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Test #02

Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What can’t the woman find?

2 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

3 What did the boy buy?

4 Which present has the girl bought her mother?

5 Which TV programme will they watch together?

6 What time is the swimming lesson today?

7 Which subject does the boy like best?

Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an indoor
climbing centre that has a climbing wall.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 Simon’s mum decided to take him to the climbing centre because
A she had enjoyed going there.
B her friend had recommended it.
C Simon had been there with his school.
9 Before he went to the centre, Simon was
A worried about going climbing there.
B interested in seeing the climbing wall.
C disappointed to hear it was all indoors.
10 Simon says that at the centre there were
A lots of people when it opened.
B many different types of people.
C no other people his age.
11 What did Simon think about the climbing wall?
A He thought it looked very high.
B He was afraid he might fall.
C He found the foot holes helpful.
12 Why was Simon unhappy with his first climb?
A He was slower than everyone else.
B He found it hurt his arms.
C He didn’t get to the top.
13 What does Simon feel he learnt from climbing at the centre?
A how to improve his fitness
B to think before he does something
C the best way to work with other people
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
You will hear a girl called Hannah talking about her family’s champion horse
called Griffon.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Griffon the Horse
The international horse show will be held in the month of (14) …………………,
just after Hannah’s birthday.
The family will travel from Poland to the horse show in (15) ………………… .
The person who will ride Griffon round the ring in the international show is
Hannah’s (16) ………………… .
Two weeks ago Griffon won some (17) ………………… as a prize.
Hannah’s ambition is to work as a (18) ………………… .
When Griffon wins a competition, he is given some (19) ………………… by the

Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
You will hear a conversation between a boy called Jamie and a girl called Miranda
about sharing a bedroom with a brother or sister.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
20 Miranda accepts what her sister’s side of
the room looks like.
21 Jamie complains that his brother refuses
to share his electronic equipment.
22 Miranda is annoyed about some things
that her sister tells their mother.
23 Miranda was surprised that she felt
lonely when her sister was away.
24 Despite sharing a bedroom, Jamie finds
he can still easily do his homework.
25 Jamie and Miranda can both share
problems with their brother or sister.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the
letter B for NO.

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