Social and Religious Studies-1

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EXAMINATIONS No:___________________________


2024 Primary School Leaving Certificate Examination
(100 MARKS)

Date:______/_______/_______ Subject Number:___________

Time allowed: _____________
From: ________ To:_________
Name of Candidate: ________________________________________________________________________
(Surname First)

Name of School: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. This paper contains 6 printed pages please check
2. There are two sections in this paper, A and B and Answer all questions in section A and B.
3. The maximum number of the marks for each answer is indicated against each question
4. Write your name and name of your school in the spaces provided above.
5. In section A Encircle the letter representing the right answer to each question. Write your answers to the
questions in section B in the spaces provided.
6. Hand in your worked question paper to the invigilator when time is called to stop writing.


1. Which of the following early missionaries was A. East coast of Madagascar

led by Rev. Andrew C. Murry B. Southern Angentina
A. UMCA C. Catholic C. East and central Africa
B. DRCM D. Scottish D. Green land and Eurasia

2. Which of the following statement is the 6. Which of the following early missionaries
responsibilities of the council of ministers in opened a leprosarium at mua
the common health A. The DRCM C. The Scottish
A. Arrange meeting and conferences B. The cathoric D. The UMCA
B. Coordinating common wealth affairs
C. Make agenda for head of state to discuss 7. Which of the following can mismanage the
D. Disminating information about common environment
wealth A. Clearing of forests inorder to open new
3. Which of the following planets goes fast B. Making box ridges in our garden
around the sun C. Planting vegetative cover
A. Earth C. Saturn D. Avoid making ridges across the slope
B. Jupiter D. Venus
8. Which of the following prominent leaders in
4. Which of the following elements of weather Africa led Ghana to independent
can be measured by Anemometer A. Dr Hestings Kamuzu Banda
A. Windy C. rainfall B. Jomo Kenyata
B. Sunny D. Temperature C. Kwame Nkrumah
D. Mwalimu Julies Nyerere
5. Which of the following area is affected by
tropical savannah climate
9. Which of the following countries is affected by
Sahara desert 18. Which of the following branch of
A. Nigeria C. Ethiopia government has a responsibility to implement
B. Mali D. Gabon government plans
A. Judiciary C. Executive
10. Who appoints the speaker of parliament B. Legislature D. Parliament
A. President C. Cabinet
minister 19. Which of the following countries used
B. Members of parliament D. Clerk of negotiation during liberation of Africa
parliament A. Mozambique C. Liberia
B. Zambia D. South Africa
11. Which of the following in the problem of
water transport 20. Which of the following is NOT the duty of a
A. Lines are confined to specific routes good citizen
B. Some brings are below standard A. Assistance to the court
C. Fuel, spare parts are expensive B. Self discipline
D. It requires deep water for steamers to C. Protection of the state
anchor D. Assistance to the police

12. Which of the following countries share 21. Which of the following is the effect of drug
boundaries with Malawi to the north east and substance abuse
A. Mozambique C. Zambia A. Poor or impared sense of judgment
B. Zimbambwe D. Tanzania B. Means of suppressing frustration
C. Lack of parental care and support
13. Which of the following types of transport D. Means of
connect door to door
A. Railway C. Air 22. Which of the following organization use
B. Road D. Water traditional dances during ralles
A. Health centres C. Family
14. Which of the following people led the watch B. School D. Political
tower movement
A. Yesaya Zelenje C. John Chilembwe 23. Which of the following is the impact of HIV
B. Charles Chinula D. Eliot Kamwana and AIDs to the individual
A. There are many orphan
15. Which of the following climates of the world B. Shortage of skilled personel
has no summers C. Have financial and material
A. Tundra C. Hot desert D. Have a high rate of opportunities
B. Equatorial D. Mediterrania infections

16. Which of the following were the notable 24. What is another name for social compenet
scientists and mathematician’s in Greek A. Political C. Biophysical
civilisation B. Cultural D. Economic
A. Socrates and plato
B. Pythagoras and Socrates 25. Which of the following is the responsibility
C. Plato and Hippo crates of the secretary General of the commonwealth
D. Pythagoras and Hippo A. Promote international peace
B. Eliminate all forms of colonialism
17. Which of the following is the problem C. Arranging meetings and conferences
associated with farming D. Provide financial support to all common
A. Reliable rainfall wealth countries
B. Good transport network
C. Adequate markets 26. Which of the following lines is the major
D. Illiteracy longitudes
A. Prime meridian C. Tropical of cancer B. Masewe D. Ingoma
B. Equator D. Tropical of capricon
28. Which of the following tribes of people
Figure 1 shows one of the traditional dances perform the dance
in Malawi answer question 27 and 28. A. Tumbuka C. Lomwe
B. Ngoni D. Sena

29. Which of the following types of soil erosion

is caused by rain drops
A. Sheet C. Splash
TG 6 PG 37 B. Rill D. Wind

30. Which of the following is sthe cause of

accidents in a recreation places
A. Faulty equipment
B. Being burnt by hot water
27. Identify the dance C. People tend to have acare free
A. Gule wamkulu C. Manganje D. Being electrocuted


Answer al questions in this section
31. A. How is soil be mismanaged?
B Give two reasons why the malavi emerged leaders over the local people
C Why was preferential trade abandoned in 1971?
D Define the term ‘pollination’

32. A. How can the following natural resources be polluted

i. Soil _______________________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. Air ________________________________________________________________________(1mark)
B State any two functions of money
C What is the different between forestly and forest reserve
D Define the term solar system
33. A. Give any two objectives of Nyasaland African congress

Figure 2 shows a peaceful conflict resolution skills use it to answer question 33b and 33c.

B Identify the peaceful conflict resolution skill

C what would happen if the dogs did not follow that peaceful conflict resolution skill?
D Mention any two duties of aword councilor

34. A. State any two problems associated with farming

B How Malawi Benefit from the following social – economic institution
i. World Bank________________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. JICA_______________________________________________________________________(1mark)
C Name a device which was used to lift up water for irrigation in Egyptian civilisation
D Mention any two disadvantages of using railway as a mean of transport
35. A Give any two reasons why DRC moved from Mvera to Nkhoma
B Explain how Malawi changed from one party system to multiparty
C Define the following terms
i. Gender inequality
ii. Gender stereotype


36. A. Give a reason why the Philistines ran away after the death of Goliath
B In what way did God show the spirit of forgiveness to Kezekiah
C Mention any two instructions that God gave to the Israelites before they cross river Jordan?
D Define the term ‘Gender equity’
37. A What happened when Jesus died on the cross? Give three points
B What was the message of the following prophet to the people of Jerusalem?
i. Jerusarem _______________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. Isaiah __________________________________________________________________(1mark)
C Name two sons of Leah
38. A. Stat any two roles of a king
B Mention any two causes conflict in the family
C What is the difference between an orphan and orphanage?
D Who assisted Jesus Christ to carry the cross?
39. A. Explain how Jesus cleaned the temple in Jerusalem
B Mention two sacraments that Jesus commissioned his displines
C How Jesus show love to us now days? Give two
D State any one prophetic roles of Christians
40. A. Give any two foods that Israelites ate during Passover
B Explain how Pharaoh abused his position
C Define the term ‘triumphat entry
D Give any two activities that people do during leisure time

Answer all the five questions in the spaces provided
41. A. Mention any two ways of promoting virtues in the society
B List down any two examples of vices
C What does the following ritual symbolize in marriage
i. Exchanging rings____________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. Exchanging live chickens______________________________________________________(1mark)
D Define the term marriage
42. A. How the following rites of passage are marked in ATR
i. Puberty ___________________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. Birth _____________________________________________________________________(1mark)
B Mention any two people who were blessed after honouring God
C List down any two occusations in which rituals are performed in Islam
D Who was the founder of Islam?
43. A. State any two causes of poverty
B What do the following religions teach about talents
i. ATR______________________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. Christianity ________________________________________________________________(1mark)
C Give two proverbs which are used in ATRT to teach into members to endure and redress challenges
D Define the term ‘artfact’
44. A. List down any two challenges faced by God’s messengers
B State any one type of messengers
C Explain each of the following stages when conducting research
i. Planning stage
ii. Implementation stage
45. A. Define the term ‘Euthanasia’
B Mention any two importance of respecting human rights
C List down two ways in which religious groups assist people living with HIV and AIDs
D write down two consequences of not complying the belief of one God


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