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By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. discuss the brief history of basketball;
2. illustrate a basketball court labeled with exact dimensions and measurement; and
3. explore the important development in basketball in order to improve student’s
understanding about the game.
Basketball is very known in the world of
sports. This game is considered most famous
sports here in the Philippines because of its
accessibility that allows even young generations
to play it easily in a small place as long as there
is a ball and a rim. This lesson has been
introduced to all of you since you were in
elementary level. Even non-playing individuals
Photo source:
or just spectators love this game. Despite of
pandemic, you can easily learn and develop your skills in basketball by watching online tutorial
videos It NBA live or Youtube website In this module, you will be reintroduced to the brief history
of basketball, as well as facilities and equipment used of the game.

Activity 1
Instruction: Describe what is basketball using the words inside the table below:

basket Ball team-sports five players


What is Basketball?



Instructions: Two points per correct answer. 10pts.

1. Watch the Youtube link below:
2. After watching, answer the questions to explore the game

1. Who invented the Basketball?

2. When was Basketball created?

3. What is the largest Basketball competition today?

4. What is the governing body in basketball?
5. When was FIBA created?

Essential Questions:
1. What are the important developments in the sports Basketball?

Explain: 2. Who invented basketball?

3. What is FIBA?


1.1 Brief History of Basketball

Basketball was invented by James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. The year was
1891, and as the story goes, Naismith was asked to come up with an indoor game that offered
fewer injuries than classic American gridiron football. He came up with a 9-on-9 game that
involved shooting a ball into a peach basket.
The Formation of FIBA - Federation Internationale de Basketball Amateur

the first decades of basketball, it was growing as a sport, but had no real international
organization. It took several petitions by basketball supporters to have basketball included as an
Olympic demonstration sport in 1904.

That all changed on June 18, 1932 when FIBA was first formed. The work of FIBA on the
international game would help to make basketball become an Olympic sport in 1936, which was
won by the US National Team.

1.2 About the Game

Basketball is played by two teams of five players each. The purpose of each team is to
shoot the ball into one's team basket and make a score and to prevent the opposing team from
securing the ball or from scoring. The ball may be passed, thrown, rolled, or dribbled in any
direction. The team with the most point at the end of the game wins.

A. Facilities
The playing area of basketball is called the
court. The court measures 28 meters long
and 15 meters wide. The surface can be
made of wood, concrete, or asphalt. The
playing court has two boundary lines. The
Photo Source: FIBA World Rule Book 2020
lines of the long sides are the sidelines and the


short sides are the end line. The distance between these lines and the spectators should be
at least 2 meters. The court is divided by a centerline. It has three retraining circles and two
free-throw areas.

Photo Source: FIBA World Rule Book 2020

B. Equipment
Basketballs (FIBA Ruling)

The ball shall:

• Be spherical, with a maximum of 12 seams not exceeding 6.35
mm in width and,
either of a single shade of orange or of a FIBA approved color
• Be inflated to an air pressure such that, when it is dropped onto
the playing floor
from a height of approximately 1,800 mm measured from the
underside of the ball,
it shall rebound to a height of between 960 mm and 1,160 mm,
measured to the
Photo Source: FIBA World Rule Book 2020
underside of the ball.
• Be marked with the recommended inflation pressure or pressure range.
• Be marked with its respective size number.
• Be within the circumference and weight tolerances outlined in Table 1. For all
men’s competitions a size 7 ball shall be used; for all women’s competitions a size
6 ball shall be used; for all mini’s basketball a size 5 or size lightweight 5 ball shall


be used.

Photo Source: FIBA World Rule Book 2020

C. Basketball Ring
The rings shall be made of solid steel and shall:
• Have an inside diameter of a minimum of 450 mm and a maximum of 459 mm.
• Be painted orange.
• Have its metal a minimum of 16 mm and a maximum of 20 mm in diameter.
Net - The net shall be attached to each ring in 12 places. The fittings for the attachment shall:
• Not have any sharp edges or gaps,
• Have gaps smaller than 8 mm, to prevent fingers from entering,

Photo Source: FIBA World Rule Book 2020

Instructions: Using the insights you have gained from the

lesson notes, perform this activity:
Elaborate: 1. Draw a basketball court and label each part;
2. Indicate the right measurement of every part of the
3. You can use any digital illustrator application, or you
may draw using paper; and
4. Submit your work to google classroom - google drive

*See Rubric on Basketball in the Appendices for scoring.


Enumerate the important historical development in
basketball using the table below.


Your work will be graded according to these criteria:

Traits 5 4 3 2
Focus & There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one The topic and
Details well-focused topic. well-focused topic. topic. main
Main ideas are Main ideas are clear Main ideas are ideas are not
clear and are well but are somewhat clear. clear.
supported by not well supported
detailed and by detailed
accurate information.
Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
inviting, states the states the main states the main introduction,
main topic, and topic and provides topic. A structure,
provides an an overview of the conclusion is or conclusion.
overview of the paper. A conclusion included.
paper. Information is included.
is relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is
Word Choice The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer uses a
vivid words and vivid words and words that limited
phrases. The phrases. The choice communicate vocabulary.
choice and and placement clearly, but the Jargon or clichés
placement of of words is writing lacks may be present
words seems inaccurate variety

accurate, natural, at times and/or and detract from
and seems the meaning.
not forced. overdone.
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences Sentences sound
Structure, & well well constructed are well awkward, are
Spelling constructed and and have varied constructed, but distractingly,
have structure and they have a repetitive,
varied structure length. The author similar structure or are difficult to
and makes a few errors and/or length. understand. The
length. The author in The author author makes
makes no errors in spelling, but makes several numerous errors
spelling. they do not errors in in spelling that
interfere spelling that interfere with
with interfere understanding.
understanding. with
Total Score





By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. identify the important rules to be remembered in playing basketball;
2. illustrate the different player’s positions in a basketball court; and
3. value fairness and apply positive attitude by learning the rules of the game
Understanding the rules of every game is very important. This will allow you to enjoy the
game and provide the right act and decision while playing the game. Basketball is team sports that
have set of rules to ensure the harmony and conduct of the game. Reintroducing to these rules will
help you to recognize the sports better and it will be equipped you to be fair in dealing the different
challenges in you lives.

photo source: master the yard

Activity 1 Instruction: Identify the following common shooting fouls presented below. Write you
answer on the space provided.

_____________________ _____________________ ____________________


Activity 2: “See, Think and Wonder”

Instructions: Analyze the pictures below and answer the following
questions in not more than 2 sentences only.


1. What do you see on the four pictures or illustrations above?

2. What do you think is the pictures or illustrations all about?

3. Is it important to learn the rules of any games?

Essential Questions:
1. What are the different violations in basketballs?
2. What are the important rules in playing basketball?

Explain: 3. How are fouls and other violations affects the game?


1.Simplified Rules of the Game:

1.1 Teams
Each team shall consist of:
• No more than 12 team members entitled to play, including a captain.
• A head coach.
• A maximum of 8 accompanying delegation members, including a maximum of 2
assistant coaches who may sit on the team bench. In case a team has assistant
coaches, the first assistant coach shall be entered on the scoresheet.
During playing time 5 team members from each team shall be on the playing court and may
be substituted.
A substitute becomes a player and a player becomes a substitute when:
• The referee beckons the substitute to enter the playing court.
• During a time-out or an interval of play, a substitute requests the substitution to
the timer.

1.2 Scoring
When a player shoots and scores from anywhere inside the 3-point arc, it counts as 2 points.
Any shot made by the shooter's feet outside the 3-point arc counts as 3 points. 2-point shots and 3-
point shots are field goals. Free throws are awarded to a player who has been fouled, is worth 1
point. If the team mistakenly scores at the wrong basket, the basket counts for the other team.
The Positions

Basketball players fall into one of two general categories: guards (perimeter players), who play
away from the basket along the 3-point arc area, and forwards (or posts), who play near the basket
and around the free-throw line. Each player is assigned a position to play.

1. Point Guard or 1 4. Power Forward or 4

2. Shooting Guard or 2 5. Center or 5
3. Small Forward or 3

Playing Time, Tied Score and Overtime

- The game shall consist of 4 quarters of 10 minutes each.

- There shall be an interval of play of 20 minutes before the game is scheduled to begin.
- There shall be the intervals of play of 2 minutes between the first and second quarter (first
half), between the third and fourth quarter (second half) and before each overtime.
- There shall be a half-time interval of play of 15 minutes.
- If the score is tied at the end of the fourth quarter, the game shall continue with as many
overtimes of 5 minutes duration each as necessary to break the tie. If the aggregated score


of both games for a 2-games home and away total points series competition system is tied
at the end of the second game, this game shall continue with as many overtimes of 5
minutes duration each as necessary to break the tie.

Draw a basketball court and label or mark the
different player’s position in basketball. Give three famous
Elaborate: NBA or PBA players for each position.

Point Center Shooting Small Power Forward

Guards Guard Forward



By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. identify the different basic skills in basketball which will help them to improve their
physical fitness;
2. execute the different basic skills in basketball with 95% accuracy; and
3. recognize the importance of playing basketball in developing the physical fitness.
As Michael Jordan’s trainer Tim Grover said, big players aren’t good because of the
particular acts that occur. They’re good because they do these fundamentals greater than anybody
else. They work harder in these basic skills than anybody else. They grow extraordinary proficient
play basketball game. This lesson will reintroduce you to the different skills in basketball which
will help you to become better and develop your understanding executing the skills. In this lesson,
you can achieve the right physical fitness through executions of different skills in basketball.


Instruction: Do the following warm-up exercise in the picture. Record yourself while performing
the exercise and send it to our google drive.

Photo source:


Your exercise execution will be graded using the following criteria:

1. Enthusiasm – 3 points - Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest
and enthusiasm about the topic in others.
2. Effectiveness of Demonstration – 3 points - There is a great demonstration of the exercise
accompanying the explanation.
3. Punctuality – 2 points – The exercise routine is submitted on time
4. Preparation – 2 points - Student is completely prepared in terms of clothing, venue and


Learning Activity #2:

1. Watch the Youtube link below:
2. After watching, answer the questions to explore the game

1. Why warm up exercise is important before doing different physical activities?

2. What are the different basic skills in basketball?

Essential Questions:
1. What are the different basic skills in basketball?
2. How to execute the different basic skills in basketball?
3. What are the different violations in basketballs?


1. Basic Skills in Basketball

In basketball, there are two primary categories of skills, one is offensive skills and other is
defensive skills.

1.1 Offensive Skill – These skills compose of the following: shooting, passing, dribbling,
and offensive rebound.
A. Shooting – It is defined as putting the ball in the basket to make a score.
*Instructional video for Shooting:

Shooting Mechanics and Form

a. Balance and stance
b. Hand, arm, and elbow
c. Lifting the shot
d. Follow-through
e. Eyes
f. Arc form shooting
g. Grip
h. Guide hand Photo source:

Photo source:

Types of shots
a. 3-Point shot
b. 2- Point shot
c. Layups
d. Power layup/drive

B. Passing – It is the process of throwing the ball to the teammates without being interfered
by an opponent.
*Instructional video for passing:


Passing Concept
a. Passing stance
b. Fingertips
c. Passing lanes
d. Passing distance

Types of Passing
a. Chest pass b. Bounce pass

Photo source:

Photo source: webly

c. Push pass d. Overhead pass

Photo source: webly Photo source: webly

e. Baseball Pass f. Lob Pass

Photo source: Photo source:


C. Dribbling - it is the art of bouncing the ball up and down off the floor with one hand,
in order to advance the ball up the court.
*Instructional video for Dribbling:

3 reasons to dribble the ball Dribbling concept

a. To drive toward the basket a. Fingertip control
b. To create a better passing angle b. Head up
c. To get out of trouble c. Keep the ball low
d. Both hands
Basic Dribble Moves
a. Speed dribble
b. Crossover dribble

D. Offensive Rebound – This is a type of rebound which

allows a player to collect the missed shot of his/her
*Instructional video for Rebounding :

1.2 Defensive Skill – These skills compose of the following:

stealing, blocking, defensive rebounding.
* Instructional video for Defensive Skill:

A. Stealing - It is the art of taking the ball away

from the opponent’s hand or position without
committing any foul.

B. Blocking – It occurs when the defensive

player prevents his/her opponent in
shooting the ball by blocking the ball


C. Defensive rebound – it is obtained when your

opponent misses a shot and your team grabbed the
ball for position.

2. Violations and Fouls

2.1 Violations - A violation is an infraction of the rules.

A. Traveling – It is the illegal movement of one foot or both feet beyond the limits
outlined in this article, in any direction, while holding a live ball on the playing
B. 3 seconds - A player shall not remain in the opponents' restricted area for more
than 3 consecutive seconds while his team is in control of a live ball in the
frontcourt and the game clock is running.
C. 8 seconds - This refers to when the team with possession does not advance the
ball out of the backcourt past the half-court line in 8 seconds or less.
D. 24 seconds - To constitute a shot for a field goal within 24 seconds:
• The ball must leave the player's hand(s) before the shot clock signal sounds, and
• After the ball has left the player's hand(s), the ball must touch the ring or enter the

2.2 Fouls - A foul is an infraction of the rules concerning illegal personal contact with
an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behavior.

Any number of fouls may be called on a team. Irrespective of the penalty, each
foul shall be charged, entered on the scoresheet on the offender and penalized
according to these rules.

A. Intentional Foul happens when a player makes illegal contact with an opponent
and is trying to incur a foul. Two free throws are awarded to the player who was

B. A Flagrant foul is called for excessive roughness, such as punches, kicks, or

fights with another player. The referee has the right to eject the offending player
from the game.


C. A technical foul can be addressed to a player or a coach at the referee's discretion

for various unsportsmanlike actions, including profanity, insulting the referee,
and throwing the ball at the player. The penalty for a technical foul is that a player
from the other team shoots three free throws without anyone standing along the
sides of the lane, then, that player's team will inbound the ball from their end
of the court.
*Each player is allowed a maximum of five personal fouls per game. Players who
foul out cannot come back into the game. Team fouls are totals of the personal fouls each
team accumulates during a half. There is no limit to the number of team fouls a team can
accumulate. At the end of the first half, the team foul total for each team resets to zero.

Elaborate: 1. Using the insights you have gained from the
lesson notes, perform this activity:
2. Performing the basic skills in basketball:
dribbling, shooting and passing;


Basketball Rubric
SKILLS Need Improvement Fair 2 -pts. Good
1- pts. 3 – pts.
Dribbling Student cannot Student can dribble Student can dribble
dribble the basketball the basketball while the basketball with
with control while moving good control and
moving -Does not have good proper positioning
-Dribbles with palm control -Student dribbles
of hand -Cannot dribble with with head up
-Rigid stance, knees head up -Student dribbles
not bent. -Sometimes dribbles with finger pads,
with finger pads knees bent
-Able to pivot while
Shooting -Student cannot shoot Student can Student shoots the
the ball successfully. sometimes shoot the ball correctly.
-Student does not ball successfully. -Student follows
follow through. -Student sometimes through.
-Student uses two follows through. -Student is usually
hands to shoot -Student uses two successful in
hands instead of one shooting.
to shoot.
Passing -Student cannot pass -Student can Student passes the
the ball successfully sometimes pass the ball correctly
-student does not ball successfully -Student follows
follow through on -Student sometimes through on pass
pass follows through the -Student usually
-student cannot get pass completes the pass to
the pass to -Student sometimes a teammate
teammates make sure the pass Student usually
-student does not recipient is ready for makes sure their
make sure the pass the ball teammate is ready for
recipient is ready for the pass
the ball


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