Current Trends in Drug Metabolism

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Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2019;9(6):1113e1144

Chinese Pharmaceutical Association

Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B

w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a p s b
w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m


Current trends in drug metabolism and

Yuhua Lia,b,y, Qiang Mengc,y, Mengbi Yangd,y, Dongyang Liue,y,
Xiangyu Houf,y, Lan Tangg,y, Xin Wangh,y, Yuanfeng Lyud,
Xiaoyan Chenf,*, Kexin Liuc,*, Ai-Ming Yui,*, Zhong Zuod,*,
Huichang Bia,*

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China
College of Pharmacy, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China
School of Pharmacy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Drug Clinical Trial Center, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA

Received 7 April 2019; received in revised form 23 August 2019; accepted 9 September 2019

KEY WORDS Abstract Pharmacokinetics (PK) is the study of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
(ADME) processes of a drug. Understanding PK properties is essential for drug development and precision
medication. In this review we provided an overview of recent research on PK with focus on the following
Drug metabolism;
Drugedrug interactions;
aspects: (1) an update on drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters in the determination of PK, as well
Modeling; as advances in xenobiotic receptors and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) in the modulation of PK, providing
Metabolizing enzymes; new understanding of the transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms that result in
Transporters; inter-individual variations in pharmacotherapy; (2) current status and trends in assessing drugedrug inter-
Nuclear receptors; actions, especially interactions between drugs and herbs, between drugs and therapeutic biologics, and
Noncoding RNAs microbiota-mediated interactions; (3) advances in understanding the effects of diseases on PK, particularly
changes in metabolizing enzymes and transporters with disease progression; (4) trends in mathematical
modeling including physiologically-based PK modeling and novel animal models such as CRISPR/Cas9-

*Corresponding authors. Tel.: þ86 20 39943470; fax: þ86 20 39943000.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Xiaoyan Chen), [email protected] (Kexin Liu), [email protected] (Ai-Ming Yu), [email protected]
(Zhong Zuo), [email protected] (Huichang Bi).
These authors made equal contributions to this work.
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.
2211-3835 ª 2019 Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Production and hosting
by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1114 Yuhua Li et al.

based animal models for DMPK studies; (5) emerging non-classical xenobiotic metabolic pathways and the
involvement of novel metabolic enzymes, especially non-P450s. Existing challenges and perspectives on
future directions are discussed, and may stimulate the development of new research models, technologies,
and strategies towards the development of better drugs and improved clinical practice.

ª 2019 Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction an update on recent advances in PK fields and may stimulate the

establishment of new research models, technologies, and strate-
Pharmacokinetics (PK) is defined as the quantitative study of drug gies towards the development of better drugs and improvements in
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME)d clinical practice.
i.e., the ways the body processes a drug1 while the drug exerts its
actions in the body. The scope of PK not only covers studies on
healthy subjects but also includes broad research on variations 2. Determinants of PK
under a variety of physiologic or pathologic conditions and the
underlying mechanisms, potential drugedrug interactions (DDI), Drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters play a very impor-
and possible strategies such as dose adjustment to achieve preci- tant role in the control of PK. Furthermore, transcriptional and
sion medication. Collectively, these aspects of PK allow custom- posttranscriptional factors such as nuclear receptors and non-
ization of drug dosage regimens to enhance therapeutic coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are critical in the modulation of PK and
outcomes1. Therefore, PK study is a prerequisite to establish the provide in-depth insight into understanding regulatory mecha-
relations and the underlying mechanisms of a drug to its activities nisms to solve problems in PK. These mechanism-driven PK
and clinical benefits. The information obtained is crucial for lead studies can improve the success of drug development related to its
identification and optimization in drug discovery, as well as efficacy and safety and improve the rational use of medication in
dosage regimen design and adjustment in clinical practice2. The clinical practice.
complexity of PK has evolved, largely in relation to the rapid
developments in analytical chemistry, computer science, molec- 2.1. Drug-metabolizing enzymes in the control of PK
ular biology and biochemistry. Although much is known with
regard to the PK of many drugs, and many technologies have been Drug-metabolizing enzymes mediate the metabolism of exoge-
established for PK research, recent studies are revealing the ex- nous and endogenous substances. Most drugs lose their pharma-
istence of new mechanisms by which how drugs are metabolized cological activities mainly through metabolic transformation,
and how PK is regulated. New experimental models and compu- yielding metabolites with high water solubility that are readily
tational modeling algorithms are arising for an improved under- excreted. Hence, metabolizing enzymes play an extremely
standing of the significance of PK in a whole-body system; important role in the control of drug PK. The biotransformation of
nonetheless, many challenges remain. xenobiotics by xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XMEs) may be
This review will provide a comprehensive overview of recent classified into Phase I and Phase II reactions. Advanced charac-
developments in the areas of PK research. First, we will provide an terizations of enzymes involved in human drug metabolism are
update of findings on drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters urgently needed, which help to avoid severe adverse drug re-
in the control of PK, as well as advances in nuclear receptors and actions. Advances are being made in understanding the role of
noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) in the modulation of PK, which will drug-metabolizing enzymes in the control of PK, including indi-
provide new insights into understanding the transcriptional and vidual isoforms of many enzymes such as cytochrome P450s
posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms behind inter-individual (CYPs) and UGTs, and their selective substrates, inducers and
variations in pharmacotherapy. Second, we will review the current inhibitors. Other non-P450 oxidative enzymes and conjugative
status and trends in assessing DDIs, especially the interactions enzymes are also discussed in this section since an increasing
between drugs and herbs, between drugs and therapeutic bi- number of drugs are metabolized via these enzymes3.
ologics, and microbiota-mediated DDIs and HDIs. Third, we will
summarize recent advances in diseaseedrug interactions, in
particular, regulation of metabolizing enzymes and transporters 2.1.1. CYPs critical for PK
and alteration of PK by different diseases or physiological states. CYPs can oxidize foreign substances, enhance the water solubility
Fourth, we will summarize the trends in mathematical modeling and make drugs easier to be eliminated from the body. Most drugs
including physiologically-based PK, which could be applied to are metabolized by CYPs, which mainly are located in the inner
support clinical investigations. In addition, we will discuss novel membrane of mitochondria or the endoplasmic reticulum of cells4.
animal models such as CRISPR/Cas9-based animal models for There are a total of 57 human CYP genes in 18 families. The
DMPK research and overview some interesting non-classical members of CYP1 to CYP4 families oxidize thousands of exog-
biotransformation pathways including those utilizing novel drug- enous and endogenous substrates (Table 1); whereas all members
metabolizing enzymes. Existing challenges and future perspec- of CYP5 family and higher principally metabolize endogenous
tives are also discussed. It is expected that this review will provide substrates in a highly substrate-specific manner5.
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1115

Most known chemical carcinogens, including aromatic amines Other organs like kidney and intestine also have significant
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are substrates of metabolic capacity. There is definitive evidence for CYP2B6 and
CYP1 family, and their metabolism often results in the formation 3A5 expression in human kidney, while multiple CYPs are
of active carcinogenic metabolites. In 2018, CYP1B1 was found expressed in intestine27,28. The role of renal and intestinal en-
in the mitochondria of cancer cells, where it reportedly metabo- zymes in herbal product metabolism has been uncovered. Ami-
lizes melatonin to form the metabolite N-acetylserotonin (NAS), noglycoside antibiotics are leading causes for nephrotoxicity;
which has antitumor effects6. CYP2D6, another important meta- combination with herbs or dietary supplements at reduced dosage
bolic enzyme, is involved in the metabolism of many anti-cancer is possible to reduce the risk of drug-mediated renal toxicity. A
drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, tamoxifen, and gefitinib7. recent study revealed that moringa oleifera seed oil could limit
Recent research has found that in brain, CYP2D6 can metabolize gentamicin-induced oxidative nephrotoxicity29. Additional herbs
both m-tyramine and p-tyramine into dopamine8. The CYP4 have been identified as having effects on intestinal metabolism,
family has gained increasing attention for its potential to generate such as the extracts of Yin-Chen-Hao Tang (YCHT), a very
interesting metabolites and dispose of endogenous substrates in popular hepatoprotective three-herb formula in China and Japan30.
recent years. CYP4F11, together with CYP4F2, plays an impor- These findings contribute to the understanding of the metabolic
tant role in the synthesis of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20- characteristics of renal and intestinal metabolism.
HETE) from arachidonic acid, and participates in the metabolism
of vitamin K9. Cyp2a5, the mouse correlate of human CYP2A6, 2.1.2. Non-P450 oxidative enzymes
encodes an enzyme that exhibited circadian regulation10. The The contribution of non-P450 enzymes to drug metabolism can be
other CYP1 to CYP4 subfamilies are involved in metabolism of significant and affect the overall development of drugs. Non-CYP
different endogenous and exogenous substrates, as listed in Table enzymes can be divided into four general categories: namely
1. oxidative, reductive, conjugative, and hydrolytic. Non-CYP
Understanding variation in mechanism-based enzyme activity is oxidative enzymes include flavin-containing monooxygenases
crucial for improving the clinical use of drugs. Highly selective (FMOs), monoamine oxidases (MAOs), peroxidases, xanthine
inducers and inhibitors of CYPs have been cited in Guidance for oxidases (XO), aldehyde oxidase (AO), alcohol dehydrogenase
Industry by FDA ( (ADHs) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDHs)31.
labeling/drug-development-and-drug-interactions-table-substrates- Very little is known about the regulation of content and activity of
inhibitors-and-inducers). Recent studies have revealed new chem- non-P450 oxidative enzymes. Recently, some selective substrates and
icals and herb products as inducers or inhibitors of CYPs. For inhibitors of non-P450 enzymes have been identified in natural
example, CYP7A1 is upregulated by an intestinal HIF-2a inhibitor products and other sources. FMOs are involved in the metabolism of a
called PT238517. The ketene intermediate of erlotinib can inactivate wide array of xenobiotics. Well-known inhibitors of FMOs include
CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, which can result in liver injury18. Due to the indole-3-carbinol and methimazole, and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole32.
complexity of components in the extract of herbs it is common that Classified into two different isoforms (MAO-A, MAO-B), MAOs are
herb products exhibit different effects on the regulation of multiple enzymes involved in the catabolism of monoamines. Benextramine
enzymes. Sophora flavescens can inhibit CYP2B6, CYP2C8, and its derivatives were identified as novel human monoamine oxi-
CYP2C9, and CYP3A activities, while catalpol can inhibit the ac- dases inhibitors, which could be considered as candidate drugs for the
tivity of CYP3A4, CYP2E1 and CYP2C919,20. Other regulatory treatment of neurodegenerative diseases33. In addition, 3-(3-(dime-
factors can also alter the expression of CYPs. For example, tumor thylamino)propanoyl)-7-hydroxy-5-methyl-2H-chromen-2-one hyd-
suppressor p53 can regulate Cyp2b10 directly and thereby attenuate rochloride has been found to function as a novel selective hMAO-B
APAP-induced hepatotoxicity21. inhibitor, which is expected to be a promising multifunctional Par-
Herbs may be used singly or in combination in the treatment of kinson’s disease treatment agent34. XO and AO are involved in the
diseases22. It is very important to understand how drug exposure oxidation of aldehydes and heterocycles, and carbazeran was used as
alters molecular mechanisms underlying many complex drug in- a selective probe substrate of AO in hepatocytes35. Allopurinol and S-
teractions. For example, data show that ellagic acid from pome- allyl cysteine (SAC) are XO inhibitors used in the treatment of gout
granate peel guava leaf extract can significantly increase the AUC and hyperuricemia36. A single-nucleotide polymorphism of human
of warfarin with concomitant use. A significant reduction in cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) in the Chinese population
CYP2C8, 2C9, and 3A4 activity was the main reason for this can regulate the content of POR and P450 isoforms37. Identifying
interaction23. specific inhibitor compounds will greatly facilitate investigation of
Based on recently available data, new information on the relative enzyme-mediated drug disposition and drug interactions.
content of individual isoforms of P450 has been generated. Total
CYP concentrations are significantly different between Chinese and 2.1.3. Importance of UDP-glucuronyltransferases (UGTs) in PK
Caucasian populations and the metabolic capabilities of CYPs in UDP-glucuronyltransferases (UGTs) are a family of endoplasmic
Chinese liver microsomes was significantly lower (<50%) in the reticulum-bound enzymes which are responsible for the process of
CLint for substrates of CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2E1 glucuronidation, a major part of phase II metabolism38. Human
than those of Caucasian populations24. Large variations in protein UGTs include 22 different functional enzymes and are classified
content, mRNA levels, and intrinsic activities of ten P450s into four gene families, UGT1, UGT2, UGT3 and UGT839. The
(CYP3A4, 1A2, etc) have been revealed and some single nucleotide UGT1 and UGT2 families are primarily enzymes involved in drug
polymorphisms had significant impact on P450 expression; for glucuronidation, while the contribution of the UGT3 and UGT8
example, CYP2C19 activity varied more than 600-fold25. A recent families to drug metabolism is minimal40.
human PK study further evaluated CYP1A2 content in Chinese Recently, UGT1A3 was found to be involved in the glucur-
compared with Caucasian populations, enhancing the confidence in onidation of alpinetin41. UGT1A4 is involved in the glucur-
pharmacokinetic prediction of CYP1A2 content using two sub- onidation of metizolam42. Other UGT isoforms involved
strates (caffeine and theophylline)26. endogenous and exogenous substrates are listed in Table 223,43e46.
1116 Yuhua Li et al.

Table 1 Endogenous and exogenous substrates of CYPs and ligands of transcription factors.
Family Enzyme Endogenous substrate Xenobiotic substrate Transcription factor
CYP1 CYP1A1 Steroid (especially estrogen), aromatic Benzo[a]pyrene AhR
amines, polycyclic aromatic CAR
CYP1A2 hydrocarbons Phenacetin11 AhR, CAR
CYP1B1 Steroid (especially estrogen), melatonin Aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic AhR
CYP2 CYP2A6 Steroid Nicotine, cotinine, coumarin12,13 PXR, NFE2L2, ER, GR, PXR,
CYP2A13 Unknown Nicotine, coumarin, 4-(methylnitrosamino)- FOXA2
1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)14,
CYP2B6 Synthesis of cholesterol, steroids and Bupropion11, efavirenz CAR, PXR, HNF4a
other lipids.
CYP2C8 Arachidonic acid16 Paclitaxela, repaglinide, AZD9496, Taxol CAR, PXR, ROR, VDR
CYP2C9 Serotonin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, Warfarin, phenytoin, tolbutamide PXR, CAR, VDR, HNF4a
arachidonic acid.
CYP2C18 Arachidonic acid, linoleic acid, Tolbutamide, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide Unknown
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
CYP2C19 Arachidonic acid S-Mephenytoin PXR, CAR, FOXA3
CYP2D6 Hydroxytryptamines, neurosteroids, m- Tamoxifen, gefitinib, cyclophosphamide, HNF4a
tyramine, p-tyramine8 bufuralol
CYP2E1 Arachidonic acid Chlorzoxazone (CHZ), acetaminophen LXR, HNF1a, NRF2
CYP2F1 3-Methylindole (3MI) Naphthalene, benzene, 1,1-dichloroethylene Unknown
CYP2J2 Arachidonic acid, vitamin D3 Astemizole Unknown
CYP2R1 Vitamin D3 Unknown Unknown
CYP2S1 Prostaglandin G(2)/H(2), thromboxane Benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol Unknown
A(2), oxygenated eicosanoids
CYP2U1 Arachidonic acid, docosahexaenoic acid Debrisoquin sulfate Unknown
CYP2W1 Fatty acids, lysophospholipids,retinoic Canduocarmycin Unknown
CYP3 CYP3A4 Steroid (including testosterone), vitamin Midazolam, rivaroxaban, 3-acetyl-11-keto- CAR, PXR, FXR, HNF4a, LXR,
D3 b-boswellic acid (AKBA) VDR
CYP3A5 Steroid (including testosterone), Diltiazem, cyclosporine, 3-acetyl-11-keto-b- PXR, LXR, HNF4a
progesterone, Rostenedione boswellic acid (AKBA)
CYP3A7 Steroid (including testosterone) 3-acetyl-11-keto-b-boswellic acid (AKBA) Glucocorticoid receptor (GR), PXR
CYP3A43 Androgen Alprazolam Unknown
CYP4 CYP4A11 Arachidonic acid, fatty acid, lauric acid Unknown PPARa
CYP4B1 Furan pro-toxin 4-ipomeanol Pneumotoxin, 4-ipomeanol, aromatic Unknown
amines, 2-aminofluorene
CYP4F2 Arachidonic acid, vitamin K Pafuramidine, fingolimod Unknown
menaquinone, leukotrienes,
CYP4F3 Arachidonic acid, prostaglandins, Pafuramidine Unknown
CYP4F8 Arachidonic acid, prostaglandins, Unknown Unknown
eicosanoids, dihomo-g-linolenic acid,
leukotrienes, 19-hydroxylase of
prostaglandin endoperoxides (PGEs)
CYP4F11 Arachidonic acid, vitamin K Benzphetamine, ethylmorphine, RXR
menaquinone9, prostaglandins, chlorpromazine, imipramine,
leukotrienes erythromycin
CYP4F12 Arachidonic acid, docosahexaenoic and Ebastine, terfenadine PXR
eicosapentaenoic acids,
prostaglandins, leukotrienes
CYP4F22 Arachidonic acid, eicosanoids, Unknown Unknown
prostaglandins, leukotrienes
CYP4V2 Medium chain fatty acids Unknown PPARg
CYP4X1 Arachidonic acid, anandamide Unknown PPARa
CYP4Z1 Lauric acid, myristic acid Unknown Unknown
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1117

Highly selective substrates and selective inhibitors of UGTs methylation modulates transcription of UGTs or CYPs mainly by
have been found in natural products and from other sources. changing chromatin architecture. For example, the UGT1A gene
Resveratrol can activate UGT1A8 expression, and is used for can be repressed by the recruitment of histones in females64.
breast cancer treatment47. Different doses of emodin can inhibit Several studies determined that microRNAs (miRNAs), could
the activity of UGT2B748. down-regulate the expression of metabolizing enzymes, which
In some cases, herbal products are metabolized by multiple will be further reviewed in Section 2.3.
UGTs. Linoleic acid and glutaric acid can inhibit the glucur- In summary, the expression and activity of metabolizing
onidation of berberrubine, a lipid-lowing metabolite of berberine, enzymes can be regulated by multiple factors, including drugs,
as well as the activities of UGT isoforms, such as UGT1A7, 1A8, nuclear receptors, gene polymorphisms, and even ethnic cate-
1A949. Glucuronidation of catalposide, an active component of gories. Non-P450 enzymes and other conjugative metabolizing
Veronica species, was catalyzed by gastro-intestine-specific UGTs enzymes have gained attention in drug metabolism in recent
1A8 and 1A1050. years. It is desirable to illustrate the key factors responsible for
Gene polymorphisms are a key factor in the regulation of the variable expression and activity of drug metabolizing enzymes,
content and activity of UGTs. UGT1A and UGT2B genetic vari- as it may be beneficial in the prediction of potential thera-
ation can alter nicotine and nitrosamine glucuronidation in Eu- peutics, drugedrug interactions, and in modifying the PK of
ropean and African American smokers51. In addition, the drugs.
UGT1A4*3 genetic polymorphism is associated with low pos-
aconazole plasma concentrations in patients with hematological
2.2. Transporters in the control of PK
malignancies52. UGT1A1*6 polymorphisms are correlated with
irinotecan-induced neutropenia in cancer patients53.
2.2.1. Introduction of transporters
2.1.4. Other conjugative enzymes important for PK studies Transporters are membrane-bound proteins expressed on the cell
In addition to UGTs, sulfonyl transferases (SULTs) and gluta- membrane in most tissues with varying abundance. They can
thione S-transferases (GSTs) are also important conjugative en- transport a variety of endogenous or exogenous substrates (such as
zymes mediating phase II reaction. drugs and their metabolites) in and out of cells. For drugs,
SULTs catalyze the transfer of the water-soluble sulfonate transporters are the gatekeepers for cells and control the uptake
group from 30 -phosphoadenosine 50 -phosphosulfate to drugs or and efflux of drugs. Transporters are involved in the ADME
endogenous molecules that contain hydroxy or amine group(s)54. process of drugs. Therefore, transporters play critical roles in the
At present, four families of human SULTs have been discovered, pharmacokinetics, efficacy and toxicity of drugs. Alteration of
namely SULT1, SULT2, SULT4 and SULT6. SULT1E1 plays an transporter function or expression may significantly change the
important role in the metabolism and detoxification of estrogens blood and/or tissue exposure of drugs, leading to significant
and flavonoids55. SULT2 enzymes, mainly SULT2A and SULT2B, changes in pharmacokinetics. Furthermore, the induction or in-
are primarily responsible for catalyzing the sulfation of hydrox- hibition of transporters by co-administered drugs can change PK
ysteroids56. A recent study found that tumor suppressor p53 could and pharmacodynamics of therapeutic drugs and produce DDI.
regulate the expression of SULTs57. There are more than 400 membrane transporters belonging to
GSTs are a group of phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes that two major superfamilies: adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding
catalyze the binding of glutathione to various electrophilic com- cassette (ABC) and solute carrier (SLC) transporters. They utilize
pounds. In humans, cytosolic GST isoenzymes of the alpha, zeta, the energy that is released by ATP hydrolysis or an electro-
theta, mu, pi, sigma and omega classes have been found. GSTA1 chemical ion gradient to translocate drugs across the membrane.
plays a significant role in the metabolism of acetaminophen58.
GSTA4 metabolizes electrophilic and carcinogenic substances The ABC family of drug transporters. ABC trans-
such as endogenous carcinogen 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal59. The porters mainly act as exporters and pump drug molecules out of
detailed substrates of SULTs and GSTs are listed in Table 3. cells by utilizing the energy released by the hydrolysis of ATP.
According to the organization and sequence of ATP-binding do-
2.1.5. Updates on the nuclear receptor-mediated regulation of mains, 49 ABC transporters are classified into seven subfamilies:
xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes ABC1/ABCA, multidrug resistance (MDR)/TAP/ABCB, MRP/
The human nuclear receptors comprise a family of 48 ligand- ABCC, ALD/ABCD, OABP/ABCE, GCN20/ABCF and White/
regulated transcription factors that in turn regulate target genes ABCG65. Among them, P-glycoprotein (P-gp, MDR1, ABCB1),
involved in metabolism and other physiological functions. Some of MRPs/ABCCs, breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2)
these receptors (e.g., peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor and bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11) are recognized for
(PPAR), liver X receptor (LXR), hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)) their importance in drug disposition66. P-gp, which is expressed at
are of particular interest in regard to drug metabolism and disposi- a high level in the intestine, liver, kidney, brain and placenta, is the
tion as they have been found to regulate many XMEs in recent years. most studied ABC transporter. Many substrates of P-gp including
PPARa induces the expression of CYP4A in response to a antibiotics, statins, immunosuppressants, anticancer drugs and a
heterogeneous group of peroxisome proliferators. PPARg also broad spectrum of drugs overlap with the substrates of CYPs. The
regulates the expression of CYP4V2, a fatty acid metabolizing expression of P-gp is regulated by several transcription factors
enzyme, in human tetrahydropyranyl 1 (THP1) macrophages60. including PXR, CAR, vitamin D receptor (VDR) and CCAAT/
LXR controls the transcription of Cyp7a1 and Cyp27a1, Cyp3a11 enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) and some microRNA such as
and Cyp2e161e63. miR-451, miR-27a and miR-14567,68. Furthermore, P-gp is usually
Traditional transcriptional factors can bind directly to specific overexpressed in cancer cells and plays a critical role in MDR. For
DNA sequences and thus control the gene expression. However, example, during chemotherapy, P-gp may be an obstacle for drug
epigenetic regulation like histone modification and DNA exposure if the therapeutic drugs are P-gp substrates69. Besides its
1118 Yuhua Li et al.

Table 2 Endogenous and exogenous substrates of UGTs and ligands of transcription factors.
Family Enzyme Endogenous substrate Xenobiotic substrate Transcription factor
UGT1A UGT1A1 Bilirubin, estradiol, fatty acids SN-38, leonurine, bergenin, axitinib CAR, PXR,
PPARa, AhR43,
UGT1A3 Bile acid, arachidonic Polyaromatic amines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, PPARa, HNF1,
statins, ahydroxygenkwanin, genkwanin, ursolic acid44, AhR, LXR, PXR
fimasartan45, alpinetin23
UGT1A4 Eicosanoids Imipramine, lamotrigine, clonazolam, deschloroetizolam, HNF1, PPARa,
etizolam, flubromazolammetizolam PXR, CAR, AhR,
UGT1A6 Serotonin 1-Naphthol 4-nitrophenol AhR, CAR, PXR,
UGT1A7 Unknown Icaritin, carcinogens AhR, HNF1,
UGT1A8 Fatty acids Retinoids, catechol estrogens, opioids, coumarins, flavonoids, HNF1, HNF4a,
anthraquinones, phenols, raloxifene AhR, NRF2
UGT1A9 Steroids, fatty acids Bulky phenols, propofol, mycophenolic acid, niflumic acid, CAR, HNF1,
psoralidin HNF4a, PPARa,
UGT1A10 Estrogens Nitrosamine, flavonoids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, HNF1a, HNF4a,
raloxifene, dopamine AhR, NRF2
UGT2A UGT2A2/3 Hyodeoxycholic acid Tobacco carcinogen HNF1, LXR
UGT2B UGT2B4 Arachidonic acid Naftopidil, deoxynivalenol PPARa, AhR, FXR
UGT2B7 Sex-steroid hormones, Naftopidil, deoxynivalenol, mirabegron, efavirenz, zidovudine, HNF1a46, CAR,
glucocorticoids, codeine, morphine PXR, FXR,
mineralocorticoid, bile acids PPAR, NRF2
UGT2B10 Eicosanoids Amitriptyline, imipramine, clomipramine, trimipramine CAR, FXR, AR
UGT2B11 Unknown 3a-Hydroxyandrogens, 3a-pregnanes, Hydroxylestrogens ER, AR
UGT2B15 Sex-steroid hormones Oxazepam, lorazepam, sipoglitazar, bisphenol-A AR, ER, HNF3a,
UGT2B17 Sex-steroid hormones Coumarins, anthraquinones flavonoids, chlorantraniliprole HNF1a, HNF4a,
UGT2B28 Sex-steroid hormones Unknown ER, AR
UGT3 UGT3 Unknown N-Acetylglucosamine Unknown
UGT8 UGT8A1 Bile acids Unknown LXR

role in MDR induction, P-gp plays a critical role in pharmacoki- members. SLC transporters mainly utilize the energy stored in the
netics, pharmacology and toxicology. Through pumping multiple ion gradients across membranes, but do not depend directly on
drugs out of cells, P-gp decreases the bioavailability of oral drugs ATP hydrolysis71. Several SLC family transporters play important
and increases drug efflux into urine or bile. Furthermore, P-gp also roles in drug disposition including organic anion-transporting
plays a vital role in the maintenance of the bloodebrain barrier by proteins (OATPs/SLC21/SLCO), organic anion and cation trans-
pumping drugs or toxins out of the CNS70. Another important porters (OATs and OCTs/SLC22), peptide transporters (PEPTs/
ABC transporter group is the MRP family that consists of 9 MRP SLC15) and sodium-dependent bile acid transporters (NTCP/
proteins (MRP1eMRP9). Among them, MRP2 is important in SLC10A1). The OATP family consists of 11 members. Among
drug pharmacokinetics. MRP2, once known as the canalicular them, four transporters including OATP1A2 (SLCO1A2),
multispecific organic anion transporter, is highly expressed in OATP1B1 (SLCO1B1), OATP1B3 (SLCO1B3) and OATP2B1
liver, intestine and kidney. Chemotherapeutics such as metho- (SLCO2B1) are involved in drug transport72. OATP1A2 is
trexate, melphalan, and statins are the classical substrates of expressed in the intestinal epithelium, renal epithelium and brain
MRP2. Since co-expressed in the liver, many liver-enriched capillary endothelial cells, while OATP1B1, OATP1B3 and
transcription factors such as LXR, farnesoid X receptor (FXR), OATP2B1 are expressed predominantly in hepatocytes. Statins
HNF and C/EBP regulate the transcription of MRP2. Another and anti-cancer drugs like paclitaxel, sorafenib and methotrexate
efflux transporter BCRP is a half transporter and is expressed at a are known as the substrates of OATPs. The SLC22 family consists
high level in a wide variety of tissues such as intestine, kidney, of 23 members, including OCTs, zwitterion/cation transporters
liver, testis and brain. BCRP is modulated by the progesterone (OCTNs) and OATs. Among OCTs, OCT1 (SLC22A1) is mainly
receptor B (PRB) and estrogen receptor (ER). Another ABC expressed in the liver, OCT2 (SLC22A2) is located at a high level
family drug transporter, BSEP, is primarily expressed in the liver in proximal tubular cells, and OCT3 (SLC22A3) has a broader
and pumps bile acids and non-bile acid drugs such as pravastatin expression range. Several drugs have been identified as OCT
into bile. substrates including anesthetic drugs, the anti-diabetic drug met-
formin, antidepressants, b-blockers and anti-cancer chemothera- The SLC family of drug transporters. The SLC family peutics. Among OATs, OAT1 (SLC22A6) and OAT3 (SLC22A8)
consists of 55 gene subfamilies and more than 360 family have a broader expression range with the highest expression in
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1119

Table 3 Endogenous and xenobiotic substrates for GSTs and SULTs that are also ligands of particular transcription factors.
Enzyme Endogenous substrate Xenobiotic substrate Transcription factor
GSTs Steroids, bilirubin, heme, fatty 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene PXR, CAR,
acids (DCNB), 4-nitrobenzyl chloride (pNBC), ethacrynic acid (ETHA), steroidogenic factor
aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), 4-hydroxynonenal (4HNE), acrolein, N- 1 (SF-1), RXR
acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), cisplatin, busulfan,
dichloroacetate, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine (AZA)
SULT1 SULT1A1 4-Methylphenol, 4-Nitrophenol PXR, CAR
SULT1A2 Dopamine, estrogens, 4-Nitrophenol, 2-naphthol, naloxone, minoxidil PXR, CAR, FXR,
catechol estrogens HNF4a
SULT1A3 Dopamine, norepinephrine, 6-Hydroxydopamine, hydromorphone
SULT1B1 Thyroxine 3-OHB[a]P,1-naphthol
SULT1C1 Thyroxine N-Hydroxyarylamines
SULT1E1 Iodine thyroxine, 1-Naphthol, naringenin, genistein,
pregnenolone 4-hydroxytamoxifen
SULT2 SULT2A Dehydroepiandrosterone Tibolone, budesonide
(DHEA), bile acid,
cholesterol, estrone
SULT2B Dehydroepiandrosterone 3b-Hydroxysteroids
(DHEA), bile acid,
cholesterol, estrone

kidney, while OAT2 (SLC22A7) is primarily expressed in the lactam antibiotics into enterocytes76e78. Efflux transporters
liver. OAT1 substrates include antiviral drugs, antibiotics, diuretics expressed on the brush border membrane of the intestine, are
and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. For the considered as the barriers for intestinal drug absorption. P-gp,
SLC15 subfamily, PEPT1 and PEPT2 are the most studied MRP2 and BCRP are three major efflux transporters in the in-
transporters. Both mediate oligopeptide uptake. PEPT1 is highly testine. P-gp, the most studied efflux transporter, has broad sub-
expressed in the intestine and mediates drug absorption, while strate specificity and significantly limits the bioavailability of
PEPT2 is mainly expressed in kidney and affects renal many oral drugs79. For example, co-treatment with verapamil, a P-
reabsorption. gp inhibitor, increases the intestinal absorption of afatinib or
bestatin due to P-gp inhibition in the intestine80,81. On the con-
2.2.2. Transporters are critical for PK trary, rifampin, a P-gp inducer, decreases the oral absorption of
The ADME process determines the blood and tissue concentration cyclosporine and tacrolimus through the induction of P-gp in the
of drugs, as well as subsequent pharmacological or toxicological intestine82. BCRP is another efflux transporter expressed in the
effects. The intestine and liver, both of which tightly regulate the intestine and suppresses the intestinal absorption of drugs83. Due
entry of drugs into the blood circulation, are important organs in to only one ATP binding site and six putative transmembrane
determining the bioavailability of oral drugs. Elimination of drugs helices, BCRP is considered a “half-transporter”. The substrates of
or their active metabolites occurs either by metabolism to inactive BCRP include statins (pitavastatin, rosuvastatin), antiviral drugs
metabolites that are excreted, or by direct excretion of drugs or (lamivudine, zidovudine, abacavir), anticancer drugs (metho-
active metabolites in the kidney. The transporters expressed in trexate, SN-38, irinotecan, gefitinib, imatinib, erlotinib) and anti-
intestine, liver and kidney are involved in the absorption, distri- biotics (nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin)84. The efflux transporter
bution and excretion processes of drugs, and are the major MRP2 is also expressed on the brush border membrane of the
determinant in blood and tissue concentration of drugs. intestine and transports a variety of substrates conjugated with
sulfate, glutathione and glucuronide, as well as various unmodi- Transporter-mediated oral drug absorption. Oral drug fied drugs. Previous studies showed that resveratrol inhibited
absorption primarily occurs in the intestine, which is the major MRP2 and thereby increased the intestinal absorption of
determinant of drug bioavailability, together with the first-pass methotrexate85.
extraction in the liver. Drug molecules pass through the mem-
branes in the intestine through two pathways: passive diffusion Transporter-mediated drug distribution. Transporters
and transporter-mediated absorption. also affect the tissue distribution and contribute to the selective
The process of transporter-mediated oral drug absorption distribution of drugs to specific tissues. For example, OATP1B1
consists of two parallel transport processes including transporter- and OATP1B3 are the major uptake transporters in the liver for
mediated uptake and transporter-mediated efflux73,74 (Fig. 1A). In cilostazol, and MRP2, BCRP, P-gp pump cilostazol out of the liver
general, net drug absorption depends on multiple uptake and into bile86. These transporters assist the liver-specific distribution
efflux transporters in the intestine. Uptake transporters such as of cilostazol. Another example is pravastatin, which enters into the
OATP2B1, PEPT1 and sodium-dependent bile acid transporter liver through OATP1B1 and OATP1B3. After being excreted into
(ASBT/SLC10A2) are involved in the intestinal uptake of drugs the bile, pravastatin is reabsorbed in the intestine to the portal vein
across the brush border membrane75. For example, PEPT1 trans- and taken up by the liver, and effectively undergoes enterohepatic
ports di/tripeptides-like anticancer drugs such as bestatin and b- circulation87. Therefore, the liver concentration should be higher
1120 Yuhua Li et al.

than that in the circulating blood, leading to a high pharmaco-

logical effect at a relatively low plasma concentration. Trans-
porters are also expressed on the bloodebrain barrier and play
critical roles in restricting the distribution of drugs into the brain.
Increasing evidence has demonstrated that P-gp on the
bloodebrain barrier can suppress the distribution of drugs into the
CNS88,89. Also, BCRP is recognized as an efflux transporter on the
bloodebrain barrier suppressing drug entry into the brain. Except
for efflux transporters, uptake transporters are also expressed on
the bloodebrain barrier and play key roles in the uptake of
neuroactive drugs. OAT3 is highly expressed on the basolateral
membrane of brain capillaries90, and OCT2 is expressed in neu-
rons and the choroid plexus. OCT2 is involved in the reabsorption
of many drugs such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine,
choline and histamine from the cerebrospinal fluid. Transporter-mediated drug excretion. Drug elimina-

tion primarily occurs in the liver and kidney. Hepatobiliary elimina-
tion processes can be summarized as follows: (1) the uptake of drugs
into hepatocytes via uptake transporters or passive diffusion; (2) drug
metabolism in hepatocytes including CYP metabolism (phase I
metabolism) and conjugation (phase II metabolism); (3) excretion
from hepatocytes into bile or portal blood via efflux transporters.
Hepatobiliary transport of drugs is attributable to transporters located
on the basolateral (sinusoidal) or canalicular (apical) membrane of
hepatocytes (Fig. 1B). SLC superfamily transporters are responsible
for drug uptake from the portal blood into hepatocytes. Among them,
OAT2, OCT1, OATPs and NTCP are major uptake transporters.
Efflux transporters such as P-gp, BCRP, MRP2 and BSEP are
responsible for the hepatobiliary excretion of drugs and their me-
tabolites. In addition, the efflux transporter MRP3, 4 and 6 expressed
on the basolateral membrane are responsible for the basolateral efflux
of drugs from the liver into the blood circulation. The hepatic trans-
porters OAT2, OATP1B1/1B3 and OCT1 are highly expressed in the
liver and are considered to be of particular importance for hepatic
drug elimination, PK and efficacy. Much like the interplay of trans-
port and metabolic enzymes at the intestinal barrier, these transporters
also have a “gatekeeper” function in the drug movement from the
blood into hepatocytes; they regulate both the number of drugs
available for metabolism by liver enzymes and the subsequent biliary
excretion. Efflux transporters including P-gp, BCRP, MRP2 and
BSEP are responsible for the biliary excretion of endogenous and
exogenous molecules. Many studies have shown that P-gp transports
amphiphilic cationic drugs such as doxorubicin, digoxin and
vinblastine into bile91. BCRP is involved in the biliary excretion of
sulfated conjugates of steroids and drugs such as doxorubicin,
mitoxantrone and daunorubicin, while BSEP transports drugs
including vinblastine and taxol, et al. Due to their important roles in
hepatobiliary efflux, the inhibition of BSEP, BCRP and MRP2 may
lead to cholestasis. Therefore, the effects of chemicals on transporter-
mediated hepatobiliary excretion must be determined in drug
The kidney is the major organ of drug excretion. Renal
clearance of drugs consists of glomerular filtration, tubular
secretion and reabsorption. The proximal tubule region is
responsible for the active secretion and reabsorption of drugs.
Many transporters are located at the renal tubular epithelial cells Figure 1 Drug transporter expression in tissues. Drug transporter
and are involved in the proximal tubular secretion and reabsorp- expression in the intestine (A), liver (B) and kidney (C). The arrows
tion (Fig. 1C). These transporters include OCTs, OATs, multidrug indicate the general directions in which the substrates are transported.
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1121

and toxin extrusion proteins (MATE1 and MATE2-K), sodium- of noncoding sequences103 that are transcribed into various forms of
phosphate transporter (NPT/SLC17A1), OATPs and PEPTs, as functional ncRNAs including miRs, transfer RNAs (tRNAs), ribo-
well as equilibrium and concentration nucleoside transporters somal RNAs (rRNAs), small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), and long
(ENTs and CNTs/SLC28A). Among them, OCTs, OATs and noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Among them, miRNAs usually lead
MATEs play critical roles in the active secretion of renal proximal to translation inhibition or enhance mRNA degradation in cells
tubule. These transporters work in concert with efflux transporters through complementary base pairing with target transcripts. Many
to transfer drugs into urine. OATs mainly transport anionic drugs miRNAs have been shown to modulate the expression of drug-
such as beta-lactam antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The metabolizing enzymes or transporters, and consequently alter
competitive inhibition of OATs may lead to a decrease in renal cellular drug metabolism and transport capacity, as well as drug
tubular secretion and an increase in the systemic concentration of responses (see recent reviews104e106). For instance, miR-27b re-
drugs. For example, co-administration of probenecid, one OAT duces CYP1B1 protein expression in human carcinoma cells and
inhibitor, decreases renal secretion, leading to an increase in the thus suppresses CYP1B1 enzymatic activity, as indicated by a
plasma concentration of bestatin93. JBP485, a dipeptide with po- P450-Glo™ luminescent assay107. Meanwhile, miR-27b modulates
tential protective activity against kidney, liver and intestinal injury, CYP3A4 expression through direct targeting of CYP3A4 3ʹ-un-
has been demonstrated to be a substrate of OATs. Co- translated region (3ʹUTR) and “indirect” targeting of transcriptional
administration of JBP485 and cephalexin decreased the accumu- factors such as NR1I1/VDR108, which may significantly alter
lative renal excretion and renal clearance of both compounds77. CYP3A4-mediated drug metabolism109,110. Furthermore,
When JBP485 and lisinopril were co-administered, the competi- miR-27a/b regulates the expression of a number of transporters
tive inhibition of OAT1 and OAT3 were also observed in OAT1/3- such as ABCB1/P-gp111e113, and thus influences intracellular drug
HEK293 cells94. In addition, acyclovir, an antiviral drug, was also accumulation and chemosensitivity. In addition, a number of Phase
a substrate of OAT1/3 and JBP485 can inhibit its renal excretion95. 2 drug-metabolizing enzymes such as the UGTs are regulated by
Furthermore, the DDIs between JBP485 and entecavir through the miRNAs at the posttranscriptional level114e119. Findings on
competitive inhibition of OAT1 and OAT3 significantly decreased miRNA-controlled regulation of DMPK provide new insights into
the renal excretion of both compounds96. On the other hand, OATs mechanisms behind inter-individual variations in pharmacotherapy.
are involved in drug-related nephrotoxicity. Probenecid, by Recent studies on miRNA regulation in DMPK also led to the
inhibiting OAT1 and OAT3, reduced the accumulation of cepha- development of novel research approaches and technologies. For
loridine and subsequently nephrotoxicity97,98. example, while the luciferase reporter assay, gene mutagenesis
Three OCT isoforms including OCT1, OCT2 and OCT3 have and correlation analysis are helpful methods for the assessment of
been found in the kidney. Among the three OCTs, OCT2 is the the interactions between miRNAs and target transcripts, a more
major transporter for renal secretion of a variety of drugs such as direct approach has been established which is based on the change
memantine, metformin and amantadine. DDIs may also occur of RNA mobility after binding to miRNA, namely RNA electro-
through the competitive inhibition of OCTs. For example, through phoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)120,121. Using this RNA
inhibiting OCT2, cimetidine decreases the renal excretion of EMSA and other methods, a number of CYP genes (e.g.,
metformin and increases its plasma concentration99. On the other CYP2C19, CYP2E1 and CYP2D6) and regulators have been
hand, OCT2, by modulating the exposure of drugs to renal shown to be regulated post-transcriptionally by particular
proximal tubule cells regulates the nephrotoxicity of anticancer miRNAs121e125. It is also noteworthy that miRNA research is
drug cisplatin and its analogs100. Substrates taken up from the limited to the use of miRNA-expressing plasmids or viruses, or
systemic circulation may subsequently undergo efflux across the chemically-synthesized or chemo-engineered miRNA mim-
brush border membrane of proximal tubule cells by various ABC ics126e128. To better capture the properties of biologic RNA
efflux transporters such as P-gp and BCRP. For example, a probe molecules and cellular miRNA machinery, a novel RNA bioen-
P-gp substrate, methotrexate, is actively secreted into urine. Co- gineering technology has been established for the production of
treatment with bestatin, another P-gp substrate, increases plasma biologic miRNA agents in living cells109,129e133. With such novel
concentrations and decreases the renal clearance of metho- bioengineered miRNA agents produced cost effectively and on a
trexate101. MATE1 and MATE2-K are expressed on the brush large scale, extensive functional studies have been conducted and
border membrane of proximal tubular cells. MATE1 mediated the the results showed rather a modest change in the PK of major CYP
renal secretion of fluoroquinolones including gatifloxacin, cipro- probe drugs in mouse models134. Further studies have demon-
floxacin, levofloxacin, enoxacin, pazufloxacin, norfloxacin and strated the utility of miRNAs as therapeutics or sensitizing agents
tosufloxacin. for the treatment of human diseases in various animal
In summary, the expression and activity of transporters can be models133,135e139.
regulated by drugs and competitive inhibition may occur after co- There is also growing evidence that lncRNAs may regulate the
administration of more than one drug. Furthermore, species dif- expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters. For
ferences in transporters complicate pharmacokinetic scaling from example, expression of HNF1a antisense RNA 1 (HNF1a-AS1)
preclinical species to humans. Additionally, the expression of and HNF4a antisense RNA 1 (HNF4a-AS1) shows a significant
transporters may also be regulated by disease progression102. influence on the basal and drug-induced expression of drug-
Modulation of transporter expression by disease states can metabolizing enzymes in human cells140. H19, an lncRNA high-
potentially modify the PK of drugs. ly expressed in liver tissues, induces the expression of efflux
transporter P-gp/MDR1/ABCB1 in drug-resistant HepG2 cells141.
2.3. ncRNAs in the regulation of drug metabolism and The lncRNA MRUL confers the overexpression of ABCB1 in
pharmacokinetics drug-resistant gastric cancer cells142. Furthermore, some studies
have demonstrated that a lncRNA modulates drug sensitivity
ncRNAs are genome-derived RNA molecules that are not translated through its action on miRNA-transporter axis143,144. In addition,
into proteins. Indeed, the human genome is comprised of over 95% as RNA editing and posttranscriptional modifications are critical
1122 Yuhua Li et al.

for RNA stability and biological function, very recent studies have interactions mediated by the gut microbiome are currently not
also demonstrated the alteration of DMPK gene expression well understood. The cutting-edge investigations on these aspects
following RNA editing145e147. Future studies in these areas will are briefly introduced in the following sections.
undoubtedly advance our understanding of RNA-based regulation
in DMPK. 3.2. Current status of research on herbedrug interactions
In summary, research on miRNA-controlled regulation of
DMPK provides new insights into understanding the post- Herbal plants and herbal products are commonly used as remedies
transcriptional regulatory mechanisms behind inter-individual and dietary supplements. When herbs are concurrently adminis-
variations. Novel technologies and research approaches are also tered with drugs unrecognized herbedrug interactions (HDIs) may
established during the investigation of ncRNA regulation of lead to side effects and toxicity. HDIs basically share the same
DMPK gene expression, which should have broad impact on mechanisms as DDIs. To avoid physio-chemical interactions be-
biomedical research. Evidence is accumulating that some tween herbal components and drugs, it is usually recommended
lncRNAs may be involved in the regulation of DMPK, which that herbs should be taken at two hours before or after the drugs.
represents a new area of research. Moreover, herbs may sometimes alter the PK and/or pharmaco-
dynamics of the concurrently administered drugs. PK and phar-
macodynamic interactions have been reported between herbs and
3. Drugedrug interactions
drugs with narrow therapeutic indexes, especially drugs for CNS
and cardiovascular diseases154. For example, St John’s wort
3.1. Current status of research on drugedrug interactions (Hypericum perforatum) was reported to decrease warfarin plasma
concentrations via inducing the activity of CYPs, leading to the
DDIs may result in favorable or toxic effects. Patients frequently loss of anticoagulant activity155. A traditional Chinese herb
use more than one medication at a time. Depending on the clinical Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) was reported to interact with
settings and the number of drugs prescribed, the incidence of warfarin on both its PK profiles and pharmacodynamic effects,
potential DDIs ranges between 15% and 80%148. DDIs can be resulting in over-anticoagulation and increased risk of bleeding155.
classified mechanistically into 3 major types: physio-chemical Investigation of HDIs is often more complicated than those of
incompatibility, PK interactions, and pharmacodynamic in- DDIs, due to the complex herbal components and the batch-to-batch
teractions149. Physio-chemical interactions usually occur when variation of herbal products. As demonstrated in Table 4, compared
positively and negatively charged compounds are mixed before with DDIs, research on HDIs is still insufficient. In vitro screening
they are administrated or absorbed. Pharmacokinetics-based assays, which are efficient ways for detecting potential DDIs, may
DDIs, characterized by altered concentration of unbound drugs not be applicable for testing crude herbs or herb extracts, due to the
that exert pharmacological effects, can be caused by several fact that some of the herbal components may not be bioavailable, and
mechanisms, including: 1) alteration of drug metabolizing en- adding such herbal components to the in vitro cell/microsome sys-
zymes (e.g., CYPs)150, 2) alteration of transporters involved in the tems may alter results. By using LCeMS/MS, several multi-
absorption, distribution and excretion of drugs (e.g., MDR1, OAT, compound pharmacokinetic studies allowed the simultaneous
OCT, etc)150, 3) influence on plasma protein binding affinity149, detection of the plasma/tissue concentrations of multiple components
and 4) changes in the function of organs (e.g., gut motility or after ingestion of the studied herb, facilitating the discovery of the
stomach content pH)149. Pharmacodynamics-based DDIs are bioavailable active components and subsequent in vitro and in vivo
characterized by a shift of the unbound drug concentration versus mechanistic studies on potential HDIs156,157. Most of the reported
response curve149. New responses that are not present when either HDIs are based on in vitro and in vivo animal models, providing
of the drugs is given alone may also be observed when drugs are evidence with low clinical relevance. Moreover, many clinical
used in combination. studies were conducted among healthy populations, where the
In vitro, in vivo and clinical studies are usually conducted to impact of the herbs on the pharmacodynamics effects of the con-
identify any potential DDIs. The in vitro studies are usually simple current drug may not be determined. On the other hand, the wide
systems that can be used for high throughput screening and provide variation between different batches of herbal products also leads to
mechanistic information for potential DDIs. In vivo animal studies poor reproducibility of the tests. Although not true in all countries,
are often conducted using clinically relevant dosages and pharma- herbal products in China are generally regulated and used as medi-
codynamic endpoints to confirm the in vitro observations. If evi- cine with standardization of the content of the major active compo-
dence obtained from in vitro and in vivo animal models suggests nents, and the herbal products are sometimes investigated not only as
strong DDIs potential further clinical trials are recommended150,151. the effector but also as the affected agent of HDIs. In addition to
Recently, mathematical modeling, particularly physiologically- experimental approaches based on the pre-clinical and clinical data,
based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling has also been applied to mathematical models have been established to predict HDIs,
investigate potential pharmacokinetic-based DDIs. A recent review demonstrating the feasibility of using PBPK modeling for the pre-
by Min et al.152 depicted how pharmacokinetic modeling improves diction of HDIs152. For example, PBPK modeling of two major active
and simplifies the investigation on DDIs. In addition, systematic components from Wuzhi capsule (Schisandra sphenanthera extract)
reviews and databases summarize all the experimental and predicted predicts its interaction with tacrolimus metabolism by CYP3A4 in-
data on DDIs, which are useful for providing warning and proper hibition158. However, the application of modeling and simulation on
advice to patients in clinical practice153. the investigation of HDIs is still restricted by the limited human
Although DDIs between small molecule drugs have been well pharmacokinetic data of herbal components152. More sophisticated
investigated and documented, knowledges on interactions between designs of clinical studies are warranted to evaluate the safety and
drugs and herbs, interactions between therapeutic biologics, and efficacy of the concomitant use of herbs and drugs.
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1123

3.3. Trends in drugedrug interactions of therapeutic biologics pharmacokinetic DDIs of therapeutic antibodies. Unlike thera-
peutic proteins, nucleic acid and peptide drugs160 are rapidly
Therapeutic biologics include therapeutic proteins, monoclonal eliminated by peptidases and nucleases159,163, and may also un-
antibodies (mAbs), vaccines, and peptide and nucleic acid de- dergo slow renal excretion161. Plasma binding of these oligomers
rivatives that are manufactured for pharmaceutical uses159. can sometimes be very high and has been reported to affect their
Development of therapeutic biologics is growing fast, and in distribution and clearance160.
clinical practice the risk of DDIs with biologics is increasing.
3.3.2. Pharmacokinetics-based interactions of therapeutic
3.3.1. PK of therapeutic biologics biologics
The PK of biologics is different from those of small molecules. Direct competition between therapeutic biologics and small mol-
Since most therapeutic biologics undergo rapid degradation in the ecules in PK is not common due to their distinct pharmacokinetic
gastrointestinal tract after oral administration, alternative routes, pathways163. However, certain indirect pharmacokinetic DDI may
such as intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous injection occur. Immunosuppressive agents may decrease the immunoge-
are often used for drug delivery159e161. The distribution of nicity of the therapeutic protein so as to hinder its clearance163.
therapeutic biologics is mainly mediated by interstitial penetra- For example, concomitant treatment with the immunosuppressant
tion, lymphatic drainage, transcytosis, and receptor-mediated cell methotrexate can decrease the clearance of mAbs including
uptake159e161. Therapeutic proteins usually have a limited vol- golimumab164, adalimumab162, and infliximab165. Another indi-
ume of distribution and do not bind to plasma proteins, and their rect pharmacokinetic DDI mechanism is cytokineeCYP modu-
biliary and renal excretion is generally negligible162. Catabolism lation. Several biologics with immunomodulatory effects may
via proteolytic degradation is the predominant clearance pathway alter CYP activities via modulating the cytokine levels leading to
for most therapeutic proteins159e161, while target antigen- the altered PK of co-administered small molecules that are sub-
mediated disposition also plays a role161. Moreover, fragment strates of the affected CYPs159,163,166. For instance, tocilizumab,
crystallizable receptor (FcR)-mediated antibody recycling by which can induce CYP3A4 activity by decreasing interleukin 6
monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells is a salvage levels, was found to reduce simvastatin systemic exposure167.
pathway that prolongs the half-lives of many mAbs159e161. Im- Similarly, by triggering inflammation, influenza vaccination has
mune responses participate in both the catabolism and the anti- been reported to decrease CYP activity and thus influence the
body recycling process, and therefore immunogenicity can systemic exposure of CYP substrates such as clozapine168. PBPK
significantly influence the clearance of therapeutic proteins159. A modeling is a powerful tool for the investigation of
recent review by Ferri et al.162 has summarized the pharmacokinetic-based interactions between therapeutic biologics

Table 4 Comparison between investigations on DDIs and HDIs151,153.

Type of investigation DDIs HDIs
In vitro studies  Commonly used for the screening of potential  Single component/artificial mixture of major
DDIs. components used in a test.
 Provide mechanistic information.  Does not account for bioavailability.
 Provide mechanistic information for certain
In vivo animal studies  Drugs tested in clinically relevant doses.  Crude herbs or herb extracts tested in clinically
 Provide pharmacokinetics and pharmacody- relevant doses.
namics information for clinical trials.  Address bioavailability of the herbal
Clinical studies  Retrospective evaluation may not provide  Most of HDIs evaluation are retrospective and
sufficient precision to assess DDIs. are based on cases reports.
 Clinical trials on healthy volunteers for  Limited clinical trials and often carried out on
pharmacokinetics-based DDIs. healthy volunteers.
 Pharmacodynamics-based DDIs and potential  Lack of monitoring of pharmacokinetic pro-
toxicity studies on intended patient files of the herbal components.
populations.  Lack of pharmacodynamics and potential
toxicity in patient populations.
Simulation and  PBPK modeling has been extensively applied  Only a few herbal products have been pre-
modeling to pharmacokinetic-based DDIs with complex dicted of HDIs by PBPK modeling.
mechanisms.  Limited human pharmacokinetic data and lack
 Modeling and simulation are recommended by of herbal standardization restrict the applica-
regulatory agencies5. tion of modeling and simulation on prediction
of HDIs.
Systematic reviews  A number of databases on DDIs analysis have  Few databases on HDIs have been established.
and databases been developed based on solid clinical  No sufficient clinical data to support the
evidence. effectiveness and safety of the combination.
1124 Yuhua Li et al.

and small molecules, and has been successfully applied to quan- and sulfinpyrazone sulfide was changed in patients treated with the
titatively predict DDIs of CYP-modulating protein drugs (such as antibiotic metronidazole178. After reduction via azoreductases in
blinatumomab and sirukumab) and small molecule CYP substrates gut microbiota, prontosil was metabolized to sulfanilamide, which
in patients169,170. On the other hand, pharmacokinetic interaction exhibits potent antibacterial activities. In addition, it was noted in
between two therapeutic biologics has seldom been reported. rats that the conversion of prontosil to sulfanilamide can be sup-
However, such pharmacokinetic DDIs may occur due to specific pressed by antibiotics, leading to the reduced antibacterial ef-
binding between two biologics. For example, palifermin is a fects174,179. Most recently, gnotobiotic mouse models and PBPK
truncated form of the endogenous fibroblast growth factor which models have been established to untangle host and microbial
contains the heparin-binding domains. Co-administration of pal- contributions to the pharmacokinetic profile180. These novel
ifermin with heparin was found to increase the systemic exposure experimental and computational strategies can be incorporated in
to palifermin up to 5-fold171. future investigations on microbiota-mediated DDIs.
In addition to effects on pharmacokinetics, altered microbiota
3.3.3. Pharmacodynamics-based interactions of therapeutic composition may also lead to pharmacodynamics changes in the
biologics concomitant drugs (Fig. 2B). It was noted that the presence of a
Comparing to the pharmacokinetics-based DDIs of therapeutics certain type of bacteria may have an impact on chemotherapy and
biologics, their pharmacodynamics-based DDIs are more immunotherapy181,182. Clinical trials are currently conducted on
commonly reported. A large volume of cases has demonstrated microbiota interventions, such as probiotics and fecal microbiota
pharmacodynamic interactions among various hormones owing to transplant (FMT), to explore their influence on the efficacy and
their complex signaling networks159. For instance, insulin can toxicity of co-administrated chemotherapeutic agents, immuno-
interact with numerous drugs including hormones, antidiabetics, therapeutic agents and anti-inflammatory drugs183. The potential
antibiotics, antipsychotics, etc172. Recombinant growth hormones benefits of probiotics and FMT to increase the efficacy of pem-
interact with small molecule hormones such as glucocorticoids, brolizumab in the treatment of PD-1 resistance patients184 and to
estrogens, thyroxin, etc.159. Although co-administration of bi- reduce the adverse effects of aspirin185 and irinotecan186 are
ologics indicated for the same disease usually results in additive or currently under clinical investigation.
synergistic efficacy, co-administration may also induce toxicity. Besides well-known influences on the microbiota from antibi-
Both anakinra and etanercept are approved for the treatment of otics and probiotics, influences from other types of drugs or natural
rheumatoid arthritis. However, combined use of the two biologics products are very limited. Although evidence of gut microbiota-
led to severe adverse effects including increased risk of infection mediated DDIs remain limited, the growing interest in microbiota
and increased neutropenia without significant improvement in will definitely provide a better understanding on their influence on
therapeutic efficacy173. the PK and pharmacodynamics of drugs. Nevertheless, the impact
of herbal medicine on the gut microbiome is unavoidable, and such
3.3.4. Risk assessment for DDIs of therapeutic biologics research is expected to provide more in-depth understanding on
Due to the distinct pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic herbedrug interactions. In summary, in addition to consideration of
properties of therapeutic biologics, the classic approach for DDIs classical PK and pharmacodynamic interactions, microbiota-
prediction for small molecules may not applicable for therapeutic mediated drugedrug/herbedrug interactions are expected to
biologics. With the increase in therapeutic biologics in the market, bring additional insight into their therapeutic effects.
it is critical to call for building strategies and regulations on the
potential DDIs involving biologics. Based on the current findings 3.5. Summary
on the major mechanisms for the pharmacokinetic-based DDIs of
therapeutic biologics, assessment of the modulation of CYP ac- Investigation of herbedrug interactions (HDIs) is often more
tivities and immunogenicity are recommended. In terms of complicated than that on DDIs, due to the complex herbal com-
pharmacodynamics-based DDIs, identification and monitoring of ponents and the batch-to-batch variation of herbal products. More
clinical endpoints relevant to both the efficacy as well the adverse pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data on the bioavailable
effects of therapeutic biologics is highly recommended. herbal components from clinical studies using standardized herbal
products are warranted for better understanding of HDIs. With the
3.4. Trends in microbiota mediated drugedrug interactions increasing number of therapeutic biologics in the market, it is
critical to build strategies and regulations on the potential DDIs
Recent studies have indicated that the microbiota is a vital drug involved biologics. Based on the current findings on pharmaco-
target in many disease treatments. Many therapeutics have great kinetic- and pharmacodynamic-based DDIs of therapeutic bi-
effects on altering the composition of the microbiota. As indicated ologics, assessments on the modulation of CYP activity and
in Fig. 2A, changes in microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract may immunogenicity, and identification and monitoring of clinical
influence the metabolism of co-administered drugs, leading to endpoints of the therapeutic biologics is recommended. In addi-
altered pharmacokinetics. Findings have shown that gut micro- tion to consideration of classical PK and pharmacodynamics in-
biota can mediate drug metabolism including reduction174, teractions, microbiota-mediated HDIs/DDIs are expected to bring
oxidation175, dehydroxylation, decarboxylation176, etc. DDIs be- additional insight into their interactions. Novel experimental and
tween antibiotics and drugs that are metabolized by gut microbiota computational strategies, such as gnotobiotic animal models and
are commonly reported. Many antibiotics can disturb the PK of a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling can be incor-
co-administered drug by affecting the enzymatic activities and porated in future investigations on microbiota-mediated HDIs/
composition of gut microbiota177, leading to an altered therapeutic DDIs.
effect. For example, the coagulant drug sulfinpyrazone can be In summary, the incidence of interactions between various
metabolized to sulfinpyrazone sulfide in the gut contents. It was therapeutics is high in patients taking multiple drugs and dietary
found that the plasma pharmacokinetic profile of sulfinpyrazone supplements. Although DDIs between small molecule drugs are
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1125

relatively well-characterized, other potential interactions are not diseaseedrug interactions, there are still many unknown issues to
fully explored. It is essential to develop efficient strategies for the be characterized. This review provides an update on the research
investigation of the interactions between drugs and herbs, and on diseaseedrug interactions and offers an in-depth perspective on
between therapeutic biologics. Furthermore, the growing knowl- new strategies for the elucidation of diseaseedrug interactions.
edge on the microbiota as therapeutic targets and as a site of drug
metabolism leads us to pay more attention to microbiota-mediated 4.1. Effects of diseases on drug metabolism
interactions when examining potential DDIs and HDIs.
Disease is a vital factor affecting clinical medication. Disease
4. Diseaseedrug interactions changes the PK of a drug by altering the ADME process; on the
other hand, disease can also change the sensitivity of the body to
Understanding diseaseedrug interactions is clinically important drugs by altering the number of receptors and their function in or-
due to the risk of treatment failure and the incidence of adverse gans. Clinical practice should take into account the effects of a
reactions. An accumulation of strong research evidence indicates disease on a drug for the best therapeutic outcome and to avoid
that diseaseedrug and drugedisease interactions can have a pro- serious adverse reactions by adjusting the dose, the interval of
found effect on the response to a medication, yet most of the administration, and the route of administration, etc. Current prog-
existing results are only from animal models. Moreover, there are ress on disease effects on drug metabolism are listed in Table 5.
differences between animal disease models and human dis-
eases187. Differences between different species should be also 4.1.1. Effects of diabetes on drug metabolism
taken into account. In recent years PBPK modeling has gradually Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of
been applied to the prediction of diseaseedrug interactions188,57. metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels
However, further clinical study or real-life experience is needed to over a prolonged period. Diabetes mellitus is also a well-known
justify results from PBPK modeling. Additionally, the potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease and atherosclerotic compli-
mechanism of diseaseedrug interactions remains poorly charac- cations, especially coronary heart disease209. In recent years there
terized. Therefore, further studies are also needed to reveal the in- have been many reports of the effect of diabetes on drug meta-
depth and comprehensive mechanism involved in diseaseedrug bolism. Alterations in function and expression of ABC trans-
interactions. porters at the bloodebrain barrier in diabetes have been
In recent years, apart from the DDI, diseaseedrug interactions observed210; for instance, it was found that the uptake of
have attracted lots of attention due to their potential impact on vincristine by cultured rat brain microvessel endothelial cells
efficacy and safety of clinical therapy. Diseaseedrug interactions incubated in diabetic rat serum were higher than uptake in
mainly refer to the disease itself can lead to changes in PK and nondiabetic rat serum, which was related to the impairment of P-
pharmacodynamics of drugs, and also include the influence of gp function and expression at the bloodebrain barrier of diabetic
alteration of endogenous substrates related to metabolism on rats190. Moreover, in brain cortex, STZ-induced diabetes mellitus
disease status. Both effects of disease on drug metabolism and may induce an impairment of function and expression of BCRP.
effects of metabolism regulation on diseases have the potential to The uptake of prazosin and cimetidine, two typical substrates of
increase the risk of treatment failure and the incidence of adverse BCRP, was significantly increased in diabetic rats compared to
reactions189. Although there have been some reports published on uptake in non-diabetic rats191. However, different from the

Figure 2 Microbiota-mediated pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions between different drugs. (The solid arrow indicates an
effect supported by obtained evidence, and the dotted arrow indicates potential effects.)
1126 Yuhua Li et al.

impairment of function and expression of P-gp and BCRP, dia- showed that valproic acid with a high-fat diet-induced fatty liver
betes may enhance MRP2 function and expression in liver, kidney could upregulate UGTs and was accompanied by the increased
and intestine, which then leads to increased excretion of sulfo- expression of CAR and PPARa215. Further analysis revealed that
bromophthalein (a substrate of MRP2) via the bile, urine and in- liver disease in warfarin users was associated with a significant
testinal perfusate192. Atorvastatin is a substrate of OATP1B1, an increase in the likelihood of hemorrhage216.
influx transporter expressed on the sinusoidal membrane of he-
patocytes. Recent studies found that diabetes mellitus could 4.1.3. Effects of heart failure on drug metabolism
enhance the hepatotoxicity and decrease exposure to atorvastatin Heart failure (HF) is considered an epidemic disease in the modern
in rats partly through upregulating hepatic Oatp2193,194. world affecting approximately 1%e2% of the adult population.
In addition to Oatp2, upregulation of hepatic Cyp3a also Many CYP enzymes have been identified in the heart and their levels
contributes to the decreased exposure to atorvastatin, simvastatin have been reported to be altered during HF. There is a great deal of
and simvastatin acid in diabetic rats193e195. Accumulated evi- discrepancy between various reports on CYP alterations during HF,
dence shows that diabetes mellitus apparently alters the expression likely due to differences in disease severity, the species in question
and activity of cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes196,211. In and other underlying conditions. A recent review by Aspromonte
diabetic rats, the AUC of theophylline was significantly smaller et al.217 has summarized a comprehensive modulation of cardiac
than that of normal rats because of significantly faster time- CYP in patients with HF. In general, cardiac CYP1B and CYP2A,
averaged total body clearance in diabetic rats, which was attrib- CYP2B, CYP2J, CYP4A and CYP11 mRNA levels and related
uted to upregulated hepatic CYP1A2 and CYP2E1. Furthermore, enzyme activities are usually increased in HF217,218. On the other
diabetes mellitus could significantly increase exposure (area under hand, HF plays an important role in the down-regulation of hepatic
the curve and peak concentration) to glibenclamide after oral CYP involved in drug metabolism through several mechanisms
administration. Data with hepatic microsomes suggested the which include hepatocellular damage, hypoxia, elevated levels of
impairment of glibenclamide metabolism and efflux in diabetic pro-inflammatory cytokines, and increased production of heme
rats197. Accumulating evidence also has shown that diabetes oxygenase-1219. For example, the plasma concentrations of caffeine
increased the metabolism of CYP3A4 substrates by upregulating (CYP1A2 probe), mephenytoin (CYP2C19 probe), dextromethor-
the function and expression of CYP3A4 in hepatic cells198. phan (CYP2D6 probe) and chlorzoxazone (CYP2E1 probe) were
Interestingly, diabetes mellitus showed a tissue-specific effect on significantly elevated in patients with congestive HF203. It was
CYP3A expression and activity (induced in liver and inhibited in suggested that the doses of these CYP enzymes substrates should be
intestine), resulting in opposite pharmacokinetic behavior for decreased when used in patients with congestive HF.
verapamil after oral and intravenous administration to diabetic
rats212. UGTs, the major phase II conjugation enzymes, can also 4.1.4. Effects of renal disease on drug metabolism
be affected by diabetes mellitus. It was reported that the UGT1 Evaluation of drug metabolism in patients with end-stage renal
family is adaptively upregulated in the diabetic gastrointestinal disease is important because these patients use a large number of
tract199. Given the essential regulatory role of the gastrointestinal medications and are at risk of adverse reactions and DDI. Previous
site in drug disposition, such changes in UGTs may have an studies found that end-stage renal disease patients had a 50%
impact on the metabolism of therapeutic drugs and endogenous increase in the plasma warfarin S/R ratio relative to control sub-
substrates. jects. This may be reflective of a selective decrease in hepatic
CYP3A and CYP2C9 activity in renal failure204,205. Furthermore,
4.1.2. Effects of liver disease on drug metabolism results from a “cocktail” approach showed that the enzyme ac-
There is growing evidence to suggest that many hepatic diseases tivities of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 of patients with renal failure
can affect drug metabolism. The effect of liver disease on drug were selectively inhibited220. Therefore, if CYP34A and CYP2C9
metabolism is mainly due to the alteration of liver hemodynamics substrates are used in patients with renal failure, the dose needs to
and activity of liver microsomal enzymes. Local and systemic be lowered. Although chronic renal failure (CRF) has been found
liver injuries have a major effect on the expression and activity of to be associated with a decrease in liver CYP, the mechanism
DMEs in the liver213. For example, compared to control rats, there remains poorly understood. The N-demethylation of erythromycin
were significant changes in pharmacokinetic profiles after ad- was decreased by more than 35% (P < 0.001) in hepatocytes
ministrations of rhubarb anthraquinone-extracts in CCl4-induced incubated with serum from rats with CRF221. It is speculated that
liver-injury rats. The plasma concentrations of the four pharma- the mediator(s) of uremic serum may down-regulate the CYP of
cokinetic markers (Rhein, emodin, aloe-emodin, chrysophanol) of normal hepatocytes. In addition, a recent study investigated the
rhubarb anthraquinone extract increased, which indicated that effects of adenine-induced chronic kidney disease (CKD) in rats
their metabolism and excretion changed after liver injury200. Liver on the activities of some XMEs in liver and kidneys. It was found
failure is often associated with hepatic encephalopathy, due to that the plasma theophylline concentration was significantly
dyshomeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS). One study increased in rats with CKD206. Moreover, a reduced metabolism
showed that the function and expression of P-gp and BCRP of midazolam could be observed in rats with acute kidney injury
decreased, while the function and expression of MRP2 increased (AKI)207.
in the brain of acute liver failure (ALF) mice214. The attenuated
function and expression of P-gp at the BBB might enhance 4.1.5. Effects of sepsis on drug metabolism
phenobarbital distribution in the brain and increase phenobarbital Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response syndrome caused by
efficacy on the CNS of ALF mice201. In addition, ALF could infection, which is a common complication following surgery,
enhance oral plasma exposure of zidovudine in rats by down- especially abdominal surgery, with higher mortality. It has been
regulation of hepatic UGT2B7 and intestinal P-gp202. well documented that hepatocellular dysfunction occurs early in
Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a con- sepsis and contributes to multiple organ failure and ultimately
dition where excess fat builds up in the liver. Previous research death222. Among them, the effects of polymicrobial sepsis on the
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1127

Table 5 Summary of the effects of specific diseases on drug metabolism.

Type of diseases Affected drugs Related mechanisms
Diabetes mellitus  Vincristine and other P-gp substrates: increased  Impairment of P-gp function and expression.
uptake190.  Impairment of BCRP function and expression.
 Prazosin, cimetidine and other BCRP substrates:  Induction of MRP2.
increased uptake191.  Upregulated OATP2, CYP3A.
 Sulfobromophthalein and other MRP2 substrates:  Induction of CYP1A2 and CYP2E1.
enhanced excretion192.  Inhibition of CYP2C11 and BCRP.
 Atorvastatin, simvastatin: decreased exposure193e195.  Upregulated CYP3A4.
 Theophylline: increased metabolism196  Upregulated UGT1.
 Glibenclamide: inhibited metabolism and decreased the
 CYP3A4 substrates: increased metabolism198.
 UGT1 substrates: increased metabolism199.
Liver disease  Rhein, emodin, aloe-emodin, chrysophanol: inhibited  Inhibition of CYP and UGT metabolism.
metabolism200.  Inhibition of P-gp and BCRP (brain).
 Phenobarbital: enhance distribution201.  Down-regulation of UGT2B7 and P-gp.
 Zidovudine: inhibited metabolism and decreased the  Induction of MRP2 (brain).
 MRP2 substrates: enhanced efflux201.
Heart failure  Caffeine and other CYP1A2 substrates: inhibited  Down-regulation of CYP1A2.
metabolism203.  Down-regulation of CYP2C19.
 Mephenytoin and other CYP2C19 substrates: inhibited  Down-regulation of CYP2D6.
metabolism203.  Down-regulation of CYP2E1
 Dextromethorphan and other CYP2D6 substrates:
inhibited metabolism203.
 Chlorzoxazone and other CYP2E1 substrates: inhibited
Renal disease  Erythromycin and other CYP3A substrates: inhibited  Inhibition of CYP3A.
metabolism204.  Inhibition of CYP2C9.
 Warfarin and other CYP2C9 substrates: inhibited  Inhibition of CYP1A1.
metabolism205.  Inhibition of CYP3A11.
 Theophylline and other CYP1A1 substrates: inhibited
 Midazolam and other CYP3A11 substrates: inhibited
Sepsis  CYP1A1 substrates: inhibited metabolism208.  Down-regulation of CYP1A1.
 CYP1A2 substrates: inhibited metabolism208.  Down-regulation of CYP1A2.
 CYP2E1 substrates: inhibited metabolism208.  Down-regulation of CYP2E1.

activity and gene expression of hepatic microsomal CYP450 have failure with routine dosing. In addition, it is likely to cause low
attracted considerable attention due to their potential blood protein symptoms in sepsis due to the increased capillary
diseaseedrug interactions in clinical therapy. It has been reported permeability, decreased hepatic albumin synthesis and a large
that the major hepatic CYP isoforms CYP1A1, 1A2, 2B1, 2E1 number of infusions230. Therefore, the effect of hypoalbuminemia
were down-regulated during polymicrobial sepsis208,203e224. on antibiotic PK also cannot be ignored. It is crucial to reduce
Moreover, results from mechanistic studies show that nitric oxide patient mortality by adjusting antimicrobial doses and improving
(NO) and the AhR play key potential roles in down-regulation of drug infusion to optimize antimicrobial therapy according to the
hepatic CYP during sepsis225,226. Therefore, treatment with characteristics of PK/PD during sepsis.
pharmaceutical agents that regulate or are metabolized by CYP
enzymes might be approached cautiously in the septic patient. 4.2. Effects of endogenous metabolism mediated by nuclear
On the other hand, early and appropriate antimicrobial treat- receptors on diseases
ment is the predominant intervening measure to decrease patient
mortality227. However, the pathophysiologic changes during sepsis In recent years the regulation of endogenous metabolism mediated
such as systemic capillary leak syndrome, altered shift of body by nuclear receptors on diseases has received increasing attention
fluid and hypoalbuminemia can lead to changes in pharmacoki- with improvements in bioanalytical technology, especially the
netics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) parameters such as apparent intervention of the various “omics”. Among them, PXR and CAR
volume of distribution (Vd)228 and clearance (CL)229 that affect the are two closely related and liver-enriched nuclear hormone re-
achievement of PK targets and increase the risk of treatment ceptors originally defined as xenobiotic receptors. However, an
1128 Yuhua Li et al.

increasing body of evidence suggests that PXR and CAR also have in the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been
endobiotic functions that impact glucose and lipid metabolism, as controversial. It was reported that transactivation of FXR by full-
well as the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases. PXR and CAR not length HBx may represent a protective mechanism to inhibit
only regulate the transcription of drug-metabolizing enzymes and HCC247. Additionally, FXR antagonism was also reported to be
transporters, but also orchestrate energy metabolism and immune pivotal in attenuating obstructive cholestasis in bile duct-ligated
responses231. The cutting-edge investigations on these aspects are mice235. These results suggest that FXR may be developed as a
briefly shown in Table 6. therapeutic target for cholesterol gallstone disease.
A recent study revealed that PXR ablation inhibited high-fat The tumor suppressor p53 is traditionally recognized as a
diet-induced obesity, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance232. surveillance molecule to preserve genome integrity. Recent studies
These results may help to establish PXR as a novel therapeutic have demonstrated that it contributes to metabolic diseases. It was
target, and PXR antagonists may be used for the prevention and found that the activation of p53 participated in promoting bile acid
treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. PXR was also reported to disposition and alleviating cholestatic syndrome by up-regulating
play a vital role in maintaining biliary bile acid homeostasis by the expression of Cyp2b10, Sult2a1 and Abcc2/3/4, which pro-
regulating the biosynthesis and transport of bile salts233. Activa- vides a potential therapeutic target for cholestasis235. In addition,
tion of the PXR pathway was associated with decreased lith- p53 could attenuate acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity by
ocholic acid-induced cholestasis in mice241. PXR may be regulating the CYPs, SULTs and MRPs, which provides a po-
developed as a therapeutic target for cholesterol gallstone disease. tential new therapeutic target for APAP-induced liver injury248.
Interestingly, study has revealed a function of PXR in enlarging Metabolism regulation mediated by downstream targets of the
liver size and changing liver cell fate by activation of the yes- above transcriptional factors may also play an important role in
associated protein (YAP) signaling pathway. This has implica- diseases. For example, NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1
tions for understanding the physiological functions of PXR242. In (NQO1) has been reported to be a prognostic biomarker and a
addition, PXR plays an important endobiotic role in adrenal ste- promising therapeutic target for patients with NSCLC due to its
roid homeostasis. Activation of PXR markedly increased plasma frequent overexpression and significantly increased activity in
concentrations of corticosterone and aldosterone234. These results NSCLC. It was found that depleting tumor-NQO1 potentiates
suggest that PXR is a potential endocrine disrupting factor that anoikis and inhibits the growth of NSCLC239. Furthermore, recent
may have broad implications in steroid homeostasis and results from a metabolomics analysis have revealed that inhibition
drugehormone interactions. of cell proliferation upon NQO1 depletion was accompanied by
CAR has also been increasingly appreciated for its endobiotic suppressed glycometabolism in NQO1 high-expression human
functions in influencing glucose and lipid metabolism, with dys- NSCLC A549 cells. Also, NQO1 depletion significantly decreased
regulation implicated in two of the most prevalent metabolic the gene expression of hexokinase II240.
disorders, obesity and type 2 diabetes243. Further study found that
CAR suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis by facilitating the 4.3. Summary
ubiquitination and degradation of PGC1a244. Given the metabolic
benefits of CAR activation, CAR may represent an attractive Understanding diseaseedrug interactions is clinically important
therapeutic target to manage obesity and type 2 diabetes. due to the risk of treatment failure and the incidence of adverse
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is common and medi- reactions. An accumulation of strong research evidence indicates
cally significant because it is closely related to metabolic syn- that diseaseedrug and drugedisease interactions can have a pro-
drome and has the potential to progress into the more harmful found effect on the response to a medication, but most of the
cirrhosis. Emerging evidence points to an important function of existing results are only from animal models. In recent years,
AhR in the uptake of fatty acids in the liver and the pathogenesis PBPK modeling has also gradually been applied to the prediction
of fatty liver disease236. Activation of the AhR sensitizes mice to of diseaseedrug interactions57,188. However, further clinical study
NASH by deactivating mitochondrial sirtuin deacetylase Sirt3245. or real-life experience is certainly needed to justify the results
These results suggest that the use of AhR antagonists might be a from PBPK modeling. Additionally, the potential mechanisms of
viable approach to prevent and treat NASH. diseaseedrug interactions are not well-characterized. Therefore,
LXRs are known as sterol sensors that impact cholesterol and further studies are needed to reveal the in-depth and comprehen-
lipid homeostasis, as well as inflammation. The hepatic functions sive mechanism involved in diseaseedrug interactions.
of LXRs are well documented and the pathophysiological role of
LXRs was uncovered progressively in recent years. Activation of 5. Mathematical modeling
LXR prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury by regu-
lating antioxidant enzymes and the implication of this regulation The application of mathematical modeling to problems in PK has
is pulmonary tissue protection237. Moreover, a recent study a rich history in the form of pharmacokinetic modeling to explore
demonstrated that activation of LXR attenuates OA-induced acute how simulation can be used to improve our understanding of
respiratory distress syndrome by attenuating the inflammatory common issues not readily addressed in human pharmacology249.
response and enhancing antioxidant capacity238. Animal models are mainly used in experimental physiology,
FXR, a nuclear receptor mainly expressed in enterohepatic experimental pathology and experimental therapeutics, especially
tissues, is a master regulator for bile acid, lipid and glucose ho- in the study of new drugs. In the earliest stage of drug discovery/
meostasis246. Emerging evidence indicates that restoration of FXR development, various cell-based models and animal models were
protein levels may represent a new strategy for enterohepatic and used for the prediction of human PK and toxicokinetics250. In this
metabolic diseases. Hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) is a hepa- section, the current status and future challenges on PBPK
titis B virus protein that has multiple cellular functions, but its role modeling and animal models are summarized.
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1129

5.1. The current status and challenges of PBPK modeling cases were reported for drug as metabolic “victim” and “perpe-
trator” respectively. The predictive performance of CYP3A- and
As early as 1937251 physiological parameters were introduced into CYP2D6-mediated DDI was found to be the best for new drugs as
pharmacokinetic parameter estimation. The term PBPK model victim using the PBPK method. Two enzymes are involved in
appeared in 1977252. Although the PBPK method was proposed a metabolism of large proportion of marketed drugs and well-
long time ago, it was applied to support new drug development in established probe perpetrators are available256,263. The predictive
the last decade since the mechanism of drug metabolism and performance was poorer for new drugs as perpetrator259. In order
transport gained clarity. Two known milestones of extensive to accurately predict the quantitative effects of an enzyme inhib-
application for industry are: 1) A PBPK review team was set up in itor264 or inducer265 on a substrate, the FDA suggested the
the office of clinical pharmacology (CDER/FDA, US) because of following study strategy256,266: a) Develop an initial PBPK model
increasing numbers of PBPK submissions in 2013253; 2) PBPK of enzymeesubstrate based on in vitro data followed by verifi-
guidance was released by FDA254 and EMA255 respectively during cation using human single-dose PK data; b) develop a PBPK
2016e2018. A total of 217 PBPK submissions were reviewed by model of inducer or inhibitor and validate its enzyme modulation
the FDA in 2016256. As one of the four major pharmacometric effect using in vivo (or literature data) data; c) predict the effect of
research methods257, the strategy of waiving clinical trials through inhibitor/inducer on substrate PK characteristics in humans using
PBPK study has been extensively accepted in western society and the PBPK model, which will support DDI study strategy or clin-
is gradually being accepted in China. ical trial design, especially for the dose selection; d) if a dedicated
DDI was required and conducted, then the initial PBPK model
5.1.1. Basic concepts of PBPK will be verified and modified based on observed DDI data; e)
PBPK can be utilized to mechanistically understand and predict predict other untested scenarios and validate dose selection.
in vivo pharmacokinetic characteristics from a whole body Following this strategy, predictive performance was summarized
perspective by integrating system-specific parameters (such as in report published by Hsueh et al.259. As stated in submitted cases
physiological parameters), drug-specific parameters (such as to the FDA, AUCR or CmaxR (ratio of AUC or Cmax) was esti-
physicalechemical and mechanistic pharmacokinetic data), and mated within the range of (0.80, 1.25) and (0.50, 2.00) for higher
specific PBPK model structure258. It can quantitatively describe than 73% and 77% cases respectively. Although overall DDI of
drug concentration kinetics in the blood and each tissue through a CYP-mediated interactions could be estimated well, prediction of
series of mathematical differential equations, which allows it to time-dependent DDI and intestinal enzyme-mediated DDI was
accurately predict target tissue drug concentration as well as to still challenging256.
understand drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, Because tissue concentration can indicate efficacy or safety
and transportation (ADMET) processes. Because it incorporates better than plasma concentration, it is more important to be pre-
system-specific parameters into equations of each tissue, it can dicted, especially for the drugs with a “disconnected” concentra-
also be used to predict drug concentration in tissues under tion in tissues compared to plasma concentration, which may be
different scenarios, such as co-administration of enzyme inhibitor caused by significantly different distribution through trans-
or in a specific population (hepatic- or renal-impaired patients, porters267. Unfortunately, the best prediction method theoretically,
pediatrics, or elders), which could support new drug development the PBPK method, showed worse predictive performance for
strategy, clinical trial design, and improved clinical development transporter-mediated DDI compared to that of enzyme-mediated
efficiency. DDI, which was due to ubiquitous tissue distribution, unique
cellular localization, and competing active and passive pro-
5.1.2. PBPK in drug development cesses268. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge pertaining to dis- PK drugedrug interaction study. As of August 2016, ease- or population-specific factors makes PBPK more
60% of PBPK study cases submitted to FDA were related to challenging for transporter-mediated DDI prediction. In order to
drugedrug interactions (DDI)256. Among the three predominant accurately predict unbound and intra/subcellular drug concentra-
DDI mechanisms, enzyme-259, transporter-260, and disease- tions while considering the role of a transporter, selecting
mediated DDI261,262, enzyme-mediated DDI cases showed the appropriate in vitro (such as imaging) and in vivo experimental
best predictive performance in PBPK. Hsueh et al.259 summarized methods to determine tissue concentration followed by verifica-
104 publications with DDI predictions, a total of 126 and 360 tion of PBPK model in animals may be helpful267. Recently,

Table 6 Summary of endogenous substances related to diseases and nuclear receptors.

Endogenous substance Diseases involved Related nuclear receptor or protein
Glucose and lipid  232
Obesity and type 2 diabetes  PXR, CAR
Biliary bile acid  Cholesterol gallstone233,234  PXR, FXR
 Cholestatic syndrome235  P53
Corticosterone and aldosterone  Steroid dyshomeostasis234  PXR
Fatty acids  Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis236  AhR
Sterol  Lung injury237  LXR
Oleic acid  Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome238  LXR
Hexokinase II  Non-small cell lung cancer239,240  NQO1
1130 Yuhua Li et al.

disease-mediated DDI received greater attention, especially for receptor binding in systems as well as in tissues, as described in
renal impairment affecting liver enzymes262. However, research two recent reviews289,290.
on disease-mediated DDI are limited, and few PBPK cases to The PBPK modeling method is not an independent modeling
predict this kind of DDI have been reported269,270, and so further method, and sometimes it is better to be integrated with other
research to uncover the rationales behind of disease and physio- modeling methods for better results. In order to understand PK
logical parameters is needed. characteristics in mechanism, allometric scaling291 and in vitroein
vivo extrapolation methods292 can also be used to analyze preclini-
cal data and compare the results with human data, which can provide Specific population study. One of the most known
more key information from different angles to develop a PBPK
characteristics of the PBPK model is that it can integrate drug-
model more accurately indicating the real disposition process in
specific and system-specific parameters, which includes age,
humans293. Taking advantage of the PBPK ability to predict drug
gender, disease status, and specific physiological status. This
tissue concentration, a PBPK-PD model could be developed to
characteristic allows us to predict PK exposure changes by
capture pharmacodynamic characteristics in a more accurate way
mechanistically changing specific parameters according to the
with more understanding of the mechanism294,295, which is helpful
different populations, such as pediatric, elderly, and in patients
for those drugs with significantly inconsistent exposure between
with hepatic or renal impairment. However, accurate prediction
system and targeted tissues. For a new moiety entity clinical devel-
for these specific populations is still quite challenging because
opment, verification of an established PBPK model based on human
changes in system-specific parameters generally are not available
data with the specific ADMET mechanism is required, which may
or quantified accurately271. The FDA and other scientists sum-
need an additional clinical trial. Recently, global development is
marized PBPK prediction strategy in patients with renal impair-
going to become routine strategy, and ethnic differences in PK
ment272 or hepatic impairment273, in the elderly274, pediatric275,
characteristics will be important. Therefore, PBPK could support
fetal276, and pregnant patients277 but, because of the above limits,
evaluation of ethnic differences by its unique contribution to the
these predictions could be utilized only to aid in clinical trial
mechanistic understanding296. Because population PK (PopPK) is
design in these specific populations rather than to waive these
routinely used to identify the key factors affecting PK profiles fol-
dedicated clinical trials without any verification in these specific
lowed by quantifying these key factors, a PopPK study could verify
PBPK simulations under some extreme scenarios, which may allow
sponsors to waive some dedicated clinical trials (PBPK-PopPK Generic drug development. In comparison to the strategy)297. Under many scenarios, we only pay attention to drug
in vitroein vivo correlation (IVIVC) method the PBPK method was concentration in tissues related to PK, PD, or safety characteristics,
advantageous because it could identify the contribution of penetra- so we don’t need to accurately capture drug kinetics in other tissues.
tion, intestinal metabolism and transport to the absorptionedrug Therefore, in order to increase parameter reliability without a
concentrationetime curve. Therefore, PBPK analysis can estimate decrease in PBPK power, we could shrink the typical PBPK model
in vivo dissolution characteristics more accurately, which will be integrating each tissue in humans to a semi-PBPK model integrating
useful to guide drug development278,279. Therefore, the US FDA necessary target tissues and replace other tissues with one or two
continuously held modeling and simulation workshops to make compartments.
PBPK methods more useful in generic drug development280e282 as Along with the coadministration of herbal or natural products,
well as suggested a research strategy for industry283,284. Additionally, the potential herbedrug interaction is gaining increasing attention,
physiologically-based oral absorption modeling can be utilized to and can be predicted using a PBPK modeling method. But accu-
guide Quality by Design (QbD) and predict food effects, effect of rate prediction of herbedrug interactions is still a challenging
acid-reducing agents, SUPAC activities, and to influence label lan- mission because of the complex composition and relatively
guage. Although it was potentially powerful, its application is still limited knowledge of individual constituents that produce the in-
limited because of physiological information missing in PBPK sys- teractions. A feasible procedure is to firstly identify the major
tem models. The European OrBiTo (Oral Biopharmaceutical Tool) constituents followed by compoundecompound interaction pre-
Project results showed that less than 50% of drugs could receive 2- diction as previous introduced158,298. The major concern with this
fold error prediction performance using the PBPK modeling procedure is to prove that the interaction of major constituents is
method285. Modified in vitro experiment data with more similarities similar to that of the whole herb.
to in vivo status and accurate physiological parameters affecting the
rate-limiting absorption process may be able to improve its predictive 5.2. Summary
In summary, PBPK can be utilized to mechanistically understand Other applications and trends of PBPK modeling and predict a priori in vivo pharmacokinetic characteristics from a
methods. In addition to the above applications, the PBPK whole body perspective by integrating system-specific and drug-
modeling method also could be used to predict first-in-human PK specific parameters. PBPK modeling has been routinely con-
profiles286. It may be helpful for those drugs with nonlinear ducted for new entities to illustrate pharmacokinetic characteris-
metabolism characteristics. Recently, a semi-PBPK model (or tics when drugedrug interactions happen or when dosing in
minimal PBPK model)287,288 was reported to extensively survey specific populations needs optimization. The predictive perfor-
human biologics PK profiles to assess the predominant clearance mance of CYP3A- and CYP2D6-mediated DDI was found to be
site and dynamically describe system plasma concentrations and best for new drugs as victim using PBPK method, which could be
two other virtual compartments, lumped tissues with continuous applied to waive part of clinical trial. Due to unclear changes in
and fenestrated vascular endothelium. This semi-PBPK model transporter-mediated mechanism and system-specific parameters
structure could allow investigators quickly estimate PBPK pa- in specific populations, PBPK modeling power is limited to sup-
rameters using system drug concentrations considering drug- porting clinical trial design.
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1131

6. Novel animal models for DMPK studies rats in certain physiological and pathological states such as dia-
betes and breast cancer, are closer to humans than mice311,312.
Animal models are mainly used in experimental physiology, Therefore, it is particularly urgent to construct novel rat models of
experimental pathology and experimental therapeutics, especially DMPK-related genes through KO and humanization.
in the study of new drugs. In the earliest stage of drug discovery/
development, various cell-based models and animal models were
used for the prediction of human PK and toxicokinetics250. The 6.2. Novel CRISPR/Cas9-based animal models for DMPK
common laboratory animals for DMPK include rats, rabbits, dogs, research
monkeys, etc. However, with the development of gene editing
technology, animal models of special ADME genes are needed to The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat
better study the mechanisms of DMPK, including the metabolic (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated 9 (Cas9) system, as the third gen-
pathway and its regulatory mechanism. eration of artificial nuclease technology, provides a promising tool
for genetic engineering. It offers an efficient approach to develop
6.1. Conventional transgenic animal models for DMPK genetically modified animal models and a potential strategy for
research targeted gene therapies. The CRISPR/Cas9 system allows simul-
taneous digestion of multiple targets at multiple sites in the same
Traditional animal models are constructed by homologous cell, making it possible to knock out or knock in multiple genes.
recombination in embryonic stem cells. This method implements CRISPR/Cas9 as a new gene editing technology has many char-
foreign gene knock-in, but the recombination efficiency is very acteristics and advantages, including high targeting accuracy,
low, and the recombinant site has certain randomness299. In 2009, simultaneous knockout of multiple sites of target genes, simplicity
the discovery and application of nucleic acid engineering enzymes of operation and no species restriction. In recent years, CRISPR/
greatly advanced gene knock-in technology300. Zinc-finger nu- Cas9 has been applied to the study of drug absorption, disposition,
cleases (ZFNs) are the first nucleic acid engineering enzymes to metabolism and excretion, as well as the preparation of ADME
be discovered300. They cleave DNA at specific sites to form animal models.
double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are then repaired by cell Today CRISPR/Cas9 technology enables DMPK scientists to
homology and used as templates by exogenous donor DNA. The develop better and more predictable ADME models in vitro and
repair of DSBs result in knocking out the foreign gene300. Another in vivo, especially to study ADME genes that have not been fully
engineering nuclease that was subsequently discovered for gene explored previously. Most published papers of CRISPR/Cas9-
editing is transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TAL- mediated ADME describe CYP drug metabolic enzymes and
ENs)300,301. Since the 1990s, Cyp knockout (KO) mice have been ABC drug transporters. For example, in 2016, the rat Cyp2d gene
successfully constructed using gene KO techniques, such as locus (containing Cyp2d1-5) was knocked out and replaced with
Cyp1a2, Cyp2e1, Cyp2c9, Cyp3a4 and Cyp2d6302e305. In recent human CYP2D6 in Wistar rats, but a functional characterization
years some of mouse models have been used to study the DMPK was not reported313. In the same year the rat Cyp2e1 gene was
of drugs under specific Cyp knockout conditions. To overcome the knocked out in Sprague Dawley rats, and the KO rats were
differences in subtype composition, protein expression, catalytic physiological normal and lost the expression and function of the
activity and substrate specificity between mouse and human CYP CYP2E1 enzyme314. In 2017, Cyp3a1 and Cyp3a2 double KO rats
enzymes, scientists have built humanized animal models to better were generated by CRISPR/Cas9 technology315, and Cyp2c
evaluate drug metabolism characteristics of human CYPs. For (Cyp2c6, Cyp2c11 and Cyp2c12) genes were also knocked out in
example, in 2007 humanized Cyp1a1/2 mice were constructed for rats316. Finally, Cyp2c11 gene was knocked out in Sprague
a toxicology study306. Humanized Cyp2c19 mice for drug meta- Dawley rats317. In vitro and in vivo metabolic studies of the CYP
bolism307, humanized Cyp3a4 mice for drug interactions308, and substrates indicated that the target CYP isoform was functionally
humanized Cyp2d6 mice for drug interactions309 were reported in inactive in all KO rats314,315. It should be noted that KO models
2008, 2011 and 2012, respectively. In 2012, Cyp2c knockout mice resulted in the compensatory regulation of other CYP isoforms
and Cyp2c9 humanized mice were generated for drug metabolism involved in drug metabolism314,315. However, the potential
and drug interaction studies304. In 2015, humanized Cyp2b6 mice mechanisms of these compensatory changes remain unclear. In
were also constructed for drug metabolism310. addition, these KO models showed some differences, such as
Both Cyp gene KO and humanized mouse models have been changes in serum testosterone concentrations315 or alkaline
constructed by traditional knockout techniques, i.e. homologous phosphatase314. Some of these differences can be attributed to the
recombination of foreign DNA fragments with genes of the same deficiency of CYP functions, such as CYP3A-mediated testos-
or similar sequence in the host genome, thus replacing the cor- terone metabolism. Therefore, these physiological changes in KO
responding gene sequences in the genome of the recipient cells rats should be considered when comparing ADME data from KO
and integrating them into the host. In the cell genome, the key models with data from wild-type rats. In addition to the rat KO
technologies of this method include the acquisition of embryonic models, a Cyp2b9/10/13 KO mouse model was also generated via
stem cells, the design of target, and the screening of embryonic CRISPR/Cas9 technology318. It is interesting that there were no
stem cells. Homologous recombination is time-consuming, costly, significant compensatory changes in other CYP isoforms in Cyp2b
as well as inefficient in gene editing, and may lead to adverse KO mice, which may be due to low CYP2B hepatic expression,
mutations. As it is difficult to obtain and culture embryonic stem especially in male mice318. In 2019, a novel MDR1 (Mdr1a/b)
cells in rats, the construction and application of knockout or double-knockout rat model was generated in Sprague Dawley rats
knock-in rat models have lagged behind the mouse models. Rats by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology319. The loss of MDR1 function
are a rodent model animal widely used in DMPK and have many significantly increased digoxin uptake in Mdr1a/b/ rats. The
advantages over mice, such as larger size, easy manipulation, high MDR1 KO rat model is of great significance to study the function
tolerance to blood volume loss and large sample size. Moreover, of MDR1 in drug transport, toxicity and drug resistance.
1132 Yuhua Li et al.

6.3. Summary moiety (Fig. 3A). Although an aryl moiety is generally considered
a stable functional group, epoxide ring opening is attacked by
In summary, genome editing based on CRISPR/Cas9 has been nucleophilic thiolates, such as N-acetylcysteine or glutathione, for
identified as a breakthrough technology in constructing animal cocaine.
models. Novel animal models are not only conducive to the basic Carbonecarbon cleavage and formation reactions are rare in
research of human diseases, but also can be used to study the xenobiotic metabolism. Recent studies have focused on the roles of
molecular mechanisms of drug pharmacodynamics, toxicity and flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs) to catalyze unexpected
clinical use. Furthermore, DMPK animal models will promote the BaeyereVilliger oxidations, which is a kind of carbonecarbon bond
study of DMPK mechanisms and strengthen the relationship be- cleavage reaction. E7016, a potential anticancer agent with a 4-
tween drug metabolism and pharmacology/toxicology. For hydroxypiperidine moiety was confirmed to be a substrate of
example, the potentials and mechanisms of DDI between erlotinib FMO5322. The generation of the major ring-opened hydroxyl-
and docetaxel was studies by using Cyp3a1/2 KO rats320. Doce- carboxylate metabolite was proposed by a three-step reaction, as
taxel significantly increased the maximum concentration and follows: dehydrogenation of the secondary alcohol on the parent
systemic exposure of erlotinib in wild type (WT) rats, but the DDI drug to form piperidine-4-one, followed by insertion of an oxygen
was significantly attenuated in Cyp3a1/2 KO rats, suggesting that atom to form a lactone via the BaeyereVilliger oxidation, and
the CYP3A plays the perpetrating role of docetaxel on erlotinib. further CEs-mediated hydrolysis. Recently, the 2,3-dihydropyridin-
4-one (DHPO) ring in MRX-I (an analog of the antibiotic linezolid)
was also reported to undergo a similar carbonecarbon cleavage
7. Non-classical xenobiotic metabolic pathways
reaction in humans323. However, different from piperidine-4-one,
BaeyereVilliger oxidation of the DHPO ring forms an enol lactone
Drug metabolism or drug biotransformation is the process by
and is further hydrolyzed to an enol, which can be transformed to an
which xenobiotics are enzymatically modified to make them more
aldehyde intermediate by enolealdehyde tautomerism. The alde-
readily excretable and eliminate pharmacological activity. Drug
hyde intermediate underwent either oxidation catalyzed by short-
metabolism is the prominent process in drug disposition. Under-
chain dehydrogenase, aldehyde ketone reductase, and aldehyde
standing the metabolic fate and the corresponding enzymes are
dehydrogenase (ALDH) or reduction mediated by ALDH to
important with regard to metabolite toxicity and drugedrug
generate the observed directed DHPO ring-opening metabolites
interaction risks. Detailed data from drug metabolism studies aid
MRX459 or MRX455-1, respectively (Fig. 3B). H18 2 O experiments
in the drug clinical practice and drug design and modification.
were conducted to elucidate the mechanism underlying the forma-
Over the past decades the basic mechanism and rules of drug
tion of the two metabolites.
metabolism, especially mediated by CYP, have been clarified. The
strategies and approaches used for drug metabolism investigations
7.2. Reductive metabolic pathways
have come to maturity and industrialization. Recently, with the
rapid development of the separation technology and qualitative
The majority of in vivo biotransformations are oxidation, while
techniques, such as IMS-TOF/MS or novel 2D NMR technology,
reductive reactions preferentially occur in anaerobic or low-O
and the considerable amount of attention directed at non-CYP
conditions. A considerable number of the same enzymes that
enzymes, several undesirable drug metabolites have been identi-
catalyze oxidative metabolism, such as P450s, aldo-keto reduc-
fied, and novel metabolic reactions were discovered. Some
tase, carbonyl reductase, xanthine oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, and
outwardly rational reactions are newly described based on the
quinone oxidoreductase, can also be involved in reductions. Under
novel understandings of the mechanism underlying common
the catalysis of some specific enzymes or the involvement of
biotransformations. This section briefly reviews a series of cases
reducing agents, some uncommon reductive metabolic pathways
of novel metabolic reactions and pathways to provide readers new
are observed.
insights into investigations on drug metabolism.
NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) and cytochrome-
b5 is crucial for P450 electron transporter chain integrity because
7.1. Oxidative pathways they donate electrons to P450s from NADPH. Thus, most mar-
keted recombinant P450 enzymes generally contain cytochrome-
Oxidative pathways, including sp3-hybridized C-hydroxylation, b5 and POR to enhance their oxidative efficiencies. In some cases,
unsaturated C-oxidation, N-dealkylation/deamination, O-deal- POR alone can also catalyze one-electron reduction, such as with
kylation, S-dealkylation, N-oxidation, S-oxidation, and oxidative aristolochic acid324. Another reported substrate of POR is an
cleavage of esters and amides classified by functional groups are aldehyde intermediate (M-CHO) that is formed during the meta-
the most common biotransformations. In recent years some un- bolism of imrecoxib, which is a moderate COX-2 inhibitor325.
expected oxidative reactions or pathways have been reported. POR expresses dual effects on further M-CHO metabolism,
Aromatic ring-containing drugs are most common and gener- namely oxidation to form carboxylic acid metabolite (M2) and
ally metabolized by P450-mediated p-electron oxidations to form unexpected reduction to form a hydroxymethyl metabolite (M1),
an arene-epoxidized intermediate. The latter undergoes a hydride by donating electrons to P450s or competitively to the substrate,
shift spontaneously to produce stable phenol metabolite(s). respectively (Fig. 4A). The two opposite metabolic pathways,
However, for some specific structures, unstable epoxides are especially M-CHO reduction, led to an underestimation of the
preferentially attacked by nucleophilic substances, thereby leading amount of M2 in static in vitro incubations.
to reactive intermediate-related covalent attachments. For
example, for cocaine, the covalent adducts of biological thiols are 7.3. Hydrolysis pathways
first characterized321. In vitro investigations revealed that
CYP1A2, 2C9, and 2D6 catalyze the formation of a reactive Many drugs with specific functional moieties, including esters,
epoxide intermediate from the oxidation of the cocaine phenyl amides, thioesters, epoxides, sulfates, and glucuronides can be
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1133

metabolized by adding water. Hydrolysis is generally carried out drug before entering the systemic circulation guarantees short
by the corresponding enzymes, such as esterase or amidases. onset time and avoidance of “clopidogrel resistance” attributed to
Prodrug design has received increasing interest, thereby leading to CYP2C9 gene polymorphisms.
considerable attention to the important roles of hydrolytic meta- Another case of hydrolytic enzymes newly identified is
bolism. Some novel hydrolytic enzymes also catalyze undesirable dipeptidyl peptidases (DPPs), which can catalyze the hydrolysis
reactions. of cyanopyrrolidine DDP-4 inhibitors. Generally, a nitrile group
For example, arylacetamide deacetylase (AADAC) is a serine in the drug structures prevents metabolism because of its well-
hydrolase expressed in human liver and intestine that is rarely known inertness, and as a result, a nitrile moiety is increasing
reported compared with other hydrolytic enzymes (CEs and par- introduced as a block on metabolically labile sites in drug
axonase). Only one AADAC isoform is present in humans. design330. However, for vildagliptin, anagliptin, and besigliptin
AADAC is identified as a lipase that is capable of hydrolyzing (not saxagliptin), the biotransformation of the nitrile group into
endogenous cholesterol ester326; however, it has been recently carboxylic acid is the major metabolic pathway in vivo by the
found to be responsible for some clinical drugs, such as prasu- DPP family such as DPP-4, DPP-2, DPP-8, DPP-9, and fibroblast
grel327 and vicagrel328. Different from clopidogrel, the thiolactone activation protein-a331. Among them, DPP-2 has the highest hy-
metabolite of vicagrel is formed via a rapid hydrolysis before drolytic capacity after DPP-4. However, other substrates con-
intestinal absorption329. The first activation step for vicagrel was taining a nitrile group, such as lacosamide and flutamide, cannot
initially believed to be mediated only by human intestine CES-2 be hydrolyzed by DPPs probably because the nitrile moiety in
(CES2) until a recent finding showed that AADAC also contrib- these structures cannot be positioned in the catalytic triad of Asp-
uted to vicagrel hydrolysis (Fig. 4B). The activation of the parent His-Ser of DPPs.

Figure 3 Cases of some unusual metabolic pathways of oxidation, including: (A) proposed mechanism for cocaine metabolism to thiol-related
adduction, and (B) BaeyereVilliger oxidation mediated by FMO5.
1134 Yuhua Li et al.

Figure 4 Instances of some unusual metabolic pathways for reduction, hydrolysis, and conjugation, including: (A) formation mechanism for
M1 and M2, the major imrecoxib metabolites in humans, (B) hydrolysis pathways of vicagrel in humans, and (C) Nþ-glucuronidation of

7.4. Conjugation pathways conjugation to andrographolide337, and phosphoethanolamine

conjugation to pimasertib338, recently have been discovered. The
Generally, conjugation pathways involve the addition of an combination or further modification of the common conjugation
endogenous hydrophilic group to a drug or its metabolite(s), process has been also reported339,340.
including glucuronidation, sulfation, glutathione conjugation,
amino acid conjugation, acetylation, and methylation. Conjuga- 7.5. Summary
tion generally introduces polar groups to facilitate drug excretion,
except for methylation and acetylation. Although this finding is In recent years there has been an increased effort to better un-
true for many cases, several unusual conjugative reactions were derstand the role of enzymes beyond P450, UDP-
reported in recent years. glucuronosyltransferase, and aldehyde oxidase in drug meta-
The substrates for glucuronidation generally have an OH (i.e., bolism. Recently, several biological enzymes responsible for
alcohols, phenol, and carboxylic acids), amino (i.e., aliphatic endogenous substrate catalysis, such as dipeptidyl peptidases and
tertiary amine, aromatic primary amine, and sulfonamide) or thi- arylacetamide deacetylase, are newly proven to have additional
ophenol group. In general, for drugs possessing both tertiary capabilities in drug transformation. Drugs that rely on these non-
amine and hydroxyl groups, O-glucuronidation is always formed P450 enzymes for their in vivo clearance, however, usually un-
preferentially over N-glucuronidation. However, a reversible dergo non-classical metabolic pathways. The basic mechanism
regioselectivity is observed in the conjugative metabolism of and rules of drug metabolism cannot be characterized based on the
morinidazole in humans, where glucuronidation prefers the ter- structures of the drugs alone, because the presence of metabolic
tiary nitrogen of the morpholine ring to the aliphatic hydroxyl intermediates that would allow for the intra-molecular rear-
group at the side chain of morinidazole (Fig. 4C)332. Additionally, rangement are likely factors in unusual metabolite formation. This
molecular modeling studies indicated that the regioselectivity for subtle but potentially significant hypothesis suggests that the
morinidazole glucuronidation is unrelated to steric hindrance. electron or radical-mediated modulation of biotransformation
UGT1A4, as well as UGT1A3 and 2B10, are often considered characteristics may represent uncommon underlying mechanisms
enzymes that play important roles in Nþ-glucuronidation333e335. for undesirable metabolic pathways, with relevant toxicological
However, according to the morinidazole experience, UGT1A9 can consequences.
be identified as a new UGT isoform specializing in tertiary Several novel and unusual reactions and pathways have been
aliphatic amine N-glucuronidation. reviewed. Most of these reactions are attributed to (I) metabolic
In addition, several novel conjugates, including carnitine intermediate formation and rearrangement and (II) the involve-
conjugation to cyclopropanecarboxylic acid336 creatinine ment of novel metabolic enzymes, especially non-P450s.
Current trends in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 1135

Considering the availability of sophisticated and sensitive Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong (grant:
analytical instrumentation, as well as the introduction of modern 2017A030311018 and 2015A030313124, China), and National
approaches in drug metabolism investigation, new metabolic re- Institutes of Health (grants No. R01CA225958 and
actions continue to be discovered. Accurately predicting drug R01GM113888 to Ai-Ming Yu, USA).
metabolism in an empirical manner and clarifying the metabolism
mechanisms responsible for drug adverse reactions and
drugedrug interactions will increase in the future. Additionally, Appendix A. Supporting information
valuable inspiration may be provided for rational drug design and
modification with the expansion of metabolic enzymes, many of Supporting data to this article can be found online at
which are recognized as new therapeutic targets. org/10.1016/j.apsb.2019.10.001.

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