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Message of the Governor


Golden greetings!

Another year unfolds and along with it are corresponding various

challenges that the province of Davao de Oro must hurdle to
enhance road accessibility and financial management.
Thus, this Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap is
crafted to address these concerns.

This outlines the 4- year governance reform plan of the

province consisting of reform areas on Local Road
Investment Management, Local Road Network
Development Planning, Local Road Construction and
Maintenance, Local Road Asset Management, Internal
Audit, Procurement and Budgeting, Revenue Generation
and Expenditure Management.

Sound policies and actions on road and fiscal

management require no less than good governance. Our
province remains committed in upholding the ideals of good
governance- transparency, accountability, innovation and
preferential option for participative governance. This
roadmap manifests nothing less than our commitment to
these values and principles.

Finally, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all stakeholders who

made sure that this plan reflects the needs and aspirations of
our people. Kudos!

May this document come to life!

Daghang Salamat ug Dugang Kadasig!


Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ....................................................................................... i
GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................... ii
PDC RESOLUTION........................................................................................................... iv
SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN RESOLUTION ............................................................ vi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. viii
Overview of the Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap (PGRR) ..................................... 1
Reform Areas: Scope, Target Situations, with related SDG indicators .................................. 4
Provincial Assessment and Reform Areas Situational Analysis .......................................... 13
SECTION 4: ..................................................................................................................... 47
Five-Year Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap.......................................................... 47
Assumptions and Risk Management Plan ....................................................................... 117
Capacity Development and Technical Assistance Plan to support PGRR Implementation 129
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework ............................................................................ 139
SECTION 8: ................................................................................................................... 172
Communication Plan ...................................................................................................... 172
2020 Annual Reform Action Plan .................................................................................... 176
Annexes........................................................................................................................ 224


2.1 Seven Key Reform Areas
Key Reform Areas: Scope, Target Situations, with
2.2 related SDG indicators
3.1 KRA 1: Local Road Information Management-
3.2 KRA 2: Local Road Network Development Plan
3.3 KRA 3: Local Road Construction and Maintenance
3.4 KRA 4: Local Road Asset Management
3.5 KRA 5: Internal Audit
3.6 KRA 6: Procurement
KRA 7: Budget, Revenue Generation and
3.7 Expenditure Management
4.1 KRA 1: Local Road Information Management-
4.2 KRA 2: Local Road Network Development Plan
4.3 KRA 3: Local Road Construction and Maintenance
4.4 KRA 4: Local Road Asset Management
4.5 KRA 5: Internal Audit
4.6 KRA 6: Procurement
KRA 7: Budget, Revenue Generation and
4.7 Expenditure Management
5.1 Risk Treatment and Strategies
6.1 Capacity Development and Technical Assistance Plan
7.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix
8.1 2019 Annual Reform Action Plan

1 PGRR Process


AIAP Annual Internal Audit Plan

AIP Annual Investment Plan
AMWP Annual Maintenance Work Plan
AO Appropriations Ordinance
APCPI Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator
APP Annual Procurement Plan
BAC Bids and Awards Committee
BAICS Baseline Assessment of Internal Control Systems
BRS Bureau of Research Standards
C.Y. Calendar Year
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CBRMC Community-Based Road Maintenance Contracting
CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CD Capacity Development
CMGP Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces
COA Commission on Audit
CPES Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System
CPES-IU Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System-Implementing Unit
CSO Civil Society Organization
DBM Department of Budget Management
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DILG Department of the Interior of Local Government
DOT Department of Tourism
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction Management
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
EMK Equivalent Maintenance Kilometrage
EMP Environmental Management Plan
eSRE E lectronic Statement of Receipts and Expenditures
ETRACS Enhanced Tax Revenue Assessment and Collection System
F.Y. Fiscal Year
GIS Geographical Information System
IAD Internal Audit Division
IEC Information and Education Campaign
KRA Key Reform Area
LCE Local Chief Executive
LDC Local Development Council
LDIP Development Investment Program
LFC Local Finance Committee
LGSF Local Government Support Funds
LPTRP Local Public Transport Route Plan
LRAM Local Road Asset Management
LRM Local Road Management
LRMPA Local Road Management Performance Assessment
LRMPAT Local Road Management Performance Assessment Tool
LRMT Local Road Management Team
LRNDP Local Road Network Development Planning
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MGB Mines and Geoscience Bureau
MLGU Municipal Local Government Unit

NEDA National Economic Development Agency
NGA National Government Agency
NGO Non-Government Agency
NTP Notice to Proceed
PACCO Provincial Accountant’s Office
PAGRO Provincial Agriculturist’s Office
PAMANA Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan
PAO Provincial Administrator’s Office
PASSO Provincial Assessor’s Office
PDCB-CIAP Philippine Domestic Construction Board-Philippine Domestic Construction Board
PBO Provincial Budget Office
PCR Project Completion Report
PDC Provincial Development Council
PDIP Provincial Development Investment Program
PDPFP Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan
PENRO Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office
PEO Provincial Engineer’s Office
PFM Public Financial Management
PGO Provincial Governor’s Office
PGSO Provincial General Services Office
PIAO Provincial Internal Audit Office
PLGU Provincial Local Government Unit
PLO Provincial Legal Office
PO Purchase Order
POs People’s Organizations
POW Program of Work
PPA Programs, Projects, and Activities
PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office
PPMC Provincial Project Monitoring Committee
PPMP Provincial procurement Management Plan
PPSAS Philippine Public Accounting Standards
PRDP Philippine Rural Development Plan
PSWDO Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office
PTO Provincial Treasurer’s Office
QCP Quality Control Plan
RBIS Roads and Bridges Information System
RBME Result-based Monitoring & Evaluation
ROD Registry of Deeds
RROW Road Right of Way
SAAOB Statement of Appropriations, Allotment, Obligations, and Balances
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SES Social and Environmental Safeguard
SLRF Special Local Road Fund
SP Sanggunian Panlalawigan
SWA Statement of Work Accomplished
TEV Travel Expense Voucher
TWG Technical Working Group
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UTM Universal Testing Machine




This Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap (PGRR) of Davao de Oro on Local

Road Management and Public Financial Management 2019-2022 is a four-year plan
of the provincial government that illustrates the performance targets for each reform
and the strategies to achieve and sustain these agenda that supports the vision of
the province in attaining durable, disaster resilient and safe road network that is
managed by a competent bureaucracy. This roadmap aims to mainstream
Sustainable Development Goals in to annual plan objective, strategy and targets
taking into consideration the increased stakeholder’s involvement for the realization
of this plan.

Together with the LRNDP that supports the efforts of provincial government to
increase economic activities and improve public access to infrastructure and
services by prioritizing road development activities, the PGRR improves the bureau’s
process and system in the context of LRM and PFM and improves the manpower’s
skills through capacity development.

Local Road Management (LRM) and Public Financial Management (PFM)

This roadmap indicates the first four (4) key reform areas under the Local Road
Management (LRM), their scope, targets and relevant SDG indicators to be
achieved, detailed discussions are presented from Section 3 to Section 9. These four
(4) key reform areas includes: 1. Local Road Information Management; 2. Local
Road Network Development Planning; 3. Local Road Construction and Maintenance;
and 4. Local Road Asset and Management.

 The reform targets on local road information management aims for the
establishment and updating of DRRM and SDG informed RBIS and the
establishment of GIS based local road network map which will be used for
local road network planning, programming, evaluation and monitoring.

 On LRNDP reform targets, the province aims for an institutionalized and

functional LRM team being the front liners in the creation of the PGRR and
the alignment and mainstreaming of SDGs in the Local Road Network
Development Plan (LRNDP) and Provincial Development & Physical
Framework Plan (PDPFP).

 On local road construction and maintenance reform targets, the province

directs for the strict compliance of the requirements indicated in the Quality
Assurance (QA) Manual for LGUs; to capacitate CPES-Implementing Unit and
other PEO personnel on QA/QC; maintenance of all provincial road in fair to
good condition based on applicable DPWH guidelines with due considerations
of DRRM-CCA, environmental and gender concerns; and the active
participation of the community in provincial road maintenance activities such
as maintenance planning, community contracting, monitoring and feed
backing considering the equal opportunities provided to both men and
women, youth, senior citizens and PWDs.

 Key reform targets on local road asset management intend to adopt and
Local Road Asset Management Plan for improved investment decisions, road
asset preservation and maintenance.

On the other hand, PFM gives concentration in the government’s system of rules,
procedures and practices to manage public finances. The three (3) key reform areas
under the PFM are, 1. Internal Audit, 2. Procurement, and 3. Budgeting, Revenue
Generation and Expenditure Management.

 Key reform targets on internal audit include the establishment of Internal Audit
Unit/Department which is functional and resourced consistent with applicable
Guidelines issued by the DBM and the CSC. Part of the strategies is to
conduct enhancing capacity in the formulation of Strategic Plan, and Risk
Assessment Manual and Annual Internal Audit Plan (AIAP), and to conduct
audit based on the identified offices in AIAP.

 Key reform targets on the procurement are anchored on RA 9184

“Government Procurement Reform Act”. The province also aims for the
establishment of electronic Records Management System (eRMS).

 Key reform targets on Budget, Revenue Generation and Expenditure

Management aim to increase percentage of local revenues to augment the
budget for road upgrading, rehabilitation and maintenance.

Moreover, assessment reports on Local Road Management (LRM), Public Financial

Management (PFM), Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators
(APCPI) and the Provincial Local Road Network Development Plan (LRNDP) were
gathered. These documents were used as basis in identifying the current situation
and crafting of targets, strengths and weaknesses, strategies, actions and timelines
to achieve the desired governance reforms.

Sections one (1) and two (2) of this reform roadmap clearly describes the overview
of the PGRR including the seven (7) key reform areas. The PLGU is adopting the
SDGs and Philippine Development Plan by localizing its SDG Indicators and PDP
Objectives for the attainment of governance reform targets. Section 3 on the other
hand, identify and discuss the current situation, issues and concerns, and other
factors that have a direct involvement in the key reform areas, including the strength
and weaknesses of the local government unit in attaining quality road network.

Section four (4) discuss the targets and strategies for 2019 to 2022 that will answer
the gaps identified in the previous section and possibly enhanced the good practices
the provincial government is already doing. Moreover, Section 5 details the
Assumptions and Risk Management Plan, these include the possible risk treatment
and management strategies to ensure the delivery of the identified targets and

The Provincial Government of Davao de Oro is determined in its effort towards

reform roadmap. After having a thorough assessment and evaluation on the status
of the road network of the province, there is a need to develop, enhance and

strengthen the capacity of the human resource to plan, design, implement and
maintain quality road network through effective governance. In section six (6), the
provincial government was able to identify the capacity gaps, limitations and
weaknesses of its workforce. Capacity development plans and programs have been
determined in order to acquire, develop or sharpen capabilities so that individual
employees can accomplish their work goals leading towards achieving the
organizational goals and productivity.

Section seven (7) in the plan includes the M&E Framework as a guide to regularly
and periodically track changes and progress in the reform program. It aims to
monitor and evaluate the effective implementation of the PGRR. The framework
includes column for expected results and its indicators, means of verification,
frequency of monitoring and the budget required in order to conduct the M&E

The Communication Plan in section eight (8) clearly describes how the PGRR will be
promoted to its stakeholders to seek their acceptance, support and participation in its
preparation and implementation. It contains information on key audience such as
those individuals and organizations who need to know and should be informed about
the PGRR and the reforms process. Thus, it is very important to have a clear,
specific and measurable communication plan in order to deliver the message
effectively to the target audience.

Section 9 of this reform roadmap detailed the 2019 Annual Reform Action Plan which
refers to the “one-year slice” of the PGRR that will detail how the PGRR will be
operationally implemented for a current year in terms of plan of activities, clear
objectives and deliverables, timelines, responsible offices/focal persons, budgets
and support agencies. This section highlights the Annual Reform Action Plan which
will ensure that the 2019 strategies for the reform areas will be implemented and
targets achieved.

In general, the PGRR gives a better picture of the reality gaps on local road
development and management and clearly illustrates the planned interventions/
strategies to fill in the gaps and realize the goals/objectives at the end of planning


Overview of the
Reform Roadmap

Overview of the Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap (PGRR)

The provincial government of Davao de Oro envision roads to be durable, disaster
resilient, safe and managed by a competent bureaucracy with increased citizen
involvement. Adequate infrastructures and services, such as good roads are one of
the indispensable requirements to achieve economic and social development for

The Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces (CMGP) for road upgrading,

rehabilitation and improvement with the full support of the present administration
through its “build-build-build” scheme addressed the under-investment in local roads
by providing the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) with financial investments
for improving national-local road connectivity. In partnership with the Department of
the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) has launched a project “Paving the Roads to SDGs through
Good Local Governance” (Roads2SDGs) which is anchored on two complementing
foundational concepts: – (i) The SDGs are potent to inform and enhance road
governance; and (ii) Good roads governance positively ushers in the attainment of
the SDGs. It aims to provide support to quality assurance and the governance reform
components of CMGP through the “Roads to SDGs” framework.

The Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap (PGRR) is a five-year plan of the

provincial government that illustrates the performance targets for each reform area
and the strategies to achieve and sustain these agenda. The roadmap on Local
Road Management (LRM) and Public Financial Management (PFM) aims to
mainstream Sustainable Development Goals in to the annual milestones/ objectives
and strategic actions including the cross-cutting themes such as gender, social
inclusion, environment and peace. The realization of the roadmap involves the
participation of stakeholders including civil society organizations, government down
to the public.

The PGRR aims to improve the PLGU’s skills, processes and system in the context
of LRM and PFM. This framework will anchor the prioritization and capacity
improvement of the Provincial Governments with the support of the DILG to Plan,
Design, Implement, and Maintain Quality Road Networks through Effective
Governance Processes by incorporating the elements of partnership building and
citizen’s participation for transparency and accountability. The Key Reform Areas
under LRM1 gives concentration to the capability of the PLGU in terms of planning,
prioritizing, implementation and managing local road network in line with the
Sustainable Development Goals and Development Thrust and Strategies of the local

LRM1 – (i) Local Road Information Management; (ii) Local Road Network Development Planning; (iii) Local Road Construction
and Maintenance; (iv) Local Road Asset Management

On the other hand, PFM2 gives concentration in the system of rules, procedures and
practices for the government to manage public finances.

The result of this roadmap will not end by the year 2022. Instead, its impact will open
doors that will lead to the pursuit of continuous improvement not only in road
development but in governance as well.

The PGRR went through series of activities such as provincial capacity assessment,
which serves as the baseline for the formulation of the PGRR2SDGs. The
assessment involved evaluating the current situation of the PLGU with the aid of the
existing government–prescribed assessment tools in the assessment and review of
provincial capacities for LRM and PFM, such as:
 Local Road Performance Management Assessment (LRPMA);
 Public Financial Management Assessment Tool (PFMAT); and
 Agency Procurement Capacity Performance Indicator (APCPI)
Successive mentoring and coaching with the DILG in partnership with UNDP were
realized. The Local Road Management Team (LRMT), its Technical Working Group
and representatives from the Civil Society Organizations participated in trainings,
workshops, and conferences on local road management and public financial
management comments and recommendation from Provincial Development Council
and the Sangguniang Panlalawigan were integrated in the plan.

The figure below illustrates the PGRR process from planning, adoption to

Figure 1. PGRR Process


Monitoring PGRR
and Formulation

PGRR Finalization
Implementatio Endorsemen
n t and

PFM2 – (v) Internal Audit; (vi) Procurement; (vii) Budgeting, Revenue Generation & Expenditure Management


Reform Areas:
Scope, Target
Situations, with
related SDG

Reform Areas: Scope, Target Situations, with related SDG indicators

The PGRR together with the development thrusts and strategies of the province
purposely addresses the current situation of grassroots communities to alleviate their
well-being. The LRNDP will support the attainment of the goals and objectives in the
PGRR by developing the road transport network according to provincial priority

Roads help ensure the delivery of quality services and governance reform activities
in relation to LRM and PFM. Roads to SDGs (R2SDGs) framework fastened with
planning, design, construction and maintenance of provincial road project shall be
implemented to achieve desired goals. The PLGU is adopting the SDGs and
Philippine Development Plan by localizing its SDG Indicators and PDP Objectives for
the attainment of governance reform targets.

This section indicates the seven (7) key reform areas, their scope, corresponding
target situations and the relevant SDG indicators to be achieved. The seven key
governance reform areas which PGRR will focus upon are the following:

Table 2.1: Seven Key Reform Areas

Local Road Management (LRM)

1.Local Road Information Management
2.Local Road Network Development
Planning (LRNDP)
3.Local Road Construction and
4.Local Road Asset and Management
Public Financial Management (PFM)
5.Internal Audit
7.Budgeting, Revenue Generation and
Expenditure Management

Table 2.2 Key Reform Areas: Scope, Target Situations, with related SDG
Local Road Management
1. Local Road 1.1 Road and 1.1.1 Established, updated, Eleven (11) SDG
Information Bridges DRRM and SDG Road Indicators are
Management Information informed RBIS the following:
System managed by all PLGUs
1.1.2 RBIS used for local 3.6.1 Death rate due
road network planning, to road traffic
9.1.1 Proportion of the
rural population who
evaluation and
live within 2 km of an
monitoring all-season road

1.1.3 Established, updated 9.1.2 Passenger &
and utilized GIS based freight volumes, by
local road network map mode of transport
for planning, 11.2.1 Proportion of
programming, population that has
evaluation and convenient access to
monitoring with public transport, by
complete attributes and sex, age & persons
managed by the with dis-abilities
11.a.1 Proportion of
population living in
1.2 All provincial 1.2.1 All provincial and cities that implement
and component city roads urban and regional
component city video-tagged and development plans
Roads Video uploaded in a web- integrating population
Tagged based portal projections and
resource needs, by
size of city
12.7.1 Number of
sustainable public
procurement policies
and action plans
16.1.4 Proportion of
population that feel
safe walking alone
around the area they
16.5.1 Proportion of
persons that had at
least one contact with
public official and who
paid a bribe to a
public official, or were
asked for a bribe by
those public officials,
during the previous 12

16.5.2 Proportion of
business that had at
least one contact with
public official and who
paid a bribe to a
public official, or were
asked for a bribe by
those public officials,

during the previous 12
16.6.1 Primary
expenditures as a
proportion of original
approved budget, by
sector (or by budget
codes or similar)
16.6.2 Proportion of
population satisfied
with their last
experience of public
2. Local Road 2.1 Local Road 2.1.1 Institutionalized and 16.6.2 Proportion of
Network Management functional LR population satisfied
Development Team, Roles & Management Team with their last
Planning Functions facilitates achievement experience of public
(LRNDP) of governance reforms services
in LRM and PFM
2.2 Multi- 2.2.1 Multi-stakeholder Eleven (11) SDG
stakeholder participation (with Road Indicators as
participation in women enumerated above to
LRNDP participation/involvem pave way towards
process ent) in road network achieving the
planning and following SDGs:
Goal 2- Zero hunger
programming adopted Goal 3 - Good Health
as standard practice and well-being
2.2.2 Achievement of Very Goal 4- Quality
Satisfactory” rating for Edcuation
CMGP in the Citizen Goal 8 – Decent work
Participation and economic growth
Satisfaction Survey
under Dev. Live
2.3Local Road 2.3.1 LRNDP adopted by
Network the province as
Development planning document
Plan (LRNDP) through Sanggunian
Resolution (SP), in
support of the PDPFP
2.3.2 Adopted & Prioritized
List of Local Road
Projects which are
Climate Resilient

2.3.3 Provincial
Government updates
the LRNDP every
three years adopting
social and
safeguard policies
2.3.4 Local Road Network
Development Plan
aligned to SDGs
2.5Result-based 2.5.1 Institutionalized
Monitoring & results-based and
Evaluation SDG Linked
(RBME) monitoring and
System evaluation mechanism
in place and functional
to monitor LRNDP
3. Local 3.4 Communities 3.4.1 Communities are Goal 16. Promote
Road are engaged in engaged and actively peaceful societies,
Constructi provincial road participate in accountable
on and maintenance provincial road institutions and
Maintenan conducted maintenance activities access to justice for
ce such as maintenance all
planning, community
monitoring and feed
backing and equal
opportunities are
provided to both men
and women, youth,
senior citizens and
3.6 Personnel 3.6.1 LGU has adequate 16.5.1
complement staff with knowledge Proportion of persons
and skills in the that had at least one
following: contract with a public
➢ Road contract official and that paid a
management bribe to a public
official or were asked
➢ Construction
for a bribe by those
Supervision and public officials during
management the previous 12
➢ Project Monitoring months.
and Evaluation
➢ Environmental and

management 16.5.2
Proportion of
3.6.2 Policies, measures business that had at
and strategies are in least one contract with
place to ensure that a public official and
trained personnel are that paid a bribe to a
retained or render the public official or were
required service asked for a bribe by
before leaving the those public officials
LGU during the previous 12
3.7 Local road 3.7.1 Road construction Goal 16: Primary
project projects and government
monitoring maintenance activities expenditures as a
are monitored and proportion of original
reported through a approved budget, by
fully functional sector (or by budget
Provincial Project codes or similar)
Monitoring Committee
(PPMC) that is
composed of both
men and women
3.7.2 Establishing a
Feedback mechanism
participated by
3.8 Road Safety 3.8.1 All provincial roads 3.6.1Death rate due to
Management are constructed with road traffic
road safety features in
accordance with 16.1.4 Proportion of
DPWH standards population that feel
3.8.2 PLGU conducts safe walking alone
regular road safety around the area they
audit based on DPWH live
3.9 Rehabilitation 3.9.1 Unpaved Poor to Bad, 9.1.2 Passenger &
and improvement paved core provincial roads freight volumes, by
of unpaved , poor are rehabilitated and mode of transport.
to bad paved improved/upgraded
core provincial 11.2.1 Proportion of
roads population that has
convenient access to
public transport, by
sex, age & persons
with dis-abilities


16.1.4 Proportion of
population that feel
safe walking alone
around the area they

16.6.2 Proportion of
population satisfied
with their last
experience of public
6. 6.1 Procurement 6.1.1 PLGU (BAC) uses an 12.7.1 Number of
Procurement transactions of effective Record countries/provinces
PLGU are fully Management system implementing
compliant with and regularly updated, sustainable public
the provisions of and Database of procurement policies
RA 9184 Items and cost related and action plans (e.g.
to goods and services Green procurement)
in analyzing and
evaluating proposals.
6.1.2 Reduced Procurement 16.5.1
cycle time for public Proportion of persons
bidding that had at least one
6.1.3 Adoption of standard contract with a public
documentation based official and that paid a
on Phil. Bidding bribe to a public
documents official or were asked
for a bribe by those
6.2 Provincial 6.2.1 Limit or minimize the public officials during
Government use of alternative the previous 12
adopts the method of procurement months.
Competitive 6.2.2 Promotion and
Bidding as default application of Green 16.5.2
method of Procurement Proportion of
procurement of business that had at
Civil Works, least one contract with
Goods and a public official and
Consulting that paid a bribe to a
Services. public official, or were
asked for a bribe by
those public officials
during the previous 12

7. Budget, 7.1 Planning, 7.1.1 Increased percentage 12.7.1 Number of
Revenue budget of local revenues to countries/provinces
Generation preparation and augment the budget for implementing
and utilization road upgrading, sustainable public
Expenditure rehabilitation and procurement policies
Management maintenance and action plans (e.g.
7.1.2 Increased allocation Green procurement)
and utilization of funds
for local road
maintenance, 16.5.1
rehabilitation & Proportion of persons
upgrading that had at least one
7.1.3 Duly accredited Civil contract with a public
Society Organizations official and that paid a
(CSOs) participate in bribe to a public
the planning and official, or were asked
budgeting processes. for a bribe by those
7.1.4 Synchronized planning public officials during
and budgeting the previous 12
calendar, particularly months.
for budget preparation
and authorization, is 16.5.2
strictly observed. Proportion of
7.1.5 Approved budget business that had at
allocation for local road least one contract with
rehab/maintenance is a public official and
based on LRNDP that paid a bribe to a
7.1.6 The appropriation public official or were
ordinance authorizing asked for a bribe by
the annual budget(s) is those public officials
linked with the Annual during the previous 12
Investment Program, months.
Local Development
Investment Program
(LDIP) and Provincial
Development and
Physical Framework
Plan (PDPFP)
7.1.7 Provincial Government
operates with credible
budget such that actual
appropriations are
expended and
disbursed for the
Revenue targets and
collection improve
7.1.8 Budget is utilized and
disbursed according to

plans and schedules
7.1.9 Provincial Government
has no disallowances
from the Commission
on Audit

Assessment and
Reform Areas

Provincial Assessment and Reform Areas Situational Analysis

An assessment of the current situation and key reform areas of the province is an
essential step for the identification of possible courses of actions towards the
attainment of the KRA target situations/ objectives. Hence, a Provincial Assessment
Workshop was conducted last September 20-21, 2018 at the CCMPC Building,
Capitol Compound, Cabidianan, Nabunturan, Province of Davao de Oro. The said
activity was attended by the selected Local Road Management Team members and
Technical Working Group (TGW) members, Civil Society Organizations (CSO)
representatives and other concerned personnel who were involved in the processes
of PGRR formulation.

During the provincial assessment workshop, overview of the Conditional Matching

Grant to Provinces (CMGP), Roads2SDGs, and Provincial Governance Reform
Roadmap (PGRR) were discussed. It was also highlighted in the discussion the
importance of PGRR plan formulation.

Moreover, assessment reports on Local Road Management (LRM), Public Financial

Management (PFM), Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators
(APCPI) and the Provincial Local Road Network Development Plan (LRNDP) were
gathered. These documents were used as basis in identifying the current situation
and crafting of targets, strengths and weaknesses, strategies, actions and timelines
to achieve the desired governance reforms.

The result of the assessment showed that there are still gaps between the current
and the target situations. Few of the major concerns are the establishment and
updating of the information systems used for road development and the lack of
manpower, skills and knowledge of the concerned personnel and stakeholders.
Moreover, the strengths and weaknesses indicated in the current situation must be
escalated at the level of executive and legislative department in order to gain full
understanding and support for the realization of the PGRR plan objectives as part of the
sustainable development.

Table 3.1 KRA 1: Local Road Information Management

Based on the assessment conducted by the

CURRENT SITUATION Technical Working Group, the Provincial
Engineer's Office (PEO) and Provincial Planning
and Development Office (PPDO) has no
established DRRM and SDG informed RBIS.
However, the province through the PEO is
conducting a regular inventory of all provincial
roads with the following attributes: road name,
classification, length, width, surface type,
average surface condition, including the number
of culverts and bridges. There is an on-going
traffic count for the eighty-one (81) provincial
roads, inventory reports for roads and other
relevant data are kept through a manual
database regularly updated by the PEO, but still
further survey and data gathering are needed to
complete the fifty-six (56) attributes required in
the RBIS, number of traffic accidents and
installed road safety devices. The office of the
Provincial Engineer regularly submits physical
and financial accomplishment reports on road

The Provincial Planning and Development

Office has an existing GIS-based database and
maps of road network, including hazard-based
vulnerability assessment for roads and bridges.
One of the major concerns regarding road
network is the Road Right of Way (RROW) of all
provincial roads. The provincial government
through the Provincial Special Projects
Monitoring Committee, established RROW Sub-
team for Pre-Implementation to address this

The Provincial Government of Davao de

Oro can access the RBIS server hosted by
DILG, but unable to upload video-tagged/geo-
tagged data to the server. To date, there are no
central repository and automated database for
GIS-based, video-tagged/geo-tagged data that
can be used in development planning and


1.1.1 Established, Strengths:
updated, DRRM
and SDG The provincial government through the
informed RBIS Provincial Special Projects Monitoring
managed by all Committee created the RROW Sub-team for
PLGUs Pre-implementation to address RROW issues
and through an executive order created the
Provincial Inventory Committee to update the
existing road inventory, traffic counts and other
road-related information. Aside from basic road
information, the province has an existing
hazard-based vulnerability assessment
(hazards such as flooding, rain-induced and
earthquake-induced landslide, ground shaking
and liquefaction) for road network and bridges.

Based on the assessment criteria, the

province got a rating of 0 in Indicator 3 of the
LRMP Assessment Tool. This indicator rates the
province based on the availability of information
and resources for Local Road Management.
Personnel from the PEO undergo trainings on
Road and Bridges Information System (RBIS).
However existing office structure is unable to
fully support the establishment and updating of
RBIS due to short-staffed workforce, particularly
technical staff for survey and video/geo-tagging
Apart of having no local automated
information system for roads and bridges,
additional bridge information such as bridge age
and condition are required, these information for
part of the 56 attributes for roads and bridges
which is very important in disaster risk reduction
and management. Also, the inventory is
facilitated by the PEO, however, it was identified
by the TWG that PGSO and PACCO should
spearhead the conduct of inventory which is an

integral part of booking up of assets. Thus,
strengthening of the composite team is
necessary for local road asset booking and
RROW Sub-team for Pre-Implementation
also identified RROW issues that need to be
addressed, particularly on the establishment of
policies and legal instrumentalities that will
blanket all RROW-related activities. Also, team
roles and functions should be clarified to
properly address the RROW documents
preparation and other related issues.

1.1.2 RBIS used for local Strengths:

road network planning,
programming, evaluation The Provincial Government has existing
and monitoring Local Road Network Development Plan
(LRNDP) for 2018 – 2022. Provincial, municipal
and barangay core road were already identified
based on the established criteria and were used
as a basis for planning, programming,
evaluation and monitoring for all local road
networks. The identification of provincial,
municipal and barangay core roads were based
on a participatory planning and was well
participated by identified stakeholders.

The provincial government shown their

support to the PRNDP Abridge Version as basis
of prioritizing road-related infrastructure projects
as reflected in the Executive-Legislative Agenda
2017-2019. Further, identification of major road
projects funded locally or subsidized by the
national agencies where part of the core roads
identified in the plan.


Although automation of RBIS in PEO

through DILG's RBIS is not yet adopted or
established, the provincial government exerts all
efforts in the establishment of locally sourced
information system and also improves local
initiatives in the gathering of raw data for
planning, programming, monitoring and

evaluation purposes. The issue on the lack of
standard form of naming provincial, municipal
and barangay roads is also identified.

1.1.3 Established, Strengths:

updated and utilized GIS
based local road network Creation of updated GIS based local road
map for planning, network map can be made possible through
programming, evaluation strong coordination and participation of LGUs
and monitoring with within the province. The commitment and
complete attributes and support of other LGUs lead to the realization of
managed by the PLGUs. consolidated GIS based data with complete
attributes and may help the management in
planning, programming, evaluation and
monitoring for future intervention and decision

Provincial government have procured

computer hardware and GIS based software to
support local initiatives of the offices in the
establishment of GIS-based data. There are
skilled GIS operators present in different offices.


The lack of Executive Order by the

Governor on creation of GIS Division with
structure and allocation of funds, may hamper
the attainment of consolidated GIS based data.
Although we have different personnel from other
offices doing separate mapping and processing
of GIS Data, the same may not solved the
present situation on processing of GIS based
data with complete attributes.

1.2.1 All provincial and Strengths:

component city roads
video-tagged and There are trained and capacitated staff to
uploaded in a web-based conduct Routeshoot and geo-tagging on
portal provincial roads and ensures the correctness of
captured data. However, the DILG's web portal
is not yet available for uploading of data.

Only one staff conducting Routeshoot, it may

delay the collection of desired data on all
provincial roads video-tagged.

Table 3.2. KRA 2: Local Road Network Development Plan

CURRENT SITUATION Overall, KALSADA/CMGPs introduction of Local

Road Network Development Planning comes as an
improvement of the development planning in the
province, particularly in addressing the road
requirements vis-à-vis the industry and services
standards. The creation and activation of Local
Road Management Team provided a regular forum
in planning and pursuing priority roads and road
related agenda. LRNDP, through the LRMT, open
opportunities for the PLGU to improve capacity and
deliver meaningful road projects and in starting the
desired governance reforms. The Local Road
Management Team greatly influenced the
prioritization of road-related concerns as well as in
the implementation of the same. However, much is
left to be done in sustaining the impetus and in
achieving the desired reforms in local road network
development planning.

The province has an approved and adopted

LRNDP adopted through an SP Resolution No.
764-2017 covering the term from 2017-2022.
TARGET SITUATIONS LRMPA Indicator 1: Functionality of an inter-office
road management structure for roads
management. Rating: 4
Current Situation:

 LRMT organized but composition is not fully

inclusive as prescribed in Appendix 8 of DILG-
DBM JMC 2017-2, dated April 26, 2017. It has a
support secretariat and technical working group.
LRMT has facilitated the 2017 Governance Reform
Targets although not all the targets are attained
2.1.1 Institutionalized Strengths
and functional LR
Management Team  NGO membership in the Provincial
facilitates achievement Development Council – 25% (very active
of governance reforms members in the PDC council)
in LRM and PFM  The preparation of LRNDP enhanced version

has a wider participation as it involved NGOs,
MPDOs and other sectoral representatives.
 It also involved both men and women in the
planning for road development and investment.
PDC sectoral committees are established.


 Present LRM Team already include the offices

having strategic involvement in local road
 Personnel from these strategic offices were
provided capability building
 Presence of LRMT TWG that assists in
discharging LRMT functions.
 There are committed champions from PEO,
PPDO and other offices.
 LRMT documents (presence of minutes of

 LRMT conduct meetings as need arises

 LRMT, as a new special body, has no budget
appropriation for its maintenance and
operations and only conduct meetings as need
 No reading of the minutes of meeting before the
business proper.
2.2.2 Multi-stakeholder LRMPA Indicator 7: Level of participation in
participation (with local road planning processes. Rating: 4
women Current Situation:
participation/involveme Strengths
nt) in road network  Low level of support for accredited CSOs
planning and  Low quality of CSO participation in the
investment development planning and investment
programming adopted programming
as standard practice  CSOs’ lack technical knowledge on road
network planning and investment programming
 The PRNDP Abridged Version was prepared in
a " very limited time" being required for inclusion
of the KALSADA program in the 2016 National
Expenditure Program. Involved are provincial
and municipal government stakeholders
particularly the planning and engineering offices

 LRNDP Enhanced Version was prepared with
wider participation as it involved NGOs and
other sectoral representatives aside from local
government stakeholders.


 Limited fund for the honorariums or transportation

allowances of NGO members.
 Results-based M&E is not yet functional to
assess the extent of multi-stakeholder in
planning (covering cause and effect of NGO

2.2.3 Achievement of Dev. Live app is not available.

Very Feedback mechanism is existing in parallel
Satisfactory” rating for programs like the PRDP which requires
CMGP in the Citizen involvement of CSOs in the planning,
Participation implementation and monitoring of PRDP funded
Satisfaction Survey projects
under Dev. Live Strengths

Provincial Project Monitoring Committee has CSO

Representatives and the involvement of CSOs
provide quality feedback on projects being
implemented by the PLGU and assessment of the
projects; and the observations of CSOs are acted

Feedback mechanism at the community level not in


Feedback mechanism is existing but only for PRDP

supported projects.

2.3.1 LRNDP adopted LRMPA Indicator 6: Infrastructure plans inform
by the local road works. Rating: 1
province as planning  PRNDP Abridged Version 2016-2020 and
document through LRNDP Enhanced Version 2018-2022
Sanggunian underwent the regular legitimization process
Panlalawigan having approved and endorsed by the
Resolution (SP), in Provincial Development Council to the
support of the PDPFP Sangguniang Panlalawigan which adopted the
 LRNDP supports the objectives of the PDPFP,
the former serves as an implementation tool of
the latter.
 KALSADA/CMGP funded road projects belongs
to the provincial core road network listed in the
 Improved allocation for maintenance of roads
and bridges in the annual investment


 The road network development strategies

outlined in the LRNDP has influenced decision
making in road investment programming and
 LRMT meetings serve as fora for the various
LRNDP activities
 LRNDP underwent the legitimization process
which included the approval by the PDC and
 Familiarity of most members of LRMT in the
development of LRNDP and useful in the
process of formulating and adopting LRNDP).

 LRNDP has become an addition to multiple

plans required by various NGAs as program
requirement. About 40 thematic or sectoral
plans are being required to be produced or
updated by LGUs in a period of one to three
years which is contrary to the policy espoused
in the DILG’s rationalizing planning policy to
dovetail their plan requirements in the
comprehensive development plan of LGUs.

2.3.2Adopted &
Prioritized List of Local  26.67% of local road projects programmed for
Road Projects which 2017 taken from the local road network
are Climate Resilient development plan
 Most of road projects funded by the provincial
funds are road repairs or maintenance

 Adopted the provincial core road network as

priority road projects that were subjected to
criteria including the DRR-CCA considerations.
 Flood and landslide exposure maps considered
in the preparation of road designs such as
provision of mitigation measures.


 Many of the provincial roads lead to upland

barangays and to hilly and mountainous areas
making it susceptible to erosion and landslide
 No cadastral survey in most roads which are former
logging roads.

2.3.3. Provincial
Government updates LRNDP was first updated in year 2017. Dubbed
the LRNDP every three as LRNDP Enhanced Version 2018-2022, it is
years adopting social the successor plan of PRNDP 2016-2020. The
and environmental updated LRNDP maintains the environmental
safeguard policies management strategy suggested in the
preceding plan.

 Presence of environmental protection and
conservation champions (Environmental
Planners, PENRO, Tourism Office, PDRRMO)
 LRNDP enhanced version is the first updating
of the plan where environmental policies and
safeguards are incorporated.
 The LRM team has the knowledge and skills on
LRNDP formulation and updating.


 Mining activities in protected areas (Mainit Hot

Spring Protected Landscape, etc.)

 Presence of settlements in protected areas
 Unregulated construction of permanent
structures in the protected area and in road
right of way
 Weak enforcement of environmental laws and
these are not captured in the LRNDP.

2.3.4Local Road
Network Development  SDG as a planning parameter was just lately
Plan aligned to SDGs introduced. However, the objectives outline in the
LRNDP will support the SDG goals for people,
planet, peace and prosperity.

 National policy to mainstream SDG in the sub-

national planning processes such as the
preparation of results matrices for PDPFP and
its alignment to SDGs.
 SDG goals for people, planet, peace, and
prosperity are related to the goals outlined in
the LRNDP.

 SDG indicators per se is not mainstreamed in

2.4.1 All DEDs for all LRMPA Indicator 8: Road projects for
local road projects are Rehabilitation identified have DED. Rating 0
prepared in accordance
with DPWH standards  DEDs for road maintenance projects were not
and prepared with prepared in accordance with applicable DPWH
minimal revisions standards

 Several PEO engineers have undergone

capability building in standard road designing
thru the CMGP, PRDP, DPWH
 There is a team from the PEO who are capable
of preparing the DED.

 Except the road projects funded by the

Philippine Rural Development Program, other
road projects do not have environmental
management plan
 Not all investigations/tests required for DED are

met due to lack of skills and equipment. E.g.
soil investigation and hydraulic analysis.
2.5.1Institutionalized LRMPA Indicator 11: Monitoring reports on
results-based and SDG local road projects. Rating: 4
Linked monitoring and
evaluation mechanism  The top-to-bottom or provincial down to project
in place and functional level M&E in the LRNDP is not in place. Present
to monitor LRNDP monitoring system by the Provincial Project
implementation Monitoring Committee is limited to physical
accomplishments. Lower level LGU and
community level monitoring is not in place.

 Concept of Management for Development

Results (MfDR) is use in the LRNDP
formulation though not comprehensive.

 Limited appreciation of planning and

development management officers on
monitoring and evaluation principle and
 Results-based Monitoring, although introduced,
is not appreciated or practiced in the PLGU
 Need to improve or redefine the results
narrative (logical framework) of the LRNDP to
mainstream related SDG goals, targets and
 The M& E Plan of LRNDP is incomplete.

Table 3.3. KRA 3: Local Road Construction and Maintenance

CURRENT SITUATION The province has a total length of 772.98 kms.

provincial roads with 18 road sections or a total of
328.87 kms or approximately 43% of provincial
roads are considered as core roads based on the
Local Road Network Development Plan (LRNDP).
Based on the Road Inventory conducted on 30 July
2018, there are 67.05kms that are in concrete
paved, the remaining 705.85 km have a gravel
surface. The Provincial Engineering Office (PEO)
has prepared an Annual Maintenance Work
Program (AMWP) for FY 2018 but was not utilized
as basis in the preparation of Program of Work
(POW) for maintenance. Likewise, the EMK
computation was not applied in the planning and
budgeting for road maintenance. There was no
involvement of community in the road maintenance
activities e.g., maintenance planning, community
contracting, monitoring and feedback.

For road and bridge projects implemented in

accordance to DPWH standards, only the DILG-
CMGP projects were conducted a road safety audit
and constructed with safety features. The Quality
Control Plan (QCP) is required for all projects
implemented with funding from the national
agencies e.g., DILG thru CMGP, and PAMANA and
PCF Programs, and Department of Agriculture thru
PRDP and PAMANA Programs; the locally-funded
projects implemented by administration does not
have QCP.

The PEO planned to establish a Materials Testing

Quality Control Division that will undertake
materials testing activities for infrastructure
projects. At present, the province has ten (10)
PEO personnel who were trained on QA/QC thru
the PRDP program of which five (5) staff are
conducting Field Density Test (FDT) for projects
funded by national agencies.

On 09 November 2017 the province has

established a Constructors’ Performance
Evaluation System Implementing Unit (CPES-IU)

headed by the Provincial Engineer thru Executive
Order No. 63-2017. Through the DILG-CMGP
Program, the PEO has four (4) Constructors’
Performance Evaluators (CPEs) accredited by
PDCB-CIAP which conducted evaluation of
projects funded by PRDP and CMGP Program. To
date the group has evaluated six (6) road projects
for a total of ten (10) visits.

Road project and contract documentation are

complete; however, the Project Procurement
Management Plan (PPMP) is not followed as to the
timelines due revisions of Procurement Request
(PR), failure of bidding, and completion of Post-
Qualification activity. On the financial absorptive
capacity of the province, the performance is slow
due to inconsistent submission of monthly progress
billing by the Contractor; the Contractor is less
interested to submit monthly progress billing due to
low accomplishment rate.

There are three (3) out of 17 Engineers in the PEO

have attended training on Road Contract
Management and Construction Supervision &
Management; and, one (1) Division Head from
PENRO who is in charged and is involved in the
preparation of the Environmental Management

On employees who have attended trainings, study

leave, granted scholarship, etc., the Provincial
Human Resource Management and Development
Office (PHRMDO) based on the Learning and
Development Plan of PHRMDO, the employees are
required to submit an After-Training Report for
short-termed training/seminar.

The province has a Provincial Project Monitoring

Committee (PPMC) with members from the Civil
Society Organizations (CSO) who monitors the
implementation of infrastructure projects with
Secretariat from the Monitoring and Evaluation
Division of Provincial Planning and Development
Office (PPDO). The committee submits the
monitoring report to the Local Chief Executive. For

PRDP projects, as part of the requirements of the
program, a feedback mechanism was installed thru
the conduct of coordination meeting participated by
the community and by encouraging the community
to drop their comments, suggestions, etc. in the
Suggestion Box placed in the Barangay Hall, but
this has not practiced in other projects.
3.1.1 All road and Strengths:
bridge projects have
Rating of 2 at Indicator 12a (APCPI) substantially
Quality Control (QC)
compliant, which the agency has well defined
Plans and other
procedures and standards for quality control,
requirements in
acceptance and inspection, supervision of works,
compliance with Quality
and evaluation of contractors’ performance.
Assurance (QA) Manual
for LGUs Weaknesses:

3.1.2 PEO are Strengths:

capacitated on QA/QC 10 PEO personnel were trained QA/QC under
thru continuing PRDP Program who are also tapped for CMGP
capacity development and other related road programs.
and acquisition or out
sourcing of QA/QC
equipment/services Weaknesses:
No PEO personnel is accredited on QA/QC and
there is limited equipment for QC activities.

3.2.1 CPES is regularly Strengths:

applied to Provincial Rating of 2 at Indicator 12a (APCPI) which is
road and bridge substantially compliant and the creation of CPES-
projects and IU
performances are Weaknesses:
effectively evaluated in There is no database for the CPES results and not
accordance with CPES yet utilized in the procurement process.
3.3.1 All Provincial Strengths:
roads maintained in fair Rating of 4 on Indicators 12 and 13 of the LRMPA
to good condition The province has an appropriation under the
based on applicable motorpool operation of PEO that can be attributed
DPWH guidelines with to the maintenance of roads and bridges.
due considerations of Weaknesses:
DRRM-CCA, Not compliant to DRRM-CCA, environmental and

environmental and gender concerns.
gender concerns
3.3.2 All maintenance
work is implemented in Strengths:
accordance with the Rating of 4 on Indicators 12 and 13 of the LRMPA
Annual maintenance 100% of the local roads are in fair to good condition
Work Program Weaknesses:
AMWP not utilized as basis in the preparation of
POW for maintenance.
3.3.3 All fair to good Strengths:
provincial roads are
maintained at Weaknesses:
rates/km/year There are no trained personnel on EMK and a
computed according to rating of 1 on Indicator 4 of the LRMPA
the DPWH EMK formula
including road safety
measures and furniture

3.4.1 Communities are Strengths:

engaged and actively Strong coordination with Barangay officials on
participate in provincial maintenance works (for information purposes only).
road maintenance Weaknesses:
activities such as There is no involvement of the community in the
maintenance planning, maintenance activities
community contracting,
monitoring and feed
backing, and equal
opportunities are
provided to both men
and women, youth,
senior citizens and

3.5.1 Road project and Strengths:

contract documentation A rating of 3 on Indicator LRMPA Indicator 11a,
are complete and fully compliant. The BAC Secretariat has a system
efficiently processed for keeping and maintaining procurement records.
with strict observance
of standards andWeaknesses:
deadlines CPES result is not utilized in the procurement
3.6.1 LGU has adequate Strengths:
staff which knowledge There are licensed and trained engineers who are
and skills in the assigned in construction supervision and
following: management.

 Road contract PENRO personnel have technical capability to
management assist in the environment management aspect of
 Construction road construction.
Supervision and
management Presence of active Provincial Monitoring Council
 Project (PPMC) and regular project joint verification/
Monitoring and inspection, presence of assigned project engineer
Evaluation that can assist in project M&E.
 Environmental
and Social Weaknesses:
Only 3 out of 17 Engineers were able to attend
training on Road Contract Mgt. and Construction
Supervision and Mgt.
-Only 1 PENRO personnel is equipped & in
charged in the preparation of Environmental Mgt.

3.6.2 Policies, Strengths:

measures and With policy on the submission of After Training
strategies are in place Report
to ensure that trained
personnel are retained Weaknesses:
or render the required No service obligation policy for short-termed
service before leaving training/seminar.
Absence of policy on retention for trained

3.7.1 Road construction Strengths:

projects and Monthly monitoring of PPMC with exit conferences
maintenance activities with the governor or his representative and the
are monitored and project in-charge.
reported through a fully
functional Provincial
Project Monitoring Weaknesses:
Committee (PPMC) that There are only 11 PPMC members and there’s no
is composed of both existing mechanism coming from the LCE’s office
men and women to provide feedback and recommend actions based
members on the conducted exit conference.

3.7.2 Establishing a Strengths:

Feedback mechanism Adopted the Grievance Redress Mechanism of
participated by PRDP which involves the participation of the
community community, barangay, municipal and provincial

representatives; provides avenue for concerns and
complaints of project stakeholders most especially
the community on all phases of the project can be
elevated even up to the donor. The mechanism
also encourages positive feedbacks if there’s any

Feedback mechanism is only applied to CMGP and
PRDP funded projects.
3.8.1 All provincial Strengths:
roads are constructed PLGU is committed to construct road safety
with road safety features as demonstrated in the DED.
features in accordance
with DPWH standards Weaknesses:
No trained personnel on Road Safety Audit based
on the DPWH manual on highway safety design
standard 2012 which contains road safety policies
3.8.2 PLGU conducts Strengths:
regular road safety PLGU is committed to conduct road safety audits.
audit based on DPWH Weaknesses:
guidelines No trained personnel on Road Safety Audit based
on the DPWH manual on highway safety design
standard 2012 which contains road safety policies
3.9.1 Unpaved Poor to Strengths:
Bad, paved core Presence of LRNDP providing list of priorities for
provincial roads are rehabilitation, improvement and upgrading for core
rehabilitated and provincial roads and priorities are selected based
improved/upgraded on sound criteria.

Presence of construction division at the PEO.

328.868Km core roads identified (LRNDP) and only
67.047 km are paved road which is only 20.39%

3.10.1 Pursuant to Strengths:

Paragraph 5, Annex “E” PEO has engineers who can check and verify SWA
(Contract submitted by contractors.
Guidelines for the Weaknesses:
Procurement of Slow financial absorptive capacity and delayed
Infrastructure Project,)” submission of required document such as Test
awarded contractors Results
are to prepare monthly
progress billings and

corresponding request
for payments for work
supported by the
Statement of Work
Accomplished or SWA
that is checked and
validated by the Project

Table 3.4. KRA 4: Local Road Asset Management

CURRENT SITUATION The Inventory Team composed of personnel from

Provincial Accountant’s Office (PACCO), Provincial
Planning and Development Office (PPDO),
Provincial Assessor’s Office (PASSO), Provincial
Engineering’s Office (PEO), Provincial General
Services Office (PGSO) and Provincial Budget
Office (PBO) conducted physical count and
condition assessment of 81 out of 83 road sections
and subsequently submitted report to the auditor
and accounting division not later than January 31
of each year. This follows COA Circular 2015-008.
Using the data gathered by the Inventory Team,
the accounting division of the Provincial
Accountant’s Office recorded 81 road sections as
Property Plant and Equipment under Infrastructure
Assets-Road Networks in the PLGU’s book of
accounts with complete description and cost
segregation of road components. Some provincial
roads that has no deed of donation currently do not
have cost of road lots. However, the Provincial
Assessor’s Office is already working on the road
appraisal and assessment of the said road lots and
is under discussion by the LRMT.
At present, the Provincial Local Government
has not yet formulated a Local Road Asset
Management Plan because of the unavailability of
the DILG’s Local Road Asset Management Manual
which was supposed to serve as a guide in the
formulation of the LRAM Plan. Thus, the Provincial
Government is not yet guided on the Local Road
Asset Management. However, the PLGU uses
Commission on Audit and Department of Budget
and Management circulars and other issuances as
references in dealing with transactions related to
road assets.

Target Situations
4.1.1 Performance Strengths:
condition assessment The Local Road Development and Management
of assets conducted program is supported by the different offices and
and reported regularly. there is available pool of experts and
knowledgeable personnel within the PLGU that can
be tapped to perform the inventory assessment of
the road networks on time. In addition, the PLGU
has also allocated funds to support inventory
related activities.

Despite the availability of personnel, the PLGU
has not yet issued an Executive Order creating the
Technical Working Group for the inventory
committee that will conduct the actual physical
inventory and assessment of the condition of the
local road network asset. Sometimes, the team is
not completely represented by other offices due to
conflict of schedules. Some scheduled dates of
inventory cannot be pushed through or conducted
late due to unavailability of service vehicle. The
conduct of inventory count and assessment was
done manually because of the absence of IT
equipment and computerized inventory system for
road networks resulting to a slow process and
errors in recording.
4.2.1 All provincial road Strengths:
infrastructure and There are personnel in the Provincial
facilities recorded as Accountant’s Office who are specifically assigned
assets in the LGU’s on road assets who have ample knowledge to
book of accounts in implement COA Circular 2015-008: Accounting and
accordance with Reporting Guidelines on the Local Roads Asset
NGAS and relevant Management System which requires the Local
COA circulars, and Government Units to record at least 75% of its road
updated regularly; sections with complete road components under the
with complete Local Road Network Account as of 2018. The
description and cost provincial government on its part has already
segregation of road recorded 81 out of 83 (97.59%) road sections as
components to Local Road Network Asset which is 22.59% higher
monitor changes than the target set by the above-mentioned
over time circular.


The Provincial Accountant’s Office has a high
employee turnover due to the lack of permanent
plantilla position. This results in assigning
responsibility to a newly hired employee who does
not have enough experience and knowledge on
Government Accounting. Hence, it would require
capacitation on Philippine Public Sector Accounting
Standards. Equipment are obsolete causing the
system to run slow and eventually would take
longer time to generate reports.
4.3.1 Province adopts Strengths:
and implement Local The Provincial Local Government has enough
Road Asset resources in terms of funds and capable personnel
Management Plan for for the preparation/formulation of the Local Road
improved investment Asset Management Plan.
decisions, road asset Weaknesses:
preservation and Absence of a reference manual that is the DILG
maintenance has not yet issued the Local Road Asset
Management Manual that should have served as
guide in the formulation of the PLGU’s Local Road
Asset Management Plan. The LRMT members who
are in-charge in the formulation of the plan
haslimited knowledge and skills and are yet to
undergo orientation on LRAM Manual.
4.4.1 LGUs are guided Strengths:
with LRA Management Presence of Local Road Asset Management Team
Manual. with members who are trainable and committed.
The LRMT is receptive as demonstrated by its
adoption to guidelines and manuals provided by
the national government including DILG and COA.
Lack of participation from the PLGU who are the
end-users in the development of DILG-led LRA
Management Manual. Hence, it could possibly
create misinterpretation.

Table 3.5. KRA 5: Internal Audit

CURRENT SITUATION The Internal Audit Division (IAD) was established

under the Provincial Administrator Office (PAO)
through Provincial Ordinance No. 41-2017 dated
July 19, 2017. The office is currently performing
audit engagement with Provincial Disaster Risk and
Reduction Management Office (PDRRMO) and
four (4) Compostela Valley Provincial Hospitals
(CVPH) at Montevista, Pantukan, Maragusan and
Laak as well as review payroll process, payroll
attachment and Traveling policy. The Internal Audit
unit has conducted baseline assessment of internal
control system of four (4) process in PEO (under
planning and maintenance division). There are 6
personnel in the Internal Audit Division composed
of three (3) permanent, one (1) casual and two (2)
job order. There logistical and budget allocation is
under Provincial Administrator Office.

5.1.1 Internal Audit Strengths:
Unit/department is The office of internal audit was established through
established, functional Provincial Ordinance No. 41-2017 dated July 19,
and resourced 2017. Created and filled in two plantilla position
consistent with (IAUD IV and IAUD III) last May and September
applicable Guidelines 2018. In less than a year, they can review the
issued by the DBM and payroll process, payroll attachment, traveling policy
and conduct baseline assessment of internal
the CSC
control system of four (4) process in Provincial
Engineering Office under planning and
maintenance division. The auditees are responsive
in the conduct of audit. In 2019, internal audit
division allocated their budgetary allocation in 2019
Appropriation Ordinance.

The office has few staff to operate effectively. They
need engineers to review and audit technicalities in
infrastructures and equipment; and IT personnel for
technology related engagement. No separate office
designated to PAO Internal Audit Division for
conducive workplace and can keep their
confidential documents. Management Service
Section was transferred to PAO – IAD based on

Office Order 00.127.2017 dated September 5,
2017 but the staff are not functioning as internal
auditor. Some functions of the IAD personnel were
not aligned to the Internal Audit functions. Some
staff were not trained about internal audit functions.
There is no a clear understanding of the Internal
Audit functions. Unable to develop and maintained
annual internal audit plan since the PAO – IAD was
created last July 19, 2017 and functional on May
2018. No established audit engagement procedure
and operations manual. Internal auditors are not
accredited by Association of Government Internal
Auditor (AGIA).

The IAD is created under PAO which is not in

accordance with Local Budget Circular 110 dated
June 10, 2016 stating that IAD must be under the
supervision of the Local Chief Executive.
5.1.2 Road related Strengths:
Provincial Offices are The office can prepare an Approved Internal Audit
regularly subjected to Agenda, Approve Baseline Assessment Report for
internal audit based on three processes in PEO, and Approved Audit
Engagement and Audit Memorandum letter for
the approved Annual
Internal Audit Plan

The office was not able to prepare strategic annual

plan thus no road related offices is a subject to
internal audit.

5.1.3 Recommendations Strengths:

in the Internal Audit High LCE who approves immediately the
Report are promptly recommendations upon receipt of the audit
resolve and acted by recommendation report. The LCE will issue
LCE and implemented memorandum order for Traveling Policy, Payroll
by concerned Process Flow and Payroll Attachment.
provincial offices Weaknesses:

There are No audit monitoring timeline prepared as

part of the recommendation to evaluate the
compliance of the audited offices. The audit team
were not able to personally discuss with the LCE
the findings and recommendations.

5.1.4 Internal control Strengths:

systems and
The office competence in preparing and submitting

procedures of road Baseline Assessment Report of four (4) processes
related offices are in PEO (Planning and Maintenance Division).
established, operational
and documented Weaknesses:

The office has No approved annual internal audit

plan thus not all Road related offices are subject to
internal audit.

5.2.1 Trained internal Strengths:

auditors base on
CapDev plan and able The Office has personnel resource who are trained:
One (1) IAS staff attended two (2) internal audit
to perform their
training. Three (3) IAS staff attends peer to peer
functions learning / benchmark on internal audit process and
best practices of City of General Santos and
Province of Agusan del Sur.


There is no training for the preparation of audit

planning, audit fieldwork, writeshop on drafting
audit report for the five (5) staff. There is a Need
to train for five (5) IAS staff on Internal Audit related
topics and process; and enhancing capacity on the
conduct of audit. In addition, there is No budget
allocation for capability development activities.

Table 3.6. KRA 6: Procurement

CURRENT SITUATION The PLGU developed and adopted the Property and
Supplies Information System (PSIS) wherein database
of items and cost related to goods and services as
basis in preparation of PR of end-users. Price index of
goods and services are monitored quarterly to
determine if the current prices are applicable otherwise,
the TWG will conduct canvas on the current price.

E-filing system for record keeping is not yet installed.

For the meantime, all contract documents are filed in a
filing cabinet and sorted by date of bidding. And all
contract documents are filed after issuance of NTP/PO
in the storage room; filing of records by year and
contractors name in order.

In 2018, for the procurement cycle for bidding of goods
is usually completed with an average of 73 calendar
days. For infrastructure, the procurement cycle usually
runs 85 calendar days or more.

The PLGU has adopted the standard documentation in

compliance with the Philippine Bidding Documents (RA
9184) particularly the Project Procurement
Management Plan (PPMP), Purchase Request (PR),
Phil. Bidding docs, and contracts.

With regards to the method of procurement use by the

Province, under alternative mode of procurement, for
goods 66% are done through Shopping; 11.97% for
Direct Contracting, and only 22.03% were subjected to
public bidding. It is important to note that
100% for Civil works is done through competitive

The PLGU is still lacking information on Green

Procurement and has not yet formulated our provincial
procurement operations manual.

For the PEO, no copies of contract documents were

turned over to them particularly in Infrastructure
projects prepared by BAC Secretariat. For the
issuance of Notice to Proceed under goods and
services, the delivery and start date are stipulated in
the Purchase Order and NTP. For infrastructure
projects NTP in 2017, the start date is being specified
but in 2018 the start date was not specified instead the
Contractor is advised to start within 7 calendar days
upon receipt of the NTP.

6.1.1 PLGU (BAC) uses Strengths:
an effective Record Presence of Property and Supplies Information System
Management system (PSIS) that provides information on items and cost
and regularly updated, related to goods and services.
and Database of Items
and cost related to Designated air-conditioned storage room for all
goods and services in contract documents.
analyzing and
evaluating proposals. Weaknesses:
E-filing system is not yet available/ installed.

Efficiency is hampered due to manual type of record
keeping; Only one person is assigned on record
6.1.2 Reduced Strengths:
Procurement cycle time Conduct regular weekly BAC Meeting.
for public bidding
Several Purchase Request (PRs) were returned to
Requesting Office (RO) for modification/ revision due to
insufficient information, inaccurate description.

6.1.3 Adoption of Strengths:

standard Fully implemented the standard Philippine Bidding
documentation based Documents (RA 9184) particularly the PPMP, PR, Phil.
on Phil. Bidding Bidding docs, and contracts.
documents Weaknesses:
Some documents started with errors by Requisitioning
Office (ROs) that causes delay on procurement
7.1.10 Limit or minimize Strengths:
the use of alternative Rating of 3 on APCPI Indicator 2-3 (a), there is 66% of
method of procurement shopping contract in terms of amount of procurement.
Another rating of 3 on APCPI Indicator 2-6 (d), there
are no repeat order contracts in terms amount of total
procurement. Then another rating of 3 on APCPI
Indicator 2-7 (f), there are no limited source contracts in
terms amount of total procurement.
Bulk procurement for common supplies i.e. office
supplies, janitorial supplies, computer supplies, spare
parts, electrical plumbing supplies, among others
High percentage of alternative mode through shopping
due to procurement of goods needed for the
implementation of various programs of several offices
Tourism, PHO, PHRMDO, PDRRMO, etc.
6.2.2 Promotion and Strengths:
application of Green Willingness of the LGU to promote and adopt green
Procurement procurement
Lack of orientation/training on green procurement.
6.3.1 Adoption and Strengths:
implementation of BAC Members & BAC TWG trained on procurement on
customized provincial RA 9184.

procurement Weaknesses:
operations manual by Lacks orientation or training on the development of
LGU that is compliant customized Provincial Procurement Operations
to RA 9184 as Manual.
amended, including IRR
6.4.1 All contract Strengths:
documents are All contract documents of infrastructure projects are
prepared by BAC available and kept by the BAC Secretariat
secretariat and turned
over to PEO promptly Weaknesses:
and punctually Handing over of all contract documents to PEO and
other offices is not yet a regular practice.
6.4.2 NTP should Strengths:
indicate the start date, There is indicated start date in NTP for goods.
regardless on the date The BAC applied the Provision of RA 9184 Section 33
of receipt of Contractor as stipulated “Within seven (7) calendar days from the
date of approval of the Contract by the appropriate
government approving authority, the Procuring Entity
shall issue the Notice to Proceed (NTP) together with a
copy or copies of the approved contract to the
successful Bidder. All notices called for by the terms of
the contract shall be effective only at the time of receipt
thereof by the successful Bidder.”
There is no start date indicated in the NTP for

Table 3.7. KRA 7: Budget, Revenue Generation and Expenditure


CURRENT SITUATION Based on the Provincial Assessment Report prepared

by the member of the Technical Working Group of the
Provincial Treasurer’s Office, Provincial Budget Office
and the Provincial Accountant’s Office last September
20-21, 2018, there was a minimal increase of 0.73% in
revenue collection in 2017 based on the previous year.
Collection efficiency based on actual collection against
revenue estimate is 105% in 2017 against the previous
year’s figure. This was despite of the limited number or
personnel in the assessor‘s and treasurer’s office.
There are 24 staff at the assessor’s office which is

limited compared to standard for a first-class province
(Davao de Oro is a first-class province) is 72 while
there are only 30 staff at the treasurer’s office.

On the budget aspect, the appropriation is in

accordance with the AIP. All mandatory and statutory
obligations were provided with appropriations. There is
no appropriation for maintenance of roads while there
is an increased allocation for the rehabilitation of roads
of 20% from 2017 to 2018 appropriation as observed
in these figures, to wit; P 46,927,232.70 in 2017 and P
57,501,970.00 in 2018. Duly accredited CSOs are also
present in the PDC (6 members), PMC (5 members)
and LSB but there is no representation from them in
the budgeting process. Synchronized planning and
budgeting calendar, particularly for budget preparation
and authorization, is also strictly observed. The 2018
Annual Budget was submitted to SP on Oct. 16, 2017
and the authorization of the by SP was made on
November 27, 2017.

In 2017 actual appropriation was 2.296 billion pesos

with an allotment of 2.235 billion pesos (97.35% of the
appropriated amount). The amount spent based on
allotment was 75.89% (1.696 billion pesos). The total
expended amount was over 100% of the annual
income for 2017 which was 1.604 billion pesos.
Utilization and disbursement of budget is in
accordance to Work and Financial Plan & Cash
Disbursement Forecast.
In Expenditure Management, there were three
transactions that were disallowed by Commission on
Audit, viz; Transportation Allowance for travel in
abroad and transfer of funds to Provincial Councilor
League. Nonetheless, demand letters were sent to
accountable officer concern. Financial Reports (12
sets including Complete Financial Statements and
others) are prepared and submitted on time based on
the prescribed deadline set by COA and these are
posted on DILG’s FDP portal prior to the prescribed
7.1.11 Increased Strengths:
percentage of local Rating 4 in PMAR Indicator 7
revenues to

augment the Updated revision of Fair Market Value of Real
budget for road Properties
rehabilitation and  Implementation of Administrative remedies in
maintenance the collection of real property tax such as public
 Amendment of Provincial Tax Ordinance
 Updating of the Fair Market Value of Sand,
gravel and other quarry resources; and setting
standard load capacity policy
 Conducted the Capacity Development Training
 Creation of revenue generation task force
through an Executive Order No. 046.2016

Lack of personnel (collectors) and Most of them are in
casual and job order status.

7.1.12 Increased Strengths:

allocation and LRMPA Indicator 5: Annual budget for road
utilization of funds rehabilitation. Rating 4
for local road
maintenance, Full allocation for the Rehabilitation of roads.
rehabilitation &
upgrading Weaknesses:
Rating per LRMPAT per Indicator 4 score is 0, which is
below the required amount. The appropriation for the
maintenance of roads and bridges is below the
required amount.

There’s no allocation for the Maintenance of Roads.

7.1.13 Duly accredited Strengths:

Civil Society
Organizations Presence and participation of duly accredited CSOs in
(CSOs) participate the PDC, PMC and the LSB.
in the planning
and budgeting Weaknesses:
processes. Non-maximization of participation from CSOs due to
the minimal incentives given to them.

As to CSOs point-of-view, some of them are not well-

informed to the tasks and functions assigned to them.

Non-appointment of CSO in the LFC.

7.1.14 Synchronized Strengths:
planning and PFMAR Indicator 3 Sub-Indicator 1: Adherence to a
budgeting fixed calendar for budget preparation & authorization
calendar, processes. Rating: 3
particularly for
budget preparation Issuance of Provincial Budget Memo (PBM) indicating
and authorization, therein the Calendar of Activities.
is strictly
observed. Approval of the SP of the Executive Budget before the
ensuing year.
Budget allocation per PPA not indicated in the PBM.

There’s no budget allocation for sectoral allocation.

Late AIP submission to the SP.

7.1.15 Approved budget Strengths:
allocation for local LRMPA Indicator 5: Annual Budget for Road
road Rehabilitation. Rating 4
is based on There’s an appropriation based on the LRNDP.

LRMPA Indicator 4: Annual Budget for Road

Maintenance. Rating: 1
There’s a limited appropriation for the maintenance of

7.1.16 The appropriation Strengths

ordinance All appropriations (PS, MOOE and Capital Outlay) in
authorizing the the Annual and Supplemental Budgets were found in
annual budget(s) the AIP.
is linked with the
Annual Investment Weaknesses:
Program, Local Copies of LDIP and PDPFP were not distributed to
Development other offices
Program (LDIP)
and Provincial
Development and
Framework Plan


7.1.17 Provincial Strengths:

operates with Availability of funds to implement PPAs.
credible budget Weaknesses:
such that actual Low Utilization of fund
appropriations are Presence of unutilized fund in the F/S
expended and
disbursed for the
Revenue targets
and collection
improve annually
7.1.18 Budget is utilized Strengths:
and disbursed Allotments were issued based on the approved
according to plans Program of Work and Approved Project/Activity Design
and schedules Weaknesses:
Low utilization of appropriation.
Prolong implementation of the project.
There’s no evaluation of physical vis-à-vis financial
monitoring of the PPAs.

7.1.9 Provincial Strengths:

Government has no There is a system for checking and verifying
disallowances from the transactions of the PLGU.
Commission on Audit
There is also a pool of PACCO auditors who are
Certified Public Accountants ensuring that all
transactions follow Budgeting and Auditing rules and
regulations set by the Department of Budget and
Management and Commission on Audit.

The personnel are equipped with appropriate training,

knowledge and skills on auditing rules. There is also a
practice on coaching and mentoring which are done
whenever new circulars and guidelines are issued.

The accounting office is supervised by highly

competent division head, assistant provincial
accountant, and provincial accountant. In addition,
COA personnel are accessible for queries in case of
ambiguity concerning government transactions.

The Provincial Accountant’s Office does not have

timely access on information about new circulars and
issuances from DBM and COA websites due to slow
internet connection. There are no available plantilla
positions that will secure well trained and
knowledgeable auditing staff. The office space is not
big enough considering the number of personnel and
volume of transaction and it affects the efficiency and
effectivity of individual output.

7.2.1 Financial reports Strengths:

are prepared on time The PLGU has already adopted the Financial
and published in Management System (FMS), an in-house system
accordance with DILG’s developed by Information Technology and
Full Disclosure Policy. Communication Development Division (ITCDD). The
Generation of timely system can produce financial reports on a timely basis.
and accurate financial The bookkeeping division of the Provincial
reports through Accountant’s Office has competent personnel who
appropriate e-system prepares accurate and timely financial reports. By
virtue of an executive order, personnel from the ITCDD
is tasked for the collection of reports from various
offices and its subsequent posting to the DILG portal.

The equipment used for the implementation of the
FMS are old and fully depreciated resulting to slow
processing of the data. The FMS is still using an
outdated DOS-based system resulting to poor quality
printing of reports.
Slow internet connection leads to incomplete or
corrupted data posted to the DILG portal.


Reform Roadmap

Five-Year Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap

The Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap (PGRR) CY 2019-2022 is a four-year
action plan that defines the steps which must be taken in order to achieve the fifty-six
(56) target situations or goals of the seven key reform areas on Local Road
Management (LRM) and Public Financial Management (PFM). The plan consists of
well-defined and measurable annual targets and strategies to ensure the realization
of the goals at the end of the plan period.

The reform targets on local road information management aims for the establishment
and updating of DRRM and SDG informed RBIS and the establishment of GIS based
local road network map which will be used for local road network planning,
programming, evaluation and monitoring. Strategies were also indicated such as
strengthening and institutionalizing the RBIS through the creation of PLGU/MLGU
Inter-agency Joint RBIS Team; conduct of Capacity Development to improve
knowledge and skills; and provision of funds to support RBIS and GIS related

On LRNDP reform targets, the province aims for an institutionalized and functional
LRM team being the front liners in the creation of the PGRR and the alignment and
mainstreaming of SDGs in the Local Road Network Development Plan (LRNDP) and
Provincial Development & Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP). Strategies are
outlined such as the reconstitution of the LRM team based on the existing Joint
Memorandum Circular (JMC) of Department of the Interior and Local Government
(DILG) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM); and the adoption of
LRNDP as planning document through the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for the
prioritization of road projects and inclusion of such in the Local Development
Investment Program (LDIP).

On local road construction and maintenance reform targets, the province directs for
the strict compliance of the requirements indicated in the Quality Assurance (QA)
Manual for LGUs; to capacitate CPES-Implementing Unit and other PEO personnel
on QA/QC; maintenance of all provincial road in fair to good condition based on
applicable DPWH guidelines with due considerations of DRRM-CCA, environmental
and gender concerns; and the active participation of the community in provincial road
maintenance activities such as maintenance planning, community contracting,
monitoring and feed backing considering the equal opportunities provided to both
men and women, youth, senior citizens and PWDs. One of the strategies indicated is
the provision of capacity development to enhance performance and effectiveness of
the organization as a whole – this includes trainings for the concerned personnel and
the provision of needed resources such as systems and equipment. Another
important strategy is the strengthening tie-ups with stakeholders especially in the
grassroots level.

Key reform targets on local road asset management intend to adopt and implement
Local Road Asset Management Plan for improved investment decisions, road asset
preservation and maintenance. Another target is the conduct of performance
condition assessment of 100% of assets through physical inventory every 4 th quarter
of the year and come up with a comprehensive report. One of the important
strategies is to establish and strengthen the Inventory team through having
coordination meetings for planning, scheduling, post-evaluation and reporting and
conduct enhancing capacity for inventory committee on valuation and assessment
including the MLGU inventory team.

Key reform targets on internal audit include the establishment of Internal Audit
Unit/Department which is functional and resourced consistent with applicable
Guidelines issued by the DBM and the CSC. Part of the strategies is to conduct
enhancing capacity in the formulation of Strategic Plan, and Risk Assessment
Manual and Annual Internal Audit Plan (AIAP), and to conduct audit based on the
identified offices in AIAP.

Key reform targets on the procurement are anchored on RA 9184 “Government

Procurement Reform Act”. The province also aims for the establishment of electronic
Records Management System (eRMS). This needs to be coordinated with the
Information Technology and Communication Development Division (ITCDD) as to its
creation, installation, development of eRMS guidelines, and conduct of
orientation/training. Also included is the promotion and application of Green

Key reform targets on Budget, Revenue Generation and Expenditure Management

aim to increase percentage of local revenues to augment the budget for road
upgrading, rehabilitation and maintenance. This demand strengthening the tax
revenue assessment and collection system, implementation of GIS Integrated tax
map program, intensify the conduct of Information Education Campaign on Real
Property Tax etc. Executive and legislative actions are needed in order to realize the
reform targets.

In general, the PGRR gives a better picture of the reality gaps on local road
development and management and clearly illustrates the planned interventions/
strategies to fill in the gaps and realize the goals/objectives at the end of planning
period. The implementation of this plan will pave the roads to good local governance.

Furthermore, the formulation of the PGRR plan is in pursuance to the Department of

the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2017-2 dated April 26, 2017, to
achieve all reform targets. It is also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

Table 4.1. KRA 1: Local Road Information Management
Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and

1.1.1 Established, 1. 100% of the The RBIS is TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGET:

updated, DRRM and provincial roads not DRRM and
SDG informed RBIS were encoded in the SDG informed. 100% of provincial 100% of local roads 100% of provincial
managed by all RBIS but not all 56 Hazard maps roads are are updated roads are updated (if
PLGUs required attributes and SDG validated and including the DRRM necessary) and are
are reflected. indicators are updated including data, if necessary DRRM and SDG
District1: 56 not linked the DRRM data and additional 50% informed
attributes directly to the (if necessary) of the provincial
District2: 20 56 attributes. roads are with SDG
attributes Established 15% related data.
of provincial roads
are SDG informed STRATEGIES:
There is an existing
1. Death rate STRATEGIES:
2. within 2km all 1. Ensure the
Assessment on
season road conduct of 1. Ensure the
identified hazards for
3. freight volume inventory survey conduct of
roads and bridges
by mode of through PEO inventory
(maps on road
transport Survey Team and survey through
4. % population Inter-office SDG PEO Survey
public transport Survey Team Team and Inter-
5 feel safe walking 2. Strengthen office SDG
along the Road and Survey Team
Bridges Inventory 2. Strengthen the
Survey team. Road and
STRATEGIES: 3. Strengthen Bridges

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and

collaboration with Inventory

1. Ensure the Agencies (PPO, Survey team.
conduct of BFP, MLGUs, etc.) 3. Strengthen
inventory for the collection of collaboration
survey through traffic and DRR with Agencies
PEO Survey related accident (PPO, BFP,
Team and data on MLGUs, etc.)
Inter-office road/bridges for the
SDG Survey collection of
Team traffic and DRR
2. Strengthen the related accident
Road and data on
Bridges road/bridges
Survey Team.
3. Strengthen
with Agencies
MLGUs, etc.)
for the
collection of
traffic and
DRR related
accident data

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and

1.1.2 RBIS used 1. Provincial roads RBIS is used TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
for local road were encoded to for planning
network planning, the RBIS; local road Utilization of RBIS Utilization of RBIS Utilization of RBIS data
programming, Downloading network data in the data in monitoring in the monitoring and
evaluation and and uploading of planning, updating of the LRNDP evaluation of LRNDP
monitoring. data is done per programming, LRNDP and in the implementation and and in the preparation
attribute. evaluation and preparation of in the preparation of of AMWP and AIP for
monitoring AMWP and AIP for AMWP and AIP for FY 2023
instead FY 2021 FY 2022

1. Ensure RBIS 1. Ensure RBIS 1. Ensure RBIS report

report to be report to be to be utilized in local
utilized in local utilized in local road network
road network road network planning,
planning, planning, programming,
programming, programming, evaluation and
evaluation and evaluation and monitoring
monitoring monitoring
1.1.3 Established, 1. GIS based local Some TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
updated and road network attributes are
utilized GIS-based map is utilized not yet Updating of GIS- Updating of GIS- Updating of GIS-based
local road network for planning, encoded in the based local road based local road local road network map,
map for planning, programming, RBIS due to network map, if network map, if if necessary and
programming, monitoring and the updating of necessary and necessary and utilization in the
evaluation and evaluation. the new PCCP utilization in the utilization in the updating of LRNDP and

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and

monitoring with and slow updating of updating of LRNDP in the preparation of

complete attributes internet LRNDP and in the and in the AMWP and AIP for FY
and managed by connection. preparation of preparation of 2021
the PLGUs AMWP and AIP for AMWP and AIP for
FY 2021 FY 2021


1. Ensure 1. Ensure 1. Ensure

collaboration collaboration collaboration and
and utilization and utilization of utilization of GIS
of GIS based GIS based local based local road
local road road network network map for
network map map for planning,
for planning, planning, programming,
programming, programming, evaluation and
evaluation and evaluation and monitoring
monitoring. monitoring

1.2.1 All provincial 1. The target for Improvement TARGET: TARGETS: TARGETS:
and component city 2019 is only 50% but and
roads video-tagged the team reached maintenance of 100% of Provincial Video-tagged of Video-tagged of newly
and uploaded in a 59% of Provincial ICT Roads are video- newly rehabilitated, rehabilitated, upgraded,
web-based portal Roads that are infrastructure as tagged and upgraded, repaired repaired and improved
video-tagged and repository of uploaded in RBIS. and improved provincial roads are
uploaded in the video -tagged provincial roads are uploaded in RBIS; and,
google drive due to data. uploaded in RBIS; additional 20% of

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and

the unavailability of and, 10% of Municipal and 10%

the storage Municipal and 5% of Barangay Roads are
capability of the Barangay Roads are video-tagged and
system. video-tagged and uploaded in RBIS.
uploaded in RBIS.


1. Enhance ICT 1. Enhance ICT 1. Enhance ICT

infrastructure infrastructure as infrastructure as
as repository repository of repository of video-
of video- video-tagged tagged data.
tagged data. data.
2. Conduct
building for

Table 4.2. KRA 2: Local Road Network Development Plan
Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)

2.1.1  LRMT organized  Governance TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:

Institutionalized and composition is reforms 1. Functional 1. Functional LRMT 1. Functional
and functional fully inclusive as introduced to LRMT implemented at LRMT
Local Road prescribed in PLGU but implemented at least 80% of the implemented
Management Appendix 8 of ARAP 2019 least 60% of the Annual Reform 100% of the
Team (LRMT) DILG-DBM JMC implementation Annual Reform Action Plan Annual Reform
facilitates 2017-2, dated April is currently at Action Plan (ARAP) 2021 Action Plan
achievement of 26002C 2017. It around 46% as (ARAP) 2020 (ARAP) 2022
governance has a support of November
reforms in Local secretariat and 2019 STRATEGIES: STRATEGIES: STRATEGIES:
Road technical working 1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the
Management group (TWG) with conduct of conduct of LRMT conduct of
(LRM) and Public Team Leaders per LRMT Monthly Monthly LRMT Monthly
Financial KRA. Coordination Coordination Coordination
Management Meetings to Meetings to Meetings to
(PFM)  LRMT meetings facilitate the facilitate the facilitate the
conducted on a achievement of achievement of 100%
monthly basis. at least 60% of at least 80% of achievement of
ARAP 2020 ARAP 2021 ARAP 2022
 LRMT has
facilitated the 2018
Reform Targets and
accomplished 50%
of it.
 LRMT has budget

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
for its maintenance
and operations in
2019. Budget
Maintenance and
Operations of
Special Bodies –
General Fund.
2.2.1  Multi-stakeholders  Multi- TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Multi-stakeholder are involved in stakeholders 1. At least 60% of 1. At least 70% of 1. At least 80% of
participation (with road network lack technical the identified the identified the identified
women planning and knowledge on stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders
participation/invol investment road network participated in participated in participated in
vement) in road programming, planning and road network road network road network
network planning such as in investment planning and planning and planning and
and investment Provincial programming. investment investment investment
programming Development programming programming programming
adopted as a Council (PDC) and Multi activities activities activities
standard practice Formulation of the stakeholders (offices/organiza (offices/organizat (offices/organiz
Local Road refer to the tion) ion) ation)
Network following: 2. At least 10% of 2. At least 15% of 2. At least 20% of
Development Plan a. Provincial women in women in women in
(LRNDP) Officers attendance attendance attendance
b. MLGUs participated in participated in participated in
c. NGAs road network road network road network
(DPWH, planning and planning and planning and
NCIP, DILG, investment investment investment
DOLE, programming programming programming
DSWD) activities activities activities

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
d. NGOs/
e. Project 1. Facilitate 1. Facilitate 1. Facilitate
Beneficiarie involvement of involvement of involvement of
s multi- multi- multi-
stakeholders to stakeholders to stakeholders to
various road various road various road
network network planning network
planning & & programming planning &
programming activities; programming
activities; activities;
2. Ensure 2. Ensure 2. Ensure
participation of participation of participation of
women and women and other women and
other stakeholders in other
stakeholders in the LRNDP stakeholders in
the LRNDP updating the LRNDP
updating updating
2.2.2 Achievement  There is no citizen  DevLive TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
of Very participation application is 1. Achieved 1. Achieved
Satisfactory rating 1. Achieved
Satisfaction Survey not yet Satisfactory Rating Very
for CMGP in the Satisfactory Rating
available for for CMGP in the Satisfactory
citizen for CMGP in the
CMGP citizen participation Rating for
participation citizen participation
Satisfaction Survey. CMGP in the
Satisfaction Satisfaction Survey.
Survey under Dev. participation
1. Ensure the 1. Sustain the
conduct conduct of

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
Information Information STRATEGY:
Education Education 1. Intensify the
Campaign (IEC) Campaign (IEC) conduct
on CMGP on CMGP Information
Program Program Education
2.3.1 LRNDP  There is existing  The current TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
adopted by the LRNDP Enhanced LRNDP does 1. Updated LRNDP 1. 25% of road 1. 50% of road
province as Version 2018-2022; not include all with PDC projects projects
planning however, not all local roads. Approval and prioritized in the prioritized in
document through local roads are SP Adoption updated LRNDP the updated
Sanggunian included. are included in LRNDP are
Panlalawigan the Provincial included in the
Resolution (SP), Development Provincial
in support of the Investment Development
PDPFP STRATEGIES: Program (PDIP) Investment
1. Ensure Program
coordination STRATEGIES: (PDIP)
among BLGUs 1. Mainstream
PLGU for the prioritization in 1. Mainstream
updating of the PDIP LRNDP project
LRNDP 2. Annual review prioritization in
2. Ensure that the and evaluation of the PDIP
PDC and SP are LRNDP 2. Annual review
well-informed of accomplishment and evaluation
the updated and challenges of LRNDP

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
LRNDP accomplishmen
t and
2.3.2. Adopted &  254 km paved TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Prioritized List of roads out of 749 km 1. At least 3 1. At least 3 1. At least
Local Road provincial roads are provincial road provincial road 3provincial
Projects which are climate resilient; projects which projects which road projects
Climate Resilient  37.7 km out of the are climate are climate which are
total paved roads resilient are resilient are climate resilient
were completed in prioritized and prioritized and are prioritized
2019 which are incorporated in incorporated in and
climate resilient; the LRNDP and the LRNDP and incorporated in
 3 CMGP road AIP AIP the LRNDP and
projects prioritized AIP
implemented in 1. Ensure that the 1. Ensure that the STRATEGIES:
2019. adopted and adopted and 1. Ensure that the
prioritized 3 prioritized 3 adopted and
provincial road provincial road prioritized 3
projects are projects are provincial road
climate resilient climate resilient projects are
climate resilient
2.3.3 Provincial  LRNDP was last TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Government updated in year 1. Updated LRNDP 1. Environmental 1. Sustained
updates the 2017. Dubbed as adopting and social implementation
LRNDP every LRNDP Enhanced environmental safeguard of
three years Version 2018-2022, and social policies in the environmental
adopting social it is the successor safeguard Updated LRNDP and social
and policies are implemented safeguard

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
environmental plan of PRNDP policies
safeguard 2016-2020. The STRATEGIES: STRATEGY:
policies plan identified some 1. Provide 1. Ensure STRATEGY:
social and continuous implementation 1. Strengthen
environmental capacity building of the policy on
safeguard policies to engineers, environmental environmental
 There is need to ESS personnel and social and social
establish baseline in incorporating safeguard safeguards
information relevant environmental policies in the
to SDG indicators and social LRNDP
 Presence of safeguards in
environmental road planning
protection and and designing
champions 2. Strengthen
(PENRO, Tourism environmental
Office, PDRRMO) and social
 Presence of mining safeguards in
activities even in the LRNDP
protected areas updating
(Mainit Hot Spring
Landscape, etc.)
 Presence of
settlements in
protected areas
 Unregulated
construction of

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
structures in the
protected area and
in road right of way
2.3.4 Local Road  SDG as a planning TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Network parameter was just 1. Revised LRNDP 1. 50% of the 1. 100% of the
Development Plan lately introduced. aligned to SDGs Provincial Road Provincial
aligned to SDGs However, the projects Road projects
objectives outline in contribute to contribute to
the LRNDP will SDG SDG
support the SDG
planet, peace and 1. Revisit and 1. Plan and 1. Ensure
prosperity. amend the implement alignment of
 National policy to LRNDP to prioritized LRNDP and
mainstream SDG in mainstream provincial road SDGs
the sub-national SDGs projects in the
planning processes LRNDP
thru NEDA:
Preparation of
results matrices for
 SDG indicators per
se is not
mainstreamed in

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
2.4.1 All DEDs for  All DEDs for all 1. Provide TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
all local road1 PLGU projects are technical 1. All DEDs for 1. All DEDs for 1. All DEDs for
projects are prepared in assistance to provincial road provincial road provincial
prepared in accordance with Municipalities projects are projects are road projects
accordance with DPWH standards and Barangays prepared in prepared in are prepared in
DPWH standards and prepared with to ensure that all accordance with accordance with accordance
and prepared with minimal revisions their DEDs are DPWH DPWH standards with DPWH
minimal revisions prepared in standards standards
accordance with
standards 1. Continue 1. Sustain capacity 1. Sustain
capacity improvement on capacity
improvement on standard DED improvement
standard DED and POW on standard
and POW preparation for DED
preparation for PEO engineers preparation for
PEO engineers 2. Ensure that the PEO engineers
2. Ensure that the DEDs are in 2. Ensure that the
DEDs are in accordance with DEDs are in
accordance with DPWH standards accordance
standards standards


Institutionalized already conducted. mechanism not 1. Institutionalized 1. Results-based 2. Results-based
results-based and However, SDG- yet being results-based and SDG linked and SDG linked
SDG-linked linked M&E practiced and SDG-linked monitoring and monitoring and

PLGU has no control of the MLGUs in the preparation of DEDs

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference (only for zero gap)
(Where are we now?) between Target Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Situation and
Current Situation)
monitoring and Evaluation because of M&E evaluation of all evaluation of all
evaluation mechanism will be limited mechanism completed completed
mechanism in discussed in a manpower. provincial road provincial road
place and separate CapDev projects in the projects in the
functional to scheduled in 2020. current year current year
implementation 1. Reconstitute the STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
Provincial 1. Mobilize M&E as 1. Strengthen
Project outlined in the M&E system
Monitoring Updated LRNDP
2. Provide CapDev
Activity to PPMC
members on
3. Mainstream
and SDG-linked
monitoring and
mechanism in

Table 4.3. KRA 3: Local Road Construction and Maintenance
Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.1.1 All road and -All road projects Knowledge on TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
bridge implemented by and Compliance - 100% of the total - 100% of the total -100% of the total
projects have contract are with with the QA road & bridge road & bridge road & bridge
QC plans and complete QCP Manual projects projects projects implemented
other implemented by implemented by by contract have QC
requirements -QA Manual not contract have QC contract have QC Plan and other
in available Plan Plan and other requirements in
compliance requirements in compliance with
with QA compliance with Quality Assurance
Manual for Quality Assurance (QA) Manual for
LGUs (QA) Manual for LGUs
-50% of the total
road & bridge
projects implemented
by administration
have QC Plan and
other requirements in
compliance with
Quality Assurance
(QA) Manual for
1. Inclusion of 1. Inclusion of 1. Inclusion of QCP
QCP QCP requirement in
requirement in requirement in the Philippine
the Philippine the Philippine Bidding
Bidding Bidding Documents
Documents Documents particularly in
particularly in particularly in Section III. Bid
Section III. Bid Section III. Bid Data Sheet
Data Sheet Data Sheet (BDS) ITB

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
(BDS) ITB (BDS) ITB Clause 31.4(f)
Clause 31.4(f) Clause 31.4(f)
2. Enforcement/app
2. Formulation of 2. Enforcement/a lication of Policy
Policy or BAC pplication of or BAC
Resolution Policy or BAC Resolution on
enforcing the Resolution on the submission
submission of the submission of QCP
the QCP in the of QCP
Bidding 3. Continuing
Documents 3. Capacitation on capacitation on
Quality Quality
Assurance Assurance (QA)
(QA) Manual Manual for LGUs
for LGUs
4. Formulation/Issu
ance or Memo
Order for the
preparation and
submission of
QCP on projects
implemented by

3.1.2 PEO are There are 10 Technical skills on TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
capacitated Engineers capacitated the usage, -Acquisition of Acquisition of Acquisition additional
on QA/QC on MTQC application and additional 49units additional 3 units 1-unitMTQC
thru conduct of of various Material MTQC Equipment Equipment
continuing -There is 1 accredited materials testing testing equipment
capacity QA/QC Engineer for newly acquired - 14 PEO Staff are - 14 PEO Staff are
development equipment - 14 PEO Staff are capacitated in capacitated in
and -Basic MTQC capacitated in QA/QC thru QA/QC thru
acquisition Equipment were QA/QC thru continuing continuing capability

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
or out acquired. continuing capability developments
sourcing of capability developments
QA/QC developments
rvices Inclusion of budget Inclusion of budget
requirement in the requirement in the Inclusion of budget
AIP and AIP and requirement in the
Appropriations Appropriations AIP and
Ordinance for the Ordinance for the Appropriations
procurement of procurement of Ordinance for the
MTQC equipment additional MTQC procurement of
equipment i.e., California Bearing
Hiring of technical a. Sampling scoop Ratio (CBR)
personnel for b. Digital Bench
MTQC / Material Scale Strengthen the
Testing Engineer c. Coring Machine capability
development of PEO
Strengthen the Strengthen the personnel on usage,
capability capability application and
development of development of conduct materials
PEO personnel on PEO personnel testing using the
the usage, particularly on the CBR
application and usage, application
conduct of material and conduct of
testing using the material testing
newly acquired using the newly
equipment acquired equipment

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.2.1 CPES is - all road projects - CPES results TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
regularly implemented by Not promptly 100% application of 100% application of 100% application of
applied to contract are evaluated submitted to CPES to Provincial CPES to Provincial CPES to
Provincial using CPES PDCB-CIAP road projects by road and building infrastructure
road & bridge contracts using the projects by projects by contracts
projects and - there are 4 newly CPES NEDA contracts using the using the CPES
constructors’ accredited CPE’s guidelines. CPES NEDA NEDA guidelines.
performance guidelines.
s are -Reconstituted the
effectively Executive Order STRATEGY: STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
evaluated in Ensure the conduct Ensure the conduct Ensure the conduct
accordance of CPES and timely of CPES and timely of CPES and timely
with CPES submission to submission to submission to PDCB-

3.3.1 All provincial - 368.56 km fair to TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:

roads good condition are -All Fair to Good -All Fair to Good -All Fair to Good
maintained in maintained and provincial roads are provincial roads are provincial roads are
fair to good compliant to DPWH maintained based maintained based maintained based on
condition guidelines on applicable on applicable applicable DPWH
based on DPWH guidelines. DPWH guidelines guidelines and 100%
applicable -Based on 2019 road and 50% of the compliant to DRRM-
DPWH inventory, length of fair provincial road CCA, environmental
guidelines and good condition sections are and gender concerns
with due roads is 418.56 km compliant to
consideratio DRRM-CCA,
ns of DRRM- environmental and
CCA, gender concerns

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
al and gender Plan and ensure Plan and ensure Plan and ensure the
concerns the implementation the implementation implementation of
of maintenance of maintenance maintenance works
works based on the works based on the based on the Annual
Annual Annual Maintenance Work
Maintenance Work Maintenance Work Plan/Program vis-à-
Plan/Program vis-à- Plan/Program vis-à- vis workforce and
vis workforce and vis workforce and equipment
equipment equipment requirements
requirements requirements
3.3.2 All -Prepared Annual AMWP not TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
maintenance Maintenance Work followed -All maintenance - All maintenance -100% of All
work is Program for 2019 work is work is maintenance work is
implemented implemented and implemented and implemented in
in - AMWP not followed 50% is in 75% is in accordance with the
accordance accordance with accordance with Annual Maintenance
with the the Annual the Annual Work Program
Annual Maintenance Work Maintenance Work
Maintenance Program Program
Plan the Plan the Plan the
implementation of implementation of implementation of
maintenance works maintenance works maintenance works
based on the based on the based on the Annual
Annual Annual Maintenance Work
Maintenance Work Maintenance Work Plan/Program vis-à-
Plan/Program vis-à- Plan/Program vis-à- vis workforce and
vis workforce and vis workforce and equipment
equipment equipment requirements
requirements requirements

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.3.3 All fair – -Basis for the -EMK Formula not TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
good maintenance of utilized 100% of the 100% of the 100% of the
provincial provincial roads is not maintenance maintenance maintenance budget
roads are in accordance with - Allocation for budget using budget using will be allocated for
maintained at EMK formula by Total road maintenance 100k/km will be 100k/km will be the maintenance of
rates/km/year budget for from 2017 allocated for the allocated for the Fair to good
computed maintenance over the guidelines maintenance of Fair maintenance of Fair provincial road
according to total number of 100,000.00/km to good provincial to good provincial computed according
the DPWH kilometers. road including road road including road to the DPWH EMK
EMK formula safety measures safety measures formula including
including -Allocation for and furniture and furniture road safety
road safety maintenance is 100K measures and
measures per km. according to furniture
and furniture the 2017 guidelines STRATEGY: STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the use of
100,000.00 per 100,000.00 per EMK Formula
kilometer allocation kilometer allocation
for maintenance for maintenance
3.4.1 Communities - 4 barangays were -not full TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
are engaged already consulted implementation Maintenance of two Maintenance of six Maintenance of
and actively about CBRMC and still (Barangay (2) provincial road (6) provincial road twelve (12) provincial
participate in on the process for the Consultation section under section under road section under
provincial full implementation of level) Community Community Community
road CBRMC Participation Participation Participation through
maintenance through Negotiated through Negotiated Negotiated
activities Procurement Procurement Procurement; and,
such as innovate the CBRMC
maintenance mode of road
planning, maintenance

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
and feed Orientation of
backing and Orientation of Orientation of additional twelve (12)
equal additional two (2) additional six (6) barangays on
opportunities barangays on barangays on Community
are provided Community Community Participation on
to both men Participation on Participation on provincial road
and women, provincial road provincial road maintenance
youth, senior maintenance maintenance activities
citizens and activities activities
PWDs Plan and strategize
Plan and strategize Plan and strategize the implementation
the implementation the implementation of CBRMC (including
of CBRMC of CBRMC preparation of
(including (including Straight-Line-
preparation of preparation of Diagram, POW and
Straight-Line- Straight-Line- other procurement
Diagram, POW and Diagram, POW and related documents /
other procurement other procurement requirements)
related documents / related documents /
requirements) requirements) Inclusion of
Inclusion of Inclusion of Engagement/Particip
Community Community ation thru
Engagement/Partici Engagement/Partici Community-Based
pation thru pation thru Road Maintenance
Community-Based Community-Based Contracting in the
Road Maintenance Road Maintenance AIP and
Contracting in the Contracting in the Appropriations
AIP and AIP and Ordinance
Appropriations Appropriations
Ordinance Ordinance

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.5.1 Road project All road projects Schedule of TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
and contract implemented are with procurement Road project and Road project and Road project and
documentati complete contract activities in the contract contract contract
on are documentation PPMP are documentation are documentation are documentation are
complete and sometimes not complete and complete and complete and
efficiently followed due to efficiently efficiently efficiently
processed inevitable processed with processed with processed with strict
with strict circumstances strict observance of strict observance of observance of
observance standards and standards and standards and
of standards deadlines deadlines deadlines
Maintain the Maintain the Maintain the contract
Completeness contract contract documentation in
and Efficiency documentation in documentation in accordance to RA
“refers to Checklist accordance to RA accordance to RA 9184
in the Bidding 9184 9184

Efficient “within the

timelines stated in
the PPMP”
“Once APP is
approved then

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.6.1 LGU has - Training for RCM and - PEO staff is not TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
adequate CSCM not yet yet 49 staffs with 49 staffs with 49 staffs with
staff with conducted knowledgeable knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and skills
knowledge about RCM, CSM skills in the skills in the in the following:
and skills in RBME training following: following:  Road contract
the following: conducted last Not yet  Road contract  Road contract management
 Road October 7-11, 2019 implemented management management (34)
contract (34) (34)  Construction
management -Hired additional  Construction  Construction Supervision
 Construction personnel for EMP Supervision Supervision and
Supervision and and Management
and - 2 PENRO staffs are Management Management (34)
Management equipped and in (34) (34)  Project
 Project charged in the - Lack of CapDev  Project  Project Monitoring
Monitoring preparation of EMP for ESS. Monitoring Monitoring and
and and and Evaluation (5)
Evaluation Evaluation (5) Evaluation (5)  Environmental
 Environment  Environmental  Environmental and Social
al and Social and Social and Social management
management management management (10)
(10) (10)


Train PEO staff Train PEO staff Train PEO staff from
from construction from construction construction division
division on Road division on Road on Road Contract
Contract Mgt., Contract Mgt., Mgt., Construction
Construction Construction Supervision & Mgt.
Supervision & Mgt. Supervision & Mgt. and Project
and Project and Project Monitoring &
Monitoring & Monitoring & Evaluation; and
Evaluation; and Evaluation; and PENRO & PEO staff
PENRO & PEO PENRO & PEO from planning
staff from planning staff from planning division on
division on division on Environmental and

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
Environmental and Environmental and Social Mgt
Social Mgt Social Mgt
Ensure the
Ensure the Ensure the application of the
continuing application of the gained knowledge
capability gained knowledge and skills of the
development of the and skills of the following:
personnel following:
Road contract
Road contract management (RCM)
(RCM) Construction
Supervision and
Construction management(CSM)
Supervision and
management Project Monitoring
(CSM) and Evaluation
Project Monitoring
and Evaluation Environmental and
(PME) Social management
Environmental and
Social management

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.6.2 Policies, Developed and Not yet TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
measures and approved policy on implemented Implementation of Implementation of Implementation of
strategies are Retention and Service Retention and Retention and Retention and
in place to Obligation for Service Obligation Service Obligation Service Obligation
ensure that Employees sent to 3 or policy for policy for policy for employees
trained more days employees sent to employees sent to sent to 3 or more
technical/skills 3 or more days 3 or more days days technical/skills
personnel are
trainings/seminars and technical/ skills technical/skills training/seminar and
retained or
short termed courses trainings/seminars training/seminar short termed courses
render the and short- termed and short termed
required courses courses
leaving the
LGU Monitoring and Monitoring and Monitoring and
Evaluation of the Evaluation of the Evaluation of the
policy policy policy
implementation implementation implementation

Inclusion of Policy Inclusion of Policy Inclusion of Policy

briefing in the briefing in the briefing in the
Orientation Orientation Orientation Program
Program for Program for for newly-hired
newly-hired newly-hired employees
employees employees

3.7.1 Road -Some Road Maintenance of TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:

constructio Construction projects roads were not -40% of all the road -70% of all the road -100% of all the road
n projects were monitored by the monitored by the construction construction construction projects
and fully functional PPMC said committee projects and projects and and maintenance
maintenanc that is composed of because they maintenance maintenance activities are
e activities men and women. The prioritized big activities are activities are monitored and
are reports were reported ticket projects monitored and monitored and reported by PPMC
monitored to the LRMT Regular reported by PPMC reported by PPMC
and Meeting

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
through a
fully 1. Coordination 1. Coordination 1. Coordination with
functional with the with the the relevant
Provincial relevant offices relevant offices offices and
Project and and committees:
Monitoring committees: committees: a.) PPMC,
a.) PPMC, a.) PPMC, PPDO and
(PPMC) that
PPDO and PPDO and PEO on the
composed PEO on the PEO on the schedule of
of both men schedule of schedule of projects to
and women projects to projects to be monitored
members be be
monitored monitored b.) PPMC/PPD
O to report
b.) PPMC/PPD the result of
b.) PPMC/PPD monitoring
O to report
O to report activities to
the result of
the result of monitoring the local
monitoring activities to road
activities to the local management
the local road body or the
road manageme Local Road
manageme nt body or Management
nt body or the Local Team
the Local Road
Road Manageme
Manageme nt Team
nt Team

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.7.2 Establishing There is a feedback RBME TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
a Feedback mechanism as to the Mechanism is not Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation
mechanism Grievance Redress used by the of feedback of feedback of feedback
participated by Mechanism of all monitoring and mechanism mechanism mechanism
community Provincial Road evaluation team. participated by participated by participated by
projects which involves community community community
the participation of the
community, barangay, STRATEGY: STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
municipal and
provincial 4 coordination 4 coordination 4 coordination
representatives; meetings with meetings with meetings with
provides avenue for effective feedback effective feedback effective feedback
concerns and mechanisms per mechanisms per mechanisms per
complaints of project project conducted project conducted project conducted
stakeholders most
especially the Strengthen tie-ups Strengthen tie-ups Strengthen tie-ups
community on all with stakeholders with stakeholders with stakeholders
phases of the project
can be elevated even
up to the donor.
3.8.1 All -All road projects TARGETS: TARGETS: TARGETS:
provincial implemented by 100% of provincial 100% of provincial 100% of provincial
roads are contract have road road projects road projects road projects
constructed safety features. implemented by implemented by implemented by
with road contract are contract are contract are
safety constructed with constructed with constructed with road
features in road safety features road safety features safety features in
accordance in accordance with in accordance with accordance with
with DPWH DPWH standards DPWH standards DPWH standards
Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the inclusion
inclusion of road inclusion of road of road safety
safety features in safety features in features in all
all provincial road all provincial road provincial road

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
projects projects projects
3.8.2 PLGU - PEO conducted road -Data not TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
conducts safety audit but it is available 50% of all 75% of all 100% of all
regular road still on going. Provincial Roads Provincial Roads Provincial Roads
safety audit conducted with conducted with conducted with Road
based on Road Safety Audit Road Safety Audit Safety Audit based
DPWH based on DPWH based on DPWH on DPWH guidelines
guidelines guidelines guidelines


Strengthen the Strengthen the Strengthen the
conduct of road conduct of road conduct of road
safety audit safety audit safety audit

3.9.1 Unpaved -Based on the 2019 113.988 km core TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Poor to Bad, road inventory there roads are not 8 km of the 10 km of the 15 km of the
paved core are 254.88 km paved paved identified core identified core identified core roads
provincial roads roads are roads are are rehabilitated and
roads are rehabilitated and rehabilitated and improved/upgraded
rehabilitated -Out of the 368.868 improved/upgraded improved/upgraded
and Km Core roads 254.88 STRATEGY: STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
improved/ km are paved Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the
upgraded rehabilitation/impro rehabilitation/impro rehabilitation/improve
vement of vement of ment of provincial
provincial core provincial core core roads
roads roads

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
3.10.1 Pursuant to - Monthly progress -Low TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Paragraph billings were not disbursement rate 30% of project 60% of project 100% of project
5, Annex practiced implemented by implemented by implemented by
“E” contract will contract will contract will
(Contract observed monthly observed monthly observed monthly
Implementa progress billing and progress billing and progress billing and
tion corresponding corresponding corresponding
Guidelines request for request for request for payments
for the payments for work payments for work for work
Procureme accomplished, accomplished, accomplished,
nt of supported by the supported by the supported by the
Infrastructu Statement of Work Statement of Work Statement of Work
re Project,)” Accomplished or Accomplished or Accomplished or
awarded SWA that is SWA that is SWA that is checked
contractors checked and checked and and validated by the
are to validated by the validated by the Project Engineer
prepare Project Engineer Project Engineer

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation (2019) (Difference between (only for zero gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
progress Ensure inclusion of Ensure inclusion of Ensure inclusion of
billings and monthly progress monthly progress monthly progress
correspondi billing in the billing in the billing in the
ng request Philippine Bidding Philippine Bidding Philippine Bidding
for Document Section Document Section Document Section V.
payments V. Special V. Special Special Conditions of
for work Conditions of Conditions of Contract, GCC
accomplish Contract, GCC Contract, GCC Clause 41.1 and 41.2
ed, Clause 41.1 and Clause 41.1 and
supported 41.2 41.2
by the
of Work
ed or SWA
that is
validated by
the Project

Table 4.4. KRA 4: Local Road Asset Management

2019 Current Gaps Innovation

(Difference between
Target Situation Situation (only for zero Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Target Situation and
(Where are we now?) Current Situation) gap)

4.1.1 Performance 83 out 83 road TARGET TARGET TARGET

condition sections were Road Condition Road Condition Road Condition
assessment of Physically Counted, survey is conducted survey is conducted survey is conducted
assets conducted condition Assessed, for 100% provincial for 100% provincial for 100% provincial
and reported and report submitted roads and reported roads and reported roads and reported
regularly to the Auditor regularly. regularly. regularly.
concerned and
Accounting Division
as per COA Circular
1. Improve the 1. Improve the 1. Improve the road
road network road network network inventory
inventory inventory system.
system. system. 2. Broaden the
2. Broaden the 2. Broaden the knowledge and
knowledge and knowledge and skills of the Road
skills of the skills of the Network
Road Network Road Network Inventory
Inventory Inventory Committee
Committee Committee Members.
Members. Members.

4.2.1 All provincial - 83 out of 83 Road Some road TARGET TARGET TARGET
road sections were networks 1. Recorded 1. Recorded 1. Recorded
infrastructure and assessed and booked improvements adjustments for adjustments for adjustments for
facilities recorded in the PLGU book of undertaken by the completion the completion the completion of
as assets in the accounts with DPWH were of the of the the
LGU’s book of complete description recorded in the improvements improvements improvements of
accounts in and cost segregation books using the of road of road road components
accordance with of road components provincial
components for components for for each road
NGAS and for each road section engineering
relevant COA standard cost and each road each road section.
circulars, and not based on section. section. 2. Recorded
updated regularly; actual DPWH 2. Recorded 2. Recorded depreciation and
with complete cost. depreciation depreciation impairment loss
description and and impairment and impairment of each road
cost segregation loss of each loss of each section by road
of road road section by road section by components
components to road road
monitor changes components components
over time


1. Ensure that 1. Ensure that 1. Ensure that road

road network road network network assets
assets are assets are are recorded in
recorded in the recorded in the the books of
books of books of accounts in
accounts in accounts in accordance with
accordance accordance COA Circular
with COA with COA 2015-008 and
Circular 2015- Circular 2015- Philippine Public
008 and 008 and Sector
Philippine Philippine Accounting
Public Sector Public Sector Standards #17
Accounting Accounting 2. Ensure that
Standards #17 Standards #17 depreciation and
2. Ensure that 2. Ensure that impairment of
depreciation depreciation road network
and impairment and impairment assets are
of road network of road network properly
assets are assets are accounted for in
properly properly accordance with
accounted for accounted for PPSAS and
in accordance in accordance DILG standards
with PPSAS with PPSAS using innovative
and DILG and DILG methods of
circular No. standards recording using
2017-002. using latest
3. Strengthen innovative technology.
coordination methods of 3. Strengthen

with DPWH for recording using coordination with
cost of road latest DPWH for cost of
improvements technology. road
undertaken by 3. Strengthen improvements
their agency coordination undertaken by
with DPWH for their agency
cost of road
undertaken by
their agency

4.3.1 Province The Province has no There is no Local TARGET TARGET TARGET
adopts and Local Road Asset Road Asset Prepared and Implemented the Continued
implement Local Management Plan. Managment Plan adopted the Local Local Road Implementation of
Road Asset DILG is currently adopted and Road Management Management Plan. the Local Road
Management Plan developing the Local implemented by Plan. Management Plan.
for improved Road Asset the province due
investment Management Manual to the absence of

decisions, road which will inform the the LRAM Manual STRATEGIES STRATEGIES STRATEGIES
asset preservation formulation of LRAM. from DILG.
and maintenance As a reference, the 1. Equip the 1. Execute 1. Expedite
PLGU uses COA LRMT, TWG, projects in the completion of
Circulars and other Poject Planners Local Road remaining
issuances related to and Asset projects in the
Road Assets Implementers Management Local Road
transactions with enough Plan Asset
knowledge 2. Assess Management
about Local completion of Plan
Road Asset projects 2. Assess
Management implemented. completion of
Manual projects
2. Establish implemented.
Working Group
and formulate
Local Road
Plan with
guidance from
LRAM Manual
4.4.1 LGUs are The province is not PLGU is waiting TARGET TARGET TARGET
guided with LRA yet guided on the for the roll out of Prepared and Implemented the Continued
Management Local Road Asset the LRAM from adopted the Local Local Road implementation of
Manual Management due to DILG Road Management Management Plan the Local Road
the absence of the Plan guided by the with guidance from Management Plan
manual. Local Road Asset the Local Road with guidance from
Management Asset Management the Local Road Asset
Manual. Manual. Management

1. Orient and 1. Ensure to 1. Ensure to
Capacitate conduct conduct capacity
LRMT capacity development to
members and development to enhance
TWG on DILG's enhance knowledge on
Local Road knowledge on LRAM Manual
Asset LRAM Manual

Table 4.5. KRA 5: Internal Audit

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference between (only for zero gap)
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)


Audit Unit/  Established unit  Establishment 1. Request for two 1. Request for two 1. Request for one
department thru SP Ordinance of the six (6) (2) additional (2) additional (2) additional
is no. 41 – 2017 plantilla plantilla plantilla plantilla position
established, dated July 19, positions and position for position for for IAUD I and
functional 2017 under the realignment IAUD III and IAUD II and IAAS with
and Provincial of IAUD II with IAUD I with budget.
resourced Administrative Organizationa budget. budget. 2. Employ one (1)
consistent Office (PAO) with l Structure 2. Employ one (1) 2. Employ one (1) Internal Auditor
with 2 plantilla. based on the Internal Auditor Internal Auditor personnel.
applicable DBM and personnel. personnel. 3. Implement 100%
Guidelines  Filled-in two (2) CSC 3. Implement 3. Implement of 2022 Annual
issued by plantilla positions Guidelines. 100% of 2020 100% of 2021 Internal Audit
the DBM (IAUD IV and Annual Internal Annual Internal Plan (AIAP).
and the IAUD III) with Audit Plan Audit Plan 4. Develop 3years
CSC budget. (AIAP). (AIAP). (2023 to 2025)
4. Develop 2021 4. Develop 2022 Strategic Plan.
AIAP. AIAP. 5. Develop 2023

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference between (only for zero gap)
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
 Draft 3 years 5. Develop Risk AIAP.
(2020 to 2022) Assessment
Strategic Plan.  Adoption and Manual
 Developed Annual (2020 to 1. Increase the 1. Increase the 1. Increase the
Internal Audit Plan 2022) number of number of number of
and audit the Strategic Plan internal audit internal audit internal audit
following offices personnel. personnel. personnel.
(CVPH, Motorpool,  Risk 2. Ensure that the 2. Implement 2. Implement
RCPC (Reinforce Assessment organizational 3years (2020 to 3years (2020 to
Concrete Pipe Manual. structure is 2022) Strategic 2022) Strategic
Culvert) Casting) based on the Plan Plan
out of 10 identify  All offices and DBM and CSC 3. Implement 3. Implement 2022
offices and process Guidelines. 2021 annual annual internal
processess in the identify in the 3. Implement internal audit audit plan and
Annual Audit Annual 3years (2020 to plan and develop 2023
Internal Plan. Internal Audit 2022) Strategic develop 2022 AIAP.
Plan are Plan. AIAP. 4. Develop 3years
implemented. 4. Implement 4. Develop Risk (2023 to 2025)
2020 annual Assessment Strategic Plan
internal audit Manual
plan and
develop 2021

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference between (only for zero gap)
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
Provincial Offices  Audit 4  All offices and 1. Audit two (2) 1. Audit two (2) 1. Audit three (3)
are regularly offices/processes process processes of processes of processes of
subjected to (Motorpool, RCPC identify in the two (2) Road two (2) Road three (3) Road
Casting and CVPH Annual related related related Provincial
internal audit
(Montevista, Internal Audit
based on the Provincial Provincial Office based on
Pantukan, Laak, Plan are
approved Annual Office based on Office based on the Annual
Maragusan) out of implemented
Internal Audit Plan 8 identify on the including road the Annual the Annual Internal Audit
approved Annual related Internal Audit Internal Audit Plan 2022.
Internal Audit Plan provincial Plan 2020. Plan 2021.
2019. offices.
1. Ensure that all 1. Ensure that all 1. Ensure that all
offices and offices and offices and
process identify process identify process identify
in the Annual in the Annual in the Annual
Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit
Plan are Plan are Plan are
implemented implemented implemented
including road including road including road
related related related provincial
provincial provincial offices.
offices. offices.
Recommendation  Audit  One (1) out of 1. 50% of Audit 1. 75% of Audit 1. 100% of Audit
s in the Internal recommendation 3 resolved recommendatio recommendatio recommendation
Audit Report are for consignment and acted by ns are resolved ns are resolved s are resolved
system of Drugs the LCE is
promptly resolve and acted by and acted by and acted by
and Medicine; and implemented.
and acted by LCE consider the Motor LCE and LCE and LCE and
and implemented pool and RCPC implemented implemented by implemented by
by concerned Casting as by concern

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference between (only for zero gap)
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
provincial offices Economic offices. concern offices. concern offices.
Enterprise are
by the LCE. 1. Ensure that 1. Ensure that 1. Ensure that
those resolved those resolved those resolved
and acted by and acted by and acted by the
the LCE was the LCE was LCE was
implemented. implemented. implemented.


control systems 1. Two (2) internal 1. Two (2) internal 1. Two (2) internal
and procedures of Internal control system Assessment of control system control system control system
and procedures of internal control and procedures
road related and procedures and procedures
road related office are system and of road related
offices are established, procedures of six of road related of road related
established, offices are offices are offices are
operational but not (6) road related
operational and documented. offices. established, established, established,
documented operational and operational and operational and
documented. documented.


1. Ensure that the 1. Ensure that the 1. Ensure that the
internal control internal control internal control
system and system and system and
procedures of procedures of procedures of
road related road related road related
offices are offices are offices are
established, established, established,
operational and operational and operational and
documented. documented. documented.

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference between (only for zero gap)
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
5.2.1 Trained 5 out of 7 personnel Continuous TARGETS TARGETS TARGETS
internal auditors are trained from capacity  Four (4)  Four (4)  Five (5)
base on CapDev different agencies like development for continuous continuous continuous
COA, DILG and AGIA. internal audit capacity capacity capacity
plan and able to
personnel to
perform their developments developments developments for
3 out of 7 personnel acquire skill and
functions able to perform their knowledge in for internal for internal internal audit
function as internal audit function. audit personnel audit personnel personnel to
auditor such as to acquire skill to acquire skill acquire skill and
preparation of audit Capacity and knowledge and knowledge knowledge in
plan, actual fieldwork, Development in audit in audit audit function.
audit report etc. Plan function. function.  100%
 100%  100% implementation
implementation implementation of Capacity
of Capacity of Capacity Development
Development Development Plan 2020.
Plan 2020. Plan 2020.


 Strengthen the  Strengthen the  Strengthen the
internal audit internal audit internal audit
personnel personnel personnel based
based on the based on the on the Capacity
Capacity Capacity Development
Development Development Plan 2022.
Plan 2020. Plan 2021.  Ensure Capacity
 Ensure  Ensure Development
Capacity Capacity Plan 2022 will be
Development Development implemented
Plan 2020 will Plan 2021 will properly and
be be accordingly.
implemented implemented

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference between (only for zero gap)
Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(Where are we now?) Target Situation and
Current Situation)
properly and properly and
accordingly. accordingly.

Table 4.6. KRA 6: Budget, Revenue Generation and Expenditure Management

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

6.1.1 Increased 99.5% Collection 0.5% of the target TARGET TARGET TARGET
percentage of efficiency based on the collection needs
local revenues to target collection for CY to be collected 5% increase in 5% increase in 5% increase in local
augment the 2019. local revenue local revenue revenue collection
budget for road collection based on collection based on based on the actual
upgrading, There are 24 staff only the actual collection the actual collection collection of the
rehabilitation and at the PASSO which is of the previous of the previous previous year.
maintenance much lesser compared year. year.
standard for a first Requests that Maintains 6 Job Hiring of additional 6
class province (Davao vacant and funded Order personnel to regular employees,
De Oro is a first class positions shall be sustain inventory of preferably licensed
province) which is is filled up and hiring Real Property Units Real Property
72. of 22 Job Orders and updating of tax Appraiser to fill in
for 6 months to 1 maps. because of the
year for the retired employees.

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

massive inventory STRATEGIES

of taxable Real
Property Units. A. Real Property STRATEGIES
STRATEGIES A. Real Property
1. Ensure Assessment
A. Real Property regular
Assessment updating of 1. Implementation of
schedule of the current of fair
1. Ensure Market market values
implementati Value(SMV) and regular
on of every three updating of
general (3) years
Schedule of
effectivity or
revision of (SMV) every
SMV & three (3) years.
on of new
property 2. Ensure the
schedule of
classification fair market implementation of
effective values Enhance Tax
2020-2022. 2. Ensure the Revenue
2. Ensure the implementati Assessment and
implementati on of Collection
on of Enhance Tax System
Enhance Revenue (ETRACS)
Tax Assessment Program between
Revenue and the Provincial and
Assessment Collection Municipal
and System Treasurers and
Collection (ETRACS)

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

System (E- Program Assessors Office

TRACS) between the
Program Provincial 3. Maintain and
between the and enhance GIS
Provincial Municipal Integrated tax
and Treasurers map program
Municipal and implementation
3. Maintain and
enhance GIS
Office. Integrated tax
3. Ensure map program
implementati implementation
on of GIS

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

B. Enforcement of B. Enforcement of B. Enforcement of

Real Property Tax Real Property Tax Real Property Tax

1. Enforce 1. Enforce 1. Enforce Municipal

Municipal Municipal Treasurers and
Treasurers and Treasurers and RPT focal person
RPT focal RPT focal on RPT
person on RPT person on RPT Administration-
Administration- Administration- Collection Phase
Collection 2. Intensive conduct
Phase of Information
2. Intensive
2. Intensive Education
conduct of
conduct of Campaign on
Education Information RPT
Campaign on Education 3. Ensure to
RPT Campaign on strengthen the
3. Ensure to RPT implementation of
strengthen the 3. Ensure to remedial action
implementation strengthen the by judicial and
of remedial implementation administrative
action by of remedial thru public
judicial and action by auction.
administrative judicial and
thru public administrative
auction. thru public

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

C. Enforcement of C. Enforcement of C. Enforcement of

Tax on Sand and Tax on Sand and Tax on Sand and
Gravel and Other Gravel and Other Gravel and Other
Quarry Quarry Quarry
Products/Resourc Products/Resourc Products/Resource
es es s
1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the
conduct of conduct of conduct of annual
annual meeting annual meeting meeting of the
of the Appraisal of the Appraisal Appraisal
Committee to Committee to Committee to
monitor the fair monitor the fair monitor the fair
market value of market value of market value of
quarry products. quarry quarry products.
2. Strictly enforce products. 2. Strictly enforce
the rules and 2. Strictly enforce the rules and
regulation on the rules and regulation on
sand and gravel regulation on sand and gravel
operations and sand and gravel operations and
administrative operations and the administrative
sanctions to the sanctions to
violators. administrative violators.
3. Ensure the sanctions to 3. Ensure the
establishment violators. establishment of
of mobile 3. Ensure the mobile check
checkpoints in establishment points in strategic
strategic exit of mobile check exit points of
points of quarry points in quarry areas to
areas to closely strategic exit closely monitor

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

monitor the points of quarry the volume of

volume of areas to closely extracted sand
extracted sand monitor the and gravel and
and gravel and volume of other quarry
other quarry extracted sand products.
products. and gravel and 4. Strengthen the
4. Strengthen the other quarry internal control on
internal control products. contractors’
on contractors’ 4. Strengthen the claim.
claim. internal control
on contractors’
5. Update the fair
market value of
sand and gravel
and other

D. Enforcement of D. Enforcement of D. Enforcement of

Tax on Printing Tax on Printing Tax on Printing and
and Publication. and Publication. Publication.
1. Ensure an 1. Ensure an 1. Ensure an
updated listing updated listing updated listing of
of business and of business and business and
person person person engaged
engaged in the engaged in the in the printing
printing and/or printing and/or and/or publication
publication of publication of of book, cards,

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

book, cards, book, cards, posters, leaflets,

posters, posters, certificates,
leaflets, leaflets, receipts,
certificates, certificates, pamphlets and
receipts, receipts, other similar
pamphlets and pamphlets and nature.
other similar other similar 2. Coordinate with
nature. nature. the Business
2. Ensure 2. Coordinate with Permit and
issuance of the Business Licensing Office
individual Permit and (BPLO) of the
letters/ Notice Licensing municipalities
to business Office (BPLO) within the
owners of the jurisdiction of
engaged in the municipalities Davao de Oro
business of within the Province for the
printing and jurisdiction of listing of business
publication Davao de Oro permit.
15days before Province for the 3. Ensure issuance of
the prescribed listing of individual letters/
period of business Notice to business
payment. permit. owners engaged in
3. Ensure the business of
issuance of printing and
individual publication 15days
letters/ Notice to before the
business prescribed period
owners of payment.
engaged in the

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

business of
printing and
15days before
the prescribed
period of
E. Increase E. Increase E. Increase
Franchise Tax Franchise Tax Franchise Tax
Collection Collection Collection
1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the
submission of submission of submission of
sworn sworn sworn statement
statement of statement of of gross sales/
gross sales/ gross sales/ receipts duly
receipts duly receipts duly notarized.
notarized. notarized.
F. Increase the F. Increase the F. Increase the
collection of collection of collection of
Professional Tax Professional Tax Professional Tax
1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the 1. Ensure the
posting of posting of posting of notices
notices in notices in in conspicuous
conspicuous conspicuous places on who
places on who places on who are liable to pay
are liable to pay are liable to pay the professional
the professional the professional tax and the date
tax and the date tax and the date the tax is due.

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

the tax is due. the tax is due. 2. Ensure to

2. Ensure to 2. Ensure to maintain a
maintain a maintain a database of
database of database of professionals
professionals professionals within the
within the within the province.
province. province.
G. Increase the G. Increase the G. Increase the
collection of collection of collection of
amusement tax. amusement tax. amusement tax.
1. Ensure that 1. Ensure that 1. Ensure that
operator/ operator/ operator/
proprietor of proprietor of proprietor of
Amusement Amusement Amusement
places places places (cockpits)
(cockpits) to (cockpits) to to procure their
procure their procure their admission tickets
admission admission and have it
tickets and have tickets and have registered to the
it registered to it registered to Provincial
the Provincial the Provincial Treasurers
Treasurers Treasurers Office.
Office. Office. 2. Ensure to assign
2. Ensure to 2. Ensure to checker to
assign checker assign checker amusement
to amusement to amusement places (cockpits)
places places during their
(cockpits) (cockpits) conduct of derby.
during their during their

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

conduct of conduct of
derby. derby.
H. Tax on transfer H. Tax on transfer H. Tax on transfer
of real property of real property of real property

1. Ensure to 1. Ensure to
1. Ensure to
coordinate with coordinate with
coordinate with
the PASSO and the PASSO and
the PASSO and
Registry of Registry of
Registry of
Deeds on the Deeds on the
Deeds on the
schedule of schedule of
schedule of
distribution of distribution of title
distribution of
title in view of in view of their
title in view of
their Handog Handog Titulo
their Handog
Titulo Program Program
Titulo Program
2. Ensure to 2. Ensure to
coordinate with coordinate
the Assessor to with the
require the Assessor to
taxpayer a tax require the
clearance of taxpayer a tax
real property clearance of
and real property
presentation of and
OR of transfer presentation
tax before of OR of
cancelling an transfer tax
old tax before

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

declaration and cancelling an

issuing a new old tax
one declaration
and issuing a
new one.
I. Annual fixed tax I. Annual fixed tax I. Annual fixed tax
on delivery on delivery on delivery
trucks and vans trucks and vans trucks and vans

1. Ensure to 1. Ensure to 1. Ensure to secure

secure list of secure list of list of owners of
owners of owners of delivery trucks &
delivery trucks delivery trucks vans and issue
& vans and & vans and stickers and
issue stickers issue stickers collect
and collect and collect corresponding
corresponding corresponding taxes and fees.
taxes and fees. taxes and fees. 2. Ensure to send
2. Ensure to send 2. Ensure to send notice of
notice of notice of collection to
collection to collection to owners of
owners of owners of delivery trucks
delivery trucks delivery trucks and vans 15 days
and vans 15 and vans 15 before the due
days before the days before the date.
due date. due date. 3. Ensure to
3. Ensure to 3. Ensure to establish/
establish/ establish/ maintain
maintain maintain checkpoints and

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

checkpoints and checkpoints and coordinate with

coordinate with coordinate with PNP for
PNP for PNP for assistance in
assistance in assistance in apprehending
apprehending apprehending delivery trucks
delivery trucks delivery trucks and vans without
and vans and vans sticker.
without sticker. without sticker.

J. Implementation J. Implementation J. Implementation

of the Revised of the Revised of the Revised
Provincial Tax Provincial Tax Provincial Tax
Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance

1. Ensure to 1. Ensure to
1. Ensure to
implement the implement the
implement the updated tax updated tax rate
updated tax rate and the and the cost of
rate and the cost of the the fees and
cost of the fees fees and charges in the
and charges in charges in the Revised
the Revised Revised Provincial Tax
Provincial Tax Provincial Tax Ordinance.
Ordinance. Ordinance.

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

6.1.2 Increased Appropriation for Maintain the 3% increase of 5% increase of

allocation and Maintenance of Php100,000.00 per budget budget appropriation
utilization of funds Roads - kilometer budget appropriation for for maintenance of
Php100,000.00 per appropriation for maintenance of fair fair to good local
for local road
km of fair to good fair to good local to good local roads roads
maintenance, local roads roads
rehabilitation and 95.5% fund
upgrading Utilization of funds for 95% fund utilization utilization for local 96% fund utilization
Maintenance of for local road road maintenance for local road
Roads - 94.15% maintenance maintenance

Appropriation of 2% increase of 2% increase of

funds for budget budget 2% increase of
Rehabilitation and appropriation for appropriation for budget appropriation
Upgrading of rehabilitation and rehabilitation and for rehabilitation and
Provincial Roads and upgrading of local upgrading of local upgrading of local
Bridges - roads roads roads
97.5% fund 98% fund utilization 98.50% fund
Utilization of funds for utilization of the of the budget utilization of the
Rehabilitation and budget allocation allocation for budget allocation for
Upgrading of poor to for rehabilitation rehabilitation and rehabilitation and
bad local roads - and upgrading of upgrading of local upgrading of local
97.18% local roads and roads and bridges roads and bridges

Strategies: Strategies: Strategies:

1. Ensure 1. Ensure 1. Ensure

appropriation of appropriation of appropriation of
budget for fair budget for fair budget for fair to
to good to good good provincial

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

provincial roads provincial roads roads with 5%

amounting to P with 3% increase of
100,000/km and increase of budget allocation
2% increase for budget for maintenance
rehabilitation allocation for of local roads and
and upgrading maintenance of 2% increase for
of local roads. local roads and rehabilitation and
2. Inclusion in the 2% increase for upgrading of local
AIP as one of rehabilitation roads.
the priority and upgrading 2. Inclusion in the
projects for the of local roads. AIP with the
maintenance of 2. Inclusion in the consideration of
fair to good AIP with the the above stated
roads with at consideration of increase of
least the above budget allocation.
100,000/km stated increase 3. Inclusion in the
3. Inclusion in the of budget Appropriation
Appropriation allocation. Ordinance
Ordinance 3. Inclusion in the
6.1.3 Duly Presence of CSO in No participation TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
accredited planning process of the CSO in CSO participation CSO participation CSO participation in
Civil Society the budgeting in the planning and in the planning and the planning and
process budgeting budgeting budgeting processes
Organizations No CSO in the
processes processes
(CSOs) to budgeting process. STRATEGIES:
the planning 1. Invite
and Budgeting 1. Invite 1. Invite representatives
processes. representatives representatives from identified
from identified accredited Civil

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

from identified accredited Civil Society

accredited Civil Society Organizations to
Society Organizations to participate during
participate the planning and
Organizations to
during the budgeting
participate planning and processes.
during the budgeting 2. Ensure the
planning and processes. attendance and
budgeting 2. Ensure the participation of
processes. attendance and the CSOs in the
2. Ensure the participation of planning and
the CSOs in the budgeting
attendance and
planning and processes.
participation of budgeting
the CSOs in the processes.
planning and
6.1.4 Delayed There is delay in TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Synchronized submission of AIP the submission 100% Fully 100% Fully 100% Fully compliant
planning and of the AIP. compliant to the compliant to the to the prescribed
to SP
budgeting prescribed period in prescribed period in period in the
calendar, the planning and the planning and planning and
particularly for AIP submission - budgeting process budgeting process budgeting process
budget October 14,2018 such as preparation such as preparation such as preparation
preparation and and submission of and submission of and submission of
authorization is AIP and Executive AIP and Executive AIP and Executive
strictly observed Budget to the Budget to the Budget to the
submission - Sangguniang Sangguniang Sangguniang
Oct.16,2018 Panlalawigan Panlalawigan Panlalawigan

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

Budget authorization AIP submission - AIP submission - AIP submission - on

- on or before June on or before June or before June 30,
Dec.15,2018 30, 2020 30, 2020 2020

Executive Budget Executive Budget Executive Budget

submission - on or submission - on or submission - on or
before October 16, before October 16, before October 16,
2020 2020 2020

Budget Budget Budget Authorization

Authorization - on Authorization - on - on or before
or before or before December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020 December 31, 2020


1. Establishment 1. Establishment 1. Establishment of

of Monitoring of Monitoring Monitoring Tool
Tool for the Tool for the for the timely
timely timely preparation and
preparation and preparation and submission of the
submission of submission of AIP and the
the AIP and the the AIP and the Executive
Executive Executive Budget.
Budget. Budget. 2. Implementation of
2. Implementation 2. Implementation the computerized
of the of the program for the
computerized computerized planning and
program for the program for the budget linkage.
planning and planning and
budget linkage. budget linkage.

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

6.1.5 Budget allocation Review and TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:

Approved for local road updating of 25% of local road 50% of local road Approved budget
budget rehabilitation and LRNDP rehabilitation and rehabilitation and allocation for local
maintenance in maintenance in road rehabilitation
allocation for maintenance is
LRNDP were LRNDP were and maintenance is
local road based on the appropriated appropriated based on LRNDP
rehabilitation LRNDP
maintenance is
based on 1. Updating of 1. Ensure 1. Ensure that the
LRNDP LRNDP appropriation of approved budget
2. Ensure 50% of local allocation for
appropriation of road local road
25% of local rehabilitation rehabilitation and
road and maintenance is
rehabilitation maintenance based on LRNDP
and based on the
maintenance LRNDP
based on the
6.1.6. The The appropriation Review and TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
appropriation ordinance is in updating of 100% of the items 100% of the items 100% of the items or
or object of or object of object of
ordinance accordance with the AIP,
expenditures listed expenditures listed expenditures listed in
authorizing the the AIP. All LDIP and in the Appropriation in the Appropriation the Appropriation
annual mandatory and PDPFP Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance
budget(s) is statutory authorizing the authorizing the authorizing the
linked with the obligations were annual budget(s) is annual budget(s) is annual budget(s) is
Annual provided with linked with the linked with the linked with the
appropriations. Annual Investment Annual Investment Annual Investment
Program (AIP), Program (AIP), Program (AIP), Local
Program ,Local Local Development Local Development Development

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

Development Investment Investment Investment Program

Investment Program (LDIP) Program (LDIP) (LDIP) and Provincial
Program and Provincial and Provincial Development and
Development and Development and Physical Framework
Physical Physical Plan (PDPFP).
Provincial Framework Plan Framework Plan
Development (PDPFP). (PDPFP).
and Physical
1. Ensure that the 1. Ensure that the 1. Ensure that the
appropriation appropriation appropriation
ordinance is ordinance is ordinance is
linked with the linked with the linked with the
2. Conduct 2. Conduct 2. Conduct
coordination coordination coordination
meeting with meeting with meeting with
planning and planning and planning and
budget office. budget office. budget office.
3. Strict 3. Strict 3. Strict Adherence
Adherence to Adherence to to planning and
planning and planning and budgeting
budgeting budgeting prescribed
prescribed prescribed periods
periods. periods
6.1.7 Provincial CY 2019 Monitoring of TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Government revenue 5% increase of 5% increase of 5% increase of

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

operates with Revenue Target collection and Revenue Target for Revenue Target for Revenue Target for
credible budget (Local Sources) - prepare Local Sources Local Sources Local Sources
such that actual Php87,000,000.00 comparative
appropriation are report showing 100% Collection 100% Collection 100% Collection
expended for the Collection Efficiency - the revenue Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency
Revenue targets 100% collection,
improve annually appropriation
and actual 1. Ensure increase 1. Ensure increase 1. Ensure increase
disbursements. of local of local of local revenues.
revenues. revenues. 2. Ensure
2. Ensure 2. Ensure disbursement
disbursement disbursement operates within
operates within operates within the approved
the approved the approved budget.
budget. budget. 3. Continue to
3. Continue to 3. Continue to conduct
conduct conduct monitoring and
monitoring and monitoring and reporting of
reporting of reporting of collection
collection collection (monthly) and
(monthly) and (monthly) and disbursement
disbursement disbursement (quarterly).
(quarterly). (quarterly). 4. Enhancement/
4. Enhancement/ 4. Enhancement/ Improvement of
Improvement of Improvement of fully
fully fully computerized
computerized computerized fund utilization
fund utilization fund utilization program.
program. program.

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

6.1.8 Provincial TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:

Government has
no disallowances Attain Zero Attain Zero Attain Zero
from the Disallowances Disallowances Disallowances
Commission on From COA From COA

Capacitate - Capacitate - Capacitate

Accounting Accounting Accounting
personnel (update personnel (update personnel (update
and upgrade and upgrade and upgrade
knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and skills)
skills) skills)
Ensure full
Ensure full Ensure full compliance to
compliance to compliance to accounting rules and
accounting rules accounting rules procedures in all
and procedures in and procedures in transactions
all transactions all transactions

Current Situation Gaps Innovation
Target Situation 2019 (Difference (only for zero
(Where are we now?) between Target gap) Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
(baseline data as of Situation and
November 2019) Current Situation)

6.2.1 Financial TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:

reports are Prepared, Prepared, Prepared, submitted
prepared on time submitted and submitted and and posted12 out of
and published in posted12 out of 12 posted12 out of 12 12 sets Financial
accordance with sets Financial sets Financial Reports in
DILG’s Full Reports in Reports in accordance with the
Disclosure Policy. accordance with accordance with DILG ‘s Full
the DILG ‘s Full the DILG ‘s Full Disclosure Policy and
Disclosure Policy Disclosure Policy within the prescribed
Generation of and within the and within the COA deadlines.
timely and prescribed COA prescribed COA
accurate financial deadlines. deadlines.
reports through STRATEGIES
appropriate e- STRATEGIES STRATEGIES Capacitate
system Capacitate Capacitate accounting personnel
accounting accounting on new issuances
personnel on new personnel on new regarding disclosure
issuances issuances policies and
regarding regarding preparation of
disclosure policies disclosure policies financial reports
and preparation of and preparation of
financial reports financial reports
Update and maintain
-Update and Update and Windows-based
maintain Windows- maintain Windows- accounting system
based accounting based accounting
system system

Table 4.7. KRA 7: Procurement
2019 Current (Difference between
Situation (only for zero Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Target Situation Target Situation and
(Where are we now?) gap)
Current Situation)
7.1.1 PLGU (BAC) PLGU (BAC) uses Updated Micro-filming or TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
uses manual filing record Database of items conversion of Upgraded the Updated database Updated database of
an effective management system. and cost of related hard documents Record of items and cost items and cost of
Record goods and to electronic Management of related goods related goods and
Management Database of items and services. file- system (depends and services. services.
system and cost of related goods on the LGU on
regularly and services are what year to STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
updated, and updated as the need implement) and Install mechanism Install mechanism to
Database of arises. updated database to ensure updating ensure updating of
Items and of items and cost of of database database quarterly.
cost related related goods and quarterly.
to goods and services.
services in
analysing and STRATEGY:
evaluating Install mechanism
proposals. to ensure updating
of database
7.1.2 Reduced Procurement cycle for None TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
Procurement bidding of Procurement cycle Procurement cycle Procurement cycle
cycle time for a.) goods is usually time for bidding not time for bidding not time for bidding not
bidding completed in 22 days to exceed 90 days. to exceed 90 days. to exceed 90 days.
submission/opening of STRATEGY: STRATEGY: STRATEGY:
bids to issuance of Ensure to maintain Ensure to maintain Ensure to maintain
NOA the procurement the procurement the procurement
cycle time for bidding cycle time for bidding cycle time for bidding

2019 Current (Difference between
Situation (only for zero Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Target Situation Target Situation and
(Where are we now?) gap)
Current Situation)
b.) infrastructure is (as practiced) (as practiced) (as practiced).
usually completed in
72 days from
submission/opening of
bids to issuance of
7.1.3 Adoption of Compliant with the None - TARGET: TARGET: TARGET:
standard standard Adoption of 100% compliance 100% compliance of
documentatio documentation based standard of complete bidding complete bidding
n based on on Philippine Bidding documentation documents (PPMP, documents (PPMP,
Phil. Bidding Documents (RA 9184). based on Phil. PR, Phil. Bidding PR, Phil. Bidding
documents. Bidding documents. docs, NTP and docs, NTP and
100% compliance contracts). contracts).
of complete bidding
documents (PPMP, Strategy STRATEGY
PR, Phil. Bidding Verification of Verification of
docs, NTP and bidding documents bidding documents
contracts). based on R.A. 9184 based on R.A. 9184
and other and other issuances.
STRATEGY issuances.
Verification of
bidding documents
based on R.A. 9184
and other
7.2.1 Limit or For goods None TARGET TARGET TARGET
minimize the a.) 66% Shopping 5% reduction of 5% reduction of 5% reduction of
use of b.) 11.97% Direct alternative mode of alternative mode of alternative mode of
Alternative Contracting for procurement per procurement per procurement per
Method of alternative year. year. year.

2019 Current (Difference between
Situation (only for zero Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Target Situation Target Situation and
(Where are we now?) gap)
Current Situation)
Procurement Mode of
subjected to Ample time in Ample time in Ample time in
public bidding reviewing the reviewing the reviewing the PPMP
(Reference of PPMP to APP PPMP to APP to APP particularly
Rating: Summary particularly with the particularly with the with the mode of
of P.O’s/ Contracts mode of mode of procurement.
Awarded) procurement. procurement.

For Civil works

a.) 78%
b.) 22%
(Reference of
Rating: Summary
of Contracts
7.2.2 Promotion Promotion and Green TARGET TARGET TARGET
and application of Green Procurement not Promotion of Green Promotion and Promotion and
application of Procurement has not yet applied. Procurement. application of application of Green
Green been started. Green Procurement Procurement
Procurement STRATEGY
(Scheduled a 3 day Strengthen RO’s STRATEGY STRATEGY
capacity development understanding Ensure the partial Ensure the complete
on November 20-22, regarding Green application of application of Green
2019.) Procurement Green Procurement Procurement

2019 Current (Difference between
Situation (only for zero Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Target Situation Target Situation and
(Where are we now?) gap)
Current Situation)
through capacity
7.3.1 Adoption Drafted and submitted CPPOM not yet TARGET TARGET TARGET
and CPPOM. adopted. Adoption and Adoption and Adoption and
implementatio implementation of implementation of implementation of
n of customized customized customized provincial
customized provincial provincial procurement
provincial procurement procurement operations manual
procurement operations manual operations manual by LGU that is
operations by LGU that is by LGU that is compliant to RA
manual by compliant to RA compliant to RA 9184 as amended,
LGU that is 9184 as amended, 9184 as amended, including IRR 2016
compliant to including IRR 2016 including IRR 2016
amended, STRATEGY STRATEGY Enforce 100%
including IRR Enforce 100% Enforce 100% application of the
2016 application of the application of the procurement
procurement procurement operations manual.
operations manual. operations manual.
7.4.1 All contract Documents are not Documents are TARGET TARGET TARGET
documents are turned over to PEO not turned over to All contract All contract All contract
prepared by BAC within in 15 CD. PEO within in 15 documents are documents are documents are
secretariat and CD. prepared by BAC prepared by BAC prepared by BAC
turned over to secretariat and secretariat and secretariat and
PEO promptly turned over to PEO turned over to PEO turned over to PEO
and punctually within 45 cd. promptly and promptly and
Contract docs: punctually. punctually.
1. BOQ, Detailed
estimates, and Bid Strategy
Evaluation Report ( Quarterly turn-over

2019 Current (Difference between
Situation (only for zero Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022
Target Situation Target Situation and
(Where are we now?) gap)
Current Situation)
if necessary) Strategy the Bid Documents
2. NOA Quarterly turn-over (Infrastructure
3. NTP the Bid Documents Projects) to PEO.
4. Contract (Infrastructure
Projects) to PEO.
7.4.2 NTP should Date is not specifically Date as to when TARGET TARGET TARGET
indicate the start stipulated on the NTP to start is not NTP (Notice to NTP (Notice to NTP (Notice to
date, regardless issued. specifically Proceed) has Proceed) has Proceed) has
on the date of indicated on the indicated the indicated the indicated the specific
receipt of NTP issued specific starting specific starting starting date by the
Contractor instead it is date by the BAC date by the BAC BAC Secretariat.
mentioned that Secretariat . Secretariat.
“construction STRATEGY
should start 7 STRATEGY Supplier/Contractor
days from the Ensure that NTP STRATEGY should indicate the
receipt of NTP will be served to the Ensure that NTP exact date of receipt
pursuant to the contractor within 3 will be served to the of the Notice to
terms, conditions, days and then the contractor within 3 Proceed (NTP) and
plans, and contractor will days and then the projects should
specifications and commence within 7 contractor will commence based on
in accordance with calendar days to commence within 7 the date specified in
the start the project calendar days to the NTP.
implementation from the indicated start the project
schedule”. start date in the from the indicated
NTP. start date in the


Assumptions and
Risk Management

Assumptions and Risk Management Plan

The formulation of Assumptions and Risk Management Plan for the Provincial
Governance Reform Roadmap 2019-2022 is an essential step in the realization of
the target situations indicated in each of the seven key reform areas (KRA). This
plan includes the Risk Treatment and Strategies which serve as mitigating measures
should the risks occur along the way.

Before plunging into identifying risks, it is important to first identify and document the
assumptions per Key Reform Area which may have impact or influence on the risk
management strategies being selected.

Assumptions refer to expectations or conditions which may invalidate the PGRR

target situations or objectives if they do not hold true or uncertain to happen.
Identifying such, help to frame methodologies, the reasoning behind decisions, and
again helps sets expectations. These assumptions are most often related to
executive-legislative leadership support, presence of policies, availability of budgets
and resources, processes, technologies and techniques, timelines, or other features
of the PGRR target situations or objectives.

On the contrary, risks are exposures to likelihood to failure or potential danger and
difficulty, foreseen or unforeseen, that prevents the attainment of the target situations
or objectives.

In-depth analysis of the Assumptions and Risks is a must in order to come up with
the suitable mitigating measures/ strategies that would counterpart any adverse
impact on the attainment of the PGRR objectives.

Moreover, the Risk Management Plan serves as a guidebook to the organization.

The provincial government with the involvement of other functional stakeholders
must utilize and monitor the implementation of the plan to keep on track and ensure
the achievement of PGRR target situations/ objectives.

The table below shows the assumptions and risk management plan to prevent or
mitigate all risks identified along the seven key reform areas:

Table 5.1. Risk Treatment and Strategies

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/

Area Management
Local Road 1. Continuing support of 1. Lack of funds and 1. Strengthen and
Information the LRMT and inadequate institutionalize the
Management inventory team so number of Road and Bridges
that provincial roads technical staffs to Inventory Survey
are with updated conduct team through the
DRRM and SDG road/bridges creation of E.O and
informed (11 Road inventory survey allocation of funds
related SDG including RROW.
indicator) Road and
Bridges Inventory 2. No security of 2. Creation of plantilla
Data incorporated tenure for the positions for trained
with complete 56 trained and skilled and skilled personnel
road/bridge personnel.
attributes, RROW, 3. Establish linkage
traffic count, traffic 3. Uncooperative through the
accident count and agencies (PPO, MOA/MOU between
inventory of road BFP, MLGUs, etc.) agencies (PPO, BFP,
safety devices for the collection of MLGUs, etc.) for the
traffic and DRR collection of traffic and
related accident DRR related accident
data on data on road/bridges
road/bridges. 4. Provide support in the
establishment DILG’s
4. Failure to adopt RBIS and Provincial
and establish GIS Database through
DILG’s RBIS and the creation of GIS
Provincial GIS Division based on
Database. Enterprise

2. Synchronize planning
1. Inability to access 1. Provision of copy of
is practiced to Inventory
and use
ensure that 100% of Survey/RBIS report to
information from
the existing data from concern planning
Inventory offices.
survey/RBIS data
survey/RBIS data is
for planning and
incorporated in all 2. Establishment of
planning and Local Road/Bridges
monitoring and
programming Information System
documents (AIP, linking planning,

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
PDIP, PDPFP, programming,
AMWP, LRNDP, etc.) monitoring and
and used in M&E evaluation.

3. Functional GIS and 1. Absence of E.O. 1. Conduct of mapping

assignment of GIS- to establish GIS activities to complete
skilled personnel to Division and the attribution of the
support GIS-based personnel to provincial roads.
data of the 56 conduct survey 2. Creation of GIS
attributes for inventory and Division
provincial roads are geo-tagging of 3. Establishment of
collected and roads and bridges Provincial GIS
incorporated into the with complete 56 Database for Road
RBIS. attributes. and Bridges.
2. Lack of funds for 4. Purchase of ICT
the purchase of infrastructure and
4. Continuing operation equipment and software for the
of GIS in order for the server for GIS establishment of
100% of the GIS- Data. Provincial GIS
based LRN Map is 3. Trained GIS Database for Road
incorporated in all Personnel may and Bridges.
planning and transfer to other 5. Conduct trainings for
programming agencies for GIS personnel.
documents (AIP, better 6. Provide Equipment
PDIP, PDPFP, opportunities. including server for
AMWP, LRNDP, etc.) 4. Lack of support Geo-Tagging and GIS
and used in M&E from other database.
activities agencies and 7. Upgrade Plantilla
other LGUs position for GIS
5. Low internet personnel.
connectivity 8. Increase subscription
of internet connectivity
for uploading to web-
based Portal.

1. Conduct of video-
5. Available hardware 1. Failure to conduct
tagging of 50% of the
and software support video-tagging of
provincial roads using
so that 100% of provincial roads due to
Provincial Roads are lack of skilled
2. Capacity
video-tagged and personnel and
Development on
uploaded in a web- equipment
Routeshoot and other

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
based portal geo-tagging
3. Purchase devices and
other ICT
infrastructure for the
collection and
repository of video
and geo-tagged data.
Local Road LCE bankroll LRMT will not be Strengthen Technical
Network governance reforms fully functional Secretariat
Development in LRM and PFM
Plan Trained LRMT TWG Low quality Provide capacity
in road network participation of development and
planning CSOs logistical support
(honorarium) to CSOs
LRNDP influences Limited number of Capacitate Technical
investment planning personnel Secretariat
programming vis-à-vis volume of
Trained SES Limited number and Sustain provision of
personnel capacities of SES capacity building of
personnel SES personnel
Trained PEO design Limited number and Sustain provision of
engineers capacities of PEO capacity building of
design engineers PEO design engineers

LRNDP objectives Involve consultants in

poorly aligned to the in the LRNDP
SDGs in the updating.
Presence of M&E Limited number and Strengthen M&E for
Division and PPMC capacities of LRNDP implementation
personnel involved
in the monitoring of
Local Road 1. All road and bridge 1. Resignation to 1. A. Require trainees to
Construction & projects have QC seek for greener re-echo the learning
Maintenance plan and in pasture, turnover acquired from
accordance with the or non-retention of trainings
Quality Assurance staff that have

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
Manual been trained. B. Formulate and
2. PEO staff are trained implement a service
and accredited requirement policy
2. Flood-prone areas for personnel sent
3. CPES are regularly and Landslide- to 3 or more days of
applied to all road prone areas in the technical trainings
and bridge projects event of calamities.
implemented by
contract and by 3. Change in
admin 2. A. Strictly implement
Administration, not
4. All fair to good the EMP (i.e.
priority by LCE
provincial roads are implementation of
maintained and sustainable mitigating
4. Resistance of measures for flood
implemented based
project affected and landslide-prone
on Annual
persons to support areas both vegetative
Maintenance Work
the project and infrastructure
Program with
especially on
considerations of
RROW B. Strictly monitor
environmental and the Contractor’s
5. Non-compliance of
gender concerns implementation of
Contractors to the
5. Active participation of work items relating
stipulations of the
communities in the to environmental
EMP and the
implementation and hazards mitigation
monitoring of projects structures (as per
and fully utilizing the
Safety and Health approved DED).
adopted feedback
specifically the
Grievance Redress 3. Legitimize the PGRR
Mechanism 6. Low financial and work towards
6. The CBRMC scheme absorptive capacity mainstreaming
is put into practice
7. All road projects have
4. A. Conduct intensive
Management plans
(EMPs) IEC to project affected
8. All road construction area occupants
and maintenance
projects comply with B. Allocate
the RA 1586 or the budget/provide
Phil Environmental compensation for
Impact Assessment compensation of
System, and more affected properties

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
specifically with the
stipulations of the
EMPs 5. A. Strictly monitor and
activate feedback
9. PENRO personnel in- mechanism
charged with the B. Deduct
preparation of EMPs corresponding cost
are trained and of non-complied
equipped with
knowledge on
6. A. Ensure that all
environmental laws
RROW concerns are
and acquired skills on
resolved (ie. All
EMP preparation.
affected persons are
well-informed and
10. Road safety audit is
committed to support
regularly performed
the project; all RROW
and all provincial
docs are intact; IPRA
roads are
law requirements are
constructed with road
complied, etc.)
safety features in
accordance with
DPWH standards B. Ensure that
Contractors are
compliant to the
minimum equipment
requirement through
strict monitoring of
and conduct of

Local Road 1. Road asset are 1. Asset are 1. Capacitate

Asset 100% recorded in undervalued/ PACCO, PASSO
Management the book and overvalued due and PEO
regularly to error or personnel on
revalued/adjusted judgment. assessment
using techniques and
replacement cost. methods.

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
2. E.O. prepared for 2. Unable to
the creation of finished 2. Ask security
inventory team, inventory assistance from
Conducted activity due to the BLGU and or
inventory peace and from PNP.
periodically as order problem
1. Unavailability 1. Request
3. The of laptop for the funding from
computerized installation of PLGU or from
inventory system computerized outside
is used by two inventory sources
teams during system to be (CMGP)
actual physical used by the
inventory two teams

Internal Audit  Support from LCE  Delayed in  Proper training and

and SP for the preparation of 3 monitoring as to
approval of years Strategic preparation of the 3
ordinance. Plan, Risk years Strategic Plan,
Assessment Risk Assessment and
 Budget allocation for Manual and Annual Internal Audit
PS and operation Annual Internal Plan.
requirements. Audit Plan.  Hiring of personnel
 The issued on according to the
 Support of auditee limited number of qualification of internal
during the conduct of personnel is not auditor.
audit. addressed.
 There is a delay or  Increase budgetary
 Continuing support of non - allocation for
the provincial implementation of capability
governor on the cap dev plan. development.
recommendations of  Overlapping of
IAD/PIAO. Internal Audit  Review the specific
personnel task and task and function of
function. the Internal Audit
personnel according
to the guidelines of
CSC and DBM.

Procurement By 2019, electronic Server might Back-up of database

Records Management breakdown. every quarter. Retain

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
SystemeRMS is copies of reports
already established generated from the
and implemented and system. Coordinate
used by BAC with Information
Technology and
Secretariat and
Requisitioning Offices
Development Division
for the price index (ITCDD) if there is a
monitoring. In green server breakdown.
procurement, Impose administrative
orientation is sanction to
conducted and Requisitioning Offices
adopted by all offices. Procurement cycle is who fail to comply
hampered; Several policies for the
Provincial Purchase Request submission of the
Procurement (PRs) were returned requirements.
Operations Manual is to Requesting Office
already created by the (RO) for
committee (BAC modification/ revision
member and TWG) and due to
initiated by DILG- insufficient
CMGP. information,
Under Provincial inaccurate
Procurement Operations description.
Manual, procurement
cycle is reduced. In
Notice to Proceed
(NTP), the starting date
is already stipulated.
Budget, The Four - year target Retirement/ transfer Capacitate rank and
Expenditure percentage increase in of key personnel in file employees in the
Management & the revenue collection the Provincial PTO thru trainings and
Revenue will be realized Treasurers Office to require them to conduct
Generation other government re-echo on trainings
agencies attended to the other
employees in the office.
Depletion of quarry
resources of the
Prioritization Look for other sources
ofappropriation for road No sufficient revenue of funding either from
maintenance, to increase allocation. savings or from other
rehabilitation and outside sources.

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
upgrading per LRNDP.

Periodic monitoring of
Capacitate PMC and
PMC will not be LFC to evaluate and
functional. monitor project

There are accredited

CSOs by the SP. Provide honorarium.
Non-participation of Orientation of the CSO
CSOs in the roles.
Capacitate CSOs.
Issuance of Provincial
Issuance of
Budget Memorandum
memorandum on the
indicating therein the Late submission of
the AIP due to non- schedule of submission
activities and the date
submission of the of PPAs, with allocation
of submission.
offices’ PPAs. and sanctions for the
non-submission or late
Budget proposals are
more than the
allocation in the AIP
Separate allocation for
the Rehabilitation and Political
Maintenance of Roads. interventions. Involvement of SP in
the budget preparation.

There are approved

PDPFP, LDIP and AIP There are PPAs Yearly updating of
as basis in preparation identified in the AIP LDIP.
of the Budget. are not reflected in

Unplanned projects
but are critical to
address situations
arising from
emergencies or

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management
those incidents that
pose imminent
danger to life and
property, i.e.
(mitigating and
climate change
adaptation projects)

The Provincial
Government will
operate within the Failure to realize the Regular monitoring of
approved budget and collection target receipts and
based on the
that revenue targets expenditures.
estimated revenues
and collections will
as stipulated in the
improve annually annual budget

There are prepared Delay of procurement

Cash Disbursement process. Issuance of Executive
Forecasts and Project Order to all offices to
Implementation submit PIR quarterly.
Review(PIR) for Non-
Infrastructure ppas and
Status of
Report for
Infrastructure projects.

Unable to return
All disallowances are
the whole amount
answered and settled. Assert in the demand
on target date
letter the immediate full
settlement of the
disallowed amount.
Resignation of
Continued support of
officer/personnel Enforce policy to
provincial offices on without obtaining
the financial secure salary deduction
clearance for the
requirements for the disallowed
obligations with
PLGU. amount

Key Reform Assumptions Risks Risk Treatment/
Area Management

Unable to prepare
financial reports
on time due to
lack of personnel,
Complete set of
slow computer
Financial Reports are 1. Create plantilla
units, virus
prepared and position for
corruption of files
submitted on time in accounting
and slow internet
accordance with personnel.
2. Upgrade computer
DILG’s full disclosure
hardware and
regularly update
3. Regulate the use of
flash drive and
compact disk.
4. Upgrade the
subscription into a
higher mbps.


Development and
Assistance Plan to
support PGRR

Capacity Development and Technical Assistance Plan to support PGRR


The Provincial Government of Davao de Oro is determined in its effort towards
reform roadmap. After having a thorough assessment and evaluation on the status
of the road network of the province, there is a need to develop, enhance and
strengthen the capacity of the human resource to plan, design, implement and
maintain quality road network through effective governance. With the thrust of the
national government towards the achievement of the roads to sustainable
development goals, it is more likely that the provincial government will achieve its
reform targets on local road network.

With this PGRR, the provincial government was able to identify the capacity gaps,
limitations and weaknesses of its workforce. Capacity development plans and
programs have been determined in order to acquire, develop or sharpen capabilities
so that individual employees can accomplish their work goals leading towards
achieving the organizational goals and productivity. Moreover, employees need to
become more competent to achieve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

To ensure the implementation of the planned learning and development strategies

and plans, a mechanism will be in place. Policies and measures have to be
strengthened to ensure that trained employees are able to excel in the performance
of their functions.

The PLGU on its own could not support all the required capacity development plans
and programs. Technical assistance and financial support are needed from partner
agencies particularly the DILG through its CMGP. There is a need for the provision
of budget allocation to ensure the conduct of said learning and development

The capacity development plan was informed by the assessment report on the
current situation. It attempts to address the gaps and weaknesses identified and
enhance the strengths to sustain good governance for LRM and PFM.

Table 6.1: Capacity Development and Technical Assistance Plan

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed

Area Intervention Source of
Local Road
Information Inadequate Conduct training to 2019 PLGU/CMGP
Management knowledge & enhance technical
skills of survey skills of survey team
Conduct training to
Needs to develop capacitate/enhance 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
&enhance skills technical skills on
on route shooting route shooting and
& geo-tagging geo-tagging

Local Road Needs technical Provision of technical 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP

Network assistance in assistance in
Development developing a developing a registry
Plan registry of of environmentally
environmentally critical, sensitive and
critical, sensitive hazardous areas
and hazardous
areas Provision of technical
assistance in
Needs technical developing
assistance in Environmental
developing Management Plans 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
Environmental (EMPs)
Plans (EMPs) Conduct training &
coaching to
Inadequate skills capacitate/ enhance
of SES staff on technical skills of
responding to engineers and Social
social and Environmental 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
environmental Safeguard (SES) staff
safeguards in incorporating social
and environmental
safeguards in road
planning and

Needs capacity Conduct 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP

enhancement in training/seminar to
the preparation of enhance technical
standard Detail skills in the
Engineering preparation of
Design standard Detail
Engineering Design

Local Road Limited Provision of technical 2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of
Construction & knowledge in assistance to enhance
Maintenance terms of QC plan knowledge on QC plan
preparation preparation

Conduct training-
Needs to develop/ workshop to
enhance technical acquire/enhance 2019 PLGU/CMGP
skills on material technical skills on
testing material testing

Only 10 PEO
employees were Conduct training on
trained on QA/QC QA/QC (MTQC) for all
under PRDP project in-charge and 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
Program engineers

There are only 4

accredited CPEs Send additional 6
CE/AR to training and
acquire CPES 2019-2020 PLGU
Limited accreditation
knowledge on
DRRM-CCA, Conduct
environmental & training/workshop to
gender guidelines acquire in-depth 2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP
knowledge on DRRM-
CCA, environmental &
No PEO staff is gender guidelines
trained on EMK
Provision of technical
assistance to acquire
knowledge & skills on
EMK Formula
2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP

Conduct training to
Needs technical
acquire technical skills
assistance on

Provision of technical
No CBRMC 2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP
assistance for CBRMC

Benchmarking activity
2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
for CBRMC Team

Conduct Assessment
2019 PLGU
& Evaluation on

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of

Needs in depth Provision of technical 2019-2022 PLGU

knowledge on assistance on project
project contract contract
documentation documentation based
on latest standards &
2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP
Conduct assessment
& evaluation on the
implementation of
project contract

Limited Conduct 2019-2022 PLGU

knowledge on training/seminar to
Road Contract enhance technical
Mgt., Construction skills on Road
Supervision & Contract Mgt.,
Mgt., Project Construction
Monitoring & Supervision & Mgt.,
Evaluation and Project Monitoring & 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
Environmental & Evaluation and
Social Mgt. Environmental &
Social Mgt.

Needs to Conduct seminar on 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP

capacitate the Engineering
PPMC members (standards, project
infra requirements) for

Needs to Conduct training and 2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP

capacitate the coaching of
Community Community Monitoring
Monitoring Teams Teams

No trained Provision of technical

personnel on assistance to acquire 2019 PLGU/CMGP
Road Safety Audit technical skills on
based on the Road Safety Audit
DPWH manual based on the DPWH

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of

Inadequate Conduct seminar- 2019 PLGU/CMGP

knowledge & workshop to acquire
skills on knowledge & skills on
construction construction
occupational occupational safety
safety and health and health
Local Road The Local Road Conduct training to 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
Asset Asset Inventory enhance the technical
Management Team needs skills of Local Road
technical skills Asset Inventory Team
Provision of technical
assistance and 2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP
coaching/mentoring to
enhance the capacity
of MLGU inventory

Inadequate Conduct training- 2020 PLGU

knowledge on workshop to enhance
Windows-based knowledge on
accounting Windows-based
system accounting system

Needs technical Provision of technical

assistance on the assistance on the 2019 PLGU/CMGP
formulation/ formulation/
preparation of preparation of Local
Local Road Asset Road Asset Mgt. Plan
Mgt. Plan

The LRMT needs Conduct Orientation to

to be oriented on capacitate LRMT
the LRAM Manual members on Local 2019 PLGU/CMGP
Road Asset Mgt.
Internal Audit Limited Provision of technical PLGU/CMGP
knowledge in the assistance for the ff.:
formulation & 1.Formulation of 3- 2019
preparation of the year-Strategic Plan
required plans 2.Preparation of Risk 2019
and manuals Assessment Manual
3. Preparation of
Annual Internal Audit 2020
4.Formulation of 2022
Internal Audit
Operation Manual

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of
Needs to enhance Provision of technical 2019-2020 PLGU/CMGP
technical skills in assistance to enhance
the conduct of technical skills for the
BAICS for road effective conduct of
projects BAICS for road

Needs additional Conduct Competency

knowledge, skills Assessment to 2019-2020 PLGU
& competencies determine competency
of Internal Audit gap of Internal Audit
staff staff

Conduct training –
workshop to enhance
knowledge, skills & 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
competencies of
Internal Audit Staff

Conduct proper
training and writeshop
for the formulation of
3- years Strategic

Conduct proper
training and writeshop
for the formulation of
Risk Assessment

Conduct proper
training and writeshop
for the formulation of
Annual Internal Audit
Plan (AIAP).
Conduct training –
workshop and
Assessment to identify
learning gaps

Conduct at least 2
training – workshop.

Procurement BAC Secretariat Conduct training and 2019-2020 PLGU/

not yet trained for orientation for the CMGP
the application of application of
the electronic electronic Records

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of
Records Management System
Management (eRMS); for BAC
System (eRMS) Secretariat and supply
by the IT officers.

No provincial Conduct orientation for 2019 PLGU/

procurement the formulation of GPPB/
operations management CMGP
manual. Operations manual
and conduct hands-on
trainings & seminars

Though standard Issuance of notices, 2019-2022 GPPB, DILG-

documentation is coaching and CMGP,
adopted; delay in mentoring of supply Provincial
the submission of officers as to the Administrator,
PPMP, PRs and preparation and LCE Support
other necessary submission of
documents by the necessary documents.
office is

Awareness of the Conduct seminar on 2019-2020 GPPB, DILG-

principles of green procurement. CMGP,
green Provincial
procurement is Administrator,
not fully LCE Support

No Provincial Conduct orientation for 2019 GPPB, DILG-

procurement the Provincial CMGP,
operations Procurement Manual Provincial
Manual has been by BAC members and Administrator,
formulated TWG attend the LCE Support
workshop for the
formulation of PPM.

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of
Budget, Needs to acquire Conduct training on 2019 PLGU/
Expenditure knowledge & the examination of BLGF/
Management & skills on the books of accounts of CMGP
Revenue examination of business
Generation books of accounts establishment
of business
Conduct Orientation/ 2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
Limited Seminar to capacitate
knowledge of the the CSOs on planning
CSOs on planning & budgeting
&budgeting processes

Conduct Year-End
Needs annual Operations Review 2019-2022 PLGU
evaluation & and Planning Session

Employees from Conduct 2019 PLGU/CMGP

the accounting, orientation/seminar to
budget & treasury accounting employees
& administrative and Administrative
officers of various Officers re updates on
offices need new auditing
updating on new standards, circulars
auditing and other statutory
standards, requirements for audit.
circulars and
other statutory
requirements for
audit to avoid

employees need Conduct technical
enhancement on assistance to enhance
Philippine Public the skills & knowledge
Sector of accounting 2019 PLGU/CMGP
Accounting employees on
Standard Philippine Public
(PPSAS) and Sector
advance Accounting Standard
technique on (PPSAS) and advance
Microsoft Excel technique on Microsoft
Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet

Conduct training/
Need continuous coaching &mentoring

Key Reform Capacity Gaps Proposed CD Timeframe Proposed
Area Intervention Source of
updating & for continuous
upgrading of skills updating and
& knowledge upgrading of skills &
knowledge of
Accounting employees 2020-2022 PLGU/CMGP

Provision of technical
Need updates on assistance to
new issuances accounting employees
regarding on new issuances
disclosure policies regarding disclosure
and preparation of policies and
financial reports preparation of financial
2019-2022 PLGU/CMGP
Limited Conduct training-
knowledge &skills workshop on windows-
on windows- based accounting
based accounting system

2019-2022 PLGU

Others Inadequate Conduct training- 2019 PLGU/CMGP

knowledge and workshop to
skills on technical capacitate employees
writing in terms of technical
writing skills


Monitoring and

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

The M and E Framework refers to a brief guide formulated by the province as a
commitment to regularly and periodically track changes and progress in the reform
program. It aims to monitor and evaluate the effective implementation of the PGRR.
This section includes a brief write-up on the M and its scope, importance and its
implementing mechanism. The section will also include the template below which
provides the details of the M and E framework. The column on indicator refers on
how each of expected result of the target situation will be measured. LRMPAT,
PFMAT, and APCPI. Indicators can be used for this purpose. The column on
baseline should be cross referenced to the current situation. The means of
verification provides the evidences required to show that the indicator or results have
been achieved. The data collection will explain how the evidences be gathered and
who will gather the evidence while the data analysis provides the tools for analysis
and who will do the analysis. The frequency and the budget states how often will the
M&E be conducted and what are the needed resources.

The LRMT is responsible in tracking progress and achievement in the annual

targets. It will coordinate and mobilize the Provincial Program Monitoring and
Evaluation Committee to periodically monitor and report the PGRR including results,
issues and lessons learned. The LRMT will review during its regular meeting the
results and findings from the PPMC.

The PLGU will also conduct an annual assessment of the PGRR which will inform
the preparation of the ARAP.

The accomplishment reports from each KRA and members of the LRMT will be used
in the preparation of PGRR accomplishment report and evaluation.

Table 7.1. Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix

Data Collection Data Analysis Budget

Target Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Frequency
Situation Targets HOW WHO HOW WHO
KRA 1: Local Road Information Management

a. Percentage 2018- 2020 1.RBIS Secure copy LRMT Collated data LRMT Annually Budget
1.1.1 Established, generated of the allocation for
of TWG- KRA to determine
updated, a. 100% report following: the
established a. 0% Head the
DRRM and establishmen
local roads b. 0% b. 100% percentages
SDG 2. GIS-based RBIS t of DRRM
data in RBIS c. 100%
informed c. 100% Hazard Maps generated of and SDG
b. Percentage d. 0%
RBIS report from accomplishm informed
managed by of validated d. 15% ents based
all PLGUs and updated Report
2019- 2021 on targets
local roads (Incident GIS-based
data in RBIS a. 50.86
a. 100% report, hazard maps
c. Percentage %
survey from PPDO
b. 0% b. 100%
of local reports)
c. 100%
roads with 3.1 Police SDG Report
d. 0% c. 100%
established Report from PPO,
or updated d. 65% PEO
(whatever is inventory
2022 team and
DRRM Inter-office
a. 100%
SDG Survey
b. 100% Team
d. Percentage c. 100%
of provincial
roads with d. 100%

Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Frequency
Situation Targets HOW WHO HOW WHO

a. Number of 2018 2020 Secure copy LRMT To determine KRA As CapDev for
1.1.2 RBIS used planning a. 2 LRNDP if the local
of LRNDP TWG- KRA Head needed PPMC
for local document a. 1 (LRND RBIS data
(LRND and Head PPMC members on
road utilizes RBIS are used in
P, b. 2 Monitoring the use of
network data PDPF Monitoring the updating
and RBIS data
planning, b. Number of 2021 and of LRNDP
P) Evaluation
programm Monitoring Evaluation and used in
b. 0 Reports
ing, and a. 0 Reports the
evaluation Evaluation 2019 Monitoring
and b. 4
document a. 1 and
monitorin utilizes RBIS 2022 Evaluation
g data P) Activities
a. 0 a. 0
b. 4
1.1.3 Establishe a. Percentag 2018 Secure GIS LRMT To determine LRMT Annually Budget
d, updated e of a. 100% 2020 GIS based if the
a. 100%
based road TWG- KRA Allocation for
and provincial b. 2 road network generated
b. 1 network map Head the purchase
utilized roads (LRND map GIS based
(LRNDP) of GIS-based
GIS based updated in P, c. 2 LRND Plan road network equipment
Secure a
local road the GIS- PDPF 2021 data are with (desktop,
copy of
network based P) a.100% M&E complete storage, etc.)
map for LRNM with c. 0 b. 0 Reports attributes
planning, complete c. 4
programm attributes 2019 2022 Secure M & E
ing, b. Number of b. 100% a. 100% Reports
evaluation b. 0
planning c. 1 c. 4
and document (PDPF
monitorin that P)
g with Utilizes the d. 0
complete GIS-based
attributes LRNM
and c. Number
managed monitoring
by the and

Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Frequency
Situation Targets HOW WHO HOW WHO
PLGUs. evaluation
report that
1.2.1 All a. Percentage 2018 Secure LRMT To determine LRMT For Represent
2020 Screenshot screenshot
provincial and of a. 10% TWG- KRA progress of Provincial ation
a.100% of the
component city provincial b. 0% Head video-tagging Roads: Fuel
roads video- roads c. 0% 2021 report against plan Annually Capacity
tagged and video- a.100% and assess For on- Developm
uploaded in a tagged and b. 10% issues/ going/co ent
uploaded 2019 c. 5% mpleted
web-based challenges
in a RBIS a.59% projects Video-
portal 2022- affecting
b. Percentage b. 0% a. Befor tagging/
a.100% video-tagging e the
of c. 0% Routeshoo
municipal b. 20% projec t devices
roads c. 10% t (MLGUs)
video- b. 50%
tagged and acco
in a RBIS
c. 100%
c. Percentage
- after
barangay g
roads Cert.
video- of
tagged and Comp
uploaded letion
in a RBIS For
Roads –

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

KRA 2: Local Road Network Development Plan

2.1 Local Road Management Team, Roles & Functions

2.1.1 2018 2020

Institutionalized a. Institutionali a. Presence b.1. 12  Executive Secure copy LRMT To determine LRMT Annually-
and functional zation of of b.2. 60% Order of E.O. from Secretariat presence of E.O.
Local Road the LRMT Executive the Records inclusive
Management b. Functionalit Order 2021 Management LRMT
Team facilitates y of the b.1. 3 b.1. 12  Minutes of Section from
LRMT b.2. 80% Meeting the Provincial
achievement of
b.1. Number of 2019 Administrator’s
LRMT a. Presence 2022 Office LRMT Monthly-
reforms in LRM monthly of b.1. 12 meetings
and PFM coordinatio Executive b.2. 100% Secure copy LRMT Assess the
n Meetings Order  Quarterly of Minutes of Secretariat attendance of
conducted b.1. 12 accomplish Meeting the team
b.2. ARAP b.2. 46% (as ment report LRMT
Accomplish of per KRA Annually-
ment Novemb Secure copy LRMTKRA Assessment of PGRR-
er 2019) of the Heads PGRR ARAP ARAP
Quarterly versus the
accomplishme actual
nt report per progress
2.2 Multi-stakeholder participation in LRNDP process
2.2.1 2018 2020
Multi-stakeholder a. Percentage of a. __ a. 60%  Post-Activity Secure copy LRMT To determine LRMT Annually
participation Multi- b. __ b. 10% Report or of the Post- Secretariat percentage of
(with women Stakeholders minutes of Activity report multi-
participation/inv participation 2021 meeting or minutes of stakeholders
involved in 2019 a. 70% meeting
olvement) in a. __ participation
road network b. 15%
road network b. __ and women
planning and
planning and participation in
investment 2022
investment programming a. 80% road network
programming b. Percentage of b. 20% planning and
adopted as women investment

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

standard participation in programming

practice road network
2.2.2 a. Percentage of 2018
Achievement of target a. 100% 2020-2022  Post-activity Secure copy LRMT To ensure that LRMT Every after
Very recipient b. 0% 100% report (IEC) of the post- Secretariat the community each IEC
Satisfactory” barangays activity report has the full activity
rating for CMGP informed on 2019 from the understanding
in the Citizen CMGP a. 100% PPDO and support of
b. Satisfaction b. 0%
Participation the project
survey rating
Survey under
Dev. Live

2.3 Local Road Network Development Plan (LRNDP)

2.3.1 a. Presence of 2018-2019 2020

LRNDP adopted LRNDP a. Present a. Present  PDC Secure copy LRMT- To determine LRMT Annually
by b. Percentage Approved of the Secretariat the extent of
the province as of the 2021 and SP approved influence of
planning LRNDP- a. Present Adopted Updated LRNDP in the
document prioritized b. 25% LRNDP from investment
through road projects the PPDO
LRNDP prioritization of
Sanggunian in the PDIP 2022
the PLGU
Panlalawigan a. Present
b. 50%
Resolution (SP),
in support of the

2.3.2 Adopted & a. Number of 2018 2020

Prioritized List of climate- a. ___ a. 3  Detailed Secure copyof PEO/ To determine if PEO Annually
Local Road resilient road Engineering DEDs, POWs PENRO the DEDs are
Projects which projects 2021 Design and EMPs climate –
which are 2019 a. 3 (DED)
are Climate resilient
prioritized a. ___ Secure copy PPDO PPDO Annually

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

Resilient and  Inclusion of of the AIP To ensure its

incorporated 2022 the implementatio
in the AIP a. 3 Prioritized n
projects in
the AIP
2.3.3 Provincial a. Presence of 2018 2020
Government Updated a. Some a. Present  Updated Secure copy PENRO To determine PENRO Annually
updates the LRNDP ESS LRNDP with of Updated the inclusion of
LRNDP every adopting ESS policies ESS policies LRNDP with ESS policies in
policies included 2021 ESS policies
three years the LRNDP
in the a. Present
adopting social
and 2022
environmental 2022 a. Present
safeguard Enhance
policies d
a. Some
in the
2.3.4 Local Road a. 10 SDG 2018 2020-2022
Network indicators a. none b. Updated  Updated Secure copy KRA 2 Team To determine if KRA 2
Development aligned with LRNDP LRNDP of the updated the LRNDP is Team
Plan aligned to LRNDP 2019 aligned with LRNDP aligned with
SDGs results a. none SDGs the SDGs

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

b. Presence of
aligned to
2.4 Preparation of Detailed Engineering Designs (DEDs)

2.4.1 All DEDs a. Percentage 2018 2020-2022  DED, POW Secure copy PEO To determine PEO/ Annually
for all local road ofprovincial a. 100% a. 100% and EMP of DED, POW no. of projects PENRO
projects are roads with and EMP with standard
prepared in DEDsprepare 2019 DED, POW
accordance with d in a. 100% and EMP
DPWH standards accordance
and prepared with DPWH
with minimal standards
2.5 Result-based Monitoring & Evaluation (RBME) System

2.5.1Institutionali a. Institutionaliz 2018-2019 2020-2022

zed results- ation a. Yes a. Yes  Updated Secure copy KRA 2 Team Ensure that KRA 2
based and SDG b. Functionality (PPMC) b. Yes LRNDP with of the LRNDP the RBME Team
Linked RBME mechanism is
b. No (not (RBME
monitoring and mechanism mainstreamed
yet applied mechanism in the Updated
evaluation mainstreame
RBME applied) d LRNDP
mechanism in mechanism) Secure copy PPDO- M&E PPDO-
place and
functional to  Monitoring of the reports To determine M&E
reports the application
monitor LRNDP of RBME
implementation mechanism

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

KRA 3: Local Road Construction and Maintenance

3.1 All road and bridge projects implemented according to DPWH standards
3.1.3 a. Percentage of 2018 2020: Approved QC Secure copy of -LRMT -to determine -PEO Annual No budget
All road and road and bridge a.) 0 a.) 100% Plan the ff: number of requirement
bridge projects by b.) 0 Contract projects with
projects have QC contract with 2021 agreement 1. QC plan QC plan in
plans and other QC plans in 2019 a.) 100% NTP from PEO- compliance
a.) 100% MTQC section
requirements in compliance 2022 with QA
b.) 0
compliance with with QA Manual a.) 100% Manual for
2. contract
QA Manual for for LGUs b.) 50% LGUs
from BAC Sec
LGUs b. Percentage of
road and bridge 3. NTP from
projects by BAC Sec
with QC plans
in compliance
with QA Manual
for LGUs

3.1.2 PEO are a. Number of staff 2018 2020 Certificate of Secure copy of PEO, LRMT, a. To PEO, Annual No budget
capacitated on trained a. 0 b. 1 Participation the ff.: PHRMDO determine the LRMT, requirement
QA/QC thru b. number of hired b. 0 c. 49 Acceptance 1. Certificates Number of PHRMD
continuing Materials c. 0 2021 and Inspection of participation staff trained O
capacity Engineers 2019 a. 10 Report (AIR) from PEO b. To
development and c. No. of acquired a. 14 b. 3 Job Contract Personnel determine the
b. 0 2022 2. copy of AIR number of ME
acquisition or materials
c. 0 a. 5 from GSO hired
out sourcing of testing 3. copy of Job c. To
QA/QC equipment b. 1
contract from determine
equipment/servic HRMDO number of
es acquired
3.2 Constructor Performance Evaluation System (CPES) conducted
3.2.1 CPES is a. Percentage of 2018 2020 Secure copy of PEO, LRMT a. To PEO, Annual No budget
regularly applied a. 66% CPES Report CPES Report determine the LRMT requirement

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

to Provincial road projects b. 66% a. 100% and screen number of

road & bridge conducted with 2019 b. 100% Screenshot of shot of email road projects
projects and CPES a. 77% 2021 email to to PDCB- conducted
constructors’ b. 59% PDCB-CIAP CIAP, from with CPES
a. 100%
performances b. Percentage of CPES-IU b. To
are effectively b. 100% determine the
CPES Results
evaluated in 2022 number of
prepared and
accordance with submitted to
a. 100% CPES Results
CPES guidelines PDCB-CIAP b. 100% prepared in
accordance to
and submitted
3.3 All provincial roads maintained in fair to good condition

3.3.4 Percentage of 2018 – 0 2020 Local Road Secure copy of LRMT, PEO To determine PEO Annual No budgetary
All provincial all provincial a. 100% Inventory (LRI) LRI, POW and the length of requirement
roads roads 2019 b. 0 Maintenance QMAR from roads
maintained in maintained in a. 100% Program of PEO maintained
fair to good fair to good b. 0 2021 Work (POW)
condition based condition based a. 100% Quarterly
b. 50% Maintenance
on applicable on applicable
2022 nt Report
guidelines with guidelines with a. 100%
due due b. 100%
considerations considerations
environmental environmental
and gender and gender
concerns concerns

a. Maintained

and gender

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who


3.3.5 Percentage of 2018 – 0 2020 – 50% AMWP Secure copy of PEO, LRMT To determine PEO Annual No budgetary
All maintenance Road Quarterly AMWP and the requirement
work is Maintained in 2019 – 0 2021 – 75% Maintenance QMAR from percentage of
implemented in accordance to Accomplishme PEO fair to good
accordance with AMWP nt Report road
the Annual maintained
2022 – 100% according to
Maintenance Work
3.3.3 All fair – Percentage of 2018 – 0 2020-0 -EMK -Secure copy -PEO -to determine PEO, Annual No
good provincial the budget 2019 - 0 Computation of EMK from the LRMT budgetary
roads are allocated for 2021 –0 PEO percentage of requirement
maintained at maintenance fair to good
rates/km/year according to the 2022 – 100% provincial
computed DPWH EMK roads
according to the formula maintained at
DPWH EMK including road rates/km/year
formula safety measures computed
including road and furniture. according to
safety measures the DPWH
and furniture EMK formula
including road
measures and

3.4 Communities are engaged in provincial road maintenance conducted

3.4.1 a. Number of 2018 2020 Certificate of Secure copy of LRMT a. To LRMT Annual No budgetary
Communities are barangays a. 0 a. 2 Appearance the ff.: determine the requirement
engaged and oriented and b. 0 b. 2 (CA) 1. CA; and no. of
actively consulted on 2019 2021 Attendance copy of barangays
participate in CBRMC a. 4 a. 6 Photos during Attendance oriented/consu
provincial road b. Number of b. 0 b. 6 Barangay from Barangay lted
provincial road 2022 Assembly 2. copy of NTP
sections a. 12 Notice to from PGSO- b. To
activities such
maintained with b. 12 Proceed BAC

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

as maintenance Community Project 3. copy of determine

planning, Participation Completion PCR and number of
community Report (PCR) Certificate of provincial road
contracting, Cert of Completion sections
monitoring and Completion from PEO maintained
feed backing and with
equal Community
opportunities are Participation
provided to both
men and women,
youth, senior
citizens and
3.5 Road Project Documentation

3.5.1 Road Percentage of 2018 – 100% 2020 – Perfected Secure copy LRMT To assess the LRMT Annual No budgetary
project and Road projects 2019 - 100% 100% Contract from PGSO- completeness requirement
contract implemented are Document BAC and the
documentation with complete
2021 – efficiency of
are complete and contract project
efficiently documentation& 100%
processed with efficiently
2022 – documentation
strict processed with
observance of strict 100%
standards and observance of
deadlines standards and
3.6 Personnel complement

3.6.2 A. Number of 2018 2020 Certificate of Secure copy -PEO To determine -PEO Annual
LGU has PEO staff with A. PEO A. PEO Training from -LRMT the number of -PENRO
adequate staff knowledge and a. 0 a. 34 PHRMDO and -PHRMDO personnel -
with knowledge skills of the b. 3 b. 34 concerned trained PHRMD
and skills in the following: c. 0 c. 5 personnel O
following: d. 0 d. 5
 Road 1 5
contract 2019 2021

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

management b. CSM A. PEO A. PEO

 Construction a. 0 a. 34
Supervision c. PME b. 0 b. 34
and c. 2 c. 5
d. ESM d. 1 d. 10
 Project B. Number of
1 2022
Monitoring PENRO staff A. PEO
and with knowledge a. 34
Evaluation and skills in b. 34
ESM c. 5
Environmental d. 10
and Social

3.6.2 Policies, 2020 - 2022 2020 - 2022 2020

measures and No. of Memos Implementa Memorandu Coordinate PHRMDO Categorize PHRMD semestral None
strategies are in with the collected O
issued tion of m Order
place to ensure (Policy Retention Departments/ data
that trained implementation and Service Updated Offices
personnel are and Memo Obligation Briefer for Assessment
retained or reiteration)
policy for Employees’ of results
render the employees Orientation
required service sent to 3 or Program
before leaving more days
the LGU
minars and Memorandum
short- Order Coordinate PHRMDO semestral
termed (reiteration) with the PHRMD
courses Departments/ O
Monitoring & Offices
2021 Evaluation Categorize
Implementa Sheet/s collected
tion of data
Briefer of

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

and Service Employees’ Assessment

Obligation Handout of of results
policy for Orientation
sent to 3 or
more days
technical/sk Memorandum Coordinate PHRMDO semestral
ills Order with the
training/se (reiteration) Departments/ PHRMD
minar and Offices O
short Monitoring &
termed Evaluation
Briefer of
2022 Handout of data
Implementa Orientation
tion of Program Assessment
Retention of results
and Service
policy for
sent to 3 or
more days
minar and
3.7 Local road project monitoring

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

3.7.1 Percentage of 2018 – 6% 2020 –40% Minutes of To secure LRMT To determine LRMT Monthly Budget for
Road Road 2019 - Meetings copy from PGO the frequency PGO meeting
construction construction 2021 –70% PPMC of project
projects and projects and Consolidated Secretariat monitoring
maintenance maintenance 2022 –100% Report
activities are activities are
monitored and monitored and
reported through reported through
a fully functional a fully functional
Provincial Provincial
Project Project
Monitoring Monitoring
Committee Committee

3.7.2 Percentage of 2018 – 3 2020–100% Minutes of Secure copy of LRMT To determine LRMT Annual No budgetary
Establishing a Coordination coordination Meeting Minutes of the frequency requirement
Feedback Meetings meeting per 2021- Meeting from of meeting per
mechanism conducted project 100% PEO project
participated by 2019 - 3
community 2022–
3.8 Road Safety Management

3.8.3 All Percentage of 2018 – 4% Road Safety Secure copy LRMT, PEO To determine LRMT, Annual No budget
provincial all provincial 2019 – 4% 2020 –100% Audit Report from PEO the number of PEO requirement
roads are roads Note: CMGP (RSA) roadsconstruct
constructed with constructed with Projects 2021 –100% ed with Road
road safety road safety Local Road Safety
features in features in 2022 –100% Inventory features
accordance with accordance with
DPWH standards DPWH

3.8.2 PLGU Percentage of 2018 – 4% 2020 –50% Road Safety Secure copy LRMT, PEO To determine LRMT, Annual No budget
conducts regular all Provincial 2019 – 4% Audit Report from PEO the number of PEO requirement
road safety audit Roads Note: CMGP 2021 –75% (RSA) road sections

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

based on DPWH conducted with Projects with RSA

guidelines road safety audit 2022 –100% Local Road
based on DPWH Inventory

3.9 Rehabilitation and improvement of unpaved, poor to bad paved core provincial roads

3.9.1 Unpaved Number of 2018 - 67.05 2020 – 8 Local Road Secure Copy LRMT, PEO To determine LRMT, Annual No budget
Poor to Bad, kilometer of the km km Inventory of Local Road the length of PEO requirement
paved core identified core 2019 – Inventory from provincial core
provincial roads 254.88 km PEO
roads are 2021 – 10 roads
are rehabilitated rehabilitated and rehabilitated
improved/upgra and
ded 2022 – 15 improved/upgr
km aded

3.10 Progress Billing for roads and infrastructure projects

3.10.1 Pursuant No. of CMGP -2018 – 0 2020 – Monthly Secure copy LRMT- Determine LRMT Semi - No
to Paragraph 5, projects billed -2019 - 0 30% Utilization of from TWG the number annual budgetary
Annex “E” monthly 2021 -60% Report PACCO and of projects Requiremen
(Contract Statement of PEO t
Implementation 2022 – Work monthly
Guidelines for 100% Accomplish
the Procurement based on the
of Infrastructure actual/validat
Project,)” Report ed
awarded Disbursemen accomplishm
contractors are t Voucher ent
to prepare
progress billings
request for
payments for

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who

supported by the
Statement of
Accomplished or
SWA that is
checked and
validated by the
Project Engineer

Data Collection Data Analysis

Annual Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline MOV Frequency
Targets Description

KRA 4: Local Road Asset Management

4.1.1. a. Portion of 2018 2020-2022 Report of the Secure copy of LRMT To Determine LRMT Every 4th Budget
Performance provincial roads a. 97% a. 100% local road the following: Secretariat the proportion Inventory quarter of Allocation for
condition surveyed or b. 2 b. 2 network; and of the team the year conduct of
assessment of assessed report on the Report of the provincial road physical
assets physical local road network inventory
conducted and b. Presence of 2019 count and network from survey Every 4th and
reported report of the a. 100% assessment PACCO; and quarter of assessment
regularly local road b. 2 on the local report on the To determine the year of roads.
network (Annex road network physical count the current
A COA Circular and assessment condition of
2015-008;) and on the local road the assets
report on the network from
physical count Inventory Team. To determine
on the local road the number of
network (Annex reports
C: COA Circular submitted vis a
2015-008) vis the number
of survey

Data Collection Data Analysis
Annual Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline MOV Frequency
Targets Description

4.2.1 a. No. of 2018 2020-2022 Subsidiary 1.Secure a copy PACC 1. Determine PACCO 1. Every 4th Budget
All provincial Provincial Road a. 81 a. 83 Ledger or of Property, Plant O the amount to . quarter of allocation for
road Sections booked PPE Ledger and Equipment - be recorded as . the year Office
infrastructure and updated. Card Annex Local Road adjustment/s . Supplies
and facilities D Network Ledger for .
recorded as 2019 Card (Annex D, improvement
assets in the a. 83 COA Circular or impairments
LGU’s book of 2015-008) of road
accounts in 2. Secure a copy components
accordance with of the PPE for each road 2. Semi-
NGAS and Lapsing Schedule section. Annual
relevant COA 2. Determine
circulars, and the remaining
updated useful life of
regularly; with the assets and
complete compute for
description and depreciation
cost segregation based on
of road PPSAS #17
components to
monitor changes
over time
4.3.1 Presence of 2019 - 0 2020 Copy of Secure a copy of PEO To determine if LRMT Once Budget
Province adopts adopted Local Provincial Provincial a Local Road Secretari Allocation for
and implement Road Asset Prepared Ordinance Ordinance and Management at reproduction.
Local Road Management and adopted and Local Local Road Plan is
Asset Plan the Local Road Management adopted and
Management Road Management Plan. prepared.
Plan for Management Plan.
improved Plan.

Data Collection Data Analysis
Annual Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline MOV Frequency
Targets Description

investment Number of 2021 Status of Secure a copy of PEO To determine if Project

decisions, road Projects Implemented Project Status of Project projects are Impleme
asset implemented in the Local Implementati Implementation implemented ntation
preservation and the LRAM Plan Road on according to Monitorin Annually
maintenance Management LRAM Plan g Team

Number of 2022 Status of Secure a copy of PEO To determine if Project Annually

Projects Continued Project Status of Project projects are Impleme
implemented in Implementati Implementati Implementation implemented ntation
the LRAM Plan on of the on according to Monitorin
Local Road LRAM Plan g Team
4.4.1 Presence of 2019 - 0 Prepared Copy of Secure Copy of LRMT To determine if LRMT Once Budget
LGUs are guided adopted Local and adopted Provincial Provincial Local Local Road Allocation for
with LRA Road Asset the Local Local Road Road Management Training
Management Management Road Management Management Plan was
Manual. Plan Management Plan. Plan and Local adopted and
Plan guided Road Asset prepared with
by the Local Management guidance from
Road Asset Manual Local Road
Management Management
Manual. Manual
Number of Implemented Status of Secure a copy of LRMT To determine if LRMT Once Budget
Projects the Local Project Status of Project projects in the Allocation for
implemented by Road Implementati Implementation Local Road Training
PLGU in the Management on Management
LRAM Plan Plan with Plan was
guided by LRAM guidance implemented
Manual from the with guidance
Local Road from Local
Asset Road Asset
Management Management
Manual. Plan

Data Collection Data Analysis
Annual Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline MOV Frequency
Targets Description

Number of Continued Status of Secure a copy of LRMT To determine if LRMT Once Budget
Projects implementati Project Status of Project projects in the Allocation for
implemented by on of the Implementati Implementation Local Road Training
PLGU in the Local Road on Management
LRAM Plan Management Plan was
guided by LRAM Plan with implemented
Manual guidance with guidance
from the from Local
Local Road Road Asset
Asset Management
Management Plan

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
KRA 5: Internal Audit

5.1.4 2018 2020

Internal Audit a. Presence of a. Present b. 2 SP Secure copy of PAO - IAD Verify LRMT Once Office
Unit/department SP b. 2 c. 1 Ordinance SP Ordinance compliance to Supplies
is established, ordinance c. 5 d. 100% from SP Guidelines PFMT Expenses
functional and for the d. 0% Annual Secretariat issued by the
resourced establishme Plantilla DBM and the Office
consistent with nt of 2019 2021 Position Secure copy of CSC Semi – Equipment
applicable Internal b. 1 b. 2 Annual Plantilla annually
Guidelines Audit c. 2 c. 1 Contract of Position and Verify the Representati
issued by the Division d. 50% d. 100% Service Contract of actual on Expenses
DBM and the (IAD). Service from positions
CSC b. Number of Audit Report PHRMO funded against Travelling
Plantilla b. 2 plan consistent Expenses
Position. c. 1 Keep copy of with applicable
d. 100%
c. Number of Audit Report Guidelines

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
IAD issued by the Annually
personnel. DBM and the
d. Percentage CSC.
Implementa Assess the
tion based audit
on AIAP. conducted if
based on the
Internal Audit
Road related a. Number of 2018 2020 Audit Report Keep copy of PAO - IAD Assess the LRMT Annually Office
Provincial Road a. None a. 2 Audit Report audit Supplies
Offices are related b. None b. 2 conducted if PFMT Expense
regularly Provincial Approved Keep copy of based on the Annually
subjected to Offices 2019 2021 Annual Annual Internal Annual Office
internal audit audited a. 2 a. 2 Internal Audit Plan Internal Audit Equipment
based on the b. Number of b. 5 b. 2 Audit Plan Plan.
approved Annual Road Representati
Internal Audit related 2022 Verify that the on Expense
Plan Provincial a. 3 actual audit
Offices b. 3 against AIAP. Travelling
included on Expense
the AIAP.
Recommendatio a. Percentage 2018 - None 2020 – 50% Memorandu If SP Ordinance PAO – IAD Verify that the LRMT Annually Office
ns in the Internal of audit m Order OR Secure copy of issued Supplies
Audit Report are recommend 2019 - None 2021 – 75% Office Order SP Ordinance MO/EO/SP PFMT Expense
promptly resolve ation OR SP from SP ordinance
and acted by resolves 2022 –100% Ordinance Secretariat against the Office
LCE and and acted If Memorandum audit Equipment
implemented by by LCE and Order and recommendati
concerned implemente Executive Order on. Representati
provincial offices d by Secure copy of on Expense
concerned Memorandum
offices. Order and Travelling
Executive Order Expense
from PGO - Admin

Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Budget
Target Situation Indicator Baseline Frequency
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
Internal control a. Number of 2018 - 1 2020 - 2 Baseline Keep copy of PAO – IAD Assess the LRMT Annually Office
systems and Baseline Assessment Baseline internal control Supplies
procedures of Assessment 2019 - 2 2021 - 2 Report Assessment system PFMT Expense
road related Report. Report conducted
offices are 2022 - 2 based on Office
established, Annual Equipment
operational and Internal Audit
documented Plan Representati
on Expense

Trained internal a. No. of 2018 2020 Certificate of Secure copy of PAO – IAD Strengthen the LRMT Office
auditors base on training / a. 4 a. 4 attendance/ certificate of internal auditor Supplies
Cap Dev. plan seminar / b. non b. 100% participation attendance/ skills and PFMT Expense
and able to workshop e participation from knowledge
perform their attended / 2021 Activity the agency who Office
functions conducted. 2019 a. 4 design conduct the Equipment
b. Percentage a. 4 b. 100% training/ seminar/
of b. non Attendance workshop. Traveling
implementat e 2022 Sheets Expenses
ion of Cap a. 5 Keep copy of
Dev. Plan. b. 100% activity design and Training
attendance sheet Expenses
for the training/

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
KRA 6: Budget, Revenue Generation and Expenditure Management

Increased Percentage of 2018 - Taxable Secure copy of the LRMT To determine LRMT Annually Budget
percentage of Increase of 19.93% 2020-2022: Assessed following the forecasted allocation for
local revenues to Local revenues 2019 - 5% Value Report documents: collection General
augment the 4.50% SRE and Revision
budget for road collection Taxable Assessed To determine
upgrading, report Value Report from Budget
the actual
rehabilitation PASSO allocation for
and collection revenue
SRE and
maintenance. collection.
collection report
from PTO
Increased a. Percentage of 2019 – CY 2020 – Appropriatio Obtain LRMT Comparison of LRMT Yearly Php100,000.
allocation and increase in a.)Php100,0 a.) 100% n Ordinance Appropriation TWG the current member - 00
utilization of budget 00.00 per km b.) 95% Ordinance from member - and previous Budget
Funds for local appropriation for for c.) 2% SP PBO budget Officer
road the maintenance maintenance Statement of personnel appropriation and
d.) 97.5%
maintenance, of roads of local Appropriatio Obtain SAAOB Planning
rehabilitation roads n, Allotment from Provincial Comparison of Officer
and upgrading b.) 94.15% and Budget Office KRA 6 data
CY 2021 –
b. Percentage of c.) Obligations member -
Php62,502,0 a.) 3% PBO
budget increase
appropriation for 70.00 personnel KRA 6
d.) 98% b.) 95.5% members
the rehab of c.) 2%
roads increase
d.) 98%
c. Percentage of
fund utilization CY 2022 –
for local road a.) 5%
maintenance increase
b.) 96%
d. Percentage of c.) 2%
fund utilization increase
for local road d.) 98.5%
Duly accredited Number of 5 CY 2020- Invitation Obtain copies of LRMT Attendance LRMT January to Php200,000.
Civil Society representativ represent 2022–at letters the invitation TWG KRA and TWG December 00
Organizations es of duly least 1 inviting the letters, minutes of 6 member participation of KRA 6

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
(CSOs) to accredited atives CSOs to meetings and - PBO and CSOs in the members
participate in Civil Society from CSO attend and attendance sheets PPDO planning and - PPDO
the planning Organization as participate in personnel budgeting and PBO
and budgeting s to the planning processes personne
processes participate in members
and l
the planning of the budgeting
and Provincial processes
budgeting Developm
processes ent Minutes of
Council to meeting
e in the
planning Attendance

No CSO in
Synchronized Percentage AIP 2020-2022: Copy of the Obtain copy of the LRMT Tracking or LRMT AIP – Php200,000.
planning and of submis 100% AIP duly AIP TWG KRA Monitoring of Team - January to 00
budgeting compliance submitted 6 member the submission Planning June
with the sion -
calendar, and received - PPDO of AIP and Officer
prescribed October by the personnel Executive and Executive
particularly for 14,
period in the Sangguniang Obtain copy of the Budget and its Budget Budget – Php200,000.
budget submission 2019 Panlalawigan Executive Budget LRMT approval by Officer July to 00
preparation of AIP and TWG KRA the SP October
and LEP and Copy of the 6 member
authorization budget Budget
Executive - PBO
is strictly authorization submis
Budget duly Obtain copy of the personnel
Observed sion - submitted Appropriation
Octobe and received Ordinance
r by the
15,201 Sangguniang
9 Panlalawigan Obtain copy of the
monitoring tool
Copy of the

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
authorizatio Appropriation
n on Ordinance
9,2019 Copy of the
tool of the
of AIP and
Approved Percentage of 100% of 2020- 25% Copy of Obtain copy of the LRMT Verificati LRMT January to
budget Budget budget 2021-50% Appropriation Appropriation TWG KRA on of TWG December
allocation for Appropriation for allocation 2022-100% Ordinance Ordinance 6 member data KRA 6
local road local road for local - PBO memb
rehabilitation road Copy of Obtain copy of the personnel ers
and upgrading is rehabilitatio LRNDP LDRNP
and n and LRMT
based on
maintenance maintenanc Obtain copy of TWG KRA
is based on e is based AIP 6 member

The appropriation Percentage of No copy of 2020-2022: Copy of the Obtain a copy of LRMT Verification LRMT Annual Php500,000.
ordinance the items or the 100% approved the approved AIP, TWG of records TWG 0
authorizing the object of approved AIP, LDIP LDIP and PDPFP KRA 6 KRA 0
annual budget(s) expenditures PDPFP and and PDPFP member - member
is linked with the listed in the LDIP PPDO s
Annual Appropriation on hand. personnel
Investment Ordinance Copy of the Obtain a copy of
Program, Local authorizing the CY2019 Appropriati the Appropriation LRMT
Development annual Annual on Ordinance TWG
Investment budget(s) is and Ordinance KRA 6
Program (LDIP) linked with the Suppleme member -
and Provincial Annual ntal PBO
Development and Investment Budgets personnel
Physical Program (AIP), are linked
Framework Plan Local to the AIP.
(PDPFP) Development
Program (LDIP)

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual Means of Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Verification Description
How Who How Who
and Provincial
and Physical
Plan (PDPFP)
Provincial a. a. a. 2020- Copy of the Obtain copy of LRMT Evaluation LMRT Monthly
Government Percentage Php95,000, 2022 - 5% monthly the monthly TWG and TWG
operates with of increase 000.00 - b. 2020 - collection revenue KRA 6 monitoring member
credible budget of Revenue Local 2022 - 100% report from collection member – of the s, LFC,
such that actual Targets for Sources PTO report PBO budget PBO
appropriation are Local personnel status
expended for the Sources b. not less
Revenue targets than 100%
and collection b.
improve annually Percentage
of Collection
Provincial No. of Notice of 2018 - 0 2020 – 0 Financial Get a copy of the PACC Search PACC Monthly
Government has Disallowances 2019 - 0 2021 – 0 Statement Financial O for O
no disallowances 2022 – 0 Statement disallow
from the ance
Commission on
Financial reports No. of Financial 2018- 4 sets 2020 – 4 Pictures of Get a copy of PACC Verify PACC Quarterly
are prepared on Statements of Financial sets of Posted picture showing O posting O
time and published and Statements Financial Financial the posting of FS of FS to
published in posted Statements Statements Public
accordance with 2019 - 4 sets to public places Quarterly
DILG’s Full of Financial 2021- 4 sets places
Statements of Financial Screenshot
Disclosure Policy.
Statements of posted FS
Generation of on DILG
timely and 2022 - 4 sets portal.
of Financial Print screenshot of Verify
accurate financial
reports through Statements the posted FS posting
appropriate e- ITCD/P of FS to ITCD/P

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Description
How Who How Who
KRA 7: Procurement
7.1.1 2020:
PLGU (BAC) a.1. All 2018: a. 25% 1. a. Secure copy of LRMT Assess the LRMT Annually/
uses requested data a. None b. None Communic the following: status of quarterly
an effective (2016 onwards) b. None c. 100% ation development
can be readily c. 100% d. Semeste letter, Accomplishment of the eRMS.
accessed in the d. Annuall r Attendanc report from
Management electronic e Sheet, ITCDD. Determine the
system and y
archiving 2021: minutes of accuracy level
regularly system 2019: a. 75% meeting Reports of the system.
updated, a. None b. None b. generated from
and Database of a.2. Proportion b. None c. 100% Accompli the eRMS from Determine the
Items and cost of data updated c. 100% d. Quarterly shment BAC Secretariat. frequency of
in the electronic d. Annuall report of updating the
related to goods
archiving y 2022: eRMS Printed updated database.
and services in system a. 100% from price list report
analysing and b. All data develope from BAC
evaluating b. Percentage of updated r Secretariat.
proposals. contract c. 100% (ITCDD)
documents d. Quarterly c.
Targets: imported to Reports
electronic * expressed generate
a. Effective
archiving in frequency, d from
Record system number of eRMS
Management times or 2. PPMP,
System; c. Presence of percentages PR, PO,
b. Regularly database of (brief and ObR
updated; goods and concise not 3. APP,
services necessarily printed
c. Database
to be updated
of Goods d. Frequency of expressed in price list
and updating of sentences report
Services prices of goods ex. 30%
d. Database and services Should
of Goods *Answer to answer to
and indicator/s prove the

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Description
How Who How Who
Services (col2)
updated a. Client
b. Data
c. Data
Reduced Number of days 2018: 2020- 2022: 1. Bidding Secure copy of LRMT Determine LRMT Annually
Procurement reduction Average of Maintained documen the following: from number of
cycle time for 73 calendar the ts BAC Sec calendar days
bidding days for procurement 2. Minutes 1. Bidding reduced on
goods and cycle time of documents procurement
more than for bidding Meeting 2. Minutes of cycle.
90 calendar so as not to 3. BAC Meeting
days for exceed 90 Resolutio 3. BAC
infrastructure days. n Resolution
. 4. Notice of 4. Notice of
Award Award
cycle for
bidding (from
opening of
bids to
issuance of
NOA) of
a.) goods -
22 days
-72 days
Adoption of Percentage of 2018: 100% 2020-2022: 1. Biddin Secure copy of LRMT Assess LRMT Annually
standard compliance compliant 100% g the following: completeness
documentation compliance docum 1. Bidding and

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Description
How Who How Who
based on Phil. 2019: 100% of complete ents documents compliance in
Bidding compliant bidding 2. Checkli 2. Checklist accordance to
documents. documents st R.A. 9184
Phil. Bidding
docs, NTP
Limit or Percentage of 2018: 2020-2022: APCPI Secure copies of LRMT Determine the LRMT Annually
minimize the reduction on the Goods 5% reduction the following: percentage of
use of use of 77.97% of alternative LRMPA reduction on
Alternative alternative mode alternative mode of 1. APCPI from the use of
of procurement Mode of procurement PFMAT BAC Sec alternative
Method of Procurement per year. mode for
Procurement PMR 2. LRMPA from goods.
22.03% were LRMT
subjected to Secretariat
bidding. 3. PFMAT from
100% for
Civil works is 4. PMR from BAC
through Sec

For goods
d.) 66%
e.) 11.97%
ting for

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Description
How Who How Who
f.) 22.03%
ed to

For Civil
c.) 78%
d.) 22%
Promotion and Number of 2018: None 2020: 1. Memora Secure copy of LRMT Determine LRMT Annually
application of offices oriented Promoted ndum the following: number of
Green on green 2019: and applied Order 1. Memorandum offices
Procurement procurement. Promotion Green 2. Attenda Order oriented on
and Procurement nce 2. Attendance green
Presence of application . Sheet/M Sheet/Minute procurement.
green of Green inutes of s of Meeting
procurement 2021-2022: Meeting 3. Green Assessment of
guidelines/ Procurement Applied guidelines/
has not been
3. Green Procurement
policies. Green Procure policies and policies in
started. Procurement ment guidelines accordance to
Percentage of policies Monitoring report/ GPPB related
implementation and Action Plan issuances on
of green green

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Description
How Who How Who
procurement guidelin procurement.
guidelines/ es
policies. 4. Monitori Determine
ng percentage of
report/ compliance on
Action green
Plan procurement
Adoption and Presence of 2018: None 2020 to 1. Memorandu Secure a copy of LRMT Assessment of LRMT Annually
implementation CPPOM. 2022: m Order the following: CPPOM in
of customized 2019: Adopted and 2. Attendance 1. Memorandum accordance to
Percentage of Drafted and implemented Sheet/Minut Order R.A. 9184.
application of submitted CPPOM on es of 2. Attendance
procurement Procurement CPPOM. the basis of Determine
Meeting Sheet/Minutes of
operations Operations the Meeting percentage of
3. Provincial
manual by LGU Manual. guidelines Procuremen3. Provincial application of
that is compliant established t Operations Procurement CPPOM.
to RA 9184 as by the DILG Manual Operations
amended, and 4. Monitoring Manual Determine the
Government report on 4. Monitoring report legality and
including IRR
Procurement compliance on compliance of institutionalizat
2016 Policy Board ion of the
of the the Provincial
(GPPB). Provincial Procurement manual.
Procuremen Operations
t Operations Manual by LGU
Manual by
7.4.1 Secure copy of
All contract Presence of 2018: None 2020-2022: 1. Copy of the following: LRMT Determine the LRMT Annually
documents are particular All contract Memorandu 1. Copy of contracts
prepared by contract 2019: documents m Order Memorandum documents
documents Documents are 2. Project Order provided to
BAC secretariat
provided to are not prepared by Design, PR 2. Project Design, PEO.
and turned over PEO. turned over BAC 3. PhilGEPS PR
to PEO promptly to PEO secretariat Data on 3. PhilGEPS Data
and punctually within in 15 and turned Posting on on Posting on
CD. over to PEO Invitation to Invitation to Bid,
promptly Bid, Opening of Bids,

Target Situation Indicator Baseline Annual MOV Data Collection Data Analysis Frequency Budget
Targets Description
How Who How Who
and Opening of NOA, PO, ObR,
punctually. Bids, NOA, 4. ARE/MR
PO, ObR,
NTP should Presence of 2018: None 2020 to Notice to Secure copies of LRMT Determine if LRMT Annually
indicate the start NTP that for 2022: Proceed NTP received by the date start
date, regardless indicates the infrastructure NTP (Notice the contractor is indicated in
on the date of start date. and within 7 to Proceed) from BAC the NTP.
receipt of days for has Secretariat.
Contractor goods upon indicated the
2019: Date starting date
is not by the BAC
specifically Secretariat.
stipulated on
the face of
the NTP
instead it is
should start
7 days from
the receipt of
pursuant to
the terms,
plans, and
s and in
with the



Communication Plan

The Communication Plan of Davao de Oro describes how the PGRR will be
promoted to its stakeholders to seek their acceptance, support and participation in its
preparation and implementation.

It contains information on key audience such as those individuals and organizations

who need to know and should be informed about the PGRR and the reforms
process; Communication Objectives or the purpose of communication;
Communication Channels which refers to the medium or media that the PLGU will
use to relay the information and communicate; Key Messages which refers to the
message that the PLGU want to convey / share / tell / relay in relation to PGRR;
Expected Results / Outcomes which refers to the expected results that need to
happen as a result of that communication activity; and the Frequency or Timeframe
which answers the question When and How often will that activity be conducted.

Thus, it is very important to have a clear, specific and measurable communication

plan in order to deliver the message effectively to the target audience.

The table below presents the Communications Plan of Davao de Oro:

Table 8.1. Communication Plan
Key Communication Key Messages Channels/ Expected Frequency
Audience Objectives Medium Results/Outcomes Time Frame

Provincial Make the PGRR as a road Executive Governor approved 4th week
Governor Governor be map to achieve Committee the PGRR and Nov 2018
aware of, reforms in road Meetings supported its
appreciate and governance implementation.
understand the PGRR Governor updated on At least
PGRR and its implementation One on one PGRR progress and once every
merits. will positively meeting results quarter
impact and with the
contributes to the Governor
attainment of
would require
strong executive
and legislative
Provincial Make the Vice- PGRR as a road Committee A resolution created 2nd week of
Vice Governor and map to achieve Meetings, adopting the PGRR December
Governor the reforms in road SP Plan 2018
and SP Sangguniang governance Sessions
Panlalawigan PGRR
Members be implementation
aware of, will positively
appreciate and impact and
understand the contributes to the
PGRR and its attainment of
merits. SDGs
would require
strong executive
and legislative
Provincial To The success of PDC A resolution for the 1st Week of
Developm communicate the PGRR Plan is Meeting approval and December
ent to all PDC dependent upon endorsement of the 2018
Council Members: the unending PGRR Plan to the
(Governor, support and Sangguniang
Mayors of 11 cooperation of Panlalawigan
municipalities, various
Congressmen stakeholders.
and Civil
s) the
objectives of
the PGRR Plan
and further ask
for their
support and

Local To assure that LRMT members LRMT Presentation of November
Road all LRMT and its Technical Regular PGRR draft 16, 2018
Managem members fully Working Group Meeting
ent Team understood the (TWG), being the
(LRMT) PGRR plan in frontrunners of
and order to the PGRR Plan,
LRMT- effectively relay must fully
TWG to all understand the
concerned plan to effectively
stakeholders communicate the
the objectives/ plan to the
target executive and
situations of the legislative bodies,
plan. and all other
Monitoring of the
Provincial To be The importance PPMC Monitoring and -After the
Project knowledgeable of Monitoring the Regular Evaluation Report approval of
Monitoring of the PGRR PGRR plan Meetings the PGRR
Committee Plan objectives implementation plan
and what are and Evaluation of -Quarterly
their roles and its result
responsibilities afterwards.
towards the
of the plan.
Other LGU To ensure that The Coordinativ Continuous support After the
Key stakeholders implementation of e meetings/ and cooperation from approval of
Officials & are fully PGRR Plan will conferences the community the PGRR
Constituen informed of the bring the , media towards the plan (First
ts of PGRR Plan community as a outlets realization of the quarter
Davao de objectives whole towards (www.ecom PGRR plan 2018)
Oro economic growth ;
(MLGU and social Aksyon
and development ComVal TV
BLGU), and Radio
NGAs, Broadcastin
NGOs g, Official
and other Facebook
stakeholde Page of
rs Aksyon


2020 Annual
Reform Action

2020 Annual Reform Action Plan

The 2020 Annual Reform Action Plan refers to the “one-year slice” of the PGRR that
will detail how the PGRR will be operationally implemented for a current year in
terms of plan of activities, clear objectives and deliverables, timelines, responsible
offices/focal persons, budgets and support agencies. This section highlights the
Annual Reform Action Plan which will ensure that the 2020 strategies for the reform
areas will be implemented and targets achieved.

The LRMT will manage and coordinate the implementation of the ARAP. It will
ensure that all concerned PLGU offices will co-operation based on specific roles and
tasks as specified in the ARAP. It will also collaborate with relevant stakeholders for
their support.

The implementation progress of the ARAP will be reported during the LRMT regular
meeting. Issues and challenges as well as lessons learned will be discussed.

There will be an year-end review of the ARAP such that all activities and target
accomplished will be reported, best practices documented and targets not achieved
will be rationalized and/or carried over into the next ARAP.

Table 9.1. Annual Reform Action Plan
Source of
FY 2020 Specific Actions / Objectives of Means Time Responsible Indicative and Remarks
Strategies Funds
Annual Targets Steps(Activities) the activities (Source) of Frame Office Budget Assisting
Verification Agencies
KRA 1: Local Road Information Management
100% of Ensure the 1. Conduct of To generate Inventory Jan- Dec RBIS 250,000.00 Special DILG-CMGP
provincial roads conduct of inventory and information on Report and Team Support
are validated inventory survey data gathering completed/ generated PEO Fund
and updated through PEO improved SDG data
including the Survey Team 2. Encoding of /rehabilitated
DRRM data (if and Inter-office inventory reports roads and RBIS
necessary) SDG Survey bridges; and,
Established Team generated
3. Formatting and establish SDG report
15% of Ensure the
encoding of data
provincial roads conduct of
are SDG generated SDG SDG
inventory for
informed data generated
road and bridge To update the
1. Death related data RBIS report
2. within To establish
2km all SDG database
season Strengthen 1. Gather data to To update Data Jan-Dec PEO, 500,000.00
road collaboration overlay hazard hazard data 1. Hazard PDRRMO
3. freight with Agencies maps and to and establish maps PEO
volume (PPO, BFP, address SDG road accident 2. SDG
by mode MLGUs, etc.) indicators. data indicators
of for the
3. Road
transport collection of 2. Conduct To update
traffic and DRR inventory
4. % capacity road
related report
populatio development inventory
n public accident data
on road/bridges for MLGUs and data for
transport BLGUs for municipal/bar
5. feel safe inventory of angay roads
walking roads for RBIS
along Updating

Source of
FY 2020 Specific Actions / Objectives of Means Time Responsible Indicative and Remarks
Strategies Funds
Annual Targets Steps(Activities) the activities (Source) of Frame Office Budget Assisting
Verification Agencies
Utilization of 1. Ensure 1. Provision of To RBIS Report Jan-Dec 1. PEO DILG-CMGP
RBIS data in the RBIS report copy of /RBIS incorporate 2. LRM
updating of to be report to and utilize Tea
LRNDP and in utilized in concern RBIS data to m
the preparation local road planning planning and
of AMWP and network offices programming
AIP for FY 2021 planning, 2. Utilize RBIS documents
programmi Report for
ng, future
evaluation planning,
and programming,
monitoring evaluation and
Updating of GIS- 1. Ensure 1. Transform To Local Road July- PEO 1,000,000.00 DILG-CMGP
based local road collaboratio RBIS data to incorporate Network Map Decemb PPDO
network map, if n and GIS-based and utilize er
necessary and utilization local road GIS-based
utilization in the of GIS network map data to
updating of based local through the planning and
conduct of programming
LRNDP and in the road
mapping documents
preparation of network
AMWP and AIP map for
for FY 2021 planning, 2. Utilize GIS-
programmi based data to
ng, the local road
evaluation network map
100% of1. Enhance ICT Maintain existing To ensure Video-tagged Jan-Dec PPDO 200,000.00
Provincial Roads infrastructuredatabase and ICT availability of Data (kml and
are video-tagged as repositoryequipment (tablet, ICT video files)
and uploaded in of video-desktop computers) equipment in
RBIS. tagged data. acquiring
data on road

Source of
FY 2020 Specific Actions / Objectives of Means Time Responsible Indicative and Remarks
Strategies Funds
Annual Targets Steps(Activities) the activities (Source) of Frame Office Budget Assisting
Verification Agencies
or routeshoot

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies

KRA 2: Local Road Network Development Plan

Functional 1. Ensure the 1. Conduct of To ensure  Minutes of January LRMT Php200,000.0 General DILG
LRMT conduct of LRMT monthly the the Meeting – 0 Fund–
implemented LRMT coordination functionality Decemb Maintenan
Monthly meetings of LRMT er 2020 (13,000 x 35 ce and
60% of the
Coordination towards the pax x 16 Operations
Annual Reform Meetings to achievement regular and for Special
Action Plan facilitate the of the ARAP special Bodies
(ARAP) 2020 achievement 2. Quarterly report  Quarterly January LRMT meetings) DILG
of at least per Key Reform accomplish –
60% of Area (KRA) on ment report Decemb
ARAP 2020 the status of per KRA er 2020
ARAP 2020
 Post-Activity 2
At least 60% of 1. Facilitate 1. Assist multi- To increase LRMT DILG
the identified involvement stakeholders in knowledge & Report Quarter
stakeholders of multi- the attendance skills among 2020
participated in to meetings & stakeholders
road network consultations; on road
to various network
planning and road network2. Provide capacity planning,
investment planning & development investment &
programmin activity to multi- programming
activities stakeholders
g activities

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
ation) including
women on local To ensure
At least 10%1. Ensure road network multi-  Post-Activity 3rd PPDO General
of women in participation planning; and stakeholders Report Quarter Fund
attendance of women participation 2020
participated 3. Conduct LRNDP in the
and other
in road updating LRNDP
network stakeholders activities with Updating
planning and in the the participation
investment LRNDP of multi-
programming updating stakeholders
activities and women.
Achieved 1. Ensure the1. Conduct IEC To ensure  Activity January PPDO/ DILG
Satisfactory conduct during the that the Report – PEO/
Rating for Information Community community Decemb LRMT
Education Consultation in has the full er 2020
CMGP in the
Campaign the beneficiary understandin
citizen (IEC) on barangays g and
participation CMGP support of
Satisfaction Program the project
 Post-Activity 2
Updated 1. Ensure 1. Conduct LRNDP To ensure PPDO General
LRNDP with coordination Updating coordination Report Quarter Fund
PDC among activities among 2020
Approval incorporating all different
and SP local roads of stakeholders
Adoption MLGUs and the province and in the
PLGU for the mainstreaming updating of
updating of SDG result LRNDP
LRNDP matrices.
 PDC and SP 3
2. Ensure that1. Present the draft To ensure PPDO
the PDC and LRNDP to PDC approval and Resolution Quarter
SP are well- for approval and adoption of  Updated 2020
informed of SP for adoption. the plan LRNDP
the updated

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
At least 31. Ensure that1. Prepare To guarantee  Detailed January PEO
provincial the adopted Climate that the Engineering –
road projects and Resilient-DED prioritized Designs Decemb
provincial (DED) Plans er 2020
which are prioritized 3 plans for at least
road projects
climate provincial 3 prioritized are climate
resilient are road projects provincial road resilient
prioritized are climate project
and resilient 2. Incorporate the To ensure its  AIP January
incorporated 3 provincial implementati –
in the LRNDP road projects in on Decemb
and AIP er 2020
the AIP

 Post-activity 1
Updated 1. Provide 1. Conduct To capacitate PENRO DILG
LRNDP continuous Capacity PENRO and report quarter
adopting capacity Development PEO 2020
environmenta building to Activity on technical
environmental personnel in
l and social engineers, social incorporating
safeguard ESS safeguards for ESS policies
policies personnel in PENRO and in road
incorporating PEO technical planning and
environment personnel designing
al and social
in road
planning and
 Post-activity 2
2. Strengthen 1. Incorporate the To strengthen PENRO
environment updated ESS in the report quarter
al social environmental LRNDP
safeguards social
in the safeguards
LRNDP policies in the
updating LRNDP

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
Revised 1. Revisit and1. Constitute To ensure  Approved 3rd quarter PPDO/
LRNDP amend the LRMT team as alignment of LRNDP PEO
aligned to LRNDP to the core team LRNDP and
for the updating SDGs
SDGs mainstream
and amendment

2. Conduct data
gathering and

3. Draft the SDG

aligned LRNDP
 Post-activity 3 quarter
All DEDs for 1. Continue 1. Conduct To capacitate PEO DILG
provincial capacity Capacity PEO report
road projects improvement Development engineers in
are prepared on standard Activity on preparing
standard DED standard
in DED and and POW DED and
accordance POW preparation for POW
with DPWH preparation PEO engineers
standards for PEO
2. Ensure that 1. Prepare DED, To guarantee  DEDs January PEO
the DEDs POW and EMP that DED,  POWs –
are in for provincial POW and  EMPs Decemb
accordance road projects in EMP for er 2020
with DPWH accordance with provincial
standards DPWH road projects
standards are prepared
with DPWH

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
Institutionaliz 1. Reconstitute 1. Facilitate the To  Executive 1st PPDO/
ed results- the reconstitution of reconstitute Order Quarter PPMC
based and Provincial the PPMC the team
SDG-linked Project
M&E Monitoring
mechanism Committee
2. 2. 

 Post-activity 2
3. Provide 3. Conduct To capacitate PPDO/ DILG
CapDev CapDev Activity the PPMC report quarter PEO
Activity to on SDG-linked- members in
RBME monitoring
mechanism to LRNDP
members on PPMC members implementati
SDG-linked on
4. Mainstream 3. Integrate RBME To integrate  Approved 3rd PPDO/
results- mechanism RBME LRNDP quarter PEO
based and during the mechanism
SDG-linked LRNDP in the
updating activity LRNDP
in the

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
KRA 3: Local Road Construction and Maintenance

100% of the total 1. Inclusion of 1. PEO to To guarantee Minutes of Jan – PEO, DILG
road & bridge QCP coordinate or the Meeting Dec PGSO-
projects requirement communicate / submission 2020 BAC
implemented by in the request with of QCP
contract have QC Philippine the BAC on the
Plan Bidding suggested
Documents Request or
particularly communicatio
2. PEO to
in Section III. discuss with n Letter
Bid Data BAC and
Sheet (BDS) request/ Attendance
ITB Clause emphasize the
31.4(f) inclusion
during the Pre-
2. Formulation Conference
of Policy or
enforcing the
of the QCP
in the

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
Acquisition of 49
1. Inclusion of 1. Purchase of To ensure Acceptance Jan – PEO 1,500,000.00 General
units of various
budget MTQC Equipment the conduct and Dec Fund
Material testing
requirement in of material Inspection 2020
equipment the AIP and testing Report
Ordinance for the
procurement of
2. Hiring of 2. Hire Material Jan – 420,000.00
technical Engineer Job Contract Dec
personnel for 2020
MTQC / Material
Testing Engineer
14 3. Strengthen the 3. Conduct of To enhance Certificate of July – 200,000.00
PEO/PAGRO/PPD capability Capability the PEO Appearance Dec
O Staff are development of Development on personnel on 2020
capacitated in PEO personnel MTQC MTQC
Certificate of
QA/QC thru on the usage,
continuing application and participation
capability conduct of
developments material testing
using the newly

100% application 1.Ensure the 1. Coordination of To evaluate CPES Report Jan – PEO 40,000.00 General DILG
of CPES to conduct of CPES CPES-IU with the Dec fund
Provincial road and timely the relevant performance 2020
projects by submission to offices and of the
contracts using PDCB-CIAP committees constructor
the CPES NEDA CPES related
documents and
activities i.e.,
a.) BAC on all

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
road project
b.) PEO
n Division
on the
progress of
project in
for the
conduct of
c.) Accredited
(CPEs) on
conduct of
d.) PDCB-
CIAP on the
Summary of
2. Planned and To conduct
strategize the the CPES on

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
schedule of its desired
CPES activities timeline
based on the
Schedule of all
submitted by the
3. Issuance of To ensure the
Policy or timely
Memo/Office submission of
Order on the CPES Report
timely to PDCB-CIAP
submission of
CPES report to
CPES-IU by the
CPEs after
every conduct of
evaluation To ensure
4. CPES IU to the
ensure correctness
completeness of of the CPES
report prior to data
submission to

All Fair to 1. Plan and 1. Implement To sustain Quarterly Jan – PEO 36,856,000.00 Gen fund DILG
Good ensure the maintenance work the fair and Maintenance Dec
provincial implementation good Accomplishm 2020
roads are of maintenance condition of ent Report
maintained in works based on provincial
good condition the Annual road
based on Maintenance
applicable Work

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
DPWH Plan/Program
guidelines vis-à-vis
workforce and
All 1. Plan the 1. Prepare AMWP To be use as AMWP First PEO DILG
maintenance implementation for 2020 basis for Quarter
work is of maintenance maintenance 2020
implemented works based on work
and 50% is in the Annual 2. Utilized AMWP in schedule
accordance Maintenance the implementation
with the Work of maintenance
Annual Plan/Program works
Maintenance vis-à-vis
Work Program workforce and
100% of the 1. Ensure the 1. Conduct of To ensure Maintenance Jan-Dec PEO DILG
maintenance 100,000.00 per maintenance work the Quarterly 2020
budget using kilometer for all fair and good implementati Accomplishm
100k/km will be allocation for condition road on of road ent Report
allocated for the maintenance maintenance
maintenance of
Fair to good
provincial road
including road
safety measures
and furniture

Maintenance of 1. Orientation of 1. Conduct To inform the Photos and Jan-Dec CBRMC DILG
two (2) provincial additional two (2) consultation with the community Minutes from Team
road section barangays on Two (2) barangay on regarding the Barangay
under Community Community CBRMC during the CBRMC
Participation Participation on Barangay Assembly
through provincial road by the CBRMC
Negotiated maintenance Team
Procurement activities
2. Identification of To be utilized POW

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
2. Plan and Scope of Works, as basis for
strategize the preparation of implementati
implementation Straight-Line- on of
of CBRMC Diagram, and POW maintenance
(including for two (2) CBRMC work
preparation of Project
Diagram, POW 3. Conduct of To capacitate
and other training and capacity the Certificate of
procurement development for the participating Participation
related additional community associations
documents / associations as
requirements) Service Provider of
3. Inclusion of
Community 4. Implementation To maintain Quarterly
Engagement/Part of road the provincial maintenance
icipation thru maintenance thru roads with
Community- CBRMC participation of
Based Road the community
Contracting in the 5. Conduct of year- To assess
AIP and end assessment the Action Plan
Appropriations and evaluation of implementati
Ordinance CBRMC on of
implementation CBRMC
with the Service
Provider to identify
issues and
concerns and
improve the
CBRMC approach
on provincial road

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
Road project and 1. Maintain the2. Coordinate with To verify the Minutes of Jan-Dec PEO and DILG
contract contract BAC as to the completenes meeting/coord GSO-
documentation documentation completeness of the s of the ination BAC
are complete and according to RA contract contract
efficiently 9184 documentations documentatio
processed with ns
strict observance
of standards and

49 staffs with 1. Train PEO 1. Conduct of To enhance Certificate of Jan-Dec PEO 200,000.00 DILG Proposed last
knowledge and staff from Capability the Appearance PHRMD 2019
skills in the construction Development for knowledge and O
following: division on Road the following: and skills of Participation PENRO
Road contract Contract Mgt., the PEO and
management Construction a. Road Contract PENRO staff
(34) Supervision & Management
Construction Mgt. and Project
Supervision and Monitoring & b. Construction
Management Evaluation; and Supervision and
(34) PENRO & PEO Management
Project staff from
Monitoring and planning division c. Project
Evaluation (5) on Environmental Monitoring and
Environmental and Social Mgt Evaluation
and Social
management 2. Ensure the d. Environmental
(10) continuing Social
capability Management
development of
the personnel

Implementatio 1. Monitoring 1. Coordinate with To ensure Memo issuance Jan-Dec PHRMD

n of Retention and Evaluation the Departments/ full to O
and Service of the policy Offices as to policy implementati Departments/
Obligation implementation implementation on of the
Policy for sent Policy
to 3 or more

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
days technical/ 2. Inclusion of 2. Update To raise Orientation
skills trainings/ Policy briefing Employees’ awareness of Program PHRMD
seminars and in the Orientation the newly- Briefer O
short-termed Orientation Program Briefer hired
courses Program for employees in
newly-hired this particular
employees Policy
40% of all the 1. Strengthen the 1. Conduct field To ensure PPMC Report Jan-Dec PPMC 100,000 Maintenan DILG -
road construction PPMC monitoring the ce of CMGP
projects and implementati Special
maintenance on of the Bodies
activities are projects. (PPMC)
monitored and
reported by

Full 1. Strengthen tie- 1. Conduct To address Minutes of Jan-Dec PPDO 100,000 Maintenan DILG-CMGP
implementation ofups with quarterly meetings the issues meeting ce of
feedback stakeholders and concerns Special
mechanism in the project. Bodies
participated by
100% of 1. Ensure the 1. Conduct of To acquire Certificate of Jan-June PHRMD DILG Proposed last
provincial road inclusion of road Capability knowledge participation O and 2019.
projects safety features in development for about Road PEO
implemented by all provincial road ROAD SAFETY Safety Audit
contract are projects AUDIT
constructed with implemented by
Road Safety
road safety contract 2. Preparation of To July-Dec PEO
features in Road Safety implement Features
accordance with Features Inventory road project Inventory
DPWH standards with Road

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
50% of all 1. Strengthen the 1. Conduct of Road To ensure Road Safety ` Jan- PEO 50,000.00 DILG
Provincial Roads conduct of road Safety Audit that Audit Dec
conducted with safety audit provincial
Road Safety Audit roads has
based on DPWH road safety
guidelines features

8 km of the 1. Ensure the 1. Inclusion the 1. To ensure AIP, AO Jan-Dec PPDO DILG
identified core rehabilitation/imp budget requirement funds
roads are rovement of in the AIP and
rehabilitated and provincial core Appropriations
improved/ roads Ordinance the
upgraded rehabilitation/improv
ement of provincial
core roads
2. To ensure Approved
2. Conduct of DED and
Topographic Survey the
completeness POW and
and Preparation of EMP
DED and POW of DED and
30% of project Ensure inclusion 1. Coordinate with To ensure BDS Jan-dec PEO DILG
implemented by of monthly BAC the Billing
contract will progress billing in compliance statement
observed monthlythe Philippine of monthly
progress billing Bidding billing
and Document
corresponding Section V.
request for Special
payments for Conditions of
work Contract, GCC
accomplished, Clause 41.1 and
supported by the 41.2
Statement of
Accomplished or
SWA that is
checked and

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
FY 2020 Objectives of Remarks
Strategies Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Annual Targets the activities (internal)
(Activities) Verification Agencies
validated by the
Project Engineer

Means Supporting
FY 2020 Specific Actions Time Responsibl Indicative Source of
Objectives of (Source) of and Remarks
Annual Targets Strategies / Steps Frame e Office Budget Funds
the activities Verification Assisting
(Activities) (internal)

KRA 4: Local Road Asset Management

1. Road 1. Improve the 1. Request ITCDD To conduct Request 1st PACCO
Condition road network to upgrade the inventory Letter Quarter
survey is asset Road Network taking and . .
conducted for inventory Asset Inventory recording Inventory 4th
100% system. System 2. more effective Report Quarter
provincial Conduct Physical and efficient
roads and count and
reported assessment of
regularly. Road Network
2. Broaden the 1. Coaching and To capacitate Narrative 4th PACCO, PLGU DILG
knowledge Mentoring on the Road Report Quarter LRMT and 14,000.00 Gen. Fund
and skills of techniques and Network ITCDD
the Road updates on how to Assets
Network conduct inventory Inventory
Assets committee

Means Supporting
FY 2020 Specific Actions Time Responsibl Indicative Source of
Objectives of (Source) of and Remarks
Annual Targets Strategies / Steps Frame e Office Budget Funds
the activities Verification Assisting
(Activities) (internal)
1 .Recorded 1. Ensure that 1. Get a copy of To bring into Journal 4th PACCO
adjustments road network the inventory agreement the Entry Quarter
for the assets are report ; book balance Voucher &
completion of recorded in the 2.Compute the of Road Annex D of
the books of increases for Network COA
improvements accounts in improvements on Assets Circular
of road accordance road components account 2015-008
components with COA and prepare against
for each road Circular 2015- adjusting journal physical
section. 008 and Entry inventory
2. Record Philippine
depreciation Public Sector
and impairment Accounting
loss of each Standards #17
road section by
road 2. Ensure that 1. Prepare To match the Journal 4th PACCO
components depreciation Lapsing Schedule cost of Entry Voucer Quarter
and and compute productive & Annex D
impairment of depreciation asset, that has of COA
road network based on DILG a useful life of Circular
assets are Circular 2017-002, more than a 2015-008
properly PPSAS #17 and year, to the
accounted for LRAM Manual if revenues
in accordance applicable earned by
with PPSAS 2. Prepare using the
and DILG adjusting entries asset. To
circular No. fo possible have a
2017-002. impairment loss Financial
prepared and
presented in
with PPSAS

Means Supporting
FY 2020 Specific Actions Time Responsibl Indicative Source of
Objectives of (Source) of and Remarks
Annual Targets Strategies / Steps Frame e Office Budget Funds
the activities Verification Assisting
(Activities) (internal)
3. Strengthen 1. Prepare To have a data Duly 3rd PACCO and N/A N/A
coordination request letter on the cost of received quarter PGO
with DPWH for addressed to road networks request letter
cost of road DPWH district improvements to DPWH
improvements engineer to undertaken by
undertaken by furnish PLGU with DPWH as
their agency data on the cost of basis for
road networks recording/book
improvements ing of Road
undertaken by Assets
their agency
Preparation 1. Equip the 1. Secure a copy To have a Copy of 2nd PACCO
and adoption LRMT, TWG, of Local Road reference for Local Road Quarter
of the Local Poject Asset the formulation Asset
Road Asset Planners and Management process of the Management
Management Implementors Manual as guide Local Road Manual
Plan. with enough and reference for Asset
knowldege the creation of Management
about Local Local Road Asset Plan
Road Asset Management Plan
2. Conduct To have Executive 2nd LRMT PLGU
2. Establish coordination personnel in- Order Quarter 7,000.00 Gen. Fund
Technical meeting with charge in the
Working stakeholders and preparation of
Group and parties involved in the draft on
formulate the preparation Local Road
Local Road and adoption Management
Management phase for the Plan
Plan with creation of
guidance from technical working
LRAM Manual group that will
take charge in the
preparation of the
draft on Local
Management Plan

Means Supporting
FY 2020 Specific Actions Time Responsibl Indicative Source of
Objectives of (Source) of and Remarks
Annual Targets Strategies / Steps Frame e Office Budget Funds
the activities Verification Assisting
(Activities) (internal)
3. Conduct LRMT To discuss Minutes of 2nd LRMT PLGU
meeting in matters about meeting Quarter 7,000.00 Gen. Fund
preparation of the Local
formulating the Road Asset
Local Road Management
Management Plan Plan and
scheduling of
4. Formulation of To produce Draft of the 2nd LRAM Plan CMGP DILG
the LRAM Plan draft of the Local Road Quarter Formulation 180,000.00 DILG
Local Road Asset TWG
Asset Management
Management Plan
5. Present the To review the Copy of the 3rd LRAM Plan PLGU DILG
draft of the Local draft for any proposed quarter Formulation 14,000.00 Gen. Fund
Road corrections Local Road TWG and
Management Plan and Asset LRMT
to LRMT for subsequent Management
critiquing and finalization of Plan
finalization. the Local
Road Asset
6. Submit the To adopt and Copy of duly 4th LRMT
Local Road institutionalize received Quarter
Management Plan the Local transmittal
to the Road Asset letter to SP
Sangguniang Management
Panlalawigan for Plan
adoption and
of the Local Road
Management Plan

Means Supporting
FY 2020 Specific Actions Time Responsibl Indicative Source of
Objectives of (Source) of and Remarks
Annual Targets Strategies / Steps Frame e Office Budget Funds
the activities Verification Assisting
(Activities) (internal)
7. After approval To reproduce Copy of the 4th LRMT PLGU
from SP, the Local and distribute SP Quarter 50,000.00 Gen. Fund
Road the Approved Ordinance
Management Plan Local Road
is then: Asset
a. Reproduced Plan to various
and packaged interested
b. Distributed to
agencies and

c. Posted to
official website of
the province
Orientation of 1. Orient and 1. Secure copy of To be guided LRAM 1st LRMT CMGP/DILG
the inventory Capacitate Local Road in the Manual Quarter
team and LRMT LRMT Management implementatio
TWG on the members and Manual from n of projects in
Local Road TWG on DILG, reproduce accordance
Asset DILG's Local and distribute to with Local
Management Road Asset LRMT team and Road
Manual Management other concerned Management
Manual. offices Manual from
2. Conduct DILG Minutes of 1st LRMT PLGU None
meeting with meeting Quarter 7,000.00 Gen. Fund
concerned offices
for planning
3. Conduct After 1st PACCO CMGP DILG
Orientation Training Quarter 190,000.00 DILG
seminar about Report
Local Road Asset

FY 2020 Specific Actions Source of Supporting
Objectives of (Source) of Time Responsibl Indicative
Annual Strategies / Steps Funds and Assisting Remarks
the activities Verification Frame e Office Budget
Targets (Activities) (internal) Agencies
KRA 5: Internal Audit
Request for  Increase  Request letter To increase  Request January PAO – IAS (2) Plantilla PS
two (2) the to the the number of letter – position:
additional number of Organizationa plantilla  SP Decembe SPO IAUD III
plantilla plantilla l position of Ordinan r 2020 IAUD II
position for position of Development internal auditor ce LCE
IAUD III and internal Committee and aligned
IAUD II with auditor. (ODC) for the the office as
budget.  Ensure creation of per DBM and
that the additional CSC
organizati plantilla Guidelines.
onal  Realignment
structure of
is based Organizationa
on the l Structure
DBM and based on
Guideline CSC
s. guidelines.

 Increase  Hiring of one To increase  Contract January PHRMDO (1) Internal MOOE
number of (1) Internal the auditable of – Auditor Internal Auditor area. Service Decembe PAO – IAS personn
Employ one (1) Auditor personnel. r 2020 el (JO)
Internal personnel
 Adoption  Prepare, To discuss the  Approve January PGO Office MOOE
and discuss and overall audit d 2020 – March Supplies,
Implement submit the activities of the AIAP 2020 PAO Office ation of three (3) internal auditor Equipment
Implement 3years years based on their PAO–IAS
100% of 2020 (2020 to Strategic Plan priorities.
Annual 2022) 2020 - 2022
Internal Audit

FY 2020 Specific Actions Source of Supporting
Objectives of (Source) of Time Responsibl Indicative
Annual Strategies / Steps Funds and Assisting Remarks
the activities Verification Frame e Office Budget
Targets (Activities) (internal) Agencies
Plan (AIAP). Strategic and 2020
Plan. AIAP to the
s (PAs) and
Local Chief
(LCE) for

 Prepare and To notify the  Notice January PAO–IAS Based on MOOE

send a notice auditee. of – 2020 Annual
of Entrance Entranc Decembe Audit Plan
Conference e r 2020
to the Confere
Auditee. nce

 Conduct To discuss the  Photos

Entrance objective,  Attenda
Conference scoop, nce
methodology, Sheet
resources, the
conduct of

 Conduct To gather
Audit sufficient
Execution documents
and analyze
determine the
integrate audit

 Prepare Draft To write down  Draft

FY 2020 Specific Actions Source of Supporting
Objectives of (Source) of Time Responsibl Indicative
Annual Strategies / Steps Funds and Assisting Remarks
the activities Verification Frame e Office Budget
Targets (Activities) (internal) Agencies
Audit Report all observation Audit
and Report
on based on
the evidence

 Discuss the To report the

Observation observation
& and
Recommenda recommendati
tion to the on subject for
PAs and deliberation
LCE. and approval
of the LCE.

 Prepare and To notify the  Notice

send a Notice auditee. of Exit
of Exit Confere
Conference. nce

 Conduct Exit To report the  Photos

Conference. audit  Attenda
observation nce
and Sheet
on to the
 Prepared and  Final
submit Final Audit
Audit Report Report
to the LCE for

 Develop  Prepare and  Draft

2021 discuss the To guide the 2021 October PAO–IAS Office MOOE
AIAP. 2021AIAP to internal auditor AIAP. – Supplies,

FY 2020 Specific Actions Source of Supporting
Objectives of (Source) of Time Responsibl Indicative
Annual Strategies / Steps Funds and Assisting Remarks
the activities Verification Frame e Office Budget
Targets (Activities) (internal) Agencies the internal on their annual Decembe Office
Develop 2021 audit audit trust. r 2020 Equipment
AIAP. personnel.
Audit two (2)  Ensure  Identify the To assess the  2020 January PAO Based on MOOE
processes of that all Road related effectiveness Annual – PAO – IAS Audit
two (2) Road offices Offices and internal control Internal Decembe PGO - LCE Engagement
related and include the process of the Audit r 2020 Plan
Provincial process process to be Road related Plan
Office based identify in audited at the Offices.
on the Annual the Annual
Internal Audit Annual Internal Audit  Audit
Plan 2020. Internal Plan. Report
Audit Plan
are  Audit
implement Execution
including  Audit
road Reporting
50% of Audit  Ensure  Discuss to To determine  Memora January PAO – IAS Based on MOOE
recommendati that those the PAs and the cause, ndum to PGO - LCE 2020 Annual
ons are resolved LCE the audit effect, and Order Decembe Audit Plan
resolved and and acted findings and condition of OR r 2020
by the recommendat audit findings Executiv
acted by LCE and the LCE
LCE was ions. e Order
and implement will resolve the
implemented ed. issue.
by concern  Audit
offices.  Conduct To ensure that Follow-
Audit Follow- all up
up implementatio Report
n adopted by

FY 2020 Specific Actions Source of Supporting
Objectives of (Source) of Time Responsibl Indicative
Annual Strategies / Steps Funds and Assisting Remarks
the activities Verification Frame e Office Budget
Targets (Activities) (internal) Agencies
the LCE thru
Two (2)  Ensure  Review the To determine  BAR January PAO-IAS Base on MOOE
internal that the Internal the internal to Other offices MOOE
control system internal Control control system Decembe under review
and control system and and procedure r 2020
procedures of system procedure. are
road related and established,
offices are procedure operational
established, s of road and
operational related documented.
and offices are
documented. establishe
al and
ed.  Strengthe  Attend audit To strengthen  Certifica January PAO - IAS Based on MOOE DILG
Four (4) n the related the skills and te of to MOOE
continuous internal training and performance Attenda Decembe
capacity audit seminar of Internal nce/Part r 2020
developments personnel conducted by Auditor. icipation P500,000.00
for internal based on DILG/COA/D
the BM/AGIA/  Activity
Capacity etc. such as Design
personnel to Developm but not limit to
acquire skill ent Plan Operations &  Attenda
and knowledge 2020. Management nce
in audit Audit; Internal Sheet
function.  Ensure Control
Capacity System Audit  Post Developm for LGUs; Activity
100% ent Plan Risk Report

FY 2020 Specific Actions Source of Supporting
Objectives of (Source) of Time Responsibl Indicative
Annual Strategies / Steps Funds and Assisting Remarks
the activities Verification Frame e Office Budget
Targets (Activities) (internal) Agencies
implementatio 2020 will Assessment;
n of Capacity be Cash
Development implement Management
Plan 2020. ed and Control
properly System;
and Training on
accordingl Audit
y. Execution;
and etc.
 Conduct
follow through
activities of
those Audit
conducted by

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

KRA 6: Budget, Revenue Generation and Expenditure Management

1. 5% increase Ensure 1. Conduct To conduct Revised Field June 30, PASSO 824,000 GF DOF-BLGF
in local implementation revision of general Assessment 2020 and
revenue of General Schedule of revision of and Appraisal MASSO
collection Revision of SMV Market Value real property Sheet (FAAS)
based on the & Classification (SMV) based on assessment
actual of properties RA 7160 and
collection of effective 2020- MRPAO
the previous 2022
year. Ensure 1. Advance and To Provide Printed digital Jan-Dec PASSO 1,125,000 GF
implementation updated training the public a tax maps 2020 AND
of GIS Integrated related to GIS to geographic MASSO
Tax Map concerned and other
Program PASSO related
personnel information
2. Purchase of of all real
Computer property
Desktop and units using
Printers; and digital
Upgrade the mapping and
internet to further
subscription into improve the
higher mbps tax revenue
3. Hiring of 3 of the
additional province.
Enforce 1. Conduct Increase Minutes of monthly PTO 50,400 GF
Municipal monthly meeting percentage of Meeting
Treasurers and with Municipal the RPT
RPT focal person Treasurer's and Collections
on RPT RPT Focal
Administration- Persons.
Collection Phase 2. Conduct RPT
Tax Campaign
to different

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

Ensure to 1. Issuance and To increase Received January PTO P 330,000.00 GF

strengthen the Delivery of collection of copy of RPT to March MTO TF
implementation RPT Tax Bills RPT Bill and NOD 2020
of remedial and Notice of particularly on
action by judicial Delinquency to delinquent real
and delinquent properties
administration taxpayers
thru public 2. Issuance and Received April to PTO
auction. Delivery of1st- copy of Septemb MTO
3rd Demand Demand er 2020
Letters to Letters
3. Consolidation Summary of 1st week PTO
of Delinquent Delinquent of MTO
properties Properties Septemb
issued with er 2020
Final Demand
4. Publication of Newspaper 2nd and PTO P 70,000.00 GF
list of 3rd week
Delinquent of
Real Septembe
Properties of r 2020
the province in
the local
newspaper of
5. Issuance of October to PTO
File Copy of
Warrant of November
Warrant of
Levy and 2020
Notice of Levy Levy and
Notice of Levy
6. Publication of
List of Newspaper December PTO P 70,000.00 GF
Delinquent 2020

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

subject to
Public Auction Posted Notice PTO, P 30,000.00 Trust Fund
7. Conduct of PASSO,M
Public Auction TO,
8. Submit report PAO
on the result of
Public Auction
to the
Ensure the 1. Set a meeting To obtain Appropriation CY 2020 PASSO, P 75,000.00 GF
conduct of and send updated Fair Ordinance PTO
Annual meeting communication Market Value ITCDD
of Appraisal to the of Quarry
Committee to members of Product
monitor the fair the appraisal
market value of committee
quarry products
Strictly enforce 1. Ensure the To improve File of PTO P 12,000.00
the rules and provisions of tax revenue communicatio PENRO GF
regulation on funds for the assessment n letter duly
sand and gravel maintenance/ and increase received by
operations subscription of collections
the committee

Minutes of the
1. Monitor the To minimize Monitoring Tuesday PTO, P 75,000.00 GF
Operation of illegal Schedule/Rep to Friday PENRO,
quarry extraction ort of every LGU,
permittees and Week PGO-
through the transportatio CSU
Revenue n of sand,
Generation gravel, and

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

Task Force of other quarry

the province products

Ensure the 1. Assign To ensure Monitoring Monday PTO, P 75,000.00 GF

establishment of Revenue that total schedule/ to Friday PENRO-
mobile Generation volume Report LGU,
checkpoints in Task Force extracted PGO-
strategic exit Monitoring sand, gravel CSU
points of quarry Team in each and other
areas to closely mobile check quarry
monitor the points resources
volume of will be
extracted sand accurately
and gravel and reported and
other quarry accounted
products in for
coordination with
the PENRO-
LGU, PNP and
Ensure the 1. Conduct To ensure Travel Order, Monday Revenue
compliance of monitoring in compliance Monitoring to Generati
every truck every quarry of section Schedule Saturday on Task
drivers and areas of the 182, Article Force
haulers of SAG province IV, Chapter compose
products to carry VI, of d of PTO,
delivery Receipt provincial PENRO-
at all times. ordinance LGU and
No. _____ PGO
Strengthen the 1. Conduct To promote Minutes of Annual PENRO,
linkages between coordination close Meeting or as the Provincial
the recipients of meeting to coordination need and
tax on sand and discuss issues in the arises Municipal
gravel and other and concern imposition of Treasurer
quarry products. affecting the the tax on s and

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

imposition of sand, gravel Barangay

the tax and other Officials

Strengthen the 1. Direct To ensure Everytim PTO

internal control deduction of that all Official receipts e the
on contractors’ extraction fees extractions of contracto
claim from the sand and r will
disbursement gravel used claim for
voucher claims in the payment
of contractors projects of their
engaged in the implemented contract
construction of by the
projects of the contractors
province (Note: will be
Issuance of properly
billing accounted
statement to and paid to
contractors the province
and require
them to pay
prior to their
final billing)
Ensure an 1. Update the To facilitate Index Card of 'April PTO
updated listing of index card of the collection business 2020
business and business of taxes and establishment
person engaged engaged in the assessment
in the printing printing and of business
and/or publication establishmen
publication of t with unpaid
book, cards, taxes
posters, leaflets,

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

pamphlets and
other similar

Ensure issuance 1. Prepare and To remind Copy of 'January PTO TEV P GF

individual letters send letter to owners of communicatio 2020 1,000.00
to business individual business n letter duly
owners engaged business establishmen received by
in the business of owner 15 days t of their tax
the business
printing and before the due obligations
publication 15 date or and to owner
days before the January 20, ensure that
prescribed period 2019 taxes will be Official
of payment paid on time Receipt

2. Prepare and To be able to Copy of NOD 'April PTO 1,000.00 GF

send Notice of collect duly received 2020
Delinquency delinquent by the
(NOD) to taxes on business
delinquent printing and owner
owners of publication
business business
Receipt of the
tax if paid
Ensure the 1. Prepare and To determine Copy of 'January PTO
submission of send Notice of the gross Notice of to April
sworn statement Billing for the sales/receipt Billing duly 2020
of gross payment of s of the received by
sales/receipts Governors franchise
the Franchise
duly notarized Permit Fee holder as
including basis for the holder
therein the computation
information of the tax Copy of sworn
requiring the due Statement

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

holder to Official
submit a sworn Receipt
statement of
their gross
duly notarized
Ensure the 1. Facilitate the To inform the Tarpaulin 1st week PTO P 15,000.00 GF
posting of notices printing of professional posted at of
in conspicuous tarpaulin concern on conspicuous January
places on who containing the their places 2020
are liable to pay information on obligation to
the professional the imposition pay
tax and the date of Professional professional
the tax in due. Tax pursuant tax.
to the
provisions of
Provincial Tax
Ordinance and
post to
places in the
eleven (11)
Copy of Notice
2. Issue/Send
Notice of of Billing duly
Billing to received by the
business management
to pay

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

Ensure to 1. Update To ensure Updated list of Decemb PTO

maintain a annually the that all Professionals er 2020
database of list of professionals
professionals Professionals will comply
within the who are paying their tax
province their taxes to obligation
the province every year
Ensure that the 1. Receive and To provide Printed 'January PTO GF
operator/propriet register pre- control on admission 2020
or to have a numbered the issuance Tickets duly
centralized admission of admission registered at
procurement of tickets of tickets and
registered admission insure proper
admission ticket places for accounting of
to the Provincial control the proceeds Office
Treasurer purposes of entrance
Ensure to assign 1. Issue Travel To increase Official March to PTO 10,000 GF
checker to Order to PTO collection on Receipts Decemb
amusement Staff to check amusement er 2020
places during and monitor tax and to
peak and low operations of determine
season of amusement the average
relaxation to places monthly
determine the (cockpits) and receipts on
average monthly collect admission
receipts of amusement fee per
admission fee Tax operator of
Ensure to 1. Prepare and To collect Copy of letter 'Februar PTO
coordinate the send letter transfer tax request duly y 2020
PASSO and request to to the received by
Registry of ROD to beneficiaries ROD
Deeds on the provide the of the
Schedule of
schedule of Provincial Handog
distribution on Treasurer a Titulo the
Distribution of

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

title in view of copy of the Program of Titles to the

their Handog schedule of the ROD beneficiaries
Titulo Program distribution of
title under the
Handog Titulo
Ensure to secure 1. Prepare and To have an List of August PTO
list of owners of send letter updated list Owners/Oper 2020
delivery trucks & request to of owners of ators and no.
vans and the operators/own Delivery of units with
corresponding ers of Delivery Trucks and
plate number
plate number. Trucks/Vans to Vans as
provide us list basis/guide used in the
of units with for the business
plate numbers issuance of operation
used in the Notice of
business Billing and
delivering collection of
goods within the tax due.
Davao de Oro.

2. Facilitate the
procurement of Stickers Last Provincial P 67,500.00 GF
stickers for To identify Quarter Treasurer
delivery delivery of 2019 ’s Office
Trucks/Vans trucks/Vans and
used by ,PGSO,B
operators/ow AC
3. Issue stickers ners in their
to all Delivery business Official January to PTO
Trucks/Vans operation Receipt(OR) October
and collect 2020
Fees and
taxes due and
issue Official

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

Ensure to send 1. Prepare Notice To ensure Copy of Decemb 5,000.00

notice of of Collection to that taxes on Notice of er 2019
collection to all delivery Collection to 1st
owners of owners/operat trucks and week of
delivery trucks ors of delivery vans are January
and vans 15 days trucks and collected 2020
before the due Vans before the
date due date
2. Issue Travel 1st week
Order to PTO of
Collectors to January
deliver Notice 2020
of Collection to
ers of Delivery
Trucks and
Ensure to 1. Install tents To ensure Checkpoints January Provincial
establish and other that taxes installed 21 to Revenue
/Maintain collection are collected (Pictures) Decemb Task
checkpoints and paraphernalia to all delivery er 2020 Force
coordinate with including Flag trucks/vans (PTO,PE
PNP for Downs in a that deliver NRO-
assistance in strategic goods within LGU,PG
apprehending location for a Davao de O-CSU)
delivery trucks checkpoints Oro
and vans without
sticker 2. Apprehend
delivery Trucks Copy of
and Vans Notice of
without Collection
stickers and
fees, taxes and
penalties or
issue notice of

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

collection if not

a. Maintain the Ensure 1. Inclusion in the To include in AIP Jan-June PPDO 100,000/km of GF
Php100,000.00 appropriation of AIP as one of the AIP 2020 PEO fair to good
per kilometer budget for fair to the priority roads
budget good provincial projects for the
appropriation for roads amounting maintenance
fair to good local to P 100,000/km of fair to good
roads and 2% increase roads with at
for rehabilitation least
b. 95% fund and upgrading of 100,000/km To appropriate Executive On or PBO
utilization for local roads and increase in an amount of Budget before
local road the 100,000/km Oct. 16,
maintenance appropriation for fair to good 2020
for roads
c. 2% increase of rehabilitation Appropriation Dec SP
budget and upgrading Ordinance 2020
appropriation for of poor to bad
rehabilitation and local roads
upgrading of 2. Inclusion in the
local roads Appropriation
d. 97.5% fund
utilization of the
budget allocation
for rehabilitation
and upgrading of
local roads and

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

CSO participation Ensure 1. Reconstitute To invite EO Jan- PPDO

in the planningparticipation of EOs (PDC, CSOs in the March PBO
and budgetingCSOs in planning PPMC, LSB) planning and 2020
process and budgeting with inclusion of budgeting
processes accredited processes
CSOs as
required by law
If necessary
100% Fully To institute a Conduct of planning To ensure Monitoring January to PPDO,
compliant to the monitoring tool and budgeting that the Tool, December PBO, PGO
prescribed period for the timely session involving all planning and Memorandum 2020
in theplanning preparation and offices of the budgeting Order issued
and budgeting submission of provincial activities/pro
by the
process such as AIP to the SP government cesses are
preparation and conducted or
submission of Institute monitoring implemented
AIP and of planning and and the
Executive Budget budgeting activities submission
to the of AIP and
Sangguniang Executive
Panlalawigan Budget is
within the
25% local road Updating of 1. Ensure budget Local roads LRNDP and January PPDO
rehabilitation and LDRNP appropriation are Appropriation to PEO
maintenance for local road rehabilitated Ordinance Decemb
were rehabilitation or upgraded er
appropriated and and regularly
maintenance maintained
based on the

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

100% of the items Ensure that the 1. Conduct To link the PDPFP Jan-Dec PPDO,
or object of appropriation updating of appropriation LDIP PBO
expenditures ordinance is PDPFP for ordinance AIP SP
listed in the linked with the planning and with the AIP, Appropriation
Appropriation AIP, LDIP and budgeting updated
Ordinance PDPFP purposes LDIP and
authorizing the 2. Conduct revised
annual budget(s) coordination PDPFP Minutes of
is linked with the meeting with Meeting
Annual the concerned To have
Investment offices and close
Program (AIP), other coordination
Local stakeholders between
Development concerned
Investment offices and
Program (LDIP) other
and Provincial stakeholders
Development and
Framework Plan
a. 5% increase of Ensure increase 1. Require the To have a Monthly Jan-Dec PTO
Revenue Target of local revenues PTO to furnish check and collection PBO
for Local Sources copy of the balance of report
b. 100% monthly receipts and
collection collection expenditures
efficiency report to PBO
as reference in
the release of
2. Strict E-SRE Quarterly PTO
compliance of PACCO
the E-SRE to PBO

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

Attained Zero Ensure full 1. Conduct To come up with Minutes of 1st LFC
Disallowances compliance to meeting with action plan meeting Quarter
accounting rules concerned
and procedures offices
in all transactions

Prepared, Ensure to Update 1. Coordinate with To improve Windows- 1st PACCO/I

submitted and and maintain ITCD for system the system based quarter TCDD
posted12 out of Windows-based update and accounting
12 sets Financial accounting maintenance system
Reports in system used in
accordance with the preparation of
the DILG ‘s Full financial reports 3rd quarter
Disclosure Policy Enhance quality
and within the and timeliness of 2. Attend seminars To develop Certificate of First month PACCO 60,000 PLGU fund
prescribed COA financial reports and training knowledge participation of the
deadlines. by conforming related to the and skills of following
with PPSAS latest standards the year
guidelines and in the personnel
latest issuances. preparation and involved in
reporting of the
financial preparation
statements of financial
3. Apply steps in Financial June of the PACCO
the preparation Reports following
of financial year
reports as
enumerated in To generate
New reports in
Government compliance
Accounting with the
System for standards set
LGU’s by COA

4. Post Financial To adhere to PACCO

Specific Actions / Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and Remarks
FY 2020 Steps Objectives of (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
Strategies (internal)
Annual Targets (Activities) the activities Verification Agencies

Reports to DILG DILG Screen

Portal Circulars

FY 2020 Specific Actions Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
Objectives of Remarks
Annual Strategies /Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
the activities (internal)
Targets (Activities) Verification Agencies

KRA 7: Procurement
7.1.1 Install mechanism to 1. Coordinate with 1. To establish 1. a. 1. 3rd 1. ITCDD 1. P25,000 1. General DILG
Upgraded the ensure updating of ITCDD electronic Communica quarter and BAC 2. P300,000 Fund PLGU
Record database quarterly. regarding the Records tion letter, 2. Every Sec 2. Capital GPPB
Management creation of Manageme Attendance quarter 2. BAC Outlay DICT
system and eRMS. nt System Sheet, 3. TWG and
updated 2. Prepare the 2. To obtain minutes of BAC Sec
database of related the budget meeting
items and cost documents for allocation b.
of related the and Accomplish
goods and procurement of approval ment report
services. updated IT and to of eRMS

FY 2020 Specific Actions Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
Objectives of Remarks
Annual Strategies /Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
the activities (internal)
Targets (Activities) Verification Agencies
equipment with acquire the from
the necessary developer
recommendatio IT (ITCDD)
n and equipment c. Reports
assistance of 3. To update generated
ITCDD database of from eRMS
3. Conduct market items and 2. PPMP, PR,
survey on cost related PO, ObR
related cost of goods and 3. APP,
goods and services printed
services to every updated
determine the quarter price list
most report
7.1.2 Ensure to maintain 1. Strict 1. To ascertain 1. Bidding Every BAC P50,000 MOOE PLGU
Maintained the the procurement observance of the bidder’s documents quarter Secretariat
procurement cycle time for procurement compliance to
2. Minutes of
cycle time for bidding (as procedures the required Meeting
bidding so as practiced). from documents as3. BAC
not to exceed submission/ope basis for the Resolution
90 days. ning of bids to contract 4. Notice of
NOA signing Award
7.1.3 Verification of 1. Review the 1. To prove the 1. Bidding Every 1. Requisitio - - PLGU
100% bidding documents submitted completeness documents week ning office
compliance of based on R.A. 9184 documents and and 2. Checklist 2. BAC Sec
complete and other assess the appropriatene
bidding issuances. completeness ss of bidding
documents and documents
(PPMP, PR, appropriateness 2. To revise,
Phil. Bidding of bidding correct and
docs, NTP and documents provide any
contracts). 2. Return lacking
incomplete information
documents to the
office for

FY 2020 Specific Actions Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
Objectives of Remarks
Annual Strategies /Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
the activities (internal)
Targets (Activities) Verification Agencies

7.2.1 Ample time in 1. Implement bulk To lessen the Quarterly 1. BAC Sec P200,000 MOOE 1. DILG
5% reduction reviewing the PPMP procurement use of alternative 2. TWG 2. PLGU
of alternative to APP particularly 2. Consolidate procurement 3. BAC
mode of with the mode of procurement of 4. Requisitio
procurement procurement. goods by ning office
per year. category
3. Continue the use
of competitive
bidding as a
default mode of
procurement for
civil works
4. Consolidate
procurement of
similar projects
7.2.2 Strengthen RO’s 1. Conduct To discuss the 1. Memorandu 2nd 1. PENRO P20,000 MOOE PLGU
Promoted and understanding orientation on content and m Order quarter 2. BAC DILG
applied Green regarding Green green activity design 2. Attendance 3. All
Procurement. Procurement procurement process, Sheet/Minut concerned
through capacity identify the es of Offices
development. Resource Meeting
Persons and 3. Green
plan activities Procuremen
t policies
4. Monitoring
Action Plan

FY 2020 Specific Actions Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
Objectives of Remarks
Annual Strategies /Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
the activities (internal)
Targets (Activities) Verification Agencies
7.3.1 Enforce 100% 1. Conduct To invite/inform 1. Memoran 3rd 1. BAC, BAC P100,000 MOOE DILG
Adopted and application of the coordination all concerned dum quarter Sec PLGU
implemented procurement meeting in order offices regarding Order 2. TWG
CPPOM on the operations manual. to adopt and the adoption and 2. Attendanc 3. All
basis of the implement implementation e concerned
guidelines CPPOM. of CPPOM Sheet/Min offices
established by utes of
the DILG and Meeting
Government 3. Provincial
Procurement Procurem
Policy Board ent
(GPPB). Operation
s Manual
4. Monitoring
report on
e of the
s Manual
by LGU
7.4.1 Quarterly turn-over 1. Issuance of 1. To give order 1. Copy of 1. 1st 1. PGO-PS PLGU
All contract the Bid Documents memorandum by to the Memorandu quarter 2. BAC 2. P150,000 2. Capital DILG
documents (Infrastructure the LCE to concerned m Order 2. 2nd Outlay
are prepared Projects) to PEO. provide copies of office to 2. Project quarter
by BAC contract provide Design, PR
secretariat documents to copies of 3. PhilGEPS
and turned PEO contract Data on
over to PEO 2. Procurement of documents to Posting on
promptly and additional PEO Invitation to
punctually. photocopier to be 2. To reproduce Bid,
used for copies of Opening of
reproduction of contract Bids, NOA,
contract documents PO, ObR,
documents efficiently and 4. ARE/MR
to provide

FY 2020 Specific Actions Means Time Responsible Indicative Source of and
Objectives of Remarks
Annual Strategies /Steps (Source) of Frame Office Budget Funds Assisting
the activities (internal)
Targets (Activities) Verification Agencies
promptly to

7.4.2 Ensure that NTP 1. Serve NTP to To avoid delay NTP Every BAC, - - DILG PLGU
NTP (Notice to will be served to contractor within in the awarding BAC Sec,
Proceed) has the contractor 10 days after implementatio TWG
indicated the within 3 days and contract signing. n of the
specific then the contractor 2. Indicate the start project
starting date will commence date in the Notice
by the BAC within 7 calendar to Proceed
Secretariat. days to start the
project from the
indicated start date
in the NTP.



ANNEX 1. Documentation

Local Road Management Team and TWG Meetings for the formulation of PGRR

Capacity Assessment

Follow-through activities

During PDC

During SP Session


1. Engr. Roderick M. Digamon

2. EnP Romeo B. Celeste
3. EnP Eva Jean S. Licayan
4. EnP Reynaldo O. Castardo
5. Engr. Joy C. Manabat
6. Ms. Joyzel R. Odi
7. Mr. Ariel D. Mandawe
8. Engr. Venancio A. Boreros
9. EnP Marilyn A. Perlas
10. Mr. Cesar A. Birondo
11. Mr. Alan C. Calcaben
12. Mr. Napoleon P. Montero
13. Ms. Grace V. Quintana
14. EnP Alicia M. Graciadas
15. Mr. Reynaldo C. Adolfo
16. Mr. Joseph M. Barace
17. Mr. Gerald Alindajao
18. EnP Prime Enrique R. Rendon
19. Engr. Edwin S. Saludes
20. Engr. Rhammer C. Eling
21. Engr. Ricardo S. Ochea
22. Engr. Dominador R. Almedelia
23. Engr. Reu F. Engada
24. Mr. Jeremy Malino
25. Engr. Karen Jubajib
26. Mr. Jeff Maloloy-on
27. Mr. Apolinario Liza
28. Engr. Kristine G. Cairel
29. Engr. Alberto P. Bucoy
30. Mr. Jomar L. Palma
31. Ms. Jeaneth D. Carnicer
32. Ms. Joy C. Madrid
33. Ms. Elgie Mae A. Uyanguren
34. Ms. Amor O. Torrefranca
35. Ms. Ma. Almira S. Villaver
36. Mr. Wilfredo M. Galagala
37. Engr. Queris Aludy Czarina Calamba
38. EnP Gabrielle Franz P. Crucio
39. EnP Sue Gertrude G. Aguado


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