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Name: Muhammad Hafeez Younas

Reg: SP24-BAF-053
Course: ICT

Q1. What is database? What are the components of database?

Data Base.

A database is information that is easy to manage, update, and access. Computer databases are
commonly used to hold collections of data records or files containing information, including
financial data, customer information, sales transaction data, and product information.
Databases can be used to maintain, access, and store any type of data. They're collecting
information about individuals, locations and objects. These data are collected in one place so that
they can be observed and analyzed. Databases can be seen as a well organized collection of data.

Components of database.

The database consists of a multitude of components. 3. Each component in the database has a
unique job to perform A database environment is a set of elements that controls the manner in
which access to data and its related information are used, managed and organized. It is available
in different parts as a database. Example: hardware, software, data method. Data access language
and method.

Q2. What is database management system?

DBMS is, therefore, a software system that uses a standard method to define, construct and
manipulate databases. A database management system supports the development of
computerized databases. serves as an intermediate layer between the database and the apps or
end users, such that people can interact with data without needing to know what complex internal
organization and storage schemes are used in storing data.

Among a DBMS's primary duties are:

1.Data Definition: Users can define data types, relationships between data pieces, and limits
when defining the structure of the data to be stored in the database.

2.Data Manipulation: DBMSs give users the ability to add, update, remove, and search through
data in databases. There are numerous methods in which users can use the data without having to
deal with the underlying storage details.

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3.Data Retrieval: Users can retrieve particular data from databases by using a query language
such as SQL (Structured Query Language). These queries are converted into useful commands
for data access by the DBMS.

4.Data Security and Integrity: To make sure that only people with permission can alter the
data, DBMS controls access to the data. To keep the data accurate and consistent, it also sets
limits on data integrity.

5.Backup and Recovery: It provides solutions for regular database backups and data recovery in
case of corrupted data or system failures.

Q3. What are the database models?

A database model illustrates the relationships and logical architecture of a database, as well as
constraints that govern how data can be stored and accessed. Any distinct database model is
based on the rules and ideas of the larger data model that the creators want to use. Database
diagrams could be used to represent them. Here’s a visualization of the above 2 examples that
should suit virtually any data model. Among its varieties are

1. Relational Model
2. Hierarchical Model
3. Network Model
4. Object Oriented Model
5. Key-Value Model

Q4. Explain Relation database model?

Data in a relational database is gathered and accessed based upon the concepts of something
existing because of the other. The cocaine part does not describe dealing but rather how data is
organized within one or more tables (or “ relations ”) and clarifies how it is possible to better
understand the relativity of different structured bodies.

Represent the data and its relationships using a collection of tables in the relational model. A
table with many columns in which each column has a unique name: Tables are also called units
in some references. the relational model, which is a record based model as well. They are called
record-based models because they describe data at a high level of abstraction by database as
collection of records, and each record type is a set of fields. I.e. Record types specific to each
table are contained within them. The amount of fields, or attributes, that are required for each
type of record is set. The table's columns display the record type's characteristics. Nowadays, the
majority of database systems are built on the most popular data model, relational databases. A
few examples are given here.
1. MySQL
2. PostgreSQL

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3. MariaDB
4. Microsoft SQL server
5. Oracle Database

Q5. What are the keys used in DBMS?

There are eight types of keys used in DBMS. These keys included the
1. Primary key
2. Foreign key
3. Candidate key
4. Super key
5. Alternate key
6. Composite key
7. Unique key
8. Surrogate key

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