Material Speech Contestt

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The role of youth generations to against corruption

Honorable judges respect the audience and everyone here today

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh first of all id like to thank
you the Almighty God it is because of him we are able to attend this contest
secondly shalawat and salam always be delivered to our prophet
Muhammad Saw who had brought us the darkness to bright modern era that
we live in today and nbut least i like to thank you to this university of
Muhammadiyah Purworejo for giving me this special opportunity to
complete in this contest
I am standing here before you all to deliver my speech i hope you'll are
feeling as amazing as im right now though be honest im little nervous but im
really serious to giving you my speech,i want to talk about this k
Imagine,imagine that you living in a poor and suffer country,imagine that
your couldn’t living in a rich countries,i just can’t imagine that,it must be
really weird for me.And now i just realized that its supposed to be serious
disscusion in this room,but whats relationship between you and this world in
prevention existing of corruption so thats why Im going to talk in here to
make it clear. I wanna ask you,did you read the news recently,did you
watched tv today,I’ve been watching youtube lately about the common
issues in Indonesian
So today Im going to be tell you about how important young generation are
in fighting corruption, a big job that needs all of us. You guys are the
backbone of the future, and keeping society,honest is something we all need
to work on.First of all , let's get what corruption is. Corruption is when
people act unfairly, abusing their power for personal gain. Young people
have a big job to stopping this.
Lets start with ourselves by being good examples. Stay away from any
kind of corruption, whether it's in school, work, or daily life. Let's build strong
and honest characters together.
I want to ask you about something,are you really anti-corruption?
What is corruption? Corruption is a dishonest behavior by those in positions
of power. But is it only that? I want you to look at it from a different view, a
view that not only focuses on the leaders of a country, but on our own
selves, too. While speaking on this topic, it is very important for me to
mention that corruption is a worthy issue that pervades every country on
some scale.
Yet, whenever corruption is talked about, Indonesian countries come
into the limelight. And first world countries have the idea that this countries
are not capable of organizing themselves. This is completely hypocritical as
we are capable of organizing ourselves. And corruption does not only exist in
Indonesian countries. Don’t get me wrong, though, I do know that many
Indonesian region are corrupt. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be speaking on this
topic.But isn't every country to some degree?.
Why do people think that Indonesian countries cannot govern themselves?
That ideology has to perish,and so does on our individual contribution to
corruption and society. Let me explain what I mean. I did some research like
a survey on internet and found interesting fact about people coming from
different ethnicities, different jobs, economic backgrounds, ages and so on
about their views of corruption. As expected, I got to hear and understand
that many different views people had on corruption.
Many said corruption is the source of a bad economy, and the
government is behind it all. And if it weren’t so corrupt, we would actually
be so far as a nation.Then I asked them this: Do you think that corruption
only exists in the government, or the common indonesian citizen, is also part
of the problem? Many hadn’t thought about this and were astounded by the
question I had asked. They looked at me as if I was mad.Is the public
transport here in Indonesian to be able to survive without partaking in
corruption. He immediately said no. Most indonesian drivers, when stopped
by the policemen, would naturally give them some money tend to bribe
when dealing with the police. This is for example when the residents are
partially by police for committing traffic violations. which is a small bribe just
to avoid the long process of going to the police station, so that’s not losing
business or time.
Did you know that drivers already set aside the money that they earn
just to bribe a policeman? They have become so accustomed to it when
they’re stopped, they don’t even need to be asked but already hand over the
money without hesitation. It is enriched in their daily lives and is almost like
a routine for them. But I mean, they have no better alternative choice. Don’t
you see the problem? Although it is embedded in our society, I do believe
there's always a possibility for change. Think about this. How about if every
driver collectively decided, “I’m not going to pay this bribe”? And instead,
goes through the long process of going to the police station and getting a
They’ll be able to teach the policemen that it’s not easy to get a bribe
and realize this is not such an effective way.We have to believe we need to
look at our own selves. This is why I believe we should start from school.
School policy should enforce the issue of corruption in our curriculum
worldwide.And yeah , it could be easier to pay that bribe just to avoid the
long legal process. But why can’t we eradicate this corruption way of
thinking and have a sense of integrity? Why are humans so quick to judge
other people but not judge themselves,
I also believe it is a team effort. As if one person is true to their anti-
corruption stance. It is honest and great, but it won’t really be in fact
effective in solving the problem at hand. But if we all collectively true to
ourselves, I believe we could end the corruption as a whole in Indonesia and
worldwide. I want you to think of small ways to avoid something corruption
in your day,if you want change so much, why don’t you start with yourself
and not only blame the leaders of this country? As Nelson Mandela said, we
can be the start to change.
We could change the world and make it a better place. But it is in your
hands to make the difference. Be the start to change. The role of youth in
Indonesia to eradicate this corruption is also very important.The role of
youth in combating this corruption can also start in a simple way,it implan
that corruption acts are a very bad and harmful state and the public, and can
also through the education system that youth generation should have role in
prevention of existing corruption, such as understanding and showing anti-
corruption education.Education is key too. Spread the word about how bad
corruption is.Knowing the bad effects can motivate to fight against it.Part of
movements that focus on being honest, responsible, and getting rid of
corruption. Together,we can make a positive change.
What must be changed, the leader is a person who leads and has power
affects others, so good leaders must have self-awareness, have credibility,
focus on relationship construction, having a heart in action.But what can
leaders do,leader are like guides – they show us the way and set the example
for everyone else.Thats why when it comes to corruption, leaders play a part
in make sure things are fair,leaders need to be honest and open. They should
show to everyone that they're not hiding anything and they're doing things in
right way. This is helps build trust in each other, which is super important
Goverments should make sure that if someone does something wrong,
there are consequences. It's like when you do something naughty at home,
your parents might give you a punishment. Goverment need to do
something similar when people try to be sneaky with money or the any kind
of corruption act. Goverment should be like superheroes for a good behavior.
They should encourage everyone around them to be fair,.Lastly,we have to
realized we need to start from ourself to stopping this corruption
Every Indonesian people especially young generation have a big role to
stopping in this kind of issue,so the point is,is about how we could end this
corruption and everyone have the same thing to prevention of existing this
corruption Okay finally ladies and gentleman that’s all my speech I hope we
we’ve all learned something new from it and I hope your enjoyed that’s it is.I
think that enough for today thank you very much for watching, thank you
attention wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh

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