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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-1

Chapter 7
Computer Networks and Cloud Computing
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:

We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching
experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same headings that you see in the
textbook. Under the headings you will find: lecture notes that summarize the section, Teaching
Tips, Class Discussion Topics, and Additional Projects and Resources. Pay special attention to
teaching tips and activities geared towards quizzing your students and enhancing their critical
thinking skills.

In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources also contain PowerPoint
Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.

At a Glance

Instructor’s Manual Table of Contents

• Overview
• Teaching Tips and Quick Quizzes
• Class Discussion Topics
• Additional Projects
• Additional Resources
• Key Terms

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-2

Lecture Notes

Chapter 7 introduces the concept of computer networks. It describes the different kinds of
networks, wired and wireless. It explains how local area networks, wide area networks, and the
Internet function. The chapter explains what a protocol is, and introduces the layers of protocol
hierarchy that make networks functions. These layers include the physical layer, the data link
layer, the network layer, the transport layer, and the application layer. For each layer the
chapter describes sample protocols, for example, TCP/IP and HTTP, among others. Finally the
chapter discusses the benefits and services we have come to take for granted, and a history of
the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Teaching Tips

7.1 Introduction
1. The invention of the computer network has, and continues to have, a revolutionary
impact on society. Discuss possibilities from spread of information and commerce.

2. There is a lot of terminology in this chapter. Help students to determine what

terminology you care about, and flesh out the terminology with concrete examples.

7.2 Basic Networking Concepts

1. Introduce the terms computer network and nodes. Note that nodes may be anything
from smart-phones to supercomputers. Networks may be wired or wireless, and have
used many different technologies.

2. Introduce the term switched, dial-up telephone lines, which carry an analog signal. A
modem changes either the amplitude or frequency of a standard carrier wave to encode
ones and zeros. Bandwidth is the speed of transmission of the binary signal. Ask
students if they have ever had dial-up Internet service.

3. Introduce the term broadband, for high-speed network connections. Home connections
typically use either digital subscriber lines (DSL), or cable modems. Compare the
range of speeds with dial-up speeds, and note the asymmetric download versus upload
speeds. Commercial and institutional access uses dedicated lines: introduce the terms
Ethernet and Fast Ethernet. Discuss newer standards for gigabit networking,
including the gigabit Ethernet standard adopted by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers).

4. Introduce the term wireless data communication. Emphasize the new and growing
importance world wide of mobile computing. Introduce the term wireless local area
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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-3

network (WLAN), such as you might find in libraries or coffee shops. Other related
terms to introduce: Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), IEEE 802.11 wireless network
standards, Wi-Fi hot spot, and metropolitan Wi-Fi. Describe two alternative wireless
systems: Bluetooth and wireless wide area network (WWAN).

5. Introduce the term local area network (LAN); LANs are centered on a single locality,
typically privately managed. LAN topologies are varied and important: e.g., bus, ring,
and star. LANs may be wired using a shared cable system, with a single cable strung
through a building. If distances are too great for a single cable, multiple cables
connected by a repeater or bridge implement the shared cable model. The alternative
uses a switch: a wiring closet connects each Ethernet jack to the switch, where the
shared cable resides.

6. Introduce the term wide area network (WAN); WANs are networks that span large
distances, and involve external providers. WANs use dedicated point-to-point lines
between computers, rather than shared lines. Introduce the term store-and-forward,
packet-switched technology as typical of WANs; packets of data are sent from node to
node. Internet service providers (ISPs) provide access to the Internet through their
WAN. Emphasize the hierarchy of layers of ISPs required to form the Internet.

Quick Quiz 1

1. Internet service with speeds greater than 256K Mbps is called ________________.
Answer: Broadband
2. (True or False) A Wi-Fi hot spot is when computers can connect to the Internet through
a nearby wireless base station that is wired to a network.
Answer: True
3. (True or False) Users need to use an Internet Service Provider to access a LAN.
Answer: False
4. Name a common topology for local area networks (LANs).
Answer: One of: star, bus, or ring
5. Most WANs use _________________ technology to transmit messages.
Answer: store-and-forward, packet-switched

7.3 Communication Protocols

1. Introduce the term protocol, and use everyday examples like telephone etiquette, or
what to do when meeting someone in a professional setting. Establishing protocols and
standards is critical to enabling computers to talk to each other or to peripherals.
Introduce Internet Society, an international society designed to make protocols.
Introduce the terms protocol hierarchy/protocol stack, and TCP/IP.

Teaching Tip Encourage students to explore the website for the Internet Society.

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-4

2. Introduce the term Physical layer protocols. Emphasize the low level of these
protocols. The bulleted list at the start of the Physical Layer section (page 357) is an
important list to go over, highlighting an example for each. It might be instructive to
bring in some old cables to bring home to students that these standards change over

3. The data link layer is responsible for error detection and correction and framing.
Introduce the term Medium Access Control protocols, which mediate which nodes can
use a shared line at a given time, and how collisions are handled. When connections are
point-to-point, Layer 2b protocols handle errors. Introduce the term Logical Link
Control protocols and the ARQ algorithm for this purpose. The ARQ algorithm
requires the receiver to check for errors in the transmitted packet, and to send an
acknowledgement message (ACK) if the packet has no errors.

Because protocols fundamentally mediate communication among two or

more entities, they offer the chance for students to learn by doing. Pick a
protocol, like the Medium Access Control protocols, and have students act
Teaching Tip them out. You could choose one protocol at each level to be performed. End
each performance with a discussion of how the protocol worked.
Alternatively, assign teams of students to develop a video demonstration of
particular protocols.

4. Introduce the term Network layer protocols. These protocols control how message
pass across a network of computers: an agreed-upon addressing method for telling
where the destination is, and a process for finding a route from any node to any other.
Introduce the term IP (Internet Protocol), the current standard for the Internet.
Introduce the terms host names and IP addresses for human and machine addressing.
The Domain Name System (DNS) maps human-friendly host names to their IP
addresses. Introduce the term routing, and emphasize the complexity of network
routing tasks: networks can be huge, it must be done quickly, and networks are
constantly changing.

5. Introduce the term Transport layer protocols. These protocols control how to route
messages to specific applications running on a given computer. Introduce the term port
number, and show students the Assigned Numbers on the Internet for which port
numbers belong to which standard applications. Use the post office metaphor for
discussing the unreliability of the Network layer, and the use to TCP (Transport
Control Protocol) for making reliable message delivery.

6. Introduce the term Application layer protocols, which describe high-level

communication protocols used by applications. Introduce the terms Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Uniform Resource Locator (URL), as one example
of an Application layer protocol.

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-5

Quick Quiz 2

1. The main task of the Network layer is ________________.

Answer: to handle delivery of messages across a network of computers, including
addressing schemes and routing of messages.
2. (True or False) Medium Access Control protocols manage the physical layer: how bits
are transmitted over different kinds of wires.
Answer: False
3. (True or False) A DNS server translates URLs into addresses on the web.
Answer: False
4. List the layers in the Internet protocol hierarchy
Answer: Physical layer, Data Link layer (may be broken into Medium Access Control
and Logical Link Control), Network layer, Transport layer, and Application layer.

7.4 Network Services and Benefits

1. Introduce the term Electronic mail (email), as an example of the value of the Internet
for supporting interpersonal communications. Discuss the proliferation of spam
(unsolicited bulk email). Discuss the term bulletin board system (BBS) and its
evolution into Internet forums and chat rooms. Other services include texting and
social networks.

2. Introduce the term resource sharing, another service of the Internet: sharing of
physical and logical resources (printers, servers, software, and data). Introduce the
terms print servers and file servers. Discuss the importance of the client/server
computing model; where some nodes provide services and others are clients using the
services. A distributed database shares information across the Internet; a data
warehouse stores massive amounts of data. Introduce the terms groupware and wiki
for collaborative software (talk about the impact of Wikipedia).

3. Introduce the term Electronic commerce (ecommerce). Ask how often students use the
Internet for ecommerce. Talk about the globalization of the marketplace through e-

7.5 Cloud Computing

1. Discuss the limitations of the client/server model (initial costs, operating costs,
upgrades, etc.).

2. Explain that with cloud computing servers can be located anywhere and do not need to
be maintained by the organization. Cloud-based servers can be part of an integrated
collection of servers, called a server farm. The term virtualization means the
separation of a service from the entity providing the service.

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-6

3. Many types of cloud services exist, such as infrastructure services, application services,
and the most sophisticated, the platform and development services.

4. Cloud-based systems offer lower costs and elasticity of demand.

7.6 A History of the Internet and the World Wide Web

1. As a way of introducing this historical review, ask students to think about where the
Internet and the World Wide Web came from. What changes have they seen in their
lifetimes? Share the changes you have seen.

Refer students to the following page for the full “Brief History of the
Teaching Tip Internet” document referred to in the text:

2. In 1962, Licklider (at MIT) described “The Galactic Network.” Note how similar this
vision is to the modern Internet. Stress the importance of ARPA to early development,
and moving from theoretical ideas about protocols, packets, and routing to real systems.
ARPANET began in the late 1960s; email was developed in 1972 and grew quickly.
Other independent networks developed: HEPNet, CSNET, MFENet, SNA, and

3. Introduce the term internetworking, developed to bring order to the chaos of networks.
Any WAN can do what it wants internally, but must use standard addressing and
protocols for communication with other WANs. Introduce the term gateway, a device
for translating between WANs. TCP/IP was the agreed “language” for internetwork
communications. Was modified to work with LANs in the early 1980s. Introduce the
ideas of Telnet and FTP as additional applications. NSFNet was designed in mid 1980s
as an alternative to ARPANET, not restricted to military grantees.

4. Introduce the term World Wide Web, and discuss its origins as a user-friendly tool for
information sharing about high-energy physics. Introduce the term hypertext. Note the
importance of its usability and intuitive interface, easy integration of multimedia, and
the fact that its technology was made freely available initially.

Class Discussion Topics

1. In the course of a typical week, what kinds of computer networks do you use? How
many different kinds can you now recognize? How aware have you been of differences
in these networks, or do they all create a similar virtual environment? Imagine the next
new innovation in network technology—what would it look like and what could it do?

2. How do the different layers of the protocol hierarchy interact with each other? Why do
we need to have two different layers that work on error detection and correction?
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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-7

3. What are some positives that have occurred with the development of the Internet and
the World Wide Web? What are some problems associated with these tools?

4. Name some ways in which computer network systems use the concept of abstraction to
make the task of building a functioning network feasible.

Additional Projects
1. Look up online information about the UDP transport level protocol. How does it differ
from TCP, and when is it used?

2. Form a group of students and act out the Medium Access Control protocol used by
shared-line Ethernet networks. Each student is a node in the network. Each student
should work out the answer to an arithmetic problem, and then should broadcast it by
speaking out loud. When two students speak at once, it’s a collision. Use the specified
collision recovery approach. How well does it work to ensure that each person gets to

3. Research the meaning of the four groups of numbers in an IP address. What do they
mean? Why does a lab computer on campus have a certain set of numbers? How about a
computer off campus?

Additional Resources
1. A copy of an article by Licklider about his vision for human-computer interaction and
computer networks:

2. Computer History Museum online exhibit about computer networks:

Key Terms
 Acknowledgement message (ACK): A network control message that says that your
message correctly arrived at its destination.
 Application layer protocols: The rules for implementing the end-user services provided by
a network.
 ARQ algorithm: Automatic repeat request algorithm, the basis for all data link control
protocols in current use.
 Bandwidth: Capacity for transmitting data.
 Blog: A web-based publication consisting of virtually any periodic articles that its writer(s)
wish to share with the general public.

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-8

 Bluetooth: A low-power wireless standard used to communicate between devices located

quite close to each other, typically no more than 30-50 feet (10-15 meters).
 Bridge: A “smarter” device than a repeater that has knowledge about the nodes located on
each separate network. It examines every message to see if it should be forwarded from one
network to another.
 Broadband: Any communication link with a transmission rate exceeding 250,000 bps.
Typical broadband options for home users are cable modem and digital subscriber line
 Broadcasting: Messages are sent by a node on a local area network to every other node on
that same LAN.
 Bulletin board systems (BBS): Shared public file systems where anyone can post
messages and everyone is free to read the postings of others.
 Bus: LAN topology in which all nodes are connected to a single shared communication
 Cable modem: Technology that makes use of the links that deliver cable TV signals into
your home, so it is offered by cable TV providers.
 Client-server computing: The style of computing wherein some nodes provide services
while the remaining nodes are users (or clients) of those services.
 Collision: When two or more nodes on a shared link transmit at the same time and destroy
each other’s messages.
 Computer network: A set of independent computer systems connected by
telecommunication links for the purpose of sharing information and resources.
 Data warehouse: Nodes that contain massive amounts of information that can be
electronically searched for specific facts or documents.
 Dedicated point-to-point line: A line that directly connects two machines.
 Digital subscriber line (DSL): Uses the same wires that carry regular telephone signals
into your home, and therefore is provided by either your local telephone company or
someone certified to act as their intermediary. Although it uses the same wires, a DSL
signal uses a different set of frequencies, and it transmits digital rather than analog signals.
 Domain Name System (DNS): Converts from a symbolic host name such as to its 32-bit IP address.
 Electronic commerce (ecommerce): A general term applied to any use of computers and
networking to support the paperless exchange of goods, information, and services in the
commercial sector.
 Electronic mail (email): The single most popular application of networks for the last 30
 Error detection and correction: The process of determining whether a message did or did
not arrive correctly and, if not, getting a correct copy of that information.
 Ethernet: The most widely used broadband technology.
 Fast Ethernet: Transmits at 100 Mbps over coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, or regular
twisted-pair copper wire.
 File server: Shared disk(s) available across a network.
 Firewall: A software component that controls access from a network to a computer system.
 Framing: Identifying the start and end of a message.
 Gateway: A device that makes internetwork connections and provides routing between
different WANs.
 Gigabit Ethernet standard: IEEE standard that supports communication on an Ethernet
cable at 1,000 Mbps (1 Gbps).
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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-9

 Gigabit networking: Transmission lines that support speeds of 1 billion bits per second
 Groupware: Software that facilitates the efforts of individuals connected by a network and
working on a single shared project.
 Host name: The symbolic, character-oriented name assigned to a host computer.
 Hypertext: A collection of documents interconnected by pointers, called links.
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): The protocol used by the World Wide Web to
transfer pages of information coded in hypertext markup language (HTML).
 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): International professional
society responsible for developing industrial standards in the area of telecommunications.
 IEEE 802.11 wireless network standards: Another name for Wi-Fi.
 Internet: A huge, interconnected “network of networks” that includes nodes, LANs,
WANs, bridges, routers, and multiple levels of ISPs.
 Internet forums: Support the real-time exchange of messages. In addition to simply
posting a message that can be read at a later time, they also support interactive messaging—
what the sender types appears immediately on the screen of one or more individuals,
allowing for the direct exchange of ideas.
 Internet Service Provider (ISP): A business whose purpose is to provide access from a
private network (such as a corporate or university network) to the Internet, or from an
individual’s computer to the Internet.
 Internet Society: A nonprofit, nongovernmental, professional society composed of more
than 100 worldwide organizations (e.g., foundations, governmental agencies, educational
institutions, companies) in 180 countries united by the common goal of maintaining the
viability and health of the Internet.
 Internetworking: A concept first developed by Robert Kahn or ARPA, that any WAN is
free to do whatever it wants internally.
 IP (Internet Protocol): The network layer in the Internet.
 IP address: The 32-bit binary address that the Internet uses to actually identify a given host
 Local area network (LAN): A network that connects hardware devices such as computers,
printers, and storage devices that are all in close proximity.
 Logical link control protocols: Ensure that the message traveling across this channel from
source to destination arrives correctly.
 Medium access control protocols: Determine how to arbitrate ownership of a shared line
when multiple nodes want to send messages at the same time.
 Metropolitan Wi-Fi: Installing Wi-Fi routers every few blocks throughout a city to provide
convenient, low-cost wireless Internet access to all residents.
 Mobile computing: The ability to deliver data to users regardless of their location.
 Modem: A device that modulates, or alters, a standard analog signal called a carrier so that
it encodes binary information.
 Network layer protocols: Ensure that a message is delivered from the site where it was
created to its ultimate destination.
 Node: An individual computer on a network; also called a host.
 Packet: An information block with a fixed maximum size that is transmitted through the
network as a single unit.
 Physical layer protocols: Govern the exchange of binary digits across a physical
communication channel, such as a fiber-optic cable, copper wire, or wireless radio channel.

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-10

 Port number: A numeric identification of a program running on a host computer. It is used

by the transport control protocols.
 Print servers: Shared printers available across a network.
 Protocol: In networking, a mutually agreed-upon set of rules, conventions, and agreements
for the efficient and orderly exchange of information.
 Protocol hierarchy (protocol stack): The hierarchical set of network protocols that are
used to transmit messages across a network.
 Repeater: A device that simply amplifies and forwards a signal.
 Resource sharing: The ability to share physical resources, such as a printer or storage
device, as well as logical resources, such as software, data, and information.
 Ring: LAN topology that connects the network nodes in a circular fashion, with messages
circulating around the ring in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction until they
reach their destination.
 Router: A device that connects networks.
 Shared cable: A wire (such as twisted-pair copper wire, coaxial cable, or fiber-optic cable)
is literally strung around and through a building. Users tab into the cable at its nearest point.
 Social networks: Systems that create communities of users who share common interests
and activities and which provide multiple methods of online interaction.
 Spam: Electronic junk mail.
 Star: LAN topology that has a single central node that is connected to all other sites. This
central node can route information directly to any other node in the LAN. Messages are first
sent to the central site, which then forwards them to the correct location.
 Store-and-forward, packet-switched: Technology used by WANs to deliver messages; a
message “hops” from one node to another to make its way from source to destination.
 Switch: A device that allows you to build a LAN without having to crawl around looking
for the shared cable.
 Switched, dial-up telephone lines: When you dial a telephone number, a circuit (i.e., a
path) is temporarily established between the caller and callee.
 TCP (Transport Control Protocol): The primary transport protocol on the Internet.
 TCP/IP: Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol; the name of the specific protocol
stack used in the Internet.
 Transport layer protocols: Create a “program-to-program” delivery service, in which we
don’t simply move messages from one host to another, but from a specific program at the
source to another specific program at the destination.
 Ubiquitous computing: Computers that are embedded pervasively in the environment,
providing services in a seamless, efficient manner. Also called pervasive computing.
 Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A symbolic string that identifies a webpage.
 Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity): Wireless transmissions that use IEEE 802.11 standards for local
wireless access.
 Wi-Fi hotspot: Wireless base station (router).
 Wide area network (WAN): Connects devices that are not in close proximity but rather
are across town, across the country, or across the ocean.
 Wiki: A set of webpages that everyone is free to access, add to, or modify.
 Wireless data communication: Transmitting data using radio, microwave, and infrared
 Wireless local area network (WLAN): A wireless network in which the user transmits
from his or her computer to a local wireless base station, often referred to as a wireless

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Invitation to Computer Science, 7th Edition 7-11

router, that is no more than a few hundred feet away. This base station is then connected to
a traditional wired network, such as a DSL or cable modem to provide full Internet access.
 Wireless wide area network (WWAN): Nodes (often a table or smart phone) transmit
messages to a remote base station provided by a telecommunications company, which may
be located many miles away. The base station is usually a large cellular antenna placed on
top of a tower or building, providing both long-distance voice and data communication
services to any system within sight of the tower.
 World Wide Web: The hypertext information system developed by Tim Berners-Lee at
CERN in the late 1980s.

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
— Je ne suis pas un enfant, dit papa. Ce n’est pas toi qui te
seras renseigné, ce sera moi… Et d’ailleurs, je te garantis qu’ils n’en
sauront rien. Dis-moi seulement le nom…
— La maison Gaudron, de Caen. Elle a plus de cinquante ans
— C’est déjà une recommandation, dit papa… Voyons… il est
sept heures. Je saurai dans une demi-heure tout ce que j’ai besoin
de savoir. A condition, toutefois, que ces demoiselles du téléphone
veuillent bien y mettre de la complaisance…
— Louise, dit-il à la femme de chambre, demandez-moi
Gutenberg 22.64… Arthur, dit-il à Robert, est encore à son bureau.
Sa maison de banque est en relations avec tout ce qu’il y a
d’intéressant en Normandie.
— Papa est bien d’avis que je ne dois pas faire attendre mon
patron ?… J’ai un poste important dans la maison. Et j’ai dit que je
ne serais absent que deux jours…
— Ah non, dit maman, tu arrives ! Tu vas bien rester une semaine
avec nous. Tu n’as pas bonne mine, tu sais, mon garçon…
— Si on l’attend là-bas, dit papa, il ne faut pas plaisanter.
— D’ailleurs, je reviendrai dans très peu de jours. Caen n’est pas
au bout du monde.
Robert pensait : C’est vrai qu’il ne me sera pas impossible de
revenir de temps en temps passer quelques heures avec eux.
Papa fut appelé au téléphone… Il revint quelques minutes après.
— … Oui, la maison est sérieuse. Pas de premier ordre : on ne
dit cela que de trois ou quatre grandes banques. Mais enfin c’est
assez bon… on peut même dire : bon…
— Tu me conseilles toujours, papa, de partir demain ?
— C’est ridicule, dit maman.
— Il ne faut pas mécontenter son patron, dit papa.
— Alors, dit Robert, je prendrai le train de Cherbourg, qui est, je
crois, à 1 h. 30.
— Je reviendrai déjeuner avec vous, dit papa.
— C’est décidément plus sage de s’en aller, dit encore Robert…
Il était soulevé de bonheur. Il fut d’une gaieté folle pendant tout le
On déjeuna le lendemain avant midi. Papa partit ensuite avec
Robert. Il le quitta à la gare Saint-Lazare, car on l’attendait au
bureau. Et le train de la ligne de Cherbourg ne partait qu’une demi-
heure après.
Robert était installé dans son compartiment quand il aperçut tout
à coup, courant sur le quai, sa sœur Jenny… Elle tenait à la main un
— Voici une dépêche qui vient d’arriver pour toi ! dit Jenny tout
essoufflée. Nous avons pris sur nous, maman et moi, de l’ouvrir, et
je crois que nous avons bien fait. Je me suis procuré une auto et je
te réponds qu’elle a rudement marché pour venir directement à la
La dépêche disait :

Sommes obligés venir Paris. Vous attendons sans faute



— … Maman s’est rappelé que Gaudron, c’était le nom du

monsieur avec qui tu travaillais. J’ai bien fait de te l’apporter, n’est-ce
pas ?
— Tu es un ange, dit Robert à Jenny, qui ne se lassait pas de
recevoir des félicitations pour son initiative…
Puis il se hâta de reprendre sa valise et de descendre de ce
train, qui s’en alla tout de même à Lisieux, à Caen et à Cherbourg,
en emmenant des infortunés qui ne connaissaient pas Fabienne,
mais qui ignoraient leur malheur.
Robert avait quitté Jenny sur le seuil de la gare, après avoir
échangé de vagues propos de prochaine « revoyure », s’il restait à
Paris. « Mais il ne le croyait pas… » se hâta-t-il de dire, et il pensait
au contraire que son patron et lui repartiraient le soir même pour

— Monsieur Gaudron ? demanda Robert au portier de l’hôtel

— Ah ! monsieur Gaudron ? Oui… Il est arrivé de ce matin.
(Ernest était un habitué de l’hôtel.) Mais si je crois bien l’avoir vu
sortir tout à l’heure… C’est possible que madame soit là.
— Peut-elle me recevoir ?
Un coup de téléphone… Robert était ému beaucoup plus encore
qu’à la première entrée de Fabienne dans sa vie…
— Oui, monsieur, dit le portier…
Montée dans l’ascenseur, en compagnie d’un préposé au « lift »,
bien indifférent et bien insouciant sous sa haute casquette…
— Le 214, dit-il, c’est au bout du couloir.
Fabienne attendait, toute sévère et rigide. Robert lui donna force
explications mal ordonnées, répétant énergiquement cette
affirmation qu’il était dans le train de Caen quand la dépêche lui était
parvenue, que, par conséquent, il avait déjà renoncé, de son propre
mouvement, à ce projet de prolonger son séjour…
Le jugement d’acquittement ne fut pas rendu tout de suite. Il ne
faut pas croire que la justice suprême de l’Aimée aille aussi vite que
cela… Et même ce ne furent pas du tout les raisons et les
arguments du défenseur qui fléchirent le tribunal : le tribunal
pardonna simplement quand il en eut assez de bouder, et quand ce
fut son bon plaisir de pardonner.
Ils se regardaient maintenant avec attendrissement…
— Ernest ne va pas rentrer tout de suite ? demanda-t-il au bout
d’un instant.
Sans s’apercevoir du caractère tendancieux de la question, elle
alla jeter un coup d’œil dans la chambre à côté…
— Il a emporté son pardessus d’auto. C’est donc qu’il est allé à
Versailles, où il avait besoin de voir quelqu’un…
— Chérie ! implora Robert…
— Oh ! non, dit-elle, vous ne voudriez pas !
— Comment ? Je ne voudrais pas ?
— Non, non, cent fois non ! Nous allons aller nous promener tous
les deux. Ça m’amusera beaucoup d’être dans les rues de Paris
avec vous.
— Nous sortirons tout à l’heure. Mais tu vas m’embrasser. Tu
comprends… Je veux avoir l’esprit libre : si nous sortons tout de
suite, je ne serai pas à la conversation. Je t’écouterai parler avec
ravissement, sans entendre un mot de ce que tu dis. Et je ne
réponds pas, aussitôt la nuit tombée, de ma tenue dans les taxis.
Tout cela était assez difficilement réfutable, surtout pour une
personne qui n’apporte plus une grande énergie à la réfutation. Il la
prit dans ses bras. Elle avait dit cent fois non, et n’eut pas à dire une
seule fois oui.
Un moment après, il fallut retaper le lit, et lui donner un aspect
— Quoique, dit Fabienne, je puisse très bien m’y être étendue
après le déjeuner pour me reposer. Nous sommes partis ce matin, à
cinq heures.
Il s’assit sur un fauteuil pour la regarder s’habiller. Ah ! quelle
adorable femme !
Chez ses parents, il avait retrouvé, c’était entendu, le chez-lui de
son enfance. Mais son chez-lui de maintenant, c’était partout où était
Fabienne. Et décidément tous les meubles de cette chambre d’hôtel
étaient aussi sympathiques que le buffet de la salle à manger…
Avec Fabienne, nul besoin d’appeler des souvenirs à la
rescousse. Une joie vivante, actuelle, nouvelle, naissait
constamment de sa présence.
Il se leva, s’approcha d’elle et la prit tendrement dans ses bras.
— Petite Fabienne, tu es ma raison de vivre…
— C’est entendu. Mais nous allons sortir. Maintenant, tu es d’une
ardeur tout de même un peu moins vive que tout à l’heure. La
promenade sera charmante, car, comme tu dis, tu seras à la
conversation. Si nous ne sortons pas tout de suite, tu feras encore
des bêtises. Et, après cela, qu’arrivera-t-il ? C’est que tu seras
endormi et plus du tout à la conversation… Dépêchons-nous donc,
mon chéri : il faut que nous soyons rentrés à six heures. Ernest a
l’intention de nous emmener faire un bon dîner.
— Ernest… dit Robert. Je suis assez content de le revoir…
— Pas tant que lui de te revoir toi. Il trouvait le temps très long, tu
sais, après toi. Je ne sais pas s’il ne nous manquait pas un peu…
— Peut-être, dit Robert.
Il ajouta :
— Ah ! comme je suis content d’être ici !
— C’est que tu y tenais, dit-elle, à voir tes parents.
— C’est vrai, et j’ai eu un grand plaisir à les retrouver. Mais tu ne
peux t’imaginer ce que ce petit retour nécessaire a été une bonne
expérience pour moi ! Je te dis toute la vérité de mon cœur. J’ai été
heureux de les retrouver. J’ai même senti pour eux un amour que je
n’avais jamais éprouvé. C’était un amour conscient, au lieu de
l’amour filial inconscient de mon enfance. Et voilà pourquoi, vois-tu,
cela ne pouvait pas durer…
… Ces douces joies familiales, conclut-il, ont besoin d’être
inconscientes pour être longtemps supportées…




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