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What’s Fire Wall and it’s types?

A firewall is a hardware or software system that prevents unauthorized access to or

from a network. They can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a
combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet
users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet. All data entering or
leaving the Intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each packet and
blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.

Types of firewalls
→ Network layer
→ Application layer
→ Proxy

What’s proxy?
In an enterprise that uses the Internet, a proxy server is a server that acts as an
intermediary between a workstation user and the Internet so that the enterprise can
ensure security, administrative control, and caching service. A proxy server is
associated with or part of a gateway server that separates the enterprise network
from the outside network and a firewall server that protects the enterprise network
from outside intrusion.

A proxy server receives a request for an Internet service (such as a Web page
request) from a user. If it passes filtering requirements, the proxy server, assuming it
is also a cache server , looks in its local cache of previously downloaded Web pages.
If it finds the page, it returns it to the user without needing to forward the request to
the Internet. If the page is not in the cache, the proxy server, acting as a client on
behalf of the user, uses one of its own IP addresses to request the page from the
server out on the Internet. When the page is returned, the proxy server relates it to
the original request and forwards it on to the user.

To the user, the proxy server is invisible; all Internet requests and returned
responses appear to be directly with the addressed Internet server. (The proxy is not
quite invisible; its IP address has to be specified as a configuration option to the
browser or other protocol program.)

An advantage of a proxy server is that its cache can serve all users. If one or more
Internet sites are frequently requested, these are likely to be in the proxy's cache,
which will improve user response time. In fact, there are special servers called cache
servers. A proxy can also do logging.
The functions of proxy, firewall, and caching can be in separate server programs or
combined in a single package. Different server programs can be in different
computers. For example, a proxy server may in the same machine with a firewall
server or it may be on a separate server and forward requests through the firewall.

What’s difference between firewall and antivirus?

A simple firewall like the Windows Firewall in XP and Vista protects you from outside
attack by making your computer's ports invisible to outsiders and by refusing to accept
incoming data packets that were not requested. Third-party personal firewalls also control
which programs can use your Internet connection to contact sites outside your computer
- so they offer two-way protection.

An antivirus utility scans the files and Registry on your computer to detect and remove
viruses and other malicious software. Its realtime component prevents malicious
programs from installing or launching in the first place.

What’s worm?
The most common form of spam is unwanted email. You can also get text message
spam, instant message spam (sometimes known as spim), and social networking spam.

Some spam is annoying but harmless. However, some spam is part of an identity theft
scam or other kind of fraud. Identity theft spam is often called a phishing scam

What’s types of hackers?

There are thee types of hackers white hat, grey hat, and black hat.

If a white hat hacker finds a fault in a security system ie. a website then they will inform
the owner immediately.

Whereas if a grey hat hacker finds a fault he will do what he feels like at the time ie.
exploiting the site OR informing the owner.

A black hat hacker if they find a fault will immediately exploit the site for there own
beneficial gain ie. advertising and infecting other computers with "viruses" to gain access
to more sites.

So a hacker can be many things from protecting systems by informing the owners or
Exploiting and stealing data.

The most common name for the destructive type of "hacker" is a "cracker". I always try to
refer to a bad hacker as a cracker to avoid confusion.
What’s worm?
In a computer, a worm is a self-replicating virus that does not alter files but resides in
active memory and duplicates itself. Worms use parts of an operating system that
are automatic and usually invisible to the user. It is common for worms to be noticed
only when their uncontrolled replication consumes system resources, slowing or
halting other tasks.

This term is not to be confused with WORM (write once, read many).

RELATED GLOSSARY TERMS: RSA algorithm (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), data key, greynet (or
graynet), spam cocktail (or anti-spam cocktail), fingerscanning (fingerprint
scanning),munging, insider threat, authentication server, defense in depth, nonrepudiation

What’s 5 phases of any attack?

3—Gaining Access
4—Maintaining Access
5—Covering Tracks

What’s difference between IDS and IPS?

The IDS does not receive traffic flows directly. Instead, the traffic flows are mirrored
to the IDS.

When infected traffic does hit the network, the IDS will see this and take appropriate
action. The problem is that this appropriate action is not direct action; since the IDS is
not in the traffic flow, it has to inform a network device that is in that flow that action
must be taken.

By the time the IDS detects an issue and notifies the appropriate network devices, the
beginning of the infected traffic flow is already in the network.

In contrast, our Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) does sit in the middle of the traffic
flow - in this case, the IPS will actually be our Cisco router. When the IPS detects a
problem, the IPS itself can prevent the traffic from entering the network.

What’s honeypot ?
A honey pot is a computer system on the Internet that is expressly set up to attract and
"trap" people who attempt to penetrate other people's computer systems. (This
includes thehacker, cracker, and script kiddy.) To set up a honey pot, it is
recommended that you:
What’s Access Control ?
Network access control (NAC), also called network admission control, is a method of
bolstering the security of a proprietary network by restricting the availability of
network resources to endpoint devices that comply with a defined security policy.

A traditional network access server (NAS) is a server that performs authentication and
authorization functions for potential users by verifying logon information. In addition
to these functions, NAC restricts the data that each particular user can access, as well
as implementing anti-threat applications such as firewalls, antivirus software and
spyware-detection programs. NAC also regulates and restricts the things individual
subscribers can do once they are connected. Several major networking and IT vendors
have introduced NAC products

What’s types of access control ?

. DAC-discretionary access control

.MAC-mandatory access control

.RBAC-role-based access control

.combination of the above

What’s confidentiality, integrity , Accountability ,

availability , authentication ,authorization, non
reputational ?

In the context of information security, confidentiality means that information that should stay
secret stays secret and only those persons authorized to access it may receive access. From ancient
times, mankind has known that information is power, and in our information age, access to
information is more important than ever. Unauthorized access to confidential information may
have devastating consequences, not only in national security applications, but also in commerce
and industry. Main mechanisms of protection of confidentiality in information systems are
cryptography and access controls. Examples of threats to confidentiality are malware, intruders,
social engineering, insecure networks, and poorly administered systems


Integrity is concerned with the trustworthiness, origin, completeness, and correctness of

information as well as the prevention of improper or unauthorized modification of information.
Integrity in the information security context refers not only to integrity of information itself but
also to the origin integrity—that is, integrity of the source of information. Integrity protection
mechanisms may be grouped into two broad types: preventive mechanisms, such as access
controls that prevent unauthorized modification of information, and detective mechanisms, which
are intended to detect unauthorized modifications when preventive mechanisms have failed.
Controls that protect integrity include principles of least privilege, separation, and rotation of
duties—these principles are introduced later in this chapter.
Availability of information, although usually mentioned last, is not the least important pillar of
information security. Who needs confidentiality and integrity if the authorized users of
information cannot access and use it? Who needs sophisticated encryption and access controls if
the information being protected is not accessible to authorized users when they need it? Therefore,
despite being mentioned last in the C-I-A triad, availability is just as important and as necessary a
component of information security as confidentiality and integrity. Attacks against availability are
known as denial of service (DoS) attacks and are discussed in Chapter 7. Natural and manmade
disasters obviously may also affect availability as well as confidentiality and integrity of
information, though their frequency and severity greatly differ—natural disasters are infrequent
but severe, whereas human errors are frequent but usually not as severe as natural disasters. In
both cases, business continuity and disaster recovery planning (which at the very least includes
regular and reliable backups) is intended to minimize losses.

4- Identification

Identification is the first step in the identify-authenticate-authorize sequence that is

performed every day countless times by humans and computers alike when access
to information or information processing resources are required. While particulars of
identification systems differ depending on who or what is being identified,

5- Authentication

Authentication, which happens just after identification and before authorization, verifies the
authenticity of the identity declared at the identification stage. In other words, it is at the
authentication stage that you prove that you are indeed the person or the system you claim to be.

6- Authorization
After declaring identity at the identification stage and proving it at the authentication stage, users
are assigned a set of authorizations (also referred to as rights, privileges, or permissions) that
define what they can do on the system. These authorizations are most commonly defined by the
system’s security policy and are set by the security or system administrator. These privileges may
range from the extremes of “permit nothing” to “permit everything” and include anything in

7- Accountability
Accountability is another important principle of information security that refers to the possibility
of tracing actions and events back in time to the users, systems, or processes that performed them,
to establish responsibility for actions or omissions.
A system may not be considered secure if it does not provide accountability, because it would be
impossible to ascertain who is responsible and what did or did not happen on the system without
that safeguard. Accountability in the context of information systems is mainly provided by logs
and the audit trail.

8- Non-repudiation
Non-repudiation (the creator/sender of the information cannot deny at a later stage
his or her intentions in the creation or transmission of the information)

What’s difference between authentication and authorization ?

Authentication is the process of verifying who you are. Logging on to a PC with
a username and password is authentication.

Authorization is the process of verifying that you have access to something.

Gaining access to a resource (e.g. directory on a hard disk) because the
permissions configured on it allow you access is authorization

What’s authentication techniques ?


If you are serious about computer/network

security, then you must have a solid
understanding of authentication methods.
Debra Littlejohn Shinder takes a moment to lay
out the role authentication plays in a security
Computer/network security hinges on two very simple goals:

1. Keeping unauthorized persons from gaining access to

2. Ensuring that authorized persons can access the resources
they need

There are a number of components involved in accomplishing

these objectives. One way is to assign access permissions to
resources that specify which users can or cannot access those
resources and under what circumstances. (For example, you may
want a specific user or group of users to have access when
logged on from a computer that is physically on-site but not from
a remote dial-up connection.)

Access permissions, however, work only if you are able to verify

the identity of the user who is attempting to access the
resources. That’s where authentication comes in. In this Daily
Drill Down, we will look at the role played by authentication in a
network security plan, popular types of authentication, how
authentication works, and the most commonly used
authentication methods and protocols.

Authentication and security

Authentication is an absolutely essential element of a typical
security model. It is the process of confirming the identification
of a user (or in some cases, a machine) that is trying to log on or
access resources. There are a number of different authentication
mechanisms, but all serve this same purpose.

Authentication vs. authorization

It is easy to confuse authentication with another element of the
security plan: authorization. While authentication verifies the
user’s identity, authorization verifies that the user in question has
the correct permissions and rights to access the requested
resource. As you can see, the two work together. Authentication
occurs first, then authorization.

For example, when a user who belongs to a Windows domain logs

onto the network, his or her identity is verified via one of several
authentication types. Then the user is issued an access token,
which contains information about the security groups to which
the user belongs. When the user tries to access a network
resource (open a file, print to a printer, etc.), the access control
list (ACL) associated with that resource is checked against the
access token. If the ACL shows that members of the Managers
group have permission to access the resource, and the user’s
access token shows that he or she is a member of the Managers
group, that user will be granted access (unless the user’s
account, or a group to which the user belongs, has been
explicitly denied access to the resource).

Another example of authorization is the Dialed Number

Identification Service (DNIS), which authorizes a dial-in
connection based on the number called.

Logon authentication
Most network operating systems require that a user be
authenticated in order to log onto the network. This can be done
by entering a password, inserting a smart card and entering the
associated PIN, providing a fingerprint, voice pattern sample, or
retinal scan, or using some other means to prove to the system
that you are who you claim to be.

Network access authentication

Network access authentication verifies the user’s identity to
each network service that the user attempts to access. It differs
in that this authentication process is, in most cases, transparent
to the user once he or she has logged on. Otherwise, the user
would have to reenter the password or provide other credentials
every time he or she wanted to access another network service
or resource.

IPSec authentication
IP Security (IPSec) provides a means for users to encrypt and/or
sign messages that are sent across the network to guarantee
confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. IPSec transmissions
can use a variety of authentication methods, including the
Kerberos protocol, public key certificates issued by a trusted
certificate authority (CA), or a simple pre-shared secret key (a
string of characters known to both the sender and the recipient).

An important consideration is that both the sending and receiving

computers must be configured to use a common authentication
method or they will not be able to engage in secured

IPSec configuration
If IPSec policies have been configured to require that
communications be secured, the sending and receiving
computers will not be able to communicate at all if they do not
support a common authentication method.

Remote authentication
There are a number of authentication methods that can be used
to confirm the identity of users who connect to the network via a
remote connection such as dial-up or VPN. These include:

 The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

 The Shiva PAP (SPAP)
 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
 Microsoft CHAP (MS-CHAP)
 The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

Remote users can be authenticated via a Remote Authentication

Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) or the Internet Authentication
Service (IAS). Each of these will be discussed in more detail in
the section titled Authentication Methods and Protocols.

It is especially important that remote users be properly

authenticated, as they generally pose a greater security risk than
on-site users.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a feature that allows a user to use one
password (or smart card) to authenticate to multiple servers on a
network without reentering credentials. This is an obvious
convenience for users, who don’t have to remember multiple
passwords or keep going through the authentication process over
and over to access different resources.

There are a number of SSO products on the market that allow for
single sign-on in a mixed (hybrid) environment that incorporates,
for example, Microsoft Windows servers, Novell NetWare, and

Details on SSO
For a more detailed discussion of SSO, see Single Sign-On
Solutions in a Mixed Computing Environment.

Authentication types
There are several physical means by which you can provide your
authentication credentials to the system. The most common—but
not the most secure—is password authentication. Today’s
competitive business environment demands options that offer
more protection when network resources include highly sensitive
data. Smart cards and biometric authentication types provide this
extra protection.

Password authentication
Most of us are familiar with password authentication. To log onto
a computer or network, you enter a user account name and the
password assigned to that account. This password is checked
against a database that contains all authorized users and their
passwords. In a Windows 2000 network, for example, this
information is contained in Active Directory.

To preserve the security of the network, passwords must be

“strong,” that is, they should contain a combination of alpha and
numeric characters and symbols, they should not be words that
are found in a dictionary, and they should be relatively long (eight
characters or more). In short, they should not be easily guessed.

Password authentication is vulnerable to a password “cracker”

who uses a brute force attack (trying every possible combination
until hitting upon the right one) or who uses a protocol “sniffer”
to capture packets if passwords are not encrypted when they are
sent over the network.

Smart card authentication

Smart cards are credit card-sized devices that hold a small
computer chip, which is used to store public and private keys and
other personal information used to identify a person and
authenticate him or her to the system. Logging onto the network
with a smart card requires that you physically insert the card into
(or slide it through) a reader and then enter a Personal
Identification Number (PIN) in much the same way that you use
an ATM card to access an automatic teller machine.

Smart cards use cryptography-based authentication and provide

stronger security than a password because in order to gain
access, the user must be in physical possession of the
cardand must know the PIN.

For more detailed information about how smart cards work, see
my TechProGuild Daily Drill Down “Enhancing security with the
use of smart cards.”

Biometric authentication
An even more secure type of authentication than smart cards,
biometric authentication involves the use of biological statistics
that show that the probability of two people having identical
biological characteristics such as fingerprints is infinitesimally
small; thus, these biological traits can be used to positively
identify a person.

In addition to fingerprints, voice, retinal, and iris patterns are

virtually unique to each individual and can be used for
authentication purposes. This method of proving one’s identity is
very difficult to falsify, although it requires expensive equipment
to input the fingerprint, voice sample, or eye scan. Another
advantage over smart cards is that the user does not have to
remember to carry a device; his or her biological credentials are
never left at home.

For more information about biometrics, see this article
at Network Computing.

How does authentication work?

In theory, authentication is relatively simple: A user provides
some sort of credentials—a password, smart card, fingerprint,
digital certificate—which identifies that user as the person who
is authorized to access the system. There are, however, a
multiplicity of methods and protocols that can be used to
accomplish this. Regardless of the method, the basic
authentication process remains the same.

The authentication process

In most instances, a user must have a valid user account
configured by the network administrator that specifies the user’s
permissions and rights. User credentials must be associated with
this account—a password is assigned, a smart card certificate is
issued, or a biometric scan is entered into the database against
which future readings will be compared.

When the user wants to log on, he or she provides the credentials
and the system checks the database for the original entry and
makes the comparison. If the credentials provided by the user
match those in the database, access is granted.

Advantages of multilayered authentication

In a high-security environment, multilayered authentication adds
extra protection. In other words, you can require that the user
provide more than one type of credential, such as both a
fingerprint and a logon password. This further decreases the
chances of an unauthorized person circumventing the security

Authentication methods and protocols

There are a large number of authentication methods and
protocols that can be used, depending on the application and
security requirements. In the following sections, we will discuss:

 Kerberos
 Microsoft NTLM
 PAP and SPAP
 Certificate services

These are by no means the only authentication methods in

existence, but they are some of the most common.

Kerberos was developed at MIT to provide secure authentication
for UNIX networks. It has become an Internet standard and is
supported by Microsoft’s latest network operating system,
Windows 2000. Kerberos uses temporary certificates called
tickets, which contain the credentials that identify the user to
the servers on the network. In the current version of Kerberos,
v5, the data contained in the tickets is encrypted, including the
user’s password.

A Key Distribution Center (KDC) is a service that runs on a

network server, which issues a ticket called a Ticket Granting
Ticket (TGT) to the clients that authenticates to the Ticket
Granting Service (TGS). The client uses this TGT to access the
TGS (which can run on the same computer as the KDC). The TGS
issues a service or session ticket, which is used to access a
network service or resource.

The name
Kerberos derives its name from the three-headed dog of Greek
mythology (spelled Cerberus in Latin) that guarded the gates to
Hades. Kerberos likewise stands guard over the network to
ensure that only those who are authorized can enter.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
The SSL protocol is another Internet standard, often used to
provide secure access to Web sites, using a combination of
public key technology and secret key technology. Secret key
encryption (also called symmetric encryption) is faster, but
asymmetric public key encryption provides for better
authentication, so SSL is designed to benefit from the
advantages of both. It is supported by Microsoft, Netscape, and
other major browsers, and by most Web server software, such as
IIS and Apache.

SSL operates at the application layer of the DoD networking

model. This means applications must be written to use it, unlike
other security protocols (such as IPSec) that operate at lower
layers. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Internet standard is
based on SSL.

SSL authentication is based on digital certificates that allow Web

servers and clients to verify each other’s identities before they
establish a connection. (This is called mutual
authentication.)Thus, two types of certificates are used: client
certificates and server certificates.

SSL overview
An excellent overview of how SSL works, Introduction to
SSL, can be found at Netscape.

Microsoft NTLM (NT LAN Manager)

NTLM authentication is used by Windows NT servers to
authenticate clients to an NT domain. Windows 2000 uses
Kerberos authentication by default but retains support for NTLM
for authentication of pre-Windows 2000 Microsoft servers and
clients on the network. UNIX machines connecting to Microsoft
networks via an SMB client also use NTLM to authenticate.
Native mode
If you convert your Windows 2000 domain’s status to native
mode, NTLM support will be disabled.

NTLM uses a method called challenge/response, using the

credentials that were provided when the user logged on each
time that user tries to access a resource. This means the user’s
credentials do not get transferred across the network when
resources are accessed, which increases security. The client and
server must reside in the same domain or there must be a trust
relationship established between their domains in order for
authentication to succeed.

PAP is used for authenticating a user over a remote access
control. An important characteristic of PAP is that it sends user
passwords across the network to the authenticating server in
plain text. This poses a significant security risk, as an
unauthorized user could capture the data packets using a
protocol analyzer (sniffer) and obtain the password.

The advantage of PAP is that it is compatible with many server

types running different operating systems. PAP should be used
only when necessary for compatibility purposes.

SPAP is an improvement over PAP in terms of the security level,
as it uses an encryption method (used by Shiva remote access
servers, thus the name).

The client sends the user name along with the encrypted
password, and the remote server decrypts the password. If the
username and password match the information in the server’s
database, the remote server sends an Acknowledgment (ACK)
message and allows the connection. If not, a Negative
Acknowledgment (NAK) is sent, and the connection is refused.


CHAP is another authentication protocol used for remote access
security. It is an Internet standard that uses MD5, a one-way
encryption method, which performs a hash operation on the
password and transmits the hash result—instead of the password
itself—over the network.

This has obvious security advantages over PAP/SPAP, as the

password does not go across the network and cannot be

CHAP specs
The specifications for CHAP are discussed in RFC 1994.

The hash algorithm ensures that the operation cannot be reverse

engineered to obtain the original password from the hash results.
CHAP is, however, vulnerable to remote server impersonation.

MS-CHAP is Microsoft’s version of CHAP. MS-CHAPv2 uses two-

way authentication so that the identity of the server, as well as
the client, is verified. This protects against server impersonation.
MS-CHAP also increases security by using separate
cryptographic keys for transmitted and received data.

EAP is a means of authenticating a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
connection that allows the communicating computers to
negotiate a specific authentication scheme (called an EAP type).

A key characteristic of EAP is its extensibility, indicated by its

name. Plug-in modules can be added at both client and server
sides to support new EAP types.

EAP can be used with TLS (called EAP-TLS) to provide mutual

authentication via the exchange of user and machine

EAP-TLS is defined in RFC 2716.
EAP can also be used with RADIUS (see below).

RADIUS is often used by Internet service providers (ISPs) to
authenticate and authorize dial-up or VPN users. The standards
for RADIUS are defined in RFCs 2138 and 2139. A RADIUS server
receives user credentials and connection information from dial-up
clients and authenticates them to the network.

RADIUS can also perform accounting services, and EAP

messages can be passed to a RADIUS server for authentication.
EAP only needs to be installed on the RADIUS server; it’s not
required on the client machine.

Windows 2000 Server includes a RADIUS server service called

Internet Authentication Services (IAS), which implements the
RADIUS standards and allows the use of PAP, CHAP, or MS-CHAP,
as well as EAP.

Certificate services
Digital certificates consist of data that is used for authentication
and securing of communications, especially on unsecured
networks (for example, the Internet). Certificates associate a
public key to a user or other entity (a computer or service) that
has the corresponding private key.

Certificates are issued by certification authorities (CAs), which

are trusted entities that “vouch for” the identity of the user or
computer. The CA digitally signs the certificates it issues, using
its private key. The certificates are only valid for a specified time
period; when a certificate expires, a new one must be issued. The
issuing authority can also revoke certificates.

What’s cryptography ?
Cryptography is the science of information security.

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