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ENFROA then ran away.

He was hit by the something in

the street. The child died without even proving
ANG KALUPI/THE WALLET II. By: Benjamin Pascual. himself clean.
Benjamin P. Clarkson was born in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte. He
kuwentista and novelist. Many short stories was written in CONCLUSION: The mere remark of the class
Ilocano language and written as two novel languages. Ilocano made people judge and aling Marta, being the
language he translated the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam. critic she really was, assessed the child or the
Introduction to Philippine History, Cultures, boy as someone doing dirty work to acquire
Traditions money because of his indecent appearance,
and Beliefs thus, making way for the main problem in the
story. Eventually, the child died without proving
SETTING: This story was situated in a public his innocence then, the KALUPI/WALLET of
place where people like the boy in the story Aling Marta Suddenly Found. Aling Marta
lurk abundantly. In this way, the story smoothly realized that the innocence of the boy which he
made its way into setting up the mood of the wants to prove is true.
scene for the climax happen.
CHARACTERS: Aling Martha - The protagonist AND BELIEFS
and the antagonist of Ang Kalupi. She accussed
the boy that she believes steals her Pre-Colonial Period
KALUPI/WALLET. Andres Reyes – the boy who is Literature is passed down orally based on
accused by Aling Martha Fernando Police tradition, reflecting daily life activities,
Officers- who catches the boy Aling Godyang – explaining heroes and their adventures, and
The vendor Graduating Daughter – her daughter certain natural phenomena, and, at the same
time, serving as entertainment purposes.
THEME: The main theme of this story is the
unequal scrutiny received by low people from Spanish Colonial Period (Mid-16th – late 19th
those that are excelling in keeping up with the century)
society. People tend to judge the people they The Spanish culture was eventually imbued in
meet during their lives on what they look like the Filipino literature of the period. Religion
on the outside without realizing that not became an important theme alongside the
everything that meets the eye satisfies the theme of nationalism and freedom of speech.
truth. Not all that are seen are true. Sometimes,
all it takes is a second look to see things that American Colonial Period (Late 19th – Mid-20th
you should really look at. century)
Philippine literature reflected the ethos of its
PLOT: The story began with the part where the people under a new role expressed through the
reason Aling Martha was doing the market was English language.
stated and the protagonist’s character and It has become an art which succeeding poets,
personality was introduced. The middle part of fictionists, and playwrights continue to build
the story was comprised mainly the conflicts upon and enrich in every generation
between Aling Martha and the boy she bumped
into the market. Also, the character of the boy Philippine culture and traditions have a rich
was disclosed. Finally, the last part, the ending, and diverse history that is often reflected in its
revealed the real reason why Aling Martha has literature. Here's a brief introduction to the
not found her wallet, wrapping up and cultural and traditional elements that influence
concluding the story as a tragedy. Philippine literature:

Rising action: The Story started to build up its Cultural Diversity: The Philippines is an
emotional when mother noticed that her wallet archipelago consisting of over 7,000 islands,
is not in her pocket anymore. She immediately and its literature is a reflection of its cultural
searched for, but fails to find it. When she saw diversity.
an untidy child, she then accused him for Oral Tradition: Before the arrival of the
stealing her wallet. She exchanged Spaniards, many Philippine stories and
ARGUMENTS WITH THE CHILD IN FRONT OF traditions were passed down orally through
ALL THE MARKET-GOERS WITHOUT humility generations.
and calmness. Religion: The Philippines is a predominantly
Catholic country, and religious themes, rituals,
Climax: After the argument in the market, and iconography often appear in its literature.
mother asked the policemen to hold the child Filipino Values: Filipino literature frequently
captive. The child refused to go. He struggled explores the core values and virtues held dear
by Filipinos, such as bayanihan (community
spirit), utang na loob (debt of gratitude), and This story tells the tale of a family whose
hiya (sense of shame or propriety). livelihood was making and selling native snacks
Cultural Celebrations: Festivals, fiestas, and using their old stone mill! The stone mill
traditional celebrations are integral to became the instrument of their mother, Aling
Philippine culture and are frequently depicted in Trining, to earn a living and send her children to
literature. college! When her husband passed away, she
took on the responsibility of raising their five
The Philippines is a culturally diverse children. Despite the fact that their entire clan
country with a rich tapestry of beliefs and was known for making delicious snacks, Aling
traditions. One of the most prominent Trining was able to support her children and
influences on Philippine beliefs is a blend of even send them to Manila for their education.
indigenous animism and folk Catholicism Except for her fourth child, who wasn't
brought by Spanish colonization. Many Filipinos particularly bright and stayed with her until
hold deep spiritual connections to nature, getting married.
ancestral spirits, and Catholic saints. This
syncretic belief system often shapes the They each had their own families, but they
themes and symbolism found in Philippine never forgot to visit their mother. They knew
literature. Works of literature frequently explore their mother's personality well, and she could
themes of faith, superstition, and the easily sense if one of her visiting children was
supernatural, reflecting the complex interplay financially struggling. She would rather give
between indigenous and Catholic beliefs. money to her children than accept it from them.
Her youngest child, who didn't fare well in life,
Ang Kwento Ni Mabuti was struggling financially, but he didn't want
his mother to know. So when he visited, he
This short story is about a teacher and also would borrow money from friends and pretend
mother known by her students as Mabuti, for to offer it to his mother. He knew that she
she always starts her sentence with the word wouldn't accept it if he gave it to her directly.
"mabuti". Mabuti has caused Fe, one of her He simply didn't want to worry and burden his
students, to understand the true meaning of mother.
life. Mabuti has personal problems to cry on just
like Fe. Knowing that someone, as strong as Their mother continued making snacks
her teacher, can also cry, Fe felt better and had despite her aging and diminishing strength. Her
a positive outlook in life. She even discovered a children tried to convince her to stop this work,
secret in her life that she gave birth to a child but she always said that it made her feel
from a man with another family. A daughter in stronger. When their mother passed away, her
which Mabuti is very proud of despite face reflected contentment.
everything. She left no trace of bitterness
towards the teacher. Fe can relate to Mabuti It was a tradition in their area that when
because she can see that they are one of the their parents passed away, they had to choose
people who experience sadness and know something that would serve as a reminder.
happiness at the same time. Each sibling chose an item, but one of them
didn't choose anything because the stone mill
had already been selected as their mother's
Author: Genoveva Edroza-Matute - is a feminist legacy.
writer. Born in Santa Cruz, Manila year 1915
and passed at the year 2009 in Cubao. One of
Genoveva's master pieces is “Kwento ni Author: Edgardo M. Reyes (September 20, 1936
Mabuti”. It was first published in 1948 and was - May 15, 2012)
printed in the book Piling Maiikling Kuwento. • Filipino Novelist from the Commonwealth of
The "Kwento ni Mabuti" also won in Palanca the Philippines
Award for Short Story in Filipino. Genoveva, • labeled as “Haligi ng Kontemporaryong
also won three Palanca Awards between 1952 Panitikang Pilipino”
and 1961. Aside from being a writer, Matute • Finished High School at Baguio Central
was also an educator. She taught for 46 years College (Manila-based)
at Cecilio Apostol Elementary School and • Attended college at University of the East
Arellano High School, and served as chair of the taking up commerce (stopped after couple of
Philippine Department of then-Philippine Normal months)
College. • Worked as short story writer, novelist,
magazine and newspaper editor, screenwriter,
cartoonist, radio commentator, film director - "Impeng Negro" (also won first prize in
and a university professor Liwayway magazine's best short story).
- "Tata Selo" (second prize in 1963).
Brief Information of Gilingang Bato: - "Moses, Moses" (in 1969).
• Gilingang Bato was published during the 1998 National Book award (Manila critics
1960s, and is one of the famous works of circle)
• Characters: mother (ina), father (ama), Multiple-Choice Questions:
youngest child (narrator), eldest sister (ate),
eldest brother (kuya), Ditse, Diko, Impo 1. Where do you think Mabuti's strength mainly
• The story of ‘Gilingang Bato’ revolves around comes from?
the life of a family that utilizes Gilingang Bato A. Her daughter's father
to make ‘kakanin’ as their source of living after B. Her students
the death of the provider—their father. C. Her daughter
D. Her role as a teacher
Impeng Negro
2. Why do you think that the Millstone was
"Impeng Negro" is a short story by a Filipino never chosen by any child of Aling Trining?
author named Rogelio Sicat. It's about a young A. The siblings wanted the Millstone to remain
boy named Impeng Negro who lives in a small a legacy for their mother's hard work.
village in the Philippines. Impeng has very dark B. They were not interested in the Millstone at
skin, and because of that, other kids in the all.
village tease and make fun of him. His life is C. Aling Trining did not want to pass it on to her
tough because he's treated differently just children.
because of the color of his skin. D. The Millstone has no value.

But what's special about Impeng is that 3. What does the author feel for Mabuti at the
he's always kind and strong, even when others end of the story?
are mean to him. He helps his family and fetch A. Sorrow and loneliness
water for other people and earn money for it, B. Regret of knowing Mabuti's story
and some people in the village start to really C. Fear of judgment
like and respect him for his goodness. D. Sympathy and understanding

Still, some people continue to treat him badly 4. As a future educator, what does the short
because of his skin color. This story talks about story "Kwento ni Mabuti" imply?
how people can be unfair to others based on A. As a teacher, we must not show vulnerability
how they look and how being kind, like Impeng, towards our students.
can make a big difference in the world. B. As a teacher, we must not invalidate our
student's emotions.
Author: - Rogelio Sicat C. As a teacher, we must be responsible for our
He was born on June 21, 1940, in the actions as we are all considered professionals.
Philippines. D. As a teacher, we must keep our private lives
- Born and raised in San Jose, Nueva Ecija,
Philippines. 5. What theme is most prominent in the story,
- Graduated with a "B.Litt. in Journalism" from "Ang Gilingang Bato"??
the University of Santo Tomas. A. The importance of tradition and heritage
- Earned an "M.A. in Filipino" from the University B. The challenges of family relationships
of the Philippines. C. The significance of material possessions
- His literary works included short stories and D. The pursuit of happiness through hard work
- He was recognized for his realistic portrayals 6. Why did Aling Trining refuse to accept
of Philippine society and its social issues. financial help from her children?
- Sicat's writings often explored human nature A. She wanted to maintain her independence.
and the complexities of Filipino life. B. She believed they were already struggling.
- He focused on the struggles and challenges C. She didn't want to burden them.
faced by ordinary people in his works. D. She had enough money of her own.

Awards: 7. At the end of the short story "Kwento ni

Three of his short stories received Carlos Mabuti," it is revealed that Mabuti's deceased
Palanca Awards: husband is?
A. He was a good father to their child.
B. He was a married man. China, ruling the region for almost 8 centuries. Chinese
C. He was a well-known doctor. philosophy blossomed with the birth of the philosophical
D. He was the inspiration of their child. schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Mohism. The dynasty
saw some of the greatest Chinese philosophers and poets:
8. What is the relevance of the story “Gilingang Lao-Tzu, Tao Chien, Confucius, Mencius, Mo Ti and the
Bato” to Filipino values in a family setting? military strategist Sun-Tzu. The Zhous also developed the
A. They utilize Gilingang Bato as their source of Mandate of Heaven – a concept that was used to justify the
living. rule of kings, who had been blessed by the gods.
B. They are intertwined with one another; no
matter how many struggles they have been QIN DYNASTY (221-206 BC) QIN DYNASTY (221-206 BC)
through. The Qin dynasty marked the beginning of the Chinese
C. They were given heirlooms from their Empire. Although short-lived, the period saw ambitious
deceased parents. public works projects including the unification of state walls
D. They are peddling the delicacies in the
into a single Great Wall. It saw the development of a
standardised form of currency, a uniform system of writing
and a legal code.
The Qin emperor was responsible for building a city-sized
9. How does the character of Ogor represent
mausoleum for himself, guarded by the life-sized Terracotta
the perpetuation of prejudice and
Army of more than 8,000 life-sized soldiers, 130 chariots
discrimination in the story?
with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses.
A. Ogor is a symbol of tolerance and
B. Ogor is oblivious to Impen's struggles. 220 AD) was known as a golden age in Chinese history, with a
C. Ogor's actions and words reinforce prejudice. prolonged period of stability and prosperity. A central
D. Ogor is a victim of discrimination as well. imperial civil service was established to create a strong and
organised government. Under the Han dynasty,
Confucianism, poetry and literature flowered. Paper and
10. What is the significance of Impen's internal porcelain were invented. China’s earliest written record on
struggle and his eventual physical medicine, the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine, was
confrontation with Ogor? codified.
A. Impen's struggle is insignificant in the story.
B. Impen's struggle represents his acceptance SIX DYNASTIES PERIOD SIX DYNASTIES PERIOD
of discrimination. Three Kingdoms (220-265)
C. Impen's journey reflects his path toward self-
acceptance and resilience. Jin Dynasty (265-420), Period of the Northern and Southern
D. Impen's confrontation is a sign of his Dynasties (386-589). The name is derived from the six
surrender to Ogor. successive dynasties that had their capital at Nanjing: the Wu
(222–280), the Eastern Jin (317– 420), the Liusong (420–479),
the Southern Qi (479–502), the Southern Liang (502–557),
and the Southern Chen (557–589). Despite the general chaos,
INTRODUCTION TO CHINESE HISTORY, great advances were made in medicine, astronomy, botany,
CULTURE, TRADITION, AND BELIEFS and chemistry. Wheelbarrows and kites were invented. Coal
was first used as a fuel. It was also during the Six Dynasties
XIA DYNASTY (C. 2070-1600 BC) XIA DYNASTY (C. 2070-1600 that the great aristocratic families began to arise in Chinese
BC) was the first Chinese dynasty There is a severe lack of society.
documented evidence about this dynasty and therefore very
little is known about the Xia period. Most scholars believe SUI DYNASTY (581-618) SUI DYNASTY (581-618)
that stories about it were spoken, rather than written. It is The Sui dynasty, although brief, saw great changes in Chinese
not until the Zhou Dynasty, 554 years later, that we see history. Its capital was held at Daxing, present-day Xi’an.
written recordings of this first Chinese dynasty. For this Confucianism disintegrated as the dominant religion, making
reason, some scholars believe it to be mythical or quasi- way for Taoism and Buddhism. Literature flourished – it is
legendary. thought that the legend of Hua Mulan was composed during
this time. Under Emperor Wen and his son, Yang, the army
SHANG DYNASTY (C. 1600-1050 BC) SHANG DYNASTY (C. was enlarged to the largest in the world at the time. Coinage
1600-1050 BC) is the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty was standardised across the realm, the Great Wall was
supported by archaeological evidence. Under the Shang expanded and the Grand Canal was completed.
dynasty, there were advances in maths, astronomy, art and
military technology. They used a highly developed calendar TANG DYNASTY (618-906) TANG DYNASTY (618-906)
system and an early form of modern Chinese language. The Tang dynasty, sometimes known as the Golden Age of
Ancient China, was considered the high point in Chinese
ZHOU DYNASTY (C. 1046-256 BC) ZHOU DYNASTY (C. 1046- civilisation. Its second emperor, Taizong, was regarded as one
256 BC) was the longest dynasty in the history of of the greatest Chinese emperors. The period saw one of the
most peaceful and prosperous periods of Chinese history. By
the time of the rule of Emperor Xuanzong (712-756), China Chinese food culture varies in several regions with distinct
was the largest and most populous country in the world. styles of cooking, the ingredients are used base on natural
Major achievements were seen in technology, science, and agricultural products. Noodles, rice, and steamed buns
culture, art and literature, especially poetry. Woodblock are the staple food in China. Rice is served separately in a
printing was developed in the early Tang era with examples small bowl and meat, vegetables are served on a plate or big
of its development dating to around 650 A.D. bowl. On Chinese dining, you can not find salt or pepper
shakers or tomato sauce bottles, but you may find bottles of
FIVE DYNASTIES PERIOD, TEN KINGDOMS (907-960) soy sauce, vinegar, and chili paste and use chopsticks
to take their food not knives and forks.
The disappearance of the Tang dynasty was followed by 53
years of disunity that historians call the "Period of Five CONFUCIANISM
Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, " which opened the doors to A philosophy that emphasizesethics, family values, and
the Song Dynasty that reunified the country in 960. social harmony founded on the teachings of Confucius, an
ancient Chinese Philosopher.
5 Dynasties - 10 Kingdoms 907-960
Five Dynasties (Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, The most important traditional festival marked by family
Later Zhou) controlled the North, while more than ten gatherings, feasts, and the iconic dragon and lion dances.
kingdoms established themselves in the South.
Although short, it was a period of development of ceramic SPRING FESTIVAL
technology with the introduction of "white ceramics”. Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival in
China, marking the beginning of the lunar calendar year. It
YUAN DYNASTY (1279-1368) YUAN DYNASTY (1279-1368) involves family reunions, feasts, fireworks, lion and dragon
was established by the Mongols and ruled by Kublai Khan dances, and the exchange of red envelopes containing
(1260-1279), grandson of Genghis Khan. Khan was the first money.
nonChinese ruler to take over the entire country. Khan
created the new capital city of Xanadu (or Shangdu in Inner Red Packets/Hongbao are red envelopes containing money,
Mongolia). The main centre of the Mongol Empire was later traditionally given during holidays or special occasions. It
moved to Daidu, present day Beijing. symbolizes good luck and are often given to children,
unmarried individuals, or those in need.)
MING DYNASTY (1368-1644)
The Ming dynasty saw a huge growth in China’s LANTERN FESTIVAL
population and general economic prosperity. However the 15th day of the lunar calendar, this festival marks the end of
Ming emperors were dogged with the same problems of the Chinese New Year celebrations. People light and release
previous regimes and collapsed with the invasion of the lanterns into the sky, solve riddles written on lanterns, and
Manchus. During the dynasty, the Great Wall of China was enjoy lion dances and culturalperformances.
completed. It also saw the construction of the Forbidden City,
the imperial residence in Beijing. The period is also known for DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL
its blue-and-white Ming porcelains. Held on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar,
this festival commemorates the ancient poet Qu Yuan.
QING DYNASTY (1644-1912) Dragon boat races are organized, where teams paddle in
The Qing dynasty was the last imperial dynasty in China, long narrow boats to the beat of drums, and sticky rice
succeeded by the Republic of China in 1912. The Qing were dumplings called zongzi are eaten.
made up of ethnic Manchus from the northern Chinese
region of Manchuria. The Qing dynasty was the 5th largest TEA CULTURE
empire in world history. On 12 February 1912, 6-year-old China has a long-standing tradition of tea cultivation and
Puyi – the last emperor of China – abdicated. It brought an consumption. Tea is considered a symbol of hospitality and
end to the thousand-year imperial rule of China and marked is deeply ingrained in Chinese social life. Different tea
the beginning of republic and socialist rule. ceremonies and rituals are practiced, such as the Gongfu
tea ceremony and the art of appreciating tea leaves.
CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY TCM is a holistic medical system that has been practiced in
Calligraphy means beautiful writing, it was the China for thousands of years. It includes various therapies
visual art form prized above all others in traditional China. like herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (tuina), and
Chinese calligraphy has a long history, about 1,000 years. qigong exercises, focusing on maintaining the balance of Qi
Chinese calligraphy is a style of Chinese character writing. (life force) within the body.
from a very early age, Calligraphy was not just considered as
a decorative form of art, it was the view as a visual art form. CHINESE BELIEFS
Chinese calligraphy reflects the importance of the word. Confucius is the founder. His humanist teachings emphasized
treating others the way that you would like to be treated. He
CHINESE FOOD CULTURE advocated the idea that if everyone carried out their
responsibilities with respect and consideration for others, the
state would become stronger. Confucius did not concentrate foreign horsemen in the city. Despite heading towards the
on spiritual issues like the afterlife, gods and goddesses, or South City, the old man's gaze turns northward, suggesting a
mysticism, however religious practices were outlined with all sense of
the other rituals a person was obliged to perform. longing or unresolved feelings.

TAOISM The Analects of Confucius is a collection of aphorisms and

Taoism, in contrast to Confucianism, places a greater historical anecdotes embodying the basic values of the
emphasis on the spiritual aspects of life, such as the nature of Confucian tradition: learning, morality, ritual decorum, and
the world. Taoists ought to try to realize “the Way, ” which is filial piety. Compiled by disciples of Confucius in the centuries
a harmonious natural order that develops between people following his death in 479 B.C.E
and the world, as their guiding principle. Taoists were drawn
to the idea of eternal life, for both the body and the soul. The THE TEACHINGS FROM THE THE TEACHINGS FROM THE
Taoist faith places a high value on attaining spiritual ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS
immortality by uniting with nature. The Analects of Confucius Book 1 introduces many of
the core themes of Confucius’s teachings by
BUDDHISM examining the role of the individual in society.
Buddhism is a way of thinking that emphasizes deep (君子/jūnzǐ). Variously translated as “gentleman”,“man of
knowledge and self-improvement. Buddhists use meditation, virtue”, “superior man”, and “exemplary person” , this term
study spirituality, and other practices in their quest for refers to someone who has become a pillar of the
nirvana. They hold the views that there are multiple lives and community. In 1.11, Confucius spells out the stringent
that peacefulness can only be found by achieving nirvana, an requirements that need to be met:
ecstatic state beyond human suffering, and that existence is "When the father is alive, observe his son’s intentions.
temporary, pain-filled, and uncertain. When the father is dead, watch his son’s actions. If after
three years he has not deviated from his father’s path, then
CHINESE STORIES he may be called a filial son. ”

THE TIGER SON by Teresa Ng Book 1 also briefly touches upon some of the core values
The story revolves around the life of Chen Ma, a mother who that an aspiring leader should live up to. Goodness
lost her son while he was hunting for tigers. After her first (仁/rén) comes in right at the top. This is followed by
shock and anguish dissipated, Chen Ma assessed her own ritual (禮/lǐ)and rightness (義/yì), which is sometimes
desperate condition as an elderly woman left alone. She went translated as propriety, and trustworthiness (信/xìn).
to the magistrate and begged for compensation for the loss
of her son, her sole means of sustenance. The magistrate “A leader eats without filling their stomach” and
decided that she would now receive a small portion of the “chooses a home without demanding comfort”
earnings from each tiger killed by the hunters. .
Book 1 concludes on the same note as it starts, with
Needless to say, his choice was not well received by the Confucius emphasizing the point that a leader should
hunters, who had plenty of mouths to feed – both elderly and follow the right path without worrying about what others
young. As a result, when the hunters killed the tigress who might think of them.
ate Chen Ma's son, they chose not to give her a cut of the
earnings. They instead brought her the tigress's newborn THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu
cub. He was a tiny quivering ball of golden fur with shaky legs Sun Tzu, often spelled as Sunzi, was an ancient Chinese
and military strategist, philosopher, and author of the renowned
gaping fangs. The rope they had put around his neck was so military treatise "The Art of War" "The Art of War" is a
tight it was almost choking him. Chen Ma's heart immediately comprehensive guide that covers a wide range of topics
went out to this pitiful creature, whose jade-green eyes were related to military strategy, leadership, and conflict
brimming with tears. resolution. Its principles have not only been applied in the
context of warfare but also in various other fields, including
The poem narrates the sorrow of an elderly man from business, politics, sports, and diplomacy.
Shao-ling who is walking along the Serpentine River
on a spring day. The waterside palaces are locked, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is divided into 13 chapters, each
and he ponders who the fresh greenery of willows addressing different aspects of strategy, warfare, and
and rushes is meant for. leadership. Here's a brief overview of what each chapter is
He recalls a time when the Emperor's presence about:
brought vibrancy to the South Park. The Emperor's
First Lady, accompanied by maids, used to ride there, 1. Laying Plans: This chapter discusses the importance of
displaying her archery skills. careful planning and preparation before engaging in any
conflict. It emphasizes the need to assess your own strengths
BY THE LAKE BY THE LAKE and weaknesses as well as those of your enemy.
However, the Lady is no longer around, her spirit unable to 2. Waging War: This chapter delves into the various factors
return due to a tragic event. The passage explores themes of to consider when deciding to go to war, such as assessing the
nostalgia, loss, impermanence, and the indifference of costs and benefits of conflict, understanding the importance
nature. It also hints at political changes with the arrival of of speed, and the use of deception.
3. Attacks by Strategem: It covers the concept of strategic 5. They believe in multiple lives, the quest for achieving
thinking and the use of deception and indirect approaches to nirvana, and the view of existence as temporary, pain-filled,
gain an advantage over the enemy. and uncertain.
4. Tactical Dispositions: This chapter explores the concept of A. Buddhism
exploiting an opponent's weaknesses and avoiding their B. Christianity
strengths. It also discusses the importance of flexibility in C. Confucianism
tactics. D. Taoism
5. Energy: Sun Tzu discusses the role of motivation, morale,
and the energy of troops in achieving victory. 6. Why did Chen Ma decided to adopt the baby tiger?
6. Weak Points and Strong: This chapter explores the concept A. Chen Ma didn’t want to offend the hunters.
of exploiting an opponent's weaknesses and avoiding their B. Chen Ma wanted company.
strengths. It also discusses the importance of flexibility in C. The tiger is adorable.
tactics. D. The tiger reminds Chen Ma of her son.
7. Manuevering: Sun Tzu elaborates on the importance of
maneuvering and positioning in warfare, including the use of 7. What were the maids of honor in front of the carriage
terrain to one's advantage. equipped with?
8. Variation in Tactics : This chapter emphasizes the need for A. Bows and arrows
adaptability and changing tactics according to the B. Flowers and ribbons
circumstances and the enemy's movements. C. Musical instruments
9. The Army on the March: It discusses the logistics of D. Swords and shields
moving an army, including the importance of supply lines and
the need for speed and efficiency. 8. ________ is the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty
10. Terrain: Sun Tzu covers the significance of understanding supported by archaeological evidence, there were advances
the terrain and how it can impact the outcome of battles. in math, astronomy, art and military technology.
11. The Nine Situations: This chapter categorizes nine A. Qin Dynasty
common situations in warfare, such as the attack, the B. Shang Dynasty
defense, and the siege, and provides advice on how to C. Xia Dynasty
approach each D. Zhou Dynasty
12. The Attack by Fire: It explores the use of fire and other
destructive methods as tools of warfare. 9. What chapter in The Art of War by Sun Tzu delves into the
13. The Use of Spies: This final chapter discusses the role of various factors to consider when deciding to go to war?
espionage, intelligence gathering, and the use of spies in A. Attack by Stratagem
gaining an advantage over theenemy. B. Laying Plans
C. Tactical Dispositions
Multiple Choice Questions: D. Waging Wars
1. It refers to the broader set of shared values, beliefs, and
practices that characterize Chinese society. 10. It is an ancient Chinese belief system, which focuses on
A. Chinese Belief the importance of personal ethics and morality, it is debated
B. Chinese Culture as a religion or a philosophy.
C. Chinese History A. Buddhism
D. Chinese Tradition B. Daoism
C. Confucianism
2. It is considered as the most important traditional festival in D. Taoism
China, marking the beginning of the lunar calendar year.
B. Dragon Boat Festival
C. Lantern Festival  The name India is derived from Indus, which originate
D. Spring Festival from the old Persian word Hindu.
 India is known as the seventh largest country.
3. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the lunar calendar, this  Second most populous country with over 1.2 billion
festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. people and the most populous democracy in the world.
A. Chinese New Year  The country is bounded by the Indian ocean on the
B. Dragon Boat Festival south, the Arabian Sea on the South-west, and Bay of
C. Lantern Festival Bengal on the south-east.
D. Spring Festival  Home to ancient Indus Valley Civilization and a region of
historic trade routes and vast empires.
4. During Chinese New Year, what is the customary gift given  Four of the world’s major religions are originated here.
by elders to children and single individuals for good luck? India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
A. Gongzi and Sikhism collectively known as Indian religions.
B. Hongbao  Indian religions are also known as Dharmic religions.
C. Lanterns  Hinduism and Buddhism are the world third and fourth-
D. Tea sets largest religions.
 India is also the birthplace for the Lingayat and Victoria Memorial
Ahmadiyya faith. ⮚ was built during the British Raj, and the Chhatrapati Shivaji
Terminus located in Mumbai which was built for Queen
HISTORY Victoria.
 India comes under direct rule of the British crown after
the failed Indian mutiny in 1858 to 1885 the National
Congress was founded as forum for emerging nationalist INDIAN CULTURE
feeling. Indian culture and traditions are something which has now
 In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi launches anti-British civil become renowned all across the world. We all refer to
disobedience campaign and he became the leader of customs and traditions of India as something very diverse and
the Indian independence movement. unique.
 The Government of India Act and the creation of the
new constitution emerged in 1935 and in 1947 British
and Indian leaders agrees to divide the country into
India and Pakistan and on August 15 of the same year, Festivals & Religion
India became independent. India sees a large number of festivals, mainly because of the
 Mahatma Gandhi was assasinated by Hindu extremist prevalence of diverse religions and groups. The Muslims
in 1950. celebrate Eid, the Christians have Christmas and good Friday,
 A new Indian Constitution was ratified and Jawaharlal the Sikhs have Baisakhi (harvesting of crop), and the
Nehru became India’s first Prime Minister. birthdays of their Gurus and the Hindus have Diwali, Holi,
 After Nehru’s death in 1964 his daughter Indira Gandhi Makar Sakranti, the Jains have Mahavir Jayanti, the Buddhists
was elected as the first woman Prime Minister. celebrate the Buddha's birthday on Buddha Poornima, and
 Indira Gandhi was assasinated by Sikh bodyguards in quite honestly, the number is endless. All of these translate
1884. to holidays in their book.
 Pratibha Patil becomes first woman to be elected
president of India in 2007. Family Structure - Joint Families
 India successfully launches its first mission to the moon, In India, there exists the concept of a joint family, wherein
the unmanned lunar probe Chandrayaan-1 in 2008. the entire family (parents, wife, children and in some cases,
relatives) all live together. This is mostly because of the
FAMOUS PLACES cohesive nature of the Indian society, and also reportedly
helps in handling pressure and stress.
Taj Mahal
⮚ It is one of India’s best – known sites and one of the best Fasting
architectural achievements in India. Fasting is an integral part of Hindu Culture. Fasts or Vrats or
⮚ It was built between 1631 and 1653 by Emperor shah Upvas are a way to represent your sincerity and resolve, or
Jahan in honor of his wife, Arjumand Banu express your gratitude to the Gods and Goddesses. People
more popularly known as Mumtaz Mahal. throughout the country observe fasts during various religious
⮚ Taj Mahal serves as a tomb and as the icon of Mumbai. occasions. Some people also observe fast on different days of
Mahabodhi Temple a week in favour of a particular God or Goddess associated
⮚ It is 2000-year old temple. with that specific day. It is widely believed that by doing so,
⮚ The temple is dedicated to Gautama Buddha in Bodh Gaya, you are depriving your body of a basic necessity and thus,
Bihar. punishing yourself to cleanse off the sins that you have
⮚ This temple is UNESCO world heritage site. committed until the day of fast.

Brihadishwara Temple Dresses of India

⮚Tamil Nadu was built by the Cholas. Indian women are often seen sporting 'saris'. The sari is a
⮚This temple is one of India’s most prized architectural sites. single cloth and needs no stitching; it is easy to make and
⮚Tamil Nadu was also been declared as UNESCO World comfortable to wear, and also adheres to religious etiquette.
Heritage sites. It initially started as a Hindu tradition but has very elegantly
spread across all religions. The same applies to the more
Baha’i Temple functional 'Kurta-Pyjama', and the formal wear of 'Sherwani'
⮚ Serves as the Mother Temple of the Indian Subcontinent. for Indian men of all faiths.
⮚ This temple also known as the Lotus Temple.
Scriptures - Epics
University of Nalanda Indian literature can be traced back in the great epics written
⮚ A Buddhist center of learning located in the Indian State of in the form of poems, plays, stories, and even self-help
Bihar is the Nalanda. guides. The most famous Hindu epics are Ramayana and
⮚ Which have been called as “one of the first great Mahabharata. Mahabharata, by Ved Vyasa, is the longest
universities” in recorded history. poem written in Sanskrit. Both these epics are written in
⮚ According to historical studies, the University of Nalanda order to highlight human values of sacrifice, loyalty, devotion
was established in 450 C. E. Under the and truth. The moral of both stories signify the triumph of
patronage of the Gupta emperors, notably Kumaragupta. good over evil
India is socially, culturally, and linguistically very diverse. Fasts (‘Vrats’ or ‘Upvas’) are a key part of Indian culture, as a
Hindi and English are widely spoken and recognised for means of giving thanks to Gods and Goddesses and of
official purposes. Other than than, there are 22 scheduled showing resolve and sincerity.
languages recognised by the constitution of India. However,
more than 400 languages and dialects in India are still not Temples
known. Dialects change even with a few kilometres of travel Exploring Indian temples is a magical experience, but there
in the state. Over the years, about 190 languages have are a few things to remember before you visit. Many of these
become endangered due to very few surviving speakers. sacred buildings were deliberately built at places rich in
positive energy from the magnetic wave lines of the Earth.
Most temples feature one main idol, which has a copper
plate called the Garbhagriha or Moolasthan underneath that
absorbs and resonates this underground energy. One of the
TRADITIONS customs and traditions in Indian culture is to have a bath or
shower before entering a temple or at least wash your hands
Greetings and feet to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts and evil
One of the most popular customs and traditions in Indian influences.
culture is the Namaste greeting, sometimes called namaskar
or namaskaram, translating as ‘I bow to the divine in you’. Festivals
This respectful way of saying hello, goodbye, and thank you Hindus celebrate Diwali, Holi and Makar Sakranti, Muslims
has seen a huge uptake around the world during the observe Eid, Baisakhi (crop harvesting) is a Sikh festival, Jains
Coronavirus outbreak as an alternative to handshakes and commemorate Mahavir Jayanti and Buddhists mark Buddha’s
hugs. The gesture is performed by placing the palms together birthday. Christmas and Good Friday are celebrated by
in prayer pose in front of the chest, fingers pointing upwards, Christians too. Then there are festivals to honour saints,
and making a slight bow. public figures and gurus.

Another popular saying is ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’, a Sanskrit Clothing

verse from Hindu scriptures that translates as ‘the guest is Clothes in India depend on the climate, cultural traditions
equivalent to god’. and ethnicity of each region. Traditional Indian clothing often
showcases fantastic skills passed down from generations,
Families including embroidery, embellishment and printing, as well as
A joint family in India is where the entire family all live ornate textiles such as fine silk. Clothing may be worn in
together, which can include parents, wife, children and particular colours to represent a religion or a particular ritual.
occasionally relatives. At the head of the family is a ‘Karta’, a
senior male or female who makes economic and social Dancing
decisions on behalf of the entire family, and other relations These dance forms have dramatic narratives, with performers
can be equal, of mutual respect or teasing in nature. telling stories mostly from mythology through gestures and
movement. Indian folk dances are also based on stories, this
Arranged marriage is still a strong tradition in India. This time passed down through generations. These dances are
dates back to Vedic times in 1500–1100 BCE where suitable popular in rural areas with performances showing the
matches from around the kingdom would compete in everyday life of villagers.
competitions to win the hand of a royal bride.
Food India has many great epics dating back many centuries in the
One of our favourite customs and traditions in Indian culture form of stories, poems, plays and self-help guides. The two
is food! Every region in India has its own distinct cuisine with most famous Hindu epics are the Ramayana and
a signature dish or ingredient. It’s one of the best countries Mahabharata, which both contain thrilling tales of gods and
for vegetarian cuisine, which you’ll find predominantly in demons, love and war and chariots and kidnappings. These
Gujarat and Rajasthan. Non-vegetarian options feature stories have been told and retold for thousands of years and
strongly in Bengali, Mughlai, North Indian and Punjabi play a huge part in Indian culture.
cuisine, and Kerala in South India is famous for its delicious
fish dishes. Language
The last in our list of customs and traditions in Indian culture
Religion is language. India is a land of many fascinating languages and
India is a land where people from different religions coexist dialects which can change even within a few miles. There are
harmoniously. The cow is a sacred animal in Hindu culture more than 19,500 mother tongues, 415 living languages, and
and is depicted in mythology as accompanying several gods 23 constitutionally recognised official languages in India.
such as Shiva on his bull Nandi, or Krishna, the cowherd god. Hindi is spoken by 41% of the population, particularly in the
The horns represent the gods, the four legs are ‘Vedas’ north, and 12% of Indians can speak English as a second
(ancient Hindu scriptures) and the udder is the four language.
objectives of life – desire, material wealth, righteousness and
salvation. Consuming beef or killing a cow is considered Customs
sinful, and it is illegal to slaughter a cow inseveral states.
NAMASTE- This is the most popular greeting in India. It is a ❖ Mantra - special chant or prayer whose words contain
general salutation that is used to welcome somebody and what we might call a magical power. You do not gain the
also for bidding farewell. power of the mantra by copying it out in writing. You gain the
power of the mantra by pronouncing its words, using the
TILAK - Indians have a ritual mark on the forehead, this is power of the voice.
called tilak. It can be put in many forms as a sign of blessing,
greeting or auspiciousness. 2 DIFFERENT VERSIONS:

THE ARATI - is an act of veneration and love. It is often ● Narayan's English adaptation of the Ramayana, he is
performed as a mark of worship and to seek blessings from working from a version that was composed in the Tamil
God, to welcome guests, for children on their birthdays, language (one of the languages of southern India) by the poet
family occasions, or ro welcome a newly wedded couple. Kamban, who lived about one thousand years ago, in the
11th century C.E.
Garlanding - Garlanding is a traditional practice in India ● Buck's English adaptation of the Ramayana, he is working
where a special flower necklace is draped around the neck of from the Sanskrit version attributed to Valmiki, which
a person or statue as a symbol of honor, respect, and probably dates to around the 3rd century B.C.E., over two
welcome. thousand years ago.

BINDI - just like Tilak, is an auspicious mark worn by young ❖ The Mahabharata (composed between 300 BC and 300
girls and women. It is also considered a symbol of Goddess AD) -longest epic in world literature.
Parvati, which signifies female energy and is believed to ➢ Sometimes it is referred to as "the great story of India."
protect women and their husbands. ➢ 100,000 2-line stanzas (although the most recent critical
edition edits this down to about 88,000), making it eight
NOSE PIN - this is a pin worn by Indian women on their nose times as long as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey together, and
studded with stones. This symbolises purity and marriage, over 3 times as long as the Bible (Chaitanya vii).
the nose pin is today used to adorn by many unmarried girls ➢ According to the Narasimhan version, only about 4000
as well. lines relate to the main story; the rest contain additional
myths and teachings.
Shakha- Paula - a pair of shell (shakha) and red coral (paula) ➢ The Mahabharata resembles a long journey with many
bangles worn as marriage symbols by Bengali women. side roads and detours. It is said that "Whatever is here is
Magalsutra - is worn only by married women as a mark of found elsewhere. But whatever is not here is nowhere else."
being married. It is the Indian equivalent of the Western ➢ The name means "great [story of the] Bharatas." Bharata
wedding ring. It is tied by the groom around his bride’s neck. was an early ancestor of both the Pandavas and Kauravas
who fought each other in a great war, but the word is also
LITERATURES used generically for the Indian race.
➢ Is divided into 18 books (concerning an 18-day war among
❖ The Indian literary tradition is primarily one of verse and is 18 armies). The main narrative concerning the war is
also essentially oral. The earliest works were composed to be contained in the first ten books.
sung or recited and were so transmitted for many
generations before being written down. MEDIEVAL INDIAN LITERATURE
❖ The earliest works in many of the languages were
❖ KARMA - the chain of good and bad actions and their sectarian, designed to advance or to celebrate some
inevitable consequences which result in the repeated birth unorthodox regional belief.
and death of the soul.
❖ ORAL TRADITION - in ancient India, this was prized much ● Caryapadas in Bengali - Tantric verses of the 12th century
more highly than anything in written form. (There is a sacred ● Lilacaritra (circa 1280), in Marathi - in Kannada (Kanarese)
reality contained within the vocal utterance, something that language from the 10th century.
can never be captured in writing.) ● Later in Gujarati from the 13th century - the first truly
indigenous works are Jain romances. (Based on Sanskrit and

❖ Vedas - may be considered both religious and Other example:

philosophical. ● Prithiraja-raso by Chand Bardai of Lahore - 12th-century
❖ The Ramayana and the Mahabharata - from the Sanskrit epic poem. This was in Rajasthani of the bardic tales of
epics that is either religious or a reworking of familiar stories. chivalry and heroic resistance to the first Muslim invasions .
❖ Both are oral epics that existed in spoken form as chants
or songs long before they were written down. LATER INDIAN LITERATURE
❖ Puranas - mythological writings ❖ Most important of all were the first traces in the
❖ Both of the epics exist in many different versions. (versions vernacular languages of the northern Indian cults of Krishna
in Sanskrit & versions composed in the other languages of and of Rama.
south Asia)
Includes: Gitagovinda (The Cowherd's Song) - 12th-century Upanishads ('upa' near, 'ni' down: 'sad' to sit) means sitting
poems by Jaydev down near; this implies the students sitting down near their
Guru to learn the big secret. In the splendid isolation of their
● About 1400 - a group of religious love poems written in forest abodes. the philosophers who composed the
Maithili (eastern Hindi of Bihar) by the poet Vidyapati were a Upanishads contemplated upon the various mysteries of life
seminal influence on the cult of Radha-Krishna in Bengal. and its creation-whether common, or metaphysical. The
answers were however not open to all, but only for select
❖ Vedas (Books of Knowledge) - the oldest literature of students. The reason for this was simple: not everyone can
Indian thought. handle knowledge. The composition of the Upanishads marks
❖ A collection of religious and philosophical poems and a significant and stride forward in the direction of knowing
hymns composed over several generations beginning as early the mystery of earth's creation and one comes tantalizingly
as 3000 BC. close to the answers. Through episodes, commentaries,
❖ Commonly referred to as “scripture”, which is accurate in stories, traditions and dialogue, the Upanishads unfold
that they can be defined as holy writing concerning the the fascinating tale of creation, life, the essence of life and of
nature of the Divine. that beyond to the seeker of truth. There is no exact date for
❖ Existed in oral form and were passed down from master to the composition of the Upanishads. They continued to be
student for generations until they were committed to writing composed over a long period, the core being over 7th-5th
between c. 1500 - c. 500 BCE (the so-called Vedic Period) in centuries BC. The Upanishads were originally called Vedanta,
India. which literally means the conclusion to the Vedas. In the
Upanishads, views about Brahman (the Absolute, or God) and
Vedas & Its Four Kind atman (one's true self) were proposed. The core of the
There are four Vedas: teachings of the Upanishads is summed up in three words:
tat tvam as... you are that.
➢ The Rig-Veda's traditional date goes back to 3000 BC,
something which the German scholar Max Mueller accepted. Famous people
As a body of writing, the Rig-Veda (the wisdom of verses) is
nothing short of remarkable. It contains 1028 hymns (10,589 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
verses which are divided into ten mandalas or book-sections) ● Commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi
dedicated to thirty- three different gods. The most often ● Born October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India—Died January
addressed gods were nature gods like Indra (rain god; king of 30, 1948, in Delhi
heavens), Agni (fire god), Rudra (storm god; the 'howler'), ● Also known in India as the Father of the Nation
Soma (the draught of immortality, an alcoholic brew). ● A preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled
➢ The Sama-Veda or the wisdom of chants is basically a ● In 1921, became a Muslim leader, protesting the
collection of samans or chants, derived from the eighth and Caliphate's decline, and took over the Indian National
ninth books of the Rig-Veda. These were meant for the Congress to achieve Swaraj, India's independence from
priests who officiated at the rituals of the soma ceremonies. British rule.
There are painstaking instructions in Sama-Veda about how ● He was assassinated on January 30, 1948, by a Hindu
particular hymns must be sung; to put great emphasis upon nationalist who thought Gandhi was too sympathetic to
sounds of the words of the mantras and the effect they could India's Muslims.
have on the environment and the person who pronounced
them. Rabindranath Tagore
● A great poet, Nobel Laureate
➢ The Yajur Veda or the wisdom of sacrifices lays down ● Born May 7, 1861, in Calcutta, India
various sacred invocations (yajurs) which were chanted by a ● Died, August 7, 1941, Calcutta (now Kolkata)
particular sect of priests called adhvaryu. They performed the ● He had an early success as a writer in his native Bengal.
sacrificial rites. The Veda also outlines various chants which ● He gained global recognition through his translation of
should be sung to pray and pay respects to the various poems, establishing himself as a significant voice for India's
instruments which are involved in the sacrifice. spiritual heritage, particularly in Bengal.
● His most notable work is Gitanjali (Song Offerings)
➢ The Atharva-Veda (the wisdom of the Atharvans) is called Mumtaz Mahal
so because the families of the atharvan sect of the Brahmins ● One of Shah Jahan's three wives.
have traditionally been credited with the composition of the ● Born October 29, 1593, in Agra to Abu'l-Hasan Asaf Khan
Vedas. It is a compilation of hymns but lacks the awesome ● Died, June 17, 1631, Burhanpur, India
grandeur which makes the Rig-Veda such a breathtaking ● Poets extol her beauty, gracefulness, and compassion
spiritual experience. during her lifetime.
● In 1630, Mumtaz Mahal accompanied Shah Jahan, who was
The Brahmanas is prose commentaries on the Vedic hymns fighting a campaign in the Deccan Plateau.
and religious rites, these are possibly the earliest existing ● Shah Jahan had decided to build the world's richest
pieces of Indo-European prose, while the Sutras is extremely mausoleum in memory of his Jewel (Mumtaz), the Taj Mahal-
concise, often unintelligible treatises concerning rituals. One a monument of love, purity, and unparalleled beauty.
very influential Indian prose is the Upanishads, a collection of
108 discourses on the Brahman religion. The term
● It took her husband 22 years and most of his royal treasury ● In 1965, the Society became an International Religious
to build a monument befitting the memory of his beloved Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI.
wife. ● Mother Teresa, renowned globally, has received numerous
awards, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and
Shah Jahan the Nehru Prize, for her contributions to international peace
● Born January 5, 1592, in Lahore, Pakistan and understanding (1972).
● Died January 22, 1666, in Agra Fort, India
● He was the fifth emperor of the Mughal dynasty, who INDIAN DRAMA
reigned from 1627 to 1658.
● He was the son of Emperor Jahangir and the grandson of Indian Drama
Emperor Akbar the Great. Excerpt from Mahabharata
● His name means "King of the World," indicating his pride in In this excerpt from the Mahabharata, Yudhisthira seeks
his Timurid roots and ambitions. wisdom from Bhishma on the nature of happiness and misery
● His excellent military skills at an early age against for the rich and the poor. Bhishma recounts a lesson from a
numerous enemies (Mewar, the Lodi in the Deccan, and wise Brahmin who, despite poverty and a challenging life,
Kangra) impressed his Father so much that Shah Jahan found happiness through renunciation and detachment from
received the title "Shah Jahan Bahadur" from him. worldly desires. It emphasizes that true happiness lies in
● He also has a talent for re-designing buildings. inner peace and contentment, while attachment to wealth
and prosperity can lead to arrogance and suffering. The
Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar teaching underscores the significance of renunciation as a
● Also known as Akbar the Great path to genuine happiness and spiritual fulfillment,
● Born October 14, 1542, in Umarkot, Pakistan encouraging individuals to embrace simplicity and
● Died October 27, 1605, in Fatehpur Sikri, India detachment from worldly desires.
● The son of Emperor Humayun and Hamida Banu Begum.
● He was the third ruler of the Mughal Empire, reigned from
1556 to 1605. IF I WERE AN IDOL IN A TEMPLE By Arpita
● A great patron of art and architecture.
The story explores the concept of being an idol in a temple,
Indira Gandhi highlighting the allure of being an object of worship. It
● Born November 19, 1917 in Prayagraj, India emphasizes the irony that idols, which are never seen, often
● Died October 31, 1984 in New Delhi, India receive more reverence than living human beings. The author
● A daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru imagines the satisfaction of people coming to the temple
● The first female Prime Minister of India. with hopes and demands, boosting the idol's ego. It
● As Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi implemented acknowledges the idol's limitations in directly helping people
modernization, economic development, and social justice but recognizes the power of faith. The text expresses the joy
policies, including nationalisation, land reforms, and poverty of a carefree life with a constant stream of visitors. It also
reduction. envisions a scenario where the idol wishes to confront evil in
● She declared a state of emergency in 1975 and played a the temple, emphasizing the desire for strength to protect
significant role in Bangladesh's 1971 liberation. against wrongdoing. In essence, it presents the idea of a
● Gandhi served three terms but was ousted due to fulfilling, albeit immobile, existence as a temple idol.
authoritarian policies, including a 21-month state of
emergency restricting Indian constitutional rights, but was A Moment of Indulgence by Rabindranath Tagore
reelected in 1980. I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side. The works
● Gandhi was the world's second female head of government that I have in hand I will finish afterwards. Away from the
and remains the world's second sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite, and my
longest-serving female Prime Minister as of 2012. work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil.
● Tragically, Gandhi was assassinated by two of her Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and
bodyguards. murmurs; and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the
court of the flowering grove. Now it is time to sit quite, face
Mother Teresa to face with thee, and to sing dedication of life in this silent
● Born August 26, 1910, in Skopje, North Macedonia and overflowing leisure.
● Died September 5, 1997, in Kolkata, India
● An Albanian-Indian Catholic nun and the founder of the Roses of Gratitude by Anil Chandra
Missionaries of Charity
● At 18, she moved to Ireland and later to India, where she Ajay Prasad, a ten year old boy, was flushed by the way his
lived most of her life. teacher, Mrs. Kumar, was looking at him. Her lips were
● After a few months of training in Dublin, she was sent to pursed in dissatisfaction. Ajay worshipped Mrs. Kumar.
India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a Pleasing her was the most imporant thing in his life. At home
nun. after school, he studied his reflection in the mirror for a clue
● On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received the Holy See's to Mrs. Kumar's disapproval. That night, Ajay decided he
permission to establish "The Missionaries of Charity," a would ask his teacher what was wrong. But the next morning,
religious order dedicated to loving and caring for those Ajay’s resolve melted life an icicle in sunshine. At noon, as he
nobody to look after. was about to go home, Mrs. Kumar suddenly appeared
beside him in the verandah of the school and asked him to c. A certain priest
come with her. She bought him a pair of shoes, and a shirt d. Unknown
and shorts. However, Ajay was not able to express his thanks
to his teacher. Soon after, the school was closed. In time Ajay 6. The following describes the complete poverty in this world
Prasad finished school, he became an engineer, married, according to Indian Drama, EXCEPT?
and fathered two boys. Then, in early 1991, he suffered a a. A source of sadness
massive heart attack. In August 1991, she called Mrs. Kumar b. A good regimen
and told her he was coming to Dehradun to meet her. On c. Source of blessings
September 23, he hired a taxi and drove straight to Kumar's d. Freedom from danger
residence with a bouquet of long-stemmed roses. Ajay and
Mrs. Kumar catch up on forty years. As he was leaving, Sheila 7. What is the central theme of "A Moment's Indulgence" by
Kumar said, “How can I ever thank you for all the trouble Rabindranath Tagore?
you’ve taken?” “Just think how much interest I owe you for a. The importance of seizing the present
the shoes and clothes,” Ajay squeezed her hand. Mrs. Kumar, b. The pursuit of wealth and success
eyes misty, stood a long time looking at the long stemmed c. The practicality of human existence
roses in the flower vase. Their fragrance lingered for a long d. The inevitability of death
time in the room.
8. The following statements are true about cows as sacred
Multiple-Choice Test animals in Hindu culture, EXCEPT?
a. It is depicted in mythology as accompanying several gods,
1. Which of the following is not a common feature of Indian such as Shiva on his bull Nandi or Krishna, the cowherd god.
weddings? b. The cow came to symbolize a life of nonviolent generosity.
a. The bride wearing a red bridal gown c. Hindus believe that the cow is a representative of divine
b. The groom arriving on horseback and natural beneficence and should therefore be protected
c. The exchange of wedding rings and venerated.
d. The bride and groom exchanging garlands d. Consuming beef or killing a cow is considered sinful, but it
Answer: C is legal to slaughter a cow in several states due to the
difference in religion.
2. The following statements are true about India, EXCEPT? Answer: D
a. Home to the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization and a region
of historic trade routes and vast empires. 9. What does the speaker mean when he mentions
b. India is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the South-west, "shoreless sea of toil" in the second stanza of the poem "A
the Arabian sea on the south, and the Bay of Bengal on the Moment of Indulgence"?
South-east. a. The sea is a place for leisure and relaxation
c. India is regarded by many historians as the "oldest living b. The sea is a symbol of God's presence
civilization of Earth". c. Endless and exhausting work
d. India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and d. A beautiful sea view from his window
Sikhism known as Indian Religions. Answer: C

3. Which of the following famous places in India has been 10. What is the overall message conveyed by the poem "A
called “one of the first great universities” in recorded history Moment of Indulgence" by Rabindranath Tagore?
and became the center of Buddhist studies in the ancient a. Work should always be a top priority.
world? b. Spending time in nature is a waste of time.
a. University of Mahabodhi c. Taking a moment to connect with God brings joy and
b. University of Brihadishwara peace.
c. University of Nalanda d. Bees are the best minstrels in the world.
d. University of Baha’i
4. Which of the following best describes the reason why
Sama-Veda and Rig-Veda are closely related to each other? - KOREA is a peninsular country in East Asia.
a. The Sama-Veda and Rig-Veda are separate, independent, - South and North Korea were divided as separate nations in
and have no connection. 1945.
b. The Sama-Veda hymns are derived from the Rig-Vedic -As of 2022, South Korea had around 51.63 million people,
texts but are set to musical notation for chanting ranking 29th in the world.
c. The Sama-Veda includes new hymns not related to the Rig- -The government system of South Korea is a republic.
d. The Sama-Veda is more related to the Atharva-Veda. FAMOUS PEOPLE

5. Who led an (apparently) pitiful life because of a bad wife, Syngman Rhee
lack of clothing, and hunger, lived in the observance of the  Born: March 26, 1875
vow of renunciation and told Bhishma the verses?  The the first and last provisional president of South
a. A certain monk Korea.
b. A certain brahmin
 He participated in Independence club to promote CULTURE
Korean independence from Japan.
 April 1960, massive student protests erupted in South Korean Culture was predominantly influenced by the Chinese
Korea. from ancient times until 20th century. Korea, however,
developed its own unique styles over the centuries. The
Kim Dae Jung distinctiveness may be seen in its painting, ceramics, music ,
 Born: December 3, 1925 and literature.
 In 1998, he was elected as 8th president of South Korea
 President Kim Dae-jung’s vision for the Korean people Paintings
led him to pursue a policy of engagement toward North The masterworks of paintings can be traced back in the
Korea. distant past from the Three Kingdoms of Koguryo, Silla, and
 Died: August 18, 2009 Paekche, which were united by Silla in the 7th century.
 Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award him Extraordinary Chinese - style wall paintings were found in the
Nobel Peace Prize for 2000 tombs of ancient Koguryo and exquisite stone sculpture in
Kim Yung Sam 8th century Sokkuram grotto outside of Kyongju.
 Born: December 10, 1927 Paintings: Wall paintings in ancient Koguryo tombs &
 Kim Young Sam became the first civilian president of Sokkuram Grotto
South Korea
 Died: November 22, 2015 CERAMICS
 Kim Yung Sam was first elected to the National
Assembly in 1954 MAEBYEONG
 Kim was briefly imprisoned in 1962 and was also Korea perfected pottery and ceramics, producing serene,
prosecuted for his vocal criticism of the Korean CIA natural, and simple beauty. In the 11th-13th centuries, they
activities. learned Chinese high-fired porcelain techniques and created
celadon, praised by Japanese and Chinese,who called Korean
celadon ware "one of the ten best things in the world.
Kim II Sung Korean pottery decoration features plants, flowers, and
 Known as “the Sun of Korea,” wildlife, reflecting the country's religious heritage, with
 Born: April 15, 1912 Buddhist motifs and minimalist Confucian designs being the
 Died: July 8, 1994 primary styles.
 Kim Il-Sung was the founder and leader of North Korea,
a communist totalitarian state and an international MUSIC
 Kim Il-Sung also led communist Korean forces during the Sinawi
Korean War It was originally ensemble music performed for the deities,
during a female shaman ritual dance, particularly in the
HISTORICAL PLACES southern provinces of South Korea. The music is known today
for its improvision. The musicians must follow the shaman's
Changgyeong Palace dance and create interesting melodic and rhythmic patterns
The palace compound was originally constructed in the early to help her perform . In this excerpt the melody is based on
1100s as the summer residence of the Koryo (Goryeo) the mode kyemyon. The main soloist is playing a cylindrical
dynasty. oboe called the piri.


One of the most elaborate Buddhist temples in South Korea. South Korean literature is often divided into two periods:
They were built without mortar by placing cut stones in classical and modern.
perfect arrangement.
Classical Literature
The Gyeongbok  It was written during the Chosōn Dynasty (1392-1910).
(Shining Happiness) Palace in Seoul was first constructed in  It's a combination of indigenous folk traditions with the
1395 as the royal residence of the Choson (Joseon) dynasty. It religious and philosophical principles of Buddhism,
was ruined during the Japanese invasion of 1592, the palace Confucianism, and Daoism.
was finally reconstructed in 1867. The National Museum of  A male-dominated educated elite developed the
Korea and the National Folklore Museum are located nearby. classical body of literature from earliest times to the end
of Chosōn dynasty in 1910. They wrote in the Chinese
The Dongdaemun script.
(Gate of Uplifting Benevolence)
One of the remaining gates of the original nine entryways to Modern Literature
Seoul, the Capital of South Korea. The gates were built during  Modern Korean literature began in the late 19th century
the 14th century by King T’aejo of the Choson (Joseon) with the introduction of Western ideas and influences.
dynasty. They were part of an 18.5-km (11.5-mi) wall around  It is characterized by its diversity of genres and styles,
the capital. and its willingness to tackle difficult and controversial
Hangeul In the southern region, approximately a quarter of the
A korean script which was introduced in 1446 but did not population identifies as Christians, with Protestantism being
gain widespread acceptance as a literary language until the the dominant denomination.
20th century. The accessibility of Hangeul to all classes
expanded the social base of Korean literature during the Chondogyo
modern period. Chondogyo, often translated as the "Teaching of the
Heavenly Way," is a distinctive faith native to Korea.
South Koreans today choose their spouses, often abstaining
from traditional weddings and marrying in public. The family
is bound by duty and obligation, with the father as the head
and the eldest son enjoying the most respect. Professional
opportunities for women have expanded. In North Korea, LITERARY WORKS
marriages are only with parental consent and minimum
marriage ages are set. Parents also may arrange marriages Two Lies by An Zong-Og
for their children.The government aims to weaken the
traditional family system and promote the "GreatLeader." Once there was a minister who was so fond of being told lies
that he announced, "Any man who can tell me two lies that I
FOOD find interesting shall marry my daughter." So, all the leading
Korean cuisine is one of the worlds healthiest because of liars in the eight provinces came to his house. But with all the
natural and seasonal components. Rice is the main staple stories they told he was never satisfied, and refused to give
food in Korea. It is steamed and is eaten with a variety of side his daughter.
dishes. The main dish is kimchi, a spicy pickled cabbage. Soup
is often part of a meal, and chicken, beef, and fish are One day, however, a young man came and said, "It will be
common. Traditional Korean delicacies like pulkogi and kalbi very hot in summer, you know. So you should go out now and
are less common in North Korea due to affluence. Favorite dig a great pit under the main street of Seoul. Then when the
foods include naengmyon and soybeans, maize, millet, and hot weather comes you can sell it and make your fortune."
wheat. "That's a wonderful lie," answered the Minister as usual.
"And next?" The young man took an old document from his
RECREATION pocket. "This a bond of debt accounting to one hundred
Traditional Korean sports like archery, kite flying, and thousand yang which your late father borrowed from before
wrestling survive until today, though without huge he died. I have come to demand payment."
popularity, Western sports of almost all kinds are played with
enthusiasm by th modern youth. Koreans have enjoyed Now the minister was in quandary. "If I say it's a lie," he said
international successes in boxing, footracing, weightlifting, to himself, "I must give him my daughter." "But if I say it is
wrestling, and mountain climbing. Competitors both from not a lie, I must pay all that money." In the end he had to say,
north and the south have done well in the Olumpics, "It's a lie" and the young man married his daughter.
Baseball, gymnastics, soccer, and judo are popular school
sports. Korean favorites include changgi (Korean chess), Song of Peace by Hwang Tong-gyu
paduk (Japanese go), and yut (played with four sticks).
I’m told
BELIEFS We are a puny race.
Doors locked even in daytime,
Most Koreans, at least in the south, stick firmly to Buddhist We read light essays, hugging the stove.
and Confucianist beliefs. Religious observances, however, are
mostly limited to ritual practices on such vital occasions as Dragging the anguish of no place to hide
marriage and death. Many Koreans in the rural areas adhere Like a common soldier,
to Shamanism. Approximately, a quarter of the people in the Travel the country from Kimhae to Hwach’on
south are Christians, mainly Protestants. Chondogyo, Winter fatigues hanging on you,
Teaching of the Heavenly Way, is the only other significant - A canteen flapping at your side,
organized faith that is native to Korea. In the north, the
government discourages all religious observances. Wherever you turn, barbed wire;
Whenever you turn, checkpoints.
Buddhism and Confucianism I do not understand this love,
Buddhism and Confucianism have long been foundational to This smothering jealous love.
the spiritual beliefs of the southern Korean population.
I spread my gloved hands, palm up.
Shamanism in Rural Areas Snow falling for some time now,
Shamanism remains prevalent in rural areas, where a A snow colder than snow.
significant portion of the population continues to practice the
ancient traditions of connecting with ancestral spirits. The Nonrevolutionaries by Yu-wol Chong Nyon
Background Information: Resolution - Conclusion
Written by young Korean woman, Yu-Wol CHong-Nyon, The
Nonrevolutionaries deals with the Korean War (June 25th After the first execution, everyone felt they had to follow
1950 - July 27th 1953). It took place shortly after WWII, when along. The leader of the 100 North Korean soldiers again
Korea got separated into two nations: North Korea and South brings another man and declares him a traitor and again asks
Korea. for a course of action. yet again the 100 soldiers shout "kill
him!", but the leader does not and instead asks if this is really
Ok-sun is a Korean citizen who returned from her studies what the crowed wants. he then asks again a minute later
abroad one month ago. she had a scholarship for a school in and thanks to the 100 soldiers in the crowd, everyone shouts
the west for a year, however as soon as she returns a month "Kill him!". Immediately following the leader executes the
passes and she falls ill. Ok-sun falls ill at the same time the man. this would occur another 10 times while toe chilly dawn
armies of North Korea spill into South Korea. turns to a chilly day.

Introduction In conclusion Ok-Sun emphasized her hatred towards war

and anyone who participated in the war at the beginning and
This short story starts with Ok-sun remembering that chilly the end of the story, which had affected her country, friends
dawn when North Korean soldiers had banged on her doors and family.
and the doors of her village calling everyone out to the play
field. Her parents had argued about whether to hide her or My beloved homeland!
not because she had been on her studies abroad for a year Will your rice and your wine
and no one knew that she had returned. She remembers the Ever the the same again?
day she returned and falling ill during the same time the Will your flutes and your sharps
North Korean military had poured into South Korea. Ever sound the same again?

In a faraway country, on the other side of the globe, the Cursed be the man of the East.
President of the United States, the Prime Minister of His Cursed be the men of the East.
Majesty’s Government, and the chairman of the Supreme Cursed be the men of the West.
Soviet had met. Cursed be those
Who have left my beloved homeland
The fare of the world was decided. Here a cut, there a snip, Bleeding and torn.
and here a line. “ For purpose of military convenience,” the
history books say, my beloved homeland was cut into two. Cranes by Hwang Yun-won
Our minds and hearts, our families and lives were cut into
shreds. Summary

Rising Action In the northern village at the border of the Thirty-eighth

Parallel, in front of the farmhouse that had been turned into
The next part, Ok-sun and her family are standing in the play a public peace-police office, a young man stood, tied up. He
field and Ok-sun remembers back to when she was a child seemed to be a stranger, so Song-sam approached him to
and all of the memories that took place there. Some of the have a close look. He was taken aback; it was none other
memories included the Japanese occupation. Ok-sun and her than his childhood friend, Tok-chae. He is tied up in handcuff
town were forced to think and speak in a foreign tongue and rope at the headquarters of the Public Peace Corps. Song-
to say something in her native language in public was sam volunteers to serve as an escort to send Tokchae off to
followed swiftly by a slap across the face. Another memory Ch’ŏngdan.
includes her father having to prostrate himself infront of one
of the Japanese Shinto shrines regularly. Along the way, Song-sam reminisced about the moment he
had with Tokchae. Songsam feels a sudden burst of anger and
The playfield! The North Korean soldiers came with their asks Tokchae how many men he has killed in the war.
heavy boots and their heavy rifles. The villagemen were by However, Tokchae remains silent. Songsam presses him, but
the thousand, fathers and mothers, children and elders. Tokchae will not speak. Songsam asks Tokchae why he did
not run away instead of becoming part of the war. To
Climax persuade Tokchae to break his silence, Songsam tells him,
“You’re going to be shot anyway.” Tokchae then answers that
Next 100 soldiers, their leader, and 12 men of the village he became part of the league because he was a hardworking
storm into the play field. The 100 men take up unwanted farmer; he did not run because he couldn't abandon his
positions in the crowed waiting while their leader and the 12 father. Tokchae also has a wife who is carrying their child,
civilians take places on a stage. Here their leader grabs the and he tells Songsam that it is not so easy to just run away.
first civilian and labels him a traitor for mismanagement of Songsam compares this to his own situation—he left behind
supplies. The leader asks for a course of action which is his family and all that was important to him to escape and go
swiftly met by the 100 soldiers crying out "kill him!". The into hiding.
leader then places a pistol to the mans temple and executes
him on the spot. When they reached the foot of the hill, Song-sam hesitatingly
stopped. He again remembered that when they were about
twelve, they would set a trap to catch a Tanjong crane. Then 6. What do you call a script used by Koreans as a literary
one day, they overheard the neighbors whispering. They language that was only widely accepted in the 20th century?
were worried about the fate of their crane, so they tried to a. Kyemyon
free them, but suddenly they heard a gunshot, and the boys b. Celadon
thought that their crane had been shot. But the next c. Jiaguwen
moment, their crane soared into the blue sky. d. Hangeul

Suddenly, Song-sam asked Tok-chae to hunt for a crane and 7. What primary lesson does the Korean folktale “Two Lies”
untied his hand. Tok-chae's face whitened at the thought that try to teach us?
Song-sam would shoot him. Song-sam quickly turned toward a. Cleverness can overcome adversity.
him. “Hey, how come you are standing there like you’re b. Honesty is always the best policy.
dumb? Go flush a crane! "Only then did Tok-chae catch on. c. Revenge is a destructive force.
He started crawling among the weeds. d. Trust should not be taken for granted.
A couple of Tanjong cranes soared high into the clear blue 8. What was the goal of "Operation Storm Breaker," and
autumn sky, fluttering their huge wings. what happened as a result of its accomplishment?
a. The goal was to capture the leaders of the
Multiple-Choice Test Revolutionaries, and its success led to their capture in
1. Who led the communist party to invade South Korea, b. The goal was to destroy the South Korean border, and its
which caused the beginning of the success initiated a civil war between the Non-Revolutionaries
Korean War in 1950? and the Revolutionaries.
a. Kim II Sung c. The goal was to bring about political change in South
b. Kim Young Sam Korea, and its success resulted in a change of government.
c. Roh Tae Woo d. The goal was to prevent the Revolutionaries from
d. Syngman Rhee infiltrating North Korea, and its success led to the emotional
trauma of the citizens witnessing government officials being
2. How did the Korean War start? executed.
a. To support the South, the US military drew a line to
temporarily divide Korea. 9. What is the message conveyed in "Song of Peace" by
b. To expand its authority, the Soviet Union urged North Hwang Tong Gyu?
Korea to declare war on a. A call for unity and peace on the Korean Peninsula.
South Korea. b. A celebration of romantic love and relationships.
c. In an attempt to unify the Korean Peninsula under a c. A reflection on the beauty of the natural world.
republican government, d. A tribute to historical Korean figures.
South Korea attacked the North.
d. In an attempt to unify the Korean Peninsula under 10. In the story " Cranes by Hwang Sun-won", what is the
communist rule, North Korea invaded the South. major turning point in the story
where Song-sam’s feelings about Tok-chae changed?
3. It is a historical palace in Korea known as the Shining A. Song-sam remembered the time where they would go
Happiness and was ruined by the Japanese during their together to hunt a crane.
invasion in 1592. B. Tok-chae explains that he did not escape because he
a. Bulguksa Temple wanted to be with his father in his last moments, who
b. Changgyeong Palace decided to stay in the land.
c. The Gyeongbok C. Tok-chae is going to be a father to his first child in the
d. P’yongyang upcoming fall.
D. Song-sam asked Tok-chae how many he had killed, but
4. Which international document or agreement emphasized Tok-chae only turned away and glared.
the rights of self-determination
for subject peoples and influenced the post-World War II
situation in Korea?
a. Atlantic Charter
b. Geneva Accords
c. Potsdam Agreement
d. Treaty of Versailles

5. According to the principles of the Atlantic Charter, which

countries announced in 1943
that Korea shall become free and independent?
a. Britain and China
b. United States and Britain
c. United States and China
d. United States, Britain, and China

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