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Board of Supervisors Agenda

Chairman Room 301, Hall of Records 2281 Tulare Street Fresno, California 93721-2198 Telephone: (559) 600-3529 Toll Free: 1-800-742-1011 Vice Chairman

Phil Larson
1st District

Deborah A. Poochigian

Susan B. Anderson
2nd District

Judith G. Case
4th District

Henry Perea
3rd District

John Navarrette
County Admin. Officer

Kevin B. Briggs
County Counsel

Bernice E. Seidel


The Fresno County Board of Supervisors welcomes you to this meeting and encourages your participation. This agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered. The number of the item being heard is indicated on the Clerks desk. Please see note below regarding consent agenda items. The Chairperson will call for public testimony as each item is heard. If you wish to speak to an individual item please step to the podium during this time period and state your name for the record. If you wish to speak on a matter which does not appear on the agenda, you may do so during the Public Presentation period at the end of the regular p.m. session. All supporting documentation is available for public review in the office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors located in the Hall of Records building, 2281 Tulare Street, Room 301, Fresno, 93721 during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Agenda items are also available online at

Pledge of Allegiance 1. 2. Approve Agenda Morning Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 14 24


- These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to remove any item from the Consent Calendar - Items removed from the Consent Calendar may be heard immediately following approval of Consent Calendar or set aside until the department can be notified and its representative is in the board room

Chairman Larson 3. Adopt resolution proclaiming November 2011 as "National Adoption Month" in Fresno County

Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Disabled Employer internet

Page 2 Supervisor Perea 4. Adopt resolution in recognition and appreciation for the collaborative efforts of Department of Social Services, Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation and KMPH Fox 26 for the 2011 Fresno County Annual Job Fair

Administrative Office 5. 6. Consider and provide direction regarding the County of Fresno's membership renewal in the National Association of Counties Approve Unilateral Implementation of the County of Fresno's Last, Best & Final Proposal to California Nurses Association for Representation Unit 7; or Consider Approval of California Nurses Association's Counter Proposal of October 4, 2011 Adopt resolution authorizing cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 5446 filed by GASNA 16P, LLC, based on ability to make Public Interest Findings listed under Government Code Section 51282(c); and authorize Chair to sign Certificate of Tentative Cancellation and approve recordation of Certificate of Cancellation at such time as all Conditions included in Certificate of Tentative Cancellation have been satisfied Consider recommendations of final Naval Air Station Lemoore Joint Land Use Study; authorize Chairman to sign Resolution of Support; and direct staff to implement Recommendation Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Adopt budget resolution increasing FY 2011-12 appropriations from General Reserves for County Service Area No. 35, Zone AG, Org. 9206 in amount of $76,525 (4/5 vote); and receive and discuss letter from District's Citizen's Advisory Committee Board of Supervisors' Committee Reports - Receive and provide direction (this item
reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors)




10. 11. 12.

Board Appointments - (List attached in packet and available at Clerk to Board's Office) Public Presentations (This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address
the Board on any matter not on this agenda - Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 5 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes per topic)


Public Presentations Related to Closed Session Only and then Retire to Closed Session a. Conference with Labor Negotiator (GC 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Beth Bandy; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and Management and Unrepresented Employees - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment


Page 3 ADJOURN NEXT MEETINGS: November 8, 2011 - 9:00 AM November 15, 2011 - 9:00 AM

Requests for disability-related modification or accommodation needed in order to participate in the meeting must be made to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors (559) 600-3529 no later than Monday at 9:00 a.m.
Morning Consent Agenda

Page 4 MORNING CONSENT AGENDA Item Numbers 14 24

(Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussions on separate vote)

Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector 14. Approve reimbursement of a cash shortage in the amount of $100.00, which occurred in the Jail Booking Division of the Sheriff's Department on August 17, 2011 Approve reimbursement of a cash shortage in the amount of $100.00, which occurred in the Business Office of the Public Works and Planning Department on June 14, 2011


Administrative Office 16. Approve and authorize Clerk to the Board to execute Budget Transfer No. 11 for the FY 2011-12 Probation Organization 3430 in the amount of $243,000 and adopt resolution increasing the FY 2011-12 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $243,000 in the FY 2011-12 Internal Services Fleet Services Organization 8911 (4/5 vote) Receive the Annual Report required by Williams Lawsuit Settlement Agreement by Fresno County Schools Approve the Salary Resolution Amendments revising the hourly rate for the extra-help Special Probation Investigator classification and delete the extra-help Special District Attorney Investigator and Special Sheriffs' Investigator classifications, as reflected on Appendix "A", on file with the Clerk to the Board, effective November 28, 2011 Adopt resolution to lease County farmland and approve and authorize Chairman to execute lease agreement with EJM Farming for 100 acres of County farm land located on American Avenue to the east of American Avenue Disposal Site for term of twenty years, November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2036, with five oneyear automatic renewals ($1,490,212 for 25 years)

17. 18.


Agreements - Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute 20. Amendment No. III of Agreement No. 09- 080, and Restatement of Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Between the Counties of Fresno, Kings, and Madera for the Joint Provision of Medi-Cal Managed Care, with no changes in the terms or conditions, effective upon execution Agreement with WestCare California, Inc. for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Transitional Housing Services, effective November 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013 ($150,000) Retroactive revenue Agreement with the State Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for funding to support solid waste enforcement activities in the Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 2011 through October 28, 2012 ($28,762) First Amendment to Agreement No. 09-610 with BI, Incorporated, to add adult electronic monitoring services and equipment to the existing agreement for juvenile electronic monitoring services and equipment for the Probation Department effective November 1, 2011 through November 30, 2012 ($325,000 maximum)




Page 5 24. Program Supplement No. N217, to Administering Agency-State Master Agreement for Federal Aid No. 06-5942R for Shoulder Improvements on section of Belmont Avenue from State Route 145 to Yuba Avenue; Federal Aid No. CML5942(206)

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