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Jockey Club Ti-I College

Second Term Examination (2022 - 2023)

Form 1 Physical Education



Student Number
Class / Group

Class Number

Date: 21- 6 -2023

Time: 10:30 to 11:00 am (45 minutes)

● This paper carries 100 marks.

● This paper consists of four sections: A, B, C, D and E.

● This paper must be answered in English.

● Attempt all questions in the spaces provided.

● Use a blue or black ball pen.

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
Part A. Multiple Choice (30 marks)
Put down your answers on the MC answer sheet.
1. The FIVB Volleyball Nations League (VNL) will return to Hong Kong in June 2023 as an “M”
mark event and feature in the round robin event at the________________.

A. Hong Kong Coliseum

B. Queen Elizabeth Stadium
C. Hong Kong Sports Institute
D. Hong Kong Stadium

2. Which of the following is not an awardee of the Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards 2022?

A. Ng On-yee
B. Vivian Kong Man-wai
C. Ho Ching-hin
D. Phoebe Chung Wai-yan

3. Daniel Lee Chi-wo, a former Olympian suggested marathon runners would reduce his training
volume by ___________ percent so that his body can get more rest during a few days before
the race.

A. 20
B. 50
C. 70
D. 90

4. The current women triple jump Hong Kong record holder Shannon Chan is a ______________.

A. full-time athlete
B. full-time athletics coach
C. full-time teacher
D. student

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
5. Which of the following cities will host the final round of the Breaking for Gold World Series,
an Olympic qualifier for the Paris Olympics 2024?

A. Hong Kong
B. Paris
C. Tokyo
D. Bangkok

6. The recommended energy intake of carbohydrates of the World Health Organization (WHO)
and Food and Agriculture Organization (UN) is ______ .
A. 55%
B. 45%
C. 35%
D. 15%

7. Which of the following fitness test is used to measure power?

A. Skinfold measurement

B. Flex arm hang test

C. Standing long jump test

D. T-test

8. Which of the following is not a track event in athletics?

A. Discus
B. Sprinting
C. Hurdling
D. Steeplechase

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
9. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. For healthy people, the desirable body fat % is around 15% and 20% for men and
women respectively.
B. On average, the energy requirement of men is around 2000kcal/day; while women need
around 2500kcal.
C. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy needed to keep the body work properly.
D. The energy balance equation is the relationship between energy intake and energy output.

10. Which of the following is not a factor affecting individual calorie intake?

A. Gender
B. Age
C. Body size
D. Nationality

11. Which of the following is a function of protein?

A. Prevent heat loss

B. Facilitates body growth and repair
C. Protects organs against shock
D. Strengthen bone

12. According to the Department of Health of the HKSAR Government, a healthy lifestyle means
adopting healthy habits and quitting bad habits. Which of the following is not the
recommendation of developing a healthy lifestyle?

A. Maintaining a healthy weight

B. Maintaining personal hygiene
C. Improve academic performance
D. Refusing smoking, alcohol and drug abuse

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
13. Which of the following equipment can be used to measure body fat percentage?

A. Stopwatch

B. Rowing machine

C. Skinfold caliper

D. Sit and reach box

14. Which of the following statements about eating disorder is not correct?

A. Eating Disorder is a mental illness.

B. People restrict their food intake compulsively to the point of starvation.

C. Eating disorder is most commonly found in male adolescents.

D. Resulting in dangerously rapid weight loss and causing people to be severely underweight.

15. Which of the following is not a benefit of exercise on mental health?

A. Reduce stress
B. Improved sleep
C. Enhance self-confidence
D. Increase anxiety

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A

6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D

11. B 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. D

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
Part B. Labeling (6 marks)

Name the sports shown in the pictures.

1. High Jump 2. Basketball

3. Gymnastics 4. Tennis

5. Windsurfing 6. Fencing

@ 1 mark x 6

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
Part C. Fill in the blanks (14 marks)

1. Javelin is a field event in athletics.

2. Physical fitness is the ability to perform daily tasks, participate in leisure activities with enough

energy, and meet the physical stress encountered.

3. Speed refers to the time required to travel from one location to another.

4. Eating food to sustain life and health can be regarded as a biological reason while eating food for

enjoyment can be counted as a cultural reason.

5. Fibre prevents constipation and gives us a feeling of fullness.

6. One pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories________

7. Children become overweight mostly because of genetic factors, lack of physical physical

activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors.

Part D. Short Questions (30 marks)

1. The study of Physical Education includes skills, attitude and another two elements.
What are they? (2 marks)


Fitness @ 1mark x2

2. Give two functions of warm up before physical activities. (2 marks)

To stretch the muscle for not getting injury and soreness

To increase heart rate @ 1mark x2

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
3. What are the aims of Sports-related fitness? (2 marks) Name two components of Sports-related
fitness. (2 marks)
The aims of Sport-Related Fitness are to achieve good performance in sports, (1 mark)

and win a competition. (1 mark)

Power, Reaction Time, Speed, Agility, Coordination, balance any 2 @ 1 mark

4. a. State three proper procedures and activities in cooling down. (3 marks)

1. Jogging

2. Slow and static stretching

3. Hot showers or massage after stretching. @1 mark x3

b. State two reasons why cool down exercises are necessary for enhancing recovery from sports
training. (2 marks)

Cooling down may reduce muscle soreness,

recover from fatigue more quickly. 1 mark x 2

5. What is the “1 High 3 Low snacks” selection guideline? (2 marks) Give one example of
“1 High 3 Low snacks”. (1 mark)

It is recommended that food with high fibre, (1 mark)

but low in fat, low sugar and low salt. ( 1 mark)

Example: dried fruit, nuts, cereal bar, any 1@ 1 mark

6. What does junk food contain and why should we avoid eating them? (2 marks) List two
examples of common junk food. (2 marks)

Junk food contains high levels of calories, sugar and fat,

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
but lack of protein, vitamins, and minerals. (2 marks)

We should avoid eating them because they may cause cancer. (1 mark)

Junk foods include salty snacks, gums, candies, deep-fried foods, and soft drinks (1 mark)

7. How does exercise boost one’s metabolism? (4 marks)

When you exercise regularly, you build stronger muscles.

Having stronger muscles allows you to have faster metabolism even when you are resting.

8. Jessica’s waist and hip are 70 inches and 85 cm respectively. Calculate her waist-to-hip ratio.(2
marks) Hence, does she tend to have a high risk of diseases? (2 marks)

Jessica’s waist-to-hip ratio = 70/85(cm) = 0.82 2 marks

Since 0.82 < 0.86, she does not tend to have a risk of diseases. 2 marks

9. Give two examples to maintain personal hygiene. (2 marks)

brush teeth twice a day

have a bath and change clothes every day

keep your hair tidy

clean/ keep your hands clean

clip your nails frequently/

cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper when sneezing and coughing

cover wounds with adhesive plasters to avoid infection

avoid sharing personal items such as toothbrush, comb with others Any 2 X 1 mark.

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
Part E. Long Questions (20 marks)

1. Refer to Figure 1 and answer the following questions.

Figure 1
a. Which two important elements are used to calculate the Body Mass Index? (2 marks)

Height and Weight @ 1 mark x2

b. Name the weight condition of Zone A and Zone B in Figure 1. (2 marks)

Zone A is underweight

Zone B is obese @ 1 mark x 2

c. Name two related diseases the people would suffer in zone B. (2 marks)

Stroke, Diabetes, coronary Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Cancer

any 2 @ 1 mark

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS
2. Refer to Figure 2 and answer the following questions.

Figure 2

a. Name the physical activity levels of X and Y. (2 marks)

X: Sedentary behavior

Y: Vigorous exercise

b. State three physiological changes of level Y during exercise? ( 6 marks)

breathe even harder,

feel hotter

heart beat much more rapidly

difficult to hold a conversation any 3 @ 2 marks

c. Suggest the guidelines on the amount of physical activity for a 15-year-old student with the
following items: (I) Duration, (ii) Intensity, (iii) Sports event. (6 marks)

Duration: At least 60 minutes per day

Intensity: Moderate to vigorous

Sports event: Brisk walking/ running/ cycling/ swimming @ 2 marks

--End of paper--

22-23/F1/PE/2E/ QUE-ANS

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