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- Cerillian dwarf: Creatures born of stone, with cold gray skin and wiry hair.

Dark Sun:
- Athasian dwarf: Completely hairless (to cope with the heat). Ususally obsessed with finishing some life focus; if
they don't, they rise as undead banshees. Sometimes taken captive by evil humans to breed muls (see below)

- Aghar: aka Gully dwarves. Seriously inbred and usually mentally deficient (unable to count past two). Aghar are
shorter and thinner than other dwarves; the other subraces believe they have human, gnome, or goblin blood in
- Daergar: One of the mountain dwarf clans, the Daergar are often willingly subservient to the Hylar. They are
known for their skill as merchants.
- Daewar: The most violent dwarves. Daewar look just like regular mountain dwarves (from the MM). Daewar live
deep underground in a brutal, semiprimitive society.
- Fianawar dwarf: The 'deep dwarves' of Krynn, the Fianawar live far underground on the northern continent,
- Hylar: The ruling clan of the dwarves on Ansalon, the southern continent. Hylar are the same in appearance and
culture as regular mountain dwarves.
- Klar: The Klar are mountain dwarves, but many live among the Neidar (hill dwarves) as well. The Klar are often
insane; many attribute this to an old catastrophe they suffered through, but the fact of the matter is that many Klar
suffer from mercury poisoning.
- Neidar: The Neidar are the hill dwarves of Krynn and live on the southern continent of Ansalon. During the
Cataclysm they were shut out of the Hylar kingdom and forced to live on the surface, and though they have since
recovered the Neidar are still very resentful and often war against the Hylar.
- Nylgai Hadirnoe: aka Scorned dwarves. They are the equivalent of Sundered dwarves (see below) and live on
Taladas. Taladas was hit the hardest by the Cataclysm, and the Nylgai Hadirnoe got the worst of it. They now eke
out a meager existance on the surface.
- Rainward Isles dwarf: Closely related to the other dwarves of Taladas. These dwarves removed to the bleak
Rainward Isles after the Cataclysm hit Taladas, and now live peacefully side-by-side with the humans and kender
(Krynn's answer to halflings) who also live there.
- Theiwar: Very similar in appearance and culture to the derro (MM), but unrelated. Theiwar are the only dwarves
who use magic. They are cruel and cunning, but still mix with the other dwarves (who hate them but can't do
anything about it). They often bully their Daewar cronies around.
- Zakhar: The Zakhar were trapped underground beneath Ansalon by the Cataclysm and contracted a horrible
rotting disease. They are shorter and thinner than other dwarves, and often lack beards. After the Second
Cataclysm, the Zakhar were cured by a human mage, and are now expanding onto the surface.

Forgotten Realms/Al-Qadim/Kara-Tur/Maztica:
- Chultan dwarf: Actually albino shield dwarves. The Chultan dwarves live in mines beneath the Jungles of Chult
and typically avoid the wild dwarves and other natives.
- Desert dwarf: aka Maztican dwarf. The desert dwarves are the descendants of Shield Dwarves who tunneled
across the ocean to Maztica and were trapped on the new continent when their tunnels flooded.
- Duergar: See 3E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.
- Dur authalar: aka jungle dwarf or wild dwarf. See Monsters of Faerun.
- Gold dwarf: aka hill dwarf or southern dwarf. See FRCS.
- Innugaakalikurit: aka Arctic Dwarf. See MoF.
- Ishikorobokuru: Related to the korobokuru but smaller, they live in Kara-Tur's arctic areas and have light blue
- Korobokuru: aka Oriental Dwarf. Native to Kara-Tur. See Oriental Adventures.
- Malatran korobokuru: From 'Living Jungle'. They live on a hidden plateau in Malatra, a subcontinent south of
Kara-Tur. More primitive than other korobokuru.
- Shield dwarf: aka northern dwarf. See FRCS.
- Urdunnir: aka the Chosen of Dumathoin or orecutter dwarf. See MoF.
- Zakharan dwarf: Similar to normal hill dwarves. They live on the Middle-Eastern continent of Zakhara (al-Qadim
setting) and are integrated into human culture.

- Eusdrian dwarf: Native to the viking kingdom of Eusdria on the Savage Coast, which is ruled by humans. The elves
and dwarves of Eusdria are friendly with the humans but keep mostly to themselves. Similar to mountain dwarves.
- Kogolor dwarf: Native to the Hollow World. Kogolor dwarves have a slightly German culture. I don't know much
- Modrigswerg: aka moulder dwarf or rot dwarf. Dwarves that were banished from the dwarven homeland of
Rockhome and removed to caverns beneath the islands of Ostland. A lot like the typical sneaky fairy-tale dwarves.
From 'The Northern Reaches'.
- Rockhome dwarf: The common dwarves of Mystara, found all over the Known World but centered in the dwarven
homeland, Rockhome. Basically the same as hill dwarves.
- Savage Coast Dwarf: Same stats as hill dwarves. They live in the Savage Coast, far to the west of the Known
World. Totally absorbed into human culture. They almost always shave their beards and dress the same as the local
humans, who have sort of a Spanish swashbuckling culture.

- Nidavellir dwarf: Typical Norse dwarves, native to the lowest layer of Ysgard, where they war for territory with the
local gnomes and good-aligned drow (Svartalfen). Often wizards and sorcerers, worship both the dwarven and
Viking pantheons.
- Planar dwarf: Any dwarf who's taken to life on the Outer Planes.

- Ravenloft dwarf: See 3E Ravenloft Campaign Setting.

- Wildspace dwarf: Any dwarf who lives in outer space, but usually refers to those that live in large hollowed-out
asteroid citadels.

World of Greyhawk (all in MM):

- Deep dwarf
- Duergar
- Hill dwarf
- Mountain dwarf

Dwarves from Earth's Dark Ages:

Note that all of these subraces should probably be considered Fey rather than Humanoids.
- Dverge: Native to Norway and Sweden. They have crow's feet instead of normal humanoid feet. Usually short and
skinny, and wield considerable magical abilities. Live deep underground, and can sometimes be found on the
Outer Planes in Niflheim (in Hades) as well. From the 'Vikings' historical reference sourcebook.
- Dwarv: Pretty much normal dwarves, also native to Norway. From Dragon Magazine 257.
- Maahiset: The dwarves of Finland. Similar to normal Hill Dwarves, but more barbaric. Lives underground, and fond
of elemental magic, especially earth-based. Also from 'Vikings' sourcebook.
Dwarves from no particular campaign settings:
- Aleithan dwarf: Gray-skinned dwarves descended from deep dwarves that were given psionic powers by
Aleithilithos, one of the Thanes of Sardior, god of the gem dragons.
- Ptah's seeker: aka African Dwarf. Black-skinned (like obsidian), pupilless black-eyed dwarves with hard, metallic
hair, worship the Egyptian god Ptah. From Dragon 202.
- Sundered dwarf: Descended from Mountain Dwarves, forced to live on the surface by some disaster. Taller (five
feet tall) and slimmer than other dwarves. Often form ghettoes in human cities. Pretty sad and pathetic. From 'The
Complete Book of Dwarves'.

Dwarven crossbreeds:
- Derro: Found on Toril and other worlds, but actually native to Oerth, the World of Greyhawk. Actually
human/dwarf creations of the Suel Imperium, used as slaves before orchestrating a revolt and spreading to other
worlds by magic portals. See MM.
- D'tarrig: Human tribesmen with some dwarven blood, native to the desert of Anauroch in the Realms. From
- Durzagon: See MM2.
- Half-dwarf/half-human: Only reported from the Realms (though assumedly possible on other worlds). Taller than
full dwarves but otherwise similar in appearance; can mate with either humans or dwarves to produce full-blooded
individuals of either race. From 'Dwarves Deep'.
- Komazar: A human/dwarf slave race created by the Scarlet Brotherhood of the World of Greyhawk, in an
unsuccessful attempt to recreate the derro. Nonagressive and subservient, but very deformed. From 'The Scarlet
- Maeluth: See 'Fiend Folio'.
- Mul: aka Athasian half-dwarf. Sterile, hairless gladiator-slaves born into captivity on Athas. Taller than humans
(like mules are bigger than horses), but with a dwarf's large, muscular build.
- According to 'Dwarves Deep', dwarves can also mate with elves (almost unheard-of), gnomes, and halflings; I
believe Krynnish dwarves can procreate with kender as well.

Hope that helps.

EDIT: Added the Komazar under crossbreeds.

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