 10
notes is less than ten. Which of the following is a possible figure for the total number of notes he can
a. 18 b. 14
c. 16 d. 20

7. A shop sells two kinds of rolls- egg roll and mutton roll. Onion, tomato, carrot, chili sauce and tomato
sauce are the additional ingredients. You can have any combination of additional ingredients, or have
standard rolls without any additional ingredients subject to the following constraints:
(a) You can have tomato sauce if you have an egg roll, but not if you have a mutton roll.
(b) If you have onion or tomato or both you can have chilli sauce, but not otherwise.
How many different rolls can be ordered according to these rules?
a. 21 b. 33
c. 40 d. 42
8. A lock has a code consisting of five distinct letters, from among the first eleven words of English
alphabet. The lock opens, if any three letters of the code match occurring not in the same position.
What is the least number of five-letter codes, one should try to be sure that the lock is opened?
a. 7 b. 4
c. 6 d. 5

9. A total of 15 teams participated in a tournament. Each team plays with every other team exactly once.
A team gets 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss. The team which scored the
least got 21 points. The scores of all the teams were distinct and at least one match played by winning
team was drawn. Which of the following is always true for the winning team?
a. It had at least two draws b. It had maximum of four loss
c. It had a maximum of 9 wins d. All of the above
10. Because of the economic slowdown, a multinational company curtailed some of the allowances of its
employees. Rashid, the marketing manager of the company whose monthly salary has been reduced to
Rs 42,000 is unable to cut more on his expenditure. He finds that there is a deficit of Rs 2,000 between
his earning and expenses in the first month. This deficit, because of inflationary pressure, will keep on
increasing by Rs 500 every month. Rashid has a saving of Rs 60,000 which will be used to fill the
deficit. After his savings get exhausted, Rashid would start borrowing from his friends. How soon will he
start borrowing?
a. 10thmonth b. 11thmonth
c. 12thmonth d. 13thmonth

11. The number of gift pack bought by Dexter is one more than the price, in rupees, of each gift pack. The
amount of Rs 380 which Dexter had, fell short of the required amount. What is the amount by which he
might have fallen short.
a. 20 b. 40
c. 21 d. 10

12. In a group, each person has at most two A. No person has less than three C. Considering all the
persons in the group there are more A than G, more G than B and more B than persons. Find the
minimum number of persons in the groups?
a. 4 b. 5
c. 3 d. 2

13. Kartik's mother asked him to get the vegetables, milk and butter from the market and gave him the
money in the denominator of 1 Rupee, 2 Rupee and 5 Rupee coins. Kartik first goes to the grocery shop
to buy vegetables. At the grocery shop he gives half of his 5 Rupee coins in return receives the same
number of 1 Rupee coins. Next he goes to the dairy shop to buy milk and butter and gives all 2 Rupee
coins and in return get thirty 5 Rupee coins, which increase the number of five rupee coins by 75%
more than the original number. If the number of 1 rupee coins now is 50, the number of 1 rupee and 5
rupee coins originally were:
a. 10, 60 b. 10, 70
c. 10,80 d. None of these
1. A number X is chosen at random from the numbers -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3. What is the probability that |
a. 5/7 b. 3/7
c. 3/5 d. 1/3

2. Two brother X and Y appeared for an exam. The probability of selection of X is 1/7 and that of B is 2/9.
Find the probability that both of them are selected.
a. 1/63 b. 2/35
c. 2/63 d. 9/14

3. An urn contains 6red, 5 blue and 2 green marbles. If 2 marbles are picked at random, what is the
probability that both are red?
a. 6/13 b. 5/26
c. 5/13 d. 7/26

4. Four dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability that all of them show the same face.
a. 1/216 b. 1/36
c. 4/216 d. 3/216
5. A bag contains 12 white and 18 black balls. Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement.
What is the probability that first is white and second is black?
a. 18/145 b. 18/29
c. 36/135 d. 36/145

6. What is the probability that a number selected from numbers 1,2,3,...,30, is prime number, when each
of the given numbers is equally likely to be selected?
a. 9/30 b. 8/30
c. 10/30 d. 11/30

7. A bag contains 21 toys numbered 1 to 21. A toy is drawn and then another toy is drawn without
replacement. Find the probability that both toys will show even numbers.
a. 5/21 b. 9/42
c. 11/42 d. 4/21
8. A five-digit number is formed by using digits 1,2,3,4 and 5 without repetition. What is the probability
that the number is divisible by 4?
a. 1/5 b. 5/6
c. 4/5 d. None of these

9. A bag contains 5 red and 3 green balls. Another bag contains 4 red and 6 green balls. If one ball is
drawn from each bag. Find the probability that one ball is red and one is green.
a. 19/20 b. 17/20
c. 8/10 d. 21/40

10. A speaks truth in 75% of cases and B in 80% of cases. In what percent of cases are they likely to
contradict each other in narrating the same event?
a. 35% b. 5%
c. 45% d. 22.5%
11. Two cards are drawn from a pack of well shuffled cards. Find the probability that one is a club and
other in King.
a. 1/13 b. 4/13
c. 1/52 d. 1/26

12. The odds against an event are 5:3 and the odds in favour of another independent event are 7:5. Find
the probability that at least one of the two events will occur.
a. 52/96 b. 69/96
c. 71/96 d. 13/96

13. A special lottery is to be held to select a student who will live in the only deluxe room in a hostel. There
are 100 Year-III, 150 Year-II and 200 Year-I students who applied. Each Year-III's name is placed in
the lottery 3 times; each Year-II's name, 2 times and Year-I's name, 1 time. What is the probability
that a Year-III's name will be chosen?
a. 1/8 b. 2/9
c. 2/7 d. 3/8

14. If the chance that a vessel arrives safely at a port is 9/10 then what is the chance that out of 5 vessels
expected at least 4 will arrive safely?
a. 14×94 105 b. 15×95 104
c. 14×93 104 d. 14×96 105

15. In a charity show tickets numbered consecutively from 101 through 350 are placed in a box. What is
the probability that a ticket selected at random (blindly) will have a number with a hundredth digit of
a. 0.285 b. 0.40
c. 100/249 d. 99/250

16. You toss a coin AND roll a die. What is the probability of getting a tail and a 4 on the die?
a. 1/2 b. 1/6
c. 1/8 d. 1/12

17. Derek throws three dice in a special game. If it knows that he needs 15 or higher in this throw to win,
then find the chance of his winning the game.
a. 5/54 b. 17/216
c. 13/216 d. 15/216
18. An urn contains 6red, 5 blue and 2 green marbles. If three marbles are picked at random, what is the
probability that at least one is blue?
a. 28/143 b. 115/197
c. 28/197 d. 115/143

19. The probability of success of three students X, Y and Z in the one examination are 1/5, 1/4 and 1/3
respectively. Find the probability of success of at least two.
a. 1/6 b. 2/5
c. 3/4 d. 3/5

20. Four cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 plating cards. Find the probability of getting all the
four cards of the same suit.
a. 13/270725 b. 91/190
c. 178/20825 d. 198/20825
21. A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards. The card is drawn at random. What is the probability that it is
neither a spade nor a Jack?
a. 4/13 b. 2/13
c. 6/13 d. 9/13

22. There are four hotels in a town. If 3 men check into the hotels in a day then what is the probability that
each checks into a different hotel?
a. 6/7 b. 1/8
c. 6/13 d. 5/9

23. Two teams Arrogant and Overconfident are participating in a cricket tournament. The odds that team
Arrogant will be champion is 5 to 3, and the odds that team Overconfident will be the champion is 1 to
4. What are the odds that either Arrogant or team Overconfident will become the champion?
a. 3 to 2 b. 5 to 2
c. 6 to 1 d. 33 to 7
24. If x is chosen at random from the set {1,2,3,4} and y is to be chosen at random from the set {5,6,7},
what is the probability that xy will be even?
a. 5/6 b. 1/6
c. 1/2 d. 2/3

25. A box contains 100 balls, numbered from 1 to 100. If three balls are selected at random and with
replacement from the box, what is the probability that the sum of the three numbers on the balls
selected from the box will be odd?
a. 1/2 b. 13/4
c. 3/8 d. 1/8

26. In a race, the odd favour of cars P,Q,R,S are 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 and 1:6 respectively. Find the probability
that one of them wins the race.
a. 9/17 b. 114/121
c. 319/420 d. 27/111
27. Set A = {2,3,4,5},
Set B = {4,5,6,7,8}

Two integers will be randomly selected from the sets above, one integer from Set A and one integer
from Set B. What is the probability that the sum of the two integers will equal 9?
a. 0.20 b. 0.25
c. 0.30 d. 0.33

28. From a pack of 52 cards, 3 cards are drawn. What is the probability that one is ace, one is queen and
one is jack?
a. 19/5525 b. 21/5525
c. 17/5525 d. 16/5525

29. Out of 17 applicants 8 boys and 9 girls. Two persons are to be selected for the job. Find the probability
that at least one of the selected persons will be a girl.
a. 27/34 b. 25/34
c. 19/34 d. 21/34

30. A bag contains 7 green and 5 black balls. Three balls are drawn one after the other. The probability of
all three balls being green, if the balls drawn are not replaced will be:
a. 343/1728 b. 21/36
c. 12/35 d. 7/44
31. P and Q in a ring with 10 persons. What is the probability that X and Y will sit together?
a. 2/11 b. 3/11
c. 2/9 d. 4/9

32. Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the word 'UNIVERSITY' the two I's
come together.
a. 1/7 b. 3/5
c. 5/11 d. 1/5

33. From a bag containing 4 white and 5 black balls a man drawn 3 balls at random. What are the odds
against these balls being black?
a. 5/37 b. 37/5
c. 11/13 d. 13/37
34. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability of getting a multiple of 2 on one dice and
multiple of 3 on the other dice.
a. 5/12 b. 11/36
c. 5/36 d. 13/36

35. In a race where 12 cars are running, the chance that car X will win is 1/6, that Y will win is 1/10 and
that Z will win is 1/8. Assuming that a dead heat is impossible. Find the chance that one of them will
a. 47/120 b. 1/480
c. 1/160 d. 1/240

1. What is the probability of getting at least one six in a single throw of three unbiased dice?
a. 1/6 b. 125/216 c. 1/36
d. 81/216 e. 91/216
2. A bag contains 3 white balls and 2 black balls. Another bag contains 2 white and 4 black balls. A bag
and a ball are picked random. The probability that the ball will be white is:
a. 7/11 b. 7/30
c. 5/11 d. 7/15

3. The probability that a student is not a swimmer is 1/5. Then the probability that one of the five
students, four are swimmers is: 5C4(45
a. )2(15)(45 b. )4(15) 5C4(15
c. )(45)4 d. None of these

4. A man bets on number 16 on a roulette wheel 14 times and losses each time. On the 15th span he does
a quick calculation and finds out that the number 12 had appeared twice in the 14 spans and is
therefore, unable to decide whether to bet on 16 or 12 in the 15th span. Which will give him the best
chance and what are the odds of winning on the bet that he takes? (Roulette has numbers 1 to 36).
a. 16; 22 : 14 b. 12; 72 : 1
c. 12; 7 : 1 d. Either; 35 : 1

5. I forgot the last digit of a 7-digit telephone number. If 1 randomly dial the final 3 digits after correctly
dialling the first four, then what is the chance of dialling the correct number?
a. 1/1001 b. 1/1000
c. 1/999 d. 1/990
6. One hundred identical coins each with probability 'p' showing up heads and tossed.
If 0<p<1 and the probability of heads showing on 50 coins is equal to that of heads on 51 coins, then
the value of p is:
a. 1/2 b. 49/101
c. 50/101 d. 51/101

7. What is the probability that a two digit number selected at random will be a multiple of '3' and not a
multiple of '5'?
a. 2/15 b. 4/15
c. 1/15 d. 4/90

8. In his wardrobe, Dexter has three trousers. One of them is black the second is blue, and the third
brown. In his wardrobe, he also has four shirts. One of them is black and the other 3 are white. He
opens his wardrobe in the dark and picks out one shirt and one trouser pair without examining the
colour. What is the likelihood that neither the shirt nor the trouser is black?
a. 1/12 b. 1/6
c. 1/4 d. ½
9. A man can hit a target once in 4 shots. If he fires 4 shots in succession, what is the probability that he
will hit his target?
a. 1 b. 1/256
c. 81/256 d. 175/256

10. The letters B,G,I,N and R are rearranged to form the word 'Bring'. Find its probability:
a. 1120 b. 1 54
c. 1124 d. 176

11. An anti- aircraft gun can take a maximum of four shots at an enemy plane moving away from it. The
probability of hitting the plane at the first, second, third and fourth shots are 0.4, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1
respectively. What is the probability that the plane is hit when all the four shots are fired?
a. 0.6872 b. 0.4379
c. 0.6976 d. None of these
12. An experiment succeeds twice as often as it fails. What is the probability that in the next 5 trials there
will be four successes?
a. 0 b. (23)4
c. 5x(23)4x(13) d. (23)4x(13)

13. Dinesh speaks truth in 3/4 cases and Abhishek lies in 1/5 cases. What is the percentage of cases in
which both Dinesh and Abhishek contradict each other in stating a fact?
a. 60% b. 35%
c. 20% d. 15%

14. When 3 fair coins are tossed together, what is the probability of getting 2 tails?
a. 1/4 b. 2/3
c. 1/3 d. 1/2
15. x1,x2,x3,…,x50are are fifty real numbers such that xr<xr+1 for r = 1, 2, 3... 49. Five numbers out of
these are picked up at random. The probability that the five numbers have x20 as the middle is:
a. 20C2×30C250C3 b. 19C2×30C250C5
c. 19C2×31C250C5 d. None of these

16. A set of cards bearing the number 200-299 is used in a game. if card is drawn at random, what is the
probability that it is divisible by:
a. 0.66 b. 0.33
c. 0.44 d. 0.55

17. When two dice are thrown simultaneously, what is the probability that the sum of the two numbers that
turn up is less than 11?
a. 5/6 b. 11/12
c. 1/6 d. 1/12
18. A dice is rolled three times and the sum of the numbers appearing on the uppermost face is 15. The
chance that the first roll was a four is:
a. 2/5 b. 1/5
c. 1/6 d. None of these

19. An anti-aircraft gun can fire four shots at a time. If the probabilities of the first, second, third and the
last shot hitting the enemy aircraft are 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4, what is the probability that four shots
aimed at an enemy aircraft will bring the aircraft down?
a. 0.084 b. 0.916
c. 0.036 d. 0.964
20. Four different objects 1,2,3,4 are distributed at random in four places marked 1,2,3,4. What is the
probability that none of the objects occupy the place corresponding to its number?
a. 17/24 b. 3/8
c. 1/2 d. 5/8

21. There are 2 positive integers x and y. What is the probability that x+y is odd?
a. 1/4 b. 1/3
c. 1/2 d. 1/5

22. Abhishek has 9 pairs of dark blue socks and 9 pairs of black socks. He keeps them all in the same bag.
If he picks out three socks at random, then what is the probability that he will get a matching pair?
a. 1 b. 2×9C2×9C118C3
c. 9C3×9C118C3 d. None of these

23. The probability that a arrow fired from a point will hit the target is 1/4. Three such arrows are fired
simultaneously towards the target from that very point. What is the probability that the target will be
a. 19/64 b. 23/64
c. 23/67 d. 37/64
24. A and B play a game where each is asked to select a number from 1 to 5. If the two numbers match,
both of them win a prize. The probability that they will not win a prize in a single trial is:
a. 1/25 b. 24/25
c. 2/25 d. 23/25

25. A 5-digit number is formed by the digits 1,2,3,4, and 5 without repetition. What is the probability that
the number formed is a multiple of 4?
a. 1/2 b. 1/3
c. 1/4 d. 1/5

26. A box contains 9 red toys, 7 green toys and 9 blue toys. Each ball is of a different size. The probability
that the red ball being selected is the smallest red toy, is:
a. 1/9 b. 2/21
c. 1/25 d. 6/25

27. If five dice are thrown simultaneously, what is the probability of getting the sum as seven?
a. 1565 b. 1165
c. 1065 d. 565
28. There are three events A, B and C, one of which must and only can happen. If the odds are 8:3 against
A, 5:2 against B, the odds against C must be:
a. 13:7 b. 3:2
c. 43:34 d. 43:77

29. If the probability that X will live 15 year is 7/8 and that Y will live 15 years is 9/10, then what is the
probability that both will live after 15 years?
a. 1/20 b. 63/80
c. 1/5 d. None of these

30. Four boys and three girls stand in queue for an interview. The probability that they stand in alternate
positions is:
a. 1/35 b. 1/34
c. 1/17 d. 1/68
31. There are 6 positive and 8 negative numbers. Four numbers are chosen at random and multiplied. The
probability that the product is a positive number is:
a. 500/1001 b. 503/1001
c. 505/1001 d. 101/1001

32. A bag contains 2 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls are to be drawn randomly. What is the probability that
the balls drawn contain no blue ball?
a. 5/7 b. 10/21
c. 2/7 d. 11/21

33. A number is selected at random from first thirty natural numbers. What is the chance that it is a
multiple of either 3 or 13?
a. 17/30 b. 2/5
c. 11/30 d. 4/15
1. Walking at the rate of 4kmph a man cover certain distance in 2hr 45 min. Running at a speed of 16.5
kmph the man will cover the same distance in.
a. 12 min b. 25 min
c. 40 min d. 60 min

2. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how
many minutes does the bus stop per hour?
a. 4 b. 6
c. 8 d. None of these

3. 2 trains starting at the same time from 2 stations 200km apart and going in opposite direction cross
each other at a distance of 110km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds?
a. 11 : 9 b. 7 : 3
c. 18 : 4 d. None of these

4. A train covers a distance in 50 min, if it runs at a speed of 48kmph on an average. The speed at which
the train must run to reduce the time of journey to 40min will be.
a. 45 kmph b. 60 kmph
c. 75 kmph d. None of these

5. Sachin can cover a distance in 1hr 24min by covering 2/3 of the distance at 4 kmph
and the rest at 5kmph.the total distance is?
a. 5 km b. 6 km
c. 7 km d. 8 km

6. Vikas can cover a distance in 1 hr 24 min by covering 23rd of the distance at 4 kmph and the rest at
5kmph. The total distance is?
a. 4 km b. 6 km
c. 8 km d. 10 km

7. A passenger train takes two hours less for a journey of 300km if its speed is increased by 5km/hr from
its normal speed. The normal speed is:
a. 35 km/hr b. 50 km/hr
c. 25 km/hr d. 30 km/hr
8. A train covers a distance in 100 min, if it runs at a speed of 48kmph on an average. The speed at which
the train must run to reduce the time of journey to 40min will be:
a. 30 kmph b. 50 kmph
c. 80 kmph d. 40 kmph

9. A good train and a passenger train are running on parallel tracks in the same direction. The driver of
the goods train observes that the passenger train coming from behind overtakes and crosses his train
completely in 60 sec. Whereas a passenger on the passenger train marks that he crosses the goods
train in 40 sec. If the speeds of the trains be in the ratio 1:2. Find the ratio of their lengths.
a. 3 : 1 b. 2 : 1
c. 3 : 2 d. 4 : 3

10. A race course is 400 m long. A and B run a race and A wins by 5m. B and C run over the same course
and B win by 4m. C and D run over it and D wins by 16m. If A and D run over it, then who would win
and by how much?
a. D by 7.2 m b. A by 7.2 m
c. A by 8.4 m d. D by 8.4 m
11. The jogging track in a sports complex is 726 m in circumference. Suresh and his wife start from the
same point and walk in opposite direction at 4.5 km/hr and 3.75 km/hr respectively. They will meet for
the first time in:
a. 5.5 minutes b. 6 minutes
c. 4.9 minutes d. 5.28 minutes

12. A train starts from Delhi at 6:00 am and reaches Ambala cantt. at 10am. The other train starts from
Ambala cantt. at 8am and reached Delhi at 11:30 am, If the distance between Delhi and Ambala cantt
is 200 km, then at what time did the two trains meet each other?
a. 8:46 am b. 8:30 am
c. 8:56 am d. 8:50 am

13. Two stations A and B are 110 km apart on a straight line. One train starts from A at 7 am and travel
towards B at 20 km/hr speed. Another train starts from B at 8 am and travel towards A at 25 km/hr
speed. At what time will they meet?
a. 9 am b. 10 am
c. 11 am d. None of these
14. A man can row 4.5 km/hr in still water and he finds that it takes him twice as long to row up as to row
down the river. Find the rate of the stream.
a. 2 km/hr b. 2.5 km/hr
c. 1.5 km/hr d. 1.75 km/hr

15. The circumference of the front wheel of a cart is 40 ft long and that of the back wheel is 48 ft long.
What is the distance travelled by the cart, when the front wheel has done five more revolutions than
the rear wheel?
a. 950 ft b. 1450 ft
c. 1200 ft d. 800 ft

16. A train 120m in length passes a pole in 12sec and another train of length 100m travelling in opposite
direction in 10sec. Find the speed of the second train in km per hour.
a. 43.2 km/hr b. 43 km/hr
c. 44 km/hr d. 43.5 km/hr
17. A thief steals a car and drives it at 15 km/hr. The theft has been discovered after one hour and the
owner of the car sets off in another car at 25 km/hr. When will the owner overtake the thief from the
starting point?
a. 1 hr b. 1.5 hr
c. 2 hr d.2.5 hr

18. A tower is 61.25m high. A rigid body is dropped from its top and at the same instant another body is
thrown up-wards from the bottom of the tower with such a velocity that they meet in the middle of the
tower. The velocity of projection of the second body is:
a. 24.5 m/s b. 20 m/s
c. 25 m/s d. 22 m/s

19. A car travels first half distance between two places with a speed of 40 km/hr and rest of the half
distance with a speed of 60 km/hr. The average speed of the car is:
a. 48 km/hr b. 37 km/hr
c. 44 km/hr d. 45 km/hr
20. A cyclist drove one kilometre, with the wind in his back, in three minutes and drove the same way
back, against the wind in four minutes. If we assume that the cyclist always puts constant force on the
pedals, how much time would it take him to drive one kilometre without wind?
a. 73 min b. 247 min
c. 177 min d. 4312 min

21. A ship 77 km from the shore, springs a leak which admits to 9/2 tonnes of water in 11/2 minutes. 92
tonnes of water would sink it. But the pumps can throw out 12 tonnes of water per hour. Find the
average rate of sailing so that the ship may just reach the shore as it begins to sink.
a. 10.5 km/hr b. 11 km/hr
c. 10 km/hr d. 12.5 km/hr
22. A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train had been 6 km/hr faster, it would
have taken 4 hour less than the scheduled time. And, if the train were slower by 6 km/hr, the train
would have taken 6hr more than the scheduled time. The length of the journey is:
a. 700 km b. 740 km
c. 720 km d. 760 km

23. Two identical trains A and B running in opposite direction at same speed tale 2 min to cross each other
completely. The number of bogies of A are increased from 12 to 16. How much more time would they
now require to cross each other?
a. 40 sec b. 50 sec
c. 60 sec d. 20 sec
24. A boatman rows to a place 45 km distant and back in 20 hour. He finds that he can row 12 km with the
stream in the same time as 4km against the stream. Find the speed of the stream.
a. 3 km/hr b. 2.5 km/hr
c. 4 km/hr d. 3.5 km/hr

25. A motorboat whose speed is 15 km/hr in still water goes 30km downstream and comes back in four and
a half hours. The speed of the stream is:
a. 4.5 km/hr b. 6 km/hr
c. 7 km/hr d. 5 km/hr

26. A hare, pursued by a grey-hound is 20 of her own leaps ahead of him. While the hare takes 4 leaps, the
grey-hound takes 3 leaps. 3 leaps of grey-hound is equal to 2 leaps of hare. In how many leaps will the
grey-hound overtake the hare?
a. 180 leaps b. 270 leaps
c. 360 leaps d. 90 leaps
27. P and Q start running in opposite directions (towards each other) on a circular track starting at
diametrically opposite points. They first meet after P has run for 75m and then they next meet after Q
has run 100 m after their first meeting. Assume that both of them are running a constant speed. The
length of the track (in metre) is:
a. 70 b. 175
c. 250 d. 350

28. A man sitting in train travelling at the rate of 50 km/hr observes that it takes 9 sec for a goods train
travelling in the opposite direction to pass him. If the goods train is 187.5m long. Find its speed.
a. 40 km/hr b. 30 km/hr
c. 24 km/hr d. 25 km/hr

29. Two places A and B are separated by a distance of 200 m. Ajay and Jay have to start simultaneously
from A, go to B and return to A. In 10 s they meet at a place 10m from B. If Ajay is faster than Jay, in
how much time, after they start, will Ajay return to A?
a. 19 sec b. 20021 sec
c. 40021 sec d. 19021 sec
30. X and Y start walking towards each other at 10am at speeds of 3km/hr and 4km/hr respectively. They
were initially 17.5 km apart. At what time do they meet?
a. 2:30 pm b. 11 :30 pm
c. 1:30 pm d. 12 :30 pm

31. A car driver driving in fog, passes a pedestrian who was walking at the rate of 2km/h in the same
direction. The pedestrian could see the car for 6 min and it was visible to him up to a distance of 0.6
km. The speed of the car would be :
a. 8 km/h b. 800 m/h
c. 200 m/h d. 15 km/h

32. Rahul can row a certain distance downstream in 6 hour and return the same distance in 9 hour. If the
speed of Rahul in still water is 12 km/hr, Find the speed of the stream.
a. 2 km/hr b. 2.4 km/hr
c. 3 km/hr d. 1.5 km/hr
33. In a race, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the
destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is:
a. 1 hr b. 1.5 hr
c. 2 hr d. 2.5 hr

34. Jay started cycling along the boundaries of a square field from corner point A. After half an hour he
reached the corner point C, diagonally opposite to A. If his speed was 8km/hr, the area of the filed in
square km is:
a. 64 b. 16
c. 9 d. 4

35. Wheel of diameter 7cm and 14 cm start rolling simultaneously from X and Y which are 1980cm apart
towards each other in opposite directions. Both of them make same number of revolutions per second.
If both of them meet after 10s, the speed of the smaller wheel is:
a. 22 cm/s b. 44 cm/s
c. 66 cm/s d. 88 cm/s

36. A monkey tries to ascend a greased pole 14 m high. He ascends 2 m in first two minutes and slips 1 m in
alternate minute. If he continues to ascend in this fashion, how long does he take to reach the top?
a. 26 min b. 24 min
c. 22 min d. 25 min
37. A train leaves station X at 5am and reaches station Y at 9am. Another train leaves station Y at 7am and reaches
station X at 10:30 am. At what time do the two trains cross each other?
a. 7:36 am b. 7:56 am
c. 8:36 am d. 8:56 am

38. A skating champion moves along the circumference of a circle of radius 28m in 44 sec. How many seconds will
it take her to move along the perimeter of a hexagon of side 48 m?
a. 90 b. 84
c. 68 d. 72

39. A hare sees a dog 200m away from her and scuds off in opposite direction at a speed of 24 km/hr. Two minutes
later the dog perceives her and gives chase at a speed of 32km/hr. How soon will the dog overtake the hare,
and what distance from the spot from where the hare took flight?
a. 8 min, 2 km b. 7.5 min, 2 km
c. 7.5 min, 3km d. 7.5 min, 2.5km
40. A boat covers a distance of 30km downstream in 2 hour while it takes 6 hour to cover the same distance
upstream. What is the speed of the boat in km/hr
a. 5 b. 7.5
c. 10 d. 12

41. A and B start running simultaneously. A runs from point P to point Q and B from point Q to point P. A's speed is
6/5 of B's speed. After crossing B, if A takes 5/2 hr to reach Q, how much time does B take to reach P after
crossing A?
a. 3 hr 6 min b. 3 hr 16 min
c. 3 hr 26 min d. 3 hr 36 min

42. Walking at 3/4 of his usual place, a man reaches his office 20 minute late. Find his usual time?
a. 2 hr b. 1 hr
c. 3 hr d. 1.5 hr

43. A jet plane is rising vertically with a velocity of 10m/s. It has reached a certain height when the pilot drops a
coin, which takes 4sec to hit the ground. Assuming that there is no resistance to the motion of the coin, the
height of the place and the velocity of the coin on impact with the ground are:
a. 38.4 m, 28.7 m/s b. 38.4 m, 29.2 m/s
c. 26.5 m, 13.5 m/s d. 26.5 m, 28.7 m/s
44. A train running at the speed of 20m/s crosses a pole in 24 sec less than the time it requires to cross a platform
thrice its length at the same speed. What is the length of the train?
a. 150 m b. 200 m
c. 180 m d. 160 m

1. If the wheel of a bicycle makes 560 revolutions in travelling 1.1 km, what is its radius?
a. 31.25 cm b. 37.75 cm
c. 35.15 cm d. 11.25 cm

Common information for questions numbered 2 and 3

A and B go by Bus from X to Z which is on the way to Y. C goes from Y to Z by Auto. A and B's Bus goes at 75km/hr
and C's auto moves at 15km/hr. All the three start at 6:00am. After travelling some distance, B sees another friend
D going by Cycle at 25km/hr to Z. B and A go ahead, meet C and pick him up. They return immediately to Z at the
same time. The distance between X and Y is 600km and XZ is 400km.
2. Common data question: 1/2
What is the total distance travelled by A?
a. 480 km b. 450 km
c. 550 km d. 600 km

3. Common data question: 2/2

What is the time for the entire journey?
a. 10 hour b. 6 hour
c. 8 hour d. 9 hour

4. A ship develops a leak 12 km from the shore. Despite the leak, the ship is able to move towards the shore at a
speed of 8 km/hr. However, the ship can stay afloat only for 20 minutes. If a rescue vessel were to leave from
the shore towards the ship and it takes 4 minutes to evacuate the crew and passengers of the ship, what should
be the minimum speed of the rescue vessel in order to be able to successfully rescue the people aboard the
a. 53 km/hr b. 37 km/hr
c. 28 km/hr d. 44 km/hr
5. When an object is dropped, the number of feet N that it falls is given by the formula N=12gt2 where t is the
time in seconds from the time it was dropped and g is 32.2. If it takes 5 seconds for the object to reach the
ground, how many feet does it fall during the last 2 seconds?
a. 64.4 b. 96.6
c. 161.0 d. 257.6

6. Rajesh travelled from city A to city B covering as much distance in the second part as he did in the first part of
this journey. His speed during the second part was twice as that of the speed during the first part of the
journey. What is his average speed of journey during the entire travel?
a. His average speed is the harmonic mean of the individual speeds for the two parts.
b. His average speed is the arithmetic mean of the individual speeds for the two parts.
c. His average speed is the geometric mean of the individual speeds for the two parts.
d. Cannot be determined.

7. A train traveling at 100 kmph overtakes a motorbike traveling at 64 kmph in 40 seconds. What is the length of
the train in meters?
a. 1777 meters b. 1822 meters
c. 400 meters d. 800 meters
8. By walking at 34th of his usual speed, a man reaches office 20 minutes later than usual. What is his usual time?
a. 30 min b. 60 min
c. 70 min d. 50 min

9. In a 500m race Dishu beats Abhishek by 100m or 5 seconds. In another race on the same track at the same
speeds. Abhishek and Prashant start at one end while Dishu starts at the opposite end. How many metres
would Abhishek have covered, by the time Dishu meets Prashant given that Dishu's speed is 10 m/sec more
than that of Prashant.
a. 200 m b. 225 m
c. 250 m d. 275 m
10. The speed of a motor boat itself is 20 km/h and the rate of flow of the river is 4 km/h. Moving with the stream
the boat went 120 km. What distance will the boat cover during the same time going against the stream?
a. 80 km b. 180 km
c. 60 km d. 100 km

11. Ram covers a part of the journey at 20 kmph and the balance at 70 kmph taking total of 8 hours to cover the
distance of 400 km. How many hours has he been driving at 20 kmph?
a. 2 hours b. 3 hours 20 minutes
c. 4 hours 40 minutes d. 3 hours 12 minutes

12. I travel the first part of my journey at 40 kmph and the second part at 60 kmph and cover the total distance of
240 km to my destination in 5 hours. How long did the first part of my journey last?
a. 4 hours b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours d. 2 hours 24 minutes

Common information for questions numbered 13 and 14

Two men are walking towards each other alongside a railway track. A freight train overtakes one of them in 20
seconds and exactly 10 minutes later meets the other man coming from the opposite direction. The train
passes this man is 18 seconds. Assume the velocities are constant throughout.

13. Common Data Question 1/2

How long after the train has passed the second man will the two men meet?
a. 89.7 minutes b. 90 minutes
c. 90.3 seconds d. 91 seconds

14. Common Data Question 2/2

The ratio of the velocities of the first man to the second man is:
a. 89.7 minutes b. 90 minutes
c. 90.3 minutes d. Cannot be determined
15. P and Q walk from A to B, a distance of 27 km at 5 km/hr and 7 km/hr respectively. Q reaches B and
immediately turns back meeting P at T. What is the distance from A to T?
a. 25 km b. 22.5 km
c. 24 km d. 20 km

16. Rajesh walks to and fro to a shopping mall. He spends 30 minutes shopping. If he walks at speed of 10 km an
hour, he returns to home at 19.00 hours. If he walks at 15 km an hour, he returns to home at 18.30 hours. How
fast must he walk in order to return at 18.15 hours?
a. 17 km/hr b. 18 km/hr
c. 19 km/hr d. 20 km/hr

17. P beats Q by 5 seconds in a race of 1000m and Q beats R by 5 metres in a race of 100m. By how many seconds
does P beats R in a race of 1000 m?
a. 5 sec b. 7 sec
c. 10 sec d. Cannot be determined

18. A bus without stopping travels at an average speed of 60 km/hr and with stoppages at an average speed of 40
km/hr. What is the total time taken by the bus for stoppages on a route of length 300km?
a. 4 hr b. 3 hr
c. 2.5 hr d. 3.5 hr

19. Distance between the points is P. A man with the speed of s and reaches the other point late by 2 hours.
Calculated the speed with which the man has to travel to reach in time, where t is the actual time.
a. S×(t+1)(t+2) b. s×t(t+2)
c. s×(t+2) d. s×T(t+1)

20. The speed of a bus during the second hour of its journey is twice that in the first hour. Also, its speed during the
third hour is two-third the sum of its speeds in the first two hours. Had the bus travelled for three hours at the
speed of the first hour, it would have travelled 120 km less. Find the average speed of the bus for the first three
a. 60 kmph b. 70 kmph
c. 80 kmph d. 100 kmph
21. Arun, Barun and Kiranmala start from the same place and travel in the same direction at speeds of 30, 40 and
60 km per hour respectively. Barun starts two hours after Arun. If Barun and Kiranmala overtake Arun at the
same instant, how many hours after Arun did Kiranmala start?
a. 3 b. 3.5
c. 4 d. 4.5

22. Karan and Arjun run a 100-meter race, where Karan beats Arjun 10 metres. To do a favour to Arjun, Karan
starts 10 metres behind the starting line in a second 100 metre race. They both run at their earlier speeds.
Which of the following is true in connection with the second race?
a. Karan and Arjun reach the finishing line simultaneously
b. Arjun beats Karan by 1 metre
c. Arjun beats Karan by 11 metres
d. Karan beats Arjun by 1 metre
23. Starting from my office, I reach the house 20 min late if I walk at 3kmph. Instead, if I walk at 4kmph, I reach the
house 15 min early. How far is my house from my office?
a. 4 km b. 5 km
c. 7 km d. 6 km

24. Two boats, traveling at 5 and 10 kms per hour, head directly towards each other. They begin at a distance of 20
kms from each other. How far apart are they (in kms) one minute before they collide?
a. 112 b. 16
c. 14 d. 13
25. A bus overtakes two boys who are walking in the direction of the bus at 2 km/hr and 4 km/hr in 9 sec and 10sec
respectively. The length of the bus and its speed are:
a.50m and 559 m/s b. 80m and 889 m/s
c. 70m and 779 m/s d. 60m and 669 m/s

26. In a kilometer race, If Abhishek gives Bharti a 40m start, Abhishek wins by 19sec. But if Abhishek gives Bharti a
30 sec start, Bharti wins by 40 m. Find the time taken by Bharti to run 5,000m?
a. 150 sec b. 450 sec
c. 750 sec d. 825 sec
27. A ball is projected vertically up-wards reaches, at the end of 't' seconds, an elevation of 's' feet where
s=160t−16t2. The highest elevation is
a. 800 b. 640
c. 400 d. 320

28. A man jogging inside a railway tunnel at a constant speed hears a train approaching the tunnel from behind at a
speed of 30km/h, when he is one third of the way inside the tunnel. Whether he keeps running forward or
turns back, he will reach the end of the tunnel at the same time the train reaches that end. The speed at which
the man is running is:
a. 6 km/hr b. 8 km/hr
c. 12 km/hr d. 10 km/hr
29. A boat goes 30 km. upstream and 44 km. downstream in 10 hours. In 13 hours, it can go 40 km upstream and
55 km down-stream. The speed of the boat in still water is:
a. 3 km/hr b. 4 km/hr
c. 8 km/hr d. 6 km/hr

30. A passenger train covers the distance between stations X and Y, 50 minutes faster than a goods train. Find this
distance if the average speed of the passenger train is 60 kmph and that of goods train is 20 kmph
a. 20 kms b. 25 kms
c. 45 kms d. 40 kms
31. A train left station X at A hour B minutes. It reached station Y at B hour C minutes on the same day, after
travelling C hours A minutes (clock shows time from 0 hours to 24 hours). Number of possible value(s) of A is:
a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. 3

32. Two cities, A and B, at a distance of 50 km, are connected by two separate roads. The speed of any vehicle
traveling between the two cities on road 1 is 50 km/hr, while the speed on road 2 is (80/n) km/hr, where n is
the number of vehicles (including the concerned vehicle). If you travel in a vehicle from A to B on road 1 and
come back from B to A on road 2 (where there are already three vehicles plying), your approximate average
speed is:
a. 26 km/hr b. 29 km/hr
c. 32 km/hr d. 35 km/hr

33. Jim travels the first 3 hours of his journey at 60 mph speed and the remaining 5 hours at 24 mph speed. What is
the average speed of Jim's travel in mph?
a. 42 mph b. 36 mph
c. 37.5 mph d. 42.5 mph

34. If a man cycles at 10 km/hr, then he arrives at a certain place at 1 p.m. If he cycles at 15 km/hr, he will arrive at
the same place at 11 a.m. At what speed must he cycle to get there at noon?
a. 11 km/hr b. 12 km/hr
c. 13 km/hr d. 14 km/hr

35. The Ghaziabad-Hapur-Meerut EMU and the Meerut-Hapur-Ghaziabad EMU start at the same time from
Ghaziabad and Meerut and proceed towards each other at 16 km/hr and 21 km/hr respectively. When they
meet, it is found that one train has travelled 60 km more than the other. The distance between two stations is:
a. 445 km b. 444 km
c. 440 km d. 450 km
36. Dexter and Prexter are competing with each other in a friendly community competition in a pool of 50m length
and the race is for 1000m. Dexter crosses 50m in 2 min and Prexter in 3 min 15 sec. Each time they meet/cross
each other, they do handshake's. How many such handshake's will happen if they start from the same end at
the same time?
a. 18 b. 19
c. 20 d. 17

37. A ball is thrown twice from a place with the gap of 34 minutes between the two shots. A person approaching
this point in a bus heard the second shot 33 minutes after he heard the first shot. What is the speed of bus (in
kmph) if sound travels at 330 m/s?
a. 30 b. 33
c. 36 d. 42

38. A man and a woman 81 miles apart from each other, start travelling towards each other at the same time. If
the man covers 5 miles per hour to the women's 4 miles per hour, how far will the woman have travelled when
they meet?
a. 27 b. 36
c. 45 d. None of these

39. Three friends A, B and C run around a circular track of length 120 metres at speeds of 5 m/s, 7 m/sec and 15
m/sec, starting simultaneously from the same point and in the same direction. How often will the three of them
a. Every 60 seconds b. Every 120 seconds
c. Every 30 seconds d. None of these
40. A man can row 50 km upstream and 72 km downstream in 9 hours. He can also row 70 km upstream and 90 km
downstream in 12 hours. Find the rate of current.
a. 3 km/hr b. 8 km/hr
c. 4 km/hr d. None of these

41. Two boys begin together to write out a booklet containing 535 lines. The first boy starts with the first line,
writing at the rate of 100 lines an hour; and the second starts with the last line then writes line 534 and so on,
backward proceeding at the rate of 50 lines an hour. At what line will they meet?
a. 356 b. 277
c. 357 d. 267
1. Which of the following has most number of divisors?
a. 99 b. 101
c. 176 d. 182

2. A girl wrote all the numbers from 100 to 200. Then she started counting the number of one's that has been
used while writing all these numbers. What is the number that she got?
a. 111 b. 119
c. 120 d. 121

3. If each of the three nonzero numbers a , b , and c is divisible by 3, then abc must be divisible by which one
of the following the numbers?
a. 8 b. 27
c. 81 d. 121

4. The LCM of two numbers is 280 and their ratio is 7:8. The two numbers are
a. 70,80 b. 35,40
c. 42,48 d. 28,32

5. If we write down all the natural numbers from 259 to 492 side by side get a very large natural number
259260261....491492. How many 8's will be used to write this large natural number?
a. 32 b. 43
c. 52 d. 53
6. How many five digit multiples of 11 are there, if the five digits are 3,4,5,6 and 7 in the same order?
a. 10 b. 11
c. 12 d. 13

7. What is the remainder when 7187 is divided by 800?

a. 143 b. 243
c. 343 d. 443

8. What is the value of M and N respectively if M39048458N is divisible by 8 and 11, where M and N are single
digit integers?
a. 7,8 b. 8,6
c. 6,4 d. 5,4

9. IBM-Daksh observes that it gets a call at an interval of very 10 minutes from Seattle, at every 12 minutes from
Arizonia, at the interval of 20 minutes from New York and after every 25 minutes it gets the call from Newark. If
in the early morning at 5:00 a.m. it has received the calls simultaneously from all the four destinations, then at
which time it will receive the calls at a time from all places on the same day?
a. 10:00 am b. 3:00 am
c. 5:00 am d. Both (A) and (B)
10. If n is a positive integer, which one of the following numbers must have a remainder of 3 when divided by any
of the numbers 4, 5, and 6?
a. 12n + 3 b. 24n + 3
c. 90n + 2 d. 120n + 3

11. A certain number when divided by 222 leaves a remainder 35, another number when divided by 407 leaves a
remainder 47. What is the remainder when the sum of these two numbers is divided by 37?
a. 8 b. 9
c. 12 d. 17

12. Find the remainder when 231 is divided by 5.

a. 4 b. 5
c. 3 d. 7

13. The sum of three digit number is subtracted from the number. The resulting number is always
a. divisible by 6 b. not divisible by 6
c. divisible by 9 d. not divisible by 9
14. If N=23×34 , M= 22×3×5, then find the number of factors of N that are common with the factors of M.
a. 8 b. 6
c. 18 d. 20

15. The remainder when the positive integer m is divided by 7 is x. The remainder when m is divided by 14 is x+7.
Which one of the following could m equal?
a. 45 b. 53
c. 72 d. 85

16. (AA)2=DCBA, where A,B,C and D are distinct digits with B being odd. Find the value of D.
a. 4 b. 6
c. 1 d. 1 or 4
17. What is the last digit of the number 3579+ 1?
a. 1 b. 4
c. 7 d. 3

18. If x and y are any natural numbers, then which of the following is an odd number ?
a. xy+yx+(x−y)(xy+x) b. xy(x+y)(xy+x)
c. yx(xy–y)(xy−x) d. None of these

19. A and B are playing mathematical puzzles. A asks B "which whole numbers, greater than one, can divide all the
nine three digit numbers111,222,333,444,555,666, 777,888 and 999?" B immediately gave the desired answer.
It was
a. 3, 37 and 119 b. 3, 37 and 111
c. 9, 37 and 111 d. 3, 9 and 37

20. Two prime numbers A,B(A<B) are called twin primes if they differ by 2 (e.g. 11,13,or 41,43....)If A and B are twin
primes with B>23, then which of the following numbers would always divide A+B?
a. 12 b. 8
c. 24 d. None of these
21. What is the remainder let after dividing 1!+2!+3!.....+10! by 7?
a. 0 b. 5
c. 14 d. 21

22. The highest power of 9 dividing 99! completely is

a. 12 b. 14
c. 22 d. 24

23. The number 3 divides ‘a’ with a result of ‘b’ and a remainder of 2. The number 3 divides ‘b’ with a result of 2
and a remainder of 1. What is the value of a?
a. 13 b. 17
c. 21 d. 23

24. When a particular positive number is divided by 5, the remainder is 2. If the same number is divided by 6, the
remainder is 1. If the difference between the quotients of division is 3, then find the number.
a. 37 b. 97
c. 67 d. 87
25. It is given that 232+1 is exactly divisible by a certain number. Which one of the following is also divisible by the
same number?
a. 296+1 b. 216+1
c. 216+1 d. 264+1

26. The number obtained by interchanging the two digits of a two digit number is less than the original number by
27. If the difference between the two digits of the number is 3, what is the original number?
a. 74 b. 63
c. 85 d. Cannot be determined

27. How many 3-digit numbers do not have an even digit or a zero?
a. 60 b. 80
c. 125 d. 150

28. The number 3072 is divisible by both 6 and 8. Which one of the following is the first integer larger than 3072
that is also divisible by both 6 and 8?
a. 3084 b. 3086
c. 3090 d. 3096
29. The remainder when 784 is divided by 342 is
a. 0 b. 1
c. 49 d. 341

30. The LCM of two number is 4800 and their HCF is 160. If one number is 480, then the second number is
a. 1200 b.1500
c. 1600 d. 1800

31. The numbers 1 to 29 are written side by side as follows 1234567891011......2829. If the number is divided by 9,
then what is the remainder?
a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. 3

32. When 75% of a two-digit number is added to it, the digits of the number are reversed. Find the ratio of the
unit's digit to the ten's digit in the original number.
a. 1:2 b. 1:4
c. 2:1 d. 3:2

33. How many zeroes will be there in the expansion of the expression 11×22×33×44……..×100100
a. 1200 b. 1232
c. 1300 d. 1296

1. A number when divided by a divisor leaves a remainder of 24. When twice the original number is divided by the
same divisor, the remainder is 11. What is the value of the divisor?
a. 13 b. 59
c. 35 d. 37

2. The product of 4 consecutive even numbers is always divisible by:

a. 600 b. 768
c. 864 d. 384

3. What is the minimum number of square marbles required to tile a floor of length 5 metres 78 cm and width 3
metres 74 cm?
a. 176 b. 187
c. 540 d. 748
4. What number should be subtracted from x3+4x2−7x+12 if it is to be perfectly divisible by x + 3?
a. 42 b. 39
c. 13 d. None of these

5. Find the remainder when 289 is divided by 89?

a. 1 b. 2
c. 87 d. 88

6. What is the remainder when 37 is divided by 8?

a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 5
7. A boy writes all the numbers from 100 to 999. The number of zeroes that he uses is 'a', the number of 5's that
he uses is 'b' and the number of 8's he uses is 'c'. What is the value of b+c-a?
a. 280 b. 380
c. 180 d. 80

8. Find the unit's digit in 264102+264103

a. 0 b. 2
c. 4 d. 6

9. In a meet, persons from five different places have assembled in Bangalore High School. From the five places the
persons come to represent are 42,60,210,90 and84. What is the minimum number of rooms that would be
required to accommodate so that each room has the same number of occupants and occupants are all from the
same places?
a. 44 b. 62
c. 81 d. 96
10. A set has exactly five consecutive positive integers starting with 1. What is the percentage decrease in the
average of the numbers when the greatest one of the numbers is removed from the set?
a. 8.5 b. 12.5
c. 15.2 d. 16.66

11. When writing numbers from 1 to 10,000, how many times is the digit 9 written?
a. 3200 b. 3600
c. 4000 d. 4200

12. Which digits should come in place of @ and # if the number 62684@# is divisible by both 8 and 5?
a. 4, 0 b. 0, 4
c. 4, 4 d. 0, 0

13. How many keystrokes are needed to type numbers from 1 to 1000 on a standard keyboard?
a. 3001 b. 2893
c. 2704 d. 2890

14. How many natural numbers below 660 are divisible by 5 and 11 but not by 3?
a. 8 b. 9
c. 10 d. 11

15. What is the maximum value of m such that 7m divides into 14! evenly?
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4

16. Find the remainder when 3164 is divided by 162?

a. 0 b. 9
c. 11 d. 81
17. The two positive integers 'p' and 'q' satisfy (p+q)=HCF(p,q). Which of the following two numbers sum up to 't'?
a. 13 and 52 b. 132 and 96
c. 18 and 126 d. 56 and 45

18. Which one of the following is the minimum value of the sum of two integers whose product is 36?
a. 37 b. 20
c. 15 d. 12

19. What is the remainder when 91+92+93+....+98 is divided by 6?

a. 3 b. 2
c. 0 d. 5
20. What is the unit's digit of the number 6256–4256
a. 0 b. 1
c. 4 d. 7

21. What is the correct arrangement of the fractions 58,712,1316,1629 and 34 in ascending order of magnitude.
a. 1629<712<58<34<1316 b. 1629<712<58<1316<34
c. 712<1629<58<1316<34 d. 1629<58<712<34<1316

22. If a and b are positive integers, and x=2×3×7×a , and y=2×2×8×b , and the values of both x and y lie between
120 and 130 (not including the two), then a–b=
a. -2 b. -1
c. 1 d. 2
23. A number when divided by 342 gives a remainder 47. When the same number is
divided by 19, what would be the remainder?
a. 5 b. 9
c. 4 d. 0

24. A bank issued credit card numbers and the corresponding PIN (Personal Identification Number). Both are 3-digit
numbers up to 996. Pinaki was the last to get the credit card and so he had the last possible credit card
number. He was afraid of forgetting his PIN. He wrote down the number 123 in his diary to remember his PIN.
He also wrote out the way to calculate 123 : "Multiply the card number by PIN. Divide the product by 997. The
remainder is 123". Once, Prafull saw his diary in which Pinaki wrote this number 123. Prafull did a lot of
purchasing, as he now knows Pinaki's PIN. What is Pinaki's PIN?
a. 874 b. 875
c. 876 d. 877

25. The least common multiple of two natural numbers a and b, is 399. What is the minimum possible sum of the
digits of the number a(given a > b)?
a. 1 b. 3
c. 5 d. 7

26. When 242 is divided by a certain divisor the remainder obtained is 8. When 698 is divided by the same divisor
the remainder obtained is 9. However, when the sum of the two numbers 242 and 698 is divided by the divisor,
the remainder obtained is 4. What is the value of the divisor?
a. 11 b. 17
c. 13 d. 23

27. Suppose n is an integer such that the sum of digits on n is 2, and 1010<n×10n. The number of different values
of n is:
a. 8 b. 9
c. 10 d. 11

28. What is the remainder when 72×82 is divided by 6?

a. 2 b. 4
c. 6 d. 8

29. Four digits of the number 29138576 are omitted so that the result is as large as possible. The largest omitted
digit is
a. 5 b. 6
c. 7 d. 8

30. If a person makes a row of toys of 20 each, there would be 15 toys left. If they made to stand in rows of 25
each, there would be 20 toys left, if they made to stand in rows of 38 each, there would be 33 toys left and if
they are made to stand in rows of 40 each, there would be 35 toys left. What is the minimum number of toys
the person have?
a. 12,55 b. 3,805
c. 7,595 d. 3,795

31. For what value of 'n' will the remainder of 351n and 352n be the same when divided by 7?
a. 2 b. 3
c. 6 d. 4

32. pqr is a three digit natural number so that pqr=p!+q!+r!. What is the value of(q+r)p?
a. 1296 b. 3125
c. 19683 d. 9
33. a, b, c, d, and e are five consecutive numbers in increasing order of size. Deleting one of the five numbers from
the set decreased the sum of the remaining numbers in the set by 20%. Which one of the following numbers
was deleted?
a. a b. b c. c
d. d e. e

34. A chain smoker had spent all the money he had. He had no money to buy his cigarettes. Hence, he resorted to
join the stubs and to smoke them. He needed 4 stubs to make a single cigarette. If he got a pack of 10
cigarettes as a gift, then how many cigarettes could he smoke in all?
a. 10 b. 11
c. 12 d. 13
35. 2ab5 is a four-digit number divisible by 25. If the number formed from the two digits ab is a multiple of 13, then
ab =
a. 10 b. 25
c. 52 d. 65

36. The positive integers m and n leave remainders of 2 and 3, respectively, when divided by 6. m>n. What is the
remainder when m–n is divided by 6?
a. 2 b. 3
c. 5 d. 6

1. The largest number amongst the following that will perfectly divide 101100–1 is:
a. 100 b. 10,000
c. 100100 d. 100,000
Common information for questions numbered 2 and 3 P =1234567891011.............9989991000
2. Common data question: 1/2
Find the remainder when first 1000 digits of the number P are divided by 16?
a. 7 b. 9
c. 11 d. 13

3. Common data question: 2/2

Find the remainder when P is divided by 9?
a. 8 b. 7
c. 1 d. 6

4. Let n be the number of different 5 digit numbers, divisible by 4 with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, no digit being
repeated in the numbers. What is the value of n?
a. 144 b. 168
c. 192 d. None of these
5. Three gold coins of weight 780gm, 840gm and 960gm are cut into small pieces, all of which have the equal
weight. Each piece must be heavy as possible. If one such piece is shared by two persons, then how many
persons are needed to give all the pieces of gold coins?
a. 86 b. 70
c. 43 d. 35

6. Each of X alarm tolls at regular intervals. All of them tolls together twelve times a day. No two alarm at equal
intervals of time. If each alarm tolls after a whole number of minutes, what is the maximum possible value of X?
a. 14 b. 16
c. 18 d. 20

7. A person uses the base x for his number system, where x ≤ 10. A student had to add two-digit numbers. None
of the digits was 0. By oversight, he reversed the digits of both the numbers and added them. He later found
that the difference between his answer and the correct answer was $(84)_¬¬10. If this value is the maximum
possible for x, then what is the value of x.
a. 6 b. 7
c. 8 d. 9
8. N is the smallest number that has 5 factors. How many factors does (N - 1) have??
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5

9. Ram and Shyam take a vacation at their grandparents' house. During the vacation, they do any activity
together. They either played tennis in the evening or practiced Yoga in the morning, ensuring that they do not
undertake both the activities on any single day. There were some days when they did nothing. Out of the days
that they stayed at their grandparents' house, they involved in one of the two activities on 22 days. However,
their grandmother while sending an end of vacation report to their parents stated that they did not do anything
on 24 mornings and they did nothing on 12 evenings. How long was their vacation?
a. 36 days b. 14 days
c. 29 days d. Cannot be determined
10. A set of S consists of i). All odd numbers from 1 to 55.
ii). All even numbers from 56 to 150. What is the index of the highest power of 3 in the product of all the
elements of the set S?
a. 35 b. 48
c. 6 d. 36

11. The three words "TATA Assets Rock" are flashed such that the words individually are switched on at regular
intervals of 4,7 and 9 seconds respectively and after they are switched on, the words are switched off after 2
sec, 4 sec and 5 sec respectively. If at time 't' all the words happened to switch off simultaneously, find the least
time 't' which all three words will switch on simultaneously.
a. 252 sec b. 126 sec
c. 94 sec d. 38 sec
12. Let X be a four-digit number with exactly three consecutive digits being same and is a multiple of 9. How many
such X’s are possible?
a. 12 b. 16
c. 19 d. 20

13. The remainder when m + n is divided by 12 is 8, and the remainder when m – n is divided by 12 is 6. If m > n,
then what is the remainder when mn divided by 6?
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
14. How many ordered pairs of integer (x,y) are there such that their product is a positive integer less than 100.
a. 546 b. 636
c. 1090 d. 946

15. a, b, c, d, and e are five consecutive integers in increasing order of size. Which one of the following expressions
is not odd?
a. ab + c b. ab + d
c. ac + d d. ac + e
16. How many three digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8without repeating the digits
and such that the tens digit is greater than the hundreds digit and less than the units digit?
a. 48 b. 56
c. 64 d. 72
17. Find the sun of the digits of the least natural number P, such that the sum of the cubes of the four smallest
distinct divisors of P equals 2P.
a. 7 b. 8
c. 9 d. 10
1. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of5:2:4:3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than
D, what is B's share?
a. Rs. 500 b. Rs. 1500
c. Rs. 2000 d. None of these

2. A and B together have Rs. 1210. If 415 of A's amount is equal to 25 of B's amount, how much amount does B
a. Rs. 460 b. Rs. 484
c. Rs. 550 d. Rs. 664

3. A sum of Rs.312 was divided among 100 boys and girls in such a way that the boy gets Rs.3.60 and each girl
Rs.2.40 the number of girls is
a. 35 b. 40
c. 45 d. 50

4. In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water 2:1. If the this ratio is to be1:2, then the quantity of water to
be further added is:
a. 20 litres b. 30 litres
c. 40 litres d. 60 litres
5. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:
a. 2:5 b. 3:5
c. 4:5 d. 5:4

6. Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5:7:8. There is a proposal to increase
these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?
a. 2:3:4 b. 6:7:8
c. 6:8:9 d. None of these

7. A sum of Rs. 36.90 is made up of 180 coins which are either 10 paise coins or 25 p coins. The number of 10 p
coins is:
a. 48 b. 54
c. 56 d. 60
8. The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2:3:5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in
their salaries, then what will be new ratio of their salaries?
a. 3:3:10 b. 10:11:20
c. 23:33:60 d. Cannot be determined

9. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7:8. If the percentage increase in the number of boys
and girls be 20% and 10% respectively, what will be the new ratio?
a. 8:9 b. 17:18
c. 21:22 d. Cannot be determined

10. If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second
a. 2:5 b. 3:7
c. 5:3 d. 7:3
11. Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2:3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio
becomes 40:57. What is Sumit's salary?
a. Rs. 17,000 b. Rs. 20,000
c. Rs. 34,000 d. Rs. 38,000

12. If 0.75:x::5:8, then x is equal to:

a. 1.12 b. 1.20
c. 1.25 d. 1.30

13. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2:3 and that of the second to the third is
5:8, then the second number is:
a. 20 b. 30
c. 48 d. 58

14. If Rs. 782 be divided into three parts, proportional to 12:23:34, then the first part is:
a. Rs. 182 b. Rs. 190
c. Rs. 196 d. Rs. 204
1. Rs.432 is divided amongst three workers A, B and C such that 8 times A’s share is equal to 12 times B’s share
which is equal to 6 times C’s share. How much did A get?
a. Rs.192 b. Rs.133
c. Rs.144 d. Rs.128

2. If 20 men or 24 women or 40 boys can do a job in 12 days working for 8 hours a day, how many men working
with 6 women and 2 boys take to do a job four times as big working for 5 hours a day for 12 days?
a. 8 men b. 12 men
c. 2 men d. 24 men

3. P,Q and R enter into a partnership with capitals in the ratio 3:2:1. After 4 months, P leaves the business and
after 4 more months Q also leaves the business and R continues till the end of the year. If R takes 10% of the
profit for managing the business, then what part of the profit does R get?
a. 37% b. 36%
c. 27% d. 30%
4. An outgoing batch of students wants to gift a PA system worth Rs 4,200 to their school. If the teachers, offer to
pay 50% more than the students and an external benefactor gives three times the teacher's contribution, then
how much should the teachers donate?
a. Rs 600 b. Rs 840
c. Rs 900 d. Rs 1,200

5. Two cogged wheels of which one has 32 cogs and other 54 cogs, work into each other. If the latter turns 80
times in three quarters of a minute, how often does the other turn in 8 seconds?
a. 48 b. 24
c. 38 d. None of these

6. The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio 4 : 5, their expenses are in the ratio 5 : 6. If 'A' saves Rs.25 per
month and 'B' saves Rs.50 per month, what are their respective incomes?
a. Rs.400 and Rs.500 b. Rs.240 and Rs.300
c. Rs.320 and Rs.400 d. Rs.440 and Rs.550

7. IBM and KTC quote for a tender. On the tender opening day, IBM realizes that their quotations are in the ratio
7:4 and hence decreases its price during negotiations to make it Rs 1Lakh lower than KTC's quoted price. KTC
realizes that the final quotes of the two were in the ratio 3:4. What was the price at which IBM won the bid?
a. Rs 7 Lakh b. Rs 4 Lakh
c. Rs 3 Lakh d. Rs 1.5 Lakh
8. There is certain numbers of toys in the box. They are divided into such a way that the person who gets 14 of the
whole gets thrice of what the others get on an average. Find the number of people amongst whom the toys are
a. 8 b. 10
c. 12 d. 9

9. The proportion of milk and water in 3 samples is 2:1, 3:2 and 5:3. A mixture comprising of equal quantities of all
3 samples is made. The proportion of milk and water in the mixture is :
a. 2:1 b. 5:1
c. 99:61 d. 227:133

10. Rs 4830 is divided among Abhishek, Dishant and Prashant such that if Abhishek's share diminishes by Rs 5,
Dishant's share diminishes by Rs 10 and Prashant's share diminishes by Rs 15, their shares will be in the ratio
5:4:3. Find the Dishant's original share?
a. 1610 b. 2010
c. 2410 d. 1590

11. The ratio of squares of first n natural numbers to square of sum of first n natural numbers is 17:325. The value
of n is:
a. 15 b. 25
c. 35 d. 30
12. Two man, sitting on the dining table. One man has 7 eggs and other had 5 eggs. A third man passing by
requested them to share their food in return for money. The three of them shared the eggs equally and the
third traveller paid the other two a total of Rs 24. Find the difference between the amounts received by first
two men?
a. Rs 18 b. Rs 12
c. Rs 16 d. Rs 15

13. A, B and C play cricket. A's runs are to B's runs and B's runs are to C's as 3:2. They get altogether 342 runs. How
many runs did A make?
a. 162 b. 108
c. 72 d. None of these

Common information for questions numbered 14 and 15

The cost of fuming the engine of an army tank is proportional to the square of the speed and Rs 64 per hour for a
speed of 16km/hr. Other costs amount to Rs 400 per hour. The tank has to make a journey of 400km at a constant

14. Common data question ½

The most economical speed for this journey is :
a. 20 km/hr b. 30 km/hr
c. 35 km/hr d. 40 km/hr
15. Common data question 2/2
The total cost for the journey at this most economical speed is :
a. Rs 6,000 b. Rs 8,000
c. Rs 10,000 d. Rs 11,000

16. Points A and B are both in the line segment PQ and on the same side of its midpoint. A divides PQ in the ratio
2:3, and B divides PQ in the ratio 3:4. IfAB=2, then the length of PQ is:
a. 70 b. 75
c. 80 d. 85
17. Three beakers have capacity of 250ml, 650ml and 200ml. 682 ml of Juice is poured into them so that the same
fraction of each is filled. The volume filled in the largest beaker will be:
a. 415 ml b. 403 ml
c. 400 ml d. 424 ml

18. The total surface area of a solid iron cube and a solid aluminium cuboid are the same. The length, breadth and
height of the cuboid are in the ratio 1:2:4. Both are melted together in a vessel. What is the ratio of iron and
aluminium in the resultant mixture?
a.(143)32:8 b. 8:(143)32
c. (314)32:8 d. 8:(314)32

19. The monthly salaries of two persons are in the ratio of 4:7. If each receives an increase of Rs.25 in the salary,
the ratio is altered to 3:5. Find their respective salaries.
a. 120 & 210 b. 80 & 140
c. 180 & 300 d. 200 & 350

20. Shyam, Gopal and Madhur are three partners in a business. Their capitals are respectively Rs 4,000, Rs 8,000
and Rs 6,000. Shyam gets 20% of total profit for managing the business. The remaining profit is divided among
the three in the ratio of their capitals. At the end of the year, the profit of Shyam is Rs 2200 less than the sum
of the profit of Gopal and Madhur. How much profit, Madhur will get?
a. Rs 1600 b. Rs 2400
c. Rs 3000 d. Rs 5000
21. On a certain day, the ratio of the passenger in the 1st class and the second class travelling by train is 1:3. the
ratio of the fares collected from each first class and second class passengers is 30:1. If the total amount
collected from all the passengers is Rs 1,320. Find the amount in Rs, collected from the second class
a. 240 b. 360
c. 480 d. 120

22. By mistake, instead of dividing Rs 177 among three persons P, Q and R in the ratio 12:13:14, it was divided in
the ratio 2:3:4. Who gains the most and how much?
a. P, Rs 28 b. Q, Rs 35
c. R, Rs 25 d. R, Rs 27

23. 20% of the students in a class failed in an examination. Out of the students who failed, 75% were males. Male
students who failed constitute 90% of the economically poor students in the class. What is the ratio of the
number of economically poor students to the number of students in the class?
a. 1:4 b. 1:5
c. 5:6 d. 1:6
24. The present ages of A and B are as 6:4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio 5:3. Find their present ages.
a. 42, 28 b. 36, 24
c. 30, 20 d. 25, 15

25. A, B and C enter into a partnership by investing Rs.3600, Rs.4400 and Rs.2800. A is a working partner and gets a
fourth of the profit for his services and the remaining profit is divided amongst the three in the rate of their
investments. What is the amount of profit that B gets if A gets a total of Rs. 8000?
a. 4888.88 b. 9333.33
c. 4000 d. 3666.66

26. One year ago, the ratio between A's and B's salary was 4:5. The ratio of their individual salaries of last year and
present year are 3:5 and 2:3 respectively. If their total salaries for the present year is Rs 6800, the present
salary of A is
a. Rs 4080 b. Rs 3200
c. Rs 4533.40 d. Rs 2720

27. A noodles merchant buys two varieties of noodles the price of the first being twice that of the second. He sells
the mixture at Rs 17.50 per kilogram thereby making a profit of 25%. If the ratio of the amounts of the first
noodles and the second noodles in the mixture is 2:3, then the respective costs of each noodles are
a. Rs 20, Rs 10 b. Rs 24, Rs 12
c. Rs 16, Rs 8 d. Rs 26, Rs 13
28. A, B and C, each of them working alone can complete a job in 6, 8 and 12 days respectively. If all three of them
work together to complete a job and earn Rs.2340, what will be C’s share of the earnings?
a. Rs.520 b. Rs.1080
c. Rs.1170 d. Rs.630

29. The ratio of incomes of Pankaj and Gauri is 3:5 and the ratio of their expenditures is 2:3. Who does save more?
(You have to assume that no one takes any loan from anywhere)
a. Pankaj b. Gauri
c. Both save equally d. Depends upon the incomes of Pankaj and Gauri
30. A,B and C enter into a partnership by investing Rs 28000, Rs 32000 and Rs 18000. A is working partner and gets
a fourth of the profit for this services and the remaining profit is divided amongst the three in the ratio of their
investments. What is the amount of profit that B gets if A gets a total of Rs 4995?
a. Rs 1665 b. Rs 2960
c. Rs 2590 d. None of these

31. In a house, there are dogs, cats and parrot in the ratio 3:7:5. If the number of cats was more than the number
of dogs by a multiple of both 9 and 7, what is the minimum of pets in the house?
a. 945 b. 630
c. 252 d. 238

1. A fort has provisions for 60 days. If after 15 days 500 men strengthen them and the food lasts 40 days longer,
how many men are there in the fort?
a. 3500 b. 4000
c. 6000 d. None of these
Common information for questions number 2 to 4
There are N numbers of gold biscuits in the house, in which four people are lived. If the first men woke up and
divided the biscuits into 5 equal piles and found one extra biscuit. He took one of those piles along with the extra
biscuit and hid them. He then gathered the 4 remaining piles into a big pile, woke up the second person and went
to sleep. Each of the other 3 persons did the same one by one i.e. divided the big pile into 5 equal piles and found
one extra biscuit. Each hid one of the piles along with the extra biscuit and gathered the remaining 4 piles into a big

2. Common data question 1/3

If N > 1000, what could be the least value of N?
a. 1249 b. 1023
c. 1202 d. 1246

3. Common data question 2/3

If N<1000, how many biscuits were left after the fourth man took his share?
a. 624 b. 621
c. 252 d. 257
4. Common data question 3/3
In the previous question, what is the sum of the number of biscuits hidden by the last 2 men?
a. 142 b. 144
c. 180 d. 178

5. Two alloys A and B are composed of two basic elements. The ratios of the compositions of the two basic
elements in the two alloys are 5:3 and 1:2, respectively. A new alloy X is formed by mixing the two alloys A and
B in the ratio4:3. What is the ratio of the composition of the two basic elements in alloy X?
a. 1 : 1 b. 2 : 3
c. 5 : 2 d. 4 : 3

6. The ratio of marks obtained by Vinod and Basu is 6:5. If the combined average of their percentage is 68.75 and
their sum of the marks is 275, find the total marks for which exam was conducted.
a. 150 b. 200
c. 400 d. None of these.

7. In a pocket of A, the ratio of Rs.1 coins, 50p coins and 25p coins can be expressed by three consecutive odd
prime numbers that are in ascending order. The total value of coins in the bag is Rs 58. If the number of Rs.1,
50p, 25p coins are reversed, find the new total value of coins in the pocket of A?
a. Rs 68 b. Rs 43
c. Rs 75 d. Rs 82
8. Joseph bought two varieties of rice, costing 5 cents per ounce and 6 cents per ounce each, and mixed them in
some ratio. Then he sold the mixture at 7 cents per ounce, making a profit of 20 percent. What was the ratio of
the mixture?
a. 1 : 10 b. 1 : 5
c. 2 : 7 d. 3 : 8

9. A bus and a truck are available to cross a jungle. The speed of the truck is thrice that of the bus. The capacity of
the truck is 50 persons and that of bus is 30 persons. The average occupancy of the bus is twice that of the
truck. The tickets for the bus and the truck cost Re 1 and Re 1.50 respectively. What is the ratio of the average
rupee collection of the truck to that of the bus in a day? Assume there is no wastage time between trips and
the occupancy of the bus/truck is defined as the ratio of the actual number of persons boarding it and its
a. 15 : 4 b. 15 : 2
c. 15 : 8 d. 15 : 7
10. Manish, Rahul and Bharti have some stones with each of the. Five times the number of stones with Rahul
equals seven times the number of stones with Manish while five times the number of stones with Manish
equals seven times the number of stones with Bharti. What is the minimum number of stones that can be there
with all three of them put together?
a. 113 b. 109
c. 93 d. 97
Common information for questions numbered 1 to 4
There are 5 freshmen, 8 sophomores, and 7 juniors in a chess club. A group of 6 students will be chosen to compete
in a competition.
1. Common Data Question 1/4
How many combinations of students are possible if the group is to consist of exactly 3 freshmen?
a. 5000 b. 4550
c. 4000 d. 3550

2. Common Data Question 2/4

How many combinations of students are possible if the group is to consist of exactly 3 freshmen and 3
a. 360 b. 460
c. 560 d. 660

3. Common Data Question ¾

How many combinations of students are possible if the group is to consist of an equal number of freshmen,
sophomores, and juniors?
a. 5880 b. 6880
c. 7880 d. 8880

4. Common Data Question 4/4

How many combinations of students are possible if the group is to consist of all members of the same class?
a. 20 b. 25
c. 30 d. 35
5. How many ways can 4 prizes be given away to 3 boys, if each boy is eligible for all the prizes?
a. 256 b. 24
c. 12 d. None of these

Common information for questions numbered 6 to 9

There are 5 freshmen, 8 sophomores, and 7 juniors in a chess club. Find the number of orders in which the 6
students from this club can win the first six prizes:
6. Common Data Question ¼
If all students attend the competition and the winners are exactly 3 freshmen.
a. 3!×5C3×15C3 b. 3!×5P3×15P3
c. 6!×5C3×15C3 d. 6!×5P3×15P3
7. Common Data Question 2/4
If all students attend the competition and the winners are exactly 3 freshmen and 3 sophomores.
a. 3!×5C3×15C3 b. 3!×5C3×8C3
c. 6!×5P3×15P3 d. 6!×5C3×8C3

8. Common Data Question ¾

If all students attend the competition and the winners are an equal number of freshmen, sophomores, and
a. 6!×5C2×8C2×7C2 b. 3!×5C2×8C2×7C2
c. 6!×5P2×8P2×7P2 d. 3!×5P2×8P2×7P2
9. Common Data Question 4/4
If all students attend the competition and the winners are all members of the same class.
a. 21,200 b. 23,200
c. 25,200 d. 27,200

10. Find the number of ways in which 8064 can be resolved as the product of two factors?
a. 22 b. 24
c. 21 d. 20

11. The letter of the word LABOUR are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged as in
a dictionary. What is the rank of the word LABOUR?
a. 275 b. 251
c. 240 d. 242
12. There are fourteen juniors and twenty-three seniors in the Service Club. The club is to send four
representatives to the State Conference.
(i)- How many different ways are there to select a group of four students to attend the conference?
(ii)- If the members of the club decide to send two juniors and two seniors, how many different groupings are
a. (i): 37C4 , (ii): 14C2×23C2 b. (i): 37P4 , (ii): 14P2×23P2
c. (i): 37P4 , (ii): 14C2×23C2 d. (i): 37C4 , (ii): 14P2×23P2

13. A class photograph has to be taken. The front row consists of 6 girls who are sitting. 20 boys are standing
behind. The two corner positions are reserved for the 2 tallest boys. In how many ways can the students be
a. 6! × 1440 b. 18! × 1440
c. 18! ×2! × 1440 d. None of these

14. If 5×nP3=4×n+1P3 find n?

a. 10 b. 12
c. 11 d. 14

15. Ten different letters of alphabet are given, words with 5 letters are formed from these given letters. Then, the
number of words which have at least one letter repeated is:
a. 69760 b. 30240
c. 99748 d. 42386

16. 12 chairs are arranged in a row and are numbered 1 to 12. 4 men have to be seated in these chairs so that the
chairs numbered 1 to 8 should be occupied and no two men occupy adjacent chairs. Find the number of ways
the task can be done.
a. 360 b. 384
c. 432 d. 470

17. How many words can be formed by re-arranging the letters of the word ASCENT such that A and T occupy the
first and last position respectively?
a. 5! b. 4!
c. 6!–2! d. 6!2!

18. If 6Pr=360 and 6Cr=15 find r ?

a. 4 b. 3
c. 6 d. 5
19. In how many ways can six different rings be worn on four fingers of one hand?
a. 10 b. 12
c. 15 d. 16

20. There are 12 yes or no questions. How many ways can these be answered?
a. 4096 b. 2048
c. 1024 d. 144

21. There are 7 non-collinear points. How many triangles can be drawn by joining these points?
a. 35 b. 10
c. 8 d. 7

22. From 6 men and 4 ladies, a committee of 5 is to be formed. In how many ways can this be done, if the
committee is to include at least one lady?
a. 246 b. 340
c. 290 d. 315

23. A question paper consists of three sections 4,5 and 6 questions respectively. Attempting one question from
each section is compulsory but a candidate need not attempt all the questions. In how many ways can a
candidate attempt the questions?
a. 209 b. (4!-1)(5!-1)(6!-1)
c. 119 d. 29295

24. In how many ways a President, VP and Waterboy can be selected from a group of 10 people.
a. 10C3 b. 10P3
c. 240 d. 360

25. In a hockey championship, there are 153 matches played. Every two team played one match with each other.
The number of teams participating in the championship is:
a. 18 b. 19
c. 17 d. 16

26. A box contains 10 balls out of which 3 are red and rest are blue. In how many ways can a random sample of 6
balls be drawn from the bag so that at the most 2 red balls are included in the sample and no sample has all the
6 balls of the same colour?
a. 105 b. 168
c. 189 d. 120
27. Out of eight crew members three particular members can sit only on the left side. Another two particular
members can sit only on the right side. Find the number of ways in which the crew can be arranged so that four
men can sit on each side.
a. 864 b. 863
c. 865 d. 1728

28. A man positioned at the origin of the coordinate system. the man can take steps of unit measure in the
direction North, East, West or South. Find the number of ways of he can reach the point (5,6), covering the
shortest possible distance.
a. 252 b. 432
c. 462 d. 504

29. There are 6 equally spaced points A,B,C,D,E and F marked on a circle with radius R. How many convex
pentagons of distinctly different areas can be drawn using these points as vertices?
a. 6P5 b. 1
c. 5 d. None of these

30. In an examination paper, there are two groups each containing 4 questions. A candidate is required to attempt
5 questions but not more than 3 questions from any group. In how many ways can 5 questions be selected?
a. 24 b. 48
c. 96 d. 64

31. After every get-together every person present shakes the hand of every other person. If there were 105
handshakes in all, how many persons were present in the party?
a. 14 b. 13
c. 15 d. 16

32. How many diagonals can be drawn in a pentagon?

a. 5 b. 10
c. 8 d. 7
33. There are five women and six men in a group. From this group a committee of 4 is to be chosen. How many
different ways can a committee be formed that contain three women and one man?
a. 55 b. 60
c. 25 d. 192

34. Find the total number of distinct vehicle numbers that can be formed using two letters followed by two
numbers. Letters need to be distinct.
a. 60000 b. 65000
c. 70000 d. 75000

35. In a railway compartment, there are 2 rows of seats facing each other with accommodation for 5 in each, 4
wish to sit facing forward and 3 facing towards the rear while 3 others are indifferent. In how many ways can
the 10 passengers be seated?
a. 172000 b. 12600
c. 45920 d. 43200
36. There are three prizes to be distributed among five students. If no students gets more than one prize, then this
can be done in:
a. 10 ways b. 30 ways
c. 60 ways d. 80 ways

37. A teacher of 6 students takes 2 of his students at a time to a zoo as often as he can, without taking the same
pair of children together more than once. How many times does the teacher go to the zoo?
a. 10 b. 12
c. 15 d. 20

38. A family consist of a grandfather, 5 sons and daughter and 8 grandchildren. They are to be seated in a row for
dinner. The grandchildren wish to occupy the 4 seats at each end and the grandfather refuses to have a
grandchild on either side of him. The number of ways in which the family can be made to sit is:
a. 21530 b. 8! × 480
c. 8! × 360 d. 8! × 240

1. If the letters of the word CHASM are rearranged to form 5 letter words such that none of the word repeat and
the results arranged in ascending order as in a dictionary what is the rank of the word CHASM?
a. 24 b. 31
c. 32 d. 30
2. In how many ways can 5 different toys be packed in 3 identical boxes such that no box is empty, if any of the
boxes may hold all of the toys?
a. 20 b. 30 c. 25
d. 600 e. 480

3. What is the value of 1×1!+2×2!+3!×3!+............n×n!; where n! means n factorial or n(n−1)(n−2)...1

a. n(n−1)(n−1)! b. (n+1)!n(n−1)
c. (n+1)!−n! d. (n+1)!−1!

4. When six fair coins are tossed simultaneously, in how many of the outcomes will at most three of the coins turn
up as heads?
a. 25 b. 41 c. 22
d. 42 e. 31
5. A college has 10 basketball players. A 5-member team and a captain will be selected out of these 10 players.
How many different selections can be made?
a. 1260 b. 210
c. 10C6×6! d. 10C5×6

6. A 6x6 grid is cut from an 8x8 chessboard. In how many ways can we put two identical coins, one on the black
square and one on a white square on the grid, such that they are not placed in the same row or in the same
a. 216 b. 324
c. 144 d. 108

7. How many four letter distinct initials can be formed using the alphabets of English language such that the last
of the four words is always a consonant?
a. 263×21 b. 26×25×24×21
c. 25×24×23×21 d. None of these
8. What is the total number of ways in which Dishu can distribute 9 distinct gifts among his 8 distinct girlfriends
such that each of them gets at least one gift?
a. 72 × 8! b. 144 × 8!
c. 36 × 8! d. 9!

9. How many numbers of times will the digit ‘7' be written when listing the integers from 1 to 1000?
a. 271 b. 300
c. 252 d. 304
10. In how many ways can 15 people be seated around two round tables with seating capacities of 7 and 8 people?
a. 15!8! b. 7!×8! c. 15C8×6!×7!
d. 2×15C7×6!×7! e. 15C8×8!

11. In how many ways can the letters of the word EDUCATION be rearranged so that the relative position of the
vowels and consonants remain the same as in the word EDUCATION?
a. 9!4 b. 9!4!×5!
c. 4!×5! d. None of these

12. A committee is to be formed comprising 7 members such that there is a simple majority of men and at least 1
woman. The shortlist consists of 9 men and 6 women. In how many ways can this committee be formed?
a. 3724 b. 3630
c. 4914 d. 3824

13. A team of 8 students goes on an excursion, in two cars, of which one can seat 5 and the other only 4. In how
many ways can they travel?
a. 9 b. 26
c. 126 d. 392

14. A tea expert claims that he can easily find out whether milk or tea leaves were added first to water just by
tasting the cup of tea. In order to check this claims 10 cups of tea are prepared, 5 in one way and 5 in other.
Find the different possible ways of presenting these 10 cups to the expert.
a. 252 b. 240
c. 300 d. 340

15. How many alphabets need to be there in a language if one were to make 1 million distinct 3 digit initials using
the alphabets of the language?
a. 100 b. 50
c. 26 d. 1000

16. How many arrangements of four 0's (zeroes), two 1's and two 2's are there in which the first 1 occur before the
first 2?
a. 420 b. 360
c. 320 d. 210

17. How many different five-letter words can be formed using the letter from the world APPLE?
a. 120 b. 60
c. 240 d. 24

18. I have an amount of Rs 10 lakh, which I went to invest in stocks of some companies. I always invest only
amounts that are multiples of Rs 1 lakh in the stock of any company. If I can choose from among the stocks of
five different companies, In how many ways can I invest the entire amount that I have?
a. 252 b. 250
c. 1001 d. 1089

19. For a Lofoya Assets, a selection committee is to be chosen consisting of 5 ex-technicians. Now there are 12
representatives from four zones. It has further been decided that if Mr. Lofs is selected, Relk and Lemini will
not be selected and vice-versa. In how many ways it can be done?
a. 572 b. 672
c. 472 d. 372

20. How many 5-digit positive integers exist the sum of whose digits are odd?
a. 36000 b. 38000
c. 45000 d. 90000
21. There are eight boxes of chocolates, each box containing distinct number of chocolates from 1 to 8. In how
many ways four of these boxes can be given to four persons (one boxes to each) such that the first person gets
more chocolates than each of the three, the second person gets more chocolates than the third as well as the
fourth persons and the third person gets more chocolates than fourth person?
a. 35 b. 70
c. 105 d. 210

22. In how many ways can seven friends be seated in a row having 35 seats, such that no two friends occupy
adjacent seats?
a. 29P7 b. 29C7
c. 28P7 d. 29C7

23. How many ways can 10 letters be posted in 5 post boxes, if each of the post boxes can take more than 10
a. 510 b. 105
c. 10P5 d. 10C5

24. There are 2 brothers among a group of 20 persons. In how many ways can the group be arranged around a
circle so that there is exactly one person between the two brothers?
a. 2 × 17! b. 18! × 18 c. 19! × 18
d. 2 × 18! e. 2 × 17! × 17!
25. a,b,c,d and e are five natural numbers. Find the number of ordered sets (a,b,c,d,e) possible such that
a. 64C5 b. 63C4
c. 65C4 d. 63C5

26. There are five cards lying on the table in one row. Five numbers from among 1 to 100 have to be written on
them, one number per card, such that the difference between the numbers on any two adjacent cards is not
divisible by 4. The remainder when each of the 5 numbers is divided by 4 is written down on another card (the
6th card) in order. How many sequences can be written down on the 6th card?
a. 210 b. 210×33
c. 4×34 d. 4233

27. From a total of six men and four ladies a committee of three is to be formed. If Mrs. X is not willing to join the
committee in which Mr. Y is a member, whereas Mr.Y is willing to join the committee only if Mrs Z is included,
how many such committee are possible?
a. 138 b. 128
c. 112 d. 91

28. Goldenrod and No Hope are in a horse race with 6 contestants. How many different arrangements of finishes
are there if No Hope always finishes before Goldenrod and if all of the horses finish the race?
a. 700 b. 360 c. 120
d. 24 e. 21

29. Jay wants to buy a total of 100 plants using exactly a sum of Rs 1000. He can buy Rose plants at Rs 20 per plant
or marigold or Sun flower plants at Rs 5 and Re 1 per plant respectively. If he has to buy at least one of each
plant and cannot buy any other type of plants, then in how many distinct ways can Jay make his purchase?
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5
30. How many words of 4 consonants and 3 vowels can be made from 12 consonants and 4 vowels, if all the letters
are different?
a. 16C7×7! b. 12C4×4C3×7!
c. 12C3×4C4 d. 12C4×4C3

31. A local delivery company has three packages to deliver to three different homes. if the packages are delivered
at random to the three houses, how many ways are there for at least one house to get the wrong package?
a. 3 b. 5
c. 3! d. 5!
32. How many natural numbers less than a lakh can be formed with the digits 0,6 and 9?
a. 242 b. 243
c. 728 d. 729

33. There are 20 couples in a party. Every person greets every person except his or her spouse. People of the same
sex shake hands and those of opposite sex greet each other with a namaskar (It means bringing one's own
palms together and raising them to the chest level). What is the total number of handshakes and namaskar's in
the party?
a. 760 b. 1140
c. 780 d. 720

34. In how many ways can a leap year have 53 Sundays?

a. 365C7 b. 7
c. 4 d. 2
35. In a certain laboratory, chemicals are identified by a colour-coding system. There are 20 different chemicals.
Each one is coded with either a single colour or a unique two-colour pair. If the order of colours in the pairs
does not matter, what is the minimum number of different colours needed to code all 20 chemicals with either
a single colour or a unique pair of colours?
a. 7 b. 6
c. 5 d. 8

36. Six boxes are numbered 1,2,34,5 and 6. Each box must contain either a white ball or a black ball. At least one
box must contain a black ball and boxes containing black balls must be consecutively numbered. find the total
number of ways of placing the balls.
a. 15 b. 20
c. 21 d. 36

37. In how many ways can 6 green toys and 6 red toys be arranged, such that 2 particular red toys are never
together whereas 2 particular green toys are always together?
a. 11! × 2! b. 9! × 90
c. 4 × 10! d. 18 × 10!

38. There are five comics numbered from 1 to 5. In how many ways can they be arranged, so that part-1 and part-3
are never together?
a. 48 b. 72
c. 120 d. 210
39. The number of ways which a mixed double tennis game can be arranged amongst 9 married couples if no
husband and wife play in the same is:
a. 1514 b. 1512
c. 3024 d. 3028

40. Ten coins are tossed simultaneously. In how many of the outcomes will the third coin turn up a head?
a. 210 b. 29
c. 3×28 d. None of these

41. There are 5 Rock songs, 6 Carnatic songs and 3 Indi pop songs. How many different albums can be formed using
the above repertoire if the albums should contain at least 1 Rock song and 1 Carnatic song?
a. 15624 b. 16384
c. 6144 d. 240
42. A book-shelf can accommodate 6 books from left to right. If 10 identical books on each of the languages A,B,C
and D are available, In how many ways can the book shelf be filled such that book on the same languages are
not put adjacently.
a. 40P66! b. 10×95
c. 6P42! d. 4×35

43. In how many ways can the letters of the word ABACUS be rearranged such that the vowels always appear
a. 6!2 b. 3!×3! c. 4!2
d. 4!×3!2! e. 5!2
44. If the letters of the word SACHIN are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in
dictionary, then the word ‘SACHIN’ appears at serial number:
a. 601 b. 600
c. 603 d. 602

45. In how many ways can 3 men and their wives be made stand in a line such that none of the 3 men stand in a
position that is ahead of his wife?
a. 6!3!×3!×3! b. 6!2!×2!
c. 6!2!×2!×2! d. 6!2!×3!

46. In a cricket match if a batsman score 0,1,2,34,or 6 runs of a ball, then find the number or different sequences in
which he can score exactly 30 runs of an over. Assume that an over consists of only 6 balls and there were no
extra and no run outs.
a. 86 b. 71
c. 56 d. 65

47. In how many ways can the letters of the word MANAGEMENT be rearranged so that the two As do not appear
a. 10! - 2! b. 9! - 2!
c. 10! - 9! d. None of these

48. How many numbers are there between 100 and 1000 such that at least one of their digits is 6?
a. 200 b. 225
c. 252 d. 120
49. A student is required to answer 6 out of 10 questions divided into two groups each containing 5 questions. He
is not permitted to attempt more than 4 from each group. In how many ways can he make the choice?
a. 210 b. 150
c. 100 d. 200

50. While packing for a business trip Mr. Debashis has packed 3 pairs of shoes, 4 pants, 3 half-pants,6 shirts, 3
sweater and 2 jackets. The outfit is defined as consisting of a pair of shoes, a choice of "lower wear" (either a
pant or a half-pant), a choice of "upper wear" (it could be a shirt or a sweater or both) and finally he may or
may not choose to wear a jacket. How many different outfits are possible?
a. 567 b. 1821
c. 743 d. 1701

51. How many positive integers 'n' can be form using the digits 3,4,4,5,6,6,7, if we want 'n' to exceed 60,00,000?
a. 320 b. 360
c. 540 d. 720

1. The number of ways of arranging n students in a row such that no two boys sit together and no two girls sit
together is m(m > 100). If one more student is added, then number of ways of arranging as above increases by
200%. The value of n is
a. 12 b. 8
c. 9 d. 10

2. How many integers, greater than 999 but not greater than 4000, can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4,
if repetition of digits is allowed?
a. 499 b. 500 c. 375
d. 376 e. 501

3. How many five digit positive integers that are divisible by 3 can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5,
without any of the digits getting repeating
a. 15 b. 96 c. 216
d. 120 e. 625
4. There are 10 seats around a circular table. If 8 men and 2 women have to seated around a circular table, such
that no two women have to be separated by at least one man. If P and Q denote the respective number of ways
of seating these people around a table when seats are numbered and unnumbered, then P : Q equals
a. 9 : 1 b. 72 : 1
c. 10 : 1 d. 8 : 1
5. How many factors of 25×36×52 are perfect squares?
a. 20 b. 24
c. 30 d. 36

6. In how many rearrangements of the word AMAZED, is the letter 'E' positioned in between the 2 'A's (Not
necessarily flanked)?
a. 24 b. 72
c. 120 d. 240

7. a, b, c are three distinct integers from 2 to 10 (both inclusive). Exactly one of ab, bc and ca is odd. abc is a
multiple of 4. The arithmetic mean of a and b is an integer and so is the arithmetic mean of a, b and c. How
many such triplets are possible (unordered triplets) .
a. 4 b. 5
c. 6 d. 7
8. Bob is about to hang his 8 shirts in the wardrobe. He has four different styles of shirt, two identical ones of each
particular style. How many different arrangements are possible if no two identical shirts are next to one
a. 764 b. 864
c. 964 d. 1064
9. If F(x, n) be the number of ways of distributing "x" toys to "n" children so that each child receives at the most 2
toys then F(4, 3) = _______?
a. 3 b. 6
c. 5 d. 4

10. There are 6 boxes numbered 1,2,...6. Each box is to be filled up either with a red or a green ball in such a way
that at least 1 box contains a green ball and the boxes containing green balls are consecutively numbered. The
total number of ways in which this can be done is:
a. 5 b. 21 c. 33
d. 60 e. 27
11. Company BELIANCE hosted a party for 8 members of Company AXIAL. In the party no member of AXIAL had
interacted with more than three members of BELIANCE. Out of all the members of BELIANCE, three members –
each interacted with four members of AXIAL and the remaining members – each interacted with two members
of AXIAL. The greatest possible number of members of company BELIANCE in the party is:
a. 9 b. 10
c. 11 d. 12

12. Each of the 11 letters A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X and Z appears same when looked at in a mirror. They are called
symmetric letters. Other letters in the alphabet are asymmetric letters. How many three letter computer
passwords can be formed (no repetition allowed) with at least one symmetric letter?
a. 12000 b. 12870
c. 13000 d. None of these

13. A seven-digit number comprises of only 2's and 3's. How many of these are multiples of 12?
a. 1 b. 11
c. 21 d. 47

14. When four fair dice are rolled simultaneously, in how many outcomes will at least one of the dice show 3?
a. 155 b. 620
c. 671 d. 625

15. Some boys are standing on a circle at distinct points. Each possible pair of persons, who are not adjacent, sing a
3 minute song, one pair after another. The total time taken by all the pairs to sing is 1 hour. Find the number of
a. 6 b. 7
c. 8 d. 9

16. Suppose you have a currency, named Miso, in three denominations: 1 Miso, 10 Misos and 50 Misos. In how
many ways can you pay a bill of 107 Misos?
a. 17 b. 16
c. 18 d. 19
17. How many factors of 24×53×74 are odd numbers?
a. 20 b. 24
c. 30 d. 36

18. In how many ways can a selection of 5 letters be made out of 5 A's, 4B's, 3C's, 2D's and 1E's?
a. 70 b. 71
c. 15C5 d. 15P5
1. A can do piece of work in 30 days while B alone can do it in 40 days. In how many days can A and B working
together do it?
a. 1617 b. 1717
c. 1817 d. 1917

2. To complete a piece of work A and B take 8 days, B and C 12 days. A, B and C take 6 days. A and C will take :
a. 7 Days b. 7.5 Days
c. 8 Days d. 8.5 Days
3. Two pipes can fill the cistern in 10hr and 12 hr respectively, while the third empty it in 20hr. If all pipes are
opened simultaneously, then the cistern will be filled in
a. .5 hr b. 8 hr
c. 8.5 hr d. 10 hr

4. Mr. Ram is on tour and he has Rs 360 for his expenses. If he exceeds his tour by 4 days he must cut down daily
expenses by Rs 3. The number of days of Mr. Ram's tour programme is
a. 28 Days b. 24 Days
c. 22 Days d. 20 Days

5. A and B together can complete a piece of work in 35 days while A alone can complete the same work in 60
days. B alone will be able to complete the same working in:
a. 74 Days b. 80 Days
c. 84 Days d. 90 Days
6. Four men and three women can do a job in 6 days. When five men and six women work on the same job, the
work gets completed in 4 days. How many days will a woman take to do the job, if she works alone on it?
a. 18 b. 36
c. 54 d. None of these

7. A pump can be used either to fill or to empty a tank. The capacity of the tank is3600m3. The emptying capacity
of the pump is 10m3/min higher than its filling capacity. What is the emptying capacity of the pump if the
pump needs 12 more minutes to fill the tank than to empty it?
a. 10m3min b. 6m3min
c. 45m3min d. 90m3min
Common information for questions numbered 8 and 9
Working together, A and B can do a job in 6 days. B and C can do the same job in 10 days, while C and A can do it in
7.5 days.
8. Common data question ½
How many days will it take if all A, B and C work together to complete the job?
a. 8 b. 5
c. 3 d. 7
9. Common data question 2/2
How many days will it take for A alone to complete the job?
a. 8 b. 6
c. 10 d. 20
10. Anil does a work in 90 days, Bittu in 40 days and Chintu in 12 days. They work one after another for a day each,
starting with Anil followed by Bittu and then by Chintu. If the total wages received are Rs 360 and Anil, Bittu,
Chintu share them in the ratio of the work done, find their respective individual wages.
a. Rs 40, Rs 60 and Rs 260 b. Rs 36, Rs 81 and Rs 243
c. Rs 42, Rs 86 and Rs 232 d. Rs 38, Rs 88 and Rs 234

11. There are 12 pipes attached to a tank. Some of them are fill pipes and some are drain pipes. Each of the fill
pipes can fill the tank in 12 hours, while each of the drain pipes will take 24 hours to drain a full tank
completely. If all the pipes are kept open when the tank was empty, it takes 2 hours for the tank to overflow.
How many of these pipes are drain pipes?
a. 6 b. 11
c. 4 d. 7

12. A bath can be filled by the cold water pipe in 10 min and by hot water pipe in 15 min (independently each). A
person leaves the bathroom after turning on both pipes simultaneously and returns at the moments when the
bath should be full. Finding, however, that the waste pipe has been open he now closes it. In 4 min more, bath
is full. In what time would be the waste pipe empty it?
a. 9 min b. 12 min
c. 15 min d. 14 min

13. The digging work of the DMRC on the Adohini-Andheriamore stretch requires Twenty-four men to complete
the work in sixteen days. As a part of the task if DMRC were to hire Thirty-two women, they can complete the
same work in twenty-four days. Sixteen men and sixteen women started working and worked for twelve days.
Due to time bound schedule the work had to be completed in remaining 2 days, for which how many more men
are to be employed?
a. 48 b. 24
c. 36 d. 16

14. When Abhinav and Bipul are working alone, they can complete a piece of work in 25 days and 30 days
respectively. On day 1, Bipul started the work and Abhinav joined B from day 3 on-wards. Find after how many
days will the work be completed?
a. 13 b. 11
c. 15 d. 16

15. In Nuts And Bolts factory, one machine produces only nuts at the rate of 100 nuts per minute and needs to be
cleaned for 5 minutes after production of every 1000 nuts. Another machine produces only bolts at the rate of
75 bolts per minute and needs to cleaned for10 minutes after production of every 1500 bolts. If both the
machines start production at the same time, what is the minimum duration required for producing 9000 pairs
of nuts and bolts?
a. 130 minutes b. 135 minutes
c. 170 minutes d. 180 minutes
16. A can build up a structure in 8 days and B can break it is 3 days. A has worked for 4 days and then B joined to
work with A for another 2 days only. In how many days will A alone build up the remaining part of the
a. 10 b. 9
c. 12 d. None of these

17. Two workers A and B manufactured a batch of identical parts. A worked for 2 hours and B worked for 5 hours
and they completed half the job. Then they worked together for another 3 hours and they had to do (1/20)th of
the job. How many hours’ time does B take to complete the job, if he worked alone?
a. 24 b. 12
c. 15 d. 30
18. A and B borrowed a tractor for 23 days. A ploughed 12 acres per day for a certain number of days and then
Bused it to plough 15 acres per day for the remaining days. If they paid Rs 3,000 and Rs 2,000 respectively, for
how many days did A use the tractor?
a. 12 b. 15
c. 16 d. 18

19. A, B and C, can complete a piece of work individually in 15, 30 and 40 days respectively. They started the work
together and the A and B let 2 days and 4 days before the completion of the work respectively. In how many
days was the work completed?
a. 101315 b. 12
c. 15 d. 10215

20. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 12 min and 16 min respectively. Both are kept open for 'n' min and then B is
closed and A fills the rest of the tank in 5 min. The time 'n' after which B was closed is:
a. 3 min b. 2 min
c. 5 min d. 4 min
21. A man can do a piece of work in 60 hours. If he takes his son with him and both work together then the work is
finished in 40 hours. How many hours will the son take to do the same job, if he worked alone on the job?
a. 20 b. 60
c. 100 d. 120

22. Aditya, Vedus and Yuvraj alone can do a job for 6 weeks, 9 weeks and 12 weeks respectively. They work
together for 2 weeks. Then, Aditya leaves the job. Vedus leaves the job a week earlier to the completion of the
work. The job would be completed in:
a. 4 weeks b. 5 weeks
c. 7 weeks d. None of these

23. Due to hole at the bottom of the tank, a tap takes 2 more minutes to completely fill the tank. Due to leakage of
water through this hole, a bucket filled completely with water gets emptied in 4 minutes. In how much time can
the tap fill the tank, if there was no hole at the bottom at the tank?
a. 8 min b. 2 min
c. 4 min d. 6 min

24. A can complete a project in 20 days and B can complete the same project in 30 days. If A and B start working on
the project together and A quits 10 days before the project is completed, in how many days will the project be
a. 18 b. 27
c. 26.67 d. 16

25. A red light flashes 3 times per minute and a green light flashes 5 times in two minutes at regular intervals. If
both lights start flashing at the same time, how many times do they flash together in each hour?
a. 30 b. 29
c. 31 d. 32

26. A, B and C can do a work in 5 days, 10 days and 15 days respectively. They started together to do the work but
after 2 days A and B left. C did the remaining work (in days)
a. 1 b. 3
c. 5 d. 4
27. Jay and Anup can do a job, each working alone in 30 and 15 days respectively. Jay started the work and after a
few days, Anup joined him. They completed the work in 18 days from the start. After how many days did Anup
join A?
a. 6 b. 10
c. 12 d. 14

28. Pipe A can fill a tank in 'a' hours. On account of a leak at the bottom of the tank it takes thrice as long to fill the
tank. How long will the leaks at the bottom of the tank take to empty a full tank, when pipe A is kept closed?
a. 32a hours b. 23a hours
c. 43a hours d. 34a hours
29. Pavan builds an overhead tank in his house, which has three taps attached to it. While the first tap can fill the
tank in 12 hours, the second one takes one and a half times more than the first one to fill it completely. A third
tap is attached to the tank which empties it in 36 hours. Now one day, in order to fill the tank, Pavan opens the
first tap and after two hours opens the second tap as well. However, at the end of the sixth hour, he realizes
that the third tap has been kept open right from the beginning and promptly closes it. What will be the total
time required to fill the tank?
a. 8 hours 48 minutes b. 9 hours 12 minutes
c. 9 hours 36 minutes d. 8 hours 30 minutes

30. Ram, who is half as efficient as Krish, will take 24 days to complete a work if he worked alone. If Ram and Krish
worked together, how many days will they take to complete the work?
a. 16 b. 12
c. 8 d. 18
31. Ram starts working on a job and works on it for 12 days and completes 40% of the work. To help him complete
the work, he employs Ravi and together they work for another 12 days and the work gets completed. How
much more efficient is Ram than Ravi?
a. 50% b. 200%
c. 125% d. 100%

32. Two taps can fill a tank in 12 min and 18 min respectively. Both the taps are kept open for 2 min and then the
tap that fills the tank in 12 min is turned off. In how many more minutes will the tank be filled?
a. 9 b. 12
c. 13 d. 10
33. Suppose q is the number of workers employed by Simplex Ltd. for one of its projects. The average cost of
production c is given by c=q23+5q2−150+75Q. In the interest of the company, it should employ __________
a. 5 b. 4
c. 7 d. 10

34. Pipe A usually fills a tank in 2 hours. On account of a leak at the bottom of the tank, it takes pipe A 30 more
minutes to fill the tank. How long will the leak take to empty a full tank if pipe A is shut?
a. 2 hours 30 minutes b. 5 hours
c. 4 hours d. 10 hours

35. Pankaj can produce one unit in 15 days, while Bharti can do the same in 12 days. After producing one unit,
working together, they received Rs. 90, which they distributed amongst themselves in proportional to their
efficiency. If they work for 20 days, and sell the produce, then Bharti should receive
a. Rs. 120 b. Rs. 140
c. Rs. 150 d. Rs. 160

36. Shyam can do a job in 20 days, Ram in 30 days and Singhal in 60 days. If Shyam is helped by Ram and Singhal
every 3rd day, how many days will it take for them to complete the job?
a. 12 b. 16
c. 15 d. 10

37. 12 men cam complete a piece of work in 36 days, 18 women can complete the same piece of work in 60 days. 8
men and 20 women work together for 20 days. If only women were to complete the remaining piece of work in
4 day, how many women would be required?
a. 70 b. 28
c. 66 d. 40

1. Three pipes A,B and C are connected to a tank. These pipes can fill the tank separately in 5hr, 10 hr and 15hr
respectively. When all the three pipes were opened simultaneously, it was observed that pipes A and B were
supplying water at (34)th of their normal rates for the 1st hour after which they supplied water at normal rate.
Pipe C supplied water at (23)rd of its normal rate for 1st 2 hour, after which it supplied at its normal rate. In
how much time, tank would be filled?
a. 1.05 hr b. 2.05 hr
c. 3.05 hr d. None of these

2. If A and B work together, they will complete a job in 7.5 days. However, if A works alone and completes half the
job and then B takes over and completes the remaining half alone, they will be able to complete the job in 20
days. How long will B alone take to do the job if A is more efficient than B?
a. 20 days b. 40 days
c. 36 days d. 30 days
3. Abhishek starts to paint a fence on one day. On the second day, two more friend of Abhishek join him. On the
third day 3 more friends of him join him and so on. If the fence is completely painted this way in exactly 20
days, then find the number of days in which 10 girls painting together can paint the fence completely, given
that every girl can paint twice as fast as Abhishek and his friends(Boys)?(Assume that the friends of Abhishek
are all boys).
a. 20 b. 40
c. 45 d. 77

4. A and B undertake to do a piece of work for Rs 600. A alone can do it in 6 days while B alone can do it in 8 days.
With the help of C, they can finish it in 3 days, Find the share of C?
a. 70 b. 75
c. 80 d. 85
5. There are 12 pipes that are connected to a tank. Some of them are fill pipes and the others are drain pipes.
Each of the fill pipes can fill the tank in 8 hours and each of the drain pipes can drain the tank completely in 6
hours. If all the fill pipes and drain pipes are kept open, an empty tank gets filled in 24 hours. How many of the
12 pipes are fill pipes?
a. 6 b. 8
c. 7 d. 5

6. Among four persons Prince, Queen, Raj and Sashi. Prince takes thrice as much time as Queen to complete a
piece of work. Queen takes thrice as much time as Raj and Raj takes thrice as much time as Sashi to complete
the same work. One group of three of the four men can complete the work in 13 days while another group of
three can do so in 31 days. Which is the group that takes 13 days?
a. Prince, Queen, Raj b. Prince, Queen, Sashi
c. Queen, Raj, Sashi d. Prince, Raj, Sashi
7. Pipe A fills a tank of 700 litres capacity at the rate of 40 litres a minute. Another pipe B fills the same tank at the
rate of 30 litres a minute. A pipe at the bottom of the tank drains the tank at the rate of 20 litres a minute. If
pipe A is kept open for a minute and then closed and pipe B is kept open for a minute and then closed and then
pipe C is kept open for a minute and then closed and the cycle repeated, how long will it take for the empty
tank to overflow?
a. 42 minutes b. 14 minutes
c. 39 minutes d. None of these

8. A man takes 20 days to reach the point B under normal circumstances. But, due to the increasingly hostile
weather conditions the distance they travel every day reduces by 20%. In how many days would the man reach
the point B, taking into consideration weather conditions?
a. 25 b. 50
c. 100 d. None of these

9. A tank is fitted with 8 pipes, some of them that fill the tank and others that are waste pipe meant to empty the
tank. Each of the pipes that fill the tank can fill it in 8 hours, while each of those that empty the tank can empty
it in 6 hours. If all the pipes are kept open when the tank is full, it will take exactly 6 hours for the tank to
empty. How many of these are fill pipes?
a. 2 b. 4
c. 6 d. 5
10. There are four varieties of pipes Pipe A, Pipe B, Pipe C and Pipe D. Each pipe can be either an inlet pipe or an
outlet pipe but cannot be both. there are 5 tanks of equal volume.
Tank P is filled by Pipe A and Pipe B
Tank Q is filled by Pipe A and Pipe C
Tank R is filled by Pipe A and Pipe D
Tank S is filled by Pipe B and Pipe C
Tank T is filled by Pipe C and Pipe D
Time taken for the first 3 tanks (P, Q and R) to get filled are in the ratio 1:2:4and the time taken for the S and T
tanks to be filled are in the ratio 7:10. Find the outlet pipes among the 4 varieties.
a. Pipes C and D b. Pipe D
c. Pipes A and B d. Pipe A

11. A cylindrical overhead tank is filled by two pumps P1 and P2. P1 can fill the tank in 8 hr while P2 can fill the tank
in 12 hr. There is a pipe P3 which can empty the tank in 8 hr. Both the pumps are opened simultaneously. The
supervisor of the tank, before going out on a work, sets a timer to open P3 when the tank is half filled so that
the tank is exactly filled up by the time he is back. Due to technical fault P3 opens when the tank is one-third
filled. If the supervisor comes back as per the plan what percent of the tank is till empty?
a. 15% b. 12%
c. 10% d. None of these
12. A and B working together can finish a job in T days. If A works alone and completes the job, he will take T+5
days. If B works alone and completes the same job, he will take T+45 days. What is T?
a. 25 Days b. 60 Days
c. 15 Days d. None of these

13. Three professors Dr. Gupta, Dr. Sharma, Dr. Singh are evaluating answer script of a subject. Dr. Gupta is 40%
more efficient than Dr. Sharma, who is 20% more efficient than Dr. Singh. Dr. Gupta takes 10 days less than Dr.
Sharma to complete the evaluation work. Dr. Gupta starts the evaluation work and works for 10 days and then
Dr. Sharma takes over. Dr. Sharma evaluates for next 15 days and then stops. In how many days, Dr. Singh can
complete the remaining evaluation work?
a. 7.2 days b. 9.5 days
c. 11.5 days d. None of these

14. X alone can do a piece of work in 15 days and Y alone can do it in 10 days. X and Y undertook to do it for Rs.
720. With the help of Z they finished it in 5 days. How much is paid to Z?
a. Rs. 360 b. Rs. 120
c. Rs. 240 d. Rs. 300

15. A work is done by 30 workers not all of them have the same capacity to work. Every day exactly 2 workers, do
the work with no pair of workers working together twice. Even after all possible pairs have worked once, all the
workers together works for two more days to finish the work. Find the number of days in which all the workers
together will finish the whole work?
a. 31 b. 29
c. 41 d. 48

16. A factory produces nuts and bolts. A machine in it produces only nuts while another produces only bolts. The
machine producing only nuts produces 400 nuts per minute and need to be cleared for 15 minutes after
production of 2000 nuts. The machine producing only bolts produces 300 bolts per minute and needs to be
cleared for 15 minutes after production of 3000 bolts. Find the minimum time required to produce 12000 pairs
of bolts and nuts if both machines are operated simultaneously.
a. 85 minutes b. 105 minutes
c. 100 minutes d. 115 minutes
17. Ramesh has two examinations on Wednesday - Engineering mathematics in the morning and Engineering
Drawing in the afternoon. He has a fixed amount of time to read the textbooks of both these subjects on
Tuesday. During this time he can read 80 pages of Engineering Mathematics and 100 pages of Engineering
drawing. Alternatively, he can also read 50 pages of Engineering Mathematics and 250 pages of Engineering
drawing. Assume that the amount of time it takes to read one page of the textbook of either subject is
constant. Ramesh is confident about Engineering Drawing and wants to devote full time to reading Engineering
Mathematics. The number of Engineering Mathematics text book pages he can read on Tuesday is :
a. 500 b. 300
c. 100 d. 60
1. In an acoustics class, 120 students are male and 100 students are female. 25% of the male students and 20% of
the female students are engineering students. 20% of the male engineering students and 25% of the female
engineering students passed the final exam. What percentage of engineering students passed the exam?
a. 5% b. 10%
c. 16% d. 22%

2. A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What percent of his total score did he
make by running between the wickets?
a. 45% b. 45511%
c. 54611% d. 55%

3. If b equals 10% of a and c equals 20% of b, then which one of the following equals 30% of c?
a. 0% b. 5%
c. 10% d. 40%
4. 8 is 4% of a, and 4 is 8% of b. c equals b/a. What is the value of c?
a. 132 b. 14
c. 1 d. 4

5. Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the other and his marks
was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are:
a. 39, 30 b. 41, 32
c. 42, 33 d. 43, 34

6. If A = x% of y and B = y% of x, then which of the following is true?

a. A is smaller than B.
b. A is greater than B.
c. Relationship between A and B cannot be determined.
d. If x is smaller than y, then A is greater than B.
e. None of these

7. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8%
of B. Find the ratio of A : B.
a. 2 : 3 b. 1 : 1
c. 3 : 4 d. 4 : 3

8. In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If
the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was:
a. 2700 b. 2900
c. 3000 d. 3100

9. If 50% of x equals the sum of y and 20, then what is the value of x – 2y?
a. 20 b. 40
c. 60 d. 80

10. The price of an item changed from Rs. 120 to Rs. 100. Then later the price decreased again from Rs. 100 to Rs.
80. Which can be said about the two decreases in percentage term?
a. 1st decrease is larger b. 2nd decrease is larger
c. both are equal d. nothing can be said
1. In an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12% of the total votes more than Party R. If party R got
132,000 votes, by how many votes did it lose the election?
a. 300,000 b. 168,000
c. 36,000 d. 24,000

2. A vendor sells 60 percent of apples he had and throws away 15 percent of the remainder. Next day he sells 50
percent of the remainder and throws away the rest. What percent of his apples does the vendor throw?
a. 17 b. 23
c. 77 d. None of these

3. If the cost price of 20 articles is equal to the selling price of 16 articles, What is the percentage of profit or loss
that the merchant makes?
a. 20% Profit b. 25% Loss
c. 25% Profit d. 33.33% Loss
4. When processing flower-nectar into honeybees' extract, a considerable amount of water gets reduced. How
much flower-nectar must be processed to yield 1kg of honey, if nectar contains 50% water, and the honey
obtained from this nectar contains 15% water?
a. 1.5 kgs b. 1.7 kgs
c. 3.33 kgs d. None of these

5. 30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50 years old. 20% of
all men play football. If 20% of the men above the age of 50 play football, what percentage of the football
players are less than or equal to 50 years?
a. 15% b. 20%
c. 80% d. 70%

6. If the price of petrol increases by 25%, by how much must a user cut down his consumption so that his
expenditure on petrol remains constant?
a. 25% b. 16.67%
c. 20% d. 33.33%
7. A student multiplied a number by 3/5instead of 5/3. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
a. 34% b. 44%
c. 54% d. 64%

8. Ritesh & Co. generated revenue of Rs. 1,250 in 2006. This was 12.5% of its gross revenue. In 2007, the gross
revenue grew by Rs. 2,500. What is the percentage increase in the revenue in 2007?
a. 12.5% b. 20%
c. 25% d. 50%

9. Gauri went to the stationers and bought things worth Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable
purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items?
a. Rs. 15 b. Rs. 15.70
c. Rs. 19.70 d. Rs. 20

10. If (x+yx−y)=43 and x ≠ 0, then what percentage (to the nearest integer) of x + 3y isx – 3y ?
a. 20% b. 25%
c. 30% d. 40%

1. B as a percentage of A is equal to A as a percentage of (A + B). Find B as a percentage of A.
a. 62% b. 73%
c. 41% d. 57%
2. If the price of petrol increases by 25% and Raj intends to spend only an additional 15% on petrol, by how much
% will he reduce the quantity of petrol purchased?
a. 10% b. 12%
c. 8% d. 6.67%

3. A shepherd has 1 million sheep at the beginning of Year 2000. The numbers grow by x% (x > 0) during the year.
A famine hits his village in the next year and many of his sheep die. The sheep population decreases by y%
during 2001 and at the beginning of 2002 the shepherd finds that he is left with 1 million sheep. Which of the
following is correct?
a. x > y b. y > x
c. x = y d. Cannot be determined
4. A candidate who gets 20% marks fails by 10 marks but another candidate who gets 42% marks gets 12% more
than the passing marks. Find the maximum marks.
a. 50 b. 100
c. 150 d. 200

5. Peter got 30% of the maximum marks in an examination and failed by 10 marks. However, Paul who took the
same examination got 40% of the total marks and got 15 marks more than the passing marks. What were the
passing marks in the examination?
a. 35 b. 250
c. 75 d. 85

Common information for questions numbered 6 and 7

KK, an aspiring entrepreneur wanted to set up a pen drive manufacturing unit. Since technology was changing very
fast, he wanted to carefully the demand and the likely profits before investing. Market survey indicated that he
would be able to sell 1 lac units before customers shifted to different gadgets. KK realized that he had no incur two
kinds of costs – fixed costs (the costs which do not change, irrespective of number of units of pen drives produced)
and variable costs (= variable cost per unit multiplied by number of units). KK expected fixed cost to be Rs. 40 lac and
variable cost to be Rs. 100 per unit. He expected each pen drive to be sold at Rs. 200
6. Common Data Question 1/2
What would be the break-even point (defined as no profit, no loss situation) for KK’s factory in term of sales?
a. Rs 80 lac b. Rs 100 lac
c. Rs 120 lac d. Rs 140 lac

7. Common Data Question 2/2

KK was skeptical that per unit variable cost might increase by 10% though the demand might remain same.
What will be the expected changes in profit in such a case?
a. Profit will increase by 16.67% b. Profit will increase will by 15.75%
c. Profit would decrease by 15.75% d. Profit will decrease by 16.67%

8. A shopkeeper gives a discount of 12%, whereas a customer makes cash payment. Let 'p' denotes the
percentage, above the cost price, that the shopkeeper must mark up the price of the articles ['p' is an integer]
in order to make a profit of x% (x < 100). Which of the following is the possible value(s) of x?
a. 54 b. 76
c. 96 d. 32

9. Two persons Raj and Ramu started working for a company in similar jobs on January 1, 1991. Raj's initial
monthly salary was Rs 400, which increases by Rs 40 after every year. Ramu's initial monthly salary was Rs 500
which increases by Rs 20 after every six months. If these arrangements continue till December 31, 200. Find the
total salary they received during that period.
a. Rs 1,08,000 b. Rs 1,44,000
c. Rs 1,32,000 d. Rs 1,52,400

10. The volume of the sphere Q is 3764% less than the volume of sphere P and the volume of sphere R is 1927%
less than that of sphere Q. By what % is the surface area of sphere R less than the surface area of sphere P?
a. 77.77 % b. 87.5 %
c. 75 % d. 67.5 %

11. Each person in a group of 110 investors has investments in either equities or securities or both. Exactly 25% of
the investors in equities have investments in securities, and exactly 40% of the investors in securities
have investments in equities. How many have investments in equities?
a. 65 b. 80
c. 120 d. 135
12. A Techno company has 14 machines of equal efficiency in its factory. The annual manufacturing costs are Rs
42,000 and establishment charges are Rs 12,000. The annual output of the company is Rs 70,000. The annual
output and manufacturing costs are directly proportional to the number of machines. The shareholders get
12.5% profit, which is directly proportional to the annual output of the company. If 7.14% machines remain
closed throughout the year, then the percentage decrease in the amount of profit of the shareholders would
a. 12% b. 12.5%
c. 13% d. None of these
13. A shopkeeper sells three items P,Q and R and incurs a loss of 21%, 11% and 10% respectively. The overall loss
percentage on selling P and Q items is 14.33% and that of Q and R items is 10.4%. Find the overall loss
percentage on selling the three items?
a. 15% b. 12.16%
c. 13.4% d. 12.5%

14. A salesman sells two kinds of trousers: cotton and woollen. A pair of cotton trousers is sold at 30% profit and a
pair of woollen trousers is sold at 50% profit. The salesman has calculated that if he sells 100% more woollen
trousers than cotton trousers, his overall profit will be 45%. However he ends up selling 50% more cotton
trousers than woollen trousers. What will be his overall profit?
a. 37.5% b. 40%
c. 41% d. 42.33%

15. A textile manufacturing firm employees 50 looms. It makes fabrics for a branded company. The aggregate sales
value of the output of the 50 looms is Rs 5,00,000 and the monthly manufacturing expenses is Rs 1,50,000.
Assume that each loom contributes equally to the sales and manufacturing expenses are evenly spread over
the number of looms. Monthly establishment charges are Rs 75000. If one loom breaks down and remains idle
for one month, the decrease in profit is:
a. Rs 13,000 b. Rs 10,000
c. Rs 7,000 d. Rs 5,500

16. Mantu starts a month with provisions expected to last for the entire month. After few days, it is discovered that
the provisions will, in fact short by 12 days and it is calculated that if the stock of provisions left is immediately
tripled, it will be possible to exactly make up for the shortfall. If the stock of provisions left is doubled instead of
being tripled, and simultaneously the strength of the Mantu is decreased by 25%, then the provisions will fall
short by
a. 2 days b. 1 days
c. 3 days d. 4 days

17. A small and medium enterprise imports two components A and B from Taiwan and China respectively and
assembles them with other components to form a toy. Component A contributes to 10% of production cost.
Component B contributes to 20% of the production cost. Usually, the company sells this toy at 20% above the
production cost. Due to increase in the raw material and labour cost in both the countries, Component A
became 20% costlier and component B became 40% costlier. Owing to these reasons the company increased its
selling price by 15%. Considering that cost of other components does not change, what will be the profit
percentage, if the toy is sold at the new price?
a. 15.5% b. 25.5%
c. 35.5% d. 40%

18. The cost of raw material of a product increases by 30%, the manufacturing cost increases by 20% and the
selling price of the product increases by 60%. The raw material and the manufacturing cost, originally, formed
40% and 60% of the total cost respectively. If the original profit % was one-fourth the original manufacturing
cost, find the approximation new profit percentage.
a. 48.39% b. 54.68%
c. 62.48% d. 42.36%

19. The marks scored in History by P,Q,R and S form a geometric progression in that order. If the marks scored by R
were 2759% less than the sum of the marks scored by P and Q, then marks scored by S were what percent
more than the marks scored by Q? (Assume that everyone scored positive marks).
a. 56.25 % b. 55.55 %
c. 64 % d. 67.75 %

20. In a period from January to March, Jamshedpur Electronics sold 3150 units of Television, having started with a
beginning inventory of 2520 units and ending with an inventory of 2880. What was the value of order placed
(Rupees in thousands) by Jamshedpur Electronics during the three months period? [Profits are 25% of cost
price, uniformly.]
a. 26325 b. 22320
c. 25200 d. 28080
21. After offering a discount of 37.5%, Pankaj sold the rice at a profit of 25%. Had he offered a discount of 41.67%,
his profit or loss percent would have been:
a. 16.66% profit b. 12% loss
c. 29.17% loss d. 8.33% profit
1. In what ratio must rice at Rs 9.30 per Kg be mixed with rice at Rs 10.80 per Kg so that the mixture be worth Rs
10 per Kg?
a. 6:5 b. 8:7
c. 3:7 d. 6:1

2. How much water must be added to 60 litres of milk at 1.5 litres for Rs. 20 So as to have a mixture worth Rs.10
2/3 a litre?
a. 10 litres b. 12 litres
c. 15 litres d. 18 litres

3. In what ratio must wheat at Rs.3.20 per kg be mixed with wheat at Rs.2.90 per kg so that the mixture be worth
Rs.3.08 per kg?
a. 3 : 4 b. 2 : 3
c. 3 : 2 d. 4 : 3
4. In what proportion must rice at Rs. 3.10 per kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 3.60 per kg so that the mixture be
worth Rs. 3.25 per kg?
a. 3 : 7 b. 5 : 3
c. 3 : 5 d. 7 : 3

5. In what ratio must tea at Rs. 62 per Kg be mixed with tea at Rs. 72 per Kg so that the mixture must be worth Rs.
64.50 per Kg?
a. 1 : 3 b. 2 : 3
c. 3 : 1 d. 3 : 2
1. The milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio 4:3 and 2:3 respectively. In what ratio the liquids in
both the vessels be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel c consisting half milk and half water?
a. 8 : 3 b. 7 : 5
c. 4 : 3 d. 2 : 3

2. Two vessels A and B contain spirit and water mixed in the ratio 5:2 and 7:6 respectively. Find the ratio in which
these mixture be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel c containing spirit and water in the ratio 8:5?
a. 1 : 7 b. 2 : 9
c. 7 : 9 d. 3 : 8
3. How many kilograms of sugar costing Rs. 9 per kg must be mixed with 27kg of sugar costing Rs.7 per kg so that
there may be gain of 10% by selling the mixture at Rs.9.24 per kg?
a. 60 kg b. 63 kg
c. 50 kg d. 77 kg

4. One quantity of wheat at Rs 9.30 per Kg is mixed with another quality at a certain rate in the ratio 8:7. If the
mixture so formed be worth Rs 10 per Kg, what is the rate per Kg of the second quality of wheat?
a. Rs. 12.47 b. Rs. 10.80
c. Rs. 15.17 d. Rs. 47.66
5. A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the ratio 7:5 when 9 litres of mixture are drawn off and the
can is filled with B, the ratio of A and B becomes 7:9. How many litres of liquid A was contained by the can
a. 28 litres b. 21 litres
c. 45 litres d. 36 litres

1. A 20 litre mixture of milk and water contains milk and water in the ratio 3: 2. 10 litres of the mixture is removed
and replaced with pure milk and the operation is repeated once more. At the end of the two removals and
replacement, what is the ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture?
a. 17 : 3 b. 9 : 1
c. 3 : 17 d. 5 : 3
2. How many kgs of Basmati rice costing Rs.42/kg should a shopkeeper mix with 25 kgs of ordinary rice costing
Rs.24 per kg so that he makes a profit of 25% on selling the mixture at Rs.40/kg?
a. 20 kgs b. 12.5 kgs
c. 16 kgs d. 200 kgs
3. In what ratio must a person mix three kinds of wheat costing him Rs 1.20,Rs 1.44 and Rs 1.74 per Kg so that the
mixture may be worth Rs 1.41 per Kg?
a. 11:77:7 b. 25:45:8
c. 27:23:6 d. 11:45:7
4. How many litres of water should be added to a 30 litre mixture of milk and water containing milk and water in
the ratio of 7 : 3 such that the resultant mixture has 40% water in it?
a. 7 litres b. 10 litres
c. 5 litres d. None of these
5. A sample of x litres from a container having a 60 litre mixture of milk and water containing milk and water in
the ratio of 2 : 3 is replaced with pure milk so that the container will have milk and water in equal proportions.
What is the value of x?
a. 6 litres b. 10 litres
c. 30 litres d. None of these

6. From a cask of milk containing 30 litres, 6 litres are drawn out and the cask is filled up with water. If the same
process is repeated a second, then a third time, what will be the number of litres of milk left in the cask?
a. 0.512 litres b. 12 litres
c. 14.38 litres d. 15.36 litres
7. A zookeeper counted the heads of the animals in a zoo and found it to be 80. When he counted the legs of the
animals he found it to be 260. If the zoo had either pigeons or horses, how many horses were there in the zoo?
a. 40 b. 30
c. 50 d. 60

8. How many litres of a 12 litre mixture containing milk and water in the ratio of 2 : 3 be replaced with pure milk
so that the resultant mixture contains milk and water in equal proportion?
a. 4 litres b. 2 litres
c. 1 litres d. 1.5 litres

9. A merchant mixes three varieties of rice costing Rs.20/kg, Rs.24/kg and Rs.30/kg and sells the mixture at a
profit of 20% at Rs.30 / kg. How many kgs of the second variety will be in the mixture if 2 kgs of the third variety
is there in the mixture?
a. 1 kg b. 5 kgs
c. 3 kgs d. 6 kgs
10. In what ratio must a person mix three kinds of tea costing Rs.60/kg, Rs.75/kg and
Rs.100 /kg so that the resultant mixture when sold at Rs.96/kg yields a profit of 20%?
a. 1 : 2 : 4 b. 3 : 7 : 6
c. 1 : 4 : 2 d. None of these
1. The average of first five multiples of 3 is :
a. 9 b. 10
c. 8 d. 11

2. There are two sections A and B of a class, consisting of 36 and 44 students’ respectively. If the average weight
of section A is 40kg and that of section B is 35kg, find the average weight of the whole class.
a. 30 kg b. 35 kg
c. 42.5 kg d. 37.25 kg

3. Distance between two stations A and B is 778km. A train covers the journey from A to B at 84km per hour and
returns back to A with a uniform speed of 56km per hour. Find the average speed of train during the whole
a. 60 km/hr b. 30.5 km/hr
c. 57 km/hr d. 67.2 km/hr

4. The average of 50 numbers is 30. If two numbers, 35 and 40 are discarded, then the average of the remaining
numbers is nearly:
a. 28.32 b. 29.68
c. 28.78 d. 29.27

5. The average score of a cricketer for ten matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 42, then
find the average for the last four matches.
a. 33.25 b. 33.5
c. 34.25 d. 35

6. A Batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th inning and thus increases his average by 3. Find his average
after 17th inning.
a. 40 b. 39
c. 52 d. 55

7. There were 35 students in a hostel. Due to the admission of 7 new students the expenses of the mess were
increased by Rs.42 per day while the average expenditure per head diminished by Re 1. What was the
original expenditure of the mess?
a. Rs. 450 b. Rs. 320
c. Rs. 550 d. Rs. 420

8. Nine persons went to a hotel for taking their meals. Eight of them spent Rs.12 each on their meals and the
ninth spent Rs.8 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. What was the total money spent by them.
a. Rs. 115 b. Rs. 116
c. Rs. 117 d. Rs. 118

9. David obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, mathematics, physics, chemistry and
biology. What are his average marks?
a. 65 b. 69
c. 75 d. None of above

10. The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runes must be made in his next innings
so as to increase his average of runs by 4?
a. 72 b. 74
c. 70 d. 76
1. The average wages of a worker during a fortnight comprising 15 consecutive working days was Rs.90 per day.
During the first 7 days, his average wages was Rs.87/day and the average wages during the last 7 days was
Rs.92 /day. What was his wage on the 8th day?
a. 83 b. 92
c. 90 d. 97

2. The average temperature on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 25o. The average temperature on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday was 24o. If the temperature on Saturday was 27o, what was the temperature on
a. 24o b. 21o
c. 27o d. 30o

3. When a student weighing 45 kgs left a class, the average weight of the remaining 59 students increased by
200g. What is the average weight of the remaining 59 students?
a. 57 b. 56.8
c. 58.2 d. 52.2

4. The difference between two angles of a triangle is 24o. The average of the same two angles is 54o.Which one
of the following is the value of the greatest angle of the triangle?
a. 45o b. 60o
c. 66o d. 72o

5. The average age of a family of 5 members is 20 years. If the age of the youngest member be 10 years then what
was the average age of the family at the time of the birth of the youngest member?
a. 13.5 b. 14
c. 15 d. 12.5

6. Which one of the following numbers can be removed from the set S = {0, 2, 4, 5, 9} without changing the
average of set S?
a. 0 b. 2
c. 4 d. 5

7. Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is Rs. 36. The average cost of 7 apples and 8 mangoes is Rs. 48. Find
the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes.
a. 1044 b. 2088
c. 720 d. 324

8. Average of ten positive numbers is x. If each number by 10%, then x :

a. remains unchanged b.may decrease
c.may increase d. is increased by 10%

9. The average weight of three boys A, B and C is 5413

kg, while the average weight of three boys B, D and E is 53 kg. What is the average weight of A, B, C, D and E?
a. 52.4 kg b. 53.2 kg
c. 53.8 kg d. Data inadequate

10. The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs.8000. The average salary of 7 technicians is Rs.12000
and the average salary of the rest is Rs.6000. The total number of workers in the workshop is:
a. 20 b. 21
c. 22 d. 23
1. 40% of the employees in a factory are workers. All the remaining employees are executives. The annual income
of each worker is Rs. 390. The annual income of each executive is Rs. 420. What is the average annual income
of all the employees in the factory together?
a. 390 b. 405
c. 408 d. 415

2. The average price of 10 books is Rs.12 while the average price of 8 of these books is Rs.11.75. Of the remaining
two books, if the price of one book is 60% more than the price of the other, what is the price of each of these
two books?
a. Rs. 5, Rs.7.50 b. Rs. 8, Rs. 12
c. Rs. 10, Rs. 16 d. Rs. 12, Rs. 14
3. In a set of three numbers, the average of first two numbers is 2, the average of the last two numbers is 3, and
the average of the first and the last numbers is 4. What is the average of three numbers?
a. 2 b. 2.5
c. 3 d. 3.5

4. Of the three numbers, the first is twice the second and the second is twice the third. The average of the
reciprocal of the numbers is 772. The numbers are:
a. 16, 8, 4 b. 20, 10, 5
c. 24, 12, 6 d. 36, 18, 9
5. The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the manager
whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a new manager, then the average salary of the team went down
to 580. What is the salary of the new manager?
a. 570 b. 420
c. 690 d. 640

6. The average of five different positive numbers is 25. x is the decrease in the average when the smallest number
among them is replaced by 0. What can be said about x?
a. x is less than 5 b. x is greater than 5
c. x is equal to 5 d. Nothing can be said
7. Three math classes: X, Y, and Z, take an algebra test.
The average score in class X is 83.
The average score in class Y is 76.
The average score in class Z is 85.
The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79.
The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81.
What is the average for all the three classes?
a. 81 b. 81.5
c. 82 d. 84.5
8. In 2011, the arithmetic mean of the annual incomes of Ramesh and Suresh was Rs. 3800. The arithmetic mean
of the annual incomes of Suresh and Pratap was Rs. 4800, and the arithmetic mean of the annual incomes of
Pratap and Ramesh was Rs. 5800. What is the arithmetic mean of the incomes of the three?
a. Rs. 4000 b. Rs. 4200
c. Rs. 4400 d. Rs. 480
9. In Arun's opinion, his weight is greater than 65 kg but less than 72 kg. His brother does not agree with Arun and
he thinks that Arun's weight is greater than 60 kg but less than 70 kg. His mother's view is that his weight
cannot be greater than 68 kg. If all are them are correct in their estimation, what is the average of different
probable weights of Arun?
a. 67 kg. b. 68 kg.
c. 69 kg. d. Data inadequate

10. A student finds the average of 10 positive integers. Each integer contains two digits. By mistake, the boy
interchanges the digits of one number say ba for ab. Due to this, the average becomes 1.8 less than the
previous one. What was the difference of the two digits a and b?
a. 8 b. 6
c. 2 d. 4

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