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Admission Prospectus

Bachelor's (Honors/Engineering) 1st Year 1st Semester, 2023-2024

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet - 3114, Bangladesh

1. Date and Procedure for Admission Applications

After the GST admission test results are published, the students who have passed the test shall be able to apply for
admissions in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) via website. However,
applicants must meet the subject-specific eligibility criteria outlined in paragraph 3 to admit in their desired
departments. Details regarding application dates, deadlines, fees, and application procedures will be made
available in the and websites after the GST admission test results have
been announced.
Other than participating in the GST admission tests, individuals who have received medals in internationally
recognized Olympiads or those who are foreign nationals can directly apply for admission, provided they meet the
conditions outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7, respectively. Application deadlines are mentioned in paragraphs 6 and

2. Seat Allocation
Admission to this university will occur in three separate units: A, B, and C. Candidates who have passed the GST
exam from Unit A (Science Group) shall be eligible to apply for Units A, B, and C of SUST; those from Unit B
(Humanities Group) for Units B and C; and those from Unit C (Commerce Group) for Units B and C. The number
of seats allocated to each department under Units A, B, and C is mentioned below:

2.1 Departments under Unit A and the Number of Seats (Science)

Department Seats
Physics (PHY) 65
Chemistry (CHE) 65
Mathematics (MAT) 80
Statistics (STA) 80
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 100
Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science (CEP) 50
Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE) 50
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) 50
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) 50
Food Engineering and Tea Technology (FET) 40
Petroleum and Mining Engineering (PME) 35
Geography and Environment (GEE) 50
Mechanical Engineering (MEE) 35
Oceanography (OCG) 30
Software Engineering (SWE) 50
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (GEB) 35
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) 35
Forestry and Environmental Science (FES) 55
Architecture (ARC) 30
Total Seats 985

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2.2 Departments under Unit B and the Number of Seats (Science + Humanities + Commerce)

Department Seats
Economics (ECO) 40+20+6 = 66
Sociology (SOC) 30+30+6=66
Political Studies (PSS) 20+40+6=66
Public Administration (PAD) 20+40+6=66
Anthropology (ANP) 25+35+6=66
Social Work (SCW) 25+35+6=66
English (ENG) 20+25+5=50
Bangla (BNG) 5+49+6=60
Total Seats 506

2.3 Departments under Unit C and the Number of Seats (Science + Humanities + Commerce)
Department Seats
Business Administration (BUS) 30+10+35= 75

Total seats 75

2.4 Distribution of Quota Seats (105 Seats)

A total of 105 seats are allocated for quotas under following categories: Freedom Fighters (FFQ-C): 28
seats; Ethnic Minority Groups/Castes (SEQ) or Harijan-Dalit (HDQ): 28 seats; Physical/Speech-
Hearing/Vision Impaired (PDQ): 14 seats; Tea Workers (TWQ): 5 seats; Ward Quota (WQ): 20 seats and
Sports Quota (PPQ): 10 seats.

2.5 Distribution of Quota Seats based on Unit and HSC/Equivalent Groups*

Departments SEQ, Total
A FET, GEB, GEE, IPE, Science 19 19 9 3 14 6 70
B Humanities 8 8 4 1 5 3 29
C BUS Humanities 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
28 28 14 5 20 10 105

*A unit-wise merit list of the quota candidates will be prepared and the admissions to the quota seats shall
be conducted accordingly.

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2.6 Total Seat Allocation for Eligible GST Applicants

A Unit B Unit C Unit Total Seats

985 + 70 (Quota) 506 + 29 (Quota) 75 + 6 (Quota) 1566 + 105 (Quota)

= 1055 = 535 = 81 = 1671

2.7 Students who have won gold, silver, or bronze medals in internationally recognized Olympiads will have
the opportunity to apply for admission to the respective departments without appearing at the GST
admission test, provided that the conditions outlined in paragraph 6 are fulfilled. However, the final
decision regarding the “respective departments” will be determined by the admission committee.

2.8 Some seats will be allocated for foreign nationals. International students will have the opportunity to apply
for admission without writing the GST admission test if they fulfill the conditions outlined in paragraph 7.
However, admission committee shall make decisions regarding determining the number of seats, eligibility
for specific departments, and the order of merits and their judgments shall be deemed decisive.

3. Minimum Qualification Criteria for Admission through GST

Students who pass the GST admission test will be eligible to apply for admission. However, additional
qualifications, as described below, are necessary for admission to a particular department.

3.1 Minimum Qualifications based on Subjects of HSC/Equivalent Examination

a) For admission in the English (ENG) department, students must have a grade of 5 (A+) in English in the
HSC/equivalent examination. This requirement is not applicable for IAL (A’ level) students.
b) For admission in departments other than English (ENG), applicants must have a minimum grade of 3.5
(A-) in each of the relevant subjects mentioned below in the HSC or equivalent examination. For A’ level,
this requirement is B grade.

Department Relevant Subject Department Relevant Subject

PHY, CSE, IPE, Physics, SOC, SCW, Sociology or Civics or Logic or

ARC, EEE, MEE, Mathematics PSS, PAD, Economics or Social Welfare or
SWE ANP Commercial Geography or
Economics and Commercial
CEE, CEP, GEE, Physics, Chemistry, Geography or English, or any subject
PME, OCG Mathematics of Commerce or Science group.

CHE Chemistry, ECO Economics or Mathematics or

Mathematics Statistics or Economics and
Commercial Geography, or English
GEB, BMB, FET Biology, Chemistry,
Mathematics BUS Economics or Mathematics or
Statistics or any subject of Science
MAT, STA Mathematics or Commerce group.

FES Biology, BNG Bengali

ENG English

3.2 Subject-wise Participation in GST Admission Test and Minimum Score Requirements
a) In the GST admission test, Mathematics is mandatory for admission in any department of Unit
A except BMB, FES, GEB, and GEE. Biology is mandatory for admission in the GEB and
BMB departments.
b) Candidates seeking admission in the Architecture department must participate in an additional 1
hour practical examination on drawing which will be arranged by GST authority. Relevant
information regarding this examination can be found in the GST prospectus. To qualify for
admission in the Architecture (ARC) department of SUST, candidates must obtain a minimum
of 40% marks in the drawing examination.

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4. Candidate Selection and Admission Process

Detailed information regarding candidate selection and admission process will be communicated through the and websites after the publication of the GST admission test results.

5. Specific Information for Quota Candidates

5.1 Only one student per quota will be admitted in a department.

5.2 To get admitted to a department under any quota, the quota applicant must secure at least the GST
specified minimum pass mark in the admission test and that mark may be at most 10 less than the mark of
the last admitted general (non-quota) applicant in that department.

5.3 All certificates/testimonials submitted by quota candidates must be in official letterheads.

5.4 A separate committee will be in place to verify the certificates/testimonials submitted by quota candidates
and, where applicable, to assess their physical condition/abilities. Students will be admitted as per the
recommendation of the committee.

5.5 Students with Physical/Speech-Hearing/Vision Impairments will be admitted on the basis of the disability
type and severity, and opportunities available in the respective departments. Under the category of Ethnic
Minority Groups/Castes or Harijan-Dalit quota, at least one student will be admitted based on the merit
from each respective community. For admission under these two quotas, the submitted
certificates/testimonials must be issued by the Ministry of Social Welfare, the District Commissioner
(DC)/Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) or the Social Welfare Officer of the respective Upazilla.
Certificates/testimonials issued by other authorities will not be acceptable.

5.6 To apply under the Sports Quota, candidates must have passed the HSC/equivalent examination from
Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan (BKSP) or must currently be a player of the Bangladesh National
Team, or must have gained experience as a member of the Bangladesh National U-16/17/19/20/23 Team
within the last three years, or must be ranked within the top 20 in various national sports competitions. The
applicant must submit a certificate/testimonial signed by the head of the respective sports
federation/organization as an evidence of eligibility.

5.7 Dependents (spouses or children) of permanent employees (faculty members/officers/staff) of SUST or of

those employees who are serving against permanent positions at SUST or deceased employees, who died
while serving in such positions, are eligible for the Ward quota. Dependents of retirees will be considered
eligible for up to five years following the retirement date.

5.8 In case of the Freedom Fighter Quota, seats will be reserved for the children of freedom fighters (FFQ-C).
During admission, the certificate of freedom fighter status, obtained from the Ministry of Liberation War
Affairs, of the parent of the applicant must be submitted.

5.9 Under the Tea Workers quota, both tea garden workers and their dependents (spouses or children) can
apply. However, during admission, it is mandatory that they produce certificates/letters obtained from the
manager of the tea garden and a six-month salary statement.

6. Information Regarding the Admission of Medal Winners in International Olympiads

6.1 Students who have won gold, silver, or bronze medals in the International Mathematical Olympiads,
International Informatics Olympiads, International Physics Olympiads, or other internationally recognized
Olympiads can apply for admission without participating in the GST admission test. However, they must
meet the minimum eligibility criteria described in section 3.1. The relevant international Olympiad must be
at the secondary or higher secondary level.

6.2 The necessary documents of such candidates (colored passport-sized photograph, SSC/Equivalent and
HSC/Equivalent certificates, and certificate of achievement in the Olympiad) must be sent to
[email protected] by June 25, 2024 for evaluation. After the evaluation of the documents,
the applicant will be informed whether their academic qualifications meet the admission criteria.

6.3 Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the merit list prepared.

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7. Information Regarding Admission for Foreign Nationals

7.1 Foreign nationals (foreign passports holders) seeking admission must have passed the 12th Grade or IAL
(A' Level) or HSC/equivalent examination. Applicants with a SAT score (minimum 700) will be given

7.2 Interested foreign nationals must send the copies of the required documents (colored passport-sized
photograph, passport/citizenship certificate, certificates and transcripts of 10th Grade/O'
Level/SSC/equivalent and 12th Grade/A' Level/HSC/equivalent examinations, SAT score report (if
available) and an ordered list of desired departments) to [email protected] by June 25, 2024 for
evaluation. After the evaluation of the documents, the applicants will be informed whether their academic
qualifications meet the admission criteria.

7.3 Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the merit list prepared.

7.4 Selected foreign nationals must obtain permission letters from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

7.5 During admission, applicants must present originals of all certificates and transcripts. These documents
must be certified by the respective Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the concerned

8. All admitted students will be brought under health insurance coverage.

9. Warning
If any information provided as part of the admission application is found to be false, incorrect, or incomplete, the
application will be immediately rejected. Even if any false or incorrect information is discovered after admission,
the admission of the student will be canceled, and legal action will be taken against the respective candidate. No
student will be granted admission if he/she tests positive for drug addiction during the admission process.

10. Contact
For inquiries related to admission at SUST, the applicants may contact through the hotline 01555555002-4 (from
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM) or reach out to the Helpdesk on the website

11. The decision of the admission committee regarding any admission related matter will be considered final
and decisive.

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