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Interrater and Intrarater Reliability

of Transverse Abdominal and Lumbar
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Multifidus Muscle Thickness in Subjects

With and Without Low Back Pain

ow back pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent medical and morphometry at rest and during con-
conditions, with a considerable socioeconomic impact.3-5,14,18 traction. Ultrasound imaging may be use-
ful for identifying patients with structural
Low back pain has been associated with an impaired function
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

or functional deficits of the muscles that

of deep trunk stabilizers, such as the transverse abdominal (TrA) provide spine stabilization, evaluating
and lumbar multifidus (LM) muscles.7-10,22,24,25,36,37 These muscles treatment outcomes, and providing visual
are commonly assessed by ultrasound imaging (USI), which allows feedback during therapeutic exercise.
noninvasive, real-time monitoring of changes in muscle morphology Both B-mode (brightness)13,20,26,27,29,30,32,
and M-mode (motion)8,29,38,39
USI have been used for measuring thick-
TTSTUDY DESIGN: Two-group, repeated-mea- measure thickness (LBP group, 0.73-0.84; healthy
group, 0.93-1.00). Both interrater ICC2,1 and ICC2,3
ness of TrA and LM muscles. Static, cross-
sures reliability study.
sectional images acquired from the whole
TTOBJECTIVES: To determine interrater and
were lower for the relative thickness change (0.61-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

0.96). Intrarater ICC2,1 values across 3 consecutive surface of the transducer in B-mode are
intrarater reliability of ultrasound measure-
days were high for both raters across the 2 groups adequate for analyzing the structure and
ments of transverse abdominal (TrA) and lumbar
(LBP group, 0.95-1.00; healthy group, 0.93-1.00), diameter of the muscle and its surround-
multifidus (LM) muscle thickness, during rest and
albeit lower for the relative thickness change (0.79-
contraction, in subjects with low back pain (LBP) ings. The M-mode images are created
0.99). The 95% minimal detectable changes were
and healthy subjects over 3 consecutive days, from the data received from the mid-
less than 0.3 mm for the TrA and less than 2 mm
performed by an experienced and a novice rater.
for the LM (but, in most cases, less than 10% of point of the transducer. In the continu-
TTBACKGROUND: Previous reliability studies average thickness). ously moving image received in M-mode,
TTCONCLUSION: Both experienced and trained
of TrA or LM thickness did not simultaneously
hyperechoic fascial- or bone-to-muscle
account for muscle state, rater experience, and
novice raters provided reliable measurements boundaries become more visible, which
multiday assessment in large subject samples.
of TrA and LM thickness in participants with allows more precise determination of the
TTMETHODS: The 2 raters measured TrA and LBP and healthy participants, during rest and
LM thickness on 3 consecutive days in 42 healthy
distance between the muscle edges. Thus,
contraction. One-time measurements were similar
subjects and 56 subjects with LBP, during rest and to averaged measurements. Small absolute M-mode is more suitable for measuring
contraction, and calculated the percent thickness errors were observed. Public trial registry: muscle thickness.
change from rest to contraction. Intraclass correla- Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry A comparison of USI against magnetic
tion coefficients (ICC2,k) and 95% minimal detect- ACTRN12613001077752. J Orthop Sports Phys resonance imaging,27 which is the gold
able change in thickness were derived for a single Ther 2014;44(12):979-988. Epub 3 November
standard for evaluating muscle struc-
measure (day 1) and an average measure (days 1-3). 2014. doi:10.2519/jospt.2014.5141
ture, showed that USI is a valid method
TTRESULTS: The interrater ICC2,1 values for single- TTKEY WORDS: assessment, rehabilitation,
for assessing the morphology of the LM
measure thickness (LBP group, 0.71-0.87; healthy reproducibility of measurements, trunk,
group, 0.94-1.00) were similar to those for average- ultrasonography muscle. In addition to validity, it is nec-
essary to establish the reliability of USI

Clinic for Rehabilitation Dr M. Zotovic, Belgrade, Serbia. 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. The research protocol was approved by the Medical

Research Ethic Committee of the Clinic for Rehabilitation Dr M. Zotovic. The authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization or entity
with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the article. Address correspondence to Dr Olivera Djordjevic, Clinic for Rehabilitation Dr M. Zotovic,
Sokobanjska 13a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] t Copyright ©2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

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[ research report ]
measurements to ensure proper inter-
pretation of results. The key aspects of Subjects with LBP, n = 56
reliability are equivalence and stability. Healthy controls, n = 42
Equivalence is the extent of agreement
between measurements obtained by dif-
ferent examiners at the same time (in-
terrater reliability), and stability is the Experienced rater Novice rater
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extent of agreement between the repeat-

ed measurements obtained by the same Single measure
Day 1: USI Day 1: USI
examiner (intrarater reliability). The Interrater ICC2,1
study of interrater and intrarater reliabil-
ity should closely resemble the intended Average measure
Day 2: USI Day 2: USI
Interrater ICC2,3
use of measurements. When studying
deep trunk stabilizers in clinical settings,
typically, both the TrA and LM muscles Day 3: USI Day 3: USI
are assessed; the assessment is performed
by clinicians with different levels of expe-
Experienced rater Novice rater
rience; the outcomes of interest are the Intrarater ICC2,1 Intrarater ICC2,1
thickness at rest and during a contrac-
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

tion, and the relative change from rest to FIGURE 1. The overview of subject flow, data collection, and data analysis. Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass
contraction; and the measurements are correlation coefficient; LBP, low back pain; USI, ultrasound imaging.
compared over time or between those
with and those without LBP. Thus, the ing multiple reliability estimates. and contraction, within a single day and
reliability study should account for all In terms of methodological limita- across 3 consecutive days, by an experi-
factors that may affect the equivalence tions, previous reliability studies have ex- enced and a novice rater, in a sample in-
and stability of measurements, which re- amined muscles in a relaxed state13,43,50,51 clusive of people with and without LBP.
quires larger study samples. and have not reported the reliability of We hypothesized that the intraclass cor-
The reliability of USI for assessing relative change in thickness from rest to relation coefficient (ICC) for the single-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

thickness of deep stabilizing muscles has contraction. Occasionally, the selected measure (day 1) and average-measure
been investigated before as a primary outcomes were measures of association (days 1-3) thickness would be greater
objective8,12,26,32,35,38,48,51,53 or as part of a (coefficient of correlation) or dispersion than 0.75 across both muscles, during
larger study.13,31,39,43,46,49,50 In general, these (coefficient of variation)12,40 rather than rest and contraction, in both individu-
reports indicate good to excellent reliabil- measures of agreement. In addition, als with LBP and healthy individuals,
ity of USI measurements, but they ad- when thickness was measured more despite differences in rater experience,
dress in isolation the factors mentioned than once, the time interval was typically thus indicating excellent reliability.11,21
above, and the majority have targeted short,39,48,50,51 potentially leading to recall The corresponding estimates of absolute
either the TrA8,13,26,38,39,43,46,49 or LM.50,51 bias. agreement were also calculated (stan-
The comparative reliability of these 2 Ultrasound imaging requires prop- dard error of measurement [SEM], 95%
muscles is of interest, because they are er education and experience.54 To our minimal detectable change [MDC95]) to
typically both examined in clinical and knowledge, however, there are no specific indicate true change in muscle thickness
research settings due to the controversy recommendations for USI of the TrA and over time.
as to which muscle is more important in LM muscles. It is difficult to interpret
certain forms of LBP.22,24,36,55 reliability without knowing the skills of METHODS
Some studies have included only examiners, yet only a few groups have
a­symptomatic individuals,8,26,39,51 yet ex- reported the duration of training and Participants

trapolation of reliability from healthy approximate number of USI studies per- he present study included 56
individuals to those with LBP is not formed by the examiners.26,32,35,48,51 subjects with LBP and 42 healthy
advised, because of pain or movement To overcome some of these limita- subjects. The subjects with LBP
limitations that may affect USI measure- tions, the objective of this study was to were recruited from patients referred for
ments. Also, previous samples typically determine interrater and intrarater reli- evaluation and treatment to the Clinic
ranged from 10 to 20 subjects,8,13,38,39,51 ability of USI measurements of thickness for Rehabilitation Dr M. Zotovic, and
which may introduce errors when deriv- in the TrA and LM muscles during rest the healthy subjects were recruited from

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pain rating scale (range, 0-10)19,28 to as-
sess pain intensity and the Oswestry
Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire
(range, 0-100) to assess self-reported dis-
ability in everyday life.23 The nurse was
not involved in the USI measures.
A Toshiba diagnostic ultrasound sys-
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tem (Nemio SSA-550A; Toshiba Corpo-

ration, Tokyo, Japan) with a 3.75-MHz
curvilinear probe was used to acquire
images in B-mode. Each rater measured
TrA and LM thickness bilaterally using
the on-screen calipers once a day on 3
consecutive days. The side measured first
was counterbalanced. The raters were
unaware of each other’s measurements.
For the measure of TrA thickness, the
FIGURE 2. Examples of thickness measurements in (A) transverse abdominal and (B) lumbar multifidus muscles participant was in a supine hook-lying
from a healthy subject during relaxation (left) and contraction (right). The vertical bar spans the boundary position, with the transducer placed
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

between the muscle and fascia (calibration, 1 cm between each dot). The values for the transverse abdominal are transversely just above the iliac crest in
4.7 mm (left) and 7.3 mm (right), and for the lumbar multifidus are 35.1 mm (left) and 41.9 mm (right).
the mid-axillary line.30,31 The participant
was instructed to breathe normally. The
the spouses, relatives, and acquaintances TrA and LM muscles on the same day. images were taken at rest and during
of the patients with LBP and the investi- The experienced rater was a medical muscle contraction. Because the TrA is
gators. None of the subjects declined to doctor board certified in physical medi- an auxiliary respiratory muscle actively
participate or dropped out of the study. cine and rehabilitation and in plastic involved in voluntary expiration,1,16 the
Low back pain was defined as pain and reconstructive surgery. The expe- relaxed-TrA image was acquired at the
between the 12th rib and buttocks, with rienced rater went through a 24-month end of quiet inspiration39 to prevent TrA
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

or without radiation into one or both training in abdominal USI, Doppler activation. For the acquisition of the ac-
legs, originating in the lumbar region.15 imaging, soft tissue and thyroid USI, tivated-TrA image, the participant was
The exclusion criteria for all participants breast USI with interventional pro- instructed to exhale and to slowly draw
were pregnancy, spinal fractures, surgery, cedures, and an additional 14-month the stomach in as much as possible, af-
infectious diseases, tumors, spina bifida, training in musculoskeletal USI. At the ter which the image was acquired. No
advanced forms of spinal deformity, hip time of the study, the experienced rater instructions, tactile cues, or verbal en-
diseases, and neuromuscular disorders. had performed USI for about 5.5 years couragement were given. The thickness
Additional exclusion criteria for partici- and averaged about 40 musculoskeletal of the TrA was measured as the distance
pants with LBP were self-reported pain USI examinations per week. The novice between the opposite hyperechoic fascial
levels of less than 3 on the numeric pain rater was a senior at medical school. layers, without taking into account fascia
rating scale (to account for patients com- He was given a basic training in USI thickness (FIGURE 2A).
monly encountered in clinical practice) techniques (5 hours) and performed 20 The assessment of LM thickness was
and inability to remain in prone and su- measurements of abdominal and back performed with the participant in prone,
pine hook-lying positions for 10 minutes muscle thickness under supervision of with a pillow under the participant’s
(to ensure compliance). The participants the experienced rater. The 2 raters were abdomen to reduce the lumbosacral
signed an informed-consent form, and the blind to group allocation and were not junction angle to less than 10°. The mea-
rights of human subjects were protected. involved in subject recruitment or clini- surement was taken by an electrogoni-
The study was approved by the Medical cal data collection. ometer connected to an ADU301 Angle
Research Ethics Committee of the Clinic Display Unit (Biometrics Ltd, Newport,
for Rehabilitation Dr M. Zotovic. Procedure UK). The transducer was positioned lon-
A study overview is presented in FIGURE gitudinally at the midline of the L4 spi-
Raters 1. Demographic data and past medical nal process, then moved slightly laterally
An experienced rater and a novice rater history were acquired by a nurse, who and angled medially to obtain the image
independently performed USI of the also administered the 11-point numeric of the L4-5 zygapophyseal joint.30,31 The

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[ research report ]
variable was presented as mean  SD,
Characteristics of Subjects With Low calculated as the average across the 2 rat-
Back Pain and Healthy Subjects* ers and 3 study days.
To evaluate agreement within and be-
Low Back Pain Healthy tween the 2 raters, a 2-way, mixed-model
Age, y 47.0  7.4 51.0  9.2 ICC2,k was selected. Specifically, ICC2,1
Sex (women, men), n 30, 26 24, 18 was used for interrater reliability of the
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Body mass index, kg/m2 27.1  5.5 25.0  6.7 single measures (day 1) and ICC2,k was
ODI score 32.0  11.1 … used for interrater reliability of the aver-
NPRS last 24 h 4.1  1.8 … age measures across 3 consecutive days,
Duration of pain, d 81.4  7.1 … where k represented the number of thick-
Abbreviations: NPRS. numeric pain rating scale; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index. ness measurements averaged (ICC2,3).
*Values are mean  SD unless otherwise indicated.
Intrarater reliability was assessed with
ICC2,1 based on 3 evaluations done by
each rater on 3 consecutive days. Based
Thickness of TrA and LM Muscles on ICC point estimates, reliability was
at Rest and During Contraction and considered poor (less than 0.40), mod-
TABLE 2 Relative Thickness Change From Rest erate (0.40-0.59), good (0.60-0.74), or
to Contraction by Rater in Subjects With excellent (greater than 0.75).11,21 The reli-
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Low Back Pain and Healthy Subjects* ability was considered statistically differ-
ent if the ICC 95% confidence intervals
Low Back Pain Healthy (95% CIs) did not overlap.
Experienced Rater Novice Rater Experienced Rater Novice Rater The SEM was calculated as SD ≈
TrA √1 – ICC,41 and MDC95 as 1.96 × SEM.17,45,47
Rest, mm 4.3  1.3 4.4  1.0 4.1  1.0 4.3  0.9 Bland-Altman analysis6 was used to eval-
Contracted, mm 6.0  2.7 6.0  1.5 6.5  2.1 6.7  1.9 uate a systematic bias for each dependent
Change, % 39.5  6.8 36.9  8.8 59.0  8.5 55.6  10.6 variable by plotting the average measure-
LM ment for the 2 raters (x-axis) against the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Rest, mm 27.9  5.0 28.7  5.5 28.5  5.7 29.0  5.7 difference between the 2 raters (y-axis)
Contracted, mm 33.9  5.6 34.5  6.2 37.6  5.7 38.3  5.9 for each examined muscle, muscle state
Change, % 21  1.5 20  1.3 32  3 32  3.3 during the examination, and subject
Abbreviations: LM, lumbar multifidus; TrA, transverse abdominal. group.
*Values are mean  SD averaged across 3 consecutive days for each subject.
distance between the dorsal edge of the Both raters performed USI of the TrA
joint and the thoracolumbar hyperechoic and LM once a day on 3 consecutive days. General Characteristics

fascia, which separates the muscle from Thus, each rater acquired and measured ge, body mass index, and distri-
the subcutaneous fat tissue, was con- thickness on 1176 images (98 partici- bution by sex in subjects with LBP
sidered the thickness of the LM muscle pants by 2 muscles by 2 muscle states by and healthy subjects are shown in
(fascia thickness not included) (FIGURE 3 days). Each rater was blinded to the TABLE 1. The subjects with LBP reported,
2B). The contraction image was acquired other’s results. on average, moderate levels of pain that
with the muscle activated, by lifting the lasted nearly 3 months prior to the en-
contralateral arm off the bed and holding Data Analysis rollment and caused moderate disability
it in 120° of shoulder abduction and 90° Statistical analyses were conducted in (TABLE 1). The average thicknesses of the
of elbow flexion.30,31 SPSS Version 21 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). TrA and LM muscles measured by the ex-
For the subjects with LBP, the symp- The dependent variables were thickness perienced and novice raters during rest
tomatic side was included in analysis. If at rest, thickness during contraction, and and voluntary contraction are presented
the pain was evenly distributed between relative change in thickness from rest to in TABLE 2. On average, the thickness of
the left and right paravertebral regions, contraction (percent difference between the TrA increased from rest to contrac-
the side was chosen at random. The the contraction and resting thickness tion about 40% in subjects with LBP and
side for healthy controls was selected at divided by the resting thickness). For 60% in controls, whereas the thickness
random. descriptive purposes, each dependent of the LM muscle increased about 20%

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in subjects with LBP and 30% in healthy
subjects (TABLE 2). Interrater Reliability of Single
Measures Taken on Day 1 in Subjects
Single-Measure Interrater With Low Back Pain and Healthy Subjects
Reliability (Day 1) for the TrA and LM Muscles
The single-measure interrater ICC2,1
ranged from 0.71 to 0.87 for subjects Low Back Pain Healthy
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with LBP and from 0.94 to 1.00 for Single Measure ICC2,1* SEM, mm MDC95, mm ICC2,1* SEM, mm MDC95, mm
healthy subjects (TABLE 3). The ICC values TrA
for relative thickness change were also Rest 0.71 (0.50, 0.83) 0.12 0.33 0.94 (0.89, 0.97) 0.11 0.30
lower in subjects with LBP (0.69-0.71) Contracted 0.87 (0.77, 0.92) 0.19 0.52 0.97 (0.95, 0.99) 0.21 0.59
than those in healthy subjects (0.93- Change, % 0.69 (0.48, 0.82) 0.02 0.07 0.93 (0.87, 0.96) 0.04 0.11
0.96). Overall, 9 of 12 single-measure LM
interrater ICC values were greater than Rest 0.85 (0.74, 0.91) 0.50 1.37 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.62 1.71
0.75. The 2 ICC values less than 0.75 Contracted 0.78 (0.62, 0.87) 0.64 1.76 0.97 (0.95, 0.99) 0.62 1.72
were for the relative thickness change Change, % 0.71 (0.50, 0.83) 0.35 0.97 0.96 (0.93, 0.98) 0.02 0.04
in both the TrA and LM of subjects with Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; LM, lumbar multifidus; MDC, minimal
LBP. The 95% CIs for the TrA and LM detectable change; SEM, standard error of measurement; TrA, transverse abdominal.
muscles within each subject group and *Values in parentheses are 95% confidence interval.
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

muscle state during examination over-

lapped, but the 95% CIs for the LBP
and healthy groups did not, indicating Interrater Reliability of Average
overall significantly different ICC values Measures Over 3 Consecutive Days in
between the subject groups. The inter- Subjects With Low Back Pain and Healthy
rater SEM ranged from 0.11 to 0.21 mm Subjects for the TrA and LM Muscles
for the TrA and from 0.50 to 0.64 mm
for the LM in subjects with LBP and Low Back Pain Healthy
healthy subjects during both rest and
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

contraction. The interrater SEM for rela- Measure ICC2,3* SEM, mm MDC95, mm ICC2,3* SEM, mm MDC95, mm
tive thickness change was from 2% to 4% TrA
across both muscles and groups, except Rest 0.76 (0.59, 0.86) 0.13 0.36 0.93 (0.87, 0.96) 0.11 0.29
for the LM in subjects with LBP (35%). Contracted 0.73 (0.53, 0.84) 0.23 0.64 0.98 (0.97, 0.99) 0.21 0.60
Change, % 0.61 (0.33, 0.77) 0.03 0.09 0.94 (0.88, 0.97) 0.04 0.10
Average-Measure Interrater LM
Reliability (Days 1-3) Rest 0.84 (0.73, 0.91) 0.49 1.37 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.62 1.72
The average-measure interrater ICC2,3 Contracted 0.78 (0.62, 0.87) 0.56 1.55 0.97 (0.95, 0.99) 0.63 1.73
ranged from 0.73 to 0.84 in subjects with Change, % 0.69 (0.47, 0.82) 0.01 0.04 0.96 (0.93, 0.98) 0.02 0.05
LBP and from 0.93 to 1.00 in healthy Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; LM, lumbar multifidus; MDC, minimal
subjects (TABLE 4). The ICC2,3 values for detectable change; SEM, standard error of measurement; TrA, transverse abdominal.
relative thickness change were lower in *Values in parentheses are 95% confidence interval.

subjects with LBP (0.61-0.69) than those

in healthy subjects (0.94-0.96). Overall, The interrater SEM ranged from 0.11 to traction ranged from 0.95 to 1.00 in sub-
9 of 12 average-measure interrater ICC2,3 0.23 mm for the TrA and from 0.49 to 0.63 jects with LBP and from 0.93 to 1.00 in
values were greater than 0.75. All 3 ICC2,3 mm for the LM in subjects with LBP and healthy subjects (TABLE 5). The ICC values
values less than 0.75 were in subjects with healthy subjects (TABLE 4). The interrater for relative thickness change ranged from
LBP (TrA contracted, TrA and LM thick- SEM for the relative thickness change was 0.79 to 0.99 in both subjects with LBP
ness change). Again, the 95% CIs of ICC2,3 from 1% to 4% for both muscles and sub- and healthy subjects. Thus, all ICC2,1 val-
values overlapped between the TrA and ject groups (TABLE 4). ues for intrarater reliability were greater
LM muscles within each subject group and than 0.75, with no appreciable difference
muscle state, but not between the LBP and Intrarater Reliability (Days 1-3) between the 2 raters with respect to the
healthy subjects, indicating significantly The intrarater ICC2,1 for the experienced muscle, muscle state, or group examined.
different ICC2,3 values between the groups. and novice raters during rest and con- The intrarater SEM for the experienced

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[ research report ]
rater ranged from 0.16 to 0.33 mm, ex-
cept that of the LM in healthy subjects Intrarater Reliability for the
(0.86-0.88 mm). The intrarater SEMs Experienced Rater and the Novice Rater
for the novice rater were larger (0.69- in Subjects With Low Back Pain and Healthy
0.91 mm) than those for the experienced Subjects for the TrA and LM Muscles
rater, except those of the TrA in healthy
subjects (0.14-0.30 mm). The intrarater Low Back Pain Healthy
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SEM for relative thickness change was Single Measure ICC2,1* SEM, mm MDC95, mm ICC2,1* SEM, mm MDC95, mm
between 2% and 6%. TrA, experienced rater
Rest 0.97 (0.95, 0.98) 0.16 0.43 0.94 (0.91, 0.97) 0.16 0.44
Interrater and Intrarater MDC95 Contracted 0.98 (0.95, 0.99) 0.25 0.69 0.97 (0.96, 0.99) 0.33 0.92
The interrater MDC95 values were lower Change, % 0.88 (0.82, 0.93) 0.03 0.09 0.89 (0.83, 0.94) 0.06 0.16
for the TrA (less than 0.64 mm) than LM, experienced rater
those for the LM muscle (less than 1.76 Rest 0.95 (0.92, 0.97) 0.16 0.43 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.88 2.44
mm), but similar between subjects with Contracted 0.97 (0.95, 0.98) 0.23 0.64 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.86 2.38
LBP and healthy subjects (TABLES 3 and Change, % 0.98 (0.97, 0.99) 0.02 0.05 0.79 (0.67, 0.87) 0.03 0.07
4). Also, the single-measure interrater TrA, novice rater
MDC95 values were comparable to the Rest 0.99 (0.99, 1.00) 0.69 1.91 0.93 (0.89, 0.96) 0.14 0.39
average-measure MDC95 values. The in­ Contracted 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.75 2.08 0.98 (0.97, 0.99) 0.30 0.82
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

trarater MDC95 values for both TrA and Change, % 0.79 (0.69, 0.86) 0.04 0.10 0.92 (0.87, 0.95) 0.05 0.14
LM muscles were higher for the novice LM, novice rater
rater (less than 2.35 mm) than those for Rest 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.73 2.03 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.88 2.44
the experienced rater (less than 0.69 Contracted 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.85 2.35 0.99 (0.99, 1.00) 0.91 2.52
mm) in subjects with LBP, but compa- Change, % 0.99 (0.98, 0.99) 0.02 0.05 0.82 (0.70, 0.90) 0.02 0.06
rable in healthy subjects (TABLE 5). Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; LM, lumbar multifidus; MDC, minimal
detectable change; SEM, standard error of measurement; TrA, transverse abdominal.
Bland-Altman Analysis *Values in parentheses are 95% confidence interval.

The average difference in muscle thick-

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

ness between the 2 raters (bias) was less reliable measurements to determine true ment and an average of 3 measurements).
than 1 mm, regardless of the muscle ex- change in thickness over time. However, no overlap in 95% CIs between
amined, muscle state during the exami- subjects with LBP and healthy subjects
nation, and subject group, except for the Interrater and Intrarater Reliability indicates significantly lower interrater
LM muscle at rest in healthy subjects The ICC2,k model applied here indicates reliability in subjects with LBP, particu-
(1.2 mm). The 95% limits of agreement relative agreement between measure- larly for the relative change in thickness
in all cases included zero. The inspection ments because it is influenced by the (TABLES 3 and 4). Consistently lower reli-
of plots indicated that data points were variability between the subjects and by ability for the relative thickness change
randomly distributed above and below the measurement error. In general, our is likely due to a compounding effect
zero along the y-axis, with no systematic study sample was representative of the of measurement errors at rest and dur-
bias along the x-axis (FIGURES 3 and 4). Ex- population that typically receives care ing contraction. More interaction may
cept in rare instances, all measurements for LBP at the Clinic for Rehabilitation be needed between the experienced
fell within the calculated 95% limits of Dr M. Zotovic. Also, characteristics of our and novice raters before their measure-
agreement. subjects with LBP were similar to those ments of relative thickness change can
included in previous reliability32,35 and be considered interchangeable. Because
DISCUSSION USI biofeedback studies,2,49 which sup- estimates of the interrater reliability
ports generalizability of our results. were similar between the single-measure

he overall results of this study The finding that most interrater ICC (TABLE 3) and average-measure (TABLE 4)
indicate good to excellent interrater values were above 0.75 indicates excellent data, we consider 1-time measurement
and intrarater reliability of USI mea- agreement between the experienced and of TrA and LM thickness sufficient for
sures of TrA and LM thickness during rest novice raters across the examined muscles longitudinal follow-up.
and contraction in LBP and healthy sub- (TrA and LM), muscle states during the Lower interrater reliability in subjects
jects for both an experienced and a novice examination (at rest and during contrac- with LBP may be due to disordered mo-
rater. Low measurement errors indicate tion), and data analyzed (for 1 measure- tor control of trunk muscles or incon-

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subject groups argues against large per-
formance variability. Other contributing
factors may be differences in position-
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

ing, pressure applied, or tilt angle of the
transducer between the 2 raters,35 or lack
of a clear delineation of the double con-
tour of the zygapophyseal L4-5 joint in
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subjects with LBP, due to altered muscle
echogenicity or degenerative changes in
the lumbosacral spine.34
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Our results are in general agree-
Mean Thickness, mm ment with previous reliability stud-
ies,13,26,31,32,35,38,39,42,43,46,48-51 of which only
a few included both subjects with LBP
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

and healthy subjects.31,35,38 Although sub-
jects with LBP in the latter studies were
similar to ours, the results are not directly
comparable because those studies report-
ed reliability for subjects with LBP and
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

healthy subjects combined. Thus, our re-

sults expand these previous observations
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and provide novel information that may
Mean Thickness, mm
C be useful in both clinical and research
10 settings. The overall reliability results,
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

however, should be viewed in the context

5 of measures of absolute agreement (SEM,
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Absolute Agreement
–5 of Thickness Measures
The error of measurement (SEM) is of
–10 interest because it indicates precision,
15 25 35 45
that is, how close the results of repeated
Mean Thickness, mm
D measurements actually lie. We report
10 SEM of less than 1 mm (mostly less than
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

0.5 mm), with no clear differences be-

5 tween the subject groups, muscle states,
or raters (TABLES 3 through 5). Interpre-
0 tation of larger SEM values in the LM
compared to the TrA muscle should take
–5 into account differences in muscle sizes,
because errors are comparable in rela-
–10 tive terms (less than 10% of the average
20 30 40 50
Mean Thickness, mm
muscle thickness). Repeating measure-
ments over 3 consecutive days did not
FIGURE 3. Bland-Altman plots of the difference between 2 raters against the mean thickness across the raters for reduce SEM values, contrary to some
the TrA at rest (A) and during contraction (B), and the LM at rest (C) and during contraction (D) in subjects with reports.26,32,33,35,51 This may be due to the
low back pain (average-measure data shown; solid horizontal line is mean difference; 2 broken lines are upper and already smaller SEM in our study (floor
lower 95% limits of agreement). Abbreviations: LM, lumbar multifidus; TrA, transverse abdominal. effect), despite the fact that the measure-
ments were performed over 3 consecutive
sistent motor performance because of trarater reliability (ICC2,1>0.9) across the days. A decrease in SEM was reported in
pain.52 However, consistently high in- examined muscles, muscle states, and the studies that repeated measurements

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[ research report ]
each day; repositioning the ultrasound
probe after identifying the landmarks;
reapplying the pressure; and repeating
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

1.0 the motor task, image acquisition, and

measurements. All of these procedures
may introduce variability, yet the SEM
was low for both the experienced rater
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and the novice rater.
–0.5 Of primary clinical interest are the
MDC values (also known as smallest de-
2 3 4 5 6 7 tectable change), because they reflect a
Mean Thickness, mm value beyond which a measured param-
eter may be considered truly changed (ie,
minimal change not due to error). Un-
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

1 like ICC, which is unitless, MDC is easily

interpretable because it is a function of
the SEM and expressed in the same units
as the measured parameters. Although
–1 there is no consensus on an acceptable
Copyright © 2014 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

MDC level, we consider MDC95 values of

less than 1 mm for the TrA and less than
15 25 35 45 2.5 mm for the LM sufficiently low and
Mean Thickness, mm
C clinically acceptable. Thus, larger differ-
ences may be considered true change in
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

muscle thickness over time.

Implications for Clinical Research
0 The main clinical implication of the re-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

sults of the present study stems from

–1 the overall high reliability and low mea-
surement error for both single-day and
average measures of muscle thickness,
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
assessed by an experienced rater and
Mean Thickness, mm
D a novice rater, in both the TrA and LM
2 muscles, during rest and contraction, in
Difference (Rater 2 – Rater 1), mm

subjects with LBP and healthy subjects.

1 This implies high precision within and
between the 2 raters for the examined
0 muscles, muscle states, subject groups,
and data set analyzed. Because the ab-
–1 solute agreement was not lower for the
3-day average compared to the single-day
–2 measurement, we propose that a 1-time
20 30 40 50 60
Mean Thickness, mm assessment by either the experienced or
properly trained novice rater is sufficient
FIGURE 4. Bland-Altman plots of the difference between 2 raters against the mean thickness across the raters for for longitudinal evaluation of TrA and
the TrA at rest (A) and the LM at rest (B), and the TrA during contraction (C) and the LM during contraction (D) in LM thickness. Further research is needed
healthy subjects (average-measure data shown; solid horizontal line is mean difference; 2 broken lines are upper to determine a minimal clinically impor-
and lower 95% limits of agreement). Abbreviations: LM, lumbar multifidus; TrA, transverse abdominal tant difference. The change in TrA and
LM thickness of more than 1 mm and 2.5
on the same day,26,33,35,51 but these results vative and clinically more realistic ap- mm, respectively, should be considered a
may be prone to recall bias. Our conser- proach required repositioning the subject real change over time.

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Study Limitations erly trained novice rater. An increase in 10. C  ampbell WW, Vasconcelos O, Laine FJ.
Although no participant reported pain or muscle thickness greater than the esti- Focal atrophy of the multifidus muscle in
difficulty while performing the task, the mated absolute error may be considered lumbosacral radiculopathy. Muscle Nerve.
pain resulting from muscle activation a true change over time.
might have contributed to lower reliabil- CAUTION: The reliability of the relative MUS21>3.0.CO;2-4
ity in subjects with LBP. We did not as- change in muscle thickness from rest 11. Cicchetti DV, Sparrow SA. Developing criteria
sess pain during USI to keep the raters to contraction was not assessed over a for establishing interrater reliability of specific
Downloaded from at Bird Lib/OUHSC Rm 490 on December 17, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

items: applications to assessment of adaptive

blinded and to prevent interference with longer period. Reliability of only 2 raters
behavior. Am J Ment Defic. 1981;86:127-137.
the task performance. Another limitation was examined. 12. Costa LO, Maher CG, Latimer J, Smeets RJ.
is that the reliability of the relative thick- Reproducibility of rehabilitative ultrasound
ness change from rest to contraction was ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors thank Do- imaging for the measurement of abdominal
muscle activity: a systematic review. Phys Ther.
not assessed over a longer period. The brivoje S. Stokic, MD, DSc for his guidance
relative thickness change may be useful and comments on the preliminary version of ptj.20080331
for monitoring deficits in motor control the manuscript. We also thank the staff of the 13. Critchley DJ, Coutts FJ. Abdominal muscle
of trunk muscles in subjects with LBP diagnostic ward at the Clinic for Rehabilita- function in chronic low back pain patients: mea-
surement with real-time ultrasound scanning.
and should be studied in the future. tion Dr M. Zotovic.
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